set mem 80m (81920k) . use "E:\wolfdata\wolfmid2.dta", clear . clear . use "E:\wolfdata\jcr99table1.dta", clear . rename mandv maneuver . *This is a replication of Dan Reiter, "Military Strategy and the Outbreak . *of International Conflict: Quantitative Empirical Tests, 1903-1992," . *Journal of Conflict Resolution 43 (June 1999), Table 1 (p. 379). The . *variables are described in the paper. The labels are: state=name of . *state; year=year; polity=polity score; grtpow=great power dummy; . *maneuver=maneuver strategy dummy; ccode=Correlates of War . *country code; borders=count of bordering states; init=MID initiation . *dependent variable for all MIDs, Model 1; init45=MID initiation . *dependent variable for all MIDs escalating to the use of force, Model . *2. Analysis done in STATA 6.0. . probit init mandv polity borders grtpow mandv not found r(111); . probit init maneuver polity borders grtpow Iteration 0: log likelihood = -90.294888 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -74.577996 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -74.120214 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -74.116125 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -74.116124 Probit estimates Number of obs = 181 LR chi2(4) = 32.36 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -74.116124 Pseudo R2 = 0.1792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ init | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- maneuver | .5802086 .3310435 1.753 0.080 -.0686246 1.229042 polity | -.0037569 .0173946 -0.216 0.829 -.0378497 .0303359 borders | .1180163 .0519274 2.273 0.023 .0162404 .2197921 grtpow | 1.560057 .3880637 4.020 0.000 .7994665 2.320648 _cons | -1.568064 .2356856 -6.653 0.000 -2.029999 -1.106129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . probit init45 maneuver polity borders grtpow Iteration 0: log likelihood = -82.879065 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -70.411806 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -70.195547 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -70.194836 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -70.194836 Probit estimates Number of obs = 181 LR chi2(4) = 25.37 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -70.194836 Pseudo R2 = 0.1530 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ init45 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- maneuver | .2142589 .3473091 0.617 0.537 -.4664543 .8949722 polity | -.0070453 .0178375 -0.395 0.693 -.0420061 .0279155 borders | .076994 .0515281 1.494 0.135 -.0239993 .1779873 grtpow | 1.563933 .3762974 4.156 0.000 .8264035 2.301462 _cons | -1.478038 .2299483 -6.428 0.000 -1.928728 -1.027348 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .