{smcl} {com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-} log: {res}E:\intdemdata\JOP Aug 01 replication.smcl {txt}log type: {res}smcl {txt}opened on: {res}21 Mar 2003, 15:28:34 {txt} {com}. *This log file replicates the results reported in Dan Reiter, "Does Peace Nurture Democracy?" . *Journal of Politics 63 (August) 2001, 935-948. Analysis conducted using STATA 7.0. . *Note that the results produced in Table 1 from p.943 are produced with a data set . *different from the data set used to produce the results in Table 2 on p.945. . set mem 70m {txt}(71680k) {com}. *First, I reproduce the Table 1 results, which are the factors which hasten the transition of . *democracies. . use "E:\intdemdata\dtnew02.dta", clear {txt} {com}. stweib midtot loswar dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1993, nohr robust cluster(panid) {txt}failure _d: {res}dtrans {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dtctr {txt}id: {res}panid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-143.78171 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-131.50681 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-131.00303 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-131.00139 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-131.00139 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-131.00139{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-113.23526{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res} -109.3401{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-109.29224{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-109.29214{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-109.29214{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 167 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 2564 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 39 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 2564 {txt}Wald chi2({res}6{txt}) ={res} 48.52 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-109.29214 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on panid) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} midtot {c |} {res}-.2690823 .2049005 -1.31 0.189 -.6706799 .1325153 {txt}loswar {c |} {res} .3817912 1.548391 0.25 0.805 -2.652999 3.416581 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 4.812115 1.117968 4.30 0.000 2.620937 7.003293 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res} .4684231 .2147294 2.18 0.029 .0475612 .8892849 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.0254716 .2172975 -0.12 0.907 -.451367 .4004237 {txt}islam {c |} {res}-.0004386 .0071002 -0.06 0.951 -.0143547 .0134775 {txt}_cons {c |} {res}-7.134767 1.542086 -4.63 0.000 -10.1572 -4.112334 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res} -.557496 .1049813 -5.31 0.000{col 58}-.7632556 -.3517363 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} .5726412 .0601166{col 58} .4661464 .7034656 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} 1.746294 .1833283{col 58} 1.421534 2.145249 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 1 of Table 1. . stweib pbit loswar dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1989, nohr robust cluster(ccode) {txt}failure _d: {res}dtrans {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dtctr {txt}id: {res}panid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-97.899623 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-88.703125 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-88.317002 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-88.314911 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-88.314911 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-88.314911{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res} -78.96665{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-76.335099{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-76.262878{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-76.262731{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-76.262731{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 141 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 2274 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 23 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 2274 {txt}Wald chi2({res}6{txt}) ={res} 43.60 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-76.262731 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} pbit {c |} {res}-.0630291 .2075476 -0.30 0.761 -.4698149 .3437566 {txt}loswar {c |} {res} 1.945241 1.18155 1.65 0.100 -.3705542 4.261037 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 5.744824 2.322617 2.47 0.013 1.192578 10.29707 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res} .6558053 .2402742 2.73 0.006 .1848765 1.126734 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.0331497 .4990038 -0.07 0.947 -1.011179 .9448797 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0056607 .0096413 0.59 0.557 -.0132359 .0245573 {txt}_cons {c |} {res}-8.612328 1.536652 -5.60 0.000 -11.62411 -5.600546 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res}-.9418386 .0963077 -9.78 0.000{col 58}-1.130598 -.753079 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} .3899103 .0375514{col 58} .3228401 .4709144 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} 2.564693 .2469996{col 58} 2.123528 3.097509 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 2 of Table 2. . stweib pbitot loswar dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1989, nohr robust cluster(ccode) {txt}failure _d: {res}dtrans {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dtctr {txt}id: {res}panid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-97.899623 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-88.703125 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-88.317002 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-88.314911 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-88.314911 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-88.314911{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-78.972983{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-76.359932{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-76.288325{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-76.288178{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-76.288178{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 141 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 2274 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 23 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 2274 {txt}Wald chi2({res}6{txt}) ={res} 42.31 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-76.288178 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} pbitot {c |} {res}-.0284425 .1483874 -0.19 0.848 -.3192766 .2623915 {txt}loswar {c |} {res} 1.916897 1.309268 1.46 0.143 -.6492209 4.483015 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 5.733437 2.319435 2.47 0.013 1.187427 10.27945 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res} .6634493 .2457706 2.70 0.007 .1817477 1.145151 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.0337533 .4957467 -0.07 0.946 -1.005399 .9378925 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0055676 .0093721 0.59 0.552 -.0128014 .0239366 {txt}_cons {c |} {res}-8.679739 1.549911 -5.60 0.000 -11.71751 -5.641968 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res}-.9358022 .0946136 -9.89 0.000{col 58}-1.121241 -.750363 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} .392271 .0371142{col 58} .325875 .4721951 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} 2.549258 .2411945{col 58} 2.117769 3.068662 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 3 of Table 1. . stweib iw dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1993, nohr robust cluster(ccode) {txt}failure _d: {res}dtrans {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dtctr {txt}id: {res}panid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-143.78171 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-131.50681 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-131.00303 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-131.00139 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-131.00139 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-131.00139{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-112.65672{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-108.27519{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-107.87288{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-107.80652{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-107.79056{txt} Iteration 6: log likelihood = {res}-107.78696{txt} Iteration 7: log likelihood = {res}-107.78618{txt} Iteration 8: log likelihood = {res}-107.78604{txt} Iteration 9: log likelihood = {res}-107.78603{txt} Iteration 10: log likelihood = {res}-107.78603{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 167 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 2564 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 39 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 2564 {txt}Wald chi2({res}5{txt}) ={res} 1299.80 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-107.78603 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} iw {c |} {res} -15.2468 .534836 -28.51 0.000 -16.29506 -14.19854 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 5.263675 1.084303 4.85 0.000 3.13848 7.38887 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res} .4528143 .1952429 2.32 0.020 .0701453 .8354833 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.0111657 .2181786 -0.05 0.959 -.4387878 .4164565 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0020841 .0073036 0.29 0.775 -.0122307 .016399 {txt}_cons {c |} {res}-7.205606 1.379117 -5.22 0.000 -9.908626 -4.502586 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res}-.5761715 .1022734 -5.63 0.000{col 58}-.7766237 -.3757193 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} .5620461 .0574824{col 58} .4599563 .6867951 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} 1.779214 .1819663{col 58} 1.456038 2.174119 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 4 of Table 1. . *Now, on to Table 2, which uses a different data set to analyze the factors which . *hasten democratic breakdown. . clear {txt} {com}. use "E:\intdemdata\dcnew01.dta", clear {txt} {com}. stweib midtot dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1993, robust cluster(ccode) nohr {txt}failure _d: {res}autrev {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dsctr {txt}id: {res}panelid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-54.304906 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-51.384946 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-51.339033 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-51.339021 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-51.339021 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-51.339021{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-36.201247{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-31.677484{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-31.332918{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-31.332092{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-31.332092{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 82 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 1277 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 16 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 1277 {txt}Wald chi2({res}5{txt}) ={res} 48.38 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-31.332092 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} midtot {c |} {res}-.2490467 .4368666 -0.57 0.569 -1.10529 .6071961 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 4.073772 3.488994 1.17 0.243 -2.764529 10.91207 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res}-1.860991 .3713526 -5.01 0.000 -2.588828 -1.133153 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.3851388 1.277004 -0.30 0.763 -2.888021 2.117743 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0184209 .0072628 2.54 0.011 .004186 .0326557 {txt}_cons {c |} {res} 8.09606 1.956796 4.14 0.000 4.26081 11.93131 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res} .1903058 .1291164 1.47 0.141{col 58}-.0627577 .4433692 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} 1.209619 .1561817{col 58} .939171 1.557947 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} .8267063 .1067413{col 58} .6418702 1.064769 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 5 of Table 2. . stweib pbit dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1989, robust cluster(ccode) nohr {txt}failure _d: {res}autrev {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dsctr {txt}id: {res}panelid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-43.063836 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-40.678014 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-40.643988 