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112/911Werner v Finanzamt Aachen-innenstadtHans WernerFinanzamt Aachen-innenstadtDarmongZ42& @?@A111/941Job CentreJob Centre Coop a.r.l.Pubblico MinisteroElmerslX@42& @?@A111/921Lange v Finanzamt FurstenfeldbrukWilfried LangeFinanzamt FurstenfeldbruckJacobsgW42& @@@@ 111/911Commission v LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgJacobsmeYM42& @??@ 110/911MoroniMichael MoroniCollo GmbHVan GervendXL<42& @?@@@11/931Siemens NixdorfSiemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AGHauptzollamt AugsburgJacobskC20&@@X@@11/92The Queen v Secretary of State for Health, ex parte Gallaher Ltd and OthersThe QueenSecretary of State for Health, ex parte Gallaher Ltd and OthersLenz}00& @?@@109/921Wirth v Landeshauptstadt HannoverStephen Max WirthLandeshauptstadt HannoverDarmonjW42& @?@? 109/911Ten OeverGerardus Cornelis Ten OeverStichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds voor het Glazenwassers-en SchoonmaakbedrijfVan Gerven\?42& @?@@108/921Atro-Med v Oberfinanzdirektion BerlinAstro-Med GmbHOberfinanzdirektion BerlinTesaurok[42& @@@@ 107/921Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyGulmannd[TH42& @?@? 107/914ENU v. CommissionEmpresa Nacional de Uranio SACommissionGulmann{rfG42& @@?@106/941Colin and DupreFrancePatrick Colin and Daniel DupreElmertmME42& @??@104/941Cereol Italia v Azienda Agricola CastelloCereol Italia SrlAzienda Agricola Castello SasLenzr_42& @?@A104/901Matsushita Electrical Industrial v CouncilMatsushita Electrical Industrial Co. Ltd.CouncilVan Gerven`42& @@?@@ 103/941Krid v CNAVTSZoulika KridCaisse Nationale d Assurance Vieilesse des Travaileurs SalariesTesauroQC42& @@@@ 101/911Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyGulmannd[TH42& @?@@100/921Fonderia A.Fonderia A. SpACassa Conguaglio per il Settore ElettricoGulmann}RA42& @?@@ 10/921Balocchi v Ministerio Delle FinanzeMaurizio BalocchiMinisterio delle FinanzeJacobsjW20& @ @?@@1/941Cavarzere Produzioni Industriali and Others v Ministero dell Agricoltura e delle Foreste and OthersCavarzere Produzioni Industriali SpA and OthersMinistero dell Agricoltura e delle Foreste and OthersLeger0.& @?@A1/931Halliburton Services v Staatssecretaris van FinancienHalliburton Services BVStaatssecretaris van FinancienLenzg0.&-nz i ( v Z S['^S^ @?@A130/921OTO v Ministero delle FinanzeOTO SpAMinistero delle FinanzeLenz{u\S42& @@?A13/931MinneOffice National de l EmploiMadeleine MinneTesauropgV920& @?@@13/921Driessen and OthersDriessen en Zonen v o f and OthersMinister van Verkeer en WaterstaatJacobskG20& @@??A129/921Owens Bank v Fulvio Bracco and Bracco Industria Chimica SpAOwens Bank Ltd.Fulvio Bracco and Bracco Industria Chimica SpALenzq42& @?@@129/911Emerald Meats v CommissionEmerald Meats LtdCommissionGulmannxocP42& @?@@128/941Honig v Stadt StockachHans HonigStadt StockachLegerohXL42& @??? 128/931FisscherGeertruida Catharina FisscherVoorhuis Hengelo BV and Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds voor de DetailhandelVan Gerven]>42& @??@ 128/921BanksH. J. Banks & Co. LtdBritich Coal CorporationVan GervenxlR;42& @?@@ 127/921EnderbyDr. Pamela May EnderbyFrenchay Health Authority and Secretary of State for HealthLenzU=42& `@??@ 126/911Yves RocherSchutzverband gegen Unwesen in der Wirtschaft e. V.Yves Rocher GmbHDarmonvA42& @?@A125/941Aprile v Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoAprile Srl, in liquidationAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoRuiz-Jarabo Colomerh42& `@??@ 125/921Mulox IBC v GeelsMulox IBC LtdHendrick GeelsJacobsnfVG42& @?@A124/921An Bord Bainne and Inter-Agra v Intervention Board for Agricultural ProduceAn Bord Bainne Co-operative Ltd. And Compagnie Inter Agra SAIntervention Board for Agricultural ProduceGulmann42& `@@@@123/941Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceElmerd]UI42& @@?A121/921Staatsecretaris van Financien v ZinneckerStaatsecretaris van FinancienA. ZinneckerJacobs~_42& @?@@121/911CT Control and JCT Benelux v CommissionCT Control (Rotterdam) BV and JCT Benelux BVCommissionGulmann]42& @?@@120/921Schultz v Hauptzollamt HeilbronnFriedrich SchultzHauptzollamt HeilbronnVan GerveniV42& @ @??@12/941Uelzena Milchewerke v AntpohlerUelzena Milchewerke eGWilli Antpohler GmbH & Co KGElmerkS20& @@?@ 12/931DrakeBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingV. A. DrakeTesauroyl920& @@?@12/921Huygen and OthersBelgiumEdmund Huygen and OthersGulmannqhNE20& `@?@@ 119/941Coussios v CommissionDimitrios CoussiosCommissionJacobssk_K42& @@@@119/921Commission v italyCommissionItalyDarmonc[TH42& @@@@118/951Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyCosmasc[TH42& @@@@ 118/921Commission v LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgJacobsmeYM42& @?@@116/941Meyers v Adjudication OfficerJennifer MeyersAdjudication OfficerLenzzdS42&P-YE @ 0 A c2h{#FC @@?@@@146/931McLachlan v CNAVTSHugh McLachlanCaisse Nationale d Assurance Vieillesse des Travailleurs SalariesLenzXH42& @?@@146/911KYDEP v Council and CommissionKoinopraxia Enoseon Georgikon Synetairimon Diacheiriseos Enchorion Proionton Syn. PECouncilVan GervenT42& @@?@144/941Ufficio IVA di Trapani v ItalitticaUfficio IVA di TrapaniItalittica SpAJacobsqY42& @?@@@144/931Pfanni WerkePfanni Werke Otto Eckart KGLandeshauptstadt MunchenVan Gerveny_B42& @?@@143/941Furlanis v ANAS and ItineraFurlanis Costruzioni Generali SpAAzienda Nazionale Autonoma Strade and Itinera Co. Ge. SpA, formerly Edilvie SrlLenztQ42& `@?@@142/914Cebag v. CommissionCebag BVCommissionJacobsg_SI42& @?@@140/941DIP and Others v Comune di Bassano del Grappa and Comune di ChioggiaDIP SpA and OthersComune di Bassano del Grappa and Comune di ChioggiaFennellyz42& @@@@ 139/921Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyGulmannd[TH42& @@@@138/941Commission v IrelandCommissionIrelandLenze_VJ42& @N@@A137/941R v Secretary of State for Health, ex parte RichardsonThe Queen, ex parte Cyril RichardsonSecretary of State for HealthElmerl42& @@?? 137/921Commission v BASF and OthersCommissionBASF AG and OthersVan Gerven~r^R42& `@?@@136/931Transafrica v CommissionTransafrica SAAdministration of the Spanish StateVan Gerven^N42& @@?? 136/921Commission v Brazzelli Lualdi and OthersCommissionAugusto Brazzelli Lualdi and OthersLenzj^42& @?@@136/911Findling Walzlager v Hauptzollamt KarlsruheFindling Walzlager Handelsgesellschaft mbHHauptzollamt KarlsruheVan Gervena42& @@@A135/941Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyElmerb[TH42& @@@@ 135/931Spain v CommissionSpainCommissionLenza[OH42& @@?@@135/921Fiskano v CommissionFiskano ABCommissionDarmonjbVJ42& @?@A134/941Esso Espanola v Comunidad Autonoma de CanariasEsso Espanola SAComunidad Autonoma de CanariasCosmasvd42& @@??A134/921Morlins v Zuckerfabrik Konigslutter-TwulpstedtBurkhard MorlinsZuckerfabrik Konigslutter-Twulpstedt AGDarmonvd42& @??@133/931CrispoltoniAntonio Crispoltoni and OthersFattoria Autonoma Tabacchi and Donatab SrlJacobsaA42& @@@@132/941Commission v IrelandCommissionIrelandLenze_VJ42& @?@@132/931Steen v Deutsche BundespostVolker SteenDeutsche BundespostDarmon|t_Q42& @@??@132/921Birds Eye Walls v RobertsBirds Eye Walls Ltd.Friedel M. RobertsVan GervenyeO42& @@@A131/931Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyVan Gervenk_VJ42& @@?@A130/931Lamaire v NDALTPLamaire NVNationale Dienst voor Afzet van Landen TuinbouwproduktenTesauroRF42&`-4A '  ` ' %c%V# @@?@17/941Gervais and OthersFranceDenis Gervais and OthersElmerohNF20& @@?@17/931Van der VeldtBelgiumJ. J. J. Van der VeldtDarmonjbJA20& @?@@17/921Distribuidores Cinematograficos v Spanish StateFederacion de Distribuidores CinematograficosSpainVan Gervenc20& @@?@A168/911KonstantinidisChristos KonstantinidisAmtsgericht TubingenJacobs{s]D42& @??? 165/911van Munster v Rijkdienst voor PensioenenSimon J. M. van MunsterRijkdienst voor PensioenenDarmonw^42& @@?@ 163/941Sanz de Lera and OthersSpainLucas Emilio Sanz de Lera and OthersTesaurozTM42& @@@@162/941Commission v IrelandCommissionIrelandLenze_VJ42& @@@@161/941Commission v IrelandCommissionIrelandLenze_VJ42& @@@@16/951Commission v SpainCommissionSpainFennellycYRF20& @ @??@16/941Dubois and General Cargo Services v Garonor ExploitationEdward Dubois et Fils SA and General Cargo Services SAGaronor Exploitation SALa Pergolal20& @?@A16/931Tolsma v Inspecteur der OmzetbelastingR. J. TolsmaInspecteur der OmzetbelastingLenzhZ20& @??? 159/914Poucet and Pistre v AGF and CancavaChristian Poucet and Daniel PistreAGF, CAMULRAC, and CANCAVATesauro}Y42& @@?@ 158/911LevyFranceJean-Claude LevyTesauro]TB:42& @@@@ 156/931Parliament v CommissionEuropean ParliamentCommissionJacobsvnbM42& @@@@ 155/911Commission v CouncilCommissionCouncilTesauroh_VJ42& @?@@154/931Tawil-AlbertiniAbdullah Tawil-AlbertiniMinistre des Affaires SocialesDarmon_E42& @?@A154/921van Cant v Rijksdienst voor PensionenRemi van CantRijksdienst voor PensionenDarmonj[42& @@?A153/931Delta Schiffahrts- und SpeditionsgesellschaftGermanyDelta Schiffahrts- und Speditionsgesellschaft mbHDarmonlc42& `@@?@152/941Van BuynderBelgian Criminal ProceedingsGeert Van BuynderElmeryr_A42& @??? 152/911Neath v SteeperDavid NeathHugh Steeper Ltd.Van GervenqeRE42& @@@A151/941Commission v LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgJacobsmeYM42& @@?@@151/931Voogd Vleesimport en -exportNetherlandsM. Voogd Vleesimport en -export BVLenz_R42& @@?@150/931Directeur General des Douanes et Droits Indirects v Superior France and DanzasDirecteur General des dounes et droits indirectsSuperior France SA and Danzas SATesauro42& @?@@148/9313M Medica3M Medica GmbHOberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am MainDarmon~vO?42& `@?@? 148/914Vereniging Veronica v Commissariaat voor de mediaVereniging Veronica Omroep OrganisatieCommissariaat voor de MediaTesaurog42& `@@@A147/941Commission v SpainCommissionSpainJacobsc[TH42&A-k f L  a < Nk\W#U2 @?@@19/941SAFBASA des Sucreries de Fontaine-le-Dun---------- Bolbec----------- AuffrayMinistre du BudgetElmer920& @?@A19/931Rendo and Others v CommissionRendo NV and OthersCommissionTesauro{rfQ20& `@?@@ 19/921Kraus v Land Baden-WurttembergDieter KrausLand Baden-WurttembergVan Gervenx`R20& @??@189/921Le Nan v Cooperative Laitiere de PloudanielBernard Le NanCooperative Laitiere de PloudanielTesauroqa42& @??@189/911Kirsammer-Hack v SidalPetra Kirsammer-HackNurhan SidalDarmonxpbL42& @@?@@ 188/921TWD Textilwerke DeggendorfTWD Textilwerke Deggendorf GmbHGermanyJacobszqP42& @?@A188/911Deutsche Shell v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-harburgDeutsche Shell AGHauptzollamt Hamburg-HarburgVan Gervenvc42& @@@@ 187/931Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilJacobsph_J42& @?@@186/931UNAPROL v AIMAUnione Nazionale tra le Associazioni di Produttori di OliveAzienda di Stato per gli Interventi nel Mercato Agricolo and Ministero dell Agricolura e delle ForesVan GervenD42& @@@@186/911Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumLenze_VJ42& @@@?@ 185/911ReiffBundesanstalt fur den GuterfernverkehrGebruder Reiff GmbH&Co KGDarmon~c;42& `@?@A184/911Oorburg and Van Messem v Wasser and Schiffahrtsdirektion NordwestChristof Oorburg and Serge Van MessemWasser und Schiffarhtsdirektion NordwestGulmannw42& @@@@@ 183/911Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceVan Gerveni]UI42& `@@@@182/941Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyLenza[TH42& @?@@182/911Forafrique Burkinabe v CommissionForafrique Burkinabe SACommissionLenz|pW42& @@@@ 181/911Parliament v Council and CommissionEuropean ParliamentCouncilJacobswnY42& @??? 18/931Corsica FerriesCorsica Ferries Italia SrlCorpo dei Piloti del Porto di GenovaVan Gerven_C20& @@?@A18/921Bally v Belgian StateChaussures Bally SaBelgiumGulmannpg^I20& @?@@177/911BioforceBioforce GmbHOberfinanzdirektion MunchenGulmannsjM>42&x @@?A175/941R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte GallagherThe QueenSecretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte John GallagherElmerx42& @@@@ 174/911Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumGulmannh_VJ42& @@@? 173/914Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumJacobsg_VJ42& @??? 172/911Sonntag v WaidmannVolker SonntagHans Waidmann and othersDarmonzrXH42& `@?@@ 171/911Tsiotras v Landeshauptstadt StuttgartDimitrios TsiotrasLandeshauptstadt StuttgartDarmono[42& @@@@170/941Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceJacobse]UI42& @@@@17/951Commission v FranceCommissionFranceLa Pergolag[SG20&@-wE}  Q s I HaZ)" @@@A218/941Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumLenze_VJ42& @@?@@218/914Gobbis v. Landesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenMiriam GobbisLandesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenVan Gervenrc42& @@@@ 217/911Spain v CommissionSpainCommissionGulmannd[OH42& @@@A216/941Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumLenze_VJ42& @?@@216/911Rima Eletrometalurgia v CouncilRima Eletrometalurgia SACouncilLenz~xoU42& @?@@ 213/911Abertal and Others v CommissionAbertal SAT Ltda and OthersCommissionVan Gerven~rU42& @?@@ 212/911Angelopharm v HamburgAngelopharm GmbHFreie und Hansestadt HamburgJacobs{]K42& @@@? 21/941Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilLegermf]H20& `@?@@21/921KampMarlies and Heinz-Bernd KampHauptzollamt WuppertalJacobsvnV820& @?@@207/911Eurim-Pharm v BundesgesundheitsamtEurim-Pharm GmbHBundesgesundheitsamtTesaurojX42& @??? 200/911ColorollColoroll Pension Trustees LimitedJames Richard Russell and OthersVan Gervena>42& @??@20/931DKV and Mobil Oil v Generale Banque and AG DE 1824Deutscher Kraftverkehr Ernst Grimmke GmbH&Co KG and Mobil Oil BVSA Generale de Banque and SA AG de 1824Van Gervenf20& @??A20/921Hubbard v HamburgerAnthony HubbardPeter HamburgerDarmonqiXG20& @?@A2/931Exportslachterijen van OordegemExportslachterijen van Oordegem BVBABelgische Dienst voor Bedrijfsleven en Landbouw and Generale Bank NVLenzwQ0.&y @@?@ 2/92The Queen v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ex parte Deniis Clifford BostockThe QueenMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ex parte Dennis Clifford BostockGulmann..& @@@?@ 2/911MengGermanyWolf W. MengTesauroVM?60.& @@?@A199/911Foyer Culturel du Sart-Tilman v CommissionFoyer Culturel du Sart-Tilman ASBLCommissionDarmon`42& @?@@ 198/911Cook v CommissionWilliam Cook plcCommissionTesauroneYG42& @@??A197/911FAC v ASPROFRUT and AIMAFrutticoltori Associati Cuneesi, soc. Coop. a. r. l.Associazione tra Produttori Ortofrutticoli Piemontesi and AIMAJacobsN42& `@?@@196/941Schiltz-Thilmann v Ministre de l AgricultureCatherine Schiltz-ThilmannMinistre de l AgricultureCosmas~b42& `@?@A195/911Bayer v CommissionBayer AGCommissionGulmanng^RH42& @@??@193/924Bogana v Union Nationale des Mutualites SocialistesFioravante Luigi BoganaUnion Nationale des Mutualites SocialistesJacobsi42& @@@?A193/911Finanzamt Munchen III v MohscheFinanzamt Munchen IIIGerhard MohscheJacobs}lU42& @?@@191/911Abbot v Oberfinanzdirektion KolnAbbott GmbHOberfinanzdirektion KolnVan Gerven}cV42& @?@A190/911Lante v Regione VenetoAntonio LanteRegione VenetoVan Gervenwk[L42&=-uR 1 o / @q1zkl @@@@ 246/911Commission v FranceCommissionFranceTesaurof]UI42& @@@?? 245/911Ohra SchadeverzekeringenNetherlandsOhra Schadeverzekeringen NVTesaurox[N42& `@?@@ 244/941Federation Francaise des Societes d AssuranceFederation Francaise des Societes d Assurance and OthersMinistre de l Agriculture et de la PecheTesauroc42& @?@@ 244/911Pincherle v CommissionGiorgio PincherleCommissionDarmonsk_L42& @@@@ 243/891Commission v DenmarkCommissionDenmarkTesauroh_VJ42& @@@A242/941Commission v SpainCommissionSpainLenza[TH42& @@?@ 242/901Commission v Albani and OthersCommissionAlessandro Albani and OthersVan Gerven~`T42& `@?@@241/911RTE and ITP v CommissionRadio Telefis Eirann and Independent Television Publications LtdCommissionGulmannN42& @ @@@@240/941Commission v IrelandCommissionIrelandCosmasg_VJ42& @@?@@ 24/921Corbiau v Administration des ContributionsPierre CorbiauAdministration des Contributions du Grand-Duche de LuxembourgDarmonn^20& @@@A236/941Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumTesauroh_VJ42& @@?@ 236/921Comitato di Coordinamento per la Difesa della Cava and OthersComitato di Coordinamento per la Difesa della Cava and OthersRegione Lombardia and OthersDarmons42& @@?@@235/941BirdUKAlan Geoffrey BirdLegerYR>:42& @@@@ 234/911Commission v DenmarkCommissionDenmarkTesauroh_VJ42& @?@@23/931TV 10TV 10 SACommissariaat voor MediaLenzc]C920& @?@@ 23/921Grana-Novoa v Landesversicherungsanstalt HessenMaria Grana-NovoaLandesversicherungsanstalt HessenVan Gervenvc20& @@?@? 228/921Roquette FreresRoquette Freres SAHauptzollamt GeldernDarmonwoYE42& @@@@@ 228/911Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyDarmonc[TH42& @?@@@227/941Olivieri-Coenen v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingE. Olivieri-CoenenBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingLenzy42& @@@@225/941Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceLenzc]UI42& @?@@ 225/911Matra v CommissionMatra SACommissionVan Gervenj^RH42& @??@ 224/941Dijkstra and Others v Friesland (Frico Domo) Cooperatie and OthersHendrik Evert Dijkstra and OthersFriesland (Frico Domo) Cooperatie BA and OthersTesaurox42& @@?@222/911Phillip Morris BelgiumMinistero delle Finanze and Ministero delle SanitaPhillip Morris Belgium SA and OthersLenzL42& @@@@220/941Commission v LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgElmerleYM42& `@@?@220/911Commission v Stahlwerke Peine-SalzgitterCommissionStahlwerke Peine-Salzgitter AGGulmannj^42& @?@@ 22/931Campogrande v CommissionAnna Maria CampograndeCommissionTesauroypdL20&>-a:| * { % hyJnus @?@@ 272/921SpottiMaria Chiara SpottiFreistaat BayernJacobskcQ<42& @@@@@ 272/911Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyGulmannd[TH42& @@??A271/921LPOLaboratoire de Prothesess OculairesUNSOF and OthersTesauroyp^942& @?@@ 271/911Marshall v Southampton and South West hampshire Area Health AuthorityM. H. MarshallSouthampton and South West Hampshire Area Health AuthorityVan Gerven{42& `@?@@27/921Mollmann-FleischMollmann-Fleisch GmbHHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasGulmannw[D20& @@@@ 268/931Commission v SpainCommissionSpainDarmonc[TH42& @@@@ 267/941France v CommissionFranceCommissionRuiz-Jarabo Colomerr]QI42& @@?? 267/911Keck and MithouardFranceBernard Keck and Daniel MithouardVan GervensPH42& @@?@ 266/931Bundeskartellamt v Volkswagen and VAG LeasingBundeskartellamtVolkswagen AG and VAG Leasing GmbHTesaurouc42& @?@A266/911CELBI v Fazenda PublicaCelulose Beira Industrial SAFazenda PublicaGulmann|kM42& @?@@ 264/911Abertal and Others v CouncilAbertal SAT Ltda and OthersCouncilVan GervenxoR42& @@?@A263/911Kristoffersen v SkatteministerietNiels KristoffersenSkatteministerietJacobslW42& @ @@@A260/941Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceLenzc]UI42& @@@@ 260/931Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumTesauroh_VJ42& @?@@260/911Diversinte and IberlactaDiversinte SA and Iberlacta SAAdministracion Principal de Aduanas de la JunqueraGulmannnN42& @@@@259/941Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceElmerd]UI42& @??@ 259/911Allue and Others v Universita Degli Studi di Venezia and AnotherPilar Allue and OthersUniversita Degli Studi di Venezia and Universita Degli Studi di ParmaLenzv42& @@@A257/941Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyElmerb[TH42& @?@A257/901Italsolar v CommissionItalsolar SpACommissionLenzmg[L42& @?@@256/911Emsland-Starke v Oberfinanzdirektion MunchenEmsland-Starke GmbHOberfinanzdirektion MunchenTesaurowb42& @@@@ 255/931Commission v French RepublicCommissionFranceLenzlf^R42& `@??@250/921Gottrop-Klim v Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab AmbAGottrop-Klim Grovvareforening and OthersDansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab AmbATesauroi42& @?@@250/911Hewlett Packard France v Directeur General des DouanesHewlett Packard FranceDirecteur General des DouanesTesaurol42& @?@@25/911Pesqueras Echebastar SA v Commission of the European CommunitiesPesqueras Echebastar SACommissionGulmannt20& @@@@ 249/921Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyLenza[TH42& @?@@248/921Jepsen Stahl v Hauptzollamt EmmerichJepsen Stahl GmbHHauptzollamt EmmerichGulmannmZ42&(-* h n g v9l3V"h `@?@@@291/914TVU v. Hauptzollamt Nurnberg FurthTextilveredlungsunion GmbH and Co. KGHauptzollamt Nurnberg FurthVan GervenX42& @?@@290/911Peter v Hauptzollamt RegensburgJohannes PeterHauptzollamt RegensburgJacobs~eU42& @@@?@29/941Aubertin and OthersFrench Criminal ProceedingsJean-Louis Aubertin and OthersLenzdG20& @?@@29/931Ospig Textil-GesellschaftOspig Textil-Gesellschaft W. Ahlers GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Bremen-FreihafenGulmannM20& @@@@ 289/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyLenza[TH42& @?@@ 289/911Kuhn v Landwirtschaftskammer Rheinland-PfalzKlaus KuhnLandwirtschaftskammer Rheinland-PfalzGulmannnb42& @@??@ 288/921Custom Made Commercial v Stawa MetallbauCustom Made Commercial LtdStawa Metallbau GmbHLenzz^42& @?@@@287/921Maitland TooseyAlison Maitland TooseyChief Adjudication OfficerLenzy]E42& @@?@@285/931Dominikanerinnen-Kloster Altenhohenau v Hauptzollamt RosenheimDominikanerinnen-Kloster AltenhohenauHauptzollamt RosenheimCosmast42& @@@?A285/921Twee ProvincienNetherlandsCooperative Zuivelinustrie "Twee Provincien" WAVan GervenRE42& @@?@@285/914Merck v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasFirma E. MerckHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasLenzhX42& @@@?A282/911de WitBestuur van de Sociale VerzekeringsbankA. de WitJacobsxpe<42& @?@@281/911Muy's en De Winter's Bouw- en AanemingsBedrif BV v Staatssecratris van FinancienMuy's en De Winter's Bouw- en Aannemingsbedrif BVStaatssecretaris van FinancienJacobs42& @@@? 280/931Germany v CouncilGermanyCouncilGulmannbYPG42& @@?@@280/911ViessmannFinanzamt Kassel-GoethestrasseViessmann KGJacobsum_?42& @??@ 28/931van den AkkerMaria Nelleke Gerda van den Akker and OthersStichting Shell PensioenfondsVan GervenoA20& @?@@28/921Leguaye-Neelsen v Bundesversicherungsanstalt fur AngestellteMarie-Helene Leguaye-NeelsenBundesversicherungsanstalt fur AngestellteJacobsp20& @@?@ 279/931SchumackerFinanzamt Koln-AltstadtRoland SchumackerLegerslY@42& @@@@ 278/921Spain v CommissionSpainCommissionJacobsc[OH42& @@@@@277/931Commission v SpainCommissionSpainTesaurod[TH42& @?@@ 277/911Ligur Carni and OthersLigur Carni Srl and OthersUnita Sanitaria Locale No XV di Genova and OthersDarmonhL42& @@?@276/941OhrtDanish Criminal ProceedingsFinn OhrtLa PergolanbW:42& @@@@ 276/911Commission v FranceCommissionFranceLenzc]UI42& @@?@ 275/921SchindlerHer Majesty s Customs and ExciseGerhart Schindler and Jorg SchindlerGulmanna?42& `@?@@275/914Iacobelli v. InamiAlfredo IacobelliInstitute National dAssurance MaladieInvalidite and Unions Nationale de Federations MutualistesJacobs[H42&U-pb    y u `[yK @@?@@308/911Suddeutsche Zucker v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasSuddeutsche Zucker AGHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasJacobs|e42& @?@A308/901Advanced Nuclear Fuels v CommissionAdvanced Nuclear Fuels GmbHCommissionJacobsvY42& @?@A308/871Grifoni v EAECAlfredo GrifoniEuropean Atomic Energy CommunityTesaurowUD42& @??@307/911Luxlait v HendelAssociation Agricole LuxlaitVictor HendelDarmon{sdF42& @?@@306/931SMW WinzersektSMW Winzersekt GmbHLand Rheinland-PfalzGulmannxoYD42& @@@@ 306/911Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyGulmannd[TH42& @?@@305/921HoornAlbert HoornLandesversicherunganstalt WestfalenTesaurownI;42& @?@@304/921Lloyd-Textil Hauptzollamt Bremen FreihafenLloyd-Textil Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Bremen-FreihafenVan Gerven`42& @?@@@304/911van Doesselaar v Minister van Verkeer en WaterstaatH. J. J. van DoesselaarMinister van Verkeer en Waterstaat.Jacobsi42& @@@@ 303/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyJacobsc[TH42& @@@@ 303/921Commissoin v NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsTesauropgZN42& @?@@301/931Bettaccini v FNROMLio BettacciniFonds National de Retraite des Ouvriers MineursJacobsXH42& @?@@30/931AC- ATEL Electronics VertriebsAC-ATEL Electronics Vertriebs GmbHHauptzollamt Munchen-MitteLenzvR20& `@?@@299/931Bauer v CommissionErnst BauerCommissionCosmasiaUH42& @@?W@@ 298/931Klinke v Court of Justice of the European CommunitiesUlrich KlinkeECJGulmannzk42& @@@? 298/891Gibraltar v CouncilGovernment of GibraltarCouncilLenzqkbI42& @?@@297/931Grau-HupkaRita Grau-HupkaStadtgemeinde BremenJacobsogQ@42& @@?@ 297/921INPS v BaglieriInstituto Nazionale della Previdenza SocialeCorradina BaglieriJacobssE42& @@@@@ 296/921Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyGulmannd[TH42& @??@ 294/921WebbGeorge Lawrence WebbLawrence Desmond WebbDarmonogP:42& @@?@293/931HoutwipperNetherlandsLudomira Neeltje Barbara HoutwipperGulmann{rM@42& @@@@ 293/911Commission v FranceCommissionFranceTesaurof]UI42& @??@292/931LieberNorbert LieberWilli S. Gobel and Siegrid GobelDarmonvnL<42& @?@@ 292/921Hunermund v Landesapothekerkamer Baden-WurtembergRuth Hunermund and OthersLandesapothekerkamer Baden-WurtembergTesaurog42& @?@@292/911Weis v Hauptzollamt WurzburgGebruder Weis GmbHHauptzollamt WurzburgVan Gerven}fR42& @@@@@ 291/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyLenza[TH42& @@?@ 291/921Finanzamt Uelzen v ArmbrechtFinanzamt UelzenDieter ArmbrechtJacobs~vdR42&-r d  x|eAnf `@?@@ 320/921Finsider v CommissionFinanziaria Siderurgica Finsider SpACommissionDarmon}qK42& @@?? 320/911CorbeauFrancePaul CorbeauTesauro\SE=42& `@??? 320/901TelemarsicabruzzoTelemarsicabruzzo SpA and OthersCircostel and OthersGulmanniG42& @??@32/931Webb v EMO Air CargoCarole Louise WebbEMO Air Cargo LtdTesauroxo\H20& @?@@319/921HaimSalomone HaimKassenzahnarztliche Vereinigung NordrheinDarmon|tI:42& @??@318/931Brenner and Noller v Dean Witter ReynoldsWolfgang Brenner and Peter NollerDean Witter Reynolds Inc.Van Gerven_42& @?@@ 317/931Nolte v Landesversicherungsanstalt HannoverInge NolteLandesversicherungsanstalt HannoverLegerma42& @@@@ 317/921Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyDarmong_VJ42& @??@ 317/911Deutsche Renault v AudiDeutsche Renault AGAudi AGTesaurotkbM42& @??@316/93Vaneetveld v Foyer and Voyer v FMSSNicole VaneetveldLe Foyer SAJacobswjW22& @@@@ 316/921Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyTesauroh_VJ42& `@@@@ 316/911Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilJacobsph_J42& `@?@@315/931Flip and VerdegemFlip CV and O. Verdegem NVBelgiumTesauroulcG42& @??@315/921Verbrand Sozialer Wettbewerb v Clinique Laboratories and Estee LauderVerbrand Sozialer Wettbewerb eVClinique Laboratories SNC and Estee Lauder Cosmetics GmbHGulmann{42& @@?@ 314/931Rouffeteau and BadiaFranceFrancios Rouffeteau and Robert BadiaTesauroxRJ42& `@?@@ 314/911Weber v ParliamentBeate WeberEuropean ParliamentVan GervenvjUH42& @@@@ 313/931Commission v LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgVan GervenqeYM42& @@?A313/921Van SwietenNetherlandsVan Swieten BVTesaurog^NA42& @?@@313/901CIRFS and Others v CommissionComite International de la Rayonne et des Fibres Synthetiques and OthersCommissionLenzS42& @?@? 312/931Peterbroeck v Belgian StatePeterbroeck, Van Campenhout & Cie SCSBelgiumJacobsxQ42& @?@@312/911MetalsaMetalsa SrlItalyJacobsYQJ=42& `@?@A310/931BPB Industries and British Gypsum v CommissionBPB Industries Plc and British Gypsum LtdCommissionLegerd42& @?@@310/911Schmid v Belgian StateHugo SchmidBelgiumLenzhbYL42& @@@@ 31/931Commission v BlegiumCommissionBelgiumLenzc]TH20& @?@A31/921Larsy v INASTIMarius LarsyINASTILenz^XPB20& @?@@@31/911Lageder and OthersAlois Lageder SpA and OthersAmminitrazione delle Finanze dello StatoDarmondF20& @?@@ 309/891Codorniu v CouncilCodorniu SACouncilLenzd^UH42&J-pN { T J@  #@D4 @@@@ 336/931Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumLenze_VJ42& @?@@334/931BonapharmaBonapharma Arzneimittlel GmbHHauptzollamt KrefeldLenz{u_@42& @??@334/921Wagner MiretTeodoro Wagner MiretFondo de Garantia SalarialLenzztXB42& @@?@A334/911IRI v CommissionInnovation et Reconversion Industrielle ASBLCommissionDarmontF42& @?@@333/911SofitamSofitam SAMinistre charge du BudgetVan GervenpdI=42& @?@A332/921Eurico Italia and OthersEurico Italia Srl and OthersEnte Nazionale RisiDarmonlN42& `@?@A331/921Gestion Hotelera InternacionalGestion Hotelera Internacional SAComunidad Autonoma de Canarias and OthersLenzwT42&|`@@?@ 330/911The Queen v IRC, ex parte CommerzbankThe QueenInland Revenue Commissioners, ex parte Commerzbank AGDarmonf[42& @?@A33/931Empire Stores v Commissioners of Customs and ExciseEmpire Stores LtdCommissioners of Customs and ExciseVan Gervenzg20& @?@@@33/921Gausepohl-Fleisch v Oberfinanzdirektion HamburgGausepohl-Fleisch GmbHOberfinanzdirektion HamburgTesauro{c20& @@@@ 328/921Commission v SpainCommissionSpainLenza[TH42& @@@?A328/911Secretary of State for Social Security v Thomas and OthersSecretary of State for Social SecurtiyEvelyn Thomas and OthersTesaurop42& @?@A327/921Rheinhold & MahlaRheinhold and Mahla NVBestuur van Bedrijfsvereniging voor de MetaalnijverheidGulmann_G42& `@@@? 327/911France v CommissionFranceCommissionTesaurof]QI42& @?@A 326/911de Compte v ParliamentHenri de CompteEuropean ParliamentLenzxr]L42& `@@?@325/931Del GrossoUnion Nationale des Mutualites SocialistesAldo Del GrossoVan Gerven}l@42& @@@@ 325/911France v CommissionFranceCommissionTesaurof]QI42&{@@@?@324/931Evans Medical and Macfarlan SmithThe QueenSecretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Evans Medical Ltd and Macfarlan Smith LtdLenzbW42& @@@@ 324/901Germany and Pleuger Worthington v CommissionFederal Republic of Germany and Pleuger Worthington GmbHCommissionDarmonb42& @??@ 323/931Centre d Insemination de la Crespelle v Cooperative de la MayenneSociete Civile Agricole du Centre d Insemination de la CrespelleCooperative d Elevage et d Insemination Artificielle du Departement de la MayenneGulmann w42& @?@A322/931Peugeot v CommissonAutomobiles Peugot SA and Peugot SACommissionLenzznI42& @?@@321/931Imbernon Martinez v Bundesanstalt fur ArbeitJose Imbernon MartinezBundesanstalt fur ArbeitElmerzb42&z@@@?A321/911Tara Meat PackersThe QueenIntervention Board for Agrcultural Produce, ex parte: Tara Meat PackersGulmannRG42& @??@320/931OrtscheitLucien Ortscheit GmbHEurim-Pharm Arzneimittel GmbHGulmann~uV?42&-V W 9 J  isi]I}JXH `@@@@ 356/901Belguim v CommissionBelgiumCommissionDarmong_SJ42& @?@A355/931Eroglu v Land Baden-WurttembergHayriye ErogluLand Baden-WurttembergDarmon}eU42& @@@@ 355/901Commission v SpainCommissionSpainVan Gerveng[TH42& @?@@ 354/921Eppe v CommissionFranz EppeCommissionDarmong_SG42& @@@@ 353/921Greece v CouncilGreeceCouncilJacobs_WNF42& @@@@352/921Milchwerke Koln/Wuppertal v Hauptzollamt Koln-RheinauMilchwerke Koln/Wuppertal eGHauptzollamt Koln-RheinauVan Gervenk42& @?@A351/931van der Linde and TracotexH. A. van der Linde and Tracotex Holland BVMinister van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en VisserijVan Gerven}P42& @?@@351/921Graff v Hauptzollamt Koln-RheinauManfred GraffHauptzollamt Koln-RheinauVan GervenfW42& @@@@350/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyJacobsc[TH42& @@@@ 350/921Spain v CouncilSpainCouncilJacobs]ULE42& @?@@35/931Develop Dr EisbeinDevleop Dr Eisbein GmbH & Co.Hauptzollamt Stuttgart-WestGulmanneF20& @@?@ 35/921Parliament v FrederiksenEuropean ParliamentErik Dan FrederiksenVan GervenwaL20& @@@A349/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyJacobsc[TH42& @@@@348/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyJacobsc[TH42& `@@?@347/931Belgian State v BoterluxBelgiumBoterlux SPRLGulmannofWN42& @@?@@ 346/931Kleinwort BensonKleinwort Benson Ltd.City of Glasgow District CouncilTesauro]F42& @O@?@345/931Nunes TadeuFazenda Publica and Ministerio PublicoAmerico Joao Nunes TadeuJacobsiA42& `@@@@ 345/921Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of GermanyCommissionGermanyTesauroz42& @?@A343/921De Weerd and OthersM. A. De Weerd, nee Roks, and OthersBestuur van de Bedrifsvereniging voor de Gezondheid, Geestelijke en Maatschappelijke Belangen and OtDarmonoI42& @??@ 341/931Danvaern Production v Schulfabriken OtterbeckDanvaern Production A/SSchulfabriken Otterbeck GmbH & Co.Leger|c42& `@?@@340/931Thierschmidt v Hauptzollamt EssenKlaus Thierschmidt GmbHHauptzollamt EssenGulmannpW42& @?@@34/921GruSa Fleisch v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasGruSa Fleisch GmbH and Co. KG, Import-ExportHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasVan Gerven^20& @?@@339/921ADM Olmuhlen v BALMADM Olmuhlen, Olwerke SpyckBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungTesaurofI42& @?@@338/921CFE v ParliamentCFE SAEuropean ParliamentVan GervenocNF42& @?@@ 338/911Steenhorst-NeeringsH. Steenhorst-NeeringsBestuur van de Bedrifsvereniging voor Detailhandel, Ambachten en HuisvrouwenDarmonaI42& @?@@ 337/911van Gemert-DerksA. M. van Gemert-DerksBestuur van Nieuwe Industriele BedrifsverenigingDarmon^F42&b-4? 0 j15 | h @?@@@377/921Felix Koch Offenbach Couleur und KaramelFelix Koch Offenbach Couleur und Karamel GmbHOberfinanzdirektion MunchenJacobs^42& @@??@376/921Metro SB- Grossmarkte v CartierMetro SB- Grossmarkte GmbH & Co. KGCartier SATesaurozU42& @@@@ 375/921Commission v SpainCommissionSpainLenza[TH42& @@@@ 375/901Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceTesaurof]UI42& @?@@374/921IrsfeldHans Irsfeld OHGBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungGulmannO=42& `@@@@373/921Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumGulmannh_VJ42& @??@ 371/921Ellinika DimitriakaElliniko DimosioEllinika Dimitriaka AEVan Gervens[I42& @@?X@A370/891SGEEM and Etroy v EIBSGEEM and Roland EtroyEuropean Investment BankGulmann}cK42& @@@@ 37/931Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumLenzc]TH20& @@?@ 37/921Vanacker and LesageFranceJose Vanacker and Andre LesageLenzuoOG20& @@?@368/921ChiffreAdministration des DouanesSolange ChiffreGulmannsjY=42& @ @?@A367/931Roders v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenF. G. Roders BV and OthersInspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenTesauroh42& @@@@ 366/891Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyDarmonc[TH42& @@@A365/931Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceLenzc]UI42& @?@@365/921Schumaker v Bezirksregierung HannoverHenrik SchumakerBezirksregierung HannoverDarmonm[42& @??@ 364/931Marinari v Lloyds Bank and AnotherAntonio MarinariLloyds Bank plc and Zubaidi Trading CompanyLegerjX42& @?@@ 364/921SAT Fluggesellschaft v EurocontrolSAT Fluggesellschaft mbHEuropean Organization for the Safety fo Air NavigationTesaurorX42& @@@@ 364/901Italy v CommissionItalyCommissionJacobsc[OH42& `@?@? 363/931Lancry v Direction Generale des DouanesRene Lancry SA and OthersDirection Generale des Douanes and OthersTesaurox]42& @@@@ 361/901Commission v PortugalCommissionPortugalTesaurojaWK42& @?@@360/921Publishers Association v CommissionPublishers AssociationCommissionLenz}qY42& @?@@36/941Siesse v Director da Alfandega de AlcantaraSiesse- Solucoes Integrais em SistemasSoftware e Aplicacoes LdDirector da Alfandega de AlcantaraElmer_20& @?@@36/921SEP v CommissionSamenwerkende Elektriciteits-produktiebedrijven NVCommissionJacobsxD20& `@@@@359/931Commission v NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsTesauropgZN42& `@@@? 359/921Germany v CouncilGermanyCouncilJacobsaYPG42& @?@@356/931TechmedaTechmeda Internationale Medizinisch-Technische Marketing- und Handels- GmbH & Co. KGOberfinanzdirektion KolnVan Gerven>42&P-TuM l . #  K46T `@?@@@395/931Neckermann Versand v Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-OstNeckermann Versand AGHauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-OstJacobsm42& @@?@A394/931Alonso-Perez v Bundesanstalt fur ArbeitGabriel Alonso-PerezBundesanstalt fur ArbeitLegers]42& @@?A394/921Michelsen and GTSBelgiumMarc Michelsen and Geybels Transport Service NVTesauroPG42& `@?@@393/931Stanner v Hauptzollamt BochumWalter Stanner GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt BochumDarmonqS42& `@@?@ 393/921AlmeloMunicipality of Almelo and OthersEnergiebedrif Ijsselmij NVDarmon{_<42& @??@392/921SchmidtChristel SchmidtSpar- und Leihkasse der fruheren Amter Bordesholm, Kiel und CronshagenVan GervenO=42& @?@@@391/931Perrotta v Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse MunchenUmerto PerrottaAllgemeine Ortskrankenkasse MunchenJacobsud42& @@@? 391/921Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceLenzc]UI42& @?@@39/931SFEI v CommissionSyndicat Francais de l Express international and OthersCommissionLenz~E20& `@??@@39/921PetrogalPetroleos de PortugalCorreia, Simoes and Companhia, Ld. And Corriea Sousa and Crisostomo Ld.LenzS<20& @@?@A389/931DurbeckAnton Durbeck GmbHBundesamt fur Ernahrung und ForstwirtschaftElmer~Q=42& @?@@389/921Ballast NedamBallast Nedam Groep NVBelgiumGulmannmd[C42& @@@@ 388/921Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilDarmonph_J42& @@?@ 387/931BancheroItalyGiorgio Domingo BancheroElmerf_E>42& @?@@ 387/921Banco Exterior de EspanaBanco Exterior de Espana SAAyuntamiento de ValenciaLenzkN42& @@@@ 385/921Greece v CommissionGreeceCommissionJacobse]QI42& @?@@ 384/931Alpine InvestmentsAlpine investments BVMinister van FinancienJacobsw_H42& @@@@ 384/921Commission v IrelandCommissionIrelandGulmannh_VJ42& @@@@ 383/92Commission of the European Communities v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCommissionUKVan Gerven22& @@@@ 382/921Commission v United KingdomCommissionUKVan Gervenma]Q42& @@@? 381/931Commission v FranceCommissionFranceLenzc]UI42& @@@@ 381/92Commission of the European Communities v IrelandCommissionIrelandTesauroypd22&}@@?@38/941R v MAFF, ex parte Country Landowners AssociationThe QueenMinister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, ex parte Country Landowners AssociaitonCosmaspe20& `@?@A38/931GlaweH. J. Glawe Spiel- und Unterhaltungsgerate Aufstellungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGFinanzamt Hamburg-Barmbek-UhlenhorstJacobs920& @@?@379/921PeraltaItalyMatteo PeraltaLenzZTD=42& @@@@ 378/921Commission v SpainCommissionSpainDarmonc[TH42&1-2 x   + w 3y gbTHEs `@??A412/931Leclerc-Siplec v TF1 Publicite and M6 PubliciteSociete d Importation Edouard Leclerc-SiplecTF1Publicite SA and M6 Publicite SAJacobse42& `@@?@ 412/921Parliament v MeskensEuropean ParliamentMireille MeskensDarmonyq_J42& @@@@ 411/921France v CommissionFranceCommissionGulmannf]QI42& @@?@@ 410/921JohnsonElsie Rita JohnsonChief Adjudicative OfficerGulmannvmQ=42& @@@@ 41/951Council v ParliamentCouncilEuropean ParliamentLa PergolarfQH20& @@@@ 41/931France v CommissionFranceCommissionTesaurod[OG20& @@?@@41/921Liberal Democrats v ParliamentThe Liberal DemocratsEuropean ParliamentDarmon~iR20& @??@ 408/921Advel SystemsConstance Christina Ellen Smith and OthersAdvel Systems LimitedVan GervenoC42& `@?@A406/931Reichling v INAMIAndre ReichlingInstitut National d Assurance Maladie-InvaliditeJacobsXG42& @@??@406/921The TatryThe owners of the cargo lately laden on board the ship TatryThe owners of the ship Maciej RatajTesauro}?42& @??A405/921Mondiet v Armement IslaisEtablissements Armand Mondiet SAArmement Islais SARLGulmannqO42& @?@@ 404/921X v CommissionXCommissionVan Gerven^RFD42& @@??@403/921BauxClaire Lafforgue, nee Baux, and Francois BauxChateau de Calce SCI and Societe Cooperative de CalceJacobsi:42& @?@@@401/931GoldStar EuropeGoldStar Europe GmbHHauptzollamt LudwigshafenJacobs~v[E42& @@?A401/921Tankstation T Heukske and BoermansNetherlandsTankstation t Heukske vof and J. B. E. BoermansVan GerveneX42& @@??@ 400/931Royal CopenhagenSpecialarbejderforbundet i DanmarkDansk Industri, acting for Royal Copenhagen A/SLegerjF42& @@@@ 400/921Germany v CommissionGermanyCommissionDarmong_SJ42& `@@@@40/931Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyLeger`YRF20& @@@@ 40/921Commission v United KingdomCommissionUKGulmannh_[O20& `@?@@4/941BLP GroupBLP Group plcCommissioners of Customs and ExciseLenzuoJ;0.& @??@ 399/931Oude Luttikhuis and Others v CobercoH. G. Oude Luttikhuis and OthersVerenigde Cooperatieve Melkindustrie Coberco BATesauro|Z42& `@@?A399/921Helmig and OthersStadt Lengerich and OthersAngelika Helmig and OthersDarmoncG42& `@?@A 398/931Rasmussen v CommissionLars Bo RasmussenCommissionTesaurotk_L42& @??A398/921Mund & Fester v Hatrex International TransportMund & FesterHatrex International TransportTesaurosd42& @?@@ 396/931Henrichs v CommissionHelmut HenrichsCommissionLa Pergolath\K42& `@?@? 396/921Bund Naturschutz in Bayern v Freistaat BayernBund Naturschutz in Bayern eV, Richard Stahnsdorf and OthersFreistaat BayernGulmannc42&.-ka  A < d]Q 6n@~@@?? 432/921Anastasiou and OthersThe QueenMinister of Agriculture, Fisheries,and Food, ex parte S. P. Anastasiou Ltd and OthersGulmannVK42& @ @@@@ 431/921Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyElmerf_VJ42& @?@? 430/931van Schijndel and van Veen v SPFJeroen van Schijndel and Johannes Nicolaas Cornelis van VeenStichting Pensioenfonds voor FysiotherapeutenJacobsV42& @@@A430/921Netherlands v CommissionNetherlandsCommissionGulmannpg[N42& @ @@?@@ 43/941Parliament v VienneEuropean ParliamentPhilippe VienneLegertm\G20& `@?@? 43/931Vander Elst v Offise des Migrations InternationalesRaymond Vander ElstOffice des Migrations InternationalesTesauro|g20& @@?@428/921DAKDeutsche Angestellten-KrankenkasseLaererstandens Brandforsikring G/SLenz]942& @@@@ 426/931Germany v CouncilGermanyCouncilJacobsaYPG42& `@@?A426/921Germany v Deutshes Milch-KontorGermanyDeutsches Milch-Kontor GmbHDarmon{^U42& @@?@@425/931Calle Grenzshop AndresenCalle Grenzhop Andresen GmbH & Co. KGAllgemeine Ortskrankenkasse fur den Kreis Schleswig-FlensburgLenzuN42& @?@@422/931Zabalz Erasun and OthersTeresa Zabala Erasun and OthersInstituto Nacional de EmpleoElmeroN42& @@@@ 422/921Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyJacobsg_VJ42& `@?@A421/921Habermann-BeltermannGabriele Habermann-BeltermannArbeiterwohlfahrt, Bezirksverband Ndb./Opf. eVTesauroiJ42& @@?@@420/92Elizabeth Bramhill v Chief Adjudication OfficerElizabeth BramhillChief Adjudication OfficerLenzwc22& `@?@@42/941Heidemij Advies v ParliamentHeidemij Advies BVEuropean ParliamentLegerydP20& @@@@ 42/931Spain v CommissionSpainCommissionJacobsaYMF20& `@?@@42/921Thijssen v Controledienst voor der VerzekeringenAdrianus ThijssenControledienst voor de VerzekeringenLenzwd20& @??@ 419/921ScholzIngetraut ScholzOpera Universitaria di Cagliari and Cinzia PorceddaJacobsN<42& @@@? 417/931Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilLegeroh_J42& @@?@416/931Bordessa and OthersSpanish Criminal ProceedingsAldo Bordessa and OthersTesaurogI42& @?X@@ 416/92H. v Court of Auditors of the European CommunitiesH.Court of Auditors of the European CommunitiesLenzjf22& @??@ 415/931Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association and Others v Bosman and OthersUnion Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association ASBL and OthersJean-Marc Bosman and OthersLenz42& `@?@@414/931TeirlinckF. D. TeirlinckMinister van Verkeer en WaterstaatJacobs|tP?42& @??A414/921Solo Kleinmotoren v BochSolo Kleinmotoren GmbHEmilio BochGulmann|sfN42& `@@@@413/921Germany v CommissionGermanyCommissionDarmong_SJ42&s-Pt k l HtG1$C @@?@A451/931DelavantClaudine DelavantAllgemeine Ortskrankenkass fur das SaarlandJacobs~Q>42& @?@@ 450/931Kalanke v BremenEckhard KalankeFreue Hansestadt BremenTesauroypWF42& @?@@45/941Camara de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion, Ceuta v Municipality of CeutaCamara de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion, CeutaMunicipality of CeutaTesauro}20& @@@@ 45/931Commission v SpainCommissionSpainGulmannbYRF20& @?@@45/921Lepore and Scamuffa v ONPVito Canio Lepore and Nicolantonio ScamuffaOffice National des PensionsGulmannzM20& @??@@449/931Rockfon v Specialarbejderforbundet i DanmarkRockfon A/SSpecialarbejderforbundet I Danmark, acting on behalf of Soren Nielsen and OthersCosmasob42& @ @@?@ 448/931Commission v NoonanCommissionMuireann NoonanLegermfUI42& `@?@@447/931Dreessen v Conceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesNicolas DreessenConceil National de l Ordre des ArchitectesDarmon~l42& @?@@ 444/931Megner and Scheffel v Innungskrankenkasse Rheinhessen-PfalzUrsula Megner and Hildegard ScheffelInnungskrankenkasse Rheinhessen-PfalzLegerq42& @?@@ 443/931Vougioukas v IKAIoannis VougioukasIdrima Koinonikon Asphalisseon (IKA)Ruiz-Jarabo ColomerZF42& @@?A440/931R v Licensing Authority of the Department of Health, ex parte Scotia PharmaceuticalsThe Queen(1)Licensing Authority of the Department of Health (2)Norgine Limited, ex parte Scotia PharmaceuticaLeger42&@@?@ 44/941R v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, ex parte Fishermans Organizations and OthersThe QueenMinister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, ex parte National Federation of Fishermens OrganizatioTesauro 20& `@?@? 44/931Namur-Les Assurances du Credit v ONDNamur-Les Assurances du Credit SAOffice National du Ducroire and the Belgian StateLenz{X20& `@??@ 439/931Lloyds Register of Shipping v Campenon BernardLloyds Register of ShippingSociete Campenon BernardElmerd42& @?@@438/921Rustica Semences v FinanzamtRustica Semences SAFinanzamt KehlJacobswgR42& @@?@437/931Hauptzollamt Heilbronn v Temic TelefunkenHauptzollamt HeilbronnTemic Telefeunken Microelectronic GmbHTesaurow_42& @??@ 435/921APAS v Prefets de Maine-et-Loire et de la Loire-AtlantiqueAssociation pour la Protection des Animaux Suvages and OthersPrefet de Maine-et-Loire and Prefet de la Loire-AtlantiqueVan Gervenp42& @?@@ 434/931Bozkurt v Staatssecretaris van JustitieAhmet BozkurtStaatssecretaris van JustitieElmerl]42& @ @@@@ 433/931Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyElmerf_VJ42& @@?@@433/921Frick and MurrBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordungOtto Frick GmbH & Co KG and Vinzenz Murr GmbHDarmonwD42& @ @??A432/931SISRO v AmpersandSociete d Informatique Service Realisation OrganizationAmpersand Software BVLegerG42&W-h `   GX:YQMa @?@@481/931Moscato v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingR. MoscatoBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingLa Pergola}q42& @??@ 48/941Rygaard v Molle AkustikLedernes Hovedorganisation, acting on behalf of Ole RygaardDansk Ardejdsgiverforening, ancting on behalf of Stro Molle Akustik A/SCosmasK20& `@@@@ 48/911Netherlands v CommissionNetherlandsCommissionLenzkeYL20& @?@@ 479/931Francovich v Italian RepublicAndrea FrancovichItalyCosmasumfS42& @@@@ 478/931Netherlands v CommissionNetherlandsCommissionElmerng[N42& @@?@@476/931Nutral v CommissionNutral SpACommissionRuiz-Jarabo ColomervaUI42& @?@@ 475/931Thevenon v Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinland-PfalzJean-Louis Thevenon and Stadt Speyer-SozialamtLandesversicherungsanstalt Rheinland-PfalzCosmask42& @??@474/931Hengst Import v CampeseHengst Import BVAnna Maria CampeseJacobs{s_M42& @??@472/931Spano and Others v Fiat Geotech and Fiat HitachiLuigi Spano and OthersFiat Geotech SpA and Fiat Hitachi Excavators SpACosmas~f42& @??@470/931Verein gegen Unwesen in Handel und Gewerbe Koln v MarsVerein gegen Unwesen in Handel und Gewerbe Koln e. V.Mars GmbHLegerl42& @@@@ 47/931Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumGulmannf]TH20& @@@@ 47/911Italy v CommissionItalyCommissionVan GerveneYMF20& @@?A469/931Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v Chiquita ItaliaAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoChiquita Italia SpALenzq42& `@@?@467/931Analog DevicesHauptzollamt Munchen-WestAnalog Devices GmbHTesauro}t_D42& @?@? 466/93Atlanta Fruchthandelsgesellschaft (II) v Bundesamt fur Ernarhrung und ForstwirtschaftAtlanta Fruchthandelsgesellschaft mbH and Others (II)Bundesamt fur Ernarhrung und ForstwirtschaftElmer22& @?@? 465/931Atlanta Fruchthandelsgesellschaft (I) v Bundesamt fur Ernahrung und ForstwirtschaftAtlanta Fruchthandelsgesellschaft mbH and Others (I)Bundesamt fur Ernahrung und ForstwirtschaftElmer42& @@?@46/941VoisineFranceMichele VoisineElmer[TC;20& @O@?? 46/901Procureur du Roi v Lagauche and OthersProcureur du RoiJean-Marie Lagauche and OthersLenzlZ20& `@@?@459/931Thyssen Haniel LogisticHauptzollamt Hamburg-St AnnenThyssen Haniel Logistic GmbHCosmaslM42& @@?A456/931LangguthZentrale zur Bekampfung unlautern Wettbewerbs eVPrivatekllerei Franz Wilhelm Langguth Erben GmbH & CoLegerp>42& @@?A454/931van GestelRijksdienst voor ArbeidsvoorzieningJoop van GestelCosmas~ve@42& @ @?@@453/931Bulthuis-Griffioen v Inspecteur der OmzetbelastingW. Bulthuis-GriffioenInspecteur der OmzetbelastingCosmash42& @?@@ 452/931Magdalena Fernandez v CommissionPedro Magdalena FernandezCommissionTesauro}qV42&g-3X B q z gL C @?@@6/921Federmineraria and Others v Commission Federmineraria and OthersCommissionDarmontX0.& @@?@59/941Ministre des Finances v Pardo & Fils and CamicasMinistre des FinancesSociete Pardo & Fils and Camicas SARLJacobs{d20& @@?@@59/921Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen v Ebbe SonnichsenHauptzollamt Hamburg-St. AnnenEbbe Sonnichsen GmbHDarmond20& @?@@ 58/931YousfiZoubir YousfiBelgiumTesauro[RI:20& @@@@ 57/941Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyElmer`YRF20& @??? 57/931VroegeAnna Adriaantje VroegeNCIV Instituut voor Volkshuisvesting BV and Stichting Pensioenfonds NCIVVan GervenR:20& @??A56/941SCAC v Associazione dei Produttori OrtofrutticoliSCAC SrlAssociazione dei Produttori OrtofrutticoliRuiz-Jarabo Colomeroe20& @@@@ 56/911Greece v CommissionGreeceCommissionJacobsc[OG20& @@@@ 56/901Commission v United KingdomCommissionUKLenze_[O20& @?@? 55/941Gebhard v Consiglio dell Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di MilanoReinhard GebhardConsiglio dell Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di MilanoLegerz20& @@?@55/931van SchaikNetherlandsJohannes Gerrit Cornelis van SchaikJacobsxpK>20& @@@@ 55/911Italy v CommissionItalyCommissionVan GerveneYMF20& @@?@54/941Cacchiarelli and StanghelliniItalian Criminal ProceedingsUlderico Cacchiarelli and Gino StanghelliniLenzoQ20& @@@@ 54/911Germany v CommissionGermanyCommissionTesaurof]QH20& `@?@@ 53/921Hilti v CommissionHilti AGCommissionJacobsd\PF20& @@@@52/951Commission v FranceCommissionFranceFennellye[SG20& @@@A52/931Commission v NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsVan GervenqeXL20& `@@@@ 52/921Commission v PortugalCommissionPortugalTesauroh_UI20& @@@@ 52/911Commission v NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsLenzkeXL20& @@@@51/941Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanyJacobse]TH20& `@??@51/931Meyhui v Schott Zwiesel GlaswerkeMeyhui NVSchott Zwiesel Glaswerke AGGulmann}`U20& @?@@50/921Molkerei-Zentrale Sud v BalmMolkerei-Zentrale Sud GmbH and Co KGBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungLenzvP20& @@@@49/941Ireland v CommissionIrelandCommissionRuiz-Jarabo Colomerr]QH20& @?@@485/931Simitzi v Municipality of KosMaria SimitziMunicipality of KosTesaurowbS42& @?@@ 484/931Svensson and Gustavsson v Ministre du Logement et de l UrbanismePeter Svensson and Lena GustavssonMinistre du Logement et de l UrbanismeElmerv42& @?@@482/931Klaus v Bestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingS. E. KlausBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingLa Pergola|o42&9- @ 2 < /3)vy @?@@ 72/921Herbert Scharbatke v GermanyHerbert Scharbatke GmbHGermanyTesauro{riP20& @??@ 72/911Sloman Neptun v Bodo ZiesemerSloman Neptun Schiffarhrts AGSeebetriebsrat Bodo Ziesemer der Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts AGDarmonpQ20& @?@@71/931Van PouckeGuido Van PouckeRijksinstituut voor de Sociale Verzeringen der Zelfstandigen and Algemene Sociale Kas voor ZelfstandGulmannP>20& @@@@@ 71/921Commission v SpainCommissionSpainGulmannbYRF20& @?@@ 71/911Ponente Carni and Cispadana CostruzioniPonente Carni SpA and Cispadana Costruzioni SpAAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoJacobs[20& @?@? 70/941Werner v GermanyFritz Werner Industrie-Austustungen GmbHGermanyJacobswnD20& @??@ 70/931BMW v ALDBayerische Motorenwerke AGALD Auto-Leasing D GmbHTesauro{rY=20& @@?A7/941GaalLandesamt fur Ausbildungsforderung Nordrhein-WestfalenLubor GaalTesaurozn60.& @@?@ 7/931BeuneBestuur van het Algemene Burgerlijk PensioenfondsG. A. BeuneJacobswj70.& @?@A69/931Punto Casa and PPVPunto Casa SpA and Promozioni Polivalenti Venete Soc. Coop. ArlSindaco del Comune di Capena and Comune di Capena and Sindaco del Comune di Torri di Quartesolo andVan GervenF20& @@@@@ 69/921Commission v LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgGulmannlcWK20& @@?@ 69/911DecosterFranceFrancine Gillon, nee DecosterTesaurolcD<20& @??@ 68/931Shevill v Presse Alliance SAFiona Shevill and OthersPresse Alliance SALeger~jP20& @@@@@ 68/921Commission v FranceCommissionFranceGulmannd[SG20& @@@A66/941Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumLegerd]TH20& @?@@66/921Accciardi v Commissie Beroeprzaken Administratieve Geschillen in de Provincie Noord-HollandGenaro AcciardiCommissie Beroepszaken Administratieve Geschillen in de Provincie Noord-HollandLenz20& @@@A65/941Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumDarmone]TH20& @@@@ 65/931Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilTesauroof]H20& @@?@65/921ONP v LevatinoOffice National des PensionsRaffaele LevatinoJacobs{s`B20& @ @??A63/941Belgapom v ITM and VocarexGroupement National des Negociants en Pommes de Terre de BelgiqueITM Belgium SA and Vocarex SACosmasN20& @?@@ 63/921Lubbock Fine v Commissioners of Customs and ExciseLubbock Fine & Co.Commissioners of Customs and ExciseDarmonzf20& @?@A62/931BP Supergas v Greek StateBP Supergas Anonimos Etairia Geniki Emporiki-Viomichaniki kai AntiprossopeionGreeceJacobsM20& @@@A61/931Commission v NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsVan GervenqeXL20& @@?@@60/931AldewereldR. L. AldewereldStaatssecretaris van FinancienLenzvpP>20& `@??@ 60/921Otto v PostbankOtto BVPostbank NVGulmannbYLC20&d- ( r F ~ 8 A=? @??@ 92/921Phil Collins and OthersPhil Collins, Patricia Im-und Export Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, and Leif Emanuel KraulImrat Handelsgesellschaft mbH and EMI Electrola GmbHJacobsK20& @@?@ 92/911TaillandierFranceAnnick Neny, nee TaillandierTesauroneG?20& @@?@ 91/941TranchantFranceThierry Tranchant and Telephone Store SARL, party liable in civil lawTesauroE=20& @??? 91/921Faccini Dori v RecrebPaola Faccini DoriRecreb SrlLenzoi]I20& @?@@90/921Dr. Tretter v Hauptzollamt Stuttgart-OstDr. Tretter GmbH and Co.Hauptzollamt Stuttgart-OstGulmannv\20& `@??@ 9/931iht International Heiztechnik v Ideal StandardIHT International Heiztechnik GmbH and Uwe DanzigerIdeal-Standard GmbH and Wabco Standard GmbHGulmann`0.& @@@@ 9/921Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceTesaurobYQE0.& @??? 89/911Shearson Lehman Hutton v TVBShearson Lehman HuttonTVB Treuhandgesellschaft fur Vermogensverwaltung und Beteiligungen mbHDarmonhP20& `@?@@89/851Ahlstrom Osakeyhtio and others v CommissionA. Ahlstrom Osakeyhtio and othersCommissionDarmon_20& @?@A88/921X v Staatssecretaris van FinancienXStaatssecretaris van FinancienDarmonxXV20& @?@@87/921Hoche v BALMHoche GmbHBundesanstalt fur Landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungDarmonL@20& @??@85/941Piageme and Others v PeetersGroupement des Producteurs, Iportateurs et Agents Generaux d Eaux Minerales Etrangeres, VZW and OthePeeters NVCosmasP20& @@?? 83/941Leifer and OthersGermanyPeter Leifer and OthersJacobsogNE20& @?@@83/921Pierrel v Ministero Della SanitaPirrel SpA and OthersMinistero della SanitaLenzkT20& @?@@81/921Hans Dinter v Hauptzollamt Bad ReischenhallHans Dinter GmbHHauptzollamt Bad ReischenhallTesauroq_20& @?@@81/911Twijnstra v Minister van Landbouw, natuurbeheer en VisserijT. TwijnstraMinister van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en VisserijJacobs}o20& @ @?@@ 80/941Wielockx v Inspecteur der Directe BelastingenG. H. E. J. WielockxInspecteur der Directe BelastingenLegerwa20& @@@@ 80/921Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumTesaurof]TH20& @?@@8/921General Milk Products v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasGeneral Milk Products GmbHHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasDarmond0.& @@@@79/941Commission v GreeceCommissionGreeceLenza[SG20& `@?@@ 76/931Scaramuzza v CommissionPiera ScaramuzzaCommissionJacobsqi]K20& @?@@ 76/911Caves Neto Costa v Ministerio Do Comercio E TurismCaves Neto Costa SAMinistrio do Comercio e Turismo and Secretario de Estado do Comercio ExternoTesauro{f20& @@?@A75/921Gao Yao v CouncilGao Yao Hua Fa industrial Co. Ltd.CouncilLenzxriE20& @@@@@ 73/921Commission v SpainCommissionSpainGulmannbYRF20&7 - h v 5 W @?@@99/921Terni and ItalsiderTerni SpA and Italsider SpACassa Conguaglio per il Settore EletricoGulmanndG20& @ @?@@@98/941Schmidt v Rijksdienst voor PensioenenChristel SchmidtRijksdienst voor PensioenenLenzkY20& @?@@98/911HerbrinkA. A. HerbrinkMinister van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en VisserijLenz}L<20& @??A96/941Centro Servizi Spediporto v Spedizioni Marittima del GolfoCentro Servizi Spediporto SrlSpedizioni Marittima del Golfo SrlLegern20& @@@@ 95/921Commission v ItalyCommissionItalyVan GerveneYRF20& `@@@A94/941Commission v SpainCommissionSpainLeger`YRF20& @@@@93/941Commission v NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsTesauroneXL20& @??A93/921CMC MotorradcenterCMC Motorradcenter GmbHPelin BaskiciogullariVan Gervenv_F20& @ @@?A92/941Secretary of State for Social Security and Chief Adjudicative Officer v Graham and OthersSecretary of State for Social Security and Chief Adjudicative OfficerRose Graham and OthersLenz20&-H8AG9==?? 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O )  Q  m G  a 3 t L " [5sCX)j,M't8g2^6353/92Acts of the Institutions,352/92Member States!352/92Agriculture351/92Agriculture91/92Community Law91/92Measures Adopted by the Community Institutions@91/92Approximation of Laws' 131/93Free Movement of Goods* 130/92Common Commercial Policy, 130/92Tax Provisions" 314/93Free Movement of Goods* 146/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7130/93Free Movement of Goods*75/92Actions for Annulment of Measures3432/92Approximation of laws)432/92International Agreements,411/92Agriculture298/93Appeals298/93Officials60/93Social Security for Migrant Workers5403/92Agriculture288/92Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F135/92Community Law!135/92Actions for Annulment of measures5187/93Environment187/93Acts of the Institutions,187/93Actions for Annulment of Measures59/93Competition9/93Free movement of Goods&426/92Free Movement of Goods*322/93Competition322/93Community Law!132/93Community Law!39/93Actions for Annulment of Measures335/93Common Customs Tariff'137/92Actions for Annulment of Measures5137/92Competition137/92Commission137/92Acts of the Institutions,137/92Procedure292/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F153/93Competition394/92Transport382/92Social Policy!371/92Customs Union!371/92Agriculture356/93Common Customs Tariff)69/93Free Movement of Goods(33/93Tax Provisions 30/93Common Commercial Policy*30/93Preliminary Rulings%2/93Agriculture428/92Social security for Migrant Workers7414/92Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F401/92Free movement of Goods*313/92Transport326/91Budget of the European Communities6326/91Appeals326/91Officials388/92Transport388/92Acts of the Institutions,317/92Approximation of Laws)317/92Free Movement of Goods*317/92Actions against Member States for failure to fulfiF136/92Appeals136/92Officials29/93Common Customs Tariff'11/93Common Customs Tariff'36/92Appeals36/92Competition303/93Member States!118/92Actions Against member states for failure to fulfiF309/89Agriculture309/89Actions for Annulment of Measures541/93Acts of the Institutions*41/93Approximation of Laws'18/93Competition18/93Transport18/93Preliminary Rulings%294/92Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F LR~F wO' Z 2 | X ' j 8  d >  V  q1g= U/sClDZ'Y&qGi401/93Common Customs Tariff)g306/93Agriculturef306/93Preliminary Rulings'e297/93Social Policy!d277/93Freedom of Movement for Persons3c410/92Social Policy!b406/92Convention on Jursidiction and the Enforcement of Fa320/93Free Movement of Goods*`430/92Association of the Overseas Countries and TerritorF_76/93Officials^381/93Transport]355/93International Agreements,\323/93Free Movement of Goods*[323/93CompetitionZ280/93Association of the Overseas Countries and TerritorFY280/93Actions for Annulment of Measures5X280/93International Agreements,W280/93AgricultureV280/93Acts of the Institutions,U151/93AgricultureT255/93EnvironmentS133/93Community Law!R133/93AgricultureQ133/93Preliminary Rulings'P55/93Freedom to provide services-O23/93Freedom to provide services-N404/92OfficialsM404/92Community law!L400/92State AidK165/91Social Security for Migrant Workers7J165/91Social Policy!H47/91State AidG65/94Member StatesF144/93Approximation of Laws)E128/93Social Policy!D57/93Social PolicyC28/93Social policyB7/93Social PolicyA408/92Social Policy!@200/91Social Policy!?301/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7>12/93Social Security for Migrant Workers5=249/92Approximation of Laws)<452/93Officials;318/93Convention on Juridiction and Enforcement of JudgmF:293/93Free Movement of Goods*9146/91Non-contractual Liability-8146/91Free Movement of Goods*7146/91Agriculture642/93State Aid5278/92State Aid4447/93Freedom of Movement for Persons33406/93Social Security for Migrant Workers72398/93Officials1395/93Common Customs Tariff)0393/93Common Customs Tariff)/363/93Free Movement of Goods*.347/93Agriculture-340/93Common Customs Tariff),51/93Approximation of laws'+51/93Free Movement of Goods(*44/93State Aid(43/93Freedom to Provide Services-'413/92Agriculture&412/92Procedure%412/92Actions for Annulment)$396/92Environment#359/92Approximation of Laws)"327/91International Agreements,!327/91Actions for Annulment of Measures5 186/93Agriculture61/93Member States52/93Member States32/93Social Policy17/93Free Movement of Goods(438/92Agriculture385/92Agriculture379/92Transport379/92Freedom to Provide Services/379/92Preliminary Rulings'353/92Community Law!353/92AgricultureLM}U#\4  ` . W  Y 3 X % `  is>z:q9j8>R i434/93International Agreements,182/94Member States!182/94Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF123/94Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF119/94Officials42/94European Communities Public Procurement9467/93Common Customs Tariff)459/93Common Customs Tariff)414/93Transport40/93Freedom of Movement for Persons1400/93Social Policy!57/94Approximation of Laws'57/94Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiD327/92Social Security for Migrant Workers7417/93Acts of the Institutions,384/93Freedom to Provide Services/422/92Approximation of Laws)422/92Actions Against the Member States for Failure to FF218/94Member States!79/94Approximation of Laws'19/94Agriculture7/94Freedom of Movement for Persons/7/94Court of Justice 147/94Member States!4/94Tax Provisions439/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F325/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7315/93Community Law!315/93Agriculture310/93Appeals310/93Competition299/93Procedure241/91International Agreements,241/91Appeals241/91Competition103/94International Agreements,350/93State Aid350/93Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF348/93State Aid348/93Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF65/93Acts of the Institutions*346/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F324/93Approximation of Laws)324/93Free Movement of Goods*365/93Acts of the Institutions,345/93Tax Provisions"345/93Free Movement of Goods*68/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of D54/94Agriculture416/93Free Movement of Capital,416/93Free Movement of Goods*349/93State Aid349/93Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF334/93International Agreements,29/94Freedom of Movement for Persons1425/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7~279/93Freedom of Movement for persons3}412/93Freedom to Provide Services/|412/93Free Movement of Goods*{412/93Preliminary Rulings'z359/93Approximation of Laws)y66/94Member Statesx351/93Agricultuew93/94Member Statesv360/92Acts of the Institutions,u360/92Competitiont94/94Member Statess136/93Agriculturer399/92Social Policy!q399/92Preliminary Rulings'p320/92Appealso320/92ECSCn320/92Actions for Annulment)m250/92Competitionl250/92Agriculturek195/91Procedurej195/91Acts of the Institutions,LPh3mC M # m I ] 3  L i  HsO)iAe2e:tP m8_;44/94Member States44/94Agriculture44/94Community Law44/94Fisheries478/93Acts of the Institutions,478/93Agriculture450/93Social Policy!257/94Member States!104/94Agriculture242/94Acts of the Institutions,236/94Member States!85/94Approximation of Laws'125/94Free Movement of Goods*125/94Transport125/94Preliminary Rulings'96/94Transport96/94Preliminary Rulings%96/94Competition440/93Approximation of Laws)321/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7291/92Tax Provisions"48/94Social Policy364/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F49/94Agriculture485/93Preliminary Rulings'485/93Free Movement of Goods*396/93Appeals396/93Officials260/94Member States!240/94Member States!98/94Social Security for Migrant Workers592/94Social policy80/94Freedom of Movement for Persons163/94Free Movement of Goods(43/94Officials16/94Free Movement of Goods(12/94Agriculture1/94Agriculture453/93Tax Provisions"448/93Officials433/93Acts of the Institutions,433/93Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF432/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F367/93Preliminary Rulings'367/93Tax Provisions"431/92Environment431/92Actions Against Member States for Failure to FulfiF216/94Member States!116/94Social Policy!474/93Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F391/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7341/93Convention of Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of F156/93Agriculture156/93Actions for annulment of measures5350/92Approximation of Laws)259/94Member States!470/93Free Movement of Goods*62/93Tax Provisions 62/93Preliminary Rulings%46/94Agriculture21/94Actions for Annulment of Measures321/94Transport21/94Acts of the Community Institutions4170/94Member States!135/94Actions Against Member States For Failure to FulfiF225/94Member States!225/94Acts of the institutions,56/94Agriculture456/93Agriculture454/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7437/93Free Movement of Goods*135/93Community Law!135/93State Aid135/93Actions for Annulment of Measures5135/93Plea of illegality&391/92Free Movement of Goods*220/94Acts of the Institutions,422/93Preliminary Rulings'451/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7389/93Agriculture)LPjBX. p 0  x F  Y / [ 5  ~ B  J"tIGd: g\4 S ]+X138/94Member States!W132/94Member States!V106/94Common Customs Tariff)U444/93Social Policy!T430/93Community Law!S387/93CompetitionR387/93Free Movement of Goods*Q387/93State Monopolies of a Commercial Character>P387/93Preliminary Rulings'O317/93Social Policy!N312/93Community Law!M469/93International Agreements,L399/93AgricultureK399/93CompetitionJ224/94AgricultureI52/95FisheriesH41/95Actions for Annulment of Measures3G41/95Budget of the European Union.F45/94Accession of New Member States to the CommunitiesCE17/94State monopolies of a Commercial Character<D17/94AgricultureC17/94Freedom of Movement for Persons1B17/94Preliminary Rulings%A472/93Social Policy!@472/93Acts of the Institutions,?472/93Preliminary Rulings'>449/93Community law!=449/93Social Policy!<118/95Member States!;175/94Freedom of Movement for Persons3:134/94Approximation of Laws)9134/94Competition8134/94Freedom of Movement for Persons37134/94Preliminary Rulings'6113/94Tax Provisions"555/94Freedom to Provide Services-455/94Freedom of Movement for Persons13476/93Actions for Annulment of Measures52476/93Agriculture1394/93Social Security for Migrant Workers70285/93Agriculture/443/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7.244/94Competition-196/94Agriculture,152/94Freedom of Movement for Persons3+484/93Freedom to Provide Services/*484/93Free Movement of Goods*)235/94Transport(91/94Competition'38/94Agriculture&479/93Social Policy!%475/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7$466/93Acts of the Institutions,#465/93Acts of the Institutions,"426/93Community Law!!426/93Commission 426/93Acts of the Institutions,151/94Member States!151/94Freedom of Movement for Persons3144/94Tax Provisions"143/94Approximation of Laws)143/94Preliminary Rulings'51/94Free Movement of Goods(51/94Approximatin of Laws&36/94Customs Union482/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7481/93Social Security for Migrant Workers7266/93Competition70/93Competition137/94Preliminary Rulings'137/94Social Policy!128/94Agriculture111/94Preliminary Rulings'19/93Actions for Annulment'19/93Appeals 227/94Social Security for Migrant Workers7 140/94Competition 83/94Common Commercial Policy* 70/94Common Commercial Policy* 59/94Common Customs Tariff'aL'_-X. ͣ q F q 9  r 2 f 6 i 9  2/92Agriculture2/92Agriculture2/92Community law316/93Approximation of laws)316/93Preliminary rulings'381/92Measures adopted by the Community institutionsB383/92Social policy!416/92Court of Auditors%420/92Social policy!11/92Approximation of Laws'291/91free movement of goods*285/91Agriculture275/91Invalidity insurance(275/91Social security for migrant workers7218/91Social security for migrant workers7193/92Social Security for migrant workers7173/91Social policy!159/91Competition148/91Free Movement of Capital,148/91Freedom to Provide Services/142/91Agriculture142/91Reference to the Court on the basis of arbitrationF107/91Supply107/91article 53 EAEC failure to act2276/91Tax provisions"129/91Common Customs Tariff)128/92ECSC Treatyd415/93Commissionc415/93Freedom of Movement for Persons3b415/93Community law!a415/93Preliminary Rulings'`415/93Procedure_17/95Procedure^17/95Member States]16/95Acts of the Institutions*\267/94Common Customs Tariff)[163/94Free Movement of Capital and Freedom of PaymentsDZ162/94Member States!Y161/94Member States! 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resolution reached at the Common Transit Procedure Convention?The AG held that the Court does have Juridiction.The ECJ ruled that the court does have jurisdiction.331z308/90Should the Commission's decisions made in 90/413 and 90/485 of the Euratom Treaty be annulled?The Advocate General held that the decisions should not be annulled and that the application should be dismissed.The ECJ ruled that the application for annullment was dismissed.31/zx101/91Did Italy fail to comply with its obligations as laid down in the court's ruling in case 203/87?The AG ruled that Italy did fail to fulfill its obligations.The ECJ ruled that Italy failed to comply with its obligations.3|w89/91Does a plaintiff acting in pursuance of his or her trade enjoy the benefits of the rules of special jurisdiction laid down in the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements?The AG ruled that a person acting in pursuance of his or her trade does not enjoy the beneifts established by the special jurisdiction rules laid down in the Convention.The ECJ ruled that a person acting in pursuance of her or his trade does not enjoy the benefits established by the special jurisdiction laid down in the Convention.2,*v76/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal open quotas in its transitional period?The articles in question do require portugal to open quotas during its transitional period however they do not confer rights upon individuals to be used in court.The articles in question do not require portugal to open quotas for imports during its transitional period.3Fu361/90Did portugal fail to comply with Article 208(1)?The Advocate general holds that Portugal has not failed to comply with Article 208(1).The ECJ ruled that Portugal did not fail to comply with Articl 208(1).3Lt190/91Does article 1b(3)(a) of council regulation authorize member states to exclude certain categories of undertakings from aid?The AG held that the Article in question does not authorize member states to exclude certain categories of undertakings from aid.The ECJ ruled that the Article in question does not authorize member states to exclude certain categories of undertakings from aid.3s177/91What specifically constitutes a medicament under the Common Customs Tariff?The Advocate General holds that the hawthorn drops do not constitute a medicament under the common customs tariff but are rather alcoholic beverages.The ECJ ruled that hawthorn drops are to be interpreted as medicaments under the Common Customs Tariff.2iggr257/90Was the decision to support the ICDCS decision to exclude Italsolar from contracting legal?The Advocate General held that the decision was legal and that the application for annulment was inadmissible.The ECJ ruled that the application containing this issue was inadmissible.353wq293/91Should France pay reparations for failure to implement a directive?The Advocate General held that France ought to pay reparations for its failure to implement the directive.The ECJ ruled that France was liable for its failure to implement the directive.3__ b̳ { l186/91Has Belgium taken sufficient steps to meet the air quality standards set forth by the commission?Belgium has not taken sufficient steps to meet the air quality standards set forth by the commission and has therefore failed to fulfil its obligations.Belgium has not taken sufficient steps to meet the air quality standards set forth by the commission and therefore has failed to fulfil its obligations.3}111/91Is the imposition of residence conditions on the award of childbirth allowance and maternity allowance as infringement on the freedom of movement?The imposition of residence conditions on the the award of childbirth allowance and maternity allowance which do not take into account residence in other member states violates Article 52.The imposition of residence conditions upon childbirht and maternity allowances restricts the freedom of movement and therefore Luxembourg is in violation of its obligations as a member state.30.l8/92Are positive monetary compensatory amounts applicable to the exportation of a product, if the product was previously imported into an exporting member sate where neither negative compensatory amounts nor minimum price rules were applied?Positive monetory compensatory amounts are applicable in this case, unless it can be shown that they are applied for the purposes of dishonest profiting.Positive monetory compensatory amounts are applicable in this case, unless it can be shown that they are applied for the purposes of dishonest profiting.3=;112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?Article 52 does not apply to a situation which is entirely internal to one member state.Article 52 does not preclude a member state from levying higher taxes on nationals residing in other member states.3us191/91How are sets of goods having a monoclonal diagnostic reagent to be classified according to the Commission regulation?Products such as these are to be classified under sub-heading 3002 10 91.Products such as these are to be classified under sub-heading 3002 10 91.3)'320/90Is the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of Rome?The Advocate General held that if it was deemed necessary that the questions be answered the court rule that unless there was some technical coordination of channel usage the reservation by the government is illegal.The ECJ ruled that it was not bound to answer these questions.3^188/91Are the provisions in Articles 11(4) and 15(2) of the Convention for Common Transit Procedure in agreement with the principal of proportionality?The AG held that these provisions in no way violated proportionality.The ECJ ruled that it did not have the authority to determine whether the national arrangements were in accord with proportionality.2|z~188/91How ought Articles 11(4) and 15(2) of the Convention oon Common transit Procedure be interpreted?The Articles do not preclude some authority internal to a member state establishing the methods by which sealing ought to be undertaken, however, the Joint Committee may alter those as it sees fit in order to the uniform application of policy.The articles do not preclude some national authority from determining the general framework under which sealing procedure will be determined.2s~|_ lΨL P313/90Did the Commission fail to properly take action against a French aid Policy?The Commission was wrong to assume that the aid did not need to be reported and therefore the Commission had an obligation to assure that the aid was legal.The decision not to take action as provided for by Article 93 of the Treaty was wrong and is annulled.3pnh345/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations under communtiy law to enact wildlife preservation law?Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations to enact wildlife preservation law.Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations to enact wildlife preservation law.3&$314/91Should members of Parliament who leave before their term is finished be given transitional allowance?The decision by the Parliament not to give Beate Weber a transitional allowance ought to be annulled. There has not been a legally certain interpretation of the rules governing allowances and therefore that decision is not binding.The decision by the Parliament not to give the transitional allowance is annulled. The term end of service has not been defined in the rules and must therefore be considered in its widest scope.320k50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?There is a case of force majeure according to community regulation when the time limit is breached due to the administration of another member state or when the trader has persisently requested that the procedure be taken.There is a case of force majeure when the failure to meet the time limits is due to the failure of the competent national authorities to process the operation within the time limit.3`35/92Was the decision made by the Court of First Instance to annul a promotion made by the Parliament legal?The ruling of the Court of First Instance was legally sound.The ruling of the Court of First Instance was legally sound.3280/91Can member states subject to capital duty the conversion of part of a general partner share into a limited partner share?Member states can subject the conversion of part of a general partner share into a limited partner share to capital duty provided that it has not already subjected the share to capital duties.Member states cannot subject to capital duty the conversion of a general partner share into a limited partner share.3W155/91Under what circumstances ought a commission directive be considered by the council under Article 130s?A directive should only be considered under Article 100a when it is directly concerned with the market, when concerned with the environment the Council should use 130s.Article 100a only applies in cases in which the market is directly concerned in cases in which a directive concerns the environment primarily the directive should be considered under article 130s.3,?72/91Does Article 117 of the EEC Treaty apply to and prohibit national legisltion that allows ship owners to contract with sailors from non-member state countries at rates lower than those availbe in member states?Article 117 does not lay down a principle which is precise enough to be relied upon as having direct effect in court.Article 117 does not preclude legislation of the kind in question in this case.3b72/91Does Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty apply to national legislation which leaves the parties free to choose the terms and conditions of treaties with nationals of non-member states?Article 92(1) does not apply to national legislation such as that pursuant to this case.Article 92(1) does not apply to national legislation such as that pursuant to thisd case.2(_ `%? m.E27/92What constitues proof of importation?A customs Entry Certificate does not always constitue proof of importation; espescially in cases where there are doubts as to whether the goods reached the market.A customs entry certificate does not constitue proof of importation when there are questions as to the valididty of the proof.3fd?168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibits any registry of a name from being seriously contrary to pronunciation or the wishes of the person because such registry constitues an infringement of the right to move freely.The transliteration of a name wherein the pronunciation of the name is seriously altered and hampers movement and business is in violation of Article 52.3=e19/92Is it lawful to restrict the use of titles which are granted upon the completion of postgraduate studies?It is unlawful and discriminatory to restrict the use of titles which have been legally attained and granted.It is legal to require authorization of titles so long as that authorizaiton does not result in any undue discrimination.3om184/91How should Article 76 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to boatmasters?According to Article 76 a member state cannot create conditions for boatmasters of other member states that are worse than when the Treaty came into effect.Article 76 gaurantees that no boatmaster will be in a worse position than when the Treaty came into effect either through national legislation or administration.3 o89/85Should Art 1(5) of the decision be annulled?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3lF24/92How does the law provide for the treatment of income tax refunds for those who only reside in a member state part of the year?The Ag observes that the court has no jurisdiction in this case and submits in the alterantive that the court repond that community law does not preclude taxing residents for income earned when they were non-residents.The court ruled that the application was inadmissble and therefore did not give a statement on the issue.3t328/91Must a member state set the same upper limit for both men and women when establishing invalidity benefits?A member state must use the same age limit for both men and women.A member state must use the same age limit for both men and women.3328/91Is a member state allowed to rely upon statistical patterns of behavior to justify differential treatment?Statistical evidence cannot be used to justify differential treatment.Statistical evidence cannot be used to justify differential treatment.3328/91Does the principle of proportionality apply and if so how?The principle of proportionality does not apply in this case.The priniciple of proportionality does not apply to this case.3V328/91To what extent is discrimintation in pension benefits allowable?Only such discrimintation as is related to a difference in pensionable age is allowable.Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively related to a diference in pensionable age is allowable.3,*\282/91What social security law governs nationals of member states who are not residing in those member states?A national is subject to the legislation of the member state of which he or she is a national regardless of any temporary residence.A natonal is subject to the legislation of the member state of which he or she is a national regardless of any temporary residence.3 Y_  "Hw260/91Are the retroactive effects of the second paragraph of Article 3 of Commission Regulation No 744/87 of 16 March 1987 valid?An examination of the questions submitted for a preliminary ruling does not disclose any factors that would affect the validity of the regulation.There is no stated reason for the retroactive effects of the regulation and therefore it is invalid in so far as retroactive effects are concerned.3+256/91How should amylaceous product intended for use in the paper and textile industries to be classified under the Commom Customs Tariff?Such products as those under consideration in this case must be considered under sub-heading 1108 13 00.Such products as those under consideration in this case must be classified under sub-heading 1108 13 00.3vt 250/91Given that products were misclassified by natioinal authorities, is the producer therefore liable for post-clearance duties upon discovery of the error?No error is committed by customs authorities when they accept reports given them by agents of other member states; error has occurred when agents neglect to use information to classify products. It is for national courts to decide liablity given error.Error has occurred if someone neglects to use information available to them, in cases of error it is for national courts to determine liability.2FD136/91How should Artile 1(3) of EEC Regulation No 374/87 be interpreted?It must be considered that it is sufficient that the units being taxed were manufactured by a company appearing in the table and that company should be taxed.It must be considered that it is sufficieint that the units being taxed were manufactured by or for a company appearing in the table and that company will be taxed.3^31/91Should those decisions which favor a company be accepted in situations in which that company acted in good faith?The principle of legitimate expectations does not prevent a governmnent from collecting late duties, even when the traders acted in good faith.The principle of legitimate expectation must apply in this case, however, the parties cannot be considered to have had any other expectation than to have paid their duties.331/91Do national authorities have an interest in or a right to collect monetory compensatory amounts some years after they were due when their lack of payment was the result of some error on the part of those authorities?It is for the national authorities to determine adequate time limits, however, those limits can in no way be discriminatory nor can they effect the scope of community law.It is for the national authorities to determine adequate time limits, however, those limits cannot be discriminatory nor can they effect the scope or effectiveness of community law.3XV31/91Which wines are to be regarded under Community law as quality wines?Only those wines with the DOC or DOCG designation were entitled to appear in Italy with the description as quality wines between the period of 22 May and 31 August 1973.Only those wines with the DOC or DOCG desgination were entitled to appear in Italy with the description as quality wines between the period of 22 may and 31 August 1973.3 ^25/91Did the commission fail to act in accordance with EEC regulation in its decision to deny aid to a company building a fishing vessel?The commission did not fail to act in so far as they did make a decision concerning the application for aid and the court may not make a ruling concerning the validity of this decision.The commission did not fail to act in so far as they did make a decision concerning the application for aid and the court has no authority to rule over the validity of this decision.3Y_ s  J182/91Was the commission's decision not to make payment for services rendered even after being served an attachment legal?The commission's decision was legal.The commission has immunity and is therefore not subject to Belgium law and thus the decision was legal.3" 306/91Did Italy fail to fulfil its obligations by fixing tobacco prices?In so far as the Italian government failed to grant requests concerning the inclusion of prices on their scale it failed to fulfil its obligations.In so far as the Italian Government failed to grant requests concerning the inclusion of prices on their scale it failed to fulfil its obligations.3^364/90Was the Commission's decision to prohibit certain state aid measures legal?the decision was legalthe decision was legal3g375/90Did Greece fail in its obligation to guarantee the right to free movement of goods in its decision to implement laws concerning the amount of micro-organisms in food?It is not against EEC law for a nation to conduct tests and implement laws to insure public health there isno discriminatory behaviour in this case and therefore Greece has not failed in its duties.The court finds that the Greeks were within their rights in implementing the laws in question and that the commission offered no evidence to support a claim of discrimination, therefore greece did not fail.3\Z65/92How ought Articles 46 and 51 of Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to with regards to migrant workers and old-age benefits?The articles in question must be interpreted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old-age benefit paid under the legislation of a member state which guarantees an elderly person an income.The articles in question must be interperted as meaning that they apply to the award and recalculation of an old -age benefit such as the one in question.3w172/91What constitues an appearance under Article 27(2) of the Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments?Appearance is to be assessed in accordance with the law in which judgment was given.Appearance is achieved so long as a defendant has answered to criminal charges brought against him.3JH172/91Does Article 37(2) of the Convention preclude third party appeals?The Article in question does preclude third party appeals, even if such an appeal is available under national law.The Article in question does preclude all third party appeals.3^172/91How should the concept "civil and commercial matters" be interpretted withr egard to the Convention on Jurisdictioin and Enforcement of Judgments?The concept includes cases which involve civil and government servants, notwithstanding the fact that the consequences of action against them are covered by government insurance.The concept includes cases which involve civil and government servants, notwithstanding the fact that the conseqences of action against them are covered through government insurance.3b71/91Does EEC law prohibit the imposition of charges in respect of the entry of a capital company on the official register or in respect of the maintenance of that registration?Article 10 of Council directive 69/335 must be interpreted as prohibiting the imposition of such charges.Article 10 of Council directive should be interpreted as prohibiting the collecting of annual charges in respect of registration, however, the collection of an initial fee is not illegal so long as that fee is based upon the financing of the register.30.1_ ~ Y ;&u/126/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national laws that prohibit mail order sales operations from advertising in such a manner as to display an old higher price and a new lower price?Article 30 does preclude such national laws.Article 30 does preclude such national laws.375356/90Should the decisions made by the Commission concerning loans granted to shipbuilders by Belgium be annulled?The Ag finds that all of the contested decisions regarding Belgian loans to shipbuilders ought to be annulled.The action is dismissed because it is the role of the commission to insure that the directives which have been undertaken to keep the market competitive do there job.3304/91How should Article 5 of Directive 74/561 be interpreted with regards to a national who is carrying on a haulage business after the death of his partner who held the necessary certifications?A natural person or undertaking authorized under national law before 1 Jan 78 to engage in huaage is exempt from the requirements of Article 3 if all of the conditions which that authorization were subject continue to be fulfilled.A person who, before Jan 1978, continuously and effectively mananged the transport operations of an undertaking and was nationally authorized to do so is entitled to rely upon Article 5 for admission to the ocupation of hualage operator.3246/91Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that cosmetics companies keep a product file that is not within EEC guidelines?In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.In requiring such a file the French have failed to fulfil their obligations.3B@174/91Has the Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing measures for the protection of groundwater?The Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its duties in so far as certain substances were not included on the national legislation which the council directive had specifically targeted.The Kingdom of Belgium failed ot fulfil its obligations in so far as certain substances were not included on the national legislation which the coucil directive had specifically targeted.3 P17/92Do national rules which mandate that film distributers who are dubbing films from foreign countries and distrubuting them must distribute films of national origin as well violate community law?Such restrictions constitue discrimination against foreign distruters and are thereby illegal.Such restrictions constitute discrimination and are thereby illegal.3;292/91Should a trader be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassification?So long as the trader as acted in good faith, a trader should not be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassification.Duties are not recoverable since the trader acted in good faith and obeyed th provisions to the best of his knowledge.3 y292/91How should products that originated in Portugal and were exported from Germany into Yugoslavia be classified with regards to the Acts of Accession and EEC reg No 449/86?The products ought to be classifed as products originating within the Community.The products were not to be considered to be of Community origin.3\Z59/92How is Article 4 of Commission Regulation No 1495/80 to be interpreted as regards the deterioration of goods?If a deterioration in goods which reduces the customs value takes place there should be no differentiation as to whether it occurred before or after the risk passed to the customer.If a deterioration in goods takes place which reduces the customs value of the goods no differentiation is to be made whether the deterioration occurred before or after the risk passed to customers.2>f_ 6 s199/91Should the Commission's decision to withdraw funding from several projects be annulled?The decisions in so far as they do not relate to project 84/3643 B6 should be annulled.The decisions, in so far as they do not relate to project 84/3643 B6, are annulled.3#!s197/91Does the Italian government have the right to claim a flat-rate amount of of financial compensation for market withdrawals charged to the Italian State?The state does not have the right to recover sums in that manner; it may only do so in situations where it can be shown that an organization was not entitled to the sums in question.The state has no right to recover sums in that manner from all organizations where it can be shown that one of those organizations at least was not negligent.3 l197/91Are Commission Decisions 89/627 and 90/213 valid In so far as they charged Italy with LIT 20 920 524 089 for compensation granted to fruit and vegetable producers?Examination of the question has yeilded no no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of those commission decisions.Examination of the question has yeilded no factors of such a kind as to affect the validity of those commission decisions.2=193/91Can a person rely on Article 6(2) of the Sixth Directive in national court?a person can rely on this article in court.A person can rely on this article in court.3g193/91Does Article 6(2) of the Sixth Directive prohibit taxation of the private use of goods forming part of the assets of a business upon whose acquisition the taxable person was able to deduct the VAT?The Article in question does prohibit taxation in such circumstances.Such taxation as that in question is prohibited by Article 6(2).3lj(370/89Did the EIB violate its obligations by failing to award a tender to SGEEM?The bank did not fail in its obligations and therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.The bank acted in accordance with independent expert opinion in its choice for tender and therefore it cannot be conceived that it violated its obligations, therefore SGEEM is owed no reperations.3f320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoly established by the Belgian government conform with EEC law?EEC law prevents the established postal monopoly from applying the monopoly to rapid delivery service.EEC law prohibits the restriction of services which do not fall under the basic postal service by national authorities.3ki198/91Ought the Commission's decision to raise no objections against several forms of state aid given to PYRSA by Spain be annulled?The Commission's decision ought to be annulled.The Commission's decision is annulled except for the sections concerning subsidy 975 905 000.3,*81/91How should Article 3a(2) of Regulation No. 857/84 be interpreted with regard to a milk producer who transfers part of his holding to another person but retained entitlement to the whole of the non-marketing or conversion premium?In a circumstance such as this the person in consideration is entitled to the special reference quantity provided for in Article 3a(2).In a circumstance such as this the transferor and the transferee should have the special reference quantity divided between them proportionally to the amount of land transferred.3><220/91Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to annul certain decisions of the Commission pertaining to price quotas for Stahlwerke Peine-Salzgitter be repealed?The decision of the Court of First Instance was accurate and should not be repealed.The decision of the Court of First Instance was accurate and is therefore upheld.3nll_ = t 271/92Is restricting the sell of contact lenses to certfied opticians an infringment of the free movement of goods?Such restrictions constiute an infringement of the right to free movement of goods.Article 30 does prohibit such restriction.3  18/92Should the Value Added Tax be applied before or after suppliers subtract the commission owed to credit companies?The VAT must be applied to the price that the purchaser paid for a product, not that price after the commission is subtracted and given to the credit card company.The VAT must be applied to the price that the purchaser paid for a product, not that price after the commission is subtracted and given to the credit card company.30334/91Should the Commission's decision to withdraw funding from an IRI training program be annulled?The decision to withdram the larger sum of the promised funds should be annulled.The decision to withdraw a considerable amount of the funding for the IRI training program is annulled.386z321/91Should the national government receive reimbursement for advance payment received for goods being exported if those goods perished as a result of force majeure?The exporter is not entitled to a refund and must reimburse the advanced payment even though the goods perished as a result of force majeure.An exporter is not entitled to a refund in the case that the goods are destroyed as a result of force majeure when exporting to a non-member nation.3K308/91Must EEC law be interpreted as meaning that the purity of fruit-sugar syrups should be found by measuring the fructose content and relating it to the dry matter content?No method other than the copper reduction method or the areometric method can be used in determing sugar content and syrup purity.No method other than the copper reduction method or the areometric method can be used to determine sugar content and syrup purity.3I308/91How does one calculate percentage purity of syrup?The purity of syrup is found by dividing the sugar content of the syrup,which can be found using the copper reduction method, by the dry matter content of the syrup.The percentage purity of syrup is found by dividing the sugar content, which shhould be found using the copper reduction method, by the dry matter content of the syrup and multiplying by one hundred.2N263/91Does the taxation of an official on the ownership of rental property constitue indirect taxation of their salary?It does not constitute indirect taxation of the salary so long as it does not exceed the amount deducted from the officials taxable income by way of tax reliefin respect of interest payments on the loan used to purchase the house.Such taxation does not constitue indirect taxation of the salary.3u263/91Are people who are counted with special privleges in the Community subject to income tax on rental property in their country of origin?While the salary of those people may not be taxed, any extra income earned, such as from rental property may be subject to income tax.While the salary of those people covered by community immunity provisions may not be taxed, any extra income, such as from rental property, can be taxed.3+228/91Has the Italin government failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by prohibiting the importation and sell of fish containing nematode larvae?The Italian government has failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by prohibiting the importation and sell of fish containing nematode larvae.The Italian government has failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC law prohibiting the importation and sell of fish containing nematode larvae.3GU_ I ) au373/92Has the Belgian State failed to fulfil its obligations in so far as it has subjected imported medical supplies to tests which they have already been given elsewhere?Belgium has failed to fulfil its duties.By subjecting imported sterile medical supplies to tests which they have already been put through, Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.3}52/91Did the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by exceeding the fishing quotas allocated to it?The kingdom of the Netherlands did fail to fulfil its duties by only belatedly prohibiting capture of certain fish stocks and failing to report such provisions to the Commission.The Kingdom of the Netherlands did fail to fulfil its duties by not closing the fishing of certain stocks in good time.3?13/92Are Articles 8(1)(a) and 8(3)(a) of Coucil Regulation No. 1101/89 valid, in so far as they fail to insufficient account of certain situations?Examination of the matters at hand has revealed no factors of such a kind as to affect the validity of the regulation at issue.Examination of the matters at hand has revealed no factors of such a kind as to affect the validity of the articles at hand.3)33/92Under what conditions should the meat of bovine animals be considered salted under heading 0210 of the Common Customs Tariff?Meat of bovine animals is to be considered salted under heading 0210 when it has undergone a process of salting which will preserve it for a time which is more than the transportation time.A meat may only be classified as sated under heading 0210 if that meat has a minimum salt content of 1.2% by weight.3V310/91Can a person claim benefits under Article 7(2) of Council Reg. No. 1612/68, if they are the child of a migrant worker?A person can claim benefits as the child of a migrant worker under Article 7(2), if those beneifts are gauranteed to the children of nationals.A person can claim benefits as the child of a migrant worker under Article 7(2), as long as the relevant legislation applies to working nationals.3#310/91How are Articles 2 and 3 of Reg. No. 1408/71 to be interpreted with regards to the rights of disabled persons to claim benefits?The Articles in question cannot be relied upon to claim disability allowances as a right in person.The Articles in question cannot be relied upon by dependent offspring of a migrant worker to claim benefits from national legislation as a right in person.3290/91Does Community law allow national authorities to remit on grounds of equity levies payable under Article 5c of Reg. No. 804/68?Community law does not preclude national authorities from waiving payments in certain instances, however, such national provisions must no tbe discriminatory.Community Law does not preclude national authorities from waiving levies in certain instances, however, such national provisions must not be discriminatory.3;52/92Did Portugal fail to fulfil its obligations under treaty law by deciding to close its borders to certain pig livestock?Portugal did fail to fulfil its obligations when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.Portugal failed to fulfil its duties under te EEC Treaty when it decided to close its borders to certain pig livestock.3xv171/91Does a person have the status of worker under the EEC law, and thus the right to freedom of movement and residence, even if they were unemployed or seeking employment at the time of the accession of their home nation?Such a person does not have the right to freedom of movement or residence as guaranteed by EEC law.Such a person does not have the right to freedom of movement or residence.3Z _ [T K  e3+243/89 Has Denmark failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC Law by offering tenders on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the rgeatest extent possible?Denmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.Denmark has failed to fulfil its duties by offering tenders only on the condition that Danish goods and workers be used to the greatest extent possible.3]88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his country of origin?An official may not choose to declare himself a resident of any nation other then the country of his origin.An official does not have a choice as to the establishment of his domicile for tax purposes.3ki 88/92May it be said that it is solely by reason of the performance of his duties that a community official has established his residence in a member state, even if the official intended to make the move regardless?An offcial living in residence of the state wherein the institution of his employment is located is subject to the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities regardless of other intentions.An offcial living in residence of the state wherein the institution of his employment is located is subject to the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities unless the move was already undertaken.3325/91Ought the Commission communication 91/C 273/02 on the application of Articles 92 and 93 of the EEC Treaty and Artile5 of Commission Directive 80/723/EEC be annulled?The Commission Communication 91/C 273/02 should be annulled.The Commission Communication 91/C 273/02 is annulled.386264/91Ought Article 1 of Council decision 2145/91 be annulled?The application should be declared inadmissible and Article 1 of Council decision 2145/91 should remain as it is.The application is inadmissible and Article 1 of Council decision2145/91 remains as it is.3%#T225/91Ought the Commission decision to provide aid for a Ford-VW joint venture be annulled due to a misuse and abuse of powers?The decision should not be annulled; there was no abuse of power.The decision remains intact, there was no misuse of power.3213/91Ought Article 1 of EEC Reg. No.1304/91 be annulled?The application should be declared inadmissible since it does not individually affect the applicants, and the Article in question should remain intact.The application is inadmissible and the Article in question remains intact.375O41/92Has the European Parliament failed to act with regards to compliance to the "Act concerning the election of the European parliament by direct Universal suffrage?"The proposed failure of the Parliament does not affect the applicant individually and is therefore inadmissible, the court has no stance on proportional representation as such.The Parliament has since the application taken action to correct any purported failure and therefore the court need not make a decision.3n183/91Did Greece fail to fulfil its obligations by not exempting exporters from the special single tax?The Greek government has failed to fulfil its obligations.The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.3}95/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations and provisions laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of individuals undergoing medical examination?The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Euratom Treaty.3?