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action.2the court in which enforcement is sought may take into account in assessing whether service was effected in sufficient time.49/84If the defendant is responsible for the failure of the document to reach him, does the plaintiff not have to inform him if he discovers where the defendant is to be reached?<<F]FYes, the court should declare void this Council Regulation.3Decalres void Council Regulation (EEC) No 101/83 of 17 January 1983.53/83Should Council Regulatoin (EEC) No 101/83 be declared void?UUUUSF]EDismisses the remainder of the application.3Dismiss the remainder of the application.248/83Should the remainder of the application regarding the failure of Germany to fulfil its obligations be dismissed?||ppEEEECF])#ЗDThere is no justification for the claim.3The application is dismissed.108/84What action should be taken as regards De Santis's claim regarding his expectation or right to equal treatment?mmaaBBBB@F])#ЗCThe provision should remain in effect.3The provision should remain in effect.264/82What should be done as regards the anti-dumping provision until such time as the competent authorities adopt measures necessary to comply with the Court's ruling?tthh@@@@>F])#ЗBUnder conditions such as those present in the case the court had jurisdiction by virture of Art 18 of the Convention.3Under conditions such as those present in the case the court had jurisdiction by virture of Art 18 of the Convention.48/84Did the German court have jurisdiction to hear Spitzley's claim for set off.^^F]ЗA56/83Should the remainder of the claims regardingNN )#З@Both of the claims advanced by the Italian government should be dismissed.3The remainder of the application is dismissed.55/83Should the remainder of Italy's claims be dismissed?ddddbF]In this particular case, the change made by the UK legislation qualifies as a special measure requiring them to notify the Commission in accordance to Article 27.2In this particular case, the change made by the UK legislation qualifies as a special measure requiring them to notify the Commission in accordance to Article 27.5/84When a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state to inform the Commission?%%hh``F] 5M t     JT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp JVh IVh IT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp IWh HObservaIssues and positionsObservations1Observationscase numberIssues and positionscase number~hPGeneral Case Characteristicschamber compositionchamber compositioncase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberlGeneral Case CharacteristicsTreaty article at issueTreaty article at issuecase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numbertGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralReferralcase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number|fVIssues and positionsObservationsObservationslegal issueIssues and positionslegal issue|fNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsIssues and positionscase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numbernGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaIssue areacase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numbernZPY LFFƺEźAKNot available - question is outside the jurisdiction of the ECJ.166/84What is the decisive criterion for classifying products under heading 31.03 rather than heading 26.02?ddXXXXXXX(JDissmiss the remainder of the application.3Dismisses the remainder of the application272/83Whether the remainder of the application as submitted to the Court should be dismissed||ppDDDDBF]{!@0The remaining applications should be dismissed.3The remainder of the applications are dismissed.66/83What action should be taken of the remaining submissions of the applicants in the joined cases?{{IIIIGF]{!@/In light of the reply given to the first question, the second question put by the Hoge Raad in its judgment has no relevance.3It makes no differnce whether such conditions prevail.19/84Does it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?F]8,247/83"""" *264/83"""" )264/83What action should be taken as regards the other claims for compensatory interest?vv""'The Council should be ordered to pay default interest at the rate of 6% per annum.3The applications should be dismissed as inadmissible.174/83What action should be taken as regards the applicants' claims for compensatory interest?  lllljF]&The remaining claims should not be considered at this stage of the proceedings.3The remainder of the claims are dismissed.141/84Should the remainder of the applicant's claims regarding the decision of the President of the Parliament be dismissed?iiiigF]%The grant of a social advantage, such as the old-age allowance, must be made on the same conditions as apply to dependent relatives of national workers and that in particular the grant is not conditional on the existence of reciprocal agreement between th3A social advantage may not be made subject to a condition requiring actual residence in the territory of a MS for a specified number of years if such a condition is not laid down in respect of national of that MS.157/84What interpretation should be given to Art 7(2) of Reg 1612/68 as regards residency requirements related to the old-age allowance?F]$116/84Is legislations intended to control retail prices of beef, etc. compatible with Regs 121/76 and 805/68?""dSuch price fixing legislation is compatible with Community regulations only when import costs are added to the purchase price and not the profit margin, and the margin is set at level where it does not impede trade. The Belgian provision does not meet th3The Belgian legislation does constitute a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods by hurting the profit margins of importers. Furthermore, the legislation violates Regs. 121/67 and 805/68 prohibiting supply costs being incorporated in the 116/84Does price fixing legislation prohibiting retailers from selling their products at prices exceeding wholeprice and a maximum gross profit margin, wherein supply (import) costs are included in the profit margin constitute a quantitative restriction on the ''&&F] ] KSJ)IGFE|DKC@W229/83CommissionIn the context of legislatio of the type under review, what types of measures would be considered contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty?."""""" #<261/84CommissionWhat is the result of failure to make the notification referred to in Art 59 of the Reg?Failure to make such notification cannot entail loss of entitlement to benefits due for the period between the transfer of residence and the date on which the competent social security institution was apprised of that transfer, provided that the condition."""""" #|19/84United KingdomDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?1!!!!!! #<19/84The NetherlandsDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?2!!!!!! #<19/84ItalyDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?   (!!!!!! #<19/84FranceDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?)!!!!!! #<19/84GermanyDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?*!!!!!! #<19/84DenmarkDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?*!!!!!! #<19/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?...I!!!!!! #<157/84What interpretation should be given to Art 7(2) of Reg 1612/68 as regards residency requirements related to the old-age allowance?""""""" #, 157/84CommissionWhat interpretation should be given to Art 7(2) of Reg 1612/68 as regards residency requirements related to the old-age allowance?The plaintiff's claim in this matter cannot be based on the Reg, because she claims the old-age allowance on her own right and not as a right derived from her sons's legal status as a migrant worker.{{."""""" #|K116/84CommissionDoes price fixing legislation prohibiting retailers from selling their products at prices exceeding wholeprice and a maximum gross profit margin, wherein supply (import) costs are included in the profit margin constitute a quantitative restriction on the Import costs that are incorporated in the maximum gross profit margin impedes trade because such a policy reduces the profit margin of importers vis a vis domestics./."""""" #|t|R&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&X. ` 6 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 \ >  ˶ n * ʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀwu'''''(((((B,B,B,ECKReferraECKReferral!!!ECKReferral!!!  CKECKReferral!!!  CKECKReferraECKReferraECKReferral!!!  CK GEECKReferral!!! ECKReferraECKReferraECKReferral!!!  ECKReferral!!!     G  G     G  G     G     G  G    GGener    chamberchamberchamber composition777 chamberchamber composition777 T@z g  G)chamber composition777 )R@z g) ) GECKReferral!!!  CK GECK CK GECKNations CKB@z gCK[Nations].[Referring Nation]; gECK CK G`@z gGeneral Case CharacteristicsIII  G G  G`@z gGeneral Case CharacteristicsIII  G G  GNations B@tz g[Nations].[Referring Nation]; g  G+ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @tvwu'''''(((((B,B,B,B,,,,,*.,-+48675&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&w{yzxOOOOOOOOO O O OO OOOO OOOOOEOOOPOQOROSOTOUOVOWOXOFOYOcOdOeOfOgOhOiOjOkOlOZOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOOOO O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOJPY} XhfPDismiss the remainder of the application.3No, dismiss the remainder of the application.192/84Has the Hellenic Republic failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 5 of the Treaty?~~rrCCCCAF]OYes3Yes.192/84Has the Hellenic Republic failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 30 of the EEC Treaty, in conjunction with Article 35 of the Act of Accession?//##F]NA collectors' piece is of historical or ethnographic interest if either it marks an epoch or even in the course of general historical development or is likely to provide knowledge about the most varied manifestations of human activity.3Collectors' pieces which evidence a significant step in the evolution of human achievements or illustrate a period of that evolution are to be regarded as being of historical or ethnographic interest for the purposes of Heading No 99.05 of the CCT.252/84In Case 252/84, what constitutes a collectors' piece of historical or ethnographic interests for the purposes of Heading No 99.05 of the CCT?  F]MA collectors' piece is of historical or ethnographic interest if either it marks an epoch or even in the course of general historical development or is likely to provide knowledge about the most varied manifestations of human activity.3Collectors' pieces which evidence a significant step in the evolution of human achievements or illustrate a period of that evolution are to be regarded as being of historical or ethnographic interest for the purposes of Heading No 99.05 of the CCT.200/84What constitutes a collectors' piece of historical or ethnographic interests for the purposes of Heading No 99.05 of the CCT?  F]LNot available - question is outside the jurisdiction of the ECJ.2The products listed in Note 2 (A) come under subheading 31.03 A II if they are in isolation. It is for the national court to make the necessary findings of fact in each individual case.166/84What is the criterion for classifying goods in either the subheading 31.03 A II or subheading 31.03 B?!!ZZZZXF]KNot available - question is outside the jurisdiction of the ECJ.2The decisive criterion for classifying products under heading 31.03 is the presence of a fertilizing element in a quantity sufficient to attribute to the products concerned fertilizing properties which may be used in agricultre.166/84What is the decisive criterion for classifying products under heading 31.03 rather than heading 26.02?LL@@ZZZZXF]Because the UK failed to notify the Commission of the change, they cannot use that legislation against an individual before the national courts with regards to Article 11 of the Directive.2Because the UK failed to notify the Commission of the change, they cannot use that legislation against an individual before the national courts with regards to Article 11 of the Directive.5/84When a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change in their legislation in an approximation of a Council directive, can individuals then be treated in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 of the Directive?F]T V @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @>;><>?>@>B>C>D>E>F>G>H>I>J>K>L>M>N>O>P>Q>S>T>U>V>W>X>Y>[>\>]>^>_>`@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@@@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^@_@`q1q2q3q4q5q6q7q8q:q;q<q=q>q?q@qAqBqCqDqEqFqGqHqIqJqKqL qM qN qO qO qO qO qO((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((***************************************************************************************ACEsWj22222222220 @@MSysObjectsWj88888888886 @@MSysDbVh\@:::......., @@@RelationshipsWj<<<<<<<<<<: @@DatabasesWj44444444442 @@TablesWj.........., PY~22ΰΰΰUĝ0ːBʟJJJJJɢOȧRǬWǟ<Ŕ@ĭn)ãddddrThe Advocate Gneral held that the decision was legal and that the application for annulment was inadmissible.3The ECJ ruled that the application containing this issue was inadmissible.Was the decision rThe Advocate General held that the decision was legal and that the application for annulment was inadmissible.3The ECJ ruled that the application containing this issue was inadmissible.Was the decision to support the ICDCSdecision to exclude Italsolar from contracting legal?257/90Was the decision to support the ICDCS decision to exclude Italsolar from contracting legal?88,ka3tw3 jqqq1ooo2  ikk3qqh2  haa2ooss1""  fl1dj1 gl1dj1 dadfdaf3afdadsfadfdfa1411-% eadfdaf3afdadsfadfdfa1411-% bafdafds3adfdassdfasf1411-# cafdafds3adfdassdfasf1411-# `dfghdfghd2dfghdfghdfghdghdfghdfgh357@@:. adfghdfghd2dfghdfghdfghdghdfghdfgh357@@:. stLhlkjhlkh1lkhkjhhlkhjl1522.& stMhlkjhlkh1lkhkjhhlkhjl1522.& Jlkjhlh1hlkhlkhlkhlk1500,% Klkjhlh1hlkhlkhlkhlk1500,% H;ljk2j;ljk;j;lj;l134422*" I;ljk2j;ljk;j;lj;l134422*" DsFlkjhlhlkhjlkjhlkhklj1200,$ DsGlkjhlhlkhjlkjhlkhklj1200,$ DsDhkjlh1lkjhlkjlkhlkhh1211-$ DsEhkjlh1lkjhlkjlkhlkhh1211-$ =klujhlkj3lhkjhklasdfdsf2220' >klujhlkj3lhkjhklasdfdsf2220' ;hfjhfjjhfjfjhfjhf2++)! 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Slag with a phosphate content of 3% or more and hence with fertilizing properties must be classified under Chapter 31, irrespective of the manner in which the phosphate content was achieved.."""""" #|:20/84CommissionCan a processing security be held under the circumstances in this case where the initial paperwork was subsequently found to be incorrect?Such a situation cannot constitute force majeure or otherwise release the buyer from his obligations or entitle him to the return of his security.MM-!!!!!! #|920/84NetherlandsCan a processing security be held under the circumstances in this case where the initial paperwork was subsequently found to be incorrect?Such a situation cannot constitute force majeure or otherwise release the buyer from his obligations or entitle him to the return of his security.NN.!!!!!! #|849/84CommissionIf the defendant is responsible for the failure of the document to reach him, does the plaintiff not have to inform him if he discovers where the defendant is to be reached?If the defendant is responsible for the fact that he did not receive the document which was duly served, the plaintiff is under no obligation to take further steps, even if he subsequently discovers the defendant's new address.-!!!!!! #|753/83CommissionShould Council Regulatoin (EEC) No 101/83 be declared void?The applications should be dismissed.j-!!!!!! #|5/84UKWhen a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state to inform the Commission?The change to the legislation was within the limits allowed by Article 27.--$  #|9YQLJkQ*'JimYN99Y  Y d*chamber name (number)&chamber name (text)9YPrimaryKey     f@Treaty article at issuecase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number^HL@Issue areacase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number|D.`@Issues and positionscase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberXB^@c  d treaty article at issueTreaty article at issuetreaty article at issuetreaty article at issuevHH  !case numberTreaty article at issuecase numbercase numbert^00  1junkTreaty article at issuejunkjunk`XP""  ObIssues  ObIssues  ObIssues  ObIssues and positionsObservations@ ObIssues and posi ObIssues and positionsObserva ObIssues and position ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and positionsObserv ObIssues and positionsObserva ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and po ObIssues and positionsObservati ObIssues and positionsObservatio ObIssues and po ObIssues and positionsObservations@?]Q9   ObIssues and positionsObservations@? 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The authorities must take account of the results of scientific tests that are available to them.3In applying such provisions to products imported from another MS, authorities must authorize the coloring of foodstuffs if such an action is justified by existing scientific studies or the eating habits of the domestic market.247/84What, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?FThe provisions envisaged by Art 12(1) include such measures.110/84Do the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?3\\PP@The Article also applies to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civle proceedings.110/84Is Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?uu@ 67/84Should the amount of the fine in case 67/84 be reduced?U The Commission decision 82/549 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.3The Commission decision 82/549 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.6/84Are computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs in case 6/84?66..FKЧϧϧϧϧϧϧϧϧϧϧϧϧ΃΃΃΃΃΃΃΃΃΃΃΃΃Μ b bb ̼ a a ˽ ʽʽʽʽʽʽr ! !! s mȿn)LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL................ĿBBBBBgggg9Ȗ tE@Ȗ tE@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo59Vh4MR2KeepLocal Tlllllllj G$mD@G$mD@Issues and positionsObservationsVhbbbbbbbbbb` >@Og>@~sq_cchamber composition~sq_cCmblastnameVhF @4MR2KeepLocal T~rrrrrrp `5ͻ9@09@QuerygenfirstVh@@n&|@'`TTH<<<<<<: `<~9@9@Query1Vh@@&|@ 'RFF:......, `]8@]8@~sq_cchamber composition~sq_cCombo9Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Tthhhhhhf `}c"8@}c"8@Module1Vh0000000000. 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2wMember States93/94## wMember States93/94## 2omwMember States93/94## 2wMember States93/94## 2omtMember States94/94## 2 LVALMR2AccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar 08.50 ~  w          P + GE6{CB_(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.In C-149/84 does Art 30 prohibit the national rules on fuel prices?=========W(None of the provisions of Art 36 apply.201/84In C-201/84 can Art 36 be invoked to nullify the prohibition of Art 30?KK???????:(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.3Art 30 prohibits such rules.201/84In C-201/84 doe sArt 30 of the Treaty prohibit the fixing of a minimum_(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.In C-149/84 does Art 30 prohibit the national rules on fuel prices?=========W(None of the provisions of Art 36 apply.201/84In C-201/84 can Art 36 be invoked to nullify the prohibition of Art 30?KK???????:(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.3Art 30 prohibits such rules.201/84In C-201/84 doe sArt 30 of the Treaty prohibit the fixing of a minimum price for fuel?ii]]????=F]G(None of the provisions of Art 36 can be invoked.202/84Can any of the provisions of Art 36 of the Treaty be invoked to relieve such rules from the prohition contained in Art 30?TTHHHHHHH:(Article 30 prohibits such rules.3Art 30 does prohibit such rules.215/84In C-215/84 does Art 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit rules where the minimum price is fixed on the basis solely of the ex-refinery prices of the national refinerises and where those prices are in turn linked to the ceiling price?MMhh\\::::8F](3Consideration of the question has revealed no such factors as to affect the validity of the provision.125/83Is the second subparagraph of Art 19(2) of the Reg valid in the light of the principle of proportionality?D]Articles 12 and 13 do not apply in a case such as this.3Such a VAT is not equivalent to a customs duty.249/84Is the VAT levied by a MS on the importation of a car from another MS equivalent to a customs duty within the meaning of Arts 12 and 13 of the EEC Treaty?**QQQQOF]The decision by which Mr Van der Stijl's candidature was rejected should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.128/84Should the Court annul the decision of the appointing authority rejecting the applicant's candidature for the post?  oooomF]The regulation does not apply to products which fall within the ambit of the ECSC Treaty, such as those involved in this case.3The provisions of the regulation are not applicable to prodcuts which fall within the ambit of the ECSC Treaty.239/84Is Council Reg 2779/78 applicable to products fallign within the ambit of the ECSC Treaty, such as those described in this judgment?  F]The Court should dismiss the rest of the claims.3The remainder of the claims are dismissed.145/83Should the remainder of the claims made by Adams be dismissed?vvJJJJHF]Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.11/84In C-11/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?jj``FP ͋ NL J ^I^D+@S@2Provisions whereby the principal distributor is responsible for fixing the price and provisions requiring the retail price fixed by the publisher to be applied to books published in the MS concerned and re-imported following exportation to another MS.229/83In the context of legislatio of the type under review, what types of measures would be considered contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty?@{!@1Failure to make such notification cannot entail loss of entitlement to benefits due for the period between the transfer of residence and the date on which the competent social security institution was apprised of that transfer, provided that the condition3Failure to make such notification cannot entail loss of entitlement to benefits due for the period between the transfer of residence and the date on which the competent social security institution was apprised of that transfer, provided that the condition261/84What is the result of failure to make the notification referred to in Art 59 of the Reg?&&F]L(#When the value of the goods has decreased, it is equal to the amount of VAT actually paid, less a percentage representing the proportion of depreciation. I cases where the value of goods has increased, it shall eqal the full amount of VAT actually paid.47/84How is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?:("The decisions applies equally to apparatuses of the same type and make.3The decisions applies equally to apparatuses of the same type and make.81/84How should the decision be interpreted as regards apparatuses of the same type and make as those mentioned therein?))aaaa_F]:(!The decision should be declared void in Case 172/83.3The decision is void.172/83Should Art 2(1) of Commission Decision No 83/398 be declared void?qqeeNNNNLF]:( Art 30 prohibits such rules.3Art 30 prohibits such rules.11/84Does Art 30 prohibit the making of rules regarding the minimum price of fuel?^^TT66664F]}(Art 36 does not apply.34/84Can Art 36 be invoked to justify the rules?ee88.......:(Art 30 prohibits such rules.3Art 30 prohibits such rules.34/84In C-34/84 does Art 30 of the treaty prohibit such rules?^^TT66664F]o(79/84  :(None of the provisions of Art 36 can be invoked.3Legislation fixing a minimum price for fuel cannot be regarded as meeting an objective of public policy for the purposes of Art 36 of the Treaty.114/84In C-114/84 can Art 36 be invoked as justification for the national rules?55JJJJHF]k( :(The Article does not apply.3Legislation fixing a minimum price for fuel cannot be regarded as meeting an objective of public policy for the purposes of Art 36 of the Treaty.149/84In C-149/84 can Art 36 be invoked as justification for the national rules?  55553F]Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.114/84In C-114/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel? ll``FLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] v[ϴϗ{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{^^BB%% ΡzSS<% ͬ͌͌͌͌͌͌͌͌͌͌͌͌͌gB̤̃b=˟yV3ʬʑv[="""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" X * l0GǠuAGn4d))DDe7CyIx> Freedom of movement for persons19/9255++ 2Social Policy284/83%% 2Social Policy284/83%% 2Approximation of Laws240/83--!! 2Social Policy186/83%% 2Social Policy179/83%% 2Free Movement of Goods173/83.."" 2Social Policy135/83%% 2 0Social Policy19/83## 2 Officials259/84!! 2|State Aid290/83!! 2Social Policy143/83%% 2Competition123/83## 2Competition35/83!! 2Promotion273/83!! 2Officials273/83!! 2t@Customs Tariffs234/83'' 2gCustoms Tariffs234/83'' 2Free Movement of Goods231/83.."" 2Competition231/83## 2O[Disciplinary Action228/83++ 2O[Officials228/83!! 2Annulment of measures147/83--!! 2Staff Regulations293/84 R-- 2Annulment of measures11/82++!! 2Staff Regulations-Promotion266/8333'' 2Officials266/83!! 2$Monopoly253/83  2Misuse of Power250/83'' 2ECSC250/83 2Contracts241/83!! 2Jurisdiction241/83$$ 2Jurisdiction241/83$$ 2Admissibility of Action168/83//## 2Officials168/83!! 2mRemuneration737/79$$ 2mOfficials737/79!! 2Remuneration532/79$$ 2Officials532/79!! 2Remuneration158/79$$ 2Officials158/79!! 2Free Movement of Goods229/83.."" 2Competition229/83## 2lb1 2Nkaaa3 2lic2 2ljc2 2)gp1 2)hp1 2)er1 2)fr1 2xtcs1 2xtds1 2aafadfd14 2bafadfd14 2`asgasdsgd14 2xt^asgasdsgd14 2xt_chbfdghdf357 2E*]ljkhglkjhk111 2l[gjkgjhkg56 2l\gjkgjhkg56 2xtY;j;lkj4 2xtZ;j;lkj4 2zWlkjhlkjh343 2zXlkjhlkjh343 2zUhlkjhjklh343 2zVhlkjhjklh343 2tSlkhlkh4 2xtTlkhlkh123 2xtEjhfjf2 2xtFjhfjf2 2xtCjfhgf2 2xtDjfhgf2 2xt= xt< xt; xt8wheat prices1 2xt9wheat prices1 2xt6agriculture1 2xt7agriculture1 2-key1 2xt"weqwe xt wqeqwe xtewweq A324324 xt adf1 2 adfd1 2 adfdf1 2adfsadfd0vvv1     L@Issue areacase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number|D.`@Issues and positionscase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberXB^@chamber compositioncase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberV@@@ LVAL,)<MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]cPPPPPPPPPP=) y yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyf R ? ???,    { h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhU ɸ A . ....Vh Vh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛVh Vh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp Vh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp Vh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp Vh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp Vh .Wh .T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp .Vh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh tVh tT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp tWh rVh rT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp rWh qVh qT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp qWh mVh mT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp mWh lVh LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . 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of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]Vaώd::::ΆT###ͼͼͼ͂͂TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT n# t % x 1 2 >8FŠPU?uQege van Beroep voor het BedrijfslevenK  @109/84Oberverwaltungsgericht fur das Land Nordrhein-We @109/84Oberverwaltungsgericht fur das Land Nordrhein-Westphalia\"  @81/84Finanzgericht Baden-WurttembergA  @154/83Hessischer VerwaltungsgerichtshofE" @96/84Amtsgericht Koln2  @91/84Divisional Court of the Queens Bench Division of the High Court of Justicel  @@122/84Tribunal du travail of NivellesC"  @73/84Oberverwaltungsgericht fur das Land Nordrhein-WestfalenY  @@4/84Hessisches Finanzgericht8 @249/83Arbeidsrechtbank, Antwerp=" $@172/84Tribunale di Milano7" e@86/84Arrondissementsrechtback MiddelburgE  @@54/84Finanzgericht Dusseldorf:  @@145/84Raad van Beroep, Amsterdam>" @32/84Tariefcommissie, Amsterdam<  @30/84Hessisches Finanzgericht:  @6/84Hessisches Finanzgericht8 @112/83Tribunal d instance, Paris>" @@268/83Hoge Raad der Nederlanden=" @@5/84London Value-Added Tax Tribunal? @293/83Tribunal de Premiere Instance, LiegeH" @267/83Bundesverwaltungsgericht<" @284/83Hojesteret." @@240/83Tribunal de Grande Instance, CreteilH" @186/83Kantonrechter, Rotterdam<" @179/83Arrondissementrechtbank, The HagueF" @135/83Raad van Beroep, Zwolle;" @19/83Vestre Landsret1  @123/83Tribunal de Grande Instance, SaintesH" @234/83Finanzgericht Munchen9" @234/83Finanzgericht Munchen9" @231/83Tribunal de Commerce, ToulouseB" @253/83Finanzgericht Rheinland-PfalzA" @@241/83Bundesgesetzblatt5" @@241/83Bundesgesetzblatt5" @@241/83Bundesgerichtshof5" @229/83Cour d Appel, Poitiers:" @(t1 E@&fghdfghd357&  @C#ljkhj15! @ "jfhj2  @adf1 @adfa1 @france judiciary2*(((((( @french adf;lj2'%%%%%% @ertrete3534' AA  afadl;b,lkjadfadsfdf2afdfadsfd!  @@ afdasf50oLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] ,Vat#1 9 Z a  s  6 U  "(A{SIT92Corte Suprema di Cassazione?" @125/83Tribunal de commerce, BrusselsB" @187/84Pretore di Torino5" @$@166/84Bundesfinanzhof3" 0@215/84Tribunal de grande instance, VersaillesK" -@202/84Tribunal de grande instance, AvignonH" -@201/84Tribunal de grande instance, OrleansH"  @149/84Cour d appel, Rennes8" @@114/84President of the Tribunal de commerce, MelunP"  @79/84Tribunal de grande instance, Verdun-sur-MeuseO  @34/84Tribunal de grande instance, NanterreG  @11/84Tribunal de grande instance, BrieyD  @&@181/84Queens Bench Division of the High Court of JusticeV" @D@261/84Cour du Travail, Mons9" 0@221/84Bundesgerichtshof5" @@137/84Cour d Appel, Liege7" @111/84Tribunal du Travail, BrusselsA" @105/84Vestre Landsret3" @60/84Tribunal de grande instance, ParisD  @299/83Tribunal de Grande Instance, NantesG" &@179/84Pretore, Cremona4" @@19/84Hoge Raad+  2@220/84Bundesgerichtshof5" @$@168/84Finanzgericht Hamburg9" @$@167/84Bundesfinanzhof3" @@104/84Raad van Beroep3" @51/84Finanzgericht Baden-WurttembergA  @39/84Finanzgericht Hamburg7  @@20/84Hoge Raad+  @243/83Tribunal de commerce, BrusselsB" @148/84Cour d appel, Colmar8" @@124/84Hessisches Finanzgericht<" @@94/84Cour du travail, Liege8  @69/84Corte suprema di cassazione=  +@pl197/84Tribunal administratif, Pau?" @49/84Hoge Raad der Nederlanden;  @!@157/84Commission de premiere instance du contentieux de la securite sociale, Hauts-de-Seiney" @116/84Cour d appel, Brussels:" @@117/84Cour du travail, Mons9" @58/84Cour du travail Liege7  @33/84Tribunale Civile e Penale di VeneziaF  @en47/84Hoge Raad der Nederlanden;  !@155/84Finanzgericht Berlin8" @139/84Hoge Raad der Nederlanden="  @89/84Cour d Appel, Montpellier;  @112/84Tribunal de grande instance, BelfortH"X=@dafa LVALtics].[ca[General Case Characteristics].[case number][General Case Characteristics].[case number] = Ref[General Case Characteristics].[case number] = [General Case Characteristics].[cas[General Cas[Issues and positions].[legal issue][Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Obser[Issues and positions].[legal issue[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[legal issue][Gen[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Obser[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[legal issue][Gen[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Obser[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observation[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observation[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[legal issue][Gen[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Obser[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observation[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observat[Issues and positions].[legal issue[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = O[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observation[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = O[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observation[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observat[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observat[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observ[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[[Issues and positions].[legal issue][Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observati[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Obs[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observati[Issues and positions].[legal iss[Issues and positions].[legal iss[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[legal issue][Gen[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[legal issue][General Case Char[Issues and positions].[legal issue] = Observations.[legal issue]5/84UKWhen a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change in their legislation in an approximation of a Council directive, can individuals then be treated in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 of the Directive?There is no principle in Community law that implies that if a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change, it renders the national legislation incompatible with the Directive.$  #|iAQ5/84CommissionWhen a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change in their legislation in an approximation of a Council directive, can individuals then be treated in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 of the Directive?Even if it approved of the change, individuals can still rely on the principles outlined in Article 11.xx,  #|o#GΑML=LKIHJGE.EwDC C!B9AQ@ps124/83Does the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released? #,3ps124/83Does the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released? #,1ps124/83Does the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released? #,Yps247/84What, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case? #,ps247/84What, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case? #, ps247/84What, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case? #, ps247/84DenmarkWhat, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?' #<)ps110/84CommissionDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Such a provision may be regarded as a provision laid down by law.D* #|#ps110/84United KingdomDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Art 12 should be intrepreted so as to permit, as an exception, any provision of national law permitting disclosure.z. #|ps110/84ItalyDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?% #<ps110/84GermanyDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Art 12(1) leaves it to MS to regulate the disclosure of confidential information by special or general provisions laid down by law.' #|ps110/84ItalyIs Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?% #<ps110/84Is Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings? #,]ps110/84Is Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings? #,ps110/84CommissionIs Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?* #<11/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIn C-11/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.E #|241/83CommissionWhat types of proceedings does Article 16(1) apply to?For the article to apply the objective of the proceeding must be the dermination, enforcement or giving effect to rightst of possession. It does not apply to the loss of holiday enjoyment.$$f."""""" #|MHL~Kʋ m~EDCBA@195/84Does the compound feedstuffs directive authorize member states to adopt restrictions that are not provided for in the additives and undesirable substances directives?""""""" #,vDoes the compound feedstuffs directive authorize member states to adopt restrictions that are not provided for in the additives and undesirable substances directives? #,195/84Can sodium be classified as an undesirable substance with the meaning of Directive 74/63, given the fact that the directive does not provide a definitive explanation of what constitutes an undesirable substance?""""""" #,195/84Can sodium be classified as an undesirable substance with the meaning of Directive 74/63, given the fact that the directive does not provide a definitive explanation of what constitutes an undesirable substance?""""""" #,|195/84Does Art. 13 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC prohibit the restriction of marketing of feedstuffs by way of a requirement that the feed have a minimum iron content?""""""" #,y195/84GermanyDoes Art. 13 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC prohibit the restriction of marketing of feedstuffs by way of a requirement that the feed have a minimum iron content?+"""""" #<239/84CommissionIf the Commission does have the power to fix conversion rates, then does a system that only fixes the rates a couple of times a year compatible with Community law?Legal certainty and the danger of trade being artifically diverted may warrant anti-dumping duties not being calculated on the basis of the daily ECU rates but beign preiodically adjusted to take account of clearcut changes in factors which are relevant f."""""" #|239/84CommissionIf the Council Regulation is not applicable to ECSC products, then does the Commission derive the power to fix conversion rates of currencies of member states in relation to the EU from another treaty provision?."""""" #<239/84CommissionIs Council Reg 2779/78 applicable to products fallign within the ambit of the ECSC Treaty, such as those described in this judgment?The first question put to the Court should be answered in the negative.."""""" #|ps124/83Danish Intervention AgencyWith whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?: #<ps124/83CommisionWith whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?) #<=ps124/83GermanyWith whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?' #<6ps124/83NetherlandsWith whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?+ #<ps124/83Does the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released? #,114/84FranceIn C-114/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.$& #|-Fs } II^HkF{ZC/BY11/82FranceWhat action should be taken as regards the applications of Vomvyx P.V. Svolopoulos et al?The appli11/82FranceWhat action should be taken as regards the applications of Vomvyx P.V. Svolopoulos et al?The applications should be dismissed as inadmissible.)!!!!!! #|EWhat types of proceedings does Article 16(1) apply to?For the article to apply the objective of the proceeding must be the dermination, enforcement or giving effect to rightst of possession. It does not apply to the loss of holiday enjoyment.R !lcGermanyWhat types of proceedings does Article 16(1) apply to?There can be no exclusive jurisdiction under that provision in actions for the payment by the tenant of incidental charges which form an integral part of the total rent.[# !|241/83UKWhat types of proceedings does Article 16(1) apply to?For the article to apply the objective of the proceeding must be the dermination, enforcement or giving effect to rightst of possession. It does not apply to the loss of holiday enjoyment.^&"""""" #|241/83ItalyWhat types of proceedings does Article 16(1) apply to?Disputes concerning rent fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the MS referred to in the Article.a)"""""" #|c229/83CouncilIn the context of legislatio of the type under review, what types of measures would be considered contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty?+"""""" #< ps53/83CommissionThe applicants claim that the Commission finding that the fertilizer industry suffered injury as a result of dumping is unfounded.The application should be dismissed.-!!!!!! #|TpsjV47/84How is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?!!!!!!! #,RpsjV47/84How is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?!!!!!!! #,NpsjV47/84How is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?!!!!!!! #,ps81/84CommissionWas the Commission decision 82/932, in which it refused to classify an HP Digital Signal Analyzer as a scientific apparatus for tariff purposes, valid? If so, does it apply to the same apparatus with new components?The provisions are binding in this case.11-!!!!!! #|ps81/84CommissionHow should the decision be interpreted as regards apparatuses of the same type and make as those mentioned therein?The provisions are binding in this case.-!!!!!! #|ps172/83CommissionShould Art 2(1) of Commission Decision No 83/398 be declared void?The application should be dismissed as inadmissible.r."""""" #|ps125/83CommissionIs the second subparagraph of Art 19(2) of the Reg valid in the light of the principle of proportionality?The provision remains valid.."""""" #|114/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIn C-114/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #| PvThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of thvThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal open quotas in its transitional period?%vThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal open quotas in its transitional period?%No error is committed bvThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of AccessiovThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal open quotas in its transitional period?%The principle of legitimate expectations vThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that PortugvThe articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.3The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal ope76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal open quotas in its transitional period?% LVALX/ 0J oAˑ?@1ObservationsH*B!POvI oAˑ? case numberV{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ? observation sourceR–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observerHPiUMKۨG oAˑ? legal issue:OK@Mq6 oAˑ?80junkvx 'DNɹ# oAˑ? observer's position on legal issueTy  @ @SysRelVh..........,  @ @ModulesVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@ScriptsVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@ReportsVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@FormsVh,,,,,,,,,,*  ۼ@ۼ@UserDefinedVhA@DDD88888886 @ @@SummaryInfoVh@DDD88888886 @ʼ@o@MSysAccessObjectsVhDDDDDDDDDDB @@MSysRelationshipsWjDDDDDDDDDDB @@MSysQueriesWj88888888886 @@MSysACEsWj22222222220 @@MSysObjectsWj88888888886 @@MSysDbVh\@:::......., @@@RelationshipsWj<<<<<<<<<<: @@DatabasesWj44444444442 @@TablesWj.........., vvvv11FNJJY  Y d Y dcase number judge"judge nationalityJKYPrimaryKeyI2@2@chamber compI2@2@chamber compositionVh@,TTTHHHHHHHF @ Iw"@کF@AccessLayoutVh4MR2KeepLocal T@!zz:::::::8 @n@悐@General Case CharacteristicsVh @HfffZZZZZZZX @ @ @DataAccessPagesVh@@@@@@@@@@>  @ @SysRelVh..........,  @ @ModulesVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@ScriptsVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@ReportsVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@FormsVh,,,,,,,,,,*  ۼ@ۼ@UserDefinedVhA@DDD88888886 @ @@SummaryInfoVh@DDD88888886 @ʼ@o@MSysAccessObjectsVhDDDDDDDDDDB @@MSysRelationshipsWjDDDDDDDDDDB @@MSysQueriesWj88888888886 @@MSysACEsWj22222222220 @@MSysObjectsWj88888888@~0Ua γZ̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨˗ʗʗ  TL# Z@ NN@  @??Sloman Ne&N?  @[@ @!@@@Darmon192/84Commission v Hellenic RepublicCommissionGreecezrfF:::::2222 &N?  @[@?@Slynn179/83FNV v. NetherlandsIndustriebond FNV and Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV)NetherlandsYE999992222 &N ? @[@@@Lenz173/83Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancenfZD888882222 &N? @[@?@Slynn135/83Abels v. Bedrijfsvereniging Voor de Metaalindustrie en de Electrotechnische IndustrieH.B.M. AbelsThe Administrative Board of the Bedrijfsvereniging Voor de MetaalindustrieE999992222 &N @@ U@?@Slynn266/83Samara v. CommissionEuridiki SamaraCommissionxl[E999992222 x@ZU@?@Lenz253/83Kupferberg v. Hauptzollamt MainzSektkellerei C.A. Kupferberg & Cie KG a. A.Hauptzollamt MainzfD888882222 &N@ U@?@Lenz250/83Finsider v. CommissionFinsiderCommissionrf\D888882222 O[@tU@??Slynn241/83Rosler v. RottwinkelErich RoslerHorst Rottwinkel{i[E999992222 &N@@ U@?@Darmon168/83Pasquali-Gherardi v. ParliamentLaura Pasquali-GherardiEuropean ParliamentgF:::::2222 %N@@ U@?@Mancini737/79Battaglia v. CommissionDino BattagliaCommission|p`G;;;;;2222 N@@ U@?@Mancini532/79Amesz v. CommissionJan AmeszCommissionsg\G;;;;;2222 N@@ U@?@Mancini158/79Roumengous v. CommissionMonique Roumengous (nee Carpentier)CommissionaG;;;;;2222 N ? @T@??Darmon229/83Leclerc v. Au ble vertAssociation de Centres distributeurs Edouard LeclercSarl Au ble vert^F:::::2222 ?@?@Roemer526/62Van Gend En Loos v. Nederlandse Administratie Der BelastingenN.V. Algemene Transport-en Expeditie Onderneming van Gend & LoosNederlandse administratie der belastingen (Netherlands Inland Revenue AdministrationF<::::2222 @@?@Lenzhutchison5/85AKZO Chemie v. CommissionAKZO Chemie BV and AKZO Chemie UK LtdCommission of the European CommunityfKC88882222 A@@?@fjfb11><::::8642 7N@c@@?gggcqq43B@>>>>:862 7A@@@X@bflnn32@><<<<8642 7 A!$@?@abdv11><::::8642 7@$@?@abfc61><::::8642 7@@@?afdfadfdsafdffhfgh714RNLLLLE?82 7 @!$@??jodfbknsdofbgndfghdfghdfgfghfgyhjfghjfghjfhfgh7357pjhhhhaO@2 7}@7@@@gkhkjgadsfj;dsl;j;lkjj;lkj1111\VTTTTMF:2 7 ?F"""""""@Φ ̵˼EɵH%HGGFCA@^19/83Is the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?!!!!!!! #,]19/83Is the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?!!!!!!! #,X19/83Is the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?!!!!!!! #,&123/83CommissionMust the fixing of a minimum purchase price for potable spirties be regarded as capable of affecting trade between MS and as having as its effect the restriction of competition?Such an agreement may affect trade between MS if , although the product in question is not marketed in oter MS, it is an ingredient in a finished product which is the subject of intra-Community trade, so that its price has a significant effect on the sale."""""" #|234/83CommissionWhat criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific instrument or apparatus" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?."""""" #<231/83Does the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?uuu""""""" #,231/83Does the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?uuu""""""" #,231/83Does the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?uuu""""""" #,231/83Does the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?uuu""""""" #, 231/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.\\J"""""" #|231/83GreeceDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.}*"""""" #|231/83ItalyDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.|)"""""" #|231/83FranceDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.}*"""""" #|11/82FranceWas the Commissions decision authorizing France to implement protective trade restrictions on Greek combed yarn a violation of Article 130 of the Act of Accession?The applciations should be dismissed as inadmissible.)!!!!!! #|11/84FranceIn C-11/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states."% #|^ Y]PN QQqK77Y  Y  d Y  Y  Y   Y  Y  Y  dY junkcase numberlegal issue(AG position on issue.AG-Plaintiff agreement?ECJ ruling"ECJ-AG Agreement?,clarity of legal issue.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement QQv QYYYYY.rD`General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positions>Issues and positionscase number>Issues and positionslegal issuePrimaryKeyIssues and positionslegal issuePrimaryKeycLſ@ű@Treaty article at issueVh@N\\\PPPPPPPN @I2@eG3@chamber compositionVhS@HTTTHHHHHHHF @ Iw"@کF@AccessLayoutVh4MR2KeepLocal T@!zz:::::::8 @n@悐@General Case CharacteristicsVh @HfffZZZZZZZX @ @ @DataAccessPagesVh@@@@@@@@@@>  @ @SysRelVh..........,  @ @ModulesVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@ScriptsVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@ReportsVh0000000000. ۼ@ۼ@FormsVh,,,,,,,,,,*  ۼ@ۼ@UserDefinedVhA@DDD88888886 @ @@SummaryInfoVh@DDD88888886 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Land BerlinAissatou DiattaLand Berlin{n]F:::::2222  @\@??Lenz284/83Dansk Metalarbejderforbund v. Nielsen & SonDansk MetalarbejderforbundH. Nielsen & Son, Maskinfabrik A/S, in liquidationqD888882222 &N ? @[@O@?Lenz240/83Procureur de la Republique v. ADBHUProcureur de la RepubliqueAssociation de defense des bruleurs d huiles usageesiD888882222 &N ? @[@??Slynn186/83Botzen v. Rotterdamsche Droogdok MaatschappijArie Botzen and OthersRotterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij BVtE999992222 &N?  @[@??Slynn19/83Wendelboe v. L.J. MusicKnud Wendelboe and OthersL.J. Music ApS, in liquidationw\C999992222 @@ Y@?@Van Themaat259/84Strack v. ParliamentDieter StrackEuropean ParliamentpaK?????2222 ? @Y@@@Mancini290/83Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceqi]G;;;;;2222 &N @@Y@@@Van Themaat143/83Commission v. DenmarkCommissionDenmarkwnbK?????2222 &N?  @Y@@?Slynn123/83BNIC v. ClairBureau national interprofessionnel du cognacGuy ClairTE999992222 ? @Y@?@Slynn35/83BAT v. CommissionBAT Cigaretten-Fabriken GmbHCommissiontVC999992222 &N @ Y@?@Lenz273/83Michel v. CommissionBernard MichelCommissionvjZD888882222 &N@Y@?@Mancini234/83Gesamthochschule Duisburg v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-MitteGesamthochschule DuisburgHauptzollamt Munchen-MitteG;;;;;2222 &N@Y@??Van Themaat231/83Cullet v. LeclercHenri Cullet and Chambre syndicale des reparateurs automobiles et detaillants de produits petroliersCentre Leclerc Toulouse & Centre Leclerc Saint-Orens-de-Gameville^K?????2222 O[@ tY@?@Mancini228/83F. v. CommissionF.Commissioni]YG;;;;;2222 &N@Y@?@Van Themaat147/83Binderer v. CommissionMunchener Import-Weinkellerei Herold Binderer GmbHCommissioncK?????2222 &N @@ V@?@Not Applicable293/84 RSorani v. CommissionVincenzo Sorani and OthersCommissioniRBBBBB2222 &N@@V@?@Van Themaat11/82Piraiki-Patraiki v. CommissionA. E. Piraiki-Patraiki and OthersCommissioniI?????2222 y Fd$$$$$$"L8 LVAL1H 0ZY{$GsN"k_v@ Issues and positionsHD>MMy6ZqY{$GsN case numberH6q2-K̆HtY{$GsN legal issue`}@@f3fY{$GsN AG-Plaintiff agreement?`Ag:VY{$GsN ECJ-Plaintiff AgreementTmf6G죠RY{$GsN ECJ-AG Agreement?J oAˑ?@JObservations:dW`]O[Y{$GsN \junkZ xO[Y{$GsN AG position on issueFȘUG2>Y{$GsN ECJ ruling^UCQvBOY{$GsN clarity of legal issueLKHJIIwH`F~6293/83DenmarkWhat is the criteria establishing what types of education is protected by the EEC treaty?+"""""" #<United KingdomWhat is the criteria establishing what types of education is protected by the EEC treaty?* !<[293/83CommissionWhat is the criteria establishing what types of education is protected by the EEC treaty?."""""" #<3284/83Does the Directive apply not only to those situations where the employer contemplated large-scale dismissals, but also those situation where the employer should have contemplated large-scale dismissals?""""""" #,284/83Lonmodtagernes GarantifondUnder what conditions does Council Directive 75/129 apply?zzz>"""""" #<1284/83CommissionUnder what conditions does Council Directive 75/129 apply?It cannot be seen either in the directive or in other Community measures, that any such obligation to contemplate collective redundancies exits.j."""""" #|240/83Is the French provision prohibiting the burning of waste oils in keeping with the Directive?""""""" #,240/83Is the French provision prohibiting the burning of waste oils in keeping with the Directive?""""""" #,240/83Is the French provision prohibiting the burning of waste oils in keeping with the Directive?""""""" #,240/83Is the French provision prohibiting the burning of waste oils in keeping with the Directive?""""""" #,,240/83GermanyIs Council Directive 75/439, regarding the disposal of waste oils, invalid because it conflicts with Articles 5 and 6 of the EEC treaty protecting of the free movement of goods?+"""""" #<Y19/83Is the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?!!!!!!! #,_19/83Is the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?!!!!!!! #,M157/84ItalyDoes the residence requirement in the European Interim Agreement of 12/11/53 on social security conflict with Reg. 1408/71 guaranteeing the same treatment to nationals of other member states as it grants to its own nationals? If so, which one takes preceThe old-age allowance is a social advantage. As such, the residency requirement in the Interim agreement conflicts with the principle of equal treatment outlined in Reg. 1408/71.*)"""""" #| N157/84CommissionDoes the residence requirement in the European Interim Agreement of 12/11/53 on social security conflict with Reg. 1408/71 guaranteeing the same treatment to nationals of other member states as it grants to its own nationals? If so, which one takes preceThe old-age allowance is not a social advantage within the meaning of 1408/71. Therefore, the residency requirements outlined in the Interim agreement are applicable./."""""" #|G׎241/83GermanyWhat types of proceedings does Article 16(1) apply to?There can be no exclusive jurisdiction under that provision in actions for the payment by the tenant of incidental charges which form an integral part of the total rent.c+"""""" #|XLVALX/hMR2pValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesGUIDDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceModeBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexCurrencyLCID    U oAˑ?@Observations*B!POvI oAˑ?case number{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observerPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issueOK@Mq6 oAˑ?junkx 'DNɹ# oAˑ?observer's position on legal issuey      0  m x<9F*Fs?p   (njunk     OK@Mq6   (("agreement with AG a      0  m y? 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(code)][chamber name].[chamber name (text)][chamber name].[chamber name (number)][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff][Articlebase].[Article number (text)][Articlebase].[Article number (code)][chamber name].[chamber name (text)][chamber name].[chamber name (number)][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)][Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff][chamber composition].[judge (first name)][chamber composition].[judge (last name)][Nations].[Referring Nation Name][General Case Characteristics].[AG (first name)][General Case Characteristics].[AG (first name)][Nations].[Referring Nation Name][Articlebase].[Article number (text)][Articlebase].[Article number (code)][Articlebase].[Article number (text)][Articlebase].[Article number (code)] P2OdQkJf^JYbmYSSJMmYbUYbfoikoJbMQdSWYkdiWQimiJOQQb[dvmWQLQbQSYmkdSmWQio^QkdSkfQMYJ^[oiYkOYMmYdb^JYOOdsbYbmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQQbSdiMQ`QbmdS[oOUQ`Qbmk$OdQkJimYM^Q88dSMdobMY^iQUbd:B6<BHfQi`Ym`Q`LQikmJmQkmdY`fdkQofdbJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$`fdkQofdbJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$Y^iQUbd:B6<BHfQi`Ym`Q`LQikmJmQkmdY`fdkQofdbJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$OYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$^Q88dSMdobMY^iQUbd:B6<BHfQi`Ym`Q`LQikmJmQkmdY`fdkQofdbJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$iQUbd:B6<BHfQi`Ym`Q`LQikmJmQkmdY`fdkQofdbJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$bJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$QkJimYM^Q88dSMdobMY^iQUbd:B6<BHfQi`Ym`Q`LQikmJmQkmdY`fdkQofdbJff^YMJbmkSdiJbQufdim^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$m^YMQbkQmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQUJiOYbUmWQMYqY^okQdSmWQUddOkdimdOYk`YkkJbJff^YMJmYdbdbmWQUidobOkmWJmmWQvJiQkoYmJL^QSdi`Y^YmJivokQ$fdkkYL^QOYkiofmYdbdSSdiQYUbiQ^JmYdbk$OdQkJimYM^Q88DdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJff^vmdJbOfidWYLYmbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^mYdbmWJmJ^^dskkWYfdsbQikmdMdbmiJMmsYmWkJY^dikSid`bdb`Q`LQikmJmQMdobmiYQkJmiJmQk^dsQimWJbmWdkQJqJY^LQYb`Q`LQikmJmQk$JOdQkJimYM^Q88HY`fdkQJbvdL^YUJmYdbdbmWQQ`f^dvQimd`YbY`YxQmWQJOqQikQMdbkQhoQbMQkmdsd`QbsWdkQLQbQSYmkJiQJSSQMmQOLvmWQQ`f^dvQikOQMYkYdbmdQ^Y`YbJmQmWQOYSSQiQbMQYbfQbkYdbJUQk$OdQkJimYM^Q8:dSOYiQMmYqQF@<8@8FFfiQM^oOQmWQMokmd`kJomWdiYmvSid`iQhoYiYbUmWQfJv`QbmdSJko`SdiJMMQfmYbUJOQM^JiJmYdbdSmWQYiiQ^QJkQSdiSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbJSmQimWQmY`Q^Y`Ym$(OdQkJimYM^Q8HHJff^vYbJbvsJvmdJkMWQ`QmWJmWJkJ^sJvkWJOJ`Q`LQikWYfMdbkYkmYbUdSdb^vdbQkQu$OdQkJimYM^Q8L<JdSMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbJomWdiYxQ`Q`LQikmJmQkmdQuM^oOQMQimJYbMJmQUdiYQkdSobOQimJ\YbUkSid`JYO$OdQkJimYM^Q:6QuQ`fmJbvbJmYdbJ^dSJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWdWd^OkJOYf^d`JJsJiOQOLvJbdb`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWYmkQ^SYkiQMdUbYxQOLvJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQSid`J`JbOJmdivmiJYbYbUfQiYdO$oTOdQkJimYM^Q>dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQD@>>:QQMWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmJbOYSkdsWJmiYUWmkOdQkYmMdbSQiofdbmWQYbOYqYOoJ^$YMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$H;fN'yel("U 6 V U @!3vN@ `@g@@@Mancini100/84Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUKuqeG;;;;;2222 j@g@??Lenz96/84Vereniging Slachtpluimvee-Export v. Rewe-Zentral-AktiengesellschaftVereniging Slachtpluimvee-Export e.V.Rewe-Zentral-AktiengesellschaftB888882222 j@g@@?Van Themaat91/84Director of Public Prosecutions v. HackettDirector of Public Prosecutions; Raymond C. TetlowSidney Hackett Limited and Roy Thomas Weston; Perman George DoveyuI?????2222 j@g@@@Darmon2/84Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyjcWB:::::2222 j? g@?@Lenz298/83CICCE v. CommissionComite des industries cinematographiques de Communautes europeennes (CICCE)CommissionYD888882222 @g@@@Darmon275/83Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumri]F:::::2222 j@g@@@Lenz274/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyleYD888882222 j@ g@@@Lenz272/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyleYD888882222 j@g@@@Slynn215/83Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumqh\E999992222 j@@g@?@Darmon122/84Scrivner v. Centre public d aide sociale de ChastreKenneth Scrivner and Carol ColeCentre public d aide sociale de Chastre{F:::::2222 j@ @g@?@Darmon73/84Denkavit Futtermittel v. Land Nordrhein-WestfalenDenkavit Futtermittel GmbHLand Nordrhein-WestfalenwD:::::2222 @ @g@?@Slynn12/84Kypreos v. CouncilIlias KypreosCouncilofWC999992222 j@@g@?@Mancini4/84Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universitat v. Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-FlughafenJohann-Wolfgang-Goethe-UniversitatHauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-FlughafenC;;;;;2222 j@@g@?@Darmon249/83Hoeckx v. Openbaar voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn KalmthoutVera HoeckxOpenbaar voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn, KalmthoutF:::::2222 @e@?@Lenz172/84Celestri v. Ministry of FinanceCelestri & C. SpAMinistry of FinancexeD888882222 @@ e@?X@Slynn108/84De Santis v. Court of AuditorsGiovanni De SantisCourt of AuditorsyeE999992222 @@e@@?Lenz86/84BoutNetherlandsI. Bout en ZonengUHB888882222 j@ e@?@Van Themaat66/84Ferriere di Borgaro v. CommissionFerriere di Borgaro SpACommissionlI?????2222 @e@?@Darmon54/84Paul v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichMichael PaulHauptzollamt EmmerichqcD:::::2222  @@7$""""""l# OOrcTEN  ^@ chamber compositioncase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberV@f@ Treaty article at issuecase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number^HH@ Referralcase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberx@*`@ Issues and positionscase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberXBL@ Issue areacase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number|D.cbasonka @pCliu  perakis murrah meiselshanklaLVAL`()ySD3QK3Q` N?@KQK)K,AK  <\KVKKKVKKKVKKKfKKKF K K KF K K KF K K K& K\KK|KKKlKKK|KK,KKK4 Kl K K K| K K, K K K K\KKKKKKKKKKKK K K K K K K Kl Kl Kl Kl K\KVKKKVKKKVKKKfKKKF K K KF K K KF K K K& K d  d  ȅ    ȅ   ȅ   d                ,      OGeneral Case number7General Case Characteristics[General Case Characteristics.coder (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment TitleAGeneral Case Characteristics.DateKGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiff[General Case Characteristics.Type of PlaintiffKGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendant[General Case Characteristics.Type of DefendantUGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numberQGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizeaGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of Case+Referral.Referral DateReferral1Referral.Referring Nation1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?WIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement=Observations.observation sourceObservations9Observations.type of observer;Observations.agreement with AG=Observations.Agreement with ECJKK KKL Kmm@K K KK KK KK K} VK} K} K} VK} K} K} VK} K} K} fK} K} K} F K}  K}  K} F K}  K}  K} F K}  K}  K} & K};General Case Characteristics K   K K3KL Ka Q@Referral$K#K#K5KL K @'Issues and positions%K  %Kl%K6KL Kа@Observations'K  'K'K<8KL K7)@1985 Query KKKK KK K\K dKK KK KtK |KK KDK LKK KK  $KK  KK  KdK lKK KK K$K ,K|K KK KLK TKK K K KTK \KK KKW[General CasLVALe Characteristics].[case number]Kc[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)]K][General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title]dKE[General Case Characteristics].DateKO[General Case Characteristics].PlaintiffKc[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff]|KO[General Case Characteristics].DefendantKc[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant]LK][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)]K][General Case Characteristics].[chamber number]$KY[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size]Ki[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case]K/Referral.[Referral Date]lK5Referral.[Referring Nation]K5[Issues and positions].junkKG[Issues and positions].[legal issue],K_[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?]KS[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?]K_[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement]TKAObservations.[observation source]K=Observations.[type of observer]K?Observations.[agreement with AG]\KAObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]KK} VK} K} K} VK} K} K} VK} K} K} fK} K}; General Case Characteristics Kl#K VKt#K K|#K K#K ZK#K K#K *K#K VK#K K#K K#K fK#K K#KKKdKKK|KKLKK$KKKK} F K} Referral K %K F K%KlKK K}  K} F K}  K}  K}+Issues and positions Kt'K K|'K F K'K K'K K'KK,KKKTKF K}  K}  K} & K}Observations F K)K K)K K)K & K)KKK\KK KEK9K L K4KKKTKK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK)KK$KThe Commission's offer (of BFR 120 000 in total) is satisfactory and the interest rate should be set at 12%.3The Court Orders the Commission to pay Mr B{!@?The Court should declare the action inadmissible and order the applciant to pay the costs.3The application is dismissed.40/84Should the applicant's claim challenging the validity of Reg 3529/83 be dismissed?ttttrF]{!@=The Directive does not provide that an employer ought to have contemplated collective redundancies before initiating bankruptcy proceedings and consequently ought to have infomred reprsentatives of the workers.2The Directive applies only where the employer has in fact contemplated collective redundancies or has drawn up a plan for collective redundancies.284/83Under what conditions does Council Directive 75/129 apply?F]:(The second subparagraph of the provions must be regarded as valid in itself.3Consideration of the question has revealed no such factors as to affect the validity of the provision.125/83Is the second subparagraph of Art 19(2) of the Reg valid in the light of the principle of proportionality?FFffffdF]4--OKGC??;ȓ{ĤnjK73/91National leK73/91National legislation such as that in question doesDoes Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to choose the terms and conditions of treaties with nationals of non-member states?National legislation such as that in question does fall within the scope of state aid and therefoer must be notified to the commission.Q k|J73/91Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty does apply to the Does Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to Belgian GovernmentDoes Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to choose the terms and conditions of treaties with nationals of non-member states?Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty is not infringed by the ISR.Q k|H73/91Article 92(1) does not prohibit or preclude nationDoes Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to German GovernmentDoes Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to choose the terms and conditions of treaties with nationals of non-member states?Article 92(1) does not prohibit or preclude national goverments from enacting legislation tat does not grant aid directly.Q k|G191/91They are to be classified under sub-heading 3002 1How are products having a monoclonal diagnostic reagent as their principle component to be classifieCommission of the European CommunitiesHow are sets of goods having a monoclonal diagnostic reagent to be classified according to the Commission regulation?They are to be classified under sub-heading 3002 10 91.WR k|  @112/91Article 52 does not apply to a case which does noDoes Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member sate from imposing a heavier tax burden on natioBelgian GovernmentDoes Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?Article 52 does not apply to a case which does not concern a member state and a foreigner to that member state.UQ k|>co112/91Tax legislation such as that at issue does not conDoes Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member sate from imposing a heavier tax burden on natioThe Italian GovernmentDoes Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?Tax legislation such as that at issue does not concern cases which are entirely internal to one member state.ZR k|;322/90The commmission held that the reservation of some Is the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of RCommission of the European CommunitiesIs the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of Rome?The commmission held that the reservation of some television channels for government usage is legal.JR k|:322/90The court should not answer any of these questionsIs the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of RItalian RepublicIs the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of Rome?The court should not answer any of these questions should be answered and if they are it should be ruled that there is no competition violation considering that the government cannot be considered a commercial actor.4R k|jY tooN Y mF1v1 8 LVALH The fact that the plaintiff was apprised of the defendant's new address, after service was effected, and the fact that the defendant was responsible for the failure of the duly served document to reach him are matters which the court in which enforcement is sought may take into account in assessing whether service was effected in sufficient time.'I.X K * k,{@@@@@@@s@@?Slynn89/84Producteurs de vins de table et vins de pays v. RamelFederation nationale des producteurs de vins de table et vins de paysPierre Ramel and OtherszC999992222  @@s@?@Van Themaat14/84 Rev.Hansen-Meyer v. Economic and Social CommitteeMarie-Reine Hansen, nee MeyerEconomic and Social CommitteeS?????2222  @r@?@Van Themaat112/84Humblot v. Directeur des services fiscauxMichel HumblotDirecteur des services fixcauxvK?????2222  @r@@@Lenz21/84Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceldXB888882222  ? q@?@Not Applicable256/84Koyo Seiko v. Council and CommissionKoyo Seiko Co. LtdCounciltNBBBBB2222  @clq@@@Mancini18/84Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceog[E;;;;;2222 &|?p@?@Not Applicable97/85 RDeutshe Lebensmittelwerke v. CommissionUnion Deutsche Lebensmittelwerke GmbH and OthersCommissionyPBBBBB2222 &|?p@?@Not Applicable67/85 RVan Der Kooy v. Commission of the European CommunitiesKwekerij Gebroeders van der Kooy BV and OthersCommissionPBBBBB2222 &| @ @p@?@Darmon144/84De Angelis v. CommissionClaudia De AngelisCommissiont`F:::::2222 &|@@@p@?@Van Themaat109/84Von Menges v. Land Nordrhein-WestfalenKlaus von MengesLand Nordrhein-WestfalensK?????2222 &|@@p@?@Mancini81/84Deutsche Forschungs-und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft-und Raumfahrt v. Hauptzollamt Stuttgart-WestDeutsche Forschungs-und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft-und RaumfahrtHauptzollamt Stuttgart-WestE;;;;;2222 &|@@ @p@?@Darmon38/84J.K. v. ParliamentJ. K.European Parliamentt_XD:::::2222 &|@ @p@?@Darmon246/83De Angelis v. CommissionClaudia De AngelisCommissiont`F:::::2222 &| @@@p@?@Lenz154/83Hoche and De Beste Boter v. BalmJoseph Hoche and Roomboterfabriek De Beste BoterBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungfD888882222 &|? n@@@Darmon207/83Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUKtpdF:::::2222 &|?m@?@Not Applicable82/85 REurasian Corporation v. CommissionEurasian Corporation LtdCommissiontPBBBBB2222 &| @ g@?@Not Applicable74/85 RRemy v. CommissionJacqueline RemyCommissionudPBBBBB2222 NA $@@?as1abc><:8666662222 s ofAz`@??Gulmann11211111/9sdfoegsfdgfha\UO=;;;;2222 .r@7$""""""l  125/83CommissionAccording to Reg. 232/75, is the actual date in which the goods are taken as indicated on the T5 form filled out by customs officials that date that the butter is officially taken over by the new owner?The day that the goods are taken over is the date of purchase. If the date of departure is used, then the sale would have been cancelled because it was not taken in time according to Art. 13.."""""" #|iLVAL @ @ @ @tvwu    !!!!!""""####$$$$%%%%''qJmYdbk2"+kh+SmiQJmvJimYM^QJmYkkoQ2JimYM^QLJkQ2MWJ`LQiMd`fdkYmYdbUQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkYkkoQJiQJYkkoQkJbOfdkYmYdbk`kvkJMMQkkdL[QMmk`kvkJMQk`kvkdL[QMmk`kvkhoQiYQk`kvkiQ^JmYdbkWYfkbJmYdbk2dLkQiqJmYdbkiQSQiiJ^miQJmvJimYM^QJmYkkoQJMMQkk^Jvdom`kvkOLko``JivYbSd okQiOQSYbQO \D @>>>2222 r@7$""""""lvvvvvcO<)   x e R > +  {  g T TTTTTTTTTTTTA ȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȷȤ-ǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐ}iVC/ lWh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoWh Wh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqo Vh  Vh Wh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ Vh  Vh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh Vh T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp Wh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh  Wh  T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp  Vh lT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp lWh aVh aT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp aWh MVh MT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp MWh IVh IT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp IWh HVh HT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp HWh GVh GT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp GWh FVh FT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp FWh DVh DT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp DWh CVh CT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp CWh AVh AT$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp AWh @Vh @T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp @Wh =Vh =T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp =Wh <Vh <T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp <Wh 6Vh 6T$+ڵ궝7ο۷="u lYbش;K!+\8p$We(jpǛ\mjxqoQo 4nVAp M)ϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲ!t & s T,b6{@ @ ~@?@Van Gerven1271? z@@@Not Applicable248/84 RGermany v. CommissionGermanyCommission~riRBBBBB2222  @ @z@?@Not Applicable146/85 RDiezler v. ESCClaus Diezler and OthersEconomic and Social Committee|bRBBBBB2222  @@z@??Van Themaat49/84Debaecker v. BouwmanLeon Emile Gaston Carlos DebaeckerCornelius Gerrit Bouwman_I?????2222 omGr? @z@@@Darmon288/83Commission v. IrelandCommissionIrelandri]F:::::2222 ?@y@@@Not Applicable154/85 RCommission v. ItalyCommissionItalyzsgRBBBBB2222  @@ y@?@Lenz157/84Frascogna v. Caisse des depots et consignationsMaria FrascognaCaisse des depots et consignationsuD888882222 @ y@?X@Slynn146/84De Santis v. Court of AuditorsGiovanni De SantisCourt of AuditorsyeE999992222 Trea@isx@@?Lenz116/84RoelstraeteBelgiumHenri RoelstraetemZQD888882222  @x@@?Darmon117/84ONPTS v. RuzzuOffice national des pensions pour travailleurs salaries (ONPTS)Salvatore RuzzuVF:::::2222  @x@@?Darmon58/84ONPTS v. RomanoOffice national des pensions pour travailleurs salaries (ONPTS)Francesco RomanoUD:::::2222   ? u@@@Slynn29/84Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyofZC999992222  @u@?@Van Themaat53/83Allied Corporation v. CouncilAllied Corporation and OthersCouncilhI?????2222  ? @u@?@Lenz33/84Fragd v. Amministrazione delle finanze dello StatoSpA FragdAmministrazione delle finanze dello StatovB888882222  ? |@u@@@Lenz13/83Parliament v. CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilwnYB888882222  @ u@@?Darmon47/84Staatssecretaris van Financien v. SchulStaatssecretaris van FinancienGaston Schul Douane-Expediteur BVmD:::::2222   ? u@@@Mancini248/83Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanysj^G;;;;;2222  @s@?@Lenz155/84Onnasch v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofReinhard OnnaschHauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof~lD888882222  @@ s@?@Slynn127/84Esly v. CommissionErwin EslyCommissionqeYE999992222  @ s@?@Lenz3/84Patrinos v. Economic and Social CommitteeDimitrios PatrinosEconomic and Social Committeek@888882222  @@s@?@Lenz139/84Van Dijk s Roekhuis v. Staatssecretaris van FinancienVan Dijk s Roekhuis BVStaatssecretaris van Financien{D888882222  @@@@adfadsfaadsfasdf7<::4.'"o      dbkUQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkiQSQiiJ^UQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkmiQJmvJimYM^QJmYkkoQYkkoQkJbOfdkYmYdbkdLkQiqJmYdbk}}}}absherN  om #comj@ comMSysObjects### omCStr(}}}}cannonN}}}}carrubbaV Pf)#ЗBoth of the applications should be dismissed. The Commission was justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy because both were illegal aid given by a member state.2The Commission decision that refuses to pay for aid in regards to distillation of table wine is void as it was not illegal aid.55/83Was the Commission justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy for the distillation of table wine; or the aid provided by Italy for the promotion of the meat industry?XXNNF]C+ϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱ7  N //^DN'fA@@?J @ @?@Mancini233/83Agostini v. CommissionP. Agostini and OthersCommissionw_G;;;;;2222  @ @?@Mancini176/83Allo v. CommissionAlain Pierre Allo and OthersCommissiony[G;;;;;2222  @ @?@Mancini175/83Culmsee v. ESCSuzanne Culmsee and OthersEconomic and Social CommitteesWG;;;;;2222 @ @?@Mancini174/83Amman v. CouncilFrigen Amman and OthersCouncil{rYG;;;;;2222  ? e @?@Lenz39/84Maizena v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasMaizena GmbH and OthersHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasiB888882222  ? @?@Van Themaat20/84De Jong v. VIBNV De Jong Verenigde and Cooperatieve Melkprodukten Bedrijven Domo-Bedum GAVoedselvoorzienings In- en Verkoopbureau (VIB)YI?????2222 ? @@@Slynn277/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalymfZE999992222  ? @??Slynn243/83Binon v. AMPSA Binon and CieSA Agence et messageries de la presseeSE999992222  ? @?@Darmon3/83Abrias v. CommissionRoland Abrias and OthersCommission~rXB:::::2222  @@??Lenz148/84Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank v. Brasserie du PecheurDeutsche GenossenschaftsbankSA Brasserie du PecheurzD888882222  @ |@?X@Slynn228/84Pauvert v. Court of AuditorsMaurice PauvertCourt of AuditorstcE999992222   @ |@?@Van Themaat141/84De Compte v. ParliamentHenri de CompteEuropean ParliamentudK?????2222  d@ d|@?@Lenz138/84Spachis v. CommissionEleni SpachisCommissionvj[D888882222  @|@?@Mancini124/84Spitta v. Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-OstH. Spitta & Co.Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-OstuG;;;;;2222  @ |@?@Van Themaat123/84Klein v. CommissionSteffen KleinCommission{o`K?????2222  @@ |@@?Slynn118/84Commission v. Royale BelgeCommissionSociete anonyme Royale belgemaE999992222  @@|@@?Van Themaat94/84ONEM v. DeakOffice national de l emploiJoszef DeaktWI?????2222  @@|@?@Slynn69/84Padovani v. Amministrazione delle finanze dello StatoRemo Padovani and OthersAmministrazione delle finanze dello StatozC999992222  @ |@?@Van Themaat64/84Queenborough Rolling Mill Company v. CommissionQueenborough Rolling Mill Company LimitedCommissionzI?????2222  @|@?@Van Themaat197/84Steinhauser v. City of BiarritzP. 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Syndicat des libraries de Loire-OceanSA Saint-Herblain distribution, Centre distributor Leclerc, and OthersSyndicat des libraries de Loire-OceanvD888882222   ? @@@Slynn278/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalymfZE999992222  @@ @?@Lenz255/83R. v. CommissionR.CommissionfZVD888882222  @ @?@Van Themaat66/83Hattet v. CommissionPierre Hattet and OthersCommissiony_I?????2222  @ @?@Van Themaat119/83Appelbaum v. CommissionEdmund AppelbaumCommissionvdK?????2222  @@ @?@Lenz236/82Brautigam v. CouncilA. BrautigamCouncilqhZD888882222  @ x\@?@Darmon27/84Wirtschaftsvereinigung Eisen- und Stahlindustrie v. CommissionWirtschaftsvereinigung Eisen- und StahlindustrieCommissionD:::::2222   ? @@@Darmon17/84Commission v. IrelandCommissionIrelandpg[D:::::2222   ? @@@Darmon16/84Commission v. The NetherlandsCommissionNetherlands|ocD:::::2222  @@?@Van Themaat118/83CMC v. CommissionCMC Cooperativa muratori e cementisti and OthersCommission^K?????2222  O? ti@@?N@Darmon179/84Bozzetti v. 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Ambrosetti and OthersCommission}aG;;;;;2222 A @@@asdwewett7533/+'"o**϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶%v P ; UK$E~\@@@@Gulmann129 @@O@?Slynn11/84Procureur de la Republique v. GratiotProcureur de la RepubliqueChristian GratiotjC999992222  @@N@@Mancini181/84Man (Sugar) v. IBAPThe Queen, ex parte E.D. & F. Man (Sugar) LtdIntervention Board for Agricultural Produce (IBAP)\G;;;;;2222  ? @@?@Lenz63/84Finsider v. CommissionFinsiderCommissionpdZB888882222  ? @@?@Slynn172/83Hoogovens Groep v. CommissionHoogovens Groep BVCommissionxdE999992222  ? @@?@Slynn194/83Asteris v. CommissionAsteris AE and OthersCommissions\E999992222  ? @@@@Slynn192/83Greece v. CommissionGreeceCommissionoc[E999992222  ? @@?@Van Themaat33/82Freres v. CommissionMurri FreresCommissionym_I?????2222   ? @@@Lenz276/83Commission v. GreeceCommissionGreecenfZD888882222  ? @?@Slynn25/84Ford v. CommissionFord-Werke AG and Ford of Europe Inc.Commission~WC999992222  @@ @?@Van Themaat261/84Scaletta v. UNFMNBCalogero ScalettaUnion nationale des federations mutualistes neutres de Belgiquer_K?????2222 @@??Slynn221/84Berghoefer v. ASAF. Berghoefer GmbH & Co. KGASA SA}uXE999992222 xtO? ti@O@?Lenz137/84Ministere public v. MutschMinistere publicRobert Heinrich Maria Mutschr`D888882222 @@@?Darmon111/84Institut national d assurances sociales pour travailleurs independants v. CantisaniInstitut national d assurances sociales pour travailleurs independantsNicola CantisaniF:::::2222 ? @@@Darmon107/84Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyri]F:::::2222 @@??Slynn105/84Foreningen af Arbejdsledere I Danmark v. Danmols InventarForeningen af Arbejdsledere I DanmarkA/S Danmols Inventar, in liquidationE999992222  ? @@@Darmon101/84Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F:::::2222  ? @?@Slynn60/84Cinetheque v. Federation nationale des cinemas francaisCinetheque SA and OthersFederation nationale des cinemas francais|C999992222  @ @?@Darmon43/84Maag v. CommissionHeinrich MaagCommissionsgXD:::::2222  @@?@Lenz42/84Remia v. CommissionRemia BV and OthersCommissionxlWB888882222   @  @?I@Van Themaat87/77Salerno v. Commission and CouncilVittorio Salerno and OthersCommission and CouncillI?????2222 @@@ati`v@adfdafadfaad78662,'"oB)϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶Hu x n + S_5Q@@Lenz1289/93Commission v ItalyCommissi @@?@Mancini207/84De Boer v. Produktschap Voor Vis en VisproduktenRederij L. de Boer en Zonen BVProduktschap Voor Vis en VisproduktenyG;;;;;2222  ? !@?@Darmon195/84Denkavit Futtermittel v. Land Nordrhein-WestfalenDenkavit Futtermittel GmbHLand Nordrhein-WestfalenyF:::::2222  @@?@Van Themaat154/84FKF v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-SudFleischwaren-und Konserven-Fabrik (FKF) Schulz und Berndt GmbHHauptzollamt Berlin-SudkK?????2222  @ @??Slynn119/84Capelloni and Aquilini v. PelkmansP. Capelloni and F. AquiliniJ.C.J. PelkmansiE999992222  ? @?@Lenz46/84Nordgetreide v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasNordgetreide GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasnB888882222  ? @@@Darmon28/84Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanypg[D:::::2222  ? @@@Van Themaat214/83Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionwkbK?????2222 ? @@@?Van Themaat125/83OBEA v. CormanOffice belge de l economie et de l agricultureNicolas Corman et fils SA[K?????2222 @@ @?@Mancini231/84Valentini v. CommissionAngelo ValentiniCommission~r`G;;;;;2222 @@@?Darmon187/84Criminal proceeding against Giacomo CaldanaItalyGiacomo CaldanazsF:::::2222 @@?@Mancini166/84Thomasdunger v. Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am MainThomasdunger GmbHOberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main~G;;;;;2222 @@O@?Slynn215/84Procureur de la Republique v. HericotteProcureur de la RepubliqueMarie-Helene Ferey, nee HericottenE999992222 @@O@?Slynn202/84Procureur de la Republique v. GiraultProcureur de la RepubliqueBernard GiraultlE999992222  @ @O@?Slynn201/84Procureur de la Republique v. GontierProcureur de la RepubliqueJean-Pierre GontierlE999992222 @@O@?Slynn149/84Procureur de la Republique v. BinetProcureur de la Republique and Direction interdepartementale de la concurrence et de la consommationJasques Binet and OthersjE999992222 @@??Slynn114/84Piszko v. Leclerc and Carrefour SupermarcheSA Etablissements Piszko and OthersSA Dammarie Distribution Centre Leclerc and SA Carrefour SupermarcherE999992222  @@O@?Slynn79/84Procureur de la Republique v. Chabaud and RemyProcureur de la RepubliqueClaude Chabaud and Jean-Louis RemysC999992222  @@?X@Lenz71/84Surcouf and Vidou v. EECRobert Surcouf and Jean VidouEEC{\B888882222  @@O@?Slynn34/84Procureur de la Republique v. LeclercProcureur de la RepubliqueMichel LeclercjC999992222  @@$@dafadfafadsf58660,'"oLVALN          !Treaty Basis of CaseGeneral Case CharacteristicsTreaty Basis of CaseGeneral Case Characteristi.D ,. \  ? ,,,,% !,*,,,,,,*,  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text),,@,h, p,w/mE@p,,,x_1*,x_Type of Litigantx,0,P,( ,p,~C@k~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cType ofPlaintiff, H,, ,(,_[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]H,m[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)], ,x_1*,x_Type of Litigant ,, *,,H,, ,,X , p,8,@,H,P,X,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,x, , , ,( , 0,( , ,z  ,, ,Xb, , ,8 , , d ,0 , , , ,( ,Type of Litigant,PrimaryKey(,,v P,,8,,,q,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,',Type of LitigantPrimaryKey,,P,H ,P,,,,,,,( ,SLVALc }@@f3f   ,legal issue C      m  6q2-K̆Ht   " # ,4.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement        m   Ag:V ,[H}Db4 vMD  z L C  z ?  M  [|Un,rDſT$g9 OBAs@FPreliminary rulings179/84++ 2 ETax Provisions19/84$$ 2CConvention on Juridiction and the Enforcement of J220/84JJ>> 2BTax Provisions168/84&& 2 ACustoms Tariff167/84&& 2@Officials134/84!! 2?Social security for migrant workers104/84;;// 2>Customs Tariffs51/84%% 2=Officials264/83!! 2<Officials247/83!! 2;Officials233/83!! 2:Officials176/83!! 29Officials175/83!! 28Officials174/83!! 2pt7Agriculture39/84!! 26Agriculture20/84!! 2. 5Tax provisions277/83&& 24Competition243/83## 23Measures adopted by institutions3/8344,, 22Officials3/83 2he1Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of 148/84JJ>> 2/Officials228/84!! 2.Officials141/84!! 2-Officials138/84!! 2,Agriculture124/84## 2+Officials123/84!! 2*Officials118/84!! 2er)Freedom of movement for persons94/8455++ 2er(Social security for migrant workers94/8499// 2xt'Free movement of goods69/84,,"" 2xt&Agriculture69/84!! 2%Objection of illegality64/84--## 2$ECSC64/84 2#Free movement of persons197/8400$$ 2"Application for interim measures248/84 R<<,, 2!Application for the adoption of interim measures146/85 RLL<< 2 Officials146/85 R%% 2heConvention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of 49/84HH>> 2Free movement of goods288/83.."" 2Agriculture288/83## 2Free movement of goods154/85 R22"" 2Free movement of persons157/8400$$ 2Social security for migrant workers157/84;;// 2Officials146/84!! 2Free movement of goods116/84.."" 2Social security for migrant workers117/84;;// 2Social security for migrant workers58/8499// 2Free movement of persons29/84..$$ 2Measures adopted by the institutions29/84::00 2Common commercial policy53/83..$$ 2Annulment of measures53/83++!! 2Questions submitted for a preliminary ruling33/84BB88 2Agriculture33/84!! 2Transport13/83 2Failure to act13/83$$ 2 Action for failure to act13/83//%% 2 Tax Provisions47/84$$ 2 Social Policy248/83%% 2 Customs Tariff155/84&& 2 Officials127/84!! 2Officials3/84 2Tax Provisions139/84&& 2Agriculture89/84!! 2Court Order14/84 Rev.++ 2Tax provisions112/84&& 2Free movement of goods21/84,,"" 2Application for annulment256/8411%% 2Free movement of goods18/84,,"" 28%Application for interim measures97/85 R::,, 2Aid granted by States67/85 R//!! 2 P JMMdiOYbUmdiQU8B6FD>MJbJY`fdimQiJff^vSdiJiQSobOdbmWQJ`dobmdS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmk^QqYQOdbY`fdimkmWJmsQiQYkkoQOLQSdiQB<D<$MMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmsWQbkd^OmddmWQiLovQikmWQLommQiYkokQOSdimWdkQfoifdkQkQqQbYSYmYkkd^OJUJYbMMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@YkmWQJMmoJ^OJmQYbsWYMWmWQUddOkJiQmJ\QbJkYbOYMJmQOdbmWQm@Sdi`SY^^QOdomLvMokmd`kdSSYMYJ^kmWJmOJmQmWJmmWQLommQiYkdSSYMYJ^^vmJ\QbdqQiLvmWQbQsdsbQi$SmQimWQMdoimOQM^JiQkJiQUo^JmYdbYbqJ^YOLvsJvdSJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUsWdWJk[oiYkOYMmYdbmdUYqQ[oOU`QbmdbmWQkoLkmJbMQdSmWQMJkQYbiQUJiOkmdiQY`LoikQ`QbmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimkdimWQMdoim$^mWdoUWmQMWbYMJ^^vJ`Q`LQidSJMd``YkkYdbkoLkYOYJivmWQJkkdMYJmYdbmWQJff^YMJbmkJk\kmWQMdoimmdJbbo^mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbJkkYUbYbUWYkUiJOQLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbqYd^JmQOmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmdSkmJSS^mWdoUWmQMWbYMJ^^v`Q`LQikdSJMd``YkkYdbkoLkYOYJivmWQJkkdMYJmYdbmWQJff^YMJbmkYbMJkQBBF<Jk\mWQMdoimmdJbbo^mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbJkkYUbYbUmWQYiUiJOQLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbqYd^JmQOmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmdSkmJSSabJff^YMJmYdbJk\YbUmWQMdoimmdkokfQbOJ[dLMd`fQmYmYdbobmY^Ymio^QkdbmWQkoLkmJbmYqQ`JmmQikdSmWQJff^YMJbmkM^JY`kMdbmYboJbMQdSmWQ[dLMd`fQmYmYdbsYmWdomJMdoimio^YbU`JvMJokQYiiQfJiJL^QOJ`JUQmdmWQJff^YMJbmkbbbo^`QbmdSmWQkQ^QMmYdbLdJiOOQMYkYdbbdmmdQkmJL^YkWJbQsmQkmOJmQSdimWQJff^YMJbmYbiQUJiOkmdJbdfQbMd`fQmYmYdbSdiJfdkYmYdbJff^YMJbmM^JY`kmWJmmWQfJi^YJ`QbmOYObdmUYqQWY`QbdoUWbdmYMQSdiY`fQbOYbUmQkmMMdiOYbUmdiQU8B6FD>MJbJY`fdimQiJff^vSdiJiQSobOdbmWQJ`dobmdS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmk^QqYQOdbY`fdimkmWJmsQiQYkkoQOLQSdiQB<D<$MMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmsWQbkd^OmddmWQiLovQikmWQLommQiYkokQOSdimWdkQfoifdkQkQqQbYSYmYkkd^OJUJYbMMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@YkmWQJMmoJ^OJmQYbsWYMWmWQUddOkJiQmJ\QbJkYbOYMJmQOdbmWQm@Sdi`SY^^QOdomLvMokmd`kdSSYMYJ^kmWJmOJmQmWJmmWQLommQiYkdSSYMYJ^^vmJ\QbdqQiLvmWQbQsdsbQi$SmQimWQMdoimOQM^JiQkJiQUo^JmYdbYbqJ^YOLvsJvdSJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUsWdWJk[oiYkOYMmYdbmdUYqQ[oOU`QbmdbmWQkoLkmJbMQdSmWQMJkQYbiQUJiOkmdiQY`LoikQ`QbmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimkdimWQMdoim$^mWdoUWmQMWbYMJ^^vJ`Q`LQidSJMd``YkkYdbkoLkYOYJivmWQJkkdMYJmYdbmWQJff^YMJbmkJk\kmWQMdoimmdJbbo^mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbJkkYUbYbUWYkUiJOQLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbqYd^JmQOmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmdSkmJSS^mWdoUWmQMWbYMJ^^v`Q`LQikdSJMd``YkkYdbkoLkYOYJivmWQJkkdMYJmYdbmWQJff^YMJbmkYbMJkQBBF<Jk\mWQMdoimmdJbbo^mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbJkkYUbYbUmWQYiUiJOQLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbqYd^JmQOmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmdSkmJSSabJff^YMJmYdbJk\YbUmWQMdoimmdkokfQbOJ[dLMd`fQmYmYdbobmY^Ymio^QkdbmWQkoLkmJbmYqQ`JmmQikdSmWQJff^YMJbmkM^JY`kMdbmYboJbMQdSmWQ[dLMd`fQmYmYdbsYmWdomJMdoimio^YbU`JvMJokQYiiQfJiJL^QOJ`JUQmdmWQJff^YMJbmkbbbo^`QbmdSmWQkQ^QMmYdbLdJiOOQMYkYdbbdmmdQkmJL^YkWJbQsmQkmOJmQSdimWQJff^YMJbmYbiQUJiOkmdJbdfQbMd`fQmYmYdbSdiJfdkYmYdbJff^YMJbmM^JY`kmWJmmWQfJi^YJ`QbmOYObdmUYqQWY`QbdoUWbdmYMQSdiY`fQbOYbUmQkmmYMQSdiY`fQbOYbUmQkmLVALNFD 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of national law concerning legal certainty since it has made the position clear in this regard by compelling the successful tenderer to safeguard his position vis--vis subsequent buyer.."""""" #|%YNY  Y d clarity (number)clarity (text)=TYPrimaryKey  `LQiMd`fdkYmYdb UQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkYkkoQJiQJ UQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkYkkoQkJbOfdkYmYdbk UQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkdLkQiqJmYdbk UQbQiJ^MJkQMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkiQSQiiJ^ MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUID  h ` Uk#yM{*JKRkg]'@ObservationshW`]O[k#yM{*JKRjunkVO\O[k#yM{*JKRcase numberxO[k#yM{*JKRobservation sourcexO[k#yM{*JKRobservation position k#yM{*JKRcase number        0  m VO\O[$ General NumberMjunk     hW`]O[َ*$observation source 4      m  YxO[ْ.(observation position n      m  ZxO[2clarity k<6@$oG(vv1 Z 7 T  _ _ 9 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related to the old-age allowance?The residence requirement laid down by the Interim Agreement is contrary to the principle of equal treatment laid down in the regulation.88)"""""" #|cYAccessNY  Y .d6Type of Defendant/PlaintiffDType of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)WB@ωYPrimaryKey  !Treaty Basis of CaseGeneral Case CharacteristicsTreaty Basis of CaseGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of CasezBB  !chamber sizeGeneral Case Characteristicschamber sizeGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizej22  !chamber numberGeneral Case Characteristicschamber numberGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numbern66  d AG (last name)General Case CharacteristicsAG (last name)General Case Characteristics.AG (last name)n66  d AG (first name)General Case CharacteristicsAG (first name)General Case Characteristics.AG (first name)p88  d DefendantGeneral Case CharacteristicsDefendantGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendantvd,,  d PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsPlaintiffGeneral Case 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FFH:FFH:bFFH:bFFH:bH6H:H6H:H:H8H:H8H:H8H<H8 H<H8H<H8H<H8H<H:eH<H:ee QOOOOO~OoON    General Case CharacteristicsTreaty article at issueGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsGeneral Case Characteristicschamber compositionGeneAcBb}murra gabel sonka hays rauf  P̍gNot applicable - Court Order3Pending judgment on the principal application, orders Italy to take the measures necessary to ensure that the requirements for imports is no more strict than those which existed before July 1984.154/85 RThe Commission asks that the Court order Italy to enact the measures necessary to ensure the timely registration and free movement of vehicles imported from other member states. By making the registration of imports subject to difficulties not faced by d    66664F] PhYes. The requirement has the potential to hinder the importation of potatoes that were previously properly imported by a member state. This restricts the free movement of goods within the Community.3Yes. The requirement has the potential to hinder the importation of potatoes that were previously properly imported by a member state. This restricts the free movement of goods within the Community. Ireland has fail to fulfill its obligations under Art288/83Does Ireland s requirement of licences for the importation of potatoes orginating from non-member states, but in free circulation in another member state constitute a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods, thereby, violating the EEC treatF] B΄ 1985 Query@EӼAN w s,)<0 General Case Characteristicstדf@&D:`TD@Observations oAˑ?dIX/@4$ General Case Characteristicstדf@&D:K{囋`TD@Issues and positionsY{$GsN`1PD40Issues and positionsY{$GsNT9&PD40mb[ReferObP@VEObP@VEObP@VE gObd@UE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gOObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UE gObP@TE gOObP@VE gObd@UE gObP@TObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObdObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObP@VE gObdObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VEObP@VEObP@VE gObd@UE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObd@UEObP@VE gOObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gObP@VE gCon on GLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] r PirCommunity laws do not require mandatory labelling of dangerous substances used in preparations unless those preparations fall under the Directives that specifically classify what categories of preparations require labelling.3Coucil Directive 67/548/EEC requires the labelling of dangerous substances, but does not require preparations containing one or more of those substances.187/84Whether or not Community laws, specifically Council Directive 67/548/EEC, require labelling of not only of dangerous substances but also of preparations containing such substances?WWF] PThe articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such as the one in question.65/92How ought Articles 46 and 51 of Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to with regards to migrant workers and old-age benefits?FThe articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to theThe articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such aThe articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such as the one in question.65/92How ought Articles 46 and 51 of Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to with regards to migrant workers and old-age benefits?FArticleThe articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such as the one in question.65/92How ought The articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such as the one in question.65/92How ought Articles 46 and 51 of Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to with reThe articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.3The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such as the one in question.65/92How ought Articles 46 and 51 of Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to with regards to migrant workers and old-age benefits?FwThe AG ruled that a person acting in pursuance of his or her trade does not enjoy the beneifts established by the special jurisdiction rules laid down in the Convention.2The ECJ ruled that a person acting in pursuance of her or his trade does not enjoy the benefits established by the special jurisdiction laid down in the Convention.Does a plaintiff acting in pursuance fo his or her trade enjoy the benefits of the rules of special 89/91Does a plaintiff acting in pursuance of his or her trade enjoy the benefits of the rules of special jurisdiction laid down in the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements?evv1MR2RecordLocksODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDOLGUID  <    Utדf@&DvB,9@sGeneral Case Characteristicsc0|OTctדf@&DAG (first name) ,ba(0`DESTMR2 GUIDNameMap HO[  UGڭbByk-_#+}M9@chamber compositionQIptςn\@[DNations~2XpKU<=QIptςReferring Nation6FD8mdLQYbmQifiQmQOsYmWiQUJiOkmdmWQiYUWmkdSOYkJL^QOfQikdbkmdM^JY`LQbQSYmk$amdsWJmQumQbmYkkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbYkfQbkYdbLQbQSYmkJ^^dsJL^Q$Pd`QQiididbmWQfJimdSmWdkQJomWdiYmYQk$OdQkJimYM^Q88DdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJff^vmdJbOfidWYLYmbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^mYdbmWJmJ^^dskkWYfdsbQiknOdQkJimYM^Q@:dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYmJ`Q`LQikmJmQSid`Y`fdkYbUJWQJqYQimJuLoiOQbdbbJmYdbJ^k^YqYbUYbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$OdQkJimYM^QH:8dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJff^vmdbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMW^QJqQkmWQfJimYQkSiQQmdiOdQkOYiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$ OdQkQQM^JsfidWYLYmmWQY`fdkYmYdbdSMWJiUQkYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQbmivdSJMJfYmJ^Md`fJbvdbmWQdSSYMYJ^iQUYmQidiYbiQkfQMmdSmWQ`JYbmQbJMQdSmWJmiQUYkmiJmYdb$ZOdQkkoMWJMWJiUQJkOQkMiYLQOMdbkmYmoQ YbOYiQMm^vY`fdkQOYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fkOdQkmWQYmJ^YJbUdqQib`QbmWJqQmWQiYUWmmdM^JY`JS^JmiJmQJ`dobmdSdSSYbJbMYJ^Md`fQbkJmYdbSdi`Ji\QmsYmWOiJsJ^kMWJiUQOmdmWQYmJ^YJbkmJmQ$ WOdQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSbYUWmsdi\Sdisd`QbMdbkmYmomQkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiMd``obYmv^Js${ WdsJiQJimYM^Qk:JbO<dSiQUbd8>6FD8mdLQYbmQifiQmQOsYmWiQUJiOkmdmWQiYUWmkdSOYkJL^QOfQikdbkmdM^JY`LQbQSYmk$aoWdskWdo^OJimYM^Q8<dSQQMiQUo^JmYdbbdFDLQYbmQifiQmQO$ lWdskWdo^OmWQMdbMQfm MYqY^JbOMd``QiMYJ^`JmmQik LQYbmQifiQmmQOsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdYbJbOQbSdiMQ`QbmdS[oOU`Qbmk$YbmWQMJkQmWJmkd`QdbQQbmQikYbmdJMdbmiJMmsWQiQYbfJv`QbmSdimWQfoiMWJkQdS^JbOYkOQSQiiQOobYm^mWQkoff^vdSmWQ^JbOsYmWYbmQiQkmmWQbJOOQOobYm^kJYOkoff^vYkmWQYbmQiQkmmdMdobmJkfJimdSmWQfiYMQdSmWQ^JbOdiYkmWQOQSQii`QbmmYkJbJmYdbJ^fidqYkYdbkoMWJkmWJmMdbmJYbQOYbJimYM^Q<:8LdSmWQJJsMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimYM^Q>8dSOYiQMmYqQDHDQQMYSYmYkJff^YQOmdLdmW`QbJbOsd`QbYbfiJMmYMQLomiQSQikdbmWQSJMQdSYmdb^vmdsd`Qb$f"YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimY^M^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$emYkiQkmiYMmYbUmWQkQ^^dSMdbmJMm^QbkQkmdMQimSYQOdfmYMYJbkJbYbSiYbU`QbmdSmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOk$`jYkmWQmJuQuQ`fmYdbfidqYOQOSdiYbJimYM^Q8@8dSmWQkYumWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQmdLQiQSokQOYSmWQUddOkYbhoQkmYdbJiQmdLQkoff^YQOmdJMdobmivSdisWYMWbdJomWdiYxJmYdbsdo^OLQJqJY^JL^QYbJbv`Q`LQikmJmQOoQmdmiOQQ`LJiUd h`okmJ`Q`LQikmJmQkQmmWQkJ`QoffQi^Y`YmSdiLdmW`QbJbOsd`QbsWQbQkmJL^YkWYbUYbqJ^YOYmvLQbQSYmk$$kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$`mdsWJmQumQbmYkkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbYkfQbkYdbLQbQSYmkJ^^dsJL^Q$J^^dsJL^Q$uoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbYkfQbkYdbLQbQSYmkJ^^dsJL^Q$LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . 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g[coder].[na[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name (te[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name (text)]4 g[coder].[name (text)]4 g OT4agreemeOT4agreement### T4 [agreement].[agreement (text)]= gT4 [agreement].[agreement (text)]= gOT4 OT4agreement### T4 [agreement].[agreement (text)]= gT4"[agreement].[agreement (number)]? gOT4 T4 GOT4clarity T4[clarity].[clarity (text)]9 gT4[clarity].[clarity (number)]; gOT4 T4 GPMKIFDB@:The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debt payments.3The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.135/83Does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?9^^RRFFpNot Applicable - Court Order3The applicant did not follow the proper procedure as outlined in Article 92 of the Staff Regulations. Therefore, the claim is inadmissible.259/84Annulment of the Selection Board decision not to establish a new test date for the applicant in regards to an open competition for a position. Applicant claims that the Parliament did not give him enough notice for impending test.22220FBAlthough the grant does qualify as state aid according to Art. 92, the action must be submited under Article 93 and not Article 169. Therefore, the action is inadmissible.2The action submitted by way of Article 169 is inadmissible because the Commission failed to satisfy the procedures outlined in Article 93.290/83Did France violate Article 5 by providing state aid to farmers in the form of grants orginating from a semi-public fund?ZZNNF=Denmark did not fulfill its obligations to the EEC because it failed to properly implement the Council directive mandating the principle of equal pay for men and women.3Denmark did not implement the Council directive within the time prescibed. As a result, Denmark failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC.143/83Did Denmark fail to fulfill its obligations to the EEC by failing to implement a Council directive, mandating the end of gender discrimination in regards to pay, within the prescribed time period? ZZNNF2tBINC and similarly structured groups are associations of undertakings as defined in Art. 85. Thus, the price-fixing agreement is a restriction on competition prohibited under Art. 85.3Inter-trade price fixing agreements, similar to the applicants, violates Art. 85 in those cases where the product is used as a component for other products produced in other member states.123/83Is it a restriction on competition by an association of undertakings, as prohibited in Article 85, when a inter-trade organization, such as BINC, implements a price-fixing agreement?PF0The fine was not unfairly administered because the Commission can take into account the size of the parties and their imposed relative disadvantage when deciding on the amount.3The penalty must be imposed equally for equal offenses. Thus, the Court voids the fine imposed on the applicant by the Commission.35/83In a previous ruling, did the Commission unfairly administer a fine to only the applicant despite the fact that both parties violated the same agreement?UUKKFBased on the specific circumstances of the case and prior case-law, the employee was not discriminated against by having their seniority determined by the rules regarding promotion.3The two existing systems of evaluation (promotion v. competition) are not discriminatory because each system applies to objectively different groups of canidates.273/83Does the Community discriminate against existing employees when their seniority is determined by the rules regarding promotion following their appointment based on an open recruitment process?={{ooF P ~qdWJ=0# zm`SFIt is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not fail.375/90Did Greece fail in its obligation to guarantee the right to free movementIt is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore It is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not fail.375/90Did Greece fail in its obligationIt is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, tIt is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not fail.375/90Did Greece fail in its obligation to guarantee the right to free movement of goods in its decision to implement laws concerning the amount of micro-organisms in fooIt is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not fail.375/90Did Greece fail in its obligation to guarantee the right to free movement of goods in its decision to It is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not It is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.3The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not fail.375/90Did Greece fail in its obligation to guarantee the right to free movement of goods in its decision to implement laws concerning the amount of micro-organisms in food?`FP@  JUidofdS`JiUJiYbQfidOoMQikJk\mWQMdoimmdkokfQbOJMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmdOYkmiYLomQSiQQLommQimdsQkmLQi^YbJkfJimdSmWQYiMJ`fJYUbmdYbMiQJkQLommQiMdbko`fmYdbobmY^mWQMdoimio^QkdbmWQMJkQmWQUidofkJvkmWQvsY^^LQYiiQfJiJL^vWJiJMMdiOYbUmdJim:dSMdobMY^iQUHD>D8OdQkJ`Q`LQikmJmQJMmYbmWQkJ`QMJfJMYmvsWQbYmfJvk`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSdiY`fdimJmYdbJksWQbYmiQMQYqQkMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiQufdimJmYdb$JMMdiOYbUmdJim<dSiQUQQM8::>F6OdQkmWQmiJbkJMmYdbqJ^oQYbM^oOQLdmWmWQfiYMQdSUddOkJbOmWQMdkmdSYbmiJMd``obYmvmiJbkfdimYSmWQvJiQfiQkQbmQOkQfJiJmQ^vSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQiYqYbUJMokmd`kqJ^oQ$JMMdiOYbUmdJim@HdSMdobMY^OYi@D>D:sYmWYbsWJmfQiYdO`okmJfQikdbbdmYSvJMWJbUQdSJOOiQkkJbOMJbSJY^oiQmdbdmYSvsYmWYbmWJmmY`QfQiYdOiQko^mYbJmQ`fdiJivsYmWOiJsJ^dSLQbQSYmk$JMMdiOYbUmdJimYM^Q8FdSiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmmWQLommQikd^OmddmWQiLovQikYkokQOSdiYmkYbmQbOQOfoifdkQkQqQbYSmWJmkJ`QLommQiYkkd^OJMMdiOYbUmdJimk8F8HdSiQU:<:D@OdQkJMJkQYbsWYMWJbobJomWdiYxQOMokmd`kdSSYMYJ^UiJbmkJmY`Q^Y`YmQumQbkYdbSdimWQSYbJ^fidMQkkYbUiQ^QJkQmWQdiYUYbJ^LovQiSid`^YJLY^YmvLQMJokQdSMYiMo`kmJbMQkLQvdbOmWQYiMdbmid^$JMMdiOYbUmdMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDB:88OdQkJfJM\QidSfiQfJM\JUQOfidOoMmkbQQOmddLmJYbfiYdiJomWdiYxJmYdbSid`bJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdf^JMQmWQQQM Q kYUbdbmWdkQfidOoMmk$ZJMMdiOYbUmdMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDHMJbJY`fdimQiJff^vSdiJiQSobOdbmWQJ`dobmdS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmk^QqYQOdbY`fdimkmWJmsQiQYkkoQOLQSdiQB<D<$MMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmsWQbkd^OmddmWQiLovQikmWQLommQiYkokQOSdimWdkQfoifdkQkQqQbYSYmYkkd^OJUJYbMMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@YkmWQJMmoJ^OJmQYbsWYMWmWQUddOkJiQmJ\QbJkYbOYMJmQOdbmWQm@Sdi`SY^^QOdomLvMokmd`kdSSYMYJ^kmWJmOJmQmWJmmWQLommQiYkdSSYMYJ^^vmJ\QbdqQiLvmWQbQsdsbQi$SmQimWQMdoimOQM^JiQkJiQUo^JmYdbYbqJ^YOLvsJvdSJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUsWdWJk[oiYkOYMmYdbmdUYqQ[oOU`QbmdbmWQkoLkmJbMQdSmWQMJkQYbiQUJiOkmdiQY`LoikQ`QbmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimkdimWQMdoim$^mWdoUWmQMWbYMJ^^vJ`Q`LQidSJMd``YkkYdbkoLkYOYJivmWQJkkdMYJmYdbmWQJff^YMJbmkJk\kmWQMdoimmdJbbo^mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbJkkYUbYbUWYkUiJOQLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbqYd^JmQOmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmdSkmJSS^mWdoUWmQMWbYMJ^^v`Q`LQikdSJMd``YkkYdbkoLkYOYJivmWQJkkdMYJmYdbmWQJff^YMJbmkYbMJkQBBF<Jk\mWQMdoimmdJbbo^mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbJkkYUbYbUmWQYiUiJOQLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbqYd^JmQOmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmdSkmJSSabJff^YMJmYdbJk\YbUmWQMdoimmdkokfQbOJ[dLMd`fQmYmYdbobmY^Ymio^QkdbmWQkoLkmJbmYqQ`JmmQikdSmWQJff^YMJbmkM^JY`kMdbmYboJbMQdSmWQ[dLMd`fQmYmYdbsYmWdomJMdoimio^YbU`JvMJokQYiiQfJiJL^QOJ`JUQmdmWQJff^YMJbmkbbbo^`QbmdSmWQkQ^QMmYdbLdJiOOQMYkYdbbdmmdQkmJL^YkWJbQsmQkmOJmQSdimWQJff^YMJbmYbiQUJiOkmdJbdfQbMd`fQmYmYdbSdiJfdkYmYdbJff^YMJbmM^JY`kmWJmmWQfJi^YJ`QbmOYObdmUYqQWY`QbdoUWbdmYMQSdiY`fQbOYbUmQkmmYMQSdiY`fQbOYbUmQkmv1@ 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The Commission was justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy because both were illegal aid given by a member state.2The Commission decision that refuses to pay for aid in regards to distillation of table wine is void as it was not illegal aid.56/83Was the Commission justified in not paying the aid for the distillation of table wine to Italian producers?XXNNF]  @ @          *;;;;;;;ϨΨ  2 eeeeeeeeeeeȐ +$ B&m_b@&m_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cCmblastnameVh4MR2O.l_b@yl_b@~sq_cCopy O.l_b@yl_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case O.l_b@yl_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cO.l_b@yl_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cType ofPlaintiffVh @Q4MR2KeepLocal T `sk_b@k_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo63Vh @N4MR2KeepLocal T `i_b@5k_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cList44Vh@4MR2KeepLocal T `ZYS@ZYS@~sq_fIssues and positionsVhP4MR2KeepLocal T`TTTTTTR `ZYS@ZYS@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agreeVh$ 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P N  Only such discrimintation as is related to a difference in pensionable age is allowable.3Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively relaOnly such dOnly such discrimintation as is relatedOnly such discrimintation as is related to a difference in pensionable age is allowable.3Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively related to a diference in pensionable age is allowable.To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?328/91To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?r00$nnnnlThe Commission was wrong to assume that the aid did not need to be reported and therefore the Commission had an obligation to assure that the aid was legal.3The decision not to take action as provided for by AOnly such discrimintation as is related to a difference in pensionable age is allowable.3Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively related to a diference in pensionable age is allowable.To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?328/91To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?r00$nnnnlThe Commission was wrong to assume that the aid did not needOnly such discrimintation as is related to a difference in pensionable age is allowable.3Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively related to a diference in pensionable age is allowable.To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?328/91To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?r00$nnnnlGermany has failed to fulfil its obligations to enact wildlife preservation law.3Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations to enact wildlife preservation law.Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations under communtiy law to enact wildlife preservation law?345/92Only such discrimintation as is related to a difference in pensionable age is allowable.3Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively related to a diference in pensionable age is allowable.To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?328/91To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?r00$nnnnlGermany has failed to fulfil its obligations to enact wildlife preservation law.3Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations to enact wildlife preservation law.Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations under communtiy law to enact wildlife preservation law?345/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations under communtiy law to enact wildlife preservation law?**ffffdXlThere is a case of force majeure according to community regulation when the time limit is breached due to the administration of another member state or when the trader has persisently requested that the procedure be taken.3There is a case of force majeure when the failure to meet the time limits is due to the failure of the competent national authorities to process the opeXlThere is a case of force majeure according to community regulation when the time limit is breached due to the administration of another member state or when the trader has persisently requested that the procedure be taken.3There is a case of force majeure when the failure to meet the time limits is due to the failure of the competent national authorities to process the operation within the time limit.What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulatio50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?L@F@pfdkYmYdbkdLkQiqJmYdbk    &&&& & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &  &  &!  &" & &# &% && &' &( &) &* &+ &, &- &$ &. &0 &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &/ &8 &: &; &< ox,@ox,@FrmdialogVhT@9@@@44444442 @eiA@eiA@Treaty article at issueVhD@\\\PPPPPPPN @ D?T'@D?T'@Issue areaVh(@eBBB66666664 @[ r@'7@Issue areaVhy@BBB66666664 @V+y@}c"7@ReferralVh@>>>22222220 @P @+7@Issues and positionsVh@VVVJJJJJJJH @Lſ@%-7@Treaty article at issueVh5@\\\PPPPPPPN @I2@!7@chamber compositionVhl@TTTHHHHHHHF @ 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PjThe court should take into account all of the circumstances in the case that are applicable to the defendants right to defend themselves.2The court should take into account all of the circumstances in the case that are applicable to the defendants right to defend themselves.49/84If Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?2288..F] 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Annulment41/83//%% 2Competition41/83!! 2Common Commercial Policy264/8200$$ 2Annulment of Measures264/82--!! 2Free Movement of Goods269/83.."" 2Member State Failure to Fulfill its Obligations93/84EE;; 2Aid Granted by Member States296/8244(( 2Measures Adopted by the Institutions296/82<<00 2Social Security for Migrant Workers145/84;;// 2Customs Tariff32/84$$ 2Customs Tariff30/84$$ 2Customs Tariff6/84"" 2Application for the adoption of interim measures25/85 RJJ<< 2BPreliminary Rulings112/83++ 2MAgriculture56/83!! 2LAgriculture55/83!! 2Procedure160/84!! 2Tax Provisions268/83&& 2Officials131/81!! 2Tax Provisions5/84"" 2Social Policy293/83%% 2Community Law293/83%% 2EEC Treaty293/83"" 2Free Movement of persons267/8300$$ 2Nq1 2 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implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits oJIf Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.3If Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measureJIf Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.3If Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employJIf Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.3If Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?FGWhere benefits are calculated in accordance with Council Reg No 1408/71, Article 51 of the regulation must be interpreted as precluding a recalculation of those benefits in the event of the award of a family unit allowance.3Where benefits are calculated in accordance with Council Reg No 1408/71, Article 51 of the regulation must be interpreted as precluding GWhere benefits are calculated in accordance with Council Reg No 1408/71, Article 51 of the regulation must be interpreted as precluding a recalculation of those benefits in the event of the award of a family unit allowance.3Where benefits are calculated in accordance with Council Reg No 1408/71, Article 51 of the regulation must be interpreted as precluding a recalculation of those benefits in the event of the award of a family unit allowance.301/93In making the calculation required by Regulation No 1408/71, may Belgium include in the amount of the Italian invalidity pension the part of the family unit allowance granted in Italy for a dependent spouse?F P NIn requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.3In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.246/91Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that cosmetics companies keep a product file that is not within EEC guidelines?Fbbbb`F ΰThe Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its dIn requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.3In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.246/91Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that cosmetics companies keep a product file that is not within EEC guidelines?Fbbbb`F ΰThe Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its duties in so far as certain substances were not included on the national legislation which the council directive had specifically targeted.3In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.3In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.246/91Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that cosmetics companies keep a product file that is not within EEC guidelines?FIn requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.3In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.246/91Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that cosmetics companies keep a product file that is not within EEC guidelines?Fbbbb`FSo long as the trader as acted in good faith, a trader should not be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassification.3Duties are not recoverable since the trader acted in good faith and obeyed th provisions to the best of his knowledge.292/91Should a trader be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassificatiSo long as the trader as acted in good faith, a trader should not be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassification.3Duties are not recoverable since the trader acted in good faith and obeyed th provisions to the best of his knowledge.292/91Should a trader be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassification?))FIf a deterioration in goods which reduces the customs value takes place there should be no differentiation as to whether it occurred before or after the risk passed to the customer.2If a deterioration in goods takes place which reduces the customs value of the goods no differentiation is to be made whether the deterioration occurred before or after the risk passed to customers.59/92How is Article 4 of If a deterioration in goods which reduces the customs value takes place there should be no differentiation as to whether it occurred before or after the risk passed to the customer.2If a deterioration in goods takes place which reduces the customs value of the goods no differentiation is toIf a deterioration in goods which reduces the customs value takes place there should be no differentiation as to whether it occurred before or after the risk passed to the customer.2If a deterioration in goods takes place which reduces the customs value of the goods no differentiation is to be made whether the deterioration occurred before or after the risk passed to customers.59/92How is Article 4 of Commission Regulation No 1495/80 to be interpreted as regards the deterioration of goods? F PPPArticle 119 does not impose any such obligation.3Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?FFFFDFOIt is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods servPArticle 119 does not impose any such obligation.3Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?FFFFDFOIt is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods served before and after the barber jPArticle 119 does not impose any such obligation.3Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?FFFFDFOIt is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods served before and after the barber judgment, however, benefits claimed in the time between Barber and the leveling of benefits must be paid as though to the aPArticle 119 does not impose any such obligation.3Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s deciPArticle 119 does not impose any such obligation.3Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?FFFFDFOIt is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods served before and after the barber judgment, however, benefits claimed in the time between Barber and the leveling of benefits must be paid as though to the advantaged sex.3It is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods served before and after tPArticle 119 does not impose any such obligation.3Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?FFFFDFB /Ͱ'ʊŝfbh@165/84CommissionDo the overiding legal principles proscribing arbitrariness and requiring equal treatment necessitate an application by analogy of Article 3(6) of Commission Regulation 2655/82?No.* #xgG132/92Commission of the European CommunitiesIs there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a reduced state pension or no pension and recieves a widows pension?There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.rF #|F132/92Commission of the European CommunitiesIs it a breach of Article 119 where an employer calculates pensions in such a way that between the ages of 60 and 65 a female recieves less than a male due to the fact that the female recieves state pension ate age 60 while a male gets it at 65?It is not a breach of Article 119 for an employer to calculate pensions in such a way.=F #|E127/92Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?An objective need to attract workers only justifies a difference in pay to the extent that the difference in pay is basd upon that need.!F #|D127/92German GovernmentDoes the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?An objective need to attract workers justifies a difference in pay only to the extent that the difference is based upon that need.1 #|C127/92United KingdomDoes the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?If a national court determines that a difference in pay was at least in part due to an objective need to attract candidates, then the whole difference in pay is justifed because it would be impossible to determine what the pay would have been otherwise.~. #|B127/92Commission of the European CommunitiesCan a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?It is not sufficient justification for the pay for the two jobs to have been determined by independent collective bargaining processes.F #|A127/92German GovernmentCan a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?If the collective agreements are based solely on objective criteria, then those agreements might be signifant in comparing jobs and pay.q1 #|@127/92United KingdomCan a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?Independent and non-discriminatory collective bargaining processes can in principle be used as justification for pay differences.g. #|?127/92Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes the principle of equal pay in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome require an employer to justify objectively the difference in pay between job A and job B?The principle of equal pay does require an employer to justify a difference in pay objectively.GF #|>127/92German GovernmentDoes the principle of equal pay in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome require an employer to justify objectively the difference in pay between job A and job B?There is no need to provide objective justifaication for the difference in pay where the two jobs in question are in no way comparable.Z1 #| h[E(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'Fr(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'Freedom of Mo(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'Fr(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'Freedom of Movement(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2'Freedom of Movement for Pers(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 2(EEC Treaty297/92"" 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fiYMQSYuYbUSoQ^fiYMQkQkmJL^YkWQOLv`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbMdbkmYmomQJkJfidWYLYmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimkmWQiQLvYbqYd^JmYdbdSJimYM^Q@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$bfiYMQSYuYbU^QUYk^JmYdbfidWYLYmYbUiQmJY^QikSid`kQ^^YbUmWQYifidOoMmkJmfiYMQkQuMQQOYbUsWd^QfiYMQJbOJ`JuY`o`UidkkfidSYm`JiUYbsWQiQYbkoff^vY`fdimMdkmkJiQYbM^oOQOYbmWQfidSYm`JiUYbMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQiQUo^JmYdbQQM<::@F:iQUJiOYbULQQSY`fdimJmYdbhodmJkfidWYLYmmWQiQQufdimJmYdbdSY`fdimQOLQQSSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$KmWQLQ^UYJb^JssWYMWdb^vJ^^dskmWQdfmYdbdSJUQi`Jb^JbUoJUQmiYJ^SdimWdkQdSLQ^UYJbbJmYdbJ^YmvMd`f^vsYmWJim::6dSmWQmiQJmvsWYMWQbkoiQkmWQkJ`QfidmQMmYdbdSiYUWmkdSJMMokkQOfQikdbkiQUJiO^QkkdSbJmYdbJ^Ymv$mWQMd``YkkYdbOYkMiY`YbJmQsWQbYbOQmQi`YbYbUhodmJJO[okm`QbmkYmJMMdobmkSdimWQmvfQdSJYOJMd`fJbviQMYQqQkSid`J`Q`LQikmJmQ$I mWQMd``obYmvOYkMiY`YbJmQJUJYbkmQuYkmYbUQ`f^dvQQksWQbmWQYikQbYdiYmvYkOQmQi`YbQOLvmWQio^QkiQUJiOYbUfid`dmYdbSd^^dsYbUmWQYiJffdYbm`QbmLJkQOdbJbdfQbiQMioYm`QbmfidMQkk$mWQMd`fdobOSQQOkmoSSkOYiQMmYqQJomWdiYxQ`Q`LQikmJmQkmdJOdfmiQkmiYMmYdbkmWJmJiQbdmfidqYOQOSdiYbmWQJOOYmYqQkJbOobOQkYiJL^QkoLkmJbMQkOYiQMmYqQk$mWQOYiQMmYqQJff^vbdmdb^vmdmWdkQkYmoJmYdbksWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQiMdbmQ`f^JmQO^JiUQkMJ^QOYk`YkkJ^kLomJ^kdmWdkQkYmoJmYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQikWdo^OWJqQMdbmQ`f^JmQO^JiUQkMJ^QOYk`YkkJ^k$ssmWQQQMfd^YMviQUJiOYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmYdbJ`dobmkSdifYU`QJmOYkMiY`YbJmQJUJYbkmSiQbMWfidOoMQikmWQiQLvqYd^JmYbUJimYM^QDdSmWQQQMmiQJmv$mWQQumQbkYqQiQfJYidSLdd\ksWYMWYbM^oOQkiQf^JMQ`QbmdSMQimJYbfJimkJbOiQOYkmiYLomYdbMdbkmYmomQJkmWQ`J\YbUdS`dqJL^QfidfQimvSdimWQfoifdkQkdSJimYM^Q@dSmWQ:bOOYiQMmYqQ$YSbdmsWJmYkmWQ`YbY`o`iQhoYiQ`QbmSdikoMWsdi\mdmWQSiQbMWfd^YMvdbsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^iQfiQkQbmJLJiiYQimdmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkJkfidmQMmQOobOQiJimYM^Q<>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$VmWQSiQbMWmJukfQMYSYMJ^^vmJiUQmYbU^JiUQQbUYbQJomd`dLY^QkqYd^JmQJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWQbkoMW^JiUQQbUYbQJomd`dLY^QkJiQdb^v`JboSJMmoiQOYbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$JimH@fidWYLYmk`Q`LQikkmJmQkJO`YbYkmQiYbUWYUWQimJuQkdbY`fdimWQ`QmWdOdSMJ^Mo^JmYbUmWQMdiQkfdbkYLY^Ymv^QqvOYkMiY`YbJmQJUJYbkmfidOoMQikSid`MQimJYbiQUYdbMd`fJiQOmddmWQifidOoMQikmWokqYd^JmYbUJim>6dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$mWQ`YbY`o``QJbkdSkoLkYkmQbMQfidqYOQOobOQiLQ^UYJb^JsMdbkmYmomQJkdMYJ^JOqJbmJUQJkOQSYbQOYbiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFiQUJiOYbUmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSsdi\Qik$mWQbQmWQi^JbOkfidqYkYdbQkmJL^YkWYbUJhodmJSdiWQiiYbUMJoUWmYbmWQbdimWkQJqYd^JmQMd``obYmv^JsLQMJokQmWQvfiQqQbmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSmWQSYkWYbJMQimJYbfidMQkkQOSdi`$mWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvfiQM^oOQJbMmYdbLQYbULidoUWmJUJYbkmmWQkoMMQkkSo^mQbOQiQiSdiSJY^oiQmdSo^SY^WYkdL^YUJmYdbkdbMQmWQkQMoiYmvWJkLQQbiQ^QJkQO$18P1@ 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Furthermore, the measures violate Art. 52 because it hinders the applicants right to pursue employment/activities.3Article 52 does not allow for the allocation of public property to make the applications conditional on the applicants nationality.197/84Does Art. 52, which guarantees the freedom of establishment of workers, apply to the measures adopted by the City of Biarritz which makes applications for the renting of certain city property conditional on nationality?gg~~F]K Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables P@W?The French republic has @W?@@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJHF=Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.3Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.245/91Does national legislation that prohibits an insurance company from offering advantages to patrons other than intermediaries violate community law?0RRRRPF<@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJHF=Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.3Such national legislation is not preclude@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJHF=Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.3Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.245/91Does national legislation that prohibits an insurance company from offering advantages to patrons other than intermediaries violate commun@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJH@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJHF9That principle does not have direct effect.3That prinicple does not have direct effect.60/92Does the principle that an undertaking is not obliged to answer questions if the anwser thereto entails admission that the rules of competition law have been broken have direct effect?2xxnnAAAA?F p]8@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJHF9That principle does not have direct effect.3That prinicpl@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJH@W?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.3The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?8JJJJHFK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables)9Vlo197/84CommissionDoes Art. 52, which guarantees the freedom of establishment of workers, apply to the measures adopted by the City of Biarritz which makes applications for the renting of certain city property conditional on nationality?Article 52 does not allow for the allocation of public property to make the applications conditional on the applicants nationality. ."""""" #|o 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calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?The method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.."""""" #|Nas}}}}} scruggsx@  omParentI}}}}}liu     }}}}}}}}johnsoncomj@ comMSysObjects###  }}}}}}}}} rauf K Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables8 R @@@ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ @ @ @86>F>86>F>86>F>86@F>86@F>86HF>88F:G88F:O88F>88F>886F>D886F>D886F>D886F>D886F>D886F>D886F>D886F>D888F>88:F<}88:F<}88:F>88:F>88:F>88BF>88DF>88DF>88HF>88HF>88HF>88HF>88HF>88HF>8::F>8::F>8:<F<O 8:<F<k8:>F<D 8:>F<D8:>F<D8:>F<F8:>F<F8:>F<F8:>F<8:>F<8:>F<8:>F<8:>F<8:>F<8:>F>8:@F<G8:@F< 8:@F<8:@F>8:@F>8<F<l8<F<l8<F<l8<@F<k8<@F<k8<@F<k8<@F<k8<@F<k8<@F<k888888>FF>8>FF>8>FF>8>HF>8>HF> 8@>F<8@>F<8@>F>8@>F@iz8@@F>8@DF>%8@DF>%8@DF>8@DF>8B<F>8B<F>8B<F>8B@F> 8BBF>-8BBF>-8BDF>8BFF>f8BFF>f8BFF>8BFF>8BFF>8BFF>8D:F>8D:F>8D:F>8D:F>8D:F>8D:F>88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H88D:H8H8f<H: <>H:c 6@H:>6@H:>:H:c>:H:c>:H:c>>H8>>H8>>H8>>H8>>H8 >>H8 @6H:@HH: B6H:gB6H:gB6H:gB@H: BBH:BBH:BBH:BHH8BHH8 BHH8 BHH8BHH8BHH8D:H:fD:H:fD:H:fD<H8D<H8D<H8D<H8D<H8D<H8D<H8D<H8DBH8FH: F8H8 F8H8 F8H8 F8H:F8H:F<H:#F<H:#F<H:;F<H:;F<H:;F<H:; 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PThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate its obligationThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate its obligations by failing to award a tender to SGEEM?<<00jjjjhFpEEC law prThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate itsThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate its obligations by failing to award a tender to SGEEM?<<00jjjThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate its obligations by failing to award a tender to SGEEM?<<00jjjjhFpEEC law prevents the established postal monopoly from applying the monopoly to rapid delivery service.3EEC law prohibits the restriction of services which do not fall under the basic postal service by national authorities.320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate its obligations by failing to award a tender to SGEEM?<<00jThe bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.370/89Did the EIB violate its obligations by failing to award a tender to SGEEM?<<00jjjjhFheIn a circumstance such as this the person in consideration is entitled to the special reference quantity provided for in Article 3a(2).3In a circumstance such as this the transferor and the transferee should have the special reference quantity divided between them proportionally to the amount of land transferred.81/91How should Article 3a(2) of Regulation No. 857/84 be interpreted with regard to a milk producer who transfers part of his holding to another person but retained entitlement to the whole of the non-marketing or conversion premium?B[[QQFTPнϜMJTHECAp@The Commission misintepreted Article 130 and, as a result, incorrectly granted France authorization to implement trade restrictions on Greek combed yarn.3The Commission did not misinterpret Article 130, but failed to adequately contact those vendors affected by their decision. As a result, the Commission decision is void for those contracts entered prior to notification.11/82Was the Commissions decision authorizing France to implement protective trade restrictions on Greek combed yarn a violation of Article 130 of the Act of Accession?<FThe Commission needs to evaluate Miss Samara using the same criteria used to evaluate the outside applicants.3The Commission needs to evaluate Miss Samara using the same criteria used to evaluate the outside applicants.266/83Did the Commission violate the Staff Regulations by rejecting Miss Samaras claim that she was denied a higher promotion as compared to two lesser qualified outside applicants?FThe customs office applied the same rate of tax to both imports and domestics during this time period. Therefore, the claim is unfounded because no discrimination took place. The method of tax calculation was in-line with the Law on the Monopoly in Spir3The taxation is not in violation of Articles 95 and 37 of the EEC treaty if the level of taxation for imports did not exceed the level of taxation for domestics.253/83Does a uniform rate of tax on spirits, regardless of fluctuations in market price, constitute unlawful discrimination against imports on the part of a member states customs office?zFThe claim is inadmissable as the treaty clearly treats types of aid differently. Additionally, the claim is unfounded because there is no evidence that the Commission victimized the applicant.2The claim is inadmissible because the Commission s action falls within the legal precepts established in Decision No 2320/81 and 2177/83. Furthermore, the Commission did not infringe upon Article 18 or Decision No 2177/83.250/83Does the Commission discriminate when, in determining quota adjustments, it accounts for the type of aid a company recieves from a member state?VFShort-term holiday leases are under the purview of Article 16. Thus, the jurisdiction for this matter lies in the state where the property is situated despite the aggreement between the sides that this matter was under the jurisdiction of their resident 3Article 16 is applicable to short-term holiday leases. However, indirect damages, such as the loss of holiday enjoyment, are not within the jurisdiction of the article.241/83In regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?F}The plaintaff failed to follow the proper procedures to warrant legal action, rendering the claim inadmissable. Furthermore, no evidence exists showing that the Parliament engaged in wrongful conduct.3The legal claim is inadmissible. Only in cases of appeals of selection board decisions are claims absent a prior complaint admissible.168/83Did the Parliament engage in wrongful conduct in regards to staff regulations and, therefore, liable for damages suffered as a result?tthhFp1oo1qF P@ @  @ @@@ @ @     qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~FriSuch a person does not have  qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~FWhile such restrictions may constiute an infringement of the right to free  qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~FWhile such restrictions may constiute an infringement of the right to free movement of goods, it can be justified under Article 36 of the EEC Tre qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~F The decision to withdram the larger sum of the promi qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~F The decision to withdram the larger sum of the promised funds shoul qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~F The decision to withdram the larger sum of the promised funds should be annulled.3Th qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its border qPortugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?|~F Pд J b  toThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigFtoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigFBelgium has failed to fulfil its duties.3By sutoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigFtoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigFBelgium has faitoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigFBelgium has failed to fulfil its duttoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iitoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigFThe kingdom of ttoThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?iiiigF P N dDenmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.3Denmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers b dDenmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.3Denmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.243/89 Has Denma dDenmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.3Denmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent  dDenmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.3Denmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.243/89 Has Denmark failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC Law by offering tenders on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the rgeatest extent possible?TTHHFAn official may not choose to declare himself a resident of any nation other then the country of his origin.3An official does not have a choice as to the establishment of his domicile for tax purposes.88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in whAn official may not choose to declare himself a resident of any nation other then the country of his origin.3An official does not have a choice as to the establishment of his domicile for tax purposes.88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his counAn official may not choose to declare himself a resident of any nation other then the country of his origin.3An official does not have a choice as to the establishment of his domicile for tax purposes.88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his country of origin?oFAn offcial living in residence of the state wherein the institution of his employment is located is subject to the ProtocolAn official may not choose to declare himself a resident of any nation other then the country of his origin.3An official does not have a choice as to the establishment of his domicile for tax purposes.88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his country of origin?oFAn offcial living in residence of the state wherein the institution of his employment is located is subject to the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities regardless of other intentions.3An offcial living in residence of the state wherein the institution of his empAn official may not choose to declare himself a resident of any nation other then the country of his origin.3An official does not have a choice as to the establishment of his domicile for tax purposes.88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his country of origin?oF PNGermany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.3Germany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.316/92Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing measures to comply with Coucil Directive 87/540/EEC on the occupation of carrier on waterways?mmmmkFThe Article concerning the suspension of the application of the community scheGermany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.3Germany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.316/92Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing measures to comply with Coucil Directive 87/540/EEC on the occupation of carrier on waterways?mmmmkFThe Article concerning the suspension of the application of the community scheme to Gibraltar does not interest the goverGermany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.3Germany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.316/92Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing measures to comply with Coucil Directive 87/540/EEC on the occupation of carrier on waterways?mmmmkFThe Article concerning the suspension of the application of the community scheme to Gibraltar does not interest the goveGermany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.3Germany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.316/92Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing measures to comply with Coucil Directive 87/540/EEC on the occupation of carrier on waterways?mmmmkFArticle 1 is valid and it applies to ball bearings in the technical sense only and not to bearing bushes.2Article 1 and it does not apply to bearing bushes, but rather ball bearings in the technical sense only.90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?T}FDividends received by the taxable person on the basis of a holding in other undertakings does not constitute turnover attributable to transactions in respect of which VAArticle 1 is valid and it applies to ball bearings in the technical sense only and not to bearing bushes.2Article 1 and it does not apply to bearing bushes, but rather ball bearings in the technical sense only.90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?T}FThe decision ought to be annulled in so far as the Commission calculations were incorrect and the refund should be altered in respecArticle 1 is valid and it applies to ball bearings in the technical sense only and not to bearing bushes.2Article 1 and it does not apply to bearing bushes, but rather ball bearings in the technical sense only.90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?T}FThe decision ought to be annulled in so far as the CommissArticle 1 is valid and it applies to ball bearings in the technical sense only and not to bearing bushes.2Article 1 and it does not apply to bearing bushes, but rather ball bearings in the technical sense only.90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?T}F P NThose cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.3Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?aaaa_FThe United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed Those cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.3Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?aaaa_FThe United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.56/90Has the UnitedThose cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.3Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?aaaa_FThe United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfilThose cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.3Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?aaaa_FThe United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning batThose cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.3Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?aaaa_FThe United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not impleThose cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.3Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?aaaa_FThe United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool,The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.56/90Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing the proper measures to ensure the quality of bathing water in some areas?@@66F P  N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.81/92How should Commission N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charg N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exce N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.81/92How should Commission Regulation No 1626/85 be interpreted with regard to the countervailing charges on importing and expo N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charge cannot be lev N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.81/92How should Commission Regula N A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.81/92How should Commission Regulation No 1626/85 be interpreted with regard to the countervailing charges on importing and exporting Morello cherries?oF6Greece has set a maximum time-limit for the re-exportation of vehicles belonging to car-hire firms that have their office in the community and has upheld a definition of normal residence contrary to community rules, thus it has failed to fulfil its duty.3The Hellenic Republic has infringed upon the Articles in question and has therefore failed in its obligations.9/92Has the Hellenic Reuplic infringed upon Directives 83/182 and 83/183 and on Directive 73/148, and in so doing failed to fulfil its obligations und er EEC Law?,F V. @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @ @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @152/93Landgericht Duisberg8" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @r@ @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @r@ @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @r @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @r@ @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @r@ @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @r@ @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?"  @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" `@428/ @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" @394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt?" `@428/92Ostre Landsret2" @ `@428/92Ostre Landsret2" @ `@428/92Ostre Landsret2" @421/92 `@428/92Ostre Landsret2"  `@428/92Ostre Landsret2" @@434/92Bundesverwaltungsgericht<" @o@58/93Tribunal de Travail, Brussels?  @71/93Arbeidshof, Ghent3  P{tmMember states are entitled to but not oblMeMember states are entMember states are entMember states are entitled to but not obliged to provide for the allocation to a new owner and milk producer a reference quantity that takes into account deliveries made by the previous owner in the reference year.3Member states are entitled to but not obliged to provide for the allocation to a new owner and milk producer a reference quantity that takes into account deliveries made by the previous owner in the reference year.189/92May a dairy refuse to grant a reference quantity to a young farmer on which a certain quantity of milk had been produced and delivered on the pretext that deliveries were temporarily suspended owing to a change in the producer?FConsideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?*  FCouncil Reg No 857/84 permits the allocation of a special reference quantity to a legal person or group of persons operating a holding , even where the producer itself has not fufilled the undertaking , but its members iConsideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?* Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?*  Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?*  Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?*  FCouncil Reg No 857/84 permits the allocation of a special reference quantity to a legal person or group of persons operating a holding , even where the producer itself has nConsideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?*  FCouncil Reg No 857/84 permits the allocation of a special reference quantity to a legal person or group of persons operating a holding , even where the producer itself has not fufilled the undertaking , but its members include a farmer who has.3Council Reg No 857/84 permits the allocation of a special reference quantity to a legal person or group of persons operating a holding , even where the prConsideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?*  FK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables VHFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>FH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>FH>FH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>FH>FH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>FH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>HFH>HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH>-HFH> chamber size'3'7% ; chamber number'4';) ; AG (last name)'Cosmas'E) ;Type of Defendant'3'A/ ;Defendant0'Hauptzollamt Rosenheim'[ ;Type of Plaintiff'1'A/ ;PlaintiffN@+ ;Date'11/23/1995'9 ;Judgment Title@5) ;coder (last name)'1'A/ ;case number'285/93' P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?FA member state can refuse tThe fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enThe fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?FTo deny an appointment on the grounds mentioned, a member state must be able to show that the practitioner has not, in previous experience, already fulfilled the training requirThe fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground thaThe fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?FTo deny an appointment on the grounds mentioned, a member state must be able to show that the practitioner has not, in previous experiThe fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?F P!YbsWJmMJkQk`JvJbJmYdbJ^Mdoim`J\QJbYbmQiY`diOQisWY^QhoQkmYdbkJiQiQSQiQOmdmWQQM[$ YkkYdbiQUbd:>D8DDkWdo^OiQSQiQbMQLQ`JOQYbmWQMkQdSLdbQO`QJmmdmWQJMmoJ^vYQ^OdimdmWQvYQ^OiJmQkkQmdomYbJimYM^Q><dSmWJmiQU$YbsWJmMJkQk`JvJbJmYdbJ^Mdoim`J\QJbYbmQiY`diOQisWY^QhoQkmYdbkJiQiQSQiQOmdmWQQM[$ Jff^vMd``obYmv^JsQqQbsWQiQmWQfJimYQkWJqQbdmiQ^YQOdbYm$ YbsWJmMJkQk`JvJbJmYdbJ^Mdoim`J\QJbYbmQiY`diOQisWY^QhoQkmYdbkJiQiQSQiQOmdmWQQM[$ YbsWJmMJkQk`YUWmJiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQOd`mdfidqYOQkQiqYMQkYbmWQSdi`dSJfidWYLYmYdbdSMQimJYbmvfQkdSMd^OMJ^^YbULQ[okmYSYQO$JbJmYdbJ^Mdoim`J\QJbYbmQiY`diOQisWY^QhoQkmYdbkJiQiQSQiQOmdmWQQM[$ YbsWJmMJkQk`YUWmJiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQOd`mdfidqYOQkQiqYMQkYbmWQSdi`dSJfidWYLYmYdbdSMQimJYbmvfQkdSMd^OMJ^^YbULQ[okmYSYQO$JkQk`JvJbJmYdbJ^Mdoim`J\QJbYbmQiY`diOQisWY^QhoQkmYdbkJiQiQSQiQOmdmWQQM[$ YbsWJmMJkQk`YUWmJiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQOd`mdfidqYOQkQiqYMQkYbmWQSdi`dSJfidWYLYmYdbdSMQimJYbmvfQkdSMd^OMJ^^YbULQ[okmYSYQO$`mdfidqYOQkQiqYMQkYbmWQSdi`dSJfidWYLYmYdbdSMQimJYbmvfQkdSMd^OMJ^^YbULQ[okmYSYQO$YbsWJmsJv`JvkoMWJfidqYkYdbJkmWJmOQkMiYLQOLQLQfQi`YmmQOobOQiJimYM^Q6dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$YkJ^JsmWJmWd^OkmWJmJkJ^QdSUddOksYmWJqQiv^dsfidSYm`JiUYbYkmdLQmiQJmQOJkJkJ^QJmJ^dkkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimYM^Q<6dSmWQmiQJmv$YkJ`Q`LQikmJmQJ^^dsQOmdiQ^vofdbkmJmYkmYMJ^fJmmQibkdSLQWJqYdimd[okmYSvOYSSQiQbmYJ^miQJm`Qbm$YkJ`Q`LQikmJmQQbmYm^QOmdQuM^oOQmWQkoiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiJMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOSid`mWQQuQ`fmYdbiid`mWQqJm$YkJ`Q`LQikmJmQQbmYm^QOmdiQSokQJ^YMQbkQSdiY`fdimJmYdbdSbJiMdmYMOioUkdbmWQUidobOmWJmY`fdimJmYdbdSkoMWOioUkmWiQJmQbkmWQqYJL^YmvdSmWQkd^Q^YMQbkQO`JboSJMmoiQiJbO[QdfJiOYxQkmWQiQ^YJLY^YmvdSmWQkoff^v$YkJ`YuQOMdbmiJMmSdimWQfQiSdi`JbMQdSsdi\kJbOmWQJkkYUb`QbmdSfidfQimvmdLQiQUJiOQOJkYbM^oOQOYbmWQMdbMQfmdSfoL^YMsdi\kMdbmiJMmkkQmdomYbMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQD8<6@QQMJbO`okmdbQmWQiQSdiQfoL^YkWJbdmYMQdSkoMWJMdbmiJMm$@ MSysObjePMKFIFDA~ The ability to create zones for the purposes of granting permits within a territory authorized in the Directive does not constitute a barrier to free trade. Thus, the Directive does not conflict with the EEC treaty.2The Council Directive does not prescribe that member states enact measures creating barriers to intra-Community trade.240/83Is Council Directive 75/439, regarding the disposal of waste oils, invalid because it conflicts with Articles 5 and 6 of the EEC treaty protecting of the free movement of goods?%rrffFt The Directive does not stipulate that the tranferee is liable for the non-transferred portion in cases where the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.3The Directive does not stipulate that the tranferee is liable for the non-transferred portion in cases where the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.186/83In bankruptcy cases where only a portion of the company is transferred, is the transferee liable for employee obligations of the non-transferred portion?      FNr The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debt payments.3The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.186/83Does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?<^^RRFL The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debt payments.3The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.179/83Does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?<^^RRFe The French policy on waste oil does impede the free movement of goods to other member states and is in violation of Article 34 of the EEC treaty.3The French policy on waste oil does impede the free movement of goods to other member states and is in violation of Article 34 of the EEC treaty.173/83Does the French policy on waste oil disposal represent a barrier to the free movement of goods as protected under Article 34 of the EEC treaty?FF::F9Article 3 of the Directive must be interpreted as the obligations stemming from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee.3Article 3 of the Directive must be interpreted as the obligations stemming from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee.135/83Should the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?8ttF OdQkmWQLQ^UYJb^JssWYMWdb^vJ^^dskmWQdfmYdbdSJUQi`Jb^JbUoJUQmiYJ^SdimWdkQdSLQ^UYJbbJmYdbJ^YmvMd`f^vsYmWJim::6dSmWQmiQJmvsWYMWQbkoiQkmWQkJ`QfidmQMmYdbdSiYUWmkdSJMMokkQOfQikdbkiQUJiO^QkkdSbJmYdbJ^Ymv$OdQkmWQLQ^UYJb^JssWYMWdb^vJ^^dskmWQdfmYdbdSJUQi`Jb^JbUoJUQmiYJ^SdimWdkQdSLQ^UYJbbJmYdbJ^YmvMd`f^vsYmWJim::6dSmWQmiQJmvsWYMWQbkoiQkmWQkJ`QfidmQMmYdbdSiYUWmkdSJMMokkQOfQikdbkiQUJiO^QkkdSbJmYdbJ^Ymv$OdQkmWQMd`fdobOSQQOkmoSSkOYiQMmYqQJomWdiYxQ`Q`LQikmJmQkmdJOdfmiQkmiYMmYdbkmWJmJiQbdmfidqYOQOSdiYbmWQJOOYmYqQkJbOobOQkYiJL^QkoLkmJbMQkOYiQMmYqQk$F OdQkmWQMd`fdobOSQQOkmoSSkOYiQMmYqQJomWdiYxQ`Q`LQikmJmQkmdJOdfmiQkmiYMmYdbkmWJmJiQbdmfidqYOQOSdiYbmWQJOOYmYqQkJbOobOQkYiJL^QkoLkmJbMQkOYiQMmYqQk$FOdQkmWQOYiQMmYqQJff^vbdmdb^vmdmWdkQkYmoJmYdbksWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQiMdbmQ`f^JmQO^JiUQkMJ^QOYk`YkkJ^kLomJ^kdmWdkQkYmoJmYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQikWdo^OWJqQMdbmQ`f^JmQO^JiUQkMJ^QOYk`YkkJ^k$sqOdQkmWQOYiQMmYqQJff^vbdmdb^vmdmWdkQkYmoJmYdbksWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQiMdbmQ`f^JmQO^JiUQkMJ^QOYk`YkkJ^kLomJ^kdmWdkQkYmoJmYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQikWdo^OWJqQMdbmQ`f^JmQO^JiUQkMJ^QOYk`YkkJ^k$sqWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[vMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[vMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[dSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[OdQkmWQQQMmiQJmvMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[YOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[OdQkmWQQQMmiQJmvMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[YOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[OdQkmWQQQMmiQJmvMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[YOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[OdQkmWQQQMmiQJmvMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[J^kdkJ^QkkY`Y^JimQ^QMd``obYMJmYdbkfidOoMmk$OdQkmWQSiQQOd`dSQkmJL^YkW`QbmYbJimYM^Q@:dSmWQQQMmiQJmvUoJiJbmQQmWQiYUWmdSJbvfQikdbmdfQiSdi`OQbmJ^dfQiJmYdbkdbWdikQksYmWdommWQokQdS`QOYMJmYdbdiJbJQkmWQmYM$OdQkmWQSiQQOd`dSQkmJL^YkW`QbmYbJimYM^Q@:dSmWQQQMmiQJmvUoJiJbmQQmWQiYUWmdSJbvfQikdbmdfQiSdi`OQbmJ^dfQiJmYdbkdbWdikQksYmWdommWQokQdS`QOYMJmYdbdiJbJQkmWQmYM$OdQkmWQSiQbMWmJukfQMYSYMJ^^vmJiUQmYbU^JiUQQbUYbQJomd`dLY^QkqYd^JmQJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWQbkoMW^JiUQQbUYbQJomd`dLY^QkJiQdb^v`JboSJMmoiQOYbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$JimH@fidWYLYmk`Q`LQikkmJmQkJO`YbYkmQiYbUWYUWQimJuQkdbY`fdiOdQkmWQYdJskdMYJ^kQMoiYmvkMWQ`QdSmWQbQmWQi^JbOkSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSMdobMY^iQUbd8>6FD8$OdQkmWQYdJskdMYJ^kQMoiYmvkMWQ`QdSmWQbQmWQi^JbOkSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSMdobMY^iQUbd8>6FD8$OdQkmWQYmJ^YJbUdqQib`QbmWJqQmWQiYUWmmdM^JY`JS^JmiJmQJ`dobmdSdSSYbJbMYJ^Md`fQbkJmYdbSdi`Ji\QmsYmWOiJsJ^kMWJiUQOmdmWQYmJ^YJbkmJmQ$ ges purchasers in such a way that the quota    #LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  P ofofSo long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?-ssssqFofSuch a provision is a violation of Article 4 of Directive 79/7/EEC since it deviates from the principle of equal treatment for men and women.3Such a provision is a violation of Article 4 of Directive 79/7/EEC since it deviates from the principle of equofSo long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 controfSo long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?-ssssqFofofSo long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?-ssssqFofofSo long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?-ssssqFofSuch a provision is a violation of Article 4 of Directive 79/7/EEC since it deviates from the principle of ofSo long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?-ssssqFThere was no unlawful discrimination.3Consideration has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Commission Decision 83/396/ECSC.99/92Was there discrimination in the Commission decision at issue which would invalidate that decision?;;;;9FThe appellants were not treated as private producers.3The Commission decision did not authorize aid to the appellants.99/92Did Commission Decision No 83/396 treat the appellant undertakings as private or public producers, in the light of their internal legal rules or theThere was no unlawful discrimination.3Consideration has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Commission Decision 83/396/ECSC.99/92Was there discrimination in the Commission decision at issue which would invalidate that decision?;;;;9FThe appellants were not treateThere was no unlawful discrimination.3Consideration has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Commission Decision 83/396/ECSC.99/92Was there discrimination in the Commission decision at issue which would invalidate that decision?;;;;9FK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables P N  in}The Italian Republic has not failed to comply with that directive, in so far as, the relevant authorities were unaware of the violations in question and were, subsequent to being alerted to them, unable to take steps to remedy those violations.3The application is dismiised as inadmissible.296/92Has the Italian Republic failed to comply with Council Directive 71/305/EEC concerning the coordination of the awarding of public works contracts?EE99    F|Ireland has failed to fulil its oin}The Italian Republic has not failed to comply with that directive, in so far as, the relevant authorities were unaware of the violations in question and were, subsequent to being alerted to them, unable to take steps to remedy those violations.3The application is dismiised as inadmissible.296/92Has the Italian Republic failed to comply with Council Directive 71/305/EEC concerning the coordination of the awin}The Italian Republic has not failed to comply with that directive, in so far as, the relevant authorities were unaware of the violations in question and were, subsequent to being alerted to them, unable to take steps to remedy those violations.3The application is dismiised as inadmissible.296/92Has the Italian Republic failed to comply with Council Directive 71/305/EEC concerning the cin}The Italian Republic has not failed to comply with that directive, in so far as, the relevant authorities were unaware of the violations in question and were, subsequent to being alerted to them, unable to take steps to remedy those violations.3The application is dismiised as inadmissible.296/92Has the Italian Republic failed to comply with Council Directive 71/305/EEC concerning the coordination of the awarding of public works contracts?EE99    F|Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations.384/92Has Ireland failed to fulfil its duties under community law by not implementing certain community provisions on the breeding of livestock? }}qqBBBB@F;|{The court should dismiss the appeal.3The appeal is dismissed.354/92Sho|Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations.384/92Has Ireland failed to fulfil its duties under community law by not implementing certain community provisions on the breeding of livestock? }}qqBBBB@F;|{|Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations.384/92Has Ireland failed to fulfil its duties under community law by not implementing certain community provisions on the breeding of livestock? }}qqBBBB@F;|{The court should dismiss the appeal.3The appeal is dismissed.354/92Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in cases T-59/91 and T-79/91 be set aside?``TT::::8|Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations.384/92Has Ireland failed to fulfil its duties under community law by not implementing certain community pro|Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations.384/92Has Ireland failed to fulfil its duties under community law by not implementing certain community provisions on the breeding of livestock? }}qqBBBB@F POdbJmYdbJ^io^QkiQkmiYMmYbUQufdimkdSOoJ^okQUddOkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJimYM^Q88<dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYSkdOdQkmWQMd``obYmvWJqQQuM^okYqQMd`fQmQbMQYbmWJmiQUJiO$YmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJimYM^Q88<dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYSkdOdQkmWQMd``obYmvWJqQQuM^okYqQMd`fQmQbMQYbmWJmiQUJiO$88<dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYSkdOdQkmWQMd``obYmvWJqQQuM^okYqQMd`fQmQbMQYbmWJmiQUJiO$OdfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$OdfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$MQYbmWJmiQUJiO$OdfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$OQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$dfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$OdfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$kJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$bOQiJkfQMYJ^kMWQ`QSdiMYqY^kQiqJbmk$OdfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$qJbmk$OdfidOoMmkkoMWJkfdsOQiQOkmQiY^Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$WQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$dbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$Q`YumoiQkdSqJiYdokJ`YbdJMYOkSdimWQ`JboSJMmoiQdSYbSokYdbkd^omYdbkSJ^^obOQikoLWQJOYbU<66<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS"`QOYMJ`Qbmk$^Q8FHdSmWQQQMmiQJmvWJqQOoiQMmQSSQMm$QOdQkJbJmYdbJ^MWJiUQ^QqYQOdbfdi\Y`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQhoJ^YSvJkJ 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Commission Reg 1371/81 notwithstanding that the regulation lays down no express requirement that the product mustiiiigFExport refunds applicable on the date of export must be applied.3Export refunds applicable on the date of export must be applied.276/84Where the products presentation is altered between the time of completion of customs export formalities and its departure from the territory of the Community is the refund to be paid at the rate fixed in advance or at the rate applicable at the time of coVVVVTFArticle 9 does not prohibit any alteration in the presentation of the goods and does not entail forfeiture of the refund.3Repackaging entails forfeiture of the refund.276/84Is Article 9(1) of Commission Reg 2730/79 to be interpreted as meaning that an alteration in the products presentation entails forfeiture of the export refund where such alteration brings the product within a different tariff subheading even though the raFK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables Y)N)Y Y DataID2YAOIndexK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesK Kh=T)  M S .  r S 2 z S & z S &  _:uHyP- +UY s, MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesj YkkQ`YfoL^YMfiYMQSYuYbUdSLdd\kQkmJL^YkWQOLvJ`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimk$#YkkQ`YfoL^YMfiYMQSYuYbUdSLdd\kQkmJL^YkWQOLvJ`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimk$#YkkQ`YfoL^YMfiYMQSYuYbUQkmJL^YkWQOLvJ`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimk$#[YkkQ`YfoL^YMfiYMQSYuYbUQkmJL^YkWQOLvJ`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimk$#[ 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_ N _| N N    # l@OdQkmWQiQkYOQbMQiQhoYiQ`QbmYbmWQQoidfQJbYbmQiY`JUiQQ`QbmdS8:88@<dbkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvMdbS^YMmsYmWiQU8>6FD8UoJiJbmQQYbUmWQkJ`QmiQJm`QbmmdbJmYdbJ^kdSdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkJkYmUiJbmkmdYmkdsbbJmYdbJ^k$YSkdsWYMWdbQmJ\QkfiQMQOdQkmWQiQkYOQbMQiQhoYiQ`QbmYbmWQQoidfQJbYbmQiY`JUiQQ`QbmdS8:88@<dbkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvMdbS^YMmsYmWiQU8>6FD8UoJiJbmQQYbUmWQkJ`QmiQJm`QbmmdbJmYdbJ^kdSdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkJkYmUiJbmkmdYmkdsbbJmYdbJ^k$YSkdsWYMWdbQmJ\QkfiQMQOdQkmWQmvfQdSfiYMQSYuYbUOQkMiYLQOYbmWQMJkQqYd^JmQJim<6dSmWQmiQJmv$OOdQkmWQmvfQdSfiYMQSYuYbUOQkMiYLQOYbmWQMJkQqYd^JmQJim<6dSmWQmiQJmv$OOdQkmWQmvfQdSfiYMQSYuYbUOQkMiYLQOYbmWQMJkQqYd^JmQJim<6dSmWQmiQJmv$OOdQkmWQmvfQdSfiYMQSYuYbUOQkMiYLQOYbmWQMJkQqYd^JmQJim<6dSmWQmiQJmv$O $ dSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$E UYqQbmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdmYdbJ^YmvkWdo^Odb^vJfQiMQbmJUQdSmWQkQMoiYmvLQSdiSQYmQOYSmWQfidOoMmksQiQOYkfQbkQOMdiiQMm^v$ dSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$E 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PNlfThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.303/92Did the Kingdom of the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to adopt within the prescribed time-limit the laws and provisions necessaary to comply with community law concernign the breeding of liveslfThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.303/92Did the Kingdom of the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to adopt within the prescribed time-limit the laws and provisions necessaary to comply with community law concernign the breeding of livestock?UUUUSF The concept "rolled on four faces" covers all products which are actually rolled on all four sides, regardless of whether they subsequently have sharp edges.3The concept "rolled on foulfThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.303/92Did the Kingdom of the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to adopt within the prescribed time-limit the laws and provisions necessaary to comply with community law concernign the breeding of livestock?UUUUSF The concept "rolled on four faces" covers all products which are actually rolled on all four sides, regardless of whether they subsequently have sharp edgelfThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.303/92Did the Kingdom of the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to adopt within the prescribed time-limit the laws and provisions necessaary to comply with community law concernign the breeding of livestock?UUUUSF The concept "rolled on four faces" covers all products which are actualfThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.303/92Did the Kingdom of the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to adopt within the prescribed time-limit the laws and provisions necessaary to comply with community law concernign the breeding of livestock?UUUUSF(Mq The principle of proportionality is not in conflict with the Reg. at hand.3The Article and Regulation at hand are not contrary to the principle of proportionality.87/92Given the principle of propotionality, should only a percentage of the security be forfeited if the products were dispensed correctly?L````^FJ` (Mq The principle of proportionality is not in conflict with the Reg. at hand.3The Article and Regulation at hand are not contrary to the principle of proportionality.87/92Given the principle of propotionality, should only a percentage of the security be forfeited if the products were dispensed correctly?L````^FJ` It is for the national authorities to show whether or not any butter meets the requirements, and they may take samples to acco(Mq The principle of proportionality is not in conflict with the Reg. at hand.3The Article and Regulation at hand are not contrary to the principle of proportionality.87/92Given the principle of propotionality, should only a percentage of the security be forfeited if the products were dispensed correctly?L````^F P b&124/92Does force majeure operate to prevent the forfeiture of securites provided pursuant to Article 6(1) of EEC Reg No 765/86?rrForce Majeure has occurred in this context when a trader could not have forseen and should not have forseen a change in the requirements and regulations of the country of importation.3Force majeure is not met when the country of importation changes its requirements for the goods being imported.1rForce Majeure has occurred in this context when a trader could not have forseen and should not have forseen a change in the requirements and regulations of the country of importation.3Force majeure is not met when the country of importation changes its requirements for the goods being imported.124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?JrForce Majeure has occurred in this context when a trader could not have forseen and should not have forseen a change in the requirements and regulations of the country of importation.3Force majeure is not met when the country of importation changes its requirements for the goods being imported.124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?JJ>>FrForce Majeure has occurred in this context when a trader could not have forseen and should not have forseen a change in the requirements and regulations of the country of importation.3Force majeure is not met when the country of importation changes its requirements for the goods being imported.rForce Majeure has occurred in this context when a trader could not have forseen and should not have forseen a change in the requirements and regulations of the country of importation.3Force majeure is not met when the country of importation changes its requirements for the goods being imported.124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?JJ>>rSuch a requirement is compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty.3Such a requirement is compatible with Article 30.93/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse to carry out repairs under guarantee for vehicles which are the subject of parallel imports?UUUUSFArticle 59 of the Treaty precludes national rules which, where the collection of waste oil is made conditionSuch a requirement is compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty.3Such a requirement is compatible with Article 30.93/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse to carry out repairs under guarantee for vehicles which are the subject of parallel imports?UUUUSF tThe decision should not be annulled.3The decision is not aSuch a requirement is compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty.3Such a requirement is compatible with Article 30.93/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse tSuch a requirement is compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty.3Such a requirement is compatible with Article 30.93/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse to carry out repairs under guarantee for vehicles which are the subject of parallel imports?UUUUSF P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     ##The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for several unforeseen occurrences?h````^F"A Member State may not take into account periods of insurance completed in another member state, if the person has never been affiliated with#The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refus#The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for #The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for several unforeseen occurrences?h````^F"A Member State may not take into account periods of insurance completed in another member state, if the person has never been affiliated with a social security scheme in the first state and affiliation is required in that state for insurance.3The r#The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for several unforeseen o#The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for several unforeseen occurrences?h````^F Article 7 does have direct effect and it guarantees any national of a member state the same rights granted to the nationals of another member state to prevent copy and distribution of unlicensed intellectual property in that member state.3#The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.3The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for several unforeseen occurrences?h````^FSpain has failed to fulfil its duties in so far as it has not taken measures sufficient to comply with community law.3Spain has failed to fulfil its duties in so far as it has not taken measures sufficient to comply with community law.378/92Has Spain failed to fulful its obligations by not enacting sufficient laws and regulations on health problems affecting the intra-community trade of meat products?F P)The Directive precludes any nat)The Directive precludes any na)The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.3The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?PPFFF(It does have direct effect in that it gives a trader the right to only be required type-approval from bodies that are independent of the market, however, one must seek type-approval for this right to be viol)The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.3The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?PPFFF(It does have direct effect in that it )The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.3The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?PPFFF)The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.3The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?PPFFF%Type-approval in one member state does not guarantee type-approval in another member state.3Type-approval in one member state does not guarantee type-approval in another member state.93/91If someone has received type-approval in one member state must he then be deemed to have type-approval in another member state?YqqqqoF$The EEC Treaty does not preclude a member state from having such restrictions, however, it does prohibit the agency in charge of carrying out such restrictions from trading as a competitor on the market.3The EEC Treaty does not preclude a member state from having such restriction%Type-approval in one member state does not guarantee type-approval in another member state.3Type-approval in one member state does not guarantee type-approval in another member state.93/91If someone has received type-approval in one member state must he then be deemed to have type-approval in another member state?YqqqqoF P6There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the6Ther6There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.3There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a6There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.3There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a reduced state pension or no pension and recieves a widows pension?\\PP6There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.3There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 wh6There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.3There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a reduced state pension or no pension and recieves a widows pension?6There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.3There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a reduced state pension or no pension and recieves a widows pension?\\PPF1The levying of a charge in order to finance aid is not contrary to the Community system of State Aid if the national authorities have notified the Commission of the aid and if the Commission has not found it incompatible with the common market.3While such a charge may be incompatible with the commoon market only the commission can make such a ruling.72/92Is a national court authorized to determine whether the levying of a national charge as described is compatible with Community law under Article 92 of the EEC Treaty?)ww    F0The levying of a parafiscal charge in order to finance aid is not contrary to the Community system of state aid if the national au1The levying of a charge in order to finance aid is not contrary to the Community system of State Aid if the national authorities have notified the Commission of the aid and if the Commission has not found it incompatible with the common market.3While such a charge may be incompatible with the commoon market only the commission can make such a ruling.72/92Is a national court authorized to determine whether the levying of a national charge as described is compatible with Community law under Article 92 of the EEC Treaty?)ww    F P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     FFParagraph 1 of that Article applies to claims for special premiums for beef producers under Article 11(2).2Article 9(1) of Reg. No. 714/89 is applicable to claims for special premiums made under Article 11(2) of that regulation.365/92Is Article 9(1) of Commission Regulation No.714/89 applicable to claims for special premium under Article 11(2) of the Regulation?~FESuch a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" within the meaning of the directive at hand and therefore such a provision is consistent with that directive.3Such a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" withFParagraph 1 of that Article applies to claims for special premiums for beef producers under Article 11(2).2Article 9(1) of Reg. No. 714/89 is applicable to claims for special premiums made under Article 11(2) of that regulation.365/92Is Article 9(1) of Commission Regulation No.714/89 applicable to claims for special premium under Article 11(2) of the Regulation?~FESuch a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" within the meaning of the directive at hand and theFParagraph 1 of that Article applies to claims for special premiums for beef producers under Article 11(2).2Article 9(1) of Reg. No. 714/89 is applicable to claims for special premiums made under Article 11(2) of that regulation.365/92Is Article 9(1) of Commission Regulation No.714/89 applicable to claims for special premium under Article 11(2) of the Regulation?~FESuch a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" within the meaning of the directive at hand and therefore such a provision is FParagraph 1 of that Article applies to claims for special premiums for beef producers under Article 11(2).2Article 9(1) of Reg. No. 714/89 is applicable to claims for special premiums made under Article 11(2) of that regulation.365/92Is Article 9(1) of Commission Regulation No.714/89 applicable to claims for special premium under Article 11(2) of the Regulation?~FBThe Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.3The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.73/92Has the kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its duties by instituting and maintaining in force a system of VAT applicable to advertising services which excludes certain transactions contrary to the BThe Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.3The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.73/92Has the kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its duties by instituting and maintaining in force a system of VAT applicable to advertising services which excludes certain transactions contrary to the Sixth VAT Directive?ppppnFtoAThe Kingdom of BThe Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.3The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.73/92Has the kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its duties by instituting and maintaining in force a system of VAT applicable to advertising services which excludes certain transactions contrary to the Sixth VAT Directive?ppppnF P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  NIn the absense of community harmonization it is for each member state to determine trademark law, however, such law may not be used in any case as a means to discriminate against foreign traders.3It does not constitue a violation of community law to restrict the use of trademarked symbols in such a way.317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?SSGGFMCouncil Directive 76/207/EEC precNIn the absense of community harmonization it is for each member state to determine trademark law, however, such law may not be used in any case as a means to discriminate against foreign traders.3It does not constitue a violation of community law to restrict the use of trademarked symbols in such a way.317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?SSGGFMCouncil Directive 76/207/EEC precludes a national provision which excludes businesses with five or fewer employees from the system of protection against unfair dismissal if it can be established thNIn the absense of community harmonization it is for each member state to determine trademark law, however, such law may not be used in any case as a means to discriminate against foreign traders.3It does not constitue a violation of community law to restrict the use of trademarked symbols in such a way.317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?SSGGFKConsideration of the questions raised has reveaNIn the absense of community harmonization it is for each member state to determine trademark law, however, such law may not be used in any case as a means to discriminate against foreign traders.3It does not constitue a violation of community law to restrict the use of trademarked symbols in such a way.317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?SSGGFKConsideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.3Consideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.405/92Is Council Regulation No. 345/92 valid?[22&&FIConsideration of Article 9(1) has disclosed no factorKConsideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.3Consideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.405/92Is Council Regulation No. 345/92 valid?[22&&KConsideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.3Consideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.405/92Is Council RegulKConsideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.3Consideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.405/92Is Council Regulation No. 345/92 valid?[22&&F PUIn such a situation there may be a case of force majeure, however, it can only be so if it is established that the importer took all due care to avoid any error or negligence.3It is possible that such a situation could be a force majeure, and it is for the national courts to assess whether such is the case.12/92Does the fact that it was impossible for the Austrian authorities to establish that the country of origin notified to them was correct constitue a force majeure for the importer? UUKKFTUIn such a situation there may be a case of force majeure, however, it can only be so if it is established that the importer took all due care to avoid any error or negligence.3It is possible that such a situation could be a force majeure, and it is for the national courts to assess whether such is the case.12/92Does the fact that it was impossible for the Austrian authorities to establish that the country of oriUIn such a situation there may be a case of force majeure, however, it can only be so if it is established that the importer took all due care to avoid any error or negligence.3It is possible that such a situation could be a force majeure, and it is for the national courts to assess whether such is the case.12/92Does the fact that it was impossible for the Austrian authorities to establish that the country of origin notified to them was correct constitue a force majeure for the importer? UUKKFRThe application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.3The application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.6/92Should the Commission Decision 91/523/EEC abolishing the support tariffs applied by the Italian railways RThe application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.3The application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.6/92Should the Commission Decision 91/523/EEC abolishing the support tariffs applied by the Italian railways to the carriage of bulk ores and products produced and processed in Sicily and Sardinia be declared void?vvvvtFPBelgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.37/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty and Articles 1 and 4 of Reg No 1612/68 of the Counci by retaining in its legislation provisions which guaRThe application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.3The application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.6/92Should the Commission Decision 91/523/EEC abolishing the support tariffs applied by the Italian railways to the carriage of bulk ores and products produced and processed inRThe application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.3The application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.6/92Should the Commission Decision 91/523/EEC abolishing the support tariffs applied by the Italian railways to the carriage of bulk ores and products produced and processed in Sicily and Sardinia be declared void?vvvvtF PIdoUWmmWQOQMYkYdbdSmWQMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQYbMJkQm<6FHmdofWd^OJMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmWJmWY^mYWQ^OJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbJbOsJkJLokYbUmWJmfdkYmYdbLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OJOQMiQmdYbUYobmYqdLQiQUJiOQOJkmWQOdMo`QbmsWYMWYbkmYmomQOmWQfidMQQOYbUkdi4JbQhoYqJ^QbmOdMo`QbmsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbH:>H8QQMdbmWQM^QJiJbMQdSmWQJMMdobmkfiQkQbmQOLvmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQufQbOYmoiQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$Q$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbH:>H8QQMdbmWQM^QJiJbMQdSmWQJMMdobmkfiQkQbmQOLvmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQufQbOYmoiQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$iQkfQMmdSmWQQufQbOYmoiQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$SLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$SLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$mWQM^QJiJbMQdSmWQJMMdobmkfiQkQbmQOLvmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQufQbOYmoiQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$mQOLvmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQufQbOYmoiQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$`LQikmJmQYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQufQbOYmoiQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$Sdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQJbbo^^QOYbkdSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$dSJiJkYmOQM^JiQOMQimJYbQufQbOYmoiQkYbQ^YUYL^QSdiMd``obYmvSYbJbMYbU$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbH:@BHQQMMdbMQibYbUfidfQkQOJYOLvUQi`JbvmdmWQMWYbQkkQkWYffYbUMd`fJbvMdkMdLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbH<8<<QQMMdbMQibYbUmWQUiJbmYbUdSkfJYbMQimJYbJYOmdkfJbYkWMd`fJbYQkLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbH<B@HQQMdbmWQM^QJiJbMQdSmWQJMMdobmkfiQkQbmQOLv`Q`LQikmJmQkYbiQkfQMmdSmWQQJUUSYbkdSJiJkYmJOYkJ^^dsQOJMQimJYbko`dS`dbQv$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbMH6:<<:666$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbiQUbd868>H6^JvYbUOdsbOQmJY^QOY`f^Q`QbmYbUio^QkSdimWQOQSYbYmYdbOQkMiYfmYdbJbOfiQkQbmJmYdbdSkfYiYmOiYb\kLQJbbo^^QO$NkWdo^OMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbbd:6DH<dbdiUJbYMfidOoMmYdbkdSJUiYMo^moiJ^SddOkmoSSkJbOYbOYMJmYdbkiQSQiiYbUmWQiQmddbJUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMmkLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbbd::H>H:dbOQmJY^QOio^QkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkoffdimkvkmQ`SdimWQfidOoMQikdSdY^kQQOkLQJbbo^^QO$ticsEEE 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@8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]N ( e @ @ @ @ @'      !"#$%&' (!)"*#+$,%-&.'/(0 PNliItaly has faileliItaly has failed to fulfil it oblliItaly has failed to fulfiliItaly has failed to fulfil it obligations in so far as it did not send notice of the invitation for tender to the Official Journal of the European Communities, and in that it only opened the invitiation to undertakings which were primarily publicly owned.3Italy has failed to fulfil it obligations in so far as it did not send notice of the invitation for tender to the Official Journal of the European Communities, and in that it only opened the invitiation to undertakings whicliItaly has failed to fulfil it obligations in so far as it did not send notice of the invitation for tender to the Official Journal of the European Communities, and in that it only opened the invitiation to undertakings which were primarily publicly owned.3Italy has failed to fulfil it obligations in so far as it did not send notice of the invitation for tender to the Official Journal of the European Communities, and in that it only opened the invitiation to undertakings which were primarily publicly owned.272/91Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by conducting the award of a public supply contract in a manner incompatible with community law?""F Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.3Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.58/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco, and if so does that agreement have direct effect? Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.3Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.58/93Does the Belgian legis Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.3Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.58/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Art Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.3Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.58/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco, and if so does that agreement have direct effect?F PYkbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYbQkmJL^YkWYbUJkmJmomdiv`dbdfd^vYbiQ^JmYdbmdmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkLvidJOLv`QJbkdSJkvkmQ`SdiUiJbmdSmiJbkfdimfQi`YmkLJkQOdbhodmJkMd`fJmYL^QsYWMd``boYmv^Js$bJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWfidWYLYmkmWQQkmJL^YkW`QbmdbmWQmQiiYmdivdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQQYmWQidSMWJ`LQikdidSJfiYbYf^QdiLiJbMWdSSYMQMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$dbsWYMWfidWYLYmkmWQQkmJL^YkW`QbmdbmWQmQiiYmdivdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQQYmWQidSMWJ`LQikdidSJfiYbYf^QdiLiJbMWdSSYMQMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$`fJmYL^QsYWMd``boYmv^Js$bJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWfidWYLYmkmWQQkmJL^YkW`QbmdbmWQmQiiYmdivdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQQYmWQidSMWJ`LQikdidSJfiYbYf^QdiLiJbMWdSSYMQMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$mWQMd``YkkYdbkmQ^QudS:>[o^v8HFBJMMdiOYbUmdsWYMWmWQ`JuY`o`fQi`YmmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${mWQ`JuY`o`fQi`YmmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${dSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${JMMdiOYbUmdsWYMWmWQ`JuY`o`fQi`YmmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${mmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${idOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${kYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${FBJMMdiOYbUmdsWYMWmWQ`JuY`o`fQi`YmmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${HFBJMMdiOYbUmdsWYMWmWQ`JuY`o`fQi`YmmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${bdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${QMd``YkkYdbkmQ^QudS:>[o^v8HFBJMMdiOYbUmdsWYMWmWQ`JuY`o`fQi`YmmQO^QqQ^kdSiJOYJmYdb^JYOOdsbYbiQUbd8D6DFBSdiY`fdimkdSfidOoMmkYbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${YbmdmWQMd``obYmvJ^kdJff^vmdQufdimkdSmWdkQfidOoMmkmdbdb`Q`LQiMdobmiYQkLYbOYbU${JYbfQiYdOdSmY`Q$mWQQuM^okYdbdSk`J^^LokYbQkkQkSid`mWQkvkmQ`dSdSfidmQMmYdbJUJYbkmobSJYiOYk`YkkJ^Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJimYM^QH:8dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$vmWQQufdimQiYbmWQMdobmivdSdiYUYbmdLQobOQikmddOQuM^okYqQ^vJkmWQQufdimQisWdkQobOQimJ\YbUYkQkmJL^YkWQOYbmWQMdobmivdSdiYUYb$mWQQufiQkkYdbJiYkYbUSid`mWQkJ`QMdbmiJMmdiSJMmkdbsWYMWmWQdiYUYbJ^M^JY`sJkLJkQO`diQiQkmiYMmYqQmWJbmWQQufiQkkYdbJMmYdbksWYMWJiQiQ^JmQOJkmWQvdMMoiYbmWQMdbqQbmYdb$mWQS^doiMdbmQbmdSJfidOoMmiQ^QqJbmSdiYmkYbM^okYdbobOQiSdi`o^JJYbJimYM^Q>dSiQUbd@D6FF$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$q   # f[FCommunity Law135/92%% 2Community Law135/92%% 2Actions for Annulment of Community Law135/92%% 2Community Law135/92%% 2Actions Community Law135/92%% 2Environment187/93## Environment187/93## Environment187/93## Environment187/93## 2AEnvironment187/93## Environment187/93## 2Environment187/93## 2Acts of thEnvironment187/93## 2Environment187/93## 2Environment187/93## Environment187/93## Environment187/93## 2Acts of thEnvironment187/93## 2AEnvironment187/93## 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2FreCompetition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Free movement of Goods9/93*Competition9/93 2Free movement of Goods9/93*Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2FreCompetition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Free movement ofCompetition9/93 2Free movement Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Free movement of Goods9/93*Competition9/93 2FreCompetition9/93 2FrCompetition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Competition9/93 2Free movement oCompetition9/93 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P{sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMHsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMiQLidoUWmYbJMdbmiJMmYbUkmJmQsWYMWYbqd^qQmWQkJ`QMJokQdSJMmYdbJkfiYdifidMQQOYbUkLidoUWmYbJbdmWQiMdbmiJMmYbUkmJmQ$sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMSdiJqYOQdiQMdiOYbUdiiQfidOoMYbUJffJiJmokQhoYffQOsYmWiQMdiOYbUJbOiQfidOoMYbUWQJOk$sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMOYbUdiiQfidOoMYbUJffJiJmokQhoYffQOsYmWiQMdiOYbUJbOiQfidOoMYbUWQJOk$sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsbSdiY`fdimkdSmWQkJ`QfidOoMmkmdLQiQSokQOSobOk$sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMLQiQSokQOSobOk$sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$Odo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$ObkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OkdSmWQkJ`QfidOoMmkmdLQiQSokQOSobOk$sJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$Oo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$ObOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$O^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$Obbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$ObUkQiqQOJbJmmJMW`Qbm^QUJ^$OsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OOsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdUYqQUiQQMQJMQimJYbiQSobOsidbUJbOkWdo^OYmmWQiQSdiQLQJbbo^^QO$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OMsJkmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$Onumber (text)[Articlebase].[Article number (text)]ZDD  !Article number (code)ArticlebaseArticle number (code)[Articlebase].[Article number (code)]ZDD P[[The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old[The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.3The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.46/92Must the invalidity benefits of a person be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person, as provided for by national legislation, even when the invalidity of the worker occurred in another member state?<hh^^FZConsideration of the question has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to[The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.3The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.46/92Must the invalidity benefits of a person be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person, as provided for by national legislation, even when the invalidity of the worker occurred in another member state?<hh^^FZConsideration of [The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.3The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.46/92Must the invalidity benefits of a person be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person, as provided for by national legislation, even when the inva[The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.3The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.46/92Must the invalidity benefits of a person be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person, as provided for by national legislation, even when the invalidity of the worker occurred in another member state?<hh^^FnaWThose Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.3Those Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.83/92Do Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization?jwwwwuFVThose Articles must be interpreted as meaning that the suspension or revocation of authorization to market medicinal products may be effected only on the grounds laid down in those Articles or other relevant provisions of community law.3Those Articles must be interpreted as meaning that the suspension or revocation of authorization to market medicinanaWThose Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.3Those Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.83/92Do Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization?jwwwwuF P NdArticle 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.319/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that company to carry out such transport?ppppnFcCommunity Law precludes an importing state from mandating inspections and charging thdArticle 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.319/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that company to carry out such transport?ppppnFcdArticle 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.319/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and reqdArticle 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.319/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that company to carry out such transport?ppppnFcCommunity Law precludes an importing state from mandating inspections and charging the cdArticle 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.319/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that codArticle 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.319/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that company to carry out such transport?ppppnF]Community law does not madate that nor does it preclude remuneration on the same basis as that used for the apportionment of invalidity benefits granted up to the date when old-age pension was acquired.3Community Law does not preclude a member state from applying to a remuneration the same proportion s that on the basis of which an invalidity pension was earlier granted.46/92Must remuneration be taken into account subject to the application of the same proportion as that on the basis of whic]Community law does not madate that nor does it preclude remuneration on the same basis as that used for the apportionment of invalidity benefits granted up to the date when old-age pension was acquired.3Community Law does not preclude a member state from applying to a remuneration the same proportion s that on the basis of which an invalidity pension was earlier granted.46/92Must remuneration be taken into account subject to the application of the same proportion as that on the basis of which the invalidity benefits are awarded?4F P k kThe regulation in question prevents drivers from driving 4.5 hours continuously without taking a break or breaks of a total of at least 45 minutes.3The regulation in question prevents drivers from driving 4.5 hours continuously without taking a break or breaks of a total of at least 45 minutes.116/92Does Reg. No. 3820/85 create separate periods of 4.5 hours' driving in the aggregate after or during which breaks totalling 45 minutes or more must be taken?JJ>>F18jSuch a provision is not precluded so long as it applies to without distinction to years worked within the member state and years worked outside of the member state.3Such a provision is not precluded so long as the reduction of the rights acquired by the migrant worker in the member state of that institution is compensated by the retirement pension rights acquired under the regulation in the second member state.156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 18jSuch a provision is not precluded so long as it applies to without distinction to years worked within the member state and years worked outside of the member state.3Such a provision is not precluded so long as the reduction of the rights acquired by the migrant worker in the member state of that institution is compensated by the retirement pension rights acquired under the regulation in the second member state.156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 45, even though the record in the state alone 18jSuch a provision is not precluded so long as it applies to without distinction to years worked within the member state and years worked outside of the member state.3Such a provision is not precluded so long as the reduction of the rights acquired by the migrant worker in the member state of that institution is compensated by the retirement pension rights acquired under the regulation in the second member state.156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 418jSuch a provision is not precluded so long as it applies to without distinction to years worked within the member state and years worked outside of the member state.3Such a provision is not precluded so long as the reduction of the rights acquired by the migrant worker in the member state of that institution is compensated by the retirement pension rights acquired under the regulation in the second member state.156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 45, even though the record in the state alone does not exceed 45 years and no recourse has been made to notional years?Fo fA member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion.3A member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion.63/92Is a member state entitled to exclude the surrender of a lease of immovable property for a consideration paid from the exemption rrom the VAT?,SSSSQFeSuch a surrender of a lease does fall within the meaning of "the leasing or letting of immovable property" as it is used in the Sixth Directive.3Such a surrender of a lease does fall within the meaning of "the o fA member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion.3A member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion.63/92Is a member state entitled to exclude the surrender of a lease of immovable property for a consideration paid from the exemption rrom the VAT?,SSSSQF PsThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqqqqoFrsThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqqqqoFrConsideration of this regulation has revealed no factor as to calsThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqsThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqqqqoFhapReg. No. 1408/71 does not mean that a person should be reimbursed under national law when that person is a member of a comparable social security scheme not under the national law.3Reg. No. 1408/71 does not mean that a person should be reimbursed under national law when that person is a member of a compsThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqqqqoFoA farmer cannot be fined in terms of excees deliveries unless through the entire year that farmer exceeded the reference quantity allocated to her.3A farmer cannot be fined in terms of excees deliveries unless through the entire year that farmer exceeded the reference quantity sThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqqqqoFoA farmer cannot be fined in terms of excees deliveries unless through the entire year that farmer exceeded the reference quantity allocated to her.3A farmer cannot be fined in terms of excees deliveries unless through the sThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to sThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?DqqqqoF P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #      kkoQkJbOfdkYmYdThe Convention is not applicable in such proceedings.3The Convention is not applicable in such proceedings.129/92Does the Convention on jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments have any application to proceedings in Contracting States concerning the recognition and enforcement of judgments of non-contracting states?]KKKKIFThe prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3The prefects may fix the dates in tThe prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.435/92The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.435/92Is it compatible with community law for the PThe prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?z  The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?z   F P@7The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 pl@7@7The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 plus 8% @7@7The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the actual judgment.3The Commission shall pay the applicant the amount of LIT 268 210 529 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the judgment.308/87To what extent ought Mr. Grifoni be compensated for the accident that occurred on while on the job under the employment of the EAEC?::..F@7The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the actual judgment.3The Commission shall pay the applicant the amount of LIT 268 210 529 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the judgment.308/87To what extent ought Mr. Grifoni be compensated for the accident that occurred on while on the job under the employment of the EAEC?::..@7The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the actual judgment.3The Commission shall pay the applicant the amount of LIT 268 210 529 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the judgment.308/87To what extent ought Mr. Grifoni be compensated for the accident that occurred on while on the job under the employment of the EAEC?::..FArticles 30 and 36 are not violated if it can be shown that the ban on the use of a misleading name is truly in the public's interes@7The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the actual judgment.3The Commission shall pay the applicant the amount of LIT 268 210 529 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the judgment.308/87To what extent ought Mr. Grifoni be compensated for the accident that occurred on while on the job under the employment of the EAEC?::..FArticles 30 and 36 are not violated if it can be shown that the ban on the use of a misleading name is truly in the public's interest and that the ban does not violate the principle of proportionality.3A national provision which would ban the marketing of a product under a name which might be misleading to the public is precluded by Articles 30 and 36.315/92Do Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national measures which would ban the marketing of a cosmetic product under a name which might be misleading to the general public?<zzF-ШIn the event that portions of boned forequarters of beef are removed from storage prior to the minimum storage period, aid may still be claimed so long as the portions of beef remaining in storage make up at least 90% of the contractual obligation.3In the event that portions of boned forequarters of beef are removed from storage prior to the minimum storage period, aid may still be claimed so long as the portions of beef remaining in storage make up at least 90% of the contractual obligation.374/92How should Article 4(2)(b) of Reg No 2267/84 be interpreted with regards to the 90% rule and boning in the storage of beef? F P` The United KingdomThe United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations by not ensuring that the Milk Marketing Boards do not extend the exclusive right to purchase milk from milk producers beyond the limits resulting from Council Reg No 804/68?,EE;;FchThe Community does not impose such an obligation on the member states.3The community does not impose such an obligation on the member states.2/92The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations by not ensuring that the Milk Marketing Boards do not extend the exclusiveThe United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations by The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfiThe United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfThe United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations by not ensuring that the Milk Marketing Boards do not extend the exclusive right to purchase milk from milk producers beyond the limits resulting from Council Reg No 804/68?,EE;;The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations by not ensuring that the Milk Marketing Boards do not extend the exclusive right to purchase milk from milk producers beyond the limits resulting from Council Reg No 804/68?,EE;;FSpain has infringed Articles 7 and 59 in the way mentioned above.3Spain has infringed Articles 7 and 59 in the way mentioned above.45/93Has Spain infringed Articles 7 and 59 of the EEC Treaty by applying a system whereby only Spanish citizens and foreigners and nationals of member states resident in Spain under 21 years of age are allowed free admission into national museums?WWWWUF PSuch shoes do not fall under the extension of that term.3Such shoes do not fall under the extension of that term.148/93Do shoes that serve as walking aids which are intended to be worn over a fitted plaster cast fall under the term splints and other fracture appliances or parts thereof ??NNNNLFThis term should be interpreted as notSuch shoes do not fall under the extension of that term.3Such shoes do not fall under the extension of that term.148/93Do shoes that serve as walking aids which are intended to be worn over a fitted plaster cast fall under the term splints and other fracture appliances or parts thereof ??NNNNLFFrom the choice-of-laws rules contained in Reg No 1408/71 it follows that the legislation applicable to such a person is the Belgian legislation.3The legislation laid down in Reg No 1408/71 must be applied, as far as the self-employed activity is concerned, in the same way as if that activity took place in the Member State concerned.71/93If a person is employed for the purposes of Article 14c and is insured only for single risk, for what type of insurance must the person pay as a self-employed person when national law provides that all employed people must have insurance for several risksrqqggFA person who is employed as a civil servantFrom the choice-of-laws rules contained in Reg No 1408/71 it follows that the legislation applicable to such a person is the Belgian legislation.3The legislation laid down in Reg No 1408/71 must be applied, as far as the self-employed activity is concerned, in the same way as if that activity took place in the Member State concerned.71/93If a person is employed for the purposes of Article 14c and is insured only for single risk, for what type of insurance must the person pay as a self-employed person when naFrom the choice-of-laws rules contained in Reg No 1408/71 it follows that the legislation applicable to such a person is the Belgian legislation.3The legislation laid down in Reg No 1408/71 must be applied, as far as the self-employed activity is concerned, in the same way as if that activity took place in the Member State concerned.71/93If a person is employed for the purposes of Article 14c and is insured only for single risk, for what type of insurance must the person pay as a self-employed person when national law provideFrom the choice-of-laws rules contained in Reg No 1408/71 it follows that the legislation applicable to such a person is the Belgian legislation.3The legislation laid down in Reg No 1408/71 must be applied, as far as the self-employed activity is concerned, in the same way as if that activity took place in the Member State concerned.71/93If a person is employed for the purposes of Article 14c and is insured only for single risk, for what type of insurance must the person pay as a self-employed person when national law provides that all employed people must have insurance for several risksrqqggFBelgium has failed to fulfil its duties under Article 30 of the treaty by maintaing a system for authorizing telecommunications receivers laid down by the Law of 30 June 1979 and the rest of the commission s application should be dismissed.3Belgium has failed to fulfil its duties under Article 30 of the treaty by maintaing a system for authorizing telecommunications receivers laid down by the Law of 30 June 1979 and the rest of the commission s application is dismissed.80/92Has Belgium failed to fulfil its duties by implementing laws concerning telecommunitcations which are contrary to community law?}F  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# @@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:8888@@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:88882222 @@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:88882222 A@@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:88882222@@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:88882222 A@?@@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:88882222 /S'@@@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munc@@?@Lenz130/93AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittedD:88882222 /S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 /S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikr/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 A/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:8888/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 A/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 A@??/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 /S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 A/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 /S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:888822/S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222 /S'@@@?Lenz1428/92DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SoKF:88882222  PNAn Article is disassembledaccorAn Article is disassembledaccording to that provision when the technical means that must be applied in assembling the components do not necessitate a complex assembly, i.e. any special tools or knowledge.3A product is to be considered disassemble when the component parts are all presented for customs clearence at the same time and no account is to be taken of the asssembly technique or complexity.35/93How should the term disasAn Article is disassembledaccording to that provision when the technical means that must be applied in assembling the components do not necessitate a complex assembly, i.e. any special tools or knowledge.3A product is to be considered disassemble when the component parts are all presented for customs clearence at the same time and no account is to be taken of the asssembly technique or complexity.35/93How should the term disassembled be interpreted within the meaning of the second sentence of Rule 2(a) of the Rules for the Interpretation of the Nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff?oF|A claim for compensation for the use An Article is disassembledaccording to that provision when the technical means that must be applied in assembling the components do not necessitate a complex assembly, i.e. any special tools or knowledge.3A product is to be considered disassemble when the component parts are all presented for customs clearence at the same time and no account is to be taken of the asssembly technique or complexity.35/93How should the term disassembled be interpreted within the meaning of the second sentence of Rule 2(a) of the Rules for the Interpretation of the NomencAn Article is disassembledaccording to that provision when the technical means that must be applied in assembling the components do not necessitate a complex assembly, i.e. any special tools or knowledge.3A product is to be considered disassemble when the component parts are all presented for customs clearence at the same time and no account is to be taken of the asssembly technique or complexity.35/93How should the term disassembled be interpreted within the meaning of the second sentence of Rule 2(a) of the Rules for the Interpretation of the Nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff?oFThe daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.3The daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.394/92What constitutes the end of the daily working period within the meaning of reg nThe daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.3The daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final The daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.3The daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.394/92What constitutes the end of the daily working period within the meaning of reg no 3821/85?||ppF V. @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura Circondariale di PerugiaD" @ 362/93Pretura 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The applic The applic  The application should be dismissed and the regulation in tact.3The application is dismissed and the regulation remains intact.187/93Should Council Reg No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into, and out of the European Community be annulled?2UUUUSFThose Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.3There is no unlawful restriction of trade between Member States where a subsidiary operating in Member State A is to be enjoi The application should be dismissed and the regulation in tact.3The application is dismissed and the regulation remains intact.187/93Should Council Reg No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into, and out of the European Community be annulled?2UUUUSFThose Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.3There is no unlawful restriction of tradThose Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.3There is no unlawful restriction of trade between Member States where a subsidiary operating in Member State A is to be enjoined from the use of a trade mark because of the risk of confusion with a Those Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.3There is no unlawful restriction of trade between Member States where a subsidiary operating in Member State A is to be enjoined from the use of a trade mark because of the risk of confusion with a device having the same mark in Member State B.9/93Does it constitute unlawful restriction of intra-community trade for an undertaking doing businesThose Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.3There is no unlawful restriction of trade between Member States where a subsidiary operating in Member State A is to be enjoined from the use of a trade mark because of the risk of confusion with a device having the same mark in Member State B.9/93Does it constitute Those Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.3There is no unlawful restriction of trade between Member States where a subsidiary operating in Member State A is to be enjoined from the use of a trade mark because of the risk of confusion with a device having the same mark in Member State B.9/93Does it constitute unlawful restriction of intra-community trade for an undertaking doing business in Member State A which is a subsidiary of a manufacturer in Member State B to be prohibited from using a trade mark on the grounds of risk of confusion?  F PNThe supply of goodThe supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goodsThe The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.3The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.3The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth VAT Directive be interpreted with regard to goods ordered by mail from a caThe supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.3The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) ofThe supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.3The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth VAT Directive be interpreted with regard to goods ordered by mail from a catalogue that act as gifts to a person for enrolling or suggesting a friend and are not sold out of the catalogue?FReg No 1408/71 means that the possible subrogation of an institution of resposible for benefits is subject to the legislation administerd by that institution.2Reg No 1408/71 means that the conditions and extnet of recoupment which a social security institution has against the party who has caused an injury in another Member State are determined by the law of the member state to which the institution is subject.428/92How should Article 93 of Reg No1408/71 be interpreted with regard to subrogation and recoupment of social security benefits by foreign insurance companies?^FAn enforceable settlement reached by the same parties before a court in the state in which recoReg No 1408/71 means that the possible subrogation of an institution of resposible for benefits is subject to the legislation administerd by that institution.2Reg No 1408/71 means that the conditions and extnet of recoupment which a social security institution has against the party who has caused an injury in another Member State are determined by the law of the member state to which the institution is subject.428/92How should Article 93 of Reg No1408/71 be interpreted with regard to subrogation and recoupment of social security benefits by foreign insurance companies?^F 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POdQkJimYM^Q>>dSiQUbd8>6FD8iQSQidb^vmdMYqY^kQiqJbmkMdqQiQOLvmWQOQidUJmYdbfidqYOQOSdiYbJimYM^Q>F>dSmWQmiQJmvJbOJiQOdMmdikQ`f^dvQOLvmWQY\JmdLQiQUJiOQOJkkoMW$OdQkJimYM^Q@@dSmWQMdbqQbmYdbfiQkoffdkQmWJmmWQobOQimJ\YbUkQbmQiQOYbmdLvJLiJbMWYbmWQbJ`QdSJfJiQbmMd`fJbvJiQmdLQfQiSdi`QOYbmWQMdbmiJMmYbUkmJmQsWQiQmWQLiJbMWYkQkmJL^YkWQO$OdQkJimYM^Q@@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJ^^dsOQidUJmYdbSid`mWQYbkoiJbMQdSSiQQOd`dSQkmJL^YkW`QbmSdimWQdSSYMQdSJffidqQOMd``YkkYdbQi$NOdQkJimYM^Q@HdSmWQQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkmWJmiQhoYiQJfQikdb^QJqYbUbJmYdbJ^mQiiYmdivMJiivYbUYbQuMQkkdSfmJ8`Y^^YdbfQifQikdbmd`J\QJfiYdiOQM^JiJmYdb$OdQkJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$vSSk$OdQkJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$viYUWmkOdQkmWJmUoJiJbmQQJbYbOYqYOoJ^$rOdQkJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$vM^JY`kSdikQmdSSk$OdQkJimYM^QDWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmYbmQi`kdSMdfviYUWmJbOsWJmiYUWmkOdQkmWJmUoJiJbmQQJbYbOYqYOoJ^$rOdQkJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$viQMmQSSQMmYbmQi`kdSMdfviYUWmJbOsWJmiYUWmkOdQkmWJmUoJiJbmQQJbYbOYqYOoJ^$rOdQkJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$vOdQkJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$vJimYM^QH8LiQJMWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$vYbmQi`kdSMdfviYUWmJbOsWJmiYUWmkOdQkmWJmUoJiJbmQQJbYbOYqYOoJ^$rOdQkJimYM^QDBF$Kegal 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(text)8I0III I5k_b@II I8 I8 coder@II0I IIio)7@g~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cList44I II II-[coder].[name (number)]I)[coder].[name (text)]II8 I8 coder II IIII IhI I I8I@IHIPIXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIxIIH I I I 0I I Iz  IPI II I I I I d I0x I I I I I coder IPrimaryKey IIv IIIIhIhIqhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhIhI@I IPI0IIX IcoderPrimaryKeyIX II IIIhIPI IPII I PNitiitLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?SxxFFFFDFl A national court is not bound by a Commission Decision on the application of Articles 4, 60, 65, and 66 of the ECSC Treaty, however, in the event that there is a question as to the validity of any Commission decision reference should be made to the ECJ.3A national court is bitLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?SxxFFFFDFl A national court is not bound by a Commission Decision on the application of ArticlitLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission withinitLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?SxxFFFFDFl A natiitLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?SxxFFFFDFl A national court is not bound by a Commission Decision on the application of Articles 4, 60, 65, and 66 of the ECSC Treaty, however, in the event that there is a question as to the validity of any Commission decision reference should be made to the ECJ.3A national court is bound by a Commission Decision on the application of Articles 4, 60, itLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?SxxFFFFDFe The Commission decision shoulditLuxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?SxxFFFFDFe The Commission decision should be upheld and the application dismissed.3The decision is annulled.342/90Should the Commission Decision that declared that the program of aid designed to prevent the exodus of undertakings which was introduced by the city of Hamburg without prior notice to the Commission was incompatible with the common market be annulled?xx]]]][F PThe private storer may noThe private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?FthCommunity Law does not preclude the insurance periods completed under German legislation by Dutch forced laborers during the second world war from being deeThe private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?FthCommunity Law does not preclude the insurance periods completed under German legislation by Dutch forced laborers during the second world war from being deemed to have been completed under the legislation of the Netherlands.3Community Law does not preclude the insurance periodsThe private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?FthCommunity Law does not preclude the insurance periods completed under German legislation by Dutch forced laborers during the second world war from being deemed to have been completed under the The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?FThe private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?FIn the absence of any Community rules governing access by third parties to the public supply network, Article 90 does not prohibit a monopoly on importing electricity so lonThe private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?F PBelgium has failed to fulfil its obligationsBelgium has failed to fulfil its obligatBBelgium has failed to fulfil its obligations as described.3Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations as described.260/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing within the prescribed time period legislation necessary to comply with Council Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment?dPPPPNFThe Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training services, by restricting their studies, and by restricting the possibility of a refund of the "minerval?"hhhhThe Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training sThe Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training services, by restricting their studies, and by restricting the possibility of a refund of the "minerval?"hhhhfF Reference should be mThe Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training services, by restricting their studies, and by restricting the possibility of a refund of the "minerval?"hhhhfF Reference should be made, in this case, to the standard rates provided for in Article 4(3).3Reference should be made, in this case, to the standard rates provided for in Article 4(3).434/92In ordeThe Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training services, by restricting their studies, and by restricting the possibility of a refund of the "minerval?"hhhhfF ReThe Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training services, by restricting their studies, and by restricting the possibility of a refund of the "minerval?"hhhhfF PN\@ ~\@@@@Gulmann1296/18/93Is it compatible with Community Law for a Member State to require forcThe decision ofThe decThe decision of the court of auditors should be annuled.3The decision of the court of auditors is annuled.416/92Should the decision of the Court of Auditors concerning the pension which Mrs. H should receive be annuled?NNNNLFSuch an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaning of Article 16.3Such an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaning of Article 16.294/92Does an action for a declaration that a person holds immovable property as trustee and for an order requiring that person to execute such documents as should be requiredThe decision of the court of auditors should be annuled.3The decision of the court of auditors is annuled.416/92Should the decision of the Court of Auditors concerning the pension which Mrs. H should receive be annuled?NNNNLFSuch an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaniThe decision of the court of auditors should be annuled.3The decision of the court of auditors is annuled.416/92Should the decision of the Court of Auditors concerning the pension which Mrs. H should receive be annuled?NNNNLFSuch an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaning of Article 16.3Such an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaning of Article 16.294/The decision of the court of auditors should be annuled.3The decision of the court of auditors is annuled.416/92Should the decision of the Court of Auditors concerning the pension which Mrs. H should receive be annuled?NNNNLFThe taxable amount over a given period of time does not include the proportion of the total stakes inserted which corresponds to the winnings paid out to successful players during that time.3The taxable amount over a given period of time does not include the proportion of the total stakes inserted which corresponds to the winnings paid out to successful players during The decision of the court of auditors should be annuled.3The decision of the court of auditors is annuled.416/92Should the decision of the Court of Auditors concerning the pension which Mrs. H should receive be annuled?NNNNLFUnder those circumstances the principle of equal treatment is infringed.3Under those circumstances the principle of equal treatment is infringed421/92Is the principle of equal treatment infringed in the event that a contract for employment is held as void in so far as the contracted work is prohibited under law, or would have been avoided if the employer had known of preganancy?^^^^\FCouncil Directive precludes a national law that renders a contract of employment concluded with a pregnant woman invalid, where such invalidity is the result of the prohibition on night-time work imposed on pregnant women.3Council Directive precludes a national law that renders a contract of eUnder those circumstances the principle of equal treatment is infringed.3Under those circumstances the principle of equal treatment is infringed421/92Is the principle of equal treatment infringed in the event that a contract for employment is held as void in so far as the contracted work is prohibited under law, or would have been avoided if the employer had known of preganancy?^^^^\F PSuch monitors were and are sSuch monitors were and are still to be understood as not performing a specific function and should accordingly be classified under heading 8471.3Such monitors were and are still to be understood as not performing a specific function and should accordingly be classified under heading 8471.11/93Was the Combined Nomenclature to be interpreted as meaning that color monitors capable of accepting a signal only from the cpu and not capable of producing a video signal did not perform a specific function?BB88FndThe decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.3The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?$oooomFItaly has failed to fufil its obligations.3Italy has failed to fufil its obligations.303/93Has Italy failedndThe decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.3The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?$oooomFItaly has failed to fufil its obligations.3Italy has failed to fufil its obligations.303/93Has Italy failed to fufl its obligations by not adopting necessary measures to comply with Council Directive 90/486/EEC on the aproximation of laws relating to electrically-operated liftndThe decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.3The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?$oooomFItaly has failed to fufil its obligations.3Italy has failed to fufil its obligations.303/93Has Italy failed to fufl its obligations by not adopting necessary measures to comply with Council Directive 90/486/EEC on the aproximation of laws relating ndThe decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.3The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?$oooomFndThe decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.3The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?$oooomFArticle 6(5a)(b) of Reg No 3309/85 is void in so far as it restricts the use of the term cremant to wines produced in France and Luxembourg.3ArndThe decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.3The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?$oooomF8The Commission decision should be annuled.3The Commission decision is annuled.41/93Should the Commission Decision to allow Germany to maintain their current laws on the use and disosal of PCP for industrial purposes be annuled?ooee@@@@>F P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKFThe expression peSuch national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKFThe expression period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) must be taken to mean a period of time (comprising 24 hours) commencing at the end of the previous daily or weekly rest period.3The expression period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) must be taken to mean a period of time (comprising 24 hours) commencing at the end of the previous daily orSuch national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKFThe expression period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) must be taken to mean a period of time (comprising 24 hours) commencing at the end of the previous daily or weekly rest period.3The expression period of 24 hours in ASuch national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKFThe expression period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) must be taken to mean a period of time (comprising 24 hours) commencing at the end of the previous daily or weekly rest period.3The exprSuch national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKFdeThe appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.3The appeal Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain houSuch national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKFThe Regulation should be annulled, however, it should remain in effect unitl a new regulation is adopted iSuch national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.402/92Does the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?6MMMMKF PNThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so descThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collectiThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collective redundancies, and therefore failed to fulfil its obligations?The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collective redundancies, and therefore failed to fulfil its obligations?iiiigFThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations with regard to most of the claims of the applicant.382/92Has the UThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collective redundancies, and therefore failed to fulfil its obligations?iiiigFThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom hThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collective redundancies, and therefore failed to fulfil its obligationThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collective redundancies, and therefore failed to fulfil its obligations?iiiigFThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.383/92Has the United Kingdom failed to transpose into law various provisionsof Council Directive 79/125/EEC regarding the approximation of laws on collective redundancies, and therefore failed to fulfil its obligations?iiiigF P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    The appeal should be dismissedThe apThe appeThe appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.3The decision of the Court of First Instanec is quashed and the subsequent application is again dismissed.298/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-30/92 that Mr. KlinThe appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.3The decision of the Court of First Instanec is quashed and the subsequent application is again dismissed.298/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-30/92 that Mr. Klinke s application asserting that his classification was not in accordance with applicable law be dismissed be set aside?MMMMKFyeCommunity Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking establishedThe appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.3The decision of the Court of First Instanec is quashed and the subsequent application is again dismissed.298/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-30/92 that Mr. Klinke s application asserting that his classification was not in accordance with applicable law be dismissed be set aside?MMMMKFyeCommunity Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.3Community Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who works exclusively outside of both Member States?yeCommunity Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.3Community Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who yeCommunity Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.3Community Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who works exclusively outside of both Member States?F @ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @@ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @ @@ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @ @@ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;@ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @ @?@Jacob@ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @ @??Tesauro132/93Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo Ltdq]G=;;;;2222 @ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 @@ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 @  @@@ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 @ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzam@ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 @@ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 ?  @@ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 @ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 ? @ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 ?  @??Len@ @?@Jacobs1438/92Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt Kehl{fH<::::2222 ?  @??Lenz191/92Faccini Dori v RecrebPaola Faccini DoriRecreb Srl{o[D:88882222 ?  @??Lenz191/92Faccini Dori v RecrebPaola Faccini DoriRecreb Srl{o[D:88882222 A@?  @??Lenz191/92Faccini Dori v RecrebPaola Faccini DoriRecreb Srl{o[D:88882222  P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'   The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accord The grant of such aid to The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.3Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State applying positive monetary compensatory amounts of any special aid provided for under the tax law of that Member State.438/92Does Article 3 of Title II of Reg No 855/84 directly exclude the grant of special aid provided for in German turnover tax law, possibly in contravention of Article 3(1), for agricultural producers not having their seat in Germany?F The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.3Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State appl The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.3Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State applying positive monetary compensatory amounts of any special aid provided for under the t The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.3Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State applying positive monetary compensatory  The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.3Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State applying positive monetary compensatory amounts of any special aid provided for under the tax law of that Member State.438/92Does Article 3 of Title II of Reg No 855/84 directly exclude the grant of special aid provided for in German turnover tax law, possibly in contravention of Article 3(1), for agricultural producers not having their seat in Germany?FArticle 3 of that regulati The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.3Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State applying positive monetary compensatory amounts of any special aid provided for under the tax law of that Member State.438/92Does Article 3 of Title II of Reg No 855/84 directly exclude the grant of special aid provided for in German turnover tax law, possibly in contravention of Article 3(1), for agricultural producers not having their seat in Germany?FPbMJJHF7D BsAdditives refer only to those substances added to the feedstuffs voluntarily to improve their characteristics.3Additives refer to all substances is feedstuffs that affect the characteristics regardless of whether they are present in the baseline substances or added voluntarily.195/84Is the proper interpretation of "additives" in Art. 2 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC to encompass all substances contained in feedstuffs or only those substances that are added to the baseline substances?99--FCommission Reg. 3584/81 is a procedural provision that is applicable to operations carried out before its entry into law and should be applied retroactively.3Commission Reg. 3584/81 is a procedural provision that is applicable to operations carried out before its entry into law and should be applied retroactively.154/84Is Commission Reg. 3584/81, which regards how customs officials determine the quantity of meat used to create products, to be regarded as a procedural provision which should be applied retroactively?'^^RRFArt. 39 does not supercede national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken.2The time-period prescribed in Art. 36 for those cases that fall under Art. 39 supercedes those national laws that conflict with it.119/84Whether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?  {{{{yFThat is a matter of national law. A court needs to refer to their national procedural rules to determine whether or not a separate judicial authorization is required after receiving authorization.2By virtue of Art. 39 of the Convention, a party that has received authorization to take protective measures is not obligated to obtain a separate judicial authorization.119/84Does a party that has proceded with protective measures against debtors required to obtain a separate judicial authorization required by the national laws of that member state?DFThe protective measures in Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM are governed by national laws except where the Convention expressly requires otherwise.2The Convention governs procedures to obtain authorization for enforcement and does not contain measures concerning enforcement implementation, which is subject to national laws. However, national laws must not contradict the principles outlined in Art. 3119/84Whether or not Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM creates a comprehensive Community procedure for protective measures against debtors or whether the protective measures are to be taken according to each member states national rules?FCommission Regulation 3013/80 should be declared invalid because the Commission based the compensatory amounts on one mode of production that is not uniformly used throughout the Community.3The applicant has not shown that the production projections in which the compensatory amounts were based upon were unrealistic. Therefore, the applicant has not shown that either regulation is invalid.46/84Are Commission Regulations 746/79 and 3013/80 concerning the customs tariffs on maize products invalid because they set the monetary compensatory amounts too low based on unrealistic production projections?yFLVALN  .D  \  ?% !**  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)@h pw/mE@p  1*Type of Litiganth @ p~C@Y~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo63 8 _[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]8m[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] ri1a*y Type of Litigant  *8 H  p8@HPXxp    0  z   p  (   d 0     Type of Litigant PrimaryKeyv @(q 'Type of LitigantPrimaryKey@8 @x  PYYYYYYLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] [Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of241/83II== 2 P{YkMdoMY^iQUbdF@DF>qJ^YO$QYkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimY^M^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimY^M^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qY^M^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimY^M^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qkobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qfJmYL^QsYmWJimY^M^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvSdiJUQi`JbY`fdimQimdLQiQhoYiQOmdYbSdi`mWQfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qfoiMWJkQidSJ`dmdiMvM^QmWJmUQi`JbOQJ^QikdSmQbiQSokQmdMJiivdomiQfJYikobOQiUoJiJbmQQSdiqQWYM^QksWYMWJiQmWQkoL[QMmdSfJiJ^^Q^Y`fdimk$qq'Community Law dose not in principle preclude legislation like Italian Law No 979/82.''Community Law dose not in principle preclude legislation like Italian Law No 979/82.''as #x@ MSysRelationships///     # PNIn calculation of the pension by the competent authorities the periods completedInThe periods completed in another Member State are not to be taken into account for the acquisition of a right to an independent benefit. Of an independent benefit and a proportionate benefit, the more favourable one to the recipient shall be used.3The periods completed iThe periods completed in another Member State are not to be taken into account for the acquisition of a right to an independent benefit. Of an independent benefit and a proportionate benefit, the more favourable one to the recipient shall be used.3The periods completed in another Member State are not to be taken into account for the acquisition of a right to an independent benefit. Of an independent benefit and a proportionate benefit, the more favourable one to the recipient shall be used.146/93How should Articles 3(1) and 49 of regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted with regard to two Member States who set different limits on the age at which maximum pension is allowed?     F7 Community law allows provisions such as those in sections 45 and 45A of the Social Security Act in so far as they extend the category of entitled persons to include a group of women, even if the criteria is different for men and women.3Community law allows provisions such as those in sections 45 and 45A of the Social Security Act in so far as they extend the category of entitled persons to include a grou7 Community law allows provisions such as those in sections 45 and 45A of the Social Security Act in so far as they extend the category of entitled persons to include a group of women, even if the criteria is different for men and women.3Community law allows provisions such as those in sections 45 and 45A of the Social Security Act in so far as they extend the category of entitled persons to include a group of women, even if the criteria is different for men and women.420/92Does Community law preclude a Member State which provided for increases in long-term old-age benefits in respect of a dependent spouse to be granted only to men from abolishing that discrimination solely with regard to women who fulfil certain criteria?FCouncil Reg No 3433/91 is void insofar as it applies to Gao Yao.3The application for annulment is dismissed as inadmissible and the regulation remains intact.75/92Should Coucil Reg No 3433/91 imposing a 16.9% anti-dumping duty on products originating in the People s Republic of China be annulled?GVVVVTFCommunity Law precludes acceptance by national authorities of potatoes and citrus fruit that has received its moving and phytosanitary certificates from any authority other than the authorities in the Republic of Cyprus.3Community Law precludes acceptance by national authorities of potatoes and citrus fruit that has received its moving and phytosanitaCouncil Reg No 3433/91 is void insofar as it applies to Gao Yao.3The application for annulment is dismissed as inadmissible and the regulation remains intact.75/92Should Coucil Reg No 3433/91 imposing a 16.9% anti-dumping duty on products originating in the People s Republic of China be annulled?GVVVVTF P*:<<<vvvvvvvv99999991111111111::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::@ P%The Kingdom of the Netherlands has faile%%The Kingdom of the Netherlands ha%The Kingdom of the Netherlands ha%The Kingdom of the Net%The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.52/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands faile dto fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission as to the adopting of various rules in the fieldof technical standards and regulations?qqqqoF$Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law which permits the dismissal of a woman engaged on the basis of an employment contract for an indefinite period on the ground that the employee must take maternity leave.3Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precl%The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.52/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands faile dto fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission as to the adopting of various rules in the fieldof technical standards and regulations?qqqqoF$Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law which permits the dismissal of a woman engaged on the basis of an employment contract for an indefinite period on the ground that the employee must take maternity leave.3Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76%The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.52/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands faile dto fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission as to the adopting of various rules in the fieldof technical standards and regulations?qqqqoF$Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law which permits the dismissal of a woman engaged on the basis of an employment contract for an indefinite period on the ground that the employee must take maternity leave.3%The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.52/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands faile dto fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission as to the adopting of various rules in the fieldof technical standards and regulations?qqqqoF$Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law which permits the dismissal of a woman engaged on the basis of an employment contract for an indefinite period on the ground that the employee must take maternity leave.3Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law w%The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.52/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands faile dto fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission as to the adopting of various rules in the fieldof technical standards and regulations?qqqqoF P{tmf_XQJC<5A Member State cannot reserve such a supplementary allowance for EC nationals, it must be granted to an Algerian nation.3A Member State cannot reserve such a supplementary allowance for EC nationals, it must be granted to an Algerian nation.103/94Is the supplementary allowance reserved solely for EEC Nationals or can it be extended to Algerian natioinals residing in the EC?F@`vThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?ThhhhfFThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.348@`vThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?ThhhhfFThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.348/93Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not recovering iwthin the prescribed time@`vThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?ThhhhfFThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.348/93Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not recovering iwthin the presc@`vThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?ThhhhfFThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italia@`vThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?ThhhhfF@`vThe Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?ThhhhfFThat Regualtion should be annulled while its effects should be left intact.3The application is dismissed and the Regulation remains intact.65/93Should Council Regulation No 3917/92 applying general tariff preferences in respect of ceertain products originating in developing countries be annulled on the ground that it was adopted without the consultation of Parliament?aaaa_F PYkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$bUJOQOoMmYdbmdLQ`JOQ$YkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$OQMYOQsWQmWQibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbYksWd^^vYbJff^YMJL^QdimdYbmQifiQmJkiQhoYiYbUJOQOoMmYdbmdLQ`JOQ$YkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$diJbJmYdbJ^MdoimmdOQMYOQsWQmWQibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbYksWd^^vYbJff^YMJL^QdimdYbmQifiQmJkiQhoYiYbUJOQOoMmYdbmdLQ`JOQ$YkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$bJmYdbJ^MdoimmdOQMYOQsWQmWQibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbYksWd^^vYbJff^YMJL^QdimdYbmQifiQmJkiQhoYiYbUJOQOoMmYdbmdLQ`JOQ$YkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$iLYOmWQ`Q`LQikdSmWJmkdMYQmvSid`LQYbU`Q`LQikdSJbvmdWQiMd`fQmYbUkdMYQmv$YkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$YkYm^JsSo^mdiQkmiYMmmWQokQdSmYm^QksWYMWJiQUiJbmQOofdbmWQMd`f^QmYdbdSfdkmUiJOoJmQkmoOYQk$YkYmkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbJUJYbkm`QbYSmWQ`QmWdOkLvsWYMWiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbYkMJ^Mo^JmQO`JviQko^mYbJWYUWQifQbkYdbSdisd`QbSdimWQkJ`Qsdi\iQMdiOYSkdOdQkJimYM^Q>dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDHDQQMWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$disd`QbSdimWQkJ`Qsdi\iQMdiOYSkdOdQkJimYM^Q>dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDHDQQMWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$`QmWdOkLvsWYMWiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbYkMJ^Mo^JmQO`JviQko^mYbJWYUWQifQbkYdbSdisd`QbSdimWQkJ`Qsdi\iQMdiOYSkdOdQkJimYM^Q>dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDHDQQMWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$YmWMd``obYmv^JsYSJMd`fJbvYkOoQiQfJv`QbmSdiJmJuQuQ`fmYdbJbOYkUYqQbmWJmQuQ`fmYdbJbOYkJ^kdQbmYm^QOiQfJv`Qbmkoff^Q`QbmLomYkOQbYQOmWQkoff^Q`QbmdbmWQUidobOkdSYmkMWJbUQdSiQkYOQbMQ$NYkYmMdbmiJivmdMd``obYmv^JsSdiOd`QkmYM^QUYk^JmYdbmdQkmJL^YkWYbkQ`YbJmYdbMQbmQiksWYMWJ^dbQJiQJomWdiYxQOmddfQiJmQYbJbJiQJJbOOdmWdkQfidqYkYdbkQbmYm^QmWQ`md^QqvJOOYmYdbJ^MWJiUQksWQbLiQQOQikJk\SdikQ`QbdSmWQYiMWdYMQ$YkYmOYkMiY`YbJmYdbSdiJbQ`f^dvQimdOYk`YkkJSQ`J^QQ`f^dvQQdbmWQLJkYkdSJfiQUbJbMvYSkWQsJkWYiQOkfQMYSYMJ^^vmdSY^^YbSdiJbdmWQidb`JmQibYmv^QJqQsWQbYSmWQQ`f^dvQiWJO\bdsbdSmWQfiQUbJbMvkWQsdo^ObdmWJqQLQQbWYiQO$YkYmSdiJbJmYdbJ^MdoimmdOQMYOQsWQmWQibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbYksWd^^vYbJff^YMJL^QdimdYbmQifiQmJkiQhoYiYbUJOQOoMmYdbmdLQ`JOQ$YkYmYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJimYM^QF@8dSmWQmiQJmvSdiJMd``QiMYJ^MddfQiJmYqQkdMYQmvmdJOdfm`QJkoiQksWYMWSdiLYOmWQ`Q`LQikdSmWJmkdMYQmvSid`LQYbU`Q`LQikdSJbvmdWQiMd`fQmYbUkdMYQmv$YkYm^JsSo^SdibJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdSYuM^dkYbUOJmQkSdiWobmYbUkQJkdbmWJmqJivJMMdiOYbUmdkfQMYQk$YkYm^JsSo^mdiQkmiYMmmWQokQdSmYm^QksWYMWJiQUiJbmQOofdbmWQMd`f^QmYdbdSfdkmUiJOoJmQkmoOYQk$YkYmiQ^QqJbmmWJmmWQf^JYbmYSSOYObdmJMmQJi^YQimdQbSdiMQmWQiYUWmksWYMWkWQbdsM^JY`kmdWJqQ$YkYmkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbJUJYbkm`QbYSmWQ`QmWdOkLvsWYMWiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbYkMJ^Mo^JmQO`JviQko^mYbJWYUWQifQbkYdbSdisd`QbSdimWQkJ`Qsdi\iQMdiOYSkdOdQkJimYM^Q>dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDHDQQMWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$QMd``dbmiJbkYmfiQMQOoiQMdbqQbmYdbqJ^YO$ l  # niti@ @@@Jacobs1280/92Spain v CommissionKingdom of SpainCommission of the European Communitiesn\H<::::2222 @`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de niti@ @@@Jacobs1280/92Spain v CommissionKingdom of SpainCommission of the European Communitiesn\H<::::2222 @`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Arc@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Archi@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil Natio@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Arc@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Archit@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesH<::::2222 @`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesH<::::2222 @`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Architec@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Architecte@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesH<::::2222@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National @`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des Architectes@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesH<::::2222@`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesH<::::2222 @`@?@Darmon1447/93Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesH<::::2222 @`@??Gulmann151/93Meyhui v Schott Zwiesel GlaswerkeMeyhui NVSchott Zwiesel Glaswerke AGujG=;;;;2222 A @@@Van Gerven161/93Commission v NetherlandsCommission of the European CommunitiesKingdom of the NetherlandsdJ@>>>>2222 A @@@Van Gerven161/93Commission v NetherlandsCommission of the European CommunitiesKingdom of the NetherlandsdJ@>>>>2222  P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     De,ThDDe,The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.413/92Should Commission Decision C(92) 1783 Final on the clearance of accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1989 of the EAGGF be declared void in so far as the Commission excluded from Community financing a sum of DM 432 000?De,The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far aDe,The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.413/92Should Commission DecisionDe,The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.413/92Should Commission Decision C(92) 1783 Final on the clearance of accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1989 of the EAGGF be declared void in so far as the Commission excluded from Community financing a sum of DM 432 000?F+The court should annul the decisioin in Case T-84/91.3The appeal is dismissed the decision of theDe,The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.413/92Should Commission Decision C(92) 1783 Final on the clearanDe,The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.413/92Should Commission Decision C(92) 1783 Final on the clearance of accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1989 of the EAGGF be declared void in so far as the Commission excluded from Community financing a sum of DM 432 000?F&The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations.3The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations.61/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission of the adopting of several rules concerning the field of technical regulations and standards?ZZZZXF POdQkJimYM^Q<dSmYm^QYYdSiQUbdF@@F>OYiQMm^vQuM^oOQmWQUiJbmdSkfQMYJ^JYOfidqYOQOSdiYbUQi`JbmoibdqQimJu^JsfdkkYL^vYbMdbmiJqQbmYdbdSJimYM^Q<8SdiJUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMQikbdmWJqYbUmWQYikQJmYbUQi`Jbv$OdQkJimYM^Q<6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QksWYMWiQhoYiQJfQikdb^QJqYbUbJmYdbJ^mQiiYmdivLQJiYbUMoiiQbvmd`J\QJfiYdiOQM^JiJmYdbYSmWJmJ`dobmYbYbQuMQkkdS8`Y^^YdbfQifQikdb$J^mQiiYmdivLQJiYbUMoiiQbvmd`J\QJfiYdiOQM^JiJmYdbYSmWJmJ`dobmYbYbQuMQkkdS8`Y^^YdbfQifQikdb$OdQkJimYM^Q<6fiQM^oOQ^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWfidqYOQkSdiMiY`YbJ^JMmYdbYbmWQMJkQdSfdkkQkkYdbdSk`J^^hoJbmYmYQkdSY`fdimQOmdLJMMdUddOk$ QifQikdb$OdQkJimYM^Q<6fiQM^oOQ^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWfidqYOQkSdiMiY`YbJ^JMmYdbYbmWQMJkQdSfdkkQkkYdbdSk`J^^hoJbmYmYQkdSY`fdimQOmdLJMMdUddOk$ 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PS`JvYmLQkJYOmWJmYmYkkd^Q^vLviQJkdbdSmWQfQiSdi`JbMQdSWYkOomYQkmWJmJMd``obYmvdSSYMYJ^WJkQkmJL^YkWQOWYkiQkYOQbMQYbJ`Q`LQikmJmQQqQbYSmWQdSSYMYJ^YbmQbOQOmd`J\QmWQ`dqQiQUJiO^Qkk$LYmkkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvkMWQ`Q$:`JvYmLQkJYOmWJmYmYkkd^Q^vLviQJkdbdSmWQfQiSdi`JbMQdSWYkOomYQkmWJmJMd``obYmvdSSYMYJ^WJkQkmJL^YkWQOWYkiQkYOQbMQYbJ`Q`LQikmJmQQqQbYSmWQdSSYMYJ^YbmQbOQOmd`J\QmWQ`dqQiQUJiO^Qkk$L`JvbJmYdbJ^^JsfidWYLYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$LYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$idWYLYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$L`JvbJmYdbJ^^JsfidWYLYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$$L`JvbJmYdbJ^^JsfidWYLYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$UJiO^Qkk$L`JvbJmYdbJ^^JsfidWYLYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$i\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$idOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$YdbJ^^JsfidWYLYmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSYMQMiQJ`LJikYbJfJimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$JimYMo^JifiQkQbmJmYdbsWYMWJiQfidOoMQOJbO^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbU`Jv`Yk^QJOMdbko`Qik$mkdsb^QUYk^JmYdbYbdiOQimdOQmQi`YbQsWQmWQimWQfQiYdOkdSYbkoiJbMQdiiQkYOQbMQMd`f^QmQOJbOiQMdUbYxQOJkkoMWobOQimWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk`JvLQokQOmdMJ^Mo^JmQLQbQSYmk$`okmJMd`fQmQbmYbkmYmomYdbOQMYOQdbJiQhoQkmSdimWQQumQbkYdbdSmWQfQiYdOYbiQkfQMmdSsWYMWkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmkJiQ`JOQfJvJL^QQqQbmWdoUWmWQiQhoQkmsJkbdm`JOQQufiQkk^vLvmWQobQ`f^dvQOfQikdb$`okmJ`Q`LQikmJmQkQmmWQkJ`QoffQi^Y`YmSdiLdmW`QbJbOsd`QbsWQbQkmJL^YkWYbUYbqJ^YOYmvLQbQSYmk$`okmJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWdkQ^QUYk^JmYdb`J\QkmWQiYUWmmdLQbQSYmMdbOYmYdbJ^ofdbmWQMd`f^QmYdbdSJfQiYdOdSiQkYOQbMQmiQJmfQiYdOkdSmWQM^JY`JbmkiQkYOQbMQYbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkJkmWdoUWmWQvsQiQfQiYdOkdSiQkYOQbMQYbmWQSYikmkmJmQ$`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$p`okmJbY`fdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQOQ`JbOMokmd`OomYQkdbUddOksWdkQdiYUYbMJbbdmLQOQmQi`YbQO$w P    2A buyer who claims that her payment to the seller for export quotas should not be included in the customs value of the goods must prove that the seller aq22A buyer who claims that her payment to the seller for export quotas should not be included in the customs value of the goods must prove that the seller aquired the export quota against payment.3Quota charges not included2A buyer who claims that her payment to the seller for export quotas should not be included in the customs value of the goods must prove that the seller aquired the export quota against payment.3Quota charges not included in the customs value of goods do not need to be indicated in the declaration of customs value.340/93Must quotas be distinguished?}^^RRF1Payment made by the buyer to the seller for expo2A buyer who claims that her payment to the seller for export quotas should not be included in the customs value of the goods must prove that the seller aquired the export quota against payment.3Quota charges not included in the customs value of goods do not need to be indicated in the declaration of customs value.340/93Must quotas be distinguished?}^^RRF0The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is invalid.3Those words refer to the country of the final marketing of the goods.51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?F/The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is in0The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is invalid.3Those words refer to the country of the final marketing of the goods.51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?F/The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are0The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is invalid.3Those words refer to the country of the final marketing of the goods.51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the good0The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is invalid.3Those words refer to the country of the final marketing of the goods.51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?F PN8Article 4 of Council D88Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.3That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?8Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.3That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?t     F7The prohibition on charges having equi8Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.3That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the F8Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.3That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in 8Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.3That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?t     F7The prohibition on charges having equivalent effect to customs duties on imports does not apply to a charge levi8Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.3That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?t     F P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E >DThe appeal should be dismissed.3DDTheDThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO55553FCArticle 14 of the Brussels Convention is not applicable where proceedings are brought by a consumer in a Contracting State against a partDThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO55553FCArticle 14 of the Brussels Convention is not applicable where proceedings are brought by a consumer in a Contracting State against a party domiciled in a non-Contracting State, where the conditions of the second paragraph of Article 13 are not fulfilled.3The courts of the State in which the consumer is domDThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO55553FCArticle 14 of the Brussels Convention is not applicable where proceedings are brought by a consumer in a Contracting State against a party domiciled in a non-Contracting State, where the conditions of the second paragraph of Article 13 are not fulfilled.3The courts of the State in which the consumer is domiciled have jurisdiction in proceedings under Article 14 of the Brussels Convention, if the other party to the contract is domiciled in a ConDThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO55553FCArticle 14 of the Brussels Convention is not applicable where proceedings are brought by a consumer in a Contracting State against a party domiciled in a non-Contracting State, where the conditions of the second paragraph of Article 13 are not fulfilled.3The courts of the State in which the consumer is domiciled have jurisdiction in proceedings under Article 14 of the Brussels Convention, if the other party to the contract is domiciled in a Contracting State or is deemed to be so domiciled.318/93Is it a conditioDThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO5555DThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO55553F>For a Member State to be obliged to recognize a diploma in architecture awarded in an Ingenieurschule before 1973 it must have been awardedby a department of architecture.3A diploma awarded in 1966 by the Allgemeiner Hochbau department of the Staatliche DThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?[[OO55553F PUIn view of the judgment in Barber, it is contrary to AUUIn view of the judgment in Barber, it is contrary to Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to maintain in an occupational pension scheme, in relation to periods of service completed aftUIn vieUIn view of the judgment in BarUIt is contrary to Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to maintain in an occupational pension scheme, in relation to periods of service completed after 17 May 1990, the pensionable age at 55 years for a limited group of female employees.3It is contrary to Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to maintain in an occupational pension scheme, in relation to periods of service completed after 17 May 1990, the pensionable age at 55 years for a limited group of female employees.28/93In a pension scheme adopted in the framework of a labour agreement in which the pensionable age for both male and female member is set at 60, is it contrary to Article 119 for a limited group of women to remain fixed at 55 years after the Barber judgment?F tTWhere claims to such benefits can be based on a period of employment prior to the date of the Barber judgment, the direct effect of Article 119 may not be relied upon for any period of employment prior to the Defrenne II judgment.3By virtue of Protocol No 2 on Article 119, the direct effect of Article 119 may be relied upon in order to require equal treatment of benefits under a pension scheme such as the ABPW for periods of employment falling between 8 April 1976 and 17 May 1990.7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?@F tSArticle 119 of the Treaty cannot be relied upon to claim benefits based on any period of employment prior to the date of the Barber j tTWhere claims to such benefits can be based on a period of employment prior to the date of the Barber judgment, the direct effect of Article 119 may not be relied upon for any period of employment prior to the Defrenne II judgment.3By virtue of Protocol No 2 on Article 119, the direct effect of Article 119 may be relied upon in order to require equal treatment of benefits under a pension scheme such as the ABPW for periods of employment falling between 8 April 1976 and 17 May 1990 tTWhere claims to such benefits can be based on a period of employment prior to the date of the Barber judgment, the direct effect of Article 119 may not be relied upon for any period of employment prior to the Defrenne II judgment.3By virtue of Protocol No 2 on Article 119, the direct effect of Article 119 may be relied upon in order to require equal treatment of benefits under a pension scheme such as the ABPW for periods of employment falling between 8 April 1976 and 17 May 1990.7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?@F tSArticle 119 of the Treaty cannot be relied upon to claim benefits based on any period of employm tTWhere claims to such benefits can be based on a period of employment prior to the date of the Barber judgment, the direct effect of Article 119 may not be relied upon for any period of employment prior to the Defrenne II judgment.3By virtue of Protocol No 2 on Article 119, the direct effect of Article 119 may be relied upon in order to require equal treatment of benefits under a pension scheme such as the ABPW for periods of employment falling between 8 April 1976 and 17 May 1990.7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?@F PN[Comm[Community law does not prevent the national court from ensuring, in accordance with domestic law, that restoration of the rights conferred on workers by Aricle 119 of the EEC Treaty does not lead to unjust enrichment of the worker concerned.3The fact that a worker can claim retroactively to join an occupational scheme does not allow the worker to avoid paying the contributions relating to the period of membership concerned.128/93If under Article 11[Community law does not prevent the national court from ensuring, in accordance with domestic law, that restoration of the rights conferred on workers by Aricle 119 of the EEC Treaty does not lead to unjust enrichment of the worker concerned.3The fact that a worker can claim retroactively to join an occupational scheme does not allow the worker to avoid paying the contributions relating to the period of membership concerned.128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member [Community law does not prevent the national court from ensuring, in accordance with domestic law, that restoration of the rights conferred on workers by Aricle 119 of the EEC Treaty does not lead to unjust enrichment of the worker concerned.3The fact that a worker can claim retroactively to join an occupational scheme does not allow the worker to avoid paying the contributions relating to the period of membership concerned.128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member of the occupational pension scheme from a date prior to 1 January 1991, does that mean that she s not bou[Community law does not prevent the national court from ensuring, in accordance with domestic law, that restoration of the rights conferred on workers by Aricle 119 of the EEC Treaty does not lead to unjust enrichment of the worker concerned.3The fact that a worker can claim retroactively to join an occupational scheme does not allow the worker to avoid paying the contributions relating to the period of membership concerned.128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member of the occupational pension scheme from a date prior to 1 January 1991, does that mean that she s not bound to pay the premiums which she would have had to pay had she been admitted earlier?FWThe limitation of the effect in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.3The limitation of the effect in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue inWThe limitation of the effect in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.3The limitation of the effect in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue in this case?44**F PffSuch circumstances do constitue a ffSuch circumstances do constitue a relevant crossborder elemefSuch circumstafSuch circumstances do constitue a relevant crossborder element for the purposes of Community law.3The concept of provision of services covers the transmission of television programs supplied by a broadcasting body in another Member State, even if that body established itself there in order to avoid the applicable legislation.23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?ahh^^wwwwuFeThe judgment is quashed in so far as it declares that the medical officer was allowed to permittedfSuch circumstances do constitue a relevant crossborder element for the purposes of Community law.3The concept of provision of services covers the transmission of television programs supplied by a broadcasting body in another Member State, even if that body established itself there in order to avoid the applicable legislation.23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?ahh^^wwwwuFeThe judgment is quashed in so far as it declares that the medical officer was allowed to permitted an HIV test, the letter stating that Mr. X did not meet fitnessfSuch circumstances do constitue a relevant crossborder element for the purposes of Community law.3The concept of provision of services covers the transmission of television programs supplied by a broadcasting body in another Member State, even if that body established itself there in order to avoid the applicable legislation.23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?ahh^^wwwwuFeThe judgment is quashed in so far as it declares that the medical officer was allowed to permitted an HIV test, the letter stating that Mr. X did not meet fitness requirements is annulled, and the question of damages is referred back to First Instance.3The judgment of the Court of First Instance is annulled to the extent thaeThe judgment is quashed in so far as it declares that the medical officer was allowed to permitted an HIV test, the letter stating that Mr. X did not meet fitness requirements is annulled, and the question of damages is referred back to First Instance.3The judgment of the Court of First Instance is annulled to the extent that it dismisses the applicants claim. That Commission decision is anulled, and the application for compensation is rejected.404/92Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Cases T-121/89 and T-13/90 concerning the annulment of a Commission decision to reject the application of Mr. X on the grounds that he had AIDs be overturned and Mr. X be compensated?F PmIt is for the national court to determine exact anatomical definitions, however, if the national court finds that the product should be classifed as Whole Wings With or Without Tips, then the product should be classified under 02.02. B II b) ofand 0207.41151/93How should wings with a piece of the back between them be classified with regard to the tariff headings in Commission Regs Nos 267/87, 1151/87, 2800/87, and 3846/87?lA chilCommission Regs Nos 1151/87 anlCommission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87 must be interpreted as meaing that a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump must be classified under subheading 02.02 B IIlCommission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87 must be interpreted as meaing that a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump must be classified under subheading 02.02 B II e) 3 if the piece of back id inessential, 02.02 B. II ex g) otherwise.2Commission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87 must be interpreted as meaing that a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump must be classified under subheading 02.02 B II e) 3 if the piece of back id inessential, 02.02 B. II ex g) otherwise.151/93How should a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump be classifed with regard to Commission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87?     kFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.255/93Has France fulfilled its obligations under Article 3(1) and (2) of Council Directive 85/339/EEC on containers of liquids for human consumption?7WWWWUFjConsideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.3Consideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?o00$$FiConsideratiokFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.255/93Has France fulfilled its obligations under Article 3(1) and (2) of Council Directive 85/339/EEC on containers of liquids for human consumption?7WWWWUFjConsideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.3Consideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?o00$$jConsideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.3Consideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?o00$$FhA Member State may extend the periodic testing requirements laid down in EC Law to motor vehicles which are not included in a category in the list in Annex I, and by it may require such tests to be carried out by bodies onits territory that it supervises.3Community Law does not preclude legislation of a Member State which does not permit test certificates to be issued by garages established in another state.55/93Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a member state by virtue of which test certificates may not be issued by garages established in another state?[F P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - rNational provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?YrNational provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?YrNational provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?YFqrNational provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production cerNational provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?YFqCommunity Law does not preclude national rules setting up centers which alone are allowed to perform inseminatiorNational provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?YF P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     =That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution m=That sentence must be in=That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.3That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.406/93Must the last sentence of Article 46(2)(a) of Regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted as meaning that where, under the applicable legislation of a Member State, the amount of the invalidity benefit depends on the remuneration receiv=That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.3That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.406/93Must the last sentence of Article 46(2)(a) of Regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted as meaning that where, under the applicable legislation of a Member State, the amount of the invalidity benefit =That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.3That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.406/93Must the last sentence of Article 46(2)(a) of Regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted as meaning that where, under the applicable legislation of a Member State, the amount of the invalidity benefit depends on the remuneration received by the worker at the ti=That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.3That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the =That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.3That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.406/93Must the last sentence of Article 46(2)(a) of Regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted as meaning that where, under the applicable legislation of a Member State, the amount of the invalidity benefit depends on the remuneration received by the worker at the tiF PaTheaaThe letter should be annaThe letter should be annulled.3Points I.3 and I.4 of the letter sent to the Italian Republic are anulled in so far as they concern aid for the formation of stocks of agricultural products.47/91Should the letter sent by the Commission to the Italian republic announcing that it had decided to initiate the procedure provided for in Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty with regard to aid granted by Italy to Italgrani SpA be annulled?44442F`The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.65/94Has the Kingdom of BelgiuaThe letter should be annulled.3Points I.3 and I.4 of the letter sent to the Italian Republic are anulled in so far as they concern aid for the formation of stocks of agricultural products.47/91Should the letter sent by the Commission to the Italian republic announcing that it had decided to initiate the procedure provided for in Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty with regard to aid granted by Italy to Italgrani SpA be annulled?44442F`The Kingdom of Belgium has aThe letter should be annulled.3Points I.3 and I.4 of the letter sent to the Italian Republic are anulled in so far as they concern aid for the formation of stocks of agricultural products.47/91Should the letter sent by the Commission to the Italian republic announcing that it had decided to initiate the procedure provided for in Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty with regard to aid granted by Italy to Italgrani SpA be annulled?44442F`The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.65/94Has the Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its obligation by not implementing or informing the Commission o fthe implementation of the necessary laws and aThe letter should be annulled.3Points I.3 and I.4 of the letter sent to the Italian Republic are anulled in so far as they concern aid for the formation of stocks of agricultural products.47/91Should the letter sent by the Commission to the Italian republic announcing that it had decided to initiate the procedure provided for in Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty with regard to aid granted by Italy to Italgrani SpA be annulled?44442F`The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.65/94Has the Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its obligation by not implementing or informing the Commission o fthe implementation of the necessary laws and administrative procedures to comply with Council Directive No 90/167/EEC?vMMMMK`The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.3The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.65/94Has the Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its obligation by not implementing or informing the Commission o fthe implementation of the necessary laws and administrative procedures to comply with Council Directive No 90/167/EEC?vMMMMKF P {406/92Does a claim brought by in rem by cargo owners against a carrying vessel in volve the same parties and the same cause of action as in personam proceedings brought by the ship owner against the cargo owners in another State?zThose courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second zThose courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delzThose courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delcine jurisdiction in a case where proceedings are brought in a Contracting State which involve the same cause of action as prior proceedings brought in another Contracting State?OVVJJFinwThe deciszThose courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delcine jurisdiction in a case where proceedings are brought in a Contracting State which involve the same cause of action as prior proceedings brought in another Contracting State?OVVJJzThose courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State zThose courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delcine jurisdiction in a case where proceedings are brought in a Contracting State which involve the same cause of action as prior proceedings brought in another Contracting State?OVVJJinwThe decision is void.3Commission Decision C(92) 2655 fin. is annulled.430/92Should Commission Decision C (92) 2655 fin. be annulled?ii]]++++)FvThe appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.3The appeal is dismissed and the decision uphled.76/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-75/91 to dimiss the application be overturned?MMMMKF P{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.3Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.297/93Does Community Law prohibit drawing a pension from being treated in the same way as a main occupation if that pension is reduced by loss of earnings as a result of raising children?nnnnlFCommunity Law does not require such an interpretation of a national law.3Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.3Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.297/93Does Community Law prohibit drawing a pension from being treated in the same way as a main occupation if that pension is reduced by loss of earnings as a result of raising children?nnnnlFCommunity Law dCommunity Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.3Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.297/93Does Community Law prohibit drawing a pension from being treated in the same way as a main occupation if that pension is reduced by loss of earnings as a result of raising children?nnnnlF~A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.3A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?F}Two actions are to be regarded as related whenever they are concerned with essentially the same matters of fact and law, and ther~A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.3A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?F}Two actions are to be regarded as related whenever they are concerned with essentially the same matters of fact and~A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.3A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?~A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.3A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?F PThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaFThe appeal should be dismissed.3The judgment in case T-66/89 is set aside, and Articles 2, 3, and 4 of Commission Decision 89/44/EEC are annulled360/92Should theThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaFThe appeal should be dismissed.3The judgment in case T-66/89 is set aside, and Articles 2, 3, and 4 of Commission Decision 89/44/EEC are annulled360/92Should the judgment of the CThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaFThe appeal should be dismissed.3The judgment in case T-66/89 is set aside, and Articles 2, 3, and 4 of Commission Decision 89/44/EEC are annulled360/92Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case TThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaFThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaFSpain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.94/94Has the Kingdom of Spain failed to fulfiThe Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?eccccaFSpain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.94/94Has the Kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its obligations under Community Law by not transposing into law Council Directive 90/167/EEC except for Article 11(2) and not informing the Commission within the time-limit set by the Directive?YYYYWF PThe exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin?$$FConsideration of the questions at hand has disclosed no facThe exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin?$$FConsideration of the questions at hand has disclosed no factor of such a The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusiveThe exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin?$$FConsideration of the questions at hand has disclThe exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whThe exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin?$$The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporterThe exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.353/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin?$$F PSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?bPPPPNFAn non-resident employed person may not be deprived of the annual adjustment of deductions at source in repect of income tax if those benefits are available to a resident in a comparabSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?bPPPPNFAn non-resident employed person may not be deprived of the annual adjustment of deductions at source in repect of income tax if those benefits are available to a resident in a comparSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?bPPPPNFAn non-resident employed person may not be deprived of the annual adjustment of deductions at source in repecSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?bPPPPNFAn non-resident employed person may not be deprived of the annual adjustment of deductions at source in repect of income tax if those benefits are available to a resident in a comparable situation.3An non-resident employed personSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?bPPPPSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work iSuch a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.3Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?bPPPPNF`Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.66/94Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by failing to bring into force the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Council Directive91/687/EEC?d[[[[YF P Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.3Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?sddddbFSuch a national provision does fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty.3Such a naSuch a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.3Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.3Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide servSuch a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.3Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.3Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?sddddbFGermany has failed to fuulfil its obligations with respect to 75/442 and 78/319, however, the rest of the application should be dismissed.3Germany has failed to fuulfil its obligations with respect to 75/442 and 78/319, however, the rest of the application is dismissed.422/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary measures to transpose Council Directives 75/442/EEC, 78/319/EEC, 84/631/EEC and 86/279/EEC inot national law?11%%Fr zGreece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner deGermany has failed to fuulfil its obligations with respect to 75/442 and 78/319, however, the rest of the application should be dismissed.3Germany has failed to fuulfil its obligations with respect to 75/442 and 78/319, however, the rest of the application is dismissed.422/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary measures to transpose Council Directives 75/442/EEC, 78/319/EEC, 84/631/EEC and 86/279/EEC inot national law?11%%Fr zGreece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.79/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by not publishing a notice for tender concerning dressing materials for use in hospitals and the military?BZZZZXFThat Article precludes the application of a national law which makes the concept of child subjecct to age limits or to possessing the status of a defendant.3The concept of childr zGreece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.79/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by not publishing a notice for tender concerning dressing materials for use in hospitals and the military?BZZZZXF @@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v Co@@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @@@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>222@@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @?@Van @@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @?@@?@Lenz123/93TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaoUKD:88882222 @ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222 niti@@ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222 niti@ @ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222@ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222 niti@ @ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222 niti@ @@@ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222 niti@ @ @?@Van Gerven1404/92X v CommissionXCommission of the European Communities^\L@>>>>2222 @ @@@Van Gerven147/91Italy v CommissionItalian RepublicCommission of the European Communitiesp^J@>>>>2222 @ @@@Van Gerven147/91Italy v CommissionItalian RepublicCommission of the European Communitiesp^J@>>>>2222 @ @@@Van Gerven147/91Italy v CommissionItalian RepublicCommission of the European Communitiesp^J@>>>>2222 A@ @@@Van Gerven147/91Italy v CommissionItalian RepublicCommission of the European Communitiesp^J@>>>>2222 A@@@Darmon165/94Commission v BelgiumCommission of the European CommunitiesKingdom of Belgium\F<::::2222 ? A@@@Darmon165/94Commission v BelgiumCommission of the European CommunitiesKingdom of Belgium\F<::::2222 @ @@?Jacobs17/93BeuneBestuur van het Algemene Burgerlijk PensioenfondsG. A. 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Article 30 of the EEC Treaty applies to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it.3Article 30 of the EEC Treaty applies to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it.324/93Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty apply to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it?^^RRFThe Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.3The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.365/93Has the Hellenic Reepublic faiiled to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescribed time limit the necessary rules and laes to comply with Council Directive 89/48/EEC?RQQQQOFSuch a tax does not infringe those Articles so long as it is a part of a general system of internal taxation.3A tax charged on all cars in a member state is not a customs duty or a charge having equivalent effect to one and is therefore compatible with Articles 9 and 12.345The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.3The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.365/93Has the Hellenic Reepublic faiiled to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescribed time limit the necessary rules and laes to comply with Council Directive 89/48/EEC?RQQQQOFSuch a tax does not infringe those Articles so long as it is a part of a generalThe Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.3The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.365/93Has the Hellenic Reepublic faiiled to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescribed time limit the necessary rules and laes to comply with Council Directive 89/48/EEC?RQQQQOFThe jurisdiction of any of the courts seised by reason of the damage suffered is not affected by the risk of conflicting decisions.3The rules of national law should be used when assessing the harm done in such a case, provided that national law does not impair the Convention.68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?55++FIn a case such as that described a personmay either seek damages in the state wherein the distributor is established for all of the cases, or may seek damages in each individual The jurisdiction of any of the courts seised by reason of the damage suffered is not affected by the risk of conflicting decisions.3The rules of national law should be used when assessing the harm done in such a case, provided that national law does not impair the Convention.68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?55++FNɭThat directive is not applicable to those herbicides because they are not on the list in the annex to that directive.3That directive does not preclude such national legislation.74/94Does Directive 90/642 preclude national legislation from setting maximum permissible levels for residues of Chlorpropham and Propham on potatoes and requiring that the requisite checks be carried out after peeling?F V,  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW"  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW"  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Cons  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d Et  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW"  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW"  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW"  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW"  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg  @i196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatW" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  @e91/94Tribunal de G `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  @e91/94Tribunal de Gr `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  @e91/94Tribunal de Gra `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat=" `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  `@g484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat="  @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD  @@Y70/93Bu  @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD   @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD   @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD   @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD    @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD   @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD   @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD   @e91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, ParisD  @K96/94Tribunale di Genova5   @K96/94Tribunale di Genova5  @D98/94Arbeidsrechtbank, Antwerp;  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Case Characteristicscoder (last name)General Case Characteristics.coder (last name)t<< d case numberGeneral Case Chara P a Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFa In those cirmustances the court maa Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFa In those cirmustances the court may maintain its order for reference, the supposed accessa Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFa In those cirmustances the court may maintain its order for reference, the supposed accession of onen of the parties has no bearing on whether the court ought to answer the questions submitted.3Coa Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFa In those cirmustances the court may maintain its order for reference, the supposed accession of onen of the parties has no bearing on whether the court ought to answer the questions submitted.3Community law does not preclude a national court from judging that ta Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFa In those cirmustancesa Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFa In those cirmustances the court may maintain its order for reference, the supposed accession of onen of the parties has no bearing on whether the court ought to answer the questions submitted.3Community law does not preclude a national court from judging that the claims have been acceded and thereby terminating the case; a reference could only remain viable so la Both social security and unemployment benefits fall under Regulation No 1408/71.3No Answer.424/93Which social benefits granted by the member states are covered by Regulation No 1408/71?~~rrffffdFReg No 1408/71 dos not prohibit a member state from making the insurance of the children conditional in the manner described.3The conditions for entitlement to benefits for members of a workers family are governed by the national law of the state of employment insofar as they are not entitled to the benefits in the state of residence.451/93Does RegReg No 1408/71 dos not prohibit a member state from making the insurance of the children conditional in the manner described.3The conditions for entitlement to benefits for members of a workers family are governed by the national law of the state of employment insofar as they are not entitled to the benefits in the state of residence.451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?'ssggF Pz2OdQkMd``obYmv^JsfiQM^oOQmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSJ`Q`LQikmJmQLvqYimoQdSsWYMWmQkmMQimYSYMJmQk`JvbdmLQYkkoQOLvUJiJUQkQkmJL^YkWQOYbJbdmWQikmJmQ$Md``obYmv^JsfiQM^oOQYbJbdfQbMd`fQmYmYdbmdSo^SY^[dLfdkmYbUkmWQfdkkYLY^YmvdSOYkiQUJiOYbUsdi\MJiiYQOdomYbmWQfoL^YMkQiqYMQdSJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQsWY^QJM\bds^QOUYbUfoL^YMkQiqYMQMJiiYQOdomYbmWQkmJmQdSJff^YMJmYdb$YMd``obYmv^JsfidWYLYmJSddmLJ^^M^oLSid`iQhoYiYbUJbOiQMQYqYbUfJv`QbmofdbmWQQbUJUQ`QbmdSdbQdSYmkf^JvQikLvJbQsQ`f^dvYbUM^oL$8 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the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?' PWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KHWJkmWQ\YbUOd`dSmWQbQmWQi^JbOkSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsLvbdmbdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbJkmdmWQJOdfmYbUdSqJiYdokio^QkYbmWQSYQ^OdSmQMWbYMJ^kmJbOJiOkJbOiQUo^JmYdbk$QJOdfmYbUdSqJiYdokio^QkYbmWQSYQ^OdSmQMWbYMJ^kmJbOJiOkJbOiQUo^JmYdbk$So^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsLvbdmbdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbJkmdmWQJOdfmYbUdSqJiYdokio^QkYbmWQSYQ^OdSmQMWbYMJ^kmJbOJiOkJbOiQUo^JmYdbk$JmYdbkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsLvbdmbdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbJkmdmWQJOdfmYbUdSqJiYdokio^QkYbmWQSYQ^OdSmQMWbYMJ^kmJbOJiOkJbOiQUo^JmYdbk$foL^YMsdi\kMdbmiJMmk$[ WJkmWQ\YbUOd`dSmWQbQmWQi^JbOkSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsLvbdmbdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbJkmdmWQJOdfmYbUdSqJiYdokio^QkYbmWQSYQ^OdSmQMWbYMJ^kmJbOJiOkJbOiQUo^JmYdbk$WdsOdQkmWQ^JsfidqYOQSdimWQmiQJm`QbmdSYbMd`QmJuiQSobOkSdimWdkQsWddb^viQkYOQYbJ`Q`LWdskWdo^OJimYM^QLQYbmQifiQmQOsYmWiQUJiOmdJ`Y^\fidOoMQisWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$HYbJ`Q`LWdskWdo^OJimYM^QLQYbmQifiQmQOsYmWiQUJiOmdJ`Y^\fidOoMQisWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$HOsYmWiQUJiOmdJ`Y^\fidOoMQisWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$HdskWdo^OJimYM^QLQYbmQifiQmQOsYmWiQUJiOmdJ`Y^\fidOoMQisWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$HSiQUo^JmYdbbdF@DF>LQYbmQifiQmQOsYmWiQUJiOmdJ`Y^\fidOoMQisWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$HmdJ`Y^\fidOoMQisWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$HWdmiJbkSQikfJimdSWYkWd^OYbUmdJbdmWQifQikdbLomiQmJYbQOQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWQsWd^QdSmWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$H PNThe conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.2There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?ccccaFIt is for the national courts to determine whether or not a given measure infringes Article 95 by showing wThe conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.2There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?ccccaFIt is for the national courts to determine whether or not a given measure infringeThe conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.2There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?ccccaFIt is for the national courts to determine whether or not a given measure infringes Article 95 by showing wThe conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.2There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?ccccaFIt is for the national courts to determine whether or not a given measure infringes Article 95 by showing whether or not the differences in price affect consumption and competition.3It is for the national courts to determine wether the differences in price affect consumption and competition andThe conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.2There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?ccccaFIt is for the national courts to determine whether or not a given measure infringes Article 95 by showing whether or not the differences in price affect consumption and competition.3It is for the national courts to determine wether the differencThe conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.2There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?ccccaFThe court should dismiss the application.3The application is dismissed.431/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by not conducting a preliminary environmental impact assessment of the construction of a new nlock of a power station as required by Council Directive 85/377/EEC?;jj^^????=F The document which instituted the proceedings covers any document service of which enables the plaintiff to obtain a decision being recognized and enforced under the provisions of the Convention.3The decreto ingiuntivo must be regarded as the document which intstituted the proceedings within the meaning of the Convention.474/93Should a decreto ingiuntivo be regarded as the document which instituted the proceedings or& an equivalent document within the meaning of the Convention?gg[[F PNouLegal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.3Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin order to carry out his workouLegal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.3Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin orouLegal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.3Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin order to carrouLegal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.3Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin order to carry out his work and the existence of employment implies the right to residence.434/93Can legal employment be established in theouLegal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.3Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin order to carry out his work and the existence of employment implies the right to residence.434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?FouTheouLegal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.3Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin order to carry out his work and the existence of employment implies the right to residence.434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?FThose regulations do cover such converters.3Those regulations do cover such converters.467/93Do Regulations Nos 3841/86, 1828/87, 3734/87, 1779/88, 3606/88, 1656/89, and 3393/89 cover corresponding converters contained in circular housings having a diameter of 9.44 mm?-zznnAAAA?FsoIf such mixtures are to be used solely for the purpose of use in infusion Those regulations do cover such converters.3Those regulations do cover such converters.467/93Do Regulations Nos 3841/86, 1828/87, 3734/87, 1779/88, 3606/88, 1656/89, and 3393/89 cover corresponding converters contained in circular housings having a diameter of 9.44 mm?-zznnAAAA?F P гN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactivN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect fN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect from the date on which the national legislation came into force, a refund ofN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect from the date on which the national legislation came into force, a refund of the unduN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect from the date on which the national legislation came into force, a refund of tN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactiN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the caseN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim,N The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant prN The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect from the date on which the national legislation came into force, a refund of the undue VAT paid?DD::F PNThe failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premiumThe failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premium amounting tThe failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted when the authorities dThe failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted when the authorities do not inform the applicant in writing within the prescribed time period?,JJ>>FConsideration of the quesThe failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is aThe failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted when the authorities do not inform the applicant in writing within the prescribed time period?,JJ>>F PkWdo^OmWQ[oOU`QbmdSmWQMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQYbMJkQmF<H:OYk`YkkYbUxobYkWd^OYbUkJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQJbbo^`QbmdSJ^QmmQiSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbLQdqQimoibQO$%kWdo^OmWQdOQidSmWQMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQYbMJkQkm>H:H<JbOm>H:H<iLQkQmJkYOQ$mWQfidMQOoiQfidqYOQOSdiYbJimYM^QH<:dSmWQQQMmiQJmvsYmWiQUJiOmdJYOUiJbmQOLvYmJ^vmdYmJ^UiJbYkfJLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OmWQdOQidSmWQMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQYbMJkQkm>H:H<JbOm>H:H<iLQkQmJkYOQ$sYmWiQUJiOmdJYOUiJbmQOLvYmJ^vmdYmJ^UiJbYkfJLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OmWQdOQidSmWQMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQYbMJkQkm>H:H<JbOm>H:H<iLQkQmJkYOQ$kWdo^OmWQfJi^YJ`QbmLQSdiMQOmdfJvmWQJff^YMJbmOJ`JUQkSdiLiQJMWdSMdbmiJMmsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQmQi`YbJmYdbdSmWQMdbmiJMmSdiQ`f^dv`QbmYbLiokkQ^kJbOmWQiQSokJ^mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$JbOm>H:H<iLQkQmJkYOQ$kWdo^OmWQfJi^YJ`QbmLQSdiMQOmdfJvmWQJff^YMJbmOJ`JUQkSdiLiQJMWdSMdbmiJMmsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQmQi`YbJmYdbdSmWQMdbmiJMmSdiQ`f^dv`QbmYbLiokkQ^kJbOmWQiQSokJ^mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$OJ`JUQkSdiLiQJMWdSMdbmiJMmsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQmQi`YbJmYdbdSmWQMdbmiJMmSdiQ`f^dv`QbmYbLiokkQ^kJbOmWQiQSokJ^mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$WQmQi`YbJmYdbdSmWQMdbmiJMmSdiQ`f^dv`QbmYbLiokkQ^kJbOmWQiQSokJ^mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$Jff^YMJbmOJ`JUQkSdiLiQJMWdSMdbmiJMmsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQmQi`YbJmYdbdSmWQMdbmiJMmSdiQ`f^dv`QbmYbLiokkQ^kJbOmWQiQSokJ^mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$kWdo^OmWQkoiiQbOQidSmQbJbmQOiQkYOQbmYJ^fiQ`YkQkJbOmWQYbMiQJkQYbiQbmfJvJL^QSdimWdkQfiQ`YkQkLQOQM^JiQOob^JsSo^JbOMd`fQbkJmYdbLQfJYOSdimWQJOOYmYdbJ^iQbmfJYO$mYbLiokkQ^kJbOmWQiQSokJ^mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$kWdo^OmWQkoiiQbOQidSmQbJbmQOiQkYOQbmYJ^fiQ`YkQkJbOmWQYbMiQJkQYbiQbmfJvJL^QSdimWdkQfiQ`YkQkLQOQM^JiQOob^JsSo^JbOMd`fQbkJmYdbLQfJYOSdimWQJOOYmYdbJ^iQbmfJYO$mdJMMQfmmQbOQimWQiQJSmQi$kWdo^OmWQkoiiQbOQidSmQbJbmQOiQkYOQbmYJ^fiQ`YkQkJbOmWQYbMiQJkQYbiQbmfJvJL^QSdimWdkQfiQ`YkQkLQOQM^JiQOob^JsSo^JbOMd`fQbkJmYdbLQfJYOSdimWQJOOYmYdbJ^iQbmfJYO$kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$JiQbmfJvJL^QSdimWdkQfiQ`YkQkLQOQM^JiQOob^JsSo^JbOMd`fQbkJmYdbLQfJYOSdimWQJOOYmYdbJ^iQbmfJYO$kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$JdiOQM^JiQObdbQuYkmQbmJbOmWQOQMYkYdbmdQumQbOmWJmSiJ`Qsdi\J^kdLQJbbo^^QO$#kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$JmWQOQMYkYdbmdQumQbOmWJmSiJ`Qsdi\J^kdLQJbbo^^QO$#kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$Jy ECU 20 833.33 with interest calculated according to the Belgian Code for the breach of contract.''Should the Parliament be forced to pay the applicant damages for breach of cont d AG (last name)General Case CharacteristicsAG (last name)[General Case Characteristitttttttt n[BTax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Preliminary Rulings62/9Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2PreliminaTax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Preliminary Rulings62/9Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Preliminary Rulings62/9Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2PreliminTax Provisions62/93$$Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2PrelimiTax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$Tax Provisions62/93$$ 2Tax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$Tax Provisions62/93$$ Tax Provisions62/93$$ 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Laws79/94++!! 2Approximation of Laws79/94++!Approximation of Laws79/94++!! 2Approximation of Laws79/94++!! 2 PdoUWmmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdiJYkQbddL[QMmYdbkJUJYbkmkQqQiJ^Sdi`kdSkmJmQJYOUYqQbmdfvikJLvkfJYbLQJbbo^^QO$WHkQbddL[QMmYdbkJUJYbkmkQqQiJ^Sdi`kdSkmJmQJYOUYqQbmdfvikJLvkfJYbLQJbbo^^QO$WHkmJmQOQ`JbOMokmd`OomYQkdbUddOksWdkQdiYUYbMJbbdmLQOQmQi`YbQO$wdoUWmmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdiJYkQbddL[QMmYdbkJUJYbkmkQqQiJ^Sdi`kdSkmJmQJYOUYqQbmdfvikJLvkfJYbLQJbbo^^QO$WHmJUQsWYMWYkiQfiQkQbmJmYqQdSmWQJ^^mWQJLJmQ`QbmkLomMdbmJYbkJm^QJkmmWQLJkYMiQOoMmYdbdiOdQkmWQJLJmdoUWmmWQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdiJYkQbddL[QMmYdbkJUJYbkmkQqQiJ^Sdi`kdSkmJmQJYOUYqQbmdfvikJLvkfJYbLQJbbo^^QO$WHkWdo^OmWQOQMYkYdbk`JOQLvmWQMd``YkkYdbMdbMQibYbU^dJbkUiJbmQOmdkWYfLoY^OQikLvLQ^UYo`LQJbbo^^QO$HUQdSLo^\diQkJbOfidOoMmkfidOoMQOJbOfidMQkkQOYbkYMY^vJbOkJiOYbYJLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$wkWdo^OmWQOQMYkYdbk`JOQLvmWQMd``YkkYdbMdbMQibYbU^dJbkUiJbmQOmdkWYfLoY^OQikLvLQ^UYo`LQJbbo^^QO$HsWJmMiYmQiYJOdQkmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\Qm^JvOdsbSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQOd`QkmYM^JsdSMdbmiJMmSdimWQkJ^QJbOfoiMWJkQdSkoUJiLQQm$u{Jff^YMJmYdbdSmWQOd`QkmYM^JsdSMdbmiJMmSdimWQkJ^QJbOfoiMWJkQdSkoUJiLQQm$u{^YMJmYdbdSmWQOd`QkmYM^JsdSMdbmiJMmSdimWQkJ^QJbOfoiMWJkQdSkoUJiLQQm$u{dQkmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\Qm^JvOdsbSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQOd`QkmYM^JsdSMdbmiJMmSdimWQkJ^QJbOfoiMWJkQdSkoUJiLQQm$u{WQMd``YkkYdbkOQMYkYdbmdfidWYLYmMQimJYbkmJmQJYO`QJkoiQk^QUJ^$OsWJmMiYmQiYJOdQkmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\Qm^JvOdsbSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQOd`QkmYM^JsdSMdbmiJMmSdimWQkJ^QJbOfoiMWJkQdSkoUJiLQQm$u{mWQ`Ji\Qm^JvOdsbSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQOd`QkmYM^JsdSMdbmiJMmSdimWQkJ^QJbOfoiMWJkQdSkoUJiLQQm$u{sWJmkWdo^OLQmWQQSSQMmiJmYdbQmQ`fdiYkdSJ[oOUQ`QbmdbJimYM^QH@$sWQiQJ`Q`LQikmJmQY`fdkQkJMWJiUQdbmWQmiJbkSQidSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvLomJ^^dskJiQ^YQSYSmWQmiJbkSQiYkfJimdSJbYbmQibJ^iQdiUJbYxJmYdbYkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsmWJmdb^vOd`QkmYMMd`fJbYQkLQQ^YUYL^QSdimWYkiQ^YQS$&kSQidSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvLomJ^^dskJiQ^YQSYSmWQmiJbkSQiYkfJimdSJbYbmQibJ^iQdiUJbYxJmYdbYkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsmWJmdb^vOd`QkmYMMd`fJbYQkLQQ^YUYL^QSdimWYkiQ^YQS$&  d chamber name (text)chamber namech@ P"HWJkUiQQMQSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmfoL^YkWYbUJbdmYMQSdimQbOQiMdbMQibYbUOiQkkYbU`JmQiYJ^kSdiokQYbWdkfYmJ^kJbOmWQ`Y^YmJiv$WJkUiQQMQSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLviQhoYiYbUmWJmfidMQkkQO`Y^\SdiYbSJbmkdb^vLQkd^OYbfWJi`JMYQk$WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkOomYQkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsLvbdmY`f^Q`QbmYbUMQimJYbMd``obYmvfidqYkYdbkdbmWQLiQQOYbUdS^YqQkmdM\$[WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbU`QJkoiQkmdY`f^Q`QbmMdobMY^OYiQMYmqQkMdbMQibYbUmWQkJSQmvdS`QJmQufdimkJbOmiJOQYbLdqYbQkQ`Qb$QWQLiQQOYbUdS^YqQkmdM\$[WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbU`QJkoiQkmdY`f^Q`QbmMdobMY^OYiQMYmqQkMdbMQibYbUmWQkJSQmvdS`QJmQufdimkJbOmiJOQYbLdqYbQkQ`Qb$Q$[WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbU`QJkoiQkmdY`f^Q`QbmMdobMY^OYiQMYmqQkMdbMQibYbUmWQkJSQmvdS`QJmQufdimkJbOmiJOQYbLdqYbQkQ`Qb$Q[WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbU`QJkoiQkmdY`f^Q`QbmMdobMY^OYiQMYmqQkMdbMQibYbUmWQkJSQmvdS`QJmQufdimkJbOmiJOQYbLdqYbQkQ`Qb$QWJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv`QJkoiQkdibdmbdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbSdmWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQ`QJkoiQkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQFHBB:QQM$8WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv`QJkoiQkdibdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkYkdbdSmWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQ`QJkoiQkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQH6>:@QQM$8WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv`QJkoiQkdibdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkYkdbdSmWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQ`QJkoiQkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQH6>:@QQM$8WJkYiQ^JbOSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmLiYbUYbUYbmdSdiMQmWQ`QJkoiQkbQMQkkJivmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQH6BD@QQMdbfidOoMmkQbmQiYbUmWQMd``obYmvSid`mWYiOMdobmiYQkdiLvbdmbdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbdSmWQLiYbUYbUYbmdSd8bQMQkkJiv`QJkoiQkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQH6>FBQQMdbmWQJfiduY`JmYdbdS^JskiQ^JmYbUmdQ^QMmiYMJ^^vdfQiJmQO^YSmk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkOomYQkLvbdmJOdfmYbUsYmWYbmWQmY`Q^Y`YmmWQbQMQkkJiv`QJkoiQkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQkH:<<QQMJbOH:<>QQMdbmWQfidfdUJmYbUJbOf^JbmYbU`JmQiYJ^kSdiSioYmkJbOqQUQmJL^QkdmWQimWJbkQQO$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvJOdfmYbU`QJkoiQksWYMWJiQYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWiQUbd:::DDJbOiQUbdF@$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvYbmidOoMYbUJbO`JYbmJYbYbUJiQhoYiQ`QmbdSfiYdiJomWdiYxJmYdbSdimWQY`fdimJmYdbdSMQimJYbf^JbmkSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQ^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidqYkYdbkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQFHB8FQoiJmd`$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$K P NArticle 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertArticle 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is establArticle 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are tArticle 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that tArticle 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.439Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.439/93Does Article 5(5)Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings enteredArticle 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established?kF [t3/w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32w32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   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Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension rese'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons recei'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state 'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension reserve, while similar persons who reside in other member states are not accorded that right?====;Fhe&Such a law does not fall under the scope of Ar'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons 'Community law precludes such a tax law.3Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension reserve, while similar persons who reside in other member states are not accorded that right?====;F P!"OdQkmWQkoiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$dbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$J^fQbkYdbkMWQ`Q$OdQkmWQkoiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$bUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$koiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$bqJ^YO$OdQkmWQkoiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$bqJ^YO$OdQkmWQkoiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$MdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$LvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$SdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$iQYbqJ^YO$OdQkmWQkoiiQbOQidSJ^QJkQdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvSdiMdbkYOQiJmYdbfJYOLvmWQ^JbO^diOmdmWQmQbJbmMdbkmYmomQ mWQ^QJkYbUdi^QmmYbUdSY``dqJL^QfidfQimv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWQkYumWqJmOYiQMmYqQ$'The duty to notify the authorities of any changes extends throughout the entire period between the time the contract is signed and the beans are harvested.''While the duty to notify the authorities does not change, the fact that the provision is ambigouous must be kept in mind when penalizing the producer for any derogation.''Does the duty to notify the authorities of any changes in the use of the land specified change if the changes in use occurred before the three month period leading up to the harvest which forms the subjec    # P In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the tIn order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inordeIn order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establisIn order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different typesIn order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.400/93CIn order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.3In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inorder to establish sexual discrimination?<FItaly has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.57/94Has Italy failed to fulfil its Obligations by not putting out an invitation to tender for a public works contract for the construction of a portion of a highway in 1990?SYYYYWFItaly has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.57/94Has Italy failed to fulfil its Obligations by not putting out an invitation to tender for a public works contract for the construction of a portion of a highway in 1990?SYYYYWF P Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtFSuch undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.3Only the quantities actually produced by that undertaking in each category areConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtFSuch undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.3Only the quantities actuallyConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtFSuch undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.3Only the quantities actually produced by that undertaking in each category are to be taken into account the following marketing year for the purposes of the division of the quotas.56/94Does an undertaking benefit from a transfer during a market year from the peeled tomatoes category to the concentrate or othConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtFSuch undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.3Only the quantities actually Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtFSuch undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.3Only the quantConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtFSuch undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.3Only the quantities actually produced by that undertaking in each category are to be taken into account the following marketing year for the purposConsideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?vvvvtF PSuch an exercise of that power is not in principal precluded so long as all of the conditions of the provisions conferring that power are fulfilled.2Such an exercise of that power is not in principal precluded so long as all of the conditions of the provisions conferring that power are fulfilled.1/94Can the power of manoeuvre be exercised at the same time as an adjustment of quotas following a transfer of undertakings or factories?HH@@FA Member State does not have the power unilaterally to alter the time-limit fixed by those provisions for the exercise of the power of mSuch an exercise of that power is not in principal precluded so long as all of the conditions of the provisions conferring that power are fulfilled.2Such an exercise of that power is not in principal precluded so long as all of the conditions of the provisions conferring that power are fulfilled.1/94Can the power of manoeuvre be exercised at the same time as an adjustment of quotas following a transfer of undertakings or factories?HH@@FSuch a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.3The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of how much she is paid.453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a profit within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive where she sets out to achieve a positive result, but that positive result cannot be regarded as higher pay than what is reasonable for the work performed?JJJ>>F|The judgment should not be set aside.3The Such a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.3The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of hoSuch a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.3The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of how much she is paid.453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a pSuch a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.3The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of how much she is paid.453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a prSuch a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.3The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of how much she is paid.453/93Is a tradSuch a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.3The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of how much she is paid.453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a profit within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive where she sets out to achieve a positive result, but that positive result cannot be regarded as higher pay than what is reasonable for the work performed?JJJ>>F P N  n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?UUUUSF]The direct effect ne n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of  n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leas n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the c n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agre n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of t n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?UUUUSFWThe judgment of the Court of First Instance should be set aside insofar as it declared any of the application for annulment inadmissble. The application is for annulment is dismissed, and the rest of the courts earlier judgment upheld.3The judgment of the Court of First Instance should b n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer? n^A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?UUUUSFTThey do have direct effect.3They do have direct effect.83/94Do Article 113 of the Treaty and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?XXNN1111/F P N There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the  There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the severi There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the se There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the severity of the ordeal.391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the pos There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the severity of the ordeal.391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the wo There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the severity of the ordeal.391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker although unable to work, on account  There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.3In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the severity of the ordeal.391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker although unable to work, on account of her illness, is still able to travel?FSuch a prohibition is precluded by Article 30 unless it can be shown that consumers are actually misled by the packaging.3Such a prohibition is precluded by Article 30 even on the grounds that consumers might be misled.470/93May national law prohibit the marketing of ice-cream bars in a particular presentationWhich are produced and lawfully marketed in another member state on the ground that the marketing may mislead consumers?F P}Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.3Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel social security scheme and apply to all or certain kinds of civil servants.443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil ser}Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.3Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel soci}Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.3Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel social security scheme and apply to a}Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.3Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel social security scheme and apply to all or certain kinds of civil servants.443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants m}Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.3Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel social security scheme and apply to all or certain kinds of civil servants.443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?F|All persons employed by a public a}Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.3Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel social security scheme and apply to all or certain kinds of civil servants.443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?FxA Member State may not make a a housing benefit subject to that condition, for it is contray to Article 59 of the Treaty, however, nationals of a third non-member country may not rely on Article 59.3A Member State may not make a a housing benefit subject to that condition, for it is contray to Article 59 of the Treaty.484/93May a Member State make the grant of a housing benefit conditional upon the loans intended to finance the construction having been obtained from a credit union approved by that Member State?#ccWWFvCommunity Law precludes the granting of type-approval by a body that is not independent of the market.3Community Law precludes the granting of type-approval by a body that is not independent of the market.91/94May national legislation prohibit economic agents from, and penalize them for, the sale or marketing of terminal equipment without type-approval, even though the laboratory responsible for granting type-approval is not an independent institution?||||zF P!YkJimYM^Q8dSMdobMY^iQUbd8D>22FBBSpain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.242/94Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by not adoping or notifying the Commissoin of the adoption of the necessary provisions to comply wBBSpain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.242/94Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by not adoping or notifying the Commissoin of the adoption of the necessary provisions to comply with Council Directive 90/619/EEC?ZYYYYWBBSpain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.242/94Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by not adoping or notifying the Commissoin of the adoption of the necessary provisions to comply with Council Directive 90/619/EEC?ZYYYYWF oABBSpain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.242/94Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by not adoping or notifying the Commissoin of the adoption of the necessary provisions to comply with Council Directive 90/619/EEC?ZYYYYWF@All the compulsory particulars specified in Directive 79/112/EEC must appear on the labeling in a language easily understood by the consumers in the region.3All the compulsory particulars specified in Directive 79/112/EEC must appear on the labeling in a language easily understood by the consumers in the region.85/94What are the factors that may or must be taken into account in determining whether the particulars that it is necessary to give satisfy the conditions laid down in the second paragrap@All the compulsory particulars specified in Directive 79/112/EEC must appear on the labeling in a language easily understood by the consumers in the region.3All the compulsory particulars specified in Directive 79/112/EEC must appear on the labeling in a language easily understood by the consumers in the region.85/94What are the factors that may or must be taken into account in determining whether the particulars that it is necessary to give satisfy the conditions laid down in the second paragraph of Article 14 of the Directive?4ZZPPF<Those provisions do not preclude the application of a system of compulsory tariffs for road-haulage operations, even if those operations follow maritime operations from a third country.3Those provisions do not apply to transport operations of the type at issue.96/94Do Reg No 4055/86 and Directive 92/106 apply to transport operations of the type at issue?&&F;The Court does not have jurisdiction to answer this q<Those provisions do not preclude the application of a system of compulsory tariffs for road-haulage operations, even if those operations follow maritime operations from a third country.3Those provisions do not apply to transport operations of the type at issue.96/94Do Reg No 4055/86 and Directive 92/106 apply to transport operations of the type at issue?&&F PN:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF9A national authority is preclud:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF9A national :Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF9A national authority i:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF9:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF4There is a transfer of an undertaking when the activity transferred is autonomous from an organizational point of view and:Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.3Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?ccccaF P`JvbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbfidWYLYmQMdbd`YMJUQbmkSid`JbOfQbJ^YxQmWQ`SdimWQkJ^Qdi`Ji\QmYbUdSmQi`YbJ^QhoYf`QbmsYmWdommvfQJffidqJ^QqQbmWdoUWmWQ^JLdiJmdiviQkfdbkYL^QSdiUiJbmYbUmvfQJffidqJ^YkbdmJbYbOQfQbOQbmYbkmYmomYdb$#+`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$pimJ\YbU`Jvdb^vdMMoiLvJffidqJ^Sid`mWJmOQfJim`Qbm$`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$pidqJ^Sid`mWJmOQfJim`Qbm$`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$pfJvJL^QQqQbmWdoUWmWQiQhoQkmsJkbdm`JOQQufiQkk^vLvmWQobQ`f^dvQOfQikdb$`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$pfidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$pkLidoUWmYbmdMdoimMdbQibYbUMd``obYmvfidqYkYdbksYmWOYiQMmQSSQMm$7`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$pmWQiJYkYbUdSbQsf^QJksWQbJbQsf^QJYkLidoUWmYbmdMdoimMdbQibYbUMd``obYmvfidqYkYdbksYmWOYiQMmQSSQMm$7`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$p`okmJk\YffQiJ^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%JfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$p`okmJk\YffQiJ^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%`okmJfidMQkkdifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$p`okmJk\YffQiJ^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%mQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$p`okmJk\YffQiJ^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%ifidqQmWJmWQiLommQi`QQmkmWQOYkmiYLomYdbkmJbOJiOkdi`okmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkkWdsmWJmYmOdQkbdm$p`okmJk\YffQiJ^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%$p`okmJk\YffQiJ^^dsJLdJmmWJmOdQkbdmMJiivmWQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%`okmJbY`fdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQOQ`JbOMokmd`OomYQkdbUddOksWdkQdiYUYbMJbbdmLQOQmQi`YbQO$wQYbkfQMmYdbkv`Ld^mdLdJiOWYkqQkkQ^SdiYbkfQMmYdb$%`okmJbY`fdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQOQ`JbOMokmd`OomYQkdbUddOksWdkQdiYUYbMJbbdmLQOQmQi`YbQO$w@ LVALМX NMR2 GUIDNameMap  hiQJx  Uʞ*7@ ^~y-VD@Treaty article at issueCCZPŌ6ʞ*7@ ^~y-treaty article at issueMR2 GUIDNameMap  hiQJx  Uʞ*7@ ^~y-VD@Treaty article at issueCCZPŌ6ʞ*7@ ^~y-treaty article at issueMR2 GUIDNameMap@ OǰO[  U.O`>#$U2ؘXpS@ReferralQIptςn\@8oNations~2XpKU<=QIptςReferring NationMMy6ZqY{$GsNcase number6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue xO[Y{$GsNAG position on issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?ȘUG2>Y{$GsNECJ rulingmf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?UCQvBOY{$GsNclarity of legal issue Y{$GsNH @[Issues and positions].junk DESC Mjunk     dW`]O[ْ.(AG position on issue ,      m   xO[ٖ2,clarity of legal issue       m  UCQvMR2 GUIDNameMap  hiQJx  Uʞ*7@ ^~y-VD@Treaty article at issueCCZPŌ6ʞ*7@ ^~y-treaty article at issueMR2 GUIDNameMap@ OǰO[  U.O`>#$U2ؘXpS@ReferralQIptςn\@8oNations~2XpKU<=QIptςReferring NationA local market should be defined as any market within 50km of the farm. In the absence of a market, any suitable market (i.e. regular sales of relevant breeds and suitable infrastructure) not exceeding a 150km from the farm.3A local market is the market nearest to the farm where it is possible to buy or sell according to the needs of an average-sized farm specific to the area in question.91/84What is the proper definition of a local market within the meaning of Article 14a of Council Regulation 543/69 for the purposes of exemption provisions? The Regulation regulates the driving periods allowed for transport.FP=The obligations of the Directive were not clearly imposed because the rules outlined by it need to be completed. Therefore, the Commission s application should be dismissed.2Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by because they violated two Articles in the Directive.2/84Did Italy fail to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Directive 75/130 regarding the establishment of transportation rules of goods between member states?,,$$F~<The request to annul the decision is unfounded because the Commission conducted a thorough investigation of the matter and did not adopt their decision based on inaccurate information.2The request to annul the decision is unfounded because the Commission conducted a thorough investigation of the matter and did not adopt their decision based on inaccurate information.298/83Asks the Court to annul the decision made by the Commission to discontinue an investigation into the allegedly unfair practices of French TV companies with regard to film broadcasting rights.UF;By failing to provide an exception to Community nationals living in another member state, Article 121 is violation of Regulation 1408/71.3By reducing the contributions from the pensions of those Community nationals living in another member state, Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.275/83Is the amended Article 121 of Belgian law regarding the establishment of compulsory sickness and invalidity insurance still compatible with Community law?HH<<F:The charge that Art. 10 of the Italian law violates Art. 29 of the Directive is not admissible. However, Italy did violate Art. 33 by failing to notify the Commission the text of law after it was enacted.3Italy failed to fulfill its obligation because Art. 10 & 13 of the Italian law does not comply with Art. 29 of the Directive and they violated Art. 33 when they failed to notify the Commission the text of the law after it was enacted.274/83Did Italy fail to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because they did not correctly implement Council Directive 71/305?^Ft9Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because the conditions they implemented were different than those in the regulation and the failed to implement supplementary legislation to ensure full compliance with the Regulation.2Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because the conditions they implemented were different than those in the regulation and the failed to implement supplementary legislation to ensure full compliance with the Regulation.272/83Did Italy fail to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because they did not correctly implement Council Regulation 1360/78?     F ^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene Bedrijfsveren^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. Moscat^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBest^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingL@>>>>2222^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingL@>>>>2222 ^@ ^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene Bedrijfsveren^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingL@>>>>2222 ^^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene Bedri^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemen^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene Bedrijfsvereniging^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingL@>>>>2222 ^@ @??Tesauro170/93BMW v A^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene Bedrijfsverenig^@@?@La Pergola1481/93Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingL@>>>>2222 ^@ @??Tesauro170/93BMW v ALDBayerische Motorenwerke AGALD Auto-Leasing D GmbHnRG=;;;;2222 ^? ~@@^@ @??Tesauro170/93BMW v ALDBayerische Motorenwerke AGALD Auto-Leasing D GmbHnRG=;;;;2222 ^? ~@@?Jacobs183/94Leifer and OthersasdfPeter Leifer and Othersx_YF<::::2222 ^? ~@^? ~@@?Jacobs183/94Leifer and OthersasdfPeter Leifer and Othersx_YF<::::2222 ^@~@??Cosmas185/94Piageme and Others v PeetersGroupement des Producteurs, Iportateurs et Agents Generaux d Eaux Minerales Etrangeres, VZW and OthePeeters NVdF<::::2222  P 4 The products in this case do not fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff.3While such a product would fall under 30.03, in order to fall under that heading it must be shown that the agents are of a quantity capable of being used therapeutically.139/94Does heading 30.04 include a product that contains flavouring agents that have a therapeutic and/or prophylactic use?##jjjjhF4 The products in this case do not fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff.3While such a product would fall under 30.03, in order to fall under that heading it must be shown that the agents are of a quantity capabl4 The products in this case do not fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff.3While such a product would fall under 30.03, in order to fall under that heading it must be shown that the agents are of a quantity capable 4 The products in this case do not fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff.3While such a product would fall under 30.03, in order to fall under that heading it must be shown that the agents are of a quantity capable of being used therapeutically.139/94Does heading 30.04 include a product that contains flavouring agents that have a therapeutic and/or prophylactic4 The products in this case do not fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff.3While such a product would fall under 30.03, in order to fall under that heading it must be shown that the agents are of a quantity capable of being used therapeutically.139/94Does heading 30.04 include a product that contains flavouring agents that have a therapeutic and/or prophylactic use?##jjjjhFSuch rules are precluded unless they are justified by objective criteria unrelated to sex.3Such rules are not discriminatory because they are based on a national policy aim unrelated to sex.444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unSuch rules are precluded unless they are justified by objective criteria unrelated to sex.3Such rules are not discriminatory because they are based on a national policy aim unrelated to sex.444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sSuch rules are precluded unless they are justified by objective criteria unrelated to sex.3Such rules are not discriminatory because they are based on a national policy aim unrelated to sex.444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?ppppnFIn such proceedings Community Law does not over-ride the procedural rules and, therefore, a national court is not required to go outside the ambit oSuch rules are precluded unless they are justified by objective criteria unrelated to sex.3Such rules are not discriminatory because they are based on a national policy aim unrelated to sex.444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?ppppnF PuSuch a scheme must be ofuSuch a scheme must be of a purely transitional nature, observe the principle that the premium right is linked to the person of the producer, and be within the bounds of Community Law.3No need to answer.38/94What are the principles that a Member State must apply in devising a compensation scheme for landowners?UFtConsideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind asuSuch a scheme must be of a purely transitional nature, observe the principle that the premium right is linked to the person of the producer, and be within the bounds of Community Law.3No need to answer.38/94What are the principles that a Member State must apply in devising a compensation scheme for landowners?UFtuSuch a scheme must be of a purely transitional nature, observe the principle that the premium right is linked to the person of the producer, and be within the bounds of Community Law.3No need to answer.38/94What are the principles that a Member State must apply in devising a compensation scheme for landowners?UFlorConsideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?K  FloqThe Directive excludes from its scope employees whose employers cannot be made subject to such proceedings.3The Directive applies to all employees whose employers may, under national law, be made to be subjec to such proceedings.479/93Does Direcive 80/987/EEC apply only to emlorConsideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?K  FloqThlorConsideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?K  FloqThe Directive excludes from its scope employees whose employers cannot be made subject to such proceedings.3The Directive applies to all employees whose employers may, under national law, lorConsideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?K  FloqThe Directive excludes from its scope employees whose employers cannot be made subject to such proceedings.3The DilorConsideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?K  F [:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:GHBH:GHBH:GHBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:GHBH:GBH:GBH:GBH:GBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:GHBH:GHBH:GHBH:GHBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G:HBH:G  d clarity of legal issueIssues and positionsclarity of legal issueIssues and positions.clarity of legal issuenFF  !ECJ-AG Agreement?Issues and positionsECJ-AG Agreement?Issues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?d<<   ECJ rulingIssues and positionsECJ rulingIssues and positions.ECJ rulingjV..  !AG-Plaintiff agreement?Issues and positionsAG-Plaintiff agreement?Issues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?pHH^      N     ^N NN^     |    d Referring Nation NameNationsReferring Nation Name[Nations].[Referring Nation Name]|RDD  !Referring NationNationsReferring Nation[Nations].  # ^@  &@@@Cosmas1122/94Commission v CouncilCommission of the European CommunitiesCouncil of the European Union^H<::::2222 ^@  &@@@Cosmas1122/94Commission v CouncilCommission of the European CommunitiesCouncil of the European Union^H<::::2222 ^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:88882222 ^@~&@@^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and Ireland^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:888^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the Europ^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:88^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:88882222 ^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium v Commi^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:88882222 ^@^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:88882222 ^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium ^@~&@@@Lenz1307/93France and Ireland v CommissionFrench Republic and IrelandCommission of the European CommunitiesgF:88882222 ^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium v CommissionKingdom of BelgiumCommission of the European Communitiesr^H><<<<2222 ^@~$@@?Ruiz-Jarabo C^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium v CommissionKingdom of BelgiumCommission of the European Communitiesr^H><<<<2222 ^@~$@@?Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer15^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium v CommissionKingdom of BelgiumCommission of the European Communitiesr^H><<<<2222 ^@~$@@^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium v CommissionKingdom of BelgiumCommission of the European Communitiesr^H><<<<2222 ^@~$^@~&@@@Fennelly156/93Belgium v CommissionKingdom of BelgiumCommission of the European Communitiesr^H><<<<2222 A$@?@Cosmas163/93Duff and Others v Minister for Agriculture and Food, Ireland, and the Attorney GeneralFintan Duff and OthersMinister for Agriculture and Food, Ireland, and the Attorney GeneralF<::::2222 ^@ #@?@Lenz18/94LaperreC. 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OdQkJimY^MQ8dSMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbbdF<BF$Kegal rules or the public   # PtwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUFtwCommunity Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals itwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUFtwCommtwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUFtwCommunity Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a joint recruitment and dismissal deptwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUFtwCommunity Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a jointtwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUFtwCommunity Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a joint recruitment and dismissaltwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUFtwCommunity Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department.3Community Law does not prohibtwThe term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?WWWWUF 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tOx@  vParentId = 251658241 and Ty  # P$An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F$Community Law precludes such legislation.3Such legislati$An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F$Community Law precludes such legislation.3Such legislatioin must be applied without discrimination, it must be justified by imperative requirements of the$An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F$Community Law precludes such legislation.3Such legislatioin must be applied without discrimination, it must be justified by imperative requirements of the general $An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F$Co$An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F$Community Law precludes such legislation.3Such legislatioin must be applie$An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity $An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F$Community Law precludes such legislation.3Such legislatioin must be applied without discrimination,$An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.3An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?y''F  @ sWJmMiYmQiYJkWdo^OLQokQOmdM^JkkYSvSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmJiYSSkJbYmQ`JkJ Md^^QMmdikfYQMQ $sWJmMiYmQiYJkWdo^OLQokQOsWQbYbmQifiQmYbUmWQmQi` kMYQbmYSYMJMmYqYmYQk YbmQi`kdSJimYM^Q<dSiQUo^JmYdbbd8DHFD@iQUJiOYbUMokmd`mJiYSSk$ksWJmMiYmQiYJkWdo^OLQokQOsWQbYbmQifiQmYbUmWQmQi` kMYQbmYSYMYbkmio`QbmdiJffJiJmok YbmQi`kdSJimYM^Q<dSiQUo^JmYdbbd8DHFD@iQUJiOYbUMokmd`mJiYSSk$O 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Y`fdimQOLvkQJ sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim:<dSMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdb8:6BD$MJbUddOkLQMdbkYOQiQO Y`fdimQOLvkQJ YSOQkfYmQLQYbUM^QJiQOmWidoUWMokmd`kJiQbQqQiob^dJOQOYbmWJm`Q`LQikmJmQ$QJiQOmWidoUWMokmd`kJiQbQqQiob^dJOQOYbmWJm`Q`LQikmJmQ$WJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D 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JbOmWQ`d`QbmsWQbmJuLQMd`QkMWJiUQJL^QJiQmWQkQMdbMQfmkYbWJi`dbvJbOOdmWQvWJqQJOYiQMmQSSQMmsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDDFQQMiQhoYiQ^JLQ^^YbUdSbdmdb^vdSOJbUQidokkoLkmJbMQkLomJ^kddSfiQfJiJmYdbkMdbmJYbYbUkoMWkoLkmJbMQk$sWQmWQiiQUbd8DHFD@J^^dskSdiJMMQkkdiYQkdSkMYQbmYSYMYbkmio`QbmkmdLQY`fdimQOOomvSiQQsWQbmWQYbkmio`QbmSdisWYMWYmYkYbmQbOQOWJkbdmLQQbY`fdimQO$w P N  :ANational courts must not make such a presumption.2If an agreement fails to fulfil the conditions laid down in the relevant Community Law, then it is automatically void with retroactive effect.224/94Does the second sentence of Article 2(1) of Reg No 26 mean that national courts must presume that agreements between farmers and farmers associations are valid so long as the Commission has:ANational courts must not make such a presumption.2If an agreement fails to fulfil the conditions laid down in the relevant Community Law, then it is automatically void with retroactive effect.224/94Does the second sentence of Article 2(1) of Reg No 26 mean that national courts must presume that agreements between farmers and farmers associations are valid so long as the Commission has not fo:ANational courts must not make such a presumption.2If an agreement fails to fulfil the conditions laid down in the relevant Community Law, then it is automatically void with retroactive effect.224/94Does the second sentence of Article 2(1) of Reg No 26 mean that national courts must presume that agreements between farmers and farmers associations are valid so long as the Commission has not found that they are invalid?GGGGEFFrance has:ANational courts must not make such a presumption.2If an agreement fails to fulfil the conditions laid down in the relevant Community Law, then it is automatically void with retroactive effect.224/94Does the second sentence of Article 2(1) of Reg No 26 mean that national courts must presume that agreements between farmers and farmers associations are valid so long as the Commission has not found that they are invalid?GGGGEFFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.52/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not taking action against the persons responsible for fishing of those stocks after it was prohibited by the Commission?SZZZZXFFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations inFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.52/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not taking action against the persons responsible for fishing of those stocks after it was prohibited by the Commission?SZZZZXFFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.52/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not taking action against the persons responsible for fishing of those stocks after it was prohibited by the Commission?SZZZZXFFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.52/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not taking action against the persons responsible for fishing of those stocks after it was prohibited by the Commission?SZZZZXFFrance hFrance has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.52/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not taking action against the persons responsible for fishing of those stocks after it was prohibited by the Commission?SZZZZXF P{2OdQkJimYM^Q88DdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJff^vmdJbOfidWYLYmbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^mYdbmWJmJ^^dskkWYfdsbQikmdMdbmiJMmsYmWkJY^dikSid`bdb`Q`LQikmJmQMdobmiYQkJmiJmQk^dsQimWJbmWdkQJqJY^LQYb`Q`LQikmJmQk$JUbiQ^JmYdbk$OdQkJimYM^Q88DdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJff^vmdJbOfidWYLYmbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^mYdbmWJmJ^^dskkWYfdsbQikmdMdbmiJMmsYmWkJY^dikSid`bdb`Q`LQikmJmQMdobmiYQkJmiJmQk^dsQimWJbmWdkQJqJY^LQYb`Q`LQikmJmQk$JOdQkJimYM^Q88HY`fdkQJbvdL^YUJmYdbdbmWQQ`f^dvQimd`YbY`YxQmWQJOqQikQMdbkQhoQbMQkmdsd`QbsWdkQLQbQSYmkJiQJSSQMmQOLvmWQQ`f^dvQikOQMYkYdbmdQ^Y`YbJmQmWQOYSSQiQbMQYbfQbkYdbJUQk$OdQkJimYM^Q8:dSOYiQMmYqQF@<8@8FFfiQM^oOQmWQMokmd`kJomWdiYmvSid`iQhoYiYbUmWQfJv`QbmdSJko`SdiJMMQfmYbUJOQM^JiJmYdbdSmWQYiiQ^QJkQSdiSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbJSmQimWQmY`Q^Y`Ym$(OdQkJimYM^Q:6QuQ`fmJbvbJmYdbJ^dSJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWdWd^OkJOYf^d`JJsJiOQOLvJbdb`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWYmkQ^SYkiQMdUbYxQOLvJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQSid`J`JbOJmdivmiJYbYbUfQiYdO$oTdb`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWYmkQ^SYkiQMdUbYxQOLvJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQSid`J`JbOJmdivmiJYbYbUfQiYdO$oT`JJsJiOQOLvJbdb`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWYmkQ^SYkiQMdUbYxQOLvJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQSid`J`JbOJmdivmiJYbYbUfQiYdO$oT'Such a scheme is compatible with Community Law.''Such a scheme is compatible with Community Law.''Does a scheme which guarantees benefits on the basis of prior employment discriminate according to sex when it is acknowledged that many more men than women are eligible for the benefit?' @^@ ~&@@?Leger1193/94Skanavi and ChryssanthakopoulosasdfSofia Skanavi and Konstantin ChryssanthakopoulosnhG;99992222  P{OYOMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbbdF<6QQMdbmWQdMMofJmYdbdSMJiiYQidbsJmQisJvk$MOYOUiQQMQSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbmdUoJiJbmQQmWQiYUWmmdSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkYbYmkOQMYkYdbmdY`f^Q`Qbm^JskMdbMQibYbUmWQJ`dobmdS`YMiddiUJbYk`kYbSddO$SQ`QbmdSUddOkYbYmkOQMYkYdbmdY`f^Q`Qbm^JskMdbMQibYbUmWQJ`dobmdS`YMiddiUJbYk`kYbSddO$SOYOUiQQMQSJY^mdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmQuQ`fmYbUQufdimQikSid`mWQkfQMYJ^kYbU^QmJu$LS`YMiddiUJbYk`kYbSddO$SOYOUiQQMQSJY^mdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmQuQ`fmYbUQufdimQikSid`mWQkfQMYJ^kYbU^QmJu$L  d AG-Plaintiff agreement?'2'M; ;AG position on issueb@A5 ;legal issuex@/# ;case number '8/94';# ;Issues and positions555 '  # P NArticles 30 and 36 preclude such a system for the distribution of tobacco products.3Articles 30 and 37 do not apply to the Italian distribution system or any like it.387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Articles 30 and 37 of the TreatArticles 30 and 36 preclude such a system for the distribution of tobacco products.3Articles 30 and 37 do not apply to the Italian distribution system or any like it.387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Articles 30 and 37 of the Treaty?YiiiigFSuch people are entitled to those benefits.2No need to answer.317Articles 30 and 36 preclude such a system for the distribution of tobacco products.3Articles 30 and 37 do not apply to the Italian distribution system or any like it.387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Articles 30 and 37 of the Treaty?YiiiigFSuch people are entitled to those benefits.2No need to answer.317/93Does entitlement to a pension on account Articles 30 and 36 preclude such a system for the distribution of tobacco products.3Articles 30 and 37 do not apply to the Italian distribution system or any like it.387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Articles 30 and 37 of the Treaty?Articles 30 and 36 preclude such a system for the distribution of tobacco products.3Articles 30 and 37 do not apply to the Italian distribution system or any like it.387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Articles 30 and 37 of the Treaty?YiiiigFThe ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.3The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal tax which applies to productThe ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.3The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.3The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.46The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.3The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal tax which applies to products imported from non-member countries which are parties to those conventions?/zzF PSYkmWQMdbMQfmdSMWY^OSdimWQfoifdkQkdSJimYM^Q8:dSMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbbd8B8:BFkoL[QMmmdJMdbOYmYdbdSJUQdiOQfQbOQbMvYbmWQkJ`QsJvJkJiQmWQiYUWmkUdqQibQOLvJimYM^Q868JbO88$mWQMdoimsWQb[oOUYbUdb^vdbmWQMJkQkmWJmdMMoiiQOdbYmkmQiiYmdiviQhoYiQOmdSd^^dskfQMYSYMio^QkOYSSQiQbmSid`mWdkQ^JYOOdsbLvbJmYdbJ^^JssWQbJkkQkkYbUmWQWJi`dSmWQQqQbmYbhoQkmYdb$mWQMJkQkmWJmdMMoiiQOdbYmkmQiiYmdiviQhoYiQOmdSd^^dskfQMYSYMio^QkOYSSQiQbmSid`mWdkQ^JYOOdsbLvbJmYdbJ^^JssWQbJkkQkkYbUmWQWJi`dSmWQQqQbmYbhoQkmYdb$mWQOQMYkYdbdSmWQMdobMY^FHBFFQQMqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmJomWdiYxQkmWQSiQbMWiQfoL^YMmd`JYbmJYbJkvkmQ`dSOdM\OoQkSdiJMQimJYbfQiYdOdSmY`Q$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$qmWQQufdimQisWdkQobOQimJ\YbUYkQkmJL^YkWQOYbmWQMdobmivdSdiYUYb$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$qiYUYbJ^M^JY`sJkLJkQO`diQiQkmiYMmYqQmWJbmWQQufiQkkYdbJMmYdbksWYMWJiQiQ^JmQOJkmWQvdMMoiYbmWQMdbqQbmYdb$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$qufiQkkYdbJMmYdbksWYMWJiQiQ^JmQOJkmWQvdMMoiYbmWQMdbqQbmYdb$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$qJJYbJimYM^Q>dSiQUbd@D6FF$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$qbmYdb$mWQS^doiMdbmQbmdSJfidOoMmiQ^QqJbmSdiYmkYbM^okYdbobOQiSdi`o^JJYbJimYM^Q>dSiQUbd@D6FF$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$qmWQMdbqQbmYdb$mWQS^doiMdbmQbmdSJfidOoMmiQ^QqJbmSdiYmkYbM^okYdbobOQiSdi`o^JJYbJimYM^Q>dSiQUbd@D6FF$mWQSiQbMWkvkmQ`dSsJkmQdY^OYkfdkJ^MdbkYkmQbmsYmWQQM^Js$q'Such a penalty for failure to provide an accurate notification of the area of land to be ECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ; ECJ ruling@-! ; AG-Plaintiff agreement?'4'M; ; AG position on issueP@A5 ; legal issue@/# ; case number'104/94'?# ; Issues and positions555 '    # PYSkd`QdbQWJkiQMQYqQOmvfQJffidqJ^YbdbQ`Q`LQikmJmQ`okmWQmWQbLQOQQ`QOmdWJqQmvfQJffidqJ^YbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$wwsmWQUidobOkdSYmMdbkmYmomYbUJkoff^vQ`LJiUdsWYMWYkfidWYLYmQobOQibJmYdbJ^^Js$(YSkd`QdbQWJkiQMQYqQOmvfQJffidqJ^YbdbQ`Q`LQikmJmQ`okmWQmWQbLQOQQ`QOmdWJqQmvfQJffidqJ^YbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$wwsYbJMJkQsWQiQYbJMdbmiJMmsJkMdbM^oOQOLQSdiQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:iJMmsJkMdbM^oOQOLQSdiQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:WQiQYbJMdbmiJMmsJkMdbM^oOQOLQSdiQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:diQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:LQSdiQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:bUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:YbJMJkQsWQiQYbJMdbmiJMmsJkMdbM^oOQOLQSdiQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$:QOLQSdiQ^QUYk^JmYdbsJkfJkkQOkQmmYbUmY`Q^Y`YmkdbmWQmQi`dSQufYivdSJMdbmiJMmdSmWJmmvfQJbOmWQMdbmiJMmkmQi`dSQufYivYkUiQJmQimWJbmWJmJ^^dsQOLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQMdbmiJMmqdYO$: 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legislation253/83** 2 P A skipper must only yield to an order for boarding and inspection if she is aware of the status of the person giving the order, and must only be considered aware when the inspection symbol is flying or there is proof of her awareness.3A skipper must only yield to an order for boarding and inspection if she is aware of the status of the person giving the order, and must only be consideA skipper must only yield to an order for boarding and inspection if she is aware of the status of the person giving the order, and must only be considered aware when the inspection symbol is flying or there is proof of her awareness.3A skipper must only yield to an order for boarding and inspection if she is aware of the status of the person giving A skipper must only yield to an order for boarding and inspection if she is aware of the status of the person giving the order, and must only be considered aware when the inspection symbol is flying or there is proof of her awareness.3A skipper must only yield to an order for boarding and inspection if she is aware of the status of the person giving the order, and must only be considered aware when the inspection symbol is flying or there is proof of her awareness.276/94Must a skipper allow a boat that does not carry the inspection symbol to board his vessel for inspection?cFExamination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Examination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.446/93Is Article 4(2)(c) of Reg No 3799/86 invalid?/FThe national customs authority is required to assExamination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Examination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.446/93Is Article 4(2)(c) of Reg No 3799/86 invalid?/FThe national customs authority is required to assess the application in that light in a case such as this one.2The naional authority must assess the situation equitably.446/93Was the national customs authority required to assess the application for remission of import dutiExamination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Examination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.446/93Is Article 4(2)(c) of Reg No 3799/86 invalid?/FThe national customs authority is required to assess the application in that light in aExamination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Examination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.446/93Is Article 4(2)(c) of Reg No 3799/86 invalid?/FThe national customs authority is required tExamination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3Examination of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.446/93Is Article 4(2)(c) of Reg No 3799/86 invalid?/FThe appeal should be dismissed.3The appeal is dismissed.480/93Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-83/92 dismissing Zunis Holdings application for the annulment of a letter from the Commission be overturned?[[OO55553F PsWQbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$imk$sQbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$fQdSYbkfQMmYdbYkiQhoYiQOJbOJ^^dsQOsYmWiQUJiOmdJYOLQYbUUiJbmQOmdk\Y``QO`Y^\Qufdimk$sQbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$OiQbJbOkfdokQkdbmWQMdbOYmYdbdSmWQYiiQkYOQbMvYbmWJmkmJmQYkmWJmMdbOYmYdbSo^SY^^QOYSmWQMWY^OiQbJbOkfdokQiQkYOQYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$QbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$^YJL^QmdfJvqJmdbmWQfdimYdbmWJmYkMdbkYOQiQOmdLQmWQLokYbQkkfdimYdbdSmWQfidfQimv$QbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$dbkLvJbdsbQiYkmWJmdsbQidb^v^YJL^QmdfJvqJmdbmWQfdimYdbmWJmYkMdbkYOQiQOmdLQmWQLokYbQkkfdimYdbdSmWQfidfQimv$QbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$imv$QbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$QiQJLidJOMJkmQibdmQ^YUYL^QSdiJMMQkkmdmWQMJL^QbQmsdi\Yb`Q`LQikmJmQJmiJbk`YmkfidUiJ`kSid``Q`LQikmJmQLsYmWmdJqdYOmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdS`Q`LQikmJmQJYkmWJmJMJkQdSfidqYkYdbdSkQiqYMQksYmWJiQ^QqJbmMidkkLdJiOQiQ^Q`Qbm$WJmJMJkQdSfidqYkYdbdSkQiqYMQksYmWJiQ^QqJbmMidkkLdJiOQiQ^Q`Qbm$QiQJ`Q`LQikmJmQY`fdkQkJMWJiUQdbmWQmiJbkSQidSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvLomJ^^dskJiQ^YQSYSmWQmiJbkSQiYkfJimdSJbYbmQibJ^iQdiUJbYxJmYdbYkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsmWJmdb^vOd`QkmYMMd`fJbYQkLQQ^YUYL^QSdimWYkiQ^YQS$JMWQOmdmWQSJMmmWJmmWQiJmQkdSfJvdSLdmWmWQ`QbJbOsd`QbJiQOQmQi`YbQOmWidoUWMd^^QMmYqQLJiUJYbYbUJbObQUdmYJmYdbkJmmWQ^dMJ^^QqQ^sYmWiQUJiOmdQhoJ^fJv$JmkdMYJ^kQMoiYmv^JsUdqQibkbJmYdbJ^kdS`Q`LQikmJmQksWdJiQbdmiQkYOYbUYbmWdkQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$JmkfQMYSYMJ^^vMdbkmYmomQkJ`QOYMJ`QbmobOQimWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$JmmvfQdSYbkfQMmYdbYkiQhoYiQOJbOJ^^dsQOsYmWiQUJiOmdJYOLQYbUUiJbmQOmdk\Y``QO`Y^\Qufdimk$sQbJ`Q`LQikmJmQk^QUYk^JmYdbiQSQikQbmYm^Q`QbmmdJbOmWQJ`dobmdSLQbQSYmkSdiOQfQbOQbmMWY^OiQbJbOkfdokQkdbmWQMdbOYmYdbdSmWQYiiQkYOQbMvYbmWJmkmJmQYkmWJmMdbOYmYdbSo^SY^^QOYSmWQMWY^OiQbJbOkfdokQiQkYOQYbJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$QbJmJuJL^QfQikdbkJ^QkfidfQimvfJimdSsWYMWkWQWJOMWdkQbmdiQkQiqQSdiWQifiYqJmQokQOdQkkWQJMmsYmWiQkfQMmmdmWQkJ^QdSmWQmWJmfJimJkJmJuJL^QfQikdbsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^Q:8dSmWQkYumWOYiQMmYqQ$QbfidfQimvWJkLQQbOYqYOQOofYbmdfiYqJmQJbOLokYbQkkkQMmYdbkLvJbdsbQiYkmWJmdsbQidb^v^YJL^QmdfJvqJmdbmWQfdimYdbmWJmYkMdbkYOQiQOmdLQmWQLokYbQkkfdimYdbdSmWQfidfQimv$QbkWdo^OmWQM^dkYbUOJmQSdimWQWobmYbUkQJkdbdS`YUiJmdivLYiOkJbOsJmQiSds^LQSYuQO$QiQJLidJOMJkmQibdmQ^YUYL^QSdiJMMQkkmdmWQMJL^QbQmsdi\Yb`Q`LQikmJmQJmiJbk`YmkfidUiJ`kSid``Q`LQikmJmQLsYmWmdJqdYOmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdS`Q`LQikmJmQJYkmWJmJMJkQdSfidqYkYdbdSkQiqYMQksYmWJiQ^QqJbmMidkkLdJiOQiQ^Q`Qbm$QiQJ`Q`LQikmJmQY`fdkQkJMWJiUQdbmWQmiJbkSQidSY``dqJL^QfidfQimvLomJ^^dskJiQ^YQSYSmWQmiJbkSQiYkfJimdSJbYbmQibJ^iQdiUJbYxJmYdbYkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsmWJmdb^vOd`QkmYMMd`fJbYQkLQQ^YUYL^QSdimWYkiQ^YQS$ scheme obligated?'Ke[ Qd4?ID="{7B5AC373-931B-44D1-A838-7E86BB7DE322}" DocClass=Form_Issue area/&H00000000 DocClass=Form_General Case Characteristics/&H00000000 DocClass=Form_Observations/&H00000000 DocClass=Form_Issues and positions/&H00000000 Module=Module1 DocClass=Form_Copy of General Case Characteristics/&H00000000 Name="db1" HelpContextID="0" VersionCompatible32="393222000" CMG="BFBD5FFEA1020006000600060006" DPB="2220C2632464246424" GC="85876504AB66AC66AC99" [Host Extender Info] &H00000001={3832D640-CF90-11CF-8E43-00A0C911005A};VBE;&H00000000 [Workspace] Form_Issue area=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_General Case Characteristics=22, 22, 546, 462, C Form_Observations=110, 110, 494, 446, C Form_Issues and positions=110, 110, 474, 380, C Module1=88, 88, 496, 424, Form_Copy of General Case Characteristics=0, 0, 0, 0, C C Form_Issue areaForm_Issue areaForm_General Case CharacteristicsForm_General Case CharacteristicsForm_ObservationsForm_ObservationsForm_Issues and positionsForm_Issues aJCZVJSNOKPPREERSLKIUMPVSAPCM:JI IVSGMMBEEDWZUDPDCYWDMOKDTHPJ: R _VBA_PROJECT dirIBDQFZFKDFAWVDFHOZXIEGJPRRTF:OLJPTLCVQMIIUDCXKZFYBGGIXTRJ:NYIZVRLWVGQYEEXPGSNACGEUHFYB: 0 QWSWJSEFXBVBZDATFYZYJEHDCSVL:+$  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~洀0* pHddb1@= d  XV>( J< rstdole>2stdole h%^*\G{00020430-;C 0046}#2.0#0#C:\WINDOWS\sys@tem32\e2.tlb#OLE Automation`hADODB> AADOBuDDE1!D10-8DAA006D2EA4D1DProgram Files\CommonSM\ado PffGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs in Germany should carry a statement indicating the ingredient even when it is already on the label?>>>><FeCommunity law does not preclude such practices.3Community law does not precfGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients nfGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs in Germany should carry a statement indicating the ingredient even when it fGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs fGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs in Germany should carry a statement indicating the ingredient even when it is already on the label?>>>><F6cCommunity law precludes such risk-selection legislation, fGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs in Germany should carry a statement indicating the ingredient even when it is already on the label?>>>><F6cCommunity law precludes such risk-sfGermany has failed to fulfil its duties.3Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs in Germany should carry a statement indicating the ingredient even when it is already on the label?>>>><F n_In the event that a dealer is exempt, a national court may not make such a ruling.3No need to answer.70/93If Regulation No 123/85 exempts a dealer from the prohibition on anti-competitive acts, may a national court still rule such action illegal on the grounds of it constituting a supply embargo which is prohibite under national law?m||hhhhfF PcemA national court may take the ncemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?66**cemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the cemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?66**FlThe applicatioin should be dismissed and the regulation remain intact.3The application is dismissed and the regulcemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered bycemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulcemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which hacemA national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?66**F # ` 8t(Ř(1R&VVsnO*ޥVREA0L(@pV*VbM$a &AA @" D@ @ PN  Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry intoOperators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.212/94May an exporter fulfilling the conditions laid out in paragraph 30 of the Lomas and OOperators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.212/94May an exporter fulfilling the conditions laid out in paragraph 30 of the Lomas and Others judgment claim reimbursement only of clawback unduly charged after the date on which he brought legal proceedings?Y~~Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as fOperators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.212/94May an exporter fulfilling the conditiOperators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity ofOperators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.212/94May an exporter fulfilling the conditions laid out in paragraph 30 of the Lomas and Others judgment claim Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.2Operators who intitiated proceedings prior to 10 March 1992 may rely on the invalidity of Articles 4(1) and (2) of Reg No 1633/84 as from the entry into force of those provisions.212/94May an exporter fulfilling the conditions laid out in paragraph 30 of the Lomas and Others judgment claim reimbursement only of clawback unduly charged after the date on which he brought legal proceedings?Y~~F6LVAL1KFN.Dr(T I=?(( (8( ((2(z((2(r((X(((P(((H((((((((((((2(z((2(r((  d            d 1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and number?Issues and issueQIssues and positions.AG position on issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?=Issues and positions.ECJ rulingKIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?UIssues and positions.clarity of legal issue(( (P( (ZYS@P((($(2(z(`($ 2(r(0($ Issues and positions (p ( (((,oRV@1~sq_fIssues and positions( X(0 ( (8 ( (@ ( P(H ( (P ( (X ( H(` ( (h (X(((P(((H(( ($$(H2($8Xz($($$2( r($(Issues and 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Characteristics.Type of DefendantUGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numberQGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizeaGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of CaseP 3  H 3  3 3 P3?20mE@30 378"37337r37378h 37j377337ir37 3 7"3 General Case Characteristics 3    3 3X3P34p@A~sq_fGeneral Case Characteristics0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 83 3 3 3 3 3 03 3 3 3 3 3  83 3  3 3  3 3333833303338333 "37373r377387 3 "@j3@3@3nri@r3" @3 @"3j @General Case Characteristics "33 33 33 r33 33 33 j33 33 33 r33 33 "33333833303338333 33(3 P383h33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333X 33 03X3 03X3 03X3 3X3  03X3 3X3 03X3 3X3 03X3 3X3  3X3  3X3 3z 3330 333h3(3x3`33333333@33x333333 33 d3 d3 ȃ(3`3 ȃ33 ȃ3@ ^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie Naruschawic^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>>>22^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie Naruschawicu^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>>>222^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)He^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>>>2222 ^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>>>2222 ^@^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ON^A #@@?La Pergola1308/94ONEM v NaruschawicusOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)Heidemarie NaruschawicusbL@>>>>2222 ^@~@!@?@Cosmas1446/93SEIM v Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasSEIM - Sociedade de Exportacao e Importacao de Materiais, Ld.Subdirector-Geral d^@~@!@?@Cosmas1446/93SEIM v Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasSEIM - Sociedade de Exportacao^@~@!@?@Cosmas1446/93SEIM v Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasSEIM - Sociedade de Exportacao e Importacao de Materiais, Ld.Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasqH<::::2222 ^@~` @?@^@~@!@?@Cosmas1446/93SEIM v Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasSEIM - Sociedade de Exportacao e Importacao de Materiais, Ld.Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasqH<::::2222 ^^@~@!@?@Cosmas1446/93SEIM v Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasSEIM - Sociedade de Exportacao e Importacao de Materiais, Ld.Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasqH<::::2222 ^@~@!@?@Cosmas1446/93SEIM v Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasSEIM - Sociedade de Exportacao e Importacao de Materiais, Ld.Subdirector-Geral das AlfandegasqH<::::2222 ^@~` @?@Lenz1480/93Zunis Holding and Others v CommissionZunis Holding SA and OthersCommission of the European CommunitiesmF:88882222  HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HH:^HH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HH:^HH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HH:^HH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^HHH:^ h[EYMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2XMemberYMember States161/94%% YMember States161/94%% 2XYMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2VYMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2UYMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2USocialYMember States161/94%% 2YMember States161/94%% 2USocialYMember States161/94%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% 2TCommUSocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% 2TCommunity Law4USocial Policy444/93%% 2TCommunUSocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% 2TCommunity Law43USocial Policy444/93%% 2TUSocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% 2TCommunity USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% 2TCUSocial Policy444/93%% 2TCommunUSocial Policy444/93%% 2TUSocial Policy444/93%% USocial Policy444/93%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% 2USocial Policy444/93%% 2MInternatioUSocial Policy444/93%% 2MInternational Agreements469/930MInternational Agreements469/930MInternational Agreements469/9300$$ 2IFisheries5MInternational Agreements469/9300$$ 2MInternational Agreements469/9300$$ 2MInternational Agreements469/9300$$ 2IFisheries52/95 2AIFisheries52/95 2ASociaIFisheries52/95 2IFisheries52/95 25Freedom to ProviIFisheries52/95 2IFisheries52/95 25Freedom to ProIFisheries52/95 2IFisheries52/95 25Freedom to ProviIFisheries52/95 25Freedom to ProviIFisheries52/95 25FreIFisheries52/95 25Freedom IFisheries52/95 25IFisheries52/95 25FIFisheries52/95 25Freedom to Provide Services55/9411'' 25Freedom to Provide Services55/9411'' 2(Competition91/94!! 2 P N  Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.3Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.226/Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.3Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.226/94If an independent reseller lawfully succeeds in obtaining new vehCommunity Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.3Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.226/94If an independent reseller lawfully succeeds in obtaining new vehicles produced by manufacturerCommunity Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.3Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.226/94If an independent reseller lawfully succeeds in obtaining new vehicles produced by manufacturers with closed distribution networks does Community Law provide justification for the prevention of his activities?nnnnlFThat provision isCommunity Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.3Community Law does not justify an action to prevent such a dealer from selling vehicles.226/94If an independent reseller lawfully succeeds in obtaining new vehicles produced by manufacturers with closed distribution networks does Community Law provide justification for the prevention of his activities?nnnnlFThat provision is valid.3That provision is valid.63/93Is Council Regulation No 857/84 valid?zRRHH....,FThose principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.3That provision is valid.3That provision is valid.63/93Is Council Regulation No 857/84 valid?zRRHH....,FThose principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.3Those principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.63/93Given the fundamental principles of CoThat provision is valid.3That provision is valid.63/93Is Council Regulation No 857/84 valid?zRRHH....,FThose principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference qThat provision is valid.3That provision is valid.63/93Is Council Regulation No 857/84 valid?zRRHH....,FThose principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.3Those principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.63/93Given the fundamental principlThat provision is valid.3That provision is valid.63/93Is Council Regulation No 857/84 valid?zRRHH....,FThose principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.3Those principles do not require a Member State to establish such a special reference quantity.63/93Given the fundameThat provision is valid.3That provision is valid.63/93Is Council Regulation No 857/84 valid?zRRHH....,F P!OdQkOYiQMmYqQFF<68QQMfidWYLYmJfidMQOoiQsWQiQLvmQ^QMd``obYMJmYdbkQhoYf`Qbm`okmLQkoL`YmmQOSdimvfQJffidqJ^mdmWQbJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQk$sOYiQMmYqQH6B>:fiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbSid`kQmmYbU`JuY`o`fQi`YkkYL^Q^QqQ^kSdiiQkYOoQkdSMW^difidfWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$WJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$^difidfWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$>:fiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbSid`kQmmYbU`JuY`o`fQi`YkkYL^Q^QqQ^kSdiiQkYOoQkdSMW^difidfWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$iQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbSid`kQmmYbU`JuY`o`fQi`YkkYL^Q^QqQ^kSdiiQkYOoQkdSMW^difidfWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$iQMmQSSQMmYbSiQMW^Js$sOYiQMmYqQH6B>:fiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbSid`kQmmYbU`JuY`o`fQi`YkkYL^Q^QqQ^kSdiiQkYOoQkdSMW^difidfWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$B>:fiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbSid`kQmmYbU`JuY`o`fQi`YkkYL^Q^QqQ^kSdiiQkYOoQkdSMW^difidfWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$fWJ`JbOfidfWJ`dbfdmJmdQkJbOiQhoYiYbUmWJmmWQiQhoYkYmQMWQM\kLQMJiiYQOdomJSmQifQQ^YbU$QQM^JsfidWYLYm^QUYk^JmYdbmWJmUYqQkOYSSQiQbmQ`f^dv`QbmmY`Q^Y`YmkmdOYSSQiQbmsdi\Qik$!QbmYm^Q`QbmmdJfQbkYdbdbJMMdobmdSYbMJfJMYmvmdsdi\QuYkmQqQbYbmWQJLkQbMQdSMd`fo^kdivMdbmiYLomYdbfQiYdOkkd^dbUJkmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOWJkLQQbQ`f^dvQOfJimmY`QSdikd`QfQiYdOdSmY`Q$SYbMJfJMYmvmdsdi\QuYkmQqQbYbmWQJLkQbMQdSMd`fo^kdivMdbmiYLomYdbfQiYdOkkd^dbUJkmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOWJkLQQbQ`f^dvQOfJimmY`QSdikd`QfQiYdOdSmY`Q$MYmvmdsdi\QuYkmQqQbYbmWQJLkQbMQdSMd`fo^kdivMdbmiYLomYdbfQiYdOkkd^dbUJkmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOWJkLQQbQ`f^dvQOfJimmY`QSdikd`QfQiYdOdSmY`Q$WQJOYbU<66>YbM^oOQJfidOoMmmWJmMdbmJYbkS^JqdoiYbUJUQbmkmWJmWJqQJmWQiJfQomYMJbOdifidfWv^JMmYMokQ$ q WQJOYbU<66>YbM^oOQJfidOoMmmWJmMdbmJYbkS^JqdoiYbUJUQbmkmWJmWJqQJmWQiJfQomYMJbOdifidfWv^JMmYMokQ$ 'Such a provision is not precluded for it was based on grounds that were unrelated to any discrimination acccording to sex.''Such a provision is precluded as discriminatory unless it is justified by objective grounds.''Does a national provision which excludes employment involving less than 15 hours per week and remuneration of up to one-seventh of the monthly reference amount from the statutory old age insurance scheme entail sexual dicrimination?'bLVALWrN.Dr.DF/T <?// /8/ //2/z//2/r//X///P///H////////////2/z//2/r//  d            d 1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and number?Issues and issueQIssues and positions.AG position on issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?=Issues and positions.ECJ rulingKIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?UIssues and positions.clarity of legal issue// /P/ /ZYS@P// /~ /~ 2/~ z/~ /~ 2/~ r/~ /~+Issues and positions /p / ///,oRV@1~sq_fIssues and positions/ X/0 / /8 / /@ / P/H / /P / /X / H/` / /h /X///P///H///~ /~ 2/~ z/~ /~ 2/~ r/~ /~+Issues and positions / / / / 2/ / z/ / / / 2/ / r/ / / /X///P///H// /H// /8/X/x/// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //8/////`0// 0// 0//  // 0// // 0//  /z 0/P/`/~////8//p////////P/// d/ 8/ p// // dP/H /////// ///8/p////P//'Issues and positions/ / d/ dH/PrimaryKey=Issues and positionslegal issue=Issues and positionscase number_General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positions//v ////H/Hq/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/H/@/ /P/0///8/Issues and positionsPrimaryKey/8/////H/P/ /P/// P Community Law prCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?Community Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employiCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving paymenCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employiCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing Community Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?FFrance has failed to fulfil its obligatioCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?FThe Regulation should be annulled.3The Regulation is annulled.267/94Should Commission Regulation No 1641/94 on the tariff and sCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93DoCommunity Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?F P NThe directive is applicable to such birds.3The directive is applicable to such birds.149/94Is Directive 79/409/EEC applicable to birds born and reared in captivity?xxll@@@@>FA Member State is required to prohibit the trade in bird specimens not listed in that Annex unless they are part of some specified derogation.3A Member State is required to prohibit the trade in bird specimens not listed in that Annex unless they are prt The directive is applicable to such birds.3The directive is applicable to such birds.149/94Is Directive 79/409/EEC applicable to birds born and reared in captivity?xxll@@@@>FSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a position to rebuild resources?vzzrrCCCCAFSuch a scheme is compatible with Community Law.2Such a scheme is compatible with Community Law.8/94Does a scheme which guarantees benefits on the basis of prior employment discriminate accorSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a position to rebuild resources?vzzrrCCCCAFSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a position to rebuild resources?vzzrrCCCCAFSuch a scheme is compatible with Community Law.2Such a scheme is compatible with CoSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a positSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a position to rebuild resources?vzzrrCCCCAFSuch a scheme is compatible with Community Law.2Such a scheme isSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a positioSuch a law can be justified on those grounds.3Such a law can be justified on those grounds.8/94Can the application of a law under which a far greater number of men than women are exempted from the means test be justified on the ground that the target group has little chance on the labor market and is rarely in a position to rebuild resources?vzzrrCCCCAF P Such legislature is not incompatible with community law so long as it observes the rule of proportionality.3Such legislature is not incompatible with community law, however, those found to have been negligent of the law may not be imprisoned or fined.193/94May a Member State maintain legislature requiring immigrants to exchange drivers licenses granted by their home state for German drivers licenses within one year of immigration?Such legislature is not incompatible with community law so long as it observes the rule of proportionality.3Such legislature is not incompatible with community law, however, those found to have been negligent of the law may not be imprisoned or fined.193/94May a Member State maintain legislature requiring immigrants to exchange drivers licenses granted by their home state for German drivers licenses within one year ofSuch legislature is not incompatible with community law so long as it observes the rule of proportionality.3Such legislature is not incompatible with community law, however, those found to have been negligent of the law may not be imprisoned or fined.193/94May a Member State maintain legislature requiring immigrants to exchange drivers licenses granted by their home state for German drivers licenses within one year of immigration?F tThe regulation in question should be annulled.3The application is dismissed and the regulation stands.307/93Should Commission Regulation No 685/93laying down detailed rules for the application of general intervention measures in the beef and veal sector be annulled?)}}DDDDBFThe contested decision should not be annulled.3The application is dismissed and the decision remains intact.56/93Should the Commission decision of 29 December 1992 terminating the procedure regarding a preferential tariff system applied in the Netherlands to supplies of natural gas to Dutch nitrate fertilizer producers be annulled?kDDDDBFSuch a person may not be required to pay the contributions to the state in which she is not resident.3SuchThe contested decision should not be annulled.3The application is dismissed and the decision remains intact.56/93Should the Commission decision of 29 December 1992 terminating the procedure regaThe contested decision should not be annulled.3The application is dismissed and the decision remains intact.56/93Should the Commission decision of 29 December 1992 terminating the procedure regarding a preferential tariff system applied in the Netherlands to supplies of natural gas to Dutch nitrate fertilizer producers be annulled?kDDDDBFSuch a person may not be required to pay the contributions to the state in which she is not resideThe contested decision should not be annulled.3The application is dismissed and the decision remains intact.56/93Should the Commission decision of 29 December 1992 terminating the procedure regarding a preferential tariff system applied in the Netherlands to supplies of natural gas to Dutch nitrate fertilizer producers be annulled?kDDDDBF [+Freedom of Movement for Persons193/Freedom of Movement for Persons193Freedom of Movement for Persons193/9477+Freedom of Movement for Persons193/9477Freedom of Movement for Persons193Freedom of Movement for Persons193/9477Freedom of Movement for Persons193/Freedom of Movement for Persons193/9477++ 2Freedom of Movement for Persons193/9477Freedom of Movement for Persons193/Freedom of Movement for Persons193Freedom of Movement for Persons1Freedom of Movement for Persons193/Freedom of Movement for Persons193/9477++ 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Acts of the Institutions5Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## 2Agriculture307/93## Agriculture307/93## 2Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ 2~SActs of the Institutions56/93.Acts of the Institutions56/93..Acts of the Institutions56/93Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ Acts of the Institutions56/93..Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ 2~Acts of the Institutions56/93.Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ 2~State AActs of the Institutions56/93..Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ 2~Acts of the Institutions56/9Acts of the Institutions56/93..$$ 2yAgriculture63/93!! 2nSocial Policy8/94!! 2 PWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KQOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KYUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$K^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KJmd`$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$KLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$K^OYiQMmYqQFHB8FQoiJmd`$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUmWQbQMQkkJiv^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOfidqYkYdbk^JvYbUOdsbLJkYM`QJkoiQkSdimWQiJOYJmYdbfidmQMmYdbdSYbOYqYOoJ^kobOQiUdYbU`QOYMJ^QuJ`YbJmYdb$K    # PkWdo^OMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbMH6:<<:666$iQSdi8HFHdSmWQQJUUSLQOQM^JiQOqdYOYbkdSJiJkmWQMd``YkkYdbQuM^oOQOSid`Md``obYmvSYbJbMYbUJko`dSO`><:666$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbbd::H>H:dbOQmJY^QOio^QkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkoffdimkvkmQ`SdimWQfidOoMQikdSdY^kQQOkLQJbbo^^QO$dbiQUo^JmYdbbd::H>H:dbOQmJY^QOio^QkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkoffdimkvkmQ`SdimWQfidOoMQikdSdY^kQQOkLQJbbo^^QO$^^QO$8kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbbd::H>H:dbOQmJY^QOio^QkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkoffdimkvkmQ`SdimWQfidOoMQikdSdY^kQQOkLQJbbo^^QO$QJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbbd::H>H:dbOQmJY^QOio^QkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkoffdimkvkmQ`SdimWQfidOoMQikdSdY^kQQOkLQJbbo^^QO$'That article has direct effect.''That article has d P!OdQkkoMWJMWJiUQJkOQkMiYLQOMdbkmYmoQ YbOYiQMm^vY`fdkQOYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk 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covered under its social security law compulsory contributions to its social security scheme?'LVALv1b 6 _  K  | 7 h # T @ @ @ @ @ @ @      "(+2'2$(2%*2',2*-2-.2.020626<2>=2?@2BA2CB2DC2ED2FF2HG2IH2JI2KMad"e'l3m4q8r9t<G2W2Y2i2m2}2~56729"#$%&'.HLPVY2[m!r2fJBKOnd positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agreeVh$ @4MR2KeepLocal T `.D   P ?0 % !**  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)@h pyl_b@p a *a#Type of Litigant@`8 p~C@{~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cType ofPlaintiff X 8_[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]Xm[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)]a *a#Type of Litigant  *X h  p8@HPXx0  8  08  z  d  H   d 0    8 Type of LitigantPrimaryKey8v ` Hq'Type of LitigantPrimaryKey`X `8 LVAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ tvwu'''''(((((B,B,B,B,,,,,*.,-+48675&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.D;  P ? p d UGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)7General Case Characteristics &m_b@8 a9General Case 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Thus, the Directive is applicable.n' #|186/83The NetherlandsDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover. / #|186/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover.$F #|179/83DenmarkDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not explicitly exclude these types of transfers. Thus, the Directive is applicable.n' #|179/83The NetherlandsDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover. / #|179/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover.$F #|PcMJH\  ? >>> >A !>>>>>>>>  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)P>H>>> >YS@>(> > >agreement>P>p>8 >>4TM7@I~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo51(> >> >H>?[agreement].[agreement (number)]>;[agreement].[agreement (text)]>> >agreement >> >>>> >>h > >8>@>H>P>X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x>> > >8 > 0>8 > >z  >> >x(> > >H > > d >0 > > > >8 >agreement >PrimaryKey( >>v @>>(>>>>q>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >agreementPrimaryKey> >@>X >@>>>>x>>>8 >k@ OdQkMd``obYmv^JsiQhoYiQmWQdiYUYbJ^iQMYfYQbmdSmWQiQOoMQO^QqvmdfJvmWQOYSSQiQbMQYSmWQLommQiYkokQOSdiJbY`fdfQifoifdkQ$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsiQhoYiQmWQdiYUYbJ^iQMYfYQbmdSmWQiQOoMQO^QqvmdfJvmWQOYSSQiQbMQYSmWQLommQiYkokQOSdiJbY`fdfQifoifdkQ$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsiQhoYiQmWQdiYUYbJ^iQMYfYQbmdSmWQiQOoMQO^QqvmdfJvmWQOYSSQiQbMQYSmWQLommQiYkokQOSdiJbY`fdfQifoifdkQ$OdQkMd``obYmvio^QkJ^^dsmWQ`YuYbUdSiQOsYbQkJbOidkQsYbQkdiYUYbJmYbUSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkJksQ^^JkJ^^dsmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSkoMWJsYbQJkJidkQsYbQ$OdQkMd``obYmvio^QkJ^^dsmWQ`YuYbUdSiQOsYbQkJbOidkQsYbQkdiYUYbJmYbUSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkJksQ^^JkJ^^dsmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSkoMWJsYbQJkJidkQsYbQ$OdQkMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkLJb\iofmdiWJkLQQbUiJbmQOJkokfQbkYdbdSOQLmkfJv`Qbmk$kOdQkMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkLJb\iofmdiWJkLQQbUiJbmQOJkokfQbkYdbdSOQLmkfJv`Qbmk$kOdQkMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkLJb\iofmdiWJkLQQbUiJbmQOJkokfQbkYdbdSOQLmkfJv`Qbmk$kOdQkMdobMY^iQUF@6F8YbmQbOmdJqdYOMd`fJbYQkkoSSQiYbUWJiOkWYfSid`WJqYbULdoUWmUddOkJmJWYUWQifiYMQmWJbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdiksWdLdoUWmmWQYiUddOkJSmQimWQfiYMQsJkOQMiQJkQOJkWdimmY`Q^JmQi$OQLmk$XOdQkMdobMY^iQUF@6F8YbmQbOmdJqdYOMd`fJbYQkkoSSQiYbUWJiOkWYfSid`WJqYbULdoUWmUddOkJmJWYUWQifiYMQmWJbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdiksWdLdoUWmmWQYiUddOkJSmQimWQfiYMQsJkOQMiQJkQOJkWdimmY`Q^JmQi$OQLmk$XOdQkMdobMY^iQUF@6F8YbmQbOmdJqdYOMd`fJbYQkkoSSQiYbUWJiOkWYfSid`WJqYbULdoUWmUddOkJmJWYUWQifiYMQmWJbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdiksWdLdoUWmmWQYiUddOkJSmQimWQfiYMQsJkOQMiQJkQOJkWdimmY`Q^JmQi$OQLmk$XOdQkMdobMY^iQUF@6F8YbmQbOmdJqdYOMd`fJbYQkkoSSQiYbUWJiOkWYfSid`WJqYbULdoUWmUddOkJmJWYUWQifiYMQmWJbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdiksWdLdoUWmmWQYiUddOkJSmQimWQfiYMQsJkOQMiQJkQOJkWdimmY`Q^JmQi$OQLmk$XOdQkMdobMY^iQUF@6F8YbmQbOmdJqdYOMd`fJbYQkkoSSQiYbUWJiOkWYfSid`WJqYbULdoUWmUddOkJmJWYUWQifiYMQmWJbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdiksWdLdoUWmmWQYiUddOkJSmQimWQfiYMQsJkOQMiQJkQOJkWdimmY`Q^JmQi$OQLmk$XOdQkMdobMY^iQUF@6F8YbmQbOmdJqdYOMd`fJbYQkkoSSQiYbUWJiOkWYfSid`WJqYbULdoUWmUddOkJmJWYUWQifiYMQmWJbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdiksWdLdoUWmmWQYiUddOkJSmQimWQfiYMQsJkOQMiQJkQOJkWdimmY`Q^JmQi$OdQkOYiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$ OdQkOYiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$ YiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$ YiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$OdQkOYiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$ !Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of &N%NN____+N _*N)N(N__#N_!_.N-N  #LVAL)N  .D\  ? h     d /clarity.clarity (number) clarity+clarity.clarity (text)0( YS@ . .clarityP @ :E7@I~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo59  7[clarity].[clarity (number)]3[clarity].[clarity (text)]. .clarity   x0  8@HPXxX    0  z  ` X1     d 0      clarity PrimaryKey v xxqxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxP `@h clarityPrimaryKeyh  x`0` Q 7NeLJHGEC8Bq@268/83The NetherlandsIn accordance with Article 4 of the Sixth Directive, at what point does a business exploiting tangible property begin: at the start of building construction or when the actual leasing begins?t becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive when the property is purchased provided there is sufficient evidence that the property will be used for that activity./ #|C5/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhen a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change in their legislation in an approximation of a Council directive, can individuals then be treated in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 of the Directive?Even if it approved of the change, individuals can still rely on the principles outlined in Article 11.'D #|B5/84United KingdomWhen a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change in their legislation in an approximation of a Council directive, can individuals then be treated in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 of the Directive?There is no principle in Community law that implies that if a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change, it renders the national legislation incompatible with the Directive., #|5/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhen a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state to inform the Commission?The change made by the UK legislation was significant enough to warrant notification. Additionally, the change leave the legislation outside the scope of the Directive.D #|-5/84United KingdomWhen a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state to inform the Commission?The change to the legislation was within the limits allowed by Article 27.5, #|293/83Commission of the European CommunitiesIs the Belgian policy, in which foreign students are charged an enrollment fee that nationals are not charged, a violation of Article 7 of the EEC treaty prohibiting discrimination based on nationality?Imposing a fee on non-national students that nationals do have to pay is discrimination based on nationality and in violation of Article 7.F #|293/83United KingdomIs the Belgian policy, in which foreign students are charged an enrollment fee that nationals are not charged, a violation of Article 7 of the EEC treaty prohibiting discrimination based on nationality?Member states have a special obligation to its own nationals in the area of education. Article 7 does not prevent member states from treating their own nationals more favorably than non-nationals.. #|293/83DenmarkIs the Belgian policy, in which foreign students are charged an enrollment fee that nationals are not charged, a violation of Article 7 of the EEC treaty prohibiting discrimination based on nationality?Member states have a special obligation to its own nationals in the area of education. Article 7 does not prevent member states from treating their own nationals more favorably than non-nationals.' #|293/83BelgiumIs the Belgian policy, in which foreign students are charged an enrollment fee that nationals are not charged, a violation of Article 7 of the EEC treaty prohibiting discrimination based on nationality?The provision is necessary due to the imbalance of foreign students studying in Belgium versus the number of Belgian students studying abroad. This imbalance strains the education budget.' #|: M:LNJHFUDBZA231/83GreeceDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.<& #|231/83ItalyDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.;% #|231/83FranceDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.<& #|11/82FranceWas the Commissions decision authorizing France to implement protective trade restrictions on Greek combed yarn a violation of Article 130 of the Act of Accession?Unrestricted importation of Greek combed yarn threatens a core sector of the economy. French yarn is unable to compete with Greek yarn due to their lower prices stemming from lower labor costs.% #|253/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes a uniform rate of tax on spirits, regardless of fluctuations in market price, constitute unlawful discrimination against imports on the part of a member states customs office?The uniform tax on both imports and domestics does not violate Articles 97 and 33 of the treaty regardless of the market price.}F #|241/83Commission of the European CommunitiesIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Although Article 16 applies to short-term leases, but holiday leases are a different province that falls outside its jurisdiction."F #|241/83United KingdomIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Article 16 does not differentiate between short-term and long-term leases, therefore, short-term leases are applicable. However, claims regarding indirect damages are not applicable under Article 16. . #|241/83ItalyIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Article 16 does not differentiate between short-term leases and long-term leases. Absent this distinction, holiday leases do fall within the jurisdiction of Article 16.% #|241/83GermanyIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Article 16 must be interpreted narrowly. Short-term leases are not under the purview of Article 16. This violates the spirit of Article 16 and puts tenants at the disadvantage of travelling to an outside state for legal action.' #|CPLJaGQD[AN  The application should be dismissed because all of the applicants submissions are unfounded. The Commission decisions were not only lawful, but they also followed the proper procedures in reaching those decisions.3The application should be dismissed because all of the applicants submissions are unfounded. The Commission decisions were not only lawful, but they also followed the proper procedures in reaching those decisions.255/83The applicant asks the Court to annul both the Commission decision to demote him and their rejection of his subsequent complaint. The demotion was based the Commission findings that the applicant sold confidential documents and was engaged in unauthorizeFAlthough the applicants are members of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. Furthermore, the Commission did breach the principle of equal treatment, thus, the decisions assigning their grade and step should be annulled.3Because the Commission breached the principle of equal treatment the 7/30/82 (Hattet, Matt, de Szy-Tarrisse), 7/14/82 (Dona), and 7/8/82 (Becquart, Schmitz, Le Maitre, de Waegeneer) decisions are annulled and remitted back to the Commission for new decisi66/83Although technically members of a Commission subsidiary (the Association), the applicants ask the Court to annul the Commission decision in assigning their grade because the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff.FAlthough the applicant is a member of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. Furthermore, the Commission did breach the principle of equal treatment, thus, the decision should be annulled.3Although the applicant is a member of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. Furthermore, the Commission did breach the principle of equal treatment, thus, the decision should be annulled.119/83The applicants asks the Court to annul the Commission decision in assigning his grade because the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff.<FThe applicants claims should be dismissed as inadmissable because the claims were made out of time.3The application is admissable as it was the Councils actions that cause the claim to be filed out of time. Furthermore, the Council decision is annulled because as the applicant submitted, the refusal to transfer his salary was discriminatory based on hi236/82The applicants asks the Court to annul the Council decision to deny their transferring a portion of his salary in Germany currency to a German bank because he was a Netherlands national. The applicants claims that this violates Art. 17 of the Staff RegulzzyyyywF@ɚThe Commissions decisions to reject the applicants request should be declared void because protecting business secrecy is not a compelling reason to withhold the info. in these cases. However, this only applies to those cases based on Arts. 10, 14, 14c, 3The Commissions decisions to reject the applicants request should be declared void because protecting business secrecy is not a compelling reason to withhold the info. in these cases. However, this only applies to those cases based on Arts. 10 and 14 of 27/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Commission decisions rejecting their request for information regarding additional quotas granted to select companies. Given the Commissions direct control over the steel market, that its decision-making process s!  F^PMJmHECzAz234/83F Scientific activities are those activities conducted by either public or private organizations with the the purpose of furthering scientific knowledge using high performance instruments.3Scientific activities are those in the pursuit of furthering scientific knowledge conducted with non-commercial purposes.234/83What criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific activities" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?WWKKF A scientific instrument or apparatus should be evaluated on its objective technical characteristics. Scientific instruments perform at a high-level of performance than industrial or commercial instruments.3A scientific instrument is defined by its objective technical characteristics for both its intended use and the results it will be used to obtain.234/83What criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific instrument or apparatus" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?+xxFrThis type of legislation represents a prohibitive restriction on imports which violates Articles 5, 30, and 36 of the EEC treaty. However, there are no provisions in the treaty to settle this type of situation.2Article 3, 5, 85, and 86 do not prohibit certain types of price fixing legislation. However, Article 30 does prohibit the type of price fixing used by the French legislation in this case.231/83Does price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?hFThe Court should annul the Commissions decision regarding the disciplinary action against the applicant because they did not provide a statement of reasons detailing why it rejected the Boards recommendation.3Annuls the Commissions decision because it failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons for rejecting the Boards recommendation. Refers the case back to Commission so it can prepare a proper statement of reasons.228/83Did the Commission violate the Staff Regulations when it imposed harsher penalties on the applicant than those recommended by the Disciplinary Board?fFThe applicants claim is inadmissible under Article 173 because the regulation does not fit the criteria for individual litigation. Furthermore, the applicants do not provide adequate evidence that this particular regulation is the primary cause of potent3The claim is inadmissible under Article 173. Addtionally, the applicants do not show any causal connection between this regulation and the loss of future sales. Hence, the claim for compensatory damages is also rejected.147/83Is the Commission liable for damages resulting from a restriction on imported wines that use word descriptions banned by Commission Regulation No 997/81?FeNo AG position - Court Order3The applicants fail to demonstrate the urgency required for such a suspension of competition. Furthermore, case law has established that the Court can annul the selection boards decision and reopen the competition for each canidate allowed.293/84 RAn application asking the Court to suspend a job competition until it rules on the substantive matters of the applicants claims. Continuance of the job competition without a Court ruling may cause irreparable damage to the applicants."55%%22220F5LVALEN T `sk_b@k_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo63Vh @N4MR2KeepLocal T `i_b@5k_b@~sq_cCopy of General Case Characteristics~sq_cList44Vh@4MR2KeepLocal T `ZYS@ZYS@~sq_fIssues and positionsVh-6 4MR2KeepLocal T`TTTTTTR `ZYS@ZYS@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agreeVh$ @4MR2KeepLocal T `YS@YS@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo59Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Txllllllj ` YS@YS@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo51Vh@4MR2.Dwh  ? H [ !  d (number) coder! (text)(  9/mE@XmXmXcoder0  io)7@W~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList44  -[coder].[name (number)])[coder].[name (text)]mm coder   X  8@HPXx8    0  z  @ op   p  d 0h p p    coder PrimaryKey v XXqXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0 @ H coderPrimaryKeyH  X@@x LVALP  z ϹϹϹϹϹϹϹϹϹϹϹ7l 3 k . s(*}\ @~@?@Lenz183/92Pierrel v Minister  ? @@@Slynn278/83Commission v. ItalyCommission of the European CommunitiesItalyZE999992222   ? @@@Slynn278/83Commission v. ItalyCommission of the European CommunitiesItalyZE999992222  @@ @?@Lenz255/83R. v. CommissionR.Commission of the European CommunitiesZVD888882222  @ @?@Van Themaat66/83Hattet v. CommissionPierre Hattet and OthersCommission of the European Communitiesy_I?????2222  @ @?@Van Themaat119/83Appelbaum v. CommissionEdmund AppelbaumCommission of the European CommunitiesvdK?????2222  @@ @?@Lenz236/82Brautigam v. CouncilA. BrautigamCouncil of the European CommunitieshZD888882222  @ x\@?@Darmon27/84Wirtschaftsvereinigung Eisen- und Stahlindustrie v. CommissionWirtschaftsvereinigung Eisen- und StahlindustrieCommission of the European Communit.D  \  ? x% !**  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)@h ph5C@pm1*m Type of LitigantH  p~C@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo29  _[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]m[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] m1*mType of Litigant  * (  p8@HPXxP    0  z   o     d 0     Type of Litigant PrimaryKey v  qx h'xType of LitigantPrimaryKeyx   X  @sWQbMdbkYOQiYbUmWQmJiYSSM^JkkYSYMJmYdbJfYQMQdSJimkMo^fmoiQhoJ^YSYQkobOQikWdo^OYmLQM^JkkYSYQOJMMdiOYbUmdmWQ`JmQiYJ^kokQOYbYmkMdbkmioMmYdbdikWdo^OYmLQM^JkkYSYQOJkJkMo^fmoiQ$sWQbUddOkJiQY`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQsWJmYkmWQfidfQi`QmWdOdSJO`YbYkmQiYbUmWQqJmmJukdJkmdJqdYOqYd^JmYbUJimYM^QH@sWYMWfidWYLYmkkmJmQkSid`^QqvQuMQkkmJuQkdbY`fdimkJkMd`fJiQOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$lsWQbUddOkJiQY`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQsWJmYkmWQfidfQi`QmWdOdSJO`YbYkmQiYbUmWQqJmmJukdJkmdJqdYOqYd^JmYbUJimYM^QH@sWYMWfidWYLYmkkmJmQkSid`^QqvQuMQkkmJuQkdbY`fdimkJkMd`fJiQOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$sWQbUddOkJiQY`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQsWJmYkmWQfidfQi`QmWdOdSJO`YbYkmQiYbUmWQqJmmJukdJkmdJqdYOqYd^JmYbUJimYM^QH@sWYMWfidWYLYmkkmJmQkSid`^QqvQuMQkkmJuQkdbY`fdimkJkMd`fJiQOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$QOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$sWQbUddOkJiQY`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQsWJmYkmWQfidfQi`QmWdOdSJO`YbYkmQiYbUmWQqJmmJukdJkmdJqdYOqYd^JmYbUJimYM^QH@sWYMWfidWYLYmkkmJmQkSid`^QqvQuMQkkmJuQkdbY`fdimkJkMd`fJiQOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$QOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$sWQbUddOkJiQY`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQsWJmYkmWQfidfQi`QmWdOdSJO`YbYkmQiYbUmWQqJmmJukdJkmdJqdYOqYd^JmYbUJimYM^QH@sWYMWfidWYLYmkkmJmQkSid`^QqvQuMQkkmJuQkdbY`fdimkJkMd`fJiQOmdOd`QkmYMUddOk$sWQiQJidJOWJo^JUQdfQiJmdiYkUYqQbJ`dbQmJivUoJiJbmQQYbdiOQimdSo^SY^^SYbJbMYJ^kmJbOYbUiQhoYiQ`QbmkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsYkmWJmUoJiJbmQQmdLQiQUJiOQOJkQbkoiYbUkd^Q^vSdimWQLQbQSYmdSMiQOYmdiksWdWJqQQbmQiQOYbmdJMdbmiJMmdSMJiiYgsWQiQJidJOWJo^JUQdfQiJmdiYkUYqQbJ`dbQmJivUoJiJbmQQYbdiOQimdSo^SY^^SYbJbMYJ^kmJbOYbUiQhoYiQ`QbmkobOQiMd``obYmv^JsYkmWJmUoJiJbmQQmdLQiQUJiOQOJkQbkoiYbUkd^Q^vSdimWQLQbQSYmdSMiQOYmdiksWdWJqQQbmQiQOYbmdJMdbmiJMmdSMJiiYgsWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$sWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$sWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$sWYMWdbQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbkSYuYbUmWQJbmYOo`fYbUOomvdbkfQMYJ^kmQQ^kWQQmksQiQqJ^YO$sWYMWsYbQkJiQmdLQiQUJiOQOobOQiMd``obYmv^JsJkhoJ^YmvsYbQk$sWYMWsYbQkJiQmdLQiQUJiiOQOobOQiMd``obYmv^JsJkhoJ^YmvsYbQk$sYmWJqYQsmdQkmJL^YkWYbUmWQiJmYddSmWQ^QbUmWdSfQiYdOkMd`f^QmQOobOQiYmkbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdb`JvJMd`fQmQbmYbkmYmomYdbJff^vYmkdsbio^QkJUJYbkmdqQi^JffYbULQbQSYmk$9sYmWiQUJiOkmdiQUo^JmYdb8:@HD:MdbMQibYbUmWQkfQMYSYQOfidOoMmkmWJmiQOoMQOMdkmLommQi`okmLQfidMQkkQOYbmdYkYmJqYd^JmYdbYSmWQfidMQkkQOfidOoMmYkbdmokQOSdiYmkYbmQbOQOfoifdkQkLomiJmWQiSoimWQikQfJiJmQOYbmdMdbkmYmomYqQfJimk$K purposes of exemption provisions? The Regulation regulates the driving perio  #)N2LIGRE*CA19/84GermanyDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe Court needs to reject any possible equivalence between community level effects of patent owners consent and the situation that arises from the grant of a compulsory licence. It is vital to ensure the economic value of patents.'& #|19/84DenmarkDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe Court needs to reject any possible equivalence between community level effects of patent owners consent and the situation that arises from the grant of a compulsory licence. It is vital to ensure the economic value of patents.'& #|19/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licWithout the right of a patent owner to prevent the marketing of a product produced in another state by way of their patent, a potentially damaging loophole would emerge and patent protection would be seriously jeopardized.&FE #|220/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAre actions to oppose enforcement fall within the jurisdiction of Art. 16 of the CJEJCCM? If so, is it possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised indepeYes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.EGF #|220/84United KingdomAre actions to oppose enforcement fall within the jurisdiction of Art. 16 of the CJEJCCM? If so, is it possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised indepeYes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.-/. #|~168/84Commission of the European CommunitiesShould the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondiThe operation of gaming machines does not qualify as services to meet the direct needs of ships within the meaning of Article 15 of the 6th Directive.GF #|{168/84FranceShould the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondiThe operation of gaming machines does not qualify as services to meet the direct needs of ships within the meaning of Article 15 of the 6th Directive.'& #|[ŏCommon Customs Tariffs234/83.."" 2X 0 YbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWJimYM^Q>dSmWQkYumWOYiQMmYqQJmsWJmfdYbmOdQkJLokYbQkkQuf^dYmYbUmJbUYL^QfidfQimvLQUYb JmmWQkmJimdSLoY^OYbUMdbkmioMmYdbdisWQbmWQJMmoJ^^QJkYbULQUYbk$_YbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWJimYM^Q>dSmWQkYumWOYiQMmYqQJmsWJmfdYbmOdQkJLokYbQkkQuf^dYmYbUmJbUYL^QfidfQimvLQUYb JmmWQkmJimdSLoY^OYbUMdbkmioMmYdbdisWQbmWQJMmoJ^^QJkYbULQUYbk$}YbLJb\iofmMvMJkQksWQiQdb^vJfdimYdbdSmWQMd`fJbvYkmiJbkSQiiQOYkmWQmiJbkSQiQQ^YJL^QSdiQ`f^dvQQdL^YUJmYdbkdSmWQbdbmiJbkSQiiQOfdimYdb$XYbM88F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM88F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM8>HF>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM8>HF>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$ YbM8>HF>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$ YbM8>HF>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$ YbM:68F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM:68F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM:6:F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM:6:F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbM:8@F>OdJimYM^Qk<@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYm`Q`LQikmJmQkSid`QbJMmYbU^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbUmWQ`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiMQimJYbmvfQkdSJomdSoQ^$YbMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDQQMsWYMWMdbMQibkLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikYkmWQmQi` Q`f^dvQQ mdLQYbmQifiQmQOmd`QJbmWJmYmYkkoSSYMYQbmmWJmmWQfQikdbsJkQ`f^dvQOLvmWQmiJbkSQididi`okmmWQvJ^kddMMofvJfdkYmYdbJkQ`f^dvQQsYmWmWQmiJbkSQiQQ$YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`  #LVALN.D \  ?  A !  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)@8 .l7@(m#magreementx@`( 4TM7@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo23(  8?[agreement].[agreement (number)];[agreement].[agreement (text)]mmagreement   X  8@HPXx  (  0(  z   o(  8   d 0    ( agreement PrimaryKey v 0q x agreementPrimaryKey 0H 0h( LVAL'N  .D\  ? X     d /clarity.clarity (number) clarity+clarity.clarity (text)  7@hnhnclarity@0 :E7@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo19  7[clarity].[clarity (number)]3[clarity].[clarity (text)] hnhnclarity   h  8@HPXxH    0  z  P q     d 0x      clarity PrimaryKey v hhqhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh@ P0X clarityPrimaryKeyX  hP P Z .NLJHGvEC0Bz@135135/B135/83DenmarkShould the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?Consensual transfers should be treated differently than forced transfers. In consensual transfers, the transferor is liable for all obligations; whereas, in forced transfers, they are not.' #|A135/83The NetherlandsShould the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?The transferee cannot be made responsible for the debts because it violates a recognized principle of contract law. National legislation should be free to decide liability in these cases./ #|?135/83Commission of the European CommunitiesShould the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?The transferee is responsible for all of the obligations stemming from employee contracts made by the transferor.qF #|135/83DenmarkDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?The Directive does not explicitly exclude these types of transfers. Thus, the Directive is applicable to these types of transfers.' #|135/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover.!F #|135/83The NetherlandsDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover. / #|:ed123/83Commission of the European CommunitiesIs it a restriction on competition by an association of undertakings, as prohibited in Article 85, when a inter-trade organization, such as BINC, implements a price-fixing agreement?The price fixing agreement implemented by BINC does represent a restriction on competition between member states because the product is used as component for a finished product made in other member states.F #|234/83Commission of the European CommunitiesWhat criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific activities" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?Scientific activities are those with the purpose of furthering scientific knowledge by the use of high performance instruments and in-depth treatment of the subject.F #|231/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #| _N{ $IFGECAJ53/83Commission of the European CommunitiesThe applicants ask the Court to annul Council Regulation 101/83 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on them because they claim that the Council did not accurately calculate the normal value using the facts available required by Article 7 of Reg. 3017/Without cooperation in the investigation, the Commission is entitled to establish a duty considered closest to economic reality given the available information.FE #|pe 33/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAfter the Court declares a regulation invalid by way of a preliminary ruling, who has jurisdiction to give judgment on the substance of the case in regards to reimbursement, the national courts or the Court?There is no reason to depart from the precedents established by the Court in case 145/79 on this issue. Consequently, the temporal limits established in that case still apply to similar cases.E #|dy 13/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDid the Council fail in its obligations by failing to reach a decision on 14 proposals submitted to it by the Commission?The Council failed its obligations by failing to reach a decision on these proposals, thereby, hindering the progress of establishing a common transport policy.bE #|b 713/83The NetherlandsDid the Council fail to fulfil the well-specified obligation to enact measures ensuring the freedom to provide transport services within the prescribed time period as contained in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b)?Article 8 (7) of the Treaty specifies that the end of the transitional period is the latest date in which the measures for a common market must be implemented. The transport market is no exception.. #|c 713/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDid the Council fail to fulfil the well-specified obligation to enact measures ensuring the freedom to provide transport services within the prescribed time period as contained in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b)?The Council was not bound by Article 75 to ensure the freedom to provide services by the end of the transitional period but within an appropriate time period, which it has failed to do.E #|@13/83The NetherlandsDid the Council fail to fulfil its legal obligations by not enacting a common transportation policy for the Community within the time period prescribed by the EEC treaty?The lack of a common transport policy does not mean that it constitutes a failure to act within the meaning of Article 175.W. #|?13/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDid the Council fail to fulfil its legal obligations by not enacting a common transportation policy for the Community within the time period prescribed by the EEC treaty?There is no legal obligation to enact a common transport policy within a specified time period. However, there is an obligation to enact a policy within an appropriate time period, which the Council has failed to do.E #|Bva47/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhen goods are imported from another member state what is the proper method of administering the VAT tax so as to avoid violating Article 95 which prohibits states from levy excess taxes on imports as compared to domestic goods?The VAT should be calculated using on the net value of the goods at the time of importation.+E #|LVALnH N .D G  @w?GGGHG GJGzGGGG8GhGGG G G G G GGJGzGGG     d   ȅ  Referral.junkReferral+Referral.Referral Date' number/Referral.referring court1Referral.Referring NationHG@GG G G+A9@8GPG G JG zG G GReferralGxGG GGVs@~sq_fReferralPGGPG 8GXG hG`G GhG GpGG8GhGGGG JG zG G GReferral GG JGG zGG GG GGG8GhGGG GXGPG G8GPGhGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG G `G G 0G G  0G G  G G Gz GHG0G(PG G GGH GG G G G0G G G dH G ȃ G G<GGGGG G GH G G G GReferral XG  dpGPrimaryKeyGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralGGv GGGGXGXGqXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXG8G GHG(GGHGReferralPrimaryKeyGHGG@GGGXGHGGHGG GLVAL(N.Dg\  ? gggp g  gggggggg  d /Nations.Referring Nation Nations9Nations.Referring Nation Name(g ggg g+A9@gg g0q g0qNationsXg(gHg ggn\@/~sq_cReferral~sq_cCombo8g gg g g7[Nations].[Referring Nation]gA[Nations].[Referring Nation Name]gg0q g0qNations gg gggg gg8 g g8g@gHgPgXgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggxgg` g g g 0g g gz  ghg gsg g g g g d g0 g g g g g Nations gPrimaryKey ggv ggggggqggggggggggggggggggggggggggggXg ghgHggp gNationsPrimaryKeygp gg( gggghg8ghgg gPMJGECAϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲϲ!t & s T,b@ @ ~@?@Van Gerven1271/91Marshall v Southampton and South West hampshire Area Health AuthorityM. H. MarshallSouthampton and South W@ ~@?@Van Gerven1271/91Marshall v Southampton and South West hampshire Area Health Auth6lCourt Order - Not Applicable3Dismiss the application because the applicant failed to provide a persuasive argument to establish an urgent need. By their own admission, the applicant concedes that the amount of aid will not have decisive effect.248/84 RThe applicant asks the Court to suspend operation of Commission decision 85/12, prohibiting the granting of aid to the labor market, pending the Court decision. Without the investment aid, the economy in that area will continue to deteriorate causing sev  22220F5kCourt Order - Not Applicable3Orders the suspension of the Staff Committee of the Economic and Social Committee elections pending the Court s ruling on the substantive case.146/85 RThe applicants ask the court to suspend the Staff Committee of the Economic and Social Committee elections pending the Court s ruling on the substantive case.s22220FjThe court should take into account all of the circumstances in the case that are applicable to the defendants right to defend themselves.2The court should take into account all of the circumstances in the case that are applicable to the defendants right to defend themselves.49/84If Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?.44**F iArt. 27 is applicable in these cases. Thus, the national court must examine whether the prior actions in the case are in compliance with Art. 27, which provides that a notice of proceeding is given in sufficient time for the defendant to arrange for adeq2Art. 27 is applicable in these cases. Thus, the national court must examine whether the prior actions in the case are in compliance with Art. 27, which provides that a notice of proceeding is given in sufficient time for the defendant to arrange for adeq49/84Whether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.  FhYes. The requirement has the potential to hinder the importation of potatoes that were previously properly imported by a member state. This restricts the free movement of goods within the Community.3Yes. The requirement has the potential to hinder the importation of potatoes that were previously properly imported by a member state. This restricts the free movement of goods within the Community. Ireland has fail to fulfill its obligations under Art288/83Does Ireland s requirement of licences for the importation of potatoes orginating from non-member states, but in free circulation in another member state constitute a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods, thereby, violating the EEC treatFgNot applicable - Court Order3Pending judgment on the principal application, orders Italy to take the measures necessary to ensure that the requirements for imports is no more strict than those which existed before July 1984.154/85 RThe Commission asks that the Court order Italy to enact the measures necessary to ensure the timely registration and free movement of vehicles imported from other member states. By making the registration of imports subject to difficulties not faced by d 22220FLVAL,)uMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]Y NLvKI+H{F{{{{Eav267/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 11 of EEC regulation 1612/68 establish a right of residence independent of those provisions established in Article 10 of the same regulation?The right of residence for non-national family members is only provided for iEav267/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 11 of EEC regulation 1612/68 establish a right of residence independent of those provisions established in Article 10 of the same regulation?The right of residence for non-national family members is only provided for in Article 10.>F #|Cav267/8Eav267/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 11 of EEC regulation 1612/68 establish a right of residence independent of those provisions established in Article 10 of the same regulation?The right of residence for non-national family members is only provided for in Article Eav267/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 11 of EEC regulation 1612/68 establish a right of residence independent of those provisions established in Article 10 of the same regulation?The right of residence for non-national family members is only provided for in Article 10.>F #|267/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?Interpreting Article 10 as requiring cohabitation places a restriction on the conduct of marriage if they want to retain the Community right to free movement.F #|267/83NetherlandsDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?Article 10 gives a migrant worker the right to bring other family members to the member state of employment. The spirit of Article 10 requires that the family members cohabitate.+ #|267/83United KingdomDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?Article 10 does not grant any right to a non-national spouse separated from a national spouse for residence. Article 10 must be interpreted as requiring cohabitation.. #|267/83GermanyDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?The spirit of Article 10 establishes that the right of residence only exist if the spouses cohabitate.A' #|284/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes the Directive apply not only to those situations where the employer contemplated large-scale dismissals, but also those situation where the employer should have contemplated large-scale dismissals?Expanding the Directive to cover those situations where employers ought to have made dismissal considerations, would make every employer unable to forsee dismissals in their future liable for damages.F #|240/83ItalyIs Council Directive 75/439, regarding the disposal of waste oils, invalid because it conflicts with Articles 5 and 6 of the EEC treaty protecting of the free movement of goods?The Directive does not conflict with the Community objective of free trade.%% #| JiQJMmYdbkmddffdkQQbSdiMQ`QbmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSJim8BdSmWQM[Q[MM`$YSkdYkYmfdkkYL^QmdiQkYkmQbSdiMQ`QbmLvf^QJOYbUJkQmdSSYbiQkfQMmdSJM^JY`mWJmmWQbJmYdbJ^Mdoimksdo^OWJqQbd[oiYkOYMmYdbYSYmsQiQiJYkQOYbOQfQgfiQJUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMmkY`fdimQOYbmdYmJ^vsYmWmWQLQbQSYmdSJiQOoMQO^QqvmdLQiQUJiOQOJkUddOkYbSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbkJmYSvYbUmWQMdbOYmYdbkdom^YbQOYbJimH86dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$iQJUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMmkY`fdimQOYbmdYmJ^vsYmWmWQLQbQSYmdSJiQOoMQO^QqvmdLQiQUJiOQOJkUddOkYbSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbkJmYSvYbUmWQMdbOYmYdbkdom^YbQOYbJimH86dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$iQLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOobOQimWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSdbQ`Q`LQikmJmQfoikoJbmmdfQiYdOkdSsdi\Md`f^QmQOLvmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOLQbQSYmkdSmWQmWQkJ`Q\YbOJkLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOmdmWQfQikdbfoikoJbmmdWQikmJmokJkmWQQusYSQdSJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJkQ{ikoJbmmdfQiYdOkdSsdi\Md`f^QmQOLvmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOLQbQSYmkdSmWQmWQkJ`Q\YbOJkLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOmdmWQfQikdbfoikoJbmmdWQikmJmokJkmWQQusYSQdSJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJkQ{ikoJbmmdfQiYdOkdSsdi\Md`f^QmQOLvmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOLQbQSYmkdSmWQmWQkJ`Q\YbOJkLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOmdmWQfQikdbfoikoJbmmdWQikmJmokJkmWQQusYSQdSJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJkQ{ibQOLQbQSYmkdSmWQmWQkJ`Q\YbOJkLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOmdmWQfQikdbfoikoJbmmdWQikmJmokJkmWQQusYSQdSJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJkQ{ibQOLQbQSYmkdSmWQmWQkJ`Q\YbOJkLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOmdmWQfQikdbfoikoJbmmdWQikmJmokJkmWQQusYSQdSJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJkQ{ibQOLQbQSYmkdSmWQmWQkJ`Q\YbOJkLQbQSYmkUiJbmQOmdmWQfQikdbfoikoJbmmdWQikmJmokJkmWQQusYSQdSJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJkQ{'Yes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised  ECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ; ECJ ruling@-! ; AG-Plaintiff agreement?'2De@  #OPM{KnInAGEkCN"In this particular case, the change made by the UK legislation qualifies as a special measure requiring them to notify the Commission in accordance to Article 27.2In this particular case, the change made by the UK legislation qualifies as a special measure requiring them to notify the Commission in accordance to Article 27.5/84When a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state"In this particular case, the change made by the UK legislation qualifies as a special measure requiring them to notify the Commission in accordance to Article 27.2In this particular case, the change made by the UK legislation qualifies as a special measure requiring them to notify the Commission in accordance to Article 27.5/84When a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state to inform the Commission?!dd\\FAny vocational training that specifically prepares the student for a particular profession and is qualitatively different from general education.3Any vocational training that specifically prepares the student for a particular profession.293/83What is the criteria establishing what types of education is protected by the EEC treaty?kFCharging foreign students an enrollment fee does constitute discrimination based on nationality as described in Article 7 of the EEC treaty.3Charging foreign students an enrollment fee does constitute discrimination based on nationality as described in Article 7 of the EEC treaty.293/83Is the Belgian policy, in which foreign students are charged an enrollment fee that nationals are not charged, a violation of Article 7 of the EEC treaty prohibiting discrimination based on nationality?<<00FArticle 10 does not require cohabitation in order for a non-national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states.3Article 10 does not require cohabitation in order for a non-national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states.267/83Does Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?66**FThe Directive does not mandate that employers should contemplate large-scale dismissals before initiating bankruptcy proceedings.3The Directive only applies to those situations where employers has contemplated large-scale dismissals, and does not stipulate whether or not employers should have contemplated these concerns.284/83Does the Directive apply not only to those situations where the employer contemplated large-scale dismissals, but also those situation where the employer should have contemplated large-scale dismissals?1eeYYFThe termination of employment on the part of the employees does not count as a dismissal for the purposes of the Directive.3The termination of employment on the part of the employees does not count as a dismissal for the purposes of the Directive and/or those national laws stemming from it.284/83In cases where the employer has suspended payment of debt, does the refusal by the employees to show up for work count as a dismisal by the employer for the purposes of Council Directive 75/129? FF::F[ @Measures adopted by the institutions234/83<<00 2LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] IP`MTKHAEeBNssBoth of the applications should be dismissed. The Commission was justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy because both were illegal aid given by a member state.2The Commission decision that refuses to pay for aid in regards to distillation of table wine is void as it was not illegal aid. The rest of the claim is dismissed because the type of aid provided in those cases were illegal.56/83Was the Commission justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Was the CommissisBoth of the applications should be dismissed. The Commission was justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy because both were illegal aid given by a member state.2The Commission decision that refuses to pay for aid in regards to distillation of table wine is void as it was not illegal aid. The rest of the claim is dismissed because the type of aid provided in those cases were illegal.56/83Was the Commission justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Was the Commission justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy for the distillation of table wine; or the aid provided by Italy in the promotion of the meat industry?FЗBoth of the applications should be dismissed. The Commission was justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy because both were illegal aid given by a member state.2The Commission decision that refuses to pay for aid in regards to distillation of table wine is void as it was not illegal aid. The rest of the claim is dismissed because the type of aid provided in those cases were illegal.55/83Was the Commission justified in refusing to pay for the aid provided by Italy for the distillation of table wine; or the aid provided by Italy for the promotion of the meat industry?nF rNot Applicable - Court Order2Issues a Court Order for letters rogatory to 4 witnesses regarding their knowledge in this case.160/84Court Order for letters rogatory66664F]tIt becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive when the building construction begins provided there is sufficient evidence that the building will be used for that activity.2t becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive when the building construction begins provided there is sufficient evidence that the building will be used for that activity.268/83In accordance with Article 4 of the Sixth Directive, at what point does a business exploiting tangible property begin: at the start of building construction or when the actual leasing begins?mF Proposes that the applicant be awarded the sums offered by the Commission. Furthermore, the request for additional compensation and compensatory damage is unfounded.3Proposes that the applicant be awarded the sums offered by the Commission. Furthermore, the request for additional compensation and compensatory damage is unfounded.131/81Settling the amount of damages payable to the applicant stemming from an accident occurring at a Commission function.ppddF(Because the UK failed to notify the Commission of the change, they cannot use that legislation against an individual before the national courts with regards to Article 11 of the Directive.2Because the UK failed to notify the Commission of the change, they cannot use that legislation against an individual before the national courts with regards to Article 11 of the Directive.5/84When a member state fails to notify the Commission of a change in their legislation in an approximation of a Council directive, can individuals then be treated in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 of the Directive?{FLVAL,){MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]mj YkMd``YkkYdbiQU<68<F6sWYMWSYuQkmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSdiMQimJYb`JYxQfidOoMQkYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYbfiJMmYMQYmOYkMiY`YbJmQkJUJYbkmkmJmQksYmWWJiOMoiiQbMYQk$YSkdsWJmJiQmWQMdbkQhoQbMQk$YkMd``YkkYdbiQU<@F>F8sWYMWiQUJiOkWdsMokmd`kdSSYMYJ^kOQmQi`YbQmWQhoJbmYmvdS`QJmokQOmdMiQJmQfidOoMmkmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJfidMQOoiJ^fidqYkYdbsWYMWkWdo^OLQJff^YQOiQmidJMmYqQ^v$YkMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQD@>D:fiQqQbmYbUmWQdqQi^JfdSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmkobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsiQhoYiQmWJmdb^vmWQMWY^OSdisWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmmWQdqQi^JfdSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmkobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsiQhoYiQmWJmdb^vmWQMWY^OSdisWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmmWQdqQi^JfdSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmkobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsiQhoYiQmWJmdb^vmWQMWY^OSdisWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmmWQdqQi^JfdSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmkobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsiQhoYiQmWJmdb^vmWQMWY^OSdisWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmb^vmWQMWY^OSdisWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmim<dSmWQQQMmiQJmvYbqJ^YOJmQ`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbU`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiJomdSoQ^$im@:sWYMWUoJiJbmQQkmWQSiQQOd`dSQkmJL^YkW`QbmdSsdi\QikJff^vmdmWQ`QJkoiQkJOdfmQOLvmWQMYmvdSLYJiiYmxsWYMW`J\QkJff^YMJmYdbkSdimWQiQbmYbUdSMQimJYbMYmvfidfQimvMdbOYmYdbJ^dbbJmYdbJ^Ymv$zimYM^Q86dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFiQhoYiQmWJmmWQbdbbJmYdbJ^kfdokQMdWJLYmJmQsYmWmWQbJmYdbJ^kfdokQmdhoJ^YSvSdiJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQsYmWYbmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$qimYM^Q86dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFiQhoYiQmWJmmWQbdbbJmYdbJ^kfdokQMdWJLYmJmQsYmWmWQbJmYdbJ^kfdokQmdhoJ^YSvSdiJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQsYmWYbmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$qimYM^Q86dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFiQhoYiQmWJmmWQbdbbJmYdbJ^kfdokQMdWJLYmJmQsYmWmWQbJmYdbJ^kfdokQmdhoJ^YSvSdiJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQsYmWYbmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$qimYM^Q86dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFiQhoYiQmWJmmWQbdbbJmYdbJ^kfdokQMdWJLYmJmQsYmWmWQbJmYdbJ^kfdokQmdhoJ^YSvSdiJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQsYmWYbmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$qimYM^Q88dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFQkmJL^YkWJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWdkQfidqYkYdbkQkmJL^YkWQOYbJimYM^Q86dSmWQkJ`QiQUo^JmYdb$qimYM^Q88dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFQkmJL^YkWJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWdkQfidqYkYdbkQkmJL^YkWQOYbJimYM^Q86dSmWQkJ`QiQUo^JmYdb$qimYM^Q88dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFQkmJL^YkWJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWdkQfidqYkYdbkQkmJL^YkWQOYbJimYM^Q86dSmWQkJ`QiQUo^JmYdb$qimYM^Q88dSQQMiQUo^JmYdb8B8:BFQkmJL^YkWJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWdkQfidqYkYdbkQkmJL^YkWQOYbJimYM^Q86dSmWQkJ`QiQUo^JmYdb$q 8B8:BFQkmJL^YkWJiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWdkQfidqYkYdbkQkmJL^YkWQOYbJimYM^Q86dSmWQkJ`QiQUo^JmYdb$q 8 8 #O NLRKIGEDFBo@N  Nit69/84ItalyWhat is the proper interpretation of "imported by sea" within the meaning of Art. 23 of Council Regulation 120/67? Can goods be considered "imported by sea" if, despite being cleared through customs, are never unloaded in that member state?To be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.$ #|<lo197/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Art. 52, which guarantees the freedom of establishment of workers, apply to the measures adopted by the City of Biarritz which makes applications for the renting of certain city property conditional on nationality?Article 52 does not allow for the allocation of public property to make the applications conditional on the applicants nationality.#F #|49/84United KingdomIf Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?Art. 27 provides for the complete protection of a defendants rights. Art. 27 can do provide this protection if all the circumstances are taken into account.'- #|49/84GermanyIf Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?Art. 27 provides for the complete protection of a defendants rights. Art. 27 can do provide this protection if all the circumstances are taken into account. & #|49/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIf Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?Art. 27 should be interpreted strictly and in line with the general rule prohibiting the assessment of new facts. However, in those cases where the defendant is not responsible, exception circumstances can be taken into account.&?E #|M49/84United KingdomWhether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.Article 27 of the CJEJCCM applies regardless of whether the parties reside in different states or in the same state.A- #|L49/84GermanyWhether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.Article 27 of the CJEJCCM applies regardless of whether the parties reside in different states or in the same state.:& #|H49/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.Article 27 of the CJEJCCM applies regardless of whether the parties reside in different states or in the same state.YE #|154/85 RThe NetherlandsThe Commission asks that the Court order Italy to enact the measures necessary to ensure the timely registration and free movement of vehicles imported from other member states. By making the registration of imports subject to difficulties not faced by dThe measures imposed by Italy on imports affects the free movement of goods as evidenced by the noticable decrease in exports to Italy after they were imposed.21  #|LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] [Ə Aid granted by states290/83--!! 24uNL$KI#HRFRRN  [048/84United KingdomIf a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different than that agreed upon by the parties with regards to a contract, does that court then have exclusive jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 17 If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction./. #|[048/84United KingdomIf a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different than that agreed upon by the parties with regards to a contract, does that court then have exclusive jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 17 If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction./. #|i32/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAre sails designed for sailboard, but imported separately, to be regarded as sails of synthetic textile fibers or as apparatuses/accessories for tariff purposes?If both the sails and the sailboards were imported at the same time, then the sails should be considered accessories. However, if they were imported separately, then the sails should be considered as sails.E #|aci30/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAre computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs?A computer cannot be regarded as a scientific instrument unless it is connected with a scientific apparatus, such as a telescope, for the purposes of tariffs.iE #|`6/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAre computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs?A computer cannot be regarded as a scientific instrument unless it is connected with a scientific apparatus, such as a telescope, for the purposes of tariffs.hD #|5112/83Commission of the European CommunitiesIf the regulation is still invalid, what are the consequences with regards to a request for reimbursement of the compensatory amounts collected by authorities on the basis of the regulation?The Court previously ruled in Case 145/79 that declaring a regulation invalid does not allow for reimbursement to collected payments prior to the date of judgement.F #|4112/83Commission of the European CommunitiesAre the provision of a previously invalidated Commission Regulation fixing compensatory amounts on maize products still valid?The products in this case are different than those ruled on in Case 145/79. Furthermore, the Commission has fixed those issues by which the regulation was ruled as invalid.uF #|268/83Commission of the European CommunitiesIn accordance with Article 4 of the Sixth Directive, at what point does a business exploiting tangible property begin: at the start of building construction or when the actual leasing begins?t becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive after the purchase of the property.sF #|PMKI|G[E[B{tmf_XQJC<5.'  rCommunity laws do not require mandatory labelling of dangerous substances used in preparations unless those preparations fall under the Directives that specifically classify what categories of preparations require labelling.3Coucil Directive 67/548/EEC requires the labelling of dangerous substances, but does not require preparations containing one or more of those substances.187/84Whether or not Community laws, specifically Council Directive 67/548/EEC, require labelling of not only of dangerous substances but also of preparations containing such substances?SrCommunity laws do not require mandatory labelling of dangerous substances used in preparations unless those preparations fall under the Directives that specifically classify what categories of preparations require labelling.3Coucil Directive 67/548/EEC requires the labelling of dangerous substances, but does not require preparations containing one or more of those substances.187/84Whether or not Community laws, specifically Council Directive 67/548/EEC, require labelling of not only of dangerous substances but also of preparations containing such substances?SFcArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.215/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?ll``FDcArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.202/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?ll``FTcArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.201/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?ll``FY`Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.149/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?ll``FbArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.114/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?ll``FLVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVALMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUID    U-N|DҬ!eMQ}4p@IssMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUID    U-N|DҬ!eMQ}4p@Issue area_W`]O[-N|DҬ!ejunkRGWBT-N|DҬ!ecase number !@ 2-N|DҬ!eissue area (key word) -N|DҬ!e< 4[Issue area].[case number]0*issue area (key word) $      m   !@ 2Mjunk     _W`]O[ـcase number       m  RGWBTMR2 GUIDNameMap ӡ=O[  Utדf@&D4p@General Case Characteristicse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase number4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizebJfG=xU;1@HdArticlebaseo?BPǭJ,bJfG=xArticle number (code)E]LMwJbJfG=xArticle number (text)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber numberѢ0FNRs_7@Hdchamber name\{8~KQ,p)Ѣ0FNRschamber name (number)O-mL<)(F]Ѣ0FNRschamber name (text){Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name) jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff5<0@~C@HdType of LitigantYu2O&jF5<0@Type of Defendant/Plaintiff٪#jJaϒM5<0@Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text),z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendantv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4DM!."io)7@Hdcoder:6@M4DM!."name (number)5>C 4DM!."name (text)4PkMJHEBP@N   Regulation (EEC) 3225/82 does not place any obligation on the importer to use the beef solely for consumption. Thus, the regulation does not prohibit the re-exportation of the imported beef to another member state.3Regulation 3225/82 is intended to ensure that the beef is used for internal consumption, but it does not authorize member states from passing laws that restrict the re-exportation of those goods.199/84Does Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?_FBecause the speakers functions independently from the main unit, the speakers cannot not be classified with the rest of the unit for tariff purposes, despite the fact that they are packaged together.3Because the speakers are intended to used with the main unit and presented to customs in a single package, there is not sufficient reason to classify the speakers as separate, functional unit for tariff purposes.163/84Should a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?FfThe Commission violated Art. 29 of the Staff Regulations by not holding a true competition and deciding on their appointment before the competition notice was placed.3The Commission violated Art. 29 of the Staff Regulations by not holding a true competition and deciding on their appointment before the competition notice was placed.128/84The applicants asks that the Court annul the Commission decisions appointing another individual to a post and rejecting the applicants canidature because the Commission failed to follow the procedures laid down in Art. 29 of the Staff Regs.bppddFWhen a company with a dominant position in a specific companies excludes other companies from participating in related, but different, activities, it abuses its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.3When a company with a dominant position in a specific companies excludes other companies from participating in related, but different, activities, it abuses its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.311/84Whether or not a company holding a dominant position in a specific market that excludes other companies from participating in related, but different activities, constitutes an abuse of its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86?FvA company with a legal monopoly over a certain market based on legislative restrictions on competition may be viewed as occupying a dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.3A company with a legal monopoly over a certain market based on legislative restrictions on competition may be viewed as occupying a dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.311/84Whether or not Art. 86 of the EEC treaty applies to a company holding a dominant position in a specific market whose position is created not by the companys performance but by legislation that allows no competition?eF2~Art. 14 of Directive 77/388/EEC prohibits a member state from applying its VAT to a car owned by a temporary resident (student) just because the resident is married.3The VAT in question is not a disguised customs tariff. However, Directive 77/388/EEC prohibits applying a VAT to a car owned by a temporary resident (student) just because the resident is married.249/84Whether or not the double imposition of a VAT on another member state national who purchased the car in that state but temporary lived and used it in Belgium as a student violates Community law as a disguised customs tariff?pF θUK JHEGCEB<4/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIs the Commission decision in levying a duty on an imported scientic apparatus invalid due to the fact that, although a relatively equivalent apparatus is produced within the Community, it is inferior to the imported apparatus for the intended research obThe only way to compare different apparatus is to look at the general scientific nature of the project. Looking at the specifics of the project opens a large loophole because any project can be defined as differentiate<4/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIs the Commission decision in levying a duty on an imported scientic apparatus invalid due to the fact that, although a relatively equivalent apparatus is produced within the Community, it is inferior to the imported apparatus for the intended research obThe only way to compare different apparatus is to look at the general scientific nature of the project. Looking at the specifics of the project opens a large loophole because any project can be defined as differentiated through specifics.6ED #|249/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Belgium s requirement that non-nationals need to reside in Belgium five years prior to receiving welfare benefits (but not nationals) constitute a discriminatory policy based on nationality prohibited under Article 3?The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regardless of nationality.&F #|$bs249/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Community rules provide a right to a minimum means of subsistence on nationals of other member states?Belgium s law is niether social security or social assistance covered under regulation 1408/71. Rather it is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68.TF #|%bs249/83United KingdomDo Community rules provide a right to a minimum means of subsistence on nationals of other member states?Belgium s law on minimum means of substistence does qualify as social assistance, thus it is covered under regulation 1408/71. Consequently, this right must be conferred to non-nationals.W. #|172/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhich one of the Commission Recommendations fixing the anti-dumping duty on special steel sheets were valid?Recommendations 1006/78 and 3140/78 were valid at the time and the tariff administered was appropriate.F #|E86/84Commission of the European CommunitiesHow is the weight of a fishing vessel supposed to be calculated for the purposes of Article 14 of Council regulation 171/83?No specific calculation methods are prescribed by Community law. Therefore, the calculation methods of the member state must be used.KE #|86/84The NetherlandsHow is the weight of a fishing vessel supposed to be calculated for the purposes of Article 14 of Council regulation 171/83?No specific calculation methods are prescribed by Community law. Therefore, the calculation methods of the member state must be used.4. #|145/84The NetherlandsShould the unemployment benefit given to an unemployed migrant worker be determined by the provisions in their resident state or the member state in which they were last employed and are currently settled in?The Community regulation dictating that the unemployment benefit be based on the provisions in their resident state is not applicable to an unemployed migrant worker who settles in the territory where they were last employed./ #|P#MKHTFCA{tmf_XQJC<5.'  )The Commission decision was not guilty of any of the complaints forwarded by Italy. Therefore, the application for annulment should be dismissed.2The Commission decision was not guilty of any of the complaints forwarded by Italy. Therefore, the application for annulment should be dismissed.41/83Italy asks that the Court annul a Commission decision which found provisions adopted by the UK Post Office and British Telecommunications violated Article 86.FF<<F(Regulation 1882/82 is void because the Commission fail its obiligation to provide information to the applicant, but not because the duty imposed on imported Soviet watches is insufficient.3Regulation 1882/82 is void because the Commission fail its obiligation to provide information to the applicant, but not because the duty imposed on imported Soviet watches is insufficient.264/82The applicants asks that the Court to annul regulation 1882/82 because the Commission failed to provide the applicant with necessary information and the duty imposed on imported Soviet watches is insufficient.oF'The lower postal rate for domestic publications does qualify as a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods. Therefore, France has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 30.3The lower postal rate for domestic publications does qualify as a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods. Therefore, France has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 30.269/83Does a lower postal rate for domestic publications as compared to imported publications qualify as a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods as prohibited in Article 30 of the EEC treaty?xF&France failed to comply with a Commission decision. Furthermore, it failed to challenge the Commission decision within the time alloted by Article 173.3France failed to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty by not complying with Commission Decision 83/313 regarding their aid to the fishing industry.93/84Did France fail to comply with a Commission decision calling for an end to their aid given to the fishing industry within the time period prescribed?UUKKF%Commission decision 82/653 should be annulled because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons as stipulated in Article 190.3Commission decision 82/653 is annulled because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons as stipulated in Article 190.296/82The applicants argue that the Commission decision 82/653 should be annulled because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons as stipulated in Article 190.GG;;F$The Community regulation dictating that the unemployment benefit be based on the provisions in their resident state is not applicable to an unemployed migrant worker who settles in the territory where they were last employed.2The Community regulation dictating that the unemployment benefit be based on the provisions in their resident state is not applicable to an unemployed migrant worker who settles in the territory where they were last employed.145/84Should the unemployment benefit given to an unemployed migrant worker be determined by the provisions in their resident state or the member state in which they were last employed and are currently settled in?FNLJHFDB7AN  148/84ItalyDoes Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?Article 36 does not contain language preventing procedures to challenge enforcement orders by third parties by way of national legislation.% #|148/84GermanyDoes Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?There are no means of appealing an order of enforcement other than those granted by Article 36. However, all other provisions provided by national legislation remain viable.' #|148/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?The Convention was intended to give foreign enforcement orders an equal footing with domestic orders. As such, Article 36 does not allow for a right of appeal for third parties despite any applicable national legislation.0F #|X124/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIs Reg. 932/77, outlining the standard method of calculating the reduction of levies for certain types of beef products, valid if its method is based on the French monetary system but applied throughout the Community?By way of Reg. 3376/75, the Commission is entitled to draw a distinction between two regions within the Community and choose what they feel is the most representative when determining levies.!F #|?fi94/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIs Art. 2 of Reg. 1408/71 to be interpreted as meaning that a person who is not a national of a member claim unemployment benefits as a member of the family on the sole ground that one of their parents is a national of a member state?Mr. Deak is not entitled to the benefit because the right of the benefit is not derived from the mothers status. However, the benefit is a social advantage that is subject to Art. 7 of 1612/68.1E #|69/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAre agricultural products imported into Italy with the benefit of a reduced levy to be regarded as goods in free circulation, satifying the conditions outlined in Art. 9 & 10 of the EEC treaty?Good may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.E #|69/84ItalyAre agricultural products imported into Italy with the benefit of a reduced levy to be regarded as goods in free circulation, satifying the conditions outlined in Art. 9 & 10 of the EEC treaty?Good may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.b$ #|Oit69/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhat is the proper interpretation of "imported by sea" within the meaning of Art. 23 of Council Regulation 120/67? Can goods be considered "imported by sea" if, despite being cleared through customs, are never unloaded in that member state?To be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.8E #|PLIGE=B@϶lcArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.79/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?jj``FpThe EEC policy does not discriminate against French producers as evidenced by the higher prices charged for Dutch pigmeat as compared to French pigmeat. Furthermore, the EEC is not liable for damages unless a serious breach in the law has been shown.3The EEC policy does not discriminate against French producers as evidenced by the higher prices charged for Dutch pigmeat as compared to French pigmeat. Furthermore, the EEC is not liable for damages unless a serious breach in the law has been shown.71/84Does the EEC policy regarding the monetary compensation amounts for pigmeat discriminate against French producers, thereby, violating Article 7 of the EEC treaty?F-Article 3 does not prohibit such legislation. However, Article 30 prohibits such laws where the minimum price is fixed on the basis of domestic producers prices and costs, thereby, eliminating any advantage a cheaper importer may enjoy.3Article 3 does not prohibit such legislation. However, Article 30 prohibits such laws where the minimum price is fixed on the basis of domestic producers prices and costs, thereby, eliminating any advantage a cheaper importer may enjoy.34/84Does Art. 3 of the EEC treaty invalidate member state legislation fixing minimum prices for auto fuel?dFArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.11/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?jj``FThe penalty is overly excessive in relation to the infringement and violates the principle of porportionality. Thus, Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 should be declared void.3The penalty is overly excessive in relation to the infringement in this case (a few hours late with the application). Thus, Art. 6 of Reg. 1880/83 is invalid insofar as it demands the forfeiture of the entire security for failure to comply with the time-181/84Whether Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 is invalid for a breach of the principle of porportionality in that it demands a forfeiture of an entire security in every case of a late application regardless of the reasons, legitimate or otherwise?FAlthough the Commission gave a favorable opinion regarding the new construction of a mill, that does not automatically equate into increased steel quotas. The principle of legitimate expectation must be strictly enforced; and this case does not qualify.3Although the Commission gave a favorable opinion regarding the new construction of a mill, that does not automatically equate into increased steel quotas. The principle of legitimate expectation must be strictly enforced; and this case does not qualify.63/84Whtether or not the Commission misused its power and violated legitimate expectation on the part of the applicant in decision 234/84 which denied the applicant an increase in their steel quota despite the construction of a Commission-promoted addition.FwLVALN.D5 h\y h\  ? \h\X\\A  \\\\\\\\  d Cchamber name.chamber name (number)chamber name?chamber name.chamber name (text)\\\ \ 0\/mE@0\P\\)\chamber name\\\ \0\_7@Y~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo40P\ \@\ H\\K[chamber name].[chamber name (number)]\G[chamber name].[chamber name (text)]H\ \)\chamber name \H\ \P\\H\ \\ \ 0\8\@\H\P\X\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\x\x\ \ \ \ 0\ \ \z 0 \\P \xP\ \X \ \ \ dX \0 \ \ \X \ \chamber nameh \PrimaryKey \\v \p\\\\q\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ X\\\`\\chamber namePrimaryKey\\\ \\\\\\\H\ \ @kWdo^OmWQQuMQfmYdbkdom^YbQOYbJim8@dSmWQBmWOYiQMmYqQLQYbmQifiQmQOJkJff^vYbUdb^vmdmWdkQOYiQMmbQQOkdSkWYfkMdbbQMmQOsYmW`JiYmY`QkWYffYbUdikWdo^OmWQvYbM^oOQdmWQikQiqYMQkfidqYOQOdbLdJiOkWYfkmWJmJiQYbOQbmYMJ^mdMdiiQkfdbOYfkWdo^OmWQQuMQfmYdbkdom^YbQOYbJim8@dSmWQBmWOYiQMmYqQLQYbmQifiQmQOJkJff^vYbUdb^vmdmWdkQOYiQMmbQQOkdSkWYfkMdbbQMmQOsYmW`JiYmY`QkWYffYbUdikWdo^OmWQvYbM^oOQdmWQikQiqYMQkfidqYOQOdbLdJiOkWYfkmWJmJiQYbOQbmYMJ^mdMdiiQkfdbOYfkWdo^OmWQQuMQfmYdbkdom^YbQOYbJim8@dSmWQBmWOYiQMmYqQLQYbmQifiQmQOJkJff^vYbUdb^vmdmWdkQOYiQMmbQQOkdSkWYfkMdbbQMmQOsYmW`JiYmY`QkWYffYbUdikWdo^OmWQvYbM^oOQdmWQikQiqYMQkfidqYOQOdbLdJiOkWYfkmWJmJiQYbOQbmYMJ^mdMdiiQkfdbOYkWdo^OmWQQuQ`f^dvQiLQiQkfdbkYL^QSdimWQfJv`QbmdSkJ^JivdsQOYbmWQQqQbmmWJmmWQQ`f^dvQiYkYbkd^qQbmdi`JvmWQkmJmQLQWQ^O^YJL^QSdiiQfQiJmYdbk$;kWdo^OmWQbJmYdbJ^UdqQib`QbmiQMQYqQiQY`LoikQ`QbmSdiJOqJbMQfJv`QbmiQMQYqQOSdiUddOkLQYbUQufdimQOYSmWdkQUddOkfQiYkWQOJkJiQko^mdSSdiMQ`J[QoiQ$`kWdo^OmWQbJmYdbJ^UdqQib`QbmiQMQYqQiQY`LoikQ`QbmSdiJOqJbMQfJv`QbmiQMQYqQOSdiUddOkLQYbUQufdimQOYSmWdkQUddOkfQiYkWQOJkJiQko^mdSSdiMQ`J[QoiQ$`kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$`kmJmQdimWQ`Q`LQikmJmQYbsWYMWmWQvsQiQ^JkmQ`f^dvQOJbOJiQMoiiQbm^vkQmm^QOYb$kWdo^OmWQqJ^oQJOOQOmJuLQJff^YQOLQSdiQdiJSmQikoff^YQikkoLmiJMmmWQMd``YkkYdbdsQOmdMiQOYmMd`fJbYQk$`'EEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise withoECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ;ECJ ruling@-! ;AG-Plaintiff agreement?'2@&PMNhL-JNHmFBDBN  #If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction.2If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction.048/84If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different than that agreed upon by the parties with regards to a contract, does that court then have exclusive jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 17 Fg"Despite being imported separately from the sailboards, these specific sails should be regarded as sails and not accessories for tariff purposes.3The word sail in Custom Tariff 62.04 should be interpreted as including sails made of synthetic fiber and specifically intended for sailboards despite being imported separately.32/84Are sails designed for sailboard, but imported separately, to be regarded as sails of synthetic textile fibers or as apparatuses/accessories for tariff purposes?ccYYF^!The Commission decision 80/716 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.3The Commission decision 80/716 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.30/84Are computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs?88..F The Commission decision 82/549 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.3The Commission decision 82/549 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.6/84Are computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs?66..F=uNot Applicable - Court Order3The application is dismissed because such an order already, if effect, prejudges the forthcoming case; and such an action is outside the powers granted in Article 35. Finally, it is the Commission s function to take action in these matters if it sees fit25/85 RAsks the Court to issue an order which effectively places a cap on scrap exports until it rules on their case. This request is founded on Article 35 of the treaty as in response the Commission s failure to act.AA3322220F The invalidity of the provisions does not allow for reimbursement of the collected payments prior to 10/15/80.2The invalidity of the provisions does not allow for reimbursement of the collected payments prior to 10/15/80.112/83If the regulation is still invalid, what are the consequences with regards to a request for reimbursement of the compensatory amounts collected by authorities on the basis of the regulation?F  {Only the provisions not previously invalidated in Case 145/79 are still valid in terms of that particular regulation.2Only the provisions not previously invalidated in Case 145/79 are still valid in terms of that particular regulation.112/83Are the provision of a previously invalidated Commission Regulation fixing compensatory amounts on maize products still valid?F NXL*KIƨBA149/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #|149/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.& #|G114/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #|F114/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.& #|79/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.% #|79/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.E #|y34/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Art. 3 of the EEC treaty invalidate member state legislation fixing minimum prices for auto fuel?The legislation was implemented to protect French refineries from competition because retailers could not any competitive advantage from lower prices provided by cheaper imports.aE #|11/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.% #|11/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.E #|181/84United KingdomWhether Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 is invalid for a breach of the principle of porportionality in that it demands a forfeiture of an entire security in every case of a late application regardless of the reasons, legitimate or otherwise?It is possible to replace the current rigid system of licence application with an alternate less restrictive system and still achieve its fundament objective, which is to prevent fraud.). #| @sWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$sWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$sWYMWdbQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbkSYuYbUmWQJbmYOo`fYbUOomvdbkfQMYJ^kmQQ^kWQQmksQiQqJ^YO$sYmWiQUJiOkmdiQUo^JmYdb8:@HD:MdbMQibYbUmWQkfQMYSYQOfidOoMmkmWJmiQOoMQOMdkmLommQi`okmLQfidMQkkQOYbmdYkYmJqYd^JmYdbYSmWQfidMQkkQOfidOoMmYkbdmokQOSdiYmkYbmQbOQOfoifdkQkLomiJmWQiSoimWQikQfJiJmQOYbmdMdbkmYmomYqQfJimk$KsYmWsWd`OdQkmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQkmYSmWQfidMQkkYbUdSmWQkQMoiYmvsJkiQ^QJkQOJkJiQko^mdSJbQiidiYbmWQMdbmid^OdMo`Qbm$FsYmWsWd`OdQkmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQkmYSmWQfidMQkkYbUdSmWQkQMoiYmvsJkiQ^QJkQOJkJiQko^mdSJbQiidiYbmWQMdbmid^OdMo`Qbm$FsYmWsWd`OdQkmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQkmYSmWQfidMQkkYbUdSmWQkQMoiYmvsJkiQ^QJkQOJkJiQko^mdSJbQiidiYbmWQMdbmid^OdMo`Qbm$FsYmWsWd`OdQkmWQLoiOQbdSfiddSiQkmYSmWQfidMQkkYbUdSmWQkQMoiYmvsJkiQ^QJkQOJkJiQko^mdSJbQiidiYbmWQMdbmid^OdMo`Qbm$FdkQkLomiJmWQiSoimWQikQfJiJmQOYbmdMdbkmYmomYqQfJimk$KOoMQOMdkmLommQi`okmLQfidMQkkQOYbmdYkYmJqYd^JmYdbYSmWQfidMQkkQOfidOoMmYkbdmokQOSdiYmkYbmQbOQOfoifdkQkLomiJmWQiSoimWQikQfJiJmQOYbmdMdbkmYmomYqQfJimk$K!                                           [[ ````````kkkkkkkkkXXXXXXXXqqqqqq _ _ _ ______}}}}}} !"#$%()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>lAlBlClElFlGHIJKMNOzPzQzRzSzTzUzVzWzXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopfqfrfsftfufvfwxyz{|}~  PLIFODA+oGermany has failed in its treaty obligations by not properly complying with Council Dir. 77/388/EEC. Although the decision to exempt postal transporters from VAT for those services is based on sound economics, it risks the distortion of competion.3Germany has failed in its treaty obligations by not properly complying with Council Dir. 77/388/EEC. Although the decision to exempt postal transporters from VAT for those services is based on sound economics, it risks the distortion of competion.107/84Did Germany fail to fulfill its treaty obligations by not properly complying with the Council Dir. 77/388/EEC concerning turnover taxes because it exempted companies from paying VAT on the transportation of letters on behalf of the postal service?  F)This question must be answered by the national courts using the relevant employment laws to determine whether or not that person qualifies as an employee.3This question must be answered by the national courts using the relevant employment laws to determine whether or not that person qualifies as an employee.105/84If the term "employee" in the Directive is interpreted as requiring the continued employment following a transfer, then does a person with 50% ownership in the transferee business qualify as an employee with relation to the Directive?DXXLLF'Council Directive is to be interpreted as covering those employees of a transferor at the time of transfer. However, employees that enter into a contract with the transferee, which is not a employment contract, prior to the transfer cannot rely on the Di3Council Directive 77/187/EEC does not cover the tranfer of rights of person who were employed by the transferor at the time of transfer, but who, by their own choice, does not choose to work as an employee of the transferee.105/84In Council Directive 77/187/EEC, which concerns business transfers, is the term "employee" to be interpreted to mean that it is sufficient that the person was employed by the transferor or must they also occupy a position as employee with the transferee?F$Although Italy was justified in not submitting statistics following a bomb attack which destroyed the records for a 3 year period, there is no justification for the further refusal to compile and submit the requested statistics. Thus, Italy has failed to3Although Italy was justified in not submitting statistics following a bomb attack which destroyed the records for a 3 year period, there is no justification for the further refusal to compile and submit the requested statistics. Thus, Italy has failed to101/84Did Italy fail to fulfill its treaty obligations by failing to comply with Council Directive 78/546 of 6/12/78, specifically, their failure to compile and submit statistics on the carriage of goods by road?""F"The national law does not constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods because the law does not discriminate on the basis of nationality. The law is equally applied to both foreign and domestic video cassette providers.3The national law does not constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods because the law does not discriminate on the basis of nationality. The law is equally applied to both foreign and domestic video cassette providers.60/84Does a national law dictating that one year pass between when a movie is released into a theater and when that movie is released to video constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods as provided for in Arts. 30 & 34 of the EEC treaty?F(PMXLIHECDAN 0Yes the rules do provide a right to mininum means of subsistence. Belgium s law constitues a social advantage as defined in Artice 7 of Regulation 1612/68 which applies to nationals of other member states.3Yes the rules do provide a right to mininum means of subsistence. Belgium s law constitues a social advantage as defined in Artice 7 of Regulation 1612/68 which applies to nationals of other member states.249/83Do Community rules provide a right to a minimum means of subsistence on nationals of other member states?+F/Recommendations 1006/78 and 3140/78 were valid at the time and the tariff administered was appropriate.1Recommendations 1006/78 and 3140/78 were valid at the time and the tariff administered was appropriate.172/84Which one of the Commission Recommendations fixing the anti-dumping duty on special steel sheets were valid?`}}}}{F .Because the applicant had been admitted to tests for equal or higher positions, the Selection Board should have allowed the applicant to compete. Thus, the decision refusing his participation should be annulled. The rest of the application is dismissed.3The Board s statement of reasons were insufficient in justifying the applicant s exclusion from the competition. The decision refusing his participation is annulled. The rest of the application is dismissed.108/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Selection Board s decision to refuse his participation in an open competition, the decision rejecting his complaint, and the appointments made from the competition.F-The measurement should be calculated in accordance with the measurement provisions of the member state concerned.3The measurement should be calculated in accordance with the measurement provisions of the member state concerned.86/84How is the weight of a fishing vessel supposed to be calculated for the purposes of Article 14 of Council regulation 171/83?F,The Court should reduce the fine to 65,325 ECU by applying the standard rate and dismiss the rest of the application.3The violation of the law was partially caused by uncertainty of the applicant due to the Commission error. Thus, the fine is to be calculated at the standard rate for the first 10% of the excess and a reduced rate for the rest of the excess.66/84The applicant asks the ECJ to annul a Commission decision that fined them for going over a production quota, because the fine was excessive (increased rate rather than standard rate) and the Commission was partially responsible for their breach of the lawF+A frontier zone should be interpreted as meaning a 15 kilometer radius surrounding the customs crossing point.3A frontier zone should be interpreted as meaning a 15 kilometer radius surrounding the customs crossing point.54/84What is the proper interpretation of the term frontier zone as specified in Article 5 of Directive 69/169 regarding customs?|F*The Commission committed egregious violations of procedure and declares the decision establishing the final staff report.3The Commission committed egregious violations of procedure and declares the decision establishing the final staff report.263/83Did the Commission violate the staff regulations on procedures by refusing to include a favourable review of the applicant on the final staff report resulting in negative consequences for the applicant?  F LVAL о N΃΃΃΃΃΃Μ b bb ̼ a a ˽ ʽʽʽʽʽʽr ! !! s mȿn)LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL................ĿBBBBBggggrCommission of the European CommunitiesStahlwerke Peine-Salzgitter AGN@ `@@?Gulmann1220/91Commission v Stahlwerke Peine-SalzgitterCommission of the European CommunitiesStahlwerke Peine-Salzgitter AGsI=;;;;2222 N@ `@>@Og>@~sq_cchamber composition~sq_cCmblastnameVhF @4MR2KeepLocal T~rrrrrrp `MR2 GUIDNameMap& KxO[  U oAˑ?,Sp@ObservationsIH>2,:E7@hd4yclarityU)ēL(HZIH>2,clarity (number) :I'7IH>2,clarity (text)Vo_,OʓV?4TM7@hd4yagreemente禧|C KVo_,OʓV?agreement (number)}r2,:E7@[clarityU)ēL(HZIH>2,clarity (number) :I'7IH>2,clarity (text)MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUIDRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList    U.O`>#$U)@s@Referral*gSO[.O`>#$UjunkXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral Date4/G2-+ ߜ.O`>#$Ucase numberŧ^|DUcJh.O`>#$Ureferring courtQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring Nation .O`>#$U, $Referral.junk DESC& Referring Nation q  MR2 GUIDNameMap HO[  UY{$GsN‹Hs@Issues and positionsVo_,OʓV?4TM7@[agreemente禧|C KVo_,OʓV?agreement (number)}r2,:E7@[clarityU)ēL(HZIH>2,clarity (number) :I'7IH>2,clarity (text)j  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ~ [ DDDDDDDDD D D D D DDFFFFFF F F F F FGGGGG G G % % %%%%%%% % % G G G G G GO!O"O#O$O %O &O 'O (O )O*a+a-a.a/a0a1a2a 7-8-9-:-;-<-=->-'The time-period prescribed in Art. 36 for those cases that fall under Art. 39 supercedes those national laws that conflict with it.''Art. 39 does not supercede national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken.''Whether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?'PUMJG.E..DCA6The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regarless of nationality.3The 8Although Belgium attempted to comply through a series of legislative enactments, they failed to fully to comply with all of the measures outlined in the Directive.3Although Belgium attempted to comply through a series of legislative enactments, they failed to fully to comply with all of the measures outlined in the Directive.215/83Did Belgium fail to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because they did not fully implement Council Directive 75/129 within the prescribed period of time?jj^^F@}7The mininum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law should be considered a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68.3The mininum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law is a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68.122/84Does the minimum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law constitute a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68 regarding the free movement of workers?FG4The Council Directive does not prohibit member states from requiring an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state to certify the feeding-stuffs are disease-free.3The Council Directive does not prohibit member states from requiring an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state to certify the feeding-stuffs are disease-free.73/84According to Council Directive 79/373, are importers of compound feeding-stuffs required to obtain an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state?nFD3The applicant s claim should be dismissed because the Council did provide an adequate explanation, the applicant was wholly under-qualified for the position, and his claims regarding political concerns have no merit.3The applicant s claim should be dismissed because the Council did provide an adequate explanation, the applicant was wholly under-qualified for the position, and his claims regarding political concerns have no merit.12/84The applicant asks the Court to annul a refusal by the Council to include him in a list of suitable candidates because they failed to provide a sufficient explanation of his rejection and the refusal was due to politcal concerns.F:2The decision is invalid because the Commission committed an error of the law by only considering the general scientific nature of the project, and not the specific research objectives.3The decision is invalid because the Commission committed an error of the law by only considering the general scientific nature of the project, and not the specific research objectives.4/84Is the Commission decision in levying a duty on an imported scientic apparatus invalid due to the fact that, although a relatively equivalent apparatus is produced within the Community, it is inferior to the imported apparatus for the intended research obF! 1The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regarless of nationality.3The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regarless of nationality.249/83Does Belgium s requirement that non-nationals need to reside in Belgium five years prior to receiving welfare benefits (but not nationals) constitute a discriminatory policy based on nationality prohibited under Article 3?FPMKdIF>EBI.X K * k@@@@@?@Tesauro133/92Gausepohl-Fleisch v Oberfinanzdirektion HamburgGausepohl-Fleisch GmbHOberfinanzdirektion HamburgxG=;;;;@@@?@Tesauro133/92Gausepohl-Fleisch v Oberfinanzdirektion HamburgGausepohl-Fleisch GmbHOberfinanzdirekt@@@?@Tesauro133/92Gausepohl-Fleisch v Oberfinanzdirektion HamburgGausepohl-Fleisch GmbHOberfinanzPSuch a restriction is a quantitative restriction of the movement of goods as prohibited by Article 30 of the EEC treaty. France has failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty.3France failed to provide proper justification for the rejection of postal franking machines of non-French origin. As such, they have failed to fulfill their obligations to the EEC treaty.21/84Did France violate Article 30 of the EEC treaty by refusing to approve postal franking machines manufactured in other member states due to the requirement in French law that these machines be of French origin?jFp(ONot Applicable - Court Order2The application is inadmissible because it is directed against the Commission. According to Article 91, the application can not be directed at the Commission for a Council Regulation.256/84The applicant asks the Court to void a Council Regulation regarding anti-dumping duty place on imports of ball-bearings origination in Japan and Singapore.22220F NFrance has violated Article 30 by placing a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods through their tax relief policy regarding publications.3France has violated Article 30 by placing a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods through their tax relief policy regarding publications.18/84Did France place a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods by excluding tax relief to those publications in which a part of it was printed in another Member State, thereby failing to fulfil its obligations to the EEC treaty?GVVLLFMNot applicable - Court Order3The application is dismissed because the group is primarily contesting this using German national law and the Commission is not subject to competition law. Furthermore, the applicants fail to show how this decision will cause serious and irreparable harm97/85 RA group of margarine producers ask the Court to suspend a Commission decision to distribute free butter to West Berlin as part of their campaign to increase butter consumption until the Court rules on the case. The group says they will be irreparably harBAA3322220FLNot Applicable - Court Order2The application for the suspension of operation is dismissed because the applicant s fail to show the serious and irreversible damage they would incur as a result of the application of the contested decision.67/85 RThe applicants ask the Court to suspend operation of a Commission Decision, in which it charged a preferential tariff on natural gas used by glasshouse-growers, until the Court rules on the substance of the case.22220FKIt is not necessary that the individual have a right of ownership if through marriage the couple had established that property as their residence.3It is not necessary that the individual have a right of ownership if through marriage the couple had established that property as their residence.144/84In order for a property to be qualified as a center of interests within the meaning of Article 7 of the Staff Regulations, is it necessary that the individual have a right of ownership?HH<<FP\M?KHFD@VThe Court should annul the decision because the Commission was unfair their refusal to regrade. Because the Commission recruited the applicant via the Parliament, it is their responsibility to regrade based on their own standards.3The Court should annul the decision because the Commission was unfair their refusal to regrade. Because the Commission recruited the applicant via the Parliament, it is their responsibility to regrade based on their own standards.127/84The applicant asks the Court to annul a Commission decision rejecting his request that they determine his grading based on Commission standards, not Parliament standards despite his having been immediately transferred to the Commission following a ParliamFUThe Court should annul the decision that dismissed the applicant because the statement of reasons was insufficient and the applicant s substantive claims are well founded.3The decision to dismiss the applicant is dismissed because the applicant was not provided normal conditions to serve his probationary period.3/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the decision that dismissed him because the statement of reasons was insufficient, he was evaluated before the probationary period ended, he was given no prior feedback, and the facts on which the decision was based wYXXPPF kTThe extensive repair of books should be considered as the making of property only if the work satisfies a different market need.3In order to be considerered as making of movable property, the manufacturer must produce goods that is different in purpose from the original materials.139/84Does the extensive repair of books, which includes replacement of certain parts and redistribution, constitute as the making of movable property for the purposes of Article 5 of the 2nd Directive? If not, what is the minimum requirement for such work to =<<00F SThe Community rules allow the mixing of wines originating from other member states. Additionally, member states are not allowed to place restriction on these products. However, the wines cannot be marketed as rose wines.2The Community rules allow the mixing of wines originating from other member states and these wines can be marketed as rose wines.89/84Does Community rules allow the mixing of red wines and rose wines originating from other member states as well as allow the marketing of such a wine as a rose wine?'wwFRNot Applicable-Court Order3Article 74 of the Rules of Procedure in which the applicant uses to bring this request cannot serve as a legal basis for this type of request, therefore, the claim is dismissed.14/84 Rev.The defendant asks the Court for an order lifting its obligation to pay the costs imposed on it by a previous decision. They maintain that they asserted to the Court that the applicant no longer had the desire to pursue the case, so the costs were unnecc0000.FQThe special tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles produced exclusively outside the member state does violate Article 95 because there are two different criterias to apply tax: price and power rating.3Article 95 prohibits member states from levying a special tax on cars based on a criteria that only subjects imported to such a tax.112/84Does the French tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles violate Article 95 of the EEC treaty when such large-engine automobiles are only manufactured in other member states? Art. 95 prohibits members states administering higher taxes on impor~~rrFPMJyH~C7A\\Yes, in the cases of the specific proposals dealling with rules for transportation the Council failed in its obligations by failing to reach a decision in an appropriate time period.2Because none of the proposals falls within the purview of freedom to provide services, in which, the Council has been found in violation, it is not necessary to consider the Council s obligation to each one.13/83Did the Council fail in its obligations by failing to reach a decision on 14 proposals submitted to it by the Commission?"F][The provisions in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b) specifies both the provisions and the time period in which the Council needed to provide for the freedom to provide transport, which the Council has failed to fulfil.3The Council has violated the Treaty by failing to ensure freedom to provide international transport services as required in Article 75 of the EEC treaty.13/83Did the Council fail to fulfil the well-specified obligation to enact measures ensuring the freedom to provide transport services within the prescribed time period as contained in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b)?]FZThe obligation to enact a common transport policy is not sufficiently well-defined within the treaty, nor are there specific prescribed time periods in which the policy must be completed. Thus, the Court should not rule that the Council has breached the 3The lack of a common transportation policy does not constitute a failure to act in a sufficient manner for the purposes of Article 175.13/83Did the Council fail to fulfil its legal obligations by not enacting a common transportation policy for the Community within the time period prescribed by the EEC treaty?TF(YIn a situation where a member state charges VAT on imported goods, it should deduct the amount of VAT paid previously in the exporting state still contained in the goods.1In a situation where a member state charges VAT on imported goods, it should deduct the amount of VAT paid previously in the exporting state still contained in the goods.47/84When goods are imported from another member state what is the proper method of administering the VAT tax so as to avoid violating Article 95 which prohibits states from levy excess taxes on imports as compared to domestic goods?\vvllFXGermany failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to properly approximate Directives 76/207 & 75/117 into national provisions with regards to both equal pay and guarantees to equal treatment.2Germany failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to properly approximate Directives 76/207 & 75/117 into national legislation guaranteeing the equal treatment of men and women with regards to access to employment.248/83Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to properly approximate Directives 76/207 & 75/117, regarding the equal treatment of men and women, into national legislation?FWIf the piece is recognized by the customs authorities as a work of art, then the piece should be classified as a sculpture for tariff purposes.3If the piece is recognized by the customs authorities as a work of art, then the piece should be classified as a sculpture for tariff purposes.155/84When considering the tariff classification a piece of art (sculpture) qualifies under, should it be classified according to the materials used in its construction or should it be classified as a sculpture?BB66FPMMJH4BN  }aBecause the German legislation did not allow for measures to be taken by the State}aBecause the German legislation did not allow for measures to be taken by the State outside of individual legal claims required by the Directives, they have failed to fulfill their obligation to properly implement Directives as required by the EEC treaty.3Because the German legislation did not allow for measures to be taken by the State outside of individual legal claims required by the Directives, they have failed to fulfill their obligation to properly implement Directives as required by the EEC treaty.29/84Did Germany fail to adopt the necessary provisions regarding the mutual recognition of nurse accreditation from other member states, thereby, impeding the right freedom to provide services as dictated by Directives 77/452 and 77/453? F`According to Art. 13 of Reg. 3017/79, when the Council levies an anti-dumping duty, it is required to whether the amount is necessary in order to remove the injury. The Council did not account for this consideration when imposing the definitive anti-dump2According to Art. 13 of Reg. 3017/79, when the Council levies an anti-dumping duty, it is required to whether the amount is necessary in order to remove the injury. The Council did not account for this consideration when imposing the definitive anti-dump53/83The applicants claim that the Commission finding that the fertilizer industry suffered injury as a result of dumping is unfounded.$$F]o_Because the applicants did not cooperate with the authorities in their investigation by providing more accurate data, the available facts used to calculate the normal value is valid.2Because the applicants did not cooperate with the authorities in their investigation by providing more accurate data, the available facts used to calculate the normal value is valid.53/83The applicants ask the Court to annul Council Regulation 101/83 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on them because they claim that the Council did not accurately calculate the normal value using the facts available required by Article 7 of Reg. 3017/Fo^If the Court gives judgment on the regulation in question in a preliminary ruling, then the Court has the right of jurisdiction.2If the Court gives judgment on the regulation in question in a preliminary ruling, then the Court has the right of jurisdiction by right of Article 174 to declare which parts of the regulation is void and provide temporal limitations for those effects.33/84After the Court declares a regulation invalid by way of a preliminary ruling, who has jurisdiction to give judgment on the substance of the case in regards to reimbursement, the national courts or the Court?oF]The Commission Reg. No 1541/80 is not valid if the compensatory amounts of powdered glucose were fixed on the intervention price without deducting the maize starch production refund.3As already ruled in 10/15/80, the Commission Reg. No 1541/80 is not valid if the compensatory amounts of powdered glucose were fixed on the intervention price without deducting the maize starch production refund.33/84Is Commission Reg. No 1541/80 valid in so far as it determines the compensation for exported powdered glucose if when determining the intervention price, the authorities do not account for the maize starch production refund?FPLMJNG-D/AN  fThe European Interim Agreement does conflict with Reg. 1408/71 and Reg. 1408/71 takes precedence. Furthermore, Reg. 1612/68 requires that old-age allowances be made using the same conditions for both non-nationals and nationals.3The old-age allowances qualifies as a social advantage within the meaning of Regulation 1612/68. As such, it cannot be subject to a residency requirement for non-nationals that nationals are not subject to.157/84Does the residence requirement in the European Interim Agreement of 12/11/53 on social security conflict with Reg. 1408/71 guaranteeing the same treatment to nationals of other member states as it grants to its own nationals? If so, which one takes preceF,neThe Court of Auditors acted within the margin of discretaion available to it and the classification was within their rights. The applicant has not provided a compelling case for why Article 31 should have applied to him when the Court graded his position3The Court of Auditors acted within the provisions of Article 32 of the Staff Regulations. The applicant has not provided a compelling case for why Article 31 should have applied to him when the Court graded his position.146/84The applicant asks the ECJ to order the Court of Auditors to upgrade his classification to Grade B2 and granted 54 months of additional seniority because the Court should have applied Article 31 when grading him due to his exceptional qualifications.F$dSuch price fixing legislation is compatible with Community regulations only when import costs are added to the purchase price and not the profit margin, and the margin is set at level where it does not impede trade. The Belgian provision does not meet th3The Belgian legislation does constitute a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods by hurting the profit margins of importers. Furthermore, the legislation violates Regs. 121/67 and 805/68 prohibiting supply costs being incorporated in the 116/84Does price fixing legislation prohibiting retailers from selling their products at prices exceeding wholeprice and a maximum gross profit margin, wherein supply (import) costs are included in the profit margin constitute a quantitative restriction on the #""FcIf the national legislation is less beneficial than Reg. 1408/71, then the articles of 1408/71 must be applied. The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states.2The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting national provisions which reduces benefits based on the pensions received by other member states.117/84Whether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?FtbIf the national legislation is less beneficial than Reg. 1408/71, then the articles of 1408/71 must be applied. The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states.2The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting national provisions which reduces benefits based on the pensions received by other member states.58/84Whether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?FPLdJ)HEBN  fexThe Disciplinary Board violated the applicants right to a fair hearing by calling upon three witnesses without informing the defendant as to the time or place this hearing would occur. The Court should annul the Parliament decision because of this breach3The Parliament decision is annulled because the Disciplinary Board violated the applicants right to a fair hearing by calling upon three witnesses without informing the defendant as to the time or place this hearing would occur.141/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Parliament decision to downgrade him from his post, because the Parliament committed multiple, serious procedural infractions in pursuing disciplinary action.F`wBy virtue of the judgment in Case 266/83, the Commission should apply the specialized previous experience to the applicants grading when she was appointed to a new position. The Court should annul the decision.3By virtue of the judgment in Case 266/83, the Commission should apply the specialized previous experience to the applicants grading when she was appointed to a new position138/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Commission decision rejecting her claim that her grading was unfairly determined by not taking into account previous experience in regards to seniority.gFVvNo. This method is not valid because it creates a disparity of treatment between Community importers and, thus, in violation of Art. 40 of the EEC treaty.2Yes. The plaintiff has not demonstrated how the Commissions method of calculation discriminates between Community importers.124/84Is Reg. 932/77, outlining the standard method of calculating the reduction of levies for certain types of beef products, valid if its method is based on the French monetary system but applied throughout the Community?;;//FRuThe applicant has failed to show that the contractual relationship was a contract of employment. Thus, there is no basis for a claim of pension entitlement.3The applicant has failed to show that the contractual relationship was a contract of employment. Thus, there is no basis for a claim of pension entitlement.123/84The applicant asks the Court to void the Commission decision to deny him a pension. The dispute between the parties centers on whether or not a contractual relationship qualifies as an employment relationship with regards to qualifying for a pension.[^^RRFFtBecause the defendant never conducted an independent examination, the original report is unequivocal. Thus, by contractual obligation the defendant is required to reimburse the Commission for the settlement costs, plus 6 % interest.3Because the defendant never conducted an independent examination, the original report is unequivocal. Thus, by contractual obligation the defendant is required to reimburse the Commission for the settlement costs, plus 6 % interest.118/84The Commission asks the Court to order the defendant (an insurance company) to pay for the cost of a settlement with an employee regarding an occupational disease for which it is insured against. The defendant claims that they are not required because thF@PqM)LIfFXCN          Commission Reg. 3013/80 is invalid as it fixes the monetary compensatory amounts for certain maize products. However, this ruling does not permit the amounts charged or paid on the basis of this regulation prior to this judgment to be challenged.3Although this regulation does create some disparity between manufacturers, disparity is often inevitable due to the other factors too. Because the disparity is relatively negligible, there is no factor of such a kind to invalidate Reg. No 3013.39/84Is Commission Reg. 3013/80, which fixes the monetary compensatory amounts for certain maize produces invalid because in practice it discriminates against states with hard currencies? If so, what are the consequences?     F Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.3Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.20/84According to Article 18 of Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that the butter sold to other buyers is used for its intended purposes, even if that same butter is sold  FYes. Because Marsala is a similar products and does not warrant a special categorization, such a tax reduction discriminates against imports, thereby, violating Article 95.3Yes. Because Marsala is a similar products and does not warrant a special categorization, such a tax reduction discriminates against imports, thereby, violating Article 95.277/83Did Italy violate Article 95 by imposing a higher tax on imports as compared to domestic products by granting a tax reduction to those wine alcohols used in the production of Marsala liquer which exclusively produced in Italy?b~~rrFYes. This is a discriminatory policy that violates Article 85.3Yes. This is a discriminatory policy that violates Article 85.243/83Is it a violation of Article 85 if a distributor applies their selection criteria less strictly to some businesses than others?#UUUUSF~The imposition of fixed retail prices only violates Article 85 if it affect trade between member states. If the distributor is in a dominant market position (as in this case), then such a practice qualifies as abuse in violation of Article 86.3A system in which fixed prices must be respected in incompatible within Article 85. However, the Commission may examine whether there are special circumstances that justify the existence of such a system.243/83Whether or not a distributor that reserves the right to fix prices and compels retailers to do the same, violates Articles 85 & 86?j    F,h@ @ @YkmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDiQUJiOYbUmWQiYUWmkdSQ`f^dvQQkYbLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^YMJL^QmdLJb\iofmMvmiJbkSQik$sWdYk^YJL^QSdi^dkmMd`fQbkJmYdbWd^YOJvfJvmWQd^OLokYbQkkdimWQbQsLokYbQkk$O YkmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDiQUJiOYbUmWQiYUWmkdSQ`f^dvQQkYbLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^YMJL^QmdLJb\iofmMvmiJbkSQik$sWdYk^YJL^QSdi^dkmMd`fQbkJmYdbWd^YOJvfJvmWQd^OLokYbQkkdimWQbQsLokYbQkk$O YkmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDiQUJiOYbUmWQiYUWmkdSQ`f^dvQQkYbLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^YMJL^QmdLJb\iofmMvmiJbkSQik$sWdYk^YJL^QSdi^dkmMd`fQbkJmYdbWd^YOJvfJvmWQd^OLokYbQkkdimWQbQsLokYbQkk$OYkmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDiQUJiOYbUmWQiYUWmkdSQ`f^dvQQkYbLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^YMJL^QmdLJb\iofmMvmiJbkSQik$sWdYk^YJL^QSdi^dkmMd`fQbkJmYdbWd^YOJvfJvmWQd^OLokYbQkkdimWQbQsLokYbQkk$aYkmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDiQUJiOYbUmWQiYUWmkdSQ`f^dvQQkYbLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^YMJL^QmdLJb\iofmMvmiJbkSQik$sWdYk^YJL^QSdi^dkmMd`fQbkJmYdbWd^YOJvfJvmWQd^OLokYbQkkdimWQbQsLokYbQkk$aYkmWQSiQbMWfidqYkYdbfidWYLYmYbUmWQLoibYbUdSsJkmQdY^kYb\QQfYbUsYmWmWQOYiQMmYqQ$aYkmWQSiQbMWfidqYkYdbfidWYLYmYbUmWQLoibYbUdSsJkmQdY^kYb\QQfYbUsYmWmWQOYiQMmYqQ$aYkmWQSiQbMWfidqYkYdbfidWYLYmYbUmWQLoibYbUdSsJkmQdY^kYb\QQfYbUsYmWmWQOYiQMmYqQ$aYkmWQSiQbMWfidqYkYdbfidWYLYmYbUmWQLoibYbUdSsJkmQdY^kYb\QQfYbUsYmWmWQOYiQMmYqQ$aYkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSmWQokQdSiQOMd^diJbmYbmWQfiQfJiJmYdbdSbdbk`d\QOSYkWidQdom^YbQOYbidvJ^OQMiQQdSD:DDFJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOk$#YkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSmWQokQdSiQOMd^diJbmYbmWQfiQfJiJmYdbdSbdbk`d\QOSYkWidQdom^YbQOYbidvJ^OQMiQQdSD:DDFJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOk$#YkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSmWQokQdSiQOMd^diJbmYbmWQfiQfJiJmYdbdSbdbk`d\QOSYkWidQdom^YbQOYbidvJ^OQMiQQdSD:DDFJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOk$#YkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSmWQokQdSiQOMd^diJbmYbmWQfiQfJiJmYdbdSbdbk`d\QOSYkWidQdom^YbQOYbidvJ^OQMiQQdSD:DDFJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOk$#YkmWQfidfQiYbmQifiQmJmYdbdS 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of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]PMUKI\GEBN      IyNo. The application of national law to the Commission violates Art. 6 of the Conditions of Employment because its creates a contract of indeterminate duration between the temp worker and the Community institution.3No. The application of national law to the Commission violates Art. 6 of the Conditions of Employment because its creates a contract of indeterminate duration between the temp worker and the Community institution.232/84Can the Belgian law governing the liability of contracts between the Commission and temp staff even be applied to the Commission?QFDyNo. If the Commission violates Belgian law, its non-contractual liability is not governed by the clauses outlined in Art. 215 of the EEC treaty.3No. If the Commission violates Belgian law, its non-contractual liability is not governed by the clauses outlined in Art. 215 of the EEC treaty.232/84Is the Communities liability towards a temp worker under Belgian law which applies to employment contracts between the Commission and temp staff governed by its non-contractual liability in Art. 215 of the EEC treaty?!FF::FReThe provision does not meet the requirement for a detaileds rules for a quota as outlined in Art. 5 of Reg. 170/83 and therefore contradicts Community law.2The provision does not meet the requirement for a detaileds rules for a quota as outlined in Art. 5 of Reg. 170/83 and therefore contradicts Community law.207/84Does the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?ZZNNFpMember states are prohibited from marketing restrictions other than those dictated in Directive 79/373.3Member states are prohibited from marketing restrictions other than those dictated in Directive 79/373.195/84Does the compound feedstuffs directive authorize member states to adopt restrictions that are not provided for in the additives and undesirable substances directives?}}}}{FnMember states are not permitted to subject feedstuffs to marketing restrictions because of a presence of a harmful substance that is not expressely listed in the Directive.3Member states are not permitted to subject feedstuffs to marketing restrictions because of a presence of a harmful substance that is not expressely listed in the Directive.195/84Can sodium be classified as an undesirable substance with the meaning of Directive 74/63, given the fact that the directive does not provide a definitive explanation of what constitutes an undesirable substance?Q||ppFmAccording to Art. 13 of the Directive, member states are not allowed to place marketing restrictions on feedstuffs on the basis that it lacks an additive.3According to Art. 13 of the Directive, member states are not allowed to place marketing restrictions on feedstuffs on the basis that it does not meet a minimum iron content.195/84Does Art. 13 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC prohibit the restriction of marketing of feedstuffs by way of a requirement that the feed have a minimum iron content?kk__F> $HllLD`B125/83Commission of the European CommunitiesAccording to Reg. 232/75, is the actual date in which the goods are taken as indicated on the T5 form filled out by customs officials that date that the butter is officially taken over by the new owner?The day that the goods are taken over is the date of purchase. If the date of departure is used, then the sale would have been cancelled because it 125/83Commission of the European CommunitiesAccording to Reg. 232/75, is the actual date in which the goods are taken as indicated on the T5 form filled out by customs officials that date that the butter is officially taken over by the new owner?The day that the goods are taken over is the date of purchase. If the date of departure is used, then the sale would have been cancelled because it was not taken in time according to Art. 13.F #|187/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not Community laws, specifically Council Directive 67/548/EEC, require labelling of not only of dangerous substances but also of preparations containing such substances?The Directive is a general rule and preparations that require labelling are only those listed in the 3 special directives governing specific preparations.F #|187/84ItalyWhether or not Community laws, specifically Council Directive 67/548/EEC, require labelling of not only of dangerous substances but also of preparations containing such substances?Art. 2 of Directive 67/548/EEC does not classify a preparation as dangerous just because it contains a dangerous substance.X% #|cs 215/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #|bs 215/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.& #|as 202/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #|`s 202/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.& #|201/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.F #|201/84FranceDo Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.& #|'LVAL7N        .D Pr= PX @;?pr=Pr=@r=r=  r=r=6r= r=r= r= r=r=r= r=r=6r=  d  d Issue area.junkIssue area+Issue number?Issue area.issue area (key word)r=r=8r=`r= hr=A$@xr=r= r=p} r=p} 6r=p}Issue arear=@r=pr= r=hr=2q@~sq_fIssue arear= r=(r= r=0r= r=8r=r=r= r=r=p} r=p} 6r=p}Issue area r=(r= r=0r= 6r=8r=r=r= r= r=r= r= hr=8r=Hr=Xr=hr=xr=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=@r=r=r=`r=( r= r= r=`0r= r= 0r= r= r=z  r=r= r=r}r= r=@ r= r=x r= r= r= d@ r= dx r=4 ` r=h r=p r= r=@ r=x r= r=Issue area r= d r= d r=PrimaryKey)Issue areacase numberKGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaxr=r=v r=`r=xr=r=r=rq=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r= @r=r=r=Hr=r=Issue areaPrimaryKeyr=r=r= r=r=r=r=r=r=r=0r= r=6LVALPFN.DrIX P;?II I8I II2IzII2IrIIXIIIPIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII2IzII2IrII  d            d 1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and number?Issues and issueQIssues and positions.AG position on issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?=Issues and positions.ECJ rulingKIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?UIssues and positions.clarity of legal issueII IPI IZYS@PIII(|8I(|2I(|zI(|`I(|8 2I(|rI(|0I(|8 Issues and positions Ip I III‹Hs@1~sq_fIssues and positionsI XI0 I I8 I I@ I PIH I IP I IX I HI` I Ih IXIIIPIIIHII I(|88I(|H2I(|88XzI(|8I(|882I(| rI(|8I(|Issues and positions I I I I 2I I zI I I I 2I I rI I I IXIIIPIIIHII IHII I8IXIxIII II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II8IIIII`0II 0II 0II  II 0II II 0II  Iz 0IPI`Ih|IIII8IIpIIIIIIIIPIII dI 8I pII II dPIH IIIIIII III8IpIIIIPII'Issues and positionsI I dI dHIPrimaryKey=Issues and positionslegal issue=Issues and positionscase number_General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsIIv IIIIHIHqIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI@I IPI0II/8IIssues and positionsPrimaryKeyI8IIIIIHIPI IPIIIMKITGE.DB@it179/84CouncilDoes the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?The method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.' #|o-179/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIs a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?The legal issue in question is not a matter of Community law, but of national law. Thus, it should be decided by the national court in relation to its legal system.F #|o-179/84CouncilIs a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?The question of jurisdiction must be decided soley on the basis of national law. However, in prior cases, the Court has eliminated the possibility that this levy is a tax.r' #|o-179/84ItalyIs a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?The question of whether or not the co-responsibility levy is a tax is not a matter concerning an interpretation of Community law, but, rather, a question to be answered by the national courts.% #|19/84United KingdomDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe Court needs to reject any possible equivalence between community level effects of patent owners consent and the situation that arises from the grant of a compulsory licence. It is vital to ensure the economic value of patents..- #|19/84The NetherlandsDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe Court needs to reject any possible equivalence between community level effects of patent owners consent and the situation that arises from the grant of a compulsory licence. It is vital to ensure the economic value of patents./. #|19/84ItalyDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe Court needs to reject any possible equivalence between community level effects of patent owners consent and the situation that arises from the grant of a compulsory licence. It is vital to ensure the economic value of patents.%$ #|19/84FranceDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe Court needs to reject any possible equivalence between community level effects of patent owners consent and the situation that arises from the grant of a compulsory licence. It is vital to ensure the economic value of patents.&% #|PxMJJGE/C;usNo, because the person does not fulfill the conditions on which these unemployment benefits are granted.2No, because the person does not fulfill the conditions on which these unemployment benefits are granted. However, such benefits are social advantages within the meaning of Art. 7 of Reg. 1612/68 which cannot be denied based on the childrens nationality.94/84Is Art. 2 of Reg. 1408/71 to be interpreted as meaning that a person who is not a national of a member claim unemployment benefits as a member of the family on the sole ground that one of their parents is a national of a member state?t~~~~~~|F rGood may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.3Good may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.69/84Are agricultural products imported into Italy with the benefit of a reduced levy to be regarded as goods in free circulation, satifying the conditions outlined in Art. 9 & 10 of the EEC treaty?  F.qTo be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.3To be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.69/84What is the proper interpretation of "imported by sea" within the meaning of Art. 23 of Council Regulation 120/67? Can goods be considered "imported by sea" if, despite being cleared through customs, are never unloaded in that member state?annddFpZpReasons 1, 2, and 4 are unfounded. However, the Commission standard fine rate does discriminate against the applicants particular type of business, thereby, imposing a higher burden on them as compared to other similar businesses.3Reasons 1, 2, and 4 are unfounded. Reason 3 is also unfounded because the applicant belongs to a category of businesses to which this fine is standard. The applicant is not an exceptional situation which affects them individually, and thereby, requiring64/84The applicant asks the Court to annul Commission decision 1/26/84 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding their production quota because 1) the quota was fixed late, 2) the applicant experience exceptional difficulties, 3) the fine discriminates ag F8 nThe measures adopted by the City of Biarritz is discrimination based on nationality in violation of Art. 7. Furthermore, the measures violate Art. 52 because it hinders the applicants right to pursue employment/activities.3Article 52 does not allow for the allocation of public property to make the applications conditional on the applicants nationality.197/84Does Art. 52, which guarantees the freedom of establishment of workers, apply to the measures adopted by the City of Biarritz which makes applications for the renting of certain city property conditional on nationality?czzFPmMJGDANZ}This type of agreement violates Article 85 because the intent of such agreements is to restrict, prevent, or distort competition. Furthermore, because the distributor is in a dominant market position, such contracts violate Article 86.3A selective distribution system that adversely affects trade between member states is prohibited by Article 85, if the selection process is based on quantitative criteria.243/83Whether agreements, in which a distributor controlling over 50% of the market require both manufacturers and retailers to sign contracts that grants them the right of refusal to distribute if they supply non-approved retailers, violate Articles 85 and 86?F`|A group of businesses that either through agreement or concerted practice grant the distribution of goods to one business may violate Arts. 85 & 86. Furthermore, a selective application process that effectively limits competition violates Arts. 85 & 86.3A group of businesses that either through agreement or concerted practice grant the distribution of goods to one business may violate Arts. 85 & 86. Furthermore, a selective application process that effectively limits competition violates Arts. 85 & 86.243/83Does an agreement by a substantial group of business to select one distributor to determine which businesses will receive goods based on an application process that effectively limits the competition within the relevant markets violate Art. 85 & 86 of the!  Fo{The Commission used the proper procedures to establish these measures by relying on Art. 66a of the Staff Regulations. Also, these measures do not violate the principle of parallelism.3The Commission used the proper procedures to establish these measures by relying on Art. 66a of the Staff Regulations. Also, these measures do not violate the principle of parallelism.3/83The applicants ask the Court to annul the readjustment of their salaries and the introduction of a new tax made by the Commission because these measures conflict with the principle of parallelism, infringes Art. 190 of the EEC treaty, and were the result FzThe only permissible procedure for challenging an order for enforcement in one state, but drawn up in another state, is the right of appeal outlined in Article 36. This procedure supercedes any provisions granted through national legislation.2Article 36 excludes any procedure in which interested third parties may challenge an enforcement order even where such a procedure is allowed by national legislation.148/84Does Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?    F{tyDue to the fact that the applicant was promised a position in which he niether applied for nor was qualified for and the Parliament held an open competition for the position, the application should be dismissed.3Due to the fact that the applicant was promised a position in which he niether applied for nor was qualified for and the Parliament held an open competition for the position, the application should be dismissed.228/84The applicant asks the Court to order the Court of Auditors to appoint him to the position promised to him via Memorandum No 2517, but which has not yet occurred.nFPLIFC@NcThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.247/83The applicants ask the Court to void both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anFThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.233/83The applicants ask the Court to annul their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anFThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.176/83The accusers ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anFcThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.175/83The plaintiffs ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anFThe Court should annul both thepaid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default i3One of the applicants application is dismissed because she failed to first lodge a complaint with the Council. The rest of applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for compensatory interest and refers them to the full Court for consideratio174/83Applicants ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 an""FyPLIGFENC@NfThe previous Court decision ordered the Court of Auditors to re-classify the applicant on the basis of the criteria outlined in the 1980 decision, which the Court of Auditors did. Thus, the application is dismissed.3The previous Court decision ordered the Court of Auditors to re-classify the applicant on the basis of the criteria outlined in the 1980 decision, which the Court of Auditors did. Thus, the application is dismissed.134/84The applicant asks the Court to annul a 11/10/83 Court of Auditors decision to implement a Court decision and reclassifying him in a grade he did consider high enough given the Court decision.FZaYes. Member state legislation that makes the entitlement to family benefits conditional on residence alone falls under the scope of Reg. 574/72.3Yes. Member state legislation that makes the entitlement to family benefits conditional on residence alone falls under the scope of Reg. 574/72.104/84Is Art. 10 of Reg. 574/72 applicable to those member state programs that grant the right to family benefits conditional on residence alone?FF::FYThe provision allows for the suspension of the benefit only when it is limited to the amount in respect of which the benefits overlap.2The provision allows for the suspension of the benefit only when it is limited to the amount in respect of which the benefits overlap.104/84Whether Art. 10 allows for the suspension of benefits payable under the national legislation in one State only awarded to a person not covered by EEC legislation on social security in respect of a child covered by virtue of a member of the family who is a100$$FXArticle 10 only requires that the child for whom the benefits are paid to fulfill all of the relevant requirements.3Article 10 only requires that the child for whom the benefits are paid to fulfill all of the relevant requirements.104/84Does Art. 10 of EEC Reg. 574/72, preventing the overlap of family benefits under national law, require that only the child for whom the benefits are paid to or all the recipients (i.e. the parents) to whom the benefits are paid to fall within the relevant   F>aReg. 1798/75 must be interpreted as to allow for the duty-free importation of accessories for only those instruments that have been previously imported duty-free. However, duty-free admission does not apply to accessories intended for an instrument made 3Reg. 1798/75 must be interpreted as to allow for the duty-free importation of accessories for only those instruments that have been previously imported duty-free. However, duty-free admission does not apply to accessories intended for an instrument made 51/84Whether Reg. No 1798/75 allows for accessories of scientific instruments to be imported duty-free when the instrument for which it is intended has not been imported?  F ΈThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3Dismisses 52 applications because they failed to file within the time-limits outlined in the Staff Regs. The rest of the applications are dismissed because they contain a claim for compensatory interest and are referred to the full Court for a decision r264/83The applicants ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 an#""FPMYJGD(BN  @Arts. 30 & 36 do not prohibit a patent owner the right to prevent the importation and marketing of a product conferred by member state legislation.2Arts. 30 & 36 do not prohibit a patent owner the right to prevent the importation and marketing of a product conferred by member state legislation.19/84Do Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licIHH>>FYes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.2Yes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.220/84Are actions to oppose enforcement fall within the jurisdiction of Art. 16 of the CJEJCCM? If so, is it possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised indepeFwThe exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive should only be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of the ship or its crew connected with maritime shipping.3The exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive does not apply to the operation of gaming machines installed on board ships.168/84Should the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondi\[[OOFu0The term "fixed establishment" in Article 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77 should be interpreted as including a permanent installation (i.e. gaming machine) that requires the employment of personnel to maintain its operation.3The term "fixed establishment" in Article 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77 should be interpreted as including a permanent installation (i.e. gaming machine) that requires the employment of personnel and technical resources to maintain its opera168/84What are the relevant criteria for the existence of a "fixed establishment" in terms of Art. 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77, which regards the harmonization of laws for turnover taxes? Does fixed establishment cover the operation of gaming mFlWood that has been smoothed on both sides may be classified as unprepared wood for tariff purposes provided that the smooth surfaces does not require further treatment before it can used in its intended matter.3Wood that has been smoothed on both sides can only be classified as unprepared wood if the smoothing was the result of a process incidental to the sawing and was not intended to remove the marks.167/84Should imported balsa wood which has been smoothed on both sides so no saw marks are visible be considered as unprepared wood for tariff purposes?MF kW OdQkiQUo^JmYdbQQM<::@F:iQUJiOYbULQQSY`fdimJmYdbhodmJkfidWYLYmmWQiQQufdimJmYdbdSY`fdimQOLQQSSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$KOdQkiQUo^JmYdbQQM<::@F:iQUJiOYbULQQSY`fdimJmYdbhodmJkfidWYLYmmWQiQQufdimJmYdbdSY`fdimQOLQQSSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$KOdQkiQUo^JmYdbQQM<::@F:iQUJiOYbULQQSY`fdimJmYdbhodmJkfidWYLYmmWQiQQufdimJmYdbdSY`fdimQOLQQSSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ$KOdQkkoMWJMWJiUQJkOQkMiYLQOMdbkmYmoQ YbOYiQMm^vY`fdkQOYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fkmJmQ$KOdQkkoMWJMWJiUQJkOQkMiYLQOMdbkmYmoQ YbOYiQMm^vY`fdkQOYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fkmJmQ$KOdQkkoMWJMWJiUQJkOQkMiYLQOMdbkmYmoQ YbOYiQMm^vY`fdkQOYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$f'Regulation (EEC) 3225/82 does not place any obligation on the importer to use the beef solely forECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ;ECJ ruling@-! ;AG-Plaintiff agreement?'2@t]. ]. # @OdJimk<6D:fiQqQbmYbUmWQdqQi^JfdSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmkobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsiQhoYiQmWJmdb^vmWQMWY^OSdisWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmddiJ^^mWQiQMYfYQbmkYQmWQfJiQbmkmdsWd`mWQLQbQSYmkJiQfJYOmdSJ^^sYmWYbmWQiQ^QqJbmyOdQkJimYM^Q88DdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJff^vmdJbOfidWYLYmbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^mYdbmWJmJ^^dskkWYfdsbQikOdQkJimYM^Q@:dSmWQQQMmiQJmvfidWYLYmJ`Q`LQikmJmQSid`Y`fdkYbUJWQJqYQimJuLoiOQbdbbJmYdbJ^k^YqYbUYbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsiQhoYiQmWJm`JiiYQOsd`QbsWdLQMJ`QobSYmSdisdi\LQSidQ8dMmdLQi8HD@LQQbmYm^QOmdLQbQSYmkobOQimWQJJssYmWiQmidJMmYqQQSSQMmmd:<OQMQ`LQi8HF>YSmWdkQsd`QbOYObdmJff^vSdimWdkQLQbQSYmkobYm^QJSmQi@[JboJiv8HFF$fOdQkOYiQMmYqQF<8FHQQMsWYMWWJkbdmLQQbY`f^Q`QbmQOYbSiQbMW^JsWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmmdSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^k$ ]OdQkfiYMQSYuYbU^QUYk^JmYdbfidWYLYmYbUiQmJY^QikSid`kQ^^YbUmWQYifidOoMmkJmfiYMQkQuMQQOYbUsWd^QfiYMQJbOJ`JuY`o`UidkkfidSYm`JiUYbsWQiQYbkoff^vY`fdimMdkmkJiQYbM^oOQOYbmWQfidSYm`JiUYbMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQkOdQkkoMWJMWJiUQJkOQkMiYLQOMdbkmYmoQ YbOYiQMm^vY`fdkQOYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYbQuMQkk di YbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbdSkoMWJbJmoiQJkmdJSSdiOYbOYiQMmfidmQMmYdbSdidmWQiUddOk sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimYM^QH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$fOdQkmWQQQMmiQJmvMdbSQiiYUWmkmdYbqYOYOoJ^kmWJmJiQYbOQfQbOQbmdSmWQbJmYdbJ^^QUJ^MdOQdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$[WOdQkmWQYmJ^YJbUdqQib`QbmWJqQmWQiYUWmmdM^JY`JS^JmiJmQJ`dobmdSdSSYbJbMYJ^Md`fQbkJmYdbSdi`Ji\QmsYmWOiJsJ^kMWJiUQOmdmWQYmJ^YJbkmJmQ$ OdQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSbYUWmsdi\Sdisd`QbMdbkmYmomQkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiMd``obYmv^Js${ `Ji\QmsYmWOiJsJ^kMWJiUQOmdmWQYmJ^YJbkmJmQ$ OdQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSbYUWmsdi\Sdisd`QbMdbkmYmomQkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiMd``obYmv^Js${ mWQfidWYLYmYdbdSbYUWmsdi\Sdisd`QbMdbkmYmomQkQuoJ^OYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiMd``obYmv^Js${   d ArticlePtype of observer'2'?- ;observation source'Italy'K1 ;legal issueB@/# ;case number'199/84'?# ;Observations%%% '  #PWMJ H(EAMust be interpreted as referring to each individual import or export transaction. This interpretation does not preclude the practice of combining several separate actions for recovery in a single recovery order provided that the amount concerned in each 3Must be interpreted as referring to each individual import or export transaction. This interpretation does not preclude the practice of combining several separate actions for recovery in a single recovery order provided that the amount concerned in each 214/84Is the term A GIVEN FOR RECOVERY in Article 8 of Counci Reg 1697/79 to be taken to refer to post clearance recovery of each individual import or export transaction or is that term to be taken to refer to a single post clearance recovery order, even if it #""F5Such a clause does violate Art. 85 if is based solely on the grounds of membership of exclusive distribution because such a policy can distort competition by bestowing an incentive to buy from only exclusive distributors.3Such a clause does violate Art. 85 if is based solely on the grounds of membership of exclusive distribution because such a policy can distort competition by bestowing an incentive to buy from only exclusive distributors.31/85Whether a clause within a exclusive distribution contract, in which the manufacturer extends a guarantee on their products after sale but does not for the customers of other distributors, is a violation of Art. 85 which prohibits discrimination?FThe cost of intra-Community transport should not be included in the customs value of the goods. If the price of goods paid includes these costs, they are differentiated if presented on separate invoices.3The cost of intra-Community transport should not be included in the customs value of the goods. The customs value only includes the price of the goods.290/84According to Art. 3 of Reg. (EEC) 1224/80, does the transaction value include both the price of goods and the cost of intra-Community transport if they are presented separately for the purposes of deriving a customs value?h||FeCommunity law does not prohibit member states from adopting such measures on the grounds that such substances endangers public health as long as the same rules apply to both imports and domestics.3Community law does not prohibit member states from adopting such measures on the grounds that such substances endangers public health. However, that state must account for the results of the international research on the subject.247/84Is the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?FeBecause some imports do not receive the same benefit under the rebate scheme and such imports represent 20% of that market, the Commission has proven that the scheme adversely affected trade between member states.3The Commission has proven that the scheme adversely affected trade between member states. However, because of Reynolds late entry into the Netherlands market, they did not play as active a part and there fine should be reduced.240/82The applicants ask that the decision be annulled because the Commission never adequately proved that the bonus scheme adversely affected trade between member states.F ,@  0@Z)RX0؀ f82JgHKAm@:wOH p0  T6#Q"HI@Ke[\ms21NMicrosoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 LibraryHE Form_ObservarsG" rm_mbsArvaiE@n@ IBDQFZFKDFAWVDFHOZXIEGJPR@RTF28AB@GQFZKFAW VBHZXIEGJhPR@T@ ADH@1 B,1DA+( +1B6Issues and` posiq828I3su8(s 8n@ "psi8IBDQFZFKDFAWVDFHOZXIEGJPRRTF0Z4fbe07a2"Form_Observations 8OLJPTLCVQMIIUDCXKZFYBGGIXTRJ0[4fbe07a2]2Form_Issues and positions 8NYIZVRLWVGQYEEXPGSNACGEUHFYB0]4fbe07a2Form_Issue arear08QWSWJSEFXBVBZDATFYZYJEHDCSVL0^4fbe07a2Module1JH 8JCZVJSNOKPPREERSLKIUMPVSAPCM0_4fbe07a2!BForm_General Case Characteristics`Y 8IVSGMMBEEDWZUDPDCYWDMOKDTHPJ0`4fbe07a2;RForm_Copy of General Case CharacteristicsXPxY H`x0#nO:-"c@YlF @7O$QQTdR?HPMKGDANGermany failed to fulfil its treaty obligations because those laws violate the mandates of the Community directives regarding the marketing of calf feed. Germany did not show how the directives were detrimental to human and animal life.3Germany failed to fulfil its treaty obligations because those laws violate the mandates of the Community directives regarding the marketing of calf feed. Germany did not show how the directives were detrimental to human and animal life.28/84Do the German laws mandating a minimum iron content and maximum levels of sodium for calf feed violate the directives aimed at harmonizing national laws in that field?FnThe German steel industry suffered harm resulting from the Commissions failure to follow the progressive reduction of aids policy. The contested decisions should be annulled because the aid granted exceeds the amount of aid plans submitted to the Commiss2To support the claim of unequal treatment, the applicant need to show how the contested decisions granted advantages for other steel companies in the same situation. Also, the fact that more aid was granted than requested does not violate Art. 8 of the A214/83Did the Commission breach the principle of equality in their decisions authorizing significantly higher aids and lower capacity reduction requirements to the steel industries of Belgium, France, Britain, and Italy as compared to Germany?""F(When an original buyer of butter covered by Reg. 232/75 entrusts a third party with the final processing, the exceeding of the time-limits by that third party does not constitute a case of circumstances beyond control within the meaning of Arts. 18 & 19.3When an original buyer of butter covered by Reg. 232/75 entrusts a third party with the final processing, the exceeding of the time-limits by that third party does not constitute a case of circumstances beyond control within the meaning of Arts. 18 & 19.125/83According to Arts. 18 & 19 of Reg. 232/75, does a case in which an unauthorized customs official grants a time-limit extension for the final processing release the original buyer from liability because of circumstances beyond their control?  Ff(The day in which the goods are taken over must be understood as meaning the date in which the goods are actually taken, which in a cross border trancaction, would be shown on a T5 form.3The day in which the goods are taken over must be understood as meaning the date in which the goods are actually taken, which in a cross border trancaction, would be shown on a T5 form.125/83According to Reg. 232/75, is the actual date in which the goods are taken as indicated on the T5 form filled out by customs officials that date that the butter is officially taken over by the new owner?bF*tThe applicant has not shown that the event in which the application is based upon is a new event that requires a new time-limit. The application is out of time and should be dismissed.3The applicant has not shown that the event in which the application is based upon is a new event that requires a new time-limit. The application is out of time and should be dismissed.231/84Whether or not the applicants claim seeking the annulment of three Commission decisions on the applicants salary grade is inadmissible because it is out of time?9F [I> Y- a 5 z M  | P  P  | % tBXzQ*a3b)S#}Mf8ECSC214/83 2Community law125/83%% 2Agriculture125/83## 2Officials231/84!! 2Approximation of laws187/84--!! 2Common Customs Tariff166/84--!! 2Preliminary rulings166/84++ 2Free movement of goods215/84.."" 2Competition215/84## 2Free movement of goods202/84.."" 2Competition202/84## 2Free movement of goods201/84.."" 2Competition201/84## 2Free movement of goods149/84.."" 2Competition149/84## 2raFree movement of goods114/84.."" 2ra~Competition114/84## 2}Free movement of goods79/84,,"" 2|Competition79/84!! 2{Agriculture71/84!! 2zNon-contractual liability71/84//%% 2yFree movement of goods34/84,,"" 2xCompetition34/84!! 2wFree movement of goods11/84,,"" 2vCompetition11/84!! 2uAgriculture181/84## 2tCommunity law181/84%% 2sECSC63/84 2rECSC172/83 2qMeasures adopted by the institutions172/83<<00 2pApplication for a declaration that a measure is vo172/83JJ>> 2oNon-contractual liability194/8311%% 2nAgriculture194/83## 2mMeasures adopted by Community institutions194/83BB66 2lAgriculture192/83## 2kInternational agreements33/82..$$ 2jMember states276/83%% 2iActs of the institutions25/84..$$ 2hCompetition25/84!! 2gSocial security for migrant workers261/84;;// 2fConvention on Juridiction and the Enforcement of J221/84JJ>> 2eFreedom of movement for persons137/8477++ 2dEEC Treaty137/84"" 2cOfficials111/84!! 2bTax provisions107/84&& 2aSocial policy105/84%% 2j`Member States101/84%% 2_Community law60/84## 2^Free movement of goods60/84,,"" 2]Court of Justice43/84&& 2\Officials43/84 2[Action for a declaration that a measure is void42/84EE;; 2ZMeasures adopted by the Community Institutions42/84DD:: 2YCompetition42/84!! 2XParliament87/77  2WBudget of the European Communities87/7788.. 2VObjection of illegality87/77--## 2UApplication for annulment87/77//%% 2TOfficials87/77 2SCompetition299/83## 2RFree movement of goods299/83.."" 2QTax Provisions278/83&& 2POfficials255/83!! 2OOfficials66/83 2NOfficials119/83!! 2MOfficials236/82!! 2LECSC27/84 2KTax Provisions17/84$$ 2jJTax provisions16/84$$ 2jIAction against a Member State for failure to fulfi16/84HH>> 2HInternational agreements118/8300$$ 2GAgriculture179/84## 2PMjKCHiEBThe tax method employed by Ireland does not affect the amount of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.3The tax method employed by Ireland does not affect the amount of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.17/84Did Ireland fail to harmonize their laws relating to turnover taxes because they did not alter a tax system which effectively reduces the amount on which value-added-tax (VAT) is payable on new goods that are partially funded from exchanges of used goods?FThe tax method employed by the Netherlands does not affect the amound of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.3The tax method employed by the Netherlands does not affect the amound of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.16/84Did the Netherlands fail to harmonize their laws relating to turnover taxes because they did not alter a tax system which effectively reduces the amount on which value-added-tax (VAT) is payable on new goods that are partially funded from exchanges of useFThe Court should not annul the decision because the applicants claims are inadmissible in light of previous rulings. The Commission act lawfully according to Art. 121 of the Convention, thus, the claim for damages is also dismissed.3The applicants have not presented a measure capable of being the subject of proceedings under Art. 173 or 175, therefore, the request for annulment is inadmissible. Also, the Commission act lawfully according to Art. 121 of the Convention, thus, the claim118/83The applicant asks the Court to annul the Commission decision to not select them for a construction contract because they did not follow the Conditions of Tender, and, if the decision cannot be annulled, award them monetary damages due to them.  FaThe method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.3The method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.179/84Does the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?JFlThe co-responsibility levy for milk is a flat-rate financial contribution intended to stabilize the milk market.3The co-responsibility levy for milk is a flat-rate financial contribution intended to stabilize the milk market. It is the national courts responsibility to determine whether it has jurisdiction in this case.179/84Is a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?eeYYFLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]   %N^LwJHIGECB*A183/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not member states have discretionary power to decide on applications even in those cases where all of the required conditions exist?Member states have the discretionary power to decide on applications based on the circumstances of each individual case.QF #|183/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAccording to Reg. 1608/74, can a importer apply for a refund on the amount of monetary compensatory amounts levied on imports that were issued before 6/3/73?No. The Regulation specifically concerns those transactions concluded after 6/3/73 in Article 6.GF #|223/84Commission of the European CommunitiesShould a TV unit with a T 50 timer/tuner unit that allows the consumer to programme a VCR to record be classified under TV recievers or other accessories for tariff purposes?The essential function of the T 50 timer/tuner unit is to receive TV broadcasts. Therefore, it should be regarded under the receiver tariff subheading.F #|199/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?No member state can expressly prohibit the re-exportation of goods to another member state because it violates Art. 34 of the EEC treaty regarding the free movement of goods.F #|199/84BelgiumDoes Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?Regulation 3225/82 is intended to ensure that the beef is used for internal consumption, but it does not authorize member states from passing laws that restrict the re-exportation of those goods.' #|199/84ItalyDoes Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?Beef that is imported solely for the use of re-exportation throughout the Community does not satisfy the requirements of that state and violates the spirit of the quota.q% #|  u163/84Commission of the European CommunitiesShould a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?The main unit and the speakers are presented as a set in a single package. And because the main unit is the main function of this set, they should be classified together for tariff purposes.F #|  u163/84FranceShould a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?The main unit and the speakers are presented as a set in a single package. And because the main unit is the main function of this set, they should be classified together for tariff purposes.& #|  u163/84ItalyShould a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?Because the speakers are intended to used with the main unit and presented to customs in a single package, there is not sufficient reason to classify the speakers as separate, functional unit for tariff purposes.% #| MKI3HF ECwB@154/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIs Commission Reg. 3584/81, which regards how customs officials determine the quantity of meat used to create products, to be regarded as a procedural provision which should be applied retroactively?Commission Reg. 3584/81 is a procedural provision that is applicable to operations carried out before its entry into law and should be applied retroactively.F #|119/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?The right of a party to carry out protective measures is subject to the time-period outlined in Art. 36 of the Convention.XF #|119/84United KingdomWhether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?The protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national law.. #|119/84United KingdomDoes a party that has proceded with protective measures against debtors required to obtain a separate judicial authorization required by the national laws of that member state?The need for separate judicial authorization after enforcement has been authorized is entirely dependent on national law.[. #|119/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes a party that has proceded with protective measures against debtors required to obtain a separate judicial authorization required by the national laws of that member state?According to Art. 39, a decision authorizing enforcement is an order authorizing protective measures. Therefore, no separate judicial authorization is required.F #|119/84United KingdomWhether or not Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM creates a comprehensive Community procedure for protective measures against debtors or whether the protective measures are to be taken according to each member states national rules?The question of how a national court must exercise the power to grant protective measures falls wholly under the domain of its national laws. . #|119/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM creates a comprehensive Community procedure for protective measures against debtors or whether the protective measures are to be taken according to each member states national rules?The courts may refer to their national laws in order to determine the rules applicable to the protective measures in Art. 39. The requirements in that article are not complete.$F #|46/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAre Commission Regulations 746/79 and 3013/80 concerning the customs tariffs on maize products invalid because they set the monetary compensatory amounts too low based on unrealistic production projections?Factors, such as the cost of processing and marketing products as advocated by the plaintiffs, should not taken into account when determining monetary compensatory amounts.E #|125/83Commission of the European CommunitiesAccording to Arts. 18 & 19 of Reg. 232/75, does a case in which an unauthorized customs official grants a time-limit extension for the final processing release the original buyer from liability because of circumstances beyond their control?When an original buyer of butter covered by Reg. 232/75 entrusts a third party with the final processing, the exceeding of the time-limits by that third party does not constitute a case of circumstances beyond control within the meaning of Arts. 18 & 19.88F #|Y2NLJ1IGECwAN  105/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIn Council Directive 77/187/EEC, which concerns business transfers, is the term "employee" to be interpreted to mean that it is sufficient that the person was employed by the transferor or must they also occupy a position as employee with the transferee?The aim of the directive is to ensure the continuity of employment of persons during the transfer process. As such, an employee would need to continue to be employed after the transfer.FF #|60/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes a national law dictating that one year pass between when a movie is released into a theater and when that movie is released to video constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods as provided for in Arts. 30 & 34 of the EEC treaty?Although this restriction does hinder imports, the cultural aims may justify certain restrictions of the free movement of goods provided that the restrictions are equally applied.;E #|60/84FranceDoes a national law dictating that one year pass between when a movie is released into a theater and when that movie is released to video constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods as provided for in Arts. 30 & 34 of the EEC treaty?The rule is in place to prevent the exploitation of marketing a video at the same time as marketing a movie in a theater. Without this restriction, such practice could cripple the cinema industry.% #|?299/83FranceIs semi-public price fixing of books, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The price fixing legislation was enacted to protect small bookshops from bigger vendors due to their advantage in buying large quantities. Fear that this advantage would hurt cultural works favored by smaller vendors.& #|>299/83Commission of the European CommunitiesIs semi-public price fixing of books, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The legislation allows import to be treated differently than domestics, thereby, hurting competition. This serves as a restriction to free trade and is in violation of Article 30 of the treaty.F #|278/83FranceDid Italy fail to fulfill its treaty obligations, specifically Art. 95, by applying a higher value-added-tax (VAT) to imported sparkling wines than that applied to domestic sparkling wines?Sparkling wines are one category of wine in competition with each other regardless of its origin. Therefore, applying a higher VAT based on origin violates Art. 95 of the EEC treaty.& #|it179/84ItalyDoes the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?Fixing the co-responsibility levy to the target price of milk containing 3.7% fat discriminates against Italian producers because the average fat content in Italy is only 3.5%.% #|?it179/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?The method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.F #|2 N6MmKIHLFeD5BR@K275/84The NetherlandsShould monetary compensatory amounts be granted in respect of the export of butter sold to passengers during short ship excursions outside territorial waters for the purposes of evading customs duties (butter-buying cruises)?The purchasers of butter on the butter-buying cruises should be granted compensation amounts because Reg. 1371/81 does not lay down any condition as to the destination of the product./ #|I275/84Commission of the European CommunitiesShould monetary compensatory amounts be granted in respect of the export of butter sold to passengers during short ship excursions outside territorial waters for the purposes of evading customs duties (butter-buying cruises)?EEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise without proof that it was bought in another member state.)F #|S227/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not the suspension of custom duties for only those electronic memories that comply with specific exterior dimensions discriminates against those goods that comply will all requirements except the exterior dimensions.It is within the powers of the Council to enact size requirements due to economic nessecity. It is necessary to define the requirements precisely including size.+F #|Q227/84CouncilWhether or not the suspension of custom duties for only those electronic memories that comply with specific exterior dimensions discriminates against those goods that comply will all requirements except the exterior dimensions.It is within the powers of the Council to enact size requirements due to economic nessecity. It is necessary to define the requirements precisely including size. ' #|nc125/84Commission of the European CommunitiesAccording to Art. 2 of Council Reg. 974/71, does a member state act in the same capacity when it pays monetary compensatory amounts for importation as when it receives compensation for exportation?The member state acts on behalf of the Community and not the other member state when it pays or charges monetary compensatory amounts. F #|nc125/84United KingdomAccording to Art. 2 of Council Reg. 974/71, does a member state act in the same capacity when it pays monetary compensatory amounts for importation as when it receives compensation for exportation?Yes. This also implies that the agency acting on behalf of that member state can set-off the debt of an importing state as a payment for an exporting state.. #| a211/83GermanyWhether or not to annul two Commission decisions extending the production quotas for certain products because the Commission misused its powers by unfairly favoring companies that delayed their required restructuring.The Commission misused its powers by abritrarily subjecting the decision to grant additional quotas on a requirement that the restructuring plan must be Commission-approved.' #|252/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhat criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?A collectors piece must not only be rare but it must also be of historical interest in the sense that the article represents a turning point in design or use.MF #|ra200/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhat criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?A collectors piece must not only be rare but it must also be of historical interest in the sense that the article represents a turning point in design or use.MF #|J MdLH#G0EvCAj@;295/84FranceDoes Art. 33 of the 6th Council Directive 77/388/EEC prohibit member states from instituting a charges on companies based on their annual turnover before tax to be used to fund benefits for self-employed craftsmen?No, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive prohibits.^& #|9295/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Art. 33 of the 6th Council Directive 77/388/EEC prohibit member states from instituting a charges on companies based on their annual turnover before tax to be used to fund benefits for self-employed craftsmen?No, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive prohibits.~F #|182/84ItalyIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?A member state may prevent certain traders from gaining a competitive advantage over domestics due to the decreased costs and taxes of lower alcohol content gin.% #|182/84Commission of the European CommunitiesIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?Requirements restricting the importation of gin, lawfully produced in other states, because it has a lower alcohol content is a quantitive restiction on imports in violation of Art. 30. F #|182/84BelgiumIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?The lower alcohol gin has been produced lawfully in Belgium for years. Support for the Netherlands restriction would be granting a monopoly over the generic name of a product.' #|182/84GermanyIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?The requirement in question is necessary to protect the consumers from being misled in thinking that imported gin has the same alcohol content as domestics.' #|182/84The NetherlandsIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?The requirement in question is necessary to protect the consumers from being misled in thinking that imported gin has the same alcohol content as domestics. / #|E299/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes a general principle of objective unfairness exist so that some provisions of law may not be applied if it harms those the Council had never intended to harm due to unforeeable circumstances?The principle of objective unfairness does not exist in Community law.S F #|F299/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Council Reg. 850/81 intend to avoid companies suffering hardship from having bought goods at a higher price than their competitors who bought their goods after the price was decreased a short time later?Because Council Reg. 850/81 only adjusts the exchange rate of currencies, it does not imply that the Council intended to avoid a situation where a buyer paid a higher price in currency than competitors who purchased their goods after the rates were adjustF #|aP#NJHYC{@NeThe Netherlands legislation is question did not remove the possibility of competition because it did have the scope to prosecute individual sellers had they backed out of the rebate scheme and permits competition.3The Netherlands legislation is question did not remove the possibility of competition because it did have the scope to prosecute individual sellers had they backed out of the rebate scheme and permits competition.240/82The applicants asks that Commission decision 7/15/82, which held that a bonus scheme given to cigarette distributors unfairly limited competition, be annulled because Netherland law had already removed the possibility of competition.FBecause some imports do not receive the same benefit under the rebate scheme and such imports represent 20% of that market, the Commission has proven that the scheme adversely affected trade between member states.3Because some imports do not receive the same benefit under the rebate scheme and such imports represent 20% of that market, the Commission has proven that the scheme adversely affected trade between member states.260/82The applicants ask that the decision be annulled because the Commission never adequately proved that the bonus scheme adversely affected trade between member states.uFThe Netherlands legislation is question did not remove the possibility of competition because it did have the scope to prosecute individual sellers had they backed out of the rebate scheme and permits competition.2The Netherlands legislation is question did not remove the possibility of competition because it did have the scope to prosecute individual sellers had they backed out of the rebate scheme and permits competition.260/82The applicants asks that Commission decision 7/15/82, which held that a bonus scheme given to cigarette distributors unfairly limited competition, be annulled because Netherland law had already removed the possibility of competition.F&No. Neither Community law or national law can require the buyer to repay the difference once the reduced levy has been granted using the procedure outlined in Art. 18.3Yes, the original buyer must pay the difference because the original buyer is not released from its orginal obligation to see that the butter is used for its intended purpose.124/83Does Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?{{ooF%Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.3Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.124/83According to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.  FNo, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive prohibits.3No, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive prohibits.295/84Does Art. 33 of the 6th Council Directive 77/388/EEC prohibit member states from instituting a charges on companies based on their annual turnover before tax to be used to fund benefits for self-employed craftsmen?ttttrFy @@OdQkJim8<dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQD6@:>QQMfidWYLYmmWQiQkmiYMmYdbdS`Ji\QmYbUdSSQQOkmoSSkLvsJvdSJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQSQQOWJqQJ`YbY`o`YidbMdbmQbm$F im8<dSMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQD6@:>QQMfidWYLYmmWQiQkmiYMmYdbdS`Ji\QmYbUdSSQQOkmoSSkLvsJvdSJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQSQQOWJqQJ`YbY`o`YidbMdbmQbm$F im<dSmWQQQMmiQJmvYbqJ^YOJmQ`Q`LQikmJmQ^QUYk^JmYdbSYuYbU`YbY`o`fiYMQkSdiJomdSoQ^$im<<dSmWQBmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]P@ @ kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJmYdbdS^YkLQmWJbkQbLQOYk`YkkQO$kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbLQdiOQiQOmdfJvJOOYmYdbJ^Md`fQbkJmdivYbmQiQkm$fkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbLQdiOQiQOmdfJvOQSJo^mYbmQiQkmdbmWQJ`dobmdSmWQJiiQJikdSiQ`obQiJmYdbsWYMWYmfJYOYbfoikoJbMQdSiQULQOQM^JiQOqdYOdiJ`QbOQO$`kWdo^OmWQMdoimJbbo^mWQOQMYkYdbdSmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmviQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkMJbOYOJmoiQSdimWQfdkm$c5kWdo^OmWQMdoimOYk`YkkmWQJff^YMJbmkM^JY`mWJmmWQOQMYkYdbLQJbbo^^QOLQMJokQmWQMd``YkkYdbbQqQiJOQhoJmQ^vfidqQOmWJmmWQLdbokkMWQ`QJOqQikQ^vJSSQMmQOmiJOQLQmsQQb`Q`LQikmJmQkkWdo^OmWQMdoimUiJbmJbYbmQiY``QJkoiQiQhoYiYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbmdkokfQbOmWQdfQiJmYdbdSYmkOQMYkYdbdS8BdMmdLQi8HF@obmY^mWQMdoimWJkUYqQb[oOU`QbmYbmWQ`JYbJMmYdb$1kWdo^OmWQMdoimYkkoQJio^YbUdbmWQqJ^YOYmvdSUQiUdYiQSdo^dbkdiYUYbJ^M^JY`$ 1kWdo^OmWQOYiQMmYqQLQYbmQifiQmQOJk`QJbYbUmWJmmWQmiJbkSQidikOQLmkJiYkYbUSid`QuYkmYbUQ`f^dvQQMdbmiJMmkQ`f^dvQOLQSdiQOJmQdSmiJbkSQiJiQJkkYUbQOmdmWQmiJbkSQiQQ$VkWdo^OmWQQuMQfmYdbkdom^YbQOYbJim8@dSmWQBmWOYiQMmYqQLQYbmQifiQmQOJkJff^vYbUdb^vmdmWdkQOYiQMmbQQOkdSkWYfkMdbbQMmQOsYmW`JiYmY`QkWYffYbUdikWdo^OmWQvYbM^oOQdmWQikQiqYMQkfidqYOQOdbLdJiOkWYfkmWJmJiQYbOQbmYMJ^mdMdiiQkfdbOYkWdo^OmWQiQ`JYbOQidSYmJ^vkM^JY`kLQOYk`YkkQO${"kWdo^OmWQiQ`JYbOQidSmWQJff^YMJbmkM^JY`kiQUJiOYbUmWQOQMYkYdbdSmWQfiQkYOQbmdSmWQfJi^YJ`QbmLQOYk`YkkQO$$"kWdo^OmWQiQ`JYbOQidSmWQJff^YMJbmkM^JY`kiQUJiOYbUmWQOQMYkYdbdSmWQfiQkYOQbmdSmWQfJi^YJ`QbmLQOYk`YkkQO$$LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] oPRMJGDANThe claim should be dismissed because "freelance" interpreters do not have a contractual relationship that qualifies for standing under the COE. Art. 42 of ECSC treaty and Art. 181 of the EEC treaty allows the Commission to contract out special, temporar3The claim is dismissed because "freelance" interpreters do not have a contractual relationship that qualifies for standing under the COE. Art. 42 of ECSC treaty and Art. 181 of the EEC treaty allows the Commission to contract out special, temporary servi43/84Does a "freelance" interpreter have a contractual relationship with Community institutions, thereby, allowing him to standing in relation to the Conditions of Employment (COE)? The applicant is challenging a Commission decision rejecting his request for !  FArts. 3 and 4 of the decision should be declared void because the Commission violated procedure and must undertake further investigations to properly ascertain whether the clause meets the exceptions criteria outlined in Art. 85.2The claim is dismissed because the applicants have not provided sufficient evidence that the clause qualified as an exception, specifically that the clause would contribute an improvement to production of similar products or the promotion of economic prog42/84The applicant asks the Court to annul Commission decision 83/670/EEC, which declared a non-competition clause in a business tranfer agreement to violate Art. 85, because the clause does not violate Art. 85 and the Commission committed procedural errors inF5Although the applicant is a member of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. However, the claims that the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff in these cases are unsubstantiated and unfounded.2Cases 9 and 10/84 are inadmissible because the applicants did not state the subject of the dispute at the time of the original application, and thus out of time. Cases 87/77, 130/77, and 22/83 are unfounded.87/77Although technically a member of a Commission subsidiary (the Association), the applicants asks the Court to annul the Commission decision in assigning his grade because the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff.FIt has not been established that this type of price fixing has any substantive impact on free trade. Furthermore, books are cultural works and under member state jurisdiction.3This type of national legislation is not prohited as long as it complies with other specific treaty provisions. This legislation violates Art. 30 by requiring the deposit of a copy of each imported book to the authorities and fixing prices on re-imported299/83Is semi-public price fixing of books, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?WFItaly has violated Art. 95 of the EEC treaty by applying a higher VAT to sparkling wines that are specific to one region within the Community (Champagne, France) than the VAT applied to domestic sparkling wines.3Italy has violated Art. 95 of the EEC treaty by applying a higher VAT to sparkling wines that are specific to one region within the Community (Champagne, France) than the VAT applied to domestic sparkling wines.278/83Did Italy fail to fulfill its treaty obligations, specifically Art. 95, by applying a higher value-added-tax (VAT) to imported sparkling wines than that applied to domestic sparkling wines?FPMJG EA϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶%v P ; U@ ~\@@@@Gulmann1296/92Commission v ItalyCommission of the European CommunitiesItalian Republic]I=;;;;2222 \@ ~\@@@@Gulmann1296/92Commission v ItalyCommission of the European CommunitiesItalian R\@ ~\@@@@Gulmann1296/92The Commission did use different criteria in each decision and applied a stiffer penalty to the Netherlands-based industry. Thus, decision 83/398 should be annulled. However, there is no evidence of discrimination so decision 83/396 should remain intact3The Commission did use different criteria in each decision and applied a stiffer penalty to the Netherlands-based industry. Thus, decision 83/398 is annulled. However, there is no evidence of discrimination so decision 83/396 remains intact.172/83Whether or not Commission decisions 83/398 & 83/396 concerning steel industry aid from the Netherlands and Italy, respectively, should be declared void because the Italian steel industry received more lenient treatment than the Netherlands.  FYes. The Commission used the same method of calculation for Greece as for the other Member states, but this calculation caused serious financial damages. Therefore, they should have to pay the damages plus 6% interest per year.3Although the Greek producers suffered financial damages, the faulty calculation was a technical error. Thus, this was not a serious breach of Art. 215 because it does meet its criteria. The Commission is not liable and the claim is dismissed.194/83Was the Commission liable for damages suffered by tomato concentrate producers because of a faulty method of calculation for production aid?F The Regulations should be annulled insofar as they relate to the Commissions calculation method determining production aid to tomato concentrates because the Commission used a different method for Greece as compared to the rest of the Community.3The Regulations are annulled insofar as they relate to the Commissions calculation method determining production aid to tomato concentrates because the Regulations produced an unequal treatment of Greek products in comparision to the Community.192/83Are Commission Regs. 1615/83 & 1618/83 void insofar as they regulate the aid paid by Greece for tomato concentrates and peachs in syrup for the 1983/84 year, because the method in which the Commission determined aid discriminates against Greek producers?        FThe Commissions rejection of the revised price of asphalt agreed upon by the applicant and Madagascar caused financial damage to the applicant. However, the amount due should be determined after their dispute with Madagascar is settled.3The case is dismissed. Without a settlement of dispute between the applicant and Madagascar, the applicant has failed to establish the existence of damage which is one of the essential conditions of non-contractual liability under Art. 78.33/82Is the Commission responsible for compensatory damages caused by their conduct during the negotiations between the applicant and Madagascar over the revised prices of asphalt following the oil crisis of 1974?FYes. This policy is a clear case of a quantitative restriction on imports and in violation of Article 30 of the EEC treaty.3Court Order - The Commission has withdrawn their court action and asked that Greece t pay the costs. Thus, Case 276/83 is removed and Greece is pay the costs.276/83Did Greece fail to fulfill its treaty obligations by prohibiting the sale on credit terms of imported vehicles intended for private use, thereby, violating Articles 30 of the EEC treaty???33FPM}KDIFCAYes. By continuing to restrict vinegar despite the previous decision against them, Italy has violated Art. 30 and fail its treaty obligations.3Yes. By continuing to restrict vinegar despite the previous decision against them, Italy has violated Art. 30 and fail its treaty obligations.281/83Whether Italy has failed to fulfil its treaty obligations by continuing to restrict the classification of vinegar to wine vinegar, thereby, violating Art. 30 despite the previous Court judgment stating this?BB66FIf the item was mass-produced within the last 100 years, it is to be classified as a "collectors piece" only if: 1) it is no longer produced and has a rarity value, 2) it is not used for its original purpose, and 3) is suitable for collection inclusion.3A "collectors piece" possesses the necessary characteristics for inclusion in a collection which means that it must be rare with high value, not used for its original purpose, and are the subject of special transactions outside of normal trade.252/84What criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?}  FeIf the item was originally mass-produced within the last 100 years, it is to be classified as a "collectors piece" only if: 1) it is no longer produces and has a rarity value, 2) it is not used for its original purpose, and 3) is suitable for inclusion i3A "collectors piece" possesses the necessary characteristics for inclusion in a collection which means that it must be rare with high value, not used for its original purpose, and are the subject of special transactions outside of normal trade.200/84What criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?~  FMember states have the discretionary power to decide on applications based on the circumstances of each individual case.3Member states have discretion in deciding whether the application satisfies all of the required conditions, but does not have discretionary power in those cases where they have decided that the application meets those requirements.183/84Whether or not member states have discretionary power to decide on applications even in those cases where all of the required conditions exist?wwFYes. The Regulation was given a retroactive effect because the regulation was not followed up by other provisions that helped to alleviate the loss suffered by the affected importers.3Yes. The Regulation was given a retroactive effect because the regulation was not followed up by other provisions that helped to alleviate the loss suffered by the affected importers.183/84According to Reg. 1608/74, can a importer apply for a refund on the amount of monetary compensatory amounts levied on imports that were issued before 6/3/73?1FThe unit only receives signals and its main function is not TV reception. Therefore, the unit should be classified under accessories for tariff purposes.3The unit only receives signals and its main function is not TV reception. Therefore, the unit should be classified under accessories for tariff purposes.223/84Should a TV unit with a T 50 timer/tuner unit that allows the consumer to programme a VCR to record be classified under TV recievers or other accessories for tariff purposes?XXLLFQP~M4KHNjEkCmAN|Italy has done nothing to comply with the decision within a reasonable period of time and have failed to fulfil their treaty obligations, specifically Art. 171.3Italy has done nothing to comply with the decision within a reasonable period of time and have failed to fulfil their treaty obligations, specifically Art. 171.131/84Whether or not Italy failed to fulfill its treaty obligations by not complying with the ECJ judgment in Case 91/81?ddXXFThe only way this system becomes incompatible with Community law is if the application of such rates conflict with Commission Recommendation 77/329/ECSC.2The only way this system becomes incompatible with Community law is if the application of such rates conflict with Commission Recommendation 77/329/ECSC.239/84If the Commission does have the power to fix conversion rates, then does a system that only fixes the rates a couple of times a year compatible with Community law?VVJJFThe Commission derives the power to fix conversion rates of currencies from Arts. 74 and 86 of the ECSC treaty.2The Commission derives the power to fix conversion rates of currencies from Art. 74 of the ECSC treaty.239/84If the Council Regulation is not applicable to ECSC products, then does the Commission derive the power to fix conversion rates of currencies of member states in relation to the EU from another treaty provision?FeCouncil Regulation 2779/78 does not apply to products that fall within the ECSC treaty.2Council Regulation 2779/78 does not apply to products that fall within the ECSC treaty.239/84Whether or not the anti-dumping regulation, Council Regulation 2779/78, applies to ECSC products?5mmmmkFNot applicable - no AG position2According to Art. 41 of the Statute of the Court, the admissibility of this type of application is conditional on the existence of a fact that is a decisive factor in the decision. In this case, the error was not a decisive factor warranting a revision o267/80 RThe applicant asks that the Court revise their previous 11/13/84 judgment because it was based on an error on the part of the Court when it assumed that the applicants assigned all its rights to refunds to a third party, which it did not.6FF6655553FaYes. This also implies that the agency acting on behalf of that member state can set-off the debt of an importing state as a payment for an exporting state.1Yes. This also implies that the agency acting on behalf of that member state can set-off the debt of an importing state as a payment for an exporting state.125/84According to Art. 2 of Council Reg. 974/71, does a member state act in the same capacity when it pays monetary compensatory amounts for importation as when it receives compensation for exportation?%^^RRFThe Commission did not misuse its powers. The additional quotas provided for in these decisions is actually a sanction against those companies that have not yet restructured.2The Commission did not misuse its powers. The additional quotas provided for in these decisions is actually a sanction against those companies that have not yet restructured.211/83Whether or not to annul two Commission decisions extending the production quotas for certain products because the Commission misused its powers by unfairly favoring companies that delayed their required restructuring.]vvFP_MJ}HFC@N  HEEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise without proof that it was bought in another member state.3EEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise without proof that it was bought in another member state.275/84Should monetary compensatory amounts be granted in respect of the export of butter sold to passengers during short ship excursions outside territorial waters for the purposes of evading customs duties (butter-buying cruises)?FPBecause the Council acted within its rights in establishing these requirements, there is no evidence that the Council act unlawfully with respect for the principle of equality.2Because the Council acted within its rights in establishing these requirements, there is no evidence that the Council act unlawfully with respect for the principle of equality.227/84Whether or not the suspension of custom duties for only those electronic memories that comply with specific exterior dimensions discriminates against those goods that comply will all requirements except the exterior dimensions.ixxFVAdministrative Notice 420 of 10/21/83 is a new fact and therefore the plaintaffs application for a new hearing is admissible.3Administrative Notice 420 of 10/21/83 is a new fact and therefore the plaintaffs application for a new hearing is admissible.219/84Whether or not Administrative Notice 420 10/21/83 which replaced the prior decision 6/6/73 constitutes as a new fact, thereby, causing time on out-dated decision to run afresh.F_Because the Commission accused the applicants hiding confidential discounts that they already approved in a specific agreement, the decision should either be nullified or the fine reduced.2Because the Commission provided an insufficient statement of reasons in its judgment, the fine should be reduced by 1,000,000.183/83Whether or not to either nullify Commission decision 7/13/83 or reduce the subsequent fine because the Commission infringed the rule and law and misused their powers in fixing the fine.^^RRFgBecause both the claims and facts of this case and case 145/83 are identical, it conflicts with the principle of ne bis in idem (interstate double jeopardy) and therefore is inadmissable.3Because both the claims and facts of this case and case 145/83 are identical, it conflicts with the principle of ne bis in idem (interstate double jeopardy) and therefore is inadmissable.53/84Is the Commission liable for damages because it did not refer to the Joint Committee (Commmunity and Switzerland) the circumstances of the applicants case? The failure to do this resulted in arrest and damages for the applicant.FmBy failing to warn the informant of the possible repercussion of his actions and failure to actively trace the informant, the Commission is non-contractually liable for damages suffered by the applicant.3By failing to warn the informant of the possible repercussion of his actions and failure to actively trace the informant, the Commission is non-contractually liable for damages suffered by the applicant.145/83Is the Commission non-contractually liable by failing to properly protect an informants (the applicants) indentity in a ongoing investigation which resulted in arrest, conviction, and damages?|FyPL8JGhDAN  Just because the applicant expressed a preference as to where the notice be sent, it does not obligate the Commission to comply nor does it have any effect on the application of time-limits. Thus, the application is out of time and inadmissible.3Just because the applicant expressed a preference as to where the notice be sent, it does not obligate the Commission to comply nor does it have any effect on the application of time-limits. Thus, the application is out of time and inadmissible.42/85Whether the plaintaffs application under Art. 36 seeking the nullification of Commission decision 1958/1 on 12/19/84 was filed in time and, therefore, admissible.     FYes. Such requirements that restrict the importation of gin, lawfully produced in other states, because it has a lower alcohol content is a quantitive restiction on imports in violation of Art. 30.3Yes. Such requirements that restrict the importation of gin, lawfully produced in other states, because it has a lower alcohol content is a quantitive restiction on imports in violation of Art. 30.182/84If a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?FThe defendant failed to fulfill their contractual obligation leading to the Commission terminating its contracts. Furthermore, the defendant should repay the unearned advance payment, extra finishing costs, costs due to defective work, and court costs.3The defendant failed to fulfill their contractual obligation leading to the Commission terminating its contracts. Furthermore, the defendant should repay the unearned advance payment, extra finishing costs, costs due to defective work, and court costs.318/81Under Art. 181 of the EEC treaty, the Commission asks the ECJ for the cancellation of two contracts and an order for the defendant to pay back the unearned portion of their advance payment and damages for defective work.F2Although a general principle of objective unfairness does not exist in Community law, the Community does recognize the principle of proportionality in such cases.2There is no general principle of objective unfairness in Community law which would allow that certain laws may not be applied if it causes those concerned unforseen harm. The national courts are allowed to submit preliminary rulings for interpretation in299/84Does a general principle of objective unfairness exist so that some provisions of law may not be applied if it harms those the Council had never intended to harm due to unforeeable circumstances?F/Because Council Reg. 850/81 only adjusts the exchange rate of currencies, it does not imply that the Council intended to avoid a situation where a buyer paid a higher price in currency than competitors who purchased their goods after the rates were adjust3Because Council Reg. 850/81 only adjusts the exchange rate of currencies, it does not imply that the Council intended to avoid a situation where a buyer paid a higher price in currency than competitors who purchased their goods after the rates were adjust299/84Does Council Reg. 850/81 intend to avoid companies suffering hardship from having bought goods at a higher price than their competitors who bought their goods after the price was decreased a short time later?""F[ʏcommon customs tariff6/84))!! 2[ȏcommon customs tariff30/84++!! 2r  JMMdiOYbUmdMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDB:88OdQkJfJM\QidSfiQfJM\JUQOfidOoMmkbQQOmddLmJYbfiYdiJomWdiYxJmYdbSid`bJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmYQkmdf^JMQmWQQQM Q kYUbdbmWdkQfidOoMmk$MMdiOYbUmdMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDHMJbJY`fdimQiJff^vSdiJiQSobOdbmWQJ`dobmdS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmk^QqYQOdbY`fdimkmWJmsQiQYkkoQOLQSdiQB<D<$MMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmsWQbkd^OmddmWQiLovQikmWQLommQiYkokQOSdimWdkQfoifdkQkQqQbYSYmYkkd^OJUJYbMMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmsWQbkd^OmddmWQiLovQikmWQLommQiYkokQOSdimWdkQfoifdkQkQqQbYSYmYkkd^OJUJYbMMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@iQUJiOYbUiQOoMQO^QqYQkSdiLommQiokQOSdikfQMYSYMfoifdkQkYkmWQdiYUYbJ^OYkmiYLomdidL^YUJmQOmdQbkoiQmWJmsWQbkd^OmddmWQiLovQikmWQLommQiYkokQOSdimWdkQfoifdkQkQqQbYSYmYkkd^OJUJYbMMdiOYbUmdiQU:<:D@YkmWQJMmoJ^OJmQYbsWYMWmWQUddOkJiQmJ\QbJkYbOYMJmQOdbmWQm@Sdi`SY^^QOdomLvMokmd`kdSSYMYJ^kmWJmOJmQmWJmmWQLommQiYkdSSYMYJ^^vmJ\QbdqQiLvmWQbQsdsbQi$ 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name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]Ke[& Dl砤&. k6SO.hzlh?AccessVBAWin16~Win32Win64xMacVBA6#VBA7#db1stdole`ADODBsForm_Observations`y _EvaluateSave_Record_ClickErr_Save_Record_ClickYDoCmdƧ DoMenuItem&e acFormBar acRecordsMenu6 acSaveRecordj acMenuVer70XExit_Save_Record_Click?YMsgBoxRErro Description Click_to_Start_New_Record_Click|#Err_Click_to_Start_New_Record_Click|r stDocNamezstLinkCriteriaYOpenForm$Exit_Click_to_Start_New_Record_Click}Command9_Click\Err_Command9_Click'Exit_Command9_ClickRXCommand10_Click%Err_Command10_ClickExit_Command10_ClicktCommand11_ClickmErr_Command11_Clickw1Exit_Command11_Clickreturnobs_ClickQErr_returnobs_ClickExit_returnobs_Click'Form_Issues and positionsUObservations_link_ClickErr_Observations_link_ClickExit_Observations_link_Clickreturnpositions_ClickErr_returnpositions_Click+Exit_returnpositions_Clickf{finishpositions_Click Err_finishpositions_Click.Exit_finishpositions_ClickNew_Issue_ClickErr_New_Issue_ClickbExit_New_Issue_Clickwclose_form_Click= 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DefendantText54jsCombo40U& chamber size(Combo18%RunSQLDatasavereferralהstsqlref Referral Datereferring courtuCombo8 Closeform: DatasaveIssue@ stsqlissueissue area (key word)!DatasaveIssuepositionؾstsqlissuepositionhText35!sAG-Plaintiff agree\Text37#sCombo51{&Combo59&DatasaveObservationstsqlobservationobservation sourceOCombo29&observation position@Combo23&Combo19%!Form_General Case CharacteristicsţCmbfirstname_Click Text52hs CmbfirstnameHValueKCmblastname_Clickj CmblastnameO{Combo18_AfterUpdateeErr_Create_Ref_ClickGText44Es acFormAdd Exit_Create_Ref_Click' Form_Load{)Form_Copy of General Case Characteristics! ] ;l[ȏcommon customs tariff81/84++!! 2Ke[(S<S<S<<N0{975D5FA1-5B5C-4235-BE03-122C3479A33C}h "@ * .`< iss`>l 8X0%00/ "( "08P "X ` hp x,    " > X p      @ 6H < < B @H >x &!( ")$0oP@ ,!( ")o(0]]Referral'<Forms![Referral]![Text17]= "2'> < 4 > $B@@(6 |0 4!6A@26o7Forms![General Case Characteristics]![case number] = ""case_number = ""Judgment Title = "" Date = ""Plaintiff = ""AG(first_name) = ""(AG(last_name) = ""chamber_size = "":Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Judgment Title] = ""0Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Date] = ""5Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Plaintiff] = ""5Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Defendant] = "";Forms![General Case Characteristics]![AG (first name)] = "" !:Forms![General Case Characteristics]![AG (last name)] = ""8Forms![General Case Characteristics]![chamber size] = ""o0(Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Copy of General Case Characteristics"  BF0{975D5FA1-5B5C-4235-BE03-122C3479A33C} |GlobalSpacAFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId́"Expose_TemplateDrvCus`tomizD$Option Codmp@ DT Priv* Sub Cmb@firstn_Click()  [s]![Text5 2]o%.Val1End3;la:4Domb@o18_AfU pd@; On Error G(oTo_Bve_8RefE/EDim stDocAs SngCLLinkCriAa Her@@st3`![ D[17]=" & MeD![A_44] oCmd.Open*, CacpAdd, Exit>:ErK MsgBoxP.Desc riResu?RC@E_LoadS'!sScnumberaE"$-'_WJudgment Titz&g|PlaintiffAG(i:_i),Tcha_siz As*KPnDefe`ndantnAG #, ",?2!1@6 6S xME (S<S<S<<N0{04A1D3A2-B73D-11D5-8294-00C04F5BFCD9}h "@ * .`< iss`>l 8X0% rNL^KIHF7DJB*@ 311/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not a company holding a dominant position in a specific market that excludes other companies from participating in related, but different activities, constitutes an abuse of its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86?When a company with a dominant position in a specific companies excludes other companies from participating in related, but different, activities, it abuses its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.5F #| a311/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not Art. 86 of the EEC treaty applies to a company holding a dominant position in a specific market whose position is created not by the companys performance but by legislation that allows no competition?A company with a legal monopoly over a certain market based on legislative restrictions on competition may be viewed as occupying a dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.F #|5249/84BelgiumWhether or not the double imposition of a VAT on another member state national who purchased the car in that state but temporary lived and used it in Belgium as a student violates Community law as a disguised customs tariff?The Directive 77/388/EEC does provide exemptions for students. However, because the student is married, that exemption is lost in the fact that the student becomes independent of their parents. ' #|4249/84Commission of the European CommunitiesWhether or not the double imposition of a VAT on another member state national who purchased the car in that state but temporary lived and used it in Belgium as a student violates Community law as a disguised customs tariff?Art. 14 of the 6th Council Directive of 5/17/77 prohibits a member state from applying its VAT to a car owned by a temporary resident (student) just because the resident is married.(F #|Z207/84Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?AG position on issue The provision does not meet the requirement for a detaileds rules for a quota as outlined in Art. 5 of Reg. 170/83 and therefore contradicts Community law.F #|U207/84FranceDoes the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?The provisions were intended to control the number of boats fishing for herring and Community law does not prevent such legislation.g& #|T207/84The NetherlandsDoes the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?The provisions were intended to control the number of boats fishing for herring and Community law does not prevent such legislation.p/ #|195/84ItalyIs the proper interpretation of "additives" in Art. 2 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC to encompass all substances contained in feedstuffs or only those substances that are added to the baseline substances?Substances that occur naturally in the base-line ingredients cannot be considered additives for the purposes of the Directive.t% #|195/84GermanyIs the proper interpretation of "additives" in Art. 2 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC to encompass all substances contained in feedstuffs or only those substances that are added to the baseline substances?Substances that occur naturally in the base-line ingredients cannot be considered additives for the purposes of the Directive.v' #|! (N:L-JHJG0FBAA247/84GermanyIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?The prohibition does impede inter-Community trade, but it is justified under Art. 36 because the colorant may pose a health threat which is the domain of national legislation.' #|247/84DenmarkIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?The prohibition does impede inter-Community trade, but it is justified under Art. 36 because the colorant may pose a health threat which is the domain of national legislation.' #|247/84BelgiumIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?The legislation in question conforms to Council Directive 10/23/62 concerning the colorants authorized for food and is similar to the legislation in other member states.' #|^124/83NetherlandsDoes Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?There are no Community rules governing the recovery of undue payments.+ #|n124/83GermanyDoes Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?If the butter is not used for its original purpose, then the original buyer must bear the legal consequences of the non-performance of the contract of sale.P' #|k124/83Commission of the European CommunitiesDoes Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?It is up to the member states to recover the difference from the original buyer in the context of their national laws governing such situations.cF #|i124/83Commission of the European CommunitiesAccording to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they should not be granted a reduced levy without indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.0F #|h124/83GermanyAccording to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they should not be granted a reduced levy without indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.' #|a124/83NetherlandsAccording to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.Once the original buyer has furnished the necessary documents stating that the butter was used for its intended purpose, that buyer is released from its obligations.+ #|LVALh ʓMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapCoMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        ƆJ;^L$     2 * Utדf@&DL@@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @@Referrale.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberhnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecoMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrMR2AccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar&Theme Resource Name 08.50 ~  w          MR2AccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar&Theme Resource Name 08.50 ~  w          MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUIDDefaultView  : 2 U-N|DҬ!e2q@Issue area_W`]O[-N|DҬ!ejunkRGWBT-N|DҬ!ecase number !@ 2-N|DҬ!eissue area (key word)  -N|DҬ!e< 4[Issue area].[case number] 0*issue area (key word) $      m   !@ 2Mjunk -    _W`]O[ـcase number       m  RGWBTKe[00/ "( "08P "X ` hp x,    " > X p      @ 6H < < B @H >x &!( ")$0oP@ ,!( ")o(0]]Referral'<Forms![Referral]![Text17]= "2'> < 4 > $B@@(6 |0 4!6A@26o7Forms![General Case Characteristics]![case number] = ""case_number = ""Judgment Title = "" Date = ""Plaintiff = ""AG(first_name) = ""(AG(last_name) = ""chamber_size = "":Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Judgment Title] = ""0Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Date] = ""5Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Plaintiff] = "" 5Forms![General Case Characteristics]![Defendant] = "" ;Forms![General Case Characteristics]![AG (first name)] = "":Forms![General Case Characteristics]![AG (last name)] = ""8Forms![General Case Characteristics]![chamber size] = ""o0(Attribute VB_Name = "Form_General Case Characteristics"  BFp0{04A1D3A2-B73D-11D5-8294-00C04F5BFCD9} |Global}SpacAFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaIdŁ"Expose_TemplateDrvCus`tomizD$Option Codmp@ DT Priv* Sub Cmb@firstn_Click()  [s]![Text5 2]o%.Val1End3;la:4Domb@o18_AfU pd@; On Error G(oTo_Bve_8RefE/EDim stDoc As SngCLLinkCriAaIer@@st3`![ D[17]=" & MeD![A_44] oCmd.Open*, CacpAdd, Exit>:ErK MsgBoxP.Desc riResu?RC Ӌ_LoadS'!sScnumberaE"$-'_WJudgment Titz&g|PlaintiffAG(i:_i),Tcha_siz As*KPnDefe`ndantnAG #, ",?2!1@6 6 $+JxMEhhhIssuhhhhp     P        P        P      Ke[cs]PInsert into [General Case Characteristics] ([case number],[coder (last name)],[Judgment Title],[Date],[Plaintiff],[Type of Plaintiff],[Defendant],[Type of Defendant],[AG (last name)],[chamber number],[chamber size],[Treaty Basis of Case]) values (' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""')'m  $B@ei`Save record in referral0h]eInsert into [referral] ([case number],[Referral Date],[referring court],[Referring Nation]) values (' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""')'ro  $B@siHClose the opened form $B@BiSave record in issue area]@JInsert into [Issue area] ([case number],[issue area (key word)]) values (' ""',' ""')'  $B@i@!Save record in issue and positionX]Insert into [Issues and positions] ([case number],[legal issue],[AG position on issue],[AG-Plaintiff agreement?],[ECJ ruling],[ECJ-AG Agreement?],[clarity of legal issue]) values (' ""',' ""',' ""',' "" ',' "" ',' ""',' ""')'  $B@iSave record in observation]Insert into [Observations] ([case number],[legal issue],[observation source],[type of observer],[observer's position on legal issue],[agreement with AG],[clarity of position]) values (' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""',' ""')'  $B@iAttribute VB_Name = "Module1" Option Compare Da@tabase`Explicit  Pub stValue As$ Sng 2issCL vwf`T(C'%.F= &eG*CgCDaZEZTgls I nT;30;"Pm <U*) {(n((VNd)ϥM gen!8othb:+ret*lK$ _)@f5龰=#,fI `Ѡb(I(1dvIL :setf!bjZH"t "D/3d (3C 4 2]?'vc?+add +record R  wAAzeNe`on?'OJEfirst /RB yon(7 )eH?𢐏?+QQH(O+) 49s c . 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positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesLVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . 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0;1440referrall"SELECT [Articlebase].[Article number (code)], [Articlebase].[Article number (text)] FROM Articlebase; ";"Articlebase";"";"Article number (code)";"Article number (text)";"PrimaryKey"d5U`<apb$ chd eCombo18_Label&Treaty article baseӡ=O[o5U`bsc| d8e4fhl n,"";"";"";"";"10";"100"z\AŌ+6Combo40chamber numberTable/QuerySELECT [chamber name].[chamber name (number)], [chamber name].[chamber name (text)] FROM [chamber name]; 0;1395p"SELECT [chamber name].[chamber name (number)], [chamber name].[chamber name (text)] FROM [chamber name]; ";"chamber name";"";"chamber name (number)";"chamber name (text)";"PrimaryKey"d5U`<a8bchd e$chamber name_LabelChamber name$chamber_name_LabelDh`J*ͳBn3U`a bcdhj l List44"coder (last name)Table/Query߄SELECT [coder].[name (number)], [coder].[name (text)] FROM coder; 0;840eMy2I/3d5U`xabtchd ecoder_Label Coder6qnMT)d5U`<aXb<chd eLabel568Advocate General's Last Nameba(0`DESTm7U`aXb chi k Text54AG (last name)ba(0`DESTd5U`<aTbDchd e$chamber size_LabelChamber size$chamber_size_Labelba(0`DESTo5UcLdXeP fhl n "";"";"10";"100"(ba(0`DESTCmblastnameTable/Query߸SELECT [General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] FROM [General Case Characteristics]; "[Event Procedure]o5U`bc dP e@ fhl n ,"";"";"";"";"10";"100"<@%`I Type ofPlaintiff"Type of PlaintiffTable/QuerySELECT [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff], [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] FROM [Type of Litigant]; 0;2010 Type_ofPlaintiff"SELECT [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff], [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] FROM [Type of Litigant]; ";"Type of Litigant";"";"Type of Defendant/Plaintiff";"Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)";"PrimaryKeyKe[uery߸SELECT [General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] FROM [General Case Characteristics]; "[Event Procedure]o5U`bc dP e@ fhl n ,"";"";"";"";"10";"100"d:$?N E䧇 Type ofPlaintiff"Type of PlaintiffTable/QuerySELECT [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff], [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] FROM [Type of Litigant]; 0;2010 Type_ofPlaintiff"SELECT [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff], [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] FROM [Type of Litigant]; 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Hilleniuseee>222222222 v@@??Darmon31/85ETA v. DK InvestmentETA Fabriques d Ebauches SADK Investment SA and OtherswZD:::::2222 @@@?Lenz290/84Hauptzollamt Schweinfurt v. Mainfrucht ObstverwertungHauptzollamt SchweinfurtMainfrucht Obstverwertung GmbH{D888882222 @@@?Mancini247/84Criminal proceedings against Leon MotteBelgiumLeon MotteypG;;;;;2222  @ @?@Van Themaat240/82Stichting Sigarettenindustrie v. CommissionStichting Sigarettenindustrie and OthersCommissionxK?????2222  @@?@Van Themaat260/82NSO v. CommissionNederlandse Sigarenwinkeliers OrganisatieCommission^K?????2222  ? |@@?Van Themaat124/83Direktoratet for Markedsordningerne v. CormanDirektoratet for MarkedsordningerneNicolas Corman & fils SAzK?????2222 @@?@Mancini295/84Rousseau Wilmot v. OrganicSA Rousseau WilmotCaisse de compensation de lOrganisation autonome nationale de l industrie et du commerce (Organic)wcG;;;;;2222 @@@?@Darmon42/85Cockerill-Sambre v. CommissionCockerill-Sambre SACommissionydD:::::2222  @}@@@?Slynn182/84Criminal proceedings against Miro BVNetherlandsMiro BVxkE999992222  @}@@@?Slynn318/81Commission v. CO.DE.MICommissionCO.DE.MI. SpAxi]E999992222  @|@@?@Van Themaat299/84Neumann v. BALMFirma Karl-Heinz NeumannBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnungv\K?????2222  @|@@?@Darmon275/84FRICO v. Produktschap voor ZuivelCooperative Melkproducentenbedrijven Noord-Nederland BA (FRICO)Produktschap voor ZuiveliF:::::2222   @@@@?@Slynn227/84Texas Instruments v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-MitteTexas Instruments Deutschland GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MittevE999992222 LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  P̌8~pZpReasons 1, 2, and 4 are unfounded. However, the Commission standard fine rate does discriminate against the applicants particular type of business, thereby, imposing a higher burden on them as compared to other similar businesses.3Reasons 1, 2, and 4 are unfounded. Reason 3 is also unfounded because the applicant belongs to a category of businesses to which this fine is standard. The applicant is not an exceptional situation which affects them individually, and thereby, requiring64/84The applicant asks the Court to annul Commission decision 1/26/84 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding their production quota because 1) the quota was fixed late, 2) the applicant experience exceptional difficulties, 3) the fine discriminates ag    F]P)#ЗABoth claims advanced by the Italian government should be dismissed.3 The rest of the claim is dismissed because the type of aid provided in those cases were illegal.56/83Should the remainder of the claims regarding the aid to Italian wine producers be dismissed?((]]]][F]Td179/83DenmarkIn case 179/83 does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not explicitly exclude these types of transfers. Thus, the Directive is applicable.+"""""" #|qLVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P͍ucArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.215/84In C-215/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?  ppddF][ȏcommon customs tariff32/84++!! 2LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] [action for failure by a member state to fulfill it93/84HH>> 2[freedom of movement for persons249/8377++ 2[ʏcommon customs tariff4/84))!! 2[freedom of movement of persons122/8466** 2[action for failure of state to fulfill its obligat274/83JJ>> 2[Ə Common Customs Tariff155/84--!! 2[ȏ>Common customs tariff51/84++!! 2[ƏACommon Customs Tariff167/84--!! 2[ǏEFree Movement of Goods19/84,,"" 26PFn {Only the provisions not previously invalidated in Case 145/79 are still valid in terms of that particular regulation.2Only the provisions not previously invalidated in Case 145/79 are still valid in terms of that particular regulation.112/83Are the provision of a previously invalidated Commission Regulation fixing compensatory amounts on maize products still valid?F]nPThe invalidity of the provisions does not allow for reimbursement of the collected payments prior to 10/15/80.2The invalidity of the provisions does not allow for reimbursement of the collected payments prior to 10/15/80.112/83If the regulation is still invalid, what are the consequences with regards to a request for reimbursement of the compensatory amounts collected by authorities on the basis of the regulation?F] PrGood may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.3Good may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.69/84Are agricultural products imported into Italy with the benefit of a reduced levy to be regarded as goods in free circulation, satifying the conditions outlined in Art. 9 & 10 of the EEC treaty?F]oY69/84ItalyAre agricultural products imported into Italy with the benefit of a reduced levy to be regarded as goods in free circulation, satifying the conditions outlined in Art. 9 & 10 of the EEC treaty?Good may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.ff(!!!!!! #|sN^Z69/84CommissionAre agricultural products imported into Italy with the benefit of a reduced levy to be regarded as goods in free circulation, satifying the conditions outlined in Art. 9 & 10 of the EEC treaty?Good may be regarded as in free circulation under Art. 9 & 10 even if they have been given the benefit of a reduced levy.kk-!!!!!! #|a]mN,276/84ItalyAre the interpretations requested in Qs 1 and 2 to be applied to the relevant monetary compensatory amounts by an analogous interpretation of Commission Reg 1371/81 notwithstanding that the regulation lays down no express requirement that the product mustThe monetary compensatory amounts applicable on the date of export must be applied.{&% #|IY0240/83ItalyIs the French provision prohibiting the burning of waste oils in keeping with the Directive?Yes)"""""" #|LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]"T49/84GermanyIf Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?Art. 27 provides for the complete protection of a defendants rights. Art. 27 can do provide this protection if all the circumstances are taken into account.$*!!!!!! #|s U49/84UKIf Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?Art. 27 provides for the complete protection of a defendants rights. Art. 27 can do provide this protection if all the circumstances are taken into account.%!!!!!! #|!LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)(MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] S49/84CommissionIf Art. 27 is applicable, then, according to Art. 27, can the national court take into account the circumstances that occurred after the notice of proceedings was submitted or are they limited to looking at only the facts at the time of the notice?Art. 27 should be interpreted strictly and in line with the general rule prohibiting the assessment of new facts. However, in those cases where the defendant is not responsible, exception circumstances can be taken into account.'-!!!!!! #|IKe["d5U`xaP b3 chd e.type of plaintiff_Label"Type of plaintiff.type_of_plaintiff_Labely#Colӹo5U`bc de fhl n ,"";"";"";"";"10";"100"%w:^2AACombo63"Type of DefendantTable/QuerySELECT [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff], [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] FROM [Type of Litigant]; 0;1815"SELECT [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff], [Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)] FROM [Type of Litigant]; ";"Type of Litigant";"";"Type of Defendant/Plaintiff";"Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)";"PrimaryKey"d5U`<ab chd e.Type of Defendant_Label"Type of Defendant.Type_of_Defendant_Labelj(W.KѳI㭑`FormFooterӡ=O[erFormFooterd case_number_Labelcase number_LabelmJudgment_TitleJudgment Titled Judgment_Title_LabelJudgment Title_LabelmDate_of_JudgmentDate of Judgmentd Date_of_Judgment_LabelDate of Judgment_Labelm Plaintiffd 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Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P tThe applicant has not shown that the event in which the application is based upon is a new event that requires a new time-limit. The application is out of time and should be dismissed.3The applicant has not shown that the event in which the application is based upon is a new event that requires a new time-limit. The application is out of time and should be dismissed.231/84Whether or not the applicants claim seeking the annulment of three Commission decisions on the applicants salary grade is inadmissible because it is out of time?==F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PٌineThe Court of Auditors acted within the margin of discretaion available to it and the classification was within their rights. The applicant has not provided a compelling case for why Article 31 should have applied to him when the Court graded his position3The Court of Auditors acted within the provisions of Article 32 of the Staff Regulations. The applicant has not provided a compelling case for why Article 31 should have applied to him when the Court graded his position.146/84The applicant asks the ECJ to order the Court of Auditors to upgrade his classification to Grade B2 and granted 54 months of additional seniority because the Court should have applied Article 31 when grading him due to his exceptional qualifications.F]a PqArticle 3 does not prohibit such legislation. However, Article 30 prohibits such laws where the minimum price is fixed on the basis of domestic producers prices and costs, thereby, eliminating any advantage a cheaper importer may enjoy.3Article 3 does not prohibit such legislation. However, Article 30 prohibits such laws where the minimum price is fixed on the basis of domestic producers prices and costs, thereby, eliminating any advantage a cheaper importer may enjoy.34/84Does Art. 3 of the EEC treaty invalidate member state legislation fixing minimum prices for auto fuel?hhF]d PtqTo be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.3To be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.69/84What is the proper interpretation of "imported by sea" within the meaning of Art. 23 of Council Regulation 120/67? Can goods be considered "imported by sea" if, despite being cleared through customs, are never unloaded in that member state?eerrhhF]LVAL,)2MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]_h1 YbMJkQ88DF>sWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$YbMJkQ88DF>sWQmWQimWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbiQOoMYbUmWQbo`LQidSvQJidSQ`f^dv`QbmSdimWQfoifdkQkdSOQmQi`YbYbUfQbkYdbMdbkmYmomQkJqYd^JmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMWfidWYLYmkLQbQSYmiQOoMmYdbLJkQOdbfQbkYdbkiQMQYqQOLvdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$YbMJkQ8DHF<OdQkMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XYbMJkQ8DHF<OdQkMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XYbMJkQ8FBF<MdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XYbMJkQ8FBF<MdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XSOQLmk$XbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XmQiYJkWdo^OLQokQOmdM^JkkYSvSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmJiYSSkJbYmQ`JkJ Md^^QMmdikfYQMQ $YbMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDQQMsWYMWMdbMQibkLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikYkmWQmQi` Q`f^dvQQ mdLQYbmQifiQmQOmd`QJbmWJmYmYkkoSSYMYQbmmWJmmWQfQikdbsJkQ`f^dvQOLvmWQmiJbkSQididi`okmmWQvJ^kddMMofvJfdkYmYdbJkQ`f^dvQQsYmWmWQmiJbkSQiQQ$YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`0" @@YbMJkQ8FBF<MdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDsWYMW`JbOJmQkmWQkJSQUoJiOYbUdSQ`f^dvQQkiYUWmkOoiYbULokYbQkkmiJbkSQikJff^vmdmiJbkSQikYbsWYMWmWQmiJbkSQidiYkobOQiUdYbULJb\iofmMvdiWJk^QJqQmdkokfQbOfJv`QbmdSOQLmk$XYbMJkQ:66F>sWJmMiYmQiYJkWdo^OLQokQOmdM^JkkYSvSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmJiYSSkJbYmQ`JkJ Md^^QMmdikfYQMQ $YbMJkQ:@:F>sWJmMdbkmYmomQkJMd^^QMmdikfYQMQdSWYkmdiYMJ^diQmWbdUiJfWYMYbmQiQkmkSdimWQfoifdkQkdSWQJOYbUbdHH6@dSmWQMMm$-YbMJkQ<6F>JiQMd`fomQikkMYQbmYSYMYbkmio`QbmkYSmWQvJiQbdmYbmY`JmQ^vMdbbQMmQOsYmWJkMYQbmYSYMJffJiJmokSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmJiYSSk$}YbMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD8FDQQMsWYMWMdbMQibkLokYbQkkmiJbkSQikYkmWQmQi` Q`f^dvQQ mdLQYbmQifiQmQOmd`QJbmWJmYmYkkoSSYMYQbmmWJmmWQfQikdbsJkQ`f^dvQOLvmWQmiJbkSQididi`okmmWQvJ^kddMMofvJfdkYmYdbJkQ`f^dvQQsYmWmWQmiJbkSQiQQ$YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`YbiQUJiOkmdfidfQimv^QmmYbUOdkWdimmQi`Wd^YOJv^QJkQkSJ^^obOQimWQfoiqYQsdSJimYM^Q8BdSmWQMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQiQSdiQobOQimWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWmWQfidfQimvYkkYmoJmQO$`LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)6MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]\l112/83CommissionAre the provision of a previously invalidated Commission Regulation fixing compensatory amounts on maize products still valid?The products in this case are different than those ruled on in Case 145/79. Furthermore, the Commission has fixed those issues by which the regulation was ruled as invalid.]]."""""" #|/%5112/83CommissionIf the regulation is still invalid, what are the consequences with regards to a request for reimbursement of the compensatory amounts collected by authorities on the basis of the regulation?The Court previously ruled in Case 145/79 that declaring a regulation invalid does not allow for reimbursement to collected payments prior to the date of judgement.."""""" #|WLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)8MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,):MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] Q PafusNo, because the person does not fulfill the conditions on which these unemployment benefits are granted.2No, because the person does not fulfill the conditions on which these unemployment benefits are granted. However, such benefits are social advantages within the meaning of Art. 7 of Reg. 1612/68 which cannot be denied based on the childrens nationality.94/84Is Art. 2 of Reg. 1408/71 to be interpreted as meaning that a person who is not a national of a member claim unemployment benefits as a member of the family on the sole ground that one of their parents is a national of a member state?xxF]LVAL,)>MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PauNot Applicable - Court Order3The application is dismissed because such an order already, if effect, prejudges the forthcoming case; and such an action is outside the powers granted in Article 35. Finally, it is the Commission s function to take action in these matters if it sees fit25/85 RAsks the Court to issue an order which effectively places a cap on scrap exports until it rules on their case. This request is founded on Article 35 of the treaty as in response the Commission s failure to act.EE7766664F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  [fi94/84CommissionIs Art. 2 of Reg. 1408/71 to be interpreted as meaning that a person who is not a national of a member claim unemployment benefits as a member of the family on the sole ground that one of their parents is a national of a member state?Mr. Deak is not entitled to the benefit because the right of the benefit is not derived from the mothers status. However, the benefit is a social advantage that is subject to Art. 7 of 1612/68.-!!!!!! #|LVAL,)AMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)CMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PucArt 30 of the Treaty prohibits such rules.3Art 30 prohibits such rules.202/84In C-202/84 does Art 30 of the Treaty prohibit national rules providing for a minimum price to be fixe for fuel under the conditions laid out in the French legislation.nnbbDDDDBF]LVAL,)IMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PތtBecause the defendant never conducted an independent examination, the original report is unequivocal. Thus, by contractual obligation the defendant is required to reimburse the Commission for the settlement costs, plus 6 % interest.3Because the defendant never conducted an independent examination, the original report is unequivocal. Thus, by contractual obligation the defendant is required to reimburse the Commission for the settlement costs, plus 6 % interest.118/84The Commission asks the Court to order the defendant (an insurance company) to pay for the cost of a settlement with an employee regarding an occupational disease for which it is insured against. The defendant claims that they are not required because thF]PՎ:(None of the provisions of Art 36 can be invoked.3None of the provisions of Art 36 can be invoked.202/84Can any of the provisions of Art 36 of the Treaty be invoked to relieve such rules from the prohition contained in Art 30?||JJJJHF]xP49/84CommissionWhether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.Article 27 of the CJEJCCM applies regardless of whether the parties reside in different states or in the same state.AA-!!!!!! #|LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)KMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] Q49/84GermanyWhether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.Article 27 of the CJEJCCM applies regardless of whether the parties reside in different states or in the same state.>>*!!!!!! #|uR49/84UKWhether or not, Art. 27 of the CJEJCCM, which guarantees defendants rights, is applicable where the defendant is deemed a resident of the Contracting state.Article 27 of the CJEJCCM applies regardless of whether the parties reside in different states or in the same state.99%!!!!!! #|]"Wit69/84ItalyWhat is the proper interpretation of "imported by sea" within the meaning of Art. 23 of Council Regulation 120/67? Can goods be considered "imported by sea" if, despite being cleared through customs, are never unloaded in that member state?To be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state.(!!!!!! #| Xit69/84CommissionWhat is the proper interpretation of "imported by sea" within the meaning of Art. 23 of Council Regulation 120/67? Can goods be considered "imported by sea" if, despite being cleared through customs, are never unloaded in that member state?To be considered "imported by sea" within the the meaning of Art. 23 of Reg. 120/67, the goods must be both cleared through customs and unloaded in that member state. -!!!!!! #|uLVAL,)QMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] j PzuThe applicant has failed to show that the contractual relationship was a contract of employment. Thus, there is no basis for a claim of pension entitlement.3The applicant has failed to show that the contractual relationship was a contract of employment. Thus, there is no basis for a claim of pension entitlement.123/84The applicant asks the Court to void the Commission decision to deny him a pension. The dispute between the parties centers on whether or not a contractual relationship qualifies as an employment relationship with regards to qualifying for a pension.__bbVVF]LVAL,)UMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P͍ucArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.201/84In C-201/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?  ppddF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PvNo. This method is not valid because it creates a disparity of treatment between Community importers and, thus, in violation of Art. 40 of the EEC treaty.2Yes. The plaintiff has not demonstrated how the Commissions method of calculation discriminates between Community importers.124/84Is Reg. 932/77, outlining the standard method of calculating the reduction of levies for certain types of beef products, valid if its method is based on the French monetary system but applied throughout the Community???33F] P:(None of the provisions of Art 36 apply.3None of the provisions of Art 36 apply.201/84In C-201/84 can Art 36 be invoked to nullify the prohibition of Art 30?vvjjAAAA?F] \124/84CommissionIs Reg. 932/77, outlining the standard method of calculating the reduction of levies for certain types of beef products, valid if its method is based on the French monetary system but applied throughout the Community?By way of Reg. 3376/75, the Commission is entitled to draw a distinction between two regions within the Community and choose what they feel is the most representative when determining levies. ."""""" #| P͍d`Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.149/84In C-149/84 Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?  ppddF]LVAL,)cMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]4P\ @  @ @@ @ @  @ @   @ @ @ @ @@ @ @@ 866F>Z868F>86>F>86>F>86>F>86@F>86@F>86DF>86FF>"86FF>86HF>Y88F:" 88F:f88F:I88F>688F>886F>1886F>1888F>88:F<88:F<88:F>88>F>688>F>688>F>~88BF>88DF>88FF<88FF>88HF<a88HF>88HF>88HF>8:F>8::F>8:<F<f 8:<F<8:<F>8:>F<18:>F<18:>F<8:>F<8:>F>8:@F<58:@F<8:@F<8:@F>8:DF>8:FF>58:FF>8<F<8<F<8<8F8v8<8F>8<>F>8<@F<8<@F<V8888>F>iQq8>8F>$8>8F>8><F<8>>F>8>@F<58>@F<8>@F>8>BF>8>BF@io8>DF<b8>FF>8>HF>5 8>HF>68>HF>~8@>F<Y8@>F<Y8@>F>8@>F@io8@@F>8@DF>$8@DF>8@FDHJ8@FDHf8BF>8B6F>v8B<F>8B@F>J8B@F>J8BBF>$8BBF>(8BDF>8BFF<I 8BFF>8BFF>8DF>8D:F<68D:F<8D:F>8D<F<V8D>F<$8D>F<8D@F<8DBF<8DHF<V8DHF>8DHF>8FF>8F8F>8F:F>8F<F<1 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instrument is void.30/84In case 30/84 are computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs?<<22F]`P :(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.3Art 30 prohibits such national rules.149/84In C-149/84 does Art 30 prohibit the national rules on fuel prices?rrff????=F]^ PnwBy virtue of the judgment in Case 266/83, the Commission should apply the specialized previous experience to the applicants grading when she was appointed to a new position. The Court should annul the decision.3By virtue of the judgment in Case 266/83, the Commission should apply the specialized previous experience to the applicants grading when she was appointed to a new position138/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Commission decision rejecting her claim that her grading was unfairly determined by not taking into account previous experience in regards to seniority.kkF]Zjci30/84CommissionIn case 30/84 are computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs?A computer cannot be regarded as a scientific instrument unless it is connected with a scientific apparatus, such as a telescope, for the purposes of tariffs.__-!!!!!! #|! P̍Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.114/84In C-114/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?  ppddF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)eMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PlexThe Disciplinary Board violated the applicants right to a fair hearing by calling upon three witnesses without informing the defendant as to the time or place this hearing would occur. The Court should annul the Parliament decision because of this breach3The Parliament decision is annulled because the Disciplinary Board violated the applicants right to a fair hearing by calling upon three witnesses without informing the defendant as to the time or place this hearing would occur.141/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Parliament decision to downgrade him from his post, because the Parliament committed multiple, serious procedural infractions in pursuing disciplinary action.  F] P΍"Despite being imported separately from the sailboards, these specific sails should be regarded as sails and not accessories for tariff purposes.3The word sail in Custom Tariff 62.04 should be interpreted as including sails made of synthetic fiber and specifically intended for sailboards despite being imported separately.32/84Are sails designed for sailboard, but imported separately, to be regarded as sails of synthetic textile fibers or as apparatuses/accessories for tariff purposes?  gg]]F]LVAL,)mMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics](32/84CommissionAre sails designed for sailboard, but imported separately, to be regarded as sails of synthetic textile fibers or as apparatuses/accessories for tariff purposes?If both the sails and the sailboards were imported at the same time, then the sails should be considered accessories. However, if they were imported separately, then the sails should be considered as sails.-!!!!!! #|6F ?  @@?Slynn110/84Municipality of Hillegom v. HilleniusMunicipality of HillegomCornelis HilleniuslE999992222 P":(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.3Art 30 prohibits such national rules.114/84In C-114/84 does Art 30 prohibit the national rules on fuel prices?rrff????=F] PۍucArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.79/84Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?nnddF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)qMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]P%:(Art 30 prohibits such national rules.3Art 30 prohibits such national rules.79/84In C-79/84 does Art 30 prohibit the national rules on fuel prices?ppff????=F] PThe EEC policy does not discriminate against French producers as evidenced by the higher prices charged for Dutch pigmeat as compared to French pigmeat. Furthermore, the EEC is not liable for damages unless a serious breach in the law has been shown.3The EEC policy does not discriminate against French producers as evidenced by the higher prices charged for Dutch pigmeat as compared to French pigmeat. Furthermore, the EEC is not liable for damages unless a serious breach in the law has been shown.71/84Does the EEC policy regarding the monetary compensation amounts for pigmeat discriminate against French producers, thereby, violating Article 7 of the EEC treaty?F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)sMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)uMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)wMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] HX)122/84CommissionDoes the minimum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law constitute a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68 regarding the free movement of workers?The principle of non-discrimination contained in regulation 1408/71 does not apply to this case because this provision is not a social security benefit.qq."""""" #|up34/84CommissionDoes Art. 3 of the EEC treaty invalidate member state legislation fixing minimum prices for auto fuel?The legislation was implemented to protect French refineries from competition because retailers could not any competitive advantage from lower prices provided by cheaper imports.II-!!!!!! #|eLVAL,)|MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]W PgntyDue to the fact that the applicant was promised a position in which he niether applied for nor was qualified for and the Parliament held an open competition for the position, the application should be dismissed.3Due to the fact that the applicant was promised a position in which he niether applied for nor was qualified for and the Parliament held an open competition for the position, the application should be dismissed.228/84The applicant asks the Court to order the Court of Auditors to appoint him to the position promised to him via Memorandum No 2517, but which has not yet occurred.rrF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] JPZ:(Art 36 does not apply.3Art 36 does not apply.34/84Can Art 36 be invoked to justify the rules?RRHH0000.F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PЍArticles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.3Articles 3 & 5 do not prohibit such national laws. However, Article 30 of the EEC treaty prohibits such rules where the price is fixed based on ex-refinery prices.11/84In C-11/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?  nnddF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PThe penalty is overly excessive in relation to the infringement and violates the principle of porportionality. Thus, Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 should be declared void.3The penalty is overly excessive in relation to the infringement in this case (a few hours late with the application). Thus, Art. 6 of Reg. 1880/83 is invalid insofar as it demands the forfeiture of the entire security for failure to comply with the time-181/84Whether Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 is invalid for a breach of the principle of porportionality in that it demands a forfeiture of an entire security in every case of a late application regardless of the reasons, legitimate or otherwise?F] P.zThe only permissible procedure for challenging an order for enforcement in one state, but drawn up in another state, is the right of appeal outlined in Article 36. This procedure supercedes any provisions granted through national legislation.2Article 36 excludes any procedure in which interested third parties may challenge an enforcement order even where such a procedure is allowed by national legislation.148/84Does Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?     F] 181/84CommissionWhether Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 is invalid for a breach of the principle of porportionality in that it demands a forfeiture of an entire security in every case of a late application regardless of the reasons, legitimate or otherwise?The provision is valid because it is necessary to prevent export abuse. It is impossible to distinquish between administrative errors and intention to defraud. The penalty is appropriate.)."""""" #|!LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] %55/84CommissionWhen a member state changes their legislation in approximating Council Directive 77/338, is such a change considered a special measure requiring the member state to inform the Commission?The change made by the UK legislation was significant enough to warrant notification. Additionally, the change leave the legislation outside the scope of the Directive.,  #|WLVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] 181/84UKWhether Art. 6 of Commission Regulation 1880/83 is invalid for a breach of the principle of porportionality in that it demands a forfeiture of an entire security in every case of a late application regardless of the reasons, legitimate or otherwise?It is possible to replace the current rigid system of licence application with an alternate less restrictive system and still achieve its fundament objective, which is to prevent fraud.!&"""""" #|eLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] :139/84CommissionDoes the extensive repair of books, which includes replacement of certain parts and redistribution, constitute as the making of movable property for the purposes of Article 5 of the 2nd Directive? If not, what is the minimum requirement for such work to The Directives in question do not specifically grant member states the sole province in deciding on these type of questions./."""""" #|LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] Td229/83FranceIs semi-public price fixing, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The price fixing legislation was enacted to protect small bookshops from bigger vendors due to their advantage in buying large quantities. Fear that this advantage would hurt cultural works favored by smaller vendors.*"""""" #| PAlthough the Commission gave a favorable opinion regarding the new construction of a mill, that does not automatically equate into increased steel quotas. The principle of legitimate expectation must be strictly enforced; and this case does not qualify.3Although the Commission gave a favorable opinion regarding the new construction of a mill, that does not automatically equate into increased steel quotas. The principle of legitimate expectation must be strictly enforced; and this case does not qualify.63/84Whtether or not the Commission misused its power and violated legitimate expectation on the part of the applicant in decision 234/84 which denied the applicant an increase in their steel quota despite the construction of a Commission-promoted addition.  ""F]L\229/83CommissionIs semi-public price fixing, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The legislation allows import to be treated differently than domestics, thereby, hurting competition. This serves as a restriction to free trade and is in violation of Article 30 of the"""""" #|LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] э]148/84CommissionDoes Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?The Convention was intended to give foreign enforcement orders an equal footing with domestic orders. As such, Article 36 does not allow for a right of appeal for third parties despite any applicable national legislation.."""""" #|e5E_148/84ItalyDoes Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?Article 36 does not contain language preventing procedures to challenge enforcement orders by third parties by way of national legislation.)"""""" #|aLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  ^148/84GermanyDoes Article 36 of the Brussels Convention exclude the right of interested third parties to appeal in cases land title enforcement is authorized even if national legislation exists that grants this right to interested third parties?There are no means of appealing an order of enforcement other than those granted by Article 36. However, all other provisions provided by national legislation remain viable.+"""""" #|!LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]2 PBro{The Commission used the proper procedures to establish these measures by relying on Art. 66a of the Staff Regulations. Also, these measures do not violate the principle of parallelism.3The Commission used the proper procedures to establish these measures by relying on Art. 66a of the Staff Regulations. Also, these measures do not violate the principle of parallelism.3/83The applicants ask the Court to annul the readjustment of their salaries and the introduction of a new tax made by the Commission because these measures conflict with the principle of parallelism, infringes Art. 190 of the EEC treaty, and were the result F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]PYes. This is a discriminatory policy that violates Article 85.3Yes. This is a discriminatory policy that violates Article 85.243/83Is it a violation of Article 85 if a distributor applies their selection criteria less strictly to some businesses than others?''YYYYWF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  P`|A group of businesses that either through agreement or concerted practice grant the distribution of goods to one business may violate Arts. 85 & 86. Furthermore, a selective application process that effectively limits competition violates Arts. 85 & 86.3A group of businesses that either through agreement or concerted practice grant the distribution of goods to one business may violate Arts. 85 & 86. Furthermore, a selective application process that effectively limits competition violates Arts. 85 & 86.243/83Does an agreement by a substantial group of business to select one distributor to determine which businesses will receive goods based on an application process that effectively limits the competition within the relevant markets violate Art. 85 & 86 of the%%$$F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  P!Z}This type of agreement violates Article 85 because the intent of such agreements is to restrict, prevent, or distort competition. Furthermore, because the distributor is in a dominant market position, such contracts violate Article 86.3A selective distribution system that adversely affects trade between member states is prohibited by Article 85, if the selection process is based on quantitative criteria.243/83Whether agreements, in which a distributor controlling over 50% of the market require both manufacturers and retailers to sign contracts that grants them the right of refusal to distribute if they supply non-approved retailers, violate Articles 85 and 86?F][ Pk#~The imposition of fixed retail prices only violates Article 85 if it affect trade between member states. If the distributor is in a dominant market position (as in this case), then such a practice qualifies as abuse in violation of Article 86.3A system in which fixed prices must be respected in incompatible within Article 85. However, the Commission may examine whether there are special circumstances that justify the existence of such a system.243/83Whether or not a distributor that reserves the right to fix prices and compels retailers to do the same, violates Articles 85 & 86?nn F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] ; PKYes. The Commission used the same method of calculation for Greece as for the other Member states, but this calculation caused serious financial damages. Therefore, they should have to pay the damages plus 6% interest per year.3Although the Greek producers suffered financial damages, the faulty calculation was a technical error. Thus, this was not a serious breach of Art. 215 because it does meet its criteria. The Commission is not liable and the claim is dismissed.194/83Was the Commission liable for damages suffered by tomato concentrate producers because of a faulty method of calculation for production aid?F] `243/83CommissionDoes an agreement by a substantial group of business to select one distributor to determine which businesses will receive goods based on an application process that effectively limits the competition within the relevant markets violate Art. 85 & 86 of theSimilar conduct by business (i.e. using the same distributor to supply goods) constitutes a concerted practice which violates Article 85 of the EEC treaty./."""""" #|c ae 243/83CommissionWhether agreements, in which a distributor controlling over 50% of the market require both manufacturers and retailers to sign contracts that grants them the right of refusal to distribute if they supply non-approved retailers, violate Articles 85 and 86?To conform with Article 85, selective distribution systems must be based on objective criteria of a qualitative nature. Quantitative criteria counts a restriction on competition./."""""" #|Sb243/83CommissionWhether or not a distributor that reserves the right to fix prices and compels retailers to do the same, violates Articles 85 & 86?Any price fixing agreement constitutes a restriction on competition which is prohibited by Article 85.."""""" #|W PȌH The Regulations should be annulled insofar as they relate to the Commissions calculation method determining production aid to tomato concentrates because the Commission used a different method for Greece as compared to the rest of the Community.3The Regulations are annulled insofar as they relate to the Commissions calculation method determining production aid to tomato concentrates because the Regulations produced an unequal treatment of Greek products in comparision to the Community.192/83Are Commission Regs. 1615/83 & 1618/83 void insofar as they regulate the aid paid by Greece for tomato concentrates and peachs in syrup for the 1983/84 year, because the method in which the Commission determined aid discriminates against Greek producers? F] P$The Community regulation dictating that the unemployment benefit be based on the provisions in their resident state is not applicable to an unemployed migrant worker who settles in the territory where they were last employed.2The Community regulation dictating that the unemployment benefit be based on the provisions in their resident state is not applicable to an unemployed migrant worker who settles in the territory where they were last employed.145/84Should the unemployment benefit given to an unemployed migrant worker be determined by the provisions in their resident state or the member state in which they were last employed and are currently settled in?F]4Dc243/83GermanyWhether or not a distributor that reserves the right to fix prices and compels retailers to do the same, violates Articles 85 & 86?The newspaper and periodicals market is a special case in which price fixing systems protect the fundamental right to the freedom of press. Ruling that such a system is incompatible with Community competition rules endangers that freedom.+"""""" #| PThe Commissions rejection of the revised price of asphalt agreed upon by the applicant and Madagascar caused financial damage to the applicant. However, the amount due should be determined after their dispute with Madagascar is settled.3The case is dismissed. Without a settlement of dispute between the applicant and Madagascar, the applicant has failed to establish the existence of damage which is one of the essential conditions of non-contractual liability under Art. 78.33/82Is the Commission responsible for compensatory damages caused by their conduct during the negotiations between the applicant and Madagascar over the revised prices of asphalt following the oil crisis of 1974?F] 60/84FranceDoes a national law dictating that one year pass between when a movie is released into a theater and when that movie is released to video constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods as provided for in Arts. 30 & 34 of the EEC treaty?The rule is in place to prevent the exploitation of marketing a video at the same time as marketing a movie in a theater. Without this restriction, such practice could cripple the cinema industry.)!!!!!! #|c PsYes. Because Marsala is a similar products and does not warrant a special categorization, such a tax reduction discriminates against imports, thereby, violating Article 95.3Yes. Because Marsala is a similar products and does not warrant a special categorization, such a tax reduction discriminates against imports, thereby, violating Article 95.277/83Did Italy violate Article 95 by imposing a higher tax on imports as compared to domestic products by granting a tax reduction to those wine alcohols used in the production of Marsala liquer which exclusively produced in Italy?ffvvF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PseThe application should be dismissed as unfounded because the considerations used by the Commission were relevant and the statement of reasons was adequate. Ford Europes policies restricted the imports of RHD vehicles in Germany.3The application should be dismissed as unfounded because the considerations used by the Commission were relevant and the statement of reasons was adequate. Ford Europes policies restricted the imports of RHD vehicles in Germany.25/84The applicant asks the Court to annul Commission decision 83/560 that its policies violated Article 85 of the EEC treaty because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons, accounted for irrelevant considerations, and misused their F] P؍%Commission decision 82/653 should be annulled because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons as stipulated in Article 190.3Commission decision 82/653 is annulled because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons as stipulated in Article 190.296/82The applicants argue that the Commission decision 82/653 should be annulled because the Commission failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons as stipulated in Article 190.KK??F]`LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] Ps Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.3Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.20/84According to Article 18 of Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that the butter sold to other buyers is used for its intended purposes, even if that same butter is soldF] d20/84CommissionAccording to Article 18 of Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that the butter sold to other buyers is used for its intended purposes, even if that same butter is soldThe original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. The assumption of that obligation by a subsequent buyer does not release them from their original obligation..-!!!!!! #| PCNot Applicable - Court Order2There is no compelling need for interim measures prior to the Court decision because the applicant can still import into the Community and can be reimbursed for damages if the Court rules in their favor.82/85 RThe applicant asks the Court to void Commission decisions 22 and 25 March 1985 which denied them the permission to import certain quantities of manioc from Thailand using special import provisions.66664F] ͍e20/84NetherlandsAccording to Article 18 of Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that the butter sold to other buyers is used for its intended purposes, even if that same butter is soldThe orginal distributor is responsible for the subsequent processing of the butter regardless of how many transactions may occur. Reg. 232/75 protects the Community by ensuring that the butter is used for its intended purpose./.!!!!!! #|MLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] *:135/83NetherlandsDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover. /"""""" #|i PCommission Reg. 3013/80 is invalid as it fixes the monetary compensatory amounts for certain maize products. However, this ruling does not permit the amounts charged or paid on the basis of this regulation prior to this judgment to be challenged.3Although this regulation does create some disparity between manufacturers, disparity is often inevitable due to the other factors too. Because the disparity is relatively negligible, there is no factor of such a kind to invalidate Reg. No 3013.39/84Is Commission Reg. 3013/80, which fixes the monetary compensatory amounts for certain maize produces invalid because in practice it discriminates against states with hard currencies? If so, what are the consequences?F] P DThe application forwarded by the Commission should be dismissed because they lack sufficient evidence to prove their claim. However, the United Kingdom s policy should be considered a quantitative restriction on goods in violation of Article 30 of the EE3The United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations by placing a quantitative restriction on goods in violation of Article 30 of the EEC treaty.207/83Did the United Kingdom fail to fulfill its obligations by prohibiting the sale of specific goods imported from other member states which lack an indication of origin, thereby, placing a quantitive restriction on goods in violation of Article 30 of the EECF] ʍf39/84CommissionIs Commission Reg. 3013/80, which fixes the monetary compensatory amounts for certain maize produces invalid because in practice it discriminates against states with hard currencies? If so, what are the consequences?Although this regulation does create some disparity between manufacturers, disparity is often inevitable due to the other factors too. Because the disparity is relatively negligible, there is no factor of such a kind to invalidate Reg. No 3013.