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-40.643976 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-40.643976 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-40.643976{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-27.741178{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-23.919568{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-23.586742{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-23.585435{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-23.585435{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 63 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 1058 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 13 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 1058 {txt}Wald chi2({res}5{txt}) ={res} 60.25 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-23.585435 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} pbit {c |} {res}-.7582944 .6604546 -1.15 0.251 -2.052762 .5361728 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 1.731073 3.523074 0.49 0.623 -5.174026 8.636172 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res}-1.808032 .2632866 -6.87 0.000 -2.324064 -1.292 {txt}growth {c |} {res} .0235162 1.073567 0.02 0.983 -2.080636 2.127668 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0191514 .0084254 2.27 0.023 .0026379 .0356649 {txt}_cons {c |} {res} 7.760785 1.458071 5.32 0.000 4.903018 10.61855 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res} .306264 .1604111 1.91 0.056{col 58} -.008136 .6206641 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} 1.358341 .217893{col 58} .991897 1.860163 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} .7361922 .1180934{col 58} .5375873 1.008169 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 6 of Table 2. . stweib pbitot dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1989, robust cluster(ccode) nohr {txt}failure _d: {res}autrev {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dsctr {txt}id: {res}panelid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-43.063836 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-40.678014 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-40.643988 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-40.643976 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-40.643976 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-40.643976{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-28.423601{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-25.012677{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-24.746118{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-24.745211{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res}-24.745211{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 63 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 1058 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 13 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 1058 {txt}Wald chi2({res}5{txt}) ={res} 37.22 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-24.745211 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} pbitot {c |} {res}-.0836085 .2557773 -0.33 0.744 -.5849227 .4177057 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 1.67088 3.344377 0.50 0.617 -4.883978 8.225738 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res}-1.692386 .3346012 -5.06 0.000 -2.348193 -1.03658 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.0746846 1.151656 -0.06 0.948 -2.331888 2.182519 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0185068 .0087361 2.12 0.034 .0013843 .0356292 {txt}_cons {c |} {res} 7.060131 2.035354 3.47 0.001 3.070911 11.04935 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res} .2302917 .1641619 1.40 0.161{col 58}-.0914596 .5520431 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} 1.258967 .2066744{col 58} .9125982 1.736798 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} .7943018 .1303941{col 58} .5757723 1.095773 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 7 of Table 2. . stweib iw dregfrc6 lnrgdp growth islam if year>1959 & year<1993, robust cluster(ccode) nohr {txt}failure _d: {res}autrev {txt}analysis time _t: {res}dsctr {txt}id: {res}panelid {txt}Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-54.304906 {txt}Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-51.384946 {txt}Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-51.339033 {txt}Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-51.339021 {txt}Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-51.339021 {txt}Fitting full model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = {res}-51.339021{txt} Iteration 1: log likelihood = {res}-36.383223{txt} Iteration 2: log likelihood = {res}-31.890671{txt} Iteration 3: log likelihood = {res}-31.485739{txt} Iteration 4: log likelihood = {res}-31.460983{txt} Iteration 5: log likelihood = {res} -31.45641{txt} Iteration 6: log likelihood = {res}-31.455838{txt} Iteration 7: log likelihood = {res}-31.455811{txt} Iteration 8: log likelihood = {res}-31.455809{txt} Weibull regression -- log relative-hazard form No. of subjects = {res} 82 {txt}Number of obs ={res} 1277 {txt}No. of failures = {res} 16 {txt}Time at risk = {res} 1277 {txt}Wald chi2({res}5{txt}) ={res} 1897.26 {txt}Log likelihood = {res}-31.455809 {txt}Prob > chi2 ={res} 0.0000 {txt}(standard errors adjusted for clustering on ccode) {hline 13}{c TT}{hline 64} {c |} Robust _t {c |} Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} iw {c |} {res}-20.74407 .6538103 -31.73 0.000 -22.02552 -19.46263 {txt}dregfrc6 {c |} {res} 4.388851 3.335301 1.32 0.188 -2.148219 10.92592 {txt}lnrgdp {c |} {res} -1.89001 .3629545 -5.21 0.000 -2.601387 -1.178632 {txt}growth {c |} {res}-.4707213 1.204923 -0.39 0.696 -2.832327 1.890885 {txt}islam {c |} {res} .0190177 .0076708 2.48 0.013 .0039832 .0340522 {txt}_cons {c |} {res} 8.125682 2.006607 4.05 0.000 4.192804 12.05856 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} /ln_p {c |} {res} .1919317 .1332162 1.44 0.150{col 58}-.0691673 .4530307 {txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64} p {c |} {res} 1.211588 .1614032{col 58} .9331705 1.573073 {txt}1/p {c |} {res} .8253633 .1099518{col 58} .6356986 1.071616 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64} {com}. *That replicates Model 8 from Table 2. . log close {txt}log: {res}E:\intdemdata\JOP Aug 01 replication.smcl {txt}log type: {res}smcl {txt}closed on: {res}21 Mar 2003, 15:55:18 {txt}{.-} {smcl} {txt}{sf}{ul off}