_ \ 0181/91Should a decision an act adopted by the Council regarding aid for Bangladesh be annulled along with all of the measures that the Commission took to implement this act?The application for annulment is inadmissible, for the prerogatives of Parliament have not been affected.The application for annulment is inadmissible, for the prerogatives of Parliament have not been affected.3.316/92Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing measures to comply with Coucil Directive 87/540/EEC on the occupation of carrier on waterways?Germany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.Germany did fail to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing such laws.3{y 298/89Should Article 2(2) of Directive 89/463 be annulled due to discrimintation against Gibraltar?The Article concerning the suspension of the application of the community scheme to Gibraltar does not interest the government of Gibraltar individually. The application is inadmissible.The Article concerning the suspension of the application of the community scheme to Gibraltar does not constitue a decision and therefore cannot be contested in the court. The application is inadmissible.36y90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?Article 1 is valid and it applies to ball bearings in the technical sense only and not to bearing bushes.Article 1 and it does not apply to bearing bushes, but rather ball bearings in the technical sense only.2PNy333/91How should Article 19 of the Sixth Directive be interpreted with regards to the Value Added Tax?Dividends received by the taxable person on the basis of a holding in other undertakings does not constitute turnover attributable to transactions in respect of which VAT is not deductible.Share dividends received by an undertaking which is not subject to the Vat in respect of the whole of its transactions are to be excluded from the denominator of the fraction that calculates the deductible.2  ;|222/91How should Article 4 of Directive 89/622/EEC be interpreted with regards to warnings on cigarette packets?The Article should be interpreted as meaning that warnings may not be required to cover at least 4% of the package of any tobacco products.The Article should be interpreted as meaning that warnings may not be required to cover at least 4% of the package of any tobacco products.356/91Was the Commission's decision to give Greece a certain refund wrong and should it therefore be annulled?The decision ought to be annulled in so far as the Commission calculations were incorrect and the refund should be altered in respect of this only.The decision is annulled in so far as the Commission calculations were incorrect and the refund is altered in respect of this only.354/91Should the decision to give Germany a smaller refund than Germany fills was due them due to the fact that certain processes were not carried out to regulation be annulled?The decision was correct, in that a nation does not reserve the right to adopt what regulations they see fit. The decision should not be annulled.The decision was correct, in that a nation does not reserve the right to adopt what regulations they see fit. The decision is not annulled.3Y_ B%N.242/90Ought the decision of the Court of First Instance to annul a Commission decision regarding the handling and adminstraion of recruitment tests be annulled?The decision ought to be annulled in so far as it does not indicate clearly which parts of the decision are to be annulled and may have reulted in unfair treatment for other candidates.The decision is annulled in so far as it does not limit the consequences of the decision to the reinstatement of the rights of the four original applicants.3q154/92Must the retirement pension for men be calculated on the more favorable rules of calculation used for women?In instances of discrimination the group discriminated against is entitled to have the same rules apply to it as those applied to the advantaged group.Where there has been an infringement of Article 4 the disadvantaged group is entitled to have the same rules applied to it as were applied to the advantaged group.3!154/92Is it sexual discrimination against men if the methods by which retirement pension is calculated may result in a higher pension for women for the same work record, if so does Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC have direct effect?Such methods for claculating pension do constitute sexual discrimination and violate the rights given in Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC.Such methods for calculating pension do constitute discrimination and may be relied upon by individuals in court.3 108/92Is the Common Customs Tariff to be interpreted as meaning that a "Thermoschreiber" is to be classified as "apparatus for measuring electrical quantities" under sub-heading 9030 81 90?A thermorecorder such as the one described does not fall under that sub-heading.A thermorecorder such as the one described does not fall under that sub-heading.3yw%20/92Is the scope of community law effected by the fact that there are already laws governing such actions in agreements between the UK and Germany?Community Law cannot be affected by such agreements.Community law is not affected by such agreements.320/92Does the requirement by the courts of one member state of a national of another member state, acting in his capacity as a service provider, to provide security for court proceedings violate his freedom to provide services?Treating a person this way does violate a person's rights under Community law.Treating a person this way does violate a person's rights under Community law.3H312/91Are national rules punishing offences violating VAT on imported goods more severely than those punishing similar offences on domestic goods compatible with the Agreement between the EEC and Austria?The Agreement does not require any comparison between imported and domestic goods in this case, however, the punishment cannot be so disproportionate as to inhibit free trade.The Agreement does not require any comparison between imported and domestic goods in this case.3207/91How should Articles 13 and 20 of the EEC and Austria Agreement be interpreted with regards to the marketing of medicinal products?A member state may not require of an Austrain importer that the importation of their medicinal products be subject to the production of documents of which the authorities of the member state are already in possession.A member state may not require of an Austrain importer that the importation of their medicinal products be subject to the production of documents of which the authorities of the member state are already in possession.3VTy_ *K O B !366/89Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing sufficient meausres regarding waste oil disposal and exportation?The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its duties as regards waste oil.The italian Republic has failed ot fulfil its duties as regards waste oil.3SQ34/92Does the new regulation concerning the benefits have retroactive effect?It does not hav eretroactive effect.It does not have retroactive effect.3b34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?Those cuts did not qualify for a refund in Germany in the time in question.Those cuts did not qualify for the refund in the time in question.3o56/90Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations under EEC law by not implementing the proper measures to ensure the quality of bathing water in some areas?The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.The United Kingdom has failed ot fulfil its obligations by not implementing such measures concerning bathing water in Blackpool, and Southport.3N125/92Does the application of the jurisdiction rule under Article 5 of the Convention require that the employment contract to have been perofrmed wholely and solely in the state in which there is a dispute?The court system of the member state that constitutes the principal place of employment has juridiction in such situation, if there is no such place then the member state containing the established office of the employer has jurisdiction.The court system of the member state that constitutes the principal place of employment has juridiction in such situation.3RP42/92Does Article 55 of the EEC Treaty allow derogation from the insurance of freedom of establishment for the office of approved commissioner?Article 55 does not allow such derogation.Article 55 does not allow such derogation.3330/91Is it consistent with Community law if a company is due repayment for a tax exemption and is given that exemption and is also entitled repayment supplement but is denied the supplement on the grounds of its change of residence?It is inconsistent with community law if a company is denied a repayment supplement on the grounds of its residence.It is inconsistent with community law if a company is denied a repayment supplement on the grounds of its residence.3u217/91Should Commission Reg. No. 1014/90 laying down detailed implementing rules for the definition, description, and presentation of spirit drinks be annulled?The same siutations are not being treated in different ways due to this regulation and therefore the regulation should remain as is.The Commission regulation does not breach rules of equal treatment nor any procedural requirements and therefore it must remain in law as it is.3<121/91Should the decisions not granting the applicants remmission for the duties which they were forced to pay be annulled?The decisions not granting remmission of the duties charged to the applicant were perfectly lega and should not be annulled.The decisions not granting the applicants remmission of the duties charged them did not infringe upon the applicants rigths and did follow all procedural rules and is not annulled.3_ U {v 289/91How ought Article 11 of EEC Reg. No. 823/87 be interpreted?Article 11 is not inconsistent with German Wine Law and cannot therefore be used in court to contend decisions of the German Authorities regarding that law.Article 11 must be interpreted as meaning that no quantity of wine which exceeds the yield per hectare fixed by the member state may be marketed as quality wine.2W271/91Does Article 6 of Directive 76/207/EEC have direct effect?It does have direct effect.It does have direct effect.3sV271/91In cases where a member state compensates victims of discrimination monetarily, is it legal for that compensation to have an upper limit?It is not necessarily illegal that a member state impose an upper limit on monetary compensation for discrimination.An upper limit cannot be fixed a priori.2GE266/91Can such a charge as that already described constitute an infringement of Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome?Such a charge does not come within the scope of Article 30.Such a charge does not come within the scope of Article 30.2266/91Could a charge such as that already described constitute state aid in compatible with the common market?The use made of the revenue accrued through such a charge could constitute state aid incompatible with the common market, however, only the commission can bring proceedings.The use made of the revenue accrued through such a charge could constitute state aid incompatible with the common market, however, only the commission can bring proceedings.33266/91Does a charge levied by an institute on chemical pulp products, which is charged to domestic and imported goods alike, constitute a charge equivalent to an import duty?If the benefits of the charge are had only by domestic companies and in such a way that they fully offset the burden, then the charge constitutes a charge equivalent to an import duty.If the benefits of the charge are had only by domestic companies and in such a way that they fully offset the burden, then the charge constitutes a charge equivalent to an import duty.3:8~259/91Does EEC law prohibit legislation that gives different employment time-limits to different workers?EEC law prohibits legislation that gives different employment time-limits to different workers.EEC law prohibits legislation that gives different employment time-limits to different workers.3CA158/91Does the prohibition of night-work for women constitute sexual discrimination under community law?Such a prohibiton does constitute discrimination under community law, however, it may be allowed in so far as not prohibiting it would infringe upon the rights of non-member countries under the ILO Treaty.Such a prohibiton does constitute discrimination under community law, however, it may be allowed in so far as not prohibiting it would infringe upon the rights of non-member countries as established prior to the EEC Treaty.20.M~355/90Has Spain failed to fulfil its duties under EEC law by not having the proper upkeep and classification of the Santona Marshes?Spain has failed to fulfil its duties under EEC law by not having the proper upkeep and classification of the Santona Marshes.Spain has failed to fulfil its duties under EEC law by not having the proper upkeep and classification of the Santona Marshes.3_ X  87/92Must a processor prove that her butter meets the distribution standards or must customs authorities show that it does not?It is for the national authorities to show whether or not any butter meets the requirements, and they may take samples to accomplish this is for national authorities to prove whether or not the conditions have been met, and whter or not they may take a sample to determine this point is dependent on national law.2$ 87/92Must tracer products in butter be distributed uniformly throughout cool concentrated butter?There must be a uniform distribution of the tracer products in concentrated butter whether heated or cooled.There must be a uniform distribution of the tracer products in concentrated butter whether heated or cooled.3TRv 81/92How should Commission Regulation No 1626/85 be interpreted with regard to the countervailing charges on importing and exporting Morello cherries?A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.A countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.2ki66/92Does community law preclude a member state from failing to take account of a spouse that is not a resident when calculating pension benefits?Community law prohibits any national provision which does not take a spouse living in another member state into account when calculating benefits.Community law prohibits any national provision which does not take a spouse living in another member state into account when calculating benefits.3;66/92Does the IOAW social security scheme of the Netherlands fall within the scope of Council Reg No 1408/71?The IOAW does fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71.The IOAW does fall under the scope of Article 1408/71.331/92Is Article 19 of Royal Decree No 72 on retirement and survivors' pensions compatiblewith the objective of Article 12 of EEC Reg No 2001/83?The EEC Article does not preclude national provisions against overlapping benefits, however benefits derived from Article 46 of the Treaty of Rome cannot be disallowed regardless of overlapping.The EEC Article does not preclude national provisions against overlapping benefits, however benefits derived from Article 46 of the Treaty of Rome cannot be disallowed regardless of overlapping.3/-i23/92How should the term "legislation" be interpreted in Regulation No 1408/71?A bilateral convention between a member state and a non-member state is not to fall under the concept "legislation", even if the convention has been ratified into domestic law.A bilateral convention between a member state and a non-member state is not to fall under the concept "legislation", even if the convention has been ratified into domestic law.3d9/92Has the Hellenic Reuplic infringed upon Directives 83/182 and 83/183 and on Directive 73/148, and in so doing failed to fulfil its obligations und er EEC Law?Greece has set a maximum time-limit for the re-exportation of vehicles belonging to car-hire firms that have their office in the community and has upheld a definition of normal residence contrary to community rules, thus it has failed to fulfil its duty.The Hellenic Republic has infringed upon the Articles in question and has therefore failed in its obligations.3(&_ H DV9109/91Must "pay" within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty be understood as covering the payment of non-statutory benefits to surviving relations?This kind of payment should be regarded as pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the Treaty.This kind of payment falls under the concept of pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the Treaty.3{y55/91Should Commission Decision C (90) 2337 be annulled in so far as it held ineligible for charging to the EAGGF the sum of LIT 319 268 813 032?The decision should not be annulled.The decision is not annulled and the application is dismissed.3 377/92Is "coconut powder" consisting of a pasteurized, homogenized, and spray-dried mixture of ground and pressed cocnut pulp to which maltose and sodium caseinate are added, to be classified under subheading 2106 90 99 of the Common Customs Tariff?Such a "coconut powder" is to be classified under subheading 2106 90 99 of the Common Customs Tariff.Such a "coconut powder" is to be classified under subheading 2106 90 99 of the Common Customs Tariff.3v303/92Did the Kingdom of the Netherlands fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to adopt within the prescribed time-limit the laws and provisions necessaary to comply with community law concernign the breeding of livestock?The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in this regard.3|z9248/92What products fall under the concept "rolled on four faces" as found in the Combined Nomenclature in EEC Reg. No. 3174/88?The concept "rolled on four faces" covers all products which are actually rolled on all four sides, regardless of whether they subsequently have sharp edges.The concept "rolled on four faces" covers all products which are actually rolled on all four sides, regardless of whether they subsequently have sharp edges.35139/92Did the Italian Republic fail to fulfil its obligations by failing to communicate legislation making changes in the technical standards and regualtions concerning the engines of pleasure craft?The Italian Republic failed in its obligations by failing to inform the commission of changes in the technical statndards and regulations concerning pleasure craft.The Italian Republic failed in its obligations by failing to inform the commission of changes in the technical statndards and regulations concerning pleasure craft.3+)111/92Is the tax exemption provided for in Article 15(1) of the Sixth Council Directive to be refused if the goods in question are to be supplied to a country for which no authorization would be available in any member state due to trade embargo?A VAT may not be charged on the export of of goods to a third country, notwithstanding that the export made is in breach of a prohibition on exports to any particular destination.The exemption provided for in the Article in question may not be refused where such exports are made in breach of national provisions.3KI  107/92Did Italy fail to fulfil its obligations by not publishing a notice to tender for a construction project?The Italian Republic did fail to fulfil its obligations by not publishing the invitation for tender.The Italian Republic did fail to fulfil its obligations by not publishing an invitation for tender.3RP 87/92Given the principle of propotionality, should only a percentage of the security be forfeited if the products were dispensed correctly?The principle of proportionality is not in conflict with the Reg. at hand.The Article and Regulation at hand are not contrary to the principle of proportionality.3HF$_ O2  k CD92/92Is copyright law subject to the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Article 7 of the Treaty of Rome?Copyrigth law is subject to the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Article 7 of the Treaty.Copyright law does fall within the scope of Article 7 of the Treaty.32010/92What constitutes the "chargeable event" and the moment when tax becomes chargeable, are these concepts in harmony?A trader cannot be asked to make interim VAT payments which may exceed his actual liability.A trader cannot be asked to make interim VAT payments which may exceed his actual liability.3JH378/92Has Spain failed to fulful its obligations by not enacting sufficient laws and regulations on health problems affecting the intra-community trade of meat products?Spain has failed to fulfil its duties in so far as it has not taken measures sufficient to comply with community law.Spain has failed to fulfil its duties in so far as it has not taken measures sufficient to comply with community law.36124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?Force Majeure has occurred in this context when a trader could not have forseen and should not have forseen a change in the requirements and regulations of the country of importation.Force majeure is not met when the country of importation changes its requirements for the goods being imported.3%l121/92If a self-employed person resides in Germany and carries out approximately half of her business there and the other half in the Netherlands, to which law is she subject?Such a person is subject to German law.Such a person is subject to German law.393/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse to carry out repairs under guarantee for vehicles which are the subject of parallel imports?Such a requirement is compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty.Such a requirement is compatible with Article 30.3Y104/90Should Council Reg No. 112/90 concerning anti-dumping duties be anulled in so far as it concerns MEI?The application is unfounded and therefore the decision should remain as is.The application is unfounded and therefore the decision remains intact.337/92Is the French system of waste oil disposal consistent with EEC Law?Article 59 of the Treaty precludes national rules which, where the collection of waste oil is made conditional upon approval for a particular zone, lay down that only one approval can be issued per zone at any one time.Council Directive 75/439/EEC on the disposal of waste oils precludes national legislation establishing a system of collection whereby approval is only granted to national undertakings to dispose of waste oil.3 :]109/91Under what circumstance can a widower claim a pension under Article 119 of the Treaty?No pension can be claimed for work that was done prior to the Barber judgment of May 17 1990, unless legal proceedings were brought before that date.No pension can be claimed for work that was done prior to the Barber judgment of May 17 1990, unless legal proceedings were brought before that date.3 r_ n yt&281/91If someone enters into a contract wherein payment is deferred until the supply of land, with interest then added until that supply, is the interest to count as part of the price or is the deferment a loan?In such a case as described, the interest must be understood as part of the price of the land, however, if there is a clear distinction made in the contract between the goods provided and a credit then it must be understood as a loan.In such a case as described, the interest must be understood as part of the price of the land, however, if there is a clear distinction made in the contract between the goods provided and a credit then it must be understood as a loan.3%46/90If someone has received type-approval in one member state must he then be deemed to have type-approval in another member state?Type-approval in one member state does not guarantee type-approval in another member state.Type-approval in one member state does not guarantee type-approval in another member state.3US$46/90Does the Art 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude a member state from requiring traders in telecommunications to receive type approval for products from a public undertaking which also sales similar telecommunications products?The EEC Treaty does not preclude a member state from having such restrictions, however, it does prohibit the agency in charge of carrying out such restrictions from trading as a competitor on the market.The EEC Treaty does not preclude a member state from having such restrictions, however, it does prohibit the agency in charge of carrying out such restrictions from trading as a competitor on the market.3#338/92Should the Euorpean Parliament be ordered to pay a sum of money to a contracting firm which was given a contract and then was refused payment for several unforeseen occurrences?The European Parliament should not have to pay the money and the interest.The European parliament doe not have to pay the money and the interest.3db"297/92How should Council Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to compulsory and voluntary insurance schemes for migrants?A Member State may not take into account periods of insurance completed in another member state, if the person has never been affiliated with a social security scheme in the first state and affiliation is required in that state for insurance.The regulation does not require a member state to admit persons who have been subject to compulsory insurance in another member state and who do not satisfy the conditions for affiliation to the schemes in the first member state.3sq!272/92Is legislation that sets limits on the duration of employment for foreign-language assistants where no such legislation exists for other jobs compatible with community law?Community law prohibits such legislation.Community law prohibits such legislation.3  92/92In terms of copyright what rights does Article 7 of the Treaty guarantee an individual?Article 7 does have direct effect and it guarantees any national of a member state the same rights granted to the nationals of another member state to prevent copy and distribution of unlicensed intellectual property in that member state.Article 7 does have direct effect and it guarantees any national of a member state the same rights granted to the nationals of another member state to prevent copy and distribution of unlicensed intellectual property in that member state.3TRbr_ M5.338/91Is a national provision such as that contained in Article 32(1)(b) of the AAW compatible with Article 4(1) of Directive 79/7/EEC if it is applied to both men and women in practice but refers on the face of it only to women?Such a provision is still not compatible with community law.So long as the provision is not put into practice discriminatorily it is not incompatible with community law.39-338/91Does community law require that married women who became unfit for work befroe 1 October 1975 be entitled to benefits under the AAW with retroactive effect to 23 December 1984, if those women did not apply for those benefits unitle after 5 January 1988?Community law does not permit a right to be refused by reason of a procedural time-limit if the directive has not been implemeted in national law when the indivdual submits a claim availing herself of that right.Community law does not preclude a national law that mandates that benefits for incapacity for work cannot be claimed for more than one year before the date of the claim.3,337/91Is it for a national court to decide whether national legislation is wholly inapplicable or to interpret as requiring a deduction to be made?A national court which is called uon to apply the provisions of Directive 79/7/EEC is under a duty to give full effect to the principle of equal treatment which it gradually implements, if necessary refusing to apply conflicting natioanl legisalation.A national court which is called uon to apply the provisions of Directive 79/7/EEC is under a duty to give full effect to the principle of equal treatment which it gradually implements, if necessary refusing to apply conflicting natioanl legisalation.3+337/91Is Article 32(1)(b) of the AAW compatible with Directive 79/7/EEC?The Directive precludes national rules that withdraw from widow who are unfit for work the benefits applicable to that risk and grants the a widow's pension, where such withdrawal is automatic, doesn't apply to widowers, and leads to a drop in income.The Directive precludes national rules that withdraw from widow who are unfit for work the benefits applicable to that risk and grants the a widow's pension, where such withdrawal is automatic, doesn't apply to widowers, and leads to a drop in income.3ZX[^*337/91How should a national court interpret Article 26 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights?Community Law does not preclude a national court from interpreting that Article as insuring equal treatment for both women and men, so long as that interpretation does not violate Directive 79/7/EEC.Community Law does not preclude a national court from interpreting that Article as insuring equal treatment for both women and men, so long as that interpretation does not violate Directive 79/7/EEC.3T)92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.The Directive precludes any national rule which requires a trader to seek type approval from a body which is not shown to be independent of the market.3G'69/91Does Directive 83/189/EEC which has not been implemented in French law have direct effect to French nationals?The Directive does have direct effect in that a trader has the right to be given type approval by means of criteria which have been declaredto the Commission, however, it cannot be used in a case in which type-approval was never sought.Community Law precludes the application of any national rule which requires traders to seek type-approval from bodies which have not been shown to be independent.3v_> t 3748/91Should Commission Decision C (90) 2337 be declared void in so far as it refuses to charge the EAGGF on the ground of an irregularity in collection and payment of the co-responsibility levy in the cereals sector?The decision ought to be declared void to the extent sought by the applicant.The decision is declared void to the extent sought by the applicant.3<6132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a reduced state pension or no pension and recieves a widows pension?There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.There is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.3F5132/92Is it a breach of Article 119 where an employer calculates pensions in such a way that between the ages of 60 and 65 a female recieves less than a male due to the fact that the female recieves state pension ate age 60 while a male gets it at 65?It is not a breach of Article 119 for an employer to calculate pensions in such a way.It is not a breach of Article 119 for an employer to calculate pensions in such a way.3i4127/92Does the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?Only that part of the difference in pay which is due to the need to attract candidates is then justified.It is for the national court to decide whether and to what extent the need to attact candidates justifies a difference in pay.3XVk3127/92Can a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?It is not sufficient justification for the pay for the two jobs to have been determined by independent collective bargaining processes.It is not sufficient justification for the pay for the two jobs to have been determined by independent collective bargaining processes.3Y2127/92Does the principle of equal pay in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome require an employer to justify objectively the difference in pay between job A and job B?The principle of equal pay does require an employer to justify a difference in pay objectively.The principle of equal pay does require an employer to justify a difference in pay objectively.3~|072/92Does such a charge as described constitue "indirectly imposed internal taxation in excess" or "internal taxation of such a nature as to afford indirect protection for other goods" within the meaning of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty?The levying of a parafiscal charge in order to finance aid is not contrary to the Community system of state aid if the national authorities have notified the Commission of the aid and if the Commission has not found the aid incompatible with the market.The collection of a parafiscal charge of that kind may constitute state aid incompatible with the common market, however, that is a matter the Commission alone is competent to decide.3/72/92Does a national charge on pork imported from another member state qualify as a "charge having equivalent effect" within the meaning of Articles 9 and 12 of the EEC Treaty if the charge is assigned to a fund that promotes the sale of domestic products?Such a charge as that described constitues a "charge having equivaent effect" I the case that the benefit given the domestic producer is enough to completely offset the charge which is imposed upon them.Such a charge as that described constitues a "charge having equivaent effect" I the case that the benefit given the domestic producer is enough to completely offset the charge which is imposed upon them.3/__ " MM@69/92Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by excluding a series of economic activites from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations under community law.The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations under community law.3sq?68/92Has the French Republic failed to fulfil its duties by excluding a series of economic transactions from the concept of "advertising services" under the Sixth VAT Directive?The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.The French republic has failed to fulfil its duties.342=245/91Does national legislation that prohibits an insurance company from offering advantages to patrons other than intermediaries violate community law?Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.Such national legislation is not precluded by community law.3,*<185/91Are German tariffs as provided for by the Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz compatible with Article 85(1) and the second paragraph of Article 5 of the EEC Treaty or are they incompatible and thus void?Community law does not preclude measures for fixing tariffs such as those laid down in the Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz so long as they are subject to administrative approval and judicial review.Community law does not preclude measures for fixing tariffs such as those laid down in German law so long as the board members appointed by the various trade sectors are experts acting in the public interest and not agents of the traders in a sector.3;2/91Are laws prohibiting preferential agreements and bonuses in insurance incompatible with Articles 3(f), 5 and 85(1) of the EEC Treaty and therefore unenforceable?Such laws are compatible with those articles in the absence of any link with conduct by undertakings prohibited by 85(1).Such laws are compatible with those articles in the absence of any link with conduct by undertakings prohibited by 85(1).34:20/93Where a Member State, in applying Article 3(3) of Directive 74/561/EEC, and in order to fulfil the requirement of financial standing, imposes upon carriers an obligation to provide a guarantee, must that guarantee insure against all debt?Community law does not preclude a member state from prescribing that the guarantee be given only to creditors who have entered into a contract of carriage, however, it is for the national court to determine whether that is the prescription of national lawCommunity law dos not determine the debts which must be covered by a guarantee.3\Z 960/92Does the principle that an undertaking is not obliged to answer questions if the anwser thereto entails admission that the rules of competition law have been broken have direct effect?That principle does not have direct effect.That prinicple does not have direct effect.3.,839/92In a case wherein a contract was concluded before legislation was passed setting time limits on the term of expiry of a contract of that type and the contract's term of expiry is greater than that allowed by the legislation is the contract void?The nullity ensuing from Article 85(2) of the EEC Treaty is confined to those parts of the agreement which infringe the prohibition laid down in Article 85(1); the national court must determine the specifics on a case by case basis.The contract is not subject to the term limits so long as it was concluded before the legislation and meets all other requirements of the EEC Treaty.3_"g WH365/92Does Article 9(1) preclude the grant of the special premium when some of the animals claimed are not slaughtered and 9(4) does not apply because that number is more than one animal or 5%?Article 9(1) does preclude the grant in such circumstances.Article 9(1) does preclude the grant in such circumstances.3SQG365/92Under Article 9(1) for Commission Reg No 714/89 does "inspection" include the verification of the documents submitted for entitlement?Under Article 9(1) of that regulation "inspection" does include the verification of the documents submitted for entitlement.Under Article 9(1) of that regulation "inspection" does include the verification of the documents submitted for entitlement.2 F365/92Is Article 9(1) of Commission Regulation No.714/89 applicable to claims for special premium under Article 11(2) of the Regulation?Paragraph 1 of that Article applies to claims for special premiums for beef producers under Article 11(2).Article 9(1) of Reg. No. 714/89 is applicable to claims for special premiums made under Article 11(2) of that regulation.2 E285/92Is a national measure requiring cheese manufactureers to affix a label that indicates the region of origin of the cheese consistent with Council Directive 79/112/EEC?Such a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" within the meaning of the directive at hand and therefore such a provision is consistent with that directive.Such a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" within the meaning of the directive at hand and therefore such a provision is consistent with that directive.30.xD134/92What criteria does the common organization of the market lay down for the application of the domestic law of contract for the sale and purchase of sugar beet?As community law stands, the common organization of the market contains no law on the allocation of quotas between producers that can be directly relied upon by an individual in court.Community law has not laid down criteria for the allocation among sellers of the quantities of sugar beet which the manufacturer offers to buy before sowing.3tC134/92To what exstent do Articles 7 and 30 of Council Reg. No. 1785/81 preclude the application of the competition rules of German cartel law and the rules of German law on share companies applicable to the accessory obligations of share holders?Council Reg. No. 1785/81 does not preclude national rules being applicable in the absence of Community harmonization measures which require contracts to comply with the principle of equal treatment.Council Reg. No. 1785/81 does not preclude national rules being applicable in the absence of Community harmonization measures which require contracts to comply with the principle of equal treatment.3 B73/92Has the kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its duties by instituting and maintaining in force a system of VAT applicable to advertising services which excludes certain transactions contrary to the Sixth VAT Directive?The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties by violating the Sixth VAT Directive.3NA71/92Has the Kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its obligations under Community law by maintaining provisions constituting an exclusion from the field of application on public procurement, provisions allowing the award of privately negotiated contracts?The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties in all the areas except award criteria.The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its duties in all the areas except award criteria.3o-_ 5  7?IO234/91Has Denmark failed to fulfil its obligations under community law by maintaining under Law No. 840 the fiscal rules providing for a labour market contribution which does not comply with the Sixth VAT Directive?Denmark has failed to fulefil its obligations under community law by introducing and maintaining by Law No. 840 a labour market charge generally charged on the same bassis of assessment as the VAT, but without complying to community rules on the VAT.Denmark has failed to fulefil its obligations under community law by introducing and maintaining by Law No. 840 a labour market charge generally charged on the same bassis of assessment as the VAT, but without complying to community rules on the VAT.3N317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?In the absense of community harmonization it is for each member state to determine trademark law, however, such law may not be used in any case as a means to discriminate against foreign traders.It does not constitue a violation of community law to restrict the use of trademarked symbols in such a way.3yM189/91Does the third sentence of Paragraph 23(1)of the Law on unfair dismissal constitue indirect discrimination against women contrary to Council Directive No. 76/207/EEC?Council Directive 76/207/EEC precludes a national provision which excludes businesses with five or fewer employees from the system of protection against unfair dismissal if it can be established that this affects a much greater number of women than men.Council Directive 76/207/EEC precludes a national provision that excludes businesses with five or fewer employees from the system of protection against unfair dismissal, if it can be established that this affects a much greater number of women than men.3L189/91Is the exclusion of small businesses from the system of of protection against unfair dismissal compatible with Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty?A national provision which excludes businesses with five or fewer employees from the system of protection against unfair dismissal is incompatible with Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty.Exclusion of small businesses from a national system of protection of workers against unfair dismissal does not constitute aid within the meaning of Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty.3eK405/92Is Council Regulation No. 345/92 valid?Consideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.Consideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.3WUCJ267/91Is the prohibition in France of resale at a loss under Article 32 of Order No. 86-1243 compatible with the principles of the freemovement of goods, services, and persons, and nondiscrimination as laid down in the EEC Treaty?In a situation such as that with which the main proceedings are concerned, Article 30 does not preclude a statutory prohibition of resale at a loss.Article 30 of the EEC Treaty is to be interpreted as not applying to legislation of a Member State imposing a general prohibition on resale at a loss.3,*I365/92Does Article 9(1) breach the principle of proportionality?Consideration of Article 9(1) has disclosed no factor to question its validity in respect of the principle of proportionality.Article 9(1) is not contrary to the principle of proportionality.3V?_[ u ]W83/92Do Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization?Those Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.Those Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.3fdV83/92Must Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC be interpreted as meaning that national authorities are precluded from introducing additional grounds for the suspension or revocation of authorization of medicinal products?Those Articles must be interpreted as meaning that the suspension or revocation of authorization to market medicinal products may be effected only on the grounds laid down in those Articles or other relevant provisions of community law.Those Articles must be interpreted as meaning that the suspension or revocation of authorization to market medicinal products may be effected only on the grounds laid down in those Articles or other relevant provisions of community law.3U12/92Does the fact that it was impossible for the Austrian authorities to establish that the country of origin notified to them was correct constitue a force majeure for the importer?In such a situation there may be a case of force majeure, however, it can only be so if it is established that the importer took all due care to avoid any error or negligence.It is possible that such a situation could be a force majeure, and it is for the national courts to assess whether such is the case.3}T12/92Must an importing member state demand custom duties on goods whose origin cannot be determined?The customs authorities of the importing state must demand payment of the unpaid customs duties, unless there is sufficient evidence of the origin of the goods.A state is not bound to demand payment of the duties, but may take account of evidence as to the origin of the goods.3yS12/92If a state granted a preferential tariff were incapable of of determining the correct origin of goods must it determient that the goods are of unknown origin and that the preferential tariff was wrongly granted?If the nation of origin cannot be determined by the exporter state, then the preferential tariff has been wrongly granted and national authorities may claim the remainder.If the nation of origin cannot be determined by the exporter state, then the preferential tariff has been wrongly granted.3R6/92Should the Commission Decision 91/523/EEC abolishing the support tariffs applied by the Italian railways to the carriage of bulk ores and products produced and processed in Sicily and Sardinia be declared void?The application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.The application is inadmissible because the applicants have no primary interest in the decision.3LQ216/91Should Article 1(3) of Reg. No. 1115/91 imposing an anti-dumping duty on Rima Eletrometalurgia be annulled?Article 1 of Reg. No. 1115/91 should be annulled in so far as it concerns Rima Eletrometalurgia.Article 1(3) of Council Reg. No. 1115/91 is annulled.3" P37/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty and Articles 1 and 4 of Reg No 1612/68 of the Counci by retaining in its legislation provisions which guarantee certain seamens' jobs to Belgian nationals?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.3ec4_[  3^115/92Should the ECJ over-rule the decision of the Court of First Instance to annul Parliament's decision to reject the candidature of Mr. Volger for a position?The decision of the Court of First Instance should be upheld.The Court of First Instance's decision is upheld and the appeal is dismissed.3GE]45/92Must remuneration be taken into account subject to the application of the same proportion as that on the basis of which the invalidity benefits are awarded?Community law does not madate that nor does it preclude remuneration on the same basis as that used for the apportionment of invalidity benefits granted up to the date when old-age pension was acquired.Community Law does not preclude a member state from applying to a remuneration the same proportion s that on the basis of which an invalidity pension was earlier granted.30.\45/92How should Article 15(1) of Reg. No. 574/72 be interpreted with regards to the aggregation of insurance claims?The application of Regulation No. 1408/71 as implemented by Reg. No. 574/72 will depend on the national legislation in afffect in the different states.For calculating the amount of an old age benefit Article 15(1) is applicable, and it is for the national court to decide how the benefits paid in and by other member sates are to be regarded.2"[45/92Must the invalidity benefits of a person be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person, as provided for by national legislation, even when the invalidity of the worker occurred in another member state?The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.The invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.386Z339/92Are Article 5 of Council Reg. No. 1594/83 on the subsidy for oil seeds and Article 23 of Commission Reg. No. 2681/83 laying down rules for the application of the subsidy system for oil seeds valid?Consideration of the question has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of the Articles in question.Consideration of the question has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of the Articles in question.3^Y109/92Is it compatible with the principle of equality for a member state to offer educational assistance to nationals studying within the state while denying it to nationals studying abroad or for a state to discontinue such grants that were previously awarded?Article 7 of the EEC Treaty does not preclude a member state from awarding its nationals a grant for higher education only if studies are undertaken within the State itself; even in the case that a grant would have been awarded earlier.This issue cannot be addressed, for it falls outside of the scope of the Treaty.3][ X109/92Do the rules set out in the Bundesausbildungsforderungsgesetz constitute a restriction as precluded by Article 62 of the EEC Treaty?While courses given in an establishment of higher education do constitute a service if paid for on an individual basis, Article 62 still does not preclude a Member State from withdrawing the right to an educational grant for nationals studying abroad.Courses given in an establishment of higher education which is financed essentially out of public funds do not constitute services within the maening of Article 60, and therefore Article 62 has no effect on cases dealing with such circumstances.3_ T4g113/92Must a competent institution apply its own legislation in order to determine whether the periods of insurance or residence completed and recognized as such under the legislation of other member states may be used to calculate benefits?Such an institution must aggregate all of the benefits for which a person is eligible, regardless of the relevant national legislation.Such an institution must aggregate all of the benefits for which a person is eligible, regardless of the relevant national legislation.3f63/92Is a member state entitled to exclude the surrender of a lease of immovable property for a consideration paid from the exemption rrom the VAT?A member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion.A member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion.3(&e63/92Does the surrender of a lease of immovable property for consideration paid by the landlord to the tenant constitute "the leasing or letting of immovable property" within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive?Such a surrender of a lease does fall within the meaning of "the leasing or letting of immovable property" as it is used in the Sixth Directive.Such a surrender of a lease does fall within the meaning of "the leasing or letting of immovable property" as it is used in the Sixth Directive.3}d277/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that company to carry out such transport?Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.Article 30 does prevent such legislation and may be relied upon by an individual in court.3Wc277/91Does Community Law alllow the inspection of imported goods to entail a charge to the importing company?Community Law precludes an importing state from mandating inspections and charging the cost of those inspections to the importing companies.The charges levied on the importers is not justified as consideration for services rendered.3qob277/91Is it compatible with community law to provide for several systematic checks and inspections on imported meat products which were already perofrmed in the state of export in national legislation?Community law precludes national provisions that force imported goods to undergo checks and inspections which they have already passed in the exporting state.Community law precludes national provisions that force imported goods to undergo checks and inspections which they have already passed in the exporting state.3!`110/91May a male employee claim pension at the age of 60 without any reduction even though the claim precedes accrual of the direct entitlement?The direct effect of Article 119 may not be relied upon in order to claim entitlement to an occupational pension which was acquired in connection with periods of employment prior to the Barber judgment.Article 119 can be relied upon directly and immediately before national courts subject to the time constraint of the Barber judgement3r_110/91Does a pension scheme confering pension on a male at age 65 but at age 60 for a female infringe Article 119 of the EEC Treaty?The prohibition resulting from Article 119 of the EEC Treaty with regard to the setting of pensionable age varying according to sex is applicable to all forms of occupational pension schemes.The prohibition resulting from Article 119 of the EEC Treaty with regard to the setting of pensionable age varying according to sex is applicable to all forms of occupational pension schemes.3[_ dn31/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting necessary measures in Belgian law to comply withDirectives 90/490/EEC and 90/506/EEC?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.3  m292/92Does Article 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation which prohibits pharmicists from advertising quasi-pharmaceutical products?Article 30 of the EEC Treaty is to be interpreted as meaning that a national rule prohibiting the advertising of quasi-pharmaceutical products is not a measure having equivalent effect and therefore Article 36 is irrelevant.Article 30 of the EEC Treaty is to be interpreted as meaning that a national rule prohibiting the advertising of quasi-pharmaceutical products is not a measure having equivalent effect and therefore Article 36 is irrelevant.3mkl116/92In relation to a daily driving period at what point does the calculation of 4.5 hours commence?Whenever a driver begins driving the calculation of the 4.5 hours should begin afresh on a rolling basis.Whenever a driver begins driving the calculation of the 4.5 hours should begin afresh on a rolling basis.3SQ{k116/92Does Reg. No. 3820/85 create separate periods of 4.5 hours' driving in the aggregate after or during which breaks totalling 45 minutes or more must be taken?The regulation in question prevents drivers from driving 4.5 hours continuously without taking a break or breaks of a total of at least 45 minutes.The regulation in question prevents drivers from driving 4.5 hours continuously without taking a break or breaks of a total of at least 45 minutes.3Nj113/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 45, even though the record in the state alone does not exceed 45 years and no recourse has been made to notional years?Such a provision is not precluded so long as it applies to without distinction to years worked within the member state and years worked outside of the member state.Such a provision is not precluded so long as the reduction of the rights acquired by the migrant worker in the member state of that institution is compensated by the retirement pension rights acquired under the regulation in the second member state.3i113/92With a view to establishing the ration of the length of periods completed under its national legislation, may a competent institution apply its own rules against overlapping benefits?Such a rule constitues a provision for reduction within the meaning of Article 12(2) of Reg. No. 1408/71 and must be disaaplied where Article 46 of that same regulation is applicable.A competent institution may not apply its own rules against overlapping benefits in order to determine the amount of benefits due a person.3h113/92For determineg the length of the periods of insurance or residence completed , does a competent institutionhave to take account of all periods of insuranceand completed as recognized by all other member states?In order to determine the actual amount of the benefit a competent institution must take account of all insurance or residence periods completed in all the member states.In order to determine the actual amount of the benefit a competent institution must take account of all insurance or residence periods completed in all the member states.3HF$_ & LDw152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?Article 119 precludes account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment.The use of actuarial factors differing according to sex in funded-defined benefit occupational schemes does not fall within the scope of Article 119.2]v152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?Article 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.Article 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.3 u334/92Should the ex-employer be responsible for the payment of salary owed, in the event that the employer is insolvent, or may the state be held liable for reperations?If the ex-employer cannot make good the payment owed, the state must pay it.Higher management may not rely on the institution which guarantees payment, however, in the event that there is no such institution to offer such a guarantee the state must make good on the payment.3 t334/92May higher management staff be excluded from the guarantees provided by Directive 80/987/EEC?Higher management may not be excluded from the scope of that provision.Higher management may not be excluded from the scope of that provision.3  ys334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.The directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.3@>r120/92Is Commission Reg No 1546/88 valid?Consideration of this regulation has revealed no factor as to call the validity of this regulation into question.Consideration of this regulation has revealed no factor as to call the validity of this regulation into question.3'%?q120/92According to Commission Reg. No. 1546/88 how should a Member State assess the representative fat content?The period of application must be the first or second period of the additional levy scheme when assessing representative fat content.The period of application must be the first or second period of the additional levy scheme when assessing representative fat content.3 p28/92Does Reg. No. 1408/71 mean that an employee should be reimbursed under national law when that employee is a member of a comparable social security scheme for civil servants not under national legislation but under the legislation of another member state?Reg. No. 1408/71 does not mean that a person should be reimbursed under national law when that person is a member of a comparable social security scheme not under the national law.Reg. No. 1408/71 does not mean that a person should be reimbursed under national law when that person is a member of a comparable social security scheme not under the national law.3o307/91Should Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that a fine should be assessed in terms of excess deliveries when a farmer changes purchasers in such a way that the quota is exceed totally or in terms of deliveries to indivdual producers?A farmer cannot be fined in terms of excees deliveries unless through the entire year that farmer exceeded the reference quantity allocated to her.A farmer cannot be fined in terms of excees deliveries unless through the entire year that farmer exceeded the reference quantity allocated to her.353 j_ w 4 < 435/92When should the closing date for the hunting season of migratory birds and waterfowl be fixed?The closing date for the hunting of migratory birds and waterfowl must be fixed in a ccordance with a method which is such as to make possible complete protection of the species during pre-mating migration.The closing date for the hunting of migratory birds and waterfowl must be fixed in a ccordance with a method which is such as to make possible complete protection of the species during pre-mating migration.3Jz364/92Is Eurocontrol an undertaking within the meaning of Articles 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty?Eurocontrol is not an undertaking within the meanings of those Articles.Eurocontrol is not an undertaking within the meanings of those Articles.3  u376/92May a manufacturer limit a guaratee to prodcuts sold within the bounds of her selective distribution system?Article 85(1) precludes a maunfacturer from refusing to honor a guarantee on a product which was lawfully purchased regardless of whether the product was purchased from a contracually licensed distributer.Where a selective distribution system is regarded as valid under community law a restriction in regards to the honoring of guarantees is also valid.3W~376/92Is a selective distribution system incompatible with Article 85(1) of the Treaty because the producer is unable to ensure that it is impervious?Such a distribution system is not made incompatible with Article 85(1) for this reason.Such a distribution system is not made incompatible with Article 85(1) for this reason.3`^}296/92Has the Italian Republic failed to comply with Council Directive 71/305/EEC concerning the coordination of the awarding of public works contracts?The Italian Republic has not failed to comply with that directive, in so far as, the relevant authorities were unaware of the violations in question and were, subsequent to being alerted to them, unable to take steps to remedy those violations.The application is dismiised as inadmissible.3|384/92Has Ireland failed to fulfil its duties under community law by not implementing certain community provisions on the breeding of livestock?Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations.Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations.3{354/92Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in cases T-59/91 and T-79/91 be set aside?The court should dismiss the appeal.The appeal is dismissed.3yy304/92Is Category 161 of Annex II to Council Reg. No. 3563/84 to be construed as covering "men's linen windcheaters," even though it does not expressly include such textile products?That category should be interpreted as including men's linen windcheaters.That category should not be interpreted as including men's linen windcheaters.3jhx244/91Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-110/89 be set-aside and the forms of order sought by the plaintiff in first instance be granted?While the decision should be set aside, the case should be refered back to the Court of First Instance.The appeal is dismissed and the desicision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.3zx"X_  zt98/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.Consideration of the regulation has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3&$898/91Ought Council Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that a person or group of people are not prevented from being regarded as producers to whom both Article 3a1 and Artilce 3a1a are applicable ?Council Reg No 857/84 permits the allocation of a special reference quantity to a legal person or group of persons operating a holding , even where the producer itself has not fufilled the undertaking , but its members include a farmer who has.Council Reg No 857/84 permits the allocation of a special reference quantity to a legal person or group of persons operating a holding , even where the producer itself has not fufilled the undertaking , but its members include a farmer who has.398/91Is Article 3a of Reg No 1546/88 incompatible with higher ranking community law, and in particular with Article 3a of Coucil reg No 857/84?Article 3a of Commission Reg No 1546/88 is invalid in so far as it does not provide for the conferment on member states power to allocate special reference quantities in necessary circumstances.Consideration has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Article 3a of Commission Reg. No 1546/88.3h212/91Is the prohibition of 11 alpha - Hydroxypren-4-ene-3,20-dione and its esters under the Twelfth Commission Directive 90/121/EEC valid?Consideration of this directive has disclosed no factors to question its validity.The prohibition in question is invalid.3 129/92Does the Convention on jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments have any application to proceedings in Contracting States concerning the recognition and enforcement of judgments of non-contracting states?The Convention is not applicable in such proceedings.The Convention is not applicable in such proceedings.3YW 435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.The prefects may fix the dates in their particluar regions only in the case that the authorities which confer upon them this power ensure that the closing dates are fixed in such a way as to guarantee complete protection during pre-mating migration.3vty~435/92Is it lawful for national authorities to fix closing dates for hunting season that vary according to species?It is unlawful for national authorities to fix closing dates in that manner unless national authorities can give scientifically valid evidence that that method does not impede the protection fo species during pre-mating migration.It is unlawful for national authorities to fix closing dates in that manner unless national authorities can give scientifically valid evidence that that method does not impede the protection fo species during pre-mating migration.3[Yq|_@ n Fc308/87To what extent ought Mr. Grifoni be compensated for the accident that occurred on while on the job under the employment of the EAEC?The Community should pay the applicant the amount of LIT 238 077 293 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the actual judgment.The Commission shall pay the applicant the amount of LIT 268 210 529 plus 8% annual interest with effect from the date of the judgment.31315/92Do Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national measures which would ban the marketing of a cosmetic product under a name which might be misleading to the general public?Articles 30 and 36 are not violated if it can be shown that the ban on the use of a misleading name is truly in the public's interest and that the ban does not violate the principle of proportionality.A national provision which would ban the marketing of a product under a name which might be misleading to the public is precluded by Articles 30 and 36.386374/92How should Article 4(2)(b) of Reg No 2267/84 be interpreted with regards to the 90% rule and boning in the storage of beef?In the event that portions of boned forequarters of beef are removed from storage prior to the minimum storage period, aid may still be claimed so long as the portions of beef remaining in storage make up at least 90% of the contractual obligation.In the event that portions of boned forequarters of beef are removed from storage prior to the minimum storage period, aid may still be claimed so long as the portions of beef remaining in storage make up at least 90% of the contractual obligation.3287/92Must a Member State, whose legislation makes the right to benefit conditional upon the completion of a period of residence, treat periods of the Claimants residence in other Member states as though they were periods of residence in the first state?The institution of the State of Residence is required to forward a claim for invalidity benefit to the competent institution of the state of last employment.The institution of the State of Residence is required to forward a claim for invalidity benefit to the competent institution of the state of last employment.3TR287/92To whom does the first sentence of Article71(1)(b)(ii)of Reg No 1408/71 apply?The first sentence of Article 71(1)(b)(ii) does not apply to a worker who, after the conclusion of her employment, transfers her residence to another member state.The first sentence of Article 71(1)(b)(ii) does not apply to a worker who, after the conclusion of her employment, transfers her residence to another member state.3j189/92What reference quantity should a dairy grant to a producer in such circumstances as those described in this case?The situation described does not allow for the producer to have taken into consideration a reference year other than the one chosen by the member state.The situation described does not allow for the producer to have taken into consideration a reference year other than the one chosen by the member state.3'189/92May a dairy refuse to grant a reference quantity to a young farmer on which a certain quantity of milk had been produced and delivered on the pretext that deliveries were temporarily suspended owing to a change in the producer?Member states are entitled to but not obliged to provide for the allocation to a new owner and milk producer a reference quantity that takes into account deliveries made by the previous owner in the reference year.Member states are entitled to but not obliged to provide for the allocation to a new owner and milk producer a reference quantity that takes into account deliveries made by the previous owner in the reference year.3_ 0 5:<236/92Does Article 4 of Council Directive 75/442/EEC have direct effect and if so what rights does it confer upon the individual?That Article does not have direct effect.That Article does not have direct effect.3398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.The fact that a judgment will have to be enforced abroad in itself is not sufficient ground to order a seizure.3y154/93May a Member State refuse to recognize a diploma of dentistry awarded by a non-member state although the holder has had it recoginzed in another Member State?A member state can refuse to recognize a diploma, even if that diploma has been recognized by another member state.A member state can refuse to recognize a diploma, even if that diploma has been recognized by another member state.3/319/92Under Article 52 of the Treaty, can one deny an appointment to a practitioner who does not hold a diploma mentioned Directive 78/686/EEC but who has been authorized to practise, on the ground that she has not completed a required training period?To deny an appointment on the grounds mentioned, a member state must be able to show that the practitioner has not, in previous experience, already fulfilled the training requirement.To deny an appointment on the grounds mentioned, a member state must be able to show that the practitioner has not, in previous experience, already fulfilled the training requirement.3319/92Does Article 20 exempt any national of a Member State who holds a diploma awarded by a non-member state which itself is recognized by another Member State from a mandatory training period?No person who does not have a diploma awarded by a Member State is exempted froma training period.No person who does not have a diploma awarded by a Member State is exempted froma training period.3<319/92Does Article 20 of Directive 78/686/EEC prohibit a member state from requiring a person to complete a a training period in order to be eligible for appointment, when that person has already been deemed competent to practice by the member state?Article 20 does not prohibit a member state from requiring a person to complete such a training period in the case that that person holds no certificate or diploma which is issued by any other memebr state.Article 20 does not prohibit a member state from requiring a person to complete sucha training period in the case that that person holds no certificate or diploma which is issued by any other memebr state.3119/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by adopting measures which are incompatible with Reg No 222/77 and Reg No 3632/85 and Articles 9 and 12 of the EEC Treaty?The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under Council Reg No 3632/85; the rest of the application should be dismissed.The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under Council Reg No 3632/85; the rest of the application should be dismissed.3K13/93Does Artilce 5 of Directive 76/207/EEC require a member state which lays down in its domestic law the principle of general prohibition of night-work for male and female workers to ensure strict similarity in derogations for both sexes?Article 5 of Directive 76/207/EEC does require a member state to maintain a strict similarity in limits on night-work for men and women.Article 5 of Directive 76/207/EEC does require a member state to maintain a strict similarity in limits on night-work for men and women.3_ n 0 ev343/92In the event that a national provision is contrary to community law is it then non-binding?Only if the relevant community legislation has direct effect with regard to the bound party.Only if the relevant community legislation has direct effect with regard to the bound party.353w343/92Can provisions which in practice affect largely or only married women and to that extent indirectly discriminate against those women be justified on budgetary grounds?Such a provision is justified so long as it does not distinguish on the basis of sex.Such a provision cannot be justified on budgetary grounds and is precluded under communtiy law.3}{343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.So long as the Article IV applies to men and women alike it is not contrary to community law.3)'i343/92Is a provision whereby the rights of married women to AAW benefits are taken away contrary to Community law?Such a provision is a violation of Article 4 of Directive 79/7/EEC since it deviates from the principle of equal treatment for men and women.Such a provision is a violation of Article 4 of Directive 79/7/EEC since it deviates from the principle of equal treatment for men and women.3100/92Does Artilce 1 of Commission Decision No 83/396 preclude the application of the Italian legislation in so far as the latter provides for the reimbursement of increases in the electricity consumption of steel makers between 1 Jan and 30 June 1983?The defrayal by the exchequer for increases in the electricity surcharge was also authorized with regard to the period from 1 Jan to 30 June 1983.The defrayal by the exchequer for increases in the electricity surcharge was also authorized with regard to the period from 1 Jan to 30 June 1983.2<:99/92Was there discrimination in the Commission decision at issue which would invalidate that decision?There was no unlawful discrimination.Consideration has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Commission Decision 83/396/ECSC.3|99/92Did Commission Decision No 83/396 treat the appellant undertakings as private or public producers, in the light of their internal legal rules or the public holding in their capital?The appellants were not treated as private producers.The Commission decision did not authorize aid to the appellants.3JH336/93Has the Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not transposing into national law with the prescribed time limit Directive 88/599/EEC?The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.3/-289/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulil its obligations by not transposing within the prescribed time limit Directive 88/599/EEC into national law?The Italian Republic has thus failed to fulfil its obligations.The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.3/-419/92Does Community law preclude, in an open competition to fulfil job postings, the possibility of disregarding work carried out in the public service of another Member State, while acknowledging public service carried out in the state of application?Community law precludes the exclusion of one of two similar types of work experience on the basis that one was not perormed in a certain member state.Community law precludes the exclusion of one of two similar types of work experience on the basis that one was not perormed in a certain member state.3EC_-@ 291/93Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not complying with an earlier ECJ decision which stated that italy had failed to implement Directive 78/659/EEC on the protection and quality of frech waters?Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations.Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations.3DB188/92Is a national court bound by a decision of the Commission when hearing an appeal regarding the implementation of the decision binding the court, wherein the addresse of the decision claims the decision to be unlawful?When an undertaking has failed to exercise its right to challenge a decision under Article 173 within the applicable time limit, the validity of the decision cannot be called into question in national proceedings against the undertaking.When an undertaking has failed to exercise its right to challenge a decision under Article 173 within the applicable time limit, the validity of the decision cannot be called into question in national proceedings against the undertaking.316/93What constitues "a supply of services effected for consideration" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Sixth VAT Directive?A musical performance on the public highway does not constitute "a supply of services effected for consideration" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Sixth VAT Directive.A "supply of services effected for consideration" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Sixth VAT Directive does not include an activity such as a musical performance on the public highway.3F332/92Does the non-reimbursement of a pecuniary charge constitue an infringement of Article 17 of Reg No 1418/76, since it involves a reduction of the communtiy refund for only a small group of people?Such a duty is contrary to Article 17 only if it can be shown that it is a method of reducing the amount of the export refunds.Article 17 does not preclude non-reimbursement of a tax, unless the tax appears to be a means of reducing the amount of the export refunds.3`332/92Must the Italian State or Rice Authority reimburse traders in the rice sector the pecuniary charge imposed on rice produced in Italy, where that rice has been exported and consumed in other member states?Community Law does not preclude non-reimbursement of internal tax levied on the purchase of paddy rice, however, the court must decide whether such a duty has the effect of impeding the price mechanisms established to create the common market in rice.Non-reimbrusement of an internal tax imposed only on domestic products when they are purchased or processed does not create discrimination against the traders who bear the burden of the charge.353/92Ought the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T- 30/89 to uphold a Commission decision that Hilti held a dominant position and was abusing that position be annulled?The appeal should be dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance upheld.The appeal is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.3yw#316/91Ought Financial Reg No 91/491/EEC be annulled?The action should be dismissed and the regulation should remain intact.The action should be dismissed and the regulation should remain intact.3J368/92Is the benefit of preferential treatment granted by the EEC to developing countries , necessarily lost when Form A issued on the export of the products refers to a state other than a Member State?The benefit of preferential treatment is lost when Form A lists an exporting country other than a Member State.The benefit of preferential treatment is lost when Form A lists an exporting country other than a Member State.3Q_ = # @:71/93How ought Reg No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to a professional soldier on active service in Belgium, to whom the applicable medical care provisions have been extended?A person who is a civil servant in Belgium and a resident there and is simultaneously self-employed in the Netherlands is covered by Reg No 1408/71.A person who is a civil servant in Belgium and a resident there and is simultaneously self-employed in the Netherlands is covered by Reg No 1408/71.2_275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Rules on the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements for large lotteries are within the scope of Article 59 of the Treaty, however, those rules may prohibit services from large foreign lotteries so long as they prohibit all such services.The importation of lottery tickets or advertisements for the participation in a lottery fall within the scope of Article 59, and does constitute an infringement, however, such an infringement is only justified as a measure for public safety.380/92Has Belgium failed to fulfil its duties by implementing laws concerning telecommunitcations which are contrary to community law?Belgium has failed to fulfil its duties under Article 30 of the treaty by maintaing a system for authorizing telecommunications receivers laid down by the Law of 30 June 1979 and the rest of the commission s application should be dismissed.Belgium has failed to fulfil its duties under Article 30 of the treaty by maintaing a system for authorizing telecommunications receivers laid down by the Law of 30 June 1979 and the rest of the commission s application is dismissed.3yw40/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations by not ensuring that the Milk Marketing Boards do not extend the exclusive right to purchase milk from milk producers beyond the limits resulting from Council Reg No 804/68?The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 The rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.The United Kingdom breached Artilce 10 of Council Reg No 1422/78 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty; the rest of the submissions brought by Commission are unfounded.3(&268/93Has Spain failed to fulfil its duties by not informing the Commission of the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions needed to give effect to Council Directive 88/320/EEC on Good Laboratory Practice?Spain has failed to fulfil its duties in the way mentioned above.Spain has failed to fulfil its duties.3YW/375/92Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by maintaining legislation that prevents nationals of other member states from acting as tourist guides?Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations.Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations.3  45/93Has Spain infringed Articles 7 and 59 of the EEC Treaty by applying a system whereby only Spanish citizens and foreigners and nationals of member states resident in Spain under 21 years of age are allowed free admission into national museums?Spain has infringed Articles 7 and 59 in the way mentioned above.Spain has infringed Articles 7 and 59 in the way mentioned above.3O 387/92Should the exemption from taxes payable to the State and other entities of public law wich Spanish law grants to public credit institutions be regarded as incompatible with the principle of fair competition?A tax exemption such as the one described does not have the characteristic elements of an abuse of a dominant position brought about by a state measure.A tax exemption such as the one escribed does constitue state aid and may be seen as an abuse only if the Commission brings proceedings.3K_ k 4k128/92Do Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty have direct effect?Those Articles do have direct effect.Those Articles do not have direct effect.3f128/92Do Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and/or 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty apply to licences to extract unworked coal and to the royalty and payment terms therein?Licences to extract unworked coal do fall within the scope of the ECSC Treaty Articles 4(1), 65(1), 66(7), though not Article 60.Licences to extract unworked coal do fall within the scope of the ECSC Treaty Articles 4(1), 65(1), 66(7), though not Article 60.31324/90Should the Commission Decision that declared that the program of aid designed to prevent the exodus of undertakings which was introduced by the city of Hamburg without prior notice to the Commission was incompatible with the common market be annulled?The Commission decision should be upheld and the application dismissed.The decision is annulled.3}{`150/93Which Tariff Heading do travel goods in cellular plastic internally reinforced with fabric which were imported between 22 Jan and 16 Dec 1988 fall under?Such goods ought to be regarded as goods with outer surface of plastic and not of textile material.Such goods ought to be regarded as goods with outer surface of plastic and not of textile material.31/93Where a Member State imposes a charge on the transfer of immovable property, but allows a relief if the transfer is part of an internal reorganization, is it compatible with Community law that only domestic companies be eligible for this relief?It is incompatible with community law, in that it constitutes discrimination on the grounds of nationality, to deny a company the relevant tax exemption as described in this case.It is incompatible with community law, in that it constitutes discrimination on the grounds of nationality, to deny a company the relevant tax exemption as described in this case.3yw 148/93Do shoes that serve as walking aids which are intended to be worn over a fitted plaster cast fall under the term splints and other fracture appliances or parts thereof ?Such shoes do not fall under the extension of that term.Such shoes do not fall under the extension of that term.3;9148/93How should the term orthopaedic appliances as found in th Combined Nomenclature be interpreted with regards to shoes that serve as walking aids to worn with a fitted plaster cast?This term should be interpreted as not including footwear of the type described.This term should be interpreted as not including footwear of the type described.3us!71/93If a person is employed for the purposes of Article 14c and is insured only for single risk, for what type of insurance must the person pay as a self-employed person when national law provides that all employed people must have insurance for several risksFrom the choice-of-laws rules contained in Reg No 1408/71 it follows that the legislation applicable to such a person is the Belgian legislation.The legislation laid down in Reg No 1408/71 must be applied, as far as the self-employed activity is concerned, in the same way as if that activity took place in the Member State concerned.3nl71/93Must Article 13(2)(d) and Article 14c be interpreted as meaning that the employment as a civil servant of a person falling within the scope of the regulation is to be treated as a person employed for the purposes of the application of 14c?A person who is employed as a civil servant is to be treated as a person employed for the purposes of the application of 14c.A person who is employed as a civil servant is to be treated as a person employed for the purposes of the application of 14c.2  A_μ^ \L]58/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco, and if so does that agreement have direct effect?Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco precludes the refusal of disability benefits by a member state on the grounds that the claimant is of Moroccan nationality, and it does have direct effect.3331/92Is a mixed contract for the performance of works and the assignment of property to be regarded as included in the concept of public works contracts set out in Council Directive 71/305/EEC and must one therefore publish a notice of such a contract?An obligation to have building works carried out by third parties, which is agreed to within the framework of a public contract concerning the award of a concession does not constitute a public works contract.An obligation to have building works carried out by third parties, which is agreed to within the framework of a public contract concerning the award of a concession does not constitute a public works contract.3392/92May an undertaking s cleaning operations, if they are transferred by contract to a different firm, be treated as part of a business within the meaning of Directive 77/187/EEC; if that contract is undertaken by 1 person?Such a transfer may fall under the scope of the directive, however, this question is contingent upon the transfer of an economic unit, that is to say an organized whole consisting of persons and assets by means of which an economic acivity is carried on.Such a transfer does fall under the scope of the directive.264389/92Does Community law permit the Belgian rules on the registration of contractors to be applied solely to the dominant legal person within a group in connection with the assessment criteria relating to technical competence?Account, in such circumstances, must be taken of all the members of such a group before an application can be denied.Account, in such circumstances, is permitted to be taken of all the members of such a group before an application can be denied.3o313/93Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not communicating to the Commission within the prescribed period of time all the measures necessary to comply to comply with Council Directive 85/337/EEC?Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations.3OM128/92If the Commission has taken a decision pursuant to a complaint, as it did in the Decision of May 23 1991, to what extent is a national court bound by that decision?A national court is not bound by a Commission Decision on the application of Articles 4, 60, 65, and 66 of the ECSC Treaty, however, in the event that there is a question as to the validity of any Commission decision reference should be made to the ECJ.A national court is bound by a Commission Decision on the application of Articles 4, 60, 65, and 66 of the ECSC Treaty, however, in the event that there is a question as to the validity of any Commission decision, reference should be made to the ECJ.3128/92Does a national court of the jurisdiction and/or an obligation to award damages in the event of a breach of Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty?The national court is obliged to award damages in the event of such a breach.A national court does not have such jurisdiction and therefore may not award such damages.3ig _$j  wF303/93Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 189 and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty?NoneDismisses the remainder of the application.3y393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 and/or 86 and/or 90 of the EEC Treaty to be interpreted with reference to a ban on the import of electrisity for public supply purposes?In the absence of any Community rules governing access by third parties to the public supply network, Article 90 does not prohibit a monopoly on importing electricity so long as it is necessary to ensure that the rest of community remains intact.Such a monopoly is incompatible with Artilces 85 and 86, however, it may be maintained under Article 90 in the event that it is the only means for the supplier to perform its task of general interest.3393/92Is a national court which determines an appeal against an arbitration award to be regarded as a national court or tribunal under Article 177 of the EEC Treaty if under the agreement it must give judgment according to what appears fair and reasonable?Such a national court dose constitute a national court for the purposes of Article 177.Such a national court dose constitute a national court for the purposes of Article 177.3o228/92Is an importer, which by its appeals and proceedings for annulment has done everything legally possible and necessary on its part to prevent a contested notice from becoming final, entitled, if the notice is invalid, to rely on that invalidity in court?Traders may rely on this invalidity, however, that invalidity does not permit the re-openingof the payment of monetary compensatory amounts by the national authorities on the basis of any period prior to this judgment.A trader who has brought proceedings in a national court challenging a notice to pay monetary compensatory amounts adopted on the basis of a Regulation declared invalid by this judgment is entitled to rely on that invalidity in national proceedings.2228/92Is Reg No 2719/75 fixing monetary compensatory amounts and certain rates for their application invalid?It is invalid in so far as it fixes monetary compensatory amounts for products derived from other products at a higher rate than the base product, and in that it fixes the compensatory amounts on a basis other than that of the intervention price.It is invalid in so far as it fixes monetary compensatory amounts for products derived from other products at a higher rate than the base product, and in that it fixes the compensatory amounts on a basis other than that of the intervention price.3us{272/91Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by conducting the award of a public supply contract in a manner incompatible with community law?Italy has failed to fulfil it obligations in so far as it did not send notice of the invitation for tender to the Official Journal of the European Communities, and in that it only opened the invitiation to undertakings which were primarily publicly owned.Italy has failed to fulfil it obligations in so far as it did not send notice of the invitation for tender to the Official Journal of the European Communities, and in that it only opened the invitiation to undertakings which were primarily publicly owned.322/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-80/91 to dismiss an application for the annulment of a decision of the Commission regarding the reprimanding of an employee who failed to notify the Commission of her private adress be annulled?The application for annulment should be dismissed and the decision of the court upheld.The application for annulment should be dismissed and the decision of the court upheld.3r _W A I(47/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by levying a supplementary enrollment fee on nationals of other member states for vocational training services, by restricting their studies, and by restricting the possibility of a refund of the "minerval?"The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.The Kingdom of Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the ways described.3j328/92Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring the the administrative authority award public contracts for the supply of pharmaceutical products by a direct procedure and by awarding those contracts without publishing notice?The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the away described.The Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the away described.3X433/92In order to calculate the quantity to be placed in storage under the contract for the pruposes of Commission Reg No 2471/77 should reference be made, in the cse of boned meat, to the actual yield or to the yield rates set out in Article 4(3) of that reg?Reference should be made, in this case, to the standard rates provided for in Article 4(3).Reference should be made, in this case, to the standard rates provided for in Article 4(3).3w433/92Is entitlement to aid lost if early storage begins on the day on which the storers aid application is received by the competent authority, especially in the case that that authority was informed of the storers intention to begin storage on that date?Aid is not forfeit if the storer notifies the competent authority of her intention to begin store early and is not in turn notified of any difficulty or reservation on the part of that authority.Aid is not forfeit if the storer notifies the competent authority of her intention to begin store early and is not in turn notified of any difficulty or reservation on the part of that authority.3433/92Does the requirement that meat should not be taken into store until after the contract has been concluded constitute such an essential contractual obligation that an infringement of that obligation entails loss of entitlement to aid?This requirement does constitute a primary obligation such that the infringement of it entails the loss of aid.This requirement does constitute a primary obligation such that the infringement of it entails the loss of aid.3v433/92With what activity does the storage process for the purposes of Reg No 1071/68 begin?Storage begins with the placing of goods in the cold storage room before freezing takes place.Storage begins with the placing of goods in the cold storage room before freezing takes place.331q433/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.The private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity until after the storage contract has concluded.3F305/92Is it compatible with Community Law for forced labor performed by Netherlands nationals in Germany during the second world war to confer no entitlement under the German pension scheme?Community Law does not preclude the insurance periods completed under German legislation by Dutch forced laborers during the second world war from being deemed to have been completed under the legislation of the Netherlands.Community Law does not preclude the insurance periods completed under German legislation by Dutch forced laborers during the second world war from being deemed to have been completed under the legislation of the Netherlands.3_ .294/92Does an action for a declaration that a person holds immovable property as trustee and for an order requiring that person to execute such documents as should be required to vest the legal ownership in the plaintiff constitute an action in rem?Such an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaning of Article 16.Such an action does not constitue an action in rem within the meaning of Article 16.3e38/93In the case of gaming machines offering the possibility of winning, is the taxable amount for the purposes of the Sixth VAT Directive the total stakes inserted without deduction of the winnings automatically paid out to players?The taxable amount over a given period of time does not include the proportion of the total stakes inserted which corresponds to the winnings paid out to successful players during that time.The taxable amount over a given period of time does not include the proportion of the total stakes inserted which corresponds to the winnings paid out to successful players during that time.3~421/92Is the principle of equal treatment infringed in the event that a contract for employment is held as void in so far as the contracted work is prohibited under law, or would have been avoided if the employer had known of preganancy?Under those circumstances the principle of equal treatment is infringed.Under those circumstances the principle of equal treatment is infringed3M421/92Does Council Directive 76/207/EEC mean that a contract of employment concluded between an employer and a pregnant employee, where both are unaware of the pregnancy, is not rendered invalid by the prohibition on certain work exististing in a state?Council Directive precludes a national law that renders a contract of employment concluded with a pregnant woman invalid, where such invalidity is the result of the prohibition on night-time work imposed on pregnant women.Council Directive precludes a national law that renders a contract of employment concluded with a pregnant woman invalid, where such invalidity is the result of the prohibition on night-time work imposed on pregnant women.321/92Is Article 3a(2) of Regulation No 857/84 valid?Consideration of the Regulation in question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that Regualtion.Consideration of the Regulation in question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that Regualtion.2MKI21/92Must Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that the abatement is determinedonly by the percentage whichis representative of the all the abatements but contains at least the basic reduction or does it result from that percentage plus the basic reduction?The 4.5% basic reduction is not part of, and should be applied in addition to, the percentage representative of all the abatements applied to the reference quantities.The 4.5% basic reduction is not part of, and should be applied in addition to, the percentage representative of all the abatements applied to the reference quantities.2mk260/93Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing within the prescribed time period legislation necessary to comply with Council Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations as described.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations as described.3`^"_ W K v|M/11/93Was the Combined Nomenclature to be interpreted as meaning that color monitors capable of accepting a signal only from the cpu and not capable of producing a video signal did not perform a specific function?Such monitors were and are still to be understood as not performing a specific function and should accordingly be classified under heading 8471.Such monitors were and are still to be understood as not performing a specific function and should accordingly be classified under heading 8471.3 {36/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-39/90 be annuled?The decision of the Court of First Instance should be annuled and sent back to the court.The appeal of SEP is dismissed and the decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.3 h303/93Has Italy failed to fufl its obligations by not adopting necessary measures to comply with Council Directive 90/486/EEC on the aproximation of laws relating to electrically-operated lifts?Italy has failed to fufil its obligations.Italy has failed to fufil its obligations.320118/92Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty and Article 8 of Council Reg No 1612/68 by excluding workers from other member states from the right to vote and the right to stand as candidates for membership in guilds?Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.3a309/89Should Article 1(2(c) of Council Reg No 2045/89 be annuled in so far as it inserts paragraph 5a(b) into Article 6 of Council Reg No 3309/85?Article 6(5a)(b) of Reg No 3309/85 is void in so far as it restricts the use of the term cremant to wines produced in France and Luxembourg.Article 6(5a)(b) of Reg No 3309/85 is void in so far as it restricts the use of the term cremant to wines produced in France and Luxembourg.3641/93Should the Commission Decision to allow Germany to maintain their current laws on the use and disosal of PCP for industrial purposes be annuled?The Commission decision should be annuled.The Commission decision is annuled.318/93Is it compatible with Community Law to authorize a dominant undertaking to apply different conditions for equivalent services, to apply higher tariffs on foreign ships, and to force ships to take part in a service that they could perform on their own?It is contrary to Articles 90 and 86 for a national authority to authorize an undertaking to apply the afforementioned discriminatory tariffs.It is contrary to Articles 90 and 86 for a national authority to authorize an undertaking to apply the afforementioned discriminatory tariffs.37518/93Is it compatible with Community Law for a Member State to require that maritime vessels fly the Italian flag in order to receive a tariff reduction?It is contrary to the Community principle of freedom to provide services to charge for identical piloting services a different tariff depending on whether the undertaking is located in the national territory.It is contrary to the Community principle of freedom to provide services to charge for identical piloting services a different tariff depending on whether the undertaking is located in the national territory.3TR_Y X eS401/92Does Art 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.Such national rules are not precluded bythe EEC Treaty.3<:313/92Do the words each period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) of Reg No 3820/85 mean that such a period may begin at anytime whatsoever?The expression period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) must be taken to mean a period of time (comprising 24 hours) commencing at the end of the previous daily or weekly rest period.The expression period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) must be taken to mean a period of time (comprising 24 hours) commencing at the end of the previous daily or weekly rest period.3N313/92Must Article 2(1) of reg No 3820/85 be interpreted as meaning that the regulation is applicable to carriage by road within the Community to, from, or through non-member states, who are not party to ERTA?That regulation applies to carriage by road using vehicles registered in a member state, even where part of the journey takes place outside the Community.That regulation applies to carriage by road using vehicles registered in a member state, even where part of the journey takes place outside the Community.3!326/91Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to dismiss the application of de Compte be overturned?The appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.The appeal is dismissed and the decision is upheld.3388/92Should Council Reg No 2454/92 laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road passenger transport services within a member state?The Regulation should be annulled, however, it should remain in effect unitl a new regulation is adopted in its place.The Regulation is be annulled, however, it will remain in effect unitl a new regulation is adopted in its place.3<317/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by adopting provisions concerning the expiry date of medicinal products which limits those dates to two dates per year and by failing to notify the Commission of this legislation?Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3C136/92Should the appeal against the judgement of the Court of First Instance in Joined Cases T- 17/89, T- 21/89, and T-25/89 be granted?The decisions should be set aside and the cases should be sent back to the Court of First Instance.The appeal is dismissed the decisions of the Court of First Instance are upheld.3WU29/93Do quota charges arising from the acquisition of export quotas constitute part of the customs value of goods imported within the meaning of Council Reg No 1224/80 in cases where export licenses cannot be the subject of trade in the country of export?Charges incurred in connection with the acquisition of the export licenses may not be included in the customs value of imported goods.Quota charges incurred in the acquisition of export quotas do not form an integral part of the value for customs purposes, therefore it is unnecessary to determine whether export licenses may be the subject of lawful trade in the country of export.3_$ d869/93Is a national law which requires retail shops to close on Sundays constitute a violation of Community Law, ie freedom of movement of goods or proprtionality?Such a law is not in violation of Community Law.Such a law is not in violation of Community Law.333/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth VAT Directive be interpreted with regard to goods ordered by mail from a catalogue that act as gifts to a person for enrolling or suggesting a friend and are not sold out of the catalogue?The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.The supply of goods in the manner described does constitute a supply of goods for consideration under the Sixth VAT Directive and the taxable amount is the purchase price paid by the supplier for the gifts.330/93Is Commission regulation No 165/90 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain types of electronic microcircuits known as DRAMS, as amended by the crrigendum of 10 February 1990, valid?The consideration of this regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.The consideration of this regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3M2/93If there is irregularity in the maintenace or a violation of the measures taken to combat swine fever is it compatible with community law that the whole security be forfeit?In the event of the failure to fulfil a principle obligation the security can be considered forfeit, however, in the case of failure to fulfil an ancillory obligation only a part of the security may be considered forfeit.In the event of the failure to fulfil a principle obligation the security can be considered forfeit.3  2/93Is it compatible with Community Law for the Belgian intervention agency to impose the prior requirement that a security be lodged for payments chargeable to the European Community of the buying-in prices of pigmeat coming from the buffer zone?The requirement of a security in such a situation is compatible with community law.The requirement of a security in such a situation is compatible with community law.3` 428/92How should Article 93 of Reg No1408/71 be interpreted with regard to subrogation and recoupment of social security benefits by foreign insurance companies?Reg No 1408/71 means that the possible subrogation of an institution of resposible for benefits is subject to the legislation administerd by that institution.Reg No 1408/71 means that the conditions and extnet of recoupment which a social security institution has against the party who has caused an injury in another Member State are determined by the law of the member state to which the institution is subject.2ZXW414/92Can a judgment, with which the judgment whose recognition is sought is irreconcilable, also be an enforceable settlement which is reached by the same parties before a court of the State in which reocgnition is sought?An enforceable settlement reached by the same parties before a court in the state in which recognition is sought to settle current legal proceedings does not constitute a judgment which can preclude recognition of a foreign judgment.An enforceable settlement reached by the same parties before a court in the state in which recognition is sought to settle current legal proceedings does not constitute a judgment which can preclude recognition of a foreign judgment.3&_ 2 nG)F394/92What constitutes the end of the daily working period within the meaning of reg no 3821/85?The daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.The daily working period ends when the driver begins the daily or weekly rest period or the time in which the final part of the rest relating to the day in question begins.3$v394/92For the purposes of regulations 3820/85 and 3821/85 when does a day commence?A day is the 24 hour period immediately following a daily or weekly rest period.A day is the 24 hour period immediately following a daily or weekly rest period.2 i394/92What constitutes a period of work within the meaning of regulations No 3820/85 and 3821/85?Each period in which the driver is unable to dispose freely of his time, including breaks taken in compliance with Article 7 of Council Reg 3820/85.Each period in which the driver is unable to dispose freely of his time, including breaks taken in compliance with Article 7 of Council Reg 3820/85.2 w382/92Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations under Community Law by not transposing correctly into law various provisions of Council Directive 77/187/EEC relating to the safeguarding of employees rights in the event oftransfers of undertakings?The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner so described.The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations with regard to most of the claims of the applicant.3p371/92Do the provisions of Article 3 of Reg No 3665/87 relate exclusively to the calculation of export refunds and do they not affect Article 13 of that regulation?The provisions of Article 3 of Reg No 3665/87 also relate to Article 13 of that regulation.The provisions of Article 3 of Reg No 3665/87 also relate to Article 13 of that regulation.2vt371/92Should the export declarations have been changed in a cse where cargo was deliberately mixed in order to meet the requirements for aid or should the aid have been granted on the grounds of the declarations made prior to mixing?The conditions set out in Article 7(1) of Directive 81/177EEC for the correction of declarations after the event are not fulfilled.In circumstances such as those in point in the main proceedings, the conditions governing the subsequnt correction of declarations are not saisfied.2371/92Was the adoption of Reg No 3494/88 essential in order for exports of products with radiation above the level laid down for imports of the same products to be refused funds?The competent authorities were entitled to, at the time when the export transactions at issue were carried out, to apply to exports of agricultural products the mesures adopted with regards to imports from third countries.The competent authorities were entitled to, at the time when the export transactions at issue were carried out, to apply to exports of agricultural products the mesures adopted with regards to imports from third countries.2371/92Is the Commission s telex of 24 July 1986, according to which the maximum permitted levels of radiation laid down in Reg No 1707/86 for imports of products into the Community also apply to exports of those products to non-member countries, binding?That telex is not binding on the Member States.That telex is not binding on the Member States.2xvE356/93How should a Chemcard Cholesteroltest be classified according to the Common Customs Tariff Combined Nomanclature?Such a product falls under heading No 3822 of the Combined Nomenclature.Such a product must be classified under subheading No 4823 9090 of the Combined Nomenclature.386X_M  j jt322/93Should the Decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-9/92 be set aside?The Court should dismiss the application and uphold the earlier decision.The Court dismisses the application and upholds the decision of the Court of First Instance.3k132/93Is the judgment of the ECJ in Case C-332/90 to be interpreted as meaning that the national court is precluded from applying community law in regard to a purely domestic situation?When a national of a Member State cannot take advantage of a right solely because his situation does not fall within the scope of community law, that does not prevent a national court from applying any constitutional principle of equality.Community law does not prevent a national court from examining the compatibility with its constitution of a national rule which, in a situation unconnected with any of the situations contemplated by Community law, treats national workers less favourably.339/93Should the Decision of the Court of First Instance to declare inadmissible an action against letter No 000978 in which the Commission stated that it did not envisage pursuing inquiries under Article 86 of the EEC Treaty be overturned?The appeal is dismissed the the Decision of the Court of First Instance is upheld.The decision is overturned.3wuX35/93How should the term disassembled be interpreted within the meaning of the second sentence of Rule 2(a) of the Rules for the Interpretation of the Nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff?An Article is disassembledaccording to that provision when the technical means that must be applied in assembling the components do not necessitate a complex assembly, i.e. any special tools or knowledge.A product is to be considered disassemble when the component parts are all presented for customs clearence at the same time and no account is to be taken of the asssembly technique or complexity.3ki137/92Should the ruling of the Court of First Instance that Commission Decision 89/190/EEC relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 85 of the EEC Treaty be set aside and the case be referred back to the Court of First Instance?The earlier ruling should be set aside and referred back to the Court of First Instance.The earlier ruling is set aside and the Commission Decision is annulled.3W292/93Do the matters governed by Article 16(1) of the Brussels Convention also cover questions of compensation for use of a dwelling after a failed property transfer?A claim for compensation for the use of immovable property after the annulment of a contract of sale does not fall within the scope of Article 16(1) of the Brussels Convention.A claim for compensation for the use of immovable property after the annulment of a contract of sale does not fall within the scope of Article 16(1) of the Brussels Convention.3" n153/93Is the German statutory procedure for determining tariffs pursuant to German Law compatible with Article 85(1) and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty?Community Law does not preclude provisions empowering commissions appointed by public authorities acting on proposals offered by the professional associations so long as those commissions are subject to public, administrative, and judicial review.Community Law does not preclude provisions empowering commissions appointed by public authorities acting on proposals offered by the professional associations so long as those commissions act in the public interest are subject to administrative review.3"_ z=A+> 403/92Is Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 997/81 applicable where wine-growers produce wine on lands forming part of the estate of a chateau which has been partitioned, and the they have formed a cooperative society on whose premises the wine is processed?The term chateau may be used if the grapes are exclusively grown on the lands which were originally the chateau, if the wine-making process takes place on the premises of the society, and if there is one single responsible authority.Article 5(1) deos not preclude the use of the term chateau by wine-growers producing grapes on lands forming part of the original estate of the chateau, who have formed a cooperative on whoce premises they make wine.3 288/92How is the place of performance under Article 5(1) of the Convention to be determined?The place of performance is the place agreed in the contract at which the goods are intended to be supplied, irrespective of which of the parties have to bear the risck of coneying the goods to that place.The place of performance of the obligation to pay the price is to be determined pursuant to the substantive law governing the obligation in dispute under the conflicts rules of the court seized.2Ar 135/92Should a letter concerning a fishing vessel owned by Fiskano AB be annulled?The application is inadmissible and the Commission decision remians intact.The decsion contained within the letter is annulled.3h 187/93Should Council Reg No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into, and out of the European Community be annulled?The application should be dismissed and the regulation in tact.The application is dismissed and the regulation remains intact.3.,9/93Does it constitute unlawful restriction of intra-community trade for an undertaking doing business in Member State A which is a subsidiary of a manufacturer in Member State B to be prohibited from using a trade mark on the grounds of risk of confusion?Those Articles preclude national legislation from allowing an undertaking which is the proprietor of a trade mark in a Member State to oppose the importation from another member state of similar products lawfully bearing in the latter state the same mark.There is no unlawful restriction of trade between Member States where a subsidiary operating in Member State A is to be enjoined from the use of a trade mark because of the risk of confusion with a device having the same mark in Member State B.3  426/92Is it compatible with the prohibition of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties, the prohibition of discrimination, and any other provisions of Community law to make the exporter bear the costs of inspections?Community law precludes national rules that provide for the charging to the traders concerned the costs relating to inspections.Community law precludes national rules that provide for the charging to the traders concerned the costs relating to inspections.3{426/92What type of inspection is required and allowed with regard to aid being granted to skimmed-milk exports?Community law precludes national rules from imposing, in the case of exports of skimmed-milk powder, and with a view to ensuring compliance with rules governing the composition of the product, systematic frontier inspections.Community law precludes national rules from imposing, in the case of exports of skimmed-milk powder, and with a view to ensuring compliance with rules governing the composition of the product, systematic frontier inspections.3MKh_J ? F|*130/93Do Articles 9 and 12 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation from levying compulsory contributions?Articles 9 and 12 do preclude such national legislation.Articles 9 and 12 do preclude such national legislation.375/92Should Coucil Reg No 3433/91 imposing a 16.9% anti-dumping duty on products originating in the People s Republic of China be annulled?Council Reg No 3433/91 is void insofar as it applies to Gao Yao.The application for annulment is dismissed as inadmissible and the regulation remains intact.3CA432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accompainied by Eur 1 certificates issued by Turkish authorities?Community Law precludes acceptance by national authorities of potatoes and citrus fruit that has received its moving and phytosanitary certificates from any authority other than the authorities in the Republic of Cyprus.Community Law precludes acceptance by national authorities of potatoes and citrus fruit that has received its moving and phytosanitary certificates from any authority other than the authorities in the Republic of Cyprus.3411/92Should Commission Decision 92/491/EEC on the clearance of the accounts presented by the Member State in respect of the expenditure for 1989 of the EAGGF be annulled insofar as it declared certain expenditures ineligible for Community financing?The action should be dismissed and the decision upheld.The application is dismissed and the decision is upheld.3I298/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-30/92 that Mr. Klinke s application asserting that his classification was not in accordance with applicable law be dismissed be set aside?The appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.The decision of the Court of First Instanec is quashed3VT60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who works exclusively outside of both Member States?Community Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.Community Law precludes a person resident in a Member State, who is employed by an undertaking established in another Member State and works outside both Member States, from being subject to the social securtiy legislation of more than one member state.3 403/92May the term chateau be applied in the event that some of the growers conprising a cooperative do not have lands that form any part of the original estate?In the event that there are growers who do not have land which forms part of the original estate, the term chateau can only be used if great care is taken to ensure that the grapes grown and harvested on the estate are not mixed with the others.In the event that there are growers who do not have land which forms part of the original estate, the term chateau can only be used if great care is taken to ensure that the grapes grown and harvested on the estate are not mixed with the others.3T_0 n351/92Is a failure to take account of the milk production from a holding which was taken over and worked together with a holding in another Member State contrary to the principle of equal treatment and Article 40 of the EEC Treaty?It is not contrary to Article 40(3) of the EEC Treaty not to take account of milk production from a holding situated in another Member State.It is not contrary to Article 40(3) of the EEC Treaty not to take account of milk production from a holding situated in another Member State and worked by the same milk producer.3B@91/92Is Community Directive No 85/577/EEC to be regarded as sufficiently precise and detailed and, was it capable,in the period between the expiry of the 24 month time limit and the date on which the Italian Republic complied with it, of having direct effect?That directive is to be regarded as having direct effect between an indivdual and the state, however in cases between individuals a transposition of the law must have occurred.In the absence of meaures transposing the directive into national law consumers cannot derive from the directive a right or enforce one in the national court, however, a national court must interpret the law in light of the directive.3131/93Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations under Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty by adopting rules which prohibit the importation for commercial purposes of live European freshwater crayfish?Germany has failed to fulfil its duties in the way described.Germany has failed to fulfil its duties in the way described.3b`!130/92Is a charge having an equivalent effect only a charge which is imposed by a Member State on products imported from another Member State or is it also a tax that makes goods from non-member states more economically advantageous?A charge that applies to both imported and domestic products is not a charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty within the meaning of Article 12 if it relates to a general system of internal dues.A charge that applies to both imported and domestic products is not a charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty within the meaning of Article 12 if it relates to a general system of internal dues.3314/93Must Article 30 of the Treaty and Directive 88/301/EEC be interpreted as precluding national legislation which prohibits the import, possesion with a view to sale, and offering for sale of all telephone equipment which has not been granted type approval?Those provisions do not preclude the application of national rules which prohibit both the marketing and advertising of terminals which have not been granted type approval.Those provisions do not preclude the application of national rules which prohibit both the marketing and advertising of terminals which have not been granted type approval.3xv146/93How should Articles 3(1) and 49 of regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted with regard to two Member States who set different limits on the age at which maximum pension is allowed?The periods completed in another Member State are not to be taken into account for the acquisition of a right to an independent benefit. Of an independent benefit and a proportionate benefit, the more favourable one to the recipient shall be used.The periods completed in another Member State are not to be taken into account for the acquisition of a right to an independent benefit. Of an independent benefit and a proportionate benefit, the more favourable one to the recipient shall be used.3_: 2 I!17/93Must national legislation prohibiting the sale of bread whose maximum salt content is higher than 2% be regarded as a quantitative restriction or a measure having equivalent effect within the meaning of Article 30?Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty must be interpreted as precluding national legislation prohibiting the sale of bread the salt content of which is higher than 2%, if it has been imported from another Member State in which it was legal.National Legislation prohibiting the marketing of bread and other bakery products whose salt content exceeds the maximum 2%, when applied to products which have been lawfully manufactured in another Member State, is a measure having equivalent effect.3 438/92Does Article 3 of Title II of Reg No 855/84 directly exclude the grant of special aid provided for in German turnover tax law, possibly in contravention of Article 3(1), for agricultural producers not having their seat in Germany?The grant of such aid to a producer in a Member State other than Germany is accordingly precluded, in particular, by Coucil Directive 77/388/EEC in conjunction with Council Directive 85/361/EEC.Reg No 855/84 precludes the grant to agricultural producers which do not have their seat in a Member State applying positive monetary compensatory amounts of any special aid provided for under the tax law of that Member State.3438/92Is it compatible with Article 3(1) of Title II of Council Regulation No 855/84 for Germany to grant special aid to an agricultural producer which does not have its seat in Germany but in another country of the EEC.Article 3 of that regulation cannot be interpreted as authorizing the grant of special aid in the form of VAT relief to a producer in a Member State other than Germany, even when that the producer imports its products into Germany and sells them there.That regulation precludes the grant by the Federal Republic of Germany of special aid to an agricultural producer with its seat in another member state which exports its products to Germany where they are sold to German customers.3385/92Should Commission regulation No 2294/92 on detailed rules for the application of the support system for the producers of oil seeds be annulled?The application should be dismissed and the regulation should remain as it is.The application is dismissed and the regulation will remain as it is.3DB379/92Does community law preclude legislation like the Italian legislation Law No 979/82 in so far as it impedes the activities of national undertakings engaged in sea trnasport?Community Law dose not in principle preclude legislation like Italian Law No 979/82.Community Law dose not in principle preclude legislation like Italian Law No 979/82.3wu353/92Should Council Reg No 1765/92 establiching a support system for the producers of certain arable crops be annulled?The application should be dismissed and the regulation remain as it is.The application is dismissed and the regulation will remain as it is.3 352/92Where formula A is applied, who is liable, under the original version of Article 12(4) of Reg No 1371/84, to pay the additional levy which has arisen as a result of retroactive reductions in the delivery refund?Where formula A is applied, a milk purchaser is not liable to pay the levy, even where, as a result of a retroactive reduction in the reference quantities on account of the misconduct of the purchaser more remains to be paid.Where formula A is applied, a milk purchaser is not liable to pay the levy, even where, as a result of a retroactive reduction in the reference quantities on account of the misconduct of the purchaser more remains to be paid.3_ f d$(327/91Should the Agreement signed by the Commission and the Untied States declaring the recognition of competition laws be rendered void?The Agreement should be ruled void.The Agreement is void.3'186/93Do the Community regulations governing aid to olive producers provide that AIMA acts simply as an intermediary in the name and on behalf of the EEC, or is AIMA exclusively entitled to the sums granted and the interest earned thereon?The allocation of the benefits accruing to olive producers under community law is a question that must be settled according to national law.Community law does not prevent national legislation from providing that any bank interest accruing on sums allocated unitl they are actually paid over to the beneficiaries belongs to the national intervention agency.3om&61/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission of the adopting of several rules concerning the field of technical regulations and standards?The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations.The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations.3}{5%52/93Has the Kingdom of the Netherlands faile dto fulfil its obligations under community law by not notifying the Commission as to the adopting of various rules in the fieldof technical standards and regulations?The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.The Kingdom of the Netherlands has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3F$32/93Is it discrimination for an employer to dismiss a female employee on the basis of a pregnancy if she was hired specifically to fill in for another on maternity leave, when if the employer had known of the pregnancy she would not have been hired?Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law which permits the dismissal of a woman engaged on the basis of an employment contract for an indefinite period on the ground that the employee must take maternity leave.Articles 2(1) and 5(1) of Directive 76/207/EEC precludes national law which permits the dismissal of a woman engaged on the basis of an employment contract for an indefinite period on the ground that the employee must take maternity leave.3#17/93If a Member State chose to enact Article 6(5)(b) of Council Directive 79/112/EEC would it be justified in prohibiting the sale of goods which did not satisfy those labeling requirements even if they were marketed lawfully in another member state.The obligation imposed by a Member State to designate on the package of foodstuffs the general category to which the ingredients contained belong is justified by the requirements of consumer protection.The obligation imposed by a Member State to designate on the package of foodstuffs the general category to which the ingredients contained belong is justified by the requirements of consumer protection.3"17/93May a Member State rely on the derogation provided for in Article 36 of the EEC Treaty for the purposes of protecting public health in order to maintain the measure in dispute notwithstanding the prohibition contained in Article 30 of the Treaty?Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation prohibiting the marketing of bread and other bakery products of which the salt content is higher than 2%, if they have been imported from another Member State wherein they were lawful.Rules such as those at issue in the main proceedings are likely to hinder trade and cannot be regarded as justified under Article 36 of the EEC Treaty on the ground of protecting public health.3 _jR N/51/93Is Council Directive 69/493/EEC compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty?The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is invalid.Consideration of the directive as revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3 g.44/93Does a decision to authorize a public establishment that previously received public funding to enlarge its activity in an unrestricted manner constitute the granting or alteration of aid?A decision by a Member State to authorize a public establishment to engage in credit insurance for exports to other Member States without restrictions constitutes the granting or alteration of aid in that the public funding now extends to that activity.Such a decision cannopt be regarded as the granting of alteration of aid.2" -43/93Does Community law preclude a Member State from subjecting to authorization or to the payment of a fee the employment in its territory of workers who are nationals of non-member states and who are lawfully and habitually employed in another Member State?Community law precludes national legislation subjecting employment of workers from non-member states who are lawfully employed in member states to authorization or fee.Community law precludes national legislation subjecting employment of workers from non-member states who are lawfully employed in member states to authorization or fee.3nl,413/92Should Commission Decision C(92) 1783 Final on the clearance of accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1989 of the EAGGF be declared void in so far as the Commission excluded from Community financing a sum of DM 432 000?The court should annul the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.The court annuls the Commission Decision in so far as it disallows the charge of the sum of DM 24,365 representing aid for the processing of skimmed milk into casein and caseinates.3+412/92Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-84/91 be overturned in so far as it required the Parliament to make good the non-material damages to Mrs. Meskens caused by the Parliaments refusal to comply with an earlier judgment, T-56/89?The court should annul the decisioin in Case T-84/91.The appeal is dismissed the decision of the Court of First Instance remains intact.3P*396/92Does Article 12 of Directive 85/337/EEC mean that the Member States had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July 1988 but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisions for development consent procedures already initiated?Council Directive 85/337/EEC means that rules exempting projects in respect of which the consent procedure has been initiated after July 1988 from the obligation to undergo an assessment of their effects on the environment are in breach of that directive.Council Directive 85/337/EEC means that rules exempting projects in respect of which the consent procedure has been initiated after July 1988 from the obligation to undergo an assessment of their effects on the environment are in breach of that directive.3 )359/92Should Article 9 of Council Directive 92/59/EEC on product safety be declared void in so far as it empowers the Commission to adopt a decision requiring Member States to take measures from among those listed in Article 6(1)(d) to (h) of that directive?The application should be dismissed and the directive should remain intact. The application is dismissed.3e_H| 7363/93Does Community Law prohibit a Member State from levying a charge proportional to their customs value on goods from other regions of the same state, where it was held that such a charge on other imports was a charge having equivalent effect?The prohibition on charges having equivalent effect to customs duties on imports does not apply to a charge levied by a Member State on the entry into one region of the State of goods originating in other regions of that State.A charge proportional to their customs value, levied by a Member State on all goods entering a region within that State, constitutes a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty on imports even if those imports are from another region of the State.3 6347/93Can the exporter s good faith be treated in the same way as a case of force majeure?Force majeure cannot be pleaded in a situation where goods were brought back into the Community without having been released into free circulation in the country of importation.The exporter of a product destined for a non-member country loses his right to a refund where the product is fraudulently re-imported into the Community notwithstanding his good faith.3#p4347/93Are the EEC rules applicable in this case to be interpreted as meaning that the payment of refunds is subject to the products being put in free circulation in a non-member country?An undertaking is not entitled to refunds where it is established that the export was not carried out since the goods in question were not released into free circulation in a non-member country but were re-imported into the Community.Payment of a differential refund is in principle conditional on proof that the product has been released into free circulation in the non-member country of destination, and Member states may ask for such proof before granting refunds.33340/93Are quota charges which have been incurred on the basis of the Communitu rules in Regulation No 4134/86 to be treated in the same way as quota charges arising under Regulation No 4136/86?Quota charges which have arisen because of Council Reg No 4134/86 must be treated in the same way as quota charges based on Council Reg No 4136.As regards the customs value of imports from Taiwan subject to Council Regulation No 4134/86 third-party quota charges must be treated in the same way as quota charges relating to imports subject to Council Reg No 4136/86.3KIi2340/93Must quotas be distinguished?A buyer who claims that her payment to the seller for export quotas should not be included in the customs value of the goods must prove that the seller aquired the export quota against payment.Quota charges not included in the customs value of goods do not need to be indicated in the declaration of customs value.3yw91340/93Are payments by the buyer to the seller for export licenses allocated to the seller part of the customs value?Payment made by the buyer to the seller for export licenses which the seller has been allocated free of charge should be included in the customs value.Quota charges paid by the buyer to the seller in respect of own quotas issued to the latter free of charge are included in the customs value of goods.3#051/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?The note that Only the description in the language or languages of the country in which the goods are marketed may be used in column (c) in Annex I to Directive 69/493/EEC is invalid.Those words refer to the country of the final marketing of the goods.3`_ %A=406/93Must the last sentence of Article 46(2)(a) of Regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted as meaning that where, under the applicable legislation of a Member State, the amount of the invalidity benefit depends on the remuneration received by the worker at the tiThat sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.That sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.3<398/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-32/92 to dismiss the plaintiffs application for annulment of the Commission Decision to reject his candidature for the post of Director of the Press and Information Office in Lisbon be annulled?The appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.The appeal is dismissed.3pnT;395/93Is it sufficient, in order for garments to be classified as pyjamas, that according to the generally accepted view in trade in the Member State concerned the goods may, in addition to other uses, be worn in bed?It is not sufficient that according to the generally accepted view in trade in the Member State concerned at the time of customs clearance the goods may, in addition to other uses, be worn in bed in order that they be classified as pyjamas.It is not sufficient that according to the generally accepted view in trade in the Member State concerned at the time of customs clearance the goods may, in addition to other uses, be worn in bed in order that they be classified as pyjamas.3:395/93Is heading 61.08 of the Combined Nomenclature to be interpreted to the effect that only sets of two knitted garments which, according to their outward appearance are to be worn exclusively in bed must be considered to be pyjamas?Heading 61.08 must be interpreted as meaning that garments which, because of their general appearance and the nature of the fabric, are clearly meant to be worn exclusively or mainly in bed.Heading 61.08 must be interpreted as meaning that not only sets of two knitted garments which are intended for wearing in bed are to be regarded as pyjamas but also sets used mainly for wearing in bed.39393/93Should swine meat which the competent Bulgarian authoities have certified to be the meat of swine living in the wild in Bulgaria be classified for tariff purposes as meat of swine other then domestic swine?Only meat of swine which cannot, in the ligth of their morphological and/or genetic characteristics, be regarded as belonging to domestic species can be classified under subheading 0201 A III(b) of the Common Customs Tariff.Only meat of swine which cannot, in the ligth of their morphological and/or genetic characteristics, be regarded as belonging to domestic species can be classified under subheading 0201 A III(b) of the Common Customs Tariff.38363/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?Article 4 of Council Decision 89/688/EEC concerning the dock dues in the French overseas department is invalid, however this does not permit the levying of dock dues by the French authorities in the period prior to 16 July 1992 to be challenged.That decision is invalid in so far as it allows the French French Republic to maintain unitl 31 December 1992 the dock dues arrangements that were in force when the decision was adopted.3pn0_  NE249/92Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by introducing and maintaining a requiremetn of prior authorization for the importation of certain plants from other Member States?Italy has failed ot fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Italy has failed ot fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3VTD452/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance to deny the grant of an expatriation allowance to Mr. Magdalena Fernandez be overturned?The appeal should be dismissed.The appeal is dismissed.3C318/93Is it a condition for the recognition of international jurisdiction of the State in which the consumer is domiciled that the other party to the contract is domiciled in a contracting state to the Brussels convention or is deemed to be so domiciled?Article 14 of the Brussels Convention is not applicable where proceedings are brought by a consumer in a Contracting State against a party domiciled in a non-Contracting State, where the conditions of the second paragraph of Article 13 are not fulfilled.The courts of the State in which the consumer is domiciled have jurisdiction in proceedings under Article 14 of the Brussels Convention, if the other party to the contract is domiciled in a Contracting State or is deemed to be so domiciled.3B293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?A Member State is not precluded from prohibiting the importation of precious metals that are not hallmarked, however, any precious metal originating in a Member State having similar laws concering hallmarking must be allowed to export their metals.A Member State is not precluded from prohibiting the importation of precious metals that are not hallmarked, however, any precious metal originating in a Member State having similar laws concering hallmarking must be allowed to export their metals.3A146/91Should KYDEP be awarded damages against the Commission and Council owing to the wrongful acts and ommissions of the institutions of KYDEP in the context of the Community rules following the nuclear accident at Chernobyl?The claims made by KYDEP for damages should be rejected.The appplicatition is inadmissible and therefore damages cannot be awarded.32@42/93Should Commission Decision 93/133/EEC concerning the granting of Spain certain aid to Spanish companies be annulled?The action should be dismissed.the application is dismissed.3?278/92Should Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Commission Decision 92/318/EEC, and Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Commission Decision 92/321/EEC all be annulled?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3>447/93What constitutes a diploma in architecture under Article 11 of Directive 85/384/EEC?For a Member State to be obliged to recognize a diploma in architecture awarded in an Ingenieurschule before 1973 it must have been awardedby a department of architecture.A diploma awarded in 1966 by the Allgemeiner Hochbau department of the Staatliche Ingenieurschule fur Bauwesen, Achen, cannot be equated with the diplomas referred to in Article 11(a) of Council Directive 85/384/EEC.3pI_ UocK200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?The national court is bound to ensure correct implementation of the respective liabilities of the employers and the trustees under the rules of domestic law.The national court is bound to ensure correct implementation of the respective liabilities of the employers and the trustees under the rules of domestic law.3\J200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?If Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.If Article 119 of the EEC Treaty has not been properly implemented, the pension benefits of the disadvantaged sex must be brought up to the level of those of the advantaged sex, however new scheme rules may be used after such measures have taken effect.3I200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?The trustees of an occupational pension scheme are obligated to do everything within their power in order to ensure that benefits to be paid to employess or those entitled under them comply with the principle of equal treatment.In so far as national law prohibits employers and trustees from acting beyond the scope of their respective powers or in disregard of the provisions of the trust deed, they are bound to use all the means available, to eliminate discrimination in pay.3H200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?An employee, those entitled under her, or a surviving spouse may rely on upon the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme.The direct effect of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty may be relied upon by both employees and their dependents against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme.3-G301/93In making the calculation required by Regulation No 1408/71, may Belgium include in the amount of the Italian invalidity pension the part of the family unit allowance granted in Italy for a dependent spouse?Where benefits are calculated in accordance with Council Reg No 1408/71, Article 51 of the regulation must be interpreted as precluding a recalculation of those benefits in the event of the award of a family unit allowance.Where benefits are calculated in accordance with Council Reg No 1408/71, Article 51 of the regulation must be interpreted as precluding a recalculation of those benefits in the event of the award of a family unit allowance.3F12/93Is a scheme which can lead to the imposition pursuant to national law on a previously employed person of a further condition for the acquisition of entitlement to invalidity benefit compatible with Community Law?Consideration of the question submitted for a preliminary ruling has not revealed any factors capable of affecting the validity of section J(Netherlands)(4) of Annex VI to Reg No 1408/71.Consideration of the question submitted for a preliminary ruling has not revealed any factors capable of affecting the validity of section J(Netherlands)(4) of Annex VI to Reg No 1408/71.2jh3_ . 0OR7/93Is the term pay in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to be understood as covering, inter alia, an old-age pension for civil servants as provided for in the Netherlands ABPW?Benefits paid under a pension scheme for civil servants and other employees in the public sector must be regarded as pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty.A pension of the kind paid under the ABPW falls within the scope of Article 119 of the Treaty.3pQ408/92May an employer rely on the principle of objective justification by reference to the needs of the undertaking or the needs of the occupational pension scheme as justifying any reduction in the benefits paid to women?It is only in exceptional circumstances that account may be taken of circumstances which are entirely unconnected with discrimination on grounds of sex and which meet an acute need concerning the very existence of the scheme.Article 119 of the Treaty precludes an occupational scheme, relying on its own difficulties or on those of the undertaking concerned, from raising the retirement age for women in relation to periods between Barber and the measures achieving equality.3P408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?Article 119 does not impose any such obligation.Article 119 does not impose any such obligation and the leveling of the pensionable age should not be accompaied by such measures.3O408/92Where an occupational pension scheme had different normal pension ages for men and women, and wher the employer has sought to eliminate that discrimination, is it inconsistent with Article 119 for the employer to adopt a common pension age for both sexes?It is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods served before and after the barber judgment, however, benefits claimed in the time between Barber and the leveling of benefits must be paid as though to the advantaged sex.It is consistent for the employer to level benefits due for both periods served before and after the barber judgment, however, benefits claimed in the time between Barber and the leveling of benefits must be paid as though to the advantaged sex.3  N200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?Article 119 is not applicable to schemes which have at all times had members of only one sex.Article 119 is not applicable to schemes which have at all times had members of only one sex.3FDM200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?It is immaterial for the purposes of Article 119 of the Treaty whether an occupational pension scheme is funded exclusively on the basis of employer s contributions or also on the basis of compulsory or voluntary employee s contributions.Article 119 applies to all pension benefits paid by occupational schemes, with no need to distinguish between employers contributions or employees contributions, however additional benefits earned from contributions paid volunarily do not fall under 119.3L200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?Any problems arising because the funds held by the trustees are insufficient to equalize benefits must be resolved on the basis of national law in light of the principle of equal pay.Any problems arising because the funds held by the trustees are insufficient to equalize benefits must be resolved on the basis of national law in light of the principle of equal pay.3b_A !Y128/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber judgement for pension schemes such as those considered apply to the right to join an occupational pension scheme?The limitation of the effects in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of anoccupational pension scheme.The limitation of the effects in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of anoccupational pension scheme.3XX128/93Does the right to equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occutpational pension scheme?The right to equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also includes the right to be a part of an occupational pension scheme.The right to equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also includes the right to be a part of an occupational pension scheme.3-W57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue in this case?The limitation of the effect in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.The limitation of the effect in time of the Barber judgment does not apply to the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.3V57/93Does the right to equal pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occupational pension scheme?The principle of equal pay laid down in Article 119 does in clude the right to be a member of an occupational pension scheme.The right to join an occupational pension scheme falls within the scope of Article 119 of the Treaty and is therefore covered by the prohibition of discrimination laid down by that article.3'U28/93In a pension scheme adopted in the framework of a labour agreement in which the pensionable age for both male and female member is set at 60, is it contrary to Article 119 for a limited group of women to remain fixed at 55 years after the Barber judgment?It is contrary to Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to maintain in an occupational pension scheme, in relation to periods of service completed after 17 May 1990, the pensionable age at 55 years for a limited group of female employees.It is contrary to Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to maintain in an occupational pension scheme, in relation to periods of service completed after 17 May 1990, the pensionable age at 55 years for a limited group of female employees.3T7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?Where claims to such benefits can be based on a period of employment prior to the date of the Barber judgment, the direct effect of Article 119 may not be relied upon for any period of employment prior to the Defrenne II judgment.By virtue of Protocol No 2 on Article 119, the direct effect of Article 119 may be relied upon in order to require equal treatment of benefits under a pension scheme such as the ABPW for periods of employment falling between 8 April 1976 and 17 May 1990.3<::RS7/93Can a male civil servant rely on Article 119 so as to ensure that he is treated in the same way as a married female civil servant as regards his pension entitlement?Article 119 of the Treaty cannot be relied upon to claim benefits based on any period of employment prior to the date of the Barber judgment, except in the case of workers or those claiming under them who brought legal proceedings before Barber.Article 119 precludes legislation such as the ABPW which lays down a rule for calculating the amount of the civil service pension for male married former civil servants that is different from that applicable to female married former civil servants.2/_ LHK`65/94Has the Kingdom of Belgium failed to fulfil its obligation by not implementing or informing the Commission o fthe implementation of the necessary laws and administrative procedures to comply with Council Directive No 90/167/EEC?The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.The Kingdom of Belgium has failed ot fulfil its duties.3rp7_144/93Does an additive still serve a technological function in the finished product where it prevents discoloration of an ingredient during its manufacture and that state continues to exist in the finished product regardless of the presence of the additive?An additive which, during the manufacture of an ingredient, prevents the discoloration of that ingredient, does not serve any technological function, where its presence in the finished product is not necessary to prevent discoloration.An additive which, during the manufacture of an ingredient, prevents the discoloration of that ingredient, does not serve any technological function, where its presence in the finished product is not necessary to prevent discoloration.3^57/93Do the Protocol concerning Article 119 appended to the Maastricht Treaty transition Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive, affect the assessment of this case?The Protocol concerning Article 119 does not affect the answer.The Protocol concerning Article 119 does not affect the answer.3ki(]128/93Do the protocol concerning Article 119 of the EEC Treaty appended to the Treaty of Maastricht and the transitional Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive affect the assessment of this case?The Protocol concerning Article 119 of the Treaty establichin the European Community does not affect the time limit.The Protocol concerning Article 119 of the Treaty establichin the European Community does not affect the time limit.3}\128/93Is it relevant that the plaintiff did not act earlier to enforce the rights which she now claims to have?Community law does not affect the application of national rules on limitation periods or rules on the foreiture of rights in proceedings between individuals, provided that those rules are not less favourable for actions based on Community law.Community law does not affect the application of national rules on limitation periods or rules on the foreiture of rights in proceedings between individuals, provided that those rules are not less favourable for actions based on Community law.3qoz[128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member of the occupational pension scheme from a date prior to 1 January 1991, does that mean that she s not bound to pay the premiums which she would have had to pay had she been admitted earlier?Community law does not prevent the national court from ensuring, in accordance with domestic law, that restoration of the rights conferred on workers by Aricle 119 of the EEC Treaty does not lead to unjust enrichment of the worker concerned.The fact that a worker can claim retroactively to join an occupational scheme does not allow the worker to avoid paying the contributions relating to the period of membership concerned.3 Z128/93Where membership in a pension scheme is made compulsory by law, are the administrators bound to apply the principle of equal treatment, and may an employee who has been prejudiced by failure to apply that rule sue the pension fund?Article 119 can be relied upon by a worker against the administrator of an occupational pension scheme.The administrators of an occupational pension scheme must, like the employer, comply with the provisions of Article 119 and a worker who is discriminated against may assert her rights directly against those administrators.3NLl6_+I 'Pf23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?Such circumstances do constitue a relevant crossborder element for the purposes of Community law.The concept of provision of services covers the transmission of television programs supplied by a broadcasting body in another Member State, even if that body established itself there in order to avoid the applicable legislation.3][te404/92Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Cases T-121/89 and T-13/90 concerning the annulment of a Commission decision to reject the application of Mr. X on the grounds that he had AIDs be overturned?The judgment should be quashed in sofar as it declares that the medical officer was entitled to subject the applicant to a T4/T8 lymphocyte count.The decision is annulled to the extent to which it dismissed the applicnt's claim that the Commission decision of 6 June 1989 should be annulled.3d400/92Should Commission Decision 92/569/EEC concerning propesed aid by Germany to the Chinesse shipping company Cosco be annulled?The application is inadmissible as regards Article 1 of the decision and the rest of the application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.342c165/91Does a pension granted to an inactive spouse have such specific characteristics that under Community law there is justification for treating it differently from the benefit granted in the form of an increase in pension on account of a dependent spouse?EC Law precludes legislation, where it is not justified on the grounds of public policy, safety, or health, from depriving workers whose spouses remain dependent on them benefits on the ground that those spouses receive benefits from another Member state.When a national court has to characterize a social security benefit awarded under the statutory scheme of another Member State, it should interpret its own legislation in a manner which will not discourage the exercise of the freedom of movement.3b165/91Is a provision which attaches different consequences to benefits depending on whether the benefit is granted as an increase in the pension of the active spouse or as a separate pension to the inactive spouse incompatible with EC Law?EC Law does not preclude national legislation attaching different consequences to the award of benefits depending on whether the benefits take the form of an increase in the pension of the active spouse or as a separate pension.EC Law does not preclude national legislation attaching different consequences to the award of benefits depending on whether the benefits take the form of an increase in the pension of the active spouse or as a separate pension.3a47/91Should the letter sent by the Commission to the Italian republic announcing that it had decided to initiate the procedure provided for in Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty with regard to aid granted by Italy to Italgrani SpA be annulled?The letter should be annulled.Points I.3 and I.4 of the letter sent to the Italian Republic are anulled in so far as they concern aid for the formation of stocks of agricultural products.3%u_ . rm151/93How should wings with a piece of the back between them be classified with regard to the tariff headings in Commission Reg No 3846/87?If the national court finds that the product should be classifed as Whole Wings With or Without Tips, then the product should be classified under 0207 41 21 000 when the back part is inessential, and under 0207 41 71 900 otherwise.Such a product must be classified under 0207 41 21 000 of Reg No 3846/87 when the piece of the back is inessential, and 0207 41 71 900 if the back part is essential.231l151/93How should a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump be classifed with regard to Commission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87?Commission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87 must be interpreted as meaing that a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump must be classified under subheading 02.02 B II e) 3 if the piece of back id inessential, 02.02 B. II ex g) otherwise.Commission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87 must be interpreted as meaing that a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump must be classified under subheading 02.02 B II e) 3 if the piece of back id inessential, 02.02 B. II ex g) otherwise.2k255/93Has France fulfilled its obligations under Article 3(1) and (2) of Council Directive 85/339/EEC on containers of liquids for human consumption?France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the way described.331j133/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?Consideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.Consideration of the matters at hand has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No 1738/91.3kiYi133/93Is Regulation No 1114/88 on tobacco the tobacco market valid?Consideration of the matters at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation 1114/88.Consideration of the matters at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation 1114/88.3geYh55/93Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a member state by virtue of which test certificates may not be issued by garages established in another state?A Member State may extend the periodic testing requirements laid down in EC Law to motor vehicles which are not included in a category in the list in Annex I, and by it may require such tests to be carried out by bodies onits territory that it supervises.Community Law does not preclude legislation of a Member State which does not permit test certificates to be issued by garages established in another state.3WUg23/93Are restrictions imposed on broadcasts from abroad, whereby a broadcaster is regarded as a domestic organization despite the fact that it has chosen to establish itself in another Member State, compatible with Community Law?Such restrictions are compatible with community law if it can be shown that the activity principally directed toward the Member State and that the provider is utilizing the freedom of movement guaranteed by Article 59 to avoid the legislation.Such restrictions are compatible with community law if it can be shown that the activity principally directed toward the Member State and that the provider is utilizing the freedom of movement guaranteed by Article 59 to avoid the legislation.3_ ( s355/93Under what conitions does a Turkish national satisfy the conditions of the frist indent of Article 6(1) of Decision No 1/80?That provision does not apply to a Turkish worker who was legally employed for one year by one employerand then worked for another employer and is now seeking the renewal of her permit to take up employment with her first employer.That provision does not apply to a Turkish worker who was legally employed for one year by one employerand then worked for another employer and is now seeking the renewal of her permit to take up employment with her first employer.3ljr323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.National provisions which require operators who import semen from other Member states to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center are not precluded by Community Law.3USq323/93Is it contrary to Community Law for domestic legislation to establish insemination centers which alone are authorized to operate in an area, and do those provisions entitle them to levy additional charges when breeders ask for semen of their choice?Community Law does not preclude national rules setting up centers which alone are allowed to perform insemination in given regions or the levying of additional charges for the delivery of semen from centers of their choice.Community Law does not preclude national rules setting up centers which alone are allowed to perform insemination in given regions or the levying of additional charges for the delivery of semen from centers of their choice.3p280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 should not be annulled.The application for annulment is dismissed the Regulation will remain as it is.375o151/93How should a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump be classifed with regard to Commission Reg No 3486/87?If the products consists of the drumstick, leg, and rear part of the back then it falls under tariff heading 0207 41 71 100, if the back is inessential then it falls under 0207 41 51 000, and otherwise it falls under 0207 41 71 900.If the products consists of the drumstick, leg, and rear part of the back then it falls under tariff heading 0207 41 71 100, if the back is inessential then it falls under 0207 41 51 000, and otherwise it falls under 0207 41 71 900.3hf|n151/93How should wings with a piece of the back between them be classified with regard to the tariff headings in the Annexes to Commission Regs Nos 1151/87, 2800/87, 267/87?If the national court finds that the product should be classifed as Whole Wings With or Without Tips, then the product should be classified under 02.02. B. II. b) when the back is inessential and under 02.02. B. II ex g) otherwise.The front part of a chickens back with wings must be classified under subheading 02.02 B II b) when the back is inessential, and under 02.02 B II ex g) otherwise.2RP[_ 8 7 +y{406/92Does a claim brought by in rem by cargo owners against a carrying vessel involve the same parties and the same cause of action as in personam proceedings brought by the ship owner against the cargo owners in another State?Two actions are to be regarded as related whenever they are concerned with essentially the same matters of fact and law, and there is therefore a risk that they might be decided in a conflicting manner.An action seeking to have the defendant held liable for causing loss has the same cause of action and the same object as proceedings brought by that individual seeking a declaration that he is not liable for the loss.3z406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delcine jurisdiction in a case where proceedings are brought in a Contracting State which involve the same cause of action as prior proceedings brought in another Contracting State?Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.Those courts must decline jurisdiction whenever there is a total or partial identity of subject-matter only in so far as that subject matter is the same.3KIy320/93In what way may such a provision as that described be be permitted under Article 36?Such a measure is justified if it is designed to restrict the number of unauthorized products being imported as a means of insuring public health and safety.Such a measure is justified on grounds pertaining to the protection of the health and life of humans.3xvpx320/93Is a national prohibition on the advertising of medicinal products which have not been given authorization a measure having equivalent effect, even if the importation of those goods is legal?Such a national provision does constitute a measure having equivalent effect.Such a national provision is a measure having equivalent effect.3nl*w430/92Should Commission Decision C (92) 2655 fin. be annulled?The decision is void.Commission Decision C(92) 2655 fin. is annulled.3kTv76/93Should the decision of the Court of First Instance in Case T-75/91 to dimiss the application be overturned?The appeal should be dismissed and the decision upheld.The appeal is dismissed and the decision uphled.3u381/93Has the French republic falied to fulfil its obligations under Article 1 of Council Reg No 4055/86 by maintaing in force a system of levies incompaticle with that regulation?The French Republic has failed to fulfil its duties.The French Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 1 of Council Reg No 4055/86.3get355/93May a Turkish national who satisfies the conditions set out in the second paragraph of Article 7 of Decision 1/80 and who may respond to any offer of employment demand the extension of her residence permit on the basis thereof?The child of a Turkish worker who satifies the requirements of that provision may rely on it directly in order to obtain the extension of her residence permit.The child of a Turkish worker who satifies the requirements of that provision may rely on it directly in order to obtain the extension of her residence permit.3CA`_\ N 1 [~401/93Was Commission Regulation No 2275/88 valid insofar as it classified under CN Code 8521 10 39 the mechanical assembly for a video recording or reproducing apparatus equipped with recording and reproducing heads?Consideration of the question raised has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.That regulation was invalid insofar as it classified mecadecks under tariff subheading 8521 1039.3i306/93Are the provisions of 6(5) of Council Reg No 2333/92 invalid insofar as they provide that for wines produced in specifed regions from wines not entitled to use the designation "Champagne," reference to the method of production is not to be permitted?Consideration of the question submitted has not revealed any factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of those provisions.Consideration of the question submitted has not revealed any factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of those provisions.3297/93Does Community Law prohibit drawing a pension from being treated in the same way as a main occupation if that pension is reduced by loss of earnings as a result of raising children?Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.Community Law does not preclude the receipt of a pension form being treated in this way.3+297/93Does Community Law require a national law that prohibits discrimination without objective reason against part-time workers to mean that the reciept of pension cannot count as an objective reason for paying a part-time employee less?Community Law does not require such an interpretation of a national law.It is not necessary to rule on this issue because it has no bearing on the case at hand.3N277/93Has Spain failed to fulfil its duties by not giving remuneration for periods of training necessary to obtain qualifications in Stomatology?Spain has failed to fulil its duties in regard to remuneration for stomatology.Spain has failed to fulil its duties in regard to remuneration for stomatology.3KI~410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.A Member State may apply such a law, even where the directive was not transposed prior to the expiry of the time-limit.3 }406/92How should Article 22 be interpreted with regards to related proceedings?Two actions are to be regarded as related whenever they are concerned with essentially the same matters of fact and law, and there is therefore a risk that they might be decided in a conflicting manner.Two actions are to be regarded as related whenever they are concerned with essentially the same matters of fact and law, and there is therefore a risk that they might be decided in a conflicting manner.31e|406/92Does the arrest of a vessel entitle the courts of one Contracting State to maintain juridiction over another Contracting State in which proceedings were brought prior to those in the state of the arrest?Article 57 of the Convention means that, if a convention on a particluar matter contains no provisions concerning lis pendens and related actions, Articles 21 and 22 of the Convention are applicable.Where a Contracting State is also a contracting party to another convention containing rules on jurisdiction, that specialized convention only precludes the Brussels convention in cases governed by the specialized convention.3:_ ~ f$X320/92Should the Judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-26/90 in which the court refused to annul a Commission Decision imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding quotas be overturned?The appeal should be dismissed and the judgment remain intact.The appeal is dismissed and the judgment remains as it is.3[Y250/92How must the exemption provision in Article 85(3) be understood and applied where it is established that the amendment to the statue was notified to the Commission with a view to obtaining negative clearance?The Commission has the sole power to grant exemptions under 85(3), however, national courts may apply 85(1) and (2) and 86 of the Treaty.A national court has the juridiction to rule on the lawfulness of an agreement notified to the Commission where that court considers that the conditions for the application of Article 85(1) are clearly not satisfied.3SQw250/92Do such meausres constitute measures having effect on intra-community trade within the meaning of Articles 85(1) and 86 of the EEC Treaty?Such measures constitute measures having adverse effect on intra-community trade in cases where the products in question are the subject of intra-Community trade and it is established that the undertakings concerned can, and do, take part in such trade.Intra-Community trade may be affected even where the basic products concerned by a statute are in part imported from non-member countries.331250/92Do measures which forbid members of a commercial cooperative society from being members of competing societies constitute the abuse of a dominant position as in Article 86 of the Treaty?The DLG does not hold a dominant position within the meaning of Article 86 of the Treaty.Such measures do not constitute the abuse of a dominant position so long as they are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the cooperative and to maintain its contractual power with relation to producers.3 1250/92Is it incompatible with Article 85(1) of the Treaty for a commercial cooperative society to adopt measures which forbid the members of that society from being members of any toher competing society?Such a measure does not have the effect of preventing, restricting, or distorting competition within the meaning of Article 85(1) of the Treaty.Such measures are not caught by the prohibition laid down in 85(1) so long as they are restricted to what is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the society and maintain its contractual power in realtion to producers.3[Yt250/92Do fertilizers and plant protection products fall within the scope of Article 42 of the Treaty and Coucil Regulation No 26/62?The derogation provided for in Regulation No 26/62 does not apply to products- such as fertilizers and pesticides- not listed in Annex II to the Treaty.Fertilizers and plant protections products do not fall within the scope of the derogation from the competition rules laid down in Article 42 of the Treaty and Council Reg No 26/62.34195/91Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-12/90 be overturned insofar as it dismissed the Bayers application as inadmissible?The application should be dismissed and the judgment should remain intact.The application for appeal is dismissed.3$"401/93Does Commission Regulation No 3085/91 have retroactive effect, in the sense that it is applicable to goods before ti entered into force?It doe not hve such retroactive effect.No answer.3a_ l351/93Is Article 4(3) of Commission Regulation No 2742/82 valid?Consideration of the questions has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.Consideration of the questions has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3@>V351/93In order to determine the import price actually paid, may the competent authorities take into account operations carried out in order to avoid the countervailing charge and increases in the product in commercial dealing after the import?Competent authorities may reconstruct the import price by using all of the evidence of which they are aware and which their natioinal law permits them to take into account.Competent authorities may take all necessary measures to establish the import price.3  351/93What is the legal basis for calculating the countervailing charge imposed fo rthe first time after delivery of the judgment in Case 77/86?Article 2(2) of Commission Regulation No 2742/82 along with Commission Regulation No 994/88 constitute the legal basis for calculating the countervailing charge on the import of dried raisins.Article 2(2) of Commission Regulation No 2742/82 constitute the legal basis for calculating the countervailing charge on the import of dried raisins.3h93/94Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescrivbed time-limits measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/667/EEC?The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3a_360/92Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-66/89 dismissing the application for the annulment of a Commission Decision relating to the Publishers Association be overturned?The appeal should be dismissed.The judgment in case T-66/89 is set aside, and Articles 2, 3, and 4 of Commission Decision 89/44/EEC are annulled3pn94/94Has the Kingdom of Spain failed to fulfil its obligations under Community Law by not transposing into law Council Directive 90/167/EEC except for Article 11(2) and not informing the Commission within the time-limit set by the Directive?Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3K136/93Do the measures adopted by Regulatioin No 1799/78, the official announcements in the early months of the conclusion of the agreemetn between the US and the Community, or Council Decision 87/224 constitute a case of force majeure?None of those measures may be used by a trader as force majeure releasing her from the primary obligation to put maize into free circulation.None of those measures may be used by a trader as force majeure releasing her from the primary obligation to put maize into free circulation.3!399/92Do Aritlce 119 of the EEC Treaty and Article 1 of Directive 75/117/EEC prevent collective agreements from restricting payment of overtime supplements to cases where the normal working hours fixed by them for full-time employees are exceeded?Community Law does not prevent such a restriction, if the court should rule that it does so, supplements for part-time workers must be granted proportional to the amount of hours the worked in relation to the hours of a full-time employee.Community Law does not prevent such a restriction.353_ Z279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?Tax rules which apply different rules to residents and non-residents different conditioins regarding income tax may fall within the scope of Article 48 of the Treaty.Article 48 of the EEC Treaty limits the right of a Member State to lay down conditions concerning the liability to taxation of a national of another Member State and the manner in which tax is to be levied.3*(X412/93Does Community Law prohibit national legislation banning televised advertising in respect of certain economic activities?Community Law does not preclude such a ban.Community Law does not preclude such a ban.3359/93Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligations under Council Directive 77/62/EEC coordinating procedures for the award of public supply contracts?The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in the manner described.The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its duties in the manner described.3JH66/94Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by failing to bring into force the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Council Directive91/687/EEC?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3`^351/93Is the exporter in the country of origin to be understood exclusively as the exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin?The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.The exporter in the country of origin is to be understood as exporter whose undertaking is established in the country of origin.3.351/93Is Article 3(3) of Commission Regulation No 1626/85 invalid?Consideration of the questions at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.Consideration of the questions at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3RPX351/93What may authorities do if they are unsatisfied with the fob price declared according to Article 3(3) of Commission Regulation No 1626/85?According to that provision they are allowed to take into account any evidence that their national law permits them to take account of which they are aware.Competent authorities may take all necessary measures to establish the correct price.3D351/93Is Article 2(3)(b) of Commission Regulation No 2237/85 invalid?Consideration of the questions at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.Consideration of the questions at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3US[351/93If national authorities are not satisfied that the price declared in the entry for release into free circulation reflects the actual price of a product what may they do according to Article 2(3)(b) of Commission Reg No 2237/85?According to that provision they are allowed to take into account any evidence that their national law permits them to take account of which they are aware.Competent authorities may take all necessary measures to establish the correct price.3b_  < 4q416/93Are national rules which require a person exporting more than PTA 1 million per person to make a prior declaration incompatible with Articles 1 and 4 of Directive 88/361/EEC?That Directive precludes rules that make such exportation subject to administrative authorization, however, it does not preclude laws that require the prior declaration to the authorities.That Directive precludes rules that make such exportation subject to administrative authorization, however, it does not preclude laws that require the prior declaration to the authorities.3HF416/93Do Articles 30 and 59 of the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which require a person leaving national territory bearing curreny to make a prior declaration if that amount in in excess of 1 million per person?The articles are not applicable to movements unconnected with trade in goods or services.Such rules do not fall within the scope of Article 30 or 59.3I349/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by failing to order the recovery of aid unduly paid in 1987 to Aluminia and Comsal?The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3SQ334/93Where imports from Austria are infact re-imports from the Community, is it permissible to dispense with the production of those documents?In such a case it is acceptable to dispense with production of the proof of origin.In such a case it is acceptable to dispense with production of the proof of origin.3RP29/94Do Articles 3 and 3-1 of Law No 46-1173 constitute dicrimination between nationals of the EEC and French nationals having regard to Law No 87-343?Discrimination against nationals of the nation committing the discrimination is a purely internal matter over which community law has no say.Community Law does not preclude such laws.3ig;425/93Does activity within the meaning of Article 14(2)(b)(i) cover the term employed within the meaning of that provision?Activity within the meaning of that provision does cover the term employed also within the meaning of that provision.Activity within the meaning of that provision does cover the term employed also within the meaning of that provision.3425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?Such a person falls under Article 14(2) of Reg No 1408/71.Such a person falls under Article 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71.3^\279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?An non-resident employed person may not be deprived of the annual adjustment of deductions at source in repect of income tax if those benefits are available to a resident in a comparable situation.An non-resident employed person may not be deprived of the annual adjustment of deductions at source in repect of income tax if those benefits are available to a resident in a comparable situation.3ZX279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?Such a worker must be entitled to the same tax benefits as a resident.Community Law precludes a non-resident person from being taxed more heavily than a resident in the same employment where the nonresident recieves almost all of her income from the Member State.3_g 5324/93Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty apply to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it?Article 30 of the EEC Treaty applies to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it.Article 30 of the EEC Treaty applies to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it.3[365/93Has the Hellenic Reepublic faiiled to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescribed time limit the necessary rules and laes to comply with Council Directive 89/48/EEC?The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.The Hellenic Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations.3NL345/93Is such a tax to be regarded as a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty and therefore as contrary to Article 9 and 12?Such a tax does not infringe those Articles so long as it is a part of a general system of internal taxation.A tax charged on all cars in a member state is not a customs duty or a charge having equivalent effect to one and is therefore compatible with Articles 9 and 12.3 345/93Is the application of a motor vehicle tax on second-hand light motor vehicles imported from Belgium into Portugal compatible with Article 95 of the Treaty when such a tax does not apply to other motor vehicles?The charging of such a tax infringes Article 95 insofar as the amount charged exceeds the amount of residual tax incorporated in the value of a used car already on the market in the member state.The charging of such a tax infringes Article 95 insofar as the amount charged exceeds the amount of residual tax incorporated in the value of a used car already on the market in the member state.3zx68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?The jurisdiction of any of the courts seised by reason of the damage suffered is not affected by the risk of conflicting decisions.The rules of national law should be used when assessing the harm done in such a case, provided that national law does not impair the Convention.3n68/93What does the place where the harmful event occurred in Article 5(3) of the Convention mean when a person seeks damages for harm caused by the distribution of a defamatory newspaper article in several Contracting States?In a case such as that described a personmay either seek damages in the state wherein the distributor is established for all of the cases, or may seek damages in each individual state for the cases that occurred within that state.In a case such as that described a personmay either seek damages in the state wherein the distributor is established for all of the cases, or may seek damages in each individual state for the cases that occurred within that state.354/94Does Directive 90/642 preclude national legislation from setting maximum permissible levels for residues of Chlorpropham and Propham on potatoes and requiring that the requisite checks be carried out after peeling?That directive is not applicable to those herbicides because they are not on the list in the annex to that directive.That directive does not preclude such national legislation.3i416/93Do the rules in Article 1 in conjunction with Article 4 of Directive 88/361/EEC have direct effect?Those provisions do have direct effect.Those provisions do have direct effect.3_ _ {103/94Is the supplementary allowance reserved solely for EEC Nationals or can it be extended to Algerian natioinals residing in the EC?A Member State cannot reserve such a supplementary allowance for EC nationals, it must be granted to an Algerian nation.A Member State cannot reserve such a supplementary allowance for EC nationals, it must be granted to an Algerian nation.3350/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations by not implementing Commission Decision 89/43/EEC concerning unlawful state aid?The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3PN348/93Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not recovering iwthin the prescribed time-limit aid that was improperly granted to Alpha Romeo?The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.The Italian Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3SQ65/93Should Council Regulation No 3917/92 applying general tariff preferences in respect of ceertain products originating in developing countries be annulled on the ground that it was adopted without the consultation of Parliament?That Regualtion should be annulled while its effects should be left intact.The application is dismissed and the Regulation remains intact.3I346/93Where proceedings are brought for restitution of a sum of money paid under a contract which is a nullity because of the incapacity of one of the parties to enter into it, under what Article of the Convention is that action brought?The Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements is not applicable to a conflict internal to a Member State.The court does not have jurisdiction to rule on this question.3324/93Can bodies covered by the Community legislation on the awarding of public contracts be awarded on the ability of the undertaking to guarantee reliablity and continuity of supplies in the country?Council Directive 77/62/EEC authorizes the bodies covered by that Directive to award diamorphine contracts on the basis of the undertakings ability to provide reliable and continuous supplies.Council Directive 77/62/EEC authorizes the bodies covered by that Directive to award diamorphine contracts on the basis of the undertakings ability to provide reliable and continuous supplies.3ge324/93Is a member state entitled to refuse a license for importation of narcotic drugs on the ground that importation of such drugs threatens the viablity of the sole licensed manufacturer and jeopardizes the reliability of the supply?Article 36 allows a member state to give preference to domestic products if that is the only way in which reliable supplies of narcotic drugs can be guaranteed in that Member State.Article 36 allows a member state to give preference to domestic products if that is the only way in which reliable supplies of narcotic drugs can be guaranteed in that Member State.3qo324/93Does Article 30 prevent the practice of prohibiting the importation of certain narcotic drugs, even where that practice is undertaken to comply with a prior convention?Article 30 does prevent such a practice, unless the member state concerned acceded to the Convention requiring the practive prior to its accession to the Community.Article 30 does prevent such a practice, unless the member state concerned acceded to the Convention requiring the practive prior to its accession to the Community.3jB_ < ~b439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established?Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.Article 5(5) does not presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established.3ge325/93How is such a benefit to be classifed for the purposes of Article 70 of the Belgian Law of 9 August 1963?leaves it for the national courtThe national courts must determine this classification according to the national law.3325/93Does Community Law prevent the application of a national rule against the overlapping of benefits if a person recieves benefits for incapacity for work in one state and another incapacity benefit in another member state?Community Law does not prevent a national rule of the kind described.Community Law does not prevent a national rule of the kind described.3?325/93Does the Italian benefit known as an invalidity pension constitute an independent benefit within the meaning of Article 46(1) of Reg No 1408/71?The Italain benefit known as an invalidity pensino does not constitute an independent benefit.The Italain benefit known as an invalidity pensino does not constitute an independent benefit.3nl 315/93Is a rule requiring the compensation of pig owners by Italyu and yet not by Belgium discriminatory under Article 7 of the Treaty and therefore void?Consideration of the directives at issue has yielded no factor of sucha kind as to affect the validity of those directives.Consideration of the directives at issue has yielded no factor of sucha kind as to affect the validity of those directives.3-315/93Does Commission Decision 88/529/EEC provide for the immediate and total compensation for owners whose pigs were slaughtered under the plan as laid down in Commission Decision 80/1097/EEC?The Belgian Sate is not obliged to provide total and immediate compensation to every owner of pigs slaughtered under the plan.Member States are not required to provide a system of compensation for owners whose pigs were slaughtered under the plan.3X310/93Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-65/89 on the annulment of Commission Decision 89/22/EEC be set aside?The appeal should be dismissed and the judgment should remain intact.The appeal is dismissed and the judgment remains intact.3!299/93Should the surrender of tenanted residential premises and the increase in rent payable for those premises be declared unlawful and compensationbe paid for the additional rent paid?The termination of the tenancy agreement by the Commission is unlawful, the rest of the application is rejected.The application is dismissed.3caB241/91Should the Judgments of the Court of First Instance in Cases T-69/89 and T-76/89 concerning the annulment of a Commission decision requiring television stations to provide program listings to any third party seeking them be overturned?The judgments of the Court of First Instance should be set aside and the Commission decision should be annulled.The appeal is dismissed and the judgments remain intact.3y_ [$384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.Such a national provision is a restriction on the freedom to provide services.3om384/93Does a national provision precluding cold calling fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty?Such a national provision does fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty.Such a national provision does fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty.342422/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary measures to transpose Council Directives 75/442/EEC, 78/319/EEC, 84/631/EEC and 86/279/EEC inot national law?Germany has failed to fuulfil its obligations with respect to 75/442 and 78/319, however, the rest of the application should be dismissed.Germany has failed to fuulfil its obligations with respect to 75/442 and 78/319, however, the rest of the application is dismissed.3`218/94Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Council Directive 91/263/EEC?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations.3$"79/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by not publishing a notice for tender concerning dressing materials for use in hospitals and the military?Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3><19/94What is the chargeable event for the levy provided for in Article 8(2) of Reg No 1785/81, the preamble to Reg No 1358/77, and Article 12 of Reg No 1998/78?The disposal of the sugar is the chargeable event in those provisions.The disposal of the sugar is the chargeable event in those provisions.3GE7/94Is the concept of child for the purposes of Article 12 of Council Regulation No 1612/68 subject to a condition of age or dependency in the same way as are the rights governed by Article 10(1) and 11?That Article precludes the application of a national law which makes the concept of child subjecct to age limits or to possessing the status of a defendant.The concept of child is not subject not the same conditions of age or dependency as are the rigths governed by Article 10(1) and 11.3~147/94Has Spain failed to fulfil its duties by not adopting the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/618/EEC and communicating them to the Commission?Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Spain has failed to fufil its obligations in so far as it did not transpose the directive but it could not have communicated the transposition of a directive that was not transposed.3+4/94What is the nature of services provided by a taxable person where she supplies a second person with services, and those services are treated by the second person as an incidental financial transaction?The input tax on those services has been used for the purposes of an exempt transaction, within the meaning of Article 17 of the Sixth Directive and cannot be deducted.The input tax on those services has been used for the purposes of an exempt transaction, within the meaning of Article 17 of the Sixth Directive and cannot be deducted.3755_  @ q*W400/93What significance should be attached to the fact that the rates of pay of both the men and women are determined through collective bargaining and negotiations at the local level, with regard to equal pay?principal of equal pay applies regardlessThe principal of equal pay still applies in such circumstances, however, the court may take such facts in account when establishing objective factors for differences in pay.3400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inorder to establish sexual discrimination?In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.In order to establish discrimination through such a comparison the two types of work must be of equal value; it is for the national courts to determine whether any two types of work really are of equal value.386d400/93Can requirements be imposed as to the composition of the groups of comparison, for example with regard to the number of persons in a group or the proportions of the total workforce they represent?It is for the national court to ensure that the groups are comparable in the ways described.It is for the national court to ensure that the groups are comparable in the ways described.3>400/93Are Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC applicable in the case of a comparison of two groups of workers wherein one group of workers, predominantly female, recieves less pay on average than the other, predominantly male?Average earnings do not constitute an aprropriate basis for comparisonleading to a presumption of the existence of sexual discrimination.Such conditions do not suffice to show that there is sexual discrimination.3400/93Do Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC apply to piece-work pay schemes ?Those provisions do apply to piece-work pay schemes.Those provisions do apply to piece-work pay schemes.3e57/94Has Italy failed to fulfil its Obligations by not putting out an invitation to tender for a public works contract for the construction of a portion of a highway in 1990?Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3OM327/92Does provisions like Article 16(b) of the CwSV making a main contractor liable for social security contributions not paid by a defaulting subcontractorfall within the scope of Reg No 1408/71?Such a provision does not fall within the scope of 1408/71.Such a provision does not fall within the scope of 1408/71.3WU327/92Does Regulation No 1408/71 apply to national legislation which coordinates the various branches of social security in a member state?yesRegulation 1408/71 does apply to such legislation.3417/93Should Council Regulation No 2053/93 concerning the provision of technical assistance to economic reform and recovery in the states of the former Soviet Union and Mongolia be declared void?The application should be dismissed and the regulation remain intact.The application is dismissed and the regulation remains intact.3ca 384/93In what cases might a restriction on the freedom to provide services in the form of a prohibition of certain types of cold calling be justified?The concern to protect investors and to safeguard the integrity of the financial markets may justify the imposition of restrictions on the freedom to provide services.The concern to protect investors and to safeguard the integrity of the financial markets may justify the imposition of a prohibition on cold calling.3U_  M x42/94Should the Parliament be forced to pay the applicant damages for breach of contract with regard to the termination of the contract for employment in Brussels and the refusal to accept tender thereafter?The parliament should pay ECU 20 833.33 with interest calculated according to the Belgian Code for the breach of contract.The Parliament must pay 20 833.33 in damages with inerest fixed at 8% for the breach of contract.3`467/93Do Regulations Nos 3841/86, 1828/87, 3734/87, 1779/88, 3606/88, 1656/89, and 3393/89 cover corresponding converters contained in circular housings having a diameter of 9.44 mm?Those regulations do cover such converters.Those regulations do cover such converters.3)'459/93Do products such as powdered sterile mixtures of various amino acids for the manufacture of infusion solutions fall under subheading 30.03 of the Common Customs Tariff; medicaments?If such mixtures are to be used solely for the purpose of use in infusion solutions, then they fall under 30.03, otherwise they fall under 21.07.Such mixtures fall under 30.03.3d414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted when the authorities do not inform the applicant in writing within the prescribed time period?The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.The failure of the authorities ot notify an applicant within the prescribed time period does not mean that the application must be deemed accepted.3(&414/93Is the letter from the Commission to the Netherlands government which formed the basis for the rejection of Mr. Teirlincks application a valid act?Consideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that letter.Consideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that letter.3414/93Is Commission Reg No 1101/89 valid?Consideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.Consideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that regulation.3'%?414/93Can a valid application for scrapping premium for a pusher craft be rejected when the financial resources required to cover it exceed the budget of the fund established?Such an application must be rejected even in the case that the resources in the funds for the scrapping of other types of vessel are not used up even after the acceptance of all valid applications.Such an application must be rejected even in the case that the resources in the funds for the scrapping of other types of vessel are not used up even after the acceptance of all valid applications.3US414/93According to Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 1101/89 can a valid application for scrapping premium for a pusher craft be refused if the funds in the common account for dry-cargo and pusher craft have not been spent?The fact that those funds have not been spent does not give an applicant the right to a premium.The fact that those funds have not been spent does not give an applicant the right to a premium.3W40/93Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations By deferring the final date for the mutual recognition of diplomas and certificates in dentistry unitl 1984/85?Italy has failed ot fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Italy has failed ot fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3@>_ a  h qX389/93Under Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and 2(c) of the implementing Reg may an operator apply for registration under Category C even if she intends to transfer the license to a thrid party?Registration may not be refused on the sole ground that the applicant intends to transfer the license.Registration may not be refused on the sole ground that the applicant intends to transfer the license.3D389/93Do Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and Article 2(c) of the implementing Reg mean on that date on which the operator applies for Category C she must have already begun to market bananas?no, but the operator must have indicated, by sumitting an application for an import lisence, the intentThose provisions do not mean that an operator must have already begun to market bananas.3B389/93Does the definition of Category C operators contained in Article 2(c) of the implementing regulation differ from that in Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Regulation?The two definitions do not differ.The two definitions do not differ.3 434/93Does Community Law entitle a Turkish worker to remain in the territory of the state of employment when an accident at work has rendered her incapacitated?Community Law does not confer such a right on incapacitated Turkish workers.Community Law does not confer such a right on incapacitated Turkish workers.3TR434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?Legal employment must be established with regard to the national legislation in terms of what is legal and illegal and does not necessarily require the issuing of a formal work or residence permit.Legal employment can be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required to hold a work or residence permitin order to carry out his work and the existence of employment implies the right to residence.3434/93What criteria should be used to determine whether Turkish lorry-driver belongs to the legitimate labor force of a Member State for the purposes of Article 6 of Decision No 1/80?The national court must, as in Lopes da Veiga, take account of the place where the applicant was hired, the territory on which they paid employment is based, and the applicable national legislation concerning employment and social security.The national court must take account of the place where the applicant was hired, the territory on which they paid employment is based, and the applicable national legislation concerning employment and social security.3182/94Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary laws, regulations, and administrative procedures to comply with Council Directive 89/392/EEC within the prescribed time-limit?Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations.Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations.3?=123/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by maintaining in force laws restricting the freedom of movement for workers in the community?Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.342119/94Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in joined cases T-18/92 and T-68/92 be set aside in so far as that judgment dismissed the applicants claims for annulment?The appeal should be dismissed and the judgment should remain intact.The appeal is dismissed and the judgment remains intact.3MKX_ ]v437/93May a quantitative limitation be attached to an authorization for application of the system of processing under customs control as a way of discharging the inward processing relief arrangements?The authorization for discharge of inward processing arrangements by placing the secondary compensating products under the system of processing under customs control cannot be made subject to quantitative limitations.The authorization for discharge of inward processing arrangements by placing the secondary compensating products under the system of processing under customs control cannot be made subject to quantitative limitations.3135/93Should the the Commissions decision not to modify the framework for state aid in the motor vehicle industry be annulled or declared non-existent and the decision to extend that framework also be annulled?The decision to extend the framework for state aid should be annulled, while the rest of the application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed and the decision remains intact.3g391/92Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that processed milk for infants only be sold in pharmacies?Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.The application is dismissed.3220/94Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescribed period the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions needed to comply with Council Directive 92/44/EEC?Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3vt*422/93Does Community law preclude a court from withdrawing a reference for preliminary ruling when one of the parties involved has acceded under natonal law?In those cirmustances the court may maintain its order for reference, the supposed accession of onen of the parties has no bearing on whether the court ought to answer the questions submitted.Community law does not preclude a national court from judging that the claims have been acceded and thereby terminating the case; a reference could only remain viable so long as the case has not been terminated nationally.3WUu451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?Reg No 1408/71 dos not prohibit a member state from making the insurance of the children conditional in the manner described.The conditions for entitlement to benefits for members of a workers family are governed by the national law of the state of employment insofar as they are not entitled to the benefits in the state of residence.3#!M389/93Does Article 3(2) of the implementing regulation apply to the concept of operator within the meaning of 2(c)?Article 3(2) is not applicable to operators under 2(c).Article 3(2) is not applicable to operators under 2(c).3389/93Can economic operators who entered into business prior to 1992 with a view to importing the bananas specified in Article 2(c) and who imported those bananas in 1992 or after be regarded as Category C operators?Having entered into business in the manner described is not sufficient to justify a finding that an operator marketed bananas, therefore such an operator can be regarded as a Category C operator.Such operateors can be registered as Category C operators3_ zi $l46/94Does the definition of labeling within the meaning of Council Regulation No 2392/89 prohibit any decoration or advertising on the bottle which is unconnected with the wine concerned?That regulation does not prohibit decoration, provided that the conditions laid down in Article 40(2) are met.That definition covers decoration or advertising which is unconnected with the wine itself.2@21/94Ought Council Directive 93/89/EEC on the application of taxes on certain vehicles be annulled?That directive should be annulled, however, it should remain in effect until the Coucil has consulted with the Parliament to create new legislation.That directive is annulled, however, it will remain in effect until the Coucil has consulted with the Parliament to create new legislation.3x170/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting or notifying the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions to comply with Council Directive 90/219/EEC?Greece has failed o fulfi lits obligations in the manner described.Greece has failed o fulfi lits obligations in the manner described.3RP 135/94Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions to comply with Council Directive 89/618/Euratom?Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3HF225/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its duties by not adopting within the prescribed time-period and/or communicating to the Commission the necessary laws, regulations, and administrative procedures to comply with Directives 90/618/EEC, 73/239/EEC, 88/357/EEC?Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3^56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.Consideration of the regulation has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect its validity.3 H56/94Does an undertaking benefit from a transfer during a market year from the peeled tomatoes category to the concentrate or other products category from the peeled tomatoes qouta allocated the previous year plus a concentrate quota?Such undertakings are not to receive such a benefit.Only the quantities actually produced by that undertaking in each category are to be taken into account the following marketing year for the purposes of the division of the quotas.35456/93Is the repitition of the word Weissherbst, in addition to its use in characters which are the same size or smaller than those used for the specific region, in higher letters on the labels of quality wines prohibited?Community law does not preclude such labeling practice.Community law does not preclude such labeling practice.3hf-456/93Is labeling quality wines with labels such as Kabinett or Spatlese in addition to their prescribed use in different lettering with higher letters is prohibited?Such labeling is not prohibited.Such labeling is not prohibited.3454/93Does Reg No 1408/71 apply to a person who druing their last employment resided in the member state in which they worked, even where the two member states were in agreement that the worker was to remain subject to the social security law of the home memberReg No 1408/71 still applies in such cases.Reg No 1408/71 still applies in such cases.3wuH_ c b ^ 391/93Must a competent institution decide on a request for the extension of the period in respect of which sickness benefits are made payable even though the request was not made expressly by the unemployed person?The competent institution must treat such a request as if it were a request for extension made expressly by the applicant.A competent institution must decide on such a request.3h341/93Does Article 6(3) of the Convention cover counterclaims for set-offs?The Convention covers counterclaims with a view to a separate decision and not set-offs pleaded as grounds of defense.The Convention covers counterclaims with a view to a separate decision and not set-offs pleaded as grounds of defense.3SQa156/93Should Commission Regulation No 207/93 on organic productions of agricultural foodstuffs and indications referring thereto on agricultural products be annulled?The application should be dismissed and the regulation should remain as it is.The application is dismissed and the regulation remains as it is.3QO 350/92Should Council Regulation No 1768/92 on the creation of a supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products be annulled?The application should be dismissed and the regulation should remain as it is.The application is dismissed and the regulation remains as it is.331259/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting or notifying the Commission of the adoption of the necessary measures to comply with Council Directive 92/44/EEC?Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3WU470/93May national law prohibit the marketing of ice-cream bars in a particular presentationWhich are produced and lawfully marketed in another member state on the ground that the marketing may mislead consumers?Such a prohibition is precluded by Article 30 unless it can be shown that consumers are actually misled by the packaging.Such a prohibition is precluded by Article 30 even on the grounds that consumers might be misled.3e62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect from the date on which the national legislation came into force, a refund of the undue VAT paid?The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.The national court must determine with respect to national law the relevant procedure for handling any claims to tax refund in the case of error.3A62/93Do Articles 11A(1) and B(1) and (2), and Articles 17(1) and (2) of the Sixth Directive have direct effect?Those articles have direct effect.Those articles have direct effect.362/93Can the transport and storage services of petroleum products that are unconnected with the transport of those products from their first destination to another named destination be exempt from VAT?Such services cannot be exempted from VAT.Such services cannot be exempted from VAT.286 62/93Can the importation of finished petroleum products be subject to VAT calculated on a basic price different from that provided for in the Sixth Directive?Such products cannot be made subject to VAT calculated on such a price.Such products cannot be made subject to VAT calculated on such a price.3GE_ & k6F5367/93How should the second paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?It is for the national courts to determine whether or not a given measure infringes Article 95 by showing whether or not the differences in price affect consumption and competition.It is for the national courts to determine wether the differences in price affect consumption and competition and thereby infringe Article 95.3p367/93How should the first paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?red wines are similar to fruit wine, while sherry, madeira,and vermouth are not similar to still fruit wines having lowerthan 15% alcohol content , and champagne differs from sparkling fruit wine.while it is ultimately up to the national court, red wine is the same; the others are different3~367/93May a Member State rely on Article 233 of the EEC Treaty in order to avoid its obligations under Article 95 of the Treaty?A Member State may not rely on Article 233 to avoid those obligations.A Member State may not rely on Article 233 to avoid those obligations where it is not indispensable for the good functioning of the Benelux system.3us431/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by not conducting a preliminary environmental impact assessment of the construction of a new nlock of a power station as required by Council Directive 85/377/EEC?The court should dismiss the application.The application is dismissed.375216/94Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting, or notifying the Commission of the adoption of, the measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 89/48/EEC?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3\Z116/94Does a benefit having the characteristics and purpose of family credit fall within the scope of Council Directive 76/207/EEC?A benefit having the characteristics and purpose of family credit falls within the scope of that directive.A benefit having the characteristics and purpose of family credit falls within the scope of that directive.3us 474/93Should a decreto ingiuntivo be regarded as the document which instituted the proceedings or& an equivalent document within the meaning of the Convention?The document which instituted the proceedings covers any document service of which enables the plaintiff to obtain a decision being recognized and enforced under the provisions of the Convention.The decreto ingiuntivo must be regarded as the document which intstituted the proceedings within the meaning of the Convention.3~ 391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker although unable to work, on account of her illness, is still able to travel?There is a case of force majeure if the worker cannot reasonably be expected to return to the competent state within the time-limit.In establishing force majeure, regard must be had to whether the worker can reasonably be expected to travel with respect to the possible deterioration of her health, the diminshing of the possibility of recovery, and the severity of the ordeal.3 391/93Does the national court have discretion as to whether a case of force majeure exists, in circumstances where a person aws unable to return due to illness?The discretion of the competent institution to extend the period for receiving benefits arises only in a case of force majeure which itself must be determined by the court.The national court does have discretionin determining whether there exists a case of force majeure.3d_ e \ʟd1/94Can the power of manoeuvre be exercised at the same time as an adjustment of quotas following a transfer of undertakings or factories?Such an exercise of that power is not in principal precluded so long as all of the conditions of the provisions conferring that power are fulfilled.Such an exercise of that power is not in principal precluded so long as all of the conditions of the provisions conferring that power are fulfilled.251/94Can Member States, for the marketing year starting on 1 July, exercise the power of manoeuvre conferred on them by Reg No 1785/81 after 1 March, where the Council Reg conferring that power has been adopted after 1 March?A Member State does not have the power unilaterally to alter the time-limit fixed by those provisions for the exercise of the power of manoeuvre provided for in Reg No 1785/81.Member States may not, for the marketing year satring on 1 July, exercise the power of manoeuvre after the 1 march time-limit, even if the Reg conferring that power was adopted after 1 March.3ig453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a profit within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive where she sets out to achieve a positive result, but that positive result cannot be regarded as higher pay than what is reasonable for the work performed?Such a person is still to be regarded as aiming to make a profit, even in the case that they are paid less than what is reasonable for the work they perform.The exemption which the trader seeks may only be granted to public bodies or charitable institutions, regardless of how much she is paid.3FD448/93Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance that the application was admissible in Case T-60/92 be set aside and the application in that case ruled inadmissible?The judgment should not be set aside.The application is dismissed and the judgment remains intact.3,*433/93Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations through non-compliance with Council Directives 88/295/EEC and 89/440/EEC on the award of public works and supply contracts?Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3TR 432/93Is the refusal of the courts to order a stay of enforcement binding on the court binding on the court of the state in which enforcement is sought when hearing an application for a stay under Article 38?Such a refusal is not decisive; however, it may be relevant to the decision stay proceedings.no3KIE432/93Can an appellant seek a stay of proceedings on the appeal even though she is unable to rely on any of the grounds for refusal of recognition and enforcementof the foreign judgment?An appellant can seek such a stay.no3432/93Can a the decision a court of a Contracting State to refuse a stay or lift a stay previously granted be contested by an appeal in cassation and in such a case can the court re-Impose the stay?The Court of Appeal can only rule on challenges relating to incorrect application of the law, and not on appeals against decisions refusing to staty proceedings or lift such a stay.The Court of Appeal can only rule on challenges relating to incorrect application of the law, and not on appeals against decisions refusing to staty proceedings or lift such a stay, moreover, such a court cannot impose or re-impose a stay.3367/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?The conditions for limiting the effects of this judgment in time are not met.There are no grounds for limiting the effects of this judgment.2d_ t  bo(92/94Can a Member State provide that the amount of invalidity benefit that a person receives after she is of retirement age must be equal to the retirement benefit for which she is eligible, where the retirement age is different for men and women?A member state can make such a provision, because the maintenance of the differences in retirement age is intact only to help women.A member state can make such a provision.3 '80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension reserve, while similar persons who reside in other member states are not accorded that right?Community law precludes such a tax law.Such a law is contrary to Article 52 of the EEC Treaty and cannot be justified on the grounds that the periodic pension payments subsequently drawn are not taxed in the first state but in the state of residence.3?&63/94Is a law that holds that a sale of goods with a very low profit margin is to be treated as a sale at a loss compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty?Such a law does not fall under the scope of Article 30 so long as it treats all traders equally.Such a law does not fall under the scope of Article 30.3LJ%43/94Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-15/93 be set aside in so far as it annulled the Parliaments decision to reject the applicants complaint and ordered the Parliament to pay the costs?The appeal should be dismissed and the judgment remain intact.The application is dismissed and the judgment stands.3db+$16/94Does a taxe de passage which is designated to compensate for bearing costs arising from the performance of certain tasks violate Community Law when those tasks are carried out by the state but the charge is imposed by a trader?Such a transit charge is contrary to Law in that a state must not act in such a way that private individuals are required to defray such costs, even as a result of a charge provided for in a contract for the carriage of goods across a border.Articles 9 and 12 apply to such a charge even if it is the result of a contract between to parties.3XV#12/94Is the flour content of a product relevant for its inclusion under Formula A in Article 4 of Reg No 570/88?The flour contnet is irrelevant.the flour content is irrelevant.3!12/94Can a product which consists of deep-frozen, oven-ready sticks of short pastry made with butter, and intended for baking only when they reach the end-user qualify for aid under Formula A or C of Article 4 of of Reg No 570/88?Such a product does not qualify for aid.Such a product does not qualify for aid.3QO% 1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?The term refers to restructuring in a specifically delimited region or geographical area.The term refers to restructuring in the sugar sector as a whole at national or regional level.2b`1/94From what quota ought the 10% margin be deducted?The 10% margin relates to the qouta actually allocated to the undertaking, taking account of any adjustments made subsequent to the sharing out of quotas.The 10% margin relates to the A and B quotas allocated to an undertaking by a national decision sharing out among the undertakings the basic A and B quantities allocated to it.2I1/94Is the 10% margin of manoeuvre intended to refer to the A quota, the B quota, each, or both combined?The two may be reduced by up to 10% each.The two may be reduced by up to 10% each.3}_  I t uz3364/93What does the expression place where the harmful event occurred mean within the meaning of Article 5 of the Brussels Convention?Proceedings concerning financial loss are not necessarily to take place in the member state in which loss occurred.Proceedings concerning financial loss are not necessarily to take place in the member state in which loss occurred.3249/94Should Commission Decision 93/659/EEC on the clearance of the accounts presented by Member States in respect of the EAGGF in so far as it adisallowed a certain sum of money?The application should be dismissed and the decision remain intact.The application is dismissed.3-+ 1485/93Can the temporal effects of this judgment be set?Such applications cannot be relied upon for support for reimursement in respect of charges paid before 9 August 1994, unless legal proceeedings were taking prior to that time.Such applications cannot be relied upon for support for reimursement in respect of charges paid before 16 July 1992, unless legal proceeedings were taking prior to that time.3M0485/93Can charges be levied on goods circulating within the state?Such a charge is a charge having equivalent effect, even on goods circulating within the same state.Such a charge is a charge having equivalent effect, even on goods circulating within the same state.3&$X/485/93Is an ad valorem charge levied by one member state on goods coming from another state a charge having equivalent effect, notwithstanding the fact that the same charge is levied on any domestic goods moving in the state as well?Such a charge is a charge having equivalent effect and is thus prohibited by community law.Such a charge is a charge having equivalent effect and is thus prohibited by community law.3\-396/93Should the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-92/91dismissing the claim for annullment of two Commission decisions be set aside?The judgement on the decision setting the allowance due to the applicant should be upheld while the judgment on admission into the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme should be set aside and referred back to the Court of First Instance to determine damages.The appeal is dismissed.3,260/94Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting within the prescribed time period the necessary laws to comply with Council Directive 91/263/EEC, or by failing to notify the Commission?Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Greece has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3om'+240/94Has Ireland failed to fulfil its obligations by not bringing into force the necessary laws to comply with Council Directive 89/336/EEC?Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.331*98/94Are benefits granted under the legislation of one member state pursuant to periods of work completed by a worker benefits of the the same kind as benefits granted to her pursuant to her status as the ex-wife of a worker employed in a second member state?Those benefits are to be treated as benefits of the same kind within the meaning of Reg No 1408/71.Those benefits should not be treated as benefits of the same kind within the meaning of Reg No 1408/71.3}R_  j Kr=125/94Is Directive 83/643 applicable to customs transactions in respect of goods from non-member countries, in particular members of EFTA?That directive only applies to intra-community trade.That directive only applies to intra-community trade.3<96/94Do Reg No 4055/86 and Directive 92/106 apply to transport operations of the type at issue?Those provisions do not preclude the application of a system of compulsory tariffs for road-haulage operations, even if those operations follow maritime operations from a third country.Those provisions do not apply to transport operations of the type at issue.3~|/t:96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.Road-haulage tariffs may be approved and brought into force in such a manner.329440/93Can a national authority issue an authorization to place a medicinal product on the market, even if the documents submitted in support of the application do not contain references to scientific literature or experts reports?A national authority is precluded from issuing such an authorization.A national authority is precluded from issuing such an authorization.3C8321/93When a Member States legislation refers entitlement to and the amount of benefits for dependent children on the condition of their residency in that state, is that condition fulfilled if the children and spouse reside in another Member State?Article 48 of the EEC Treaty precludes such legislation.That condition must be regarded as fulfilled if they reside in another Member State.3I7291/92Can the adjustment of the input-tax deduction be limited to the part of the property assigned to business?The adjustment of the input-tax deductions is limited to the portion of the property assigned to business.The adjustment of the input-tax deductions is limited to the portion of the property assigned to business.2`^6291/92When property has been divided up into private and business sections by an owner, is that owner only liable to pay VAT on the portion that is considered to be the business portion of the property?Only that portion of the property that is used to conduct business should be taken account of.Only that portion of the property that is used to conduct business should be taken account of.3@5291/92When a taxable person sales property part of which she had chosen to reserve for her private use, does she act with respect to the sale of the that part as a taxable person within the meaning of Article 2(1) of the Sixth Directive?In respect of the disposal of the private portion she does not act as a taxable person.In respect of the disposal of the private portion she does not act as a taxable person3\448/94Does the taking over of works started by another undertaking together with the materials assigned to those works constitute the transfer of an undertaking within the meaning of Article 1(1) of Directive77/187/EEC?There is a transfer of an undertaking when the activity transferred is autonomous from an organizational point of view and the transfer is legal even in the case that it takes place within the framework of a contract.Such a transfer does not constitute the transfer of an undertaking.3_ o  TE104/94How should the phrase change in the use to be made in the areas indicated within the meaning of Article 6(3) of Commission Reg No 2537/89 be understood?That phrase covers not only the case where the area of land was put to a different agricultural use but also the case in which that area was not used at all for agricultural purposes.That phrase covers not only the case where the area of land was put to a different agricultural use but also the case in which that area was not used at all for agricultural purposes.3(&mD104/94Is the declaring of a contract for aid invalid in the event that there is an innaccurate notification of the area within which production will take place contrary to the principle of proportionality?Such a penalty for failure to provide an accurate notification of the area of land to be used in production is not incompatible with the principle of proportionality.The determination of the proportionality of the penalty must be assessed by the court depending on whether the failure to properly notify was due to serious negligence and misconduct on the part of the producer.3b`C104/94What are the primary obligations of a producer entering into a contract for aid as described in Council Regulations No 1491/85 and No 2194/85?Both the production of soya beans and the notification of the area to be cultivated for the production of soya beans are primary obligations.Both the production of soya beans and the notification of the area to be cultivated for the production of soya beans are primary obligations.39B242/94Has Spain failed to fulfil its obligations by not adoping or notifying the Commissoin of the adoption of the necessary provisions to comply with Council Directive 90/619/EEC?Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3VTA236/94Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting or notifying the Commission of the adoption of the necessary provisions to comply with Council Directive 91/339/EEC?Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Belgium has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3][@85/94What are the factors that may or must be taken into account in determining whether the particulars that it is necessary to give satisfy the conditions laid down in the second paragraph of Article 14 of the Directive?All the compulsory particulars specified in Directive 79/112/EEC must appear on the labeling in a language easily understood by the consumers in the region.All the compulsory particulars specified in Directive 79/112/EEC must appear on the labeling in a language easily understood by the consumers in the region.30.?85/94Are national rules making the use of a specific language mandatory in the labeling of foodstuffs compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty and Article 14 of Council Directive 79/112/EEC, even if they do not preclude the use of other languages?Such rules are incompatible with those provisions even if they do not preclude the use of other languages.Such rules are incompatible with those provisions even if they do not preclude the use of other languages.3|>125/94Is the prohibition of charges having effect equivalent to customs duties laid down in community law applicable to charges levied on goods form non-member countries?That prohibition also applies to trade with non-member counrtries.That prohibition also applies to trade with non-member counrtries.3JH$_  A =DN44/94Is the lawfulness of such a national provision affected by the fact that the type and amount of stock taken in by a vessel is already limited, that it affects the market, and that it grants authorities the power to allow for derogations?Those factors are irrelevant.Those factors are irrelevant.3GE&M44/94Does community law preclude the application of laws that limit the number of days that a fishing vessel can spend at sea?Community law does not preclude the application of such national rules.Community law does not preclude the application of such national rules.3'%L44/94Does it matter, in relation to the question whether the United Kingdom is authorized to limit the number of days spent at sea, that the United Kingdom did not attain the targets set by the provision?The answer to that question is unaffected by the fact that the United Kingdom did not meet the targets set by the MAGP.The answer to that question is unaffected by the fact that the United Kingdom did not meet the targets set by the MAGP.3ZK44/94Does Decision 92/593 enable the United Kingdom to restrict the number of days fishing vessels may spend at sea, and does it exclude provisions of a technical nature to reach the aim of conservation?That decision does enable the United Kingdom to limit the number of days a vessel may spend at sea, and it does not exclude any other measures that the United Kingdom might take to achieve conservation.That decision does enable the United Kingdom to limit the number of days a vessel may spend at sea, and it does not exclude any other measures that the United Kingdom might take to achieve conservation.3zxJ478/93Should Commission Regulation No 2920/93 be annulled?The application for annulment should be dismissed and the regulation left standing.The application for annulment is dismissed and the regulation left standing.3PI450/93Do Articles 2(1) and 2(4) of Council Directive 76/207/EEC preclude satutory provisions which give prioriy to equally qualified women if women are under-represented in the field of application?Articles 2(1) and 2(4) of Council Directive 76/207/EEC preclude such legislation.Articles 2(1) and 2(4) of Council Directive 76/207/EEC preclude such legislation.3/H257/94Has Italy failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary measures to comply with Council Directives 91/685/EEC and 91/688/EEC?Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.364G104/94Does the obligation to notify the authorities of any change concerning more than 10% of the original harvest area still apply if there were several changes, none more than 10%, that added up to a total change of more than 10%?A producer must still notify the authorities of such changes.A producer must still notify the authorities of such changes.3~|=F104/94Does the duty to notify the authorities of any changes in the use of the land specified change if the changes in use occurred before the three month period leading up to the harvest which forms the subject matter of the contract?While the duty to notify the authorities does not change, the fact that the provision is ambigouous must be kept in mind when penalizing the producer for any derogation.The duty to notify the authorities of any changes extends throughout the entire period between the time the contract is signed and the beans are harvested.3KI_ C UsV227/94Do periods of employment referred to in point 4(a) of Annex V to Reg No 1408/71 include those during which a person was employed as a teacher, even if during that period she was insured under a special scheme for civil servants?That provision includes such periods of employment.That provision includes such periods of employment.3lj5U140/94Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a Member State from requiring a license issued by the mayor of the municipality to be obtained before a shop may be opened?Community Law does not necessarily preclude such legislation.Community Law does not necessarily preclude such legislation.3FDT83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?Council Reg 2603/69 is directly applicable and its provisions can be invoked in the courts of MS.Article 1 of Reg 2603/69 confers on individuals rights which they may assert before the courts.3'%aS83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?Placing the burden of proof on the applicant and having the total dismissal of the application and fine or imprisonment as punishments are not disproportionate to the nature of the imperative.Placing the burden of proof on the applicant and having the total dismissal of the application and fine or imprisonment as punishments are not disproportionate to the nature of the imperative.3R83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?Such restrictions may be justified on the basis of Article 11 of Council Regulation No 2603/69, if the goods in question may be used to wage war.Such restrictions may be justified on the basis of Article 11 of Council Regulation No 2603/69, if the goods in question may be used to wage war.3JQ83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?Member may make unilateral restrictions on exports provided that those restrictions are justified under Article 11 of Council Regulation No 2603/69.Such regulations do fall under the scope of Article 113 and the community does have exclusive competence in that regard, unless the member states are given specific authorization.364P70/94Does Article 113 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation on foreign trade which require a license for the export of a vacuum induction to Libya, which may be denied on the grounds of a possible disruption of foreign relations?Article 113 of the EEC Treaty does not preclude such legislation, or the denial of license on the grounds of a disruption in foreign relations.Article 113 of the EEC Treaty does not preclude such legislation, or the denial of license on the grounds of a disruption in foreign relations.3(&O59/94Should the beverage described as Sangria, made with more than 50% wine of fresh grapes, be classified under heading 2205 or heading 2206 of the Common Customs Tariff?That beverage should be classified under heading 2205.That beverage should be classified under heading 2205.320_ + e cpZ'`266/93Can the leading manufacturer of motor vehicles in a Member State impose an obligation on all its dealers established in that state to develope activities as agents for leasing transactions exclusively for its own leasing company?The leading manufacturer of motor vehicles in a Member State may not impose such an obligation on all of its dealers established in that state.The leading manufacture of motor vehicles in a Member State may not impose such an obligation on all of its dealers established in that state.3$"_70/93If Regulation No 123/85 exempts a dealer from the prohibition on anti-competitive acts, may a national court still rule such action illegal on the grounds of it constituting a supply embargo which is prohibite under national law?In the event that a dealer is exempt, a national court may not make such a ruling.No need to answer.3igS^70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.A motor vehicle manufacturer may not come to such an agreement.3L ]137/94Is there a temporal limit on the direct effect of Directive 79/7/EEC in a case such as this one?The direct effect need not be limited temporally.The direct effect need not be limited temporally.3|\137/94Does Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7/EEC allowing Member States to derogate from the prohibition of discrimination apply in a case where women are exempted from prescription charges at an earier age than men?That article does not apply to such a case.That article does not apply to such a case.3JH[137/94Does a rule allowing the exemption from prescription charges for various categories of persons fall within the scope of Article 3 of Directive 79/7/EEC?Such a rule does fall within the scope of that directive.Such a rule does fall within the scope of that directive.3,*Z128/94May Member States lay down more stringent regulations on the minimum cage size for laying hens than those prescribed in Council Directive 88/166/EEC?Member States may lay down stricter rules for the minimum cage area for laying hens.Member States may lay down stricter rules for the minimum cage area for laying hens.3_]Y111/94Does Community law preclude national legislation which has the effect of prohibiting the existence of employment procurement firms in the Member State?Community law does not prevent a Member State from prohibiting frims within the Member State from practisiing employment procurement, so long as the rohibition is non-discriminatory.The Court of Justice does not have Jurisdiction to answer this question.3kW19/93Should the judgment of the the Court of First Instance in Case T-16/91 declaring inadmissible in part and dismissing the rest of an application for the annulment of Commission Decision 91/50/EEC be set aside?The judgment of the Court of First Instance should be set aside insofar as it declared any of the application for annulment inadmissble. The application is for annulment is dismissed, and the rest of the courts earlier judgment upheld.The judgment of the Court of First Instance should be set aside insofar as it declared any of the application for annulment inadmissble. The rest of the judgment holds, while that point is referred back to the Court of First Instance.3_ ) L{h144/94Does Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC allow the Member States to determine that the receipt of the price is to be regarded as the event that renders tax chargeable?Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC does allow Member states to make such a determination.Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC does allow Member states to make such a determination.33g143/94May tendering procedures in which the definitive award was made after 31 December 1992 qualify for the derogation provided for in Article 29(5) of Directive 71/305 if the contract notice was published before that date?The derogation only applies in cases in which the rejection of the rejected tenders took place before 31 December 1992.The derogation applies only to procedures in which the definitive award was made by 31 December 1992.3of51/94Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by requiring that foodstuffs containing ingredients not traditionally used in those foodstuffs in Germany should carry a statement indicating the ingredient even when it is already on the label?Germany has failed to fulfil its duties.Germany has failed its duties only insofar as it has required the ingredient in hollandaise and bearnaise sauce E 160 F to be listed twice.33 e36/94Does Article 19 of Reg No 4151/88 preclude the customs authority from requiring the payment of a sum for accepting a declaration of their release for free circulation after the time-limit?Community law does not preclude such practices.Community law does not preclude such practices.3:8d36/94Does Regulation No 4151/88 preclude the customs authority from accepting a declaration for release for circulaion of goods brought into the customs territory from the community?That regulation does not preclude the customs authority from accepting such a declaration.That regulation does not preclude the customs authority from accepting such a declaration.3'c482/93Does Art 35(3) or Reg 1408/71 apply to the legislation of a MS which precludes the grant of sickness benefits if the worker concerned was already unfit to work at the time when he became insured under the scheme which it establishes?Community law precludes such risk-selection legislation, and in any event, such legislation must be interpreted in light of the right to freedom of movement.The regulation does nto apply to the legislation of a MS which precludes the grant of sickness benefit if the worker concerned was already unfit for work at the time when he became insured under the scheme which establishes it.3b481/93Can a Member State apply legislation denying a person benefits on the ground that she was or ought to have been aware of an impending incapacity to a person who began work less than six months prior to the incapacity?Community Law precludes such risk-selection legislation.Under Article 38(1) of Regulation No 1408/71, if a Member State enacts such legislation the point at which a person enters the insurance scheme oocurs as soon as that person enters any insurance scheme in a Member State.3 /a266/93Does Community competition law prohibit member states from ruling against certain ati-competitive behavior?An agreement which is not precluded by community law may not be precluded by national law.There is no need to answer this question.3m_w  p475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?Those articles of the Treaty preclude the application of 1408/71 in the case that it is less favourable than other social security legislation.Those articles of the Treaty do not preclude the application of 1408/71 in the case that it is less favourable than other social security legislation.3o466/93Are Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Regulation No 404/93 valid?Consideration of the questions raised has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Those provisions.Consideration of the questions raised has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Those provisions.3][an465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?An interim order can be made when there is doubt as to the validity of the regulation, the court asks for a preliminary ruling or awaits one, there is the risk of harm to one of the parties, and the court takes account of the interest of the Community.An interim order can be made when there is doubt as to the validity of the regulation, the court asks for a preliminary ruling or awaits one, there is the risk of harm to one of the parties, and the court takes account of the interest of the Communtiy.3zxz|m465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.A national court may take the necessary interim measures against an administative measure adopted on the basis of a Community regulation.3el426/93Should Council Regulation No 2186/93 on community coordination in drawing up business registers for statistical purposes be annulled?The applicatioin should be dismissed and the regulation remain intact.The application is dismissed and the regulation remains intact.3,*k151/94Has Luxembourg failed to fulfil its obligations by maintaining provisions where excess amounts of tax deducted from the wages of employess who are nationals of a Member State cannot be repaid if the person resided in Luxembourg for part of the year only?Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3dj144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation required to lay down detailed rules for documanation of the completed service and the payment whenever the invoice has not been issued or receipt of the price has not occurred?A Member State which avails itself of that derogation is not required to lay down such rules.A Member State which avails itself of that derogation is not required to lay down such rules.3ci144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation provided for in Article 10(2) required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued?Such a Member State is not required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued even where receipt of the price has not yet occurred.Such a Member State is not required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued even where receipt of the price has not yet occurred.3zxS_ !  pBsz196/94Does Community Law allow aggregation of purchaser and direct sales quotas in order to determine whether there has been national overproduction?Community Law does not permit of such aggregation.Community Law does not permit of such aggregation.3y152/94Does the freedom of establishment in Article 52 of the EEC Treaty guarantee the right of any person to perform dental operations on horses without the use of medication or anaesthetic?Article 52 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to any situation entirely internal to a Member State.Article 52 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to any situation entirely internal to a Member State.37x484/93May a Member State make the grant of a housing benefit conditional upon the loans intended to finance the construction having been obtained from a credit union approved by that Member State?A Member State may not make a a housing benefit subject to that condition, for it is contray to Article 59 of the Treaty, however, nationals of a third non-member country may not rely on Article 59.A Member State may not make a a housing benefit subject to that condition, for it is contray to Article 59 of the Treaty.3w235/94Is a road haulage operator entitled to the benefit of the flexibility provided by Article 12 of Council Reg No 3820/85 if the derogation was planned?Such a derogation may only occur in a case of force majeure.Such a derogation is not justified by the fact that it was planned.364v91/94May national legislation prohibit economic agents from, and penalize them for, the sale or marketing of terminal equipment without type-approval, even though the laboratory responsible for granting type-approval is not an independent institution?Community Law precludes the granting of type-approval by a body that is not independent of the market.Community Law precludes the granting of type-approval by a body that is not independent of the market.3xt38/94Are Articles 13 and 15 of Reg No 3567/92 and Articles 39 and 55 of Reg No 3013/89 valid?Consideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of those provisions.Consideration of the question has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of those provisions.3\Zrs38/94Must Member State introduce a compensation mechanism for the loss suffered by owners of agricultural land owing to the introduction of a systemof premium rights where that right is transferred by producers who do not own the land on which they farm?A Member State is not obligated to produce such a compensation mechanism.A Member State is not obligated to produce such a compensation mechanism.3^r479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.Consideration of the question at hand has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that provision.3GEOq479/93Does Direcive 80/987/EEC apply only to employees whose employers may, under national, law, be made subject to proceedings involving their assets in order to satisfy collectively the claims of creditors?The Directive excludes from its scope employees whose employers cannot be made subject to such proceedings.The Directive applies to all employees whose employers may, under national law, be made to be subjec to such proceedings.3S_N @ 3394/93Are the children of employed migrant workers entitled to childrens allowance in respect of periods prior to the application for childrens allowance, in the case that the application was placed on or before 16 November 1991?Such children are entitles to the benefit with retroactive effect.Member States may limit the retroactive effect of such a benefit scheme.3?285/93Can a milk producer be granted a reference quantity even in the case that her application was turned in after the expiry of the time limit if the reason for the tardy application was a misunderstanding of community law?A misinterpretation of community law does not justify the granting of a reference quantity after the date of expiry.A milk reference could be granted on these grounds only in the event that it would be granted in a similar conflict concerning national law and does not and will not undermine community law.3/-m285/93Is Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation No 1371/84 valid?The validity of the regulation is not affested by the fact that a producer may be denied a reference quantity that is essential to her business on the grounds that the appication was not submitted by the expiry of the time limit.The validity of the regulation is not affested by the fact that a producer may be denied a reference quantity that is essential to her business on the grounds that the appication was not submitted by the expiry of the time limit.3&$=V285/93Is Article 12(h) of Reg No 857/84 to be interpreted as also covering milk deliveries from an agricultural holding to a boarding establishment belonging to the same institution, if the milk is passed on to the boarders against payment?That article also covers the delivery to a boarding establishment belonging to the producer.That article also covers the delivery to a boarding establishment belonging to the producer.3d~443/93May a Member State refuse to take into account periods of work by a person subject to a special scheme for civil servants in public hospitals in other member states where such periods may be taken into account for similar work in the home member state?A member state may not refuse to take such periods of work into account in such a situation.A member state may not refuse to take such periods of work into account in such a situation.3v}443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?Special schemes for civil servants are social security schemes established by the Member State for persons employed by a public authority to which those persons are bound to be affiliated.Special security schemes for civil servants are insurance schemes that are different from the generel social security scheme and apply to all or certain kinds of civil servants.3L|443/93Does Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71 refer only to civil servants covered by the derogation provided for in Article 48(4) of the Treaty, and are doctors employed by the IKA to be regarded as such?All persons employed by a public authority for whom national legislation has provided their own social security scheme must be regarded as civil servants within the meaning of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71.All persons employed by a public authority must be regarded as civil servants within the meaning of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71.375{244/94Is a non-profit organization which manages an old-age insurance scheme, established by law as an optional scheme and operating according to the principle of capitalization, to be regarded as an undertaking under Article 85 of the Treaty?Such an organization is an undertaking under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty.Such an organization is an undertaking under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty.3U _R tsX118/95Has Italy failed to fulfil its duties by not adopting within the time limit the necessary measures to comply with Council Directives 92/33/EEC and 92/34/EEC on the propogating and planting materials for fruits and vegetables other than seed?Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3R 175/94Does Article 9(1) of Directive 64/221 preclude the competent authority referred to in that provision from being appointed by the same authority that takes the decision for expulsion?Article 9(1) does not preclude the competent authority from being appointed by that agency so long as that authoity is entirely independent of the agency.Article 9(1) does not preclude the competent authority from being appointed by that agency so long as that authoity is entirely independent of the agency.3  n175/94May the opinion of the competent authority be given after the decision to expel a person on the understanding that, if the person has an objection, the authority responsible will reconsider the decision in light of that opinion?Such an opinion must be obtained before the administrative authority makes a decision as to the expulsion of a person.Such an opinion must be obtained before the administrative authority makes a decision as to the expulsion of a person.3x134/94Is legislation requiring all wholesale petroleum product suppliers wishing to extend their activities to a particular portion of a Member State to guarantee a specified amount of supplies for other portions of the state incompatible with Community Law?Community Law does not preclude such legislation.Articles 3(c), 52, and 53 do not apply to a situation entirely internal to a member state, such rules are compatible with Articles 85, 5, and 30, and Article 102(1) does not have direct effect.3K113/94May a Member State introduce a system of taxatoin for motor vehicles where the progression coefficient is greater for vehicles imported from other Member States than the coefficient applicable to vehicles made in the home State?Such legislation is compatible with community law where it does not lead consumers to choose domestically produced vehicles over imported vehicles.Such legislation is compatible with community law where it does not lead consumers to choose domestically produced vehicles over imported vehicles.3,*55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of the location of its main center of activity and its duration and frequency.An activity can be assessed as to its temporay nature in light of its duration, regularity, periodicity, and continuity.3usj55/94Is national legislation which prohibits the establishment on the territory of the Member State either of chambers or of a priniple or branch office compatible with Community Law?Community Law precludes such legislation.the relevant directive does not preclude such national legislation in this setting3MK476/93Should the oder of the Court of First Instance in Cases T-492/93 and T-492/93 R be set aside?The appeal should be dismissed and the order of the Court of First Instance should stand as it is.The appeal should be dismissed and the order of the Court of First Instance should stand as it is.3CAy_ _ ' $n|52/95Has France failed to fulfil its duties by not provisionally prohibiting fishing by its vessels of anchovy stocks in Zone VIII so as to ensure compliance with the fishing quotas for 1991 and 1992?France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3ki#41/95Should the declaration of the final Community budget made by the President of the Parliament on 15 December 1994 be annulled?The declaration should be annulled.The declaration should be annulled.345/94Does Community Law allow for the existence after 1991 of a charge that results in the almost total absence of any additional tax burden on internal operations while at the same time maintaining a charge on imports from the Community?Community Law does not allow for such a charge unless it is non-discriminatory.Community Law does not allow for such a charge unless it is non-discriminatory.3T17/94Is national legislation that prohibits the practice of insemination by persons, even those who are qualified, other than the staff of the artificial insemination centers compatible with Articles 37 and 59 of the Treaty?Article 37 of the Treaty does not apply to situations in which there is no discrimination against imported goods.Article 37 of the Treaty does not apply to situations in which there is no discrimination against imported goods.3h17/94Does Community law preclude legislation that gives insemination centers a territorial monopoly while making the practice of insemination subject to certification from the head of a center, where the heads of the centers are not certified as inseminators?Community Law does not preclude such legislation.Community Law does not preclude such legislation.3~K17/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the exercise of artificial insemination of cows subject to certification by an authorized artificial insemination center?Community Law is not applicable to situations entirely internal to a Member State.Community Law is not applicable to situations entirely internal to a Member State.3yw#472/93Is Directive 77/187 applicable to the transfer of an undertaking which under national law has been declared to be in critical difficulties?The directive is applicable to undertakings that have been declared to be in critical difficulties under national law.The directive is applicable to undertakings that have been declared to be in critical difficulties under national law.3449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.The term establishment refers to each undertaking within a group.3<449/93May two or more undertakings in a group establish a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department?Community Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department.Community Law does not prohibit two or more undertakings in a group from establishing a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department.3_  u317/93Does a national provision which excludes employment involving less than 15 hours per week and remuneration of up to one-seventh of the monthly reference amount from the statutory old age insurance scheme entail sexual dicrimination?Such a provision is precluded as discriminatory unless it is justified by objective grounds.Such a provision is not precluded for it was based on grounds that were unrelated to any discrimination acccording to sex.2c312/93Must a national court set aside national procedural rules conerning the time-limit for the raising of new pleas when a new plea is brought into court conerning Community provisions with direct effect?Community Law does not preclude such a national law so long as it is applied non-discriminatorally with regard to domestic and community rules.A national court must set aside such a procedural rule.3u469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal tax which applies to products imported from non-member countries which are parties to those conventions?The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.The ACP-EEC prevents products originating in those states from being put in a less favourable position on the market than they were at the time of the signing of the Convention.3+)v469/93Do the GATT and ACP-EEC conventions contain provisions of such a nature as to confer rights on individuals which they may enforce in order to challence national provisions?The GATT does not have direct effect while the ACP-EEC convention does.The GATT does not contain such provisions while the ACP-EEC may.2US399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether such arrangements fall within the exceptions provided for in Reg No 26? The court must take into consideration the legal and economic contexts in which the agreement is laid down.The agreement mjust concern a cooperative association belonging to a single member state, it must not cover prices, it must not jeopardize competition.2399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether an associations rules concerning resignation of membership are compatible with Article 85(1) of the EEC Treaty? The court must consider the effects of the agreement on intra-community trade and whether it is part of a national marketThe national court must consider the object of the agreement, the effects of the agreement, and whether it affects intra-community trade.2:224/94Must national courts submit a case wherein it is maintained that an agreement is in conflict with Article 85(1) to the Commission?The national court may decide the case or refer it to the Commission.The national court may decide the case or refer it to the Commission.2.,224/94Does the second sentence of Article 2(1) of Reg No 26 mean that national courts must presume that agreements between farmers and farmers associations are valid so long as the Commission has not found that they are invalid?National courts must not make such a presumption.If an agreement fails to fulfil the conditions laid down in the relevant Community Law, then it is automatically void with retroactive effect.2-52/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not taking action against the persons responsible for fishing of those stocks after it was prohibited by the Commission?France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.France has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3OM_ M = 1106/94Does heading 30.04 include a product that contains flavouring agents that have a therapeutic and/or prophylactic use?The products in this case do not fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff.While such a product would fall under 30.03, in order to fall under that heading it must be shown that the agents are of a quantity capable of being used therapeutically.3106/94Can Commission Reg No 717/85 be interpreted as refering to goods whose composition is different than that refered to in Article 1?That regulation refers only to goods whose composition is identified in Article 1 of the regulation.That regulation refers only to goods whose composition is identified in Article 1 of the regulation.3lj106/94Does Quintonine fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff?Quintonine does not fall under Chapter 30.Quitonine falls under heading 22.09 of the Common Customs Tariff.3_106/94Does Sangart fall within the scope of Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff?Sangart does not fall under Chapter 30.Sangart falls under 22.09 of the Common Customs Tariff.3j106/94Does red Pulmoll pastilles fall within the scope of Commission Regulation No 717/85 under subheading 17.04 D I or under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff - 30-4?Commission Reg No 717/85 and Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff do not cover the goods mentioned in this reference.Red and green Pastilles fall under heading 17.04 of the Common Customs Tariff.3=444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Such rules are precluded unless they are justified by objective criteria unrelated to sex.Such rules are not discriminatory because they are based on a national policy aim unrelated to sex.3<430/93In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into should the national courts apply Community Law even where the parties have not relied on it?In such proceedings Community Law does not over-ride the procedural rules and, therefore, a national court is not required to go outside the ambit of the dispute or to raise new issues of fact.In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into by the parties, it is for the national court to apply Art 3(f) et seq. of the Treaty even when the party with an interest in application of those provisions has not relied on them.3387/93Do Articles 5, 90, and 86 preclude national legislation that reserves the retail sale of tobacco products to distributers authrized by the state?A public authority which does not engage in the tobacco products market cannot be considered an undertaking within those provisions.Those provisions do not preclude such legislation.3ig3387/93Does Article 30 preclude legislation which provides for criminal action in the case of possession of small quantities of imported tobacco goods?Article 30 does not cover the penalties by which a person maybe punished for the violation of national legislation.Article 30 does not preclude such a punishment.3TR!387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty?Articles 30 precludes such a system for the distribution of tobacco products.Article 30 does not apply to the Italian distribution system or any like it.3A?L_ j |  .n415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?Community Law prohibits a football club from requiring such payment and it also prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.Community Law prohibits prohibits any agreement that would allow such a requirement.3=17/95Has France failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the measures necessary to comply with Council Directives 91/67/EEC, 91/628/EEC, 92/35/EEC?France has failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the measures necessary to comply with Council Directives 91/628/EEC and 92/35/EEC.France has failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the measures necessary to comply with Council Directives 91/628/EEC and 92/35/EEC.3@16/95Has Spain failed to fulfi lits obligations by not reimbursing VAT to persons not established in Spain within the six-month time limit?Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3,*267/94Should Commission Regulation No 1641/94 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff be annulled?The Regulation should be annulled.The Regulation is annulled.3163/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?That article has direct effect.That article has direct effect.3rQ163/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Community Law precludes legislation which would make such export subject to authorization, but does not preclude legislation that would make it subject to declaration.Community Law precludes legislation which would make such export subject to authorization, but does not preclude legislation that would make it subject to declaration.331162/94Has Ireland failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary measures or not notifying the Commission fo the adoption of the measures to comply with Council Directive 89/662/EEC?Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Ireland has failed to fulil its obligations in the manner described.3ki#161/94Has Ireland failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the necessary measures or notifying the Commisison of the adoption of the measures to comply with Council Directive 90/425/EEC?Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3hf138/94Has Ireland failed to fulfil its obligations by not adopting the measures or notifying the Commission of the adoption of the measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 91/496/EEC?Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3hf132/94Has Ireland failed to fulfil its obligations by not bringing into force the measures necessary to comply with Council Directive 90/675/EEC or by not notifying the Commission of the bringing into force of those measures?Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations in the manner described.3>7_ ΁F +cW173/91Is a Belgian law that provides supplemental compensation to men but not women made redundant after age sixty consistent with article 119 of the treaties, which requires equal pay for men and womenBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations under article 119 by not treating men and women equally with this redundancy 173/91Is a Belgian law that provides supplemental compensation to men but not women made redundant after age sixty consistent with article 119 of the treaties, which requires equal pay for men and womenBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations under article 119 by not treating men and women equally with this redundancy compensation planBeglium has failed to fulfill its obligations under article 119 by not treating men and women equally with the redundancy compensation plan3n159/91Is an organization charged with managing a special social security is 173/91Is a Belgian law that provides supplemental compensation to men but not women made redundant after age sixty consistent with article 119 of the treaties, which requires equal pay for men and womenBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations under article 119 by not treating men and women equally with this redundancy compensation planBeglium has failed to fulfill its obligations under article 119 by not treating men and women equally with the redundancy compensation plan3n159/91Is an organization charged with managing a special social security is an undertaking for the purposes of competition rules under article 85 and 86 regarding abuse of dominant positionNo. Organizations managing such social security schemes are not undertakings for the purposes of competition lawNo. Organizations maanging such social security schemes are not undertakings for the purposes of competition law3E148/91Does the free movement of capital prevent governments from regulating nationally licensced broadcasting organizations' investment in other broadcasting groups?No. National policies designed to maintain a pluralistic media market can regulate such behavior.No. National policies designed to maintain a pluralistic media market can regulate such behavior.3148/91Does the free movement of services, article 59, prohibit national governments from regulating whether nationally licensced broadcasting organizations set up broadcasting in other nations that can transmit to their country?No. National policies designed to maintain a pluralistic media market can regulate such behavior.No. National policies designed to maintain a pluralistic media market can regulate such behavior.3]142/91Are Commission arrangements for supplying food aid contractual in nature and susceptible to contratual remedy through article 181yesyes3107/91had the Commission failed to act in its capacity of executing the remit of the European Atomic Energy Comission, specifically regarding a request for action by a Portuguese uranium producerNo, the Commission had not failed to actYes, the Commission had failed to act3,*415/93Does Community Law prohibit national and international sporting associations from restricting access of foreign players from the EC to the competitions which they organize?Community Law prohibits sporting associations from maintaining such restrictions.Community Law prohibits sporting associations from maintaining such restrictions.3pn_  . 89/85Should the provisions of the undertakings annexed to the decision be annulled?The Court should declare inadmissible the applications in so far as the applicants are seeking the annulment of the undertaking.The application is dismissed.3  h89/85Should Art 1(4) of the above mentioned decision be annulled?The application should be dismissed.The Article is annulled in so far as it concerns applicant St. Anne.3|V89/85Should Art 1(3) of the above mentioned decision be annulled?The application should be dismissed.The Article is annulled in so far as it establishes concertation on transaction prices.3|V89/85Should Art 1(2) of the above mentioned decision be annulled?The Article should be annulled in so far as it concerns Chesapeake and Scott, BC Forest Products and Canadian Forest Products.The Article is annulled.3V89/85Should Art 1(1) of Commission Decision 85/202 of 19 Deceomber 1984 be annulled?The Article should be annulled in so far as it concerns British Columbia Forest, Canadian Forest, St. Anne.The Article is annulled.3i276/91By introducing a set of penalties more severe than those laid down elsewhere for violations of VAT, did France fail to fulfill obligations?YesYes3129/91Should the Court dismiss the applicants claims for damagesYesYes3b`[V291/91in the context of a job processing contract between and principal and operator, both community establishments, for the processing of non EC goods, can either the principal or the operator apply for authorization to the competent customs authoritiesyes, either the principal or the operator may applyeither may apply, so long as the operator applies on behalf of the principal3I285/91Are exports of vitamin C eligible for export subsidies associated with sugar, which is used to create sorbitol, a component of vitamin Cthe relevant regulations do not prohibit such export subsidies applying under these conditionsthe relevant regulations indicate that such export subsidies are to be granted to vitamin C produced in this manner3{y275/91Under article 44 of the social security regulations, migrant workers can claim benefits from multiple member states, who share the burden of compensation. The question is whether declining a benefit in one country because it affects eligibility of more geYes, the worker can claim the invalidity benefit in Belgium, even though he turned down such benefits in Italy, his home country, because that allowed him to claim old age benefitsYes, claiming an invalidity benefit in one country and forgoeing it in another member state is permissable if the worker is responding to the latter country law requires such a denial in order to secure an old age pension2218/91EU law requires the national government compensate an orphan of resident worker the amount of compensation to which he is eligible over and obove the amount in the nation of origin of the worker. In calculating this amount, does compensation to the widowNo. If the compensation would have gone to the widow regardless, it is not support for the orphanNo. See AG position3~193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeNo, not if the changes are simply due to gradual adjustments in economic and social conditionsNo, see AG position3][F_ }F O 8e2>171/91Does Art 48(3)(d) of the Traty confer the right to remain on workers such as the applicant in the present action?Workers who have never enjoyed the right of residence within the meaning of Art 48(3) of the EEC Treaty cannot enjoy the right to remain referred to in Art 48(3)(d)A person in the situation described does not enjoy the right provided for to remain in the territory of a MS when he suffers from permanent incapacity for work which arose during a further period of residence authorized on account of judicial proceedings.3643271/92Is restricting the sale of contact lenses to certfied opticians justified by Art 36?It can be justified under Article 36 of the EEC Treaty which allows such infringement for the maintenace of public health and safety.It is nonetheless justified under Article 36 which allows for such derogation in the name of public health and safety.3qop228/91Was Italy justified in requiring fish products not accompanied by a health certificate to undergo a health inspection?Italy was justified in this action and this portion of the application should be dismissed.This portion of the application is dismissed.3 199/91Should the Commission be ordered to pay the applicant the sum of BFR 21 707 839?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3l306/91Did Italy fail to fulfil its obligations under Art 12 of the directive by not notifying the Commision of the main provisions of the national law implementing the directive?The Court should dismiss the remainder of the form of order sought by the Commission as inadmissible.The remainder of the application is dismissed.3b`0364/90Should Art 4 of the decision be declared void?The application should be dismissed.The Article is declared void in so far as it relates to the foregoing Article 3.3pJ364/90Should Art 3 of Commission Decision 91/175 of 25 July 1990 be delcared void?The Article should be declared void.The Article is declated void.3h71/91Mus the charge allowed by Art 12(1)(e) of Dir 69/335 be proportional to the actual cost of the services provided.Such fees must be calculated only with reference to the administrative costs of effecting the registrations in question.Duties paid by way of fees or dues referred to in Art 12(1)(e) must be calculated on the basis of the cost of the transaction.3250/91Did HP-France satisfy the requirement imposed by the first subparagraph of Art 5(2) of Reg 1697/79?The provision must be considered satisfied.Yes.2250/91What criteria should be used to establish whether there has been 'an error & which could not reasonably have been detected by the person liable' within the meanign of Reg 1697/79?Regard must be taken of the nature of the error, the business experience of the trader concerned and the diligence displayed by him.Account must be taken, in particular, of the nature of the error, of the commercial experience of the trader and the diligence shown by him.2X250/91Does the failure of the authorities to raise any objection concerning the classification of goods, even though a comparison of the declared heading and the description of goods would have disclosed the discrepency, constitute an error made by the authoritYes.Yes3(&!89/85Should the fines imposed on the applicants be annulled?The application for the annulment of the fines should be dismissed, but the fines imposed onThe fines are annulled, with the exception of that imposed on Finncell and with the further exception of those imposed on Canfor, MacMillan, St Anne and Westar, which are reduced to ECU 20 000.3trQ>_   p VBp^266/91To what extent does the requirement "the charges imposed& " laid down in EC case law refer to monetary equivalence between the amount of charge levied and the advantages accruing to domestic agents; could it be understood as a requirement relaitng to the nAn overall assessment is needed, comparing, over a significant period of time, the total amount of the contribution borne by the national products in question with the total amount of the financial benefits received by them.The criterion of the offsetting of the burden on the domestic product is to be construed as requirirng financial equivalence, to be verified over a reference period, between the total amount of the charge imposed on domestic products and the advantages ex356/90Did the UK fail to fulfil its obligations under the EEC Treaty with regard to the bathing waters at Ainsdale?No opinion on this issue.The application is dismissed.2242/90Should the appeal be granted in relation to the Commission's supposed obligation to withdraw the appointments made following the competition at issue.There is nothing in the judgment to show that the CFI intended, or did not intend, also to annul the list of suitable candidates. The decision should therefore be annulled.The appeal must be rejected in so far as it relates to the Commission's supposed obligation to withdraw the appointments made following the competition at issue.3`154/92Does Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC have direct effect?The provision may be relied upon as from 23 December 1984 for the purpose of precluding the application of any naitonal rules contrary to it.Art 4(1) of Dir 79/7 may be relied on as from 23 December 1984 by individuals before national courts to preclude the application of any national provision inconsistent with that article.3\20/92Does the fact that the substantive proceedings come under the law of succession justify exclusing the application of the right to freedom to provide services enshrined in Community law with respect to a member of a profession responsible for the case.The fact that a dispute comes within the law of succession therefore has no effect on the application of the principle of freedom to provide services.The fact that the substantive proceedings come under the law of succession does not justify excluding the application of the right to freedom to provide services.3SQ11/92Do Articles 3(3) and 4(4) of Council Dir 89/622 allow MS to require that indications of tar and nicotine yields and the general warnings provided for in Art 4 cover at least 6% of the relevant surface area?No, the maximum is 4%, even if the requirement is restricted to domestic production.The Articles are to be interpreted as allowing such a requirement.3>222/91May MS require more than one warning label be affixed to tobacco products under Art 4(2) of Dir 89/622?Art 4(2) of Dir 89/622 requires only one specific warning ot be printed on each cigarette packet and MS may not therefore require more than one such warning.Art 4(2) of Dir 89/622 requires only one specific warning ot be printed on each cigarette packet and MS may not therefore require more than one such warning.3"56/91Should the disputed financial adjustment, which was based on preliminary statistical figures provided by the Hellenic Republic, be annulled?This portion of the application should be dismissed.This portion of the application is dismissed.3  52/91Has the Netherlands failed to fulfil its obligation with regard to the quota for common sole in Zones IIIa and IIIb, c, d (EC)?The Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obligation.This portion of the application is dismissed.3_ C V  /QJ* 147/94Did the Kingdom of Spain fail to fulfil its obligations by not communicating the relevant provisions to the Commission.There is no need to consider the question.There is no need to consider the question and this head of claim is dismissed.3 350/93Must ENI repay the aid to the Italian State?Unlawful aid which has been provided by State resources and has been paid indirectly via a State holding company must be repaid to the State.The application is dismissed.3H 348/93Has the Italian Republic failed to fulfil its obligations insofar as it did not require IRI to repay the aid to the Italian State?In order to comply with the decision IRI must repay the aid to the Italian State in the amount requested by the Commission.The application is dismissed.3<:365/93Did the Hellenic Republic fail to fulfil its obligations by not communicating the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which ought to have been adopted to the Commission?There has been a breach of the Treaty at least as regards the failure to communicate the relevant provisions to the Commission.The remainder of the application is dismissed.3R46/90Does Art 6 of Dir 88/301 preclude national rules which prohibit and lay down penalties for the offering for sale of equipment without having been granted type-approval by a public undertaking offering goods in the telecommunications sector?The Directive does prohibit such an action.The Directive does prohibit such an action.3fd7 46/90Does Art 37 of the EEC Treaty preclude the application of national laws or regulations which prohibit the sale or hire of radio transmitters where a model has not been granted type-approval?Art 37 does not preclude the application of such national laws.The Articles does not preclude the application of such national laws.3b`110/91Does Art 8(1) of Dir 86/378 prevent the legal consequences of the incompatability with Art 119 of the Treaty of the setting of different retirement ages for men and women for the purposes of the payment of company pensions from being drawn before 1/1/93?In view of the derogations provided in Dir 86/378, the parties concerned could reasonably assume that the use of actuarial factors varying according to sex was permissible under Art 119.Subject to what is stated in reply to the third preliminary question, Dir 86/378 cannot prevent Art 119 of the Treaty from being relied upon directly and immediately before national courts.392/92Does Article 7 of the Treaty have direct effect?The Article has direct effect.The Article has direct effect.3jJ10/92Do the provisions cited have a direct effect within the meaning of Council directive 77/388/EEC?This does constitue a right with direct effect.This does constitue a right with direct effect.3z9/92Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations under the Treaty in respect to its practice of stamping passports with vehicle registration numbers in order to ascertain how long vehicles remain in that country?The stamping of passports of persons crossing the frontier with a vehicle does not create an obstacle to the freedom of movement of the persons concerned or to the length of their stay and cannot be treated as equivalent to a vias incompatible with the diThe claim alleging breach of Arts 2(1) and 3(1) of Dir 73/148, etc. concerning the stamping of travellers' passports with the registration numbers of their vehicles, cannot therefore be upheld.3Q_  X :v^u134/94Are rules such as those under dispute compatible with Art 85 et seq. of the Treaty?Community law does not preclude such rules.Such rules are compatible with Art 85, read in conjunction with the second paragraph of Art 5, and with Art 30 of the EC Treaty.3 o55/94Must MS take account of the equivalence of diplomas?If the individual is providing services then their origianl qualification must be recognized. However, conditions of the establishement of lawyers have not yet been the subject of a harmonizing directive.Yes.2$"N55/94Under what conditions is a national of an MS pursuing a professional activity in another MS to be considered under the provisions of the Treaty relating to the right of establishment, rather than the right to provide services?When the national pursues professional activity on a stable, continuous basis in another MS where he holds himself out from an established base to, amongst others, national of that State.When the national pursues professional activity on a stable, continuous basis in another MS where he holds himself out from an established base to, amongst others, national of that State.1xv55/94Must a foreign national intending to pursue a professional activity in another MS comply with the conditions required for pursuing that profession in that that MS?Yes, an established professional must comply with such conditions.Yes.3 55/94May a provider of services equip himself in the host MS with infrastructure necessary for the purpose of performing the services in question?Yes.Yes.319/93Did the CFI comply with the obligations laid down in Art 190 and 169 of the Treaty?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3m321/93When a Member States legislation refers entitlement to and the amount of benefits for spouses on the condition of their residency in that state, is that condition fulfilled if the children and spouse reside in another Member State?Article 48 of the EEC Treaty precludes such legislation.That condition must be regarded as fulfilled if they reside in another Member State.3=485/93Is legislation pursuant to which the two ad velorem charges mentioned above continue to be levied compatible with Community law?No.No.3485/93Is an ad velorem charge levied by an MS on goods exported to another MS by reason of their leaving a region of the 1st MS a charge having equivalent effect, even if it is also levied on goods leaving that region for another part of the territory of the saThe Court should not answer this question but, at the most, assess whether the fact that goods leaving the region in question also have duty imposed on them has any bearing on the categorization of the specific duty with which the proceedings are concerneYes.3$" 454/93If the Court's answer to the first question is in the affirmative, does Art 71(1)(b)(ii) also apply?That question must be answered in the affirmative to the effect that the provision does also apply in the circumstances to which the naitonal court refers in its second question.The article applies even where the agreement pursuant to Art 17 of the Reg came into being when the employed person was already working and residing in the territory of one and the same MS.34 422/92Is the German legislation incompatible with Dirs 84/631 and 86/279 in that it imposes the rule that waste must be disposed of within national territory and requires a permit to be obtained?The Commission's complaints relating to the cross-border movement of hazardous waste must be rejected.The application is dismissed.3b`A _ V &  b *&/"278/92Should Art 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Commission Decision 92/317 be annulled?Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the contested decision should be annulled.Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Commission Decision 92/917 are annulled.3_!413/92Should Germany be reimbursed on the gournds that each batch manufactured was subject to an internal check, etc.?The remainder of the application should be dismissed.The remainder of the application is dismissed.3130/92Is a tax such as the one under consideration incompatible with Treaty provisions relating to the implementation of the common commercial policy?Unequal treatment infringes the provisions of the Treaty concerning the common customs tariff and common commercial policy unless the charge is levied on an amount which includes the costs of clearing products for free circulation in the Community.No.3130/92Does a tax such as the one described come within the scope of Art 95 of the treaty?Art 95 of the Treaty does not prohibit products from non-MS, imported directly from the non-MS, from being treated more favorably when that charge is levied than products from non-MS that are first brought through another MS.A tax of that kind does not come within the scope of Art 95 of the T reaty in so far as it is applicable to goods imported directly from non-member countries.3Ro420/92Does Art 7(1)(d) of Dir 79/7 preclude a MS which has provided for increase in long-term OAP in repsect of a dependent spouse to be granted only to women who fulfil certain conditions?The Art is to be interpreted as covering provisions such as those in sections 45 and 45A in so far as they extend the category of entitled persons to include a group of women, even if the criteria for determining that group turn out to be an additional coSuch legislation is not precluded by the Directive.3  415/93What are the temporal effects of the judgment?NoneThe direct effect of Art 48 of the EEC Treaty cannot be relied upon in support of claims relating to a fee in respect of transfer, etc. which has already been paid on, or is still payabel under an obligation which arose before the date of this judgment.OOPJ106/94Does green Pulmoll pastilles fall within the scope of Commission Regulation No 717/85 under subheading 17.04 D I or under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff - 30-4?Commission Reg No 717/85 and Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff do not cover the goods mentioned in this reference.Red and green Pastilles fall under heading 17.04 of the Common Customs Tariff.3?430/93Does such an obligation exist where, in order to apply of its own motion the aforementioned Community rules, the court would have to abandon the passive role assigned to it by going beyond the ambit of the dispute defined by the parties?No.No.3 387/93Does Art 37 of the Treaty preclude such legislation?The commercial State monopoly does not satisfy the requirement of Art37 in such a way as to ensure that there is no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed.No.3!P41/95Which of the effects of the 1995 budget are to be regarded as definitive?The Court should maintain the effects of the annulled budget until such time as Parliament and the Council finally adopt the Community budget for 1995.The effects of the 1995 budget, as published in the Official Journal of the EC, must be preserved until the date of the final adoption of the budget.3c134/94Does Art 102(1) of the EC Treaty give rise to individual rights which the national court must protect?The national courts will not have jurisdiction to examine a national provision in the light of that article.No.3|_? z B+404/92Should the Commission's decision of 6 June 1989 be annulled?Yes.Yes.3fd^X*404/92Should Mr. X be granted compensation for damages suffered?The Court should declare the application for damages admissible and refer the issue back to the Court of First Instance.The application is dismissed.3V)28/93What is the effect of a scheme through which female employees were deemed, in the absence of an express election on their part, to have opted to maintain their retirement age at the level prior to equalization?Female employees who opted under the transistional arrangements for a pensionable age of 55 but who had not yet reached that age by the date of the Barber judgment cannot be regarded as in a situation which exhausted all effects in the past.Such a scheme has not effect on the judgment in the present case.1$"(200/91Does the use of actuarial factors varying according to sex fall within the scope of Art 119 of the Treaty?The parties concerned could reasonably assume that the use of actuarial factors varying according to sex, in particular for the determination of benefits to be paid, etc. was permissible under Art 119.No, and consequently, ineqaulities in the amounts of capital benefits or substitute benefits whose value can be determined only on the basis of arrangements chosen for funding the scheme are likewise not struck by Art 119.331Q'200/91Are the principles laid down in the Barber judgement applicable to not only contracted-out occupational schemes but also non-conctracted out schemes?The ruling in Barber, including the temporal limitations which it lays down, is applicable to all occupational pension schemes, irrespective of the category to which they belong.The principles laid down in the Barber judgment, and more particularly the limitations of its effects in time, concern not only contracted out occupational schemes but also non-contracted out schemes.31/e&200/91Is the limitation of the effects in time of the Barber judgment applicable to benefits not linked to the length of actula serivce?The ruling in Barber, including the temporal limitations which it lays down, is applicable to all occupational pension schemes, irrespective of the category to which they belong.The limitations apply only where the operative event occurred before 17 may 1990.3R%200/91Do the limitations of the effects in tiem of the Barber judgment apply to survivors' pensions?The ruling in Barber, including the temporal limitations which it lays down, is applicable to all occupational pension schemes, irrespective of the category to which they belong.Yes and consequently equal treatmnet int his matter may be claimed only in relation to periods of service subsequent to 17 May 1990.3.z$200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?The direct effect of the Art may not be relied upon in order to claim entitlement to a pension which was acquired in connection with periods of employment served prior to the date of the judgement in the Barber case except in the case of workers who haveBy virtue of the Barber judgement, the Art may be relied upon in relation to benefits payable in respect of periods of service subesequent to 17 May 1990, subject to the exception in favor of workers who initiated legal proceedings before that date.3_ 5 2*6298/93On the substance of the case, which was dismissed by the COI, what ruling should be given?The application should be dismissed in its entirety.Ajudicating on the substance of the case, the Court dismisses the action.3v539/93Should the the appeal be referred back to the COI?The appeal should be dismissed.The appeal is referred back t the Court of First Instance.3mL4137/92Should Commission Decision 89/190 of 21 December 1988 be annulled?The matter should be referred back to the Court of First Instnace.The decision is annulled.2^3383/92Did the UK fail to fulfil its obligations by not providing for the designation of workers' representatives where an employer does not agree to it?The UK has failed to fulfil its obligations.The UK has failed to fulfil its obligation.3  2382/92Is the UK Regulation, as interpreted by the courts of the UK, contrary to Art 1(1) of the directive?The United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Treaty and the Commission's application must be upheld.The application is dismissed.31401/92Do Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty preclude national rules concerning the closing of shops which apply to all traders operating within the national territory?National legislation on shop closing which provides for an exemption for certain categories of shopkeepers does not detract from the effectiveness of Art 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty.The provisions of Art 85 and 86 of the Treaty, in conjunction with Art 3(f) and 5 of the Treaty, do not apply to such rules.3r0416/92Should the Court of Auditors' decision of 12 October 1992 determining the entitlement of Mrs. H and her childrend to survivors' pensions as widow and orphans be annulled?The Court should annull the decision.The decision is annulled.3 /228/92May a trader who, before the said date, has submitted an administrative complaint seeking reimbursement of monetary compensatory amounts rely on the invalidity declared in this judgment?Traders may rely on this invalidity, however, that invalidity does not permit the re-openingof the payment of monetary compensatory amounts by the national authorities on the basis of any period prior to this judgment.Traders who before the said date have submitted an administrative complaint seeking reimbursement of monetary compensatory amounts paid on the basis of such a regulation are also so entitled.3us.272/91Has Italy infringed Article 30 of the Treaty?The Court should dismiss the proceedings against the Italian Republic.The Court must of its own motion declare the complaint of infringement of Art 30 inadmissible. The remainder of the application is dismissed.3" I-277/93as Spain failed to fulfil its duties by not giving remuneration for periods of training necessary to obtain qualifications in medical hydrology, space medicine, sports and physical education medicine, forensic medicine and occupational medicine?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3XV7,406/92Does lis pendens arise for the purposes of Art 21 where the shipowner brings proceedings in a CS for a declaration that he is not liable to the owners of goods discharged and, subsequently the owners of goods commence another action in another CS?Two actions are to be regarded as related whenever they are concerned with essentially the same matters of fact and law, and there is therefore a risk that they might be decided in a conflicting manner.An action seeking to have the defendant held liable for causing loss has the same cause of action and the same object as proceedings brought by that individual seeking a declaration that he is not liable for the loss.3L_  pA275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?Community law prohibits such legislation.Community law prohibits such legislation.3@275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Rules on the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements for large lotteries are within the scope of Article 59 of the Treaty, however, those rules may prohibit services from large foreign lotteries so long as they prohibit all such services.The importation of lottery tickets or advertisements for the participation in a lottery fall within the scope of Article 59, and does constitute an infringement, however, such an infringement is only justified as a measure for public safety.3A?LR?80/92Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations under Art 34 of the Treaty?The Court should reject the remaining complaints.The complaint based on the infringement of Article 34 of the Treaty must be rejected. The application is dismissed.3  b>40/92Should the Commision's claim regarding the principle of legitimate expectations be accepted?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3v=40/92Did the UK fail to fulfil its obligations by not restricting the exclusive purchasing rights of the MMB to whole milk?The UK has failed to fulfil its obobligations.The application should be dismissed.3<40/92Has the UK failed to fulfil its obligations by failing to notify the Commision of the proposal for changies in the Milk Marketing Schemes in Scotland?The UK has failed to fulfil its obligations.The UK has failed to fulfil its obligations.3 ;2/92Do Community rules on the additional levy on milk impose on a MS an obligation to introduce a scheme for payment by a landlord of compensation to an outgoing tenant in the circumstances of the case?No obligation can be inferred from Reg 804/68 and 857/84.The relevant provisions of Community law do not require a MS to introduce a scheme for compensation of the outgoing lessee by the lessor or confer directly on the lessee a right to such compensation in respect of a reference quantity transferred to the le3:316/93At the material time, did Dir 84/5 of 30 December 1983 create rights for individuals which the national courts must protect.Before the date of 31 December 1988 the provisions of the Directive did not create rights for indidviduals which the national courts must protect.Before the date of 31 December 1988 the provisions of the Directive did not create rights for indidviduals which the national courts must protect.3,953/92Should the amount of the fine imposed on Hilti be increased?The claim by Bauco for an increase in the fine should be dismissed.The claim for an increase in the fine should be dismissed, as it was not raised in the original proceedings.3  V8119/92What ruling should be given on the Commission's third and fifth complaing?The application should be dismissed.The application is dismissed.3f7381/92Did Ireland fail to fulfil its obligations under the EC Treaty by not bringing into force provisions implementing Dir 88/658 within the prescribed period?The Court should allow the application and order the defendant State to pay the costs.Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations under the EEC Treaty.3TR_ *I200/91Whether, in the event of the transfer of pension rights from one scheme to another owing to a worker's change of job, the second scheme is obliged to increase the benefits it undertook to pay him when accepting the transfer?Yes, the second scheme is obliged to increase the benefits so as to eliminate the effects contrary to Article 119.In the event of a transfer of pension rights, the second scheme is obliged to increase the benefits it undertook to pay him when accepting the transfer.3  pH293/93Does Article 30 preclude national laws that require the date of manufacture to be included on articles of precious metal, thus prohibiting articles lawfully marketed in other MSs to be imported?YesArticle 30 precludes the application of national rules which prohibit the marketing of articles of precious metal which do not indicate the date of their manufacture, where those articles have been lawfully marketed in other MSs.3G293/93Can national rules requiring hallmarks to be affixed by independent bodies prohibit the marketing of imported articles that have in fact received a hallmark from an independent body in the exporting state?Such rules cannot be applied to articles imported from another MS where they are lawfully marketed if they havein that State been assayed by an independent body.No.3E51/94Did Germany fail to fulfil its obligaitons under Articles 6 and 16 of the 79/112?Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations under Art 6 of the Directive.The application is dismissed.3kD482/93Dos the lapse of a few days between Mrs Klaus' return to her country of origin and her resumption of employment have the effect of interrupting the continuity of the periods of insureance?The fact that a migrant worker may be out of work for a short period during which he is physically moving from one MS to another is inherent in the normal exercise of the right to exercise freedom of movement.It does nto interrupt the continuity of the insurance periods completed by that person or preclude application of the aggregation rule laid down by Art 81(1) of Reg 1408/71.3\ZC482/93Does it make any difference to the way the first question is answered whether a worker, before working as an employed person in the competent MS, was in the situation referred to in Art 711 of Reg 1408/71?The social security rules must be interpreted in the light of the objectives of Art 48 to 51 of the Treaty so as to prevent migrant workers from being penalized thorugh the application of those provisions and thereby discouraged frome exercising their rigThe competent institution msut also take into account periods of insurance completed by that person under the legislation of another MS, as if those periods had been completed under the legislation which it administers.3B83/94May MS impose criminal penalties for breaches of the licensing proceedure, and if so, to what extent may they engage in such behavior?Export restrictions and penalties for failure to obtain an export authorization must be proporationate to the aims pursued.Community law does not preclude national authorities from making breaches of licensing procedure subject to criminal penalties, provided that the penalties applicable do not exceed what appears to be proportionate in relation to the public security aim pu3  _:BBH8o<<:H:>6H<L8H>86H:r86H:866H:868H8a86<H>86>H6r86>H>86>H>86>H>86>H>86>H>86BH>86BH>86BH>86BH>86BH> 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C112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?UKArticle 52 does not apply to a case which is internal to one member state.B112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?FranceArticle 52 does not apply to a case which is internal to one member state.A112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?GermanyArticle 52 does not apply to any case involving a person and the member state of which that person is a national. @112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?BelgiumArticle 52 does not apply to a case which does not concern a member state and a foreigner to that member state.>112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?ItalyTax legislation such as that at issue does not concern cases which are entirely internal to one member state.<112/91Does Article 52 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a member state from imposing a heavier tax burden on nationals living in other member states?PortugalDifferent cases call for different taxes. We cannot limit thetaxes that a member state can impose upon its nationals.%;322/90Is the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of Rome?CommissionThe commmission held that the reservation of some television channels for government usage is legal.:322/90Is the reservation of some television channels for government usage prohibited under the Treaty of Rome?ItalyThe court should not answer any of these questions should be answered and if they are it should be ruled that there is no competition violation considering that the government cannot be considered a commercial actor.e6188/91How ought Articles 11(4) and 15(2) of the Convention oon Common transit Procedure be interpreted?CommissionNational customs authorities have the power within the conditionis of the convention to create better defined rules.~4188/91Is the resolution agreed to in the Common Transit Precedure Convention valid?CommissionThe court does not have jurisdiction to answer this question?ui3188/91Does the Court of Justice have jurisdiction to give a preliminary ruling concerning the interpretation of the resolution reached at the Common Transit Procedure Convention?CommissionThe court does not have jurisdiction.076/91Do Article 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the Act of Accession require that Portugal open quotas in its transitional period?PortugalArticle 37 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208(1) of the accessioin acts do not lay out time-tables for the proggression and terefore it is within the rights of Portugal for it to dtermine the time-table and specific quotas.RQ   h dJxQ50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?CommissionA case of force majeure is constituted by the failure of an admistrative agency to process the documents necessary within the tiQ50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?CommissionA case of force majeure is constituted by the failure of an admistrative agency to process the documents necessary within the time-limit so long as the trader has tried in good faith to comply.PPQ50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?CommissionA case of force majeure is constituted by the failure of an admistrative agency to process the documents necessary within the time-limit so long as the trader has tried in good faith to compQ50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?CommissionA case of force majeure is constituted by the failure of an admistrative agency to process the documents necessary within the time-limit so long as Q50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?CommissionA case of force majeure is constituted by the failure of an admistrative agency to process the documents necessary within the time-limit so long as the trader has tried in good faith to comply.PPQ50/92What constitutes a case of force majeure within the meaning of Article 22(4) of Commission regulation?CommissionA case of force majeure is constituted by the failure of an admistrative agency to process the documents necessary within the time-limit so long as the trader has tried in good faith to comply.PP280/91Can member states subject to capital duty the conversion of part of a general partner share into a limited partner share?CommissionA member state can subject to capital duty the conversion of a general partner sare into a limited partner share.O73/91Does Article 117 of the EEC Treaty apply to and prohibit national legisltion that allows ship owners to contract with sailors from non-member state countries at rates lower than those availbe in member states? And does Article 92(1) apply to national legiCommissionArticle 117 does not establish any obligations or rights.a&UM73/91Does Article 117 of the EEC Treaty apply to and prohibit national legisltion that allows ship owners to contract with sailors from non-member state countries at rates lower than those availbe in member states? And does Article 92(1) apply to national legiDenmarkArticle 117 is a broad program which makes no obligations on the member states and confers no rights on individuals.#L73/91Does Article 117 of the EEC Treaty apply to and prohibit national legisltion that allows ship owners to contract with sailors from non-member state countries at rates lower than those availbe in member states? And does Article 92(1) apply to national legiGermanyArticle 117 sets out a broad program and does nto therefore make any obligations on the state or garauntee any rights to individuals.#G191/91How are sets of goods having a monoclonal diagnostic reagent to be classified according to the Commission regulation?CommissionThey are to be classified under sub-heading 3002 10 91.F8/92Are positive monetary compensatory amounts applicable to the exportation of a product, if the product was previously imported into an exporting member sate where neither negative compensatory amounts nor minimum price rules were applied?CommissionPositive monetory compensatory amounts are applicable.KQ Ec168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germany violates freedom of movement rights.meb168/91c168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germany violatec168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germany violates freedom of movement rights.mebc168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germc168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germany violates c168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germany violates freedom of movement rights.N73/91Does Article 117 of the EEC Treaty apply to and prohibit national legisltion that allows ship owners to contract with sailors from non-member state countries at rates lower than those availbe in member states? And does Article 92(1) apply to national legiBelgiumArticle 117 does not apply to workers from non-member states.b#156/92For the purposes of calculating the actual amount of benefit must the competent institution take into account all periods of insurance completed or can it apply its own rules against overlapping foreign benefits to determine the actual amount?CommissionFor the purposes of calculating the actual amount of the benefit, the competent institution must take acount of all the periods of insurance completed and may not apply its own rules against overlapping foreign benefits to determine the actual amount.c168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GreeceThe use of the transliteration method used in Germany violates freedom of movement rights.meb168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?GermanyThe transliteration of a name in no way interferes with a persons freedom of movement.nea19/92Is it lawful to restrict the use of titles which are granted upon the completion of postgraduate studies?CommissionRestriction is lawful so long as the member state is not being disccriminatory or infringing upon the freedom of movement of individuals.`221/91How should Article 76 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to boatmasters?CommissionConditions cannot be made less favourable than they were at the time the Treaty came into action and one cannot infringe upon freedom of movement.{o_221/91How should Article 76 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to boatmasters?NetherlandsOne cannot infringe upon freedom of movement and a this law is such an infringement and is therefore illegal.|o^221/91How should Article 76 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to boatmasters?GermanyThe German law at issue in this case does not discriminatory and do not create conditions less favourable for foreigners than the ones that they replace.xo]24/92How does the law provide for the treatment of income tax refunds for those who only reside in a member state part of the year?CommissionCommunity law does not preclude the taking into account of the income accrued when a person is a non-resident.Qq  <ymgEq261/91Are the retroactive effects of the second paragraph of Article 3 of Commission Regulation No 744/87 of 16 March 1987 valid?CommissionConsideration of the question raised by the court has yeided no reason to affect the validity of the regulation.p261/91Are the retroactive effects of the second paragraph of Article 3 of Commission Regulation No 744/87 of 16 March 1987 valid?GreeceThe regulation ought to be declared void in so far as it introduces retroactive effects.o256/91How should amylaceous product intended for use in the paper and textile industries to be classified under the Commom Customs Tariff?CommissionProducts such as those at issue should be classidie under sub-heading 1108 13 00.n250/91Given that products were misclassified by natioinal authorities, is the producer therefore liable for post-clearance duties upon discovery of the error?FrancePost-clearance duties cannot be avoided in cases in which a trader is able to obtain the proper classification information.9m250/91Given that products were misclassified by natioinal authorities, is the producer therefore liable for post-clearance duties upon discovery of the error?CommissionErrors which occur in member states should only be considered in so far as they effect that member state or others directly. Liability must be determined in national courts.pl136/91How should Artile 1(3) of EEC Regulation No 374/87 be interpreted?CommissionBoth producers and exporters should be taxed.j^k44/91Should those decisions which favor a company be accepted in situations in which that company acted in good faith?ItalyThe principle of legitimate expectation cannot prevent the government from collecting post-clearance payments.j44/91Should those decisions which favor a company be accepted in situations in which that company acted in good faith?CommissionThe principle of legitimate expectation cannot prevent the national government from collecting the post-clearance payment.i44/91Do national authorities have an interest in or a right to collect monetory compensatory amounts some years after they were due when their lack of payment was the result of some error on the part of those authorities?ItalyA government has both the power and the duty to collect post-clearance monetory compensatory amounts.ah44/91Do national authorities have an interest in or a right to collect monetory compensatory amounts some years after they were due when their lack of payment was the result of some error on the part of those authorities?CommissionThere is no applicable regulation in this case.0g44/91Which wines are to be regarded under Community law as quality wines?ItalyOnly DOC or DOCG wines qualified for the quality wine description between 22 May and 31 August 1973.f_f44/91Which wines are to be regarded under Community law as quality wines?CommissionThe wines in question were not on the list that was in effect between 22 May and 31 August 1973.k_e27/92What constitues proof of importation?CommissionA customs entry certificate does not constitue proof of importation.L@d168/91How should a name be registered in a given country given transliteration?CommissionThe transliteration of a name that changes the pronuciation seriously infringes upon freedom of movement rights.qeWQ[  xz59/92How is Article 4 of Commission Regulation No 1495/80 to be interpreted as regards the deterioration of goods?CommissionThe article does apply to goods purchased even after the risk has passed to the buyer.~65/92How ought Articles 46 and 51 of Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to with regards to migrant workers and old-age benefits?CommissionArticles 46 and 51 must be interpreted as being applicable even in the case of guaranteed benefits which overlap such as those at issue.5}172/91What constitues an appearance under Article 27(2) of the Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments?CommissionAn appearance is constitued so long as a defendant has been given occasoin to hear the charges and respond to them.|172/91What constitues an appearance under Article 27(2) of the Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments?ItalyAn appearance occurs even if the defendant does not lodge any specific defense against charges.{172/91Does Article 37(2) of the Convention preclude third party appeals?CommissionEEC law prohibits third party appeals.j^z172/91Does Article 37(2) of the Convention preclude third party appeals?ItalyEEC law prohibits third party appeals.e^y172/91Does Article 37(2) of the Convention preclude third party appeals?GermanyEEC law prohibits third party appeals.g^x172/91How should the concept "civil and commercial matters" be interpretted withr egard to the Convention on Jurisdictioin and Enforcement of Judgments?CommissionThe suing of a public servant for damages does constitue a civil dispute.w172/91How should the concept "civil and commercial matters" be interpretted withr egard to the Convention on Jurisdictioin and Enforcement of Judgments?ItalyThe breach by a public servant of his duties does not constitute a civil matter.v172/91How should the concept "civil and commercial matters" be interpretted withr egard to the Convention on Jurisdictioin and Enforcement of Judgments?GermanyThe suing of a public servant in breach of their duties does not constitute a civil matter as it is used in the Convention.4u178/91Does EEC law prohibit the imposition of charges in respect of the entry of a capital company on the official register or in respect of the maintenance of that registration?NetherlandsDues for initiation and maintenance of registration are not capital duties and therefore are not prohibited under Article 10 with the article 12 exception.rt178/91Does EEC law prohibit the imposition of charges in respect of the entry of a capital company on the official register or in respect of the maintenance of that registration?UKDues and fees such as those in question are not prohibited under Article 10 with the article 12 exception.8s178/91Does EEC law prohibit the imposition of charges in respect of the entry of a capital company on the official register or in respect of the maintenance of that registration?ItalyThe collection of dues and fees in registration is not prhibited under Article 10. Article 10 only refers to capital duties and such dues do not constitute duties.ur178/91Does EEC law prohibit the imposition of charges in respect of the entry of a capital company on the official register or in respect of the maintenance of that registration?CommissionThe collecting of dues in initiation or maintenance of the registration of companies is prohibited under Article 10 of Council directive 69/335 but can be allowed under the article 12 exception.Q   T a81/91How should Article 3a(2) of Regulation No. 857/84 be interpreted with regard to a milk producer who transfers part of his holding to another person but retained entitlement to the whole of the non-marketing or conversion premium?CommissionThe special reference quantity must follow the rights to81/91How should Article 3a(2) of Regulation No. 857/84 be interpreted with regard to a milk producer who transfers part of his holding to another person but retained entitlement to the whole of the non-marketing or conversion premium?CommissionThe special reference quantity must follow the rights to the non-marketing premium, which does not divide in a partial transfer of holdings. 81/91How should Article 3a(2) of Regulation No. 857/84 be interpreted with regard to a milk producer who transfers part of his holding to another person but retained entitlement to the whole of the non-marketing or conversion premium?CouncilThe special reference quantity must be divided proprtionally only to the extent that the non-marketing premium is divided. 81/91How should Article 3a(2) of Regulation No. 857/84 be interpreted with regard to a milk producer who transfers part of his holding to another person but retained entitlement to the whole of the non-marketing or conversion premium?NetherlandsThe special reference quantity ought to be divided proportionally between the transferor and the transferee as is consistent with netherlands law. 126/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national laws that prohibit mail order sales operations from advertising in such a manner as to display an old higher price and a new lower price?CommissionArticle 30 does prohibit such national legislation.126/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national laws that prohibit mail order sales operations from advertising in such a manner as to display an old higher price and a new lower price?FranceArticle 30 does preclude such national laws.126/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national laws that prohibit mail order sales operations from advertising in such a manner as to display an old higher price and a new lower price?GermanyArticle 30 does not preclude such national laws as those in question because they are enacted for the protection of the public.c304/91How should Article 5 of Directive 74/561 be interpreted with regards to a national who is carrying on a haulage business after the death of his partner who held the necessary certifications?CommissionThe mere fact that the Netherlands have not correctly transpsed the directive into national law cannot cannot debar a person from exercisin a rigth conferred uon him by that directive.304/91How should Article 5 of Directive 74/561 be interpreted with regards to a national who is carrying on a haulage business after the death of his partner who held the necessary certifications?NetherlandsA person may not rely upon the transitional provisions of Article 5 even if that person may have previously continuously and effectively managed a trasport operation unless they were authroized to do so by the national government.17/92Do national rules which mandate that film distributers who are dubbing films from foreign countries and distrubuting them must distribute films of national origin as well violate community law?CommissionSuch restrictions on film distribution are illegal.292/91Should a trader be considered liable for customs that were not paid due to misclassification?CommissionSo long as the trader acted in good faith they cannot be considered liable for post-clearance duties.yQ   O nd=263/91Are people who are counted with special privleges in the Community subject to income tax on rental property in their country of origin?CommissionWhile the salaries of officials and servants of the Community may not be taxed, those officias and servats can be taxed for the value of rental property or any extra income.^263/91Are people who are counted with special privleges in the Community subject to income tax on rental property in their country of origin?ItalyAny income which is not immune under community law may be taxed, and rental property is not given an immunity.197/91Does the Italian government have the right to claim a flat-rate amount of of financial compensation for market withdrawals charged to the Italian State?CommissionThe Italian government does not have the right to recover funds in that manner.197/91Are Commission Decisions 89/627 and 90/213 valid In so far as they charged Italy with LIT 20 920 524 089 for compensation granted to fruit and vegetable producers?CommissionThe validity of these decisions is not really at issue in attempts to recover overpaid amounts from traders.9197/91Are Commission Decisions 89/627 and 90/213 valid In so far as they charged Italy with LIT 20 920 524 089 for compensation granted to fruit and vegetable producers?GreeceThe court has no jurisdiction to question the validity of these decisions under a 177 ruling. Moreover, the decision would only be invalid if it could be shown that it took the nature of a financial penalty.193/91Can a person rely on Article 6(2) of the Sixth Directive in national court?CommissionA person can rely on that article in court.sg193/91Does Article 6(2) of the Sixth Directive prohibit taxation of the private use of goods forming part of the assets of a business upon whose acquisition the taxable person was able to deduct the VAT?CommissionEEC law does prohibit taxation such as that in question.'193/91Does Article 6(2) of the Sixth Directive prohibit taxation of the private use of goods forming part of the assets of a business upon whose acquisition the taxable person was able to deduct the VAT?GermanyTaxation such as that at issue is not prohibited under EEC law.+320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoly established by the Belgian government conform with EEC law?CommissionCommunity law does not prohibit a postal monopoly, however, it does prohibit any abuse of this position and the extension of the monopoly to other markets, such as rapid delivery service, would constitute such an abuse.q320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoly established by the Belgian government conform with EEC law?IrelandA state monpoly of postal services is perfectly compatible with community law.320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoly established by the Belgian government conform with EEC law?UKCommunity law does not prohibit the state monpoly of the postal service.320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoly established by the Belgian government conform with EEC law?SpainSuch a monpoly does not constitue any derogation from community law.320/91To what extent does the national postal monopoly established by the Belgian government conform with EEC law?Regie des Postes (Belgium)A national postal monopoly must be established and is within the rights fof any state, but such a monopoly must abide by Articles 58, 59, 85, and 86.;Q    bJ171/91Does a person have the status of worker under the EEC law, and thus the right to freedom of movement and residence, even if they were unemployed or seeking employment at the time of the accession of their home nation?CommissionSuch persons have no right of residence or of free movement.?171/91Does a person have the status of worker under the EEC law, and thus the right to freedom of movement and residence, even if they were unemployed or seeking employment at the time of the accession of their home nation?GreeceSuch a person does constitue a worker and therefore enjoys the rights of freedom of movement and residence.j171/91Does a person have the status of worker under the EEC law, and thus the right to freedom of movement and residence, even if they were unemployed or seeking employment at the time of the accession of their home nation?GermanySuch a person does not have the staus of worker under the Community law and therefore does not enjoy the rights of freedom of movement or residence.271/92Is restricting the sell of contact lenses to certfied opticians an infringment of the free movement of goods?CommissionWhile Article 30 does prohibit such legislation, it is justified under Article 36 and therefore exempt as a matter of public safety.271/92Is restricting the sell of contact lenses to certfied opticians an infringment of the free movement of goods?GreeceWhile this restriction may be prohibited under Article 30, it is justifed by Article 36 because the legislation insures public safety.271/92Is restricting the sell of contact lenses to certfied opticians an infringment of the free movement of goods?FranceWhile the restriction in question may be a quantitative restriction in terms of communtiy law, it does not discriminate against foreign companies. Moreover, this legislation is necessary for public safety.a18/92Should the Value Added Tax be applied before or after suppliers subtract the commission owed to credit companies?CommissionThe VAT must be calculated from the whole selling price demanded by the vendor.18/92Should the Value Added Tax be applied before or after suppliers subtract the commission owed to credit companies?UKThe prcie from which the VAT is calculated is the whole price for which a product is sold.321/91Should the national government receive reimbursement for advance payment received for goods being exported if those goods perished as a result of force majeure?CommissionAn exporter must reimburse a government in cases where the exporter received advance payment, the government provided security, and the goods perished as a result of force majeure.~321/91Should the national government receive reimbursement for advance payment received for goods being exported if those goods perished as a result of force majeure?IrelandThe national government should receive reimbursement because according to EEC law exports to Egypt are not entitled to a refund.G263/91Does the taxation of an official on the ownership of rental property constitue indirect taxation of their salary?CommissionThis form of taxation is not indirect taxation under Article 13 because the officials and servants still receive a community salary.263/91Does the taxation of an official on the ownership of rental property constitue indirect taxation of their salary?ItalyThis form of taxation does not in itself constitue indirect taxation.sQ n y / B148/91Does the free movement of capital prevent governments from regulating whether nationally licensced broadcasting organizations set up broadcasting in other nations or organizations' investment in other broadcasting groups?CommissionNo. Member-states can restrict such investment decisions as long as they can affect the government's objective of pluralism in the media market148/91Does the free movement of capital prevent governments from regulating whether nationally licensced broadcasting organizations set up broadcasting in other nations or organizations' investment in other broadcasting groups?NetherlandsNo. The treaty allows member-states to limit the free movement of services in pursuit of overriding public interest, such as media pluralism88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his country of origin?NetherlandsAn official may not choose his place of residence for tax purposes.16/92Are Articles 8(1)(a) and 8(3)(a) of Coucil Regulation No. 1101/89 valid, in so far as they fail to insufficient account of certain situations?CommissionThere are no grounds on which to declare the articles in question invalid.16/92Are Articles 8(1)(a) and 8(3)(a) of Coucil Regulation No. 1101/89 valid, in so far as they fail to insufficient account of certain situations?CouncilThere are no grounds to suggest that the articles in question are invalid.16/92Are Articles 8(1)(a) and 8(3)(a) of Coucil Regulation No. 1101/89 valid, in so far as they fail to insufficient account of certain situations?NetherlandsThere are no grounds to suggest that the articles in question are invalid.33/92Under what conditions should the meat of bovine animals be considered salted under heading 0210 of the Common Customs Tariff?CommissionOnly meats which have been deep fry salted or pickled in brine may be considered salted under Common Customs Tariff.33/92Under what conditions should the meat of bovine animals be considered salted under heading 0210 of the Common Customs Tariff?BelgiumBovine meat should be classified as salted only if the meat has a 1.2%salt content by weight, and meets the conditions for extended preservation given the environment.J310/91Can a person claim benefits under Article 7(2) of Council Reg. No. 1612/68, if they are the child of a migrant worker?CommissionA person can claim benefits as a child of a worker under Article 7(2).310/91Can a person claim benefits under Article 7(2) of Council Reg. No. 1612/68, if they are the child of a migrant worker?UKA person can claim benefits as the child of a migrant worker under Article 7(2).310/91How are Articles 2 and 3 of Reg. No. 1408/71 to be interpreted with regards to the rights of disabled persons to claim benefits?UKA person may not claim benefits under the articles in question unless the claim comes in light of that person's status as a worker.%310/91How are Articles 2 and 3 of Reg. No. 1408/71 to be interpreted with regards to the rights of disabled persons to claim benefits?CommissionA person may not rely on the articles in question to claim benefits, unless the claim comes in light of the status of that person as a worker.8290/91Does Community law allow national authorities to remit on grounds of equity levies payable under Article 5c of Reg. No. 804/68?CommissionCommunity law precludes the waiving of levies by national authorities in connection with Article 5 c.Q  1 X]207/91How should Articles 13 and 20 of the EEC and Austria Agreement be interpreted with regards to the marketing of medicinal products?CommissionGermany is under no obligation not to require such documents in this case and could only be putunder such an obligation throughfurther legislation.?207/91How should Articles 13 and 20 of the EEC and Austria Agreement be interpreted with regards to the marketing of medicinal products?UKNo member state is under any administrative obligation to Austrian imports under community law.207/91How should Articles 13 and 20 of the EEC and Austria Agreement be interpreted with regards to the marketing of medicinal products?ItalyThe relevant article of the Agreement is 15, rather than 13 and 20, which states that such requirements are legal so long as theya re non-discriminatory.@90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?CommissionThe article in question refers only to ball bearings in the technical sense and not to bearing bushes.z90/92Is Article 1 of Council Reg. No. 1739/85 invalid and if not to what does it apply specifically?CouncilThe Article in question concerns only ball bearings in the technical sense and not bearing bushes, therefore the issue of its validity does not arise.z333/91How should Article 19 of the Sixth Directive be interpreted with regards to the Value Added Tax?CommissionShare dividends received by an undertaking are not to be taken inot account when calculating the deductible.|333/91How should Article 19 of the Sixth Directive be interpreted with regards to the Value Added Tax?NetherlandsDividends received by a taxable person referred to in this case must be included in the denominator of the fraction used to calculate the deductible.!|333/91How should Article 19 of the Sixth Directive be interpreted with regards to the Value Added Tax?GreeceShare dividends received by anundertaking which is not subject to VAT in respect of all its transactions must be included in the denominator.|333/91How should Article 19 of the Sixth Directive be interpreted with regards to the Value Added Tax?FranceShare dividends received by an undertaking which is not subject to the VAT in respect of the whole of its transactions must be included in the denominator of the fraction used to calculate the deductible.S|222/91How should Article 4 of Directive 89/622/EEC be interpreted with regards to warnings on cigarette packets?CommissionA member state may not require that non-tobacco products have warnings that cover at least 4 % of the package and they may not require that more than one warning be put on a package.J222/91How should Article 4 of Directive 89/622/EEC be interpreted with regards to warnings on cigarette packets?ItalyA member state may require that warning s on non-cigarette tobacco products cover at least 4 % of the package and a member state may also mandate that more than one warning appear on a package.P222/91How should Article 4 of Directive 89/622/EEC be interpreted with regards to warnings on cigarette packets?UKA member state may have more stringent regulations than set out in the directive so long as those regulations are non-discriminatory.88/92May a Community official declare himself to be a resident of a member state which he resides in which is not his country of origin?CommissionAn official may not choose his country of domicile for tax purposes.Q H C y   6125/92Does the application of the jurisdiction rule under Article 5 of the Convention require that the employment contract to have been perofrmed wholely and solely in the state in which there is a dispute?FranceThe courts of the place of performance of the work have jurisdiction only if the only if the work has been performed wholly in one state.w42/92Does Article 55 of the EEC Treaty allow derogation from the insurance of freedom of establishment for the office of approved commissioner?CommissionArticle 55 does not allow such derogation.42/92Does Article 55 of the EEC Treaty allow derogation from the insurance of freedom of establishment for the office of approved commissioner?UKThe Article in question does allow such derogations.42/92Does Article 55 of the EEC Treaty allow derogation from the insurance of freedom of establishment for the office of approved commissioner?BelgiumArticle 55 does allow such derogations.330/91Is it consistent with Community law if a company is due repayment for a tax exemption and is given that exemption and is also entitled repayment supplement but is denied the supplement on the grounds of its change of residence?CommissionIt is inconsistent with community law for a company to be denied a repayment supplemetn on the grounds of its residence. 154/92Must the retirement pension for men be calculated on the more favorable rules of calculation used for women?CommissionMen are entitle to be treated in the same way as women and to have the same methods of calculating pension applied to them.154/92Is it sexual discrimination against men if the methods by which retirement pension is calculated may result in a higher pension for women for the same work record, if so does Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC have direct effect?CommissionSuch differences in the calculation of pension funds does constitue sexual discrimination which is prohibited under Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC and does have direct effect.154/92Is it sexual discrimination against men if the methods by which retirement pension is calculated may result in a higher pension for women for the same work record, if so does Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC have direct effect?BelgiumSuch methods of calculating pensionable age do not constitute sexual discrimination under community law.y108/92Is the Common Customs Tariff to be interpreted as meaning that a "Thermoschreiber" is to be classified as "apparatus for measuring electrical quantities" under sub-heading 9030 81 90?CommissionA thermorecorder such as the one described does not fall under sub-heading 9030 81 90.720/92Is the scope of community law effected by the fact that there are already laws governing such actions in agreements between the UK and Germany?CommissionThe scope of community law is not affected by such arrangements.20/92Does the requirement by the courts of one member state of a national of another member state, acting in his capacity as a service provider, to provide security for court proceedings violate his freedom to provide services?CommissionSuch treatment is prohibited under community law.8312/91Are national rules punishing offences violating VAT on imported goods more severely than those punishing similar offences on domestic goods compatible with the Agreement between the EEC and Austria?CommissionSuch rules are compatible in that they do not constitue fiscal discrimination since the proceedings would be criminal.f?Q< ^ vyi266/91Could a charge such as that already described constitute state aid in compatible with the common market?CommissionThis charge does not constitute state aid, and only the commission can determine whether it does after initiating procedures pursuant to Article 93.&266/91Could a charge such as that already described constitute state aid in compatible with the common market?FranceA charge such as the one at issue does not constitute a state aid.266/91Could a charge such as that already described constitute state aid in compatible with the common market?PortugalOnly the commission has jurisdiction to answer this. Moreover, these charges can in no way constitute state aid.266/91Does a charge levied by an institute on chemical pulp products, which is charged to domestic and imported goods alike, constitute a charge equivalent to an import duty?CommissionSuch a charge constitutes an internal tax, and not a customs duty. However, discrimination in those terms is illegal.H266/91Does a charge levied by an institute on chemical pulp products, which is charged to domestic and imported goods alike, constitute a charge equivalent to an import duty?FranceSuch a charge does not constite a customs charge but does constitue internal taxation, which may be deemed discriminatory if it does not benefit the importers proportionately to the tax paid.266/91Does a charge levied by an institute on chemical pulp products, which is charged to domestic and imported goods alike, constitute a charge equivalent to an import duty?PortugalSuch a charge does not constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty.&332/91Does EEC law prohibit legislation that gives different employment time-limits to different workers?CommissionSuch legislation is prohibited where there is in principle no such time-limits for all workers.332/91Does EEC law prohibit legislation that gives different employment time-limits to different workers?ItalyEEC law does not prohibit such legislation so long as there are other workers with similar time-limits.158/91Does the prohibition of night-work for women constitute sexual discrimination under community law?CommissionSuch prohibition does constitute discrimination and no other agreements can bind France not to observe fundamental rights.~158/91Does the prohibition of night-work for women constitute sexual discrimination under community law?GermanySuch prohibition does constitute discrimination but it is permitted so long as France is bound by the ILO Convention.~34/92Does the new regulation concerning the benefits have retroactive effect?CommissionIt does not have retroactive effect.oc34/92Were thin flanks with bone one of the beef cuts that qualify for a refund in Germany?CommissionThe cuts of beef in question did not qualify for refund at the time of the dispute.|p125/92Does the application of the jurisdiction rule under Article 5 of the Convention require that the employment contract to have been perofrmed wholely and solely in the state in which there is a dispute?CommissionThe member state wherein the contract was principally carried out should have jurisdiction.M125/92Does the application of the jurisdiction rule under Article 5 of the Convention require that the employment contract to have been perofrmed wholely and solely in the state in which there is a dispute?GermanyWhere the contract has been carried out in several states, reference should be made to the employees domicile.]Q%C` / 4 +/8AC<66/92Does the IOAW social security scheme of the Netherlands fall within the scope of Council Reg No 1408/71?CommissionThe IOAW does fall under the scope of Article 1408/71.66/92Does the IOAW social security scheme of the Netherlands fall within the scope of Council Reg No 1408/71?NetherlandsThe IOAW does not fall under the scope of Article 1408/71.31/92Is Article 19 of Royal Decree No 72 on retirement and survivors' pensions compatiblewith the objective of Article 12 of EEC Reg No 2001/83?CommissionCommunity law does not preclude national provisions against overlapping benefits, where those benefits are calculated on the basis of national law alone.M23/92How should the term "legislation" be interpreted in Regulation No 1408/71?CommissionA convention between a member state and a third country ought to be interpreted as "legislation" under Council Reg No 1408/71.qe23/92How should the term "legislation" be interpreted in Regulation No 1408/71?PortugalA bilateral agreement betwee a member state and a third country ought to be regarded as legislation under Reg No 1408/71.oe23/92How should the term "legislation" be interpreted in Regulation No 1408/71?ItalyA bilateral convention between a member state and a non-member state should be regarded as legislation under Reg No 1408/71.le23/92How should the term "legislation" be interpreted in Regulation No 1408/71?UKA convention between a member state and a non-member state cannot be regarded as "legislation" within the meaning of Reg No 1408/71.ie23/92How should the term "legislation" be interpreted in Regulation No 1408/71?GermanyThe term "legislation" as found in Regulation No 1408/71 is not intended to include conventions between member states and non-member states.ne289/91How ought Article 11 of EEC Reg. No. 823/87 be interpreted?GermanyThe German scheme for the marketing wine is compatible with community law.`W289/91How ought Article 11 of EEC Reg. No. 823/87 be interpreted?CommissionIn some ways the German law is incompatible with community law and in circumstances arising from that incompatibility community law has effect.cW271/91In cases where a member state compensates victims of discrimination monetarily, is it legal for that compensation to have an upper limit?CommissionCompensation for the infringement of rights must always be adequate and effective, if an upper limit prevents this it is illegal.4271/91In cases where a member state compensates victims of discrimination monetarily, is it legal for that compensation to have an upper limit?UKAn upper limit on compensation is not illegal where that limit stands only to prevent the victim from obtaining interest.$266/91Can such a charge as that already described constitute an infringement of Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome?CommissionThe charge in question does not amount to a breach of Article 30.266/91Can such a charge as that already described constitute an infringement of Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome?FranceThe charge in question does not fall within the scope of Article 30.266/91Can such a charge as that already described constitute an infringement of Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome?PortugalSuch a charge does not come within the scope of Article 30.VQ  '|109/91Must "pay" within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty be understood as covering the payment of non-statutory benefits to surviving relations?GermanyPension payments like the one in this case cannot be regarded as "pay" within the meaning of Article 119.&109/91Must "pay" within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty be understood as covering the payment of non-statutory benefits to surviving relations?UKPension payments like those in this case fall under the concept of "pay" within the meaning of Artilce 119.#109/91Must "pay" within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty be understood as covering the payment of non-statutory benefits to surviving relations?NetherlandsA pension payment such as the one in this case does not fall under the concept of "pay" within the meaning of Article 119.;377/92Is "coconut powder" consisting of a pasteurized, homogenized, and spray-dried mixture of ground and pressed cocnut pulp to which maltose and sodium caseinate are added, to be classified under subheading 2106 90 99 of the Common Customs Tariff?Commission"Coconut powder" such as that described should be classified under subheading 2106 90 99 of the Common Customs Tariff.248/92What products fall under the concept "rolled on four faces" as found in the Combined Nomenclature in EEC Reg. No. 3174/88?CommissionThe concept "rolled on four faces" covers all products which are actually rolled on all four sides, regardless of whether they subsequently have sharp edges.A111/92Is the tax exemption provided for in Article 15(1) of the Sixth Council Directive to be refused if the goods in question are to be supplied to a country for which no authorization would be available in any member state due to trade embargo?CommissionThe tax exemtion should not be refused regardless of a trade embargo._ 87/92Given the principle of propotionality, should only a percentage of the security be forfeited if the products were dispensed correctly?CommissionThe Article and Regulation at hand are not contrary to the principle of proportionality.87/92Must a processor prove that her butter meets the distribution standards or must customs authorities show that it does not?CommissionThe national authorities must show that the tracers are not distributed correctly in order for the security to be forfeit.87/92Must tracer products in butter be distributed uniformly throughout cool concentrated butter?CommissionTracer products must be evenly distributed throughout both cooled and heated concentrated butter.w81/92How should Commission Regulation No 1626/85 be interpreted with regard to the countervailing charges on importing and exporting Morello cherries?GreeceA countervailing charge wherein the importationi is carried out by a person who is not a resident of the country of origin of the product is legal.I81/92How should Commission Regulation No 1626/85 be interpreted with regard to the countervailing charges on importing and exporting Morello cherries?CommissionA countervailing charge cannot be levied where the sale is between the importer and a seller who is not resident in the country of origin of the products when both the import price and the resale prive exceed the minimum.66/92Does community law preclude a member state from failing to take account of a spouse that is not a resident when calculating pension benefits?CommissionCommunity law should be interpreted as meaning that in cases like this the husband should receive all benefits entitled to both him and his wife.GWQ  Thafsr10/92What constitutes the "chargeable event" and the moment when tax becomes chargeable, are these concepts in harmony?ItalyCommunity law does not preclude a nation from charging an interim VAT payment. 124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?CommissionA change in requirements constitutes a normal trade risk and therefore cannot be used to justify a claim of force majeure.xl 124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?ItalyForce majeure requires that the circumstances be out of the control of the trader and unforseeable to the 124/92What constitutes force majeure within the meaning of Commission Reg. No. 765/86?UKA change in requirements is a normal trade risk and therefore cannot be used as a means to justify a claim of force 121/92If a self-employed person resides in Germany and carries out approximately half of her business there and the other half in the Netherlands, to which law is she subject?CommissionSuch a person is subject to German law. 121/92If a self-employed person resides in Germany and carries out approximately half of her business there and the other half in the Netherlands, to which law is she subject?NetherlandsIn so far as a person carries out business in the Netherlands that person should be understood and treated as a self-employed person under Netherlands law.o93/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse to carry out repairs under guarantee for vehicles which are the subject of parallel imports?GermanySuch an information requirement does not violate community law.c"93/92Is it compatible with Artilcle 30 of the EEC Treaty for a German importer to be required to inform the purchaser of a motorcycle that German dealers often refuse to carry out repairs under guarantee for vehicles which are the subject of parallel imports?CommissionSuch a requirement does not violate community law.Y%37/92Is the French system of waste oil disposal consistent with EEC Law?CommissionArticle 34 of the Treaty precludes national legislation which lays down that an undertaking which has approval in one state must also gain aproval in that state. j^109/91Under what circumstance can a widower claim a pension under Article 119 of the Treaty?CommissionA widower is entitled to a pension due to the Barber judgment of May 17 1990, and should be aable to claim that pension without prejudice to when his wife died. ~r109/91Under what circumstance can a widower claim a pension under Article 119 of the Treaty?GermanyClaim to such a pension could only take palce after May 17 1990.{r109/91Under what circumstance can a widower claim a pension under Article 119 of the Treaty?UKPension benefits can only be claimed if they are claimed for work done after the Barber judgment of May 17 1990.vr109/91Under what circumstance can a widower claim a pension under Article 119 of the Treaty?NetherlandsNo claims for pension can be made for work done before May 17 1990, and perhaps not until after the date of this judgment.r109/91Must "pay" within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty be understood as covering the payment of non-statutory benefits to surviving relations?CommissionPension payments like the one in this csae ought to be regarded as "pay" within the meaning of Article 119.+Q  , p746/90If someone has received type-approval in one member state must he then be deemed to have type-approval in another member state?BelgiumA type-approval in one member state does not necessarily constitue a type-approval in another state. 46/90Does the Art 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude a member state from requiring traders in telecommunications to receive type approval for products from a public undertaking which also sales similar telecommunications products?BelgiumThe Belgian legislation is compatible with Art 30.446/90Does the Art 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude a member state from requiring traders in telecommunications to receive type approval for products from a public undertaking which also sales similar telecommunications products?CommissionThe requirements run counter to Art 30.,297/92How should Council Reg. No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to compulsory and voluntary insurance schemes for migrants?CommissionThe Article means that the condition of affiliation to a compulsory social security scheme in a member state cannot be considered satisfied where the perosn making the request has not completed the steps necessary to receive that benefit.272/92Is legislation that sets limits on the duration of employment for foreign-language assistants where no such legislation exists for other jobs compatible with community law?CommissionSuch legislation id prohibited.272/92Is legislation that sets limits on the duration of employment for foreign-language assistants where no such legislation exists for other jobs compatible with community law?GermanySuch legislation is prohibited by community law unless it can be objectively justified, and in the case of Germany there is an objective justification.j92/92In terms of copyright what rights does Article 7 of the Treaty guarantee an individual?GermanyIt does have direct effect which means that so long as national law provides the right to nationals, it can be used in court by non-nationals to stop the sale of non-copyrighted goods.6|s92/92In terms of copyright what rights does Article 7 of the Treaty guarantee an individual?UKIt does have direct effect which means that so long as national law provides the right to nationals, it can be used in court by non-nationals to stop the sale of non-copyrighted goods.1ws92/92In terms of copyright what rights does Article 7 of the Treaty guarantee an individual?CommissionThe Article does have direct effect and it guarantees any non-resident of a member state the same rigths guaranteed to residents of the member state.s92/92Is copyright law subject to the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Article 7 of the Treaty of Rome?UKCopyright law is subject to community law.92/92Is copyright law subject to the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Article 7 of the Treaty of Rome?GermanyCopyright law is subject to community law.92/92Is copyright law subject to the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Article 7 of the Treaty of Rome?CommissionCopyright law does fall within the scope of Article 7 and is subject to the prohibition therein.10/92What constitutes the "chargeable event" and the moment when tax becomes chargeable, are these concepts in harmony?CommissionAn interim VAT may be required for services which have already been rendered, however, no such payment can be required for services which have not yet occurred.;QH i 6m300337/91How should a national court interpret Article 26 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights?NetherlandsCommunity Law does not preclude an interpretation of this Article which guarantees equal treatment for men and women./337/91How should a national court interpret Article 26 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights?GermanyThe court cannot interpret a Convention which has not been accepted by the community as a whole..92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?Commissioncan't find-92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?Francecan't find,92/91Does Directive 88/301/EEC prohibit a procedure whereby telecommunications equipment must be submitted for type-approval to the national authorities?UKcan't find)69/91Does Directive 83/189/EEC which has not been implemented in French law have direct effect to French nationals?CommissionThe Directive does have direct effect.&69/91Does Directive 83/189/EEC which has not been implemented in French law have direct effect to French nationals?UKThe Directive does not grant a direct effect.%69/91Does Directive 83/189/EEC which has not been implemented in French law have direct effect to French nationals?GermanyThe Directive does not have a direct effect.$281/91If someone enters into a contract wherein payment is deferred until the supply of land, with interest then added until that supply, is the interest to count as part of the price or is the deferment a loan?CommissionIn a case such as the one described the interest must be understood as part of the purchase price.Y#281/91If someone enters into a contract wherein payment is deferred until the supply of land, with interest then added until that supply, is the interest to count as part of the price or is the deferment a loan?SpainThe interest in such a case constitutes part of the purchase price.5"281/91If someone enters into a contract wherein payment is deferred until the supply of land, with interest then added until that supply, is the interest to count as part of the price or is the deferment a loan?GermanyThe interest charged in such a case should be regared as interst paid on creditC!281/91If someone enters into a contract wherein payment is deferred until the supply of land, with interest then added until that supply, is the interest to count as part of the price or is the deferment a loan?GreeceIn such a case the interest involve constitues part of the price of the land.