-!!!!!! #|y PFIt does not matter if the component is not approved by the producing member state so long as one other member state allows for its use.1The use of a component not approved by the producing member state does not effect the right to export the product as long as the other provisions are satisfied.154/83If one of the components used to process the reduced-cost butter products is not authorized by the producing member state but is authorized in other member states to which the products will be exported too, is the product in violation of Regulation 1259/7PPOOCCF]#135/83CommissionDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover. ."""""" #|o P&France failed to comply with a Commission decision. Furthermore, it failed to challenge the Commission decision within the time alloted by Article 173.3France failed to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty by not complying with Commission Decision 83/313 regarding their aid to the fishing industry.93/84Did France fail to comply with a Commission decision calling for an end to their aid given to the fishing industry within the time period prescribed?YYOOF]L P\'The lower postal rate for domestic publications does qualify as a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods. Therefore, France has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 30.3The lower postal rate for domestic publications does qualify as a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods. Therefore, France has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 30.269/83Does a lower postal rate for domestic publications as compared to imported publications qualify as a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods as prohibited in Article 30 of the EEC treaty?||F]`M P]ocEIf the reduced-cost butter is processed into the appropriate product but not used for its intended purpose, then such action constitutes a violation of Regulation 1259/72.1If the reduced-cost butter is processed into the appropriate product but not used for its intended purpose, then such action constitutes a violation of Regulation 1259/72.154/83With regards to Regulation 1259/72 concerning the specified products that reduced-cost butter must be processed into, is it a violation if the processed product is not used for its intended purposes but rather further separated into constitutive parts?||~~rrF]JZ135/83DenmarkDoes Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?The Directive does not explicitly exclude these types of transfers. Thus, the Directive is applicable to these types of transfers.+"""""" #|iLVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PotGThe provisions in question did not create a situation involving unequal treatment. The application is unfounded and should be dismissed.2The provisions in question did not create a situation involving unequal treatment. The application is unfounded and should be dismissed.246/83The applicant asks the Court to annul a Commission decision rejecting her expatriation allowance and the subsequent decision to reject her complaint because the decision violates the protection of equal treatment of the law.::..F]U Pe(Regulation 1882/82 is void because the Commission fail its obiligation to provide information to the applicant, but not because the duty imposed on imported Soviet watches is insufficient.3Regulation 1882/82 is void because the Commission fail its obiligation to provide information to the applicant, but not because the duty imposed on imported Soviet watches is insufficient.264/82The applicants asks that the Court to annul regulation 1882/82 because the Commission failed to provide the applicant with necessary information and the duty imposed on imported Soviet watches is insufficient.ssF]q PHThe applicant correctly followed all of the required procedures. Therefore, the decision should be annulled and the Parliament should review the substance of the complaint.3The applicant correctly followed all of the required procedures. Therefore, the decision should be annulled and the Parliament should review the substance of the complaint.38/84The applicant asks the court to annul the decision made by the European Parliament to reject his complaint of their failure to provide him with a household allowance. His application was deemed to be inadmissible.XXvvF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PIAlthough the statement of reasons were brief, the Commission decision is still valid and their decision applies to all apparatuses of the same make and model.3Although the statement of reasons were brief, the Commission decision is still valid and their decision applies to all apparatuses of the same make and model.81/84Was the Commission decision 82/932, in which it refused to classify an HP Digital Signal Analyzer as a scientific apparatus for tariff purposes, valid? If so, does it apply to the same apparatus with new components?<<bbXXF] PThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.174/83Should the application of Lisbet Hansen be dismissed?ii]]>>>><F]Pme Not Applicable- Order3The claims reformulated in the reply are dismissed as inadmissible.19/85Should the alternative claims reformulated in Gregoire-Foulon's reply to the Parliament's decision be dismissed?~~tt////-F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] Pme Not Applicable- Order3It is unnecessary to give a decision on the claims reformulated in the application.19/85Should the Court issue a ruling on the validity of Gergoire-Foulon's original claim?////-F] Pߍme The burden of proof as regards quantities of butter which the national authorities have proved were not processed correctly are governed by the rules of national law applicable to comparable claims within the limits imposed by the relevant Community law.3The burden of proving the error rest on the national authorities concerned.124/83With whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?qqeeF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PmeOwing to that independent nature of his contractural obligations, the release of the processing security cannot prevent an action from being brought against him on the grounds of legal certainty.3Such an action is not prohibited by the principle of legal certainty.124/83Does the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released?00$$F]PmeNot applicable- Court Order3The application for the adoption of the interim measures is dismissed.341/85 RShould the Court grant an interim measure requiring the Commission to suspend the operation of its decision of 16 October 1985 until the Court has given judgment in the main action?DD}}55553F]B PRmeThe prohibition must apply equally to domestic and imported goods and must not impose restrictions which are unnecessarily heavy on such imported products. The authorities must take account of the results of scientific tests that are available to them.3In applying such provisions to products imported from another MS, authorities must authorize the coloring of foodstuffs if such an action is justified by existing scientific studies or the eating habits of the domestic market.247/84What, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?F] PLegislative provisions may constitute "provisions laid down by law" within the meaning of Art 12(1) even if they have not been enacted specifically to implement that Article.2The provisions envisaged by Art 12(1) include such measures.110/84Do the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P)The Commission decision was not guilty of any of the complaints forwarded by Italy. Therefore, the application for annulment should be dismissed.2The Commission decision was not guilty of any of the complaints forwarded by Italy. Therefore, the application for annulment should be dismissed.41/83Italy asks that the Court annul a Commission decision which found provisions adopted by the UK Post Office and British Telecommunications violated Article 86.JJ@@F]lLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P*The Commission committed egregious violations of procedure and declares the decision establishing the final staff report.3The Commission committed egregious violations of procedure and declares the decision establishing the final staff report.263/83Did the Commission violate the staff regulations on procedures by refusing to include a favourable review of the applicant on the final staff report resulting in negative consequences for the applicant?F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] HPX+A frontier zone should be interpreted as meaning a 15 kilometer radius surrounding the customs crossing point.3A frontier zone should be interpreted as meaning a 15 kilometer radius surrounding the customs crossing point.54/84What is the proper interpretation of the term frontier zone as specified in Article 5 of Directive 69/169 regarding customs?F]fLVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PčJBecause ewe s milk does not contribute to the overproduction of milk within the Community, it is outside the scope of the regulation. Therefore, the regulation does not apply to ewe s milk.3An ewe s milk would contribute to the overproduction of milk which the regulation intends to prevent. Therefore, the regulation does apply to ewe s milk.109/84Do ewe s milk and milk product qualify as milk and milk products as descibed in Council Regulation 1078/77 regarding the conversion of dairy herds?ttF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] cs2109/84CommissionDo ewe s milk and milk product qualify as milk and milk products as descibed in Council Regulation 1078/77 regarding the conversion of dairy herds?Ewe s milk production contributes to the overproduction of milk within the dairy industry. Therefore, the regulation should apply to ewe s milk.VV."""""" #|e PecThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.175/83The plaintiffs ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]: PJ,The Court should reduce the fine to 65,325 ECU by applying the standard rate and dismiss the rest of the application.3The violation of the law was partially caused by uncertainty of the applicant due to the Commission error. Thus, the fine is to be calculated at the standard rate for the first 10% of the excess and a reduced rate for the rest of the excess.66/84The applicant asks the ECJ to annul a Commission decision that fined them for going over a production quota, because the fine was excessive (increased rate rather than standard rate) and the Commission was partially responsible for their breach of the lawF]l PThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.176/83The accusers ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anF] PҍKIt is not necessary that the individual have a right of ownership if through marriage the couple had established that property as their residence.3It is not necessary that the individual have a right of ownership if through marriage the couple had established that property as their residence.144/84In order for a property to be qualified as a center of interests within the meaning of Article 7 of the Staff Regulations, is it necessary that the individual have a right of ownership?LL@@F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PӍNo, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive prohibits.3The expression 'duties or charges which cannot be characterized as turnover taxes' msut be interpreted as including charges such as the one at issue in the main action.295/84Does Art. 33 of the 6th Council Directive 77/388/EEC prohibit member states from instituting a charges on companies based on their annual turnover before tax to be used to fund benefits for self-employed craftsmen?..""xxxxvF] PLNot Applicable - Court Order2The application for the suspension of operation is dismissed because the applicant s fail to show the serious and irreversible damage they would incur as a result of the application of the contested decision.67/85 RThe applicants ask the Court to suspend operation of a Commission Decision, in which it charged a preferential tariff on natural gas used by glasshouse-growers, until the Court rules on the substance of the case.66664F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P&MNot applicable - Court Order3The application is dismissed because the group is primarily contesting this using German national law and the Commission is not subject to competition law. Furthermore, the applicants fail to show how this decision will cause serious and irreparable harm97/85 RA group of margarine producers ask the Court to suspend a Commission decision to distribute free butter to West Berlin as part of their campaign to increase butter consumption until the Court rules on the case. The group says they will be irreparably harFFEE7766664F]~ Py NFrance has violated Article 30 by placing a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods through their tax relief policy regarding publications.3France has violated Article 30 by placing a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods through their tax relief policy regarding publications.18/84Did France place a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods by excluding tax relief to those publications in which a part of it was printed in another Member State, thereby failing to fulfil its obligations to the EEC treaty?KKZZPPF] P#Just because the applicant expressed a preference as to where the notice be sent, it does not obligate the Commission to comply nor does it have any effect on the application of time-limits. Thus, the application is out of time and inadmissible.3Just because the applicant expressed a preference as to where the notice be sent, it does not obligate the Commission to comply nor does it have any effect on the application of time-limits. Thus, the application is out of time and inadmissible.42/85Whether the plaintaffs application under Art. 36 seeking the nullification of Commission decision 1958/1 on 12/19/84 was filed in time and, therefore, admissible.F] PThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.233/83The applicants ask the Court to annul their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PecThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3The applications are dismissed because it contains a claim for payment of compensatory interest and refer them to the full Court for consideration of the substance of their claims.247/83The applicants ask the Court to void both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 anF]0P@/p(ONot Applicable - Court Order2The application is inadmissible because it is directed against the Commission. According to Article 91, the application can not be directed at the Commission for a Council Regulation.256/84The applicant asks the Court to void a Council Regulation regarding anti-dumping duty place on imports of ball-bearings origination in Japan and Singapore.66664F][ PkPSuch a restriction is a quantitative restriction of the movement of goods as prohibited by Article 30 of the EEC treaty. France has failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty.3France failed to provide proper justification for the rejection of postal franking machines of non-French origin. As such, they have failed to fulfill their obligations to the EEC treaty.21/84Did France violate Article 30 of the EEC treaty by refusing to approve postal franking machines manufactured in other member states due to the requirement in French law that these machines be of French origin?nnF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]F PVQThe special tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles produced exclusively outside the member state does violate Article 95 because there are two different criterias to apply tax: price and power rating.3Article 95 prohibits member states from levying a special tax on cars based on a criteria that only subjects imported to such a tax.112/84Does the French tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles violate Article 95 of the EEC treaty when such large-engine automobiles are only manufactured in other member states? Art. 95 prohibits members states administering higher taxes on imporvvF] 3112/84CommissionDoes the French tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles violate Article 95 of the EEC treaty when such large-engine automobiles are only manufactured in other member states? Art. 95 prohibits members states administering higher taxes on imporAll cars are similar products within the meaning of case-law. Therefore, a tax criteria based on power rating represents discrimination of imports from similar domestic products./."""""" #|  4112/84UKDoes the French tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles violate Article 95 of the EEC treaty when such large-engine automobiles are only manufactured in other member states? Art. 95 prohibits members states administering higher taxes on imporThey consider automobiles of a higher power rating to be in competition with the smaller rated cars. As such, a special tax targeting higher power ratings is a violation of Article 95.'&"""""" #|#BPR-The measurement should be calculated in accordance with the measurement provisions of the member state concerned.3The measurement should be calculated in accordance with the measurement provisions of the member state concerned.86/84How is the weight of a fishing vessel supposed to be calculated for the purposes of Article 14 of Council regulation 171/83?F]`/5112/84FranceDoes the French tax specifically targeting large-engine automobiles violate Article 95 of the EEC treaty when such large-engine automobiles are only manufactured in other member states? Art. 95 prohibits members states administering higher taxes on imporThe tax is specifically designed for luxury vehicles, which according to prior case law is acceptable under Article 95 of the EEC treaty.+*"""""" #|! P2 ΈThe Court should annul both the paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting the applicants complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment and order the Council to pay the default 3Dismisses 52 applications because they failed to file within the time-limits outlined in the Staff Regs. The rest of the applications are dismissed because they contain a claim for compensatory interest and are referred to the full Court for a decision r264/83The applicants ask the Court to annul both their paid salary and the Council decisions rejecting their complaints because the Council failed to pay the compensatory interest due to them as a result of the delay in payment, thereby, violating Article 16 an''&&F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PݍRNot Applicable-Court Order3Article 74 of the Rules of Procedure in which the applicant uses to bring this request cannot serve as a legal basis for this type of request, therefore, the claim is dismissed.14/84 Rev.The defendant asks the Court for an order lifting its obligation to pay the costs imposed on it by a previous decision. They maintain that they asserted to the Court that the applicant no longer had the desire to pursue the case, so the costs were unnecc44442F]P֎)The Council should be ordered to pay default interest at the rate of 6% per annum.3The applications should be dismissed as inadmissible.264/83What action should be taken as regards the other claims for compensatory interest?lllljF]  105/84CommissionIf the term "employee" in the Directive is interpreted as requiring the continued employment following a transfer, then does a person with 50% ownership in the transferee business qualify as an employee with relation to the Directive?Because the Directive does not contain a specific definition of the term "employee", it is up to the national courts to decide using their national employment laws.."""""" #|! ߍ105/84CommissionIn Council Directive 77/187/EEC, which concerns business transfers, is the term "employee" to be interpreted to mean that it is sufficient that the person was employed by the transferor or must they also occupy a position as employee with the transferee?The aim of the directive is to ensure the continuity of employment of persons during the transfer process. As such, an employee would need to continue to be employed after the transfer..."""""" #|#LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] Pݎ*The salary slips should be annulled.3The action should be forwarded to the full Ccourt for consideration of the substance.264/83In case 264/83 What action should be taken as regards the annulment of the salary slips?>>>><F]; PKYes. Such requirements that restrict the importation of gin, lawfully produced in other states, because it has a lower alcohol content is a quantitive restiction on imports in violation of Art. 30.3Yes. Such requirements that restrict the importation of gin, lawfully produced in other states, because it has a lower alcohol content is a quantitive restiction on imports in violation of Art. 30.182/84If a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?F] PMember states have the discretionary power to decide on applications based on the circumstances of each individual case.3Member states have discretion in deciding whether the application satisfies all of the required conditions, but does not have discretionary power in those cases where they have decided that the application meets those requirements.183/84Whether or not member states have discretionary power to decide on applications even in those cases where all of the required conditions exist?{{F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]GW6 o89/84ItalyDoes Community rules allow the mixing of red wines and rose wines originating from other member states as well as allow the marketing of such a wine as a rose wine?Community rules allow for the mixing of wines originating in other member states, expect for the mixing of red and white wines. Wines that display a rose color can be marketed as rose wine.(!!!!!! #|i7 o89/84CommissionDoes Community rules allow the mixing of red wines and rose wines originating from other member states as well as allow the marketing of such a wine as a rose wine?The mixing of wines is allowed by Community rules and can be marketed as rose wine.((-!!!!!! #|sLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] 0@11/84CommissionIn C-11/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.-!!!!!! #|-11/84FranceIn C-11/84 do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.%%)!!!!!! #|qLVAL,) MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PSThe Community rules allow the mixing of wines originating from other member states. Additionally, member states are not allowed to place restriction on these products. However, the wines cannot be marketed as rose wines.2The Community rules allow the mixing of wines originating from other member states and these wines can be marketed as rose wines.89/84Does Community rules allow the mixing of red wines and rose wines originating from other member states as well as allow the marketing of such a wine as a rose wine?++{{F] P.Because the applicant had been admitted to tests for equal or higher positions, the Selection Board should have allowed the applicant to compete. Thus, the decision refusing his participation should be annulled. The rest of the application is dismissed.3The Board s statement of reasons were insufficient in justifying the applicant s exclusion from the competition. The decision refusing his participation is annulled. The rest of the application is dismissed.108/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Selection Board s decision to refuse his participation in an open competition, the decision rejecting his complaint, and the appointments made from the competition.F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PakTThe extensive repair of books should be considered as the making of property only if the work satisfies a different market need.3In order to be considerered as making of movable property, the manufacturer must produce goods that is different in purpose from the original materials.139/84Does the extensive repair of books, which includes replacement of certain parts and redistribution, constitute as the making of movable property for the purposes of Article 5 of the 2nd Directive? If not, what is the minimum requirement for such work to AA@@44F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]l P|UThe Court should annul the decision that dismissed the applicant because the statement of reasons was insufficient and the applicant s substantive claims are well founded.3The decision to dismiss the applicant is dismissed because the applicant was not provided normal conditions to serve his probationary period.3/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the decision that dismissed him because the statement of reasons was insufficient, he was evaluated before the probationary period ended, he was given no prior feedback, and the facts on which the decision was based w]]\\TTF]vps110/84CommissionIs Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?It is conceivable under those rules for national legislation to leave it to the naitonal courts to weigh the interest protected by professional secrecy against other legitimate interests.__."""""" #|eLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PVThe Court should annul the decision because the Commission was unfair their refusal to regrade. Because the Commission recruited the applicant via the Parliament, it is their responsibility to regrade based on their own standards.3The Court should annul the decision because the Commission was unfair their refusal to regrade. Because the Commission recruited the applicant via the Parliament, it is their responsibility to regrade based on their own standards.127/84The applicant asks the Court to annul a Commission decision rejecting his request that they determine his grading based on Commission standards, not Parliament standards despite his having been immediately transferred to the Commission following a ParliamF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PčWIf the piece is recognized by the customs authorities as a work of art, then the piece should be classified as a sculpture for tariff purposes.3If the piece is recognized by the customs authorities as a work of art, then the piece should be classified as a sculpture for tariff purposes.155/84When considering the tariff classification a piece of art (sculpture) qualifies under, should it be classified according to the materials used in its construction or should it be classified as a sculpture?FF::F]+;;155/84CommissionWhen considering the tariff classification a piece of art (sculpture) qualifies under, should it be classified according to the materials used in its construction or should it be classified as a sculpture?If the piece is recognized by the customs authorities as a work of art, then the piece should be classified as a sculpture for tariff purposes.."""""" #|# P*XGermany failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to properly approximate Directives 76/207 & 75/117 into national provisions with regards to both equal pay and guarantees to equal treatment.2Germany failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to properly approximate Directives 76/207 & 75/117 into national legislation guaranteeing the equal treatment of men and women with regards to access to employment.248/83Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to properly approximate Directives 76/207 & 75/117, regarding the equal treatment of men and women, into national legislation?F]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] ps110/84UKIs Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?It would be inconsistent with the prupose of the Directive for disclosure to be permitted in such circumstacnes as to inhibit the acquisition and exchange of information.FF&"""""" #|JZps110/84ItalyIs Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?A provision of national law allowing an exception to the obligation to maintain professional secrecy without indicating sufficiently clearly the circumstances and grounds of public interest would be contrary to the aim of the Directive.)"""""" #|LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] M]ps110/84GermanyDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Art 12(1) leaves it to MS to regulate the disclosure of confidential information by special or general provisions laid down by law.+"""""" #|/?ps110/84ItalyDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Art 12 does not prescribe the way or the form in which dispensations from the obligation to maintain professional secrecy must be laid down by national legislation.)"""""" #|!dPt/Recommendations 1006/78 and 3140/78 were valid at the time and the tariff administered was appropriate.1Recommendations 1006/78 and 3140/78 were valid at the time and the tariff administered was appropriate.172/84Which one of the Commission Recommendations fixing the anti-dumping duty on special steel sheets were valid?ddF]  P0Yes the rules do provide a right to mininum means of subsistence. Belgium s law constitues a social advantage as defined in Artice 7 of Regulation 1612/68 which applies to nationals of other member states.3Yes the rules do provide a right to mininum means of subsistence. Belgium s law constitues a social advantage as defined in Artice 7 of Regulation 1612/68 which applies to nationals of other member states.249/83Do Community rules provide a right to a minimum means of subsistence on nationals of other member states?//F]t> PNy 1The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regarless of nationality.3The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regarless of nationality.249/83Does Belgium s requirement that non-nationals need to reside in Belgium five years prior to receiving welfare benefits (but not nationals) constitute a discriminatory policy based on nationality prohibited under Article 3?F]dLVAL,)&MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]Wgps110/84UKDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Art 12 should be intrepreted so as to permit, as an exception, any provision of national law permitting disclosure.rr&"""""" #|m}!bs249/83CommissionDo Community rules provide a right to a minimum means of subsistence on nationals of other member states?Belgium s law is neither social security or social assistance covered under regulation 1408/71. Rather it is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68.<<."""""" #|iz bs249/83UKDo Community rules provide a right to a minimum means of subsistence on nationals of other member states?Belgium s law on minimum means of substistence does qualify as social assistance, thus it is covered under regulation 1408/71. Consequently, this right must be conferred to non-nationals.OO&"""""" #|!LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)*MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]i PyYIn a situation where a member state charges VAT on imported goods, it should deduct the amount of VAT paid previously in the exporting state still contained in the goods.1In a situation where a member state charges VAT on imported goods, it should deduct the amount of VAT paid previously in the exporting state still contained in the goods.47/84When goods are imported from another member state what is the proper method of administering the VAT tax so as to avoid violating Article 95 which prohibits states from levy excess taxes on imports as compared to domestic goods?``zzppF]ps110/84CommissionDo the provisions laid down by law, as envisaged by Art 12(1), include general provisions not specifically intended to lay down exceptions to the ban on disclosing the kind of information covered by the Directive?Such a provision may be regarded as a provision laid down by law.HH."""""" #|mLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,).MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]EU111/84CommissionDo Articles 1 & 3 of the Conditions of Employment apply to those persons contracted as "freelance" interpreters for the duration of their employment?A "freelance" interpreter is not an employee within the meaning of the Conditions of Employment. Such interpreters work during irregular periods under an informal"""""" #| (122/84CommissionDoes Belgium s requirement that non-nationals need to reside in Belgium five years prior to receiving welfare benefits (but not nationals) constitute a discriminatory policy based on nationality prohibited under Article 3?The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regardless of nationality.."""""" #|LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PThe Reg must be construed as meaning that when altering the exchange rates in that regulation the Council did not intend to avoid hardship caused ot persons buying commodities.3Because Council Reg. 850/81 only adjusts the exchange rate of currencies, it does not imply that the Council intended to avoid a situation where a buyer paid a higher price in currency than competitors who purchased their goods after the rates were adjust299/84Does Council Reg. 850/81 intend to avoid companies suffering hardship from having bought goods at a higher price than their competitors who bought their goods after the price was decreased a short time later?F]LVAL,)4MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]ps124/83NetherlandsDoes the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released?Community law does not prevent the national court from applying the principle of legal certainty.DD/"""""" #|g; PKIn the case at hand, the amount to be forefeited msut be determined in proportion to the loss actually suffered by the intervention agency.3There is no general principle of objective unfairness in Community law which would allow that certain laws may not be applied if it causes those concerned unforseen harm. The national courts are allowed to submit preliminary rulings for interpretation in299/84Does a general principle of objective unfairness exist so that some provisions of law may not be applied if it harms those the Council had never intended to harm due to unforeeable circumstances?wwF]ps124/83GermanyDoes the principle of legal certainty preclude an ction being brought against the successful tenderer for failure to fulfil his obligations once the security has been released?The principle of legal certainty does not bar an action against the the tenderer.00+"""""" #|/LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)7MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]ps124/83NetherlandsWith whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?The rules of national law apply as regards the burden of proof./"""""" #|sLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] P܎,The salary slips should be annulled.3The action should be forwarded to the full Ccourt for consideration of the substance.247/83In case 247/83 What action should be taken as regards the annulment of the salary slips?>>>><F]FLVAL,);MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]3 PC2The decision is invalid because the Commission committed an error of the law by only considering the general scientific nature of the project, and not the specific research objectives.3The decision is invalid because the Commission committed an error of the law by only considering the general scientific nature of the project, and not the specific research objectives.4/84Is the Commission decision in levying a duty on an imported scientic apparatus invalid due to the fact that, although a relatively equivalent apparatus is produced within the Community, it is inferior to the imported apparatus for the intended research obF]bLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  #4/84CommissionIs the Commission decision in levying a duty on an imported scientic apparatus invalid due to the fact that, although a relatively equivalent apparatus is produced within the Community, it is inferior to the imported apparatus for the intended research obThe only way to compare different apparatus is to look at the general scientific nature of the project. Looking at the specifics of the project opens a large loophole because any project can be defined as differentiated through specifics.-,  #|ips124/83GermanyWith whom does the burden of proof rest if the processing of the security was released as a result of an error in the control document?The burden of proof is determined by national law within the limits laid down by the Court in its judgment of 21 September 1983.66+"""""" #|! P  aReg. 1798/75 must be interpreted as to allow for the duty-free importation of accessories for only those instruments that have been previously imported duty-free. However, duty-free admission does not apply to accessories intended for an instrument made 3Reg. 1798/75 must be interpreted as to allow for the duty-free importation of accessories for only those instruments that have been previously imported duty-free. However, duty-free admission does not apply to accessories intended for an instrument made 51/84Whether Reg. No 1798/75 allows for accessories of scientific instruments to be imported duty-free when the instrument for which it is intended has not been imported?$$F]t g51/84CommissionWhether Reg. No 1798/75 allows for accessories of scientific instruments to be imported duty-free when the instrument for which it is intended has not been imported?Reg. 1798/75 must be interpreted as to allow for the duty-free importation of accessories for only those instruments that have been previously imported duty-free. However, duty-free admission does not apply to accessories intended for an instrument made -!!!!!! #|uN^<va47/84NetherlandsWhen goods are imported from another member state what is the proper method of administering the VAT tax so as to avoid violating Article 95 which prohibits states from levy excess taxes on imports as compared to domestic goods?The VAT should be calculated on the value of goods at the time of importation, including previous taxes paid..!!!!!! #|q&=va47/84FranceWhen goods are imported from another member state what is the proper method of administering the VAT tax so as to avoid violating Article 95 which prohibits states from levy excess taxes on imports as compared to domestic goods?The VAT should be calculated using on the net value of the goods at the time of importation. These goods are burdened with previous taxes which should be taken into account.)!!!!!! #|mHX>va47/84CommissionWhen goods are imported from another member state what is the proper method of administering the VAT tax so as to avoid violating Article 95 which prohibits states from levy excess taxes on imports as compared to domestic goods?The VAT should be calculated using on the net value of the goods at the time of importation.qq-!!!!!! #|eLVAL,)MMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] P3The applicant s claim should be dismissed because the Council did provide an adequate explanation, the applicant was wholly under-qualified for the position, and his claims regarding political concerns have no merit.3The applicant s claim should be dismissed because the Council did provide an adequate explanation, the applicant was wholly under-qualified for the position, and his claims regarding political concerns have no merit.12/84The applicant asks the Court to annul a refusal by the Council to include him in a list of suitable candidates because they failed to provide a sufficient explanation of his rejection and the refusal was due to politcal concerns.F]~299/84CommissionDoes a general principle of objective unfairness exist so that some provisions of law may not be applied if it harms those the Council had never intended to harm due to unforeeable circumstances?The principle of objective unfairness does not exist in Community law.;;."""""" #| ȍ299/84CommissionDoes Council Reg. 850/81 intend to avoid companies suffering hardship from having bought goods at a higher price than their competitors who bought their goods after the price was decreased a short time later?Because Council Reg. 850/81 only adjusts the exchange rate of currencies, it does not imply that the Council intended to avoid a situation where a buyer paid a higher price in currency than competitors who purchased their goods after the rates were adjust."""""" #|V Pf4The Council Directive does not prohibit member states from requiring an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state to certify the feeding-stuffs are disease-free.3The Council Directive does not prohibit member states from requiring an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state to certify the feeding-stuffs are disease-free.73/84According to Council Directive 79/373, are importers of compound feeding-stuffs required to obtain an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state?rrF]d PEEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise without proof that it was bought in another member state.3EEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise without proof that it was bought in another member state.275/84Should monetary compensatory amounts be granted in respect of the export of butter sold to passengers during short ship excursions outside territorial waters for the purposes of evading customs duties (butter-buying cruises)?F] ɍ275/84CommissionShould monetary compensatory amounts be granted in respect of the export of butter sold to passengers during short ship excursions outside territorial waters for the purposes of evading customs duties (butter-buying cruises)?EEC Regulation 974/71 and Commission Regulation 1371/81 should be interpreted as meaning that no compensation amounts should be granted for butter bought on a butter-buying cruise without proof that it was bought in another member state.."""""" #|}!1$th73/84DenmarkAccording to Council Directive 79/373, are importers of compound feeding-stuffs required to obtain an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state?The serious risk of disease demands that member states be allowed to require such licenses and certificates. Each member state is responsible for ensuring their public health in accordance with Article 36.*!!!!!! #|g275/84NetherlandsShould monetary compensatory amounts be granted in respect of the export of butter sold to passengers during short ship excursions outside territorial waters for the purposes of evading customs duties (butter-buying cruises)?The purchasers of butter on the butter-buying cruises should be granted compensation amounts because Reg. 1371/81 does not lay down any condition as to the destination of the product./"""""" #|u0 P@:(#When the value of the goods has decreased, it is equal to the amount of VAT actually paid, less a percentage representing the proportion of depreciation. I cases where the value of goods has increased, it shall eqal the full amount of VAT actually paid.3When the value of the goods has decreased, it is equal to the amount of VAT actually paid, less a percentage representing the proportion of depreciation. I cases where the value of goods has increased, it shall eqal the full amount of VAT actually paid.47/84How is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?  F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] .>ps47/84CommissionHow is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?The residual part should be calcualted on the basis of the VAT rate applied in the MS of exporatin. Where the value of the goods has increased, the residual amount will thus correspond to the maount actually paid, as the Gerechtshof has already held in it-!!!!!! #| 0%th73/84CommissionAccording to Council Directive 79/373, are importers of compound feeding-stuffs required to obtain an import license issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting member state?Because the Community has not yet addressed questions regarding the protection of health, member states are free to take appropriate measures to ensure protection from disease.-!!!!!! #|!\ Plb.Because the Council acted within its rights in establishing these requirements, there is no evidence that the Council act unlawfully with respect for the principle of equality.3Because the Council acted within its rights in establishing these requirements, there is no evidence that the Council act unlawfully with respect for the principle of equality.227/84Whether or not the suspension of custom duties for only those electronic memories that comply with specific exterior dimensions discriminates against those goods that comply will all requirements except the exterior||F]!1227/84CouncilWhether or not the suspension of custom duties for only those electronic memories that comply with specific exterior dimensions discriminates against those goods that comply will all requirements except the exterior dimensions.It is within the powers of the Council to enact size requirements due to economic nessecity. It is necessary to define the requirements precisely including size.+"""""" #|/m}ps47/84FranceHow is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?The residual part referred to in the ruling of 5 May 1982 is therefore soloey that part of the VAT charged in the exporting State which does not correspond to the use of the prodcut in that State.hh)!!!!!! #|227/84CommissionWhether or not the suspension of custom duties for only those electronic memories that comply with specific exterior dimensions discriminates against those goods that comply will all requirements except the exterior dimensions.It is within the powers of the Council to enact size requirements due to economic nessecity. It is necessary to define the requirements precisely including size.."""""" #|ohx ps47/84NetherlandsHow is the amount of VAT that is still contained in the value of the goods at the time of importation to be determined?The residual part referred to in the ruling of 5 May 1982 is therefore soloey that part of the VAT charged in the exporting State which does not correspond to the use of the prodcut in that!!!!!! #|LVAL,)WMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PAdministrative Notice 420 of 10/21/83 is a new fact and therefore the plaintaffs application for a new hearing is admissible.3Administrative Notice 420 of 10/21/83 is a new fact and therefore the plaintaffs application for a new hearing is admissible.219/84Whether or not Administrative Notice 420 10/21/83 which replaced the prior decision 6/6/73 constitutes as a new fact, thereby, causing time on out-dated decision to run afresh.""F]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PɍIArticle 10 only requires that the child for whom the benefits are paid to fulfill all of the relevant requirements.3Article 10 only requires that the child for whom the benefits are paid to fulfill all of the relevant requirements.104/84Does Art. 10 of EEC Reg. 574/72, preventing the overlap of family benefits under national law, require that only the child for whom the benefits are paid to or all the recipients (i.e. the parents) to whom the benefits are paid to fall within the relevantF]0 PThe provision allows for the suspension of the benefit only when it is limited to the amount in respect of which the benefits overlap.2The provision allows for the suspension of the benefit only when it is limited to the amount in respect of which the benefits overlap.104/84Whether Art. 10 allows for the suspension of benefits payable under the national legislation in one State only awarded to a person not covered by EEC legislation on social security in respect of a child covered by virtue of a member of the family who is a5544((F]n PhaYes. Member state legislation that makes the entitlement to family benefits conditional on residence alone falls under the scope of Reg. 574/72.3Yes. Member state legislation that makes the entitlement to family benefits conditional on residence alone falls under the scope of Reg. 574/72.104/84Is Art. 10 of Reg. 574/72 applicable to those member state programs that grant the right to family benefits conditional on residence alone?JJ>>F]l ֍h104/84CommissionDoes Art. 10 of EEC Reg. 574/72, preventing the overlap of family benefits under national law, require that only the child for whom the benefits are paid to or all the recipients (i.e. the parents) to whom the benefits are paid to fall within the relevantArticle 10 was intended to prevent the unnecessary overlap of benefits. Thus, Article 10 only requires that the child for whom the benefits are paid to fulfill all of the relevant requirements./."""""" #|! P\Yes, in the cases of the specific proposals dealling with rules for transportation the Council failed in its obligations by failing to reach a decision in an appropriate time period.2Because none of the proposals falls within the purview of freedom to provide services, in which, the Council has been found in violation, it is not necessary to consider the Council s obligation to each one.13/83Did the Council fail in its obligations by failing to reach a decision on 14 proposals submitted to it by the Commission?&&F]h Px[The provisions in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b) specifies both the provisions and the time period in which the Council needed to provide for the freedom to provide transport, which the Council has failed to fulfil.3The Council has violated the Treaty by failing to ensure freedom to provide international transport services as required in Article 75 of the EEC treaty.13/83Did the Council fail to fulfil the well-specified obligation to enact measures ensuring the freedom to provide transport services within the prescribed time period as contained in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b)?aaF]i104/84CommissionWhether Art. 10 allows for the suspension of benefits payable under the national legislation in one State only awarded to a person not covered by EEC legislation on social security in respect of a child covered by virtue of a member of the family who is aThe provision allows for the suspension of the benefit only when it is limited to the amount in respect of which the benefits overlap./."""""" #|i PThe Court should declare voide the decision of 13 July 1983.3Article 1 of the decision is declared void.183/83Should Article 1 of the Commission decision of 13 July 1983 be declared void?VVVVTF]k{j104/84CommissionIs Art. 10 of Reg. 574/72 applicable to those member state programs that grant the right to family benefits conditional on residence alone?Yes. Member state legislation that makes the entitlement to family benefits conditional on residence alone falls under the scope of Reg. 574/72.NN."""""" #|c!124/83NetherlandsAccording to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.Once the original buyer has furnished the necessary documents stating that the butter was used for its intended purpose, that buyer is released from its obligations./"""""" #| B 713/83NetherlandsDid the Council fail to fulfil the well-specified obligation to enact measures ensuring the freedom to provide transport services within the prescribed time period as contained in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b)?Article 8 (7) of the Treaty specifies that the end of the transitional period is the latest date in which the measures for a common market must be implemented. The transport market is no exception..!!!!!! #|eA 713/83CommissionDid the Council fail to fulfil the well-specified obligation to enact measures ensuring the freedom to provide transport services within the prescribed time period as contained in Article 75 (1)(a) and (b)?The Council was not bound by Article 75 to ensure the freedom to provide services by the end of the transitional period but within an appropriate time period, which it has failed to do.-!!!!!! #|uoCy 13/83CommissionDid the Council fail in its obligations by failing to reach a decision on 14 proposals submitted to it by the Commission?The Council failed its obligations by failing to reach a decision on these proposals, thereby, hindering the progress of establishing a common transport policy.JJ-!!!!!! #|LVAL,)jMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]. P>The previous Court decision ordered the Court of Auditors to re-classify the applicant on the basis of the criteria outlined in the 1980 decision, which the Court of Auditors did. Thus, the application is dismissed.3The previous Court decision ordered the Court of Auditors to re-classify the applicant on the basis of the criteria outlined in the 1980 decision, which the Court of Auditors did. Thus, the application is dismissed.134/84The applicant asks the Court to annul a 11/10/83 Court of Auditors decision to implement a Court decision and reclassifying him in a grade he did consider high enough given the Court decision.F] F PVBecause both the claims and facts of this case and case 145/83 are identical, it conflicts with the principle of ne bis in idem (interstate double jeopardy) and therefore is inadmissable.3Because both the claims and facts of this case and case 145/83 are identical, it conflicts with the principle of ne bis in idem (interstate double jeopardy) and therefore is inadmissable.53/84Is the Commission liable for damages because it did not refer to the Joint Committee (Commmunity and Switzerland) the circumstances of the applicants case? The failure to do this resulted in arrest and damages for the applicant.F]  124/83GermanyAccording to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they should not be granted a reduced levy without indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.+"""""" #|K 124/83CommissionAccording to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they should not be granted a reduced levy without indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.."""""" #|LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] n~124/83CommissionDoes Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?It is up to the member states to recover the difference from the original buyer in the context of their national laws governing such situations.KK."""""" #|sw PWood that has been smoothed on both sides may be classified as unprepared wood for tariff purposes provided that the smooth surfaces does not require further treatment before it can used in its intended matter.3Wood that has been smoothed on both sides can only be classified as unprepared wood if the smoothing was the result of a process incidental to the sawing and was not intended to remove the marks.167/84Should imported balsa wood which has been smoothed on both sides so no saw marks are visible be considered as unprepared wood for tariff purposes?QQF]hI PYBy failing to warn the informant of the possible repercussion of his actions and failure to actively trace the informant, the Commission is non-contractually liable for damages suffered by the applicant.3By failing to warn the informant of the possible repercussion of his actions and failure to actively trace the informant, the Commission is non-contractually liable for damages suffered by the applicant.145/83Is the Commission non-contractually liable by failing to properly protect an informants (the applicants) indentity in a ongoing investigation which resulted in arrest, conviction, and damages?F]124/83GermanyDoes Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?If the butter is not used for its original purpose, then the original buyer must bear the legal consequences of the non-performance of the contract of sale.TT+"""""" #|V Pf^If the Court gives judgment on the regulation in question in a preliminary ruling, then the Court has the right of jurisdiction.2If the Court gives judgment on the regulation in question in a preliminary ruling, then the Court has the right of jurisdiction by right of Article 174 to declare which parts of the regulation is void and provide temporal limitations for those effects.33/84After the Court declares a regulation invalid by way of a preliminary ruling, who has jurisdiction to give judgment on the substance of the case in regards to reimbursement, the national courts or the Court?ssF] Ee 33/84CommissionAfter the Court declares a regulation invalid by way of a preliminary ruling, who has jurisdiction to give judgment on the substance of the case in regards to reimbursement, the national courts or the Court?There is no reason to depart from the precedents established by the Court in case 145/79 on this issue. Consequently, the temporal limits established in that case still apply to similar cases.-!!!!!! #|LVAL,)rMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&Da Q@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @ReferralY{$GsNа@Issues and positions oAˑ?7)@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wmm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL,)0jtדf@&Da Q@General Case CharacteristicsB.O`>#$U @ReferralZY{$GsNа@Issues and positionsJ oAˑ?7)@ObservationsHe.˯܂Aa tדf@&D case numberTv++%LM'Catדf@&D coder (last name)N4g5FtC%=tדf@&D Judgment Title:O5pdF[tדf@&DDateDt=B2 3|tדf@&D PlaintiffT jxV$C# tדf@&DType of PlaintiffD1x_B EVtדf@&D DefendantT,z%G 96tדf@&DType of DefendantN{Vaz KS%tדf@&D AG (last name)N႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber numberJ^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizeZhnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseLXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateRQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring Nation:dW`]O[Y{$GsNjunkH6q2-K̆HtY{$GsN legal issue`}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?Tmf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?`Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff AgreementV{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ? observation sourceR–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observerTy#$U case numberHD>MMy6ZqY{$GsN case numberHPiUMKۨG oAˑ? legal issueF@EӼAN wmm@1985 QueryHe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN w < 4case numberN{Vaz KS%@EӼAN w < 4AG (last name)D1x_B EV@EӼAN w < 4DefendantDt=B2 3|@EӼAN w < 4PlaintiffZhnETM/*T@EӼAN w< 4Treaty Basis of CaseJ^cM)&޺@@EӼAN w< 4chamber sizeN႒Lte[A@EӼAN w< 4chamber numberT,z%G 96@EӼAN w< 4Type of DefendantT jxV$C# @EӼAN w< 4Type of Plaintiff1 PA9Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because the conditions they implemented were different than those in the regulation and the failed to implement supplementary legislation to ensure full compliance with the Regulation.2Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because the conditions they implemented were different than those in the regulation and the failed to implement supplementary legislation to ensure full compliance with the Regulation.272/83Did Italy fail to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because they did not correctly implement Council Regulation 1360/78? F] PČ)0The term "fixed establishment" in Article 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77 should be interpreted as including a permanent installation (i.e. gaming machine) that requires the employment of personnel to maintain its operation.3The term "fixed establishment" in Article 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77 should be interpreted as including a permanent installation (i.e. gaming machine) that requires the employment of personnel and technical resources to maintain its opera168/84What are the relevant criteria for the existence of a "fixed establishment" in terms of Art. 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77, which regards the harmonization of laws for turnover taxes? Does fixed establishment cover the operation of gaming mF]137/84ItalyDoes the Belgian law which only allows the option of a German-language trial for those of Belgian nationality comply with Art. 220 of the Treaty which ensures the same protection of rights of accussed persons regardless of nationality?Laws for the benefit of language minorities normally applies to members of the minority within the delegated area. Therefore, they cannot require the option of language outside that area.)"""""" #|eh PxThe exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive should only be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of the ship or its crew connected with maritime shipping.3The exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive does not apply to the operation of gaming machines installed on board ships.168/84Should the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondi``__SSF]l Սl168/84DenmarkWhat are the relevant criteria for the existence of a "fixed establishment" in terms of Art. 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77, which regards the harmonization of laws for turnover taxes? Does fixed establishment cover the operation of gaming mTaxation of services supplied on board sea-going vessels raises problems regarding the determination the geographical and personal scope of the Sixth Directive, especially those ships outside a states territorial jurisdiction.,+"""""" #|+ m168/84FranceWhat are the relevant criteria for the existence of a "fixed establishment" in terms of Art. 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77, which regards the harmonization of laws for turnover taxes? Does fixed establishment cover the operation of gaming mThe term "fixed establishment" in Article 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77 should be interpreted as including a permanent installation (i.e. gaming machine) that requires the employment of personnel and technical resources to maintain its opera,,+*"""""" #|i ͍n168/84CommissionWhat are the relevant criteria for the existence of a "fixed establishment" in terms of Art. 9 of the Sixth Council Directive of 5/17/77, which regards the harmonization of laws for turnover taxes? Does fixed establishment cover the operation of gaming mGiven the increase in the number of service-providing machines without the need for human operators, they ought to be regarded as "fixed establishments" within the meaning of Art. 9 of the 6th Directive./."""""" #|+"p168/84FranceShould the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondiThe operation of gaming machines does not qualify as services to meet the direct needs of ships within the meaning of Article 15 of the 6th Directive.+*"""""" #|# P Italy has done nothing to comply with the decision within a reasonable period of time and have failed to fulfil their treaty obligations, specifically Art. 171.3Italy has done nothing to comply with the decision within a reasonable period of time and have failed to fulfil their treaty obligations, specifically Art. 171.131/84Whether or not Italy failed to fulfill its treaty obligations by not complying with the ECJ judgment in Case 91/81?hh\\F] P̌aBecause the German legislation did not allow for measures to be taken by the State outside of individual legal claims required by the Directives, they have failed to fulfill their obligation to properly implement Directives as required by the EEC treaty.3Because the German legislation did not allow for measures to be taken by the State outside of individual legal claims required by the Directives, they have failed to fulfill their obligation to properly implement Directives as required by the EEC treaty.29/84Did Germany fail to adopt the necessary provisions regarding the mutual recognition of nurse accreditation from other member states, thereby, impeding the right freedom to provide services as dictated by Directives 77/452 and 77/453?  ""F] q168/84CommissionShould the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondiThe operation of gaming machines does not qualify as services to meet the direct needs of ships within the meaning of Article 15 of the 6th Directive./."""""" #|o!o168/84DenmarkShould the exceptions outlined in Art. 15 of the 6th Directive be interpreted as applying only to those direct needs of ships connected with maritime shipping or should they include other services provided on board ships that are indentical to correspondiThe operation of gaming machines does not qualify as services to meet the direct needs of ships within the meaning of Article 15 of the 6th Directive.,+"""""" #|u 137/84CommissionDoes the Belgian law which only allows the option of a German-language trial for those of Belgian nationality comply with Art. 220 of the Treaty which ensures the same protection of rights of accussed persons regardless of nationality?Art. 48, which ensures the free movement of workers, requires that a German-speaking worker who is a national of another state receive the same treatment under the law as a Belgian national and, thereby, be allowed the option of language at trial.."""""" #|f Pv:The charge that Art. 10 of the Italian law violates Art. 29 of the Directive is not admissible. However, Italy did violate Art. 33 by failing to notify the Commission the text of law after it was enacted.3Italy failed to fulfill its obligation because Art. 10 & 13 of the Italian law does not comply with Art. 29 of the Directive and they violated Art. 33 when they failed to notify the Commission the text of the law after it was enacted.274/83Did Italy fail to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because they did not correctly implement Council Directive 71/305?bbF]`-=8139/84NetherlandsDoes the extensive repair of books, which includes replacement of certain parts and redistribution, constitute as the making of movable property for the purposes of Article 5 of the 2nd Directive? If not, what is the minimum requirement for such work to Repairs to property are considered as new property only when the materials are used to create a different article.0/"""""" #|e9139/84FranceDoes the extensive repair of books, which includes replacement of certain parts and redistribution, constitute as the making of movable property for the purposes of Article 5 of the 2nd Directive? If not, what is the minimum requirement for such work to That this question is within the province of member state legislation in order to determine whether this activity should be classified as a supply of goods or services.+*"""""" #|a P(Yes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.2Yes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.220/84Are actions to oppose enforcement fall within the jurisdiction of Art. 16 of the CJEJCCM? If so, is it possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised indepe!!  F] r220/84UKAre actions to oppose enforcement fall within the jurisdiction of Art. 16 of the CJEJCCM? If so, is it possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised indepeYes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.%%'&"""""" #| s220/84CommissionAre actions to oppose enforcement fall within the jurisdiction of Art. 16 of the CJEJCCM? If so, is it possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised indepeYes, such actions fall within the juridiction of Art. 16 of CJEJCCM. Furthermore, it is not possible to resist enforcement by pleading a set-off in respect of a claim that the national courts would have no jurisdiction if it were raised independently.--/."""""" #|6 PFetbIf the national legislation is less beneficial than Reg. 1408/71, then the articles of 1408/71 must be applied. The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states.2The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting national provisions which reduces benefits based on the pensions received by other member states.58/84Whether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?F]"2G58/84CommissionWhether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?A national provision which reduces benefits based on pensions of other member states violates Article 12 of Reg. 1408/71.-!!!!!! #|O_H58/84ItalyWhether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?A member state cannot enact provisions that reduce benefits within the meaning of Article 12 of Reg. 1408/71.(!!!!!! #|1 P;By failing to provide an exception to Community nationals living in another member state, Article 121 is violation of Regulation 1408/71.3By reducing the contributions from the pensions of those Community nationals living in another member state, Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.275/83Is the amended Article 121 of Belgian law regarding the establishment of compulsory sickness and invalidity insurance still compatible with Community law?LL@@F]ro Pi/~<The request to annul the decision is unfounded because the Commission conducted a thorough investigation of the matter and did not adopt their decision based on inaccurate information.2The request to annul the decision is unfounded because the Commission conducted a thorough investigation of the matter and did not adopt their decision based on inaccurate information.298/83Asks the Court to annul the decision made by the Commission to discontinue an investigation into the allegedly unfair practices of French TV companies with regard to film broadcasting rights.YYF]LVAL,)MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&Da Q@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @ReferralY{$GsNа@Issues and positions oAˑ?7)@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wmm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] $ P4cIf the national legislation is less beneficial than Reg. 1408/71, then the articles of 1408/71 must be applied. The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states.2The Reg. 1408/71 must be interpreted as prohibiting national provisions which reduces benefits based on the pensions received by other member states.117/84In case 117/84, whether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?F]!I117/84CommissionIn case 117/84, whether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?A national provision which reduces benefits based on pensions of other member states violates Article 12 of Reg. 1408/71.-."""""" #|>NJ117/84ItalyIn case 117/84, whether the Belgian provision reducing the number of year of employment for the purposes of determining pension constitutes a violation of Reg. 1408/71, which prohibits benefit reduction based on pensions received by other member states?A member state cannot enact provisions that reduce benefits within the meaning of Article 12 of Reg. 1408/71.()"""""" #|1LVALkLMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DL@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @ReferralY{$GsNа@Issues and positions oAˑ?@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w/0@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  PThe Commission derives the power to fix conversion rates of currencies from Arts. 74 and 86 of the ECSC treaty.2The Commission derives the power to fix conversion rates of currencies from Art. 74 of the ECSC treaty.239/84If the Council Regulation is not applicable to ECSC products, then does the Commission derive the power to fix conversion rates of currencies of member states in relation to the EU from another treaty provision?F]LVALkLMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DL@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @ReferralY{$GsNа@Issues and positions oAˑ?@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w/0@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics] PڍThe only way this system becomes incompatible with Community law is if the application of such rates conflict with Commission Recommendation 77/329/ECSC.2The only way this system becomes incompatible with Community law is if the application of such rates conflict with Commission Recommendation 77/329/ECSC.239/84If the Commission does have the power to fix conversion rates, then does a system that only fixes the rates a couple of times a year compatible with Community law?ZZNNF] LVAL0 ά( 0 General Case Characteristics Referralά( 0 General Case Characteristicsά( }0 General Case Characteristics Referral @Issues and positionsp Observationsά( }0 General Case Characteristics Referral @Issues and positionsp ObservationsLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVALkLMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DL@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @ReferralY{$GsNа@Issues and positions oAˑ?@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w/0@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] gρ `fǜ@gǜ@j_v@j_v@ MSysNameMapVh4MR2KeepLocal  Txxx88888886 @baB.k@nm@1985 QueryVh7,)@NBB66666664 @Q j@Q j@Issues and positionsObservationsVhbbbbbbbbbb` LVAL{LMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]{ P{!@Arts. 30 & 36 do not prohibit a patent owner the right to prevent the importation and marketing of a product conferred by member state legislation.2Arts. 30 & 36 do not prohibit a patent owner the right to prevent the importation and marketing of a product conferred by member state legislation.19/84Do Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licMMLLBBF]JLVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  t19/84CommissionDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licWithout the right of a patent owner to prevent the marketing of a product produced in another state by way of their patent, a potentially damaging loophole would emerge and patent protection would be seriously jeopardized..-!!!!!! #|o< PL:Л>A local market should be defined as any market within 50km of the farm. In the absence of a market, any suitable market (i.e. regular sales of relevant breeds and suitable infrastructure) not exceeding a 150km from the farm.3A local market is the market nearest to the farm where it is possible to buy or sell according to the needs of an average-sized farm specific to the area in question.91/84What is the proper definition of a local market within the meaning of Article 14a of Council Regulation 543/69 for the purposes of exemption provisions? The Regulation regulates the driving periods allowed for transport.F] 60/84CommissionDoes a national law dictating that one year pass between when a movie is released into a theater and when that movie is released to video constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods as provided for in Arts. 30 & 34 of the EEC treaty?Although this restriction does hinder imports, the cultural aims may justify certain restrictions of the free movement of goods provided that the restrictions are equally applied.#-!!!!!! #| *91/84CommissionWhat is the proper definition of a local market within the meaning of Article 14a of Council Regulation 543/69 for the purposes of exemption provisions? The Regulation regulates the driving periods allowed for transport.A local market is one that is reasonably close to the farm, regularly buys and sells the types of animals in question, and has the necessary facilities in which to accommodate those purposes. -!!!!!! #|149/84FranceIn C-149/84 Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not affect the price of imports from other member states.''*"""""" #|s эu19/84DenmarkDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe holder of a compulsory licence is not entitled to deliver the product directly in the territory of a MS where a parallel patent exists. Such provisions are not incompatible with the free movement of goods.+*!!!!!! #|K0@149/84CommissionIn C-149/84 Do Articles 3 & 5 of the EEC treaty prohibit member states from enacting legislation fixing the minimum prices for certain types of auto fuel?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.."""""" #|! эv19/84GermanyDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe holder of a compulsory licence is not entitled to deliver the product directly in the territory of a MS where a parallel patent exists. Such provisions are not incompatible with the free movement of goods.+*!!!!!! #|K ҍw19/84FranceDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe holder of a compulsory licence is not entitled to deliver the product directly in the territory of a MS where a parallel patent exists. Such provisions are not incompatible with the free movement of goods.*)!!!!!! #|} Ӎx19/84ItalyDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe holder of a compulsory licence is not entitled to deliver the product directly in the territory of a MS where a parallel patent exists. Such provisions are not incompatible with the free movement of goods.)(!!!!!! #|} PNot applicable - no AG position2According to Art. 41 of the Statute of the Court, the admissibility of this type of application is conditional on the existence of a fact that is a decisive factor in the decision. In this case, the error was not a decisive factor warranting a revision o267/80 RThe applicant asks that the Court revise their previous 11/13/84 judgment because it was based on an error on the part of the Court when it assumed that the applicants assigned all its rights to refunds to a third party, which it did not.::JJ::99997F] ɍy19/84NetherlandsDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe holder of a compulsory licence is not entitled to deliver the product directly in the territory of a MS where a parallel patent exists. Such provisions are not incompatible with the free movement of goods./.!!!!!! #|!LVAL{LMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL  <        @EӼAN w     6 . Utדf@&DE:н@8General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U @8ReferralY{$GsNа@8Issues and positions oAˑ?@8Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN wnlm@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase number{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff , $[1985 Query].[case number], [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics]+91/84UKWhat is the proper definition of a local market within the meaning of Article 14a of Council Regulation 543/69 for the purposes of exemption provisions? The Regulation regulates the driving periods allowed for transport.A local market should be defined as market reasonably close to the farm. As such, no specific distances should be specified as it handicaps those farmers living in remote, agricultural areas.%!!!!!! #| ʍz19/84UKDo Arts. 30 & 36, regarding free movement of goods, supercede the legal provisions of a member state granting a patent owner the right to prevent the marketing of a product in that state, but was produced in another state by the holder of a compulsory licThe holder of a compulsory licence is not entitled to deliver the product directly in the territory of a MS where a parallel patent exists. Such provisions are not incompatible with the free movement of goods.&%!!!!!! #|} 0se154/83CommissionWith regards to Regulation 1259/72 concerning the specified products that reduced-cost butter must be processed into, is it a violation if the processed product is not used for its intended purposes but rather further separated into constitutive parts?If the reduced-cost butter is processed into the appropriate product but not used for its intended purpose, then such action constitutes a violation of Regulation 1259/72.,."""""" #|! P?There is no need for the packer to obtain authorization from national authorities in order to place the "e" sign according to the Directive.3There is no need for the packer to obtain authorization from national authorities in order to place the "e" sign if they use recognized procedures approved by the national authorities.96/84According to Council Directive 76/211, does a packer of prepackaged products need to obtain prior authorization from national authorities to place the EEC "e" sign on those products?""jj``F]T P aYes. This also implies that the agency acting on behalf of that member state can set-off the debt of an importing state as a payment for an exporting state.3Yes. This also implies that the agency acting on behalf of that member state can set-off the debt of an importing state as a payment for an exporting state.125/84According to Art. 2 of Council Reg. 974/71, does a member state act in the same capacity when it pays monetary compensatory amounts for importation as when it receives compensation for exportation?))bbVVF]LVAL.[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] <Lnc125/84CommissionAccording to Art. 2 of Council Reg. 974/71, does a member state act in the same capacity when it pays monetary compensatory amounts for importation as when it receives compensation for exportation?The member state acts on behalf of the Community and not the other member state when it pays or charges monetary compensatory amounts.}}."""""" #|e=Mnc125/84UKAccording to Art. 2 of Council Reg. 974/71, does a member state act in the same capacity when it pays monetary compensatory amounts for importation as when it receives compensation for exportation?Yes. This also implies that the agency acting on behalf of that member state can set-off the debt of an importing state as a payment for an exporting state.&"""""" #|}LVAL{LrGDx3Q 3Q ?@ Q ) 0A   <\ Z   Z   Z   j   J  J J * \     p     0   8 p 0  \            p p p p \ Z   Z   Z   j   J  J J *  d  d  ȅ    ȅ   ȅ   d                ,      OGeneral Case number7General Case Characteristics[General Case Characteristics.coder (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment TitleAGeneral Case Characteristics.DateKGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiff[General Case Characteristics.Type of PlaintiffKGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendant[General Case Characteristics.Type of DefendantUGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numberQGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizeaGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of Case+Referral.Referral DateReferral1Referral.Referring Nation1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?WIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement=Observations.observation sourceObservations9Observations.type of observer;Observations.agreement with AG=Observations.Agreement with ECJ    P jmm@         4 Z 4  4  4 Z 4  4   4 Z 4  4  4 j 4  4  4 J 4  4  4 J 4  4  4 J 4  4  4 * 4;General Case Characteristics!     3 P E:н@Referral$ # # 5 P @'Issues and positions%   % p% 6 P а@Observations(  ' ' @8 P @1985 Query         `  h       x      H  P       (         h  p       (  0       P  X       X  `     W[General Case LVALCharacteristics].[case number] c[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] ][General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title]h E[General Case Characteristics].Date O[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff  c[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] O[General Case Characteristics].Defendant c[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant]P ][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] ][General Case Characteristics].[chamber number]( Y[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] i[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] /Referral.[Referral Date]p 5Referral.[Referring Nation] 5[Issues and positions].junk G[Issues and positions].[legal issue]0 _[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] S[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] _[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement]X AObservations.[observation source] =Observations.[type of observer] ?Observations.[agreement with AG]` AObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]  4 Z 4  4  4 Z 4  4   4 Z 4  4  4 j 4  4; General Case Characteristics  p#  Z x#   #   #  ^ #   #  . #  Z #   #   #  j #   #   h      P  (    4 J 4 Referral  %  J % p   4  4 J 4  4  4+Issues and positions  x'   '  J '  '  '  0   X J 4  4  4 * 4Observations J )  )  )  * )   `    E 9  P 8   X  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  )  ( < !#4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 3  #4 5  #4 5  #4 6 `#4 6  #4 6  #4 6  #4 6  #4[k.co96/84CommissionIf a packer does not use recognized and approved procedures, then can the packer still invoke the terms of the directive before national courts?A packer whose procedures are not recognized and approved by the national authorities may still invoke the terms of the directive before the national courts.^^-!!!!!! #|oh PxThe Commission did not misuse its powers. The additional quotas provided for in these decisions is actually a sanction against those companies that have not yet restructured.3The Commission did not misuse its powers. The additional quotas provided for in these decisions is actually a sanction against those companies that have not yet restructured.211/83Whether or not to annul two Commission decisions extending the production quotas for certain products because the Commission misused its powers by unfairly favoring companies that delayed their required restructuring.aazzF]eu/co96/84NetherlandsIf a packer does not use recognized and approved procedures, then can the packer still invoke the terms of the directive before national courts?The national authorities must recognize and approve the procedures used by the packer before that packer can invoke the terms of the directive before the national courts.ll.!!!!!! #|!/ 19/84CommissionDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor.-!!!!!! #|>N19/84DenmarkDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor.*!!!!!! #| 0 a211/83GermanyWhether or not to annul two Commission decisions extending the production quotas for certain products because the Commission misused its powers by unfairly favoring companies that delayed their required restructuring.The Commission misused its powers by abritrarily subjecting the decision to grant additional quotas on a requirement that the restructuring plan must be Commission-approved.+"""""" #|iLVAL @8  #4 @8  #4 @8  #4 @8   z < P = h4 . . 4 0/ 4 h/ 5 / 5 / 5 0 05 H0 @5 0 P5 0 `5 0 p5 (1 5  z P= P h= 4 `1 5 1 6  z = Q (> p4 1 6 2 7 @2 8 x2 8 2 8  z x? PQ ? ؕ4 2 08  3 X9 X3 h9 3 x9  d.  d.  ȃ0/ h/  ȃ/ /  ȃ0 H0  d0 0 0 (1 `1 1 1  2 @2 x2 2  ,2  3 X3 3 \; < < < < < (< 0< 8< @< H< P< X< `< h< p< x< < < < < < < . . 0/ h/ / / 0 H0 0 0 0 (1 `1 1 1 2 @2 x2 2 2  3 X3 3 G3 5 6 @8 General Case Characteristics d(=  d@= PrimaryKey coderReferral =   d= PrimaryKeyGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral'Issues and positionsx>  >  d>  d? PrimaryKey=Issues and positionslegal issue=Issues and positionscase number_General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsObservations?   @  d0@   `@ PrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservations@  v H G  v I H K  v K PK M  v 0N M O  E Eq E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E hP  ) P P F  0G N  xG HL  0A I 7General Case Characteristics#4 0A  #4 0A H 9 8H pH 'Issues and positions=Issues and positionscase number#4G  HB  #4G  HB  #4G  HB I H 8I I pI I  HB XJ J J J =Issues and positionscase number( H J I J J J I =Issues and positionscase numberRef>N19/84GermanyDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor.*!!!!!! #|?O19/84FranceDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor.)!!!!!! #|@P19/84ItalyDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor. (!!!!!! #| PYes. By continuing to restrict vinegar despite the previous decision against them, Italy has violated Art. 30 and fail its treaty obligations.3Yes. By continuing to restrict vinegar despite the previous decision against them, Italy has violated Art. 30 and fail its treaty obligations.281/83Whether Italy has failed to fulfil its treaty obligations by continuing to restrict the classification of vinegar to wine vinegar, thereby, violating Art. 30 despite the previous Court judgment stating this?FF::F]6F19/84NetherlandsDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor..!!!!!! #|7G19/84UKDoes it make any difference whether a prohibition on exportation is attached to the compulsory licence, ehterh that licence fixes royalites payable to the patentee or whether the patentee has accepted or refused such royalties?The compulsory licence cannot have the exhaustive effect of a patent right which is granted with the consent of the patent proprietor. %!!!!!! #|&6,ed96/84CommissionAccording to Council Directive 76/211, does a packer of prepackaged products need to obtain prior authorization from national authorities to place the EEC "e" sign on those products?The Directive requires that the procedure itself be recognized and approved by national authorities, but does not require the same authorization for each individual packer.-!!!!!! #|aaq-ed96/84NetherlandsAccording to Council Directive 76/211, does a packer of prepackaged products need to obtain prior authorization from national authorities to place the EEC "e" sign on those products?The packer is free to decide on what procedure to use, but the chosen procedure must be recognized and approved by national authorities.pp.!!!!!! #|a LVAL erralGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral#4`G  `C  #4`G  `C K K K (L  `C L $M M 4M GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral( H LM HL tM HM PM 8L GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralObservations-Observationslegal issue#4G  xD  #4G  xD 0N M hN N  xD @O pO xO O -Observationslegal issue( 8I O N O O O N -Observationslegal issue8H K pI hN #4 E #4 E #4 E #4 E P O P Q Q Q PQ Q P Q P Q Q Q PQ Q  Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCV%n7|S>Issues and positionsObservationsJFPaste Errors" Issues and positions Query>: Treaty Basis and Referring NationLH Referring Nation, Treaty Basis and Decision Datejf Referring Nation and Treaty BasisLHGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables O154/85 RNetherlandsThe Commission asks that the Court order Italy to enact the measures necessary to ensure the timely registration and free movement of vehicles imported from other member states. By making the registration of imports subject to difficulties not faced by dThe measures imposed by Italy on imports affects the free movement of goods as evidenced by the noticable decrease in exports to Italy after they were imposed.21$$$$$$ #|/ PhtAThe failure to administer a customs duty on fish caught by a joint Polish/British fishing operation should be considered a violation of Regulation 802/68 as the fish originated from a non-Community member vessel.3Because the Polish actually caught the fish and the British merely raised the nets out of the water, the goods originated from a non-Community member. Therefore, the United Kingdom did fail to fulfill its obligations by failing to administer a customs du100/84Did the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC treaty by failing to administer a customs duty on fish caught by a joint Polish/British fishing operation, thereby, violating Regulation 802/68?F]FLVAL with ECJ] LVALaMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceH PXIf the item was mass-produced within the last 100 years, it is to be classified as a "collectors piece" only if: 1) it is no longer produced and has a rarity value, 2) it is not used for its original purpose, and 3) is suitable for collection inclusion.3A "collectors piece" possesses the necessary characteristics for inclusion in a collection which means that it must be rare with high value, not used for its original purpose, and are the subject of special transactions outside of normal trade.252/84What criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?F]252/84CommissionWhat criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?A collectors piece must not only be rare but it must also be of historical interest in the sense that the article represents a turning point in design or use.55."""""" #|!LVAL–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement8 PHheIf the item was originally mass-produced within the last 100 years, it is to be classified as a "collectors piece" only if: 1) it is no longer produces and has a rarity value, 2) it is not used for its original purpose, and 3) is suitable for inclusion i3A "collectors piece" possesses the necessary characteristics for inclusion in a collection which means that it must be rare with high value, not used for its original purpose, and are the subject of special transactions outside of normal trade.200/84In case 200/84 what criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?F]ura200/84CommissionIn case 200/84 what criteria should be used to classify for the purposes of tariffs an item as a "collectors piece"?A collectors piece must not only be rare but it must also be of historical interest in the sense that the article represents a turning point in design or use.DD."""""" #|o PҍilThe co-responsibility levy for milk is a flat-rate financial contribution intended to stabilize the milk market.3The co-responsibility levy for milk is a flat-rate financial contribution intended to stabilize the milk market. It is the national courts responsibility to determine whether it has jurisdiction in this case.179/84Is a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?ii]]F]xLVAL with ECJ]  Pe The claim is inadmissible. The applicant needs to first to a suit to the national courts, who then can refer it to ECJ under Article 177.3The claim is inadmissible because the legislation does not directly target the applicant. Thus, the claim does not fulfill the necessary requirements for action under Article 173.040/84Asks the Court to annul the decision by the Commission stating that windshield wiper motors be classified as a motor for tariff purposes.ffZZF]M]{o-179/84ItalyIs a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?The question of whether or not the co-responsibility levy is a tax is not a matter concerning an interpretation of Community law, but, rather, a question to be answered by the national courts.)"""""" #|_o|o-179/84CouncilIs a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?The question of jurisdiction must be decided soley on the basis of national law. However, in prior cases, the Court has eliminated the possibility that this levy is a tax.vv+"""""" #|#GW}o-179/84CommissionIs a co-reponsibility levy for milk as created in Regulations 1079/77 & 1822/77 to regarded as a tax for the purposes of determining national jurisdiction?The legal issue in question is not a matter of Community law, but of national law. Thus, it should be decided by the national court in relation to its legal system.rr."""""" #|! P#If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction.2If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction.048/84If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different than that agreed upon by the parties with regards to a contract, does that court then have exclusive jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 17 F]4PDThe obligation of professional secrecy provided by the Article covers testimony in civil proceedings given by the person referred to in that provision.3The Article also applies to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civle proceedings.110/84Is Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?  F]d P)v@}7The mininum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law should be considered a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68.3The mininum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law is a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68.122/84Does the minimum means of subsistence provided under Belgian law constitute a social advantage as defined in regulation 1612/68 regarding the free movement of workers?  F]t PYes. The Regulation was given a retroactive effect because the regulation was not followed up by other provisions that helped to alleviate the loss suffered by the affected importers.3Yes. The Regulation was given a retroactive effect because the regulation was not followed up by other provisions that helped to alleviate the loss suffered by the affected importers.183/84According to Reg. 1608/74, can a importer apply for a refund on the amount of monetary compensatory amounts levied on imports that were issued before 6/3/73?55F] PfThe European Interim Agreement does conflict with Reg. 1408/71 and Reg. 1408/71 takes precedence. Furthermore, Reg. 1612/68 requires that old-age allowances be made using the same conditions for both non-nationals and nationals.3The old-age allowances qualifies as a social advantage within the meaning of Regulation 1612/68. As such, it cannot be subject to a residency requirement for non-nationals that nationals are not subject to.157/84Does the residence requirement in the European Interim Agreement of 12/11/53 on social security conflict with Reg. 1408/71 guaranteeing the same treatment to nationals of other member states as it grants to its own nationals? If so, which one takes preceF]183/84CommissionAccording to Reg. 1608/74, can a importer apply for a refund on the amount of monetary compensatory amounts levied on imports that were issued before 6/3/73?No. The Regulation specifically concerns those transactions concluded after 6/3/73 in Article 6.//."""""" #| PҌThe Court should not annul the decision because the applicants claims are inadmissible in light of previous rulings. The Commission act lawfully according to Art. 121 of the Convention, thus, the claim for damages is also dismissed.3The applicants have not presented a measure capable of being the subject of proceedings under Art. 173 or 175, therefore, the request for annulment is inadmissible. Also, the Commission act lawfully according to Art. 121 of the Convention, thus, the claim118/83The applicant asks the Court to annul the Commission decision to not select them for a construction contract because they did not follow the Conditions of Tender, and, if the decision cannot be annulled, award them monetary damages due to them.F]183/84CommissionWhether or not member states have discretionary power to decide on applications even in those cases where all of the required conditions exist?Member states have the discretionary power to decide on applications based on the circumstances of each individual case.99."""""" #|sPƎ30 day time limit applies.330 day time limit and other procedural requirements apply.165/84If so, which time limits and other procedural rules laid down in Regulation No 2655/82 are relevant for the purposes of such analogous application?}}qq44442F]hPYes.3Yes.165/84Do the overiding legal principles proscribing arbitrariness and requiring equal treatment necessitate an application by analogy of Article 3(6) of Commission Regulation 2655/82?00$$F]h PThe tax method employed by the Netherlands does not affect the amound of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.3The tax method employed by the Netherlands does not affect the amound of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.16/84Did the Netherlands fail to harmonize their laws relating to turnover taxes because they did not alter a tax system which effectively reduces the amount on which value-added-tax (VAT) is payable on new goods that are partially funded from exchanges of useF]` P̌The Commission did use different criteria in each decision and applied a stiffer penalty to the Netherlands-based industry. Thus, decision 83/398 should be annulled. However, there is no evidence of discrimination so decision 83/396 should remain intact3The Commission did use different criteria in each decision and applied a stiffer penalty to the Netherlands-based industry. Thus, decision 83/398 is annulled. However, there is no evidence of discrimination so decision 83/396 remains intact.172/83Whether or not Commission decisions 83/398 & 83/396 concerning steel industry aid from the Netherlands and Italy, respectively, should be declared void because the Italian steel industry received more lenient treatment than the Netherlands.  F]LVALaMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source P/The tax method employed by Ireland does not affect the amount of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.3The tax method employed by Ireland does not affect the amount of VAT payable on new goods in this situation as compared to the Commission-recommended tax method. Thus, the action is dismissed.17/84Did Ireland fail to harmonize their laws relating to turnover taxes because they did not alter a tax system which effectively reduces the amount on which value-added-tax (VAT) is payable on new goods that are partially funded from exchanges of used goods?F]z P aThe method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.3The method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.179/84Does the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?NNF]d P͍The unit only receives signals and its main function is not TV reception. Therefore, the unit should be classified under accessories for tariff purposes.3The unit only receives signals and its main function is not TV reception. Therefore, the unit should be classified under accessories for tariff purposes.223/84Should a TV unit with a T 50 timer/tuner unit that allows the consumer to programme a VCR to record be classified under TV recievers or other accessories for tariff purposes?  \\PPF]AQ223/84CommissionShould a TV unit with a T 50 timer/tuner unit that allows the consumer to programme a VCR to record be classified under TV recievers or other accessories for tariff purposes?The essential function of the T 50 timer/tuner unit is to receive TV broadcasts. Therefore, it should be regarded under the receiver tariff subheading.xx."""""" #|i P- t The Directive does not stipulate that the tranferee is liable for the non-transferred portion in cases where the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.3The Directive does not stipulate that the tranferee is liable for the non-transferred portion in cases where the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.186/83In bankruptcy cases where only a portion of the company is transferred, is the transferee liable for employee obligations of the non-transferred portion? F]r P@ɚThe Commissions decisions to reject the applicants request should be declared void because protecting business secrecy is not a compelling reason to withhold the info. in these cases. However, this only applies to those cases based on Arts. 10, 14, 14c, 3The Commissions decisions to reject the applicants request should be declared void because protecting business secrecy is not a compelling reason to withhold the info. in these cases. However, this only applies to those cases based on Arts. 10 and 14 of 27/84The applicant asks the Court to annul the Commission decisions rejecting their request for information regarding additional quotas granted to select companies. Given the Commissions direct control over the steel market, that its decision-making process s%%$$F] Pč{ 8Although Belgium attempted to comply through a series of legislative enactments, they failed to fully to comply with all of the measures outlined in the Directive.3Although Belgium attempted to comply through a series of legislative enactments, they failed to fully to comply with all of the measures outlined in the Directive.215/83Did Belgium fail to fulfill its obligations under the EEC treaty because they did not fully implement Council Directive 75/129 within the prescribed period of time?nnbbF]d PI6P=The obligations of the Directive were not clearly imposed because the rules outlined by it need to be completed. Therefore, the Commission s application should be dismissed.2Italy failed to fulfil its obligations because they violated two Articles in the Directive.2/84Did Italy fail to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Directive 75/130 regarding the establishment of transportation rules of goods between member states?..&&F]t= PMThe applicants claims should be dismissed as inadmissable because the claims were made out of time.3The application is admissable as it was the Councils actions that cause the claim to be filed out of time. Furthermore, the Council decision is annulled because as the applicant submitted, the refusal to transfer his salary was discriminatory based on hi236/82The applicants asks the Court to annul the Council decision to deny their transferring a portion of his salary in Germany currency to a German bank because he was a Netherlands national. The applicants claims that this violates Art. 17 of the Staff Regul~~}}}}{F]n P@A packer whose procedures are not recognized and approved by the national authorities may still invoke the terms of the directive before the national courts.3A packer whose procedures are not recognized and approved by the national authorities may still invoke the terms of the directive before the national courts.96/84If a packer does not use recognized and approved procedures, then can the packer still invoke the terms of the directive before national courts?``VVF]p PYes.3Yes.192/84Has the Hellenic Republic failed to fulfill its obligations?nn00$$F]r< PLAlthough the applicant is a member of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. Furthermore, the Commission did breach the principle of equal treatment, thus, the decision should be annulled.3Although the applicant is a member of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. Furthermore, the Commission did breach the principle of equal treatment, thus, the decision should be annulled.119/83The applicants asks the Court to annul the Commission decision in assigning his grade because the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff.@F] f Pvo Regulation (EEC) 3225/82 does not place any obligation on the importer to use the beef solely for consumption. Thus, the regulation does not prohibit the re-exportation of the imported beef to another member state.3Regulation 3225/82 is intended to ensure that the beef is used for internal consumption, but it does not authorize member states from passing laws that restrict the re-exportation of those goods.199/84Does Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?ccF] PMust be interpreted as referring to each individual import or export transaction. This interpretation does not preclude the practice of combining several separate actions for recovery in a single recovery order provided that the amount concerned in each 3Must be interpreted as referring to each individual import or export transaction. This interpretation does not preclude the practice of combining several separate actions for recovery in a single recovery order provided that the amount concerned in each 214/84Is the term A GIVEN FOR RECOVERY in Article 8 of Counci Reg 1697/79 to be taken to refer to post clearance recovery of each individual import or export transaction or is that term to be taken to refer to a single post clearance recovery order, even if it ''&&F]1 PAueBecause some imports do not receive the same benefit under the rebate scheme and such imports represent 20% of that market, the Commission has proven that the scheme adversely affected trade between member states.3The Commission has proven that the scheme adversely affected trade between member states. However, because of Reynolds late entry into the Netherlands market, they did not play as active a part and there fine should be reduced.240/82In case 240/82 the applicants ask that the decision be annulled because the Commission never adequately proved that the bonus scheme adversely affected trade between member states.F]t PueThe applications should be dismissed.3The rest of the applications are dismissed.240/82The applicants asks that the Commission decision 7/15/82, which held that a bonus scheme given to cigarette distributors unfairly limited competition, be annulled because Netherland law had already removed the possibility of competition.gxxll????