@ 281/91If someone enters into a contract wherein payment is deferred until the supply of land, with interest then added until that supply, is the interest to count as part of the price or is the deferment a loan?NetherlandsIn such a case the interest counts as part of the price o fhte land.<46/90If someone has received type-approval in one member state must he then be deemed to have type-approval in another member state?UKA member state must communicate all type-approval procedures to the Commission, however, even in the case that this is not done it does not grant an indivdual any rights before a national court.b Q  4 n ),:72/92Does a national charge on pork imported from another member state qualify as a "charge having equivalent effect" within the meaning of Articles 9 and 12 of the EEC Treaty if the charge is assigned to a fund that promotes the sale of domestic products?CommissionSuch a charge as that described constitues a "charge having equivaent effect" I the case that the benefit given the domestic producer is enough to completely offset the charge which is imposed upon them."9338/91Is a national provision such as that contained in Article 32(1)(b) of the AAW compatible with Article 4(1) of Directive 79/7/EEC if it is applied to both men and women in practice but refers on the face of it only to women?CommissionAs logn as the provision is not discriminatory in practice it is compatible with community law.h8338/91Is a national provision such as that contained in Article 32(1)(b) of the AAW compatible with Article 4(1) of Directive 79/7/EEC if it is applied to both men and women in practice but refers on the face of it only to women?NetherlandsSuch a provision is not incompatible with community law.B7338/91Does community law require that married women who became unfit for work befroe 1 October 1975 be entitled to benefits under the AAW with retroactive effect to 23 December 1984, if those women did not apply for those benefits unitle after 5 January 1988?CommissionA woman such as that described must be given benefits from the time that 79/7 entered into effect even if she was unable to file a claim for several years.%6338/91Does community law require that married women who became unfit for work befroe 1 October 1975 be entitled to benefits under the AAW with retroactive effect to 23 December 1984, if those women did not apply for those benefits unitle after 5 January 1988?NetherlandsIt is compatible with community law that a one year time-limit be set upon the retroactive effect of benefits for incapacity.&5337/91Is it for a national court to decide whether national legislation is wholly inapplicable or to interpret as requiring a deduction to be made?CommissionIt is for the competent national authorities of a member state to choose the form and the means of bringing a situation inot conformity with community law.R4337/91Is Article 32(1)(b) of the AAW compatible with Directive 79/7/EEC?CommissionA national provision is not compatible with the Directive if the actual application of that provision entatils in principle a reduction in income for a widow unfit for work, whereas this is the case only in exceptional cases for widowers.Zj^3337/91Is Article 32(1)(b) of the AAW compatible with Directive 79/7/EEC?NetherlandsArticle 4(1) of Directive 79/7 does not preclude the suspension by a national provision in a statutory scheme providing protection against invalidity of the right to benefits for incapacity for work by reason of entitlement to a survivor's pension.ek^2337/91How should a national court interpret Article 26 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights?CommissionIn so far as the national court's interpretation lies outside of the scope of Directive 79/7/EEC, the court's interpretation is compatible with community law.71337/91How should a national court interpret Article 26 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights?UKThe court has no jurisdiction to rule on national law or international agreements outside of the scope of community law. {Q ) !4/!F132/92Is it a breach of Article 119 where an employer calculates pensions in such a way that between the ages of 60 and 65 a female recieves less than a male due to the fact that the female recieves state pension ate age 60 while a male gets it at 65?CommissionIt is not a breach of Article 119 for an employer to calculate pensions in such a way.uE127/92Does the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?CommissionAn objective need to attract workers only justifies a difference in pay to the extent that the difference in pay is basd upon that need.wkD127/92Does the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?GermanyAn objective need to attract workers justifies a difference in pay only to the extent that the difference is based upon that need.tkC127/92Does the need to attract job candidates in any way justify a difference in pay?UKIf a national court determines that a difference in pay was at least in part due to an objective need to attract candidates, then the whole difference in pay is justifed because it would be impossible to determine what the pay would have been otherwise.nokB127/92Can a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?CommissionIt is not sufficient justification for the pay for the two jobs to have been determined by independent collective bargaining processes.eA127/92Can a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?GermanyIf the collective agreements are based solely on objective criteria, then those agreements might be signifant in comparing jobs and pay.c@127/92Can a difference in pay be justified by the fact that the pay for the jobs was determined by two different collective bargaining processes which do not discriminate based upon sex?UKIndependent and non-discriminatory collective bargaining processes can in principle be used as justification for pay differences.W?127/92Does the principle of equal pay in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome require an employer to justify objectively the difference in pay between job A and job B?CommissionThe principle of equal pay does require an employer to justify a difference in pay objectively.'>127/92Does the principle of equal pay in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome require an employer to justify objectively the difference in pay between job A and job B?GermanyThere is no need to provide objective justifaication for the difference in pay where the two jobs in question are in no way comparable.L=127/92Does the principle of equal pay in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome require an employer to justify objectively the difference in pay between job A and job B?UKTo show that there is a case of discrimination one must show that there is a direct link between the difference in pay and some factor that is causally related to sex.g;72/92Does such a charge as described constitue "indirectly imposed internal taxation in excess" or "internal taxation of such a nature as to afford indirect protection for other goods" within the meaning of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionWhen an internal charge is applied to domestic and imported goods and the burden borne by the domestic products is offset by the use of the revenue from that charge, the charge in question is prohibited in so far as it is discriminatory.Q  K %+R185/91Are German tariffs as provided for by the Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz compatible with Article 85(1) and the second paragraph of Article 5 of the EEC Treaty or are they incompatible and thus void?GermanyThe procedure for fixing the tariffs is compatible with community law.-P2/91Are laws prohibiting preferential agreements and bonuses in insurance incompatible with Articles 3(f), 5 and 85(1) of the EEC Treaty and therefore unenforceable?CommissionCommunity law prohibits national laws which prohibit such agreements and bonuses if those laws are not shown to be in the public interest.SO20/93Where a Member State, in applying Article 3(3) of Directive 74/561/EEC, and in order to fulfil the requirement of financial standing, imposes upon carriers an obligation to provide a guarantee, must that guarantee insure against all debt?CommissionEach member stae is free to determine the nature and the extent to which a guarantee ensures the payment of any debts. N20/93Where a Member State, in applying Article 3(3) of Directive 74/561/EEC, and in order to fulfil the requirement of financial standing, imposes upon carriers an obligation to provide a guarantee, must that guarantee insure against all debt?BelgiumThe guarantee is provided to ensure the payment of all debts arising from pursuit of business.r M60/92Does the principle that an undertaking is not obliged to answer questions if the anwser thereto entails admission that the rules of competition law have been broken have direct effect?CommissionThat principle does not have direct effect. L60/92Does the principle that an undertaking is not obliged to answer questions if the anwser thereto entails admission that the rules of competition law have been broken have direct effect?ItalyThat prinicple does not have direct effect.K60/92Does the principle that an undertaking is not obliged to answer questions if the anwser thereto entails admission that the rules of competition law have been broken have direct effect?FranceThat principle does have direct effect.J39/92In a case wherein a contract was concluded before legislation was passed setting time limits on the term of expiry of a contract of that type and the contract's term of expiry is greater than that allowed by the legislation is the contract void?CommissionIn such a case the contract is not automatically void in full.\I39/92In a case wherein a contract was concluded before legislation was passed setting time limits on the term of expiry of a contract of that type and the contract's term of expiry is greater than that allowed by the legislation is the contract void?GreeceIn such a case the contract is subject to the ten year maximum set on it which should be met ten years after the contract was concluded.H39/92In a case wherein a contract was concluded before legislation was passed setting time limits on the term of expiry of a contract of that type and the contract's term of expiry is greater than that allowed by the legislation is the contract void?PortugalIn such a case the contract sohuld be nullified only to the extent to which it is necessary for compliance with community law.G132/92Is there a breach of Article 119 where the employee is only entitled to a reduced state pension or no pension and recieves a widows pension?CommissionThere is no breach if the pension is calculated on the basis of what the employee could have received, regardless of whether she recieves a widow's pension.RQ ` [ q im']365/92Does Article 9(1) preclude the grant of the special premium when some of the animals claimed are not slaughtered and 9(4) does not apply because that number is more than one animal or 5%?CommissionArticle 9(1) does preclude the grant in such circumstances. \365/92Under Article 9(1) for Commission Reg No 714/89 does "inspection" include the verification of the documents submitted for entitlement?CommissionUnder Article 9(1) of that regulation "inspection" does include the verification of the documents submitted for entitlement.,[365/92Is Article 9(1) of Commission Regulation No.714/89 applicable to claims for special premium under Article 11(2) of the Regulation?CommissionArticle 9 of Commissoin Regulation No. 714/89 does apply to claims for special premiums for beef under Article 11(2) of that same regulation.9Z285/92Is a national measure requiring cheese manufactureers to affix a label that indicates the region of origin of the cheese consistent with Council Directive 79/112/EEC?CommissionSuch a national measure cannot be considered a "provision on labeling" within the meaning of the directive at hand and therefore such a provision is consistent with that directive.Y134/92What criteria does the common organization of the market lay down for the application of the domestic law of contract for the sale and purchase of sugar beet?CommissionCommunity law sets no criteria, however, in applying national law one must take into account the common organization of te market in the sugar sector.^X134/92What criteria does the common organization of the market lay down for the application of the domestic law of contract for the sale and purchase of sugar beet?GermanyThe weighting according to national law must take into account the objectives and provisions of the common organization in the sugar sector.QW134/92To what exstent do Articles 7 and 30 of Council Reg. No. 1785/81 preclude the application of the competition rules of German cartel law and the rules of German law on share companies applicable to the accessory obligations of share holders?CommissionQuantities may be reallocated on the basis of national law only within the limits of the quota of the sugar manufacturer concerned. V134/92To what exstent do Articles 7 and 30 of Council Reg. No. 1785/81 preclude the application of the competition rules of German cartel law and the rules of German law on share companies applicable to the accessory obligations of share holders?GermanyCouncil Reg. No. 1785/81 does not preclude national rules being applicable in the absence of Community harmonization measures which require contracts to comply with the principle of equal treatment. U245/91Does national legislation that prohibits an insurance company from offering advantages to patrons other than intermediaries violate community law?CommissionSuch national legislation is not precluded by community law.T185/91Are German tariffs as provided for by the Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz compatible with Article 85(1) and the second paragraph of Article 5 of the EEC Treaty or are they incompatible and thus void?CommissionThe provisions set out in the Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz are infringements uon community competition law.QS185/91Are German tariffs as provided for by the Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz compatible with Article 85(1) and the second paragraph of Article 5 of the EEC Treaty or are they incompatible and thus void?GreeceThe legal issue The Guterkraftverkehrsgesetz is compatible with communtiy law.5Q 0 8 V q )]x,j317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?CommissionSuch a restriction constitues a violation of of Articles 30 and 36 in that it is a restriction of the free movement of goods.?i317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?UKSuch a restriction does not constitue a violation of Articles 30 and 36.h317/91Is it a violation of Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty for a Member State to restrict an automobile manufacturer from using the desgniation "Quadra"?GermanyThe German Government has the right to restrict the usage of trademarked symbols and words.g189/91Does the third sentence of Paragraph 23(1)of the Law on unfair dismissal constitue indirect discrimination against women contrary to Council Directive No. 76/207/EEC?CommissionThe national provision would only constitue discrimination if it could be shown that it affected a much greater number of women than men and if it could not be objectively justified by factors unrelated to sex.f189/91Does the third sentence of Paragraph 23(1)of the Law on unfair dismissal constitue indirect discrimination against women contrary to Council Directive No. 76/207/EEC?GermanyThe third sentence of Paragraph 23(1) of the Law on unfair dismissal does not constitue discrimination within the meaning of Council Directive 76/207/EEC.ge189/91Is the exclusion of small businesses from the system of of protection against unfair dismissal compatible with Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe exclusion of small businesses from the ambit of the system of protection from unfair dismissal is compatibel with Article 92(1) of the Treaty.Kd189/91Is the exclusion of small businesses from the system of of protection against unfair dismissal compatible with Article 92(1) of the EEC Treaty?GermanyThe second sentence of Paragraph 23(1) of the Law on unfiar dismissal does not constitute aid prohibited by Article 92 of the Treaty.;c405/92Is Council Regulation No. 345/92 valid?CommissionConsideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.OCb405/92Is Council Regulation No. 345/92 valid?CouncilConsideration of the questions raised has revealed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of Council Regulation No. 345/92.LCa267/91Is the prohibition in France of resale at a loss under Article 32 of Order No. 86-1243 compatible with the principles of the freemovement of goods, services, and persons, and nondiscrimination as laid down in the EEC Treaty?CommissionArticles 30 and 36 must be interpreted as meaning that goods from another member state may be sold at a price lower than the purchase price, however, goods bought and sold within one state may be prohibited from such trading.`267/91Is the prohibition in France of resale at a loss under Article 32 of Order No. 86-1243 compatible with the principles of the freemovement of goods, services, and persons, and nondiscrimination as laid down in the EEC Treaty?GreeceNational legislation such as that in question may be considered incompatible with the provisions of Article 30 and Article 85, but it is for the national court to determine whether those conditions are met.^365/92Does Article 9(1) breach the principle of proportionality?CommissionConsideration of Article 9(1) has disclosed no factor to question its validity in respect of the principle of proportionality.bV Q lZ 1 *I-v109/92Do the rules set out in the Bundesausbildungsforderungsgesetz constitute a restriction as precluded by Article 62 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionCourses given as part of the national education system do not constitue services within the meaning of Articles 59 and 60, and therefore those articles cannot have an effect on cases dealing with such circumstances.u109/92Do the rules set out in the Bundesausbildungsforderungsgesetz constitute a restriction as precluded by Article 62 of the EEC Treaty?UKCourses given as part of the national education system do not constitue services within the meaning of Articles 59 and 60, and therefore those articles cannot have an effect on cases dealing with such circumstances.}t109/92Do the rules set out in the Bundesausbildungsforderungsgesetz constitute a restriction as precluded by Article 62 of the EEC Treaty?GermanyCourses given as part of the national education system do not constitue services within the meaning of Articles 59 and 60, and therefore those articles cannot have an effect on cases dealing with such circumstances.s83/92Do Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization?CommissionThose Articles do preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.r83/92Do Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization?PortugalThose Articles do not preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization.q83/92Do Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization?ItalyThose Articles do not preclude national authorities from providing for the lapse of an authorization. p83/92Must Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC be interpreted as meaning that national authorities are precluded from introducing additional grounds for the suspension or revocation of authorization of medicinal products?CommissionThose Articles must be interpreted as meaning that the suspension or revocation of authorization to market medicinal products may be effected only on the grounds laid down in those Articles or other relevant provisions of community law. n83/92Must Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC be interpreted as meaning that national authorities are precluded from introducing additional grounds for the suspension or revocation of authorization of medicinal products?ItalyThe grounds of revocation and suspension of the marketing authorization set out by Directive 65/65 are exhaustive.{m83/92Must Articles 11 and 21 of Council Directive 65/65/EEC be interpreted as meaning that national authorities are precluded from introducing additional grounds for the suspension or revocation of authorization of medicinal products?PortugalThose Article do not preclude national authorities from laying down other grounds for revocation than those set out by those provisions. l12/92Must an importing member state demand custom duties on goods whose origin cannot be determined?CommissionThe importer country is required to demand payment unless the country of origin can be sufficiently established subsequently.zk12/92If a state granted a preferential tariff were incapable of of determining the correct origin of goods must it determient that the goods are of unknown origin and that the preferential tariff was wrongly granted?CommissionIf the correct origin of goods cannot be established, then there origin must be considered unknown and they must pay the full customs duty.Q ,U g o110/91Does a pension scheme confering pension on a male at age 65 but at age 60 for a female infringe Article 119 of the EEC Treaty?NetherlandsSuch variance based uon sex is not prohibited so long as it is objectively justied by factors not sex related.110/91Does a pension scheme confering pension on a male at age 65 but at age 60 for a female infringe Article 119 of the EEC Treaty?GermanySuch a pension scheme is not an infringement of Article 119.~45/92Must remuneration be taken into account subject to the application of the same proportion as that on the basis of which the invalidity benefits are awarded?CommissionCommunity Law does not prevent or compel the apportionment of a notional remuneration on the same basis of as that used for the apportionment of invalidity benefits granted up to the date when the old-age pension was acquired.}45/92How should Article 15(1) of Reg. No. 574/72 be interpreted with regards to the aggregation of insurance claims?CommissionThe application of Article 15(1) depends on how the periods concerned are to be categorized under national legislation.|45/92Must the invalidity benefits of a person be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person, as provided for by national legislation, even when the invalidity of the worker occurred in another member state?CommissionThe invalidity benefits of such a person must be calculated into the old-age benefits of that person regardless of the persons residence at the time of invalidity.{339/92Are Article 5 of Council Reg. No. 1594/83 on the subsidy for oil seeds and Article 23 of Commission Reg. No. 2681/83 laying down rules for the application of the subsidy system for oil seeds valid?CouncilConsidertaion of Article 5 of Council Reg. No. 1594/83 has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of that Article.tz339/92Are Article 5 of Council Reg. No. 1594/83 on the subsidy for oil seeds and Article 23 of Commission Reg. No. 2681/83 laying down rules for the application of the subsidy system for oil seeds valid?CommissionConsideration of the question has disclosed no factor of such a kind as to affect the validity of the Articles in question.jy109/92Is it compatible with the principle of equality for a member state to offer educational assistance to nationals studying within the state while denying it to nationals studying abroad or for a state to discontinue such grants that were previously awarded?CommissionLegislation under which a Member State pays its nationals educational grants only if the studies take place within the State itself does not constitute an infringment of community law.'x109/92Is it compatible with the principle of equality for a member state to offer educational assistance to nationals studying within the state while denying it to nationals studying abroad or for a state to discontinue such grants that were previously awarded?UKAssistance given to students for training and maintenance falloutside fo the scope of community law, therefore there can have been no discrimination under community law.w109/92Is it compatible with the principle of equality for a member state to offer educational assistance to nationals studying within the state while denying it to nationals studying abroad or for a state to discontinue such grants that were previously awarded?GermanyAssistance granted to students for maintenace and traingin fallsoutside of the scope of the Treaty, therefore a member state may legislate freely in that domain.$Q   r V ] HOn277/91Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty prohibit national legislation which gives a certain company a monoply on the transport of fresh meat imports and requires that a charge be paid for that company to carry out such transport?CommissionSuch legislation does violate Article 30.2277/91Does Community Law alllow the inspection of imported goods to entail a charge to the importing company?ItalyAn inspection constitues a service and anyone is bound to pay for a service.277/91Is it compatible with community law to provide for several systematic checks and inspections on imported meat products which were already perofrmed in the state of export in national legislation?CommissionCommunity law precludes national provisions that force imported goods to undergo checks and inspections which they have already passed in the exporting state.277/91Is it compatible with community law to provide for several systematic checks and inspections on imported meat products which were already perofrmed in the state of export in national legislation?ItalyThis question is irrelevant because the italian legislation at issue neither concerns imports nor intra-communtiy trade and in so far as the facts relate to a period before the deadline for implementation of Deadlines 89/662 and 90/425.110/91May a male employee claim pension at the age of 60 without any reduction even though the claim precedes accrual of the direct entitlement?CommissionThere can be no exhaustion of legal effects in the past.110/91May a male employee claim pension at the age of 60 without any reduction even though the claim precedes accrual of the direct entitlement?IrelandThe retroactive effect of Article 119 extends only back in time to the Barber judgment.110/91May a male employee claim pension at the age of 60 without any reduction even though the claim precedes accrual of the direct entitlement?UKThe retroactive effect extends back only to the Barber judgment.110/91May a male employee claim pension at the age of 60 without any reduction even though the claim precedes accrual of the direct entitlement?NetherlandsThe retroactive effectof Article 119 extends back only to the date of the Barber judgment.110/91May a male employee claim pension at the age of 60 without any reduction even though the claim precedes accrual of the direct entitlement?GermanyThere is no violation of Article 119 and under Directive 86/378/EEC there will be no effect until May 17 1993 and even then there is no retroactive effect.L110/91Does a pension scheme confering pension on a male at age 65 but at age 60 for a female infringe Article 119 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe principle of equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty extends to the retirement age laid down in company pension schemes.1110/91Does a pension scheme confering pension on a male at age 65 but at age 60 for a female infringe Article 119 of the EEC Treaty?IrelandSuch a pension scheme constitutes an infringement of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty.110/91Does a pension scheme confering pension on a male at age 65 but at age 60 for a female infringe Article 119 of the EEC Treaty?UKSuch a pension scheme does constitute an infringement of Article 119. Q m U `   iCC3156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 45, even though the record in the state alone does not exceed 45 years and no recourse has been made to notional years?BelgiumA state 328/91In accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7, to what extent is discrimination in pension benefits allowable?CommissionThere is no justification for sexual discrimintation.f328/91In accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7, to what extent is discrimination in pension benefits allowable?United Kingdome328/91In accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7, to what extent is discrimination in pension benefits allowable?Germany156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 45, even though the record in the state alone does not exceed 45 years and no recourse has been made to notional years?BelgiumA state is permitted to conduct such a rection in pension.X156/92With a view to establishing the ration of the length of periods completed under its national legislation, may a competent institution apply its own rules against overlapping benefits?CommissionSuch rules must adhere to very strict rules and, in fact, have been abolished under new legislation.E63/92Is a member state entitled to exclude the surrender of a lease of immovable property for a consideration paid from the exemption rrom the VAT?CommissionA member state is not entitled to maintain such an exclusion unless it can be shown that such exclusion has been applied for the purpose of ensuring the correct and straightforward application of the exemptions.63/92Is a member state entitled to exclude the surrender of a lease of immovable property for a consideration paid from the exemption rrom the VAT?GreeceGiven that the surrender of a lease in the manner involved in this case does not fall within the scope of the Sixth Directive, there is no limitation imposed as to whether and to what extent a member state may tax such a transaction.63/92Is a member state entitled to exclude the surrender of a lease of immovable property for a consideration paid from the exemption rrom the VAT?UKA member state is entitled to maintain such an exclusion.63/92Does the surrender of a lease of immovable property for consideration paid by the landlord to the tenant constitute "the leasing or letting of immovable property" within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive?CommissionSuch a surrender does constitute "the leasing or letting of immovable property" within the meaning of the Sixth Directive.t63/92Does the surrender of a lease of immovable property for consideration paid by the landlord to the tenant constitute "the leasing or letting of immovable property" within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive?GreeceSuch a surrender of a lease does not fall within the meaning of "the leasing or letting of immovable property" as it is used in the Sixth Directive.63/92Does the surrender of a lease of immovable property for consideration paid by the landlord to the tenant constitute "the leasing or letting of immovable property" within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive?UKSuch a surrender of a lease does not fall within the meaning of "the leasing or letting of immovable property" as it is used in the Sixth Directive.Q p 1   28/92Does Reg. No. 1408/71 mean that an employee should be reimbursed under national law when that employee is a member of a comparable social security scheme for civil servants not under national legislation but under the legislation of another member state?GermanyReg. No. 1408/71 does not mean that a person should be reimbursed under national law when that person is a member of a comparable social security scheme not under the national law.#307/91Should Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that a fine should be assessed in terms of excess deliveries when a farmer changes purchasers in such a way that the quota is exceed totally or in terms of deliveries to indivdual producers?CommissionA farmer must pay any purchaser whatever additional levy owed them, and this may be calsulated by taking the amount of time aspent with one purchaser in proportion ot the overall reference quantity. 292/92Does Article 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation which prohibits pharmicists from advertising quasi-pharmaceutical products?CommissionArticles 30 and 36 do preclude such national legislation.292/92Does Article 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation which prohibits pharmicists from advertising quasi-pharmaceutical products?ItalyWhile such a measure would be precluded by Articles 30 and 36, it is justified as a promotion of public health.116/92In relation to a daily driving period at what point does the calculation of 4.5 hours commence?CommissionWhenever a driver begins driving the calculation of the 4.5 hours should begin afresh on a rolling basis.{116/92In relation to a daily driving period at what point does the calculation of 4.5 hours commence?NetherlandsWhenever a driver begins driving the calculation of the 4.5 hours should begin afresh on a rolling basis.{116/92In relation to a daily driving period at what point does the calculation of 4.5 hours commence?FranceThe calculation of the period of 4.5 hours should commence only after a total of 45 minutes of break time have been taken.{116/92Does Reg. No. 3820/85 create separate periods of 4.5 hours' driving in the aggregate after or during which breaks totalling 45 minutes or more must be taken?CommissionNo driver should be on the road for more than 4.5 hours without a break.116/92Does Reg. No. 3820/85 create separate periods of 4.5 hours' driving in the aggregate after or during which breaks totalling 45 minutes or more must be taken?NetherlandsIt is no circumstances in conformity with the regulation to drive for more than 4.5 hours without a break.2116/92Does Reg. No. 3820/85 create separate periods of 4.5 hours' driving in the aggregate after or during which breaks totalling 45 minutes or more must be taken?FranceEach period of 4.5 hours should be considered in isolation and a new period begins only after the 45 minute break or several breaks totalling 45 minutes have been taken.l156/92Is a state permitted to reduce a pension due on an actual insurance record on the ground that the total number of years exceeds 45, even though the record in the state alone does not exceed 45 years and no recourse has been made to notional years?CommissionSuch a reduction would only be allowable in the case that the benefits received are equal to or greater than what would be given based solely upon community law, otherwise there is a restriction of the freedom of movement of workers. Q    oA152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?DenmarkArticle 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?IrelandArticle 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?GermanyArticle 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?NetherlandsArticle 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?UKArticle 119 and the Barber judgment do not have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment.334/92Should the ex-employer be responsible for the payment of salary owed, in the event that the employer is insolvent, or may the state be held liable for reperations?CommissionThe institution normally guaranteeing the payment of all other employees must also guaratee the payment of higher management.J334/92May higher management staff be excluded from the guarantees provided by Directive 80/987/EEC?CommissionHigher management may not be excluded from the scope of that provision, in so far as they are employees under national law.y334/92Does Directive 80/987/EEC apply to all employess other than those listed in the Annex to that directive?CommissionThe directive in question does apply to all employees other than those listed in the Annex.120/92Is Commission Reg No 1546/88 valid?CommissionConsideration of this regulation has revealed no factor as to call the validity of this regulation into question.K?120/92According to Commission Reg. No. 1546/88 how should a Member State assess the representative fat content?CommissionThe period of application must be the first or second period of the additional levy scheme when assessing representative fat content, unless so provided for by the hardship clause.G28/92Does Reg. No. 1408/71 mean that an employee should be reimbursed under national law when that employee is a member of a comparable social security scheme for civil servants not under national legislation but under the legislation of another member state?CommissionReg. No. 1408/71 does mean that a person should be reimbursed under national law when that person is a member of a comparable social security scheme not under the national law.&Q -& zY9c92/94Can a Member State provide that the amount of invalidity benefit that a person receives after she is of retirement age must be equal to the retirement benefit for which she is eligible, where the retirement age is different for men and women?CommissionA member state can make such a provision.D 92/94Can a Member State provide that the amount of invalidity benefit that a person receives after she is of retirement age must be equal to the retirement benefit for which she is eligible, where the retirement age is different for men and women?UKA member state can make such a provision, only due to the fact that any change in the situation would lead to arbitrary discrimination and threaten the stability of the whole system. 277/91Does Community Law alllow the inspection of imported goods to entail a charge to the importing company?CommissionThe levying of such a charge constitutes a hindrance to the freedom to move goods and is not charged in remuneratin for a service.304/92Is Category 161 of Annex II to Council Reg. No. 3563/84 to be construed as covering "men's linen windcheaters," even though it does not expressly include such textile products?CommissionThat category does not include "men's linen windcheaters".304/92Is Category 161 of Annex II to Council Reg. No. 3563/84 to be construed as covering "men's linen windcheaters," even though it does not expressly include such textile products?GermanyThat category does include "men's linen windcheaters". 152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?CommissionArticle 119 precludes account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment.i]152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?DenmarkArticle 119 does not preclude account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment.f]152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?NetherlandsArticle 119 does not preclude account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment. j]152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?GermanyArticle 119 does not preclude account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment.f]152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?IrelandArticle 119 does not preclude account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment, for such assumptions are objectively grounded.6f]152/91Are sex-based actuarial assumptions in the pension scheme lawful?UKArticle 119 precludes account from being taken of sex-based actuarial assumptions in regards to pension schemes at any point after the Barber judgment.a]152/91Do Article 119 and the Barber judgment have the effect of entitling a male employee whose employment ends on or after the date of the Barber judgment to the same pension which he would have received if he had been a woman?CommissionArticle 119 and the Barber judgment do have effect for pension schemes in respect of work performed prior to the Barber judgment in the case that the pension becomes payable after that date.Q w C { FP@279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?Germanyno?412/93Does Community Law prohibit national legislation banning televised advertising in respect of certain economic activities?Commissionno>412/93Does Community Law prohibit national legislation banning televised advertising in respect of certain economic activities?Franceno152/94Does the freedom of establishment in Article 52 of the EEC Treaty guarantee the right of any person to perform dental operations on horses without the use of medication or anaesthetic?UKArticle 52 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to any situation entirely internal to a Member State.;152/94Does the freedom of establishment in Article 52 of the EEC Treaty guarantee the right of any person to perform dental operations on horses without the use of medication or anaesthetic?CommissionArticle 52 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to any situation entirely internal to a Member State.C143/94May tendering procedures in which the definitive award was made after 31 December 1992 qualify for the derogation provided for in Article 29(5) of Directive 71/305 if the contract notice was published before that date?CommissionOnly procedures in which the award was made prior to 31 December 1992 may qualify for the derogation.i143/94May tendering procedures in which the definitive award was made after 31 December 1992 qualify for the derogation provided for in Article 29(5) of Directive 71/305 if the contract notice was published before that date?ItalyThe derogating provision should apply to procedures which were initiated prior ro 31 December 1992.b137/94Is there a temporal limit on the direct effect of Directive 79/7/EEC in a case such as this one?CommissionThe direct effect need not be limited temporally.|137/94Does Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7/EEC allowing Member States to derogate from the prohibition of discrimination apply in a case where women are exempted from prescription charges at an earier age than men?CommissionThe court should maintain the interpretation which has been made explicit in its case law.V137/94Does a rule allowing the exemption from prescription charges for various categories of persons fall within the scope of Article 3 of Directive 79/7/EEC?CommissionSuch a rule does fall within the scope of that directive.321/93When a Member States legislation refers entitlement to and the amount of benefits for dependent children on the condition of their residency in that state, is that condition fulfilled if the children and spouse reside in another Member State?CommissionSuch legislation is precluded under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty.^321/93When a Member States legislation refers entitlement to and the amount of benefits for dependent children on the condition of their residency in that state, is that condition fulfilled if the children and spouse reside in another Member State?SpainThey must be considered to have fulfilled that condition.Q98/94Are benefits granted under the legislation of one member state pursuant to periods of work completed by a worker benefits of the the same kind as benefits granted to her pursuant to her status as the ex-wife of a worker employed in a second member state?CommissionSuch benefits are not benefits of the same kind within the meaning of Reg No 1408/71.|%Q/^  ( 7OXs3X425/93Does activity within the meaning of Article 14(2)(b)(i) cover the term employed within the meaning of that provision?GermanynoW279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?CommissionyesV279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?UKcan't findU279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?Netherlandscan't findT279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?Francecan't findS279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?Greececan't findR279/93Is it compatible with Community law for a Member State to exclude persons who have no residence in the Member State from deriving income from the annual wages tax adjustment?GermanyyesQ279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?Commissioncan't findP279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?UKyesO279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?NetherlandsyesN279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?FranceyesM279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?GreeceyesL279/93May a Member State tax a national of another Member State more heavily if that person recieves almost all of her income from the first Member State and is only taxable in that state?GermanyyesE279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?CommissionyesD279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?UKcan't findC279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?Netherlandscan't findB279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?Francecan't findA279/93Does Article 48 of the EEC Treaty restrict the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to levy income tax on a national of another EC Member State?Greececan't findQO  X j68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?Commissioncan't findi68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?Francecan't findh68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?Spaincan't findg68/93Is the court, when judging only on the cases that occurred on its territory, required to follow specific rules different from those laid down by national law when assessing the harm of the event in question?UKcan't findf68/93What does the place where the harmful event occurred in Article 5(3) of the Convention mean when a person seeks damages for harm caused by the distribution of a defamatory newspaper article in several Contracting States?Commissionthe place of publication in the periodical at issue8e68/93What does the place where the harmful event occurred in Article 5(3) of the Convention mean when a person seeks damages for harm caused by the distribution of a defamatory newspaper article in several Contracting States?Francethe place of publication in the periodical at issue4d68/93What does the place where the harmful event occurred in Article 5(3) of the Convention mean when a person seeks damages for harm caused by the distribution of a defamatory newspaper article in several Contracting States?Spainthe place of publication in the periodical at issue3c68/93What does the place where the harmful event occurred in Article 5(3) of the Convention mean when a person seeks damages for harm caused by the distribution of a defamatory newspaper article in several Contracting States?UKthe event giving rise to the damage and the damage itself6b334/93Where imports from Austria are infact re-imports from the Community, is it permissible to dispense with the production of those documents?Commissionnoa334/93Where imports from Austria are infact re-imports from the Community, is it permissible to dispense with the production of those documents?Belgiumno`425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?Commissioncan't find_425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?Italycan't find^425/93Does a person who resides in Denmark and whose employer has its seat in Germany, where that person does most of her work in Denmark, fall under Article 14(1)(a) or 14(2)(b)(i) of Reg No 1408/71?Germanycan't findZ425/93Does activity within the meaning of Article 14(2)(b)(i) cover the term employed within the meaning of that provision?CommissionyesY425/93Does activity within the meaning of Article 14(2)(b)(i) cover the term employed within the meaning of that provision?Italycan't findYQ"Cd p ? "   3\}324/93Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty apply to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it?Franceno|324/93Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty apply to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it?Irelandyes{324/93Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty apply to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it?Portugalyesz324/93Does Article 30 of the EEC Treaty apply to a national provision prohibiting the importation of narcotic drugs covered by the Convention and marketable under it?Commissionnot admissablex324/93Can bodies covered by the Community legislation on the awarding of public contracts be awarded on the ability of the undertaking to guarantee reliablity and continuity of supplies in the country?Francenow324/93Can bodies covered by the Community legislation on the awarding of public contracts be awarded on the ability of the undertaking to guarantee reliablity and continuity of supplies in the country?Irelandyesv324/93Can bodies covered by the Community legislation on the awarding of public contracts be awarded on the ability of the undertaking to guarantee reliablity and continuity of supplies in the country?Portugalyesu324/93Can bodies covered by the Community legislation on the awarding of public contracts be awarded on the ability of the undertaking to guarantee reliablity and continuity of supplies in the country?Commissioninadmissable questiont324/93Is a member state entitled to refuse a license for importation of narcotic drugs on the ground that importation of such drugs threatens the viablity of the sole licensed manufacturer and jeopardizes the reliability of the supply?Franceno  r324/93Is a member state entitled to refuse a license for importation of narcotic drugs on the ground that importation of such drugs threatens the viablity of the sole licensed manufacturer and jeopardizes the reliability of the supply?Irelandyes q324/93Is a member state entitled to refuse a license for importation of narcotic drugs on the ground that importation of such drugs threatens the viablity of the sole licensed manufacturer and jeopardizes the reliability of the supply?Portugalyes p324/93Is a member state entitled to refuse a license for importation of narcotic drugs on the ground that importation of such drugs threatens the viablity of the sole licensed manufacturer and jeopardizes the reliability of the supply?Commissioninadmissable question$ o324/93Does Article 30 prevent the practice of prohibiting the importation of certain narcotic drugs, even where that practice is undertaken to comply with a prior convention?Commissioninadmissable questionn324/93Does Article 30 prevent the practice of prohibiting the importation of certain narcotic drugs, even where that practice is undertaken to comply with a prior convention?Portugalnom324/93Does Article 30 prevent the practice of prohibiting the importation of certain narcotic drugs, even where that practice is undertaken to comply with a prior convention?Irelandyesl324/93Does Article 30 prevent the practice of prohibiting the importation of certain narcotic drugs, even where that practice is undertaken to comply with a prior convention?FranceyesQ k 2 , g>G/325/93Does Community Law prevent the application of a national rule against the overlapping of benefits if a person recieves benefits for incapacity for work in one state and another incapacity benefit in another member state?Commissioncan't find325/93Does Community Law prevent the application of a national rule against the overlapping of benefits if a person recieves benefits for incapacity for work in one state and another incapacity benefit in another member state?Italycan't find 325/93Does the Italian benefit known as an invalidity pension constitute an independent benefit within the meaning of Article 46(1) of Reg No 1408/71?Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invaliditecan't find325/93Does the Italian benefit known as an invalidity pension constitute an independent benefit within the meaning of Article 46(1) of Reg No 1408/71?Commissioncan't find325/93Does the Italian benefit known as an invalidity pension constitute an independent benefit within the meaning of Article 46(1) of Reg No 1408/71?Italycan't find315/93Is a rule requiring the compensation of pig owners by Italyu and yet not by Belgium discriminatory under Article 7 of the Treaty and therefore void?Commissioncan't find315/93Does Commission Decision 88/529/EEC provide for the immediate and total compensation for owners whose pigs were slaughtered under the plan as laid down in Commission Decision 80/1097/EEC?Commissionno103/94Is the supplementary allowance reserved solely for EEC Nationals or can it be extended to Algerian natioinals residing in the EC?Commissioncan't find103/94Is the supplementary allowance reserved solely for EEC Nationals or can it be extended to Algerian natioinals residing in the EC?UKit cannot be extended103/94Is the supplementary allowance reserved solely for EEC Nationals or can it be extended to Algerian natioinals residing in the EC?Franceit cannot be extended346/93Where proceedings are brought for restitution of a sum of money paid under a contract which is a nullity because of the incapacity of one of the parties to enter into it, under what Article of the Convention is that action brought?Commissionecj does not have jurisdiction0346/93Where proceedings are brought for restitution of a sum of money paid under a contract which is a nullity because of the incapacity of one of the parties to enter into it, under what Article of the Convention is that action brought?Franceecj does not have jurisdiction, 346/93Where proceedings are brought for restitution of a sum of money paid under a contract which is a nullity because of the incapacity of one of the parties to enter into it, under what Article of the Convention is that action brought?Spainpreliminary reference" 346/93Where proceedings are brought for restitution of a sum of money paid under a contract which is a nullity because of the incapacity of one of the parties to enter into it, under what Article of the Convention is that action brought?Germanypreliminary reference$ 346/93Where proceedings are brought for restitution of a sum of money paid under a contract which is a nullity because of the incapacity of one of the parties to enter into it, under what Article of the Convention is that action brought?UKecj does not have jurisdiction(Q 3 c     19/94What is the chargeable event for the levy provided for in Article 8(2) of Reg No 1785/81, the preamble to Reg No 1358/77, and Article 12 of Reg No 1998/78?Francethe disposal of the sugar7/94Is the concept of child for the purposes of Article 12 of Council Regulation No 1612/68 subject to a condition of age or dependency in the same way as are the rights governed by Article 10(1) and 11?Oberbundesanwalt beim Bundesverwaltungsgerichtno7/94Is the concept of child for the purposes of Article 12 of Council Regulation No 1612/68 subject to a condition of age or dependency in the same way as are the rights governed by Article 10(1) and 11?Commissionno7/94Is the concept of child for the purposes of Article 12 of Council Regulation No 1612/68 subject to a condition of age or dependency in the same way as are the rights governed by Article 10(1) and 11?Germanyyes4/94What is the nature of services provided by a taxable person where she supplies a second person with services, and those services are treated by the second person as an incidental financial transaction?Commissioncan't find4/94What is the nature of services provided by a taxable person where she supplies a second person with services, and those services are treated by the second person as an incidental financial transaction?Greececan't find4/94What is the nature of services provided by a taxable person where she supplies a second person with services, and those services are treated by the second person as an incidental financial transaction?UKcan't find439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established?Commissionno439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established?UKno439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established?Greeceno439/93Does Article 5(5) of the Convention presuppose that the undertakings entered into by a branch in the name of a parent company are to be performed in the Contracting State where the branch is established?Francethere must be a real link between the dispute and the state in which it is to be heardG325/93How is such a benefit to be classifed for the purposes of Article 70 of the Belgian Law of 9 August 1963?Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invaliditecan't find325/93How is such a benefit to be classifed for the purposes of Article 70 of the Belgian Law of 9 August 1963?Commissioncan't find325/93How is such a benefit to be classifed for the purposes of Article 70 of the Belgian Law of 9 August 1963?Italycan't find325/93Does Community Law prevent the application of a national rule against the overlapping of benefits if a person recieves benefits for incapacity for work in one state and another incapacity benefit in another member state?Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-InvaliditeCommunity Law does not prevent a national rule of the kind described.q*WQt 6 (_q:{327/92Does provisions like Article 16(b) of the CwSV making a main contractor liable for social security contributions not paid by a defaulting subcontractorfall within the scope of Reg No 1408/71?Germanyyes327/92Does provisions like Article 16(b) of the CwSV making a main contractor liable for social security contributions not paid by a defaulting subcontractorfall within the scope of Reg No 1408/71?Netherlandsyes327/92Does Regulation No 1408/71 apply to national legislation which coordinates the various branches of social security in a member state?Commissionyes327/92Does Regulation No 1408/71 apply to national legislation which coordinates the various branches of social security in a member state?Greeceyes327/92Does Regulation No 1408/71 apply to national legislation which coordinates the various branches of social security in a member state?Germanyyes327/92Does Regulation No 1408/71 apply to national legislation which coordinates the various branches of social security in a member state?Netherlandsyes384/93In what cases might a restriction on the freedom to provide services in the form of a prohibition of certain types of cold calling be justified?Commissionenhance or maintain investor confidence384/93In what cases might a restriction on the freedom to provide services in the form of a prohibition of certain types of cold calling be justified?UKcan't find384/93In what cases might a restriction on the freedom to provide services in the form of a prohibition of certain types of cold calling be justified?Greececan't find384/93In what cases might a restriction on the freedom to provide services in the form of a prohibition of certain types of cold calling be justified?Netherlandsto enhance or maintain investor confidence384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?Commissionyes384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?UKno384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?Greececan't find384/93Does a national provision prohibiting cold calling with respect to certain services constitute a restriction on the freedom to provide services within the meaning of Article 59?Netherlandsno384/93Does a national provision precluding cold calling fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty?Commissioncan't find384/93Does a national provision precluding cold calling fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty?UKno384/93Does a national provision precluding cold calling fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty?Greececan't find384/93Does a national provision precluding cold calling fall within the scope of Article 59 of the EEC Treaty?Netherlandsno19/94What is the chargeable event for the levy provided for in Article 8(2) of Reg No 1785/81, the preamble to Reg No 1358/77, and Article 12 of Reg No 1998/78?Commissionthe disposal of the sugar;Q  d Zmkhk400/93Can requirements be imposed as to the composition of the groups of comparison, for example with regard to the number of persons in a group or the proportions of the total workforce they represent?UKcan't find400/93Can requirements be imposed as to the composition of the groups of comparison, for example with regard to the number of persons in a group or the proportions of the total workforce they represent?Portugalcan't find400/93Can requirements be imposed as to the composition of the groups of comparison, for example with regard to the number of persons in a group or the proportions of the total workforce they represent?Germanycan't find400/93Are Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC applicable in the case of a comparison of two groups of workers wherein one group of workers, predominantly female, recieves less pay on average than the other, predominantly male?Commissioncan't find400/93Are Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC applicable in the case of a comparison of two groups of workers wherein one group of workers, predominantly female, recieves less pay on average than the other, predominantly male?UKcan't find 400/93Are Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC applicable in the case of a comparison of two groups of workers wherein one group of workers, predominantly female, recieves less pay on average than the other, predominantly male?Portugalcan't find400/93Are Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC applicable in the case of a comparison of two groups of workers wherein one group of workers, predominantly female, recieves less pay on average than the other, predominantly male?Germanyno400/93Do Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC apply to piece-work pay schemes ?Commissioncan't find}qe400/93Do Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC apply to piece-work pay schemes ?UKcan't finduie400/93Do Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC apply to piece-work pay schemes ?Portugalcan't find{oe400/93Do Article 119 and Directive 75/117/EEC apply to piece-work pay schemes ?Germanycan't findzne400/93What significance should be attached to the fact that the rates of pay of both the men and women are determined through collective bargaining and negotiations at the local level, with regard to equal pay?Commissioncan't find400/93What significance should be attached to the fact that the rates of pay of both the men and women are determined through collective bargaining and negotiations at the local level, with regard to equal pay?UKcan't find400/93What significance should be attached to the fact that the rates of pay of both the men and women are determined through collective bargaining and negotiations at the local level, with regard to equal pay?Portugalcan't find400/93What significance should be attached to the fact that the rates of pay of both the men and women are determined through collective bargaining and negotiations at the local level, with regard to equal pay?Germanycan't find327/92Does provisions like Article 16(b) of the CwSV making a main contractor liable for social security contributions not paid by a defaulting subcontractorfall within the scope of Reg No 1408/71?Commissionyes327/92Does provisions like Article 16(b) of the CwSV making a main contractor liable for social security contributions not paid by a defaulting subcontractorfall within the scope of Reg No 1408/71?GreeceyesQG ,   )g434/93Does Community Law entitle a Turkish worker to remain in the territory of the state of employment when an accident at work has rendered her incapacitated?Netherlandsno467/93Do Regulations Nos 3841/86, 1828/87, 3734/87, 1779/88, 3606/88, 1656/89, and 3393/89 cover corresponding converters contained in circular housings having a diameter of 9.44 mm?Commissionno459/93Do products such as powdered sterile mixtures of various amino acids for the manufacture of infusion solutions fall under subheading 30.03 of the Common Customs Tariff; medicaments?Commissionyes414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted when the authorities do not inform the applicant in writing within the prescribed time period?Commissioncan't find414/93Is an application for premium amounting to more than 70% of the rates laid down for each category of vessel to be deemed accepted when the authorities do not inform the applicant in writing within the prescribed time period?Netherlandsno  414/93Is the letter from the Commission to the Netherlands government which formed the basis for the rejection of Mr. Teirlincks application a valid act?Commissioncan't find414/93Is the letter from the Commission to the Netherlands government which formed the basis for the rejection of Mr. Teirlincks application a valid act?Netherlandscan't find414/93Is Commission Reg No 1101/89 valid?CommissionyesPK?414/93Is Commission Reg No 1101/89 valid?Netherlandscan't findXL?414/93Can a valid application for scrapping premium for a pusher craft be rejected when the financial resources required to cover it exceed the budget of the fund established?Commissioncan't find414/93Can a valid application for scrapping premium for a pusher craft be rejected when the financial resources required to cover it exceed the budget of the fund established?Netherlandscan't find414/93According to Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 1101/89 can a valid application for scrapping premium for a pusher craft be refused if the funds in the common account for dry-cargo and pusher craft have not been spent?Commissionyes414/93According to Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 1101/89 can a valid application for scrapping premium for a pusher craft be refused if the funds in the common account for dry-cargo and pusher craft have not been spent?Netherlandscan't find400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inorder to establish sexual discrimination?Commissioncan't find400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inorder to establish sexual discrimination?UKcan't find400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inorder to establish sexual discrimination?Portugalcan't find400/93Can two groups of workers that perform different types of work be compared inorder to establish sexual discrimination?Germanycan't find400/93Can requirements be imposed as to the composition of the groups of comparison, for example with regard to the number of persons in a group or the proportions of the total workforce they represent?Commissioncan't findQ0a 389/93Does the definition of Category C operators contained in Article 2(c) of the implementing regulation differ from that in Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Regulation?Germanyyes434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?Commissioncan't find434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?UKcan't find434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?Greececan't find434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?Germanycan't find434/93Can legal employment be established in the case of a Turkish worker who was not required under national law to hold a work or residence permit, and if so, can the worker claim a right of residence?Netherlandscan't find434/93What criteria should be used to determine whether Turkish lorry-driver belongs to the legitimate labor force of a Member State for the purposes of Article 6 of Decision No 1/80?CommissionThe national court must, as in Lopes da Veiga, take account of the place where the applicant was hired, the territory on which they paid employment is based, and the applicable national legislation concerning employment and social security.434/93What criteria should be used to determine whether Turkish lorry-driver belongs to the legitimate labor force of a Member State for the purposes of Article 6 of Decision No 1/80?UKLopes judgment can't be used434/93What criteria should be used to determine whether Turkish lorry-driver belongs to the legitimate labor force of a Member State for the purposes of Article 6 of Decision No 1/80?GreeceLopes judgment can't be used434/93What criteria should be used to determine whether Turkish lorry-driver belongs to the legitimate labor force of a Member State for the purposes of Article 6 of Decision No 1/80?GermanyLopes judgment can't be used434/93What criteria should be used to determine whether Turkish lorry-driver belongs to the legitimate labor force of a Member State for the purposes of Article 6 of Decision No 1/80?NetherlandsLopes judgment can't be used434/93Does Community Law entitle a Turkish worker to remain in the territory of the state of employment when an accident at work has rendered her incapacitated?Commissionyes434/93Does Community Law entitle a Turkish worker to remain in the territory of the state of employment when an accident at work has rendered her incapacitated?UKno434/93Does Community Law entitle a Turkish worker to remain in the territory of the state of employment when an accident at work has rendered her incapacitated?Greeceno434/93Does Community Law entitle a Turkish worker to remain in the territory of the state of employment when an accident at work has rendered her incapacitated?GermanynoQ(KX g q z {o*451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?Franceno451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?Germanyno451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?Belgiumno389/93Does Article 3(2) of the implementing regulation apply to the concept of operator within the meaning of 2(c)?Commissionno389/93Does Article 3(2) of the implementing regulation apply to the concept of operator within the meaning of 2(c)?Spainno389/93Does Article 3(2) of the implementing regulation apply to the concept of operator within the meaning of 2(c)?Germanyyes389/93Can economic operators who entered into business prior to 1992 with a view to importing the bananas specified in Article 2(c) and who imported those bananas in 1992 or after be regarded as Category C operators?Commissionyes389/93Can economic operators who entered into business prior to 1992 with a view to importing the bananas specified in Article 2(c) and who imported those bananas in 1992 or after be regarded as Category C operators?Spainyes389/93Can economic operators who entered into business prior to 1992 with a view to importing the bananas specified in Article 2(c) and who imported those bananas in 1992 or after be regarded as Category C operators?Germanyyes389/93Under Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and 2(c) of the implementing Reg may an operator apply for registration under Category C even if she intends to transfer the license to a thrid party?Commissionyes389/93Under Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and 2(c) of the implementing Reg may an operator apply for registration under Category C even if she intends to transfer the license to a thrid party?Spainyes389/93Under Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and 2(c) of the implementing Reg may an operator apply for registration under Category C even if she intends to transfer the license to a thrid party?Germanyyes389/93Do Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and Article 2(c) of the implementing Reg mean on that date on which the operator applies for Category C she must have already begun to market bananas?Commissionno389/93Do Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and Article 2(c) of the implementing Reg mean on that date on which the operator applies for Category C she must have already begun to market bananas?Spainno389/93Do Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Reg and Article 2(c) of the implementing Reg mean on that date on which the operator applies for Category C she must have already begun to market bananas?Germanyno389/93Does the definition of Category C operators contained in Article 2(c) of the implementing regulation differ from that in Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Regulation?Commissionno389/93Does the definition of Category C operators contained in Article 2(c) of the implementing regulation differ from that in Article 19(1)(c) of the Council Regulation?SpainnoJQ)Y V i}t v21/94Ought Council Directive 93/89/EEC on the application of taxes on certain vehicles be annulled?Germanynoy56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?Councilcan't find^RI56/94Is Article 1(2) of Regulation No 668/93 valid?Commissioncan't findaUI56/94Does an undertaking benefit from a transfer during a market year from the peeled tomatoes category to the concentrate or other products category from the peeled tomatoes qouta allocated the previous year plus a concentrate quota?CouncilOnly the quantities actually produced by that undertaking in each category are to be taken into account the following marketing year for the purposes of the division of the quotas. 56/94Does an undertaking benefit from a transfer during a market year from the peeled tomatoes category to the concentrate or other products category from the peeled tomatoes qouta allocated the previous year plus a concentrate quota?CommissionOnly the quantities actually produced by that undertaking in each category are to be taken into account the following marketing year for the purposes of the division of the quotas. 456/93Is the repitition of the word Weissherbst, in addition to its use in characters which are the same size or smaller than those used for the specific region, in higher letters on the labels of quality wines prohibited?Commissionyes456/93Is labeling quality wines with labels such as Kabinett or Spatlese in addition to their prescribed use in different lettering with higher letters is prohibited?Commissionyes454/93Does Reg No 1408/71 apply to a person who druing their last employment resided in the member state in which they worked, even where the two member states were in agreement that the worker was to remain subject to the social security law of the home memberCommissioncan't find3'454/93Does Reg No 1408/71 apply to a person who druing their last employment resided in the member state in which they worked, even where the two member states were in agreement that the worker was to remain subject to the social security law of the home memberItalycan't find."454/93Does Reg No 1408/71 apply to a person who druing their last employment resided in the member state in which they worked, even where the two member states were in agreement that the worker was to remain subject to the social security law of the home memberFrancecan't find/#454/93Does Reg No 1408/71 apply to a person who druing their last employment resided in the member state in which they worked, even where the two member states were in agreement that the worker was to remain subject to the social security law of the home memberGermanyyes)$437/93May a quantitative limitation be attached to an authorization for application of the system of processing under customs control as a way of discharging the inward processing relief arrangements?Commissioncan't find424/93Does Community law preclude a court from withdrawing a reference for preliminary ruling when one of the parties involved has acceded under natonal law?Commissionno451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?Commissionno451/93Does Reg No 1408/71 prohibit Member States from making affiliation to a social security scheme of the children of a frontier worker dependent upon the income level of her spouse?NetherlandsnoQr  0 ) q )0391/93Does the national court have discretion as to whether a case of force majeure exists, in circumstances where a person aws unable to return due to illness?Italyyes391/93Does the national court have discretion as to whether a case of force majeure exists, in circumstances where a person aws unable to return due to illness?Germanyno391/93Must a competent institution decide on a request for the extension of the period in respect of which sickness benefits are made payable even though the request was not made expressly by the unemployed person?Commissionyes391/93Must a competent institution decide on a request for the extension of the period in respect of which sickness benefits are made payable even though the request was not made expressly by the unemployed person?Italyyes391/93Must a competent institution decide on a request for the extension of the period in respect of which sickness benefits are made payable even though the request was not made expressly by the unemployed person?Germanyyes341/93Does Article 6(3) of the Convention cover counterclaims for set-offs?Commissioncan't findyma341/93Does Article 6(3) of the Convention cover counterclaims for set-offs?UKnoiea341/93Does Article 6(3) of the Convention cover counterclaims for set-offs?Germanycan't findvja156/93Should Commission Regulation No 207/93 on organic productions of agricultural foodstuffs and indications referring thereto on agricultural products be annulled?Councilno350/92Should Council Regulation No 1768/92 on the creation of a supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products be annulled?Commissionno350/92Should Council Regulation No 1768/92 on the creation of a supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products be annulled?Franceno350/92Should Council Regulation No 1768/92 on the creation of a supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products be annulled?Greeceyes 470/93May national law prohibit the marketing of ice-cream bars in a particular presentationWhich are produced and lawfully marketed in another member state on the ground that the marketing may mislead consumers?Commissionno 62/93Can a taxable person claim, with retroactive effect from the date on which the national legislation came into force, a refund of the undue VAT paid?Commissioncan't find 62/93Do Articles 11A(1) and B(1) and (2), and Articles 17(1) and (2) of the Sixth Directive have direct effect?Commissioncan't find 62/93Can the transport and storage services of petroleum products that are unconnected with the transport of those products from their first destination to another named destination be exempt from VAT?Commissioncan't find62/93Can the importation of finished petroleum products be subject to VAT calculated on a basic price different from that provided for in the Sixth Directive?Commissionno46/94Does the definition of labeling within the meaning of Council Regulation No 2392/89 prohibit any decoration or advertising on the bottle which is unconnected with the wine concerned?Commissionyes21/94Ought Council Directive 93/89/EEC on the application of taxes on certain vehicles be annulled?UKno}yQ,%    d ?r-377/93How should the second paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?Portugalcan't find,377/93How should the second paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?Netherlandscan't find+377/93How should the first paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?Commissionchampagne is the same as sparkling fruit wines*377/93How should the first paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?Portugalcan't find)377/93How should the first paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?Netherlandsquality wines from certain regions deserve different treatment(377/93May a Member State rely on Article 233 of the EEC Treaty in order to avoid its obligations under Article 95 of the Treaty?Commissioncan't find'377/93May a Member State rely on Article 233 of the EEC Treaty in order to avoid its obligations under Article 95 of the Treaty?Portugalcan't find&377/93May a Member State rely on Article 233 of the EEC Treaty in order to avoid its obligations under Article 95 of the Treaty?Netherlandsyes%431/92Has Germany failed to fulfil its obligations by not conducting a preliminary environmental impact assessment of the construction of a new nlock of a power station as required by Council Directive 85/377/EEC?UKno$116/94Does a benefit having the characteristics and purpose of family credit fall within the scope of Council Directive 76/207/EEC?Commissionyes#116/94Does a benefit having the characteristics and purpose of family credit fall within the scope of Council Directive 76/207/EEC?UKno"474/93Should a decreto ingiuntivo be regarded as the document which instituted the proceedings or& an equivalent document within the meaning of the Convention?CommissionOnly the decreto is the document!474/93Should a decreto ingiuntivo be regarded as the document which instituted the proceedings or& an equivalent document within the meaning of the Convention?Italyyes, in conjunction with the application initiating the proceedings 391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker although unable to work, on account of her illness, is still able to travel?Commissionthe court has to decide whether or not it was reasonable to expect the worker's return391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker although unable to work, on account of her illness, is still able to travel?Italythe court has to decide whether or not it was reasonable to expect the worker's return391/93Is there a case of force majeure when the worker although unable to work, on account of her illness, is still able to travel?Germanythe court has to decide whether or not it was reasonable to expect the worker's return391/93Does the national court have discretion as to whether a case of force majeure exists, in circumstances where a person aws unable to return due to illness?CommissionyesmQ" ˇˇˇG  i9rB1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?Commissionproduction sectorA1/94Does B1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?Commissionproduction sectorA1/94Does theB1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?Commissionproduction sectorA1/94Does the term restructuringB1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?Commissionproduction sectorA1/94Does the term restructuring plB1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?Commissionproduction sectorA1/94Does the term restructuring plan refer to plans concerning undertakings individually or to plans concerning the production sector as a whole?Italycan't find@1/94From what quota ought the 10% margin be deducted?Commissioneach quota separatelynWK?1/94From what quota ought the 10% margin be deducted?Italycan't find^RK>1/94Is the 10% margin of manoeuvre intended to refer to the A quota, the B quota, each, or both combined?CommissionThe 10% margin relates to the A and B quotas allocated to an undertaking by a national decision sharing out among the undertakings the basic A and B quantities allocated to it.==1/94Is the 10% margin of manoeuvre intended to refer to the A quota, the B quota, each, or both combined?Italycan't find<453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a profit within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive where she sets out to achieve a positive result, but that positive result cannot be regarded as higher pay than what is reasonable for the work performed?Commissioncan't find2&;453/93Is a trader to be regarded as aiming to make a profit within the meaning of the Sixth VAT Directive where she sets out to achieve a positive result, but that positive result cannot be regarded as higher pay than what is reasonable for the work performed?Netherlandscan't find3'4432/93Can a the decision a court of a Contracting State to refuse a stay or lift a stay previously granted be contested by an appeal in cassation and in such a case can the court re-Impose the stay?Commissioncan't find3432/93Can a the decision a court of a Contracting State to refuse a stay or lift a stay previously granted be contested by an appeal in cassation and in such a case can the court re-Impose the stay?Germanycan't find1377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?Commissioncan't find|pd0377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?Portugalcan't findznd/377/93What should be the effect ratione temporis of a judgement on Article 95?Netherlandscan't find}qd.377/93How should the second paragraph of Article 95 of the EEC Treaty be interpreted with regards to the charging of excise duties on imported alcoholic beverages?Commissioncan't findQ  W > { _S45V486/93Can the temporal effects of this judgment be set?Greeceyes and they should be limiteduUMU486/93Can charges be levied on goods circulating within the state?Commissioncan't findpdXT486/93Can charges be levied on goods circulating within the state?Greececan't findl`XS486/93Is an ad valorem charge levied by one member state on goods coming from another state a charge having equivalent effect, notwithstanding the fact that the same charge is levied on any domestic goods moving in the state as well?Commissioncan't find R486/93Is an ad valorem charge levied by one member state on goods coming from another state a charge having equivalent effect, notwithstanding the fact that the same charge is levied on any domestic goods moving in the state as well?Greeceno N80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension reserve, while similar persons who reside in other member states are not accorded that right?Commissionno'#M80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension reserve, while similar persons who reside in other member states are not accorded that right?Netherlandsyes)$L80/94Can a Member state levy a tax on the income of natural persons whereby taxable persons receiving income from an enterprise are accorded the right to a pension reserve, while similar persons who reside in other member states are not accorded that right?Italycan't find*K63/94Is a law that holds that a sale of goods with a very low profit margin is to be treated as a sale at a loss compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty?Commissioncan't findJ16/94Does a taxe de passage which is designated to compensate for bearing costs arising from the performance of certain tasks violate Community Law when those tasks are carried out by the state but the charge is imposed by a trader?Commissionyes I16/94Does a taxe de passage which is designated to compensate for bearing costs arising from the performance of certain tasks violate Community Law when those tasks are carried out by the state but the charge is imposed by a trader?Francecan't findH12/94Is the flour content of a product relevant for its inclusion under Formula A in Article 4 of Reg No 570/88?CommissionyesG12/94Can a product which consists of deep-frozen, oven-ready sticks of short pastry made with butter, and intended for baking only when they reach the end-user qualify for aid under Formula A or C of Article 4 of of Reg No 570/88?Commissionno F1/94Can the power of manoeuvre be exercised at the same time as an adjustment of quotas following a transfer of undertakings or factories?Commissioncan't findE1/94Can the power of manoeuvre be exercised at the same time as an adjustment of quotas following a transfer of undertakings or factories?Italycan't findD1/94Can Member States, for the marketing year starting on 1 July, exercise the power of manoeuvre conferred on them by Reg No 1785/81 after 1 March, where the Council Reg conferring that power has been adopted after 1 March?CommissionnoC1/94Can Member States, for the marketing year starting on 1 July, exercise the power of manoeuvre conferred on them by Reg No 1785/81 after 1 March, where the Council Reg conferring that power has been adopted after 1 March?ItalyyesQ \ZU6 h96/94Do Reg No 4055/86 and Directive 92/106 apply to transport operations of the type at issue?Commissioncan't findug96/94Do Reg No 4055/86 and Directive 92/106 apply to transport operations of the type at issue?UKcan't findyuf96/94Do Reg No 4055/86 and Directive 92/106 apply to transport operations of the type at issue?Italycan't find|ue440/93Can a national authority issue an authorization to place a medicinal product on the market, even if the documents submitted in support of the application do not contain references to scientific literature or experts reports?Commissionyes c440/93Can a national authority issue an authorization to place a medicinal product on the market, even if the documents submitted in support of the application do not contain references to scientific literature or experts reports?Francecan't findb291/92Can the adjustment of the input-tax deduction be limited to the part of the property assigned to business?Commissioncan't finda291/92Can the adjustment of the input-tax deduction be limited to the part of the property assigned to business?Germanycan't find`291/92When property has been divided up into private and business sections by an owner, is that owner only liable to pay VAT on the portion that is considered to be the business portion of the property?Commissioncan't find_291/92When property has been divided up into private and business sections by an owner, is that owner only liable to pay VAT on the portion that is considered to be the business portion of the property?Germanycan't find^291/92When a taxable person sales property part of which she had chosen to reserve for her private use, does she act with respect to the sale of the that part as a taxable person within the meaning of Article 2(1) of the Sixth Directive?Commissioncan't find]291/92When a taxable person sales property part of which she had chosen to reserve for her private use, does she act with respect to the sale of the that part as a taxable person within the meaning of Article 2(1) of the Sixth Directive?Germanyyes \48/94Does the taking over of works started by another undertaking together with the materials assigned to those works constitute the transfer of an undertaking within the meaning of Article 1(1) of Directive77/187/EEC?Commissioncan't find[48/94Does the taking over of works started by another undertaking together with the materials assigned to those works constitute the transfer of an undertaking within the meaning of Article 1(1) of Directive77/187/EEC?Germanycan't findZ364/93What does the expression place where the harmful event occurred mean within the meaning of Article 5 of the Brussels Convention?Commissioncan't findY364/93What does the expression place where the harmful event occurred mean within the meaning of Article 5 of the Brussels Convention?UKit does not include the place where indirect financial damage occurredX364/93What does the expression place where the harmful event occurred mean within the meaning of Article 5 of the Brussels Convention?Germanyit means both the place of that adverse affect and the place of the event giving rise to itW486/93Can the temporal effects of this judgment be set?Commissioncan't findeYMQ ) g P;'w85/94What are the factors that may or must be taken into account in determining whether the particulars that it is necessary to give satisfy the conditions laid down in the second paragraph of Article 14 of the Directive?Commissioncan't find v85/94What are the factors that may or must be taken into account in determining whether the particulars that it is necessary to give satisfy the conditions laid down in the second paragraph of Article 14 of the Directive?Francecan't findu85/94What are the factors that may or must be taken into account in determining whether the particulars that it is necessary to give satisfy the conditions laid down in the second paragraph of Article 14 of the Directive?Belgiumcan't findt85/94Are national rules making the use of a specific language mandatory in the labeling of foodstuffs compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty and Article 14 of Council Directive 79/112/EEC, even if they do not preclude the use of other languages?Commissioncan't find)s85/94Are national rules making the use of a specific language mandatory in the labeling of foodstuffs compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty and Article 14 of Council Directive 79/112/EEC, even if they do not preclude the use of other languages?Francecan't find%r85/94Are national rules making the use of a specific language mandatory in the labeling of foodstuffs compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty and Article 14 of Council Directive 79/112/EEC, even if they do not preclude the use of other languages?Belgiumcan't find&q125/94Is the prohibition of charges having effect equivalent to customs duties laid down in community law applicable to charges levied on goods form non-member countries?Commissioncan't findp125/94Is the prohibition of charges having effect equivalent to customs duties laid down in community law applicable to charges levied on goods form non-member countries?Denmarkcan't findo125/94Is the prohibition of charges having effect equivalent to customs duties laid down in community law applicable to charges levied on goods form non-member countries?Italyquestions are inadmissablen125/94Is Directive 83/643 applicable to customs transactions in respect of goods from non-member countries, in particular members of EFTA?Commissioncan't findm125/94Is Directive 83/643 applicable to customs transactions in respect of goods from non-member countries, in particular members of EFTA?Denmarkcan't findl125/94Is Directive 83/643 applicable to customs transactions in respect of goods from non-member countries, in particular members of EFTA?Italyquestions are inadmissablek96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?Commissionyesj96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?UKcan't findi96/94Can a Member State provide for road-haulage tariffs to be approved and brought into force on the basis of proposals submitted by a committee which includes representatives of road haulage associations?Italycan't find Q' /&E_970/94Does Article 113 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation on foreign trade which require a license for the export of a vacuum induction to Libya, which may be denied on the grounds of a possible disruption of foreign relations?Francecan't find 64/94Should the beverage described as Sangria, made with more than 50% wine of fresh grapes, be classified under heading 2205 or heading 2206 of the Common Customs Tariff?Commissioncan't find64/94Should the beverage described as Sangria, made with more than 50% wine of fresh grapes, be classified under heading 2205 or heading 2206 of the Common Customs Tariff?Spaincan't find64/94Should the beverage described as Sangria, made with more than 50% wine of fresh grapes, be classified under heading 2205 or heading 2206 of the Common Customs Tariff?France220644/94Is the lawfulness of such a national provision affected by the fact that the type and amount of stock taken in by a vessel is already limited, that it affects the market, and that it grants authorities the power to allow for derogations?Commissioncan't find 44/94Does community law preclude the application of laws that limit the number of days that a fishing vessel can spend at sea?Commissionno44/94Does it matter, in relation to the question whether the United Kingdom is authorized to limit the number of days spent at sea, that the United Kingdom did not attain the targets set by the provision?Commissionyes44/94Does Decision 92/593 enable the United Kingdom to restrict the number of days fishing vessels may spend at sea, and does it exclude provisions of a technical nature to reach the aim of conservation?Commissionyes~450/93Do Articles 2(1) and 2(4) of Council Directive 76/207/EEC preclude satutory provisions which give prioriy to equally qualified women if women are under-represented in the field of application?Commissioncan't find}450/93Do Articles 2(1) and 2(4) of Council Directive 76/207/EEC preclude satutory provisions which give prioriy to equally qualified women if women are under-represented in the field of application?UKcan't find|104/94What are the primary obligations of a producer entering into a contract for aid as described in Council Regulations No 1491/85 and No 2194/85?Commissionmust contact Commission as to changes in use{104/94Does the obligation to notify the authorities of any change concerning more than 10% of the original harvest area still apply if there were several changes, none more than 10%, that added up to a total change of more than 10%?Commissiondepends on the purpose of the chagnes1 z104/94Does the duty to notify the authorities of any changes in the use of the land specified change if the changes in use occurred before the three month period leading up to the harvest which forms the subject matter of the contract?Commissionyes y104/94How should the phrase change in the use to be made in the areas indicated within the meaning of Article 6(3) of Commission Reg No 2537/89 be understood?Commissioncan't findx104/94Is the declaring of a contract for aid invalid in the event that there is an innaccurate notification of the area within which production will take place contrary to the principle of proportionality?CommissionnoQ A < ; {K83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?UKyes83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?Italycan't find83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?Francecan't find83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?Spaincan't find83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?Greececan't find83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?Commissioncan't find83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?UKcan't find83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?Italycan't find83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?Franceyes83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?Spaincan't find83/94Do national rules restricting exports of dual-use goods to non-member countries fall within the scope of Article 113 of the EEC Treaty and, if so, does the community have exclusive competence in that regard?Greececan't find83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?Commissioncan't findznb83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?UKcan't findrfb83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?Italycan't finduib83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?Francecan't findvjb83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?Spaincan't finduib83/94Does and Article 1 of Council Regulation No 2603/69 have direct effect?Greececan't findvjb70/94Does Article 113 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation on foreign trade which require a license for the export of a vacuum induction to Libya, which may be denied on the grounds of a possible disruption of foreign relations?Commissionno70/94Does Article 113 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation on foreign trade which require a license for the export of a vacuum induction to Libya, which may be denied on the grounds of a possible disruption of foreign relations?UKno  -Q* H  +]Y70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?Germanycan't find! 128/94May Member States lay down more stringent regulations on the minimum cage size for laying hens than those prescribed in Council Directive 88/166/EEC?Commissioncan't find128/94May Member States lay down more stringent regulations on the minimum cage size for laying hens than those prescribed in Council Directive 88/166/EEC?UKcan't find128/94May Member States lay down more stringent regulations on the minimum cage size for laying hens than those prescribed in Council Directive 88/166/EEC?Germanycan't find111/94Does Community law preclude national legislation which has the effect of prohibiting the existence of employment procurement firms in the Member State?Commissionthe questions are inadmissable111/94Does Community law preclude national legislation which has the effect of prohibiting the existence of employment procurement firms in the Member State?Germanyyes, but not in the Italian case227/94Do periods of employment referred to in point 4(a) of Annex V to Reg No 1408/71 include those during which a person was employed as a teacher, even if during that period she was insured under a special scheme for civil servants?Commissionyes 142/94Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a Member State from requiring a license issued by the mayor of the municipality to be obtained before a shop may be opened?Commissionno83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?Commissioncan't find0$83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?UKcan't find(83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?Italycan't find+83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?Francecan't find, 83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?Spaincan't find+83/94Does Article 11 of Council Reg No 2603/69 permit Member States to impose upon applicants for an export license the burden of proof regarding the civil use of the goods, or to dismiss an application on the grounds that they are suitable for military use?Greececan't find, 83/94Given the communitys competence in matters of the restriction of exports, may Member States still adopt measures restricting exportation under Community Law?CommissionyesQ _ > ! tt266/93Does Community competition law prohibit member states from ruling against certain ati-competitive behavior?Commissionnot necessarity266/93Does Community competition law prohibit member states from ruling against certain ati-competitive behavior?UKnot necessarily266/93Does Community competition law prohibit member states from ruling against certain ati-competitive behavior?Germanycan't find266/93Does Community competition law prohibit member states from ruling against certain ati-competitive behavior?VAG-Handlerbeirat eVno266/93Can the leading manufacturer of motor vehicles in a Member State impose an obligation on all its dealers established in that state to develope activities as agents for leasing transactions exclusively for its own leasing company?Commissionno 266/93Can the leading manufacturer of motor vehicles in a Member State impose an obligation on all its dealers established in that state to develope activities as agents for leasing transactions exclusively for its own leasing company?UKcan't find266/93Can the leading manufacturer of motor vehicles in a Member State impose an obligation on all its dealers established in that state to develope activities as agents for leasing transactions exclusively for its own leasing company?Germanycan't find 266/93Can the leading manufacturer of motor vehicles in a Member State impose an obligation on all its dealers established in that state to develope activities as agents for leasing transactions exclusively for its own leasing company?VAG-Handlerbeirat eVyes70/93If Regulation No 123/85 exempts a dealer from the prohibition on anti-competitive acts, may a national court still rule such action illegal on the grounds of it constituting a supply embargo which is prohibite under national law?Commissioncan't find 70/93If Regulation No 123/85 exempts a dealer from the prohibition on anti-competitive acts, may a national court still rule such action illegal on the grounds of it constituting a supply embargo which is prohibite under national law?UKcan't find70/93If Regulation No 123/85 exempts a dealer from the prohibition on anti-competitive acts, may a national court still rule such action illegal on the grounds of it constituting a supply embargo which is prohibite under national law?Francecan't find70/93If Regulation No 123/85 exempts a dealer from the prohibition on anti-competitive acts, may a national court still rule such action illegal on the grounds of it constituting a supply embargo which is prohibite under national law?Germanycan't find 70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?Commissionno 70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?UKcan't find 70/93Can motor vehicle manufacturer which sells its motor vehicles through a selective distribution system agree with its authorized dealers not to supply vehicles to independent leasing companies outside of the contract territory of the dealer?Francecan't find  Q   8UkkilgK144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation required to lay down detailed rules for documanation of the completed service and the payment whenever the invoice has not been issued or receipt of the price has not occurred?Italyno 144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation provided for in Article 10(2) required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued?Commissionno144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation provided for in Article 10(2) required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued?UKno144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation provided for in Article 10(2) required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued?Franceyes144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation provided for in Article 10(2) required to lay down a specified period from the date of the chargeable event within which the invoice must be issued?Italyno144/94Does Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC allow the Member States to determine that the receipt of the price is to be regarded as the event that renders tax chargeable?Commissionno144/94Does Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC allow the Member States to determine that the receipt of the price is to be regarded as the event that renders tax chargeable?UKyes144/94Does Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC allow the Member States to determine that the receipt of the price is to be regarded as the event that renders tax chargeable?Franceyes144/94Does Article 10(2) of Council Directive 77/388/EEC allow the Member States to determine that the receipt of the price is to be regarded as the event that renders tax chargeable?Italyyes36/94Does Article 19 of Reg No 4151/88 preclude the customs authority from requiring the payment of a sum for accepting a declaration of their release for free circulation after the time-limit?Commissionyes36/94Does Article 19 of Reg No 4151/88 preclude the customs authority from requiring the payment of a sum for accepting a declaration of their release for free circulation after the time-limit?Portugalno36/94Does Regulation No 4151/88 preclude the customs authority from accepting a declaration for release for circulaion of goods brought into the customs territory from the community?Commissionno36/94Does Regulation No 4151/88 preclude the customs authority from accepting a declaration for release for circulaion of goods brought into the customs territory from the community?Portugalno482/93Does Art 35(3) or Reg 1408/71 apply to the legislation of a MS which precludes the grant of sickness benefits if the worker concerned was already unfit to work at the time when he became insured under the scheme which it establishes?Commissioncan't find481/93Can a Member State apply legislation denying a person benefits on the ground that she was or ought to have been aware of an impending incapacity to a person who began work less than six months prior to the incapacity?Commissioncan't find sQ h (_jx&466/93Are Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Regulation No 404/93 valid?Spaincan't findtha466/93Are Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Regulation No 404/93 valid?Germanycan't findvja465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?Commissionyes465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?UKyes465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?Italyyes465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?Franceyes465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?Spainno465/93May a national court which has doubts as to the validity of a Community regulation provisionally settle a dispute while the question of the validity of the regulation is answered by the ECJ?Germanyyes465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?Commissionwhen there are serious doubts about the regulation|465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?UKsame as AG but with stricter regulations|465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?Italywhen there are serious doubts about the regulation|465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?Francewhen there are serious doubts about the regulation|465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?Spainunder no conditions|465/93In what cases may a national court make an interim order while questions are refered to the ECJ?Germanywhen there are serious doubts about the regulation|426/93Should Council Regulation No 2186/93 on community coordination in drawing up business registers for statistical purposes be annulled?Commissionno144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation required to lay down detailed rules for documanation of the completed service and the payment whenever the invoice has not been issued or receipt of the price has not occurred?Commissioncan't find144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation required to lay down detailed rules for documanation of the completed service and the payment whenever the invoice has not been issued or receipt of the price has not occurred?UKcan't find144/94Is a Member State which avails itself of the derogation required to lay down detailed rules for documanation of the completed service and the payment whenever the invoice has not been issued or receipt of the price has not occurred?Francecan't find EQ~uJ  vH@91-Tw479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?Commissioncan't findg[O479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?Councilno\XO479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?Greeceno[WO479/93Is Article 2 of Council Directive 80/987/EEC valid?Germanycan't finddXO479/93Does Direcive 80/987/EEC apply only to employees whose employers may, under national, law, be made subject to proceedings involving their assets in order to satisfy collectively the claims of creditors?Commissionyes479/93Does Direcive 80/987/EEC apply only to employees whose employers may, under national, law, be made subject to proceedings involving their assets in order to satisfy collectively the claims of creditors?Councilcan't find479/93Does Direcive 80/987/EEC apply only to employees whose employers may, under national, law, be made subject to proceedings involving their assets in order to satisfy collectively the claims of creditors?Greececan't find479/93Does Direcive 80/987/EEC apply only to employees whose employers may, under national, law, be made subject to proceedings involving their assets in order to satisfy collectively the claims of creditors?Germanycan't find475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?CommissionCommunity regulations should prevail!475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?CouncilCommunity regulations should prevail475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?UKCommunity regulations should prevail475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?NetherlandsCommunity regulations should prevail"475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?SpainCommunity regulations should prevail475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?DenmarkCommunity regulations should prevail475/93Should Reg No 1408/71 be applied where the insured person has, prior to the entry into force of Reg No 1408/71, completed periods of insurance in one state and where the exclusion is beneficial to the applicant?GermanyCommunity regulations should prevail466/93Are Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Regulation No 404/93 valid?Commissioncan't findyma466/93Are Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Regulation No 404/93 valid?Councilcan't findvja466/93Are Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Regulation No 404/93 valid?Francecan't finduiaQ m ? i u ~T443/93Does Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71 refer only to civil servants covered by the derogation provided for in Article 48(4) of the Treaty, and are doctors employed by the IKA to be regarded as such?Franceonly if they occupy positions that imply the actual exercise of public authority9443/93Does Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71 refer only to civil servants covered by the derogation provided for in Article 48(4) of the Treaty, and are doctors employed by the IKA to be regarded as such?Germanythe decisive factor is the worker's affiliation to a special pension scheme5443/93Does Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71 refer only to civil servants covered by the derogation provided for in Article 48(4) of the Treaty, and are doctors employed by the IKA to be regarded as such?Greecethe decisive factor is the worker's affiliation to a special pension scheme4244/94Is a non-profit organization which manages an old-age insurance scheme, established by law as an optional scheme and operating according to the principle of capitalization, to be regarded as an undertaking under Article 85 of the Treaty?Commissionyes 244/94Is a non-profit organization which manages an old-age insurance scheme, established by law as an optional scheme and operating according to the principle of capitalization, to be regarded as an undertaking under Article 85 of the Treaty?Franceno 196/94Does Community Law allow aggregation of purchaser and direct sales quotas in order to determine whether there has been national overproduction?Commissioncan't find196/94Does Community Law allow aggregation of purchaser and direct sales quotas in order to determine whether there has been national overproduction?Luxembourgcan't find484/93May a Member State make the grant of a housing benefit conditional upon the loans intended to finance the construction having been obtained from a credit union approved by that Member State?Commissionno484/93May a Member State make the grant of a housing benefit conditional upon the loans intended to finance the construction having been obtained from a credit union approved by that Member State?Greeceyes235/94Is a road haulage operator entitled to the benefit of the flexibility provided by Article 12 of Council Reg No 3820/85 if the derogation was planned?Commissioncan't find91/94May national legislation prohibit economic agents from, and penalize them for, the sale or marketing of terminal equipment without type-approval, even though the laboratory responsible for granting type-approval is not an independent institution?Commissionno!38/94Are Articles 13 and 15 of Reg No 3567/92 and Articles 39 and 55 of Reg No 3013/89 valid?Commissionyess38/94Are Articles 13 and 15 of Reg No 3567/92 and Articles 39 and 55 of Reg No 3013/89 valid?Francecan't find{s38/94Must Member State introduce a compensation mechanism for the loss suffered by owners of agricultural land owing to the introduction of a systemof premium rights where that right is transferred by producers who do not own the land on which they farm?Commissioncan't find, 38/94Must Member State introduce a compensation mechanism for the loss suffered by owners of agricultural land owing to the introduction of a systemof premium rights where that right is transferred by producers who do not own the land on which they farm?Francecan't find(Qy wE?285/93Is Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation No 1371/84 valid?Commissioncan't findnbV 285/93Is Article 12(h) of Reg No 857/84 to be interpreted as also covering milk deliveries from an agricultural holding to a boarding establishment belonging to the same institution, if the milk is passed on to the boarders against payment?Commissionno 443/93May a Member State refuse to take into account periods of work by a person subject to a special scheme for civil servants in public hospitals in other member states where such periods may be taken into account for similar work in the home member state?Commissionno($ 443/93May a Member State refuse to take into account periods of work by a person subject to a special scheme for civil servants in public hospitals in other member states where such periods may be taken into account for similar work in the home member state?Councilyes&! 443/93May a Member State refuse to take into account periods of work by a person subject to a special scheme for civil servants in public hospitals in other member states where such periods may be taken into account for similar work in the home member state?Franceyes%  443/93May a Member State refuse to take into account periods of work by a person subject to a special scheme for civil servants in public hospitals in other member states where such periods may be taken into account for similar work in the home member state?Germanyyes&!443/93May a Member State refuse to take into account periods of work by a person subject to a special scheme for civil servants in public hospitals in other member states where such periods may be taken into account for similar work in the home member state?Greeceyes% 443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?Commissionthis particular scheme is different enough for it to be excluded from the scope of the regulation443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?Councilcan't find443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?Francethis particular scheme is different enough for it to be excluded from the scope of the regulation443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?Germanythis particular scheme is different enough for it to be excluded from the scope of the regulation443/93What does the phrase special schemes for civil servants mean within the context of Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71?Greecethis scheme is within the scope of the regulation443/93Does Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71 refer only to civil servants covered by the derogation provided for in Article 48(4) of the Treaty, and are doctors employed by the IKA to be regarded as such?Commissionthe decisive factor is the worker's affiliation to a special pension scheme8443/93Does Article 4(4) of Reg No 1408/71 refer only to civil servants covered by the derogation provided for in Article 48(4) of the Treaty, and are doctors employed by the IKA to be regarded as such?Councilthe decisive factor is the worker's affiliation to a special pension scheme59Q v V h { %i134/94Is legislation requiring all wholesale petroleum product suppliers wishing to extend their activities to a particular portion of a Member State to guarantee a specified amount of supplies for other portions of the state incompatible with Community Law?UKcan't find(113/94May a Member State introduce a system of taxatoin for motor vehicles where the progression coefficient is greater for vehicles imported from other Member States than the coefficient applicable to vehicles made in the home State?Commissionthe question is inadmissable* 113/94May a Member State introduce a system of taxatoin for motor vehicles where the progression coefficient is greater for vehicles imported from other Member States than the coefficient applicable to vehicles made in the home State?Francecan't find55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?Commissioncan't findwk55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?UKcan't find{ok55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?Francecan't findsk55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?Spaincan't find~rk55/94How should a national court assess whether a professional activity is temporary?Greececan't findsk55/94Is national legislation which prohibits the establishment on the territory of the Member State either of chambers or of a priniple or branch office compatible with Community Law?Commissioncan't find55/94Is national legislation which prohibits the establishment on the territory of the Member State either of chambers or of a priniple or branch office compatible with Community Law?UKcan't find55/94Is national legislation which prohibits the establishment on the territory of the Member State either of chambers or of a priniple or branch office compatible with Community Law?Francecan't find55/94Is national legislation which prohibits the establishment on the territory of the Member State either of chambers or of a priniple or branch office compatible with Community Law?Spaincan't find55/94Is national legislation which prohibits the establishment on the territory of the Member State either of chambers or of a priniple or branch office compatible with Community Law?Greececan't find394/93Are the children of employed migrant workers entitled to childrens allowance in respect of periods prior to the application for childrens allowance, in the case that the application was placed on or before 16 November 1991?Commissioncan't find394/93Are the children of employed migrant workers entitled to childrens allowance in respect of periods prior to the application for childrens allowance, in the case that the application was placed on or before 16 November 1991?Spainmember states cannot impose this limit*394/93Are the children of employed migrant workers entitled to childrens allowance in respect of periods prior to the application for childrens allowance, in the case that the application was placed on or before 16 November 1991?Germanymember states can limit the benefits*285/93Can a milk producer be granted a reference quantity even in the case that her application was turned in after the expiry of the time limit if the reason for the tardy application was a misunderstanding of community law?Commissioncan't findQ E]/-17/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the exercise of artificial insemination of cows subject to certification by an authorized artificial insemination center?Cooperative Perigorder Agenaise d'Elevage et d'Insemination Artificielleno,17/94Is national legislation that prohibits the practice of insemination by persons, even those who are qualified, other than the staff of the artificial insemination centers compatible with Articles 37 and 59 of the Treaty?Commissionthis question is inadmissable!+17/94Does Community law preclude legislation that gives insemination centers a territorial monopoly while making the practice of insemination subject to certification from the head of a center, where the heads of the centers are not certified as inseminators?Commissionno)%*17/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the exercise of artificial insemination of cows subject to certification by an authorized artificial insemination center?Commissionno)472/93Is Directive 77/187 applicable to the transfer of an undertaking which under national law has been declared to be in critical difficulties?Commissionyes(449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?Commissionall the undertakings using a particualr recruitment and idsmissalH'449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?UKcan't find &449/93Does the term establishment as it appears in Article 1(1)(a) of Directive 75/129/EEC mean all the undertakings using a particular recruitment and dismissal department or does it refer to each undertaking within the group?Belgiumcan't find%449/93May two or more undertakings in a group establish a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department?Commissionyes$449/93May two or more undertakings in a group establish a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department?UKyes#449/93May two or more undertakings in a group establish a joint recruitment and dismissal department so that dismissals in either undertaking may only occur by approval from that department?Belgiumcan't find"175/94Does Article 9(1) of Directive 64/221 preclude the competent authority referred to in that provision from being appointed by the same authority that takes the decision for expulsion?Commissionno!175/94May the opinion of the competent authority be given after the decision to expel a person on the understanding that, if the person has an objection, the authority responsible will reconsider the decision in light of that opinion?Commissionno, before  134/94Is legislation requiring all wholesale petroleum product suppliers wishing to extend their activities to a particular portion of a Member State to guarantee a specified amount of supplies for other portions of the state incompatible with Community Law?Commissionthe question is inadmissableB$Q b A b~*p<469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal tax which applies to products imported from non-member countries which are parties to those conventions?Italyno;469/93Do the GATT and ACP-EEC conventions contain provisions of such a nature as to confer rights on individuals which they may enforce in order to challence national provisions?Commissionyes:469/93Do the GATT and ACP-EEC conventions contain provisions of such a nature as to confer rights on individuals which they may enforce in order to challence national provisions?Franceyes9469/93Do the GATT and ACP-EEC conventions contain provisions of such a nature as to confer rights on individuals which they may enforce in order to challence national provisions?Italyno8399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether such arrangements fall within the exceptions provided for in Reg No 26?Commissioncan't find7399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether such arrangements fall within the exceptions provided for in Reg No 26?Netherlandscan't find6399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether such arrangements fall within the exceptions provided for in Reg No 26?Francecan't find5399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether an associations rules concerning resignation of membership are compatible with Article 85(1) of the EEC Treaty?Commissioncan't find4399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether an associations rules concerning resignation of membership are compatible with Article 85(1) of the EEC Treaty?Netherlandscan't find3399/93What criteria should be used to determine whether an associations rules concerning resignation of membership are compatible with Article 85(1) of the EEC Treaty?Francecan't find245/94Does Community Law allow for the existence after 1991 of a charge that results in the almost total absence of any additional tax burden on internal operations while at the same time maintaining a charge on imports from the Community?Commissionno145/94Does Community Law allow for the existence after 1991 of a charge that results in the almost total absence of any additional tax burden on internal operations while at the same time maintaining a charge on imports from the Community?Francecan't find 045/94Does Community Law allow for the existence after 1991 of a charge that results in the almost total absence of any additional tax burden on internal operations while at the same time maintaining a charge on imports from the Community?Spainthe arbitrio does not constitute a charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty but nondiscriminatory internal taxation /17/94Is national legislation that prohibits the practice of insemination by persons, even those who are qualified, other than the staff of the artificial insemination centers compatible with Articles 37 and 59 of the Treaty?Cooperative Perigorder Agenaise d'Elevage et d'Insemination Artificiellethis question is inadmissable_@.17/94Does Community law preclude legislation that gives insemination centers a territorial monopoly while making the practice of insemination subject to certification from the head of a center, where the heads of the centers are not certified as inseminators?Cooperative Perigorder Agenaise d'Elevage et d'Insemination ArtificiellenogcUQ#C> w M5o&fP431/93In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into should the national courts apply Community Law even where the parties have not relied on it?NetherlandsnoO387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty?CommissionyesN387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty?FranceyesM387/93Is the Italian distribution system for manufactured tobacco products, or any system like it, compatible with Article 30 of the Treaty?Spaincan't findL387/93Do Articles 5, 90, and 86 preclude national legislation that reserves the retail sale of tobacco products to distributers authrized by the state?CommissionyesK387/93Do Articles 5, 90, and 86 preclude national legislation that reserves the retail sale of tobacco products to distributers authrized by the state?FrancenoJ387/93Do Articles 5, 90, and 86 preclude national legislation that reserves the retail sale of tobacco products to distributers authrized by the state?SpainnoI387/93Does Article 30 preclude legislation which provides for criminal action in the case of possession of small quantities of imported tobacco goods?CommissionyesH387/93Does Article 30 preclude legislation which provides for criminal action in the case of possession of small quantities of imported tobacco goods?FrancenoG387/93Does Article 30 preclude legislation which provides for criminal action in the case of possession of small quantities of imported tobacco goods?SpainnoC317/93Does a national provision which excludes employment involving less than 15 hours per week and remuneration of up to one-seventh of the monthly reference amount from the statutory old age insurance scheme entail sexual dicrimination?Commissioncan't findB317/93Does a national provision which excludes employment involving less than 15 hours per week and remuneration of up to one-seventh of the monthly reference amount from the statutory old age insurance scheme entail sexual dicrimination?UKno  A317/93Does a national provision which excludes employment involving less than 15 hours per week and remuneration of up to one-seventh of the monthly reference amount from the statutory old age insurance scheme entail sexual dicrimination?Germanyno@312/93Must a national court set aside national procedural rules conerning the time-limit for the raising of new pleas when a new plea is brought into court conerning Community provisions with direct effect?CommissionCommunity Law does not preclude such a national law so long as it is applied non-discriminatorally with regard to domestic and community rules.?312/93Must a national court set aside national procedural rules conerning the time-limit for the raising of new pleas when a new plea is brought into court conerning Community provisions with direct effect?Francecan't find>469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal tax which applies to products imported from non-member countries which are parties to those conventions?Commissionno=469/93Do the GATT and/or the ACP-EEC convention preclude an internal tax which applies to products imported from non-member countries which are parties to those conventions?FranceyesQ#Go j _ W ][Z`kfe139/94Can Commission Reg No 717/85 be interpreted as refering to goods whose composition is different than that refered to in Article 1?Commissionnoc139/94Does Quintonine fall under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff?Commissionnook_a139/94Does Sangart fall within the scope of Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff?Commissionnozvj_139/94Does red Pulmoll pastilles fall within the scope of Commission Regulation No 717/85 under subheading 17.04 D I or under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff - 30-4?Commissionno]444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Commissioncan't find\444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?UKno[444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?IrelandnoZ444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Francecan't findY444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Belgiumcan't findX444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?GermanynoW444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Firma G.F. hehl & Co.noV444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Bundesanstalt fur ArbeitnoU444/93Are rules that deny workers who work less than 15-18 hours per week access to compulsory insurance or exclude them from the obligation to contribute to unemplyment insurance sexual discriminatroy?Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinland-Pfalzno T431/93In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into should the national courts apply Community Law even where the parties have not relied on it?Commissioncan't findS431/93In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into should the national courts apply Community Law even where the parties have not relied on it?UKnoR431/93In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into should the national courts apply Community Law even where the parties have not relied on it?FrancenoQ431/93In proceedings concerning civil rights and obligations freely entered into should the national courts apply Community Law even where the parties have not relied on it?GermanynoQRGF N L U X h,eSz1/93Where a Member State imposes a charge on the transfer of immovable property, but allows a relief if the transfer is part of an internal reorganization, is it compatible with Community law that only domestic companies be eligible for this relief?Netherlandsyes!y415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?Commissionquestion is not admissablex415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?Italynow415/93Does Community Law prohibit a football club from requiring and receiving payment upon the engagement of one of its players by a new employing club?Francenov415/93Does Community Law prohibit national and international sporting associations from restricting access of foreign players from the EC to the competitions which they organize?Commissionyesu415/93Does Community Law prohibit national and international sporting associations from restricting access of foreign players from the EC to the competitions which they organize?Italynot415/93Does Community Law prohibit national and international sporting associations from restricting access of foreign players from the EC to the competitions which they organize?Francenos250/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?Commissioncan't findi]Qr250/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?Spaincan't finddXQq250/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?Portugalcan't findg[Qp250/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?Francecan't findeYQo250/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?Belgiumcan't findfZQn250/94Does Article 73b(1) of the Treaty have direct effect?Ministerio Fiscalcan't findpdQm250/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Commissionyesl250/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Spainnok250/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Portugalcan't findj250/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Francenoi250/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Belgiumcan't findh250/94Does Community Law preclude national legislation that makes the export of coins, banknotes, and bearer cheques conditional upon authorization or a prior declaration subject to criminal penalties?Ministerio Fiscalcan't findg139/94Does heading 30.04 include a product that contains flavouring agents that have a therapeutic and/or prophylactic use?CommissionnoQ : ɶɶɶɡpC331/92Is a mixed contract for the performance of works and the assignment of property to be regarded as included in the concept of public works contracts set out in Council Directive 71/331/92Is a mixed contract for the performance of works and the assignment of property to be regarded as included in the concept of public 323/93Whether Articles 5, 86 and 90(1) of the Treaty must be interpreted as precluding a MS from granting approved bovine insemination centres certain exclusive rights within a defined area?CommissionNo, Community law does not preclude such national legislation.  323/93Whether Articles 5, 86 and 90(1) of the Treaty must be interpreted as precluding a MS from granting approved bovine insemination centres certain exclusive rights within a defined area?FranceCommunity law does not preclude such national legislation.331/92Is a mixed contract for the performance of works and the assignment of property to be regarded as included in the concept of public works contracts set out in Council Directive 71/305/EEC and must one therefore publish a notice of such a contract?Spainyes 392/92May an undertaking s cleaning operations, if they are transferred by contract to a different firm, be treated as part of a business within the meaning of Directive 77/187/EEC; if that contract is undertaken by 1 person?Commissionno392/92May an undertaking s cleaning operations, if they are transferred by contract to a different firm, be treated as part of a business within the meaning of Directive 77/187/EEC; if that contract is undertaken by 1 person?UKno392/92May an undertaking s cleaning operations, if they are transferred by contract to a different firm, be treated as part of a business within the meaning of Directive 77/187/EEC; if that contract is undertaken by 1 person?Germanyno389/92Does Community law permit the Belgian rules on the registration of contractors to be applied solely to the dominant legal person within a group in connection with the assessment criteria relating to technical competence?Commissionno128/92Do Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty have direct effect?Commissionyeswrf128/92Do Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty have direct effect?UKnonjf128/92Do Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and/or 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty apply to licences to extract unworked coal and to the royalty and payment terms therein?CommissionArticle 60 does not apply, but Articles 65 and 66 do~128/92Do Articles 4(d), 60, 65, and/or 66(7) of the ECSC Treaty apply to licences to extract unworked coal and to the royalty and payment terms therein?UKArticle 60 does not apply, and neither does 65, neither is 66}150/93Which Tariff Heading do travel goods in cellular plastic internally reinforced with fabric which were imported between 22 Jan and 16 Dec 1988 fall under?Commissionthe goods are with outer surface of plastic and not textile material|150/93Which Tariff Heading do travel goods in cellular plastic internally reinforced with fabric which were imported between 22 Jan and 16 Dec 1988 fall under?Francethe goods are with outer surface of plastic and not textile material{1/93Where a Member State imposes a charge on the transfer of immovable property, but allows a relief if the transfer is part of an internal reorganization, is it compatible with Community law that only domestic companies be eligible for this relief?CommissionnoQ s U } F 393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 and/or 86 and/or 90 of the EEC Treaty to be interpreted with reference to a ban on the import of electrisity for public supply purposes?Commissionthe ban does not fall under 90393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 an393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 and/or 86 and/or 90 of the EEC Treaty to be interpreted with reference to a ban on the import of electrisity for public supply purposes?Commissionthe ban does not fall under 90393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 and/or 86 and/or 90 of the EEC Treaty to be interpreted with reference to a ban on the import of electrisity for public supply purposes?Netherlandsthe ban does not fall under these provisisons393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 and/or 86 and/or 90 of the EEC Treaty to be interpreted with reference to a ban on the import of electrisity for public supply purposes?FranceArticle 37 does not apply393/92How are Articles 37 and/or 85 and/or 86 and/or 90 of the EEC Treaty to be interpreted with reference to a ban on the import of electrisity for public supply purposes?Greececan't find393/92Is a national court which determines an appeal against an arbitration award to be regarded as a national court or tribunal under Article 177 of the EEC Treaty if under the agreement it must give judgment according to what appears fair and reasonable?Commissioncan't find."393/92Is a national court which determines an appeal against an arbitration award to be regarded as a national court or tribunal under Article 177 of the EEC Treaty if under the agreement it must give judgment according to what appears fair and reasonable?Netherlandscan't find/#393/92Is a national court which determines an appeal against an arbitration award to be regarded as a national court or tribunal under Article 177 of the EEC Treaty if under the agreement it must give judgment according to what appears fair and reasonable?Francecan't find*393/92Is a national court which determines an appeal against an arbitration award to be regarded as a national court or tribunal under Article 177 of the EEC Treaty if under the agreement it must give judgment according to what appears fair and reasonable?Greececan't find*228/92Is Reg No 2719/75 fixing monetary compensatory amounts and certain rates for their application invalid?Commissionyes58/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco, and if so does that agreement have direct effect?Commissioncan't find58/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco, and if so does that agreement have direct effect?Germanythe court should review their previous decisions458/93Does the Belgian legislation relating to disability benefits fall within the scope of Article 41(1) of the Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco, and if so does that agreement have direct effect?Francecan't find 331/92Is a mixed contract for the performance of works and the assignment of property to be regarded as included in the concept of public works contracts set out in Council Directive 71/305/EEC and must one therefore publish a notice of such a contract?Commissionyes% Q  7 w C OLO421/92Does Council Directive 76/207/EEC mean that a contract of employment concluded between an employer and a pregnant employee, where both are unaware of the pregnancy, is not rendered invalid by the prohibition on certain work exististing in a state?UKcan't find#21/92Is Article 3a(2) of Regulation No 857/84 valid?Commissionyes[VJ21/92Is Article 3a(2) of Regulation No 857/84 valid?CouncilyesXSJ21/92Is Article 3a(2) of Regulation No 857/84 valid?UKyesSNJ21/92Is Article 3a(2) of Regulation No 857/84 valid?Germanycan't find_SJ21/92Must Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that the abatement is determinedonly by the percentage whichis representative of the all the abatements but contains at least the basic reduction or does it result from that percentage plus the basic reduction?Commissionno*&21/92Must Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that the abatement is determinedonly by the percentage whichis representative of the all the abatements but contains at least the basic reduction or does it result from that percentage plus the basic reduction?Councilyes(#21/92Must Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that the abatement is determinedonly by the percentage whichis representative of the all the abatements but contains at least the basic reduction or does it result from that percentage plus the basic reduction?UKno"21/92Must Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that the abatement is determinedonly by the percentage whichis representative of the all the abatements but contains at least the basic reduction or does it result from that percentage plus the basic reduction?Germanyno'#434/92In order to calculate the quantity to be placed in storage under the contract for the pruposes of Commission Reg No 2471/77 should reference be made, in the cse of boned meat, to the actual yield or to the yield rates set out in Article 4(3) of that reg?Commissionthe actual yield rate should be appliedO&434/92Is entitlement to aid lost if early storage begins on the day on which the storers aid application is received by the competent authority, especially in the case that that authority was informed of the storers intention to begin storage on that date?Commissionno'#434/92Does the requirement that meat should not be taken into store until after the contract has been concluded constitute such an essential contractual obligation that an infringement of that obligation entails loss of entitlement to aid?Commissioncan't find434/92With what activity does the storage process for the purposes of Reg No 1071/68 begin?Commissioncan't find}q434/92Must it be inferred from Reg No 1071/68 that the private storer may not begin the process of storing the agreed quantity unitl after the storage contract has been concluded?Commissionyes305/92Is it compatible with Community Law for forced labor performed by Netherlands nationals in Germany during the second world war to confer no entitlement under the German pension scheme?Commissionyes305/92Is it compatible with Community Law for forced labor performed by Netherlands nationals in Germany during the second world war to confer no entitlement under the German pension scheme?Netherlandscan't find305/92Is it compatible with Community Law for forced labor performed by Netherlands nationals in Germany during the second world war to confer no entitlement under the German pension scheme?Germanycan't findeQ Y  618/93Is it compatible with Community Law to authorize a dominant undertaking to apply different conditions for equivalent services, to apply higher tariffs on foreign ships, and to force ships to take part in a service that they could perform on their own?Commissionno&"18/93Is it compatible with Community Law to authorize a dominant undertaking to apply different conditions for equivalent services, to apply higher tariffs on foreign ships, and to force ships to take part in a service that they could perform on their own?Italyyes"18/93Is it compatible with Community Law to authorize a dominant undertaking to apply different conditions for equivalent services, to apply higher tariffs on foreign ships, and to force ships to take part in a service that they could perform on their own?Francequestion is inadmissable818/93Is it compatible with Community Law for a Member State to require that maritime vessels fly the Italian flag in order to receive a tariff reduction?Commissionno18/93Is it compatible with Community Law for a Member State to require that maritime vessels fly the Italian flag in order to receive a tariff reduction?Italyyes18/93Is it compatible with Community Law for a Member State to require that maritime vessels fly the Italian flag in order to receive a tariff reduction?Francequestion is inadmissable294/92Does an action for a declaration that a person holds immovable property as trustee and for an order requiring that person to execute such documents as should be required to vest the legal ownership in the plaintiff constitute an action in rem?Commissionyes 294/92Does an action for a declaration that a person holds immovable property as trustee and for an order requiring that person to execute such documents as should be required to vest the legal ownership in the plaintiff constitute an action in rem?UKno38/93In the case of gaming machines offering the possibility of winning, is the taxable amount for the purposes of the Sixth VAT Directive the total stakes inserted without deduction of the winnings automatically paid out to players?Commissiontotal stakes 38/93In the case of gaming machines offering the possibility of winning, is the taxable amount for the purposes of the Sixth VAT Directive the total stakes inserted without deduction of the winnings automatically paid out to players?UKtotal stakes minus the winnings paid out-38/93In the case of gaming machines offering the possibility of winning, is the taxable amount for the purposes of the Sixth VAT Directive the total stakes inserted without deduction of the winnings automatically paid out to players?Germanythe total stakes421/92Is the principle of equal treatment infringed in the event that a contract for employment is held as void in so far as the contracted work is prohibited under law, or would have been avoided if the employer had known of preganancy?Commissioncan't find421/92Is the principle of equal treatment infringed in the event that a contract for employment is held as void in so far as the contracted work is prohibited under law, or would have been avoided if the employer had known of preganancy?UKcan't find421/92Does Council Directive 76/207/EEC mean that a contract of employment concluded between an employer and a pregnant employee, where both are unaware of the pregnancy, is not rendered invalid by the prohibition on certain work exististing in a state?Commissioncan't find+(Q;v   4lnT414/92Can a judgment, with which the judgment whose recognition is sought is irreconcilable, also be an enforceable settlement which is reached by the same parties before a court of the State in which reocgnition is sought?Commissioncan't find 414/92Can a judgment, with which the judgment whose recognition is sought is irreconcilable, also be an enforceable settlement which is reached by the same parties before a court of the State in which reocgnition is sought?Italycan't find414/92Can a judgment, with which the judgment whose recognition is sought is irreconcilable, also be an enforceable settlement which is reached by the same parties before a court of the State in which reocgnition is sought?Germanycan't find 402/92Does Art 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?Commissioncan't find402/92Does Art 30 of the EEC Treaty preclude national rules which allow certain kinds of shops, particuarly gas stations to remain open during certain hours, while others cannot?UKcan't find313/92Do the words each period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) of Reg No 3820/85 mean that such a period may begin at anytime whatsoever?Commissionno, flexible start313/92Do the words each period of 24 hours in Article 8(1) of Reg No 3820/85 mean that such a period may begin at anytime whatsoever?UKno, flexible start313/92Must Article 2(1) of reg No 3820/85 be interpreted as meaning that the regulation is applicable to carriage by road within the Community to, from, or through non-member states, who are not party to ERTA?Commissioncan't find313/92Must Article 2(1) of reg No 3820/85 be interpreted as meaning that the regulation is applicable to carriage by road within the Community to, from, or through non-member states, who are not party to ERTA?UKcan't find388/92Should Council Reg No 2454/92 laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road passenger transport services within a member state?Spainno29/93Do quota charges arising from the acquisition of export quotas constitute part of the customs value of goods imported within the meaning of Council Reg No 1224/80 in cases where export licenses cannot be the subject of trade in the country of export?Commissionnot included/!11/93Was the Combined Nomenclature to be interpreted as meaning that color monitors capable of accepting a signal only from the cpu and not capable of producing a video signal did not perform a specific function?CommissionSuch monitors were and are still to be understood as not performing a specific function and should accordingly be classified under heading 8471.309/89Should Article 1(2(c) of Council Reg No 2045/89 be annuled in so far as it inserts paragraph 5a(b) into Article 6 of Council Reg No 3309/85?Commissionno41/93Should the Commission Decision to allow Germany to maintain their current laws on the use and disosal of PCP for industrial purposes be annuled?Denmarkno41/93Should the Commission Decision to allow Germany to maintain their current laws on the use and disosal of PCP for industrial purposes be annuled?GermanynobQ' o6356/93How should a Chemcard Cholesteroltest be classified according to the Common Customs Tariff Combined Nomanclature?Commissionthe product to be classified is no the reagent but the reagent impregnated paper356/93How should a Chemcard Cholesteroltest be classified according to the Common Customs Tariff Combined Nomanclature?UKunder heading 4823258/93Is a national law which requires retail shops to close on Sundays constitute a violation of Community Law, ie freedom of movement of goods or proprtionality?Commissioncan't find258/93Is a national law which requires retail shops to close on Sundays constitute a violation of Community Law, ie freedom of movement of goods or proprtionality?UKcan't find258/93Is a national law which requires retail shops to close on Sundays constitute a violation of Community Law, ie freedom of movement of goods or proprtionality?Greececan't find33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth VAT Directive be interpreted with regard to goods ordered by mail from a catalogue that act as gifts to a person for enrolling or suggesting a friend and are not sold out of the catalogue?Commissionthe question is inadmissable+ 33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth VAT Directive be interpreted with regard to goods ordered by mail from a catalogue that act as gifts to a person for enrolling or suggesting a friend and are not sold out of the catalogue?Portugalthe taxable amount is the retail price only with respect to the introduce a friend schemef 33/93How should Article 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth VAT Directive be interpreted with regard to goods ordered by mail from a catalogue that act as gifts to a person for enrolling or suggesting a friend and are not sold out of the catalogue?UKthe national court should decide'30/93Is Commission regulation No 165/90 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain types of electronic microcircuits known as DRAMS, as amended by the crrigendum of 10 February 1990, valid?Commissionno2/93If there is irregularity in the maintenace or a violation of the measures taken to combat swine fever is it compatible with community law that the whole security be forfeit?Commissionyes2/93Is it compatible with Community Law for the Belgian intervention agency to impose the prior requirement that a security be lodged for payments chargeable to the European Community of the buying-in prices of pigmeat coming from the buffer zone?Commissionyes 428/92How should Article 93 of Reg No1408/71 be interpreted with regard to subrogation and recoupment of social security benefits by foreign insurance companies?CommissionReg No 1408/71 means that the possible subrogation of an institution of resposible for benefits is subject to the legislation administerd by that institution.c428/92How should Article 93 of Reg No1408/71 be interpreted with regard to subrogation and recoupment of social security benefits by foreign insurance companies?GreeceReg No 1408/71 means that the possible subrogation of an institution of resposible for benefits is subject to the legislation administerd by that institution._428/92How should Article 93 of Reg No1408/71 be interpreted with regard to subrogation and recoupment of social security benefits by foreign insurance companies?GermanyReg No 1408/71 means that the possible subrogation of an institution of resposible for benefits is subject to the legislation administerd by that institution.`Q ( F Zy .M$8132/93Is the judgment of the ECJ in Case C-332/90 to be interpreted as meaning that the national court is precluded from applying community law in regard to a purely domestic situation?UKcan't find132/93Is the judgment of the ECJ in Case C-332/90 to be interpreted as meaning that the national court is precluded from applying community law in regard to a purely domestic situation?Germanycan't find35/93How should the term disassembled be interpreted within the meaning of the second sentence of Rule 2(a) of the Rules for the Interpretation of the Nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff?Commissionall of the unassembled parts are presented to customs at the same time+292/93Do the matters governed by Article 16(1) of the Brussels Convention also cover questions of compensation for use of a dwelling after a failed property transfer?Commissioncan't find292/93Do the matters governed by Article 16(1) of the Brussels Convention also cover questions of compensation for use of a dwelling after a failed property transfer?Francecan't find292/93Do the matters governed by Article 16(1) of the Brussels Convention also cover questions of compensation for use of a dwelling after a failed property transfer?Germanyno153/93Is the German statutory procedure for determining tariffs pursuant to German Law compatible with Article 85(1) and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty?Commissioncan't find153/93Is the German statutory procedure for determining tariffs pursuant to German Law compatible with Article 85(1) and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty?UKcan't find394/92What constitutes the end of the daily working period within the meaning of reg no 3821/85?Commissionno definition should be adopted which is derived from two particular regulationsv394/92What constitutes the end of the daily working period within the meaning of reg no 3821/85?UKtwo particular regulation should be usedzv394/92For the purposes of regulations 3820/85 and 3821/85 when does a day commence?Commissionfor state to interpretui394/92For the purposes of regulations 3820/85 and 3821/85 when does a day commence?UKcommunity legislation provides answermi394/92What constitutes a period of work within the meaning of regulations No 3820/85 and 3821/85?Commissionno definition should be adopted which is derived from two particular regulationsw394/92What constitutes a period of work within the meaning of regulations No 3820/85 and 3821/85?UKtwo particular regulation should be used{w371/92Do the provisions of Article 3 of Reg No 3665/87 relate exclusively to the calculation of export refunds and do they not affect Article 13 of that regulation?Commissioncan't find371/92Should the export declarations have been changed in a cse where cargo was deliberately mixed in order to meet the requirements for aid or should the aid have been granted on the grounds of the declarations made prior to mixing?Commissionnot necessarily 371/92Was the adoption of Reg No 3494/88 essential in order for exports of products with radiation above the level laid down for imports of the same products to be refused funds?Commissioncan't find371/92Is the Commission s telex of 24 July 1986, according to which the maximum permitted levels of radiation laid down in Reg No 1707/86 for imports of products into the Community also apply to exports of those products to non-member countries, binding?Commissionno$ Q XA  \3403/92May the term chateau be applied in the event that some of the growers conprising a cooperative do not have lands that form any part of the original estate?Commissionnational law can decide403/92May the term chateau be applied in the event that some of the growers conprising a cooperative do not have lands that form any part of the original estate?Italyno403/92May the term chateau be applied in the event that some of the growers conprising a cooperative do not have lands that form any part of the original estate?Franceyes403/92Is Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 997/81 applicable where wine-growers produce wine on lands forming part of the estate of a chateau which has been partitioned, and the they have formed a cooperative society on whose premises the wine is processed?Commissionyes(#403/92Is Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 997/81 applicable where wine-growers produce wine on lands forming part of the estate of a chateau which has been partitioned, and the they have formed a cooperative society on whose premises the wine is processed?Italycan't find*403/92Is Article 5(1) of Commission Reg No 997/81 applicable where wine-growers produce wine on lands forming part of the estate of a chateau which has been partitioned, and the they have formed a cooperative society on whose premises the wine is processed?Francecan't find+288/92How is the place of performance under Article 5(1) of the Convention to be determined?Commissioncan't find~r288/92How is the place of performance under Article 5(1) of the Convention to be determined?Italycan't findyr288/92How is the place of performance under Article 5(1) of the Convention to be determined?Germanycan't find{r187/93Should Council Reg No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into, and out of the European Community be annulled?Spainno9/93Does it constitute unlawful restriction of intra-community trade for an undertaking doing business in Member State A which is a subsidiary of a manufacturer in Member State B to be prohibited from using a trade mark on the grounds of risk of confusion?Commissionyes'"9/93Does it constitute unlawful restriction of intra-community trade for an undertaking doing business in Member State A which is a subsidiary of a manufacturer in Member State B to be prohibited from using a trade mark on the grounds of risk of confusion?UKno9/93Does it constitute unlawful restriction of intra-community trade for an undertaking doing business in Member State A which is a subsidiary of a manufacturer in Member State B to be prohibited from using a trade mark on the grounds of risk of confusion?Germanyno#426/92Is it compatible with the prohibition of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties, the prohibition of discrimination, and any other provisions of Community law to make the exporter bear the costs of inspections?Commissionyes 426/92What type of inspection is required and allowed with regard to aid being granted to skimmed-milk exports?Commissionfrontier inspections132/93Is the judgment of the ECJ in Case C-332/90 to be interpreted as meaning that the national court is precluded from applying community law in regard to a purely domestic situation?Commissioncan't find#Q _tUQ 406/92Does the arrest of a vessel entitle the courts of one Contracting State to maintain juridiction over another Contracting State in which proceedings were brought prior to those in the state of the arrest?UKcan't find 406/92Does a claim brought by in rem by cargo owners against a carrying vessel involve the same parties and the same cause of action as in personam proceedings brought by the ship owner against the cargo owners in another State?Commissioncan't find406/92Does a claim brought by in rem by cargo owners against a carrying vessel involve the same parties and the same cause of action as in personam proceedings brought by the ship owner against the cargo owners in another State?UKcan't find 406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delcine jurisdiction in a case where proceedings are brought in a Contracting State which involve the same cause of action as prior proceedings brought in another Contracting State?Commissioncan't find+406/92Under what circumstances must the Contracting State second seised delcine jurisdiction in a case where proceedings are brought in a Contracting State which involve the same cause of action as prior proceedings brought in another Contracting State?UKcan't find#320/93In what way may such a provision as that described be be permitted under Article 36?Commissionth provision is justified for the protection of life|p320/93In what way may such a provision as that described be be permitted under Article 36?Greecethere should be an independent inquiryxp320/93In what way may such a provision as that described be be permitted under Article 36?Franceth provision is justified for the protection of lifexp320/93In what way may such a provision as that described be be permitted under Article 36?Belgiumth provision is justified for the protection of lifeyp320/93Is a national prohibition on the advertising of medicinal products which have not been given authorization a measure having equivalent effect, even if the importation of those goods is legal?Commissionyes320/93Is a national prohibition on the advertising of medicinal products which have not been given authorization a measure having equivalent effect, even if the importation of those goods is legal?Greeceno320/93Is a national prohibition on the advertising of medicinal products which have not been given authorization a measure having equivalent effect, even if the importation of those goods is legal?Franceyes320/93Is a national prohibition on the advertising of medicinal products which have not been given authorization a measure having equivalent effect, even if the importation of those goods is legal?Belgiumyes60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who works exclusively outside of both Member States?Commissionno  60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who works exclusively outside of both Member States?Italyirrelevant60/93Does Community law preclude the collection of fees under the social legislation of the State of residence from a person whose employer is established in one Member State and who works exclusively outside of both Member States?Netherlandsno Qri 5  jYM401/93Was Commission Regulation No 2275/88 valid insofar as it classified under CN Code 8521 10 39 the mechanical assembly for a video recording or reproducing apparatus equipped with recording and reproducing heads?Commissionyes306/93Are the provisions of 6(5) of Council Reg No 2333/92 invalid insofar as they provide that for wines produced in specifed regions from wines not entitled to use the designation "Champagne," reference to the method of production is not to be permitted?Commissionno&"306/93Are the provisions of 6(5) of Council Reg No 2333/92 invalid insofar as they provide that for wines produced in specifed regions from wines not entitled to use the designation "Champagne," reference to the method of production is not to be permitted?Councilno#306/93Are the provisions of 6(5) of Council Reg No 2333/92 invalid insofar as they provide that for wines produced in specifed regions from wines not entitled to use the designation "Champagne," reference to the method of production is not to be permitted?Franceno"297/93Does Community Law prohibit drawing a pension from being treated in the same way as a main occupation if that pension is reduced by loss of earnings as a result of raising children?Commissioncourt should not answer question297/93Does Community Law prohibit drawing a pension from being treated in the same way as a main occupation if that pension is reduced by loss of earnings as a result of raising children?Germanythe court shouldn't answer this question297/93Does Community Law require a national law that prohibits discrimination without objective reason against part-time workers to mean that the reciept of pension cannot count as an objective reason for paying a part-time employee less?Commissionthe court shouldn't answer this question:297/93Does Community Law require a national law that prohibits discrimination without objective reason against part-time workers to mean that the reciept of pension cannot count as an objective reason for paying a part-time employee less?Germanyno 410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?Commissionno*&410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?UKno"410/92Can a Member State apply a law that limits the period prior to the bringing of a claim in respest of which arrears of benefit are payable, where the directive making those arrears payable was put into national law only after the expiry of the time limit?Irelandno'# 406/92How should Article 22 be interpreted with regards to related proceedings?Commissionirreconcilable should be used in the same sense in both provisions, meaning the decisiosn must have mutually exclusive legal consequencesqe 406/92How should Article 22 be interpreted with regards to related proceedings?UKcan't finduie 406/92Does the arrest of a vessel entitle the courts of one Contracting State to maintain juridiction over another Contracting State in which proceedings were brought prior to those in the state of the arrest?Commissioncan't findQABG | |Q *  {?((432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accomp(432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accompainied by Eur 1 certificates issued by Turkish authorities?Greeceyes (432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accompainied by Eur 1 certificates issued by Turkish authorities?Greeceyes '432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accompainied by Eur 1 certificates issued by Turkish authorities?Cyprus Fruit and Vegetable Enterprises Ltd.yes/*&432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accompainied by Eur 1 certificates issued by Turkish authorities?Cyprufvex (UK) Ltdyes%136/93Do the measures adopted by Regulatioin No 1799/78, the official announcements in the early months of the conclusion of the agreemetn between the US and the Community, or Council Decision 87/224 constitute a case of force majeure?Commissionno $78/93Do Aritlce 119 of the EEC Treaty and Article 1 of Directive 75/117/EEC prevent collective agreements from restricting payment of overtime supplements to cases where the normal working hours fixed by them for full-time employees are exceeded?UKno #78/93Do Aritlce 119 of the EEC Treaty and Article 1 of Directive 75/117/EEC prevent collective agreements from restricting payment of overtime supplements to cases where the normal working hours fixed by them for full-time employees are exceeded?Greeceno "78/93Do Aritlce 119 of the EEC Treaty and Article 1 of Directive 75/117/EEC prevent collective agreements from restricting payment of overtime supplements to cases where the normal working hours fixed by them for full-time employees are exceeded?Franceno !78/93Do Aritlce 119 of the EEC Treaty and Article 1 of Directive 75/117/EEC prevent collective agreements from restricting payment of overtime supplements to cases where the normal working hours fixed by them for full-time employees are exceeded?Germanyno  78/93Do Aritlce 119 of the EEC Treaty and Article 1 of Directive 75/117/EEC prevent collective agreements from restricting payment of overtime supplements to cases where the normal working hours fixed by them for full-time employees are exceeded?Commissionyes 250/92Do such meausres constitute measures having effect on intra-community trade within the meaning of Articles 85(1) and 86 of the EEC Treaty?Commissioncan't find250/92Do measures which forbid members of a commercial cooperative society from being members of competing societies constitute the abuse of a dominant position as in Article 86 of the Treaty?Commissioncan't find250/92Is it incompatible with Article 85(1) of the Treaty for a commercial cooperative society to adopt measures which forbid the members of that society from being members of any toher competing society?Commissionno250/92Do fertilizers and plant protection products fall within the scope of Article 42 of the Treaty and Coucil Regulation No 26/62?Commissioncan't findQ(? q W  ^+791/92Is Community Directive No 85/577/EEC to be regarded as sufficiently precise and detailed and, was it capable,in the period between the expiry of the 24 month time limit and the date on which the Italian Republic complied with it, of having direct effect?Commissionno)%691/92Is Community Directive No 85/577/EEC to be regarded as sufficiently precise and detailed and, was it capable,in the period between the expiry of the 24 month time limit and the date on which the Italian Republic complied with it, of having direct effect?Italyno$ 591/92Is Community Directive No 85/577/EEC to be regarded as sufficiently precise and detailed and, was it capable,in the period between the expiry of the 24 month time limit and the date on which the Italian Republic complied with it, of having direct effect?Greeceyes&!491/92Is Community Directive No 85/577/EEC to be regarded as sufficiently precise and detailed and, was it capable,in the period between the expiry of the 24 month time limit and the date on which the Italian Republic complied with it, of having direct effect?Germanyno&"3130/92Is a charge having an equivalent effect only a charge which is imposed by a Member State on products imported from another Member State or is it also a tax that makes goods from non-member states more economically advantageous?Commissionit is not also a tax! 2130/92Is a charge having an equivalent effect only a charge which is imposed by a Member State on products imported from another Member State or is it also a tax that makes goods from non-member states more economically advantageous?Italycan't find1314/93Must Article 30 of the Treaty and Directive 88/301/EEC be interpreted as precluding national legislation which prohibits the import, possesion with a view to sale, and offering for sale of all telephone equipment which has not been granted type approval?Commissionyes+&/146/93How should Articles 3(1) and 49 of regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted with regard to two Member States who set different limits on the age at which maximum pension is allowed?Commissionthe periods completed in other member state influence both right to and amount of benefit4.146/93How should Articles 3(1) and 49 of regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted with regard to two Member States who set different limits on the age at which maximum pension is allowed?Germanyeach state pays benefits based on work in its country -146/93How should Articles 3(1) and 49 of regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted with regard to two Member States who set different limits on the age at which maximum pension is allowed?Franceright to national pension depends only on national legislation,130/93Do Articles 9 and 12 of the EEC Treaty preclude national legislation from levying compulsory contributions?Commissioncan't find+75/92Should Coucil Reg No 3433/91 imposing a 16.9% anti-dumping duty on products originating in the People s Republic of China be annulled?Federation Europeenne des Fabricants de Briquets ASBLno*75/92Should Coucil Reg No 3433/91 imposing a 16.9% anti-dumping duty on products originating in the People s Republic of China be annulled?Commissionno)432/92Does Community Law preclude acceptance by the authorities of a member state of imported citrus fruit or potatoes from the northern part of Cyprus when they are accompainied by Eur 1 certificates issued by Turkish authorities?Commissionno  QQ  Q,{E186/93Do the Community regulations governing aid to olive producers provide that AIMA acts simply as an intermediary in the name and on behalf of the EEC, or is AIMA exclusively entitled to the sums granted and the interest earned thereon?Commissioncommunity law does not prevent this6D186/93Do the Community regulations governing aid to olive producers provide that AIMA acts simply as an intermediary in the name and on behalf of the EEC, or is AIMA exclusively entitled to the sums granted and the interest earned thereon?Italycommunity law does not prevent, C32/93Is it discrimination for an employer to dismiss a female employee on the basis of a pregnancy if she was hired specifically to fill in for another on maternity leave, when if the employer had known of the pregnancy she would not have been hired?Commissioncan't find(B32/93Is it discrimination for an employer to dismiss a female employee on the basis of a pregnancy if she was hired specifically to fill in for another on maternity leave, when if the employer had known of the pregnancy she would not have been hired?UKnoA17/93If a Member State chose to enact Article 6(5)(b) of Council Directive 79/112/EEC would it be justified in prohibiting the sale of goods which did not satisfy those labeling requirements even if they were marketed lawfully in another member state.Commissionyes"@17/93May a Member State rely on the derogation provided for in Article 36 of the EEC Treaty for the purposes of protecting public health in order to maintain the measure in dispute notwithstanding the prohibition contained in Article 30 of the Treaty?Commissioncan't find)?17/93Must national legislation prohibiting the sale of bread whose maximum salt content is higher than 2% be regarded as a quantitative restriction or a measure having equivalent effect within the meaning of Article 30?Commissioncan't find >438/92Does Article 3 of Title II of Reg No 855/84 directly exclude the grant of special aid provided for in German turnover tax law, possibly in contravention of Article 3(1), for agricultural producers not having their seat in Germany?Commissioncan't find=438/92Is it compatible with Article 3(1) of Title II of Council Regulation No 855/84 for Germany to grant special aid to an agricultural producer which does not have its seat in Germany but in another country of the EEC.Commissionno<379/92Does community law preclude legislation like the Italian legislation Law No 979/82 in so far as it impedes the activities of national undertakings engaged in sea trnasport?Commissionyes;353/92Should Council Reg No 1765/92 establiching a support system for the producers of certain arable crops be annulled?Commissionno:352/92Where formula A is applied, who is liable, under the original version of Article 12(4) of Reg No 1371/84, to pay the additional levy which has arisen as a result of retroactive reductions in the delivery refund?Commissiononly the milk producers and not from a purchasher.9351/92Is a failure to take account of the milk production from a holding which was taken over and worked together with a holding in another Member State contrary to the principle of equal treatment and Article 40 of the EEC Treaty?Commissionno  8351/92Is a failure to take account of the milk production from a holding which was taken over and worked together with a holding in another Member State contrary to the principle of equal treatment and Article 40 of the EEC Treaty?Councilno Q #L > A UP43/93Does Community law preclude a Member State from subjecting to authorization or to the payment of a fee the employment in its territory of workers who are nationals of non-member states and who are lawfully and habitually employed in another Member State?UKno!O43/93Does Community law preclude a Member State from subjecting to authorization or to the payment of a fee the employment in its territory of workers who are nationals of non-member states and who are lawfully and habitually employed in another Member State?Netherlandsno*&N43/93Does Community law preclude a Member State from subjecting to authorization or to the payment of a fee the employment in its territory of workers who are nationals of non-member states and who are lawfully and habitually employed in another Member State?Germanyno&"M43/93Does Community law preclude a Member State from subjecting to authorization or to the payment of a fee the employment in its territory of workers who are nationals of non-member states and who are lawfully and habitually employed in another Member State?Franceno%!L396/92Does Article 12 of Directive 85/337/EEC mean that the Member States had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July 1988 but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisions for development consent procedures already initiated?Commissionthe directive can only be interpreted to the effect that the obligation to undertake an environmental impact assessment must apply to all projects not yet approved at the time when the deadline for implementation expiredK396/92Does Article 12 of Directive 85/337/EEC mean that the Member States had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July 1988 but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisions for development consent procedures already initiated?UKthe MS's had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisions~ J396/92Does Article 12 of Directive 85/337/EEC mean that the Member States had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July 1988 but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisions for development consent procedures already initiated?Netherlandsthe directive can only be interpreted to the effect that the obligation to undertake an environmental impact assessment must apply to all projects not yet approved at the time when the deadline for implementation expiredI396/92Does Article 12 of Directive 85/337/EEC mean that the Member States had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July 1988 but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisions for development consent procedures already initiated?Germanythe MS's had to adopt the necessary measures by 3 July but were not prevented from enacting transitional provisionsH359/92Should Article 9 of Council Directive 92/59/EEC on product safety be declared void in so far as it empowers the Commission to adopt a decision requiring Member States to take measures from among those listed in Article 6(1)(d) to (h) of that directive?CommissionThe application should be dismissed and the directive should remain intact.q$G327/91Should the Agreement signed by the Commission and the Untied States declaring the recognition of competition laws be rendered void?Spainthe agreement should be ruled voidF327/91Should the Agreement signed by the Commission and the Untied States declaring the recognition of competition laws be rendered void?Netherlandsthe agreement should be ruled void`Q j g NX+e347/93Can the exporter s good faith be treated in the same way as a case of force majeure?Commissioncan't find|pc347/93Are the EEC rules applicable in this case to be interpreted as meaning that the payment of refunds is subject to the products being put in free circulation in a non-member country?Commissionyesb340/93Are quota charges which have been incurred on the basis of the Communitu rules in Regulation No 4134/86 to be treated in the same way as quota charges arising under Regulation No 4136/86?Commissionyesa340/93Are quota charges which have been incurred on the basis of the Communitu rules in Regulation No 4134/86 to be treated in the same way as quota charges arising under Regulation No 4136/86?UKcan't find`340/93Must quotas be distinguished?CommissionnoIE9_340/93Must quotas be distinguished?UKnoA=9^340/93Are payments by the buyer to the seller for export licenses allocated to the seller part of the customs value?Commissionyes]340/93Are payments by the buyer to the seller for export licenses allocated to the seller part of the customs value?UKyes\51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?Commissionyou have to use the language of the country in which the goods are sold to the final consumer[51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?Councilcan't findZ51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?Franceyou have to use the language of the country in which the goods are sold to the final consumerY51/93Do the words country in which the goods are marketed refer to the country of final marketing or the country of intial marketing of the goods?Germanythe language in which the goods are first soldX51/93Is Council Directive 69/493/EEC compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionnoxthW51/93Is Council Directive 69/493/EEC compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty?CouncilnouqhV51/93Is Council Directive 69/493/EEC compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty?FrancenotphU51/93Is Council Directive 69/493/EEC compatible with Article 30 of the EEC Treaty?GermanyyesvqhT44/93Does a decision to authorize a public establishment that previously received public funding to enlarge its activity in an unrestricted manner constitute the granting or alteration of aid?CommissionyesS44/93Does a decision to authorize a public establishment that previously received public funding to enlarge its activity in an unrestricted manner constitute the granting or alteration of aid?NetherlandsyesR44/93Does a decision to authorize a public establishment that previously received public funding to enlarge its activity in an unrestricted manner constitute the granting or alteration of aid?FranceyesQ43/93Does Community law preclude a Member State from subjecting to authorization or to the payment of a fee the employment in its territory of workers who are nationals of non-member states and who are lawfully and habitually employed in another Member State?Commissionyes*%:Q f ft447/93What constitutes a diploma in architecture under Article 11 of Directive 85/384/EEC?Spaincan't findwps447/93What constitutes a diploma in architecture under Article 11 of Directive 85/384/EEC?Germanycan't findypr406/93Must the last sentence of Article 46(2)(a) of Regulation No 1408/71 be interpreted as meaning that where, under the applicable legislation of a Member State, the amount of the invalidity benefit depends on the remuneration received by the worker at the tiCommissionThat sentence must be interpreted as meaning that in such cases the competent institution must calculate the theoretical benefit that was received by the worker based upon the last payment received by the worker in the other state.'q395/93Is it sufficient, in order for garments to be classified as pyjamas, that according to the generally accepted view in trade in the Member State concerned the goods may, in addition to other uses, be worn in bed?Commissionyesp395/93Is heading 61.08 of the Combined Nomenclature to be interpreted to the effect that only sets of two knitted garments which, according to their outward appearance are to be worn exclusively in bed must be considered to be pyjamas?Commissionyou have to look at their intended use5 o393/93Should swine meat which the competent Bulgarian authoities have certified to be the meat of swine living in the wild in Bulgaria be classified for tariff purposes as meat of swine other then domestic swine?Commissioncan't findn393/93Should swine meat which the competent Bulgarian authoities have certified to be the meat of swine living in the wild in Bulgaria be classified for tariff purposes as meat of swine other then domestic swine?Francecan't findm411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?Commissionyesl411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?Councilyesk411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?Spainyesj411/93Is the Decision of the Council 89/688/EEC valid in so far as it authorizes the French Republic to maintain a system of dock dues for a certain period of time?Franceyesi411/93Does Community Law prohibit a Member State from levying a charge proportional to their customs value on goods from other regions of the same state, where it was held that such a charge on other imports was a charge having equivalent effect?Commissionyes h411/93Does Community Law prohibit a Member State from levying a charge proportional to their customs value on goods from other regions of the same state, where it was held that such a charge on other imports was a charge having equivalent effect?Councilno g411/93Does Community Law prohibit a Member State from levying a charge proportional to their customs value on goods from other regions of the same state, where it was held that such a charge on other imports was a charge having equivalent effect?Spainno f411/93Does Community Law prohibit a Member State from levying a charge proportional to their customs value on goods from other regions of the same state, where it was held that such a charge on other imports was a charge having equivalent effect?Franceyes Qk  / qn[200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?UKrelatives and employees301/93In making the calculation required by Regulation No 1408/71, may Belgium include in the amount of the Italian invalidity pension the part of the family unit allowance granted in Italy for a dependent spouse?Commissioncan t find301/93In making the calculation required by Regulation No 1408/71, may Belgium include in the amount of the Italian invalidity pension the part of the family unit allowance granted in Italy for a dependent spouse?Italyno12/93Is a scheme which can lead to the imposition pursuant to national law on a previously employed person of a further condition for the acquisition of entitlement to invalidity benefit compatible with Community Law?Commissioncan't find12/93Is a scheme which can lead to the imposition pursuant to national law on a previously employed person of a further condition for the acquisition of entitlement to invalidity benefit compatible with Community Law?Councilyes, lawful12/93Is a scheme which can lead to the imposition pursuant to national law on a previously employed person of a further condition for the acquisition of entitlement to invalidity benefit compatible with Community Law?Greeceyes, unlawful~12/93Is a scheme which can lead to the imposition pursuant to national law on a previously employed person of a further condition for the acquisition of entitlement to invalidity benefit compatible with Community Law?Netherlandsyes, lawful }318/93Is it a condition for the recognition of international jurisdiction of the State in which the consumer is domiciled that the other party to the contract is domiciled in a contracting state to the Brussels convention or is deemed to be so domiciled?Commissioncan't find, |318/93Is it a condition for the recognition of international jurisdiction of the State in which the consumer is domiciled that the other party to the contract is domiciled in a contracting state to the Brussels convention or is deemed to be so domiciled?Germanycan't find){293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?Commissionyesz293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?Greeceyesy293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?UKyesx293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?Portugalyesw293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?Franceyesv293/93Is a provision such as that contained in Article 30 of the Waarborgwet requiring that precious metals be hallmarked compatible with Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty?Germanynou447/93What constitutes a diploma in architecture under Article 11 of Directive 85/384/EEC?Commissioncan't find|p7QR M  X  $%Qk200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?Netherlandscan t find200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?UKboth200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?Commissioncan t find200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?Denmarkcan t find200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?Irelandcan t find200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?Germanycan t find200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?Netherlandscan t find200/91Must the benefits of disadvantaged employees be pumped up to the same as advantaged employees or can the benefits of the advantaged employees be lowered to the level of the disadvantaged?UKcan t find200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?Commissioncan t find200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?Denmarkcan t find200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?Irelandcan t find200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?Germanycan t find200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?Netherlandslimited200/91Taking the direct effect of Article 119 as a given, to what actions are the trustees of an occupational pension scheme obligated?UKcan t find200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?Commissionrelatives and employees200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?Denmarkcan t find200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?Irelandrelatives and employees200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?Germanycan t find200/91Who may rely on the direct effect of Article 119 against the trustees of an occupational pension scheme?Netherlandsonly employeesQ<Z u > p Bx;6200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?Irelandcan t find200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?Germanycan t find200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?Netherlandscan t find200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?UKcan t find200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?Commissioncan t find200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?Denmarkcan t find200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?Irelandcan t find200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?Germanycan t find200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?Netherlandscan t find200/91Does it matter, with regard to Article 119, whether an occupational pension scheme is funded through employee s fund or employer s funds?UKcan t find200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?Commissioncan t find200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?Denmarkcan t find200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?Irelandcan t find200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?Germanycan t find200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?Netherlandscan t find200/91What happens in the event that the liable party, in the case of a breach of Article 119, does not have sufficient funds to cover that breach?UKcan t find200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?Commissioncan t find200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?Denmarkcan t find200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?Irelandcan t find200/91Who is liable for the breaching of Article 119 in the case of an occupational pension scheme now in the hands of its trustees, i.e. the employer or the trustees?Germanycan t find#QUi & - / % &Q7/93Can a male civil servant rely on Article 119 so as to ensure that he is treated in the same way as a married female civil servant as regards his pension entitlement?UKyes7/93Can a male civil servant rely on Article 119 so as to ensure that he is treated in the same way as a married female civil servant as regards his pension entitlement?Netherlandscan t find7/93Is the term pay in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to be understood as covering, inter alia, an old-age pension for civil servants as provided for in the Netherlands ABPW?Commissionyes7/93Is the term pay in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to be understood as covering, inter alia, an old-age pension for civil servants as provided for in the Netherlands ABPW?UKyes7/93Is the term pay in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty to be understood as covering, inter alia, an old-age pension for civil servants as provided for in the Netherlands ABPW?Netherlandsno408/92May an employer rely on the principle of objective justification by reference to the needs of the undertaking or the needs of the occupational pension scheme as justifying any reduction in the benefits paid to women?Commissioncan t find408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?Commissionno408/92Where an occupational pension scheme had different normal pension ages for men and women, and wher the employer has sought to eliminate that discrimination, is it inconsistent with Article 119 for the employer to adopt a common pension age for both sexes?Commissionit is consistent9'408/92May an employer rely on the principle of objective justification by reference to the needs of the undertaking or the needs of the occupational pension scheme as justifying any reduction in the benefits paid to women?Germanycan t find 408/92May an employer rely on the principle of objective justification by reference to the needs of the undertaking or the needs of the occupational pension scheme as justifying any reduction in the benefits paid to women?UKyes408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?Germanyno408/92Does Article 119 impose any obligation on the employer to minimize the adverse consequences to women whose benefits are affected by the employer s decision to eliminate the difference in pension ages?UKno408/92Where an occupational pension scheme had different normal pension ages for men and women, and wher the employer has sought to eliminate that discrimination, is it inconsistent with Article 119 for the employer to adopt a common pension age for both sexes?Germanyit is consistent6$408/92Where an occupational pension scheme had different normal pension ages for men and women, and wher the employer has sought to eliminate that discrimination, is it inconsistent with Article 119 for the employer to adopt a common pension age for both sexes?UKit is consistent1200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?Commissioncan t find200/91Does Article 199 apply in any way to a scheme that has always had a membership consisting of only one sex?Denmarkcan t find<Q5 V  P yl57/93Do the Protocol concerning Article 119 appended to the Maastricht Treaty transition Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive, affect the assessment of this case?Belgiumcan t find57/93Do the Protocol concerning Article 119 appended to the Maastricht Treaty transition Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive, affect the assessment of this case?Germanycan t find57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue in this case?Commissionno 57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue in this case?UKyes 57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue in this case?Belgiumyes 57/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber case with regard to a pension scheme of the kind at issue in that cse also apply to a claim to join an occupational pension scheme of the kind at issue in this case?Germanyno 57/93Does the right to equal pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occupational pension scheme?Commissionyes57/93Does the right to equal pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occupational pension scheme?UKcan t find57/93Does the right to equal pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occupational pension scheme?Belgiumcan t find57/93Does the right to equal pay within the meaning of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occupational pension scheme?Germanycan t find28/93In a pension scheme adopted in the framework of a labour agreement in which the pensionable age for both male and female member is set at 60, is it contrary to Article 119 for a limited group of women to remain fixed at 55 years after the Barber judgment?Commissionyes+&28/93In a pension scheme adopted in the framework of a labour agreement in which the pensionable age for both male and female member is set at 60, is it contrary to Article 119 for a limited group of women to remain fixed at 55 years after the Barber judgment?Germanyyes(#28/93In a pension scheme adopted in the framework of a labour agreement in which the pensionable age for both male and female member is set at 60, is it contrary to Article 119 for a limited group of women to remain fixed at 55 years after the Barber judgment?Netherlandsno+'7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?Commissionyese`T7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?UKcan t findgXT7/93Is there a limit to the temporal effects of this judgment?NetherlandsyesfaT7/93Can a male civil servant rely on Article 119 so as to ensure that he is treated in the same way as a married female civil servant as regards his pension entitlement?Commissioncan't findQ A  tFj128/93Is it relevant that the plaintiff did not act earlier to enforce the rights which she now claims to have?UKcan't find128/93Is it relevant that the plaintiff did not act earlier to enforce the rights which she now claims to have?Germanycan't find128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member of the occupational pension scheme from a date prior to 1 January 1991, does that mean that she s not bound to pay the premiums which she would have had to pay had she been admitted earlier?Commissionno($128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member of the occupational pension scheme from a date prior to 1 January 1991, does that mean that she s not bound to pay the premiums which she would have had to pay had she been admitted earlier?UKyes!128/93If under Article 119 the plaintiff is entitled to be a member of the occupational pension scheme from a date prior to 1 January 1991, does that mean that she s not bound to pay the premiums which she would have had to pay had she been admitted earlier?Germanycan't find-!128/93Where membership in a pension scheme is made compulsory by law, are the administrators bound to apply the principle of equal treatment, and may an employee who has been prejudiced by failure to apply that rule sue the pension fund?Commissionyes128/93Where membership in a pension scheme is made compulsory by law, are the administrators bound to apply the principle of equal treatment, and may an employee who has been prejudiced by failure to apply that rule sue the pension fund?UKyes 128/93Where membership in a pension scheme is made compulsory by law, are the administrators bound to apply the principle of equal treatment, and may an employee who has been prejudiced by failure to apply that rule sue the pension fund?Germanyyes 128/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber judgement for pension schemes such as those considered apply to the right to join an occupational pension scheme?Commissionno128/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber judgement for pension schemes such as those considered apply to the right to join an occupational pension scheme?UKyes128/93Does the temporal limitation imposed by the court in the Barber judgement for pension schemes such as those considered apply to the right to join an occupational pension scheme?Germanycan't find128/93Does the right to equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occutpational pension scheme?Commissionyes128/93Does the right to equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occutpational pension scheme?UKcan't find128/93Does the right to equal pay laid down in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty also include the right to join an occutpational pension scheme?Germanyno57/93Do the Protocol concerning Article 119 appended to the Maastricht Treaty transition Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive, affect the assessment of this case?Commissionno57/93Do the Protocol concerning Article 119 appended to the Maastricht Treaty transition Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive, affect the assessment of this case?UKyesQ V m Q *] 23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?Germanythere is not a provision of servicesA165/91Does a pension granted to an inactive spouse have such specific characteristics that under Community law there is justification for treating it differently from the benefit granted in the form of an increase in pension on account of a dependent spouse?Commissioncan't find0$165/91Does a pension granted to an inactive spouse have such specific characteristics that under Community law there is justification for treating it differently from the benefit granted in the form of an increase in pension on account of a dependent spouse?Netherlandscan't find1%165/91Does a pension granted to an inactive spouse have such specific characteristics that under Community law there is justification for treating it differently from the benefit granted in the form of an increase in pension on account of a dependent spouse?Belgiumcan't find-!165/91Is a provision which attaches different consequences to benefits depending on whether the benefit is granted as an increase in the pension of the active spouse or as a separate pension to the inactive spouse incompatible with EC Law?Commissioncan't find165/91Is a provision which attaches different consequences to benefits depending on whether the benefit is granted as an increase in the pension of the active spouse or as a separate pension to the inactive spouse incompatible with EC Law?Netherlandscan't find165/91Is a provision which attaches different consequences to benefits depending on whether the benefit is granted as an increase in the pension of the active spouse or as a separate pension to the inactive spouse incompatible with EC Law?Belgiumcan't find144/93Does an additive still serve a technological function in the finished product where it prevents discoloration of an ingredient during its manufacture and that state continues to exist in the finished product regardless of the presence of the additive?Commissionthe comm proposes their own test for determining the answer to this questionq#128/93Do the protocol concerning Article 119 of the EEC Treaty appended to the Treaty of Maastricht and the transitional Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive affect the assessment of this case?Commissionprotocol 2 must be read in conjunction with Berger and cannot have a scope wider than the limitiation of its effects in time128/93Do the protocol concerning Article 119 of the EEC Treaty appended to the Treaty of Maastricht and the transitional Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive affect the assessment of this case?UKthe protocol applies to every kind of discriminationA 128/93Do the protocol concerning Article 119 of the EEC Treaty appended to the Treaty of Maastricht and the transitional Article III of Draft Law 20 890, which is intended to implement the Fourth Directive affect the assessment of this case?Germanyprotocol 2 must be read in conjunction with Berger and cannot have a scope wider than the limitiation of its effects in time128/93Is it relevant that the plaintiff did not act earlier to enforce the rights which she now claims to have?Commissioncan't find Qe   4IV#?151/93How should a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump be classifed with regard to Commission Regs Nos 1151/87 and 2800/87?Commissionuse marketing regulatoins on poultry meat362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?Commissionthe questions referred are inadmissableeY362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?Councilthe questions referred are inadmissablebY362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?Greececan't findmaY362/93Is Council Regulation No 1738/91 on the tobacco market valid?Italycan't findl`Y362/93Is Regulation No 1114/88 on tobacco the tobacco market valid?CommissionyesjeY362/93Is Regulation No 1114/88 on tobacco the tobacco market valid?CouncilyesgbY362/93Is Regulation No 1114/88 on tobacco the tobacco market valid?GreecenoeaY362/93Is Regulation No 1114/88 on tobacco the tobacco market valid?Italynod`Y55/93Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a member state by virtue of which test certificates may not be issued by garages established in another state?Commissioncan't find55/93Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a member state by virtue of which test certificates may not be issued by garages established in another state?Irelandcan't find55/93Does Community Law preclude the legislation of a member state by virtue of which test certificates may not be issued by garages established in another state?Germanycan't find23/93Are restrictions imposed on broadcasts from abroad, whereby a broadcaster is regarded as a domestic organization despite the fact that it has chosen to establish itself in another Member State, compatible with Community Law?Commissioncan't find23/93Are restrictions imposed on broadcasts from abroad, whereby a broadcaster is regarded as a domestic organization despite the fact that it has chosen to establish itself in another Member State, compatible with Community Law?Netherlandsyes 23/93Are restrictions imposed on broadcasts from abroad, whereby a broadcaster is regarded as a domestic organization despite the fact that it has chosen to establish itself in another Member State, compatible with Community Law?Francecan't find23/93Are restrictions imposed on broadcasts from abroad, whereby a broadcaster is regarded as a domestic organization despite the fact that it has chosen to establish itself in another Member State, compatible with Community Law?Germanyyes 23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?Commissionthere is a provision of services@23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?Netherlandsthere is not a provision of servicesE23/93Where a broadcaster not eligible for access to the cable network in Member State A transmits programs from Member State B with to avoid the legislation of Member State A is that a case of provision of services with a relevant crossboarder element?Francethere is a provision of services< Q@ $ t  f< 355/93Under what conitions does a Turkish national satisfy the conditions of the frist indent of Article 6(1) of Decision No 1/80?Commissioncan't find 355/93Under what conitions does a Turkish national satisfy the conditions of the frist indent of Article 6(1) of Decision No 1/80?Germanycan't find 323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?Commissionyes 323/93Are domestic rules which require economic operators who import semen from a Member State of the Community to deliver it to an approved insemination or production center contrary to community law?Franceno 323/93Is it contrary to Community Law for domestic legislation to establish insemination centers which alone are authorized to operate in an area, and do those provisions entitle them to levy additional charges when breeders ask for semen of their choice?Commissionno%!323/93Is it contrary to Community Law for domestic legislation to establish insemination centers which alone are authorized to operate in an area, and do those provisions entitle them to levy additional charges when breeders ask for semen of their choice?Franceno!280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?UKno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Portugalno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Italyno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Franceno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Spainno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Greeceno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Commissionno280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Netherlandsyes280/93Should Title IV and Article 21(2) of Council Reg No 404/93 on the common organization of the market in bananas be annulled?Belgiumyes151/93How should a chicken leg with part of the back without the rump be classifed with regard to Commission Reg No 3486/87?Commissionuse marketing regulations on poultry meat151/93How should wings with a piece of the back between them be classified with regard to the tariff headings in the Annexes to Commission Regs Nos 1151/87, 2800/87, 267/87?Commissionuse marketing regulations on poultrymeat151/93How should wings with a piece of the back between them be classified with regard to the tariff headings in Commission Reg No 3846/87?Commissionuse marketing regulations on poultrymeatQ 9 p  s [;{r<#435/92Is it lawful for national authorities to fix closing dates for hunting season that vary according to species?Franceyes"435/92Is it lawful for national authorities to fix closing dates for hunting season that vary according to species?Commissionyes!435/92Is it lawful for national authorities to fix closing dates for hunting season that vary according to species?Federation Departemenrale des Chasseurs de Loire-Atlantiqueyes 435/92Is it lawful for national authorities to fix closing dates for hunting season that vary according to species?the Rassemblement des Opposants a la Chasseno435/92When should the closing date for the hunting season of migratory birds and waterfowl be fixed?Francethe date has to guarantee that 50% won't be hunted during migrationz435/92When should the closing date for the hunting season of migratory birds and waterfowl be fixed?Commissionthe date should maximize protection of speciesz435/92When should the closing date for the hunting season of migratory birds and waterfowl be fixed?Federation Departemenrale des Chasseurs de Loire-Atlantiquethe date has to guarantee that 50% won't be hunted during migrationz435/92When should the closing date for the hunting season of migratory birds and waterfowl be fixed?the Rassemblement des Opposants a la Chassecan't findz364/92Is Eurocontrol an undertaking within the meaning of Articles 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty?Commissionnou364/92Is Eurocontrol an undertaking within the meaning of Articles 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty?Greeceno}u364/92Is Eurocontrol an undertaking within the meaning of Articles 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty?Franceno}u364/92Is Eurocontrol an undertaking within the meaning of Articles 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty?UKno}yu376/92May a manufacturer limit a guaratee to prodcuts sold within the bounds of her selective distribution system?Commissionno376/92May a manufacturer limit a guaratee to prodcuts sold within the bounds of her selective distribution system?Francecan t find376/92May a manufacturer limit a guaratee to prodcuts sold within the bounds of her selective distribution system?Greececan t find376/92Is a selective distribution system incompatible with Article 85(1) of the Treaty because the producer is unable to ensure that it is impervious?Commissionno376/92Is a selective distribution system incompatible with Article 85(1) of the Treaty because the producer is unable to ensure that it is impervious?Franceno376/92Is a selective distribution system incompatible with Article 85(1) of the Treaty because the producer is unable to ensure that it is impervious?Greeceno355/93May a Turkish national who satisfies the conditions set out in the second paragraph of Article 7 of Decision 1/80 and who may respond to any offer of employment demand the extension of her residence permit on the basis thereof?Commissioncan't find 355/93May a Turkish national who satisfies the conditions set out in the second paragraph of Article 7 of Decision 1/80 and who may respond to any offer of employment demand the extension of her residence permit on the basis thereof?Germanyno `Q2Y C 8F<189/92What reference quantity should a dairy grant to a producer in such circumstances as those described in this case?Commissioncan't find;189/92What reference quantity should a dairy grant to a producer in such circumstances as those described in this case?Francecan't find:189/92May a dairy refuse to grant a reference quantity to a young farmer on which a certain quantity of milk had been produced and delivered on the pretext that deliveries were temporarily suspended owing to a change in the producer?Commissioncan't find 9189/92May a dairy refuse to grant a reference quantity to a young farmer on which a certain quantity of milk had been produced and delivered on the pretext that deliveries were temporarily suspended owing to a change in the producer?Francecan't find898/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?Commissioncan't findQE9798/91Is Coucil Reg No 857/84 valid?Netherlandscan't findRF9698/91Ought Council Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that a person or group of people are not prevented from being regarded as producers to whom both Article 3a1 and Artilce 3a1a are applicable ?Commissioncan't find598/91Ought Council Reg No 857/84 be interpreted as meaning that a person or group of people are not prevented from being regarded as producers to whom both Article 3a1 and Artilce 3a1a are applicable ?Netherlandscan't find498/91Is Article 3a of Reg No 1546/88 incompatible with higher ranking community law, and in particular with Article 3a of Coucil reg No 857/84?Commissionyes398/91Is Article 3a of Reg No 1546/88 incompatible with higher ranking community law, and in particular with Article 3a of Coucil reg No 857/84?Netherlandsno2212/91Is the prohibition of 11 alpha - Hydroxypren-4-ene-3,20-dione and its esters under the Twelfth Commission Directive 90/121/EEC valid?Commissionyes1212/91Is the prohibition of 11 alpha - Hydroxypren-4-ene-3,20-dione and its esters under the Twelfth Commission Directive 90/121/EEC valid?UKyes0212/91Is the prohibition of 11 alpha - Hydroxypren-4-ene-3,20-dione and its esters under the Twelfth Commission Directive 90/121/EEC valid?Germanyyes)129/92Does the Convention on jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments have any application to proceedings in Contracting States concerning the recognition and enforcement of judgments of non-contracting states?Commissionno(129/92Does the Convention on jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments have any application to proceedings in Contracting States concerning the recognition and enforcement of judgments of non-contracting states?UKno'435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?Francecan't find~&435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?Commissiononly if they establish dates compatible with the above questions~%435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?Federation Departemenrale des Chasseurs de Loire-Atlantiquecan't find~$435/92Is it compatible with community law for the Prefects to set the dates for hunting in their region?the Rassemblement des Opposants a la Chasseonly if they establish dates compatible with the above questions~Qy LJ154/93May a Member State refuse to recognize a diploma of dentistry awarded by a non-member state although the holder has had it recoginzed in another Member State?Commissioncan t findI154/93May a Member State refuse to recognize a diploma of dentistry awarded by a non-member state although the holder has had it recoginzed in another Member State?Francecan t findH319/92Under Article 52 of the Treaty, can one deny an appointment to a practitioner who does not hold a diploma mentioned Directive 78/686/EEC but who has been authorized to practise, on the ground that she has not completed a required training period?Commissioncan t find-G319/92Does Article 20 exempt any national of a Member State who holds a diploma awarded by a non-member state which itself is recognized by another Member State from a mandatory training period?Commissioncan t findF319/92Does Article 20 of Directive 78/686/EEC prohibit a member state from requiring a person to complete a a training period in order to be eligible for appointment, when that person has already been deemed competent to practice by the member state?Commissioncan t find+E13/93Does Artilce 5 of Directive 76/207/EEC require a member state which lays down in its domestic law the principle of general prohibition of night-work for male and female workers to ensure strict similarity in derogations for both sexes?Commissioncommon customs tariff is not applicable;D13/93Does Artilce 5 of Directive 76/207/EEC require a member state which lays down in its domestic law the principle of general prohibition of night-work for male and female workers to ensure strict similarity in derogations for both sexes?GermanyEU law does not preclude the act in question=C315/92Do Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national measures which would ban the marketing of a cosmetic product under a name which might be misleading to the general public?Commissionit isn't necessary to prohibt the name in questionB315/92Do Articles 30 and 36 of the EEC Treaty preclude national measures which would ban the marketing of a cosmetic product under a name which might be misleading to the general public?GermanynoA374/92How should Article 4(2)(b) of Reg No 2267/84 be interpreted with regards to the 90% rule and boning in the storage of beef?CommissionIn the event that portions of boned forequarters of beef are removed from storage prior to the minimum storage period, aid may still be claimed so long as the portions of beef remaining in storage make up at least 90% of the contractual obligation.@287/92Must a Member State, whose legislation makes the right to benefit conditional upon the completion of a period of residence, treat periods of the Claimants residence in other Member states as though they were periods of residence in the first state?Commissionyes% ?287/92Must a Member State, whose legislation makes the right to benefit conditional upon the completion of a period of residence, treat periods of the Claimants residence in other Member states as though they were periods of residence in the first state?UKno>287/92To whom does the first sentence of Article71(1)(b)(ii)of Reg No 1408/71 apply?Commissioncan't findvj=287/92To whom does the first sentence of Article71(1)(b)(ii)of Reg No 1408/71 apply?UKcan't findznjqQ  M  8T _2[343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?Commissioncan t finduiZ343/92Is Article IV of the Netherlands Law of 3 May 1989 contrary to community law?NetherlandsnozviY343/92Is a provision whereby the rights of married women to AAW benefits are taken away contrary to Community law?CommissionyesX343/92Is a provision whereby the rights of married women to AAW benefits are taken away contrary to Community law?Netherlandscan't findW100/92Does Artilce 1 of Commission Decision No 83/396 preclude the application of the Italian legislation in so far as the latter provides for the reimbursement of increases in the electricity consumption of steel makers between 1 Jan and 30 June 1983?Commissionnot after december 31 1982:V100/92Does Artilce 1 of Commission Decision No 83/396 preclude the application of the Italian legislation in so far as the latter provides for the reimbursement of increases in the electricity consumption of steel makers between 1 Jan and 30 June 1983?Italynot after december 31 19825U99/92Was there discrimination in the Commission decision at issue which would invalidate that decision?Commissioncan't find}T99/92Was there discrimination in the Commission decision at issue which would invalidate that decision?Italycan't find}S99/92Did Commission Decision No 83/396 treat the appellant undertakings as private or public producers, in the light of their internal legal rules or the public holding in their capital?CommissionpublicR99/92Did Commission Decision No 83/396 treat the appellant undertakings as private or public producers, in the light of their internal legal rules or the public holding in their capital?Italycan t findQ419/92Does Community law preclude, in an open competition to fulfil job postings, the possibility of disregarding work carried out in the public service of another Member State, while acknowledging public service carried out in the state of application?Commissionyes$P419/92Does Community law preclude, in an open competition to fulfil job postings, the possibility of disregarding work carried out in the public service of another Member State, while acknowledging public service carried out in the state of application?Franceyes O419/92Does Community law preclude, in an open competition to fulfil job postings, the possibility of disregarding work carried out in the public service of another Member State, while acknowledging public service carried out in the state of application?Italycan t find)N236/92Does Article 4 of Council Directive 75/442/EEC have direct effect and if so what rights does it confer upon the individual?CommissionnoM236/92Does Article 4 of Council Directive 75/442/EEC have direct effect and if so what rights does it confer upon the individual?UKnoL398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?CommissionyesK398/92Does Community law preclude a national provision which authorizes seizure only on the ground that enforcement will otherwise be made much more difficult, but also authorizes seizure on the ground that enforcement will take place abroad?Germanycan t find Q)  !> k188/92Is a national court bound by a decision of the Commission when hearing an appeal regarding the implementation of the decision binding the court, wherein the addresse of the decision claims the decision to be unlawful?Franceth validity can be called into question&j16/93What constitues "a supply of services effected for consideration" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Sixth VAT Directive?Commissionthe case in question is not a supply of servicesi16/93What constitues "a supply of services effected for consideration" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Sixth VAT Directive?Netherlandsthe case in question is a supply of servicesh16/93What constitues "a supply of services effected for consideration" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Sixth VAT Directive?Germanythe case in question is a supply of servicesg335/92Does the non-reimbursement of a pecuniary charge constitue an infringement of Article 17 of Reg No 1418/76, since it involves a reduction of the communtiy refund for only a small group of people?Commissioncan t findf335/92Does the non-reimbursement of a pecuniary charge constitue an infringement of Article 17 of Reg No 1418/76, since it involves a reduction of the communtiy refund for only a small group of people?Italycan t finde335/92Must the Italian State or Rice Authority reimburse traders in the rice sector the pecuniary charge imposed on rice produced in Italy, where that rice has been exported and consumed in other member states?Commissioncan t findd335/92Must the Italian State or Rice Authority reimburse traders in the rice sector the pecuniary charge imposed on rice produced in Italy, where that rice has been exported and consumed in other member states?Italycan t findc368/92Is the benefit of preferential treatment granted by the EEC to developing countries , necessarily lost when Form A issued on the export of the products refers to a state other than a Member State?Commissionyesb368/92Is the benefit of preferential treatment granted by the EEC to developing countries , necessarily lost when Form A issued on the export of the products refers to a state other than a Member State?UKyesa368/92Is the benefit of preferential treatment granted by the EEC to developing countries , necessarily lost when Form A issued on the export of the products refers to a state other than a Member State?Belgiumyes`368/92Is the benefit of preferential treatment granted by the EEC to developing countries , necessarily lost when Form A issued on the export of the products refers to a state other than a Member State?Franceyes_343/92In the event that a national provision is contrary to community law is it then non-binding?Commissioncan t findw^343/92In the event that a national provision is contrary to community law is it then non-binding?Netherlandscan t findw]343/92Can provisions which in practice affect largely or only married women and to that extent indirectly discriminate against those women be justified on budgetary grounds?Commissioncan t find\343/92Can provisions which in practice affect largely or only married women and to that extent indirectly discriminate against those women be justified on budgetary grounds?Netherlandscan t findQ n G 7a${71/93How ought Reg No 1408/71 be interpreted with regards to a professional soldier on active service in Belgium, to whom the applicable medical care provisions have been extended?Commissionsoldier is covered by the regulationz275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Commissionyesy275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?UKnox275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Netherlandsnow275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Luxembourgnov275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Francenou275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Spainnot275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Greecenos275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Germanynor275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Denmarknoq275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Belgiumnop80/92Has Belgium failed to fulfil its duties by implementing laws concerning telecommunitcations which are contrary to community law?UKyeso387/92Should the exemption from taxes payable to the State and other entities of public law wich Spanish law grants to public credit institutions be regarded as incompatible with the principle of fair competition?Commissionnot an abuse of dominant positionn387/92Should the exemption from taxes payable to the State and other entities of public law wich Spanish law grants to public credit institutions be regarded as incompatible with the principle of fair competition?Greecenot a dominant position m387/92Should the exemption from taxes payable to the State and other entities of public law wich Spanish law grants to public credit institutions be regarded as incompatible with the principle of fair competition?Spainits not an abuse of dominant position and is not incompatible1l188/92Is a national court bound by a decision of the Commission when hearing an appeal regarding the implementation of the decision binding the court, wherein the addresse of the decision claims the decision to be unlawful?Commissionthe valididty can't be called into question.WQ N  2 2222  }193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeInstitut National dAssurance Maladie-InvaliditeYes, the shares should be recalculated?160/91Is an organization charged with man193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeInstitut National dAssurance Maladie-InvaliditeYes, the shares should be recalculated?160/91Is an organization charged with managing a special social 193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeInstitut National dAssurance Maladie-InvaliditeYes, the shares should be recalculated?160/9193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeInstitut National dAssurance Maladie-InvaliditeYes, the shares should be recalculated?193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeInstitut National dAssurance Maladie-InvaliditeYes, the shares should be recalculated?160/91Is an organization charged with managing a special social security is an undertaking for the purposes of competition rules under article 85 and 86 regarding abuse of dominant positionCommissionNo. Such organizations are not undertakings for the purposes of competition law.1160/91Is an organization charged with managing a special social security is an undertaking for the purposes of competition rules under article 85 and 86 regarding abuse of dominant positionGermanyNo. Such organizaitons are not undertakings 160/91Is an organization charged with managing a special social security is an undertaking for the purposes of competition rules under article 85 and 86 regarding abuse of dominant positionFranceNo. Such organziations are not undertakings148/93Do shoes that serve as walking aids which are intended to be worn over a fitted plaster cast fall under the term splints and other fracture appliances or parts thereof ?Commissionno~148/93How should the term orthopaedic appliances as found in th Combined Nomenclature be interpreted with regards to shoes that serve as walking aids to worn with a fitted plaster cast?CommissionThis term should be interpreted as not including footwear of the type described.-}71/93If a person is employed for the purposes of Article 14c and is insured only for single risk, for what type of insurance must the person pay as a self-employed person when national law provides that all employed people must have insurance for several risksCommissionthe insurance required in the country where he is engaged in paid employment, belgium}&|71/93Must Article 13(2)(d) and Article 14c be interpreted as meaning that the employment as a civil servant of a person falling within the scope of the regulation is to be treated as a person employed for the purposes of the application of 14c?Commissionyes iQ  t gf275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Portugalno291/91in the context of a job processing contract between and principal and operator, both community establishments, for the processing of non EC goods, can either the principal or the operator apply for authorization to the competent customs authoritiesCommissionboth may apply, as long as the operator applies on behalf of the principall 285/91Are exports of vitamin C eligible for export subsidies associated with sugar, which is used to create sorbitol, a component of vitamin CCommissionVitamin C can receive such an export subsidy, insofar as the sobitol is produced from sugar and not maize275/91Under article 44 of the social security regulations, migrant workers can claim benefits from multiple member states, who share the burden of compensation. The question is whether declining a benefit in one country because it affects eligibility of more geItalyYes, the migrant worker can claim both benefitsS"275/91Under article 44 of the social security regulations, migrant workers can claim benefits from multiple member states, who share the burden of compensation. The question is whether declining a benefit in one country because it affects eligibility of more geGreeceYes, the worker can claim both benefitsL#275/91Under article 44 of the social security regulations, migrant workers can claim benefits from multiple member states, who share the burden of compensation. The question is whether declining a benefit in one country because it affects eligibility of more geCommissionyes, the worker can claim both benefitsP'218/91EU law requires the national government compensate an orphan of resident worker the amount of compensation to which he is eligible over and obove the amount in the nation of origin of the worker. In calculating this amount, does compensation to the widowCommissionNo, the supplemental support to the widow, although possibly beneficial to the orphan, is not compensation to the orphan'218/91EU law requires the national government compensate an orphan of resident worker the amount of compensation to which he is eligible over and obove the amount in the nation of origin of the worker. In calculating this amount, does compensation to the widowPortugalNo, the compensation designed to raise the support to a minimum level of widow benefits is not support for the orphan%218/91EU law requires the national government compensate an orphan of resident worker the amount of compensation to which he is eligible over and obove the amount in the nation of origin of the worker. In calculating this amount, does compensation to the widowItalyNo, the compensation designated to the widow to meet the minimum support level is not support to the orphan"218/91EU law requires the national government compensate an orphan of resident worker the amount of compensation to which he is eligible over and obove the amount in the nation of origin of the worker. In calculating this amount, does compensation to the widowGermanyYes, the survivors benefit that the spouse recieves is part of the compensation for the orphan$193/92In calculating the share of invalidity compensation two member states pay an injured migrant worker, do the shares adjust over time with national changes based on cost of living adjustments and the likeCommissionNo, the shares should not be recalculated due the changes based on cost of living and the likeR Q (  QfGF>1271/92Is restricting the sale of contact lenses to certfied opticians justified by Art 36?GreeceWhile this restriction may be prohibited under Article 30, it is justifed by Article 36 because the legislation insures public safety.xp271/92Is restricting the sale of contact lenses to certfied opticians justified by Art 36?FranceWhile the restriction in question may be a quantitative restriction in terms of communtiy law, it does not discriminate against foreign companies. Moreover, this legislation is necessary for public safety.Hxp71/91Mus the charge allowed by Art 12(1)(e) of Dir 69/335 be proportional to the actual cost of the services provided.UKFees or dues should be fixed at a level corresponding to the overall costs of the service provided. The duty must not be imposed for the purpose of raising revenue for the State.D71/91Mus the charge allowed by Art 12(1)(e) of Dir 69/335 be proportional to the actual cost of the services provided.ItalyThe fact that the amount of the charge cannot be precisely quantified on the basis of the cots of service has no bearing on the classification of duties paid by way of fees or dues.Jp71/91Mus the charge allowed by Art 12(1)(e) of Dir 69/335 be proportional to the actual cost of the services provided.ComissionThere must be a direct link between the amount of duties and the cost of the factors necessary to provide such a service.250/91Did HP-France satisfy the requirement imposed by the first subparagraph of Art 5(2) of Reg 1697/79?CommissionHP-France could at least have had the notice confirmed by the French authorities.250/91Did HP-France satisfy the requirement imposed by the first subparagraph of Art 5(2) of Reg 1697/79?FranceThe requirements of the article are not satisfied where the person liable was in a position to obtain information as to the Community law applicable to its transactions, that being the position as regards the plaintiff in the main proceedings.|250/81What criteria should be used to establish whether there has been 'an error & which could not reasonably have been detected by the person liable' within the meanign of Reg 1697/79?CommissionHP did not display the dilligence necessary. 250/81What criteria should be used to establish whether there has been 'an error & which could not reasonably have been detected by the person liable' within the meanign of Reg 1697/79?FranceHP did not display the dilligence necessary.250/91Does the failure of the authorities to raise any objection concerning the classification of goods, even though a comparison of the declared heading and the description of goods would have disclosed the discrepency, constitute an error made by the authoritCommissionOnly the national cour is in a position to make such a determination.n'250/91Does the failure of the authorities to raise any objection concerning the classification of goods, even though a comparison of the declared heading and the description of goods would have disclosed the discrepency, constitute an error made by the authoritFranceArt 5(2) of Reg 1697/79 cannot be relied on by a trader to avoid post-clearance recovery of the duties in question.#275/92Is the prohibition of the importation of lottery tickets and advertisements relating to lotteries from one member state into another a violation of Community Law?Irelandno Q  e b3154/92Does Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC have direct effect?CommissionThe question must be answered in the affirmative.h\20/92Does the fact that the substantive proceedings come under the law of succession justify exclusing the application of the right to freedom to provide services enshrined in Community law with respect to a member of a profession responsible for the case.CommissionMS may not discriminate against persons to whom Community law gives the right to equal treatment or restrict the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by Community law."11/92Do Articles 3(3) and 4(4) of Council Dir 89/622 allow MS to require that indications of tar and nicotine yields and the general warnings provided for in Art 4 cover at least 6% of the relevant surface area?IrelandThe Articles are to be interpreted as permitting the national authorities of MS to require that domestic producers of cigarettes comply with a spatial requirement greater than 4%.11/92Do Articles 3(3) and 4(4) of Council Dir 89/622 allow MS to require that indications of tar and nicotine yields and the general warnings provided for in Art 4 cover at least 6% of the relevant surface area?UKThe Articles are to be interpreted as permitting the national authorities of MS to require that domestic producers of cigarettes comply with a spatial requirement greater than 4%.11/92Do Articles 3(3) and 4(4) of Council Dir 89/622 allow MS to require that indications of tar and nicotine yields and the general warnings provided for in Art 4 cover at least 6% of the relevant surface area?CommissionThe Articles must be interpreted in the sense that MS retain the power to require the warnings and notices on packets of cigarettes specified by the directive sold in its territory to cover an area greater than the minimum prescribed.222/91May MS require more than one warning label be affixed to tobacco products under Art 4(2) of Dir 89/622?ItalyA member state may require that warning s on non-cigarette tobacco products cover at least 4 % of the package and a member state may also mandate that more than one warning appear on a package.M222/91May MS require more than one warning label be affixed to tobacco products under Art 4(2) of Dir 89/622?UKA member state may have more stringent regulations than set out in the directive so long as those regulations are non-discriminatory.222/91May MS require more than one warning label be affixed to tobacco products under Art 4(2) of Dir 89/622?CommissionA member state may not require that non-tobacco products have warnings that cover at least 4 % of the package and they may not require that more than one warning be put on a package.G171/91Does Art 48(3)(d) of the Traty confer the right to remain on workers such as the applicant in the present action?GermanyThe appellant does not enjoy the right to remain permanently in Germany.171/91Does Art 48(3)(d) of the Traty confer the right to remain on workers such as the applicant in the present action?GreeceThe appellant enjoys the right to remain permanently in Germany.171/91Does Art 48(3)(d) of the Traty confer the right to remain on workers such as the applicant in the present action?CommissionWorkers who have never enjoyed the right of residence within the meaning of Art 48(3) of the EEC Treaty cannot enjoy the right to remain referred to in Art 48(3)(d)?271/92Is restricting the sale of contact lenses to certfied opticians justified by Art 36?CommissionWhile Article 30 does prohibit such legislation, it is justified under Article 36 and therefore exempt as a matter of public safety.|pQ  z )sM92/92Does Article 7 of the Treaty have direct effect?CommissionThe Article does have direct effect and it guarantees any non-resident of a member state the same rigths guaranteed to residents of the member state.WK92/92Does Article 7 of the Treaty have direct effect?UKIt does have direct effect which means that so long as national law provides the right to nationals, it can be used in court by non-nationals to stop the sale of non-copyrighted goods. OK92/92Does Article 7 of the Treaty have direct effect?GermanyIt does have direct effect which means that so long as national law provides the right to nationals, it can be used in court by non-nationals to stop the sale of non-copyrighted goods.TK10/92Do the provisions cited have a direct effect within the meaning of Council directive 77/388/EEC?ItalyThe question it otiose; it is obvious that those provisions have direct effect and it follows from their very wording that their purpsoe is to define the chargeable event and the time when VAT becomes chargable.W{10/92Do the provisions cited have a direct effect within the meaning of Council directive 77/388/EEC?CommissionThe provisions, which satisfy the requirements of clarity, precision and unconditionality, may be relied on in the national court in order to prevent the application of a nationla rule which is inconsistent therewith.b{271/91Does Article 6 of Directive 76/207/EEC have direct effect?UKArticle 6 has direct effect only where reparations have been totally excluded.ZV271/91Does Article 6 of Directive 76/207/EEC have direct effect?CommissionArticle 6 does have direct effect and confer rights upon individuals.bV266/91To what extent does the requirement "the charges imposed& " laid down in EC case law refer to monetary equivalence between the amount of charge levied and the advantages accruing to domestic agents; could it be understood as a requirement relaitng to the nCommissionIt is unnecessary for the Court to answer this quesiton.d*266/91To what extent does the requirement "the charges imposed& " laid down in EC case law refer to monetary equivalence between the amount of charge levied and the advantages accruing to domestic agents; could it be understood as a requirement relaitng to the nFranceIt is necessary to take account of all relevant factual and legal aspect, in particular the more or less general nature of the activities financed by the contested charge.&266/91To what extent does the requirement "the charges imposed& " laid down in EC case law refer to monetary equivalence between the amount of charge levied and the advantages accruing to domestic agents; could it be understood as a requirement relaitng to the nProtugalThis reqirement refers to monetary equivalence.Y(266/91To what extent does the requirement "the charges imposed& " laid down in EC case law refer to monetary equivalence between the amount of charge levied and the advantages accruing to domestic agents; could it be understood as a requirement relaitng to the nPortuguese Minsitry of FinanceThe rclassification cannot be called into question by the use to which the proceeds of that charge are put, since the receipts were not intended solely to finance activities of specific benefit to the domestic product taxed. >154/92Does Article 4 of Council Directive 79/7/EEC have direct effect?BelgiumThere is no need to answer the second question, since the decision of the National Pensions Office is compatible with Dir 79/7.e\Q P l R 4 xi2321/93When a Member States legislation refers entitlement to and the amount of benefits for spouses on the condition of their residency in that state, is that condition fulfilled if the children and spouse reside in another Member State?SpainThey must be considered to have fulfilled that condition.E 486/93Is legislation pursuant to which the two ad velorem charges mentioned above continue to be levied compatible with Community law?GreeceThe very fact that the duty was imposed on all goods precluded it from being protectionist and or likely to distort competition.&486/93Is an ad velorem charge levied by an MS on goods exported to another MS by reason of their leaving a region of the 1st MS a charge having equivalent effect, even if it is also levied on goods leaving that region for another part of the territory of the saGreeceThe very fact that the duty was imposed on all goods precluded it from being protectionist and or likely to distort competition.#46/90Does Art 6 of Dir 88/301 preclude national rules which prohibit and lay down penalties for the offering for sale of equipment without having been granted type-approval by a public undertaking offering goods in the telecommunications sector?CommissionIt is incompatible with Dir 88/301 and with the competition rules of the EEC Treaty for undertakings offering goods or services in the telecommunications sector to draw up specifications or grant type-approcal for terminal equipment. 46/90Does Art 6 of Dir 88/301 preclude national rules which prohibit and lay down penalties for the offering for sale of equipment without having been granted type-approval by a public undertaking offering goods in the telecommunications sector?BelgiumThe failure of the Belgian State to comply with Art 6 of Dir 88/301 has no bearing on the answer to be given to the question before the Court of Justice. 46/90Does Art 37 of the EEC Treaty preclude the application of national laws or regulations which prohibit the sale or hire of radio transmitters where a model has not been granted type-approval?BelgiumArt 37 is not applicable in the present case.46/90Does Art 37 of the EEC Treaty preclude the application of national laws or regulations which prohibit the sale or hire of radio transmitters where a model has not been granted type-approval?CommissionThe provisions are contrary to Art 37. 110/91Does Art 8(1) of Dir 86/378 prevent the legal consequences of the incompatability with Art 119 of the Treaty of the setting of different retirement ages for men and women for the purposes of the payment of company pensions from being drawn before 1/1/93?UKThe Directive is irrelavent.<110/91Does Art 8(1) of Dir 86/378 prevent the legal consequences of the incompatability with Art 119 of the Treaty of the setting of different retirement ages for men and women for the purposes of the payment of company pensions from being drawn before 1/1/93?CommissionDir 86/378 cannot change the situation since Art 119 of the Treaty is directly applicable.&110/91Does Art 8(1) of Dir 86/378 prevent the legal consequences of the incompatability with Art 119 of the Treaty of the setting of different retirement ages for men and women for the purposes of the payment of company pensions from being drawn before 1/1/93?GermanyThe Directive entitled employers to take the legitimate view that the different age conditions were lawful for the time being.#!Q @ rT&CK200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?UKThe principle of equal treatment should only be applied to benefits payable in respect of periods of service after 17 May 1990.:490/92Does Art 7(1)(d) of Dir 79/7 preclude a MS which has provided for increase in long-term OAP in repsect of a dependent spouse to be granted only to women who fulfil certain conditions?UKThe rules in question are covered by the derogation in Art 7(1)(d) of the directive.-490/92Does Art 7(1)(d) of Dir 79/7 preclude a MS which has provided for increase in long-term OAP in repsect of a dependent spouse to be granted only to women who fulfil certain conditions?CommissionThe provisions in question come within the derogation in Art 7(1)(d) and do not therefore infringe the directive.R106/94Does green Pulmoll pastilles fall within the scope of Commission Regulation No 717/85 under subheading 17.04 D I or under Chapter 30 of the Common Customs Tariff - 30-4?CommissionNo.431/93Does such an obligation exist where, in order to apply of its own motion the aforementioned Community rules, the court would have to abandon the passive role assigned to it by going beyond the ambit of the dispute defined by the parties?Commissioncan't find! 431/93Does such an obligation exist where, in order to apply of its own motion the aforementioned Community rules, the court would have to abandon the passive role assigned to it by going beyond the ambit of the dispute defined by the parties?UKno  431/93Does such an obligation exist where, in order to apply of its own motion the aforementioned Community rules, the court would have to abandon the passive role assigned to it by going beyond the ambit of the dispute defined by the parties?Netherlandsno 431/93Does such an obligation exist where, in order to apply of its own motion the aforementioned Community rules, the court would have to abandon the passive role assigned to it by going beyond the ambit of the dispute defined by the parties?Germanyno 431/93Does such an obligation exist where, in order to apply of its own motion the aforementioned Community rules, the court would have to abandon the passive role assigned to it by going beyond the ambit of the dispute defined by the parties?Franceno 387/93Does Art 37 of the Treaty preclude such legislation?FranceThe commercial State monopoly does not satisfy the requirement of Art37 in such a way as to ensure that there is no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed."XP387/93Does Art 37 of the Treaty preclude such legislation?CommissionThe commercial State monopoly does not satisfy the requirement of Art37 in such a way as to ensure that there is no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed.&\P134/94Does Art 102(1) of the EC Treaty give rise to individual rights which the national court must protect?CommissionThe question is inadmissible.134/94Are rules such as those under dispute compatible with Art 85 et seq. of the Treaty?CommissionThe question is inadmissible.{o321/93When a Member States legislation refers entitlement to and the amount of benefits for spouses on the condition of their residency in that state, is that condition fulfilled if the children and spouse reside in another Member State?CommissionSuch legislation is precluded under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty.RQ d  } 2A200/91Does the use of actuarial factors varying according to sex fall within the scope of Art 119 of the Treaty?CommissionThe prohibition on discrimination laid down in Art 119 covers all aspects of an occupational pension scheme, including actuarial calculation factors.)200/91Does the use of actuarial factors varying according to sex fall within the scope of Art 119 of the Treaty?NetherlandsThe use of sex-based actuarial calculation factors with a view to assessing a pension scheme's financial liability is not prohibited per se.!200/91Does the use of actuarial factors varying according to sex fall within the scope of Art 119 of the Treaty?UKthe use of scuh factors is necessary in order to maintain the financial balance of occupational pension schemes and is therefore permissible.200/91Are the principles laid down in the Barber judgement applicable to not only contracted-out occupational schemes but also non-conctracted out schemes?UKThe ruling in Barber, including the temporal limitations which it lays down, is applicable to all occupational pension schemes, irrespective of the category to which they belong.i200/91Is the limitation of the effects in time of the Barber judgment applicable to benefits not linked to the length of actula serivce?UKThe ruling in Barber, including the temporal limitations which it lays down, is applicable to all occupational pension schemes, irrespective of the category to which they belong.V200/91Do the limitations of the effects in tiem of the Barber judgment apply to survivors' pensions?UKThe ruling in Barber, including the temporal limitations which it lays down, is applicable to all occupational pension schemes, irrespective of the category to which they belong.2~z200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?CommissionThe principle of equal treatment should only be applied to benefits payable in respect of periods of service after 17 May 1990.B200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?IrelandThe principle of equal treatment should only be applied to benefits payable in respect of periods of service after 17 May 1990.?200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?GermanyThe principle of equal treatment should only be applied to benefits payable in respect of periods of service after 17 May 1990.?200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?NetherlandsThe principle of equal treatment should only be applied to benefits payable in respect of periods of service after 17 May 1990.C200/91Under what conditions may the direct effect of Art 119 be relied upon for the purpose of claiming equal treatment in the matter of occupational pensions?DenmarkThe principle of equal treatment should only be applied to benefits payable in respect of periods of service after 17 May 1990.?Q;^ ~  CjH275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Commissionnob^R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?UKyes[VR275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Spainyes^YR275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Portugalyesa\R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Commissionnob^R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?UKyes[VR275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Spainyes^YR275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Portugalyesa\R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Netherlandsyesd_R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Luxembourgyesc^R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Irelandyes`[R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Greeceyes_ZR275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Germanyyes`[R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Franceyes_ZR275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Denmarkyes`[R275/92Are such rules justified as a matter of social policy?Belgiumyes`[R80/92Has Belgium failed to fulfil its obligations under Art 34 of the Treaty?UKcan't findsgc2/92Do Community rules on the additional levy on milk impose on a MS an obligation to introduce a scheme for payment by a landlord of compensation to an outgoing tenant in the circumstances of the case?CommissionIt is left to national law to strike the balance between the interests of landlords and tenants according to each MS's own national traditions.}316/93At the material time, did Dir 84/5 of 30 December 1983 create rights for individuals which the national courts must protect.CommissionDirectives can have direct effect only against the State or an emanation of the state.316/93At the material time, did Dir 84/5 of 30 December 1983 create rights for individuals which the national courts must protect.FranceThe application should be declared inadmissible.53/92Should the amount of the fine imposed on Hilti be increased?BaucoThe fine should be increased.}^W402/92Do Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty preclude national rules concerning the closing of shops which apply to all traders operating within the national territory?Commissioncan't find402/92Do Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty preclude national rules concerning the closing of shops which apply to all traders operating within the national territory?Germanycan't find402/92Do Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty preclude national rules concerning the closing of shops which apply to all traders operating within the national territory?Netherlandscan't find402/92Do Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty preclude national rules concerning the closing of shops which apply to all traders operating within the national territory?UKcan't findQ  83/94May MS impose criminal penalties for breaches of the licensing proceedure, and if so, to what extent may they engage in such behavior?FranceThe provisions of Art 223(1)(b) cannot be invoked in respect of products not included in the list drawn up in 1958 pursuant to Art 223(2).583/94May MS impose criminal penalties for breaches of the licensing proceedure, and if so, to what extent may they engage in such behavior?UKSuch restriction are justified under Art 223(1)(b).83/94May MS impose criminal penalties for breaches of the licensing proceedure, and if so, to what extent may they engage in such behavior?SpainSuch restriction are justified under Art 223(1)(b).83/94May MS impose criminal penalties for breaches of the licensing proceedure, and if so, to what extent may they engage in such behavior?ItalySuch restriction are justified under Art 223(1)(b).83/94May MS impose criminal penalties for breaches of the licensing proceedure, and if so, to what extent may they engage in such behavior?GreeceSuch restriction are justified under Art 223(1)(b).275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?CommissionOperating lotteries is a 'service' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?UKOperating lotteries is a 'service' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?FranceOperating lotteries is a 'service' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?SpainOperating lotteries is a 'service' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?PortugalLotteries are not an 'economic activity' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?LuxembourgLotteries are not an 'economic activity' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?IrelandLotteries are not an 'economic activity' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?GermanyLotteries are not an 'economic activity' within the meaning of the Treaty.275/92Do the rules on the importation of lottery advertisements and tickets fall within the definition of 'service' in Art 60 and 59 of the Treaty?BelgiumLotteries are not an 'economic activity' within the meaning of the Treaty. Q  482/93Dos the lapse of a few days between Mrs Klaus' return to her country of origin and her resumption of employment have the effect of interrupting the continuity of the periods of insureance?Commissioncan't find 482/93Does it make any difference to the way the first question is answered whether a worker, before working as an employed person in the competent MS, was in the situation referred to in Art 711 of Reg 1408/71?CommissionIn the present case the provisions of EEC law prevent the competent institution from treating the effective date of insurance cover under the legislation which it administers as the starting point for the periods of insurance. 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Munchen5TH@171/91Bundesverwaltungsgericht8S{@271/92Cour de Cassation1Ri@18/92Tribunal de Premiere Instance;Q@a@ 321/91High Court of Justice of England and WalesJP`@308/91Finanzgericht Hamburg5O]@263/91Ostre Landsret.NR@197/91Pretore di Cuneo0M@H@193/91Bundesfinanzhof/L`b@320/91Tribunal Correctionnel de Liege?K@81/91College van Beroep voor het BedrijfslevenGJ`G@126/91Bundesgerictshof0Ia@304/91College van Beroep voor het BedrifslevenHHf@ 17/92Tribunal Supremo, Sala Tercera de lo Contencioso Administrativo]GZ@292/91Finanzgericht Munchen5Fe@59/92Bundesfinanzhof-Em@65/92Belgian Cour de Cassation7DQ@71/91Tribunale di Milano1C ]@ 260/91Tribunal Economico Administrativo Central, MadridQBW@256/91Bundesfinanzhof/AJ@136/91Finanzgericht Baden-Wurttemberg?@@@31/91Corte Suprema di Cassazione9?g@27/92Finanzgericht Hamburg3>Q@168/91Amtsgericht Tubingen4=f@19/92Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart:<Q@184/91Amtsgericht Emden1;k@24/92Directes et des Accises5: d@ 328/91House of Lords.9`@282/91Hoge Raad der Nederlanden98k@50/92Verwaltungsgerict Frankfurt am MainA7@U@280/91Bundesfinanzhof/6`0@72/91Arbeitsgericht Bremen35 O@191/91Bundesfinanzhof/4@V@8/92Finanzgericht Hamburg13<@112/91Finanzgericht Koln22 \@250/91Tribunal d'Instance of the Seventh Arrondissement,R1,@320/90Vice Pretore of Frascati80 J@188/91Finanzgericht Hamburg5/`>@89/91Bundesgerichtshof/.`@@ 76/91Supremo Tribunal Administrativo=- J@190/91Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per il VenetoP,K@177/91Bundesfinanzhof/8;r8L W  R  Z O  F g"d#Bv4j&p)S{9@376/92Oberlandesgericht Dusseldorf<~@304/92Bundesfinanzhof/`K@ 152/91Leeds Industrial Tribunal9@ 334/92Tribunal Superior de Justicia, CataloniaHr@120/92Finanzgericht Baden-Wurttemberg?f@28/92Sozialgericht Reutlingen6 \@307/91Tribunal de Paix de Luxembourg>q@292/92Verwaltungsgerichthof Baden WurttembergGt@ 116/92Manchester Crown Court6t@113/92Tribunal du Travail, Charleroi> U@ 63/92Value Added Tax Tribunal6_@277/91Tribunal di Genova2`@@110/91Arbeitsgericht Bonn3m@45/92Tribunal du Travail, Brussels;@339/92Verwaltungsgericht Frankfurt am MainDn@109/92Verwaltungsgericht Hannover;g@83/92Consiglio di Stato0@i@12/92Hof van Cassatie van Belgie9`c@317/91Bundesgerichtshof1B@189/91Arbeitsgericht, Reutlingen:@405/92Tribunal de Commerce, La Roche-sur-YonFQ@267/91Tribunal de Grande Instance, StrasbourgG`d@365/92Verwaltungsgericht Hannover;@}@285/92Arrondissementsrechtbank, LeeuwardenDt@134/92Landgericht Braunschweig8Y@245/91Arrondissementsrechtbank Arnhem?`O@185/91Landgericht Koblenz3`6@2/91Kammergericht, Berlin1@20/93Tribunal de Commerce, Brussels<m@60/92Arrondissementsrechtbank, AmsterdamAD@ 39/92Tribunal Civel de Comarca, Lisbon?^@ 132/92Court of Appeal of England and WalesD`@ 127/92Court of Appeal of England and WalesDe@72/92Verwaltungsgericht, Frankfurt am MainCf@338/91Raad van Beroep/f@337/91Raad van Beroep/ J@92/91Tribunal de Police, Vichy7`?@69/91Cour d' Appel, Douai2`@281/91Hoge Raad der Nederlanden9~C@46/90Tribunal de Premiere Instance, BrusselsE}R@297/92Corte Suprema di Cassazione;|z@272/92Arbeitsgericht Passau5{`p@92/92Landgericht Munchen I3zf@10/92Tribunale di Genova1y@o@ 124/92Supreme Court of England and WalesBxt@121/92Hoge Raad der Nederlanden9w q@93/92Landgericht Augsburg2v _@37/92Court of Appeal, Douai4tE@109/91Kantongerecht Utrecht5s@@377/92Bundesfinanzhof/rv@248/92Finanzgericht Dusseldorf8qr@111/92Finanzgericht Munchen5pl@87/92Bundesgerichtshof/om@81/92Finanzgericht Munchen3no@66/92Raad van State,mk@31/92Tribunal du Travail, Tournai:lX@23/92Bundessozialgericht1j`@289/91Verwaltungsgericht Neustadt an der WeinstrasseNi^@ 271/91House of Lords.9:<m# m / 9 s 5 -  C s!]ZlRQI s9@ 432/92High Court of Justice5@60/93Hoge Raad der Nederlanden7f@403/92Cour de Cassation1 @9/93Oberlandsgericht Dusseldorf7`@426/92Third Chamber of the BundesverwaltungsgerichtM@132/93Arbeitsgericht Elmshorn7@35/93Finanzgericht Baden-Wurttemberg=@153/93Landgericht Duisberg4@394/92Politierechtbank te Hasselt;@r@ 371/92Diikitiko Efitio Athinon8@356/93Bundesfinanzhof/@@69/93Pretura Circondariale di Roma;@ 33/93Manchester Value Added Tax TribunalA@30/93Finanzgericht Munich2@@2/93President of the Rechtbank van Eerste AanlegH`@428/92Ostre Landsret.@401/92Gerechtshof, s Hertogenbosch<u@313/92Arrondissementsrechtsbank, AmsterdomD@29/93Finanzgericht, Bremen3`@11/93Finanzgericht Munchen3@18/93Tribunale di Genova1@38/93Finanzgericht Hamburg3@421/92Arbeitsgericht, Regensburg:`i@21/92Finanzgericht, Dusseldorf7@@433/92Bundesverwaltungsgericht8}@305/92Sozialgericht, Munster6@393/92Gerechtshof te Arnhem5l@228/92Finanzgericht, Dusseldorf9@o@58/93Tribunal de Travail, Brussels;`@ 331/92Tribunal Superior de Justicia de CanariasI@392/92Landesarbeitsgericht4@389/92Raad van State, Belgium7`o@ 128/92High Court of Justice of England and WalesJ`@150/93Cour d Appel, Paris3 @1/93Hoge Raad der Nederlanden5@@148/93Bundesfinanzhof/@71/93Arbeidshof, Ghent/ t@ 275/92High Court of Justice of England and WalesJP@ 387/92Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad ValencianaX r@188/92Oberverwaltungsgericht, Nordrhein-WestfalenK @16/93Gerechtshof, Leeuwarden5@332/92Coniliatura, Vercelli5C@368/92Cour d Appel, Toulouse6 @343/92Raad van Beroep, s-Hertogenbosch@|@419/92Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la SardegnaRs@236/92Tribunale Amminstrativo Regionale, LombardyK@398/92Hanseatisches Oberlandsgericht>@154/93French Conseil d Etat5z@319/92Bundessozialgericht3 @13/93Cour du Travail de Liege6 @315/92Landgericht Berlin2 @374/92Hessischer VerwaltungsgerichtshofA@x@ 287/92Social Security Commission:@189/92Cour d'Appel, Rennes4C@98/91College van Beroep voor het BedrifslevenF`N@212/91Verwaltungsgericht Hamburg:`@435/92Administrative Court of Nantes> @364/92Cour de Cassation1*9:o. T  E  } >  7 D  R\NGLqLy4"@ 324/93High Court of the Justice9!`@ 345/93Supremo Tribunal Administrativo? @54/94Pretura Circondariale Macerata<`@ 416/93Audiecia Nacional1@334/93Finanzgericht, Dusseldorf9@29/94Tribunal de Grande Istance, Charleville-MezieresN`@425/93Schleswig-Holsteinisches LandessozialgerichtL @279/93Bundesfinanzhof/@412/93Tribunal de Commerce de Paris=@@351/93Colloge van Beroep voor het BedrijfslevenI@ 136/93Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo, Audiencia NacionalY`@399/92Landesarbeitsgericht Hamm9D@250/92Ostre Landsret.@306/93Verwaltungsgericht Mainz8@297/93Arbeitsgericht Bremen5`@ 410/92The Court of Appeal3@320/93Landgericht Saarbrucken7`@355/93Verwaltungsgericht Karlsruhe<@323/93Cour de Cassation1 @151/93Gerechtshof, The Hague6 @133/93Pretura Circondariale di Perugia@ @55/93Hoge Raad der Nederlanden7 x@23/93Afdeling Rechtspraak of the Raad van StateH P@165/91Arbeidshof, Antwerp3@144/93Bundesverwaltungsgericht8@128/93Kantongerecht Utrecht5 @57/93Kantongerecht Utrecht3@28/93Kantongerecht, The Hague6J7/93Centrale Raad van Beroep4@ 408/92Bedford Industrial Tribunal;@T@ 200/91Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice of England and Walesc`@301/93Tribunal du Travail, Mons9@12/93Centrale Raad van Beroep6@@293/93Arrondissementsrechtbank, ZutphenA@@447/93Conseil d Appel d Expression Francaise de l Ordre des Architectesa @406/93Tribunal du Travail, Neufchateau@@@395/93Hessisches Finanzgericht8 @393/93Finanzgericht Dusseldorf8@363/93Cour d Appel, Paris3@347/93Cour d Appel, Brussels6`@340/93Finanzgericht Dusseldorf8@@51/93Rechtbank van koophandel, Bruges>@44/93Cour d Appel de Bruxelles7@43/93Tribunalk Administratif, Chalons-sur-MarneH @396/92Bayerischer VerwaltungsgerichthofA@186/93Corte d Apello di Roma6@ 32/93House of Lords,@17/93Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg, Ghent@`@438/92Finanzgericht Baden-Wurttemberg?@379/92Pretora Circondariale di Ravenna@@@352/92Finanzgericht Dusseldorf8@351/92Finanzgericht Dusseldorf8`k@91/92Giudice Consiliatore di Firenze=n@130/92Corte Suprema di Cassazione;`@314/93Tribunal de Grande Instance, ReimsB@146/93Cour de Cassation1@130/93Hof van Beroep, Brussels8K8k&g G  B N  F  ?  `([t<O BLhO[@481/93Arrondissementsrechtbank, AmsterdamCZ@266/93Bundesgerichtshof1Y@70/93Bundesgerichtshof/X`@ 137/94High Court of Justice of Englands and WalesKW@128/94Bundesverwaltungsgericht8V@111/94Tribunale Civile e Penale di MilanoCU`@227/94Arrondissementsrechtbank, AmsterdamCT@140/94Tribunale Ammininistrativo Regionale per il VenetoRS@@83/94Landgericht, Darmstadt4R @70/94Verwaltungsgericht, Frankfurt am MainCQ@59/94Cour d Appel, Pau/P @ 44/94Divisional Court of the Queens Bench Divisioin of the High Court of JusticeiO@450/93Bundesarbeitsgericht4N@104/94Tribunale Civile r Penale di RavennaDM@85/94Hof van Beroep, Brussels6L@@125/94Guidice Conciliatore, Milan;K@96/94Tribunale di Genova1J @ 440/93Divisional Court of the Queens Bench Division of the High Court of JusticejI@321/93Sozialgericht, Nurnberg7G@w@291/92Bundesfinanzhof/F@48/94So-og Handelsretten1E`@ 485/93Diikitiko Protodikio, Rhodes and TrimelesDiikitiko Potodikio, RhodesdD@98/94Arbeidsrechtbank, Antwerp7C@ 92/94Court of Appeal (Civil Division)>B@80/94Gerechtshof te s -Hertogenbosch=A`@63/94Tribunal de Commerce Mons7@@@16/94Cour de Cassation/?@12/94Oberlandsgericht Hamm3>v@1/94Consiglio di Stato.=`@453/93Gerechtshof+<@367/93Tariefcommissie/;@ 116/94Social Security Commissioner, LondonD:@391/93Bundessozialgericht39@470/93Landgericht Koln08t@ 62/93Dioikitiko Protodikeio Athinas<7@46/94Tribunal de Police, Bordeaux:6@@56/94Tribunale di Piacenza35@456/93Oberlandsgericht, Frankfurt am MainC4`@454/93Arbeidshof, Brussels43@437/93Bundesfinanzhof/2 @ 422/93Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Autonoma del Pais Vascof1 @451/93Landessozialgericht fur das SaarlandD0@@389/93Verwaltungsgericht, Frankfurt am MainE/@434/93Raad van State der Nederlanden>.@467/93Bundesfinanzhof/-@459/93Bundesfinanzhof/,@@414/93College van Beroep voor het BedrijfslevenJ+@400/93FagligeVoldgiftsret3*~@327/92Raad van Beroep, The Hague:)@384/93College van Beroep voor BedrijfslevenE(@19/94Cour Administrative dAppel Nantes?'@7/94Bundesverwaltungsgericht4&@ 4/94High Court of Justice1% @325/93Tribunal du Travail Brussels<$`@315/93Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg;#@103/94Tribunal des Affaires de Securite SocialH8j4 K  9 d & W [ " 6o0i,e#\%TW Y @364/93Italian Corte Suprema di CassazioneC@364/93Italian Corte Suprema di CassazioneC@341/93Vestre Landsret/@@318/93Bundesgerichtshof1o@ 294/92Court of Appeal, London7|@292/93Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am MainC`Z@291/91Finanzgericht Muenchen6 s@288/92Bundesgerichtshof1W@285/91Finanzgericht Hamburg5[@275/91Tribunal du Travail, Brussels=Q@218/91Bayerisches Landessozialgericht? x@193/92Tribunal du Travail, Brussels= M@148/91Nederlandse Raad van State:s@ 129/92House of Lords.m@100/92Consiglio di Stato2m@99/92Consiglio di Stato0Z@ 2/92High Court of Justice, Queen' s Bench DivisionJ @316/93Tribunal de Commerce, Huy9`<@ 11/92High Court of Justice of England and WalesH`@415/93Cour d Appel Liege2@ 163/94Audiencia Nacional2~@106/94Cour d Appel Bourges4}@444/93Sozialgericht Speyer4|@430/93Hoge Raad der Nederlanden9{@387/93Pretura Circondariale di Genova?z@@317/93Sozialgericht Hannover6y@312/93Cour d Appel Brussels5x`@469/93Tribunale di Trieste4w@399/93Arrondissementsrechtbank of ZutphenCv@224/94Arondissementsrechtbank, s-HertogenboschHu@ 45/94Tribunal Superior de Justicia, AndalusiaFt@17/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, BergeracCs @472/93Pretore di Lecce0r @449/93Ostre Landsret.q@ 175/94Court of Appeal/p@@ 134/94Chamber for Contentious Administrative Affairs of Las Palmas of the Trinbunal Superior de Justicia do@113/94French Cour de Cassation8n@55/94Consiglio Nazionale Forense9m@@394/93Landessozialgericht Rheinland-PfalzCl @285/93Finanzgericht Munchen5k@ 443/93Elengtiko Sinedrio2j@244/94French Conseil d Etat5i @196/94Judicial Committee of the Luxembourg Conseil d EtatSh@152/94Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg, GhentBg`@484/93Luxembourg Conseil d Etat9f@ 235/94Crown Court, Bolton3e @91/94Tribunal de Grande Instance, Paris@d@@ 38/94Divisional Court of the Queens Bench Division of the High Court of Justicehc@479/93Pretore di Vicenza2b@475/93Sozialgericht Speyer4a@466/93Verwaltungsgericht Frankfurt am MainD`@465/93Verwaltungsgericht Frankurt am MainC_ @144/94Commissione Tributaria Centrale?^@143/94Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del LazioL]@@ 36/94Tribunal Fiscal Aduaneiro de LisboaA\@482/93Arrondissementsrechtbank, AmsterdamC HF <@159/91Tribunal des Affaires de Scurit Sociale de l' HeraultW@474/93Arrondissementsrechtbank te ZwolleB@439/93Cour de Cassation1@ 432/93Court of Appeal/@ 420/92Social Security Commissioner< @414/92Bundesgerichtshof1|@ 406/92Court of Appeal/@401/93Finanzgericht Rheinland-Pfalz= @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @,-./012345 6 7 8 9 :;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL M!N"O#P$Q%R&S'T(U)V*W+X,Y-Z.[/]0^1_2`3a4b5c6d7e8f9g:h;ijlmnopqrs t v w x yz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789       ! 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 bM113/92For the purposes of calculating the actual amount of benefit must the competent institution take into account all periods of insurance completed or can it apply its own rules against overlapping foreign benefits to determine the actual amount?Such an institution must aggregate all of the benefits and does not have the right to implement national rules against foreign benefits.For the purposes of calculating the actual amount of the benefit, the competent institution must take acount of all the periods of insurance completed and may not apply its own rules against overlapping foreign benefits to determine the actual amount.3L328/91In accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7, to what extent is discrimination in pension benefits allowable?Where a MS lays down different pensionable ages by gender or the purposes of pensions, only such discrimination in relation to other benefits as is necessarily and objectively linked with the diference in age is permissible.Only such discrimination as is necessarily and objectively related to a diference in pensionable age is allowable.3sK148/91Does the free movement of capital prevent governments from regulating whether nationally licensced broadcasting organizations set up broadcasting in other nations or organizations' investment in other broadcasting groups?No. National policies designed to maintain a pluralistic media market can regulate such behavior.No. National policies designed to maintain a pluralistic media market can regulate such behavior.3\J323/93Whether Articles 5, 86 and 90(1) of the Treaty must be interpreted as precluding a MS from granting approved bovine insemination centres certain exclusive rights within a defined area?The Treaty does not preclude national legislation from setting up centres to which the exclusive right is granted to perform inseminations in a given geographical area.Articles 90(1) and 86 of the Treaty do not preclude a MS from granting to approved bovine insemination centres 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name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and p-\ )L M LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] _ @ YbmWQMdbmQumdSJ[dLfidMQkkYbUMdbmiJMmLQmsQQbJbOfiYbMYfJ^JbOdfQiJmdiLdmWMd``obYmvQkmJL^YkW`QbmkSdimWQfidMQkkYbUdSbdbQMUddOkMJbQYmWQimWQfiYbMYfJ^dimWQdfQiJmdiJff^vSdiJomWdiYxJmYdbmdmWQMd`fQmQbmMokmd`kJomWdiYmYQkbmWQQqQbmmWJmJbJmYdbJ^fidqYkYdbYkMdbmiJivmdMd``obYmv^JsYkYmmWQbbdbLYbOYbU$O bsWJmMJkQk`JvJbJmYdbJ^Mdoim`J\QJbYbmQiY`diOQisWY^QhoQkmYdbkJiQiQSQiQOmdmWQQM[$bsWJmMJkQk`YUWmJiQkmiYMmYdbdbmWQSiQQOd`mdfidqYOQkQiqYMQkYbmWQSdi`dSJfidWYLYmYdbdSMQimJYbmvfQkdSMd^OMJ^^YbULQ[okmYSYQO$bsWJmsJv`JvkoMWJfidqYkYdbJkmWJmOQkMiYLQOLQLQfQi`YmmQOobOQiJimYM^Q6dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$>_@@@YkJimYM^Q@8dSMd``YkkYdbiQUbdHHDF8Jff^YMJL^QsWQiQsYbQUidsQikfidOoMQsYbQdb^JbOkSdi`YbUfJimdSmWQQkmJmQdSJMWJmQJosWYMWWJkLQQbfJimYmYdbQOJbOmWQmWQvWJqQSdi`QOJMddfQiJmYqQkdMYQmvdbsWdkQfiQ`YkQkmWQsYbQYkfidMQkkQO$ YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsSdiJ`Q`LQikmJmQmdiQhoYiQmWJm`JiYmY`QqQkkQ^kS^vmWQYmJ^YJbS^JUYbdiOQimdiQMQYqQJmJiYSSiQOoMmYdb$Yk^JLQ^YbUhoJ^YmvsYbQksYmW^JLQ^kkoMWJk\JLYbQmmdikfJm^QkQYbJOOYmYdbmdmWQYifiQkMiYLQOokQYbOYSSQiQbm^QmmQiYbUsYmWWYUWQi^QmmQikYkfidWYLYmQO$YkmWQQufdimQiYbmWQMdobmivdSdiYUYbmdLQobOQikmddOQuM^okYqQ^vJkmWQQufdimQisWdkQobOQimJ\YbUYkQkmJL^YkWQOYbmWQMdobmivdSdiYUYb$YkmWQmJuQuQ`fmYdbfidqYOQOSdiYbJimYM^Q8@8dSmWQkYumWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQmdLQiQSokQOYSmWQUddOkYbhoQkmYdbJiQmdLQkoff^YQOmdJMdobmivSdisWYMWbdJomWdiYxJmYdbsdo^OLQJqJY^JL^QYbJbv`Q`LQikmJmQOoQmdmiJOQQ`LJiUd$q`JvJmiJOQisWdLQSdiQmWQkJYOOJmQWJkkoL`YmmQOJbJO`YbYkmiJmYqQMd`f^JYbmkQQ\YbUiQY`LoikQ`QbmdS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkiQ^vdbmWQYbqJ^YOYmvOQM^JiQOYbmWYk[oOU`Qbm$`okmJSdiQYUbbJmYdbJ^YbmQbOYbUmdfoikoQJfidSQkkYdbJ^JMmYqYmvYbJbdmWQi`kMd`f^vsYmWmWQMdbOYmYdbkiQhoYiQOSdifoikoYbUmWJmfidSQkkYdbYbmWJmmWJm`k$`okmmWQLQbQSYmkdSOYkJOqJbmJUQOQ`f^dvQQkLQfo`fQOofmdmWQkJ`QJkJOqJbmJUQOQ`f^dvQQkdiMJbmWQLQbQSYmkdSmWQJOqJbmJUQOQ`f^dvQQkLQ^dsQiQOmdmWQ^QqQ^dSmWQOYkJOqJbmJUQO$kWdo^OJim>dSmWQOQMYkYdbLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$kWdo^OMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbbd8DBFH:dbmWQMiQJmYdbdSJkoff^Q`QbmJivfidmQMmYdbMQimYSYMJmQSdi`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkLQJbbo^^QO$Q328/91In accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7, to what extent is discrimination in pension benefits allowable?GermanyOnly discrimination which is reasonably linked to the pensionable ages for men and women can be justified.Qώ328/91In accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 79/7, to what extent is discrimination in pension benefits allowable?UKSome rights may be justifiably excluded such as when the differences are objectively linked to the difference in pensionable age._@Sid`sWJmhodmJdoUWmmWQ86`JiUYbLQOQOoMmQO$UYqQbmWJmfidOoMmksQiQ`YkM^JkkYSYQOLvbJmYdYbJ^JomWdiYmYQkYkmWQfidOoMQimWQiQSdiQ^YJL^QSdifdkmM^QJiJbMQOomYQkofdbOYkMdqQivdSmWQQiidi$eUYqQbmWQMd``obYmvkMd`fQmQbMQYb`JmmQikdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbdSQufdimk`Jv`Q`LQikmJmQkkmY^^JOdfm`QJkoiQkiQkmiYMmYbUQufdimJmYdbobOQiMd``obYmv^Js$UYqQbmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdmYdbJ^YmvkWdo^Odb^vJfQiMQbmJUQdSmWQkQMoiYmvLQSdiSQYmQOYSmWQfidOoMmksQiQOYkfQbkQOMdiiQMm^v$qWJOmWQMd``YkkYdbSJY^QOmdJMmYbYmkMJfJMYmvdSQuQMomYbUmWQiQ`YmdSmWQQoidfQJbJmd`YMQbQiUvMd`YkkYdbkfQMYSYMJ^^viQUJiOYbUJiQhoQkmSdiJMmYdbLvJfdimoUoQkQoiJbYo`fidOoMQiWJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkOomYQkLvY`f^Q`QbmYbU^JskMdbMQibYbUmQ^QMd``obYmMJmYdbksWYMWJiQMdbmiJivmdMd``obYmv^Js$WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvSJY^YbUmdLiYbUYbmdSdiMQmWQ^JskiQUo^JmYdbkJbOJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidqYkYdbkbQMQkkJivmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQH8BFDQQM$WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLv^QqvYbUJkoff^Q`QbmJivQbid^^`QbmSQQdbbJmYdbJ^kdSdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkSdiqdMJmYdbJ^miJYbYbUkQiqYMQkLviQkmiYMmYbUmWQYikmoOYQkJbOLviQkmiYMmYbUmWQfdkkYLY^YmvdSJiQSobOdSmWQ `YbQiqJ^$ WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUbQMQkkJiv`QJkoiQkYbLQ^UYJb^JsmdMd`f^vsYmWOYiQMmYqQkH6>H6QQMJbOH6@6BQQM$|WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmJOdfmYbUdibdmYSvYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbdSmWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQbQMQkkJivfidqYkYdbkmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQH8<#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pDLVALTMR2pValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesGUIDDefaultViewSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceMode8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexCurrencyLCID    U oAˑ?"@Observations*B!POvI oAˑ?case numberyShow Navigation Pane Search Bar&Theme Resource Name 08.50 P  w          MR2AccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVer.CheckTruncatedNumFieldsNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar&Theme Resource Name 08.50 P  w          M LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#nMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#qMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pQ71/91Mus the charge allowed by Art 12(1)(e) of Dir 69/335 be proportional to the actual cost of the services provided.CommissionThere must be a direct link between the amount of duties and the cost of the factors necessary to provide such a service.M LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#sMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#uMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#wMR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG]  - @N@@A175/941R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte GallagherThe Queen, , ex parte John GallagherSecretary of State for the Home DepartmentElmerx42&- @N@@@ 2/92The Queen v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ex parte Deniis Clifford BostockThe Queen, ex parte Dennis Clifford BostockMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodGulmann..&8-H @@N@@A321/911Tara Meat PackersThe Queen, , ex parte: Tara Meat PackersIntervention Board for Agrcultural ProduceGulmannqG42&-$ @@N@@@324/931Evans Medical and Macfarlan SmithThe Queen, , ex parte Evans Medical Ltd and Macfarlan Smith LtdSecretary of State for the Home DepartmentLenzW42&7-G `@N@@@ 330/911The Queen v IRC, ex parte CommerzbankThe Queen, , ex parte Commerzbank AGInland Revenue CommissionersDarmon[42&- @N@@@38/941R v MAFF, ex parte Country Landowners AssociationThe Queen, , ex parte Country Landowners AssociaitonMinister of Agriculture Fisheries and FoodCosmase20&&-6 @N@@? 432/921Anastasiou and OthersThe Queen, , ex parte S. P. Anastasiou Ltd and OthersMinister of Agriculture, Fisheries,and FoodGulmannK42&- @N@@@ 44/941R v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, ex parte Fishermans Organizations and OthersThe Queen, , ex parte National Federation of Fishermens OrganizatioMinister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and FoodTesauro20&- @N@@A440/931R v Licensing Authority of the Department of Health, ex parte Scotia PharmaceuticalsThe Queen, , ex parte Scotia Pharmaceutica(1)Licensing Authority of the Department of Health (2)Norgine LimitedLeger42& - @N@@@11/92The Queen v Secretary of State for Health, ex parte Gallaher Ltd and OthersThe Queen, , ex parte Gallaher Ltd and OthersSecretary of State for HealthLenz}00&M LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and p LVAL0 ά(0 General Case Characteristics Referral @Issues and positionsp Observationsά(0 General Case Characteristics Referral @Issues and positionsp ObservationsM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&D@T@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL# MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&Dz3@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] 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TClegal issueLVALJb0jtדf@&D@T@General Case CharacteristicsB.O`>#$U"@ReferralZY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positionsJ oAˑ?1@ObservationsHe.˯܂Aa tדf@&D case numberTv++%LM'Catדf@&D coder (last name)N4g5FtC%=tדf@&D Judgment Title:O5pdF[tדf@&DDateDt=B2 3|tדf@&D PlaintiffT jxV$C# tדf@&DType of PlaintiffD1x_B EVtדf@&D DefendantT,z%G 96tדf@&DType of DefendantN{Vaz KS%tדf@&D AG (last name)N႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber numberJ^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizeZhnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseLXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateRQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring Nation:dW`]O[Y{$GsNjunkH6q2-K̆HtY{$GsN legal issue`}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?Tmf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?V{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ? observation sourceR–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observerTy#$U case numberHD>MMy6ZqY{$GsN case numberHPiUMKۨG oAˑ? legal issue5~<{ETI+1993-1995 with referral JbVRFLVAL#MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&Dz3@General Case Characteristics.O`>#$U"@ReferralY{$GsN 3O@Issues and positions oAˑ?1@Observationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVAL 9e xOe 9e X(e .e h2e .e 3e e z p:e Oe :e Z(e /e 3e P/e 4e /e 4e /e 4e e z ;e Oe e Issues and positions#4e >e  #4e >e  #4e >e Fe De Fe 8Ge Ge HGe  dFe  Fe Ge  d@  #4 De e Ee  #4 De e Ee  #4 De e Ee Ge XGe 0He He hHe He     e Ee pIe xIe Ie ( xDe Ie He Ie Ie Ie He ReferralGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral#4Ce e ?e  #4Ce e ?e PJe Ie Je Je e ?e `Ke $Ke Ke Ke GGeneral Case  LVAL CharacteristicsReferral( xDe Ke Je  Le Ke Ke Je GGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferralObservations-Observationslegal issue#4Ce e @e  #4Ce e @e Le Le Me 8Me e @e Me Ne Ne $Ne -Observationslegal issue( 0He :5MSysNameMap 0MSysAccessXML$ MSysAccessObjects,(_Issues and positions2.LIssue area-General Case CharacteristicsB>)coder%clarity!chamber name"Articlebase agreementF1993-1995 with referral84*Admin )testmacro(shotdark2'shotdark&returnpositions($%returnobs$returnissues"#return"referral!pageturner2  pageturn1new recordMacro1leavepositions&"leavecompforewardfinishpositions($finishobsfinishissues"finishendreferral end closeissueposition.*postrefinteg"Issues and positions2.Module1Treaty article at issue84ReferralObservations" Issues and positions2. 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positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVALՃ8MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&DIdq@nGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$URW@nReferralY{$GsNo[hS@nIssues and positions oAˑ?YiS@nObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase 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Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVALՃ8MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&DIdq@nGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$URW@nReferralY{$GsNo[hS@nIssues and positions oAˑ?YiS@nObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVALՃ8MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&DIdq@nGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$URW@nReferralY{$GsNo[hS@nIssues and positions oAˑ?YiS@nObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and pM LVAL] ositions].[junk] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] ^LF[General Case Characteristics].Date hVP[General Case Characteristics].Plaintiff hVP[General Case Characteristics].Defendant H60Referral.[Referral Date] N<6Referral.[Referring Nation] N<6[Issues and positions].junk ZHBObservations.[observation source] VD>Observations.[type of observer] XF@Observations.[agreement with AG] LVALՃ87MR2RODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowDOL[ <        ~<{ETI+       Utדf@&DIdq@nGeneral Case Characteristics.O`>#$URW@nReferralY{$GsNo[hS@nIssues and positions oAˑ?YiS@nObservationse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4g5FtC%=tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDatet=B2 3|tדf@&DPlaintiff jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff1x_B EVtדf@&DDefendant,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizehnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of CaseXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral DateQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring NationdW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk6q2-K̆HtY{$GsNlegal issue}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?{9ZAl@ic|L oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observery#$Ucase numberD>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase numberPiUMKۨG oAˑ?legal issue p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] L:4[Referral].[Referral Date] R@:[Referral].[Referring Nation] R@:[Issues and p