=F]tLVAL–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement PBNot Applicable - Court Order3The application is dismissed because the applicant failed to provide any compelling reason why an annul is required before the case is decided on by the Court. If the Court rules in her favor, the Commission can still organize training for the applicant.74/85 RThe applicant asks the Court to annul a Selection Board decision not to allow her to participate in Competition No COM/A/8/84 because they failed to provide her with an adequate statement of reasons and were discriminatory.&&EE7766664F] PیAlthough the applicants are members of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. Furthermore, the Commission did breach the principle of equal treatment, thus, the decisions assigning their grade and step should be annulled.3Because the Commission breached the principle of equal treatment the 7/30/82 (Hattet, Matt, de Szy-Tarrisse), 7/14/82 (Dona), and 7/8/82 (Becquart, Schmitz, Le Maitre, de Waegeneer) decisions are annulled and remitted back to the Commission for new decisi66/83Although technically members of a Commission subsidiary (the Association), the applicants in case 66/83 ask the Court to annul the Commission decision in assigning their grade because the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff.F]d165/84CommissionDo the overiding legal principles proscribing arbitrariness and requiring equal treatment necessitate an application by analogy of Article 3(6) of Commission Regulation 2655/82?There cannot properly be said to exist a breach of the principle of equal treatment.77."""""" #|uLVAL with ECJ] LVALaMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceĎ172/84CommissionWhich one of the Commission Recommendations fixing the anti-dumping duty on special steel sheets were valid?Recommendations 1006/78 and 3140/78 were valid at the time and the tariff administered was appropriate.."""""" #|4 PDThe Court should dismiss the applicant's main and alternative applications for the annulment in whole or in part of the Articles of Commission Decision 82/506.3The Court dismisses the application.260/82Should the Court dismiss the applicants claim that the decision be annulled because the Commission never adequately proved that the bonus scheme adversely affected trade between member states.F]LVAL–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement P Article 9 does not prohibit any alteration in the presentation of the goods and does not entail forfeiture of the refund.3Repackaging entails forfeiture of the refund.276/84Is Article 9(1) of Commission Reg 2730/79 to be interpreted as meaning that an alteration in the products presentation entails forfeiture of the export refund where such alteration brings the product within a different tariff subheading even though the raF] PThe application should be dismissed because all of the applicants submissions are unfounded. The Commission decisions were not only lawful, but they also followed the proper procedures in reaching those decisions.3The application should be dismissed because all of the applicants submissions are unfounded. The Commission decisions were not only lawful, but they also followed the proper procedures in reaching those decisions.255/83The applicant asks the Court to annul both the Commission decision to demote him and their rejection of his subsequent complaint. The demotion was based the Commission findings that the applicant sold confidential documents and was engaged in unauthorizeF].P/Export refunds applicable on the date of export must be applied.3Export refunds applicable on the date of export must be applied.276/84Where the products presentation is altered between the time of completion of customs export formalities and its departure from the territory of the Community is the refund to be paid at the rate fixed in advance or at the rate applicable at the time of coZZZZXF] P The monetary compensatory amounts applicable on the date of export must be applied.3The monetary compensatory amounts applicable on the date of export must be applied.276/84Are the interpretations requested in Qs 1 and 2 to be applied to the relevant monetary compensatory amounts by an analogous interpretation of Commission Reg 1371/81 notwithstanding that the regulation lays down no express requirement that the product mustmmmmkF]; PKItaly has violated Art. 95 of the EEC treaty by applying a higher VAT to sparkling wines that are specific to one region within the Community (Champagne, France) than the VAT applied to domestic sparkling wines.3Italy has violated Art. 95 of the EEC treaty by applying a higher VAT to sparkling wines that are specific to one region within the Community (Champagne, France) than the VAT applied to domestic sparkling wines.278/83Did Italy fail to fulfill its treaty obligations, specifically Art. 95, by applying a higher value-added-tax (VAT) to imported sparkling wines than that applied to domestic sparkling wines?F]t3C278/83FranceDid Italy fail to fulfill its treaty obligations, specifically Art. 95, by applying a higher value-added-tax (VAT) to imported sparkling wines than that applied to domestic sparkling wines?Sparkling wines are one category of wine in competition with each other regardless of its origin. Therefore, applying a higher VAT based on origin violates Art. 95 of the EEC treaty.*"""""" #|I\ PlThe cost of intra-Community transport should not be included in the customs value of the goods. If the price of goods paid includes these costs, they are differentiated if presented on separate invoices.3The cost of intra-Community transport should not be included in the customs value of the goods. The customs value only includes the price of the goods.290/84According to Art. 3 of Reg. (EEC) 1224/80, does the transaction value include both the price of goods and the cost of intra-Community transport if they are presented separately for the purposes of deriving a customs value?llF] P85Such a clause does violate Art. 85 if is based solely on the grounds of membership of exclusive distribution because such a policy can distort competition by bestowing an incentive to buy from only exclusive distributors.3Such a clause does violate Art. 85 if is based solely on the grounds of membership of exclusive distribution because such a policy can distort competition by bestowing an incentive to buy from only exclusive distributors.31/85Whether a clause within a exclusive distribution contract, in which the manufacturer extends a guarantee on their products after sale but does not for the customers of other distributors, is a violation of Art. 85 which prohibits discrimination?F]n> PNBecause the speakers functions independently from the main unit, the speakers cannot not be classified with the rest of the unit for tariff purposes, despite the fact that they are packaged together.3A combined tuner, record-player and cassette recorder imported together with two loudspeakers intended for use with it constitutes a set of goods falling under Heading No 85.15.163/84Should a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?hhF] P،The defendant failed to fulfill their contractual obligation leading to the Commission terminating its contracts. Furthermore, the defendant should repay the unearned advance payment, extra finishing costs, costs due to defective work, and court costs.3The defendant failed to fulfill their contractual obligation leading to the Commission terminating its contracts. Furthermore, the defendant should repay the unearned advance payment, extra finishing costs, costs due to defective work, and court costs.318/81Under Art. 181 of the EEC treaty, the Commission asks the ECJ for the cancellation of two contracts and an order for the defendant to pay back the unearned portion of their advance payment and damages for defective work.""F]&6 PF]The Commission Reg. No 1541/80 is not valid if the compensatory amounts of powdered glucose were fixed on the intervention price without deducting the maize starch production refund.3As already ruled in 10/15/80, the Commission Reg. No 1541/80 is not valid if the compensatory amounts of powdered glucose were fixed on the intervention price without deducting the maize starch production refund.33/84Is Commission Reg. No 1541/80 valid in so far as it determines the compensation for exported powdered glucose if when determining the intervention price, the authorities do not account for the maize starch production refund?F]d5 PEoo_Because the applicants did not cooperate with the authorities in their investigation by providing more accurate data, the available facts used to calculate the normal value is valid.2Because the applicants did not cooperate with the authorities in their investigation by providing more accurate data, the available facts used to calculate the normal value is valid.53/83The applicants ask the Court to annul Council Regulation 101/83 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on them because they claim that the Council did not accurately calculate the normal value using the facts available required by Article 7 of Reg. 3017/F]` P  The Commission decision 82/549 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.3The Commission decision 82/549 imposing a tariff on this particular computer for the reason that it is not a scientific instrument is void.6/84Are computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs in case 6/84?::22F]p_ok167/84CommissionShould imported balsa wood which has been smoothed on both sides so no saw marks are visible be considered as unprepared wood for tariff purposes?The wood in question should not be classified as unprepared wood because it decreases the need for further reworking and increases its economic value.ZZ."""""" #|q u163/84ItalyShould a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?Because the speakers are intended to used with the main unit and presented to customs in a single package, there is not sufficient reason to classify the speakers as separate, functional unit for tariff purposes.)"""""" #|"2 u163/84FranceShould a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?The main unit and the speakers are presented as a set in a single package. And because the main unit is the main function of this set, they should be classified together for tariff purposes.*"""""" #|) u163/84CommissionShould a stereo system that includes both the main unit and the speakers be classified as one unit for tariff purposes or should the main unit and the speakers be classified under different tariffs?The main unit and the speakers are presented as a set in a single package. And because the main unit is the main function of this set, they should be classified together for tariff purposes.."""""" #|}^PnThe contested should not be declared void.3The contested decision should not be declared void.67/84Should the Commissions decision of 26 January 1984 be declared void or amended?jyyDDDDBF]nPThe fine imposed should be reduced to 80 percent of that amount imposed by the Commission.3The fine imposed by the Commission should be reduced.67/84Should the amount of the fine in case 67/84 be reduced?ttttrF] PE The Commission must pay only the legal interest due to the plaintaffs on par with prior court decision. It is not liable for any compensatory interest due to the currency devaluation.3The Commission pays the default interest (6%) and the court costs. The compensatory interest claim is inadmissable.737/79In case 737/79 does the Commission pay additional damages due to currency depreciation in a member state because of a delay in the court-ordered payment?TTHHF] LVAL with ECJ] c PsofThe Commission violated Art. 29 of the Staff Regulations by not holding a true competition and deciding on their appointment before the competition notice was placed.3The Commission violated Art. 29 of the Staff Regulations by not holding a true competition and deciding on their appointment before the competition notice was placed.128/84The applicants asks that the Court annul the Commission decisions appointing another individual to a post and rejecting the applicants canidature because the Commission failed to follow the procedures laid down in Art. 29 of the Staff Regs.fftthhF] P5Although the applicant is a member of subsidiary, the claim is admissible. However, the claims that the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff in these cases are unsubstantiated and unfounded.2Cases 9 and 10/84 are inadmissible because the applicants did not state the subject of the dispute at the time of the original application, and thus out of time. Cases 87/77, 130/77, and 22/83 are unfounded.87/77Although technically a member of a Commission subsidiary (the Association), the applicants asks the Court to annul the Commission decision in assigning his grade because the Commission violated the principle of equal treatment of staff.F]LVALaMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement1A231/83FranceDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?The Articles are general principels of the treaty and must be considered in conjucntion with other provisions of the Traty which define the conditions and the detailed rules of their applciation.*"""""" #|q2B231/83ItalyDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?The Articles are general principels of the treaty and must be considered in conjucntion with other provisions of the Traty which define the conditions and the detailed rules of their applciation.)"""""" #|}1A231/83GreeceDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?The Articles are general principels of the treaty and must be considered in conjucntion with other provisions of the Traty which define the conditions and the detailed rules of their applciation.*"""""" #|qLVAL with ECJ] LVALaMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source P͌Arts. 3 and 4 of the decision should be declared void because the Commission violated procedure and must undertake further investigations to properly ascertain whether the clause meets the exceptions criteria outlined in Art. 85.2The claim is dismissed because the applicants have not provided sufficient evidence that the clause qualified as an exception, specifically that the clause would contribute an improvement to production of similar products or the promotion of economic prog42/84The applicant asks the Court to annul Commission decision 83/670/EEC, which declared a non-competition clause in a business tranfer agreement to violate Art. 85, because the clause does not violate Art. 85 and the Commission committed procedural errors in    F]d` PpovA company with a legal monopoly over a certain market based on legislative restrictions on competition may be viewed as occupying a dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.3A company with a legal monopoly over a certain market based on legislative restrictions on competition may be viewed as occupying a dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.311/84Whether or not Art. 86 of the EEC treaty applies to a company holding a dominant position in a specific market whose position is created not by the companys performance but by legislation that allows no competition?iiF]LVAL–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement P When a company with a dominant position in a specific companies excludes other companies from participating in related, but different, activities, it abuses its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.3When a company with a dominant position in a specific companies excludes other companies from participating in related, but different, activities, it abuses its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.311/84Whether or not a company holding a dominant position in a specific market that excludes other companies from participating in related, but different activities, constitutes an abuse of its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86?F]LVAL with ECJ]  PThe claim should be dismissed because "freelance" interpreters do not have a contractual relationship that qualifies for standing under the COE. Art. 42 of ECSC treaty and Art. 181 of the EEC treaty allows the Commission to contract out special, temporar3The claim is dismissed because "freelance" interpreters do not have a contractual relationship that qualifies for standing under the COE. Art. 42 of ECSC treaty and Art. 181 of the EEC treaty allows the Commission to contract out special, temporary servi43/84Does a "freelance" interpreter have a contractual relationship with Community institutions, thereby, allowing him to standing in relation to the Conditions of Employment (COE)? The applicant is challenging a Commission decision rejecting his request for %%$$F]   a311/84CommissionWhether or not Art. 86 of the EEC treaty applies to a company holding a dominant position in a specific market whose position is created not by the companys performance but by legislation that allows no competition?A company with a legal monopoly over a certain market based on legislative restrictions on competition may be viewed as occupying a dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.."""""" #| ٍ311/84CommissionWhether or not a company holding a dominant position in a specific market that excludes other companies from participating in related, but different activities, constitutes an abuse of its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86?When a company with a dominant position in a specific companies excludes other companies from participating in related, but different, activities, it abuses its dominant position within the meaning of Art. 86.."""""" #|mLVALa#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source PThe national law does not constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods because the law does not discriminate on the basis of nationality. The law is equally applied to both foreign and domestic video cassette providers.3The national law does not constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods because the law does not discriminate on the basis of nationality. The law is equally applied to both foreign and domestic video cassette providers.60/84Does a national law dictating that one year pass between when a movie is released into a theater and when that movie is released to video constitute a restriction on the free movement of goods as provided for in Arts. 30 & 34 of the EEC treaty?F]bLVAL(–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement PAlthough Italy was justified in not submitting statistics following a bomb attack which destroyed the records for a 3 year period, there is no justification for the further refusal to compile and submit the requested statistics. Thus, Italy has failed to3Although Italy was justified in not submitting statistics following a bomb attack which destroyed the records for a 3 year period, there is no justification for the further refusal to compile and submit the requested statistics. Thus, Italy has failed to101/84Did Italy fail to fulfill its treaty obligations by failing to comply with Council Directive 78/546 of 6/12/78, specifically, their failure to compile and submit statistics on the carriage of goods by road?&&F]d PҌYes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.3Yes. The original distributor is not discharged from its obligations. Therefore, they are not allowed to provide a processing guarantee for a reduced levy without the required paperwork indicating that the product was used for its intended purpose.124/83According to Reg. 232/75 regarding reduced levies for butter used for specific purposes, is the original distributor obligated to ensure that when sold to other buyers the butter is used for those purposes, even if it is sold again.F] P΍No. Neither Community law or national law can require the buyer to repay the difference once the reduced levy has been granted using the procedure outlined in Art. 18.3Yes, the original buyer must pay the difference because the original buyer is not released from its orginal obligation to see that the butter is used for its intended purpose.124/83Does Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?  ssF]2 PьCouncil Directive is to be interpreted as covering those employees of a transferor at the time of transfer. However, employees that enter into a contract with the transferee, which is not a employment contract, prior to the transfer cannot rely on the Di3Council Directive 77/187/EEC does not cover the tranfer of rights of person who were employed by the transferor at the time of transfer, but who, by their own choice, does not choose to work as an employee of the transferee.105/84In Council Directive 77/187/EEC, which concerns business transfers, is the term "employee" to be interpreted to mean that it is sufficient that the person was employed by the transferor or must they also occupy a position as employee with the transferee?F]LVAL with ECJ]  PThis question must be answered by the national courts using the relevant employment laws to determine whether or not that person qualifies as an employee.3This question must be answered by the national courts using the relevant employment laws to determine whether or not that person qualifies as an employee.105/84If the term "employee" in the Directive is interpreted as requiring the continued employment following a transfer, then does a person with 50% ownership in the transferee business qualify as an employee with relation to the Directive?HH\\PPF]pLVALa,MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source Pnj oGermany has failed in its treaty obligations by not properly complying with Council Dir. 77/388/EEC. Although the decision to exempt postal transporters from VAT for those services is based on sound economics, it risks the distortion of competion.3Germany has failed in its treaty obligations by not properly complying with Council Dir. 77/388/EEC. Although the decision to exempt postal transporters from VAT for those services is based on sound economics, it risks the distortion of competion.107/84Did Germany fail to fulfill its treaty obligations by not properly complying with the Council Dir. 77/388/EEC concerning turnover taxes because it exempted companies from paying VAT on the transportation of letters on behalf of the postal service?  F]LVAL.–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement PlaThe contracts in which the "freelance" interpreters are engaged with the Commission are not based on the rules applicable to employment contracts subject to the Conditions of the Employment.3The contracts in which the "freelance" interpreters are engaged with the Commission are not based on the rules applicable to employment contracts subject to the Conditions of the Employment.111/84Do Articles 1 & 3 of the Conditions of Employment apply to those persons contracted as "freelance" interpreters for the duration of their employment?;;F]xLVAL with ECJ] LVALa1MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source PՌmoArt. 48, which ensures the free movement of workers, requires that a German-speaking worker who is a national of another state receive the same treatment under the law as a Belgian national and, thereby, be allowed the option of language at trial.3Art. 48, which ensures the free movement of workers, requires that a German-speaking worker who is a national of another state receive the same treatment under the law as a Belgian national and, thereby, be allowed the option of language at trial.137/84Does the Belgian law which only allows the option of a German-language trial for those of Belgian nationality comply with Art. 220 of the Treaty which ensures the same protection of rights of accussed persons regardless of nationality?  F]LVAL6–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementU Pe5~Art. 14 of Directive 77/388/EEC prohibits a member state from applying its VAT to a car owned by a temporary resident (student) just because the resident is married.3The VAT in question is not a disguised customs tariff. However, Directive 77/388/EEC prohibits applying a VAT to a car owned by a temporary resident (student) just because the resident is married.249/84Whether or not the double imposition of a VAT on another member state national who purchased the car in that state but temporary lived and used it in Belgium as a student violates Community law as a disguised customs tariff?ttF]m P}An oral agreement is valid if confirmed by writing. Furthermore, an party cannot contest its existence or validity if they did not contest the document within reasonable period of time.3An oral agreement on jurisdiction meets the requirements of the Convention if written confirmation was sent by one of the parties and no objection was raised within a reasonable period of time.221/84Is an oral agreement on jurisdiction valid within the requirements of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments, if the agreement has been confirmed by writing?[[F]h 249/84CommissionWhether or not the double imposition of a VAT on another member state national who purchased the car in that state but temporary lived and used it in Belgium as a student violates Community law as a disguised customs tariff?Art. 14 of the 6th Council Directive of 5/17/77 prohibits a member state from applying its VAT to a car owned by a temporary resident (student) just because the resident is married.."""""" #|249/84BelgiumWhether or not the double imposition of a VAT on another member state national who purchased the car in that state but temporary lived and used it in Belgium as a student violates Community law as a disguised customs tariff?The Directive 77/388/EEC does provide exemptions for students. However, because the student is married, that exemption is lost in the fact that the student becomes independent of their parents. +"""""" #|#LVAL with ECJ]  PitArt. 59 does not specify any limitation period in which a person must notify a change of address. Failure to make notification cannot in itself qualify for the loss of benefits due for the period following the change of residence.3Art. 59 does not specify any limitation period in which a person must notify a change of address. Failure to make notification cannot in itself qualify for the loss of benefits due for the period following the change of residence.261/84According to Art. 59 of Council Dir. 574/72, within what period must a person notify a change of address, and can failure to notify within that time period result in a temporary withdrawal of benefits?F] LVALa;MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source PArticle 3 of the Directive must be interpreted as the obligations stemming from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee.3Article 3 of the Directive must be interpreted as the obligations stemming from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee.135/83Should the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?<<xxF] PThe Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debt payments.3The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.135/83Does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debts payments?==bbVVF]vLVAL<–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] LVALa>MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceLVAL@–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement`p135/83CommissionShould the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?The transferee is responsible for all of the obligations stemming from employee contracts made by the transferor.YY."""""" #|uLVAL with ECJ] ,<135/83NetherlandsShould the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?The transferee cannot be made responsible for the debts because it violates a recognized principle of contract law. National legislation should be free to decide liability in these cases./"""""" #|3C135/83DenmarkShould the Directive be interpreted as meaning that the transferor s debts arising from existing employee contracts (employed before date of transfer) are assigned to the transferee?Consensual transfers should be treated differently than forced transfers. In consensual transfers, the transferor is liable for all obligations; whereas, in forced transfers, they are not.+"""""" #|LVALaEMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source P'yNo. If the Commission violates Belgian law, its non-contractual liability is not governed by the clauses outlined in Art. 215 of the EEC treaty.3No. If the Commission violates Belgian law, its non-contractual liability is not governed by the clauses outlined in Art. 215 of the EEC treaty.232/84Is the Communities liability towards a temp worker under Belgian law which applies to employment contracts between the Commission and temp staff governed by its non-contractual liability in Art. 215 of the EEC treaty?%%JJ>>F]LVALF–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] LVALaHMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceLVALK–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreementt P'yNo. The application of national law to the Commission violates Art. 6 of the Conditions of Employment because its creates a contract of indeterminate duration between the temp worker and the Community institution.3No. The application of national law to the Commission violates Art. 6 of the Conditions of Employment because its creates a contract of indeterminate duration between the temp worker and the Community institution.232/84Can the Belgian law governing the liability of contracts between the Commission and temp staff even be applied to the Commission?UUF] PIt has not been established that this type of price fixing has any substantive impact on free trade. Furthermore, books are cultural works and under member state jurisdiction.2Member states are not prohibited from enacting this type of legislation as long as it complies with other specific treaty provisions. This violates two provisions.229/83Is semi-public price fixing, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?||ppF]0LVAL with ECJ] y P The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debt payments.3The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.179/83In case 179/83 does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?OObbVVF]xLVALaOMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source~ Ptr The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt or has been granted a suspension of debt payments.3The Directive does not apply to transfers in which the transferor is bankrupt, but it does apply to those transfers in which the transferor has been granted a suspension of debt payment.186/83In case 186/83 Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?JJbbVVF]LVALP–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] OP_Regulation No 3281/83 is invalid insofar as it abolishes the grant of monetary compensatory amounts on exports of cheese of low value.3Examination of the question submitted has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Regs 3281/83 and 270/84.208/84Is Regulation No 1245/83 invalid as amended by Regs 3281/83 and 270/84?yy00$$F]T PreThe provision does not meet the requirement for a detaileds rules for a quota as outlined in Art. 5 of Reg. 170/83 and therefore contradicts Community law.2The provision does not meet the requirement for a detaileds rules for a quota as outlined in Art. 5 of Reg. 170/83 and therefore contradicts Community law.207/84Does the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?^^RRF] P{!@2The provision is contrary to the Treaty in so far as it may possibly encourage behavior prohibited by Art 86 of the Treaty.3Provisions whereby the principal distributor is responsible for fixing the price and provisions requiring the retail price fixed by the publisher to be applied to books published in the MS concerned and re-imported following exportation to another MS.229/83In the context of legislatio of the type under review, what types of measures would be considered contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty?##F]aq207/84NetherlandsDoes the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?The provisions were intended to control the number of boats fishing for herring and Community law does not prevent such legislation.pp/"""""" #|!jz207/84FranceDoes the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?The provisions were intended to control the number of boats fishing for herring and Community law does not prevent such legislation.kk*"""""" #|LVALaaMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceՎ229/83CommissionIn the context of legislatio of the type under review, what types of measures would be considered contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty?The legislation in question constitutes a measure equivalent to a quantitative restriction.."""""" #| 261/84CommissionAccording to Art. 59 of Council Dir. 574/72, within what period must a person notify a change of address, and can failure to notify within that time period result in a temporary withdrawal of benefits?Art. 59 does not specify any limitation period in which a person must notify a change of address. Failure to make notification cannot in itself qualify for the loss of benefits due for the period following the change of residence.."""""" #|AQ+19/83CommissionIs the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?The words 'existing on the date of transfer' qualify 'contract of employment or& employment relatinship' and not 'rights and obligations.'-!!!!!! #|-207/84CommissionDoes the Netherlands provision establishing a quota for herring caught in the North Sea violate Community law because they prevent the marketing of the fish in a certain processed form?The MS must refrain from adopting any measure which might derogate from or encroach upon regulations establishing ac ommon organization of the market in fishing.."""""" #| 048/84UKIf a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different than that agreed upon by the parties with regards to a contract, does that court then have exclusive jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 17 If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction.'&"""""" #| 048/84CommissionIf a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different than that agreed upon by the parties with regards to a contract, does that court then have exclusive jurisdiction within the meaning of Article 17 If a plaintiff enters an appearance in a set-off or counterclaim, without objection, into a court different that that agreed upon by the parties, then that court has the exclusive jurisdiction./."""""" #|ps110/84GermanyIs Art 12(1) of Dir 77/780/EEC applicible to statements which such persons make as witnesses in civil proceedings?The Directive covers the disclosure of information to the other party in a civil action.+"""""" #|uߎ124/83NetherlandsDoes Community law require the original recipient of the reduced levy to pay the difference if the butter is used for an impoper purpose?There are no Community rules governing the recovery of undue payments./"""""" #|o1154/83CommissionIf one of the components used to process the reduced-cost butter products is not authorized by the producing member state but is authorized in other member states to which the products will be exported too, is the product in violation of Regulation 1259/7The use of the a component not approved by the producing member state does not effect the right of the producer to export the product./."""""" #|1\l6/84CommissionAre computers scientific instruments if they are not intimately connected with a scientific apparatus for the purposes of tariffs in case 6/84?A computer cannot be regarded as a scientific instrument unless it is connected with a scientific apparatus, such as a telescope, for the purposes of tariffs.]],  #|eLVALb–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] 229/83FranceIn the context of legislatio of the type under review, what types of measures would be considered contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty?The legislation is not contrary to Art 30 of the Treaty.*"""""" #|LVALaeMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceLVALf–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] LVALahMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceLVALk–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement PThe Commission must pay only the legal interest due to the plaintaffs on par with prior court decision. It is not liable for any compensatory interest due to the currency devaluation.3The Commission pays the default interest (6%) and the court costs. The compensatory interest claim is inadmissable.158/79Should the Commission be ordered to pay default interest on the amount of the arrears of remuneration which it paid in pursuance of Reg 3681/83?TTHHF]rLVAL with ECJ] LVALaoMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation source PōAccording to Art. 13 of the Directive, member states are not allowed to place marketing restrictions on feedstuffs on the basis that it lacks an additive.3According to Art. 13 of the Directive, member states are not allowed to place marketing restrictions on feedstuffs on the basis that it does not meet a minimum iron content.195/84Does Art. 13 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC prohibit the restriction of marketing of feedstuffs by way of a requirement that the feed have a minimum iron content?ooccF]t PMember states are not permitted to subject feedstuffs to marketing restrictions because of a presence of a harmful substance that is not expressely listed in the Directive.3Member states are not permitted to subject feedstuffs to marketing restrictions because of a presence of a harmful substance that is not expressely listed in the Directive.195/84Can sodium be classified as an undesirable substance with the meaning of Directive 74/63, given the fact that the directive does not provide a definitive explanation of what constitutes an undesirable substance?UUttF]LVALq–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement+P;Member states are prohibited from marketing restrictions other than those dictated in Directive 79/373.3Member states are prohibited from marketing restrictions other than those dictated in Directive 79/373.195/84Does the compound feedstuffs directive authorize member states to adopt restrictions that are not provided for in the additives and undesirable substances directives?F]LVAL with ECJ]  PinThe Commission must pay only the legal interest due to the plaintaffs on par with prior court decision. It is not liable for any compensatory interest due to the currency devaluation.3The Commission pays the default interest (6%) and the court costs. The compensatory interest claim is inadmissable.532/79In case 532/79 does the Commission pay additional damages due to currency depreciation in a member state because of a delay in the court-ordered payment?TTHHF]f P͍Additives refer only to those substances added to the feedstuffs voluntarily to improve their characteristics.3Additives refer to all substances is feedstuffs that affect the characteristics regardless of whether they are present in the baseline substances or added voluntarily.195/84Is the proper interpretation of "additives" in Art. 2 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC to encompass all substances contained in feedstuffs or only those substances that are added to the baseline substances?  ==11F] PA spouse s right to free movement within the Community granted in Article 11 is dependent on satisfying the conditions established in Article 10. It does not grant an independent right of residence.3Article 11 does not grant a right of residence independent of the provisions in Article 10.267/83Does Article 11 of EEC regulation 1612/68 establish a right of residence independent of those provisions established in Article 10 of the same regulation?JJ>>F]LVALawMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sourceP{!@4The claim for compensatory interest should be dismissed.3The claim for compensatory interest should be dismissed.532/79In case 532/79 Should the Commission be ordered to pay additional compensatory interest?RRRRPF]LVALx–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] q195/84GermanyDoes Art. 13 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC prohibit the restriction of marketing of feedstuffs by way of a requirement that the feed have a minimum iron content?It is not possible to contest the MS power to adopt measures at national level, esepcially measures for the protection of animal and human health.dd+"""""" #|P{!@5The claim for compensatory interest should be dismissed.3The claim for compensatory interest should be dismissed.737/79In case 737/79 Should the Commission be ordered to pay additional compensatory interest?RRRRPF]LVALa~MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        @EӼAN w     (   Utדf@&D+zv@XGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U #x<.k@XReferralY{$GsNyv@XIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@XObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w;brw@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiffe.˯܂Aa @EӼAN wcase numberv++%LM'Ca@EӼAN wcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=@EӼAN wJudgment Title6q2-K̆Ht@EӼAN wlegal issue}@@f3f@EӼAN wAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠R@EӼAN wECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:V@EӼAN wECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[@EӼAN wDateXYJL݈!@EӼAN wReferral DateQ:O}#L@EӼAN wReferring NationdW`]O[@EӼAN wjunk{9ZAl@ic|L@EӼAN wobservation sources195/84ItalyDoes Art. 13 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC prohibit the restriction of marketing of feedstuffs by way of a requirement that the feed have a minimum iron content?It is not possible to contest the MS power to adopt measures at national level, esepcially measures for the protection of animal and human"""""" #| P؍u'The plaintaff failed to follow the proper procedures to warrant legal action, rendering the claim inadmissable. Furthermore, no evidence exists showing that the Parliament engaged in wrongful conduct.3The legal claim is inadmissible. Only in cases of appeals of selection board decisions are claims absent a prior complaint admissible.168/83Did the Parliament engage in wrongful conduct in regards to staff regulations and, therefore, liable for damages suffered as a result?xxllF]LVAL–У@)BK@EӼAN wtype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[AgreementLVAL with ECJ] m P}It has not been established that this type of price fixing has any substantive impact on free trade. Furthermore, books are cultural works and under member state jurisdiction.3This type of national legislation is not prohited as long as it complies with other specific treaty provisions. This legislation violates Art. 30 by requiring the deposit of a copy of each imported book to the authorities and fixing prices on re-imported299/83Is semi-public price fixing of books, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?[[F]nLVALgMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOLc  <        @EӼAN w       Utדf@&DL@qGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U&(L@qReferralY{$GsNyv@qIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@qObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w^JV@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff  [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristicp195/84GermanyCan sodium be classified as an undesirable substance with the meaning of Directive 74/63, given the fact that the directive does not provide a definitive explanation of what constitutes an undesirable substance?Sodium must be classified as a constituent element and not as an additive or undesirable"""""" #|r195/84ItalyCan sodium be classified as an undesirable substance with the meaning of Directive 74/63, given the fact that the directive does not provide a definitive explanation of what constitutes an undesirable substance?Sodium must be classified as a constituent element and not as an additive or undesirable"""""" #|LVAL%s].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] ? POmeCommunity law does not prohibit member states from adopting such measures on the grounds that such substances endangers public health as long as the same rules apply to both imports and domestics.3Community law does not prohibit member states from adopting such measures on the grounds that such substances endangers public health. However, that state must account for the results of the international research on the subject.247/84Is the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?F]r P,Short-term holiday leases are under the purview of Article 16. Thus, the jurisdiction for this matter lies in the state where the property is situated despite the aggreement between the sides that this matter was under the jurisdiction of their resident 3Article 16 is applicable to short-term holiday leases. However, indirect damages, such as the loss of holiday enjoyment, are not within the jurisdiction of the article.241/83In regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?F] 241/83GermanyIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Article 16 must be interpreted narrowly. Short-term leases are not under the purview of Article 16. This violates the spirit of Article 16 and puts tenants at the disadvantage of travelling to an outside state for legal action.+"""""" #|#}vGermanyDoes the compound feedstuffs directive authorize member states to adopt restrictions that are not provided for in the additives and undesirable substances directives?It is for the MS to adopt appropriate measures in each case, as is expressly recognized in Art 3 of the compound feedingstuffs directive.XX% #|y195/84ItalyDoes the compound feedstuffs directive authorize member states to adopt restrictions that are not provided for in the additives and undesirable substances directives?It is for the MS to adopt appropriate measures in each case, as is expressly recognized in Art 3 of the compound feedingstuffs directive.\\)"""""" #|%5241/83ItalyIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Article 16 does not differentiate between short-term leases and long-term leases. Absent this distinction, holiday leases do fall within the jurisdiction of Article 16.)"""""" #|o  241/83UKIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Article 16 does not differentiate between short-term and long-term leases, therefore, short-term leases are applicable. However, claims regarding indirect damages are not applicable under Article 16.&"""""" #|+;241/83CommissionIn regards to property letting, do short-term holiday leases fall under the purview of Article 16 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and, therefore, under the jurisdiction of the state in which the property is situated?Although Article 16 applies to short-term leases, but holiday leases are a different province that falls outside its jurisdiction. ."""""" #|mLVAL MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOLc  <        @EӼAN w       Utדf@&DL@qGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$U&(L@qReferralY{$GsNyv@qIssues and positions oAˑ?oyv@qObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue@EӼAN w^JV@1985 Query{Vaz KS%@EӼAN wAG (last name)1x_B EV@EӼAN wDefendantt=B2 3|@EӼAN wPlaintiffhnETM/*T@EӼAN wTreaty Basis of Case^cM)&޺@@EӼAN wchamber size႒Lte[A@EӼAN wchamber number,z%G 96@EӼAN wType of Defendant jxV$C# @EӼAN wType of Plaintiff  [1985 Query].[AG (last name)], [1985 Query].[Defendant], [1985 Query].[Plaintiff], [1985 Query].[Treaty Basis of Case], [1985 Query].[chamber size], [1985 Query].[chamber number], [1985 Query].[Type of Defendant], [1985 Query].[Type of Plaintiff]p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case CharacteristicLVAL%s].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] xf`[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[Observations].[Agreement with ECJ] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL䙱rGD3Q|14Q  }?@|1Q|1)|10A|1  <\|1Z|1|1|1Z|1|1 |1Z|1|1|1j|1|1 |1J |1 |1 |1J |1 |1 |1J |1 |1 |1* |1\|1 |1|1|1 |1p|1|1 |1|1|10|1|1|18 |1p |1 |1 |1 |1 |10 |1 |1 |1 |1\|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1p |1p |1p |1p |1\|1Z|1|1|1Z|1|1 |1Z|1|1|1j|1|1 |1J |1 |1 |1J |1 |1 |1J |1 |1 |1* |1 d  d  ȅ    ȅ   ȅ   d                ,      OGeneral Case number7General Case Characteristics[General Case Characteristics.coder (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment TitleAGeneral Case Characteristics.DateKGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiff[General Case Characteristics.Type of PlaintiffKGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendant[General Case Characteristics.Type of DefendantUGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numberQGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizeaGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of Case+Referral.Referral DateReferral1Referral.Referring Nation1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?WIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement=Observations.observation sourceObservations9Observations.type of observer;Observations.agreement with AG=Observations.Agreement with ECJ|1|1 |1|1P |1NV@ |1|1 |1|1P.|1|1|1|1 |1 Z|1|1 |1 Z|1 |1  |1 Z|1#|1ju|1Re} j|1 D |1ca  |1be J |1rr  |1ur |1rrJ |1ti |1 |1 J |1  |1   |1* |1< General Case Characteristics!|1    |1 |13|1P |1L@Referral$|1#|1#|15|1P |1&(L@'Issues and positions%|1   %|1p%|16|1P |1yv@Observations(|1  '|1'|1@8|1P |1oyv@1985 Query|1|1|1|1 |1|1 |1`|1 h|1|1 |1|1 |1x|1 |1|1 |1H|1 P|1|1 |1 |1  (|1|1  |1|1  |1h|1 p|1|1 |1|1 |1(|1 0|1|1 |1|1 |1P|1 X|1|1 |1|1 |1X|1 `|1|1LVAL |1|1W[General Case Characteristics].[case number]|1c[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)]|1][General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title]h|1E[General Case Characteristics].Date|1O[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff |1c[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff]|1O[General Case Characteristics].Defendant|1c[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant]P|1][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)]|1][General Case Characteristics].[chamber number](|1Y[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size]|1i[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case]|1/Referral.[Referral Date]p|15Referral.[Referring Nation]|15[Issues and positions].junk|1G[Issues and positions].[legal issue]0|1_[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?]|1S[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?]|1_[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement]X|1AObservations.[observation source]|1=Observations.[type of observer]|1?Observations.[agreement with 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and positionscase number#4G|1|1HB|1 #4G|1|1HB|1 #4G|1|1HB|1I|1H|18I|1I|1pI|1I|1|1 HB|1XJ|1J|1J|1J|1=Issues and positionscase number( H|1J|1 I|1 P؍Yes. This policy is a clear case of a quantitative restriction on imports and in violation of Article 30 of the EEC treaty.3Court Order - The Commission has withdrawn their court action and asked that Greece to pay the costs. Thus, Case 276/83 is removed and Greece is pay the costs.276/83Did Greece fail to fulfill its treaty obligations by prohibiting the sale on credit terms of imported vehicles intended for private use, thereby, violating Articles 30 of the EEC treaty?DD88F]h PCommission Reg. 3584/81 is a procedural provision that is applicable to operations carried out before its entry into law and should be applied retroactively.3Commission Reg. 3584/81 is a procedural provision that is applicable to operations carried out before its entry into law and should be applied retroactively.154/84Is Commission Reg. 3584/81, which regards how customs officials determine the quantity of meat used to create products, to be regarded as a procedural provision which should be applied retroactively?++bbVVF] LVAL J|1J|1J|1I|1=Issues and positionscase numberReferralGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral#4`G|1|1`C|1  #4`G|1|1`C|1K|1K|1K|1(L|1|1 `C|1L|1$M|1 M|14M|1GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral( H|1LM|1 HL|1tM|1HM|1PM|18L|1GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralObservations-Observationslegal issue#4G|1|1xD|1  #4G|1|1xD|10N|1M|1hN|1N|1|1 xD|1@O|1pO|1xO|1O|1-Observationslegal issue( 8I|1O|1 N|1O|1O|1O|1N|1-Observationslegal issue8H|1K|1pI|1hN|1#4|1E|1#4|1E|1#4|1E|1#4|1E|1P|1O|1P|1Q|1Q|1Q|1PQ|1Q|1P|1Q|1P|1Q|1Q|1Q|1PQ|1Q|1LVAL with ECJ] LVALdoGDw3QP 3Q4 ?@P QP )P 0AP   <\P ZP P P ZP P P ZP P P jP P  P J P P  P J P P P J P P P * P \P P P P P pP P P P P 0P P P 8 P p P P P P P 0 P P P  P \P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P p P p P p P p P \P ZP P P ZP P P ZP P P jP P  P J P P  P J P P P J P P P * P  d  d  ȅ    ȅ   ȅ   d                ,      OGeneral Case number7General Case Characteristics[General Case Characteristics.coder (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment TitleAGeneral Case Characteristics.DateKGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiff[General Case Characteristics.Type of PlaintiffKGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendant[General Case Characteristics.Type of DefendantUGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numberQGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizeaGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of Case+Referral.Referral DateReferral1Referral.Referring Nation1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?WIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement=Observations.observation sourceObservations9Observations.type of observer;Observations.agreement with AG=Observations.Agreement with ECJP P  P P P P g0brw@P P P P P P P P P @: ZP @: P @: P @: ZP @: P @:  P @: ZP @: P @: P @: jP @: P @:  P @: J P @:  P @:  P @: J P @:  P @:  P @: J P @:  P @:  P @: * P @:;General Case Characteristics!P    P  P 3P P P +zv@Referral$P #P #P 5P P P #x<.k@'Issues and positions%P   %P p%P 6P P P yv@Observations(P  'P 'P @8P P P oyv@1985 QueryP P P P  P P  P `P  hP P  P P  P xP  P P  P HP  PP P  P P   (P P   P P   P hP  pP P  P P  P (P  0P P  P P 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PrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservations@P P v HP GP P v IP HP KP P v KP PKP MP P v 0NP MP OP P EP EPq EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP hPP  )P PP PP FP P 0GP NP P xGP HLP P 0AP IP 7General Case Characteristicsz#4P 0AP  x#4P 0AP HP 9P 8HP pHP 'Issues and positions=Issues and positionscase numberz#4GP P HBP  z#4GP P HBP  x#4GP P HBP IP HP 8IP IP pIP IP P HBP XJP JP JP JP =Issues and positionscase number( HP JP IP JP JP JP IP =Issues and positionscase numberRef LVAL erralGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralz#4`GP P `CP  x#4`GP P `CP KP KP KP (LP P `CP LP $MP MP 4MP GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral( HP LMP HLP tMP HMP PMP 8LP GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralObservations-Observationslegal issuez#4GP P xDP  x#4GP P xDP 0NP MP hNP NP P xDP @OP pOP xOP OP -Observationslegal issue( 8IP OP NP OP OP OP NP -Observationslegal issue8HP KP pIP hNP x#4P EP x#4P EP x#4P EP x#4P EP PP OP PP QP QP QP PQP QP PP QP PP QP QP QP PQP QP #3154/84CommissionIs Commission Reg. 3584/81, which regards how customs officials determine the quantity of meat used to create products, to be regarded as a procedural provision which should be applied retroactively?It is legally impossible to apply the amendment inserted into Art 2(4) by Reg 3584/81 to situations which arose before the entry into force of that regulation.."""""" #| LVALά( 0 General Case Characteristicsά(l0 General Case Characteristics Issues and positions @Observationsά( 0 General Case Characteristicsά(l0 General Case Characteristics Issues and positions @Observations> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCV%~QM<f1985 QueryIssues and positionsObservationsJFGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralRNObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] : 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positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue 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CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesn P~ The claim is inadmissable as the treaty clearly treats types of aid differently. Additionally, the claim is unfounded because there is no evidence that the Commission victimized the applicant.2The claim is inadmissible because the Commission s action falls within the legal precepts established in Decision No 2320/81 and 2177/83. Furthermore, the Commission did not infringe upon Article 18 or Decision No 2177/83.250/83Does the Commission discriminate when, in determining quota adjustments, it accounts for the type of aid a company recieves from a member state?ZZF]h  LVALteristics].[coder (last name)] MR2ZODBCTimeoMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] R@:[Issues and positions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] MR2VAccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields 08.50   W        MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        AaӐAF       U oAˑ?8Ej@QObservationsY{$GsN+!Wj@QIssues and positions*B!POvI oAˑ?case numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issueAaӐAF&|j@Observations Without Matching Issues and positions*B!POvIAaӐAFcase numberPiUMKۨGAaӐAFlegal issue P>8[Observations].[case number] P>8[Observations].[legal issue] > Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables; PKThe protective measures in Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM are governed by national laws except where the Convention expressly requires otherwise.2The Convention governs procedures to obtain authorization for enforcement and does not contain measures concerning enforcement implementation, which is subject to national laws. However, national laws must not contradict the principles outlined in Art. 3119/84Whether or not Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM creates a comprehensive Community procedure for protective measures against debtors or whether the protective measures are to be taken according to each member states national rules?F]J PZThe customs office applied the same rate of tax to both imports and domestics during this time period. Therefore, the claim is unfounded because no discrimination took place. The method of tax calculation was in-line with the Law on the Monopoly in Spir3The taxation is not in violation of Articles 95 and 37 of the EEC treaty if the level of taxation for imports did not exceed the level of taxation for domestics.253/83Does a uniform rate of tax on spirits, regardless of fluctuations in market price, constitute unlawful discrimination against imports on the part of a member states customs office?~~F]t PThat is a matter of national law. A court needs to refer to their national procedural rules to determine whether or not a separate judicial authorization is required after receiving authorization.2By virtue of Art. 39 of the Convention, a party that has received authorization to take protective measures is not obligated to obtain a separate judicial authorization.119/84Does a party that has proceded with protective measures against debtors required to obtain a separate judicial authorization required by the national laws of that member state?HHF]> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesTd253/83CommissionDoes a uniform rate of tax on spirits, regardless of fluctuations in market price, constitute unlawful discrimination against imports on the part of a member states customs office?The uniform tax on both imports and domestics does not violate Articles 97 and 33 of the treaty regardless of the market"""""" #|s> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesP%The Commission needs to evaluate Miss Samara using the same criteria used to evaluate the outside applicants.3The Commission needs to evaluate Miss Samara using the same criteria used to evaluate the outside applicants.266/83Did the Commission violate the Staff Regulations by rejecting Miss Samaras claim that she was denied a higher promotion as compared to two lesser qualified outside applicants?F]`> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables6F119/84CommissionDoes a party that has proceded with protective measures against debtors required to obtain a separate judicial authorization required by the national laws of that member state?According to Art. 39, a decision authorizing enforcement is an order authorizing protective measures. Therefore, no separate judicial authorization is required.."""""" #|v119/84UKDoes a party that has proceded with protective measures against debtors required to obtain a separate judicial authorization required by the national laws of that member state?The need for separate judicial authorization after enforcement has been authorized is entirely dependent on national law.SS&"""""" #|u> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables#P3Art. 39 does not supercede national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken.2The time-period prescribed in Art. 36 for those cases that fall under Art. 39 supercedes those national laws that conflict with it.119/84Whether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?}F]ӎ119/84UKWhether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?The protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national law.&"""""" #|ey119/84CommissionWhether or not the protective measures outlined in Art. 39 are subject to national laws mandating a time-period in which the measures must be taken?The right of a party to carry out protective measures is subject to the time-period outlined in Art. 36 of the Convention.@@."""""" #|  119/84CommissionWhether or not Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM creates a comprehensive Community procedure for protective measures against debtors or whether the protective measures are to be taken according to each member states national rules?The courts may refer to their national laws in order to determine the rules applicable to the protective measures in Art. 39. The requirements in that article are not complete. ."""""" #|#6F119/84UKWhether or not Art. 39 of the CJEJCCM creates a comprehensive Community procedure for protective measures against debtors or whether the protective measures are to be taken according to each member states national rules?The question of how a national court must exercise the power to grant protective measures falls wholly under the domain of its national laws.&"""""" #|!> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables179/83CommissionIn case 179/83 does Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover.."""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesL P\Commission Regulation 3013/80 should be declared invalid because the Commission based the compensatory amounts on one mode of production that is not uniformly used throughout the Community.3The applicant has not shown that the production projections in which the compensatory amounts were based upon were unrealistic. Therefore, the applicant has not shown that either regulation is invalid.46/84Are Commission Regulations 746/79 and 3013/80 concerning the customs tariffs on maize products invalid because they set the monetary compensatory amounts too low based on unrealistic production projections?}}F]> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables46/84CommissionAre Commission Regulations 746/79 and 3013/80 concerning the customs tariffs on maize products invalid because they set the monetary compensatory amounts too low based on unrealistic production projections?Factors, such as the cost of processing and marketing products as advocated by the plaintiffs, should not taken into account when determining monetary compensatory amounts.-!!!!!! #|#> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables:J~it179/84CouncilDoes the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?The method is not discriminatory as it was intended to prevent fraud and surpluses. Additionally, the same method of calculation is applied to all milk producers within the Community.+"""""" #|wDTit179/84ItalyDoes the method of calculating the co-responsibility levy discriminate against producers from certain region compared to other producers, thus, violating Art. 40 of the EEC treaty?Fixing the co-responsibility levy to the target price of milk containing 3.7% fat discriminates against Italian producers because the average fat content in Italy is only 3.5%.)"""""" #|! P0Germany failed to fulfil its treaty obligations because those laws violate the mandates of the Community directives regarding the marketing of calf feed. Germany did not show how the directives were detrimental to human and animal life.3Germany failed to fulfil its treaty obligations because those laws violate the mandates of the Community directives regarding the marketing of calf feed. Germany did not show how the directives were detrimental to human and animal life.28/84Do the German laws mandating a minimum iron content and maximum levels of sodium for calf feed violate the directives aimed at harmonizing national laws in that field?F] P"@The Commission misintepreted Article 130 and, as a result, incorrectly granted France authorization to implement trade restrictions on Greek combed yarn.3The Commission Decision 81/988 is declared void.11/82Was the Commissions decision authorizing France to implement protective trade restrictions on Greek combed yarn a violation of Article 130 of the Act of Accession?F] > Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables PČ8 nThe German steel industry suffered harm resulting from the Commissions failure to follow the progressive reduction of aids policy. The contested decisions should be annulled because the aid granted exceeds the amount of aid plans submitted to the Commiss2To support the claim of unequal treatment, the applicant need to show how the contested decisions granted advantages for other steel companies in the same situation. Also, the fact that more aid was granted than requested does not violate Art. 8 of the A214/83Did the Commission breach the principle of equality in their decisions authorizing significantly higher aids and lower capacity reduction requirements to the steel industries of Belgium, France, Britain, and Italy as compared to Germany?&&F]2B182/84GermanyIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?The requirement in question is necessary to protect the consumers from being misled in thinking that imported gin has the same alcohol content as domestics.+"""""" #|/?182/84ItalyIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?A member state may prevent certain traders from gaining a competitive advantage over domestics due to the decreased costs and taxes of lower alcohol content gin.)"""""" #|K PÌ:(When an original buyer of butter covered by Reg. 232/75 entrusts a third party with the final processing, the exceeding of the time-limits by that third party does not constitute a case of circumstances beyond control within the meaning of Arts. 18 & 19.3When an original buyer of butter covered by Reg. 232/75 entrusts a third party with the final processing, the exceeding of the time-limits by that third party does not constitute a case of circumstances beyond control within the meaning of Arts. 18 & 19.125/83According to Arts. 18 & 19 of Reg. 232/75, does a case in which an unauthorized customs official grants a time-limit extension for the final processing release the original buyer from liability because of circumstances beyond their control?$$F]> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables.182/84BelgiumIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?The lower alcohol gin has been produced lawfully in Belgium for years. Support for the Netherlands restriction would be granting a monopoly over the generic name of a product.+"""""" #| 182/84CommissionIf a member state requires that gin meet a 35% alcohol content to be marketed as such, is that requirement a quantitative restiction on imports by prohibiting the marketing of imported gins with less alcohol content?Requirements restricting the importation of gin, lawfully produced in other states, because it has a lower alcohol content is a quantitive restiction on imports in violation of Art. 30.."""""" #|I> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables PteNo AG position - Court Order3The applicants fail to demonstrate the urgency required for such a suspension of competition. Furthermore, case law has established that the Court can annul the selection boards decision and reopen the competition for each canidate allowed.293/84 RAn application asking the Court to suspend a job competition until it rules on the substantive matters of the applicants claims. Continuance of the job competition without a Court ruling may cause irreparable damage to the applicants.&&99))66664F]Yi186/83DenmarkIn case 186/83 Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not explicitly exclude these types of transfers. Thus, the Directive is applicable.||+"""""" #|o( P8/The applicants claim is inadmissible under Article 173 because the regulation does not fit the criteria for individual litigation. Furthermore, the applicants do not provide adequate evidence that this particular regulation is the primary cause of potent3The claim is inadmissible under Article 173. Addtionally, the applicants do not show any causal connection between this regulation and the loss of future sales. Hence, the claim for compensatory damages is also rejected.147/83Is the Commission liable for damages resulting from a restriction on imported wines that use word descriptions banned by Commission Regulation No 997/81?F]-186/83NetherlandsIn case 186/83 Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover./"""""" #|o186/83CommissionIn case 186/83 Council Directive 77/187, which mandates the safeguarding of employee s rights during business transfers, apply to transfers in which the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts?The Directive does not apply to these types of transfers because they are forced transfers and not consensual transfers for which it was intended to cover.."""""" #|#K[186/83CommissionIn bankruptcy cases where only a portion of the company is transferred, is the transferee liable for employee obligations of the non-transferred portion?The obligations only apply to those employees that are transferred in cases where the transferor is undergoing bankruptcy or has leave to suspend payment of debts.nn."""""" #|a> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables^ PnThe Court should annul the Commissions decision regarding the disciplinary action against the applicant because they did not provide a statement of reasons detailing why it rejected the Boards recommendation.3Annuls the Commissions decision because it failed to provide an adequate statement of reasons for rejecting the Boards recommendation. Refers the case back to Commission so it can prepare a proper statement of reasons.228/83Did the Commission violate the Staff Regulations when it imposed harsher penalties on the applicant than those recommended by the Disciplinary Board?jjF]t[k195/84GermanyIs the proper interpretation of "additives" in Art. 2 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC to encompass all substances contained in feedstuffs or only those substances that are added to the baseline substances?Substances that occur naturally in the base-line ingredients cannot be considered additives for the purposes of the Directive.zz+"""""" #|#]m195/84ItalyIs the proper interpretation of "additives" in Art. 2 of Council Directive 70/524/EEC to encompass all substances contained in feedstuffs or only those substances that are added to the baseline substances?Substances that occur naturally in the base-line ingredients cannot be considered additives for the purposes of the Directive.xx)"""""" #|#> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables`p199/84ItalyDoes Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?Beef that is imported solely for the use of re-exportation throughout the Community does not satisfy the requirements of that state and violates the spirit of the quota.uu)"""""" #|DT199/84BelgiumDoes Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?Regulation 3225/82 is intended to ensure that the beef is used for internal consumption, but it does not authorize member states from passing laws that restrict the re-exportation of those goods.+"""""" #|!:J199/84CommissionDoes Regulation (EEC) 3225/82, regarding beef importation quotas, prohibit the re-exportation of imported beef from a non-member state to another member state?No member state can expressly prohibit the re-exportation of goods to another member state because it violates Art. 34 of the EEC treaty regarding the free movement of goods.."""""" #|!\ PlprThis type of legislation represents a prohibitive restriction on imports which violates Articles 5, 30, and 36 of the EEC treaty. However, there are no provisions in the treaty to settle this type of situation.2Article 3, 5, 85, and 86 do not prohibit certain types of price fixing legislation. However, Article 30 does prohibit the type of price fixing used by the French legislation in this case.231/83Does price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?llF]n> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables208/84NetherlandsIs Regulation No 1245/83 invalid as amended by Regs 3281/83 and 270/84?Examination of the question submitted has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Regs 3281/83 and 270/84.x/"""""" #|e'231/83CommissionDoes price fixing (fuel prices), established by member state legislation, constitute as a prohibitive restriction on imports, thereby, in violation of Article 5 of the EEC treaty?State measures can only in exceptional circumstnaces be regarded as incompativle with the obligation arising out of Art 5 of the Treaty. That is not the case here.."""""" #|208/84CommissionIs Regulation No 1245/83 invalid as amended by Regs 3281/83 and 270/84?Examination of the question submitted has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Regs 3281/83 and 270/84.w."""""" #|}> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables214/84CommissionIs the term A GIVEN FOR RECOVERY in Article 8 of Counci Reg 1697/79 to be taken to refer to post clearance recovery of each individual import or export transaction or is that term to be taken to refer to a single post clearance recovery order, even if it Makes it possible for an order to combine several transactions for payment in a single action for recovery even if they are less than 10 European units of account./."""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables(8221/84UKIs an oral agreement on jurisdiction valid within the requirements of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments, if the agreement has been confirmed by writing?An oral agreement on jurisdiction meets the requirements of the Convention if written confirmation was sent by one of the parties and no objection was raised within a reasonable period of time.&"""""" #|s P{!@9This type of legislation represents a prohibitive restriction on imports which violates Articles 5, 30, and 36 of the EEC treaty. However, there are no provisions in the treaty to settle this type of situation.3Article 3, 5, 85, and 86 do not prohibit certain types of price fixing legislation. However, Article 30 does prohibit the type of price fixing used by the French legislation in this case.231/83Does the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?  F] 221/84CommissionIs an oral agreement on jurisdiction valid within the requirements of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments, if the agreement has been confirmed by writing?An oral agreement on jurisdiction meets the requirements of the Convention if written confirmation was sent by one of the parties and no objection was raised within a reasonable period of time.."""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables 229/83CommissionIs semi-public price fixing, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The legislation allows for imports to be treated differently than domestics, thereby, hurting competition. This serves as a restriction to free trade and is in violation of Article 30 of the treaty.rr."""""" #|u 229/83FranceIs semi-public price fixing, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The legislation was enacted to protect small distributors. Large distributors hold a major advantage over small ones without this law. Without the law, it threatens the promotion of cultural works.nn*"""""" #|y> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables!231/83FranceDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.}*"""""" #|"231/83ItalyDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.|)"""""" #|#231/83GreeceDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?Price fixing legislation on fuel does not effect the price of imports from other member states.}*"""""" #|$231/83CommissionDoes the type of price fixing described in the case violate Art 30 of the Treaty?The French legislation fixing fuel prices does represent a quantitative restriction on imports. Thus, it violates Article 30 prohibiting this type of barrier to the free movement of goods.@@."""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesP7  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Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables PA scientific instrument or apparatus should be evaluated on its objective technical characteristics. Scientific instruments perform at a high-level of performance than industrial or commercial instruments.3A scientific instrument is defined by its objective technical characteristics for both its intended use and the results it will be used to obtain.234/83What criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific instrument or apparatus" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?//||F]/?ps247/84DenmarkWhat, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?The authorities should take into consideration the eating habits prevailing in the MS in question, the use of the same colourant in other foodstuffs which are widely consumed in the state and the use of other additives in the foodstuff in question.+"""""" #|u> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables+;ps247/84NetherlandsWhat, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?The authorities should take into consideration the eating habits prevailing in the MS in question, the use of the same colourant in other foodstuffs which are widely consumed in the state and the use of other additives in the foodstuff in question./"""""" #|/ PScientific activities are those activities conducted by either public or private organizations with the the purpose of furthering scientific knowledge using high performance instruments.2Scientific activities are those in the pursuit of furthering scientific knowledge conducted with non-commercial purposes.234/83What criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific activities" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?[[OOF]hps247/84CommissionWhat, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?The prohibition is no longer justified under Art 36 of the EEC Treaty.."""""" #|o> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables:J247/84NetherlandsIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?The prohibition does impede inter-Community trade, but it is justified under Art. 36 because the colorant may pose a health threat which is the domain of national legislation./"""""" #|GW%234/83CommissionWhat criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific instrument or apparatus" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?The first and second questions should be answered in the affirmative, sicne the definitions given by the Council were merely intended to clarify the concept of scientific instruments.."""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesJZ234/83CommissionWhat criteria should be used when interpreting the term "scientific activities" in terms of Article 3 of Regulation No 1798/75 regarding custom tariffs?Scientific activities are those with the purpose of furthering scientific knowledge by the use of high performance instruments and in-depth treatment of the subject.oo."""""" #|+;247/84CommissionIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?Although public health threats are the domain of national authorities, the degree of harmfulness of this substance is known and such a prohibition is no longer needed.."""""" #|/> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables PBased on the specific circumstances of the case and prior case-law, the employee was not discriminated against by having their seniority determined by the rules regarding promotion.3The two existing systems of evaluation (promotion v. competition) are not discriminatory because each system applies to objectively different groups of canidates.273/83Does the Community discriminate against existing employees when their seniority is determined by the rules regarding promotion following their appointment based on an open recruitment process?AAssF]hBR247/84DenmarkIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?The prohibition does impede inter-Community trade, but it is justified under Art. 36 because the colorant may pose a health threat which is the domain of national legislation.+"""""" #|BR247/84GermanyIs the prohibition of the use of red colorant in the preparation of non-smoked fish roe outlined in Royal Decree of 7/27/78 a quantitative restriction on the free movement of goods?The prohibition does impede inter-Community trade, but it is justified under Art. 36 because the colorant may pose a health threat which is the domain of national legislation.+"""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables Pc&0The fine was not unfairly administered because the Commission can take into account the size of the parties and their imposed relative disadvantage when deciding on the amount.3The penalty must be imposed equally for equal offenses. Thus, the Court voids the fine imposed on the applicant by the Commission.35/83In a previous ruling, did the Commission unfairly administer a fine to only the applicant despite the fact that both parties violated the same agreement?YYOOF] > Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables "249/83CommissionDoes Belgium s requirement that non-nationals need to reside in Belgium five years prior to receiving welfare benefits (but not nationals) constitute a discriminatory policy based on nationality prohibited under Article 3?The requirement is discriminatory because the benefit is a social advantage protected by regulation 1612/68 which confers the right to social advantages to all workers regardless of nationality.."""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables seIssues seIssues seIssues seIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and poseIssues seIssues seIssues seIssues seIssues and positionsObservations@seIssues and posiseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and positionsObservations@A]Q9 seIssues seIssues seIssues seIssues seIssues and positionsObservations@seIssues and posiseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and positionsObservseIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and positionsObservations@A]Q9 seIssues seIssues seIssues seIssues and positionsObservations@seIssues and posiseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and positionsObservations@A]Q9 seIssues seIssues seIssues and positionsObservations@seIssues and posiseIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and positionseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and positionsObservseIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and positionsObservaseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and poseIssues and positionsObservatiseIssues and positionsObservatioseIssues and poseIssues and positionsObservations@A]Q9 seIssues and positionsObservations@A]Q9 seGeneral seIssues and positionsObservations@A]Q9 > Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesQa276/84CommissionAre the interpretations requested in Qs 1 and 2 to be applied to the relevant monetary compensatory amounts by an analogous interpretation of Commission Reg 1371/81 notwithstanding that the regulation lays down no express requirement that the product mustThe monetary compensatory amounts applicable on the date of export must be applied./."""""" #|c> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesVf276/84ItalyAre the interpretations requested in Qs 1 and 2 to be applied to the relevant monetary compensatory amounts by an analogous interpretation of Commission Reg 1371/81 notwithstanding that the regulation lays down no express requirement that the product mustThe monetary compensatory amounts applicable on the date of export must be applied.*)"""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesdt276/84CommissionWhere the products presentation is altered between the time of completion of customs export formalities and its departure from the territory of the Community is the refund to be paid at the rate fixed in advance or at the rate applicable at the time of coExport refunds applicable on the date of export must be applied.qq/."""""" #|#> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables PntThe fixing of prices by an itner-trade agreement made by the fmaily of growers and the family of dealers constituted under the rules of the BNIC constitutes a decision by an assocaition of undertakings within the meaning of Art 85(1) of the Treaty notwith3Article 85(1) of the Treaty must be taken to apply to an inter-trade agreement fixing a minimum price for a product such as cognac concluded by two groups of traders within the framework of, and in accordance with the procedures of a body such as BNIC.123/83Is it a restriction on competition by an association of undertakings, as prohibited in Article 85, when a inter-trade organization, such as BINC, implements a price-fixing agreement?##F]w276/84CommissionIs Article 9(1) of Commission Reg 2730/79 to be interpreted as meaning that an alteration in the products presentation entails forfeiture of the export refund where such alteration brings the product within a different tariff subheading even though the raRepackaging entails forfeiture of the refund.^^/."""""" #||276/84ItalyIs Article 9(1) of Commission Reg 2730/79 to be interpreted as meaning that an alteration in the products presentation entails forfeiture of the export refund where such alteration brings the product within a different tariff subheading even though the raRepackaging entails forfeiture of the refund.YY*)"""""" #|> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesJZ290/84CommissionAccording to Art. 3 of Reg. (EEC) 1224/80, does the transaction value include both the price of goods and the cost of intra-Community transport if they are presented separately for the purposes of deriving a customs value?The cost of intra-Community transport should not be included in the customs value of the goods.oo."""""" #|!> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesSc295/84CommissionDoes Art. 33 of the 6th Council Directive 77/388/EEC prohibit member states from instituting a charges on companies based on their annual turnover before tax to be used to fund benefits for self-employed craftsmen?No, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive prohibits.ff."""""" #|ed123/83CommissionIs it a restriction on competition by an association of undertakings, as prohibited in Article 85, when a inter-trade organization, such as BINC, implements a price-fixing agreement?Such an agreement falls within the term "decision by associations of undertakings" in Art 85(1) of the Treaty.VV."""""" #|s295/84FranceDoes Art. 33 of the 6th Council Directive 77/388/EEC prohibit member states from instituting a charges on companies based on their annual turnover before tax to be used to fund benefits for self-employed craftsmen?No, because such charges cannot be classified as turnover taxes which the Directive*"""""" #|i> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables PDenmark did not fulfill its obligations to the EEC because it failed to properly implement the Council directive mandating the principle of equal pay for men and women.3Denmark did not implement the Council directive within the time prescibed. As a result, Denmark failed to fulfill its obligations to the EEC.143/83Did Denmark fail to fulfill its obligations to the EEC by failing to implement a Council directive, mandating the end of gender discrimination in regards to pay, within the prescribed time period?$$^^RRF]lCS299/83CommissionIs semi-public price fixing of books, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The legislation allows import to be treated differently than domestics, thereby, hurting competition. This serves as a restriction to free trade and is in violation of Article 30 of the treaty.vv."""""" #|gK[299/83FranceIs semi-public price fixing of books, established by a member state legislation, constitute a quantitative restriction on imports?The price fixing legislation was enacted to protect small bookshops from bigger vendors due to their advantage in buying large quantities. Fear that this advantage would hurt cultural works favored by smaller vendors.*"""""" #|#> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables 31/85CommissionWhether a clause within a exclusive distribution contract, in which the manufacturer extends a guarantee on their products after sale but does not for the customers of other distributors, is a violation of Art. 85 which prohibits discrimination?A clause does violate Art. 85 if is based solely on membership of exclusive distribution because this distorts competition by granting an incentive to buy from only exclusive distributors.$-!!!!!! #|o PAlthough the grant does qualify as state aid according to Art. 92, the action must be submited under Article 93 and not Article 169. Therefore, the action is inadmissible.3The action submitted by way of Article 169 is inadmissible because the Commission failed to satisfy the procedures outlined in Article 93.290/83Did France violate Article 5 by providing state aid to farmers in the form of grants orginating from a semi-public fund?^^RRF]x> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables86/84CommissionHow is the weight of a fishing vessel supposed to be calculated for the purposes of Article 14 of Council regulation 171/83?No specific calculation methods are prescribed by Community law. Therefore, the calculation methods of the member state must be used.33-!!!!!! #|eP pNot Applicable - Court Order3The applicant did not follow the proper procedure as outlined in Article 92 of the Staff Regulations. Therefore, the claim is inadmissible.259/84Annulment of the Selection Board decision not to establish a new test date for the applicant in regards to an open competition for a position. Applicant claims that the Parliament did not give him enough notice for impending test.66664F]R> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables F53/83CommissionThe applicants ask the Court to annul Council Regulation 101/83 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on them because they claim that the Council did not accurately calculate the normal value using the facts available required by Article 7 of Reg. 3017/Without cooperation in the investigation, the Commission is entitled to establish a duty considered closest to economic reality given the available information..-!!!!!! #|!> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablese Put Council Directive 77/187 does not apply to bankruptcy transfers and such situations are under the purview of member state legislation as provided for in Article 4 of the Directive.3Council Directive 77/187 does not require that member states implement provisions making the transferee liable for lost compensation (holiday pay) to the tranferring employees.19/83Is the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?ccF]d> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables. Lh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCV%n7|}(MSysNameMap 1985 QueryIssues and positionsObservationsJFPaste Errors"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesLVAL` `?? ??W[General Case Characteristics].[case number]?c[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)]?][General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title]h?E[General Case Characteristics].Date?O[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff ?c[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff]?O[General Case Characteristics].Defendant?c[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant]P?][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)]?][General Case Characteristics].[chamber number](?Y[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size]?i[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case]?/Referral.[Referral Date]p?5Referral.[Referring Nation]?5[Issues and positions].junk?G[Issues and positions].[legal issue]0?_[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?]?S[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?]?_[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement]X?AObservations.[observation source]?=Observations.[type of observer]??Observations.[agreement with AG]`?AObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]? ?NtZ?Nt?Nt?NtXZ?Nth=sX8?NtXX ?Nt1ssZ?Ntz?Nti?Nt j?Nt ?Nt General Case Characteristics ?p#? Z?x#? ?#? ?#? ^?#? ?#? .?#? Z?#? ?#? ?#? j?#? ?#???h?? ???P??(???/ ?NtsX XJ ?NtsX XReferral  ?%? J ?%?p??w ?Nt ?NtJ ?Nt ?Nt ?NthGIssues and positions ?x'?  ?'? J ?'? ?'? ?'??0???X?WJ ?Nt ?NtHsX8X ?Nt8HsXX* ?Nt8HsXXObservations J ?)? ?)? ?)? * ?)???`?? ?8E?9? P ?8???X??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??)??(?<?!z#4?3? z#4?3? z#4?3? x#4?3?  z#4?3? x#4?3? z#4?3? x#4?3? z#4?3? x#4?3?  x#4?3?  x#4?3? x#4?5? x#4?5? x#'19/83DenmarkIs the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?The Directive has no application to such a transfer.99*!!!!!! #|/?ps247/84GermanyWhat, if any, are the limitations placed on the ability of MS to enact such prohibitions as those at issue in the present case?The authorities should take into consideration the eating habits prevailing in the MS in question, the use of the same colourant in other foodstuffs which are widely consumed in the state and the use of other additives in the foodstuff in question.+"""""" #| i Mh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&vFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesi Mh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&vFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesi Mh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&vFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesEU(19/83FranceIs the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?The words 'existing on the date of transfer' qualify 'contract of employment or& employment relatinship' and not 'rights and obligations.')!!!!!! #|=M)19/83UKIs the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?The words 'existing on the date of transfer' qualify 'contract of employment or& employment relatinship' and not 'rights and obligations.'%!!!!!! #|@P*19/83NetherlandsIs the Council Directive 77/187, regarding the rights of employees in business transfers, applicable to bankruptcy transfers? Who is liable for lost compensation (holiday pay), the old business or the new business?The words 'existing on the date of transfer' qualify 'contract of employment or& employment relatinship' and not 'rights and obligations.'.!!!!!! #|LVALa4?6?`z#4?6? x#4?6? x#4?6? x#4?6? z#4?@8?  x#4?@8?  x#4?@8?  x#4?@8? ?z <?pR?=?Ut?.?.?4?0/?4?h/?5?/?5?/? 5?0?05?H0?@5?0?P5?0?`5?0?p5?(1?5??z P=?R?h=?@Wt?`1?5?1?6??z =?R?(>?Xt?1?6?2?7?@2?8?x2?8?2? 8??z x??S???8Zt?2?08? 3?X9?X3?h9?3?x9? d.? d.? ȃ0/?h/? ȃ/?/? ȃ0?H0? d0?0?0?(1?`1?1?1? 2?@2?x2?2? ,2? 3?X3?3?\;?<?<?<?<? <?(<?0<?8<?@<?H<?P<?X<?`<?h<?p<?x<?<?<?<?<?<?<?.?.?0/?h/?/?/?0?H0?0?0?0?(1?`1?1?1?2?@2?x2?2?2? 3?X3?3?G3?5?6?@8?General Case Characteristics d(=? d@=?PrimaryKey coderReferral =?  d=?PrimaryKeyGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral'Issues and positionsx>? >? d>? d??PrimaryKey=Issues and positionslegal issue=Issues and positionscase number_General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsObservations??  ?? d @?PrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase numberX@??v G?hG??v I?I??v M?M?XO??v O?O?Q??8E?8Eq?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?8E?0R? )?pR?Q? 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Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables P The French policy on waste oil does impede the free movement of goods to other member states and is in violation of Article 34 of the EEC treaty.3The French policy on waste oil does impede the free movement of goods to other member states and is in violation of Article 34 of the EEC treaty.173/83Does the French policy on waste oil disposal represent a barrier to the free movement of goods as protected under Article 34 of the EEC treaty?JJ>>F]n> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables n@pF t J A | R ( g k  Issues and positionsObservations@]Q9 General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positions@}qI General Case CharacteristicsReferral@eYI B@ g"Observations.[agreement 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DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source240/83ItalyIs Council Directive 75/439, regarding the disposal of waste oils, invalid because it conflicts with Articles 5 and 6 of the EEC treaty protecting of the free movement of goods?The Directive does not conflict with the Community objective of free trade.)))"""""" #|KLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery>F]xLVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery"""""" #|LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source 284/83CommissionDoes the Directive apply not only to those situations where the employer contemplated large-scale dismissals, but also those situation where the employer should have contemplated large-scale dismissals?Expanding the Directive to cover those situations where employers ought to have made dismissal considerations, would make every employer unable to forsee dismissals in their future liable for damages.."""""" #|#KLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source PArticle 10 does not require cohabitation in order for a non-national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states.3Article 10 does not require cohabitation in order for a non-national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states.267/83Does Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?::..F]n267/83GermanyDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?The spirit of Article 10 establishes that the right of residence only exist if the spouses cohabitate.EE+"""""" #|!HX267/83UKDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?Article 10 does not grant any right to a non-national spouse separated from a national spouse for residence. Article 10 must be interpreted as requiring cohabitation.&"""""" #|!?O267/83NetherlandsDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?Article 10 gives a migrant worker the right to bring other family members to the member state of employment. The spirit of Article 10 requires that the family members cohabitate./"""""" #|e9I267/83CommissionDoes Article 10 of EEC regulation 1612/68 require that the non-national spouse cohabitate with the national spouse to qualify for a right of residence within the member states?Interpreting Article 10 as requiring cohabitation places a restriction on the conduct of marriage if they want to retain the Community right to free movement.."""""" #|iKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceYPiAny vocational training that specifically prepares the student for a particular profession and is qualitatively different from general education.3Any vocational training that specifically prepares the student for a particular profession.293/83What is the criteria establishing what types of education is protected by the EEC treaty?ooF]vKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceme@ sWJmYkmWQiQko^mdSSJY^oiQmd`J\QmWQbdmYSYMJmYdbiQSQiiQOmdYbJim@HdSmWQiQU$% sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmmvfQkdSfidMQQOYbUkOdQkJimYM^Q8B8Jff^vmd$G sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWJmYSJbvJiQmWQ^Y`YmJmYdbkf^JMQOdbmWQJLY^YmvdS`kmdQbJMmkoMWfidWYLYmYdbkJkmWdkQJmYkkoQYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$D sWQbJ`Q`LQikmJmQMWJbUQkmWQYi^QUYk^JmYdbYbJffiduY`JmYbUMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDD<#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceKLVAL[–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL-–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL-–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source9LVALI–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source9LVALI–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observery#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source1LVALA–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source1LVALA–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵g MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵g MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation source PProposes that the applicant be awarded the sums offered by the Commission. Furthermore, the request for additional compensation and compensatory damage is unfounded.3Proposes that the applicant be awarded the sums offered by the Commission. Furthermore, the request for additional compensation and compensatory damage is unfounded.131/81Settling the amount of damages payable to the applicant stemming from an accident occurring at a Commission function.tthhF]@LVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceW PgIt becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive when the building construction begins provided there is sufficient evidence that the building will be used for that activity.2t becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive when the building construction begins provided there is sufficient evidence that the building will be used for that activity.268/83In accordance with Article 4 of the Sixth Directive, at what point does a business exploiting tangible property begin: at the start of building construction or when the actual leasing begins?qqF]n"2268/83NetherlandsIn accordance with Article 4 of the Sixth Directive, at what point does a business exploiting tangible property begin: at the start of building construction or when the actual leasing begins?t becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive when the property is purchased provided there is sufficient evidence that the property will be used for that activity./"""""" #|m^n268/83CommissionIn accordance with Article 4 of the Sixth Directive, at what point does a business exploiting tangible property begin: at the start of building construction or when the actual leasing begins?t becomes a business as specified in Article 4 of the Sixth Directive after the purchase of the property.[[."""""" #|uLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @|HGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@|HReferralY{$GsNyo\@|HIssues and positions oAˑ?n\@|HObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,ū8̱j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment TitleO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendant,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL˵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @chGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@chReferralY{$GsNj@chIssues and positions oAˑ?A<̲j@chObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,u'j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment Title jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of Case6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendantXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL4͵gMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL <        a=oB̖,u     (   Utדf@&D ^e @chGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$UVs@chReferralY{$GsNj@chIssues and positions oAˑ?A<̲j@chObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:VY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff Agreement{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issuea=oB̖,u'j@1985 Querye.˯܂Aa a=oB̖,ucase numberv++%LM'Caa=oB̖,ucoder (last name)4g5FtC%=a=oB̖,uJudgment Title jxV$C# a=oB̖,uType of Plaintiff,z%G 96a=oB̖,uType of Defendant{Vaz KS%a=oB̖,uAG (last name)႒Lte[Aa=oB̖,uchamber number^cM)&޺@a=oB̖,uchamber sizehnETM/*Ta=oB̖,uTreaty Basis of Case6q2-K̆Hta=oB̖,ulegal issue}@@f3fa=oB̖,uAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠Ra=oB̖,uECJ-AG Agreement?Ag:Va=oB̖,uECJ-Plaintiff AgreementO5pdF[a=oB̖,uDatet=B2 3|a=oB̖,uPlaintiff1x_B EVa=oB̖,uDefendantXYJL݈!a=oB̖,uReferral DateQ:O}#La=oB̖,uReferring NationdW`]O[a=oB̖,ujunk{9ZAl@ic|La=oB̖,uobservation sourceLVAL–У@)BKa=oB̖,utype of observeryObservations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] ZHBObservations.[Agreement with ECJ] LVAL4͵g oGD.4SsXr4SD  D?P@sXSsX)sX@sX µ <\sXZsXsXsXZsXsX sXZsXsXsXjsXsX sXJ sX sX sXJ sX sX sXJ sX sX sX* sX\sX sXsXsX sXpsXsX sXsXsX0sXsXsX8 sXp sX sX sX sX sX0 sX sX sX sX\sXsXsXsXsXsXsXsXsXsXsXsX sX sX sX sX sX sX sXp sXp sXp sXp sX\sXZsXsXsXZsXsX sXZsXsXsXjsXsX sXJ sX sX sXJ sX sX sXJ sX sX sX* sX d  d  ȅ    ȅ   ȅ   d                ,      OGeneral Case number7General Case Characteristics[General Case Characteristics.coder (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment TitleAGeneral Case Characteristics.DateKGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiff[General Case Characteristics.Type of PlaintiffKGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendant[General Case Characteristics.Type of DefendantUGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)UGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber numberQGeneral Case Characteristics.chamber sizeaGeneral Case Characteristics.Treaty Basis of Case+Referral.Referral DateReferral1Referral.Referring Nation1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?WIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff Agreement=Observations.observation sourceObservations9Observations.type of observer;Observations.agreement with AG=Observations.Agreement with ECJsXsX sXsXP sX'j@sXsX sXsX sXsX sXsX sXy ZsXy sXy sXy ZsXy sXy  sXy ZsXy sXy sXy jsXy sXy  sXy J sXy  sXy  sXy J sXy  sXy  sXy J sXy  sXy  sXy * sXy;General Case Characteristics!sX    sX sX3sXP sX ^e @Referral$sX#sX#sX5sXP sXVs@'Issues and positions%sX   %sXp%sX6sXP sXj@Observations(sX  'sX'sX@8sXP sXA<̲j@1985 QuerysXsXsXsX sXsX sX`sX hsXsX sXsX sXxsX 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source]sX=Observations.[type of observer]sX?Observations.[agreement with AG]`sXAObservations.[Agreement with ECJ]sXsXy ZsXy sXy sXy ZsXy sXy  sXy ZsXy sXy sXy jsXy sXy; General Case Characteristics sXp#sX ZsXx#sX sX#sX sX#sX ^sX#sX sX#sX .sX#sX ZsX#sX sX#sX sX#sX jsX#sX sX#sXsXsXhsXsX sXsXsXPsXsX(sXsXsX sXy J sXy Referral  sX%sX J sX%sXpsXsX sXy  sXy J sXy  sXy  sXy+Issues and positions sXx'sX  sX'sX J sX'sX sX'sX sX'sXsX0sXsXsXXsXJ sXy  sXy  sXy * sXyObservations J sX)sX sX)sX sX)sX * sX)sXsXsX`sXsX sX8EsX9sX P sX8sXsXsXXsXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX)sXsX(sXsXysX1sX6sX2sX7sX@2sX8sXx2sX8sX2sX 8sXsXz x?sXSsX?sX0ysX2sX08sX 3sXX9sXX3sXh9sX3sXx9sX d.sX d.sX ȃ0/sXh/sX ȃ/sX/sX ȃ0sXH0sX d0sX0sX0sX(1sX`1sX1sX1sX 2sX@2sXx2sX2sX ,2sX 3sXX3sX3sX\;sXsX >sX d>sX d?sXPrimaryKey=Issues and positionslegal issue=Issues and positionscase number_General Case CharacteristicsIssues and 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positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables> Nh=`A 7 e <  i D ] ] :  qL!LdCb/W*c&v1985 QueryFind duplicates for Issues and positionsZVObservations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjeMSysAccessObjects,( MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(mMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:IPaste Errors"Observations Query.*Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRIssues and positionsObservationsJFCopy of General Case CharacteristicsRNQuerygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin FrmdialogTreaty article at issue84 Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables