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]y'R C-108/98Does Article 55 apply in a situation such as when main proceedings in which all the facts are confined to within a single MS?IR G C-106/97Does import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries listed in Annex IV fall within the scope of Dir 92/46/EEC?Franceno$$$$$$$ #F C-106/97Does import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries listed in Annex IV fall within the scope of Dir 92/46/EEC?Nederlandse Antillenyes$$$$$$$ #R C-108/98Does Article 55 apply in a situation such as when main proceedings in which all the facts are confined to within a single MS?ItalyNo.$$$$$$$ #Q C-108/97Is a mark composed exclusively of a geographical term contrary to EU regulations?CommissionNo.w$$$$$$$ #P C-108/97Is a mark composed exclusively of a geographical term contrary to EU regulations?ItalyNo.~w$$$$$$$ #O C-106/97Does the import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries and territories fall with the scope of the Council Directive in questioCommissionno$$$$$$$ #N C-106/97Does the import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries and territories fall with the scope of the Council Directive in questioCouncilna$$$$$$$ #M C-106/97Does the import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries and territories fall with the scope of the Council Directive in questioNetherlandsNo.$$$$$$$ #L C-106/97Does the import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries and territories fall with the scope of the Council Directive in questioFranceNo.$$$$$$$ #K C-103/97Is the provision in question relevant for assessing the competition and operation of the Tiroler Landesvergabeamt?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ #J C-103/97Is the provision in question relevant for assessing the competition and operation of the Tiroler Landesvergabeamt?AustriaYes.$$$$$$$ #G C-100/96May one MS grant marketing authorization for a plant protection produce imported from a third country?CommissionOnly under specific conditions according to EU law$$$$$$$ #F C-100/96May one MS grant marketing authorization for a plant protection produce imported from a third country?Greecena$$$$$$$ #E C-100/96May one MS grant marketing authorization for a plant protection produce imported from a third country?UKYes, but not in this case.$$$$$$$ # re275/98Under Art 2(2) of Dir 93/36, must the aforemenntioned private undertaking apply the tendering procedure for the award of public contracts?CommissionThe private undertaking is not required to do so.""""""" # e 275/98Under Art 2(2) of Dir 93/36, when granting special rights to a private undertaking which is not a contracting authority, must a contracting authority require that private undertaking to observe the non-discrimination principle?CommissionThe contracting authority may require that the private undertaking observe the non-discrimination principle.""""""" # 275/98Does Art 2(2) of Council Dir 93/36 on procedure for public supply contracts still have an independent meaning after the adoption of Dir 92/502?CommissionThis provision still has an independent meaning.""""""" # LVAL NMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesGUID*    UbJfG=x~1W1@Articlebaseo?BPǭJ,bJfG=xArticle number (code)E]LMwJbJfG=xArticle number (text) bJfG=x0*Article number (code) 3      0  m o?BPǭJ,0*Article number (text) 1      m  E]LMwJ LVAL' q@@@xxϳ ) d =A@>>22222220 @MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthMR2ValidationRulMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRMR2 GUIDNameMap gID1ʲÒ)  Utדf@&DJ1@General Case Characteristics+̶Lޕ{tדf@&DCase NumberWrJK\0Btדf@&DJudgement TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDate of Judgement:7FɈ%tדf@&DPlaintiffٰhN B:Ftדf@&DDefendant{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAdvocate General႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizeMR2 GUIDNameMapR Z fFfu \. & Uk#yM{*JKR|DS-@ObservationsRiMC;Lk#yM{*JKRcase number(ZrO`L1Zk#yM{*JKRobservation sourcevgiG<jk#yM{*JKRobservation MR2 GUIDNameMapR Z fFfu \. & Uk#yM{*JKR|DS-@ObservationsRiMC;Lk#yM{*JKRcase number(ZrO`L1Zk#yM{*JKRobservation sourceMR2 GUIDNameMapR Z fFfu \. & Uk#yM{*JKR|DS-@ObservationsRiMC;Lk#yM{*JKRcase number(ZrO`L1Zk#yM{*JKRobservation sourcevgiG<jk#yM{*JKRobservation positionMR2 GUIDNameMap  hiQJx  Uʞ*7@ ^~y-Ty5-@Treaty article at issuemNPDjʞ*7@ ^~y-case number%>CZPŌ6ʞ*7@ ^~y-treaty article at issueMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUID    UQIptς6Q@Nations~2XpKU<=QIptςReferring Nation?@ABk k k k  k  k  k  k  k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k  k! 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B- @@@Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer0C-310/97 PCommission v AssiDoman Kraft Products and OthersCommissionAssiDoman Kraft Products and Others]IGGGG2222 leSO@@B-@?@Leger0C-31/98Peter Luksch v Hauptzollamt WeidenPeter LukschHauptzollamt Weiden{mI;99992222 leSO@ B-`@@@Leger0C-309/97Angestelltenbetriebsrat v Wiener GabietskrankenkAngestelltenbetriebsrat der Wiener GabietskrankenkWiener Gabietskrankenkasse}K;99992222 eSOAB-@?@Fennelly0C-304/97 PFernando Carbajo Ferrero v European ParliamentFernando Carbajo FerreroParliamentR><<<<2222 leSO@B-@??Fennelly13C-303/97Verbraucherschutzverein eV v Sktkellerei GC KessleVerbraucherschutzverein eVSktkellerei GC Kessler GmHP@<<<<2222 leSO? B-@?@La Pergola0C-302/97Klaus Konle v AustriaKlaus KonleAustria}tgP@>>>>2222 leSO@B-@?@Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer0C-295/97Industrie Aeronautiche v Intl Factors ItaliaIndustrie Aeronautiche e Meccaniche Rinaldo PiaggiIntl Factors Italia and OthersYIGGGG2222 leSO@B-@@@Leger0C-293/97Queen v Secy of State Enviro ex parte HA StandleThe QueenSecy of State Enviro ex parte HA Standley and Othe}K;99992222 leSO? B- @@@La Pergola13C-289/96Denmark and Others v CommissionDenmark and OthersCommissionsRB>>>>2222 leSO@B-@?@La Pergola0C-288/97Consorziofra I Caseifici dell Altopiano v RegioneConsorziofra I Caseifici dell Altopiano di AsiagoRegione VonetoP@>>>>2222 leSOAB-@??Leger0C-281/97Andrea Kruger v Kreiskrankenhaus EbersbergAndrea KrugerKreiskrankenhaus EbersbergwK;99992222 leSO@@B-@?@Fennelly13C-280/97Elektrotechnik and CoKg v Oberfinazdirektion KolnElektrotechnikOberfinazdirektion KolnP@<<<<2222 leSOCIB-@?@Fennelly0C-28/98Marc Charreire and Jean Hirtsmann v Directeur desMarc Charreire and Jean HirtsmannDirecteur des Services Fiscaux de la MoselleL><<<<2222 leSOAB-@@@Alber0C-28/94Netherlands v CommissionNetherlandsCommission|pcI;99992222 leSO@B- @?@Leger0C-275/97DE ES Bauunternehmung v Finanzamt BergheimDE ES BauunternehmungFinanzamt BergheimwK;99992222 leSOAB-@@@Cosmas0C-272/97Commission v GermanyCommissionGermanywnbL<::::2222 leSO@B-`@?@Saggio0C-27/98Fracasso and Leitschutz v BundesministerMetalmeccanica Fracasso and Leitschhutz Handels-unAnd der Salzburger Landesregierung fur den BundesmtJ<::::2222 leSO@B-@??La Pergola0C-267/97Eric Coursier v Fortis Bank and Martine Coursier,Eric CoursierFortis Bank and Martine Coursier, nee BellamiP@>>>>2222 P 1 : B cC iLuxembourg has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfill its obligations.47/99Has Luxembourg failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 94/33 on the protection of young people at work? ~~KKKKIF=Luxembourg has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfill its obligations.26/99Has Luxembourg failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Commission Reg 95/30 on protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work?;~~KKKKIF= oFrance has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.239/98Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council directives on coordination of insurance law?vvGGGGEF=\ӂIreland has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfill its obligations.212/98Has Ireland failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 93/83 on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright in satellite and cable broadcasting?:xxHHHHFF=France has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.96/98Has France failed to fulfill its obligations on the conservation of wild birds by failing preserve habitats in the Marais Poitevin?vvGGGGEF=FHThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.149/96Should Council Dec 96/386 concerning the conclusion of Memoranda of Understanding between the EC and Pakistan and India on arrangements in the area of market access for textile products be annulled?1ii]]>>>><F=The annex should be annulled.3The annex is annulled.89/96Should Annex Vof Commission Reg 3053/95 on importation rules for the cottage industry and folklore products be annulled?YYOO77775F=$~The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.209/97Should Council Reg 515/97 on mutual assistance between the administration authorities of the States and cooperation with the Commission to ensure the correct application of the law on customs and agricultural matter be annulled?Oii]]>>>><F=}Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.315/98Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to implement Council Dir 95/21 concerning the enforcement of international standards for ship safety, pollutions prevention, shipboard living and working conditions?^ttFFFFDF=|Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.184/97Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by not adopting programs including quality objectivs to reduce pollution by 99 substances in List I to the annex of Council Dir 76/464?;xxHHHHFF={The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.365/97Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 10 of Council Dir 75/442 by failing to ensure that the waste discharged at the tip was handles by a private or public waste collector or by a waste disposal undertaking?Jii]]>>>><F=# OOrcTEN  ^@ chamber compositioncase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberV@f@ Treaty article at issuecase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number^HH@ Referralcase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberx@*`@ Issues and positionscase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase numberXBL@ Issue areacase numberGeneral Case Characteristicscase number|D.cbasonka @pCliu  perakis murrah meiselshanklaK[NhTP<FXl`p( lhTP<pYF,%<:@%PT:X%h$ Th $T LP $<,)hTP<FXl`p( lhTP<d\<:@%PT:X%h$ Th $T LP 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JkB[r8{&9FzeiYL :tGupEAT)gs AVJI)Ń^Combo63j Insert into [General Case Characteristics] ([casSF   @OdQkkoMWJMd`fo^kdivfQbkYdbSobOMdobmJkJbobOQimJ\YbU$OOdQkkoMWJMd`fo^kdivfQbkYdbSobOMdobmJkJbobOQimJ\YbU$OOdQkkoMWJMd`fo^kdivfQbkYdbSobOMdobmJkJbobOQimJ\YbU$OOdQkmWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbJmYkkoQYbmWYkMJkQMdbkmYmomQJfidqYkYdbdbiQOoMmYdbkokfQbbkYdbdisYmWOiJsJ^sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSiQU8>6FD8JbO8:>FH:$= 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('UD=L++`U\Jn^<&CJWUS+"`DN ? t Insert into [General Case Characteristics] ([case number],[coder (last name)],[Judgment Title],[Date],[Plaintiff],[Type of Plaintiff],[Defendant],[AG (last name)],[chamber number],[chamber size],[Treaty Basis of Case]) values (' "Type of Plaintiff Insert into [Generag_LabelLabel31 cba(0`DESTba(0`DESTLabel56Label53ba(0`DESTba(0`DESTchamber_size_Labelba(0`DESTba(0`DEST lba(0`DESTba(0`DESTcase_number_Labelissue_area__key_word__Labeldba(0`DESTba(0`DESTba(0`DESTclairty_of_observation_Label |ba(0`DESTba(0`DESTobservl Case Characteristics] ([case number],[coder (last name)],[Judgment Title],[Date],[Plaintiff],[Type of Plaintiff],[Defendant],[Type of Defendant],[AG (last name)],[chamber number],[chamber size],[Treaty Basis of Case]) values (' "Type of DefendantRN9MU(̖IӸENlؔ#i6D|tsubstantive_area0 Insert into [Issue area] ([case number],[issue area (key word)],[substantive area]) values (' substantive area b阫Lt؏;=P?E$gU\9ĚCNZ*AG_Plaintiff_agreement P)O~hinCOߖA>R\ hInsert into [Issues and positions] ([case number],[legal issue],[AG position on issue],[AG-Plaintiff agreement],[ECJ ruling],[ECJ-AG Agreement?],[clarity of legal issue]) values (' ,AG-Plaintiff agreementdx%GMsX’}D4U‰AG_Plaintiff_agreeGeT1B"r\ jInsert into [Issues and positions] ([case number],[legal issue],[AG position on issue],[AG-Plaintiff agreement?],[ECJ ruling],[ECJ-AG Agreement?],[clarity of legal issue]) values (' $AG-Plaintiff agreev}] M;7x9qGCP-_N8wkSQO, oH3EV% qc,`M3kECombo29i Insert into [Observations] ([case number],[legal issue],[observation source],[type of observer],[observer's position on legal issue],[agreement with ECJ],[agreement with AG],[clarity of position]) values (' Combo29Tz@ɻ):J9GXbGP>ufE}҂q CombT ˺ʃOǶV 87/75Did Article 2(1) of the 2 conventions confer rights to individuals which national courts must protect?CommissionThe Articles in question did confer such rights to individuals.!!!!!!! #87/75Did the rights conferred on individuals by virtue of Art 2(1) of the convention of 1963 continue to exist until the Convention of 1969?CommissionThe rights in question did exist until 1969.!!!!!!! #87/75Does a pecuniary charge which is imposed unilaterally on goods imported from another Member State when they cross a frontier constitute a charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty?CommissionSuch a charge does have the effect equivalent to a customs duty.0!!!!!!! #94/75Does sugar production within the meaning of Reg 142/69 also include the production of white sugar from sugar sweepings on which the production levy has already been imposed in a previous year?CommissionSugar production within the meaning of Reg 142/69 does not include such white sugar.E!!!!!!! #45/75Do Articles 95 and 37(1) prohibit the imposition of the same taxation on an imported product and similar domestic products even if a part of the tax levied on the domestic product is allocated to a State monopoly?CommissionThese articles do not prohibit such taxation.3!!!!!!! #45/75Do Articles 95 and 37(1) prohibit the imposition of the same taxation on an imported product and similar domestic products even if a part of the tax levied on the domestic product is allocated to a State monopoly?GermanyThese articles do not prohibit such taxation.0!!!!!!! #45/75Do Articles 95 and 37(1) prohibit the imposition of taxation on an imported product according to a method of calculation that differs from those applied to similar domestic products?GermanyThese articles do prohibit such a system of taxation.!!!!!!! #45/75Do Articles 95 and 37(1) prohibit the imposition of taxation on an imported product according to a method of calculation that differs from those applied to similar domestic products?CommissionThese articles do prohibit such a system of taxation.!!!!!!! #45/75Do Articles 37(1) and the first paragraph of Article 95 give nationals of Member States individual rights which the national courts must protect?CommissionThese articles do give nationals individual rights which the courts must protect.!!!!!!! #45/75Do Articles 37(1) and the first paragraph of Article 95 give nationals of Member States individual rights which the national courts must protect?GermanyThese articles do give nationals individual rights which the courts must protect.!!!!!!! #7 91/75Is the charge imposed by Germany in this case justified by Atricle 37 (4) of the Treaty?CommissionThe charge is not justified by Article 37 (4).{!!!!!!! #7 91/75Is the charge imposed by Germany in this case justified by Atricle 37 (4) of the Treaty?GermanyThe charge is justified by Article 37 (4).{!!!!!!! #91/75Does the introduction of a levy which is only impsed upon imports from other States of alchoholic products without domestic products being given the same equalization charge infringe on Art 12?GermanyAtricle 37 does not prevent a Member State from levying such a charge.5!!!!!!! #D8VVVVΑ  ̠  ˖  AlÍB5@5@ MSysNavPaneGroupCategoriesVhVVVVVVVVVVT O54@54@Issues and positionsObservationsVhbbbbbbbbbb` O:u2@ŀu2@Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsVhb&#@)MO:u2@ŀu2@Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsVhO:u2@ŀu2@Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsVhb&#@)M@X `cƪU{-@ƪU{-@Paste ErrorsVh::::::::::8 :!a @"a @~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo18Vhs @4MR2KeepLocal T||||||z `N!a @N!a @~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList44Vh@;4MR2KeepLocal Tzzzzzzx `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agreeVh) @4MR2KeepLocal T `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo59Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Txllllllj `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo61Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Txllllllj `Nv9T}@Sz9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo65Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Txllllllj `D]t@gt@~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo33Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Th\\\\\\Z `ns>o@ns>o@~sq_fJoined Case NumbersVh @4MR2KeepLocal T^RRRRRRP `(>o@(>o@Joined Case NumbersVh2@|VTTTHHHHHHHF @>o@>o@MSysAccessXMLVh4MR2KeepLocal  T|||<<<<<<<: @Rʱ>o@>o@Joined Case NumbersVhT@TTTHHHHHHHF @Ml@Ml@~sq_cReferral~sq_cCombo8Vh@4MR2KeepLocal T^RRRRRRP `6Q^vl@6Q^vl@~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo19Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Th\\\\\\Z `^vl@^vl@~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo23Vh@ 4MR2KeepLocal Th\\\\\\Z `c5C@h5C@~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo29Vh @4MR2KeepLocal Th\\\\\\Z `ޤC@|AC@~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo63Vh @_4MR2KeepLocal T||||||z `[Ar/y5 U  L  j / R t > e5u6p8e)]]'0q/ C-99/96convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement ofK  C-95/98Article 137%  C-95/98non-contractual liability3  C-90/97Social security for migrant workers=  C-87/97agriculture%  C-87/97free movement of goods0  C-86/97Own resources of the European CommunitiesC  C-77/97Approximation of laws/  C-75/97state aid#  C-735/97protection&  C-735/97trade marks'  C-735/97approximation of laws1  C-73/97 Ptariff quota*  C-73/97 Pnatural or legal persons6  C-73/97 PActions for annulment3  C-7/99 Pappeals#  C-7/99 Pprocedure%  C-69/97procedure#  C-67/96competition%  C-67/96preliminary rulings-  C-65/99 PCRprocedure+  C-65/99 PCRapplication for interim measuresB  C-65/97EC public procurement contracts9  C-64/98 Praw tobacco)  C-64/98 Pagriculture)  C-63/97Approximation of laws/  C-61/98own resources of the European communityA  C-61/98free movement of goods0  C-61/98acts of the institutions2  C-60/98approximation of laws/  C-60/98acts of the institutions2  C-6/97state aid!  C-59/98Approxmation of laws.  C-59/97agriculture%  C-54/95Agriculture%  C-51/92 Pappeals%  C-51/92 Pprocedure'  C-51/92 Pcompetition)  C-5/93 Pactions for annulment1  C-5/93 Pprocedure%  C-5/93 Pappeals#  C-49/92 Pcommunity rules-  C-49/92 Pfines#  C-49/92 PCompetition)  C-48/97tax provisions(  C-436/97 Ppleas in law,  C-436/97 Pappeals'  C-435/97environment'  C-435/97preliminary rulings/  C-430/97community law)  C-430/97officials%  C-425/97procedure for the provision of informationF  C-425/97approximation of laws1  C-423/97approximation of laws1  C-422/98admissibility)  C-422/98preliminary rulings/  C-421/97tax provisions*  C-42/97Industry"  C-417/97member states obligations5  C-416/97Procedure%  C-416/97Member states obligations5  C-416/96Preliminary rulings/  C-416/96International agreements4  C-414/97tax provisions*  C-414/97actions for failure to fulfill obligationsF  PM8:BHD M:8BHD IM>6HHBfOQf + 8DBHF8DHHF8DHHF8F>HD|8HFHF:66HFD:6HHD|:8:HF|:<>HF:<>HF:>:HDD>DHH| >FHF>>FHF>>FHFR>FHFR>FHFR>FHFR>FHFR>FHFR>FHFR>FHFaD>HFFHHB|H>HF>H>HF>HBHF|M866HB M86:HD  M86<HD  M86BHD  M86DHHi  M86FHD  M86FHF M86HHF M88HD M88HHDf M8:6HD M8:6HD M8:>HD M8:BHD M8<8HD M8HF  M8>6HD  M8>6HD  M8@6HD  M8@<HFf  M8@@HFf M8@FHF M8@HHD M8@HHD D M8B8HDf D M8B>HD D M8BBHD D M8BBHF D M8BDHD aM8D6HF aM8D:HD aM8D:HF aM8D<HF aM8DFHF aM8FH@ aM8FH@ aM8F8HB a M8F8HD a M8F@HF a M8FBHF a M8FBHF a M8FHHD aM8H@HD aM8HDHD aM8HFHD aM8HHH:  M:HFf  M:66H:f M:6<HF M:6BHD M:6DHD M:88HD M:8:HD M:8@HB M:8@HB M:8@HF M:8BHD M:8DHD M:8FHF  M::HF M:::HD M::>HD M::@HD M::DH:f M:<>HD M:8HD M:>8HD M:>@H@fYbm + M:>HHD  M:>HHD  M:@6HF  M:@>HD  M:@@HD M:@BHD M:@DHFf M:@FHD M:@FHD M:B6HD M:B:HB M:BDHD M:DHF M:DHF M:D:HD M:D@HD M:FH> M:FHF M:F6HD  M:F8HD  M:FFHD  M:FFHD  M:FHHB  M:H<HD M:H@HD M<6:HD M<6<HD M<6>HDf M<6HHD M<8HF M<86HDf M<88HD M<8@HDf M<8HHD M<8HHD M<8HHF M<:6H@ M<:8HD M<:@HF  M<<HD  M<<HD  M<<>HD  M<6HB M<>:HB M<>:HD M<><HB M<><HB M<>BHD M<>DHD M<>FHB M<>HHB M<>HHB M<@6HD M<@>HD M<@>HF  M<@@HD  MHD  MHD MHD M68HF M>6@HD M>6HHBfOQf + Ѕ ! Q ȱȱFJ}~ L C-115/97Is this type of [pension scheme an undertaking?Swedennoa]U$$$$$$$ #K C-115/97Is this type of [pension schemeL C-115/97Is this type of [pension scheme an undertaking?Swedennoa]U$$$$$$$ #K C-115/97Is this type of [pension scheme an undertaking?Francenoa]U$$$$$$$ #J C-115/97Is this type of [pension scheme an undertaking?Germanynob^U$$$$$$$ #I C-115/97Is this type of [pension scheme an undertaking?NetherlandsnofbU$$$$$$$ #H C-106/97Does import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries listed in Annex IV fall within the scope of Dir 92/46/EEC?Netherlands Antillesno$$$$$$$ #_ C-124/97Can a MS grant a single public body exclusive rights to operate slot machines?FinlandYes.}t$$$$$$$ #^ C-120/97Does EU law require the national authority to wait for the EU Committee opinion if that Committee is outside its time limit?Commissionna$$$$$$$ #] C-120/97Does EU law require the national authority to wait for the EU Committee opinion if that Committee is outside its time limit?Francena$$$$$$$ #!N[ C-120/97Does EU law require MS courts to have judicial review of decisions by a national authority with the authority to revoke marketing licenses?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ #Z C-120/97Does EU law require MS courts to have judicial review of decisions by a national authority with the authority to revoke marketing licenses?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ #Y C-120/97Does EU law require MS courts to have judicial review of decisions by a national authority with the authority to revoke marketing licenses?UKYes.$$$$$$$ #U C-109/98Is the French tax on manufacturers, importers, and persons making supplies of trasmitting and receiving sets allowed by EU law?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ #T C-109/98Is the French tax on manufacturers, importers, and persons making supplies of trasmitting and receiving sets allowed by EU law?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ #S C-108/98Does Article 55 apply in a situation such as when main proceedings in which all the facts are confined to within a single MS?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ #176/98Does Council Dir 92/50 permit a company to prove that it possesses the qualifications for participation in a procedure for the award of a public service contract by relying on the references of a affiliated company?AustriaThe legal nature of the link cannot be used against the company. The only relevant consideration is the availability of the companys resources.""""""" #176/98Does Council Dir 92/50 permit a company to prove that it possesses the qualifications for participation in a procedure for the award of a public service contract by relying on the references of a affiliated company?NetherlandsThe legal nature of the link cannot be used against the company. The only relevant consideration is the availability of the companys resources.""""""" #176/98Does Council Dir 92/50 permit a company to prove that it possesses the qualifications for participation in a procedure for the award of a public service contract by relying on the references of a affiliated company?ItalyThere must be a clear structural link between the companies so the resources can be assured.`""""""" #PI     @@@@ @     M:8DHD M:8FHF M:8FHF  M:8HHD M:8HHD M:8HHD jM::HF M::HF jM:::HD M::>HD M::@HD M::DH:f M:<8HD jM:<8HD jM:<:HD jM:<:HD jM:<:HD jM:<:HD jM:<:HD jM:<>H:f M:<>HD M:<@H:f M:8HD M:>8HD M:>@H:f M:>@H@fYbm + M:>HHD  M:>HHD  M:@6HF  M:@>HD  M:@@HD M:@BHD M:@DHFf M:@FHD M:@FHD M:B6HD M:B:HB M:BDHD M:DHF M:DHF M:D:HD M:D@HD M:FH> M:FHF M:F6HD  M:F8HD  M:FFHD  M:FFHD  M:FHHB  M:H<HD M:H@HD M<6:HD M<6<HD M<6>HDf M<6DHD j M<6HHD M<8HF M<86HDf M<88HD M<8@HDf M<8HHD M<8HHD M<8HHF M<:6H@ M<:8HD M<:@HF  M<<HD  M<<HD  M<<>HD  M<6HB M<>:HB M<>:HD M<><HB M<><HB M<>BHD M<>DHD M<>FHB 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@Oӓ7@SummaryInfoVh@ODDD88888886 @ʼ@o@MSysAccessObjectsVhDDDDDDDDDDB @@MSysRelationshipsWjDDDDDDDDDDB @@MSysQueriesWj88888888886 @@MSysACEsWj22222222220 @@MSysObjectsWj88888888886 @@MSysDbVh\@:::......., @@@RelationshipsWj<<<<<<<<<<: @@DatabasesWj44444444442 @@TablesWj.........., P #O: Yes.3Yes.C-159/97Can consent to the jurisdiction clause be presumed to exist when a contracting partys conduct is consistent with a usage which governs the area in whi44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-158/98Should uniform basis of assessment mean that VAT is payable upon charges for the rent as space for the sale of narcotic drugs?44$$F= No.3No.C-155/98 PDid the CFI rule in error when it dismissed the plaintiffs case as unfounded and inadmissible?66""F= na3noC-153/98 PDid the CFI rule in error that Guerin Automobiles proceedings were inadmissible?44 F= Yes.3Yes.C-150/97Has Portugal failed to fulfill its obligations in regards to the assessment of effects of projects on the environment?44$$F= No.3No.C-140/97Can a MSs liability for a breach of the Directive in question be precluded by imprudent conduct on the part of the travel organizer?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-140/97Does EU law apply to trips which are offered by a daily newspaper exculsively to its subscribers?44$$F= No.3No.C-14/98After the Commission ended Italys status as a protected zone can the previous ban on the importation of fruits be maintained?00""F= Yes.3Yes.C-136/97Can a MS ever exempt its supply of building land?g44$$F=AרSuch countries are not to be regarded as a single non-member country into which all the products resulting from this process have been imported.3Such countries are not to be regarded as a single non-member country into which all the products resulting from this process have been imported.74/98Does Art 17(2) of Reg 3665/87 mean that the GCC countries are regarded in the situationn of the case as a single country into which all the products resulting from that processing have been imported?FF<<F= wThis should be left to the nationoal court to decide.2Dir 7/187 applies to a situation where a company belonging to a group decides to subcontract to another company in the same group contracts for work in so far as the transactions involves the transfer of an economic entity.234/98What criteria should be used for determinning the existence of a transfer and are those criteria satisfied in the present case?<<00OOOOMF=Dir 77/187 can apply to such a transfer.3Dir 77/187 can apply to such a transfer.234/98Can Dir 77187 apply to a transfer between 2 companies in the same corporate group which have the same ownership, the same management, the same premises and are egaged in the same work?2xxllBBBB@F=A company is permitted to do so, provided it is able to show that it actually has at its disposal the resources of entities necessary for performance of the contract. The national court must decide whether this is the case.3A company is permitted to do so, provided it is able to show that it actually has at its disposal the resources of entities necessary for performance of the contract. The national court must decide whether this is the case.176/98Does Council Dir 92/50 permit a company to prove that it possesses the qualifications for participation in a procedure for the award of a public service contract by relying on the references of a affiliated company?F=eP{S @ @ @kWdo^OMdobMY^OQMHB oAˑ?observation source–У@)BK oAˑ?type of observer@BP/ oAˑ?observer's position on legal issueaGvt oAˑ?agreement with ECJy  JDobserver's position on legal issue       m  @BP/  *$agreement with ECJ c      0  m aGvt r@@@    @YkmWQSiQbMWmJudb`JboSJMmoiQikY`fdimQikJbOfQikdbk`J\YbUkoff^YQkdSmiJk`YmmYbUJbOiQMQYqYbUkQmkJ^^dsQOLvQo^Js$ YkmWQfidqYkYdbYbhoQkmYdbiQ^QqJbmSdiJkkQkkYbUmWQMd`fQmYmYdbJbOdfQiJmYdbdSmWQmYid^Qi^JbOQkqQiUJLQJ`m$mYkmWQfidqYkYdbYbhoQkmYdbiQ^QqJbmSdiJkkQkkYbUmWQMd`fQmYmYdbJbOdfQiJmYdbdSmWQmYid^Qi^JbOQkqQiUJLQJ`m$mYkmWQiQbddLqYdokbQU^YUQbMQobOQimWQ:bOYbOQbmdSJim:H8iQko^mkYbJMokmd`kOQLmLQYbUYbMoiiQOfoikoJbmmdJim:6>8J$K YkmWYkmvfQdS'fQbkYdbkMWQ`QJbobOQimJ\YbU$YkmWYkmvfQdS'fQbkYdbkMWQ`QJbobOQimJ\YbU$YkmWYkmvfQdS'fQbkYdbkMWQ`QJbobOQimJ\YbU$YkmWYkmvfQdS'fQbkYdbkMWQ`QJbobOQimJ\YbU$`JvJ`kiQkmiYMmmWQkMdfQdSQuQ`fmYdbSdiYbkoiJbMQmiJbkJMmYdbkmdYbkoiQiksWdJiQJomWidYxQOLv^Js$`JvJ`kiQkmiYMmmWQkMdfQdSQuQ`fmYdbSdiYbkoiJbMQmiJbkJMmYdbkmdYbkoiQiksWdJiQJomWidYxQOLv^Js$`JvJ`kiQkmiYMmmWQkMdfQdSQuQ`fmYdbSdiYbkoiJbMQmiJbkJMmYdbkmdYbkoiQiksWdJiQJomWidYxQOLv^Js$`JvJimYM^Q8@MdqQifid[QMmksWYMWJiQJffidqQOobOQikQfJiJmQJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidMQOoiQ$`JvJimYM^Q8@MdqQifid[QMmksWYMWJiQJffidqQOobOQikQfJiJmQJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidMQOoiQ$`JvJimYM^Q8@MdqQifid[QMmksWYMWJiQJffidqQOobOQikQfJiJmQJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidMQOoiQ$`JvJimYM^Q8@MdqQifid[QMmksWYMWJiQJffidqQOobOQikQfJiJmQJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidMQOoiQ$`JvdbQ`kUiJbm`Ji\QmYbUJomWdiYxJmYdbSdiJf^JbmfidmQMmYdbfidOoMQY`fdimQOSid`JmWYiOMdobmiv$m`JvdbQ`kUiJbm`Ji\QmYbUJomWdiYxJmYdbSdiJf^JbmfidmQMmYdbfidOoMQY`fdimQOSid`JmWYiOMdobmiv$m`JvdbQ`kUiJbm`Ji\QmYbUJomWdiYxJmYdbSdiJf^JbmfidmQMmYdbfidOoMQY`fdimQOSid`JmWYiOMdobmiv$m`JvfidqYkYdbkSid`mWQOYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdbLQiQ^YQOofdbOYiQMm^vLvYbOYqYOoJ^kLQSdiQbJmYdbJ^Mdoimk$6`JvfidqYkYdbkSid`mWQOYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdbLQiQ^YQOofdbOYiQMm^vLvYbOYqYOoJ^kLQSdiQbJmYdbJ^Mdoimk$F`okmbJmYdbJ^Mokmd`kMdbkYOQiJff^YMJmYdbkSdiiQ`YkkYdbYbmWQQqQbmdSJmWQSmdSUddOk$`okmbJmYdbJ^Mokmd`kMdbkYOQiJff^YMJmYdbkSdiiQ`YkkYdbYbmWQQqQbmdSJmWQSmdSUddOk$`okmbJmYdbJ^Mokmd`kMdbkYOQiJff^YMJmYdbkSdiiQ`YkkYdbYbmWQQqQbmdSJmWQSmdSUddOk$`okmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimUiJbmJbJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSJbJiLYmiJmYdbJsJiOYSmWQJsJiOYkYbhoQkmYdb$W`okmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimUiJbmJbJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSJbJiLYmiJmYdbJsJiOYSmWQJsJiOYkYbhoQkmYdb$W`okmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimUiJbmJbJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSJbJiLYmiJmYdbJsJiOYSmWQJsJiOYkYbhoQkmYdb$W`okmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimUiJbmJbJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSJbJiLYmiJmYdbJsJiOYSmWQJsJiOYkYbhoQkmYdb$WbJiLYmiJmYdbJsJiOYSmWQJsJiOYkYbhoQkmYdb$WQSSdimkmdfiQqQbmfiYMQkQmmYbULvJkWYffYbUMdbkdimYo`LQdqQimoibQO$BkWdo^OJMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQio^YbUkokfQbOYbUMd``YkkYdbQSSdimkmdfiQqQbmfiYMQkQmmYbULvJkWYffYbUMdbkdimYo`LQdqQimoibQO$BkWdo^OJMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQio^YbUkokfQbOYbUMd``YkkYdbQSSdimkmdfiQqQbmfiYMQkQmmYbULvJkWYffYbUMdbkdimYo`LQdqQimoibQO$BkWdo^OJMdoimdSSYikmYbkmJbMQio^YbUkokfQbOYbUMd``YkkYdbQSSdimkmdfiQqQbmfiYMQkQmmYbULvJkWYffYbUMdbkdimYo`LQdqQimoibQO$BkWdo^OMdobMY^OQMHBHHB8>HHB8>HHB8>HHB8B8HF@8DBHF58DHHF;8F>HD 8HFHF9:66HFA:66HFB:6HHD:8:HF:8:HF:<>HF6:>:HD=>DHH>FHFk >FHFk D>HF7FHHBFHHBH>HFkHBHFHBHFM866HB k M86:HD k M86<HD k M86<HD kM86BHD kM86DHHi kM86DHHi kM86FHD kM86FHF kM86HHF kM88HD kM88HD kM88HHDf kM88HHDf kM88HHDf kM88HHDf kM8:6HD kM8:>HD kM8:BHD kM8<8HD kM8<8HD kM8HF k!M8>6HD k"M8@6HD k#M8@6HD k$M8@6HD k%M8@6HD k&M8@<HFf k'M8@>HFf k(M8@@HFf k)M8@@HFf k*M8@@HFf k+M8@FHF k,M8@HHD k-M8B8HDf k.M8B8HDf k/M8B>HD k0M8B>HD k1M8BBHD k2M8BBHD k3M8BBHD k4M8BBHF k5M8BDHD k6M8D6HF k7M8D8HF k8M8D:HD k9M8D:HF k:M8D<HF k;M8DFHF kM8F8HB k?M8F8HD k@M8F@HF kAM8FBHF kBM8FBHF kCM8FHHD @M8FHHD CM8H@HD DM8HDHD EM8HDHD FM8HFHD GM8HFHD HM8HHH: IM8HHH: JM8HHH: KM:HFf LM:HFf MM:HFf NM:66H:f OM:66H:f PM:66H:f QM:6<HF RM:6<HF SM:6BHD TM:6DHD UM:6DHD VM:88HD WM:8:HD XM:8@HB YM:8@HB ZM:8@HF [M:8@HF \M:8BHD ]M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8FHF M::HF M:::HD M::>HD M::>HD  M::>HD  M::@HD  M::DH:f  M::DH:f  M::DH:f M:<>H:f M:<>H:f M:<>H:f M:<>HD M:<@H:f M:<@H:f M:<@H:f M:8HD M:>@H:f M:>@H:f M:>@H:f M:>@H@fYbm +M:>@H@fYbm +M:>HHD M:@6HF M:@>HD M:@@HD  M:@BHD !M:@BHD "M:@DHFf #M:@DHFf $M:@DHFf %M:@FHD &M:B6HD 'M:B:HB (M:B:HB )M:BDHD *M:DHF +M:D:HD ,M:D:HD -M:D@HD .M:FH> /M:FHF 0M:FHF 1M:F6HD 2M:F8HD 3M:FFHD 4M:FHHB 5M:H<HD 6M:H@HD 7M:H@HD 8M<6:HD 9M<6:HD :M<6:HD ;M<6:HD HDf M<6>HDf M<6>HDf M<6HHD M<8HF LVALN  .DZ(  :? 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S6LLL<0<4<8<<<N0{4802FF0C-C3CF-11D5-8294-00C04F5BFCD9}  Rp`kl `0x`2t X`Xkp  ^`kt ! d0`xkx / jp`8 k| = p` k K`0x`2t%0pph %P %X@hP(&@p @` @P #@@ @0 @, 0"@ @( @@ @ "@X((&#@x @h @d @pT @D @4 @$ @ @ (&@x @h @d @T @A  aag101/98Does it mater if the designation "dietary cheese containing vegetable oil for a fat-modified diet" is complemented by additional packaging like "this dietary cheese is rich in polyunsaturated fats" or "is ideal for a cholesterol conscious lifestyle"?AustriaSuch additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.'""""""" #101/98Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 18989/87 mean that a milk product in which milk fat has been replaced on dietary grounds by vegetable fat cannot be described as cheese?CommissionSuch a milk product may not be described as cheese. """"""" #101/98Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 18989/87 mean that a milk product in which milk fat has been replaced on dietary grounds by vegetable fat cannot be described as cheese?GreeceSuch a milk product may not be described as cheese.""""""" #101/98Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 18989/87 mean that a milk product in which milk fat has been replaced on dietary grounds by vegetable fat cannot be described as cheese?FranceSuch a milk product may not be described as cheese.""""""" #101/98Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 18989/87 mean that a milk product in which milk fat has been replaced on dietary grounds by vegetable fat cannot be described as cheese?AustriaSuch a milk product may not be described as cheese.""""""" #101/98Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 18989/87 mean that a milk product in which milk fat has been replaced on dietary grounds by vegetable fat cannot be described as cheese?GermanySuch a milk product may not be described as cheese.""""""" #74/98Does Art 17(2) of Reg 3665/87 mean that the GCC countries are regarded in the situationn of the case as a single country into which all the products resulting from that processing have been imported?CommissionSuch countries are not to be regarded as a single non-member country into which all the products resulting from this process have been imported.!!!!!!! #er234/98What criteria should be used for determinning the existence of a transfer and are those criteria satisfied in the present case?Commissionunknown""""""" #234/98Can Dir 77187 apply to a transfer between 2 companies in the same corporate group which have the same ownership, the same management, the same premises and are egaged in the same work?CommissionDir 77/187 can apply to such a transfer.""""""" #234/98Can Dir 77187 apply to a transfer between 2 companies in the same corporate group which have the same ownership, the same management, the same premises and are egaged in the same work?UKDir 77/187 can apply to such a transfer. """"""" #234/98Can Dir 77187 apply to a transfer between 2 companies in the same corporate group which have the same ownership, the same management, the same premises and are egaged in the same work?FranceDir 77/187 can apply to such a transfer.""""""" #176/98Does Council Dir 92/50 permit a company to prove that it possesses the qualifications for participation in a procedure for the award of a public service contract by relying on the references of a affiliated company?CommissionThe legal nature of the link cannot be used against the company and only the availability of the resources is only relevant. The national court, however, must make sure about the availability of those resources.""""""" #P @ OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidimWJmUoQiYbJomd`dLY^QkfidMQQOYbUksQiQYbJO`YkkYL^Qk$!OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidimWJmmWQMd``YkkYdbJO[okm`QbmdSiYMQkmJbOJiOkJiQqJ^YO$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidimdbdmJbb^omWQfJi^YJ`QbmOQMYkYdbJmYkkoQ$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidisWQbYmOYk`YkkQOmWQf^JYbmYSSkMJkQJkobSdobOQOJbOYbJO`YkkYL^Q$OYOmWQMd``Y`fdkQJbY^^QUJ^JOOYmYdbfQbJ^mvmWidoUWmWQQJUUSdbUQi`Jbv$OYOmWQfiQkYOQbmdSmWQMSYdiOQiYbQiidiYbOYk`YkkYbUmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJff^YMJbm$!OYOmWQo\SJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbUio^QkOQkYUbQOmdQbkoiQY`f^Q`QbmJmYdbdSsJmQihoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOk${OdJim@HJbOB6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQmWQY`fdkYmYdbLvJkmJmQdbJbobOQimJ\YbUSid`JbdmWQikmJmQmQ`fdiJiY^vsdi\YbUYbmWQSYikmkmJmQdSJbdL^YUJmYdbmdOiJsof^JLdiiQUo^JmYdbkLvmWQio^QkdSmWQSYikmkmJmQ$>OdJim@HJbOB6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQmWQY`fdkYmYdbLvJkmJmQdbJbobOQimJ\YbUSid`JbdmWQikmJmQmQ`fdiJiY^vsdi\YbUYbmWQSYikmkmJmQdSJbdL^YUJmYdbmd\QQf^JLdiOdMo`QbmkJqJY^JL^QmdLQ`dbYmdiQOSdiMd`f^YJbMQsYmWbJmYdbJ^io^Qk$>OdJim@HJbOB6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQmWQY`fdkYmYdbLvJkmJmQdbJbobOQimJ\YbUSid`JbdmWQikmJmQmQ`fdiJiY^vsdi\YbUYbmWQSYikmkmJmQdSJbdL^YUJmYdbmd\QQfmWQ^JLdiOdMo`QbmkYbhoQkmYdbSdi@vQJik$>OdJim@HJbOB6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQmWQY`fdkYmYdbLvJkmJmQdbJbobOQimJ\YbUSid`JbdmWQikmJmQmQ`fdiJiY^vsdi\YbUYbmWQSYikmkmJmQdSJbdL^YUJmYdbmdfJvsdi\QikmWQLQ^UYo`MdbmiYLomYdbkMWQ`QkYbhoQkmYdb$>OdJim@HJbOB6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQmWQY`fdkYmYdbLvJkmJmQdbJbobOQimJ\YbUSid`JbdmWQikmJmQmQ`fdiJiY^vsdi\YbUYbmWQSYikmkmJmQdSJbdL^YUJmYdbmdfJvsdi\QikmWQ`YbY`o`sJUQdSmWQSYikmkmJmQ$>mWQio^QkdSMd``obYmv^Js$OdQo^JskdbfJM\JUQmiJqQ^mdkWdimmQi`kmoOQbmQuMWJbUQk$OdQoiQUkJff^vYkfidOoMmbJ`QYbM^oOQkJsdiOJffQJiYbUYbYmkOQkMiYfmYdbmWJm`YUWmLQMdbSokQOsYmWmWJmOQkMiYfmYdb$OdSYbJbMYJ^Ybkmio`QbmksWYMWfdkkQkkmWQmiJYmkdSiQfJvJLY^YmvJbOmWdkQkoL[QMmdSJMdbmiJMmJUiQQQmdiQfJvMdbkmYmomQdmWQiiQfJvJL^QSobOk$ Od`didMMJbsdi\QikWJqQmWQiYUWmmddLmJYbJbQumQbkYdbdSmWQYiiYUWmdSiQkYOQbMQYQMJb`kkiQSokQ$ OdbJm^io^Qkdb`dmQiqQWYM^QmJukoMWJkmWdkQYbhoQkmYdbWJqQOYkMiY`YbJmdivdifidmQMmYqQQSSQMmkJUJYbkmQo^Js$OdkmJbOJiOLJb\MdbOYmYdbkSdiMiQOYmJMMdobmkmWJmOQidUJmQSid`UQbQiJ^^JsJSSQMmmiJOQ$OdmWQOQSQbOJbmkdsQmWQMd``YkkYdbmWQiQY`LoikQ`QbmdSJOqJbMQfJv`Qbmk$ OdmWQOQSQbOJbmkdsQmWQMd``YkkYdbmWQiQY`LoikQ`QbmdSJbJOqJbMQfJYOSdimWQMd`f^QmYdbdSJfid[QMm$aOdmWQkQiqYMQkkoff^YQOLvmWQfidqYOQidSJMiQOYmMJiOfidmQMmYdbf^JbMdbkmYmomQYbkoiJbMQJMMdiOYbUmdqJmfd^YMv$OdmWQmQi`kYbhoQkmYdbYbmWQUQi`JbqQikYdbdSJim:8:JdSmWQMokmd`kMdOQWJqQmWQkJ`Q`QJbYbUJk `JbYSQkmbQU^YUQbMQ JbO dLqYdokbQU^YUQbMQ YbmWQQbU^YkWqQikYdb$>OdQkJMdbko`QibQQOmdfidqQmWJmmWQMdbko`QisJkYbS^oQbMQOdi`JbYfo^JmQOLvmWQmiJOQi$OdQkJbJM\bds^QOU`QbmdSYbOQLmQObQkkQbSdiQJL^QobOQimWQ^JsdSmWQkmJmQdSdiYUYbMdbkmYmomQJbJomWQbmYMYbkmio`Qbm$OdQkJbYbOYqYOoJ^WJqQmWQiYUWmmddffdkQmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSJ`ksWYMWiQhoYiQkmWQ`mdWJqQiQMdoikQ$OdQkJim8D:dSiQU>""F= Yes.2No.C-241/97Are the Directives in question precise enough to be constitutional, therefore rendering inapplicable any contrary rule of national law?33##F= No.3No.C-241/97Can a MS prohibit insurance undertakings from holding shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights in a company without administrating author22""F= No.3No.C-234/97Does EU law preclude the terms of a collective agreement which applies to a public body in a MS and restricts the right to practice with that body?22""F= No.3No.C-227/92 PDid the CFI rule in error in dismissing the plaintiffs action against a Commission decision?66""F= Yes.3Yes.C-225/97Did France fail in its obligations regarding procurement procedures?z44$$F= No.3No.C-224/97Can a MS prohibit a manager of a boat harbor from renting in excess of quota to boat-owners who reside in other MSs?22""F= No.3No.C-222/97Can a MS make natl rules requiring a mortgage securing a debt paid in the currency of another MS to be registered on the national currency?22""F= No.3No.C-22/98Does an individual have the right to oppose the legislation of a MS which requires them to have recourse?00""F= @X@~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo61Vh @4MR2KeepLocal T||||||z `2oC@UC@~sq_fGeneral Case CharacteristicsVh,^4MR2KeepLocal Tpddddddb `C@1C@~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo18Vht @4MR2KeepLocal T||||||z `~C@;C@~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCmblastnameVh0 @4MR2KeepLocal T `NC@C@~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList44Vh@4MR2KeepLocal Tzzzzzzx `#}C@#QT.C@Type of LitigantVh@v&NNNBBBBBBB@ @?5@@?5@@~sq_fIssues and positionsVhe@S4MR2KeepLocal T`TTTTTTR `B5@@e5@@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo51Vh@R4MR2KeepLocal Txllllllj `& 5@@N5@@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cList44Vh@H4MR2KeepLocal Tvjjjjjjh `B>@>@~sq_cchamber composition~sq_cCmbfirstnameVhM @4MR2KeepLocal Tttttttr `+9@+9@closeissuepositionVhFFFFFFFFFFD +A9@+A9@~sq_fReferralVh @4MR2KeepLocal TH<<<<<<: `{u@9@+A9@~sq_cReferral~sq_cCombo8Vh@4MR2KeepLocal T^RRRRRRP `9@9@General Case Characteristicschamber compositionVh~ ;|I9@;|I9@leavepositionsVh>>>>>>>>>>< ]8@8@~sq_fchamber compositionVh @4MR2KeepLocal T^RRRRRRP `8@8@General Case CharacteristicsTreaty article at issueVh 8?8@8?8@General Case CharacteristicsReferralVhjjjjjjjjjjh i8@i8@General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsVh 8@8@General Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVhnnnnnnnnnnl P @ @@ MJb`kkYbJMmmiJbkYmYdbJ^fidqYkYdbkdmWQimWJbmWdkQkmJmQOsWQbY`f^Q`QbmYbUmWQOYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdb$MJb`kk`J\QbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidqYOYbUSdimWQQuWJokmYdbdSmiJOQ`Ji\k$aMJb`kk`J\QiQfJv`QbmdSkJYOMokmd`kJbOOomYQkkoL[QMmmdJMdbOYmYdb$MJb`kkiQhoYiQYbSdLQUYqQbYbmWQ^JbUoJUQdSmWQJiQJYbsWYMWmWQfidOoMmkJiQkd^O$ MJb`kkkQmio^QkmWJmfidWYLYmJOkSdiMdk`QmYMkmWJmM^JY`JbQSSQMmLomObdmYbM^oOQJMmYqQYbUiQOYQbmkMJfJL^QdSJMWYQqYbUYm$! MJb`kkmJ\Q`QJkoiQkmdQbkoiQmWQfidmQMmYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbkdSdiYUYbiQUYkmQiQOobOQiMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbk$!MJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkMdbSQidbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^QfbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$!MJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQk`J\QJSSY^YJmYdbmdJkQMmdiJ^fQikYdbSYbOMd`fo^kdiv$!MJbkoMWJMd`fo^kdivkMWQ`QLQiQUJiOQOJkJUiJbmdSQuM^okYqQiYUWmJbOmWQiQSdiQLQMdbmiJivmdmiQJmv^Js$jMJbmWQMWJiUQobiQJkdbJL^vQuMQQOmWQMdkmdSmWQkQiqYMQfidqYOQO$xMJbmWQOYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdbLQiQ^YQOofdbLvJbYbOYqYOoJ^LQSdiQmWQbJmYdbJ^Mdoimk$MJbmWQmY`QfQiYdOYbhoQkmYdbLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmLvJ`kUsWQbOQmQi`YbYbUYbqJ^YOYmvLQbQSYmk$ OYOLQ^UYo`SJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkMdbMQibYbUmdMQimJYbJkfQMmkdSMdbmiJMmkJbOmY`QkWJiQk$OYOLQ^UYo`SJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkYbiQhoYiYbUMd``obYmvQMdbd`YMdfQiJmdikmdLQJiQkYOQbmSdidbQvQJiLQSdiQiQUYkmQiYbUJbJYiMiJSm$OYOLQ^UYo`SJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkYbiQhoYiYbUmWQfiQkQbkQdSJLQ^UYJb`Q`LQiSdimWQJkkdMYJmYdbmdiQMdUbYxQ$aOYOLQ^UYo`SJY^mdSoSY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbU`JiYmY`QmiJbkfdim$aOYOLQ^UYo`SJY^mdSoSY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbU`JiYmY`QmiJbkfdimk$OYOSiJbMQSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkYbbdmfidfQi^vmiJbkfdkYbUmWQMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbkYbhoQkmYdb$a OYOSiJbMQSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbUJOYiQMmYqQdbLJmmQiYQkJbOJMMo`o^Jmdik$aOYOSiJbMQSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbUfidMoiQ`QbmfidMQOoiQk$OYOSiJbMQSJY^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkYbJOdfmYbUiQUo^JmYdbkdb`omJ^iQMdUbYmYdbdShoJ^YSYMJmYdbkYb`QOYMJ^fidSQkkYdbJ^k$ OYOSiJbMQSJY^mdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkYbiQUJiOkmdmWQMdbkQiqJmYdbdSsY^OLYiOk$D OYOUQi`JbvSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkYbiQUJiOkmdJbboJ^JbOMdbkd^YOJmQOJMMdobmk$OYOUQi`JbvSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbk^QUYk^JmYdbdbmWQhoJ^YmvdSLJmWYbUsJmQi$aOYOUQi`JbvSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbUSiQQOd`dSJMMQkkmdYbSdi`JmYdb$OYOUQi`JbvSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbUmWQfidMQkkYbUdSsJkmQdY^k$ OYOUiQQMQSJY^YbYmkdL^YUJmYdbkiQUJiOYbULJmmQiYQkJbOJMMo`o^Jmdik$YkYdb$ OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiLvOYk`YkkYbUJbJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSJ8HH>Md``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdbfiJMmYMQkdSmWQSiQbMWfdkmJ^kvkmQ`$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiYbJbbo^^YbUJMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdb$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiYbOYk`YkkYbUOQomkMWQkfQmYmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSmWQMdbmQkmQOMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdb$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiYbOYk`YkkYbUmWQf^JYbmYSSkJMmYdbJUJYbkmJMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdb$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiYbOYk`YkkYbUmWQf^JYbmYSSkJMmYdbSdiOJ`JUQksWYMWWQWJOLidoUWmJUJYbkmmWQMd``YkkYdb$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiYbOYk`YkkYbUmWQf^JYbmYSkJMmYdbJUJYbkmJMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdb$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidiYbiQSokYbUkfQMYJ^^QJqQSdiQ^QMmYdbkJbOmiJqQ^^YbU^YbQk$OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidimWJmMd`fmQkJMmYdbSdiJiQqYkYdbdSmWQfidMQQOYbUksJkYbJO`YkkYL^Q$ OYOmWQMSYio^QYbQiidimWJmUoQiYbJomd`dLY^QkfidMQQOYbUksQiQYbJO`YkkYL^Q$ P-P r . :V}#;g  No.3No.C-309/97Does the term same work apply to the principle of equal pay where the same activities are performed over a long time by people with different qualific22""F=  Yes.3Yes.C-304/97 PDid the CFI rule in error to not annlu the Parliament Decision at issue?88$$F=  No.2No.C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?22""F=  National court.3National court.C-302/97Who assesses whether a breach of EU law is serious for a MS to incur non-contractual liability vis--vis an individual?JJ::))))'F=  No.3No.C-295/97Can a natl court request the ECJ to rule directly on the compatibility of a national legislative provision with treaty article 92?22""F=  Yes.3Yes.C-293/97Must the applicable waters be termed waters affected by pollution and designated as vulnerable zones?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-289/96Should the Regulation in question registering feta as a protected designation of origin be annulled?44$$F=  Yes.3Not in this case, but can under circumstances.C-288/97Must a purchaser deduct the amount owed due to an additional levy from the producer?^^NNF= Yes.3Yes.C-288/97Are those persuing the activities of the Council Directive in question and to whom milk is supplied by a producer considered a purchaser?44$$F= Yes.3No.C-281/97Can a collective agreement exclude persons from entitlement to a special annual bonus?33##F= Yes.3Yes.C-280/97Is the disputed product considered an incomplete junction box under Community law?44$$F= na3No.C-28/98Are the questions referred to the ECJ by the Tribunal admissible?r//!!F= No.3No.C-28/94Should the Commission Decision at issue on the clearance of accounts be annulled?00""F= No.3Yes.C-275/97Must provision be made for potential liabilities under warranties?w33##F= Yes.3Yes.C-272/97Did Germany fail in its obligations in regards to annual and consolidated accounts?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-27/98Can the Directive in question be relied upon by an individual before the national courts?22$$F= No.3No.C-27/98Is a contracting authority required to award the contract to the only tenderer judged to be suitable?00""F= No.2Yes.C-267/97Does enforceable refer solely to the enforceability of foreign decisions and not to their circumstances?33##F= No.3No.C-262/96Can a MS require a Turkish natl on a conditional residence authorization to possess a residence permit to receive family allowances?22""F= No.3No.C-260/97Does an acknowledgment of indebtedness enforeable under the law of the state of origin constitute an authentic instrument?22""F=Pw  q h  nJy+8  Case by case basis.3Case by case basis.C-342/97TO assess the likelihood of confusion, should it be done on a case by case basis, or do EU Directives set out a threshold?RRBB----+F=  No.3Yes.C-342/96Should the Commission Decision at issue regarding state aid be annulled?}33##F=  Yes.3Yes.C-340/96Did the UK fail in its obligations regarding rules designed to ensure implementation of water-quality standards?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-338/97Can a charge be assessed that is payable by traders who have an economic interest in tourism calculated on a basis of annual turnover?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-337/97Can children of workers who do not live in the MS of employment may have recourses to study grants awarded to that MS?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-337/97Can a person related by marriage to the sole shareholder of a company be considered a worker if they are subordinate?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-336/97Did Italy fail in its obligations in regards to drawing up energy plans for action?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-334/97Do the defendants owe the Commission the reimbursement of advance payments?44$$F=  Yes.3Yes.C-33/97Can MSs require info be given in the language of the area in which the products are sold?22$$F=  No.3No.C-33/97Is it a technical regulation if you require mandatory labelling particulars dealing with language?00""F=  na3No.C-325/98Are the preliminary questions submitted by the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Lille admissible?11!!F=  No.3Yes.C-321/97Do circumstances which are fixed permanently prior to accession to the EU fall within the scope of the rules of community law?33##F=  Legislation of member state, provided constibutions paid to other MSs included.2Legislation of member state, provided constibutions paid to other MSs included.C-320/95How should the qualifying period which must have been completed to be elegible for unemployment be determined?:iiiigF=  Yes.3Yes.C-319/98Did Belgium fail in its obligations concerning to certain aspects of contracts and time shares?44$$F=  No.3Yes.C-319/97Is the direct effect of a directive, where the deadline for its transposition has expired, affected by the notification made by a MS pursuant to Artic33##F= Yes.3Yes.C-319/97Can a directive adopted on the basis on Article 100a have direct effect?~44$$F= na3No.C-315/97 PDid the CFI rule in error in refusing special leave for elections and travelling lines?55!!F= No.3No.C-311/97Can a MS set benefits to lower tax rates to companies which have their seat in that MS?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-310/97 PDid the CFI rule in error in annulling a Commission Decision?w88$$F= No.3No.C-31/98Can a countervailing charge be levied on sour cherries released for free circulation at a low price where that price is due to circumstances beyond th00""F=P  @   @MJbJ`k`J\QQbmYm^Q`QbmkmdLQbQSYmkMdbOYmYdbJ^ofdbWJLYmoJ^iQkYOQbMQYbmWJmkmJmQ$!MJbJ`k`J\QbJm^io^QkiQhoYiYbUJ`dimUJUQkQMoiYbUJOQLmfJYOYbmWQMoiiQbMvdSJbdmWQi`kmdLQiQUYkmQiQOdbmWQbJmYdbJ^MoiiQbMv$MJbJ`k`J\QiQfJv`QbmdSmJuQkJbOOomYQkJUJYbkmMd``obYmv^JskoL[QMmmd^QkkSJqdiJL^QmY`Q^Y`YmkmWJbSdimWdkQfJYOLombdmOoQ$MJbJ`kfidWYLYmJ`JbJUQidSJLdJmWJiLdiSid`iQbmYbUYbQuMQkkdShodmJmdLdJmdsbQiksWdiQkYOQYbdmWQi`kk$WMJbJ`kfidWYLYmYbkoiJbMQobOQimJ\YbUkSid`Wd^OYbUkWJiQkiQfiQkQbmYbU`diQmWJb@dSJ^^qdmYbUiYUWmkYbJMd`fJbvsYmWdomJO`YbYkmiJmYbUJomWdiMJbJ`kfidWYLYmmWQokQdSJmiJOQbJ`QJkmWQkfQMYSMOQkYUbJmYdbdSJbobOQimJ\YbUsWQiQmWQiQYkmWQiYk\dSMdbSokYdb$MJbJ`kiQSokQmdiQUYkmQiJLiJbMWdSJMd`fJbvSdi`QOYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWQ^JsdSJbdmWQi`kYbsWYMWYmWJkYmkiQUYkmQiQOdSSYMQ$MJbJ`kiQhoYiQJmoi\YkWbJm^dbJMdbOYmYdbJ^iQkYOQbMQJomWdiYxJmYdbmdfdkkQkkJiQkYOQbMQfQi`YmmdiQMQYqQSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQk$MJbJ`kiQkmiYMmY`fdimkdSUddOkLvmiJqQ^^dikJiiYqYbUSid`Jbdb`kdbmWQUidobOkdSfoL^YMfd^YMv`diJ^YmvdifidmQMmYdb$MJbJ`kiQkmiYMmmWQmiJbkfdimLvidJOdSJbY`J^kLviQhoYiYbUmiJbkfdimmdLQMJiiYQOdomdb^vJkSJiJkmWQbQJiQkmkoYmJL^QSJMY^Ymv$MJbJ`kkQmLQbQSYmkmd^dsQimJuiJmQkmdMd`fJbYQksWYMWWJqQmWQYikQJmYbmWJm`k$MJbJ`kokQJbJ^mQibJmQJkkQkk`QbmfidMQOoiQYSYbMdifdiJmQOYbmdbJmdYbJ^fidMOoiQQkmJL^YkWQOobOQiQo^Js$MJbJ`kk^QUYk^JmYdbY`fQOQ^JsSo^^v`JboSJMmoiQOSddOkmoSSkJbOkd^OYbdmWQi`kdbUidobOkiQ^mJYbUmdMdbko`QifidmQMmYdb$MJbJ`kk^YJLY^YmvSdiJLiQJMWdSmWQOYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdbLQfiQM^oOQOLvY`fioOQbmMdbOoMmdbmWQfJimdSmWQmiJqQ^diUJbYxQi$ MJbJbJm^MdoimiQhoQkmmWQQM[mdio^QOYiQMm^vdbmWQMd`fJmYLY^YmvdSJbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYqQfidqYkYdbsYmWmiQJmvJimYM^QH:$MJbJfQikdbiQ^JmQOLv`JiiYJUQmdmWQkd^QkWJiQWd^OQidSJMd`fJbvLQMdbkYOQiQOJsdi\QiYSmWQvJiQkoLdiOYbJmQ$MJbJfidfiYQmdiokQJbobJomWdiYxQOmiJOQ`Ji\YSWQYkJiQfJYiQidi`JYbmJYbQidSmWdkQUddOkdSkfQMYJ^YxQkYbmWdkQUddOk$!MJbMWY^OiQbdSsdi\QiksWdOdbdm^YqQYbmWQ`kdSQ`f^dv`Qbm`JvWJqQiQMdoikQkmdkmoOvUiJbmkJsJiOQOmdmWJm`k$MJbMdbkQbmmdmWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbM^JokQLQfiQko`QOmdQuYkmsWQbJMdbmiJMmYbUfJimvkMdbOoMmYkMdbkYkmQbmsYmWJokJUQsWYMWUdqQibkmWQJiQJYbsWYMJbOYiDD8FDJff^vmdJmiJbkSQiLQmsQQb:Md`fJbYQkYbmWQkJ`QMdifdiJmQUidofsWYMWWJqQmWQkJ`QdsbQikWYfmWQkJ`Q`JbJUQ`QbmmWQkJ`QfiQ`YkQkJbOJiQQUJUQOYbmWQkJ`Qsdi\$MJb`kLdOYQksYmWMd`fQmQbMQYbiQ^JmYdbmdfoL^YMsdi\kJbOkoff^vMdbmiJMmkWQJifidMQQOYbUkiQ^JmQOmdfoL^YMkQiqYMQMdbmiJMmkQmM$MJb`kmiJOQbJmYdbJ^vdSkfdokQkJkJMiYmQiYdbSdiOQmQi`YbYbUmWQ^JsJff^YMJL^QmdmWQMdbkQhoQbMQkdSOYqdiMQ$MJb`kkOQfiYqQQ`f^dvQQkOYk`YkkQOLQSdiQmWQvWJqQMd`f^QmQOmsdvQJikMdbmYbodokQ`f^dv`QbmdSmWQiYUWmmdLQobSJYi^vOYk`YkkQO$aQ`f^dv`QbmdSmWQiYUWmmdLQobSJYi^vOYk`YkkQO$aPI F t  Xgx . Yes.3Yes.C-383/97Is it a breach of law if water over 5% has been added to a foodstuff but water is absent from its list of ingredients?44$$F= - No.3No.C-383/97Can a MSs legislation impede lawfully manufactured food stuffs and sold in other MS on grounds reltaing to consumer protection?22""F= , No.3No.C-376/97When an agriculture holding is transferred during the currency of the undertakings for the 1991 special premium, does entitlement to that premium pass22""F= + Yes.3Yes.C-374/97If a MS has delegated the collecting of health inspection fees to a local authority, can that authority collect a higher amount than the fixed EU leve44$$F= * Yes.3Yes.C-374/97Can a MS collect a special fee exceeding the level of fixed standard fees concerning health inspections?44$$F= ) Yes.3Yes.C-366/97Do financial instruments which possess the traits of repayability and those subject of a contract agreee to repay constitute other repayable funds?44$$F= ( No.3No.C-360/97Can the time period in question be taken into account by a MSG when determining invalidity benefits?22""F= ' This reference is in admissible.3Yes.C-355/97Does existing legislation cover provisions adopted after the date of accession which are in substance and identical to the legislation previously in fPP@@::::8F= & Yes.3Yes.C-354/98Has France failed in its obligations to implement the principle of equal treatment for men and women in occupational social security schemes?44$$F= % Yes.3Yes.C-354/97Has France failed to fulfill its obligations in adopting measures on animal foodstuffs, energy values, and import standards?44$$F= $ No.3No.C-350/97Can a MS restrict the transport by road of animals by requiring transport to be carried out only as far as the nearest suitable facility?22""F= # Yes.2Yes.C-349/96Do the services supplied by the provider of a credit card protection plan constitute insurance according to VAT policy?44$$F= " No.2No.C-349/96May a MS restrict the scope of exemption for insurance transactions to insurers who are authroized by law?22""F= ! No.3No.C-348/96Can a MS automatically expel EU nationals for life from its country as a criminal penalty?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-347/97Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations in regards to batteries with certain dangerous substances?44$$F=  No.3No.C-346/97Can a MS levy a tax on domestic commerical aviation calculated by reference to data by the type of aircraft used?22""F=  No.3No.C-343/96Can MSs make repayment of said customs and duties subject to a condition?}22""F=  Yes, just not more difficult.3Yes, just not more difficult.C-343/96Can a MS make repayment of taxes and duties against Community law subject to less favorable time limits than for those paid but not due?ffVV77775F=LVAL N#########.D ! (  :? !!!x!% !!*!!!!!!*!  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)!!@!h! p!h5C@ p!!} !@} *!@}#Type of LitigantH!! ! !p!~C@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo29! !! !!_[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]!m[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)]! !@}1Q*!@} Type of Litigant !! *!!!! !!( ! p!8!@!H!P!X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x!!P ! ! ! 0! ! !z  !! !}! ! ! ! ! d !0 ! ! ! ! !Type of Litigant !PrimaryKey !!v  !!!!!q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x! !!h!!'x!Type of LitigantPrimaryKey!x! ! ! !!!!X!!! !LVALN>>>> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 X Y Z ^        #$%klm%%%ox,@ox,@FrmdialogVhT@9@@@44444442 @eiA@eiA@Treaty article at issueVhD@o\\\PPPPPPPN @/@/@ObservationsVhx@*FFF:::::::8 @t*@t*@Issues and positionsVh@)VVVJJJJJJJH @ D?T'@D?T'@Issue areaVh(@BBB66666664 @ B$@B$@General Case CharacteristicsVh @yfffZZZZZZZX @ q @q @chamber compositionVh<@}TTTHHHHHHHF @[ r@ߚ %@Issue areaVh@ BBB66666664 @V+y@3%@ReferralVhx@>>>22222220 @SNF@W %@ObservationsVhV@FFF:::::::8 @P @Z %@Issues and positionsVh@VVVJJJJJJJH @Lſ@u$@Treaty article at issueVh5@\\\PPPPPPPN @I2@v %@chamber MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUIDRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList    U.O`>#$UB!,9@Referral*gSO[.O`>#$UjunkXYJL݈!.O`>#$UReferral Date4/G2-+ ߜ.O`>#$Ucase number֚1E>̝.O`>#$Ureferring courtQ:O}#L.O`>#$UReferring Nation .O`>#$U$referring court       m  ֚1E>̝͋& Referring Nation q       0  m Q:O}#L Referral Date      XYJL݈! Short Date$ 99/99/0000;0;_Mjunk     *gSO[ـcase number       m  4/G2-+ ߜLVAL N.D!(  :? !!! !A !!!!!!!!!  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)@!8!!!!^vl@!(! !H} !H}agreementp!8!X! !!4TM7@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo23(! !! !0!;agreement.[agreement (number)]!7agreement.[agreement (text)]!!H} !H}agreement !! !!!! !!P ! !8!@!H!P!X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x!!x ! ! ! 0! ! !z  !! !}(! ! !0 ! ! d !0 ! ! ! ! !agreement !PrimaryKey !!v (!!!!!q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!p!! !agreementPrimaryKey! !(!@ !(!!!!`!!! !"/͟ˇoɀȔǪt‰Na C-124/97Can a MS grant a single public body exclusive rights to operate slot machines?GermanyYes.}t$$$$$$$ #` C-124/97Can a MS grant a single public body exclusive rights to operate slot machines?Belgiumyes}t$$$$$$$ #M106/75Does a refund have to be made in respect of a basic product which is capable of giving rise to a refund (barley) if no rate of refund was fixed for the product that was actually exported?CommissionIn this case, there is no right to the grant of the export refund./""""""" #Lnd106/75Does the right to the grant of an export refund exist if a product has been exported other than that for which the export licence was granted?CommissionA right to a grant of an export refund may exist in this situation.""""""" #K106/75Does tariff subheading "rolled barley grains" differ from "flaked barley", in that flaked barley must be manufactured from hulled barley grains or does the difference lie in flaked being intensively rolled?CommissionThe difference between the labels lies in the flaked barley being hulled which removes part of the husk.h""""""" #J95/75Are Commission Regulations 311,317,381,410 and 427/74 valid in so far as a uniform levy was fixed for the products listed without regard to the level of starch or should the rates be similar to Reg 433/74?CommissionThe regulations remain valid.!!!!!!! #Iop59/75Does the Council Resolution of 4/21/70 alter the scope and the provisions of Article 37(1)?ItalyThe resolution does not alter the scope and provisions of Article 37(1).~!!!!!!! #Hop59/75Does the Council Resolution of 4/21/70 alter the scope and the provisions of Article 37(1)?CouncilThe resolution does not alter the scope and provisions of Article 37(1).~!!!!!!! #Gop59/75Does the Council Resolution of 4/21/70 alter the scope and the provisions of Article 37(1)?CommissionThe resolution does not alter the scope and provisions of Article 37(1).~!!!!!!! #F c59/75Does Article 37(1) have direct effect in the original Member State so as to confer on private persons rights that are directly enforceable in the national courts?ItalyArticle 37 does not direct effect in this case.!!!!!!! #E c59/75Does Article 37(1) have direct effect in the original Member State so as to confer on private persons rights that are directly enforceable in the national courts?CommissionArticle 37 has direct effect in this case.!!!!!!! #Dia59/75Does Article 37(1) mean that from 12/31/69 every national monopoly of a commercial character must be adjusted so as to eliminate the exclusive right to import from other Member States?ItalyEvery national monopoly of a commercial character must not be adjusted so as to eliminate the exclusive right to import from other Member States.u!!!!!!! #Cia59/75Does Article 37(1) mean that from 12/31/69 every national monopoly of a commercial character must be adjusted so as to eliminate the exclusive right to import from other Member States?CommissionEvery national monopoly of a commercial character must be adjusted so as to eliminate the exclusive right to import from other Member States.v!!!!!!! #B60/75If an individual producer has suffered damage as a result of the intervention of a Member State in violation of Community law, who will be responsible for the consequences?CommissionIn this situation, the Member State will be liable for the consequences.%!!!!!!! #K[N],[judge (first name)],[judge (last name)],[judge nationality]) values (' Combo9' Insert into [Issue area] ([case number],[issue area (key word)]) values (' *issue area (key word) Combo19O 6Insert into [Issues and positions] ([case number],[legal issue],[AG position on issue],[ECJ ruling],[ECJ-AG Agreement?],[clarity of legal issue]) values (' Text32 Text35 Text37 List44 Combo51DatasaveObservationReturnstValueIssueandpos_ vInsert into [Observations] ([case number],[legal issue],[observation source],[observer's position on legal issue],[agreement with ECJ],[agreement with AG],[clarity of position]) values (' legal issue $observation source Combo25 Combo23 $$ i Insert into [General Case Characteristics] ([case number],[Judgment Title],[Date],[Plaintiff],[Defendant],[AG (first name)],[AG (last name)],[chamber number],[chamber size],[Treaty Basis of Case]) values (' Date of Judgment Combo40 Combo18s Insert into [General Case Characteristics] ([case number],[coder (last name)],[Judgment Title],[Date],[Plaintiff],[Defendant],[AG (first name)],[AG (last name)],[chamber number],[chamber size],[Treaty Basis of Case]) values ('Gu`0`DESTu`0`DESTu`0`DESTN 0`DESTP 0`DESTO 0`DESTReturnstValuereferralReturnstValuerefcompSetStValuereferralDatasavereferral ((   referral text22*mg=MoD9x iJ@As*w(h@ܱ"݇x&Combo61-vq(B&uE\QA%eType_ofPlaintiffŹAJ~=wyJPէ4 Insert into [referral] ([case number],[Referral Date],[referring court],[Referring Nation]) values (' Referral Date referring court Combo8ReturnstValuecompn6_LyN6quCB. 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and of his spouse who live with him in the host State.179/98What degree of relationship is covered by the term "family", contained in Art 41(1) of the EEC-Moroccan Agreement, andn can nthat term also be applied to persons of Moroccan nationality who are related only by marriage?F=Such a worker can rely on those provision if retaing both nationalities.3Such a worker can rely on these provisions as a grounds for invoking the workers Moroccan nationality for the purposes of obtaining the benefits of the principle of equal treatment is social security within if retaining both nationalities and it follows f179/98Can a member of the family of a worker, originally Moroccan by subsequently Belgian, still rely on Art 41(1) of the 4/27/76 EEC/Moroccan agreement on "non-discriminationn within towards "Moroccan workers" and members of their family?Zooccbbbb`F=The derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 is not applicable to such a winter fuel payment.3The derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 is not applicable to such a winter fuel payment.382/98Is the derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 applicable to a winter fuel payment such as that in Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1)?QrrrrpF= 3Such a payment is covered by Art 3(1) of Dir 79/7/EEC.3Such a payment is covered by Art 3(1) of Dir 79/7/EEC.382/98Is a winter fuel payment made under Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1b) of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 1998 within the scope of Art 3 of Dir 79/7/EEC?5PPPPNF=The competent institution in this situation is that of the State within whose territory the worker was employed.3The competent institution in this situation is that of the State within whose territory the worker was employed.198/98Under Art 3 of Cuncil Dir 80/987, what is the competent guarantee institution where the employee in question is employed in na State by a branch of a comopany incorporated under the laws of annother State where it has its registered office and is liquidat F=Such additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.3Such additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.101/98Does it mater if the designation "dietary cheese containing vegetable oil for a fat-modified diet" is complemented by additional packaging like "this dietary cheese is rich in polyunsaturated fats" or "is ideal for a cholesterol conscious lifestyle"?F=Such a milk product may not be described as cheese.3Such a milk product may not be described as cheese.101/98Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 18989/87 mean that a milk product in which milk fat has been replaced on dietary grounds by vegetable fat cannot be described as cheese?5MMMMKF=LVAL N  .D $(  :? $ $ $ $A ! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)@ $8 $ $ $ $gt@ $( $  $H}  $H}agreementp $8 $X $ $ $4TM7@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo33( $  $ $  $0 $;agreement.[agreement (number)] $7agreement.[agreement (text)] $ $H}  $H}agreement  $ $  $ $ 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of annother State where it has its registered office and is liquidatCommissionThe competent institution in this situation is that of the State within whose territory the worker was employed./#""""""" # tu198/98Under Art 3 of Cuncil Dir 80/987, what is the competent guarantee institution where the employee in question is employed in na State by a branch of a comopany incorporated under the laws of annother State where it has its registered office and is liquidatItalyThe competent institution in this situation is that of the State within whose territory the worker was employed.*#""""""" # tu198/98Under Art 3 of Cuncil Dir 80/987, what is the competent guarantee institution where the employee in question is employed in na State by a branch of a comopany incorporated under the laws of annother State where it has its registered office and is liquidatIrelandThe competent institution in this situation is that of the State within whose territory the worker was employed.,#""""""" # tu198/98Under Art 3 of Cuncil Dir 80/987, what is the competent guarantee institution where the employee in question is employed in na State by a branch of a comopany incorporated under the laws of annother State where it has its registered office and is liquidatNetherlandsThe competent institution in this situation is that of the State within whose territory the worker was employed.0#""""""" #ag101/98Does it mater if the designation "dietary cheese containing vegetable oil for a fat-modified diet" is complemented by additional packaging like "this dietary cheese is rich in polyunsaturated fats" or "is ideal for a cholesterol conscious lifestyle"?CommissionSuch additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.*""""""" #ag101/98Does it mater if the designation "dietary cheese containing vegetable oil for a fat-modified diet" is complemented by additional packaging like "this dietary cheese is rich in polyunsaturated fats" or "is ideal for a cholesterol conscious lifestyle"?GermanySuch additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.'""""""" #ag101/98Does it mater if the designation "dietary cheese containing vegetable oil for a fat-modified diet" is complemented by additional packaging like "this dietary cheese is rich in polyunsaturated fats" or "is ideal for a cholesterol conscious lifestyle"?GreeceSuch additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.&""""""" #ag101/98Does it mater if the designation "dietary cheese containing vegetable oil for a fat-modified diet" is complemented by additional packaging like "this dietary cheese is rich in polyunsaturated fats" or "is ideal for a cholesterol conscious lifestyle"?FranceSuch additional descriptions on packaging do not make a difference to the answer to the first question.&""""""" #>PK  I k < j9v X Yes.3Yes.C-63/97Can MSs inact transitional provisions other than those stated when implementing the Directive in question?22$$F= W No.3No.C-61/98Does EU law impose on customs people any obligation to warn a principal that he could incur liability for customs duty as a result of fraud?00""F= V Yes.3Yes.C-60/98Can a MS lay down a limited period in which sound-recording media may be distributed by persons who had been able to make/produce them before?22$$F= U No.3No.C-6/97Should the Commission Decision in question regarding tax credit scemes be annulled?..""F= T Yes.3Yes.C-59/98Did Luxembourg fail in its obligations concerning satellite communications legislation implementation?22$$F= S No.3No.C-59/97Should the Commission decision at issue dealing with Italys clearance of accounts be annulled?00""F= R No.3No.C-54/95Did the Comm impose an illegal addition penalty through the EAGGF on Germany?00""F= Q No.3No.C-51/92 PDid the CFI rule in error in dismissing the plaintiffs action for annulment against a Commission decision?44""F= O No.3No.C-49/92 PIs the defendants cross-appeal founded?]44""F= N No.3Parially, only on 3 counts.C-49/92 PIs the Commissions appeal founded?pLL::F= M No.3Yes.C-48/97Must the situation at issue be treated as a supply for consideration?x11##F= L No.3No.C-48/97Are reductions covering the whole cost of supplying redemption goods considered revates or price discounts?00""F= K na3dismissedC-436/97 PDid the CFI rule in error in dismissing Deutsches petition for annulment of the contested Commission Decision?;;''F= J No.2Yes.C-435/97Does EU law cover a project that is essentially for civil purposes?x33##F= I Yes.3No.C-435/97Does the Directive in question apply to a project that has received development consent under a separate administrative proceedings?33##F= H Yes.3Yes.C-435/97Can a MS use an alternate assessment procedure if incorporated into natoinal procdure established under EU law?44$$F= G No.3No.C-435/97Can a MS exclude certain classes of products from set out environmental assessment procedure?22""F= F Yes.3Yes.C-430/97Can MS trade nationaly of spouses as a criterion for determining the law applicable to the consequences of divorce?44$$F= E Yes.3Yes.C-425/97If a MS lays down a procedure for the provision of technical info, are they exempt from notifying the Commmission as laid out in Commission Regulation44$$F= D Yes.3Yes.C-423/97Can a MS adopt rules providing that a notice of renumeration is not subject to any condition as to form?44$$F= C No.3No.C-423/97Does a consumer need to prove that the consumer was influenced or manipulated by the trader?22""F=17                                @ @868HF868HF868HF868HF 868HF 868HF 868HF868HF868HF868HF86DHF=86DHF=86DHF=86DHF=86DHF=8>HHB!8>HHB!8B8HF= 8DBHF8DBHF 8DBHF 8DBHF8DBHF8DHHF=8DHHF=8DHHFA8DHHFA8DHHFA8DHHFA8DHHFA 8DHHFA 8HFHF8HFHF8HFHF8HFHF8HFHF:66HF= :6HHD!:6HHD!:<>HF:<>HF:<>HF:<>HF:D@HFm:D@HFm:D@HFm<@6HF=>:HD=>FHFK>FHFK>FHFK >FHFK >FHFW>FHFW>FHFW>FHFWB6HFD>HFH>HF9H>HF9H>HF9H>HF9M866HB mM866HB mM866HB mM86<HD mM86<HD mM86BHD mM86BHD 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" s Fk?]@ m na3noC-154/98 PDid the CFI rule in error that Guerin Automobiles proceedings were inadmissibles?44 F= l Yes.3No.C-99/96Is a judgment ordering intermin payment of contractual consideration a provisional measure?11##F= k No.2No.C-99/96Does the convention of Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments apply to the contract in question?00""F= j na3dismissedC-95/98Did the CFI rule in error in dismissing the plaintiffs action for damages stemming from the implementation of the Single European Act?55''F= i No.3No.C-90/97Can a MS make entitlements to benefits conditional upon habitual residence in that state?00""F= h Yes.3Yes.C-87/97Can MSs take measures to ensure the protection of designations of origin registered under Council regulations?22$$F= g Yes.2Yes.C-86/97Must national customs consider applications for remission in the event of a theft of goods?22$$F= f No.3No.C-77/97Can MSs set rules that prohibit ads for cosmetics that claim an effect but d not include active ingredients capable of achieving it?00""F= e No.3Yes.C-75/97Should the Commission decision in question regarding aid granted by Belgium be annuled?11##F= d Yes.3Yes.C-735/97To enjoy extended protection to non-simliar products or services, must a registered trade mark be known by a significant part of the public concerned?44$$F= c No.3No.C-73/97 PIs the application for annulment by the defendant over fixing coeffecients for determing bananna quota admissible?44""F= b Yes.3Yes.C-73/97 PShould the CFIs decision regardings an action for annulment over bananna quota fixing be set aside?66$$F= a na3dismissedC-7/99 PDid the CFI rule in error in dismissing as inadmissible his action for annulment?77''F= ` Yes.3Yes.C-69/97Should SNVA be ordered to reimburse the Commissions advance payment?x22$$F= _ Conditionally.3Yes.C-67/96Can public authorities confer on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supple pnsion scheme in a given sector?<<..((((&F= ^ Yes.3Yes.C-67/96Does such a compulsory pension fund count as an undertaking?p22$$F= ] Yes.3Yes.C-67/96Can public authorities make affiliation to a sectoral persion find compulsory?22$$F= \ na3dismissedC-65/99 PCRDid the President of the CFI Order in error in dismissing the application of the applicant?==''F= [ Yes.3Yes.C-65/97Does Gariboldi Engeneering Co owe the Commission from a previously completed project?22$$F= Z No.3No.C-64/98 PDid the CFI rule in error in dismissing the plaintiffs application for damages under Article 178?44""F= Y Yes, just not mislead or damage its reputation.3Yes.C-63/97Can a proprietor use an unauthorized trademark if he is a repairer or maintainer of those goods of specializes in those goods?]]OOIIIIGF=] #@ obOQiJim<dSMobMY^OYiF6HFDsWJmYkmWQMd`fQmQbmUoJiJbmQQYbkmYmomYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQQYbhoQkmYdbYkQ`f^dvQOYbbJkmJmQLvJLiJbMWdSJMd`dfJbvYbMdifdiJmQOobOQimWQ^JskdSJbbdmWQikmJmQsWQiQYmWJkYmkiQUYkmQiQOdSSYMQJbOYk^YhoYOJmobOQiJim<dSMobMY^OYiF6HFDsWJmYkmWQMd`fQmQbmUoJiJbmQQYbkmYmomYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQQYbhoQkmYdbYkQ`f^dvQOYbbJkmJmQLvJLiJbMWdSJMd`dfJbvYbMdifdiJmQOobOQimWQ^JskdSJbbdmWQikmJmQsWQiQYmWJkYmkiQUYkmQiQOdSSYMQJbOYk^YhoYOJmobOQiJim<dSMobMY^OYiF6HFDsWJmYkmWQMd`fQmQbmUoJiJbmQQYbkmYmomYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQQYbhoQkmYdbYkQ`f^dvQOYbbJkmJmQLvJLiJbMWdSJMd`dfJbvYbMdifdiJmQOobOQimWQ^JskdSJbbdmWQikmJmQsWQiQYmWJkYmkiQUYkmQiQOdSSYMQJbOYk^YhoYOJmobOQiJim<dSMobMY^OYiF6HFDsWJmYkmWQMd`fQmQbmUoJiJbmQQYbkmYmomYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQQYbhoQkmYdbYkQ`f^dvQOYbbJkmJmQLvJLiJbMWdSJMd`dfJbvYbMdifdiJmQOobOQimWQ^JskdSJbbdmWQikmJmQsWQiQYmWJkYmkiQUYkmQiQOdSSYMQJbOYk^YhoYOJmobOQiJimH668dYkmWQMdbOYmYdbmWJmmWQiQLQbddLqYdokbQU^YUQbMQdbmWQfJimdSmWQmiJOQimdsWYMWJimFHH`J\QkiQfJv`QbmdSOomYQkkoL[QMmJ^sJvkkJmYkSYQO$WobOQimWQMdbko^mJmYdbfidMQOoiQMJbmWQMdobMY^mJ\QYbOQfQbOQbmJMmYdbYSmWQfJi^YJ`QbmiQSokQkO 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"TA710d% 7nd11?!]llsl jw;%<,?,+,:,returnobs9, Qd4?`bcd\ e fhl n,"";"";"";"";"10";"100""HO[ Combo9Table/QuerD,X~  R H|ÿ, C-258/97May provisions from the Directive in question be relied upon directly by individuals before national courts?Austria$$$$$$$ #h  C-258/97May provisions from the Directive in question be relied upon directly by individuals before national courts?Austriana$$$$$$$ # C-258/97Can MS bodies with competence in relation to public works and supply contracts hear proceedings related to public service contracts etc?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-258/97Can MS bodies with competence in relation to public works and supply contracts hear proceedings related to public service contracts etc?Austriana$$$$$$$ # C-256/97When do measures in the form of discretionary facilities for the late payment of social security contributions entail the grant of state aid?CommissionWhen facilities are manifestly more generous than $$$$$$$ # C-256/97When do measures in the form of discretionary facilities for the late payment of social security contributions entail the grant of state aid?FranceWhen facilities are manifestly more generous than $$$$$$$ # C-255/97Can a MS prohibit the use of a trade name as the specifc designation of an undertaking where there is the risk of confusion?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-255/97Can a MS prohibit the use of a trade name as the specifc designation of an undertaking where there is the risk of confusion?AustriaYes.$$$$$$$ # C-254/97Can a MS impose a special levy on the pre-turnover achieved in the time period imagined?CommissionNo.~$$$$$$$ # C-254/97Can a MS impose a special levy on the pre-turnover achieved in the time period imagined?FranceYes.~$$$$$$$ # C-249/97Does the fact that child care facilities are generally state-run or state-aided affect the answer given?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-249/97Does the fact that child care facilities are generally state-run or state-aided affect the answer given?UKna$$$$$$$ # C-249/97Does the fact that child care facilities are generally state-run or state-aided affect the answer given?Austriana$$$$$$$ # C-249/97Can a MS grant a reduced term payment to workers who end their employment in order to take care of their children due to a lack of child care facilitiCommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-249/97Can a MS grant a reduced term payment to workers who end their employment in order to take care of their children due to a lack of child care facilitiUKna$$$$$$$ # C-249/97Can a MS grant a reduced term payment to workers who end their employment in order to take care of their children due to a lack of child care facilitiAustriaYes.$$$$$$$ # C-241/97Are the Directives in question precise enough to be constitutional, therefore rendering inapplicable any contrary rule of national law?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-241/97Are the Directives in question precise enough to be constitutional, therefore rendering inapplicable any contrary rule of national law?Norwayna$$$$$$$ # C-241/97Are the Directives in question precise enough to be constitutional, therefore rendering inapplicable any contrary rule of national law?Swedenna$$$$$$$ #1  @ M8<8HD !M8<8HD !M8HF !M8>6HD !M8>6HD !M8>6HD !M8>6HD !M8>6HD !M8>6HD !M8>6HD !M8>6HD  M8@FHF BM8@FHF BM8@HHD B M8@HHD B M8@HHD B M8@HHD B M8@HHD B M8@HHD BM8B>HD M8BBHF BM8BBHF BM8BBHF CM8BBHF CM8BDHD CM8BDHD CM8D<HF CM8D<HF CM8FH@ CM8FH@ C M8FH@ C M8FH@ C M8F8HB C M8F8HB C M8F8HD CM8F8HD CM8F8HD CM8FBHF M8FBHF M8FBHF CM8FBHF CM8FBHF CM8FBHF DM8FHHD M:6BHD M:88HD DM:88HD DM:8:HD DM:8:HD DM:8:HD DM:8:HD D M:8:HD D M:8@HB D M:8@HB D M:8@HB D M:8@HB DM:8BHD DM:8BHD DM:8BHD DM:8BHD DM:8FHF JM:8FHF JM:8FHF DM:8FHF EM:8HHD JM:8HHD JM:8HHD JM:8HHD JM:8HHD JM:8HHD JM::HF EM::HF EM::HF EM::HF EM:::HD EM:::HD EM::>HD EM::>HD EM:<8HD JM:<:HD NM:<:HD NM:<:HD NM:<>HD E M:<>HD E M:<>HD E M:8HD 6M:>8HD 6M:>8HD 6M:>8HD EHD EM:>8HD EM:>8HD EM:>8HD EK[N΃΃΃΃Μ @`9 a ppp@d9  ttt@h Y4 @l  33xK3)'h%x$ `x ,x<''$'Dd xx ,>dFT x6TD$ 0xx$ $dxTD$KRCx@'0%ltF@%'P%lxF`%p$ `p `p<''' , pp ,>,F p6  O,tx$,p xK3)'h%x$ `x ,x<''$issue],[AG-Plaintiff agreement?],[ECJ ruling],[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?],[ECJ-AG Agreement?],[clarity of legal issue]) values (' Text35 $AG-Plaintiff agree^ rInsert into [Observations] ([case number],[legal issue],[observation source],[type of observer],[observer's position on legal issue],[agreement with AG],[clarity of position]) values (' $observation source Combo29 (observation positionjoined_case_numberFC7?Option8Command4_ClickCommand5_Click Xfk(aN?@e&N? Combo61SK*mrU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< M|3enDT  a , ) a a a)a  Aa1q1i!IQa y)Yia 8y88 Form_ObservationsForm_Issues and positionsForm_Issue areaModule1 !Form_General Case CharacteristicsForm_Joined Case Numbersdb1F /C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\VBA\VBA6\VBE6.DLLVBA  1`J_N?4C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACC.OLBAccessLabel33Label36Label38  )p0FC:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlbstdole am.4C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado21.tlbADODB Aiz )Fөm5YR8L->1= HO[NJMd31?FormSC7? FormHeaderAC7?Label8Detail FormFooterLabel31EC7?Cmdobservations@C7?Text35CmdretpositionsText37LCE ЦH ( 4 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?AustriaArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as 4 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?AustriaArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules ar4 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?AustriaArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a St4 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligatio4 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?AustriaArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules are precise and easy to follow.o""""""" #3 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?FinlandArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules are precise and easy to follow.o""""""" #2 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?GermanyArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules are precise and easy to follow.o""""""" #1 94/98Where a medicinal product is sought to be imported from State A to State B, may the importer seek marketing authorization from State B without complying with Council Dir 65/65 in the circumstances described?SwedenThe importer must comply with Council Dir 65/65.,!!!!!!! #0 94/98Where a medicinal product is sought to be imported from State A to State B, may the importer seek marketing authorization from State B without complying with Council Dir 65/65 in the circumstances described?UKThe importer must comply with Council Dir 65/65.(!!!!!!! #/ 94/98Where a medicinal product is sought to be imported from State A to State B, may the importer seek marketing authorization from State B without complying with Council Dir 65/65 in the circumstances described?CommissionThe importer may seek marketing authorization in this circumstance.C!!!!!!! #. 94/98Where a medicinal product is sought to be imported from State A to State B, may the importer seek marketing authorization from State B without complying with Council Dir 65/65 in the circumstances described?FranceThe importer may seek marketing authorization in this circumstance.?!!!!!!! #Z @ @ @ @ @ @ @        @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MHD MHD M6@HD EM>8:HD EM>8:HD EM>8:HD EM>8:HD EM>8:HD EM>8:HD EM>8:HD E M>8:HD E M>8BHB E M>8BHB E M>8BHB EM>8BHB EM>:8HD EM>:8HD EM>:<HD EM>:<HD IM>:<HD IM>:<HD IM>:<HD IM>:<HD IM>:@HD IM>:@HD IM>:@HD IM><6HD IM><6HD I M><@HD IM><@HD IM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD JM><@HD J M><@HD J M><@HD J M><@HD J M><@HD M><@HD M><@HD M><@HD M><@HD M><@HD  M><@HD  M><@HD  M><@HD  M><@HD  M><@HD M><@HD M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF M>>HF  M>>HF  M>>6HD  M>>6HD  M>>6HD M>>6HD M>>6HD M>FHD NM>FHD NM>FHD NM>FHD NM>FHD NM>FHD N M>FHD N M>FHD N MB6HF NMB6HF OMB8HF OMB8HF OMB<HD OMB<HD OMB<HD OMB<HD OMB<HD O MB<HD O MBDHB O MBDHB O MBDHB OMBDHB OMBDHB OMBDHB OMBDHB OMBDHB OMBDHB OMBDHB TMBDHB TMBDHB MBDHB MBDHB MBDHB MBDHB MBDHB  MBDHB  MD<@HD TMD<@HD TMD<@HD T MD<@HD T MD@HD T MDDHD T MDDHD T MDDHD TMDDHD TMFBHD MFBHD MFBHD MFDHD MFDHD MFDHD MFDHD MFDHD MH6HD  MH6HD  MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB HB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB MHHHB 5LVALEN  .Dw*r4  :? *r*r*rH *r[ !*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r  d (number) coder! (text)(*r *r*r*r *rN!a @*r*rX*r~X*r~Xcoder0*r*r *r *r*rio)7@W~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList44*r *r*r *r*r-[coder].[name (number)]*r)[coder].[name (text)]*r*r~*r~ coder *r*r *r*r*r*r *rX*r *r *r8*r@*rH*rP*rX*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*r*rx*r*r8 *r *r *r 0*r *r *rz  *r@*r *r~*rp *r *r *rp *r d *r0h *rp *rp *r *r *r coder *rPrimaryKey *r*rv *r*r*r*rX*rX*qrX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*rX*r0*r *r@*r *r*rH *rcoderPrimaryKey*rH *r*r *r*r*rX*r@*r*r@*rx*r *rK[N  7?Combo51 Command55r;|?TabCtl26Text30Text32u;|?Page1claritylegal_Labelagreementecjag_LabelAG_Plaintiff_agreeCombo59Combo61Observations_link_Clickreturnpositions_Clickfinishpositions_ClickNew_Issue_Clickclose_form_ClickCommand50_Click +\euwM6{ng%Zt{;𐞵J-Yӡ=O[ʳD@Type_ofPlaintiffCombo63KC7?List44 PlaintiffJudgment_Title DefendantDate_of_JudgmentText54Combo40 chamber_sizeCombo18 Cmblastnamecase_number_0_Label56chamber_size_LabelCmbfirstname_ClickCmblastname_ClickCombo18_AfterUpdate Form_Load  ReturnstValueReturnstValuerReturnstValuereferral SetStValueSetStValuereferralReturnstValueissuepositionSetStValueissueReturnstValueissueretReturnstValueobservationsSetStValueissuepositionReturnstValueissuepositionretReturnstValueIssueandposSetStValueobservationsReturnstValueobservationsretDatasaveDatasavereferral Closeform DatasaveIssueDatasaveIssuepositionDatasaveObservation $$  Insert into [General Case Characteristics] ([case number],[coder (last name)],[Judgment Title],[Date],[Plaintiff],[Type of Plaintiff],[Defendant],[Type of Defendant],[AG (last name)],[chamber number],[chamber size],[Treaty Basis of Case]) values ('ɤs h)aN? 1 8General Case Characteristics(aN? case numberJ?PtpY? ',' List44 Judgment Title Date of Judgment Plaintiff "Type of Plaintiff Defendant "Type of Defendant Text54 Combo40 chamber size Combo18 ')`GXGP  Issue area=lM{ͻt`Lu}V{cF.X[rmD4c Q case_numbercase_number_Labelissue_area__key_word_Label7 returnissue finishissuesissue_area__key_word__LabelIssuesandpositions_link_Clickreturnissue_Clickfinishissues_Click hHO[' Insert into [Issue area] ([case number],[issue area (key word)]) values (' *issue area (key word) (Issues and positions Text30- Insert into [Issues and positions] ([case number],[legal issue],[AG position on issue],z!B'i^Cό3LåbP+0H.[HCombo29Combo23Combo19Label6observation_sourceCommand9 Command10 returnobs Legal_issueclairty_of_observation_Labelobservation_position_Labelobservation_positionSave_Record_ClickClick_to_Start_New_Record_ClickCommand9_ClickCommand10_ClickCommand11_Clickreturnobs_Click fĤIx8<VBE6.DLL F ^ g a~ ie200/98Does Community law concerning freedom of establishment and movement of capital prohibit national provisions such as those in this case where type A and B intra-group transfers can benefit from certain tax concessions while type C transfers cannot?CommissionCommunity law precludes that tax relief be refused to type C but not type A and B.{'""""""" #  p161/98Does the Belgian provision at issue in this case constitute a provision on reduction, suspennsion or withdrawal within the meaning of Reg 1408/71 and 1248/92?CommissionThis provision does not constitute a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal.&""""""" #  p107/98Is Council Dir 93/36 on coordinating procedures for public contracts applicable where a contracting authority plans to conclude in writing a contract with an inndependent party for the supply of products, whether or not that entity is a contracting authorCommissionunknown8/#""""""" #  p107/98Is Council Dir 93/36 on coordinating procedures for public contracts applicable where a contracting authority plans to conclude in writing a contract with an inndependent party for the supply of products, whether or not that entity is a contracting authorFranceunknown4+#""""""" #  p107/98Is Council Dir 93/36 on coordinating procedures for public contracts applicable where a contracting authority plans to conclude in writing a contract with an inndependent party for the supply of products, whether or not that entity is a contracting authorBelgiumunknown5,#""""""" #  p107/98Is Council Dir 93/36 on coordinating procedures for public contracts applicable where a contracting authority plans to conclude in writing a contract with an inndependent party for the supply of products, whether or not that entity is a contracting authorItalyunknown3*#""""""" #  p107/98Is Council Dir 93/36 on coordinating procedures for public contracts applicable where a contracting authority plans to conclude in writing a contract with an inndependent party for the supply of products, whether or not that entity is a contracting authorAustriaThe question is not admissible.M,#""""""" # 442/97Is the 6th pargraph of Art 32b of the 12/21/67 Royal Decree a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal laid down by the legislation of a State as in Art 46b(2) of which does not apply to a benefit under Art 46(1ai)?CommissionThis is not such a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal under Reg 1408/71.g""""""" # su350/98Does Dir 69/335 prevennt a tax from being levied on the capitalization by a capital company of undistributed profits, such as the tax in this case?CommissionCouncil Dir 69/335 does not prevent such a tax from being levied.""""""" # 179/98What degree of relationship is covered by the term "family", contained in Art 41(1) of the EEC-Moroccan Agreement, andn can nthat term also be applied to persons of Moroccan nationality who are related only by marriage?GermanyThis depends on the national law of that State.9""""""" # 179/98What degree of relationship is covered by the term "family", contained in Art 41(1) of the EEC-Moroccan Agreement, andn can nthat term also be applied to persons of Moroccan nationality who are related only by marriage?UKThis extends to relatives in the descending line of that worker and of his spouse who live with him in the host State.{""""""" #P q }IThe terms in the German version have the same meaning.3The terms in the German version have the same meaning.48/98Do the terms in question in the German version of Art 212a of the Customs Code have the same meaning as "manifest negligence" and "obvious negligence" in the English version?BPPPPNF=Art 859 does contain such rules.3Art 859 does contain such rules.48/98Does Art 859 of the Commission Reg 2454/93 contain a validly constituted and exhaustive set of rules on failures, under Art 204(1) of the Customs Code, which "have no significant effect" on the customs procedure in question?Hff\\::::8F=unknown2Art 59 and 60 preclude such an obligation.369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to keep the labor documents in question for 5 years?2YYMM!!!!F=Art 59 and 60 do not preclude such an obligation.3Art 59 and 60 do not preclude such an obligation.369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to keep labor documents available to be monitored for compliance with national rules?~~KKKKIF=Such rules must be comparable and proportional.2Art 59 and 60 preclude a State from doing so.369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to draw up labor regulations by the rules of the first State?fxxIIIIGF=Art 59 and 60 preclude a State from doing so where the company is already subject in its home State to comparable obligations to assure workers safety.2Art 59 and 60 preclude a State from doing so where the company is already subject in its home State to comparable obligations to assure workers safety.369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the Belgium contribution schemes in Question?7VVJJF=Art 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules are precise and easy to follow.3Art 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules are precise and easy to follow.369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?F=The national authority may determine that the product is linked with the general interest in protecting human life and health.2The answer is not effected by this information.94/98Is the answer to question 1 effected if the formulation of the new medicinal product was developed to provide public health benfits that the old one did not provide?zF=The importer must comply with Council Dir 65/65.3The importer may seek marketing authorization in this circumstance.94/98Where a medicinal product is sought to be imported from State A to State B, may the importer seek marketing authorization from State B without complying with Council Dir 65/65 in the circumstances described?jJJJJHF=K[N΃΃΃΃΃΃Μ a'  a'S  Observations referral text22 observations legal issue Text324 Insert into [referral] ([case number],[Referral Date],[referring court],[Referring Nation]) values (' Referral DateQ&ED4=Ed referring court Combo8=|>iE<1k\/A8țCombo65  ` $` nt3`![ D[17]=" & MeD![A_44] oCmd.OrU 1.Q.Y1 q ...a/'9' (1 Y @4 @8 @<1Yrrr@:@a@D1ppp@H1ttt@L a @PY1 @TYQ zzz@XYy @\YWtmhx! Dx h8:<%LP:T%d$ Td $P LL $ 8,) xdPL85h'Tt$ b $xdPL8htmhx! Px h8:< %LP:T%d$ Td $P LL $ 8,) xdPL85hTt$ b $xdPL8h0 0  8` ~~~@`Y @d @hY @l!@p9I@tYYvvv@xy@|y:Wd]lA,%<:@%PT:X%h$ Th $33"[combo34]=17742 t)p\6<,<' %ltP'%'L%lxF`%p$ `p `p<''', GNas}}}}} scruggsx@  omParentI}}}}}liu     }}}}}}}}jacobscomj@ comMSysObjects###  }}}}}}}}} rauf  P& 9 O!3- No.3No.C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-166/97Did France fail to fulfill its obligations in regards to the conservation of wild birds?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-164/97Should the Council regulations in question be annlued due to the fact that they were adopted on the basis of an incorrect treaty article?44$$F= No.3No.C-161/97 PWere KLEs 5 pleas in law dismissed in error by the CFI?o66""F= By the national court.3By the national court.C-159/97How must awareness of the usage be assessed?XXHH0000.F=eqThe private undertaking is not required to do so.3The private undertaking is not required to do so.275/98Under Art 2(2) of Dir 93/36, must the aforemenntioned private undertaking apply the tendering procedure for the award of public contracts?~~KKKKIF=quThe contracting authority may require that the private undertaking observe the non-discrimination principle.3The contracting authority may require that the private undertaking observe the non-discrimination principle.275/98Under Art 2(2) of Dir 93/36, when granting special rights to a private undertaking which is not a contracting authority, must a contracting authority require that private undertaking to observe the non-discrimination principle?F=peThis provision still has an independent meaning.3This provision still has an independent meaning.275/98Does Art 2(2) of Council Dir 93/36 on procedure for public supply contracts still have an independent meaning after the adoption of Dir 92/502?||JJJJHF= rCommunity law precludes that tax relief be refused to type C but not type A and B.3Community law precludes that tax relief be refused to type C but not type A and B.200/98Does Community law concerning freedom of establishment and movement of capital prohibit national provisions such as those in this case where type A and B intra-group transfers can benefit from certain tax concessions while type C transfers cannot?lllljF=teThis provision does not constitute a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal.3This provision does not constitute a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal.161/98Does the Belgian provision at issue in this case constitute a provision on reduction, suspennsion or withdrawal within the meaning of Reg 1408/71 and 1248/92?tppppnF=Council Dir 93/36 is applicable regardless of whether the contract is concluded between entities which are contracting authorities.3Council Dir 93/36 is applicable regardless of whether the contract is concluded between entities which are contracting authorities.107/98Is Council Dir 93/36 on coordinating procedures for public contracts applicable where a contracting authority plans to conclude in writing a contract with an inndependent party for the supply of products, whether or not that entity is a contracting author/..""F=This is not such a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal under Reg 1408/71.3This is not such a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal under Reg 1408/71.442/97Is the 6th pargraph of Art 32b of the 12/21/67 Royal Decree a provision on reduction, suspension or withdrawal laid down by the legislation of a State as in Art 46b(2) of which does not apply to a benefit under Art 46(1ai)?ppppnF=Lr nM '  l lɝCO C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Belgiumno$$$$$$$O C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Belgiumno$$$$$$$ #N C-115/97Do Article 86 and 90 of the treaty preclude public authorities from conferring on a pension fund an exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #M C-115/97Do Article 86 and 90 of the treaty preclude public authorities from conferring on a pension fund an exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?Netherlandsthe situation doesnt include an exclusive right$$$$$$$ # C-423/97Does EU law apply to a contract relating to the right to use immovable property ona time shire basis?SpainNo.$$$$$$$ # C-421/97Do natl rules on moter vehicle tax such as those in question have discriminatory or protective effects against EU law?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-421/97Do natl rules on moter vehicle tax such as those in question have discriminatory or protective effects against EU law?FranceNo.$$$$$$$ # C-416/96Do Moroccan workers have the right to obtain an extension of their right of residence, ie can MSs refuse?CommissionYes, MS can refuse.$$$$$$$ # C-416/96Do Moroccan workers have the right to obtain an extension of their right of residence, ie can MSs refuse?FranceYes, MS can refuse.$$$$$$$ # C-416/96Do Moroccan workers have the right to obtain an extension of their right of residence, ie can MSs refuse?GermanyYes, MS can refuse.$$$$$$$ # C-416/96Do Moroccan workers have the right to obtain an extension of their right of residence, ie can MSs refuse?UKYes, MS can refuse.$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Does this constitute a restriction on the freedom to make payments?CommissionYes.{ui$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Does this constitute a restriction on the freedom to make payments?AustriaYes.xri$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Does this constitute a restriction on the freedom to make payments?FranceYes.wqi$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Does this constitute a restriction on the freedom to make payments?ItalyNo.upi$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Can a MS exclude recourse to the procedure for obtaining summary payment orders where service on the debtor is to be effected in another MS?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Can a MS exclude recourse to the procedure for obtaining summary payment orders where service on the debtor is to be effected in another MS?Austriana$$$$$$$ # C-412/97Can a MS exclude recourse to the procedure for obtaining summary payment orders where service on the debtor is to be effected in another MS?ItalyYes.$$$$$$$ # C-405/97Are non-MS dried walnut pieces that have been stores in the EU and after thawing out cleared through customs subject to tariff?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-397/96Are conditoins and extent of right to action which a social security insitution has against a liable party determined to be in accord to MS law?Commissionyes$$$$$$$ #kq@     JiQmWQOYiQMmYqQkYbhoQkmYdbfiQMYkQQbdoUWmdLQMdbkmYmomYdbJ^mWQiQSdiQiQbOQiYbUYbJff^YMJL^QJbvMdbmiJivio^QdSbJmYdbJ^^Js$6JiQmWdkQfQikoYbUmWQJMmYqYmYQkdSmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdbJbOmdsWd``Y^\Ykkoff^YQOLvJfidOoMQiMdbkYOQiQOJfoiMWJkQi$FMJbJMWJiUQLQJkkQkkQOmWJmYkfJvJL^QLvmiJOQiksWdWJqQJbQMdbd`YMYbmQiQkmYbmdoiYk`MJ^Mo^JmQOdbJLJkYkdSJbboJ^moibdqQi$ MJbJMWJiUQLQJkkQkkQOmWJmYkfJvJL^QLvmiJOQiksWdWJqQJbQMdbd`YMYbmQiQkmYbmdoiYk`MJ^Mo^JmQOdbJLJkYkdSJbboJ^moibdqQi$ MJbJMd^^QMmYqQJUiQQ`QbmQuM^oOQfQikdbkSid`QbmYm^Q`QbmmdJkfQMYJ^JbboJ^Ldbok$FMJbJMdobmQiqJY^YbUMWJiUQLQ^QqYQOdbkdoiMWQiiYQkiQ^QJkQOSdiSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbJmJ^dsfiYMQsWQiQmWJmfiYMQYkOoQmdMYiMo`kmJbMQkLQvdbOmWMJbJOYiQMmYqQJOdfmQOdbmWQLJkYkdbJimYM^Q866JWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$MJbJOYiQMmYqQJOdfmQOdbmWQLJkYkdbJimYM^Q866JWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$ MJbJOYiQMmYqQJOdfmQOdbmWQLJkYkdbJimYM^Q866JWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$ MJbJOYiQMmYqQJOdfmQOdbmWQLJkYkdbJimYM^Q866JWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$ MJbJOYiQMmYqQJOdfmQOdbmWQLJkYkdbJimYM^Q866JWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$ MJbJOYiQMmYqQJOdfmQOdbmWQLJkYkdbJimYM^Q866JWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMm$ MJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$E$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$E$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$EmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$Efko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$EQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$EQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$EQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$EJ^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$EJ^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$DMJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$Eqp       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<  @@@@@@@@@ȗJv;hW C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #V C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?UKno$$$$$$$ #U C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Swedenno$$$$$$$ #T C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Portugalno$$$$$$$ #S C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Austriano$$$$$$$ #R C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Netherlandsno$$$$$$$ #Q C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Spainno$$$$$$$ #P C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?Germanyno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS exclude certain classes of products from set out environmental assessment procedure?Netherlandsna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS exclude certain classes of products from set out environmental assessment procedure?Italyna$$$$$$$ # C-430/97Can MS trade nationaly of spouses as a criterion for determining the law applicable to the consequences of divorce?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-430/97Can MS trade nationaly of spouses as a criterion for determining the law applicable to the consequences of divorce?GermanyYes.$$$$$$$ # C-425/97If a MS lays down a procedure for the provision of technical info, are they exempt from notifying the Commmission as laid out in Commission RegulationCommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-425/97If a MS lays down a procedure for the provision of technical info, are they exempt from notifying the Commmission as laid out in Commission RegulationIrelandYes.$$$$$$$ # C-425/97If a MS lays down a procedure for the provision of technical info, are they exempt from notifying the Commmission as laid out in Commission RegulationNetherlandsYes.$$$$$$$ # C-423/97Can a MS adopt rules providing that a notice of renumeration is not subject to any condition as to form?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-423/97Can a MS adopt rules providing that a notice of renumeration is not subject to any condition as to form?SpainYes.$$$$$$$ # C-423/97Does a consumer need to prove that the consumer was influenced or manipulated by the trader?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-423/97Does a consumer need to prove that the consumer was influenced or manipulated by the trader?SpainNo.$$$$$$$ # C-423/97Does EU law apply to a contract relating to the right to use immovable property ona time shire basis?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ #QN $ ` |MƸƸƸƸƸƸƸsRAC-440/93Can a member state authorize the marketing of medici` C-231-97Does discharge cover steam which is precipitated on roofs and then reaches surface water?Franceno$$$$$$$ #_ C-219/97Can such a compulsory scheme be regarded as a grant of exclusive right and therefore be contrary to treaty law?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #^ C-219/97Can such a compulsory scheme be regarded as a grant of exclusive right and therefore be contrary to treaty law?Netherlandsno$$$$$$$ #] C-219/97Is a sectoral pension fund like the one in question an undertaking?Swedennouqi$$$$$$$ #\ C-219/97Is a sectoral pension fund like the one in question an undertaking?Germanynovri$$$$$$$ #[ C-219/97Is a sectoral pension fund like the one in question an undertaking?Francenouqi$$$$$$$ #Z C-219/97Is a sectoral pension fund like the one in question an undertaking?Netherlandsnozvi$$$$$$$ #Y C-218/98Does the principle of equal pay for men and women authorize payment of a lump sum to a pregnant woman only when she takes maternity leave?Commissionyes$$$$$$$ #X C-218/98Does the principle of equal pay for men and women authorize payment of a lump sum to a pregnant woman only when she takes maternity leave?UKyes$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does EU law cover a project that is essentially for civil purposes?CommissionNo.zui$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does EU law cover a project that is essentially for civil purposes?UKNo.rmi$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does EU law cover a project that is essentially for civil purposes?NetherlandsNo.{vi$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does EU law cover a project that is essentially for civil purposes?ItalyNo.upi$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does the Directive in question apply to a project that has received development consent under a separate administrative proceedings?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does the Directive in question apply to a project that has received development consent under a separate administrative proceedings?UKna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does the Directive in question apply to a project that has received development consent under a separate administrative proceedings?Netherlandsna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Does the Directive in question apply to a project that has received development consent under a separate administrative proceedings?Italyna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS use an alternate assessment procedure if incorporated into natoinal procdure established under EU law?UKna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS use an alternate assessment procedure if incorporated into natoinal procdure established under EU law?Netherlandsna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS use an alternate assessment procedure if incorporated into natoinal procdure established under EU law?Italyna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS exclude certain classes of products from set out environmental assessment procedure?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Can a MS exclude certain classes of products from set out environmental assessment procedure?UKna$$$$$$$ #* s T n9N? 48/98Is there no obvious negligence under the 2nd indent of Art 239(1) of the Customs Code where non-compliance with the time-limit under Art 49(1) results in a customs debt being incurred pursuant to Art 204(1a)?CommissionIt is not possible to conclude that there is no obvious negligence in such a case.S!!!!!!! #> 48/98Do the terms in question in the German version of Art 212a of the Customs Code have the same meaning as "manifest negligence" and "obvious negligence" in the English version?CommissionThe terms in the German version have the same meaning.!!!!!!! #= 48/98Does Art 859 of the Commission Reg 2454/93 contain a validly constituted and exhaustive set of rules on failures, under Art 204(1) of the Customs Code, which "have no significant effect" on the customs procedure in question?GermanyArt 859 does not contain such rules.2 !!!!!!! #< 48/98Does Art 859 of the Commission Reg 2454/93 contain a validly constituted and exhaustive set of rules on failures, under Art 204(1) of the Customs Code, which "have no significant effect" on the customs procedure in question?CommissionArt 859 does contain such rules.1!!!!!!! #; 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to keep labor documents available to be monitored for compliance with national rules?CommissionArt 59 and 60 do not preclude such an obligation.[(""""""" #: 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to keep labor documents available to be monitored for compliance with national rules?AustriaArt 59 and 60 do not preclude such an obligation.X%""""""" #9 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to keep labor documents available to be monitored for compliance with national rules?FinlandArt 59 and 60 do not preclude such an obligation.X%""""""" #8 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to keep labor documents available to be monitored for compliance with national rules?GermanyArt 59 and 60 do not preclude such an obligation.X%""""""" #7 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to draw up labor regulations by the rules of the first State?CommissionSuch rules must be comparable and proportional.A""""""" #6 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the Belgium contribution schemes in Question?CommissionArt 59 and 60 preclude a State from doing so where the company is already subject in its home State to comparable obligations to assure workers safety.""""""" #5 369/96Do Art 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty preclude the imposition by a State on an undertaking from another State temporarily working in the first State, of an obligation to pay workers the minimum wage of the first State?CommissionArt 59 and 60 do not preclude a State from doing so, as long as such rules are precise and easy to follow.r""""""" #CH@@ @ @ OdJimYM^QFBJbOH6dSmWQmiQJmvfiQM^oOQfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkSid`MdbSQiiYbUdbJfQbkYdbSobOJbQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^Q`QbmJivfQbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$EOdJimYM^QFBJbOH6dSmWQmiQJmvfiQM^oOQfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkSid`MdbSQiiYbUdbJfQbkYdbSobOJbQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^Q`QbmJivfQbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$EOdJimYM^QkFBJbOH6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkSid`MdbSQiiiYbUdbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^Q`QbmJivfQbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$OdJimYM^QkFBJbOH6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkSid`MdbSQiiiYbUdbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^Q`QbmJivfQbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$ OdJimYM^QkFBJbOH6dSmWQQMmiQJmvfiQM^oOQfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkSid`MdbSQiiiYbUdbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^Q`QbmJivfQbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$ 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FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUIDDefaultViewIMEModeIMESentenceMode8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateType  ` X UY{$GsNYa 5@Issues and positions}@@f3fY{$GsNAG-Plaintiff agreement?D>MMy6ZqY{$GsNcase number oAˑ?5@2|Observations,9QM^$P:Y{$GsNlegal issuedW`]O[Y{$GsNjunk xO[Y{$GsNAG position on issueȘUG2>Y{$GsNECJ rulingjOLїSY{$GsNECJ-Plaintiff agreement?mf6G죠RY{$GsNECJ-AG Agreement?UCQvBOY{$GsNclarity of legal issue  Y{$GsN  [Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] DESC, [Issues and positions].[case number]     bjunk Y    dW`]O[  .(AG position on issue       m   xO[    2,clarity of legal issue       m  UCQvBO    ECJ ruling       m  ȘUG2>    case number       m  D>MMy6Zq    ("ECJ-AG Agreement?        0  m mf6G죠R  4.AG-Plaintiff agreement?        0  m }@@f3f  legal issue 9      m  ,9QM^$P:    60ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?        0  m jOLїS  "@  x R ʻʻʻʻʻʻ Q  -Pu.m C-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted?BelgiumTrademark sho\ C-120/97Does EU law require the national authority to wait for the EU Committee opinion if that Committee is outside its time limit?UKna$$$$$$$ #m C-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted?BelgiumTrademark should be construed flexiblyul$$$$$$$ #l C-375/97Does the reputation of the trademark have to extend to all the countries in Benelux?Commissionnoz$$$$$$$ #k C-375/97Does the reputation of the trademark have to extend to all the countries in Benelux?Netherlandsnoz$$$$$$$ #j C-375/97Does the reputation of the trademark have to extend to all the countries in Benelux?FranceNoz$$$$$$$ #i C-307/97Does the treaty prevent an exemption from corporate tax, crediting of the corporation tax, and exemption from capital tax in these situations?Swedenno$$$$$$$ #h C-307/97Does the treaty prevent an exemption from corporate tax, crediting of the corporation tax, and exemption from capital tax in these situations?Portugalno$$$$$$$ #g C-307/97Does the treaty prevent an exemption from corporate tax, crediting of the corporation tax, and exemption from capital tax in these situations?Commissionyes$$$$$$$ #f C-307/97Does the treaty prevent an exemption from corporate tax, crediting of the corporation tax, and exemption from capital tax in these situations?Germanyno$$$$$$$ #c C-232/97Does the term discharge include the term significant sources?Commissionthe term includes all sources of pollutionoc$$$$$$$ #b C-232/97Does the term discharge include the term significant sources?Finlandthe term also includes indirect pollutionlc$$$$$$$ #a C-232/97Does the term discharge include the term significant sources?Netherlandsnotpc$$$$$$$ # C-60/98Can a MS lay down a limited period in which sound-recording media may be distributed by persons who had been able to make/produce them before?ItalyYes.####### # C-48/97Must the situation at issue be treated as a supply for consideration?CommissionYes.|vj####### # C-48/97Must the situation at issue be treated as a supply for consideration?PortugalNo.ytj####### # C-48/97Must the situation at issue be treated as a supply for consideration?FranceNo.wrj####### # C-48/97Must the situation at issue be treated as a supply for consideration?UKNo.snj####### # C-48/97Are reductions covering the whole cost of supplying redemption goods considered revates or price discounts?CommissionNo.####### # C-48/97Are reductions covering the whole cost of supplying redemption goods considered revates or price discounts?PortugalNo.####### # C-48/97Are reductions covering the whole cost of supplying redemption goods considered revates or price discounts?FranceNo.####### # C-48/97Are reductions covering the whole cost of supplying redemption goods considered revates or price discounts?UKNo.####### # Be eeͮ 4 k (R:|p C-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted?CommissionA trademark having reputation with the public concernedxl$$$$$$$ #o C-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted?NetherlandsIt is sufficient for the trademark to have reputation with the public at which it is aimedyl$$$$$$$ #n C-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted?FranceCannot be definedtl$$$$$$$ # C-67/96Can public authorities confer on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supple pnsion scheme in a given sector?GermanyYes.####### # C-67/96Can public authorities confer on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supple pnsion scheme in a given sector?NetherlandsNo.####### # C-67/96Does such a compulsory pension fund count as an undertaking?CommissionNo.rma####### # C-67/96Does such a compulsory pension fund count as an undertaking?FranceYes.oia####### # C-67/96Does such a compulsory pension fund count as an undertaking?NetherlandsNo.sna####### # C-67/96Can public authorities make affiliation to a sectoral persion find compulsory?CommissionNo.s####### # C-67/96Can public authorities make affiliation to a sectoral persion find compulsory?Francena{s####### # C-67/96Can public authorities make affiliation to a sectoral persion find compulsory?GermanyYes.|s####### # C-67/96Can public authorities make affiliation to a sectoral persion find compulsory?Netherlandsnas####### # C-63/97Can a proprietor use an unauthorized trademark if he is a repairer or maintainer of those goods of specializes in those goods?CommissionYes.####### # C-63/97Can a proprietor use an unauthorized trademark if he is a repairer or maintainer of those goods of specializes in those goods?UKYes.####### # C-63/97Can a proprietor use an unauthorized trademark if he is a repairer or maintainer of those goods of specializes in those goods?Italyno####### # C-63/97Can MSs inact transitional provisions other than those stated when implementing the Directive in question?CommissionNo.####### # C-63/97Can MSs inact transitional provisions other than those stated when implementing the Directive in question?UKNo.####### # C-63/97Can MSs inact transitional provisions other than those stated when implementing the Directive in question?ItalyYes.####### # C-61/98Does EU law impose on customs people any obligation to warn a principal that he could incur liability for customs duty as a result of fraud?CommissionNo.####### # C-61/98Does EU law impose on customs people any obligation to warn a principal that he could incur liability for customs duty as a result of fraud?NetherlandsNo.####### # C-60/98Can a MS lay down a limited period in which sound-recording media may be distributed by persons who had been able to make/produce them before?CommissionYes.####### #Pz@  @@@@@@OdQkkYUbYSYMJbmkdoiMQkYbM^oOQmWQQkMJfQdSMiQdkdmQSid`sddOf^JMQOYbkoiSJMQsJmQi$jOdQkkoMWJMd`fo^kdivfQbkYdbSobOMdobmJkJbobOQimJ\YbU$!OdQkmWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbJmYkkoQYbmWYkMJkQMdbkmYmomQJfidqYkYdbdbiQOoMmYdbkokfQbbkYdbdisYmWOiJsJ^sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSiQU8>6FD8JbO8:>FH:$DOdQkmWQMdbqQbmYdbdS[oiYkOYMmYdbJbOmWQQbSdiMQ`QbmdS[oOU`QbmkJff^vmdmWQMdbmiJMmYbhoQkmYdb$!OdQkmWQOYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYdbJff^vmdJfid[QMmmWJmWJkiQMQYqQOOQqQ^df`QbmMdbkQbmobOQiJkQfJiJmQJO`YbYkmiJmYqQfidMQQOYbUk$OdQkmWQQufiQkkYdbf^JMQdSfQiSdi`JbMQdSmWQdL^YUJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb`QJbmWQkoLkmJbmYqQ^JsJff^YMJL^QobOQimWQMdbS^YMmio^QkdSmWQMdoimkQYkQOdikd`QmWYbUYbOQfQbOQbm$x OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmMWY^OMJiQSJMY^YmYQkJiQUQbQiJ^^vkmJmQiobdikmJmQJYOQOJSSQMmmWQJbksQiUYqQb$' OdQkmWQY`fdimYbmdmWQMd``obYmvdSLommQidiYUYbJmYbUYbdqQikQJkMdobmiYQkJbOmQiiYmdiYQkSJ^^sYmWmWQkMdfQdSmWQMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQYbhoQkmYd 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" x NA national authority is not required to do so in this situation.3A national authority is required to do so in this situation.48/98Is a national authority to which an application has been submitted for the payment of duties under Art 239 required, when payment cannot be made, to examine the merits of the application under Art 900 and 901-905?yZZZZXF=Art 900(1o) applies to cases in which goods would have been eligible for Community treatment or preferential tariff treatment, but not to other forms of favorable treatment.3Art 900(1o) applies to cases in which goods would have been eligible for Community treatment or preferential tariff treatment, but not to other forms of favorable treatment.48/98Is Art 900(1a) concerning eligibility for preferential rates or Community treatment also applicable to the grant of other forms of preferential tariff treatment?#vvF=An application for an extension of time may relate to several declarations within a given period provided that the extraordinary circumstances relied on relate to all the declarations.2Community law does not preclude an application made for a number of declarations, but the time-limit must not be expired.48/98Must an application for an extension be made in respect of each declaration, or may one application be made for a period of several months?WWMMF=The time-limit can only be extended in extraordinary circumstances, which is not the case in this situation.3When the applicant is in an exceptional situation in relation to other traders carrying on the same activity. The nationl court determines when this is the case.48/98What circumstances can justify an extension of the time-limit referred to in Art 49(1) of the Customs Code?44**F=Community law precludes a national court from making such an independent determination.3Community law does not preclude a national court from making such an independent determination.48/98Does Community law preclude a court from determining independently whether criteria laid down in Art 859(1) is fulfilled where an application for an extension made in time has been refused by a now unapplicable decision of the customs authority?qqqqoF=There is obvious negligence if the person is aware of procedural requirement which were a condition for the granting of repayment or remission, in a sense that a reasonable person would have been aware of them.2Account must be taken of the complexity of the provisions non-compliance with which has resulted in the customs debt being incurred and the professional experience of the trader, which the national court will determine.48/98What are the criteria for determining whether or not there is obvious negligence within the meaning of Art 239 of the Customs Code?XF=It is not possible to conclude that there is no obvious negligence in such a case.2It is not possible to conclude that there is no obvious negligence in such a case.48/98Is there no obvious negligence under the 2nd indent of Art 239(1) of the Customs Code where non-compliance with the time-limit under Art 49(1) results in a customs debt being incurred pursuant to Art 204(1a)?lllljF=eP@ obOQiJim<dSMobMY^OYiF6HFDsWJmYkmWQMd`fQmQbmUoJiJbmQQYbkmYmomYdbsWQiQmWQQ`f^dvQQYbhoQkmYdbYkQ`f^dvQOYbbJkmJmQLvJLiJbMWdSJMd`dfJbvYbMdifdiJmQOobOQimWQ^JskdSJbbdmWQikmJmQsWQiQYmWJkYmkiQUYkmQiQOdSSYMQJbOYk^YhoYOJmobOQiJimH668dYkmWQMdbOYmYdbmWJmmWQiQLQbddLqYdokbQU^YUQbMQdbmWQfJimdSmWQmiJOQimdsWYMWJimFHH`J\QkiQfJv`QbmdSOomYQkkoL[QMmJ^sJvkkJmYkSYQO$asJkmWQMdobMY^QbmYm^QOmdJOdfmJ`o^mYJbboJ^fidUiJ`mdfid`dmQ^YbUoYkmYMOYqQikYmvdSmWQMd``obYmv$sQiQ\^Qk@f^QJkYb^JsOYk`YkkQOYbQiidiLvmWQMSY$D sWJmJiQmWQMiYmQiYJSdiOQmQi`YbYbUsWQmWQidibdmmWQiQYkdLqYdokbQU^YUQbMQsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim:H8dSmWQMokmd`kMdOQ$RsWJmMiYmQiYJkWdo^OLQokQOSdiOQmQi`YbbYbUmWQQuYkmQbMQdSJmiJbkSQiJbOJiQmWdkQMiYmQiYJkJmYkSYQOYbmWQfiQkQbmMJkQ$sWJmOQUiQQdSiQ^JmYdbkWYfYkMdqQiQOLvmWQmQi` SJ`Y^v MdbmJYbQOYbJim>88dSmWQQQM`didMMJbJUiQQ`QbmJbObMJbbmWJmmQi`J^kdLQJff^YQOmdfQikdbkdS`didMMJbbJmYdbJ^YmvsWdJiQiQ^JmQOdb^vLv`JiiYJUQ$sWQbJbJUiYMo^moiQWd^OYbUYkmiJbkSQiiQOOoiYbUmWQMoiiQbMvdSmWQobOQimJ\YbUkSdimWQ8HH8kfQMYJ^fiQ`Yo`OdQkQbmYm^Q`QbmmdmWJmfiQ`Yo`fJkksWQbOd`QJkoiQkYbmWQSdi`dSOYkMiQmYdbJivSJMY^YmYQkSdimWQ^JmQfJv`QbmdSkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvMdbmiYLomYdbkQbmJY^mWQUiJbmdSkmJmQJYO$sWQiQJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmYkkdoUWmmdLQY`fdimQOSid`kmJmQJmdkmJmQL`JvmWQY`fdimQikQQ\`Ji\QmYbUJomWdiYxJmYdbSid`kmJmQLsYmWdomMd`f^vYbUsYmWMdobMY^OYiB@B@YbmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQkOQkMiYLQO$>sWdJkkQkkQksWQmWQiJLiQJMWdSQo^JsYkkQiYdokSdiJ`kmdYbMoibdbMdbmiJMmoJ^^YJLY^YmvqYkJqYkJbYbOYqYOoJ^$'vQk ;ssssssΎ 1 ^ ;Tq! C-80/94Can the Netherlands alloww C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #v C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?UKno$$$$$$$ #u C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?Finlandno$$$$$$$ #t C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?Spainno$$$$$$$ #s C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?Irelandno$$$$$$$ #r C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?Netherlandsno$$$$$$$ #q C-375/97Does the reputation of the trademark have to extend to all the countries in Benelux?BelgiumNoz$$$$$$$ # C-77/97Can MSs set rules that prohibit ads for cosmetics that claim an effect but d not include active ingredients capable of achieving it?CommissionNo.####### # C-77/97Can MSs set rules that prohibit ads for cosmetics that claim an effect but d not include active ingredients capable of achieving it?UKYes.####### # C-77/97Can MSs set rules that prohibit ads for cosmetics that claim an effect but d not include active ingredients capable of achieving it?FranceYes.####### # C-77/97Can MSs set rules that prohibit ads for cosmetics that claim an effect but d not include active ingredients capable of achieving it?AustriaYes.####### # C-75/97Should the Commission decision in question regarding aid granted by Belgium be annuled?Commissionna|####### # C-735/97To enjoy extended protection to non-simliar products or services, must a registered trade mark be known by a significant part of the public concerned?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-735/97To enjoy extended protection to non-simliar products or services, must a registered trade mark be known by a significant part of the public concerned?NetherlandsNo.$$$$$$$ # C-735/97To enjoy extended protection to non-simliar products or services, must a registered trade mark be known by a significant part of the public concerned?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ # C-735/97To enjoy extended protection to non-simliar products or services, must a registered trade mark be known by a significant part of the public concerned?BelgiumNo.$$$$$$$ # C-67/96Can public authorities confer on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supple pnsion scheme in a given sector?CommissionNo.####### # C-67/96Can public authorities confer on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supple pnsion scheme in a given sector?FranceYes.####### #v@   MJb`kk`J\QbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidqYOYbUSdimWQQuWJokmYdbdSmiJOQ`Ji\k$CMJb`kk`J\QiQfJv`QbmdSkJYOMokmd`kJbOOomYQkkoL[QMmmdJMdbOYmYdb$MJb`kk`J\QiQfJv`QbmdSkJYOMokmd`kJbOOomYQkkoL[QMmmdJMdbOYmYdb$MJb`kk`J\QiQfJv`QbmdSkJYOMokmd`kJbOOomYQkkoL[QMmmdJMdbOYmYdb$MJb`kk`J\QiQfJv`QbmdSkJYOMokmd`kJbOOomYQkkoL[QMmmdJMdbOYmYdb$MJb`kkiQhoYiQYbSdLQUYqQbYbmWQ^JbUoJUQdSmWQJiQJYbsWYMWmWQfidOoMmkJiQkd^O$MJb`kkiQhoYiQYbSdLQUYqQbYbmWQ^JbUoJUQdSmWQJiQJYbsWYMWmWQfidOoMmkJiQkd^O$MJb`kkiQhoYiQYbSdLQUYqQbYbmWQ^JbUoJUQdSmWQJiQJYbsWYMWmWQfidOoMmkJiQkd^O$MJb`kkkQmio^QkmWJmfidWYLYmJOkSdiMdk`QmYMkmWJmM^JY`JbQSSQMmLomObdmYbM^oOQJMmYqQYbUiQOYQbmkMJfJL^QdSJMWYQqYbUYm$T MJb`kkkQmio^QkmWJmfidWYLYmJOkSdiMdk`QmYMkmWJmM^JY`JbQSSQMmLomObdmYbM^oOQJMmYqQYbUiQOYQbmkMJfJL^QdSJMWYQqYbUYm$T MJb`kkkQmio^QkmWJmfidWYLYmJOkSdiMdk`QmYMkmWJmM^JY`JbQSSQMmLomObdmYbM^oOQJMmYqQYbUiQOYQbmkMJfJL^QdSJMWYQqYbUYm$TMJb`kkkQmio^QkmWJmfidWYLYmJOkSdiMdk`QmYMkmWJmM^JY`JbQSSQMmLomObdmYbM^oOQJMmYqQYbUiQOYQbmkMJfJL^QdSJMWYQqYbUYm$TMJb`kkmJ\Q`QJkoiQkmdQbkoiQmWQfidmQMmYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbkdSdiYUYbiQUYkmQiQOobOQiMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbk$MJb`kkmJ\Q`QJkoiQkmdQbkoiQmWQfidmQMmYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbkdSdiYUYbiQUYkmQiQOobOQiMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbk$MJb`kkmJ\Q`QJkoiQkmdQbkoiQmWQfidmQMmYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbkdSdiYUYbiQUYkmQiQOobOQiMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbk$MJb`kkmJ\Q`QJkoiQkmdQbkoiQmWQfidmQMmYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbkdSdiYUYbiQUYkmQiQOobOQiMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbk$MJb`kkmJ\Q`QJkoiQkmdQbkoiQmWQfidmQMmYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbkdSdiYUYbiQUYkmQiQOobOQiMdobMY^iQUo^JmYdbk$MJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkMdbSQidbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^QfbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$OMJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkMdbSQidbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^QfbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$OMJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkMdbSQidbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^QfbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$TMJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQkMdbSQidbJfQbkYdbSobOmWQQuM^okYqQiYUWmmd`JbJUQJkoff^QfbkYdbkMWQ`QYbJUYqQbkQMmdi$TMJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQk`J\QJSSY^YJmYdbmdJkQMmdiJ^fQikYdbSYbOMd`fo^kdiv$O MJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQk`J\QJSSY^YJmYdbmdJkQMmdiJ^fQikYdbSYbOMd`fo^kdiv$O MJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQk`J\QJSSY^YJmYdbmdJkQMmdiJ^fQikYdbSYbOMd`fo^kdiv$OMJbfoL^YMJomWdiYmYQk`J\QJSSY^YJmYdbmdJkQMmdiJ^fQikYdbSYbOMd`fo^kdiv$OMJbkoMWJMd`fo^kdivkMWQ`QLQiQUJiOQOJkJUiJbmdSQuM^okYqQiYUWmJbOmWQiQSdiQLQMdbmiJivmdmiQJmv^Js$JMJbkoMWJMd`fo^kdivkMWQ`QLQiQUJiOQOJkJUiJbmdSQuM^okYqQiYUWmJbOmWQiQSdiQLQMdbmiJivmdmiQJmv^Js$JYxJmYdbdiOQM^JiJmYdbSdiMJfYmJ^`dqQ`QbmsYmWYbmWQQM$biQhoYiQJO`YbkmiJmYqQJomWdiYxJmYdbdiOQM^JiJmYdbSdiMJfYmJ^`dqQ`QbmsYmWYbmWQQM$MJbmWQMd``YkkYdbdiOQibJmYdbJ^MdfviYUWmWd^OQikmd^YMQbkQmWQYisdi\kmdQbkoiQMd`fQmYmYdb$ELVALМΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜΜj jjjjjjj   hiQJx  UMR2 GUIDNameMap -̷2,:E7@4clarityU)ēL(HZIH>2,clarity (number) :I'7IH>2,clarity (text)MR2 GUIDNameMap& KxO[  U oAˑ?H/t@ObservationsIH>2,:E7@ J $clarityU)ēL(HZIH>2,clarity (number) :I'7IH>2,clarity (text)Vo_,OʓV?4TM7@ J $agreemente禧|C KVo_,OʓV?agreement (number)}ro@Joined Case Numbers+?!oDBGe?y9%XMɨqcase number`I&;mIE^y9%XMɨqjoined case numberMR2 GUIDNameMap@ OǰO[  U.O`>#$Um?A),9@ReferralQIptςn\@`Nations~2XpKU<=QIptςReferring Nation:HD <><HB <><HB <><HB <><HB <><HB <><HB <><HB <><HB <>BHD  <>FHB  <>FHB  <>FHB  <>FHB <>HHB <>HHB <>HHB <>HHB <>HHB <>HHB <@6HD <@6HD <@@HD  <@@HD <@@HD HD  HD  HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD FdSmWQQMmiQJmvmdfidqYOQmWJmJbQmWQi^JbOkbJmYdbJ^iQMQYqYbUYbMd`QSid`UQi`JbQ`f^dv`QbmJiQbdmmdLQmiQJmQOJkfQikdbkkoL[QMmmdo^Y`YmQOmJuJmYdbobOQiMQimJYbMYiMo`kmJbMQk$jYkYmdfQbmdJbYbOYqYOoJ^mdiQ^vdbJimYM^Q86YbWYkiQ^JmYdbkmdmWQkmJmQQqQbmWdoUWmWQ^JmmQiWJkbdmmiJbkfdkQOmWJmOYiQMmYqQx YkmWQBmWfJiUiJfWdSJim<:LdSmWQ8::8BDidvJ^OQMiQQJfidqYkYdbdbiQOoMmYdbkokfQbkYdbdisYmWOiJsJ^^JYOOdsbLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSJkmJmQJkYbJim>BL:dSsWYMWOdQkbdmJff^vmdJLQbQSYmobOQiJim>B8JY$DYkmWQJbksQimdhoQkmYdb8QSSQMmQOYSmWQSdi`o^JmYdbdSmWQbQs`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmsJkOQqQ^dfQOmdfidqYOQfoL^YMWQJ^mWLQbSYmkmWJmmWQd^OdbQOYObdmfidqYOQ$>YkmWQJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmLvmWQOQSQbOJbmdqQiSYuYbUMdQSSQMYQbmkSdiOQmQi`YbULJbJbbJhodmJJO`YkkYL^Q$! 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C-401/98Member states) - C-397/96Social security for migrant workers? , C-392/97Approximation of laws1 + C-392/96Environment' * C-392/96Actions for failure to fulfil obligationsE ) C-391/97Freedom of movement of persons: ( C-378/97Citizenship of the European Union= ' C-378/97EC Treaty% & C-375/97Approximation of Laws1 % C-362/98Member states) $ C-307/97Freedom of movement for persons; # C-27/98approximation of laws/ " C-232/97Approximation of Laws1 ! C-232/97Environment'  C-231-97Environment'  C-22/98Competition%  C-219/97Competition'  C-218/98social policy)  C-171/98Transport%  C-170/98Transport%  C-124/97Freedom to provide services7  C-115/97Competition'  C-115/97Preliminary rulings/  C-106/97Agriculture' LVALʾIssues and positions Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsIssue areaCreate report in Design viewCreate data access page in Design viewendModule1 a^LVALg}`.Du JY $ :?(JY JY8 JYJY $JY"JYjJYJY JYjJYJY JYZJY$JYJY@JYJYJY@JYJYJY0JY$JYJYJYJYJYJYJYJYJY$JY"JYjJYJY JYjJYJY JYZJY  d             d 1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and number?Issues and issueQIssues and positions.AG position on issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?=Issues and positions.ECJ rulingYIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?UIssues and positions.clarity of legal issue8JY  0JY XJYJY JY?5@@JY(JY WJY~W"JY~jJY~8JY~W JY~W8jJY~8 JY~ W JY~W0ZJY~)Issues and positions JY   X JY 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issuenFF  !clarity of positionObservationsclarity of positionObservations.clarity of position~X@@  !agreement with AGObservationsagreement with AGObservations.agreement with AGvT<<  !agreement with ECJObservationsagreement with ECJObservations.agreement with ECJzV>>   observer's position on legal issueObservationsobserver's position on legal's position on legal issuev^^  !type of observerObservationstype of observerObservations.type of observerrR::   observation sourceObservationsobservation sourceObservations.observation sourcezV>>   legal issueObservationslegal issue^H00  d case numberObserva 8 JYJYJYJY/JYIssues and positionsPrimaryKeyJYJY`JYJY`JYJYJYJYJYJYJYJYP : l |  Gt$AA Yes.Yes.C-198/97Did Germany fail in its obligations legislation on the quality of bathing water?22""B= Yes.3Yes.C-198/97Did Germany fail in its obligations legislation on the quality of bathing water?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-195/97Did Italy fail in its obligations concerning the protection of waters against pollution?44$$F= No.3No.C-189/97Should the Council Regulation in question regarding an Agreement on cooperation in the sea fisheries sector between the EU and Mauritania?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-186/98Must MSs take all effective measures to penalize conduct harmful to the financial interests of the community?44$$F= No.3No.C-186/98Does Community legislation classify the improper use of European Social Fund assistance as a criminal offence?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-185/98Did France fail in its obligations in not properly transposing the Commission regulations in question?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-181/97Are good entering a MS from the netherlands antilles regarded as entry into the community for applying EU law and taxes?44$$F= No.2Yes.C-181/96Must a producer be granted a special reference quantity if the premium is withdrawn due to noncompliance?33##F= No.2No.C-18/95Can a MS levy higher social security contributions on a worker who has transferred residence than someone residing during the year?00""F= Yes.2Yes.C-18/95Is a citizen of one MS entitled to rely on freedom of movement of workers provisions when the employee is in another MS for less than 1 year?22$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-178/98Did France fail in its obligations regarding a directive on batteries and accumulators?44$$F= No, not on products put onto the EU market.3No, not on products put onto the EU market.C-173/98Can MSs make national rules providing for the exhaustion of trademarks?rrEEEECF= Yes.3Yes.C-172/98Did Belgium fail in its obligations in requiring the presense of a Belgian member for the association to recognize?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-172/97Do the defendants owe the Commission the reimbursement of an advance paid for the completion of a project?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-170/98Did Belgium fail to fufill its obligations regarding maritime transport?~44$$F= No.3No.C-167/97Can Mss deprive employees dismissed before they have completed twoyears continuous employment of the right to be unfairly dismissed?22""F=The national authority cannot assume the trader has not acted with any fraudulent intent in a manner which is obviously negligent solely on the grounds that he is in the situation under Art 900(1o).3The national authority cannot assume the trader has not acted with any fraudulent intent in a manner which is obviously negligent solely on the grounds that he is in the situation under Art 900(1o).48/98Under Art 900(1o), is the condition that there be no obvious negligence on the part of the trader, to which Art 899 makes repayment of duties subject, always satisfied?\F=v1 -Y.Nee Y   Y  Y Y X Y Y mRY R Y Lcase numberlegal issue(AG position on issue.AG-Plaintiff agreement?ECJ ruling0ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?"ECJ-AG Agreement?,clarity of legal issue|[       @@@@@@@@@@@  M8HHH: JM8HHH: KM:HFf LM:HFf MM:HFf NM:66H:f OM:66H:f PM:66H:f QM:6<HF RM:6<HF SM:6BHD TM:6DHD UM:6DHD VM:88HD WM:8:HD XM:8@HB YM:8@HB ZM:8@HF [M:8@HF \M:8BHD ]M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8DHD M:8FHF M:8FHF ]M:8HHD ]M::HF M::HF ]M:::HD M::>HD M::>HD  M::>HD  M::@HD  M::DH:f  M::DH:f  M::DH:f M:<8HD ] M:<:HD ] M:<:HD ] M:<>H:f M:<>H:f M:<>H:f M:<>HD M:<@H:f M:<@H:f M:<@H:f M:8HD M:>@H:f M:>@H:f M:>@H:f M:>@H@fYbm +M:>@H@fYbm +M:>HHD M:@6HF M:@>HD M:@@HD  M:@BHD !M:@BHD "M:@DHFf #M:@DHFf $M:@DHFf %M:@FHD &M:B6HD 'M:B:HB (M:B:HB )M:BDHD *M:DHF +M:DHF ] M:D:HD ,M:D:HD -M:D@HD .M:FH> /M:FHF 0M:FHF 1M:F6HD 2M:F8HD 3M:FFHD 4M:FHHB 5M:H<HD 6M:H@HD 7M:H@HD 8M<6:HD 9M<6:HD :M<6:HD ;M<6:HD HDf M<6>HDf M<6>HDf M<6DHD ] M<6HHD M<8HF dvc  % | 9 z%RZWC-231-97Is the distance from which steam is discharged relevant to whether or not it falls under discharge in the Article in question?Yes, to determine whether the discharger knew of the effectsYes, to determine whether the effect of the steam was attributed to the person causing the steam2TRNJC-22/98Is Article 90(1) capable of creating individual rights which are directly enforceable by nationals?yesno2C-219/97Can such a compulsory scheme be regarded as a grant of exclusive right and therefore be contrary to treaty law?no reportno3 C-219/97Is compulsory affiliation like this scheme contrary to treaty law?no reportno3C-219/97Is a sectoral pension fund like the one in question an undertaking?no reportyes3C-218/98Does the principle of equal pay for men and women authorize payment of a lump sum to a pregnant woman only when she takes maternity leave?yesyes3@>:60,&C-171/98Have Belgium and Luxembourg failed to fulfil their obligations?yesyes3C-124/97Do treaty provisions prevent national legislation which grants exclusive rights to operate slot machines to a single public body?yesno3.,($ C-115/97Do Article 86 and 90 of the treaty preclude public authorities from conferring on a pension fund an exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?no reportno3pC-115/97Does treaty law prevent the sectoral fund from being compulsory?no reportno3C-115/97Does a decision taken by the organizations representing employers and workers in a given sector to set up a single pension fund and make it compulsory conflict with Atricle 85 of the treaty?no reportno3C-106/97Does import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries listed in Annex IV fall within the scope of Dir 92/46/EEC?noyes342.*$ c Ve a 1C-392/96Did Ireland fail to fulfil their obligations?yesyes3|vrlC-391/97Is it contrary to Article 48 of the EC Treaty to provide that a Netherlands national receiving income from German employment are not to be treated as persons subject to ulimited taxation under certain circumstances?nono3C-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?nono3RPLHD@<C-375/97Does the reputation of the trademark have to extend to all the countries in Benelux?NoNo3C-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted?It must be known to a significant part of the relevant sectors of the publicIt must be known to a significant part of the relevant sectors of the public3:6C-362/98Did Italy fail to fulfil their obligations?yesyes3|xrnhC-307/97Does the treaty prevent an exemption from corporate tax, crediting of the corporation tax, and exemption from capital tax in these situations?yesyes3HFB>84.C-27/98Can article 18(1) be relied on in national courts?yesyes3~ztC-27/98Can a contracting authority cancel the tendering procedure where only one tendered remains?yesyes3C-232/97Can a member state use assessment methods that make a particular use impossible?yesyes2C-232/97Does Article 3 permit requirements to be imposed which are not in the directive, such as to choose environmentally safer alternatives?yesyes2862.($C-232/97Does the term discharge inclued creasote in this situation?yesyes2C-232/97Does significant sources include the escape of creosote from wood placed in surface water?nono1C-232/97Does the term discharge include the term significant sources?nono1C-231-97Does discharge cover steam which is precipitated on roofs and then reaches surface water?yesyes3c   wC-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?nono3C-435/97Is Article 4(2) vertically directly effective?yesyes1~xtnC-435/97Is the exclusion of prejects to be applied to an airfield for both civillian and military purposes?nono1C-435/97May Article 1(5) cover projects which are approved under separate administrative procedure?not applynot apply1C-435/97To what extent does Article 2(1) of the Directive allow the memer state to introduce alternative assesment procedures?yes, allowedyes, allowed1<:62C-435/97How should Article 4(2) be interpreted?not conferring the power to exclude the projectnot conferring power to the member state to exclued the project3JHD@`C-414/97Has Spain failed to fulfil their obligations?yesyes3|vrlC-401/98Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations?yesyes3~ztpjC-397/96Does Article 93(1) mean that the conditions applicable to the right of action which a social scurity institution has against a party liable for loss sustained in another member state are to be determined in accordance with the law of the member state?yesyes3" C-392/97According to what criteria should it be determined if the product is protected by a basic patent in these circumstances?By reference to the pharmacologically active free base or parent compound underlying the medicinal product which is subject to a market authorizationreference must be made to the rules that govern that patent20,C-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?nono3DB>:62.fcI  ;nC-67/96Does Article 3g of the EC treaty prohibit a decision by public authorities to make affiliation to a sectoral pension fund compulsory?nono30.*&"C-67/96Do articles 86 and 90 of the EC treaty preclude public authorities from conferrring on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sectoryesno3~xC-67/96Does a pension fund like the one in question constitute an undertaking?yesyes3C-56/98Can the charge unreasonably exceed the cost of the service provided?no need to answeryes2C-56/98Do Articles 10 and 12(1)(e) preclude notarial charges for recoding in a public instrument based on invariable charges as opposed to charges based on the cost of the service?no need to answerno2jC-56/98Does Article 4(3) preclude the collection of capital duty and other levies on transactions of this kind?noyes2C-56/98Is it open to an individual to rely on Article 10 in his relations to the state even though the latter has not transposed that directiveno need to answeryes2VTPLFB C-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?the phrase is determined by the place where the obligation was performedthe phrase is determined by the law governing the obligation in question2tP< d   g7% no3noC-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in % no3noC-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medi% % no3noC-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?00 F=$ yes3yesC-392/96Did Ireland fail to fulfil their obligations?a22""F=# no3noC-391/97Is it contrary to Article 48 of the EC Treaty to provide that a Netherlands national receiving income from German employment are not to be treated as persons subject to ulimited taxation under certain circumstances? 00 F=" no3noC-378/97Does treaty law preclude the requiring of a person under threat of crominal penalties to establish his nationality upon his entry into the territory?00 F=! No3NoC-375/97Does the reputation of the trademark have to extend to all the countries in Benelux?00 F= It must be known to a significant part of the relevant sectors of the public3It must be known to a significant part of the relevant sectors of the publicC-375/97How is the concept of a trademark with a reputation to be interpreted? ffffdF= yes3yesC-362/98Did Italy fail to fulfil their obligations?_22""F= yes3yesC-307/97Does the treaty prevent an exemption from corporate tax, crediting of the corporation tax, and exemption from capital tax in these situations?22""F= yes2yesC-232/97Can a member state use assessment methods that make a particular use impossible?22""F= yes2yesC-232/97Does Article 3 permit requirements to be imposed which are not in the directive, such as to choose environmentally safer alternatives?22""F= yes2yesC-232/97Does the term discharge inclued creasote in this situation?o22""F= no1noC-232/97Does significant sources include the escape of creosote from wood placed in surface water?00 F= no1noC-232/97Does the term discharge include the term significant sources?o00 F= yes3yesC-231-97Does discharge cover steam which is precipitated on roofs and then reaches surface water?22""F= Yes, to determine whether the discharger knew of the effects2Yes, to determine whether the effect of the steam was attributed to the person causing the steamC-231-97Is the distance from which steam is discharged relevant to whether or not it falls under discharge in the Article in question?HVVVVTF= yes2noC-22/98Is Article 90(1) capable of creating individual rights which are directly enforceable by nationals?//!!F= 13noC-219/97Can such a compulsory scheme be regarded as a grant of exclusive right and therefore be contrary to treaty law?..F= RYNmmY Y Y  Y Y ,Y Y  FlagsGroupCategoryIDIdName"Object Type GroupObjectIDPosition,,mn,,,m,YYGroupCategoryIDIdv1@ l @ @          /LVAL!?N.Dy m H ΂?8m mp mm  $mm*mbmmmBmmm$mmmHmmm(mhmm$mmmmmmmmm$mm*mbmmmBmmm  d              !Observations.junkObservations/ number/ issue=Observations.observation source9Observations.type of observer]'s position on legal issue=Observations.agreement with ECJ;Observations.agreement with AG?Observations.clarity of positionm  xm mPm ma'@`mmhQmHQ mH*mHbmH mHQ0mHBmH mH0QmH0ObservationsP m    m0 m0mmH/t@!~sq_fObservationsm mX m m` m mh m Hmp m mx m m m (m m hm m m mmmmHmmm(mhmm mHQmH(*mHQbmHQТmHQ8mHQ BmHQQmHp mHp QObservations m( m m0 m *m8 m bm@ m mH m mP m BmX m m` m mh mmmmHmmm(mhmm mmm m8m`mmmmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmp mmhm0mhm m0m`0m0m 0m0m  0m0m m0m  0m0m m0m m0m  m0m mz mm(mxm8mpm@mmPmm`mmpmPmmmmmmmm8m dpm m mm PmmmmL$mmmmmmmmm8mpmmmmPmmmm0mObservationsxm  m dm  mPrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservations@mmv `m(mHmmmqmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm p mmmmmObservationsPrimaryKeymm`mm`mmmmmmm0mG    @MJbJ`kUiJbmJkYbU^QfoL^YMLdOvQuM^okYqQiYUWmkmddfQiJmQk^dm`JMWYbQk$WMJbJ`kUiJbmJkYbU^QfoL^YMLdOvQuM^okYqQiYUWmkmddfQiJmQk^dm`JMWYbQk$WMJbJ`kUiJbmJkYbU^QfoL^YMLdOvQuM^okYqQiYUWmkmddfQiJmQk^dm`JMWYbQk$W MJbJ`kUiJbmJkYbU^QfoL^YMLdOvQuM^okYqQiYUWmkmddfQiJmQk^dm`JMWYbQk$W MJbJ`kUiJbm`diQSJqdiJL^QmJumiQJm`QbmmdiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^QkmWJbbdbiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^Qk$GMJbJ`kUiJbm`diQSJqdiJL^QmJumiQJm`QbmmdiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^QkmWJbbdbiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^Qk$GMJbJ`kUiJbm`diQSJqdiJL^QmJumiQJm`QbmmdiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^QkmWJbbdbiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^Qk$GMJbJ`kY`fdkQJkfQMYJ^^QqvdbmWQfiQmoibdqQiJMWYQqQOYbmWQmY`QfQiYdOY`JUYbQO$6 MJbJ`kY`fdkQJkfQMYJ^^QqvdbmWQfiQmoibdqQiJMWYQqQOYbmWQmY`QfQiYdOY`JUYbQO$6 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YkmWQBmWfJiUiJfWdSJim<:LdSmWQ8::8BDidvJ^OQMiQQJfidqYkYdbdbiQOoMmYdbkokfQbkYdbdisYmWOiJsJ^^JYOOdsbLvmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSJkmJmQJkYbJim>BL:dSsWYMWOdQkbdmJff^vmdJLQbQSYmobOQiJim>B8JY$=NYkmWQSiQbMWmJudb`JboSJMmoiQikY`fdimQikJbOfQikdbk`J\YbUkoff^YQkdSmiJk`YmmYbUJbOiQMQYqYbUkQmkJ^^dsQOLvQo^Js$ `okmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimUiJbmJbJff^YMJmYdbSdiJbbo^`QbmdSJbJiLYmiJmYdbJsJiOYSmWQJsJiOYkYbhoQkmYdb$W`okmmWQJff^YMJL^QsJmQikLQmQi`QOsJmQikJSSQMmQOLvfd^^omYdbJbOOQkYUbJmQOJkqo^bQiJL^QxdbQk$G rkWdo^OMdobMY^OQMHB>00++++)F=3 no need to answer2noC-56/98Do Articles 10 and 12(1)(e) preclude notarial charges for recoding in a public instrument based on invariable charges as opposed to charges based on the cost of the service?==//++++)F=2 no2yesC-56/98Does Article 4(3) preclude the collection of capital duty and other levies on transactions of this kind?//!!F=1 no need to answer2yesC-56/98Is it open to an individual to rely on Article 10 in his relations to the state even though the latter has not transposed that directive>>00++++)F=0 the phrase is determined by the place where the obligation was performed2the phrase is determined by the law governing the obligation in questionC-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?obbbb`F=/ no3noC-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?.. F=. yes1yesC-435/97Is Article 4(2) vertically directly effective?b22""F=- no1noC-435/97Is the exclusion of prejects to be applied to an airfield for both civillian and military purposes?00 F=, not apply1not applyC-435/97May Article 1(5) cover projects which are approved under separate administrative procedure?>>..####!F=+ yes, allowed1yes, allowedC-435/97To what extent does Article 2(1) of the Directive allow the memer state to introduce alternative assesment procedures?DD44&&&&$F=* not conferring the power to exclude the project3not conferring power to the member state to exclued the projectC-435/97How should Article 4(2) be interpreted?IIIIGF=) yes3yesC-414/97Has Spain failed to fulfil their obligations?a22""F=( yes3yesC-401/98Has Greece failed to fulfil its obligations?`22""F=' yes3yesC-397/96Does Article 93(1) mean that the conditions applicable to the right of action which a social scurity institution has against a party liable for loss sustained in another member state are to be determined in accordance with the law of the member state?/22""F=& By reference to the pharmacologically active free base or parent compound underlying the medicinal product which is subject to a market authorization2reference must be made to the rules that govern that patentC-392/97According to what criteria should it be determined if the product is protected by a basic patent in these circumstances?vF=0LVALqo#@N.Dx p H ?8p pp pp  $pp*pbpppBppp$pppHppp(phpp$ppppppppp$pp*pbpppBppp  d              !Observations.junkObservations/ number/ issue=Observations.observation source9Observations.type of observer]'s position on legal issue=Observations.agreement with ECJ;Observations.agreement with AG?Observations.clarity of positionp  xp pPp pa'@`pphmpnm pn*pnbpn pnm0pnBpn pn0mpn0ObservationsP p    p0 p0ppH/t@!~sq_fObservationsp pX p p` p ph p Hpp p px p p p (p p hp p p ppppHppp(phpp pnmpn(*pnmbpnmТpnm8pnm Bpnmmpnp pnp mObservations p( p p0 p *p8 p bp@ p pH p pP p BpX p p` p ph ppppHppp(phpp ppp 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YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables/leSOAB-@?@Fennelly0C-304/97 PFernando Carbajo Ferrero v European ParliamentFernando Carbajo FerreroEuropean ParliamentR><<<<2222 N^leSOAB-@?@Alber0C-2/98 PHenri de CompteHenri de CompteEuropean Parliamentm\K;99992222 Mh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables/LVAL.n*h?N.Dy ' \ P>?8' 'p ''  $''*'b'''B'''$'''H'''('h''$'''''''''$''*'b'''B'''  d              !Observations.junkObservations/ number/ issue=Observations.observation source9Observations.type of observer]'s position on legal issue=Observations.agreement with ECJ;Observations.agreement with AG?Observations.clarity of position'  x' 'P' 'a'@`''+'0 '00+$*'00b'0'0+$'0++B'0'0'0ObservationsP '    '0 '0''H/t@!~sq_fObservations' 'X ' '` ' 'h ' H'p ' 'x ' ' ' (' ' h' ' ' ''''H'''('h'' '0+$$'0p *'0p +$b'0+$'0$'0B'0+$ '0+$$'0p Observations '( ' '0 ' *'8 ' b'@ ' 'H ' 'P ' B'X ' '` ' 'h ''''H'''('h'' ''' '8'`''''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''p ''h'0'h' '0'`0'0' 0'0'  0'0' '0'  0'0' '0' '0'  '0' 'z ''('`'8'p'@''P''`''p'P''''''''8' dp' ' '' P''''L$'''''''''8'p''''P''''0'Observationsx'  ' d'  'PrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservations@''v `'('H'''q'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' p '''''ObservationsPrimaryKey''`''`'''''''0'WD  Q D(y7 | C-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?Franceno$$$$$$$ #{ C-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?Germanyno$$$$$$$ #z C-391/97Is it contrary to Article 48 of the EC Treaty to provide that a Netherlands national receiving income from German employment are not to be treated as persons subject to ulimited taxation under certain circumstances?Commissionyes $$$$$$$ #y C-391/97Is it contrary to Article 48 of the EC Treaty to provide that a Netherlands national receiving income from German employment are not to be treated as persons subject to ulimited taxation under certain circumstances?Belgiumyes $$$$$$$ #7 C-99/96Is a judgment ordering intermin payment of contractual consideration a provisional measure?Commissionna####### #6 C-99/96Is a judgment ordering intermin payment of contractual consideration a provisional measure?UKna####### #5 C-99/96Is a judgment ordering intermin payment of contractual consideration a provisional measure?Germanyna####### #4 C-99/96Does the convention of Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments apply to the contract in question?CommissionNo.####### #3 C-99/96Does the convention of Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments apply to the contract in question?UKNo.####### #2 C-99/96Does the convention of Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments apply to the contract in question?Germanyna####### #, C-90/97Can a MS make entitlements to benefits conditional upon habitual residence in that state?CommissionNo.~####### #+ C-90/97Can a MS make entitlements to benefits conditional upon habitual residence in that state?UKYes.~####### #* C-87/97Can MSs take measures to ensure the protection of designations of origin registered under Council regulations?CommissionYes.####### #) C-87/97Can MSs take measures to ensure the protection of designations of origin registered under Council regulations?ItalyYes.####### #( C-87/97Can MSs take measures to ensure the protection of designations of origin registered under Council regulations?FranceYes.####### #' C-87/97Can MSs take measures to ensure the protection of designations of origin registered under Council regulations?GreeceYes.####### #& C-87/97Can MSs take measures to ensure the protection of designations of origin registered under Council regulations?AustriaYes.####### #% C-86/97Must national customs consider applications for remission in the event of a theft of goods?CommissionYes.####### #$ C-86/97Must national customs consider applications for remission in the event of a theft of goods?Italyyes####### ## C-86/97Must national customs consider applications for remission in the event of a theft of goods?Franceyes####### #&P  jzE;EIi C-392/97According to what criteria should it be determined if the product is protected by a basic patent in these circumstances?Germanythe scope of protection afforded by the national laws$$$$$$$ # C-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #~ C-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?UKno$$$$$$$ #} C-392/97Does Article 3(b) presuppose that the product is described as an active constituent in the authorization for marketing as a medicinal product?Netherlandsno$$$$$$$ #E C-106/97Does the import into the community of butter originating in overseas countries and territories fall with the scope of the Council Directive in questioNederlandse Antillenyes$$$$$$$ #C-374/97$$$$$$$$$$ # C-374/97$$$$$$$$$$ # B C-355/97Does existing legislation cover provisions adopted after the date of accession which are in substance and identical to the legislation previously in fDr. Karl Hackeryes$$$$$$$ #A C-293/97Must the applicable waters be termed waters affected by pollution and designated as vulnerable zones?National Farmers' Unionyes$$$$$$$ #@ C-289/96Should the Regulation in question registering feta as a protected designation of origin be annulled?Greeceno$$$$$$$ #? 60/98Can a MS lay down a limited period in which sound-recording media may be distributed by persons who had been able to make/produce them before?Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana (FIMI)yes!!!!!!! #> C-206/97Should the Council Regulation in question concerning fixed total allowable catches for certain fish groups be annulled?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #= C-126/97Must a national court grant an application for annulment of an arbitration award if the award is in question?Commissioncan't find$$$$$$$ #< 176/98Does Council Dir 92/50 permit a company to prove that it possesses the qualifications for participation in a procedure for the award of a public service contract by relying on the references of a affiliated company?Ruhrwasser AG International Water ManagementA company is permitted to do so, provided it is able to show that it actually has at its disposal the resources of entities necessary for performance of the contract. The national court must decide whether this is the case. )""""""" #; C-186/98Must MSs take all effective measures to penalize conduct harmful to the financial interests of the community?Portugalno$$$$$$$ #: C-186/98Does Community legislation classify the improper use of European Social Fund assistance as a criminal offence?Portugalcan't find$$$$$$$ #9 C-189/97Should the Council Regulation in question regarding an Agreement on cooperation in the sea fisheries sector between the EU and Mauritania?Spainno$$$$$$$ #8 C-164/97Should the Council regulations in question be annlued due to the fact that they were adopted on the basis of an incorrect treaty article?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #Mh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables 'D L < bk_1X  C-412/97Can a MS exclude recourse to the procedure for obtaining summary payment orders where service on the debtor is to be effected in another MS?Francena$$$$$$$ # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Greeceno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Denmarkno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Belgiumno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Germanyno####### # C-435/97Is Article 4(2) vertically directly effective?Commissionnod`T$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is Article 4(2) vertically directly effective?UKno\XT$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is Article 4(2) vertically directly effective?NetherlandsnoeaT$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is Article 4(2) vertically directly effective?Italyno_[T$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is the exclusion of prejects to be applied to an airfield for both civillian and military purposes?Commissionno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is the exclusion of prejects to be applied to an airfield for both civillian and military purposes?UKno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is the exclusion of prejects to be applied to an airfield for both civillian and military purposes?Netherlandsno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97Is the exclusion of prejects to be applied to an airfield for both civillian and military purposes?Italyno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97May Article 1(5) cover projects which are approved under separate administrative procedure?Commissionno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97May Article 1(5) cover projects which are approved under separate administrative procedure?UKno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97May Article 1(5) cover projects which are approved under separate administrative procedure?Netherlandsno$$$$$$$ # C-435/97May Article 1(5) cover projects which are approved under separate administrative procedure?Italyno$$$$$$$ # C-392/97According to what criteria should it be determined if the product is protected by a basic patent in these circumstances?Franceby reference to the patent claim$$$$$$$ # C-392/97According to what criteria should it be determined if the product is protected by a basic patent in these circumstances?Netherlandson the basis of the patent claim$$$$$$$ # C-392/97According to what criteria should it be determined if the product is protected by a basic patent in these circumstances?Commissionthe scope of the patent from national laws$$$$$$$ #Mh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesLVALMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionGUIDDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateType    Utדf@&D!`K5@C~General Case CharacteristicshnETM/*Ttדf@&DTreaty Basis of Case႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber number,z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendant&]o,Crftדf@&DDefendant jxV$C# tדf@&DType of PlaintiffK1\tדf@&DPlaintiffe.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)ÉI&o0tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDate{Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name)^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber size  tדf@&D [General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] DESC, [General Case Characteristics].[chamber number], [General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant], [General Case Characteristics].[Defendant], [General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff], [General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff], [General Case Characteristics].[case number]      "AG (last name)    B :Last Name of Advocate General   m  {Vaz KS%  Date     Short Date  O5pdF[$ 99/99/0000;0;_0 (date of ECJ judgment  "chamber number        0  m ႒Lte[A^ Vnumber of chameber (see chamber name table)  chamber size        m ^cM)&޺@  ("coder (last name)       m  v++%LM'Ca  .(Treaty Basis of Case        0  m hnETM/*T  case number    6 .Case Number of ECJ case  0   m  e.˯܂Aa   ("Type of Plaintiff    B :type of litigant as plaintiff    0  m  jx LVAL V$C#  ("Type of Defendant    B :type of litigant as defendant    0  m ,z%G 96  "Judgment Title ?   2 *Title of ECJ Judgment   m  ÉI&o0  Plaintiff    : 2Name of Plaintiff in Case   m  K1\  Defendant _   : 2Name of Defendant in Case   m  &]o,Crf  "@mdOQmQi`YbQsWQmWQiJfidOoMmYkfidmQMmQOLvJLJkYMfJmQbm`okmSQiQbMQkLQ`JOQmdmWQio^QksWYMWUdqQibmWJmfJmQbm$ mdOQmQi`YbQsWQmWQiJfidOoMmYkfidmQMmQOLvJLJkYMfJmQbm`okmSQiQbMQkLQ`JOQmdmWQio^QksWYMWUdqQibmWJmfJmQbm$ mdOQmQi`YbQsWQmWQiJfidOoMmYkfidmQMmQOLvJLJkYMfJmQbm`okmSQiQbMQkLQ`JOQmdmWQio^QksWYMWUdqQibmWJmfJmQbm$ mdQb[dvQumQbOQOfidmQMmYdbmdbdbkY`^YJifidOoMmkdikQiqYMQk`okmJiQUYkmQiQOmiJOQ`Ji\LQ\bdsbLvJkYUbYSYMJbmfJimdSmWQfoL^YMMdbMQibQO$TmdQb[dvQumQbOQOfidmQMmYdbmdbdbkY`^YJifidOoMmkdikQiqYMQk`okmJiQUYkmQiQOmiJOQ`Ji\LQ\bdsbLvJkYUbYSYMJbmfJimdSmWQfoL^YMMdbMQibQO$TmdQb[dvQumQbOQOfidmQMmYdbmdbdbkY`^YJifidOoMmkdikQiqYMQk`okmJiQUYkmQiQOmiJOQ`Ji\LQ\bdsbLvJkYUbYSYMJbmfJimdSmWQfoL^YMMdbMQibQO$T mdQb[dvQumQbOQOfidmQMmYdbmdbdbkY`^YJifidOoMmkdikQiqYMQk`okmJiQUYkmQiQOmiJOQ`Ji\LQ\bdsbLvJkYUbYSYMJbmfJimdSmWQfoL^YMMdbMQibQO$T obOQiJim::dSOYiH< oAˑ?observation source*B!POvI oAˑ?case numberOK@Mq6 oAˑ?junkсK@-,h) oAˑ?legal issue@BP/ oAˑ?observer's position on legal issuex<9F*Fs?p oAˑ?clarity of position   oAˑ? ^ V[Observations].[agreement with AG], [Observations].[agreement with ECJ], [Observations].[type of observer], [Observations].[observation source], Observations.[case number]     case number       m  *B!POvI    ,&clarity of position       0  m x<9F*Fs?p  bjunk h    OK@Mq6  ("agreement with AG       0  m y    JDobserver's position on legal issue       m  @BP/    *$agreement with ECJ c      0  m aGvt  Mh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesMh=T)  M S .  u P  i , i F  }X- X%pO {N["o2 ?General Case CharacteristicsReferralRNGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssue areaVRGeneral Case CharacteristicsIssues and positionsjfIssues and positionsObservationsJF1999 QueryMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8lMSysNavPaneGroups,(Type of Litigant*&closeissueposition.*leavepositions&"MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:Observations Without Matching Issues and positionsnjcPaste Errors"Joined Case Numbers0,MSysAccessXML$ RJoined Case Numbers0,Querygenfirst$ Query1Module1Inew recordHend GfinishobsFreturnobsDfinishpositions($Creturnpositions($Afinishissues"@returnissues"=leavecomp<return6endreferral 0referral.Referral-pageturner2 ,pageturn1*testmacrorArticlebase YNationsObservations"agreementcoderclarity.chamber name"tIssues and positions2.rObservations"qshotdark2mshotdarklfinisheGeneral Case CharacteristicsB>dforewardaMacro1MAdmin Frmdialog Issue area[Issue areaVReferralPIssues and positions2.LTreaty article at issue84AccessLayout "General Case CharacteristicsB>DataAccessPages($SysRelModulesScriptsReportsFormsUserDefined SummaryInfo MSysAccessObjects,(MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source]  LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer]  LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer]  P ! j8) C-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?UKnew interpretation, like AG$$$$$$$ # C-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?Germanynew interpretation$$$$$$$ # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Commissionno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?UKno ####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Swedenno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Finlandno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Portugalno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Austriano####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Netherlandsno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Irelandno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Franceno####### # C-44/98Does Article 30 preclude the application of provisiosn such as in question according to which a patent granted by the Eur patent office is deemed to be void if the patent holder does not file with the member state in question?Spainno####### #C C-374/97Can a MS collect a special fee exceeding the level of fixed standard fees concerning health inspections?Landesanwaltschaft Bayern als Vertreter des offentlichen Interessesyes$$$$$$$ # ߎ i ? 983 C-67/96Do articles 86 and 90 of the EC treaty preclude public authorities from conferrring on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?Commissionno####### # C-67/96Do articles 86 and 90 of the EC treaty preclude public authorities from conferrring on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?Franceno####### # C-67/96Do articles 86 and 90 of the EC treaty preclude public authorities from conferrring on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?Netherlandsno####### # C-67/96Does a pension fund like the one in question constitute an undertaking?Commissionno|xl####### # C-67/96Does a pension fund like the one in question constitute an undertaking?Francenoxtl####### # C-67/96Does a pension fund like the one in question constitute an undertaking?Germanynoyul####### # C-67/96Does a pension fund like the one in question constitute an undertaking?Netherlandsno}yl####### # C-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?Francethe law applicable, like ECJ$$$$$$$ # C-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?Italythe law applicable, like ECJ$$$$$$$ # C-440/97Does the expression place of performance of the obligation in question mean the substantive law applicable under the conflict rules of the court seised or something independent?Commissionnew interpretation, like AG$$$$$$$ #D C-374/97If a MS has delegated the collecting of health inspection fees to a local authority, can that authority collect a higher amount than the fixed EU leveLandesanwaltschaft Bayern als Vertreter des offentlichen Interessesyes$$$$$$$ # LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ]  LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ]  LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2ZODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2rODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocks+ <  p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2rODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocks+ <  p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG] P@@@MJbJ^o`fko`fJv`QbmLQfJYOQuM^okYqQ^vmdSQ`J^QsQQ\ksWdmJ\Q`JmQibYmv^QJqQ$ MJbJ`Q`LQidSmWQSJ`Y^vdSJsdi\QidiYUYbJ^^v`didMMJbLvkoLkQhoQbm^vLQ^UYJbkmY^^iQ^vdbJim>88dSmWQ>:DDBQQM`didMMJbJUiQQ`Qbmdb bdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbbsYmWYbmdsJiOk `didMMJbsdi\Qik JbO`Q`LQikdSmWQYiSJ`Y^v$oMJbJ`Q`LQikmJmQokQJkkQkk`Qbm`QmWdOkmWJm`J\QJfJimYMo^JiokQY`fdkkYL^Q$jMJbJ`kJOdfmio^QkfidqYOYbUmWJmJbdmYMQdSiQbo`QiJmYdbYkbdmkoL[QMmmdJbvMdbOYmYdbJkmdSdi`$MJbJ`kJomd`JmYMJ^^vQufQ^QobJmYdbJ^kSdi^YSQSid`YmkMdobmivJkJMiY`YbJ^fQbJ^mv$MJbJ`kMd^^QMmJkfQMYJ^SQQQuMQQOYbUmWQ^QqQ^dSSYuQOkmJbOJiOSQQkMdbMQibYbUWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbk$ MJbJ`kQqQiQuQ`fmYmkkoff^vdSLoY^OYbU^JbO$MJbJ`kQuM^oOQMQimJYbM^JkkQkdSfidOoMmkSid`kQmdomQbqYidb`QbmJ^JkkQkk`QbmfidMQOoiQ$MJbJ`kQuM^oOQiQMdoikQmdmWQfidMQOoiQSdidLmJYbYbUko``JivfJv`QbmdiOQiksWQiQkQiqYMQdbmWQOQLmdiYkmdLQQSSQMmQOYbJbdmWQi`k$ MJbJ`kUiJbmJiQOoMQOmQi`fJv`Qbmmdsdi\QiksWdQbOmWQYiQ`f^dv`QbmYbdiOQimdmJ\QMJiQdSmWQYiMWY^OiQbOoQmdJ^JM\dSMWY^OMJiQSJMY^YmY MJbJ`kUiJbmJkYbU^QfoL^YMLdOvQuM^okYqQiYUWmkmddfQiJmQk^dm`JMWYbQk$MJbJ`kUiJbm`diQSJqdiJL^QmJumiQJm`QbmmdiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^QkmWJbbdbiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^Qk$GMJbJ`kY`fdkQJkfQMYJ^^QqvdbmWQfiQmoibdqQiJMWYQqQOYbmWQmY`QfQiYdOY`JUYbQO$ MJbJ`k^JvOdsbJ^Y`YmQOfQiYdOYbsWYMWkdobOiQMdiOYbU`QOYJ`JvLQOYkmiYLomQOLvfQikdbksWdWJOLQQbJL^Qmd`J\QfidOoMQmWQ`LQSdiQ$MJbJ`k^QqvJmJudbOd`QkmYMMd``QiYMJ^JqYJmYdbMJ^Mo^JmQOLviQSQiQbMQmdOJmJLvmWQmvfQdSJYiMiJSmokQO$MJbJ`k^QqvWYUWQikdMYJ^kQMoiYmvMdbmiYLomYdbkdbJsdi\QisWdWJkmiJbkSQiiQOiQkYOQbMQmWJbkd`QdbQiQkYOYbUOoiYbUmWQvQJi$adiYUYbJ^^v`didMMJbLvkoLkQhoQbm^vLQ^UYJbkmY^^iQ^vdbJim>88dSmWQ>:DDBQQM`didMMJbJUiQQ`Qbmdb bdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbbsYmWYbmdsJiOk `didMMJbsdi\Qik JbO`Q`LQikdSmWQYiSJ`Y^v$oMJbJ`kJOdfmio^QkfidqYOYbUmWJmJbdmYMQdSiQbo`QiJmYdbYkbdmkoL[QMmmdJbvMdbOYmYdbJkmdSdi`$MJbJ`kJomd`JmYMJ^^vQufQ^QobJmYdbJ^kSdi^YSQSid`YmkMdobmivJkJMiY`YbJ^fQbJ^mv$MJbJ`kMd^^QMmJkfQMYJ^SQQQuMQQOYbUmWQ^QqQ^dSSYuQOkmJbOJiOSQQkMdbMQibYbUWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbk$ MJbJ`kQqQiQuQ`fmYmkkoff^vdSLoY^OYbU^JbO$MJbJ`kQuM^oOQMQimJYbM^JkkQkdSfidOoMmkSid`kQmdomQbqYidb`QbmJ^JkkQkk`QbmfidMQOoiQ$MJbJ`kQuM^oOQiQMdoikQmdmWQfidMQOoiQSdidLmJYbYbUko``JivfJv`QbmdiOQiksWQiQkQiqYMQdbmWQOQLmdiYkmdLQQSSQMmQOYbJbdmWQi`k$ MJbJ`kUiJbmJiQOoMQOmQi`fJv`Qbmmdsdi\QiksWdQbOmWQYiQ`f^dv`QbmYbdiOQimdmJ\QMJiQdSmWQYiMWY^OiQbOoQmdJ^JM\dSMWY^OMJiQSJMY^YmY MJbJ`kUiJbmJkYbU^QfoL^YMLdOvQuM^okYqQiYUWmkmddfQiJmQk^dm`JMWYbQk$MJbJ`kUiJbm`diQSJqdiJL^QmJumiQJm`QbmmdiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^QkmWJbbdbiQkYOQbm`JiiYQOMdof^Qk$GMJbJ`kY`fdkQJkfQMYJ^^QqvdbmWQfiQmoibdqQiJMWYQqQOYbmWQmY`QfQiYdOY`JUYbQO$ MJbJ`k^JvOdsbJ^Y`YmQOfQiYdOYbsWYMWkdobOiQMdiOYbU`QOYJ`JvLQOYkmiYLomQOLvfQikdbksWdWJOLQQbJL^Qmd`J\QfidOoMQmWQ`LQSdiQ$MJbJ`k^QqvJmJudbOd`QkmYMMd``QiYMJ^JqYJmYdbMJ^Mo^JmQOLviQSQiQbMQmdOJmJLvmWQmvfQdSJYiMiJSmokQO$MJbJ`k^QqvWYUWQikdMYJ^kQMoiYmvMdbmiYLomYdbkdbJsdi\QisWdWJkmiJbkSQiiQOiQkYOQbMQmWJbkd`QdbQiQkYOYbUOoiYbUmWQvQJi$aa LVALMR2rODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocks < p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType( <  p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType Filter( <  p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderBy( <  p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOn1 <   p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[chamber number] r`Z[General Case Characteristics].[chamber size] pj[General Case Characteristics].[Treaty Basis of Case] `NH[Issues and positions].[legal issue] xf`[Issues and positions].[AG-Plaintiff agreement?] zhb[Issues and positions].[ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?] lZT[Issues and positions].[ECJ-AG Agreement?] ^LF[Observations].[observation source] ZHB[Observations].[type of observer] ^LF[Observations].[agreement with ECJ] \JD[Observations].[agreement with AG]  LVALMR2ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientation: <     p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].[Judgment Title] bPJ[General Case Characteristics].[Date] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Plaintiff] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Plaintiff] lZT[General Case Characteristics].[Defendant] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[Type of Defendant] vd^[General 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kYkmWQY`fdim^QqvYbkmYmomQOLvMdobMY^iQU:D:DD@dbmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQMQiQJ^`Ji\QmJff^YMJL^QsWQiQmWQiQJ^foiMWJkQfiYMQOdQkbdmMdiiQkfdbOmdmWQSYMmYmYdokiQSQiQbMQfiYMQJbOQuMQQOkmWQ^JmQiJbOmWQMd``obYmvfiYMQ$YkmWQY`fdkYmYdbdSY`fdimmoibdqQimJudbOioUkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim::dSmWQBmWMdobMY^OYidbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSmWQ^JskdSkmJmQkiQ^JmYbUmdmoibdqQimJuQkYSkmJmQkJiQbdmfQi`YmmQOmd^QqvMokmd`kOomv$YkmWQY`fdkYmYdbdSY`fdimmoibdqQimJudbOioUkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim::dSmWQBmWMdobMY^OYidbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSmWQ^JskdSkmJmQkiQ^JmYbUmdmoibdqQimJuQkYSkmJmQkJiQbdmfQi`YmmQOmd^QqvMokmd`kOomv$YkmWQY`fdkYmYdbdSY`fdimmoibdqQimJudbOioUkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim::dSmWQBmWMdobMY^OYidbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSmWQ^JskdSkmJmQkiQ^JmYbUmdmoibdqQimJuQkYSkmJmQkJiQbdmfQi`YmmQOmd^QqvMokmd`kOomv$fdimmoibdqQimJudbOioUkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim::dSmWQBmWMdobMY^OYidbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSmWQ^JskdSkmJmQkiQ^JmYbUmdmoibdqQimJuQkYSkmJmQkJiQbdmfQi`YmmQOmd^QqvMokmd`kOomv$fdimmoibdqQimJudbOioUkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim::dSmWQBmWMdobMY^OYidbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSmWQ^JskdSkmJmQkiQ^JmYbUmdmoibdqQimJuQkYSkmJmQkJiQbdmfQi`YmmQOmd^QqvMokmd`kOomv$YkmWQYb[oiQOfJimvYbmWQMJkQdSJk`oUU^YbUdSSQbkQdb^vmWQQQMdiMJbYmLQmWQQQMsYmWmWQYbOYqYOoJ^kmJmQkmdsWYMWmWQ^QqvYbUdSMokmd`kOomYQkSdimWQMd``obYmvWJkLQQbJkkYUbQO$YkmWQ^dkkdSmWQ^YMQbMQJMJkQdSSdiMQ`J[QoiQsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYYbUdSJimYM^Q8FdSiQU8LdiF>:<dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$N^JmYbUmdmWQWQJOYbU MQiQJ^S^doik YbkQimQOYbmWQJbbQumdiQU86@:BFdSD:<BFqJ^YOJbOOdQkYmSdi`JbYbmQUiJ^fJimdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbJbOQb[dvmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^SdiMQJkYmkfidqYkYdbk$u YkmWQbo^^YmvdSMdbmiJMmkQuQ`fmQOSid`bdmYSYMJmYdbmdLQOQQ`QOmdmJ\QQSSQMmSid`mWQOJmQsWQbdbQdSmWQMdbmiJMmYbUfJimYQkOo^vLiYbUkJbJMmYdbSdiYmdiSid`mWQOJmQdS[oOU`QbmmWJmQkmJL^YkWQkYm$YkmWQbo^^YmvdSMdbmiJMmkQuQ`fmQOSid`bdmYSYMJmYdbmdLQOQQ`QOmdmJ\QQSSQMmSid`mWQOJmQsWQbdbQdSmWQMdbmiJMmYbUfJimYQkOo^vLiYbUkJbJMmYdbSdiYmdiSid`mWQOJmQdS[oOU`QbmmWJmQkmJL^YkWQkYm$SmWQfJimYQkQufiQkk^viQSQiYbmWQMdbmiJMmmdJfiYdidSSQiYbsiYmYbUYbsWYMWiQSQiQbMQsJk`JOQmdUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QYbM^oOYbUMdbSQiiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdb$X # 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ItalyCommissionItalypi]H>::::2222 ?@@??Roemer1448/72Brasserie de Haecht v. Wilkin-JanssenSA Brasserie de Haechtthe spouses Wilkin-JanssenoH>::::2222 ?@@?@Roemer1442/72Lutticke v. Hauptzollamt PassauAlfons Lutticke GmbHHauptzollamt PassauiH>::::2222 ? @@@Mayras1413/72Netherlands v. CommissionNetherlandsCommission|pcH>::::2222  ? @?X@Roemer1455/72Gesellschaft fur Getreidehandel v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideGesellschaft fur Getreidehandel AGEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelH>::::2222 ? @?X@Roemer1441/72Gerreide-Import v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideGetreide-Import-Gesellschaft mbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelH>::::2222  ? @?@Warner1421/75Schroeder v. Stadt KolnFirma I. Schroeder KGOberstadtdirektor der Stadt KolnxaH>::::2222 ? @?@Trabucchi1494/74IGAV v. ENCCIndustria Gomma Articoli VariEnte Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la CartaxYKA====2222 ? @@@?Warner148/75Caisse primaire d assurance maladie de Selestat v. Association du Foot-Ball Club d AndlauCaisse primaire d assurance maladie de SelestatAssociation du Foot-Ball Club d AndlauF>::::2222 ? @?@Trabucchi145/75Deuka v. Einfuhr-und Vorratsstelle GetreideDeuka, Deutsche Kraftfutter GmbH B.J. StolpEinfuhr-und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelvIA====2222  ? @?X@Reischl1465/74Porrini v. EAEC and ComontPorrini and OthersEuropean Atomic Energy Community and Comont S.p.A. and Bellintani and othersyeI?;;;;2222 ? @@?@Warner1464/74Reich v. Hauptzollamt LandauFirma Adolf ReichHauptzollamt LandauyfH>::::2222 ?@@?@Trabucchi1493/75Adlerblum v. Caisse Nationale d Assurance Vieillesse des TravailleursJacob AdlerblumCaisse Nationale d Assurance Vieillesse des TravailleursKA====2222 ?@?@Trabucchi1495/74Cooperatives Agicoles de Cereals v. Commission, CouncilUnion Nationale des Cooperatives Agicoles de Cereals and OthersCommission and CouncilKA====2222  @@ @?@Warner1431/75Costacurta v. CommissionMario CostacurtaCommissiontbH>::::2222 ? @?@Trabucchi1499/74Grands Moulins v. CommissionSociete des grands Moulins des AntillesCommissioniKA====2222 ? @?@Trabucchi1473/74Papiers Peints v. CommissionGroupement des fabricants de papiers peints de Belgique and OthersCommissioniKA====2222 ?@@?@Reischl1438/75Nederlandse Spoorwegen v. Inspecteur der invoerrechten en accijnzenDouaneagent der NV Nederlandse SpoorwegenInspecteur der invoerrechten en accijnzenI?;;;;2222 p ,{';ʝ<Ƞc/qI÷_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6? :@?@Warner143/73Hessische Mehlindustrie v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideHessische Mehlindustrie Karl Schottler KGEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelF>::::2222 ? @8@?@Roemer141/73Westzucker v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur ZuckerWestzucker GmbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Zucker{F>::::2222 @ 6@?@Mayras1471/72Kuhl v. CouncilAnnemarie KuhlCouncilriYH>::::2222 @ ty6@?@Trabucchi1435/72Kley v. CommissionWalter KleyCommissionxl_KA====2222 ? 5@@@Roemer1479/72Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H>::::2222 ?  1@?@Roemer1482/72Walder v. Sociale VerekeringsbankC.J. WalderBestuur der Sociale VerzekeringsbankxkH>::::2222 ? ?1@@@Warner1481/72Commission v. CouncilCommissionCounciltk_H>::::2222 @ ?/@?@Trabucchi1449/72Drescig v. CommissionGuiseppe DrescigCommissiontbKA====2222 @ ty/@?@Trabucchi1446/72De Greef v. CommissionRobert De GreefCommissiontcKA====2222 @ ?/@?@Mayras1436/72Meganck v. CommissionFrancois MeganckCommission}q_H>::::2222 @@ @,@?@Warner1458/72Perinciolo v. CouncilLetizia PerincioloCouncil|s_H>::::2222 ?is,@??Roemer1478/72L Etoile-Syndicat general v. de WaalL Etoile-Syndicat generalW.E. de WaalnH>::::2222 @ *@?@Trabucchi1460/72Campogrande v. CommissionAnna Maria CampograndeCommission~fKA====2222 @ on*@?@Mayras1433/72Gunnella v. CommissionMonique GunnellaCommission~r`H>::::2222 ?@#@?@Mayras1476/72Michel S. v. Fonds national de reclassement social des handicapesMichel S.Fonds national de reclassement social des handicapesH>::::2222 @@ !@?@Mayras1451/72Noe-Dannwerth v. European ParliamentMarie Noe-DannwerthEuropean ParliamentnH>::::2222 @ !@?@Mayras1411/72Giordano v. CommissionLuigi GiordanoCommission|p`H>::::2222 @@ !@?@Roemer1431/72Angelini v. European ParliamentDomenico AngeliniEuropean Parliament|iH>::::2222  ? @?@Roemer146/72Europemballage and Continental Can v. CommissionEuropemballage Corporation and Continental Can Company Inc.CommissionxF>::::2222  ?@??Roemer1454/72FOR v. VKSFonderie Officine Riunite FORVereinigte Kammgarn-Spinnereien VKSsTH>::::2222 @?@?@Mayras1456/72Goeth v. CommissionGodelieve Goeth-Van der SchuerenCommission]H>::::2222 ?@@@Mayras1430/72Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H>::::2222  PDkWdo^OmWQSYbQY`fdkQOLvmWYkMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbLQiQOoMQO$ iqYMQkdSUQbQiJ^QMdbd`YMYbmQiQkm mWJmkoMWobOQimJ\YbUkkWdo^OWJqQfiYqY^QUQksWYMWJiQOQbYQOmddmWQiobOQimJ\YbUksYmWJimH6MiQJmYbUiYUWmk$ZkWdo^OmWQSYbQY`fdkQOLvmWYkMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbLQiQOoMQO$  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v. FranceSociete Roquette FreresFrancex_KA====2222 @@ @?@Warner14188/73Grassi v. CouncilDaniele GrassiCouncilvm]J>::::2222 ? @@?@Warner1417/74Transocean Marine Paint Association v. CommissionTransocean Marine Paint AssociationCommission{H>::::2222 O? ti@?@Trabucchi1425/74Henck v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideGunter HenckEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelyKA====2222 ? @@?Reischl1424/74Caisse Regionale d Assurance maladie de Paris v. BiasonCaisse Regionale d Assurance maladie de ParisGiuseppina BiasonI?;;;;2222 @@ @?@Warner14112/73Campogrande and others v. CommissionAnna Maria Campogrande and othersCommissionpJ>::::2222 ? @?@Trabucchi1418/74Syndicat General du Personnel v. CommissionSyndicat General du Personnel des Organismes europeensCommissionxKA====2222 ? @?@Reischl14175/73Union Syndicale, Massa and Kortner v. CouncilUnion Syndicale- Amalgamated European Public Service Union- Brussels, Denise Massa and Roswitha KortCouncilzK?;;;;2222 ? @?@Reischl1414/74Norddeutsches Vieh- und Fleischkontor v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasNorddeutsches Vieh- und Fleischkontor GmbHHauptzollamt-Ausfuhrerstattung Hamburg-JonasI?;;;;2222 ?  `@?@Trabucchi14150/73Hollandse Melksuikerfabriek v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenHollandse MelksuikerfabriekHoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenMA====2222 ?`@X@?Warner1437/73Diamantarbeiders v. IndiamexSociaal Fonds voor de DiamantarbeidersN.V. Indiamex and Association de fait De BelderfH>::::2222 ? `@?@Reischl1424/66 bisGetreidehandel v. CommissionGesellschaft fur Getreidehandel mbHCommissionoQ?;;;;2222 ?`@?@Trabucchi14149/73Witt v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-EricusOtto Witt KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-EricusrMA====2222  ? `@?@Warner14142/73Mathes & Schurr v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideHugo Mathes & Schuff KGEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelJ>::::2222 ?@`@?@Trabucchi14147/73Lensing v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofCarlheinz Lensing Kaffee-Tee-Import KGHauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofuMA====2222 ?_@@?Trabucchi14140/73Securite Sociale Paris v. MancusoDirection regionale de la securite sociale de la region parisienne and Caisse regionale d assuranceCarmela Mancuso and Caisse nationale d assurance vieillesse des travailleurs salaries,pMA====2222 ? ^@?@Warner14126/73Busch v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-EricusFriedhelm BuschHauptzollamt Hamburg-EricuspJ>::::2222 ?]@?@Warner14138/73Codrico v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenCodrico NVHoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenJ>::::2222  T|Ϳ̂ˍ&ɗQǵ%z.Ą5U? @?@Mayras1454/69Francolor v. CommissionSA Francaise des Matieres ColorantesCommissionaH>::::2222  ?  @?@Mayras1453/69Sandoz v. CommissionSandoz AGCommissionui^H>::::2222 ? @?@Mayras1452/69Geigy v. CommissionJ.R. Geigy AGCommissionxl]H>::::2222  ?  @?@Mayras1451/69Bayer v. CommissionFarbenfabriken Bayer AGCommissionv]H>::::2222 t (t? r@?@Mayras1449/69BASF v. CommissionBadische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik AGCommission\H>::::2222 _? @?@Mayras1448/69ICI v. CommissionImperial Chemical Industries Ltd.Commission~[H>::::2222  @@ @@?@Roemer1490/71Bernardi v. European ParliamentGiorgio BernardiEuropean Parliament{iH>::::2222  @@ @?@Roemer1479/71Heinemann v. CommissionAlo HeinemannCommission|paH>::::2222  @@ @@?@Roemer1455/71Besnard v. CommissionMarie-Josee Besnard and othersCommission_H>::::2222 <?<@@@@Roemer1448/71Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H>::::2222  @@@@?@Roemer1429/71Vellozzi v. CommissionLuigi VellozziCommission|p`H>::::2222 @@ @?@Roemer1488/71Brasseur v. European ParliamentHenri BrasseurEuropean ParliamentyiH>::::2222  @@ @?@Roemer1437/71Janet v. CommissionMichael JametCommissionxl]H>::::2222  ?@?@Mayras141/72Frilli v. BelgiumRita FrilliBelgiumofYF>::::2222 ?@@?@Mayras145/72Grassi v. Italian Finance AdministrationFratelli Grassi fu DavideItalian Finance AdministrationpF>::::2222 @@ @?@Roemer1444/71Marcato v. CommissionAntonio MarcatoCommission|p_H>::::2222 ? @?@Mayras149/71CIE d Approvisionnement v. CommissionCompagnie d Approvisionnement, de Transport et de Credit SA and Grands Moulins de Paris SACommissionmF>::::2222 @ ?@@?@Roemer1446/71Brandau v. CouncilGeorg BrandauCounciltk\H>::::2222 @ @@?@Roemer1432/71Bauduin v. CommissionMonique Chollet, nee BauduinCommission}_H>::::2222 @ @@?@Roemer1420/71Sabbatini v. European ParliamentLuisa Sabbatini, nee BertoniEuropean ParliamentjH>::::2222 ? @?@Roemer142/72Murru v. Caisse Regionale d Assurance Maladie ParisSalvotore MurruCaisse Regionale d Assurance Maladie Paris{F>::::2222 ? @?@Roemer1494/71Schluter v. Hauptzollamt HamburgSchluter & MackHauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas{jH>::::2222  ?@?@Roemer1493/71Leonesio v. Italian Ministry for Agriculture and ForestryOrsolina LeonesioMinistry for Agriculture and Forestry of the Italian RepublicH>::::2222  @FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFB@FFBDDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DDF^DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DH6DH6DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6DH6DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6DH6 DH6 DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6DH6DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 DH6 F@D8F@FH FBD@FBD@FBD@FBD@FBD@FBD@FBD@F FBD@F FBDBFDD@ FDD@ FDD@ FDDBFDDBFFD@`FFD@`FFD@`FFD@`FFD@`FFD@`FHD>FHD> HD6HD6HD6 HD6 HD6 HD6RHD:HD: HD: HD<HD<HD<HD>HD>HDDHDDHFH HFH H6DBH6DBH6DBH6DBH6DBH6DB H6DBH6DBH6DBH8D>H8D@H8D@H8D@H8D@% H:D8H:D8H:D>H<D8H<D8H<D8 H<D8 H<D@H<DBH>D8H>D8H>D>H>D>H>D>H>D> H>D> H>D@ H@D@ HBD@FHBD@FHBD@FHBD@FHBD@FHBD@FHBD@F HBD@F HFD@% HHFHeHHFHeHHFHeHHFHe HHFHe # V1 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111  @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;1111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;1111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111  @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @O@ @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;11111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;11111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @O@ @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @O@N @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111  @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;11111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111  @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @O@ @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @q@OArbeidsrechtbank Tongeren23/71;111111 @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@M @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@M @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/''''''  @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/''''''  @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@MHanseati @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@M @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/''''''  @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@MHanseatixches @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/''''''  @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/''''''  @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@MHanseatixches @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @ @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@M @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@ @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@MHans @O@NBundesfinanzhof6/71/'''''' @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/70 @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/70I? @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/ @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/ @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/ @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/70I @>@MHanseatixches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg78/70I?????? @IFinanzgericht Munchen9/705------ `@enFBayerisches Verwaltungsgericht9/74>666666 Pz͊sN6\ǂƨThe application should be dismissed.3The fine imposed on the applicant should be reduced to 30 000 u.a. and the rest of the application dismissed.57/69Shouuld the Commission decision of 7/24/69 fining the applicant be annulled?>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.56/69Should the Commission decision of 7/24/69 fininng the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.55/69Should the Commission decission of 7/24/69 fining the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.54/69Should the Commisssion decision of 7/24/69 fining the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=M@The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.53/69Should the Commission decision of 7/24/69 fining the applicant be annullled?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.51/69Should the Commission decision of 7/24/69 fining the applicant be annnulled?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.52/69Should the Commission decision of 7/24/69 fining the appplicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.49/69Should the Commission Decision of 7/24/69 fining the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.48/69Should the Commission Decision of 7/24/69 published in the Journal Officiel of 8/7/69, relating to proceedings under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty, fining the applicant, be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.90/71Should the decision of the President of the EP on 9/7/71 promoting Mrs. Dell Omodarme to the career bracket of a translator in Grade L/A 6 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=leThe Commission should pay the applicant this allowance.3The Commission should pay the applicant this allowance.79/71Should the Commission pay the applicant from the time when hes 55 to 60 a monthly allowance?QQQQOF=leThe decision should not be annulled.3The decision is not annulled.79/71Should the decision of the Commission of 1/13/69 costing the applicant his employment be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.55/71Should the decisions of the Comission relating to the criteria for classification in cases of change of category and to classification in grade and step of the applicants after appointment be annulled?2gg]]>>>><F=obItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.48/71Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with the judgment given on 12/10/68 concerning a an illegal tax being levied? 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BelgiumCommissionBelgiumri]F<88882222 ? @?@Roemer1465/69Compagnie d Approvisionnement v. CommissionLa Compagnie d Approvisionnement, de Transport et de Credit, S.A.CommissionuH>::::2222  ? @?@Roemer1464/69Compagnie Francaise Commerciale v. CommissionLa Compagnie Francaise Commerciale et Financiere S.A.CommissionwH>::::2222 ? @?@Roemer1463/69Compagnie Francaise Commerciale v. CommissionLa Compagnie Francaise Commerciale et Financiere S.A.CommissionwH>::::2222 ?@@@@Gand1428/69Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F<88882222  ?@@?Roemer1468/69Bundesknappschaft v. BrockBundesknappschaftElisabeth BrockwdH>::::2222 @@ @?@Roemer1442/69Cafiero v. CommissionEmilio CafieroCommission{o_H>::::2222 @@ @?@Roemer1424/69Nebe v. CommissionTheo NebeCommissionsg\H>::::2222 ?@ @??Gand1443/69Bilger v. JehleBrauerei A. Bilger Sohne GmbHJehle and JehlevWF<88882222 ?@ @@@Roemer147/69Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F>::::2222  ?@@@Gand1433/69Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F<88882222 ?@?@Roemer1477/71Gervais-Danone v. Hauptzollamt MunchenGervais-Danone AGHauptzollamt Munchen-SchwanthalerstrassepH>::::2222  ?@?@Roemer1451/71International Fruit Company v. Produktschap voor Groenten en FruitInternational Fruit Company NV and OthersProduktschap voor Groenten en FruitH>::::2222 ?@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1421/71Brodersen v. Einfuhr- und Voratsstelle GetreideHeinrich P. Brodersen Nachf., GmbH & Co. KGEinfuhr- und Voratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelWMIIII2222  ?@@@?Roemer1440/69Hauptzollamt Hamburg v. BollmannHauptzollamt Hamburg-OberelbeFirma Paul G. BollmannjH>::::2222  ?@@@@Gand1438/69Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F<88882222 ?'@@@Gand1431/69Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F<88882222 @@ '@?@Roemer1413/69Van Eick v. CommissionAugust Joseph van EickCommissionx`H>::::2222  @@ @?@Roemer1417/71Tontodonati v. CommissionLeandro TontodonatiCommissionxcH>::::2222  ?@@@@Roemer147/71Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceph\F>::::2222  Cha?is@@?@Roemer145/71Zuckerfabrik Schoppenstedt v. CouncilAktien-Zuckerfabrik SchoppenstedtCouncilmF>::::2222  ?@@?@Roemer1430/71Siemers v. Hauptzollamt Bad ReichenhallKurt Siemers & Co.Hauptzollamt Bad ReichenhallqH>::::2222  PkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmdiQ[QMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbk`JOQLvmWQJff^YMJbmkobOQiJim<:dSiQU8DB:JbOOQM^JiYbUMQimJYbJUiQQ`QbmkLQmsQQbYbmQiqQbQikOdbdmYbSiYbUQJimF@JbOFBLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$BMYkYdbmdiQ[QMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbk`JOQLvmWQJff^YMJbmkobOQiJim<:dSiQU8DB:JbOOQM^JiYbUMQimJYbJUiQQ`QbmkLQmsQQbYbmQiqQbQikOdbdmYbSiYbUQJimF@JbOFBLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$BCkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmdiQ[QMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbk`JOQLvmWQJff^YMJbmkobOQiJim<:dSiQU8DB:JbOOQM^JiYbUMQimJYbJUiQQ`QbmkLQmsQQbYbmQiqQbQikOdbdmYbSiYbUQJimF@JbOFBLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$BP '·̃ʧNN~N?PpThis does refer to lactalbumin but does not imply that a refund on exports of lactalbumin exists.3This does refer to lactalbumin but does not imply that a refund on exports of lactalbumin exists.150/73Must Annex C of Reg 204/69 mea?PpThis does refer to lactalbumin but does not imply that a refund on exports of lactalbumin exists.3This does refer to lactalbumin but does not imply that a refund on exports of lactalbumin exists.150/73Must Annex C of Reg 204/69 mean that the reference (4) in the vertical column "eggs in shell" after the goods "ovalbumin and lactalbumin", refers likewise to "lactalbumin"?{{{{yF=ssoStates do not have to do so unless order to specifically by the relevant Community institutions.2States do not have to do so unless order to specifically by the relevant Community institutions.37/73Must Member States abolish all charges having an effect equivalent to a customs duty on goods coming from 3rd countries?`zzzzxF= cnnot applicable3Member States may not enact such charges.37/73May Member States, subsequent to the establishment of the CCT, introduce, in a unilateral manner, new charges on goods imported directly from third countries or raise the level of those in existence?&]]SS((((&F=semThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.24/66 bisShould the decisions of the court in cases 106 and 107/63 and in cases 5,7 and 13 to 24/66 be interpreted?oo]]>>>><F=l"Game" applies to animals living in the world state which are hunted.3"Game" applies to animals living in the world state which are hunted.149/73What are the decisive criteria to be applied in interpreting the expression "game" in tariff heading 02.04-B of the CCT in 1970?4____]F=kArt 20(2) required the national authorities to reduce the refund granted so that it should not exceed the maximum limits laid down for the goods in fact exported.2Art 20(2) required the national authorities to reduce the refund granted so that it should not exceed the maximum limits laid down for the goods in fact exported.142/73Must Art 20(2) of Council Reg 19 mean that from 10/63-3/65 a refund could only be granted for the export of goods stated for a refund into the 3rd country therein stated?ll``F=jSuch imports from Guinea in 1971 were not free of duty due to EEC association.3Such imports from Guinea in 1971 were not free of duty due to EEC association.147/73Does Art 131 of the EEC Treaty mean that imports of coffee from Guinea into Germany were still to be treated in 1971 as imports originating in the Associated States (free of duty)?zhhhhfF=_hThe levy must not be reduced by an amount the same as this tax.3The levy must not be reduced by an amount the same as this tax.126/73Do Art 4 and 6 of Council Reg 22/62 mean that on the import of slaughtered poultry from third countries, the standard levy which is made has to be reduced by a fixed amount same as the turnover equalization tax?{YYYYWF=gWhatever method the national courts determine to have the best probative value should be used.2Whatever method the national courts determine to have the best probative value should be used.138/73Does Art 1 of Commission Reg 2410/70 mean that so long as no effect has been given to Reg 1052/68, the fat content of products mentioned in the Annexes are determined by the Annex of the 11/18/71 Directive?xxxxvF=P  Ɏg&8zAny limitation or time limit which may apply must be dictated by national social security law.2Any limitation or time limit which may apply must be dictated by national social security law.35/74What is the period of limitation for actions under the law of the Community?0xxxxvF=yThe charges do not consist solely of the variable component intended to take account of the prices of basic products.3The charges do consist solely of the variable component intended to take account of the prices of basic products.34/74Must the charge on products imported from 3rd countries in Reg 974/71 be understood as consisting solely of the variable component intended to take account of the prices of basic prodcts?  F=K%xThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.188/73Should the express decision of the Secretary-General of the Council rejecting the complaint lodged concerning the appointment of Mr. X to head the Italian Language Division be annulled?aaUU::::8F=MGwThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.17/74Should the Commission decision of 12/21/73, in so far as it obliges the applicants to inform the Commission of links between any relevant companies, be annulled?__UU::::8F=A0vExports to 3rd countries of gluten flour manufactured from a basic product not coming under the common organization of the market cannot qualify for a refund.2The amount of the reufnd on export of the product must be reduced by the refund to producers granted at the date of exportation by the exporting State for the basic product on which the refund was calculated.25/74Does Art 18 of Reg 141/64 mean that the refund to producers in respect of the manufacture of starch from maize is to be set off against the export refund for gluten under 11.09 only when for making gluten flour?iF=uSuch a worker is entitled to both allowances provided the grant falls within the application of Reg 3.3Such a worker is entitled to both allowances provided the grant falls within the application of Reg 3.24/74Is an insured person who recieves an invalidity pension under a sickness insurance scheme by reason of her employment in a single State wherein she was resident entitled to rely on both supp allowance and this pension?~F=tA further inquiry into this matter should be conducted.3The application is dismissed.112/73Should the competitions COM/A/264 and COM/A/268 and the resulting appointments be annulled?||ppQQQQOF=sesThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.18/74Is the action for annullment of the Commission decision of 9/21/73 in which the salary of officials was reduced admissible?gg]]>>>><F=rThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.175/73Should the decisions of the Council of 12/22/72 concerning the appointment of Roger Brisaer and Charles Goetz be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=qSuch goods cannot be granted a refund when they are re-exported from Germany to a third country.3Such goods cannot be granted a refund when they are re-exported from Germany to a third country.14/74Do Art 6 or 7 of Reg 177/67 and Art 4 of Reg 802/68 mean that products within the meaning of Art 1 of Reg 121/67, which have been brought from GDR to FRG under inter-zonal trade, are eligible for export refunds?zzzzxF=[P 9d b{The provisions do create pecuniary rights and the States cannot make those subject to conditions.3The provisions do create pecuniary rights and the States cannot make those subject to conditions.93/71Must the aforementioned provisions create individual pecuniary rights immediately enforceable against the State such that national legislation can have no influence and the right cannot be made subject to conditions?{{{{yF=These provisions have direct effect and create rights the national courts must protect.3These provisions have direct effect and create rights the national courts must protect.93/71Are the provisions of Reg 1975/69 and 2195/69 directly applicable and do they create individual rights which national courts must protect?`qqqqoF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.24/71Should the Commission decision of 2/18/71 concerning the division of a widows pension be annulled?__UU::::8F= qThe rejection should be annulled and the applicant reimbursed.3The application should be dismissed.33/71Should the implied rejection of the applicants complaint be annulled and the applicant reimbursed of the expense of the removal in question?~~XXXXVF=Such fruit is subject to the duty for fruit containing added sugar regardless of sugar has in fact been added.3Such fruit is subject to the duty for fruit containing added sugar regardless of sugar has in fact been added.92/71Does 20.06 B II of the CCT mean that when fruit under 20.06 has a sugar content which exceeds 9% by weight but is less than 13%, it is liable to customs duty at the rate for fruit containing added sugar?F=These provisions enabled States to fix rates of refund differing from one 3rd country to another and lower than those provided for by the Community regulations.3These provisions enabled States to fix rates of refund differing from one 3rd country to another and lower than those provided for by the Community regulations.85/71Did the provisions of Art 20 of Reg 19 in conjunction with those of Art 2 Reg 90 enable States to fix, in connexion with the export of cereals to 3rd countries, different rates of refund in respect of exports to them?Aff\\F=This question is inadmissible.323.07 refers to products mixed which are only suitable for feeding animals and not to agglomerated products.36/71Does a mixture, intentionally produced, come under 23.07 of the CCT if its composed of 78% sorghum and 9% sorghum gluten or of 4.9% maize gluten and 80.08 sorghum gluten?\88886F=It is "impossible" to give a summary of the proper answer to such a broad question.2Products processed from maize and sorghum may be classified under 11.01 and 11.02 if after processing they still contain the essential constituents of the basic product similar to that product in its natural state.36/71To what factual criteria must the composition of the product conform and in particulare what must be its content in constituents such as starch and proteins in order that it may be classified under various headings of CCT?/OOEEmmmmkF= Account must be taken of the products objective characteristics to classify the products under 23.07.3Account must be taken of the products objective characteristics to classify the products under 23.07.36/71May a product be classified under heading 23.07 of the CCT and be subject to the levy in application of Reg 19/62 of the council on the sole basis of objective characteristics?}F= P`okm ^QqvSYuQOYbJOqJbMQYbiQU>D<BDiQSQimdmWQ^QqvSYuQOYbJOqJbMQJff^YMJL^QSdimWQ`dbmWdSY`fdimJmYdbQbqYkJUQOYbmWQY`fdim^YMQbMQdimWQ^QqvSYuQOSdimWQSYbJ^`dbmWdSqJ^YOYmvdSmWJm^YMQbkQ$`okmmWQsdiOk hoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbkdbY`fdimkmdUQmWQisYmWJ^^`QJkoiQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm Jff^vJ^kdmd^QUJ^io^QkdSkmJmQkfidWYLYmYbUY`fdimkJbOQufdimksYmWdom^YMQbkQLomJiQbdmJff^YQOOoQmdQuQ`fmYdbk$mdUQmWQisYmWJ^^`QJkoiQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm Jff^vJ^kdmd^QUJ^io^QkdSkmJmQkfidWYLYmYbUY`fdimkJbOQufdimksYmWdom^YMQbkQLomJiQbdmJff^YQOOoQmdQuQ`fmYdbk$mYdbkdbY`fdimkmdUQmWQisYmWJ^^`QJkoiQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm Jff^vJ^kdmd^QUJ^io^QkdSkmJmQkfidWYLYmYbUY`fdimkJbOQufdimksYmWdom^YMQbkQLomJiQbdmJff^YQOOoQmdQuQ`fmYdbk$diOk hoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbkdbY`fdimkmdUQmWQisYmWJ^^`QJkoiQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm 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[\@FFBx7@FFBx7@FFBx7@FFBx7@FFBx7@FFBx7B8F@B8F@8F@B8F@8F@8F@B8F@BBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBF:CBF:CBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBBF:CBF:CBF:CBF:CBF:CBHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,HDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,HDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,BHDB,D8FD: FD: FD<vFD>W3FD>W4FD@FFF FFF FFHFFHF6D6GF6D8F6D8F6D:W F6D:W F6DB.F6DB/F6FHF8D:AF8D> F8FFF:D8vIF:D8F:D8F:D:BF<FH7F>D8XD8X=F>DB-F@D8F@FH7FBD@5FBD@6FBDB2FBFHFDD@DFDD@FDDB4FDFHFDFHFFD8FFD@FFD@FFDBFHD>W*FHDBHD6XHD6XHD6XHD8HD8HD8HD:HD<vHD<vHD<vHD<vHD<vHD<vHD<vHD>XHD>XHD>XHD@HDBHDDHFH4H6D8$H6D>H6DB=H6DB>H8D>7:H8D@>H:D8H:D8H:D>78H:D@8H<D8 H<D8 H<D@H<DB1H>D8H>D8H>D>H>D@BH>D@CH@D>H@D@8H@DB&H@FFHBD8 HBD@3HBD@4HDD@8HDDBHFD@HHD>HHFH#O D˳ dŁ)s76/70Must Art 2 and 4 of Council Reg 19/1962 mean that in calculating the levy there should be deducted from the threshold price an amount equal to the turnover equalization tax levied in respect of imports?CommissionAn amount equal to the turnover equalization tax should be deducted from the threshold price.X!!!!!!! #1/71If such an agreement in question 1 is prohibited, does the fact that it has not been notified to the Commission prevent it from benefiting from 67/67 where Art 85 prohibition is inapplicable to some agreements?CommissionSuch an agreement may not be exempted.(  #1/71Does an exclusive sales agreement entered into between 2 undertakings in different States and relating to transactions to be carried out within the Common Market always come within prohibitions of Art 85(1)?CommissionSuch an agreement does not escape the prohibition in question.=  #58/70Must "levy fixed in advance in Reg 473/67 refer to the levy fixed in advance applicable for the month of importation envisaged in the import licence or the levy fixed for the final month of validity of that license?CommissionThis refers to the levy fixed for the final month of validity of that license.V!!!!!!! #58/70Must "levy fixed in advance in Reg 473/67 refer to the levy fixed in advance applicable for the month of importation envisaged in the import licence or the levy fixed for the final month of validity of that license?NetherlandsThis refers to the levy fixed for the final month of validity of that license.W!!!!!!! #d 38/70Does the expression "levy fixed in advance" in Art 8 of Commission Reg 183/67 mean the levy fixed for the final month of the period of validity of the licence or the rate of levy fixed for the expected import month?CommissionThis refers to the rate of levy fixed for the month of importation indicated by the holder of the import licence in his application.!!!!!!! #d 38/70Does the expression "levy fixed in advance" in Art 8 of Commission Reg 183/67 mean the levy fixed for the final month of the period of validity of the licence or the rate of levy fixed for the expected import month?NetherlandsThis refers to the rate of levy fixed for the month of importation indicated by the holder of the import licence in his application.!!!!!!! #38/70Is Council Reg 120/67 valid in so far as in the final paragraph of Art 12 it makes the issue of an import licence conditional on the lodging of a deposit that will be forfeited if importation is not within the valid period?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.-!!!!!!! #38/70Is Council Reg 120/67 valid in so far as in the final paragraph of Art 12 it makes the issue of an import licence conditional on the lodging of a deposit that will be forfeited if importation is not within the valid period?NetherlandsThe regulation remains valid..!!!!!!! #51/70Does the term "chocolate in bulk" in Art 1 of Reg 755/67 of the Council include only unfilled chocolate, ready for consumption or only semi-finished products of the chocolate industry?CommissionThis refers solely to chocolate ready for counsumption. !!!!!!! # a39/70May a national customs authority require that an importer who seeks the benefit of this system be trustworthy in the discretionary judgment of the authority, as required in German law?CommissionA condition making such a subjective assessment on the part of the national authority is not compatible with Community rules.f!!!!!!! #8Uϴ]ͩ z}ʠhƕŞLun?@?@Roemer1452/72Walzenmuhle Magstadt v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideWalzenmuhle Magstadt Karl-Heinz KienleEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1445/72Merola v. Nationaal Pensioenfonds voor MijnwerkersGiuseppe MerolaNationaal Pensioenfonds voor Mijnwerkers|H>::::2222 ?@??Roemer1444/72Marsman v. RosskampPieter MarsmanM. Rosskampzm]H>::::2222 ?@@?@Mayras1421/72International Fruit Company v. Produktschap voor Groenten en FruitInternational Fruit Company NV, Kooy Rotterdam NV, Velleman en Tas NV and Jan Van den Brinks Im-en EProduktschap voor Groenten en FruitH>::::2222 @@ @?@Roemer1418/70X v. CouncilXCouncilaXVH>::::2222 ?@@?@Mayras1432/72Wasaknacke v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideWasaknacke Knackebrotfabrik GmbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und Futtermittel{H>::::2222 ?@@?@Roemer1418/72Granaria v. Produktschap voor VeevoederNV Granaria GraaninkoopmaatschappijProduktschap voor VeevoederqH>::::2222 @@@?@Mayras1419/72Thomik v. CommissionRudolf ThomikCommissionym^H>::::2222  ?@?@Mayras1416/72Ortskrankenkasse Hamburg v. Landesversicherungsanstalt Schleswig-HolsteinAllgemeine Ortskrankenkasse HamburgLandesversicherungsanstalt Schleswig-HolsteinH>::::2222 ?@?@Mayras1415/72Niedersachsen v. LandesversicherungsanstaltLand NiedersachsenLandesversicherungsanstaltuH>::::2222 ?@?@Mayras1414/72Heinze v. Landesversicherungsanstalt RheinprovinzHelmut HeinzeLandesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz{H>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1427/72Aimer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideJozef AimerEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelvH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1417/72Getreidehandel v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideGesellschaft fur Getreidehandel AGEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelH>::::2222 ?@@?Roemer1420/72Belgium v. CobelexBelgiumNV Cobelexqe\H>::::2222 ? @@?@Mayras1496/71Haegeman v. CommissionR. & V. HaegemanCommission~r`H>::::2222 ? @@?@Mayras148/72Cementhandelaren v. CommissionVereeniging van CementhandelarenCommissionfF>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer149/72Brunner v. Hauptzollamt HofGeorg Brunner KGHauptzollamt HofucF>::::2222  ? @?@Mayras1457/69ACNA v. CommissionAzienda Colori Nazionali - ACNA S.p.A.Commission\H>::::2222 ? @?@Mayras1456/69Hoechst v. CommissionFarbwerke Hoechst AGCommissionu_H>::::2222  ?  @?@Mayras1455/69Cassella v. CommissionCassella Farbwerke Mainkur AGCommission`H>::::2222 [IωYΩo2͚a1̙Q˙Q#ʢrBɨCȝb/Ǐ`0Ƒb2ŒXĮĀXñq*¢vHW'.45/70officials -80/70social policy of the EEC. ,41/70agriculture! +41/70Community measures( *41/70procedure )76/70agriculture! (55/70officials '52/70officials &1/71competition %4/69liability $4/69procedure #54/70officials "76/69officials !22/70measures adopted by an institution8  22/70objectives of the Community1 22/70international agreements. 22/70procedure 22/70powers of the Community- 22/70EEC 47/70officials 29/70officials 70/69liability of the ECSC+ 70/69Common financial arrangements3 67/69liability of the ECSC+ 67/69Common financial arrangements3 67/69information! 48/70officials ]J58/70agriculture! 38/70regulation  38/70agriculture! 51/70agriculture! 2/70Common financil arrangements0 39/70agriculture!  39/70regulation  xt 37/70transitional period)  21/70officials  38/72Common Customs Tariff+  29/72customs duties$ 29/72free movement of goods, 7/72competition 52/72agriculture! 45/72social security for migrant workers9 44/72free movement of person- 21/72GATT 21/72preliminary questions+ 18/70officials 32/72Community law# 32/72agriculture! 18/72agriculture! 18/72measures adopted by an institution8 18/72Common Customs Tariff+ 19/72officials 16/72social security for migrant workers9 16/72preliminary rulings) 15/72social security for migrant workers9 15/72preliminary rulings) 14/72social security for migrant workers9 14/72preliminary rulings) 27/72agriculture! 17/72agriculture! 20/72agriculture! 96/71European Communities* 8/72Coummunity administration- 8/72competition 9/72agriculture  }57/69Community administration.  }57/69limitation of actions+  }57/69competition! 56/69limitation of actions+ 56/69measure adopted by an institution7 56/69competition! 56/69Community administration. 55/69limitation of actions+ LP Σ́͠inN'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 Measures designed to control and regulate the market to provide safeguards for the employment and standard of living of those producers.3A totality of legal devices placing the regulation of the market in the products in question under the control of the public authority to increase productivity, standard of living and reasonable prices.48/74What are the distinguishing characteristics of a national market organization of the kind described in question 1?xxnnF=Art 33 cannot be applied in such a case.3Art 33 cannot be applied during the transitional period, but can after that period.48/74Does the existence in a State of a national market organization within the meaning of Art 43,45 and 46 of the Treaty prohibit the application of Art 33 in the case of the product concerned?`BBBB@F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.176/73Should the Council decision of 12/22/72 appointing Goetz to Administrator in Grade A6 be annulled?aaUU::::8F=Member States are allowed to take into account these personal factors in such a casewhen someone seeks to enter their country.3Member States are allowed to take into account these personal factors in such a casewhen someone seeks to enter their country.41/74Does Art 48 allow a Member State to take into account matters of personal conduct such as being associated or employed with an organization considered contrary to public good (when nationals can be employed)?""F==(݁This directive does confer such rights to individuals.3This directive does confer such rights to individuals.41/74Is Dir 64/221 adopted on 2/25/64 in accordance with the Treaty directly applicable so as to confer on individuals rights enforceable by them in Courts of a Member State?=PPPPNF=e.Article 48 is directly applicable.3Article 48 is directly applicable.41/74Does Art 48 of the Treaty directly applicable so as to confer on individuals rights enforceable by them in the Court of a Member State?jj``<<<<:F=These articles do create individual rights that the national courts must protect, in particular a State cannot deny persons the right to services based on nationality.3These articles do create individual rights that the national courts must protect, in particular a State cannot deny persons the right to services based on nationality.33/74Are Art 59 and 60 of the EEC Treaty directly applicable and do they create individual rights which the national courts must protect?ttjjF=~The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.6/74Should the Commission decision rejecting the applicant request for a person to be treated as a dependent child be annulled?aaYY::::8F=se}The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.1/74Should the refusal by the Commission to terminate the applicants service under Regulation 2530/72 be annulled?ee]]>>>><F=|This legislation does fall within the ambit of Art 2(3) of Reg 3.3This legislation does fall within the ambit of Art 2(3) of Reg 3.39/74Is the legislation on allowances for the handicapped social assistance legislation falling, ratione materiae, within the ambit of Art 2(3) of Reg 3?>[[[[YF=P ̡˦Ʌ ƷNThe aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 16 of Reg 3.2The aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 16 of Reg 3.16/72Are Articles 26 and 27 of Reg 3 applicable by analogy to a legal provision which does not concern social security benefits but an obbligation which is imposed without taking account of the period of affiliation?||||zF=The aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 16 of Reg 3.2The aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 16 of Reg 3.15/72Are Articles 26 and 27 of Reg 3 applicable by analogy to a legal provision which does not concern social security benefits but an obligation which is imposed without taking account of the period of affiliation?||||zF=These avantages fall under "sickness benefits" in the provision.1These avantages fall under "sickness benefits" in the provision.14/72Do the advantages provided for by the German law in question fall within the social security benefits listed in Art 2(1) of Regulation 3?1ZZZZXF=This provision was intended to define the duration of the process as well as the minimum quantity of cereals to be denatured.1This provision means that a balance of less than 40 tons denatured on any day may be taken into consideration if it arose from a rational use of its capacity and the maximum duration is equivalent to an average of 40.27/72Does Art 4(3) of Commission Reg 1403/69 mean that the plaintiff could denature in one day less than 40 tons of cereals or that did this regulation intend to determine the minimum amount of cereals denatured daily?S||rrF=n The decision remains valid.3The decision remains valid.17/72Is the decision of the Commission fixing at FF 508.86 per tonne the free-at-frontier price on 1/28/66 on 1/28/66 for French maize imported into Germany valid?\\RR55553F= ~The Member State must do so immediately and the duty is binding upon individuals without additional announcements.3The Member State must do so immediately and the duty is binding upon individuals without additional announcements.20/72Does Art 19(2) of Council Reg 19 mean that where the exporting State grants refunds, the importing State is under a duty to apply levies on the importer immediately or merely at a date it may determine?  F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.96/71Should the Commission decision of 10/15/71 rejecting the applicants request for exemption from the countervailing charge on importation of Greek wine into Blego-Luxembourg be annulled with damages?.gg]]>>>><F=ݹThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.8/72Should the Commission Decision IV/324 of 12/16/71 ruling against the applicant be annulled?ee]]>>>><F=vx׸Such goods are considered as coming from Poland when they remain up until delivery under the direct control of a seller bound by Poland.2Such goods are considered as coming from Poland when they remain up until delivery under the direct control of a seller bound by Poland.9/72Do the words "and coming from" in Art 1 of Reg 565/68 on the non-fixing of an additional amount for poultry imported from Poland mean that they satisfy this if they have not remained in transit country?44,,F= <OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim@dSmWQmiQJmvWJqQOYiQMmQSSQMmJbOYSkdOdmWQvfiQM^oOQio^QkkoMWJkmWdkQOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJimF>>dSiQU8>6FD8mJ\QfiQMQOQbMQdqQiJim:JbO>6dSmWQ^JsdSB8@<@dbmWQokQdS^JbUoJUQkYb^QUJ^fidMQQOYbUkYbiQkfQMmdSJ^^fQikdbkmdsWd`mWQiQUo^JmYdbJff^YQk$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdShoQkmYdb8fidWYLYmJkmJmQsWYMWWJkJ^iQJOvfomYbmdSdiMQmWQMd``dbkvkmQ`dSqJ^oQJOOQOmJuJbOJLd^YkWQOkfQMYSYMmJuQkdbmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkSid`bmidOoMYbUmWQkfQMYSYMmJuQkYbhoQkmYdbk$ROdmWQfidqYkYdbkdShoQkmYdb8fidWYLYmJkmJmQsWYMWWJkJ^iQJOvfomYbmdSdiMQmWQMd``dbkvkmQ`dSqJ^oQJOOQOmJuJbOJLd^YkWQOkfQMYSYMmJuQkdbmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkSid`bmidOoMYbUmWQkfQMYSYMmJuQkYbhoQkmYdbk$ROdmWQfidqYkYdbkdShoQkmYdb8fidWYLYmJkmJmQsWYMWWJkJ^iQJOvfomYbmdSdiMQmWQMd``dbkvkmQ`dSqJ^oQJOOQOmJuJbOJLd^YkWQOkfQMYSYMmJuQkdbmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkSid`bmidOoMYbUmWQkfQMYSYMmJuQkYbhoQkmYdbk$ROdmWQfidqYkYdbkdShoQkmYdb8fidWYLYmJkmJmQsWYMWWJkJ^iQJOvfomYbmdSdiMQmWQMd``dbkvkmQ`dSqJ^oQJOOQOmJuJbOJLd^YkWQOkfQMYSYMmJuQkdbmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkSid`bmidOoMYbUmWQkfQMYSYMmJuQkYbhoQkmYdbk$RmWQMd``dbkvkmQ`dSqJ^oQJOOQOmJuJbOJLd^YkWQOkfQMYSYMmJuQkdbmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkSid`bmidOoMYbUmWQkfQMYSYMmJuQkYbhoQkmYdbk$ROdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSmWQMdobMY^OYiDDD6`QJbsWY^QYmsJkYbSdiMQkmJmQkMdo^Obd^dbUQiYbmidOoMQOYiQMm^vhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbkdbfidOoMmkSid`kfJYb^Y\QSiQkWmJL^QUiJfQk$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$L^QUiJfQk$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$obMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$iJfQk$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$iJfQk$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$JL^QUiJfQk$`okmJim8dSMdobMY^OYiD@>>:JbODF<8HdbmduYMsJkmQ`QJbmWJmmWQ^QUJ^MdbMQfmdSsJkmQ`okmJ^kdMdqQimWYbUksWYMWmWQWd^OQiWJkOYkfdkQOdSsWYMWJiQMJfJL^QdSQMdbd`YMiQokQ$dSiQUk8HB:JbO@@B:`QJbmWJmmWQJ`dobmdSmWQmoibdqQmQhoJ^YxJmYdbmJuY`fdkQOdbmWQY`fdimdSfidMQkkQOfidOoMmkiQSQiiQOmdYbJim8OJbOmWQJbbQu`okmLQOQOoMmQOSid`mWQ^Qqv$%`okmJim8>JbODdSiQUk8HB:JbO@@B:`QJbmWJmmWQJ`dobmdSmWQmoibdqQmQhoJ^YxJmYdbmJuY`fdkQOdbmWQY`fdimdSfidMQkkQOfidOoMmkiQSQiiQOmdYbJim8OJbOmWQJbbQu`okmLQOQOoMmQOSid`mWQ^Qqv$%`okmJim8@:dSMdobMY^iQU8:6BD`QJbmWJmJqJiYJmYdbdSmWiQkWd^OfiYMQYbSdiMQYbmWQY`fdim`dbmWSid`mWQdbQYbSdiMQmWQOJvdSMQimYSYMJmQJff^YMJmYdbiQko^mkYbJbJO[okm`QbmdSmWQ^Qqv$ `okmJim8@:dSiQU8:6BDLQobOQikmddOmd`QJbmWJmYSUddOkJiQkmdiQOYbOQSQiiQO^QqvsJiQWdokQkmWQY`fdimJmYdb`okmLQiQUJiOQOSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmWYkfidqYkYdbJkQSSQMmQOdbmWQOJmQdSiQ`dqJ^$q`okmJim8@:dSiQU8:6BDLQobOQikmddOmd`QJbmWJmYSUddOkJiQkmdiQOYbOQSQiiQO^QqvsJiQWdokQkmWQY`fdimJmYdb`okmLQiQUJiOQOSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmWYkfidqYkYdbJkQSSQMmQOdbmWQOJmQdSiQ`dqJ^$q`okmJim8@>dSmWQBmWOYi`QJbYbUmWJmdb^vkoff^YQksWYMWMdYbMYOQsYmWSoQ^YbUJbOfidqYkYdbYbUMJbLQiQUJiOQOJkkoff^YQkdSUddOkSdimWQSoQ^^YbUJbOfidqYkYdbYbUdSmWQqQkkQ^kOQSYbQOsYmWYb$month of   #P @ƺpRjCThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.47/70Is the application to annul the implied decision of the Commission rejecting the applicants claim for payment of daily subsistence allowances admissible?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.29/70Should the Commission periodic report on the applicant for July 67 to June 69 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.70/69Should the Commission decision making Feram pay a sum under the equalization scheme of ferrous scrap be annulled and Feram awarded compensation?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.67/69Should the Commission decision requiring the Simet undertaking to pay sums concerning the equalization scheme for imported ferrous scrap be annulled and the applicant awarded compensation?%gg]]>>>><F=MBThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.48/70Should the European Parliaments 1970 decision to appoint Mrs. Dell Omodarme temporarily to occupy a post a translator be annulled.__UU::::8F=MBThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.48/70Should the Parliament decision rejection of the applicants claim to establish a new criteria governing the sending of officials on mission to EP meetings be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=This refers to the levy fixed in advance for the month of importation envisaged in the import licence.3This refers to the levy fixed in advance for the month of importation envisaged in the import licence.58/70Must "levy fixed in advance in Reg 473/67 refer to the levy fixed in advance applicable for the month of importation envisaged in the import licence or the levy fixed for the final month of validity of that license?~F=This refers to the rate of levy fixed for the expected month of importation.3This refers to the rate of levy fixed for the month of importation indicated by the holder of the import licence in his application.38/70Does the expression "levy fixed in advance" in Art 8 of Commission Reg 183/67 mean the levy fixed for the final month of the period of validity of the licence or the rate of levy fixed for the expected import month?ffffdF=o The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.38/70Is Council Reg 120/67 valid in so far as in the final paragraph of Art 12 it makes the issue of an import licence conditional on the lodging of a deposit that will be forfeited if importation is not within the valid period?A``VV77775F=This refers solely to chocolate ready for counsumption.3This refers solely to chocolate ready for counsumption.51/70Does the term "chocolate in bulk" in Art 1 of Reg 755/67 of the Council include only unfilled chocolate, ready for consumption or only semi-finished products of the chocolate industry?NQQQQOF=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.2/70Should the two Commission decisions fixing the applicants tonage of ferrous scrap assessable under the equalization scheme and fixing the amount owed by the applicant based on this be annulled?(ee]]>>>><F= [                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       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Pian(Augusta Claes (nee Agneesens) and others0August Topfer & Co. GmbH ,August KellerAugust Joseph van Eick August Josef van Eick Auditeur du TravailAuditeur du Travail_Asger Peterson4AschermannAsbl Bureau Belge des Assureurs Automobiles31Arturo Bellintani and others$ 1Arne BroeArmando Toledano Laredo and Mario Garilli1 Aristides Vlachos(Arend van de Poll KG Antoon HerpelsAntonio Marcato (Antonio MarcatoAntonio GiulianiAntonio Gigante$Antonio AnselmettiAnnibale CulinAnnemarie Kuhl!Anneliese Fiehn Anna Maria Campogrande and others) Anna Maria CampograndenAnna di Blasi Anklagemyndigheden $Anita Cristini7Angelo Tomadini, S.n.c. Angel AngelidisAndrew Armstrong Mulligan! 1Andree Anselme, nee Heirwegh, and Roger Constant8,Andr.DH   :? HHH HA !HHHHHHHH  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)@H8HHHH^vl@H(HH}Yq#YH}YYagreementpH8HXH HH4TM7@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo23(H HH H0H;agreement.[agreement (number)]H7agreement.[agreement (text)]HH}H}Ŷagreement HH HHHH HHP H H8H@HHHPHXHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHxHHx H H H 0H H Hz  HH H0}(H H H0 H H d H0 H H H H Hagreement HPrimaryKey HHv (HHHHHqHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHpHH HagreementPrimaryKeyH H(H@ H(HHHH`HHH H '̢RɖƪSùN}133/83Does "specialized" in Art 14a(3a) of Council Reg 543/69 apply to the characteristics of the particular vehicle alone, or to the activity of door-to-door selling alone, or a combination of both?FranceA vehicle is specialized only if its construction, equipment or other characteristics ensure that it will be used only for door-to-door selling.""""""" #|63/83Having regard to all the relevant provisions of Community law did the UK have the right after 12/31/82 to bring into force the Sea Fish Order 1982 to the extent that it prohibits only vessels registered in Denmark from fishing?CommissionA State may maintain such a prohibition.<!!!!!!! #{63/83Having regard to all the relevant provisions of Community law did the UK have the right after 12/31/82 to bring into force the Sea Fish Order 1982 to the extent that it prohibits only vessels registered in Denmark from fishing?DenmarkCommunity law does not give a State authorization to make such an order.Y!!!!!!! #z63/83Having regard to all the relevant provisions of Community law did the UK have the right after 12/31/82 to bring into force the Sea Fish Order 1982 to the extent that it prohibits only vessels registered in Denmark from fishing?NetherlandsCommunity law does not give a State authorization to make such an order.]!!!!!!! #y238/83Is the Caisse d Allocations Familiales entitled by Art 48 to demand repayment of the family allowances paid to the parents of a young Brit on the ground that he is pursuing studies in England and suspend the allowances?CommissionArticle 48 does not prevent such family allowances from being withdrawn.U """"""" #x77187/83Is Art 5(3b) of Commission Reg 2793/77 on rules of granting aid for skimmed milk use as feed for animals other than young calves valid in so far as a dairy is responsible for undertakings given by a farmer it cannot supervise?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.1""""""" #w77187/83Is Art 5(3b) of Commission Reg 2793/77 on rules of granting aid for skimmed milk use as feed for animals other than young calves valid in so far as a dairy is responsible for undertakings given by a farmer it cannot supervise?United KingdomThe regulation remains valid.5""""""" #v n180/83May a worker rely on Art 48 of the EEC Treaty when he has been refused employment based on the ground that he is a member of the German Communist Party?CommissionArticle 48 may not be relied on by a national who has never resided or worked in another State.)""""""" #u n180/83May a worker rely on Art 48 of the EEC Treaty when he has been refused employment based on the ground that he is a member of the German Communist Party?GermanyArticle 48 may not be relied on by a national who has never resided or worked in another State.&""""""" #t36/83Are the Recommendations of the High Authority of 1/28/59 and 10/30/62 compatible with Art 4a of the Treaty establishing the ECSC?CommissionThe recommendations remain valid.!!!!!!! #s36/83Are the Recommendations of the High Authority of 1/28/59 and 10/30/62 compatible with Art 4a of the Treaty establishing the ECSC?GermanyThe recommendations remain valid.!!!!!!! #3P -xWtɗSƲAWP Pearled barley refers to products satisfying the conditions laid down by the Explanatory Notes to heading 11.02 in the "Brussels Nomenclture".3Pearled barley refers to products satisfying the conditions laid down by the Explanatory Notes to heading 11.02 in the "Brussels Nomenclture".21/71What must be understood by the terms "hulled barley grains" and "pearled barley grains" appearing under heading 11.02 of the CCT?BB88F=aTurkey rumps must be referred to as edible offals under Art 3.2Turkey rumps must be referred to as edible offals under Art 3.40/69Are turkey rumps to be classified as backs or other poultry cuts within the meaning of Art 2 of Commission Reg 77 or are they edible offals within the meaning of Art 3?LXXXXVF=?@States do not have discretionary powers to issue binding tariff provisions but they may issue explanatory material to facilitate the internal work of their administrators.3States must eliminate obstacles to the application of the CCT, but cannot adopt internal measures affecting the scope of the regulation itself.40/69Do Art 1 or 14 of Council Reg 22 mean that States are entitled and required to specify more closely by means of national legal measures which goods are subject to the levy and to differentiate between them?0``VVF=obItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.38/69Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations concerning the imposition of customs duties on imports of unwrought lead, unwrought zinc and lead and zinc waste and scrap?'~~ttFFFFDF=$The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.31/69Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not paying promptly to exporters the refunds on products coming under the common organizations of the marktet established after 7/1/67?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.13/69Should the applicant receive compensation from damages suffered by being fired?gg]]>>>><F=seThe decision should be annulled.3The application should be dismissed.13/69Should the Commission decision to remove the appplicant from his post be annulled?jj``::::8F=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.17/71Should the Commissions implied rejection of the applicants request to be reclassified in Category B with retroactive effect from 1/1/63 be annulled?ff\\::::8F=France has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.7/71Has France failed to fulfill its obligations under the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community by refusing to apply the provisions of Title 2, Chap VI of the Treaty?6~~vvGGGGEF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.5/71Should the applicant receive compensation for damages caused by Reg 769/68 of the Council laying down the measures needed to offset the difference between national sugar prices and valid prices from 7/1/68?5ee]]>>>><F=vлThis regulation has not affected the legal effects of this institution under Article 23 of the German Zollgesetz.3This regulation has not affected the legal effects of this institution under Article 23 of the German Zollgesetz.30/71Since the entry into force of Reg 950/68 are the Oberfinanzdirektionen still empowered to issue binding custom tariff notices under Art 23 of the German Zollgesetz?F= LVALhDh6X ? 666X 6[ !66666666  d (number) coder! (text)(6 666 6N!a @66 6@ 6@ coder066 6 66io)7@W~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList446 66 66-[coder].[name (number)]6)[coder].[name (text)]66@ 6@ coder 66 6666 6p6 6 686@6H6P6X6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666x66H 6 6 6 H6 6 6z  6`6 66p 6 6 6p 6 d 60x 6 6p 6 6 6 coder 6PrimaryKey 66v 6666p6pq6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6p6P6 6`6866X 6coderPrimaryKey6X 66 666p6`6(6`66 6 xsʰ5Ȯ2ŪeM618/72Is a product that is "bran, sharps, and other residues derived from the sifting, milling or working of cereals" classified under heading 23.02 of the CCT?CommissionSuch a product should be under the heading 23.02.!!!!!!! #18/72Is a product that is "bran, sharps, and other residues derived from the sifting, milling or working of cereals" classified under heading 23.02 of the CCT?NetherlandsSuch a product should be under the heading 23.02.!!!!!!! #16/72For the purposes of acquiring a right to social security benefits, are social security organizations in States bound to take into account affiliation periods completed in 3rd countries?CommissionMember States are not obliged to take into account such periods.*!!!!!!! #16/72Are Articles 26 and 27 of Reg 3 applicable by analogy to a legal provision which does not concern social security benefits but an obbligation which is imposed without taking account of the period of affiliation?CommissionThe aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 27 and 26 of Reg 3.m!!!!!!! #16/72Are Articles 26 and 27 of Reg 3 applicable by analogy to a legal provision which does not concern social security benefits but an obbligation which is imposed without taking account of the period of affiliation?ItalyThe aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 16 of Reg 3.a!!!!!!! #15/72Are Articles 26 and 27 of Reg 3 applicable by analogy to a legal provision which does not concern social security benefits but an obligation which is imposed without taking account of the period of affiliation?CommissionThe aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 26 and 27 of Reg 3.l!!!!!!! #15/72Are Articles 26 and 27 of Reg 3 applicable by analogy to a legal provision which does not concern social security benefits but an obligation which is imposed without taking account of the period of affiliation?ItalyThe aggregation of affiliation periods completed in various States is governed by Art 16 of Reg 3.`!!!!!!! #14/72Do the advantages provided for by the German law in question fall within the social security benefits listed in Art 2(1) of Regulation 3?ItalyThese avantages fall under "sickness benefits" in the provision.!!!!!!! #14/72Do the advantages provided for by the German law in question fall within the social security benefits listed in Art 2(1) of Regulation 3?CommissionThese avantages fall under "sickness benefits" in the provision.!!!!!!! #e 27/72Does Art 4(3) of Commission Reg 1403/69 mean that the plaintiff could denature in one day less than 40 tons of cereals or that did this regulation intend to determine the minimum amount of cereals denatured daily?CommissionThis provision was intended to define the duration of the process as well as the minimum quantity of cereals to be denatured.!!!!!!! #xi17/72Is the decision of the Commission fixing at FF 508.86 per tonne the free-at-frontier price on 1/28/66 on 1/28/66 for French maize imported into Germany valid?CommissionThe decision remains valid.!!!!!!! #20/72Does Art 19(2) of Council Reg 19 mean that where the exporting State grants refunds, the importing State is under a duty to apply levies on the importer immediately or merely at a date it may determine?CommissionThe Member State must do so immediately and the duty is binding upon individuals without additional announcements.m!!!!!!! # "ˎʥȻƪS>45/72Since labor courts and tribunals indisputably form part of the judiciary, may labor courts still be considered as an institution charged with the administration of social security with regard to application language?ItalyArticle 45(4) of Reg 3 of the Council on social security for migrant workers refers to all national courts having jurisdiction in social security matters.!!!!!!! #44/72Must Art 48 of the EEC Treaty and Art 7 of Council Reg 1612/68 mean that they refer to special protection for certain persons against dismissal when their salary is cut dramatically following an accident?CommissionThese provisions also refer to special protection against dismissal.A!!!!!!! #44/72Must Art 48 of the EEC Treaty and Art 7 of Council Reg 1612/68 mean that they refer to special protection for certain persons against dismissal when their salary is cut dramatically following an accident?ItalyThese provisions also refer to special protection against dismissal.<!!!!!!! #44/72Must Art 48 of the EEC Treaty and Art 7 of Council Reg 1612/68 mean that they refer to special protection for certain persons against dismissal when their salary is cut dramatically following an accident?GermanyThese provisions also refer to special protection against dismissal.>!!!!!!! #21/72Are Reg 459/70, 565/70 and 686/70 invalid as being contrary to Art XI of GATT?CommissionSuch regulations remain valid.}q!!!!!!! #21/72Does the validity of measures adopted by the institutions of the Community, which is one of the matters dealt with in Art 177, also cover the validity of these measures under an international law other than Communtiy law?NetherlandsThe validity of institution measures may be judged with reference to a provision of international law when that provision binds the Community and is capable of confering rights on individuals. !!!!!!! #21/72Does the validity of measures adopted by the institutions of the Community, which is one of the matters dealt with in Art 177, also cover the validity of these measures under an international law other than Communtiy law?CommissionThe validity of institution measures may be judged with reference to a provision of international law when that provision binds the Community and is capable of confering rights on individuals. !!!!!!! #32/72Is proof that the application is justified or the fact that the delay is not the fault of the applicant sufficient to justify their admission for carry-over payments submitted after the time limits?CommissionSuch proof is not sufficient to justify late applications.1!!!!!!! #32/72Is the time-limit laid down in the Art 3 of Commission Reg 602/68 where an applicant must make the application not later than 8/5/68, an absolute limitation period the non-observance of which entails loss of right?CommissionThis is an absolute limitation period.-!!!!!!! #18/72Does any rule or regulation of Community law provide for the possibility that a State may make use of a provision for the granting of exemption from an obligation to pay the levy in Art 14 of Reg 120/67 on an 23.02 product?ItalyMember States are not completely prevented from doing so, but it must be in rare circumstances.j !!!!!!! #18/72Does any rule or regulation of Community law provide for the possibility that a State may make use of a provision for the granting of exemption from an obligation to pay the levy in Art 14 of Reg 120/67 on an 23.02 product?CommissionNo rule or regulation allows a State to do so.>!!!!!!! # B̀;xƎšó9 a39/70May a national customs authority require that an importer who seeks the benefit of this system be trustworthy in the discretionary judgment of the authority, as required in German law?GermanyA condition making such a subjective assessment on the part of the national authority is compatible with Community rules._!!!!!!! #39/70Do the regulations in question lay down all the formal requirements which must be satisfied in order that the total suspension of the import levy referred to in Art 14 of Reg 805/68 may be granted?CommissionThe Community regulations in question are binding and must be followed above national law.P!!!!!!! #39/70Do the regulations in question lay down all the formal requirements which must be satisfied in order that the total suspension of the import levy referred to in Art 14 of Reg 805/68 may be granted?GermanyThe Community regulations in question are not binding and do not have to be followed above national law in all cases.h!!!!!!! #37/70Are the Commission Decisions 69/375, 69/377,69/392 and 69/410 invalid in that they authorize the levying of a countervailing charge?CommissionThe regulations remain valid.!!!!!!! #37/70Are the Commission Decisions 69/375, 69/377,69/392 and 69/410 invalid in that they authorize the levying of a countervailing charge?GermanyThe regulations remain valid.!!!!!!! #38/72Do Council Regs 19/62 and 55/62 mean that a mixture of common wheat and barley or of wheat, barley oats and maize is sufficient to constitute an animal food preparation within the meaning of those provisions?CommissionThese provisions are concerned exclusively with cereal-based animal food specifically intended for use as forage, provided that they are not fit for human consumption.!!!!!!! #nt29/72Must a pecuniary charge imposed by Italy for the sanitary inspection of imported cattle be considered as a charge equvialent to a customs duty despite goods in Italy also being subject to the charge?CommissionSuch charges are considered equivalent to customs duties if they involve special criteria that are not comparable to that of domestic products.!!!!!!! #nt29/72Must a pecuniary charge imposed by Italy for the sanitary inspection of imported cattle be considered as a charge equvialent to a customs duty despite goods in Italy also being subject to the charge?NetherlandsSuch charges are considered equivalent to customs duties if they involve special criteria that are not comparable to that of domestic products.!!!!!!! #nt29/72Must a pecuniary charge imposed by Italy for the sanitary inspection of imported cattle be considered as a charge equvialent to a customs duty despite goods in Italy also being subject to the charge?ItalySuch charges are considered equivalent to customs duties if they involve special criteria that are not comparable to that of domestic products.!!!!!!! #52/72With regard to the time-limit in Commission Reg 963/69, is this an absolute limitation period, in which non-observance always leads to the loss of right to the carry-over payment?CommissionThis is an absolute limitation period. !!!!!!! #45/72Since labor courts and tribunals indisputably form part of the judiciary, may labor courts still be considered as an institution charged with the administration of social security with regard to application language?CommissionArticle 45(4) of Reg 3 of the Council on social security for migrant workers refers to all national courts having jurisdiction in social security matters.!!!!!!! #b y0ʏ0Ţ:N30/71Since the entry into force of Reg 950/68 are the Oberfinanzdirektionen still empowered to issue binding custom tariff notices under Art 23 of the German Zollgesetz?GermanyThis regulation has not affected the legal effects of this institution under Article 23 of the German Zollgesetz.C!!!!!!! #30/71Does it make any difference for the classification of a product described as "diet-mayonnaise" under heading 21.04 of the CCT whether the product has been manufactured by butter, fat or oil?GermanySuch products manufactured in the way described cannot fall under this heading.;!!!!!!! #30/71Does it make any difference for the classification of a product described as "diet-mayonnaise" under heading 21.04 of the CCT whether the product has been manufactured by butter, fat or oil?CommissionThe classification of the product is not effecting by its being manufactured by such products.M!!!!!!! #18/71Does the provision in Art 16 of the Treaty of Rome constitute a legal rule which is immediately applicable and which has produced direct effects within Italy as from 1/1/62?CommissionThis provision has produced direct effects from this date.!!!!!!! #14/71Must "kibbled millet grain" mean that it covers a product consisting mostly in unworked fragments of grains similar to kibbled sorghum and have many lumps even when some elements have been removed?CommissionSuch a product described in question 1 is considered kibbled millet grain.@!!!!!!! #13/71Must "maize groats" in Art 1 of Reg 19/62 mean that products are such when they consist in floury fragments derived from rough grinding of hulled maize grains from which the germ is removed and granules are coarse?CommissionMaize groats are such a product as described in the question.D!!!!!!! #12/71Must "kibbled maize grain" in Art 1 of Council Reg 19/62 mean that this is such a product when starch has been extracted from it and it contains 60%ish starch against 11ish% moisture and fat is 3ish%?CommissionSuch a product must contain the essential constituents of maize in normal proportions and may have small amounts of starch extracted from it.!!!!!!! #3/71May Art 2 of Reg 865/68 mean that when the sugar content established by refractometry exceeds 9% by wieght it is necessary to consider this "added sugar", or sugar actually have been added?CommissionIf the sugar exceeds 9%, it must be regarded to have added sugar..  #si80/70Does the retirement pension granted under the terms of the social security financed by contributions from workers, employers and by State subsidy, constitute a consideration which the worker receives indirectly?CommissionThis pension does not constitute consideration which the worker receives indirectly from his employer.j!!!!!!! #si80/70Does the retirement pension granted under the terms of the social security financed by contributions from workers, employers and by State subsidy, constitute a consideration which the worker receives indirectly?BelgiumThis pension does not constitute consideration which the worker receives indirectly from his employer.g!!!!!!! #76/70Does it follow from the 2nd sentence of Art 3 of Commission Reg 19/62 that the Commission could give its assent to an erroneous method of calculating the threshold price and hence rectify this defect?CommissionThe Commission may not validate such conduct errors that the national authorities may commit on this matter.e!!!!!!! #4 ɷ\Ŧ'ÛXN77/71Does it make any difference for the classification of "diet mayonnaise" under heading 21.04 of the CCT whether the product has been manufactured using butter, butteroil, or fats?GermanyMayonnaise with more than 50% milk fat cannot be classified under 21.04.(!!!!!!! #it51/71Must the words "quantitative restrictions on imports together with all measures having equivalent effect" apply also to legal rules of States prohibiting imports and exports without license, but are not applied due to exemptions?CommissionSuch national rules are compatible with the general scheme of the regulation in most cases.q!!!!!!! #it51/71Must the words "quantitative restrictions on imports together with all measures having equivalent effect" apply also to legal rules of States prohibiting imports and exports without license, but are not applied due to exemptions?NetherlandsSuch national rules are compatible with the general scheme of the regulation.d!!!!!!! #51/71Does the fact that the Treaty and regulations give imposing obligations on the States with regard to implementation imply States can only pass power to authorities by means of an express provision?CommissionMember States may do so by other means than express provisions.6!!!!!!! #51/71Does the fact that the Treaty and regulations give imposing obligations on the States with regard to implementation imply States can only pass power to authorities by means of an express provision?NetherlandsMember States may decide for themselves how to apply the provisions of the Treaty.J!!!!!!! #21/71What must be understood by the terms "hulled barley grains" and "pearled barley grains" appearing under heading 11.02 of the CCT?CommissionPearled barley refers to products satisfying the conditions laid down by the Explanatory Notes to heading 11.02 in the "Brussels Nomenclture".@!!!!!!! #ed40/69Are turkey rumps to be classified as backs or other poultry cuts within the meaning of Art 2 of Commission Reg 77 or are they edible offals within the meaning of Art 3?CommissionTurkey rumps must be referred to as edible offals under Art 3.!!!!!!! #ed40/69Are turkey rumps to be classified as backs or other poultry cuts within the meaning of Art 2 of Commission Reg 77 or are they edible offals within the meaning of Art 3?GermanyTurkey rumps must be referred to as edible offals under Art 3.!!!!!!! #40/69Do Art 1 or 14 of Council Reg 22 mean that States are entitled and required to specify more closely by means of national legal measures which goods are subject to the levy and to differentiate between them?CommissionStates do not have discretionary powers to issue binding tariff provisions but they may issue explanatory material to facilitate the internal work of their administrators.!!!!!!! #40/69Do Art 1 or 14 of Council Reg 22 mean that States are entitled and required to specify more closely by means of national legal measures which goods are subject to the levy and to differentiate between them?GermanyStates do not have discretionary powers to issue binding tariff provisions but they may issue explanatory material to facilitate the internal work of their administrators.!!!!!!! #30/71Since the entry into force of Reg 950/68 are the Oberfinanzdirektionen still empowered to issue binding custom tariff notices under Art 23 of the German Zollgesetz?CommissionThis regulation has not affected the legal effects of this institution under Article 23 of the German Zollgesetz.F!!!!!!! # 8F:DF 8F:DF 8F:DF 8F:DF 8F:DF 8HFFB8HFFB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:FB:FB:::FB:::FB:::FB:::FB::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::>F:::FF:k::FF:k::FF:kFF:kFF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:kFF:kFF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:kFF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:kFF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:kFF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:kFF:kFF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k::FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k:FF:k~:B:FF~ :B:FF~ :B@FHG:B@FHG:BHFH:DD63:DD63:DD63:DD8p:DD::DD>s:DD>s:DD@:DDD:DDF:DDF:DDF:DFHL:DFHL:DFHL:DFHL:FD63:FD8p:FD@ :FDB:FDB:FDD:FDD:FF<k:FF<k:F@FH:F@FH:HD: :HD: :HD: :HDB :HDB :HDB:HDD :H<FFa :H<FFa :H>F: :H>F::H@F::H@F::H@F::H@FFg:H@FFg:H@FFg:H@FFg<D60 <D60 <D61<D61<D8 <D<^ <D<^ <D<<DB<DB<DB<DB <DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<DF<6D64 <6D64 <6D8 <6D8 <6D8 <6D8 <6D@<6D@<6DD <6DD<6DD<6DD<6DD<6DD<6FHP lΉ%Ȃ#@The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.24/69Should the Commission decisions to appoint the applicant to a post in Grade A5 and to reject the applicants complaint based on Art 90 of the staff Regulations be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=7An agreement which is exempt from notification and which has not been notified is fully effective for so long as it has not been found void.3An agreement which is exempt from notification and which has not been notified is fully effective for so long as it has not been found void.43/69Is an agreement which is exempt from the notification in question provisionally valid?>>44F=This contract does not relate either to imports or to exports between States within this provision and is exempot from notification.3This contract does not relate either to imports or to exports between States within this provision and is exempot from notification.43/69Does a contract for the supply of beer concluded before 3/13/62 between 2 undetakings within a State relate to imports or to exports between States within Art 4 of Council Reg 4(2(1) with the clause in question?..$$F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.7/69Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by applying a system of turnover tax which places a heavier burden on skin wool and carded or combed wool imported from other States than on domestic products?:mmeeFFFFDF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.33/69Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by its failure to prepare a viticultural land register within the period fixed by Art 1 of Reg 24 of the Council?~~ttFFFFDF=This regulation has not altered the effect of the German law.3This regulation has not altered the effect of the German law.77/71Has the entry into force of Council Reg 950/68 affected the legal effects of verbindliche Zolltarifauskunfte issued under Art 23 of the German Zollgesetz?<WWWWUF= Such goods cannot be classified under 21.04 if manufacturing them in such a way impairs its direct suitability for improving the flavour of certain goods.3Such goods cannot be classified under 21.04 if manufacturing them in such a way impairs its direct suitability for improving the flavour of certain goods. It is up to the national courts to decide this.77/71Does it make any difference for the classification of "diet mayonnaise" under heading 21.04 of the CCT whether the product has been manufactured using butter, butteroil, or fats??F= These words do not apply to such national provisions when express provisions are made for exemption.3Such national rules are compatible with the general scheme of the regulation.51/71Must the words "quantitative restrictions on imports together with all measures having equivalent effect" apply also to legal rules of States prohibiting imports and exports without license, but are not applied due to exemptions?~~~~|F= States cannot only do so through express provisions.2This question is solely a matter for the constitutional system of each State.51/71Does the fact that the Treaty and regulations give imposing obligations on the States with regard to implementation imply States can only pass power to authorities by means of an express provision?oNNNNLF= LVALN   O ,  o R  N:tO*|V4l;vJ)h0D!Isabelle Lancray SA .Ireland1Ireks-Arkady GmbHInterzuccheri S.p.A.Interquell Starke-Chemie GmbH & Co. KG and Diamalt AG="Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH.International Fruit Company NV, Kooy Rotterdam NV, Velleman en Tas NV and Jan Van den Brinks Im-en El International Fruit Company NV and Others1Interfood GmbHInterfacultair Instituut Electronenmicroscopie of the University of GroningenU 7Intercontinentale Fleischhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGA .Instituto Chemioterapico Italiano SpA and Commercial Solvents CorporationQ0Institut National d Assurance Maladie-Invalidite and Union Nationale des Federations Mutualistes Neul_Industriemetall LUMA GmbH!jIndustrie Tessili Italiana Como'4Industrie Riunite Odolesi SpA%Industrial Diamond Supplies#jIndustria Romana Carni e Affini S.p.A.. Industria Gomma Articoli Vari%3Impresa Construzioni Comm. Quirino Mazzalai33Importazione Bestiame Carni s.r.l.**Import Standard Office _Import Gadgets, S.a.r.l. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.)IFG Intercontinentale Fleischhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGEIbrahim Buhari HajiIannelli & Volpi S.p.A.I. Schroeder KGHydrotherm Geratebau GmbH!Hugo Mathes & Schuff KG1Hugin Kassaregister A.D  :?  A !  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)PH {z9T}@(m|#m|agreementPp8 4TM7@I~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo61(  H?[agreement].[agreement (number)];[agreement].[agreement (text)]m|m|agreement   h  8@HPXx  8  08  z   o|(  H   d 0    8 agreement PrimaryKey( v @(q agreementPrimaryKey @X @x8 P zYfp'}æThese provisions also refer to special protection against dismissal.3These provisions also refer to special protection against dismissal.44/72Must Art 48 of the EEC Treaty and Art 7 of Council Reg 1612/68 mean that they refer to special protection for certain persons against dismissal when their salary is cut dramatically following an accident?|^^^^\F=Such regulations remain valid.3Such regulations remain valid.21/72Are Reg 459/70, 565/70 and 686/70 invalid as being contrary to Art XI of GATT?bbXX88886F== зThe validity of institution measures may be judged with reference to a provision of international law when that provision binds the Community and is capable of confering rights on individuals.3The validity of institution measures may be judged with reference to a provision of international law when that provision binds the Community and is capable of confering rights on individuals.21/72Does the validity of measures adopted by the institutions of the Community, which is one of the matters dealt with in Art 177, also cover the validity of these measures under an international law other than Communtiy law?F=The decision should be annulled and the applicant paid.3The application is dismissed.18/70Should the implied decision of the Council rejecting the compaint of the applicant and the application for the lump sum payable on the death of an official be annulled?$zzppQQQQOF=Such proof is not sufficient to justify late applications.3Such proof is not sufficient to justify late applications.32/72Is proof that the application is justified or the fact that the delay is not the fault of the applicant sufficient to justify their admission for carry-over payments submitted after the time limits?bTTTTRF=] This is an absolute limitation period.3This is an absolute limitation period.32/72Is the time-limit laid down in the Art 3 of Commission Reg 602/68 where an applicant must make the application not later than 8/5/68, an absolute limitation period the non-observance of which entails loss of right?Jrrhh@@@@>F=No rule or regulation allows a State to do so.3No rule or regulation allows a State to do so.18/72Does any rule or regulation of Community law provide for the possibility that a State may make use of a provision for the granting of exemption from an obligation to pay the levy in Art 14 of Reg 120/67 on an 23.02 product?cxxHHHHFF=Such a product should be under the heading 23.02.3Heading 23.02 makes no distinction regarding the process employed, only 23.04 does.18/72Is a product that is "bran, sharps, and other residues derived from the sifting, milling or working of cereals" classified under heading 23.02 of the CCT?FKKKKIF=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.19/72Is the application seeking to annul a decision of the Commission refusing the applicant 4 months salary by way of resettlement allowance admissible?ff\\::::8F=Member States are not obliged to take into account such periods.3Member States are not obliged to take into account such periods.16/72For the purposes of acquiring a right to social security benefits, are social security organizations in States bound to take into account affiliation periods completed in 3rd countries?aZZZZXF=P [c1ɼƀuį°A condition making such a subjective assessment on the part of the national authority is not compatible with Community rules.3A condition making such a subjective assessment on the part of the national authority is not compatible with Community rules.39/70May a national customs authority require that an importer who seeks the benefit of this system be trustworthy in the discretionary judgment of the authority, as required in German law?  F=stThe Community regulations in question are binding and must be followed above national law.3The Community regulations in question are binding and must be followed above national law.39/70Do the regulations in question lay down all the formal requirements which must be satisfied in order that the total suspension of the import levy referred to in Art 14 of Reg 805/68 may be granted?ttttrF=The regulations remain valid.3The regulations remain valid.37/70Are the Commission Decisions 69/375, 69/377,69/392 and 69/410 invalid in that they authorize the levying of a countervailing charge?``VV77775F=The decisions should be annulled.3The decision are annulled.21/70Should the Commission decision of 10/1/69 appointing Mr. Lenoch to a post of reviser and the decision rejecting the complaint of the applicant against this appointment be annulled?aaWW;;;;9F=Account must be taken of the essential components of a mixture of cereals, as cereals other than common wheat must be present in a quantity judged sufficient by national courts.2These provisions are concerned exclusively with cereal-based animal food specifically intended for use as forage, provided that they are not fit for human consumption.38/72Do Council Regs 19/62 and 55/62 mean that a mixture of common wheat and barley or of wheat, barley oats and maize is sufficient to constitute an animal food preparation within the meaning of those provisions?P~~ttF=Such charges are considered equivalent to customs duties if they involve special criteria that are not comparable to that of domestic products.3Such charges are considered equivalent to customs duties if they involve special criteria that are not comparable to that of domestic products.29/72Must a pecuniary charge imposed by Italy for the sanitary inspection of imported cattle be considered as a charge equvialent to a customs duty despite goods in Italy also being subject to the charge? DD::F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.7/72Should the Commission decision of 11/25/71 fining the applicant be ammended, or in the alternative annulled?ee]]>>>><F=This is an absolute limitation period.3This is an absolute limitation period.52/72With regard to the time-limit in Commission Reg 963/69, is this an absolute limitation period, in which non-observance always leads to the loss of right to the carry-over payment?'rrhh@@@@>F=f {Article 45(4) of Reg 3 of the Council on social security for migrant workers refers to all national courts having jurisdiction in social security matters.3Article 45(4) of Reg 3 of the Council on social security for migrant workers refers to all national courts having jurisdiction in social security matters.45/72Since labor courts and tribunals indisputably form part of the judiciary, may labor courts still be considered as an institution charged with the administration of social security with regard to application language?4ZZPPF=HP ΕO$0P3bulThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.41/70Should the Commission decisions refusing to issue import licences for dessert apples coming from 3rd countries be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The Commission may not validate such conduct errors that the national authorities may commit on this matter.3The Commission may not validate such conduct errors that the national authorities may commit on this matter.76/70Does it follow from the 2nd sentence of Art 3 of Commission Reg 19/62 that the Commission could give its assent to an erroneous method of calculating the threshold price and hence rectify this defect?F=An amount equal to the turnover equalization tax should be deducted from the threshold price.3An amount equal to the turnover equalization tax should be deducted from the threshold price.76/70Must Art 2 and 4 of Council Reg 19/1962 mean that in calculating the levy there should be deducted from the threshold price an amount equal to the turnover equalization tax levied in respect of imports?wwwwuF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.55/70Should the Commission decision by which Mr. Dousset was appointed to the post of Director in the Directorate-General for Transport be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.52/70Should the Commission decision to dismiss the applicant from his post be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The agreement may be exempted if it fulfills the conditions of Articles 1 and 3 of the said regulation.3The agreement may be exempted if it fulfills the conditions of Articles 1 and 3 of the said regulation.1/71If such an agreement in question 1 is prohibited, does the fact that it has not been notified to the Commission prevent it from benefiting from 67/67 where Art 85 prohibition is inapplicable to some agreements?F=Such an agreement may escape the prohibition if the persons have a weak position in the market in the products covered by that protection.3Such an agreement may escape the prohibition when it does not create absolute territorial protection.1/71Does an exclusive sales agreement entered into between 2 undertakings in different States and relating to transactions to be carried out within the Common Market always come within prohibitions of Art 85(1)?  F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.4/69Should the Commission pay the applicant damages for neglecting to ensure that the turnover equalization tax in Germany in respect to milk powder was abolished?ee]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.54/70Should the Commissions implied decision refusing to take account of the applicants period of service on the auxillary staff in calculating his years of pensionable service be annulled?!gg]]>>>><F="PThe competition and appointment should be annulled.3The competition and appointment is annulled.76/69Should the Internal Competition COM/75 and the appointment of Mr. Peters following that competition be annulled?{{MMMMKF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.22/70Should the Council proceedings relating to the negotiation by the States of the European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transports be annulled?*gg]]>>>><F=9P ̯ˑS/żľÚ]NThe application should be dismissed as inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.2/71Should the Commission decision of rejection of 11/6/70 and the statement of accounts for the European Social Fund for 1969 on which it is founded be annulled?xxppNNNNLF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.59/70Should the implied refusal of the Commission to take a reasoned decision within Art 88 of the ECSC Treaty as requested by the Netherlands be annulled?gg]]>>>><F='aThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.19/70Should the Commission decisions making provisional appointments and retiring Mr. Almini to a different post be annulled?__UU::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.57/70Should the Commission decision to refuse the applicants request to restore his right to be heard under Art 7 of Annex IX be annulled and the applicant compensated? gg]]>>>><F='hThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.53/70Should the application to annul the Commission rejection of the application to compensate Mr. Vinck for damages arising from irregular development of his career be ruled admissible?ff\\::::8F=Only products with added sugar can be classified as such, but if the sugar exceeds 9%, the importer must prove it contains only natural sugar.3Only products with added sugar can be classified as such, but if the sugar exceeds 9%, the importer must prove it contains only natural sugar.3/71May Art 2 of Reg 865/68 mean that when the sugar content established by refractometry exceeds 9% by wieght it is necessary to consider this "added sugar", or sugar actually have been added?@@88F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.77/70Should the Commission decision rejecting the application made by the applicant and request for classification of the applicant in Grade A3 or monetary compensation be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.63/70Should the applicant receive compensation from the Commission for losses which have been suffered because of the revaluation of the Deutschmark?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.61/70Should the Commission decision appointing Mr. Angelino as Italian language editor and relieving the applicant of his duties be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.45/70Should the decisions rejecting the application for the post which was the subject of Vacancy Notice COM/603, appointing Mr. Heinrich to that post, and rejecting the applicants complaint be annulled?*bbXX;;;;9F=!~This pension does not constitute consideration which the worker receives indirectly from his employer.3This pension does not constitute consideration which the worker receives indirectly from his employer.80/70Does the retirement pension granted under the terms of the social security financed by contributions from workers, employers and by State subsidy, constitute a consideration which the worker receives indirectly?~F=P Z+ˎDŽïNThe classification of the product is not effecting by its being manufactured by such products.3The product cannot be under this heading if the butter, fat or oil impairs its direct suitablility for improving the flavour of certain foods. The national court should decide this.30/71Does it make any difference for the classification of a product described as "diet-mayonnaise" under heading 21.04 of the CCT whether the product has been manufactured by butter, fat or oil?::00xxxxvF='/The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.62/70Should the Commission Decision 70/446 authorizing Germany to exclude from Community treatment prepared and preserved mushrooms under heading 20.02 of the CCT originating in China within Benelux?#__UU::::8F=This provision has produced direct effects from this date.3This provision has produced direct effects from this date.18/71Does the provision in Art 16 of the Treaty of Rome constitute a legal rule which is immediately applicable and which has produced direct effects within Italy as from 1/1/62?ITTTTRF=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.15/71Is the application seeking to find that the Commission failed to complete its decision of 7/17/62 establishing methods of administrative cooperation for agricultural levies by allowing States to levy Algerian goods??ff\\::::8F=Such a product described in question 1 is considered kibbled millet grain.3Such a product described in question 1 is considered kibbled millet grain.14/71Must "kibbled millet grain" mean that it covers a product consisting mostly in unworked fragments of grains similar to kibbled sorghum and have many lumps even when some elements have been removed?ddddbF=Maize groats are such a product as described in the question.3Maize groats are such a product as described in the question.13/71Must "maize groats" in Art 1 of Reg 19/62 mean that products are such when they consist in floury fragments derived from rough grinding of hulled maize grains from which the germ is removed and granules are coarse?xWWWWUF=Such a product must contain the essential constituents of maize in normal proportions and may have small amounts of starch extracted from it.3Such a product must contain the essential constituents of maize in normal proportions and may have small amounts of starch extracted from it.12/71Must "kibbled maize grain" in Art 1 of Council Reg 19/62 mean that this is such a product when starch has been extracted from it and it contains 60%ish starch against 11ish% moisture and fat is 3ish%? @@66F=FGThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.8/71Has the Commission failed in its duty to hear the applicant in its capacity as a legal person having a sufficient interest in the proceedings under Art 85 and 86 against the defendant?dd\\::::8F=AThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.79/70Should the decision of the Secretary-General of the defendant Committee to reject the applicants request for reimbursement by waqy of education allowance for expenditure on private car travel to school be annulled?>ff\\::::8F=rP NɗN0 }seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.46/69Should the Commission decision to appoint Mr. Reinarz to Principal Adviser be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application is inadmissible.3The decision should be annulled and the applicant compensated.39/69Should the decision of the Director General for Personnel and Administration refusing financial compensation for 47 days leave for the applicant be annulled?#zz::::8F=ozeThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.18/69Should the the implied decision of the Commission rejecting the applicants request to be established as an official in Grade A4 be annulled and the applicant established in that grade? ff\\::::8F=Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations.77/69Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 95 of the Treaty in respect of the flat-rate transference duties put on wood?zzppDDDDBF=m The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.65/69Should the Commission measure to fix the subsidy of common wheat and meslin be annulled?ff\\::::8F=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.64/69Should Art 2(1a) of Commission Reg 1660/69 be annulled along with Art 3 of this regulation in so far as it fixes the date of entry into force of this regulation as 8/25/69?ff\\::::8F='fThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.63/69Should the Commission measure to fix the compensatory amount for wheat or flour in the annex for which the provision is made by Reg 1670/69 be annulled along with Art 6 of this regulation?$ff\\::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.28/69Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by granting on exports of various national goods a refund of the exise duty in excess of the sum actually paid?gg]]>>>><F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.28/69Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 95 and 96 by imposing an exise duty on goods exceeding that imposed on similar domestic products?~~ttFFFFDF=The pensions are to be reviewed at the request of the person concerned and it operates retroactively from 1/1/64 or the date of the request, without prejudice to any national provisions.2The pensions are to be reviewed at the request of the person concerned and it operates retroactively from 1/1/64 or the date of the request, without prejudice to any national provisions.68/69If question 1 is answered yes, are these pensions to be reviewed automatically or only at the request of the person concerned and from what date?-F=siThis procedure does apply to pensions before 1/1/64.3This procedure does apply to pensions before 1/1/64.68/69Does the procedure adopted by Art 5 of Reg 130/63 also apply to pensions within the meaning of Reg 3 paid in respect of risks which materialized before this amendment entered into force (1/1/64)?SNNNNLF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.42/69Should the Commission measure concerning the payment of the severance grant to which the applicant is entitled under Art 12 of Annex 8 to the Staff Regulstions be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=P u^Kʾ'DXĻseCThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.45/69Should the Commission decision relating to proceedings under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=BThe fine should be reduced by 20%.3The fine should be reduced to 55000 units of account.44/69Should the fine imposed on the appplicant by this decision be reduced or removed?}}ss<<<<:F=AThe application should be dismissed.3So much of Art 1 of the decision as records that the applicant applied the clauses of the gentlemens agreement of 4/9/60 on the system of quotas and the fixing of prices for the export of quinine and quinidine is annulled.44/69Should any part of the Commmission decision of 7/16/69 be amended or annulled?x((>>>><F=@The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.44/69Should the Commission decision relating to proceedings under Art 85 of the Treaty be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=wG?The fine should be reduced by 20%.3The fine should be reduced to 200000units of account.41/69Should the fine imposed on the applicant be removed or reduced?}}ss<<<<:F=wG>The application should be dismissed.3So much of Art 1 of the decision as records that the applicant applied the clauses of the gentlemens agreement of 4/9/60 on the system of quotas and the fixing of prices for the export of quinine and quinidine is annulled.41/69Should any part of the Commission decision of 7/16/69 be amended or annulled?w((>>>><F=wG=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.41/69Should the Commission decision of 9/16/69 relating to proceedings under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=<The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.60/69Should the implied decisions of the Commission rejecting the requests for the grant compensation for the separation allowance be annulled, follwed by that grant be awarded and compensation given for damages?8gg]]>>>><F='e;There is no reason to rule on Case 59/69.3The decision should be annulled.59/69Should the Commission decision to refuse to classify the applicant on his promotion in the 5th step of Grade A4 without any seniority in step be annulled? ooeeCCCCAF=:The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.35/69Should the Commission decision to promote Miss Borsa be annulled and the applicant awarded the allowance he claims to be entitled to?gg]]>>>><F=se9The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.32/69Should the Commission decision refusing the applicant compensation for the annual leave not used up when he left the service be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=8France has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.26/69Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by exempting from payment of the levy imports of olive oil originating in and coming from Tunisia?ppffGGGGEF=7The application should be dismissed.3The Commission will pay the applicant a monthly allowance between age 55-60 equal to what she would have been entitled to in Reg 259/68.23/69Should the applicant receive compensation for damages from the Commission in the form of monthly allowances?@>>>><F=~P LΕF\qEçWThe regulation remians valid.3The regulation remians valid.11/70Is Article 9 of Reg 473/67 of the Commission legal in that it excludes forfeiture of the deposit only in cases of force majeure?``VV77775F=VArticle 12(1) of Reg 120/67 concerning this obligation remains legal and valid.3Article 12(1) of Reg 120/67 concerning this obligation remains legal and valid.11/70Is the obligation to export, the lodging of a deposit, and forfeiture of the deposit, where exportation is not effected during the period of validity of the export licence, legal?yiiiigF=UThe Member States is not required to do so and may require the person concerned to show the special reasons justifying exeption to the rule.3The Member States is not required to do so and may require the person concerned to show the special reasons justifying exeption to the rule.36/70Does Art 8(1b) of Reg 102/64 require a State to decide that the obligation to import or export is cancelled and that the deposit is not forfeited as soon as the person concerned requests it to do so?>>44F=TA State may accept such a circumstance.3A State may accept such a circumstance.36/70Under Art 8(3) of Reg 102/64, may a State accept also as a case of force majeure a circumstance other than those envisaged in Art 8(2) of which it has advised the Commission without indicating if its (a) or (b)?IttjjAAAA?F= SThe duty does not infringe Art 37(2) as long as the new charge is imposed on the import to same extent as domestic products affected by the monopoly.3The duty does not infringe Art 37(2) as long as the new charge is imposed on the import to same extent as domestic products affected by the monopoly.13/70Does a State infringe Art 37(2) of the EEC Treaty when it imposes a tax on drinks with a wine base imported from another State according to the context of spirits of wine exceeding a given maximum?PPFFF=RThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.5/70Should the Commission decision to refuse to grant the applicant the differential allowance set out in Art 7(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials be annulled and damages awarded?ee]]>>>><F=QThe regulation is not entirely valid.3The regulation remains valid.31/70If the same levy applies to both damaged corn and normal corn, Council Regulation 19 valid?hh^^????=F=PThe same levy must be applied on all maize.3The same levy must be applied on all maize.31/70Does Council Reg 19 mean that the same levy must be imposed on maize which has suffered water damage in transit before imported thus lost some of its value as normal maize?*||rrEEEECF=OThe costs actually paid are to be taken into account when determining the normal price.3The costs actually paid are to be taken into account when determining the normal price.27/70In order to determine the "normal price" , must the carriage and freight in Art 7 of Council Reg 803/68 be constituted by the carriage and freight actually paid for the import in question?qqqqoF=N"Poultry" applies to those species of poultry which are reared for use or slaughter.3"Poultry" applies to those species of poultry which are reared for use or slaughter.28/70Must "Rock Cornish Game Hearts" be considered as poultry within the meaning of Art 1 of Council Reg 22 on the progressive establishment of a common organization of the market in poultry meat?nnnnlF= PYWJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJim8@JbO8HdSmWQfidmdMd^dbmWQfiYqY^YQUQkJbOY``obYmQkdSmWQQMLvQkmJL^YkWYbUJkvkmQ`Ybqd^qYbUmWQiQOoMmYdbdSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmkobOQiLQ^UYJb^QUYk^JmYdb$WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJim@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvLv`JYbmJYbYbUJkvkmQ`dSSJ`Y^vLQbQSYmksWYMWJ^mQikmWQkoff^Q`QbmJ^QSSQMmdSmWQJ^^dsJbMQkfJYOLvmWQMd``obYmYQk$WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJimBD:JbOBFdSmWQkmJSSiQUo^JmYdbkdSdSSYMYJ^kdSmWQQMJbOJim:6dSmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSQ`f^dv`QbmdSdmWQikQiqJbmkdSmWQQMLvWJqYbUkoMWJkvkmQ`dSLQbQSYmkQSSQMmYbUJ^^dsJbMQk$WJkOQb`Ji\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvSJY^YbUmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiDHF<8dbmWQJffiduY`JmYdbdS^JskiQ^JmYbUmdmWQM^JkkYSYMJmYdbfJM\JUYbUJbO^JLQ^^YbUdSOJbUQidokkoLkmJbMQk$A OYiDHF<8dbmWQJffiduY`JmYdbdS^JskiQ^JmYbUmdmWQM^JkkYSYMJmYdbfJM\JUYbUJbO^JLQ^^YbUdSOJbUQidokkoLkmJbMQk$A YmkQSSQMmYbUJ^^dsJbMQk$WJkOQb`Ji\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvSJY^YbUmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiDHF<8dbmWQJffiduY`JmYdbdS^JskiQ^JmYbUmdmWQM^JkkYSYMJmYdbfJM\JUYbUJbO^JLQ^^YbUdSOJbUQidokkoLkmJbMQk$A Y^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvSJY^YbUmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiDHF<8dbmWQJffiduY`JmYdbdS^JskiQ^JmYbUmdmWQM^JkkYSYMJmYdbfJM\JUYbUJbO^JLQ^^YbUdSOJbUQidokkoLkmJbMQk$A WJkOQb`Ji\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLv^QqvYbUJMWJiUQSdiWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbmWQY`fdimSid`dmWQikmJmQkdSUidobObomk$ 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bdmMdqQiQOLvJbbQuYY $gdSiQSobOSdikoMWUddOkdidb^vYbiQkfQMmdSUddOk bdmMdqQiQOLvJbbQuYY $gkkYdbsWJmOdQkmWQmQi` dL^YUJmYdb iQSQimd$#wYetʚɓCŵ8- 39/82Does the prohibition of charges having the effect of customs duties under Art 13 extend to charges by the Netherlands institution in respect to customs clearance charges required of imported books and the accompanying commission charged?United KingdomThe prohibition does not extend to such charges.R !!!!!!! # 218/82Should Council Reg 1699/82, opening a Community tariff quota on rum, arrack and tafia under 22.09 C I of the CCT and originating in the ACP, be declared void?FranceThe application should be dismissed.""""""" # 322/81Should the fine imposed by this Commission decision be reduced?FranceThe fine should be reduced.kc""""""" # 322/81Should the Commission decision of 10/7/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 86 fining the applicant be annulled?FranceThe decision should be annulled.""""""" #210/81Should the Commission notice of 5/11/81 in relation to Case IV/29495 concerning the complaint lodged by the applicant with the Commission against Willi Studer Revox GmbH be declared void?Willi Studer Revox GmbHThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #23/81Should the defendant be ordered to pay the principal sum and interest payable by the Commission under Art 73 of the Staff Regulations of Officials as a result of the death by accident of Gerrit Jan van Kasteel?The Kasteel familyThe defendant should be ordered to pay the sum.: !!!!!!! #152/81Is Art 3 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations of Officials inapplicable in so far as it restricts the doubling of the education allowance to officials who are entitled to the expatriation allownace and should this be doubled?CouncilThe application should be dismissed.5""""""" #ig170/78Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to repeal or amend its national provisions with regard to excise duty on still light wine?ItalyThe UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.""""""" #42/82Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by creating obstacles to the importation of Italian wine?ItalyFrance has failed to fulfill its obligations.!!!!!!! #250/78May the Commission set off a claim relating to the recovery of a wrongly paid amount against the applicants claim for compensation?CouncilThe Commission is entitled to do so.""""""" #250/78May the Commission set off a claim relating to the recovery of a wrongly paid amount against the applicants claim for compensation?CommissionThe Commission is entitled to do so.""""""" #124/81Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations by prohibiting all sales of UHT milk or cream in Northern Ireland until the adoption of the new regulation on milk in 1981?FranceThe UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.""""""" #124/81Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by making the distribution of UHT milk imported from other States subject to a system involving a 2nd heat treatment and the repackaging of the milk?FranceThe UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.*""""""" #124/81Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by prescribing a system of prior individual licences for imports of milk and cream which have undergone UHT on the territory of other Member States?FranceThe UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.)""""""" #P zțHt7O" v S Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.145/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not implementing Dir 65/65, 75/318 and 75/319 relating to regulation of proprietary medicinal products?ttFFFFDF=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.62/82Should Commission Dec 81/1044 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by Italy in respect of expenditure of 1975 financed by the EAGGF, Guarantee Section be declared void in part?'gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.61/82Should Commission Dec 81/1047 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by Italy in respect of expenditure of 1974 financed by the EAGGF, Guarantee Section be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.45/82Should Commission Dec 81/1047 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by the Netherlands in respect of expenditure of 1974 financed by the EAGGF, Guarantee Section be annulled?$gg]]>>>><F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.319/81Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 95 by charging different rates of tax on spirits on the basis of the criterion of designation of origin or provenance?.ttFFFFDF=Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.155/82Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by restricting the right to apply for authorization of pesticides for non-agricultural use and phytopharmaceutical products to persons established in Belgium?RxxHHHHFF=The application should be dismissed only if the court regards the Commission as having the competence to adopt the declaratory decision in question in the specific circumstance of this case and finds the applicant affecting trade to a significant extent.3The application is dismissed.7/82Should the Commission decision of 10/29/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 86 of the EEC Treaty be declared void???77F=Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.301/81Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to bring into force within the prescribed period the provisions necessary to comply with Council Dir 77/780 on provisions relating to the business of credit institutions?ixxHHHHFF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.300/81Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to bring into force within the prescribed period the provisions necessary to comply with Council Dir 77/780 on provisions relating to the business of credit institutions?cttFFFFDF=The Commission is entitled to do so.3The Commission is entitled to do so.250/78May the Commission set off a claim relating to the recovery of a wrongly paid amount against the applicants claim for compensation?ppdd>>>><F=The Commission must make this declaration.3The Commission decisions to deny the applicants recognition as temporary employees should be annulled and it should declare the workers were as such.225/81Should the Commission declare that periods of service by the applicants with the Commission as members of the auxiliary staff before their appointment as officials must be counted as service by temporary employees?DDDDBF= ζ̇3Ȟ=hNG s9/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decision to which the carriage of goods is subject instead of to the turnover tax?GermanyThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.W  #F9/70Do the provisions of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from introducing the specific taxes in questions?CommissionThe provisions do not prohibit a State from introducing such taxes.Q   #E9/70Do the provisions of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from introducing the specific taxes in questions?GermanyThe provisions do not prohibit a State from introducing such taxes.N   #D9/70Does Art 4 of the Council decision of 5/13/65 on the harmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?CommissionThese provisions do create such direct effects for individuals.F  #C9/70Does Art 4 of the Council decision of 5/13/65 on the harmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?GermanyThese provisions do not create such direct effects for individuals.G  #B11/74Is Regulation 1210/70 of the Council, determining the principal marketing centres for cereals and the derived intervention prices applicable at those centers for 1970/1971 valid?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #A11/74Is Regulation 1210/70 of the Council, determining the principal marketing centres for cereals and the derived intervention prices applicable at those centers for 1970/1971 valid?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #@9/74Does Art 12 of Reg 1612/68 of the Council on the freedom of movement for workers within the Community contain a prohibition on discrimination and is this limited to admission or more broad?CommissionArticle 12 prohibits discrimination not just in admissions but more broadly.9  #?9/74Does Art 12 of Reg 1612/68 of the Council on the freedom of movement for workers within the Community contain a prohibition on discrimination and is this limited to admission or more broad?ItalyArticle 12 prohibits discrimination not just in admissions but more broadly.4  #>7/74If question one is answered yes, do the national taxes from which this pension is exempt include death duties?CommissionNational taxes do include death duties.  #<7/74If question one is answered yes, do the national taxes from which this pension is exempt include death duties?Death duties do not constitute national taxes.Death duties do not constitute national taxes.  #;7/74Is the second paragraph of Art 13 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the EC applicable to a pension granted by the European Communities to the widow of one of their officials?CommissionThis provision is applicable to such an EC pension.$  #Uύ(~*ː&t0ǞƺUħK‹ ? @?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1462/70Bock v. CommissionWerner A. BrockCommission|kWMIIII2222 ?@?@Roemer1418/71Eunomia v. ItalyEunomia di Porro e C.Ministry of Education of the Italian RepublicqZH>::::2222 ?@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1415/71Mackprang v. CommissionC. Mackprang Jr.CommissionpWMIIII2222 ?@?@Roemer1414/71Henck v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichGunther HenckHauptzollamt EmmerichwhH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1413/71Henck v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichGunther HenckHauptzollamt EmmerichwhH>::::2222 ? @?@Roemer1412/71Henck v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichGunther HenckHauptzollamt EmmerichwhH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer148/71Kompanistenverband v. CommissionDeutscher Kompanistenverband e.V.CommissionhF>::::2222 @ @@?X@Dutheillet de Lamothe1479/70Mullers v. Economic and Social CommitteeHelmut MullersEconomic and Social Committee of the EEC and EAECWMIIII2222 ?@@@Roemer142/71Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionrf]F>::::2222 ? @@@Roemer1459/70Netherlands v. CommissionNetherlandsCommission|pcH>::::2222  @ @?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1419/70Almini v. CommissionCanzio AlminiCommission|mWMIIII2222 @ @?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1457/70Van Eick v. CommissionAugust Josef van EickCommissionoWMIIII2222  @@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1453/70Vinck v. CommissionWillem VinckCommissionzlWMIIII2222 ?@}@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe143/71Bagusat v. Hauptzollamt BerlinGebruder BagusatHauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofuUMIIII2222 @@ }@?@Roemer1477/70Prelle v. CommissionMaurice PrelleCommissionzn^H>::::2222 @@}@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1463/70Bode v. CommissionFritz August Bode and OthersCommissionkWMIIII2222 @@ }@?@Roemer1461/70Vistosi v. CommissionGianfranco VistosiCommissions_H>::::2222 @ w@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1445/70Bode v. CommissionFritz-August BodeCommission~kWMIIII2222 ?w@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1480/70Defrenne v. BelgiumGabrielle DefrenneBelgiumlWMIIII2222  ? t@?@Roemer1441/70Fruit Company v. CommissionNV International Fruit Company and OthersCommissioneH>::::2222 ?@t@?@Roemer1476/70Wunsche v. Hauptzollamt LudwigshafenLudwig Wunsche & Co.Hauptzollamt Ludwigshafen am RheinnH>::::2222 @ @t@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1455/70Reinarz v. CommissionAndreas ReinarzCommissionnWMIIII2222 Nb(΅ʷX4ƇS&Ä/? )@?@Gand1441/69ACF Chemiefarma v. CommissionACF Chemiefarma NVCommissionyeF<88882222 Case@ l )@?@Gand1460/69Chuffart v. CommissionCharles Chuffart, Jean Jaeger and Jean JanssenCommission^F<88882222 O@ti'@?@Gand1459/69Brembati v. CommissionAlgiso BrembatiCommission{o^F<88882222 @@ '@?@Roemer1435/69Lampe v. CommissionHerta Grosz (nee Lampe)Commissionv]H>::::2222 @@ '@?@Roemer1432/69Tortora v. CommissionFulvio TortoraCommission{o_H>::::2222 ?'@@@Roemer1426/69Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancerj^H>::::2222 @@ '@?@Roemer1423/69Fiehn v. CommissionAnneliese FiehnCommissionzn]H>::::2222 ?@'@?@Gand1475/69Hake v. CommissionErnst Hake and Co.CommissionznZF<88882222 ?@%@??Roemer141/70Rochas v. BitschParfums Marcel Rochas Vertriebs-GmbHHelmut Bitsch~XF>::::2222 @ $@?@Gand1458/69Elz v. CommissionRaymond ElzCommissionrfYF<88882222 ?$@@@Roemer1447/69France v. CommissionFranceCommissionrf^H>::::2222 ?#@?@Roemer1473/69Oehlman v. Hauptzollamt MunsterFirma H. Oehlman and Co.Hauptzollamt MunsteriH>::::2222  ?@"@@?Roemer1474/69Hauptzollamt Bremen v. KrohnHauptzollamt Bremen - FreihafenWaren-Import-Gesellschaft Krohn and Co.fH>::::2222 ?@"@@?Roemer1472/69Hauptzollamt Bremen v. Bremer HandelsgesellschaftHauptzollamt Bremen-FreihafenBremer Handelsgesellschaft{H>::::2222 ?"@@?Gand143/70Caisse de compensation v. Di BellaCaisse de compensation pour allocations familiales des Charbonnages du Couchant de MonsFrancesca Beninato, widow of Vincenzo BeninatohD<88882222 ?X!@?@Gand1469/69Alcan Aluminium v. CommissionSA Alcan Aluminium Raeren and OthersCommissioneF<88882222 @@ @?@Roemer1436/69Peco v. CommissionFranco PecoCommissionui\H>::::2222 @@@?@Roemer1419/69Richez-Parise v. CommissionDenise Richez-Parise, Andre Saudray, Francoise Padieu and Hanna SermanCommissioneH>::::2222 @@ @?@Roemer1430/68Lacroix v. CommissionMax LacroixCommissionxl_H>::::2222 @ g@?X@Gand1412/68X v. Audit BoardXAudit Board of the European CommunitiesZXF<88882222 @@ @@?@Roemer1446/69Reinarz v. CommissionAndreas ReinarzCommission|p_H>::::2222 @@ ?@@?@Roemer1439/69Fournier v. CommissionBernard FournierCommission~r`H>::::2222 @@ @@?@Roemer1418/69Fournier v. CommissionBernard FournierCommission~r`H>::::2222 5jϻ+̝LɄEU1;Vi? O@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1430/70Scheer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideOtto ScheerEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelWMIIII2222 ?O@@?Dutheillet de Lamothe1426/70Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle v. HenckEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelGunther Henck|WMIIII2222 ?O@@?Dutheillet de Lamothe1425/70Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide v. KosterEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelKoster, Berodt & Co.WMIIII2222  ?O@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1411/70Internationale Handelsgesellschaft v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideInternationale Handelsgesellschaft mbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelWMIIII2222 ?O@?@Roemer1436/70Getreide-Import v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideGetreide-Import GmbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelH>::::2222 ?O@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1413/70Cinzano v. Hauptzoolamt SaarbruckenFrancesco Cinzano & Cia GmbHHauptzoolamt Saarbrucken|WMIIII2222 @ O@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe145/70Prelle v. CommissionMaurice PrelleCommission{kUMIIII2222 ?9@O@?@Roemer1431/70Getreide- und Futtermittel Handelsgesellschaft v. Hauptzollamt HamburgDeutsche Getreide- und Futtermittel Handelsgesellschaft mbHHauptzollamt Hamburg-AltonaH>::::2222 ?N@?@Roemer1427/70Eddie v. Hauptzollamt HamburgC.W. Edding & Co.Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. AnnenzgH>::::2222 ?M@?@Roemer1428/70Witt v. Hauptzollamt LuneburgKommanditgesellschaft in Firma Otto WittHauptzollamt LuneburggH>::::2222 ?M@?@Roemer1414/70Bakels v. Oberfinanzdirektion MunchenDeutsche Bakels GmbHOberfinanzdirektion MunchenoH>::::2222 ?K@??Roemer1432/70Mutualites Socialistes v. La MarcaUnion Nationale des Mutualites SocialistesMrs. Stephanie Cacciatore, nee La MarcalH>::::2222 ?H@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1415/70Chevalley v. CommissionAmedeo ChevalleyCommissionpWMIIII2222 ?H@@@Roemer148/70Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F>::::2222 ?@C@?@Roemer1417/70Lassie v. Hoofdproduktschap AkkerbouwproduktenKoninklijke Lassie Fabrieken NVHoofdproduktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukten and AnotherxH>::::2222 ?@C@?@Roemer1416/70Necomout v. Hoofdproduktschap AkkerbouwproduktenCooperative Vereniging Necomout GAHoofdproduktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukten and AnotherzH>::::2222 ? )@?@Gand146/70Borromeo v. CommissionGiberto Borromeo Arese and OthersCommission\D<88882222 ? )@?@Gand1445/69Boehringer Mannheim v. CommissionBoehringer Mannheim GmbHCommissioniF<88882222 ? )@?@Gand1444/69Bucher v. CommissionBucher & Co.Commissionvj\F<88882222  PKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                   P =ʜR)N*This applies to all products obtained from manioc roots containing in excess of 55-60% starch.3This applies to all products obtained from manioc roots containing in excess of 40% starch.72/69Must the expression manioc flour in Art 1 of Council Reg 19 mean that irrespective of the method of manufacture it applies to all products obtained from manioc tubers which contain more than 55% starch?xxxxvF= c)The competent institution of the country from which the pension is due is required to pay the family allowances to the dependants.3The competent institution of the country from which the pension is due is required to pay the family allowances to the dependants.3/70When the orphan permanently resides in the territory of a State where the deceased worker has completed insufficient insurance periods to entitle him to the States benefits, must the relevant institution pay?((  F=(Such a worker does not come under this legislation unless he has satisfied the necessary conditions.3Such a worker does not come under this legislation unless he has satisfied the necessary conditions.3/70Does "came under legislation" in Art 42 of Reg 3 mean that a deceased worker must be regarded as having come under the legislation only if he has satisfied the conditions under which they may acquire the right?~~~~|F='The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.69/69Is the application seeking to annul the Commission decision refusing to allow Belgium and Luxembourg to open for 1968 a tariff quota for unwrought aluminum under heading 76.01 A of the CCT admissible?0ff\\::::8F=&The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.36/69Should the Commission decision applying Art 48 of the Staff Regulations to the applicant any denying him the benefit of Art 42 of this regulation be annulled and the applicant compensated?%gg]]>>>><F=%The application should be dismissed.2As compensation for their injury, they will receive a fresh limitation period and the period laid down in Art 6 shall be deemed to run from the date of this judgment.19/69Should the applicants receive damages from the Commission for terminating the applicants service?S>>>><F=$The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.19/69Should there be a declaration restoring the interpretation originally adoted tby the EEC of the pension rights provided for in Art 5 of Council Reg 259/68?gg]]>>>><F=#All applications are dismissed but the decision in 7/68 regarding the filling of the post in question should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.30/68Should the Commission decision of 5/21/68 be annulled in so far as it did not assign the applicant to a post in his grade as well as all decisions to appoint or assign officials that hurt the applicant?F="The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.12/68Should the decision taken by the Audit Board on 3/26/68 to remove the applicant from his post be annulled and damages awarded?gg]]>>>><F=se!The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.46/69Should the Commission decision refusing to grant a car allowance for the period from 10/1/68 to 7/30/69 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=se The application should be dismissed.3The decision should be annulled.46/69Should the Commission decision to appoint Mr. Dousset to Director in the Directorate General for Transport be annulled?jj``>>>><F= wͼwʱZ¬N120/73If the Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?CommissionThe State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.:""""""" #120/73If the Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?United KingdomThe State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.>""""""" #in120/73Does the 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?CommissionIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.""""""" #in120/73Does the 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?United KingdomIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.""""""" #140/73Must the relationship between Art 27 and 28 of Reg 3 and their complementary and simultaneous application as established with regard to old age be compulsorily transposed to the area of invalidity?CommissionApportionment of benefits may only take place if it has been necessary, in order to give rise to entitlement, to aggregate beforehand the periods completed under different legislations.""""""" #140/73Must the relationship between Art 27 and 28 of Reg 3 and their complementary and simultaneous application as established with regard to old age be compulsorily transposed to the area of invalidity?ItalyApportionment of benefits may only take place if it has been necessary, in order to give rise to entitlement, to aggregate beforehand the periods completed under different legislations.""""""" #143/73Do, having regard to the date when the export licence was granted, the variations of this refund rate remain subject to the scheme under Reg 1098/68, or newer rules amending it?CommissionThe refund rate remains subject to the scheme under the new amendments.*""""""" #ot125/73Must Art 14 and 7 of Regs 19/62 and 55/62 mean that the amount of the turnovet equalization tax imposed on the import of processed products referred to in Art 1(d) and the Annex must be deducted from the levy?CommissionThe amount of the turnover tax may not be deducted from the levy.D""""""" #ot125/73Must Art 14 and 7 of Regs 19/62 and 55/62 mean that the amount of the turnovet equalization tax imposed on the import of processed products referred to in Art 1(d) and the Annex must be deducted from the levy?GermanyThe amount of the turnover tax may not be deducted from the levy.A""""""" #124/73Do the provisions of Art 14(1ab) of Reg 19/62 and Art 7(2) of Reg 55/62 mean that from the levy for denatured tapioca flour under 11.06 of the CCT, the turnover tax and the costs of eosination are deducted?CommissionNeither the turnover tax nor the costs of eosination are to be deducted from the levy under CCT heading 11.06.n""""""" # POdQkmdoiYk`JbOmiJqQ^SdimWQfoifdkQkdSLokYbQkkQOoMJmYdbJbO`QOYMJ^miQJm`QbmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSkQiqYMQkdidSYbqYkYL^QmiJbkJMmYdbksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim86B<dSmWQmiQJmvdidSLdmWmWdkQMJmQUdiYQkJmdbMQ$LokYbQkkQOoMJmYdbJbO`QOYMJ^miQJm`QbmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSkQiqYMQkdidSYbqYkYL^QmiJbkJMmYdbksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim86B<dSmWQmiQJmvdidSLdmWmWdkQMJmQUdiYQkJmdbMQ$dimWQfoifdkQkdSLokYbQkkQOoMJmYdbJbO`QOYMJ^miQJm`QbmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSkQiqYMQkdidSYbqYkYL^QmiJbkJMmYdbksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim86B<dSmWQmiQJmvdidSLdmWmWdkQMJmQUdiYQkJmdbMQ$OdQkmmWQfidWYLYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$gdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$gOddmWQsdiOk `Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$gOddQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$gdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$gQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$gmWQfidWYLYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$gYb\diQJkWdo^OJMMdobmLQmJ\Qbdb^vdSmWQsQYUWmdSmWQmQumY^Q`JmQiYJ^dimWQmdmJ^sQYUWmmdUQmWQisYmWmWQJMMQkkdiYQk$SdimWQfoifdkQkdSJMhoYiYbUJiYUWmmdkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvLQbQSYmkJiQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvdiUJbYxJmYdbkYbkmJmQkLdobOmdmJ\QYbmdJMMdobmJSSY^YJmYdbfQiYdOkMd`f^QmQOYb::::2222 ? f@?@Roemer1467/69Simet v. CommissionSocieta Industriale Metallurgica di NapoliCommission]H>::::2222 @@ f@?@Roemer1448/70Bernardi v. European ParliamentGiorgio BernardiEuropean Parliament{iH>::::2222  ?d@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1458/70Compagnie Continentale v. Hoofdproduktschap AkkerbouwproduktenCompagnie Continentale SA and AnotherHoofdproduktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukten and AnotherWMIIII2222 ?d@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1438/70Tradax v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideDeutsche Tradax GmbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelWMIIII2222 ?b@?@Roemer1451/70Lutticke v. Hauptzollamt PassauAlfons Lutticke GmbHHauptzollamt PassauiH>::::2222 ? b@?@Roemer142/70Riva v. CommissionAcciaierie e Ferriere Riva S.p.a.Commission}ZF>::::2222 ?]@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1439/70Fleischkontor v. Hauptzollamt HamburgNorddeutsches Vieh- und Fleischkontor GmbHHauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen~WMIIII2222 ?]@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1437/70Rewe-Zentrale v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichRewe-Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Grosshandels GmbHHauptzollamt EmmerichWMIIII2222 @ [@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1421/70Rittweger v. CommissionEva RittwegerCommissionpWMIIII2222 ?@?@Mayras1438/72Van de Poll v. Hauptzollamt TrierArend van de Poll KGHauptzollamt TrierkH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1429/72Marimex v. Italian Finance AdministrationS.p.A. MarimexItalian Finance AdministrationsH>::::2222 ? @?@Mayras147/72Boehringer v. CommissionBoehringer Mannheim GmbHCommissionz`F>::::2222  PMJbmWQqJ^oQdSmWQsdi\ksWYMW`JvLQMJiiYQOdomJmdbQmY`QLQiQUJiOQOJkJiQSQiQbMQQbJL^YbUJMdbmiJMmdikSYbJbMYJ^JbOQMdbd`YMkmJbOYbUmdLQOQmQi`YbQOsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim:@dSmWQOYiQMmYqQ$FOYOmWQMd``YkkYdbSJY^mdMd`f^vsYmWmWQJff^YMJmYdb`JOQLvmWQJff^YMJbmYbfoikoJbMQdSJim<<dSiQU8D$xOYOmWQ[oOU`QbmYbmWQMJkQdS:FDBOQmQi`YbQJomWdiYmJmYqQ^vmWQqJ^YOYmvdSiQUD:@D>kdmWJmYm`Jvbd^dbUQiLQhoQkmYdbQOsWQmWQimWJmiQUo^JmYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiJim>6<$$iYmJmYqQ^vmWQqJ^YOYmvdSiQUD:@D>kdmWJmYm`Jvbd^dbUQiLQhoQkmYdbQOsWQmWQimWJmiQUo^JmYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiJim>6<$$[oOU`QbmYbmWQMJkQdS:FDBOQmQi`YbQJomWdiYmJmYqQ^vmWQqJ^YOYmvdSiQUD:@D>kdmWJmYm`Jvbd^dbUQiLQhoQkmYdbQOsWQmWQimWJmiQUo^JmYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiJim>6<$$mWQ[oOU`QbmYbmWQMJkQdS:FDBOQmQi`YbQJomWdiYmJmYqQ^vmWQqJ^YOYmvdSiQUD:@D>kdmWJmYm`Jvbd^dbUQiLQhoQkmYdbQOsWQmWQimWJmiQUo^JmYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbobOQiJim>6<$$OYOmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim:6dSiQU8HYbMdb[obMmYdbsYmWmWdkQdSJim:iQUH6QbJL^QkmJmQkmdSYuYbMdbbQuYdbsYmWmWQQufdimdSMQiQJ^kmd:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6MJbmWQQuQ`fmYdbSid`mWQMdbOYmYdbdSfidSQkkYdbJ^Md`fQmQbMQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6MJbmWQSJMmmWJmJbobOQimJ\YbUsWYMWQb[dvkJ`dbdfd^vYbJ`Q`LQikmJmQSdiMdfviYUWmkiQhoYiQkmWQU^dLJ^JkkYUb`QbmdSJ^^koMWiYUWmksYmWdomOiJsYbUOYkmYbMmYdbLQmsQQbMJmQUdiYQkLQJbJLokQobOQiJimFB$V MJbmWQfJmQbmQQfiQqQbmmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSmWQfidmQMmQOfidOoMmUYqQbmWQQuYkmQbMQdSfiYMQOYSSQiQbMQkiQko^mYbUSid`UdqQib`QbmJ^`QJkoiQkJOdfmQOYbmWQQufdimYbUMdobmivsYmWJqYQsdSMdbmid^^YbUYmkfiYMQ$?UmWQfiQQuYkmYbUkYmoJmYdb$W P n΍O̾'kû>NMThe interpretation is guided by these explanatory notes.3The interpretation is guided by these explanatory notes.14/70If explanatory notes at the Community level have not yet been issued for headings of the CCT, is their interpretation determined by the Expalanatory Notes to the Brussels Nomenclature of 1955?XRRRRPF=LMember States may not issue binding interpretations of these headings.3Member States may not issue binding interpretations of these headings.14/70If explanatory notes at the Community level have not yet been issued for the headings of the CCT, can explanatory notes issued by the national authorities be recognized as a binding interpretation of these headings?````^F=BPKArticle 28 of Regulation 4 is not applicable to such a workers.3Article 28 of Regulation 4 is not applicable to such a workers.32/70Is Art 28 of Reg 4 applicable to a worker subject to Type A legislation in one State, who acquires in that State the right to invalidity insurance on outside periods, but cannot finnish the Type A period?rYYYYWF=JThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.15/70Has the Commission infringed Community rules by refusing to adopt a decision with regard to the applicant?ff\\::::8F=IItaly has failed to fulfill its obligaitons.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligaitons.8/70Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by imposing an .5% duty for administrative services on goods imported from other Member States? ||ttFFFFDF=HThe cancellation can refer to the balance of the quota still outstanding at the date where the application is made, but only the entire balance, and may not refer to amounts previously traded.3The cancellation can refer to the balance of the quota still outstanding at the date where the application is made, but only the entire balance, and may not refer to amounts previously traded.17/70Does the 2nd paragraph of Art 7 of Council Reg 1134/68 mean that the cancellation in this provision refers exclusively to the entire quota still remaining on 8/4/68, to which the advance fixing relates?rF=GThe cancellation can refer to the balance of the quota still outstanding at the date where the application is made, but only the entire balance, and may not refer to amounts previously traded.3The cancellation can refer to the balance of the quota still outstanding at the date where the application is made, but only the entire balance, and may not refer to amounts previously traded.16/70Does the second paragraph of Art 7 of Reg 1134/68 mean that the cancellation in this provision refers exclusively to the entire quota still remaining on 8/4/68 to which the advance fixing relates?lF=' FThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.6/70Has the Commission failed to take the decision of the Council on 12/4/62 that found Italy had infringed the rules in Art 101 and 102 of the EEC Treaty and in the Council decision?dd\\::::8F=seEThe fine should be reduced by 20%.3The fine should be lowered to 180000.45/69Should the fiine imposed on the applicant in this case be removed or reduced?mmcc<<<<:F=seDThe application should be dismissed.3So much of Art 1 of the decision as records that the applicant applied the clauses of the gentlemens agreement of 4/9/60 on the system of quotas and the fixing of prices for the export of quinine and quinidine is annulled.45/69Should any part of the Commission decision of 7/16/69 be annullled?m((>>>><F= 3zB̤nʥFȇ F8*!@?@??Dutheillet de Lamothe1422/71Beguelin Import v. G.L. Import ExportBeguelin Import Co. and OthersS.A.G.L. Import Export and Others~WMIIII2222 ?@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1428/71Hohn v. Caisse d Assurance Vieillesse de StrasbourgEugen HohnCaisse Regionale d Assurance Vieillesse des Travailleurs Salaries de StrasbourgWMIIII2222  ?@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1427/71Keller v. Caisse d Assurance Vieillesse de StrasbourgAugust KellerCaisse Regionale d Assurance Vieillesse des Travailleurs Salaries de StrasbourgWMIIII2222 ?@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1426/71Gross v. Caisse d Assurance Vieillesse de StrasbourgHeinrich GrossCaisse Regionale d Assurance Vieillesse des Travailleurs Salaries de StrasbourgWMIIII2222 ?@@?@Roemer1423/71Janssen v. Mutualites ChretiennesMichel JanssenAlliance Nationale des Mutualites Chretiennes{kH>::::2222 ?@@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe146/71Rheinmuhlen v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideRheinmuhlen DusseldorfEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelUMIIII2222 ?{@??Roemer1478/70Deutsche Grammophon v. MetroDeutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbHMetro-SB-Grossmarkte GmbH & Co. KGfH>::::2222 ?_@??Dutheillet de Lamothe1440/70Sirena v. EdaSirena S.r.l.Eda S.r.l. and OthersufWMIIII2222  ?A@?@Roemer1423/70Haselhorst v. Finanzamt DusseldorfErich HaselhorstFinanzamt Dusseldorf - Altstadt~lH>::::2222 ?tyA@?@Roemer1420/70Lesage v. Hauptzollamt FreiburgTransports Lesage & CieHauptzollamt FreiburgiH>::::2222  ?=@?@Roemer149/70Grad v. Finanzamt TraunsteinFranz GradFinanzamt TraunsteinpdF>::::2222 ? @@?@Trabucchi1411/74Union des Minotiers de la Champagne v. FranceL Union des Minotiers de la ChampagneFrancezKA====2222 @ @@?@Mayras1410/74Becker v. CommissionFranz BeckerCommissionxl^H>::::2222 @ @@?@Mayras14177/73Reinarz v. CommissionAndreas ReinarzCommission~raJ>::::2222 @ @@?@Trabucchi1453/72Guillot v. CommissionPierre GuillotCommission~rbKA====2222  ? @@?X@Warner149/74Casagrande v. Landeshauptstadt MunchenDonato CasagrandeLandeshauptstadt MunchennF>::::2222 ? @@?@Reischl147/74Brouerius van Nidek v. Inspecteur der RegistratieReiniera Charlotte Brouerius van NidekInspecteur der Registratie en SuccessiezG?;;;;2222 ? @@@Warner14173/73Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionrf_J>::::2222 ? @?@Reischl14153/73Holtz & Willemsen v. CouncilHoltz & Willemsen GmbHCouncil and CommissioniK?;;;;2222 ? @@?@Warner14191/73Niemann v. BundesversicherungsanstaltRudolf NiemannBundesversicherungsanstalt fur AngestellteqJ>::::2222  P5OdQkmWQfidqYkYdbdSkQiqYMQkWJqQJMd``QiMYJ^MWJiJMmQisYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimFJbO@6dSmWQmiQJmv$OdQkmWQiQ^QJkQdSmWQkQMoiYmvfidqYOQOSdiYbJim:@dSiQU:D<6DHLvmWQbJmYdbJ^YbmQiqQbmYdbJUQbMvsWYMWWJkfJYOJbJOqJbMQdbJbQufdimiQSobOOYkMWJiUQJbQufdimQiSid`WYkdL^YUJmYdbk$#OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmYbJim<dSMd``YkkYdbiQU88HBD8SYuJkJfQiYdOsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSMdobMY^iQU88F:D8$OdQkmWQiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbUiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$OdQkmWQiYUWmmdmWQUiJbmdSJbQufdimiQSobOQuYkmYSJfidOoMmWJkLQQbQufdimQOdmWQimWJbmWJmSdisWYMWmWQQufdim^YMQbMQsJkUiJbmQO$tttttttt:)N͡5Elqwƕŵ%Č=‡6? @@?@Reischl14187/73Callemeyn v. BelgiumOdette CallemeynBelgium|saK?;;;;2222 ? ro@?@Trabucchi144/73Nold v. CommissionJ. Nold, Kohlen- und BaustoffgrosshandlungCommission]IA====2222 ? @@?@Trabucchi14183/73Osram v. OberfinanzdirektionOsram GmbHOberfinanzdirektion FrankfurtwkMA====2222  ? |@@?Reischl14178/73Belgium and Luxembourg v. MertensBelgium and LuxembourgMertens and othersnK?;;;;2222 ? |@@@Reischl14167/73Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceumaK?;;;;2222 @@ |@?@Warner14115/73Serio v. CommissionManlio SerioCommissionym_J>::::2222 ? @y@@@Warner14151/73Ireland v. CouncilIrelandCouncilpg^J>::::2222 ? u@?@Warner146/73Commercial Solvents v. CommissionInstituto Chemioterapico Italiano SpA and Commercial Solvents CorporationCommissioniF>::::2222 ? @r@?@Mayras14162/73Birra Dreher v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoBirra Dreher SpAAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoJ>::::2222 @ @r@?X@Trabucchi1415/73Schots-Kortner and Others v. Council, Commission and ParliamentRoswitha Schots, nee Kortner, and othersCouncil, Commission and ParliamentKA====2222  ?!p@?@Warner14146/73Rheinmuhlen-Dusseldorf v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideRheinmuhlen-DusseldorfEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelJ>::::2222 ?  l@?@Trabucchi14159/73Hannoversche Zucker v. Hauptzollamt HannoverHannoversche Zucker AG Rethen-WeetzenHauptzollamt Hannover{MA====2222 \?\l@?@Warner14158/73Kampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideFirm of E. KampffmeyerEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und Futtermittel~J>::::2222 @@ l@?@Reischl14148/73Louwage v. CommissionRaymond Luwage and Marie-Therese Louwage, nee MoriameCommissionbK?;;;;2222 ? @i@?@Warner14166/73Rheinmuhlen v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideRheinmuhlen-DusseldorfEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und Futtermittel~J>::::2222  ?i@?@Trabucchi14154/73Becher v. Hauptzollamt EmdenFirm of Kurt A. BecherHauptzollamt EmdenkMA====2222 ? i@@Reischl14134/73Holtz v. CouncilHoltz & Willemsen GmbHCouncil and Commissionu]K?;;;;2222 ?O@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1435/70Manpower v. Caisse d assuranceS.a.r.l. ManpowerCaisse primaire d assurance maladie, StrasbourgwWMIIII2222 ?O@?@Roemer1434/70Syndicat national cereales v. Office national cerealesSyndicat national du Commerce exterieur des cereales and OthersOffice national interprofessionnel des cerealsH>::::2222 ?O@?@Roemer1433/70SACE v. Italian Ministry for FinanceSpA SACEMinistry for Finance of the Italian RepublicxnH>::::2222  %OdQkmWQsdiOobOQimJ\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$YJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$J\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$J\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$Jo^YMJ^^v$OdQkmWQsdiOobOQimJ\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$v^Js$ OdQkmWQsdiOobOQimJ\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$v^Js$ OdQkmWQsdiOobOQimJ\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$J\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$J\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$OdQkmWQsdiOobOQimJ\YbUYbiQU@><BHJbOmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS<:<D6iQSQiQuM^okYqQ^vmdmWQ^QUJ^fQikdbsWdYkQbUJUQOYbMJiiYUJQLvidJOQqQbYSkoMWMJiiYJUQMdbkmYmomQkdb^vJfJimdSWYkJMmYqYmYQk$OdQkmmWQ6<BH`QJbmWJmmWQiQkmiYMmYdbdSmWQdMbmid^LvkJ`f^YbUdSmWQLd`QiqJ^oQdSJMQimJYbhoJbmYmvdSiQSYbQO^JiOYbmYbkmdmWQJbJ^vkYkdSmWQMdbmQbmkdS:dSkoMWmYbk$sOddmWQsdiOk `Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$oOddQkmWQ""""""" #-162/73May Member States implement domestic measures to permit the transfer of brewery rights to the refund by virtue of the formal consent of the producer?CommissionMember States may implement such measures.""""""" #,162/73May Member States implement domestic measures to permit the transfer of brewery rights to the refund by virtue of the formal consent of the producer?ItalyMember States may implement such measures.""""""" #+ce162/73Was Council Reg 367/67 intended to place broken rice on the same level of competitiveness and cheapness as other cereals for which similar refunds have been provided when used for beer making?CommissionThe refund is intended for the producers of the rice and not the brewery that uses it.H""""""" #*ce162/73Was Council Reg 367/67 intended to place broken rice on the same level of competitiveness and cheapness as other cereals for which similar refunds have been provided when used for beer making?ItalyThe refund is intended for the producers of the rice and not the brewery that uses it.C""""""" #)146/73Must Art 20(2) of Reg 19/62 mean that an exporter is entitled to the 3rd country refund only if he exports the goods to the country mentioned in the application for refund?CommissionCommunity law does not prevent an exporter from claiming a 3rd country refund, even in this situation.D""""""" #(146/73Does Community law require national authorities to reduce refunds granted that exceed the maximum limits provided for the country of destination?CommissionCommunity law requires such refunds to be reduced.""""""" #'146/73May a national law which requires lower courts to be bound by rulings of higher courts prohibit such lower courts from referring questions to the Court of Justice?CommissionA national law may not prevent a court from referring questions to the Court of Justice.-""""""" #&to159/73When applying Regs 1009/67 and 142/69, must surpluses be taken into account discovered during stocktaking after the coming into force of the regulations relating to production levies, before 7/1/68?CommissionSuch sugar excesses must be taken into account in this matter.6""""""" #%to159/73When applying Regs 1009/67 and 142/69, must surpluses be taken into account discovered during stocktaking after the coming into force of the regulations relating to production levies, before 7/1/68?GermanySuch sugar excesses must be taken into account in this matter.3""""""" #$ l158/73Can a request be made under Art 18(1) of Reg 1373/70 of the Commission even after the period of validity of the licence has expired?CommissionSuch a request can be made after the licence has expired.""""""" ##ur158/73Does it constitute compliance with the duty of care expected of a reasonably diligent trader in the context of his activity within the Community if he sends a licence by ordinary post?CommissionThis is a matter for the national court to decide.""""""" # Δͩ̽4n|" o158/73Is the loss of the licence a case of force majeure within the meaniing of Article 18 of Reg 1373/70 of the Commission?CommissionThis is force amjeure when such loss occurs despite the fact that the titulat holder of the licence has taken all the precautions which could reasonably be expected of a prudent and diligent trader.n""""""" #!e 158/73Does Art 2(1) with Art 15(4) of Commission Reg 1373/70 mean that when an import licence is lost, not only does the right to import lapse but the obligation to do so, with the result that the security is released?CommissionThese provisions do not mean that the loss of an import licence automatically entails the lapse of the obligation to import.""""""" # 166/73Does the 2nd paragraph of the Treaty give to a court or tribunal against whose decisions there is a judicial remedy under national law an unfettered right to refer questions to the COJ?CommissionDomestic laws cannot prevent such courts from refereing questions to the Court of Justice.E""""""" #154/73Is Regulation 974/71 of the Council valid in so far as it authorizes the charging of compensatory amounts on imports from 3rd countries?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #154/73Did the compensatory amount of 19.20 DM per 1000 kg fixed by the Commission in Reg 2122/71 in respect of imports of common wheat from 3rd countries comply at the time of importation with Art 2 of Reg 974/71?CommissionThis compensatroy amount did comply with the conditions of Article 2 of Regulation 974/71.[""""""" #35/70Can an undertaking of a State, carrying on an activity similar to that of the limited liability company Manpower, avail itself of the provisions of Article 13(1a) of Regulation 3?CommissionThe provisions of Article 13(1a) of Regulation 3 are applicable to such a worker.5!!!!!!! #34/70Do the words "every holder" in Art 1 of Reg 1028/68 mean that all conditions for taking over of cereals relating to the definition of the holder are excluded from the scope of measures in Article 5?CommissionThese words exclude any condition relating to the definition of the holder or his entitlement to avail himself of the intervantion machinery.!!!!!!! #33/70Were rights conferred on individuals as from 7/1/68 of which the national courts must take cognizance?ItalySuch rights were not conferred on individuals from this date.!!!!!!! #33/70Were rights conferred on individuals as from 7/1/68 of which the national courts must take cognizance?GermanySuch rights were not conferred on individuals from this date.!!!!!!! #33/70Were rights conferred on individuals as from 7/1/68 of which the national courts must take cognizance?CommissionSuch rights were conferred on individuals from this date.!!!!!!! #33/70Following the adoption of Directive 68/31, are provisions of Art 13(2) of the Treaty of Rome directly applicable in the domestic legal system of Italy?ItalyFollowing the end of the transitional period, Article 13(2) is not directly applicable.!!!!!!! #33/70Following the adoption of Directive 68/31, are provisions of Art 13(2) of the Treaty of Rome directly applicable in the domestic legal system of Italy?GermanyFollowing the end of the transitional period, Article 13(2) is not directly applicable.!!!!!!! # aẘ˄Ǜw~ĂB:7/74Is the second paragraph of Art 13 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the EC applicable to a pension granted by the European Communities to the widow of one of their officials?CouncilThis provision is applicable to such an EC pension.!  #97/74Is the second paragraph of Art 13 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the EC applicable to a pension granted by the European Communities to the widow of one of their officials?NetherlandsThis provision is applicable to such an EC pension.%  #8 c191/73Is Art 13(1) of Reg 4 of the Council concerning social security for migrant workers compatible with Article 51 of the Treaty establishing the EEC?CommissionThis provision remains valid.""""""" #7191/73Is Art 28(3) of Reg 3 of the Council concerning social security for migrant workers compatible with Article 51 of the Treaty establishing the EEC?CommissionThis provision is invalid.""""""" #6187/73Insofar as it is more favorable for those entitled, does Council Reg 1408/71 replace the EIA on social security schemes in respect of old age, invalidity and survivors?ItalyThis regulation does take presedence in such a case. """"""" #5187/73Insofar as it is more favorable for those entitled, does Council Reg 1408/71 replace the EIA on social security schemes in respect of old age, invalidity and survivors?CommissionThis regulation does take precedence over the EIA when it is more favorable for those entitled.9""""""" #4cl187/73Does the scheme of benefit for handicapped persons set up under the Law of 6/27/69 come within the ambit of Council Reg 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed families moving in the EU?ItalyThe benefits in this provision do not include those provided by national provisions granting benefits to the handicapped.z""""""" #3cl187/73Does the scheme of benefit for handicapped persons set up under the Law of 6/27/69 come within the ambit of Council Reg 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed families moving in the EU?CommissionThe benefits in this provision do include those provided by national provisions granting benefits to the handicapped to the extent that it concerns workers within Art 1a of the regulation and confer a legal right to the benefits.""""""" #24/73Should the Commission decision of 12/21/72 authorizing new terms of business of Ruhrkohle AG be annulled?Ruhrkohle Verkaufs-GesellschaftThe application should be dismissed.  #14/73Should the Commission decision of 12/21/72 authorizing new terms of business of Ruhrkohle AG be annulled?Ruhtkohle AktiengesellschaftThe application should be dismissed.  #0183/73What is meant by the term "glass envelopes" in tariff heading 70.11 of the CCT?CommissionThis term refers to glass articles which are coniform, open at each end, and are intended for use as the reflector for a lamp and as a container for the electric filiament.-s""""""" #/178/73Have any regulations of the Council affected the right of Member States to take legal rights for payment of levies wrongfully unpaid or for repayment of export refunds wrongfully paid?FranceThe rights of Member States to do so has not been affected by any Council Regulations.<""""""" #-[IπP(Ώ_0ͫ}OwI˿ˉ;ʺʒKxB!ȑn&ǑWƔV&Űŀ]-ēc(ýuEm;i; 162/73preliminary questions- xt15/73Community law# xt15/73officials xt146/73agriculture# xt146/73preliminary rulings+ 159/73agriculture# 158/73force majeure% 158/73agriculture# !148/73officials! !148/73acts of an institution. 166/73preliminary ruling* 154/73agriculture# 134/73procedure! er35/70social security for migrant workers9 34/70agriculture! 33/70Community institutions, 33/70free movement of goods, 30/70agriculture! 30/70preliminary rulings) 26/70agriculture! 25/70Community law# 25/70agriculture! 11/70 11/70agriculture! 11/70Community law# 11/70measures adopted by institution5 36/70agriculture! 13/70quantitative restrictions/ 5/70Commission 5/70officials 31/70agriculture! 27/70Common Customs Tariff+ 28/70Common Customs Tariff+ 28/70preliminary rulings) 14/70 14/70Common Customs Tariff+ 32/70social security for migrant workers9 15/70 8/70Member States! 17/70agriculture! 16/70agriculture! 6/70 45/69policy of the EEC' 45/69power to take action with regard to fines? 44/69policy of the EEC' 44/69powers to take action with regard to fines@ 41/69measures adopted by an institution8 41/69EEC 41/69Council of the EEC( 41/69regulations of the Council of the EEC; 41/69power to take action with regard to fines? 41/69policy of the EEC' 60/69officials 59/69officials 35/69officials 32/69officials 26/69Protocol 1.7 annexed to the EEC Treaty< 26/69agriculture! 26/69action for failure of a State to fulfill its obligationsN 23/69officials 23/69procedure 75/69 1/70policy of the EEC% 58/69officials 47/69EEC policy  73/69agriculture! 74/69Common Customs Tariff+ ~74/69EEC Treaty  }74/69agriculture! |74/69EEC {72/69agriculture! z72/69Common Customs Tariff+ y3/70social security for migrant workers7 P Tfjɍ(NThe terms must be uniformly interpreted in States with objectives laid out by the regulations and not according to national law.3The terms must be uniformly interpreted in States with objectives laid out by the regulations and not according to national law.50/71Are the terms "offer" and "offered" contained in Regs120/67, 132/67 and 1028/68 to be interpreted in Member States in accordance with the provisions and rules of national laww?&&F=The provisions are mandatory for States.3The provisions are mandatory for States.49/71Are the provisions contained in these regulations of a mandatory nature or may individual States adopt different provisions or procedure?vvllBBBB@F=no opinion given3This means that the goods must be at the disposal of the intervention agency, so that any subsequent change of location remains a matter for the agency.49/71Are the words "are when the offer is made" in Art 1(1) of Reg 132/67 of the Council, to mean that cereals offered must be warehoused at a specific place when the offer is made?****(F=To be valid an offer must state where the goods offered are or will be at the time when the offer is made.3To be valid an offer must state where the goods offered are or will be at the time when the offer is made.49/71Does an offer become valid and qualify for acceptance only if it contains also a statement of the place where the cereals offered were when the offer was made?F=The offer is effectively made when it is received in writing by the intervention agency.3The offer is effectively made when it is received in writing by the intervention agency.49/71Does the term "offer" mean that an offer for intervention of cereals is considered to have been made at the time at which the offer is despatched by the maker of the offer, or at the time the offer is received by the agency?rrrrpF=rpThe terms must be uniformly interpreted in States with objectives laid out by the regulations and not according to national law.3The terms must be uniformly interpreted in States with objectives laid out by the regulations and not according to national law.49/71Are the terms "offer" and "offered" contained in Regs120/67, 132/67 and 1028/68 to be interpreted in Member States in accordance with the provisions and rules of national law?&&F=f States are not compelled to refuse to aply the intra-Community levy sheme but they are empowered to when an importer does not have the DD4.3The importer may not benefit from the levy scheme without the DD4 certificate.12/70Do Articles 1-12 mean that without a DD4 an importer may not benefit from the application of the scheme for intra-Community agricultural levies and the levy is calculated as butter from a 3rd country?F= iThe provisions under Reg 20 come into effect on 7/30/62 and under Reg 121/67 on 9/2/63.3The provisions under Reg 20 come into effect on 7/30/62 and under Reg 121/67 on 9/2/63.43/71When do the provisions regarding pig carcasses under Reg 20 and the provisions related to other products under Reg 121/67 come into effect?aqqqqoF=The provisions are directly applicable.3The provisions are directly applicable.43/71Are the provisions of Art 14 and 18 of Reg 20 and Art 17 and 19 of Reg 121/67 directly applicable within the Italian domestic legal system?ttjjAAAA?F= sWQbYkYmOQmQi`YbQOmWJmJbobOQimJ\YbUYkkoL[QMmmdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJimFmd8:dSOYiD@>>:LQMJokQYmMJiiYQkdbsJkmQOYkfdkJ^JMmYqYmYQkMdqQiQOLvmWdkQfidqYkYdbk$sWQbmWQOomYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$sWQbmWQOomYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$mYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$mYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$mYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$mYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$JiUQk$sWQbmWQOomYQkJbOdmWQiMWJiUQkfJvJL^QJiQbdmMd^^QMmQOLviQJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$YmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$QJkdbdSJbdSSQbMQdiYiiQUo^JiYmvMd``YmmQOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJMd``obYmvmiJbkYmdfQiJmYdbsWdYkmdiQMdqQimWdkQOomYQkJbOMWJiUQk$sWQbmWQdifWJbfQi`JbQbm^viQkYOQkYbmWQmQiiYmdivdSJkmJmQsWQiQmWQOQMQJkQOsdi\QiWJkMd`f^QmQOYbkoSSYMYQbmYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkmdQbmYm^QWY`mdmWQkmJmQkLQbQSYmk`okmmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbfJv$1sWQbmWQdifWJbfQi`JbQbm^viQkYOQkYbmWQmQiiYmdivdSJkmJmQsWQiQmWQOQMQJkQOsdi\QiWJkMd`f^QmQOYbkoSSYMYQbmYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkmdQbmYm^QWY`mdmWQkmJmQkLQbQSYmk`okmmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbfJv$1bfQi`JbQbm^viQkYOQkYbmWQmQiiYmdivdSJkmJmQsWQiQmWQOQMQJkQOsdi\QiWJkMd`f^QmQOYbkoSSYMYQbmYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkmdQbmYm^QWY`mdmWQkmJmQkLQbQSYmk`okmmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbfJv$1sWQiQJ`YUiJbmsdi\QiWJkLQMd`QQbmYm^QOmdJfQikdbJ^YbqJ^YOYmvfQbkYdbYbdbQkmJmQJbOJkkQimkYbJbdmWQiiYUWmkmdJLQbQSYmdbmWQLJkYkdSWYkQ`f^dv`Qbm`JvmWQ:bOkmJmQfiQqQbmdqQi^JffYbULQbQSYmk$~QiQJ`YUiJbmsdi\QiWJkLQMd`QQbmYm^QOmdJfQikdbJ^YbqJ^YOYmvfQbkYdbYbdbQkmJmQJbOJkkQimkYbJbdmWQiiYUWmkmdJLQbQSYmdbmWQLJkYkdSWYkQ`f^dv`Qbm`JvmWQ:bOkmJmQfiQqQbmdqQi^JffYbULQbQSYmk$~QiQJ`YUiJbmsdi\QiWJkLQMd`QQbmYm^QOmdJfQikdbJ^YbqJ^YOYmvfQbkYdbYbdbQkmJmQJbOJkkQimkYbJbdmWQiiYUWmkmdJLQbQSYmdbmWQLJkYkdSWYkQ`f^dv`Qbm`JvmWQ:bOkmJmQfiQqQbmdqQi^JffYbULQbQSYmk$~ 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YkJim88dSMdobMY^OYiBF8@8QQMOYiQMm^vJff^YMJL^QkdJkmdfidWYLYmJOQM^JiJmYdbdSbo^^YmvdSJfoL^YM^Y`YmQOMd`fJbvdbJUidobOdmWQimWJbmWdkQkQmdomYbmWQkJYOJimYM^Q$Jim:DdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmYmUYqQkiYkQdb^vmdJiYUWmmdLQbQSYmJUJYbkmmWQkYM\bQkkYbkoiJbMQYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQkmJmQdSiQkYOQbMQdimWJmYmQuM^oOQkmWQfidqYkYdbkdSmWQdmWQikmJmQ$Zy of the product?'aP ̭wʢȡǟLI…6The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.23/69Should the Commission decision of 1/18/69 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=5The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.75/69Should the Commission be forced to take appropriate measures to guarantee competition in the market in ferrous scrap?gg]]>>>><F=4This contract must be notified to the Commission before 1/31/63.3This contract must be notified to the Commission before 1/31/63.1/70Did the standard contract which has been and will be used for a large number of individual contracts between these undertakings have to be notified to the Commission before 1962 or 1/31/63?cZZZZXF= 3Such a contract is entitled to benefit from the same system of provisional validity as the latter.3Such a contract is entitled to benefit from the same system of provisional validity as the latter.1/70Is a contract concluded on 6/29/64 provisionally valid if a standard contract in precisely the same terms has been duly notified to the Commission within the period laid down in Reg 17/62?||||zF=2The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.58/69Should the periodic report of 5/31/68 of the Commission concerning the applicant be partially annulled and rectified?ff\\::::8F=Gi|1The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.47/69Should the Commission decision of 7/18/69 concerning the French system of aids to the textile industry be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=0These rules cannot be applied by analogy to the importation of oats from the Netherlands.3These rules cannot be applied by analogy to the importation of oats from the Netherlands.73/69Are the rules laid down in Art 9 of Reg 87/62 also applicable by analogy to the importation of oats from the Netherlands, must the levy for the import date be charged where importation was delayed by force majeure?ssssqF=/The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.73/69Is Art 17(2) of Council Reg 19 invalid in light of the fact that it is only applicable to imports from 3rd countries and are not also applicable to imports from Member States?``VV77775F=.Manioc flour is any such product with starch content over 55-60%.3Manioc flour is any such product with starch content over 40%.74/69Does "manioc flour" cover any product derived from manioc roots when its starch content is over 40%? [[[[YF=-National legislatutes cannot issue rules of interpretation having binding effect.3National legislatutes cannot issue rules of interpretation having binding effect.74/69Does Art 1 of Reg 19/62 mean that these descriptions of goods in the CCT are capable of being interpreted by the national legislature for so long as there is no interpretation according to Community law?kkkkiF=+States are not entitled to make such specifications.3States are not entitled to make such specifications.74/69Does Art 23(1) of Council Reg 19/62 mean that States are entitled and obliged to state and specify, by provisions of internal law, the descriptions of the products subject to levy?DNNNNLF=sP )17ˀƤêcThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.154/73Is Regulation 974/71 of the Council valid in so far as it authorizes the charging of compensatory amounts on imports from 3rd countries?bbVV77775F=bThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.134/73Is the application to find the Council and Commission have failed their obligations by not adopting a decision granting an additional subsidy for colza and rape seed processed in North Rhine oil mills?3hh\\::::8F=aThe provisions of Article 13(1a) of Regulation 3 are applicable to such a worker.3The provisions of Article 13(1a) of Regulation 3 are applicable to such a worker.35/70Can an undertaking of a State, carrying on an activity similar to that of the limited liability company Manpower, avail itself of the provisions of Article 13(1a) of Regulation 3?}kkkkiF=`These words exclude any condition relating to the definition of the holder or his entitlement to avail himself of the intervantion machinery.3These words exclude any condition relating to the definition of the holder or his entitlement to avail himself of the intervantion machinery.34/70Do the words "every holder" in Art 1 of Reg 1028/68 mean that all conditions for taking over of cereals relating to the definition of the holder are excluded from the scope of measures in Article 5?@@66F=_Such rights were conferred on individuals from this date.3Such rights were conferred on individuals from this date.33/70Were rights conferred on individuals as from 7/1/68 of which the national courts must take cognizance?SSSSQF=^Following the end of the transitional period, Article 13(2) is directly applicable.3Following the end of the transitional period, Article 13(2) is directly applicable.33/70Following the adoption of Directive 68/31, are provisions of Art 13(2) of the Treaty of Rome directly applicable in the domestic legal system of Italy?emmmmkF=id]Article 16(3) of Regulation 19 did not prohibit Member States from doing so.3Article 16(3) of Regulation 19 did not prohibit Member States from doing so.30/70Did Article 16(3) prohibit the States from preparing legislative or other measures for the purpose of enabling them to assume the functions devolving on them in the interest of the Community by Art 7 of Reg 87?ffffdF=\The Article remains valid.3The Article remains valid.30/70Is Article 7 of Commission Regulation 87, adopted in application of Art 16(3) of Regulation 91, valid?ZZPP44442F=[The articles remain valid.3The articles remain valid.26/70Are Articles 1 and 7 of Reg 102/64 valid in so far as they concern export licences and depostis lodged for the purpose of obtaining such licences?ZZPP44442F=ZThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.26/70Is Commission Reg 102/64 on import and export licences for cereals valid?``VV77775F=YThe articles remains valid.3The articles remains valid.25/70Are Articles 1 and 7 of Reg 102/64 of the Commission valid in so far as they concern export licences and deposits lodged for the purpose of obtaining those licences?\\RR55553F=onXThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.25/70Is Reg 102/64 of the Commission on import and export licenses for cereals valid?``VV77775F=5P .rʯ^ĮU lA national law may not prevent a court from referring questions to the Court of Justice.3A national law may not prevent a court from referring questions to the Court of Justice.146/73May a national law which requires lower courts to be bound by rulings of higher courts prohibit such lower courts from referring questions to the Court of Justice?}rrrrpF=OXkSuch sugar excesses must be taken into account in this matter.1Such sugar excesses must be treated as arising in the marketing year in which they were ascertained.159/73When applying Regs 1009/67 and 142/69, must surpluses be taken into account discovered during stocktaking after the coming into force of the regulations relating to production levies, before 7/1/68?XXXXVF=FGujSuch a request can be made after the licence has expired.3Such a request can be made after the licence has expired.158/73Can a request be made under Art 18(1) of Reg 1373/70 of the Commission even after the period of validity of the licence has expired? SSSSQF=E` iThis is a matter for the national court to decide.3This is a matter for the national court to decide.158/73Does it constitute compliance with the duty of care expected of a reasonably diligent trader in the context of his activity within the Community if he sends a licence by ordinary post?FLLLLJF=B1hThis is force amjeure when such loss occurs despite the fact that the titular holder of the licence has taken all the precautions which could reasonably be expected of a prudent and diligent trader.3This is force amjeure when such loss occurs despite the fact that the titular holder of the licence has taken all the precautions which could reasonably be expected of a prudent and diligent trader.158/73Is the loss of the licence a case of force majeure within the meaniing of Article 18 of Reg 1373/70 of the Commission?,F=t gThese provisions do not mean that the loss of an import licence automatically entails the lapse of the obligation to import.3These provisions do not mean that the loss of an import licence automatically entails the lapse of the obligation to import.158/73Does Art 2(1) with Art 15(4) of Commission Reg 1373/70 mean that when an import licence is lost, not only does the right to import lapse but the obligation to do so, with the result that the security is released?  F=fThe note should be annulled and the applicant should receive such allowance.3The note is annulled and the applicant awarded the allowances.148/73Should the note from the Head of the Individual rights and Privileges Division of 10/25/72, relating to removal expenses, installation allowance and daily subsistence allowance of the applicants be annulled?ffffdF=V/eDomestic laws cannot prevent such courts from refereing questions to the Court of Justice.3Domestic laws cannot prevent such courts from refereing questions to the Court of Justice.166/73Does the 2nd paragraph of the Treaty give to a court or tribunal against whose decisions there is a judicial remedy under national law an unfettered right to refer questions to the COJ?ttttrF=dThis compensatroy amount did comply with the conditions of Article 2 of Regulation 974/71.3This compensatroy amount did comply with the conditions of Article 2 of Regulation 974/71.154/73Did the compensatory amount of 19.20 DM per 1000 kg fixed by the Commission in Reg 2122/71 in respect of imports of common wheat from 3rd countries comply at the time of importation with Art 2 of Reg 974/71?ttttrF=hP itfThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.53/72Should the Commission decision to reject the applicants request that the Commission should institute an inquiry into the accusations of dishonesty made against him by his superior?__UU::::8F=Article 12 prohibits discrimination not just in admissions but more broadly.3Article 12 prohibits discrimination not just in admissions but more broadly.9/74Does Art 12 of Reg 1612/68 of the Council on the freedom of movement for workers within the Community contain a prohibition on discrimination and is this limited to admission or more broad?{ffffdF=National taxes do include death duties.3Death duties do not constitute national taxes.7/74If question one is answered yes, do the national taxes from which this pension is exempt include death duties?yyqqAAAA?F= |This provision is applicable to such an EC pension.3This provision is applicable to such an EC pension.7/74Is the second paragraph of Art 13 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the EC applicable to a pension granted by the European Communities to the widow of one of their officials?MMMMMKF=~The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.173/73Should the Commission decision of 7/25/73 relating to the textile industry in Italy be annulled?eeYY::::8F=u}The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.153/73Should the applicant receive damages from the defendants for its actions regarding subsidies for seeds harvested in the Community?ii]]>>>><F=Fj/|This provision remains valid.3This provision remains valid.191/73Is Art 13(1) of Reg 4 of the Council concerning social security for migrant workers compatible with Article 51 of the Treaty establishing the EEC?bbVV77775F={This provision is invalid.3This provision is invalid to the extent that it implies aggregation of periods and a consecutive apportionment.191/73Is Art 28(3) of Reg 3 of the Council concerning social security for migrant workers compatible with Article 51 of the Treaty establishing the EEC?E44442F=enzThis regulation does take precedence over the EIA when it is more favorable for those entitled.2This regulation does take precedence over the EIA when it is more favorable for those entitled.187/73Insofar as it is more favorable for those entitled, does Council Reg 1408/71 replace the EIA on social security schemes in respect of old age, invalidity and survivors?yyyywF=yThe benefits in this provision do include those provided by national provisions granting benefits to the handicapped to the extent that it concerns workers within Art 1a of the regulation and confer a legal right to the benefits.3The benefits in this provision do include those provided by national provisions granting benefits to the handicapped to the extent that it concerns workers within Art 1a of the regulation and confer a legal right to the benefits.187/73Does the scheme of benefit for handicapped persons set up under the Law of 6/27/69 come within the ambit of Council Reg 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed families moving in the EU?F=xThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.4/73Should the Commission decision of 12/21/72 authorizing new terms of business of Ruhrkohle AG be annulled?ee]]>>>><F=P Ιu&)ǑhThe provisions do not prohibit such a tax.3The provisions do not prohibit such a tax.20/70Do the provisions of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from ntroducing the specific taxes in questions?YzzppDDDDBF=These provision do not create such rights.3These provision do create such rights.20/70Does Art 4 of the Council Decision of 5/13/65 on the hharmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?PvvllDDDDBF=USThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.3This tax does not correspond to the usual form of turnover tax.9/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decision to which the carriage of goods is subject instead of to the turnover tax?qqqqoF=The provisions do not prohibit a State from introducing such taxes.3The prohibition becomes effective on 1/1/72.9/70Do the provisions of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from introducing the specific taxes in questions?s]]]][F=UK VThese provisions do not create such direct effects for individuals.3These provisions do create direct effects for individuals.9/70Does Art 4 of the Council decision of 5/13/65 on the harmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?z]]]][F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.11/74Is Regulation 1210/70 of the Council, determining the principal marketing centres for cereals and the derived intervention prices applicable at those centers for 1970/1971 valid?``VV77775F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.10/74Should the Commissions implied rejection of the appicants claim to be granted resettlement allowance equal to 4 months of his final salary be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.177/73Should the implied rejection by the Commission of the applicants complaint for the purposes of establishing his right to a resettlement allowance equal to 4 times his final salary be annulled?*hh\\::::8F=not applicable.3The application is dismissed.53/72Should the Commission be order to pay 100000 as compensation for damage resulting from the refusal to ensure withdrawal in writing of the accusations made by his superior?RRHH))))'F=not applicable3The application is dismissed.53/72Should the applicant receive 100000 for material and non-material damages resulting from the Commissions express rejection of the applicants request to be allowed to recommence his work and experiments?QQGG((((&F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.53/72Should the Commission rejection of the applicants request to be allowed to recommence his work and experiments pursuant to job-sheet III-4-01/1971 be annulled?__UU::::8F= :OdmWQsdiOk LQbQSYmkYb\YbOfidqYOQOdbLQWJ^SdSmWQMd`fQmQbmYbkmYmomYdbLvmWQYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQf^JMQdSkmJvdiiQkYOQbMQ YbJim::8MYYbM^oOQLQbQSYmkYb\YbOmdsWYMWJiYUWmQuYkmkYbmWQkmJmQdSkmJv$@ OdmWQsdiOk mWQmiQJm`QbmYbhoQkmYdb 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goods from introducing the specific taxes in questions?GermanyThe provisions do not prohibit such taxes.7 !!!!!!! #Pgh23/70Does Art 4 of the Council Decision of 5/13/65 on the harmonizzation of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?CommissionThe provisions do create such rights..!!!!!!! #Ogh23/70Does Art 4 of the Council Decision of 5/13/65 on the harmonizzation of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?GermanyThe provisions do not create such rights./!!!!!!! #N20/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decisionn to which the carriage of goods is subject instead of to the turnover tax?CommissionThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.\!!!!!!! #M20/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decisionn to which the carriage of goods is subject instead of to the turnover tax?GermanyThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.Y!!!!!!! #L20/70Do the provisions of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from ntroducing the specific taxes in questions?CommissionThe provisions do not prohibit such a tax.8 !!!!!!! #K20/70Do the provisions of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from ntroducing the specific taxes in questions?GermanyThe provisions do not prohibit such a tax.5 !!!!!!! #J20/70Does Art 4 of the Council Decision of 5/13/65 on the hharmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?CommissionThese provision do create such rights./!!!!!!! #I20/70Does Art 4 of the Council Decision of 5/13/65 on the hharmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?GermanyThese provision do not create such rights.0!!!!!!! #H s9/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decision to which the carriage of goods is subject instead of to the turnover tax?CommissionThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.Z  # 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YMQYkMJiiYQOdom$Ht ^$Ȩ[āÖNer127/73Can the fact that an undertaking which enjoys a monopoly in a Member State for copyrights requires the global assignment of all such rights without drawing distinction between categories be an abuse under Art 86?CommissionUndertakings that impose on its members obligations not absolutely necessary for the attainment of its object, thus encrouching the members freedom to exercise his copyright, abuse Art 86 of the Treaty.""""""" #152/73Do Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 contain a prohibition not only against treating a worker differently because he is a national of another State, but also against doing so because he is a resident of another State?ItalySuch discrimination is prohbited by these provisions.9""""""" #152/73Do Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 contain a prohibition not only against treating a worker differently because he is a national of another State, but also against doing so because he is a resident of another State?CommissionDoing so may be discrimination which is prohibited, but this is for the national courts to decide.k""""""" #152/73Do Art 7 (1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 mean that the separation allowance granted in addition to wages comes within the concept of "conditions of employment and work"?CommissionThis separation allowance does come within the concept of conditions of employment and work.2""""""" #152/73Do Art 7 (1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 mean that the separation allowance granted in addition to wages comes within the concept of "conditions of employment and work"?ItalyThis separation allowance does come within the concept of conditions of employment and work.-""""""" #152/73Does Art 48(4) of the EEC Treaty mean that Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 does not apply to employees of the Deutsche Bundespost working under a contract of employment governed by private law?ItalyThese provisions do apply to such a worker.""""""" #152/73Does Art 48(4) of the EEC Treaty mean that Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 does not apply to employees of the Deutsche Bundespost working under a contract of employment governed by private law?GermanyThese provisions do not apply to such a worker.""""""" #152/73Does Art 48(4) of the EEC Treaty mean that Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 does not apply to employees of the Deutsche Bundespost working under a contract of employment governed by private law?CommissionThe exception made by Art 48(4) concerns only access to posts forming part of the public service and the legal relationship of employer and employee is of no consequence.""""""" #40/74Does Art 47 of Council Reg 3 mean that "a corresponding agency of another Member State" can include a liason department of this State so that in order to comply with the law of 1 State an appeal may be submitted?CommissionA liason department generally may not be considered as a corresponding agency when dealing with an appeal.o!!!!!!! #16/74Do the rules in the EEC Treaty concerning the free movement of goods, notwithstanding what is stated in Article 36, prevent the patentee from exercising the right to take legal action to protect patentss?CommissionCommunity law does prohibit the patentee from exercising these "rights".E!!!!!!! #"[E~LΪ`.ͱ~F̰̀F˞V$ʃQɚ]-ɹȉADŽJƼƌ\ Ŧw7ĭqCğqAŒf@b&M348/88fisheries! L359/88approximation of laws- K206/88approximation of laws- J315/88agriculture# I315/88acts of the institutions0 H153/88common commercial policy0 G3/76sea-fishing F3/76Sea E3/76EEC D65/75measures adopted by an institution8 C65/75quantitative restrictions/ B65/75agriculture! xtA10/71competition! xt@10/71procedure ?32/74companies within the meaning of the 2nd paragraph of Art 58 of the EEC Treatyc >190/73agriculture# =8/74competition <8/74quantitative restrictions- ;155/73competition# :155/73national monopolies having a commercial characterI 9155/73quantitative restrictions1 8155/73services  7155/73free movements of goods/ 6155/73preliminary questions- 5131/73Common Customs Tariff- 410/75agriculture! 389/74agriculture! 269/74transport t 164/75agriculture! 031/74agriculture! /53/75Common Customs Tariff+ .57/75social security for migrant workers9 -39/75services ,50/75social security for migrant workers9 +49/75social security for migrant workers9 *30/75agriculture! )33/75social security for migrant workers9 (36/75workers '25/75competition! &141/73aids granted by States. %122/73aids granted by States. P$121/73aids granted by States. #120/73aids granted by States. "143/73agriculture# !143/73acts of an institution.  125/73agriculture# 124/73agriculture# 119/73agriculture# er51/73social security for migrant workers9 34/73Community legal order+ 34/73acts of an institution, 34/73customs duties$ 12/73Common Customs Tariff+ 12/73agriculture! 12/73Community law# 13/73social security% 80/72agriculture! 80/72acts of institution) xt77/72customs duties$ 77/72preliminary questions+ 77/72aids granted by a Member State4 186/73agriculture# er184/73social security for migrant workers; 181/73EEC  192/73free movement of goods.  2/74freedom of establishment,  127/73competition#  152/73freedom of movement+  40/74social security for migrant workers9 7[GϠl: Πp4͘S#̏_5̿ˈRʻʍ]/ ɖj#{HǶ|LƕW6ĞW'Õc3¾Ž\n>@@@@@@@@@ @ 16/74competition! 16/74free movement of goods, 15/74competition! 15/74Free movement of goods, 27/74tax provisions$ 27/74preliminary ruling( 27/74Customs duties and internal taxation: 26/72Community law# 26/72agriculture! 84/71agriculture! 84/71measures adopted by institutions6 50/71agriculture! 50/71Community law# 49/71agriculture! 49/71Community law# 12/70agriculture! 43/71agriculture! 43/71measures adopted by an institution8 43/71preliminary rulings) 35/71agriculture! 22/71competition! 28/71social seciruite for migrant workers: 27/71social security for migrant workers9 26/71social security for migrant workers9 23/71social security for migrant workers9 f&g6/71principles of Community law/ f&g6/71agriculture 78/70free movement of goods, 78/70industrial and commercial property rights? 78/70competition! 78/70principles of the EEC+ 78/70procedure 40/70policy of the EEC' 23/70procedure 23/70turnover taxes$ 23/70measures adopted by an institution8 20/70procedure 20/70turnover taxes$ 20/70measures adopted by an institution8 on9/70procedure on9/70turnover taxes" on9/70measures adopted by an institution6 11/74 10/74officials  }177/73officials! 53/72procedure 53/72officials 9/74free movement! 9/74acts of an institution* 9/74preliminary rulings' 7/74European Communities( 173/73aids granted by Member States5 153/73agriculture# 153/73EEC 153/73procedure! d191/73social security for migrant workers; 187/73social security for migrant workers; 4/73Community law! 4/73concentration between undertakings6 F; 183/73Common Customs Tariff- 178/73agriculture# 167/73workers 167/73sea and air transport- 167/73transport! 167/73EEC Treaty" 167/73default by a State* 115/73officials! 151/73agriculture# 151/73act accession% 6/73competition 162/73agriculture#  POdQkJim>8dSMdobMY^OYiDHDWJqQJOYiQMmQSSQMmkoMWmWJmJsd`JbMJbSid`8::F>hoJ^YSvSdiJbYbqJ^YOYmvLQbQSYmLQMJokQkWQkJmYkSYQOMdbOYmYdbksWYMWQbJL^QJ`JbmdhoJ^YSvSdimWQLQbQSYmJ^mWdoUWkWQOYObdmkJmYkSvdbQSQ`J^QMdbOYmYdb$OdQkJim><dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8F8dSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbdSJkmJmQYkobOQiJbdL^YUJmYdbmdfJvLQbQSYmkmdmWQkoiqYqdikdSJbYbkoiQOfQikdbYSmWQYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkJ`dobmmd^QkkmWJbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$ZmWJbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$Z^QkkmWJbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$Z^QkkmWJbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$ZkmWJbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$ZbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$ZdSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$ZJbJvQJi$OdQkJim>F>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJimD8JbO>dSiQU8B8:BFOdQkbdmJff^vmdQ`f^dvQQkdSmWQOQomkMWQLobOQkfdkmsdi\YbUobOQiJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmUdqQibQOLvfiYqJmQ^Js$Zf^JYbmYSSM^JY`YbUOJ`JUQSid`WJi`koSSQiQOLvdmWQifQikdbksWdsQiQOYiQMmqYMmY`kdSmWQWJi`So^JMmmdLiYbUfidMQQOQYbUkYbmWQf^JMQdSWYkMWddkYbU$fOdQkJim@:Y`fdkQJbdL^YUJmYdbdbYmJ^vmdQbJMmmWQ^QUYk^JmYqQ`QJkoiQksWYMWMdbkmYmomQJbQkkQbmYJ^fiQiQhoYkYmQSdimWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQOYiQMmYqQkdbSiQQOd`dSQkmJL^YkW`QbmYbmWQQQMmiQJmv$OdQkJimBdSiQU:86FF>`QJbmWJmmWQYbkfQMmdi`okmLQUYbLvOQmQi`YbYbUmWQ`QkWkYxQdSJbQmLv`JboJ^`QJkoiQ`QbmdSB6`QkWQkJbOdb^vSYbOmWQ`QkWkYxQLvsQYUWmYSmWQMJfmJYbdL[QMmkmdmWQ`JboJ^`QmWdO$OdQkJimB>dSmWQ:bOMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQdS>88BDfQi`YmmWQ`d`QbmsWQbmWQkQiqYMQYkfidqYOQOmdLQYOQbmYSYQOsYmWsWQbmWQYbqdYMQYkYkkoQOYSmWQmiJbkJMmYdbmJ\Qkf^JMQkJSmQimWQkQiqYMQYkMJiiYQOdom$ZOdQkJimB:dSmWQ^d`QMdbqQbmYdbUYqQJbJmYdbJ^dSJbJMfkmJmQ`JOJUJkMJbmWQiYUWmmdQkmJL^YkWWY`kQ^SYbmWQmQiiYmdivdSJkmJmQSiQbMWsYmWdomJbvMdbOYmYdbJkmdbJmYdbJ^Ymv$OdQkJimBHdSiQU8>6FD8sWYMW^JvkOdsbJsJYmYbUfQiYdOdSSdoisQQ\kfiQM^oOQJsdi\QisWdWJkSJY^QOmdMd`f^QmQmWYkfQiYdOSid`dLmJYbYbUobQ`f^dv`QbmLQbQSYmkYbmWQkmJmQWQLQ^dbUk$cteristics  #P˵ƞ>NThe exception to freedom of establishment within Art 55 is restricted to those activities of Art 52 that involve a direct connection with the exercise of official authority.3The exception to freedom of establishment within Art 55 is restricted to those activities of Art 52 that involve a direct connection with the exercise of official authority.2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?:~~vvF=Article 52 is directly applicable.3Article 52 is directly applicable.2/74Is Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome, since the end of the transitional period, a directly applicable provision, despite, in particular, the absence of directives as prescribed by Art 54(2) and 57(1) of the Treaty?;hh``<<<<:F=0Article 90(2) refers only to undertakings which have been entrusted by law with such a task under a legislative act of the national authority and does not create individual rights.3An undertaking which the state has not assigned any task and manages private interests is not covered by Art 90(2) of the Treaty.127/73Should the expression "undertaking entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest" that such undertakings should have privileges which are denied to other undertakings, with Art 90 creating rights?;]]QQF= PUndertakings that impose on its members obligations not absolutely necessary for the attainment of its object, thus encrouching the members freedom to exercise his copyright, abuse Art 86 of the Treaty.3Undertakings that impose on its members obligations not absolutely necessary for the attainment of its object, thus encrouching the members freedom to exercise his copyright, abuse Art 86 of the Treaty.127/73Can the fact that an undertaking which enjoys a monopoly in a Member State for copyrights requires the global assignment of all such rights without drawing distinction between categories be an abuse under Art 86?F=Doing so may be discrimination which is prohibited, but this is for the national courts to decide.3Doing so may be discrimination which is prohibited, unless the scheme takes account of objective differences in the situation of workers according to their residence at the time.152/73Do Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 contain a prohibition not only against treating a worker differently because he is a national of another State, but also against doing so because he is a resident of another State?<<00||||zF=This separation allowance does come within the concept of conditions of employment and work.3This separation allowance does come within the concept of conditions of employment and work.152/73Do Art 7 (1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 mean that the separation allowance granted in addition to wages comes within the concept of "conditions of employment and work"?vvvvtF=coThe concept of employment in public service cannot be defined by its legal status, and the exception is only applicable to those whose activity involves national interests.3The exception made by Art 48(4) concerns only access to posts forming part of the public service and the legal relationship of employer and employee is of no consequence.152/73Does Art 48(4) of the EEC Treaty mean that Art 7(1) and (4) of Reg 1612/68 does not apply to employees of the Deutsche Bundespost working under a contract of employment governed by private law?A~~rrF= HHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFHHHFH ʸɇUņ(]78/70Is an undetaking manufacturing recordings to be regarded as abusing its distribution rights if the controlled retail price of the recordings is higher than the product reimported from another State?GermanyThe undertaking is not abusing its rights by making differences in prices and exclusive agrrements and evidence of abuse requires factual confirmation.!!!!!!! #\78/70Is an undetaking manufacturing recordings to be regarded as abusing its distribution rights if the controlled retail price of the recordings is higher than the product reimported from another State?CommissionThe manufacturer is not abusing his rights unless it has the power to impede the maintenance of effective competition over a considerable part of the relevant market.!!!!!!! #[78/70Is it contrary to Community law for the German law in question to mean that a German undertaking manufacturing recordings may rely on its distribution rights to prohibit the marketing of by a French subsidiary of the product?CommissionSuch a law is contrary to the principles of Community law.L!!!!!!! #Z78/70Is it contrary to Community law for the German law in question to mean that a German undertaking manufacturing recordings may rely on its distribution rights to prohibit the marketing of by a French subsidiary of the product?GermanySuch a law is not contrary to the principles of Community law.M !!!!!!! #Y40/70Is Article 86 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?NetherlandsArticle 86 does not apply to the contract unless it produces effects extraneous to its specific purpose.!!!!!!! #X40/70Is Article 86 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?CommissionArticle 86 does not apply to the contract unless it produces effects extraneous to its specific purpose.!!!!!!! #W40/70Is Article 86 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?NetherlandsArticle 86 does not apply to the contract unless it produces effects extraneous to its specific purpose.!!!!!!! #V a40/70Is Article 85 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?CommissionArticle 86 does not apply to the contract unless it produces effects extraneous to its specific purpose.!!!!!!! #U a40/70Is Article 85 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?NetherlandsArticle 85 is not applicable to such a contract.!!!!!!! #T23/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decision to which the carriage of goods is ssubject instead of to the turnover tax?CommissionThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.\!!!!!!! #S23/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decision to which the carriage of goods is ssubject instead of to the turnover tax?GermanyThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.Y!!!!!!! # P<OdmWQsJmQihoJ^YmvdL[QMmYqQkdSOYiDFB@HfiQkoffdkQmWQMd`fiQWQbkYqQ`JbJUQ`QbmdSsJmQiiQkdoiMQkJbOmWQbQQOSdiio^QksWYMWJff^vmdsJmQiLJkYbkQbkoiYbUMdbkmJbmS^dsmdfiQkQiqQsJmQiqd^o`QSdiSYkWkfQMYQk$OdmWQsdiOk mWQmiQJm`QbmYbhoQkmYdb YbmWQkQMdbOkoLfJiJUiJfWdSJim:::iQSQimdJkfQMYSYMmiQJm`QbmsWYMWYkdb^vUYqQbYbmWQkmJmQsWQiQmWQsdi\QiWJk`dqQOdikY`f^vJOQhoJmQmiQJm`QbmdSmWQY^^bQkk$OdmWQsdiOk mWQmiQJm`QbmYbhoQkmYdb YbmWQkQMdbOkoLfJiJUiJfWdSJim:::iQSQimdJkfQMYSYMmiQJm`QbmsWYMWYkdb^vUYqQbYbmWQkmJmQsWQiQmWQsdi\QiWJk`dqQOdikY`f^vJOQhoJmQmiQJm`QbmdSmWQY^^bQkk$OdmWQsdiOk sWdkJmYkSYQkmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQMd`fQmQbmkmJmQSdiQbmYm^Q`QbmmdLQbQSYmk YbJim::8dSiQU8>6FD8MdbmJYbJiQkmiYMmYdbmdmWdkQfQikdbkYbfiYbMYf^QQ^YUYL^QobOQibJmYdbJ^io^Qk$kmJmQSdiQbmYm^Q`QbmmdLQbQSYmk YbJim::8dSiQU8>6FD8MdbmJYbJiQkmiYMmYdbmdmWdkQfQikdbkYbfiYbMYf^QQ^YUYL^QobOQibJmYdbJ^io^Qk$QsdiOk sWdkJmYkSYQkmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQMd`fQmQbmkmJmQSdiQbmYm^Q`QbmmdLQbQSYmk 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MdqQiJbvfidOoMmOQiYqQOSid``JbYdMiddmksWQbYmkkmJiMWMdbmQbmYkdqQi>6$HOdQk:66BLYYdSmWQMMm`QJbmWJmsWQbSioYmobOQi:66BWJkJkoUJiMdbmQbmsWYMWQuMQQOkHLvsQYUWmLomYk^QkkmWJb8<YmYk^YJL^QmdMokmd`kOomvJmmWQiJmQSdiSioYmMdbmJYbYbUJOOQOkoUJi$OdQkJM^JokQMdbSQiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdbsWYMWYkYbM^oOQOJ`dbUUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QfiYbmQOdbmWQLJM\dSJMdbmiJMmkYUbQOLvLdmWfJimYQkSo^SY^^mWQiQhoYiQ`QbmdSJsiYmYbUobOQiJim8DdSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$m, JΘ;DŽD@£P181/73Is the countervailing charge imposed by the Commission on Greek wines imported into Belgium and Luxembourg a duty charge having equivalent effect within Art 37(2) of the aforementioned Agreement?CommissionThis charge cannot be considered a customs duty under this Article.8""""""" #181/73What interpretation is to be given to the word "treatment" in paragraph 2 of Protocol #14 annexed to the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and Greece?Commission"Treatment" refers only to questions of customs duties and quantitative restrictions.1""""""" #181/73Do Articles 41 and 43 under the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and Greece effect the validity of Council Reg 816/70 or any community regulation thereof?CommissionThese Articles do not effect the validity of Reg 816/70 or any other such regulation.6""""""" #183/73Does tariff heading 70.11 include coniform articles of glass which are open at both ends, or do these come under headings 85.20 or 70.21?CommissionSuch products should be under heading 85.20-C.""""""" #192/73Would the answer to question 1 be the same if the sale of the goods in A was made not by the original holder in B, but by a 3rd party who had duly obtained the goods in B from the original holder?United KingdomThe holder could still resist such imports.%""""""" #192/73Would the answer to question 1 be the same if the sale of the goods in A was made not by the original holder in B, but by a 3rd party who had duly obtained the goods in B from the original holder?CommissionThe same would apply for such a third party."""""""" #192/73Should Art 85 and 36 of the Treaty mean that the present holder of a trade mark is entitled to resist imports into State A by the original holder of the trade mark in State B of goods from B bearing mark of goods in A?United KingdomSuch a holder of a trade mark is not prohibited from doing so by Community law._""""""" #192/73Should Art 85 and 36 of the Treaty mean that the present holder of a trade mark is entitled to resist imports into State A by the original holder of the trade mark in State B of goods from B bearing mark of goods in A?CommissionTo prohibit such goods for the sole reason that an identical trade mark exists in the first State is incompatible with the provisions of Community law. """"""" #c2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?Ordre nationale des avocats de BelgiqueThe intention of the negotiators of the EEC Treaty was to exclude the profession of avocat from the freedom of establishment.  #2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?CommissionThe exception to freedom of establishment within Art 55 is restricted to those activities of Art 52 that involve a direct connection with the exercise of official authority.  #2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?United KingdomThe exception to freedom of establishment within Art 55 is restricted to those activities of Art 52 that involve a direct connection with the exercise of official authority.  #PtoDZSIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.2If the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision within the meaning of Art 189.121/73Dooes the 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?mF=AThese provsions have direct legal consequences, but breach of duty not to act does not necessarily invalidate the aid scheme. National courts can declare such a scheme temporarily inapplicable.2National courts must apply this provision, but each State can determine the legal procedure leading to this result.120/73Do the words "Member State" in Art 93(3) mean that failure to observe this provision infringes the direct rights of private parties, or must the national court take account of the invalidity of the law in tis decision?9]]QQF=The prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.2The prohibition is in effect as long as the Commission has not been notified from the time the procedure is initiated to the time it is concluded.120/73Does the prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect? **F=The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.2The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation if it has given prior notice to the Commission and this aid will then come under the system of existing aids.120/73If the Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?QQQQOF=If the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.2If the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision within the meaning of Art 189.120/73Does the 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?lF=iApportionment of benefits may take place in such a case.3Apportionment of benefits may only take place if it has been necessary, in order to give rise to entitlement, to aggregate beforehand the periods completed under different legislations.140/73Must the relationship between Art 27 and 28 of Reg 3 and their complementary and simultaneous application as established with regard to old age be compulsorily transposed to the area of invalidity?  RRRRPF=Under the new amendments, such an act is indispensable in this matter.3Under the new amendments, such an act is indispensable in this matter.143/73Whatever the scheme applicable, is an act by the Community authorities indispensable to enable FIRS and FORMA to proceed with the payment of sums resulting from the adjustments?g````^F=3P1ξ>oɵLQF Such an undertaking would be abusing its rights in this situation.3The manufacturer is not abusing his rights unless it has the power to impede the maintenance of effective competition over a considerable part of the relevant market.78/70Is an undetaking manufacturing recordings to be regarded as abusing its distribution rights if the controlled retail price of the recordings is higher than the product reimported from another State?\\\\ZF=inSuch a law is contrary to the principles of Community law.3Such a law is contrary to the principles of Community law.78/70Is it contrary to Community law for the German law in question to mean that a German undertaking manufacturing recordings may rely on its distribution rights to prohibit the marketing of by a French subsidiary of the product?}TTTTRF=Article 86 is not applicable to such a contract, unless the trademark owner abuses those rights.2Article 86 only applies when the proprietor has the power to impede the maintenance of effective competition over a considerable part of the relevant market.40/70Is Article 86 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?##zzzzxF=f `Article 85 is not applicable to such a contract, unless the trademark owner abuses those rights.2Article 85 is applicable to such a contract to the extent that it seeks prevent such imports of the same product which bear the same trade mark.40/70Is Article 85 applicable to the effect of a contract of assignment of a trade-mark made before the Treaty entered into force?  zzzzxF=ghThis tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.3This tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.23/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decision to which the carriage of goods is ssubject instead of to the turnover tax?qqqqoF=ghThe provisions do not prohibit such taxes.3The provisions do not prohibit such taxes.23/70Do the provisionss of question 1 prohibit a State which has already put into force the common system of value-added tax and abolished specific taxes on the carriage of goods from introducing the specific taxes in questions?[zzppDDDDBF=ghThe provisions do not create such rights.3The provisions do create such rights.23/70Does Art 4 of the Council Decision of 5/13/65 on the harmonizzation of certain provisions affecting competition in transport produce direct effects as regards legal relationships of States and people creating rights?NttjjCCCCAF=This tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.3This tax must not be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of this provision.20/70Must the German tax on the carrigae of goods by roads be considered as a specific tax within the meaning of Art 4 of the Council Decisionn to which the carriage of goods is subject instead of to the turnover tax?qqqqoF=-PX7˷KƶINt The institution of this State is not entitled to apply Articles 27 and 28 of Reg 3 with a view to reducing the beneift under its own legislation, at any rate where the benefit is not linked to periods completed under another State.3The institution in this case must take into account the periods completed in the other States, thus aggregate them, when the worker has not completed the number of periods necessary in that State.28/71Must migrant workers occupy a privileged position as compared with nnationals of the State in which they are working?HF=t The institution of this State is not entitled to apply Articles 27 and 28 of Reg 3 with a view to reducing the beneift under its own legislation, at any rate where the benefit is not linked to periods completed under another State.3The institution in this case must take into account the periods completed in the other States, thus aggregate them, when the worker has not completed the number of periods necessary in that State.27/71Must migrant workers occupy a privileged position as compared with nationals of the State in which they are working under Articles 27 and 28 of Regulation 3?pF=t The institution of this State is not entitled to apply Articles 27 and 28 of Reg 3 with a view to reducing the beneift under its own legislation, at any rate where the benefit is not linked to periods completed under another State.3The institution in this case must take into account the periods completed in the other States, thus aggregate them, when the worker has not completed the number of periods necessary in that State.26/71Must migrant workers occupy a privileged position as compared with nationals of the State in which they are working?GF=Helpers cannot be regarded as assimilated to wage earners within Reg 3 if the extension does not cover all contingencies and the intention was to set up a separate and independent scheme.3Helpers are considered assimilated as long as the benefits are provided for as a whole against one or more risks and provides protection comparable to that under the general scheme.23/71How should the words "and assimilated" in EEC Regs 3 and 4 be interpreted and do helpers regarded under Belgian social security legislation as self-employed persons come within these Regulations?[F=n The concept is the the same as in Question 1.3The concept is the the same as in Question 1.6/71Must the concept of exports to 3rd countries within Reg 164/64 be interpreted differently than in Reg 19/72 from question 1?~~vvGGGGEF=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.6/71Is Commission Reg 162/64 invalid in view of the fact that it restricts in the aggregate the refunds in trade between States to certain percentages of the rates of refund permissible under Reg 141/64?'^^VV77775F=The goods in question must have left the customs territory of one State and, barring force majeure, entered the customs territory of another.3The goods in question must have at least been or would be put into free circulation in a 3rd country, with Member States given the option of requiring the goods are consumed or would be consumed.6/71How is the concept of exports to 3rd countries appearing in the first sentence of Art 20(2) of Reg 19/72 to be interpreted and defined in relation to exports under Art 19(2) of this regulation?7ttllF=zP.umɷǀ3˜These do constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties.3These do constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties.43/71Do the duty for administrative services and the statistical levy in the national laws in question constitute charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties within the meaning of Reg 20?vaaaa_F=heThe rate of levy applicable on the day of removal from the store must be applied.3The rate of levy applicable on the day of removal from the store must be applied.35/71What rates of levy are applicable if the removal of the goods from the deferred levy warehouse does not take place until after the expiry of the period of validity of the import licence?kkkkiF=The importation must be regarded as effected on the date of removal.3The importation must be regarded as effected on the date of removal.35/71Must Art 15(2) of Reg 120/67 be understood to mean that if goods are stored in deferred levy warehouses the importation must be regarded for the purposes of this provision as effected on the date of removal?^^^^\F=taThe day of removal is regarded as the day of importation and consequently the rate of levy applicable on the day of removal is applied.3This means that the day of importation or of the effecting of the import is the day on which the goods are removed from the warehouse, putting them into free circulation.35/71Must Article 15(1) of Reg 120/67 mean that when goods are stored in deferred levy warehouses the date of the removal of the goods from store is to be regarded as the day of importation?WWMMF=Article 85(2) is applicable to 3rd parties as well as to the parties to the contract.1The nullity has no effect between parties and cannot be set up against 3rd parties.22/71Does the nullity provided for under Art 85(2) in the case of the contracts referred to under Art 85(1) affect only the position as between the parties or is it capable of affecting 3rd parties?oooomF=whSuch an agreement is, by virtue of Art 3 of Reg 67/67, put outside the ambit of Art 1 of this regulation.2Regulation 67/67 does not apply when an agreement prohibits the exclusive dealer from re-exporting the product in question to other States.22/71In what circumstances is it possible for a contract of this description which is caught by Article 85 of the Treaty, to escape the aforementioned prohibition or nullity by virtue of Regulation 67/67?F=Such an agreement is prohibited when it prevents the distributor from re-exporting the products to other States or from importing them from other States into the protected area and distributed by other dealers.3Such an agreement is prohibited when it prevents the distributor from re-exporting the products to other States or from importing them from other States into the protected area and distributed by other dealers.22/71In what circumstances is an exclusive dealing contract concluded between a firm having its registered office in one Member State and another firm with its office in a 3rd country prohibited by Art 85?F=f Such an action does not come within the ambit of Art 85(1) of the Treaty.3The relationship of the companies is not a factor when determining the validity of such an agreement.22/71Is the action of a company in one State in setting up a subsidiary in another State to take advantage of an exclusive dealing contract in that State which was originaly granted to the prior company caught by Art 85?ccccaF=/PήH'ƛ.MArticle 42 cannot be used, even before 1/1/75, to prevent importation of goods from the UK.3Article 42 cannot be used, even before 1/1/75, to prevent importation of goods from the UK.15/74Is it a consequence of Art 42 of the Treaty of Accession that if Art 30 prevents the aforementioned right of the patentee, those rules cannot be invoked in the Netherlands until 1/1/75 insofar as the goods are from the UK?uuuusF=The patentee cannot escape Community law on this matter by claiming to protect the public against possible defects in the products by controlling its distribution.3The patentee cannot escape Community law on this matter by claiming to protect the public against possible defects in the products by controlling its distribution.15/74Is the patentee authorized to exercise the rights conferred on him for the purpose of controlling the distribution of a pharmaceutical product with a view to protecting the public against the risks from defects within?HllbbF=Price differences make no difference in this matter.3Price differences make no difference in this matter.15/74Can the patentee prevent the importation of the protected product, given the existence of price differences resulting from governmental measures adopted in the exporting country with a view of controlling its price?gNNNNLF=This is of no significance to question 1.3This is of no significance to question 1.15/74Does it make any difference to the reply to question 1 that the patentee and the licencee do or do not belong to the same concern?xxnnCCCCAF=e Article 36 prohibits the patentee from exercising these "rights".3Article 36 prohibits the patentee from exercising these "rights".15/74Do the rules in the EEC Treaty concerning the free movement of goods, notwithstanding what is stated in Article 36, prevent the patentee from exercising the right to take legal action to protect patents?u[[[[YF=A charge which subjects without distinction industrial exports to a financial charge by abolishing the exoneration from internal taxation and is integrated in the national system of turnover tax is not such a charge.3A charge which subjects without distinction industrial exports to a financial charge by abolishing the exoneration from internal taxation and is integrated in the national system of turnover tax is not such a charge.27/74Does the prohibition against the introduction of charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties under Art 12 of the EEC Treaty include the introduction of a charge similar that described in this case?F=coIn a specific case the national courts must appraise the validity of a control carried out by sampling and decide the consequences resulting from its appraisal.3In a specific case the national courts must appraise the validity of a control carried out by sampling and decide the consequences resulting from its appraisal.26/72Doew Art 2(1) of Reg 2403/69 mean that the restriction of the ocntrol by sampling of the Bomer value of a certain quantity of refined lard in tins to the analysis of the contents of 2 of such tins?-ff\\F=The Bomer value must be determined by the method of the International Organization for Standardization in that annex.3The Bomer value must be determined by the method of the International Organization for Standardization in that annex.26/72Must Art 2(1) of Reg 2403/69 mean that the "Bomer" value of refined lard must be determined according to the method laid down in Annex II(1) to Reg 2403/69 in the following manner ISO/TC34/SC6/WG3/N73?F=zPBą˜deA liason department generally may not be considered as a corresponding agency when dealing with an appeal.3A liason department may be considered as a corresponding agency, even when dealing with an appeal.40/74Does Art 47 of Council Reg 3 mean that "a corresponding agency of another Member State" can include a liason department of this State so that in order to comply with the law of 1 State an appeal may be submitted?F=Art 85 can be applied to prohibit such rights if they have the objective of restraining competition from 3rd parties.3Article 85 is not concerned with parent companies and subsidiaries if they form an economic unit in which the subsidiary has no real freedom and the agreements are merely internal allocation of tasks.16/74Iss Art 85 of the Treaty applicable to agreements and concerted practices between the proprietor of parallel patents in various State and his licencees, if the only objective of it is to regulate the goods in different countries?JccYYF=Article 42 cannot be used, even before 1/1/75, to prevent importation of goods from the UK.3Article 42 cannot be used, even before 1/1/75, to prevent importation of goods from the UK.16/74Is it a consequence of Art 42 of the Treaty of Accession that if Art 30 prevents the aforementioned right of the patentee, those rules cannot be invoked in the Netherlands until 1/1/75 insfar as the goods are from the UK?uuuusF=The patentee cannot escape Community law on this matter by claiming to protect the public against possible defects in the products by controlling its distribution.3The patentee cannot escape Community law on this matter by claiming to protect the public against possible defects in the products by controlling its distribution.16/74Is the patentee authorized to exercise the rights conferred on him for the purpose of controlling the distribution of a pharmaceutical product with a view to protecting the public against the risks from defects withinn?IllbbF=Price differences make no difference in this matter.3Price differences make no difference in this matter.16/74Can the patentee prevent the importation of the protected product, given the existence of price differences resulting from governmental measures adopted in the exporting country with a view of controlling its pricee?hNNNNLF=This is of no significance to question 1.3This is of no significance to question 1.16/74Does it make any difference to the reply to question 1 that the patentee and the licencee do or do not belong to the same concernn?xxnnCCCCAF=Community law prohibits the patentee from exercising these "rights".3Community law prohibits the patentee from exercising these "rights".16/74Do the rules in the EEC Treaty concerning the free movement of goods, notwithstanding what is stated in Article 36, prevent the patentee from exercising the right to take legal action to protect patentss?|^^^^\F=xtArt 85 can be applied to prohibit such rights if they have the objective of restraining competition from 3rd parties.3Article 85 is not concerned with parent companies and subsidiaries if they form an economic unit in which the subsidiary has no real freedom and the agreements are merely internal allocation of tasks.15/74Is Art 85 of the Treaty applicable to agreements and concerted practices between the proprietor of parallel patents in various State and his licencees, if the only objective of it is to regulate the goods in different countries?IccYYF=5P 7Ƃv¦WThe direct effect remains the same.3The direct effect remains the same.34/73Must the direct effect created by the aforementioned provisions prevail against any national legislative measure purporting to change the date from which these provisions became operative?*llbb====;F=M0The rights remain in effect without any break in continuity.3The rights remain in effect without any break in continuity.34/73Must the rights created for private parties under Art 18 and 20 of Reg 19/62 remain in force without interuption after Reg 120/67 came into effect?3VVVVTF==/Such a legislative measure cannot have this effect.3Such a legislative measure cannot have this effect.34/73Can a legislative measure under national law which reproduces the text of a directly applicable rule of Community law affect such direct applicablitlity or the Courts jurisdiction under the Treaty?SMMMMKF=These provisions are directly applicable.3These provisions are directly applicable.34/73Are the aforementioned Articles considered rules directly applicable within the legal order of Member States?xxnnCCCCAF=geSuch a tax is regarded as a charge having equivalent effect.3Such a tax is regarded as a charge having equivalent effect.34/73Is a tax imposed solely on imported goods by reason of the fact that they are unloaded in national ports constititue a charge having equivalent effect within Community law?LVVVVTF=The term has the same meaning in both provisions.3The term has the same meaning in both provisions.34/73Does "charge having equivalent effect" in Articles 18 and 20 of Reg 19/62 and Art 18 and 21 of Reg 120/67 the same as in Art 9 et seq. of the Treaty?~~KKKKIF=`This fact normally justifies the assumption that the products are not of good commercial policy.3This fact normally justifies the assumption that the products are not of good commercial policy.12/73In interpreting the requirement of Art 6 of Reg 1041/67, is it assumed that a product in not of marketable quality if the amount of refund excedds the price in fact paid for the exported product on the home market?zzzzxF=]@The requirement of quality is determined by the Community and not non-EEC States.3The requirement of quality is determined by the Community and not non-EEC States.12/73Is the requirement imposed by Art 6 of Reg 1041/67 that the exported products must be of good quality to be determined to the market conditions and legislation of States, or according to outside recipient States?kkkkiF=The grant of a refund is not necessarily excluded if the amount of the refund exceeds the price in fact paid on the home market.3The grant of a refund is not necessarily excluded if the amount of the refund exceeds the price in fact paid on the home market.12/73Does Art 15 of Council Reg 121/67 mean that a refund on export of products falling under Art 1 of 121/67 cannot be granted if the amount the refund exceeds the price paid on the home market?&&F=The permanent residence for such a worker is his permanent centre of interests which he returns to at intervals between tours.3The permanent residence for such a worker is his permanent centre of interests which he returns to at intervals between tours.13/73Must a permanent residence under Art 1(h) of Reg 3 be regarded as any habitual residence in a State even when such it is not in a fixed place but consists of business-canvassing tours carried out by caravan?""F=8PJΈ}ƄTThe refund rate remains subject to the scheme under the new amendments.3The refund rate remains subject to the scheme under the new amendments.143/73Do, having regard to the date when the export licence was granted, the variations of this refund rate remain subject to the scheme under Reg 1098/68, or newer rules amending it?iaaaa_F=The amount of the turnover tax may not be deducted from the levy.3The amount of the turnover tax may not be deducted from the levy.125/73Must Art 14 and 7 of Regs 19/62 and 55/62 mean that the amount of the turnovet equalization tax imposed on the import of processed products referred to in Art 1(d) and the Annex must be deducted from the levy?}[[[[YF=Neither the turnover tax nor the costs of eosination are to be deducted from the levy under CCT heading 11.06.3Neither the turnover tax nor the costs of eosination are to be deducted from the levy under CCT heading 11.06.124/73Do the provisions of Art 14(1ab) of Reg 19/62 and Art 7(2) of Reg 55/62 mean that from the levy for denatured tapioca flour under 11.06 of the CCT, the turnover tax and the costs of eosination are deducted?F=ngStates must fix the price in such a way as to not prevent barley from reaching its target price in that State.3Such States could not, when fixing the price for maize, take account of the characteristics of different varieties of cereals if this would have led to a threshold price making it impossible for barley to reach its target price.119/73Does Art 8(1) of Reg 19/62 mean that the threshold price for maize in States in which there is no significant production was to be fixed in such a way that it corresponded to the threshold price for barley?JzznnF=noThe State should treat as factors to be taken into account the estimated costs to be incurred by an importer of durum wheat, including the German turnover equalization tax, but once the price is fixed no deduction should be made.2This provision neither requires nor prohibits taking this into account, provided that the threshold price for the cereal is maintained at a level at least 5% above that for common wheat.119/73Does Art 11 of Council Reg 19/62 mean that in the calculation of the levy on durum wheat the turnover equalization tax payable on imports should have been taken into account?wF=This means that the protection ensured by that provision extends to the benefits arising from particular schemes under national law which are given effect by increasing the value of the payment otherwise made.3This means that the protection ensured by that provision extends to the benefits arising from particular schemes under national law which are given effect by increasing the value of the payment otherwise made.51/73What is the meaning of the word "acquired in Art 10(1) of Regs 3 and 1408/71, viewed against the background of the manifold legal and factual situations created by the national legislation of the various States?F==CThis refers to national legislation after Community law has been incorporated into it.3This refers to national legislation after Community law has been incorporated into it.51/73Does the term "legislation" of States in Art 8 and 10(1) of Reg 3 and Art 3(1) and 10(1) of Reg 1408/71 mean national legislation as it is after Community law has been incorporated into it?ppppnF=6PrıRThese provsions have direct legal consequences, but breach of duty not to act does not necessarily invalidate the aid scheme. National courts can declare such a scheme temporarily inapplicable.2National courts must apply this provision, but each State can determine the legal procedure leading to this result.122/73Do tthe words "Member State" in Art 93(3) mean that failure to observe this provision infringes the direct rights of private parties, or must the national court take account of the invalidity of the law in tis decision?:]]QQF=The prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.2The prohibition is in effect as long as the Commission has not been notified from the time the procedure is initiated to the time it is concluded.122/73Does tthe prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?**F=The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.2The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation if it has given prior notice to the Commission and this aid will then come under the system of existing aids.122/73If tthe Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?QQQQOF=If the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.2If the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision within the meaning of Art 189.122/73Does tthe 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?mF=These provsions have direct legal consequences, but breach of duty not to act does not necessarily invalidate the aid scheme. National courts can declare such a scheme temporarily inapplicable.2National courts must apply this provision, but each State can determine the legal procedure leading to this result.121/73Doo the words "Member State" in Art 93(3) mean that failure to observe this provision infringes the direct rights of private parties, or must the national court take account of the invalidity of the law in tis decision?:]]QQF=The prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.2The prohibition is in effect as long as the Commission has not been notified from the time the procedure is initiated to the time it is concluded.121/73Dooes the prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?**F=The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.2The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation if it has given prior notice to the Commission and this aid will then come under the system of existing aids.121/73Iff the Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?QQQQOF= YkYmJLiQJMWdSJim88HJbOOYiD@88DSdiJbQ`f^dvQimdfJv`QbJbOsd`QbmWQkJ`QUidkkkJ^JivLommdOQOoMm8@dSmWQUidkkkJ^JivdS`Qbdb^vJkJMdbmiYLomYdbmdJsYOdskfQbkYdbSobO$YkYmJLiQJMWdSJim88HJbOOYiD@88DSdiJbQ`f^dvQimdfJv`QbJbOsd`QbmWQkJ`QUidkkkJ^JivLommdOQOoMm8@dSmWQUidkkkJ^JivdS`Qbdb^vJkJMdbmiYLomYdbmdJsYOdskfQbkYdbSobO$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim8:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim8:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim8:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$Ydb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim8:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$mYdb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim8:dSOYiB@B@SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$SdibJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbmdiQUJiOJk`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmksYmWYbmWJmfidqYkYdbSddOkmoSSkmdsWYMWmWQiJfQomYMfidfQimYQkJiQJkMiYLQOsYmWdomkMYQbmYSYMqQiYSYMJmYdb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim:JbO<dSOYiDB:6DmWJmSJo^mdSmWQQ`f^dvQi`okmLQiQhoYiQOLQSdiQJM^JY`LJkQOdbmWQLiQJMWMJbLQofWQ^OJbOmWQQ`f^dvQiMJbkmY^^f^QJO[okmYSYMJmYdb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim:JbO<dSOYiDB:6DmWJmSJo^mdSmWQQ`f^dvQi`okmLQiQhoYiQOLQSdiQJM^JY`LJkQOdbmWQLiQJMWMJbLQofWQ^OJbOmWQQ`f^dvQiMJbkmY^^f^QJO[okmYSYMJmYdb$YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim:JbO<dSOYiDB:6DmWJmSJo^mdSmWQQ`f^dvQi`okmLQiQhoYiQOLQSdiQJM^JY`LJkQOdbmWQLiQJMWMJbLQofWQ^OJbOmWQQ`f^dvQiMJbkmY^^f^QJO[okmYSYMJmYdb$<dSOYiDB:6DmWJmSJo^mdSmWQQ`f^dvQi`okmLQiQhoYiQOLQSdiQJM^JY`LJkQOdbmWQLiQJMWMJbLQofWQ^OJbOmWQQ`f^dvQiMJbkmY^^f^QJO[okmYSYMJmYdb$YkYm`JmQiYJ^mdmWQJbksQimdhoQkmYdb8mWJmdbQdSmWQLQbQSYmkYbhoQkmYdbYkJfQbkYdbfJYOYbMdbbQMmYdbsYmWJfiYqJmQdMMofJmYdbJ^fQbkYdbkkMWQ`QdfQiJmQOLvmWQQ`f^dvQi$~YkYmbQMQkkJivmdMdbkYOQiJsdi\QiQ`f^dvQOYbJbJkkdMYJmQOmQiiYmdivsWY^QLQYbUkoL[QMmmdOQMiQQdSFD@:JkJsdi\QisWdYkdiWJkLQQbkoL[QMmmd^QUYk^JmYdbdSdbQdi`diQkmJmQkobOQiiQU8>6FD8$YkdLkQiqJbMQdSmWQfQiYdOSdibdmYSYMJmYdbmWJmfidOoMmkWJqQQbmQiQOJbobOQimJ\YbU^JYOOdsbYbJim8FdSMd``YkkYdbiQU:8H:F:JMdbOYmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJYO$a 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Article 36, prevent the patentee from exercising the right to take legal action to protect patents?CommissionCommunity law does prohibit the patentee from exercising these "rights".D!!!!!!! #in27/74Does the prohibition against the introduction of charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties under Art 12 of the EEC Treaty include the introduction of a charge similar that described in this case?CommissionA charge which subjects without distinction industrial exports to a financial charge by abolishing the exoneration from internal taxation and is integrated in the national system of turnover tax is not such a charge.!!!!!!! #in27/74Does the prohibition against the introduction of charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties under Art 12 of the EEC Treaty include the introduction of a charge similar that described in this case?GermanyA charge which subjects without distinction industrial exports to a financial charge by abolishing the exoneration from internal taxation and is integrated in the national system of turnover tax is not such a charge.!!!!!!! #ts26/72Doew Art 2(1) of Reg 2403/69 mean that the restriction of the ocntrol by sampling of the Bomer value of a certain quantity of refined lard in tins to the analysis of the contents of 2 of such tins?CommissionIn a specific case the national courts must appraise the validity of a control carried out by sampling and decide the consequences resulting from its appraisal.!!!!!!! #y 26/72Must Art 2(1) of Reg 2403/69 mean that the "Bomer" value of refined lard must be determined according to the method laid down in Annex II(1) to Reg 2403/69 in the following manner ISO/TC34/SC6/WG3/N73?CommissionThe Bomer value must be determined by the method of the International Organization for Standardization in that annex.o!!!!!!! #y 26/72Must Art 2(1) of Reg 2403/69 mean that the "Bomer" value of refined lard must be determined according to the method laid down in Annex II(1) to Reg 2403/69 in the following manner ISO/TC34/SC6/WG3/N73?NetherlandsThe Bomer value must be determined by the method of the International Organization for Standardization in that annex.p!!!!!!! #26/72Must Art 2 of Reg 2403/69 mean that the control referred to by this article must be carried out exclusively on samples taken on the day laid down in Art 1 of Reg 1041/67?CommissionThis must be carried out on samples taken at the time when the customs export formalities are concluded.C!!!!!!! #26/72Must Art 2 of Reg 2403/69 mean that the control referred to by this article must be carried out exclusively on samples taken on the day laid down in Art 1 of Reg 1041/67?NetherlandsThis can be carried out on samples taken before the customs export formalities are concluded.9!!!!!!! # V˚\ȗbóN2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?IrelandThe exception to freedom of establishment within Art 55 is restricted to those activities of Art 52 that involve a direct connection with the exercise of official authority.  #2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?NetherlandsThe exception to freedom of establishment within Art 55 is restricted to those activities of Art 52 that involve a direct connection with the exercise of official authority.  #2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?LuxembourgThe intention of the negotiators of the EEC Treaty was to exclude the profession of avocat from the freedom of establishment.g  #2/74What is to be understood by "activities which in that State are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority" within the meaning of Art 55 of the Treaty of Rome?GermanyThe intention of the negotiators of the EEC Treaty was to exclude the profession of avocat from the freedom of establishment.d  #2/74Is Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome, since the end of the transitional period, a directly applicable provision, despite, in particular, the absence of directives as prescribed by Art 54(2) and 57(1) of the Treaty?United KingdomArticle 52 is not directly applicable.+  #2/74Is Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome, since the end of the transitional period, a directly applicable provision, despite, in particular, the absence of directives as prescribed by Art 54(2) and 57(1) of the Treaty?CommissionArticle 52 is directly applicable.#  #2/74Is Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome, since the end of the transitional period, a directly applicable provision, despite, in particular, the absence of directives as prescribed by Art 54(2) and 57(1) of the Treaty?IrelandArticle 52 is not directly applicable.$  #2/74Is Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome, since the end of the transitional period, a directly applicable provision, despite, in particular, the absence of directives as prescribed by Art 54(2) and 57(1) of the Treaty?LuxembourgArticle 52 is not directly applicable.'  #2/74Is Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome, since the end of the transitional period, a directly applicable provision, despite, in particular, the absence of directives as prescribed by Art 54(2) and 57(1) of the Treaty?GermanyArticle 52 is directly applicable.   #ot127/73Should the expression "undertaking entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest" that such undertakings should have privileges which are denied to other undertakings, with Art 90 creating rights?CommissionAn undertaking which the state has not assigned any task and manages private interests is not covered by Art 90(2) of the Treaty. """"""" # MGǑ1W80/72Is the note relating to the heading "cereal flours" inserted in the Annex to Reg 1052/68 of 7/23/68 valid and does it form an integral part of the regulation and enjoy the same legal force as its provisions?CommissionThe note remains valid and has the same legal force as the regulations provisions.R!!!!!!! #80/72Apart from the results of a chemical analysis intended to reveal cellulose, ash, starch, etc. contents in the product in question, may account be taken of other characteristics, by other means (visual/microscopic)?CommissionCriteria other than the specific content of starch and ash do not allow the tariff headings in question to be distinguished with sufficient accuracy.!!!!!!! #h 80/72Must Reg 120/67 mean that a product must be classified under tariff subheading 11.01 C and not 23.02 A, if it has a starch content of more than 28%?CommissionThe starch content cannot distinguish products into either heading.!!!!!!! #77/72Does the levying of a tax collected on the basis of a percentage calculated in relation to the value of the product imported from other States constitute an infringement of Art 13(2) of the Treaty?CommissionDuties of the kind described are not prohibited by Article 13(2) of the Treaty.E!!!!!!! #77/72Does the levying of a tax collected on the basis of a percentage calculated in relation to the value of the product imported from other States constitute an infringement of Art 13(2) of the Treaty?ItalyDuties of the kind described are not prohibited by Article 13(2) of the Treaty.@!!!!!!! #77/72Is the provision of Article 92(1) of the Treaty a rule directly applicable in the legal systems of Member States, giving rise to personal rights which the national courts must safeguard?CommissionThis provision is not directly applicable.!!!!!!! #77/72Is the provision of Article 92(1) of the Treaty a rule directly applicable in the legal systems of Member States, giving rise to personal rights which the national courts must safeguard?ItalyThis provision is not directly applicable.!!!!!!! #186/73Does the receipt of the declarants customs application by the customs authorities amount to acceptance under Reg 1373/70 by the customs authorities of the document the declarant states is his intention?CommissionAcceptance does not require that the customs procedure should be finally concluded in favor of the declarant.i""""""" #184/73Does the reference in Art 11(2) to benefits "acquired under a scheme in another Member State" a reference to the amount initially awarded or a reference to the reduced amount?CommissionThis refers to the reduced amount.""""""" #184/73Can the Dutch institution take advangtage of Reg 3 to assimilate sickness benefits payable under German law to sickness benefits payable under Dutch law in Art 20 of WAO in order to apply that Article?CommissionThe Dutch institution can take advantage of this article in the way described.I""""""" #184/73Does the phrase "legislative provisions of a State for reduction benefit in cases of overlapping with other social security benefits" in Reg 3 mean an incompacity benefit cannot be claimed along with a sickness benefit?CommissionA national law intended to forbid this simulatneous benefit constitutes a provision for reduction within the meaning of Art 11(2) of Reg 3. """"""" # ЍrT̻1>,34/73Must the rights created for private parties under Art 18 and 20 of Reg 19/62 remain in force without interuption after Reg 120/67 came into effect?CommissionThe rights remain in effect without any break in continuity.!!!!!!! #34/73Can a legislative measure under national law which reproduces the text of a directly applicable rule of Community law affect such direct applicablitlity or the Courts jurisdiction under the Treaty?CommissionSuch a legislative measure cannot have this effect.)!!!!!!! #34/73Are the aforementioned Articles considered rules directly applicable within the legal order of Member States?CommissionThese provisions are directly applicable.!!!!!!! #34/73Is a tax imposed solely on imported goods by reason of the fact that they are unloaded in national ports constititue a charge having equivalent effect within Community law?CommissionSuch a tax is regarded as a charge having equivalent effect.!!!!!!! #h 34/73Does "charge having equivalent effect" in Articles 18 and 20 of Reg 19/62 and Art 18 and 21 of Reg 120/67 the same as in Art 9 et seq. of the Treaty?CommissionThe term has the same meaning in both provisions.!!!!!!! #12/73In interpreting the requirement of Art 6 of Reg 1041/67, is it assumed that a product in not of marketable quality if the amount of refund excedds the price in fact paid for the exported product on the home market?CommissionThis fact normally justifies the assumption that the products are not of good commercial policy.g!!!!!!! #12/73Is the requirement imposed by Art 6 of Reg 1041/67 that the exported products must be of good quality to be determined to the market conditions and legislation of States, or according to outside recipient States?CommissionThe requirement of quality is determined by the Community and not non-EEC States.V!!!!!!! #12/73Does Art 15 of Council Reg 121/67 mean that a refund on export of products falling under Art 1 of 121/67 cannot be granted if the amount the refund exceeds the price paid on the home market?CommissionThe grant of a refund is not necessarily excluded if the amount of the refund exceeds the price in fact paid on the home market.o!!!!!!! #13/73Must a permanent residence under Art 1(h) of Reg 3 be regarded as any habitual residence in a State even when such it is not in a fixed place but consists of business-canvassing tours carried out by caravan?CommissionThe permanent residence for such a worker is his permanent centre of interests which he returns to at intervals between tours.~!!!!!!! #13/73Do the working conditions in question 1 come within the scope of the expression "duration of employment of 12 months" in Art 13(a) of Reg 3?FranceSuch a working condition does not come within the scope of this provision.!!!!!!! #13/73Do the working conditions in question 1 come within the scope of the expression "duration of employment of 12 months" in Art 13(a) of Reg 3?CommissionSuch working conditions do come within the scope of this provision.!!!!!!! #13/73Is a representative who for 9 months in the year tours a State canvassing business, but also others, in which are registered offices of the undertakings that employ him, regarded as being active in those States as well?CommissionSuch a representative must be considered an active worker in only one State.X !!!!!!! #  u&ʕ,:ı+124/73Do the provisions of Art 14(1ab) of Reg 19/62 and Art 7(2) of Reg 55/62 mean that from the levy for denatured tapioca flour under 11.06 of the CCT, the turnover tax and the costs of eosination are deducted?GermanyNeither the turnover tax nor the costs of eosination are to be deducted from the levy under CCT heading 11.06.k""""""" #wa119/73Does Art 8(1) of Reg 19/62 mean that the threshold price for maize in States in which there is no significant production was to be fixed in such a way that it corresponded to the threshold price for barley?CommissionStates must fix the price in such a way as to not prevent barley from reaching its target price in that State.n""""""" #wa119/73Does Art 8(1) of Reg 19/62 mean that the threshold price for maize in States in which there is no significant production was to be fixed in such a way that it corresponded to the threshold price for barley?GermanyStates must fix the price in such a way as to not prevent barley from reaching its target price in that State.k""""""" #119/73Does Art 11 of Council Reg 19/62 mean that in the calculation of the levy on durum wheat the turnover equalization tax payable on imports should have been taken into account?CommissionThe turnover equalization tax should not be included in the calculation of the levy to be applied to durum wheat.Q""""""" #119/73Does Art 11 of Council Reg 19/62 mean that in the calculation of the levy on durum wheat the turnover equalization tax payable on imports should have been taken into account?GermanyThe turnover equalization tax should not be included in the calculation of the levy to be applied to durum wheat.N""""""" #51/73What is the meaning of the word "acquired in Art 10(1) of Regs 3 and 1408/71, viewed against the background of the manifold legal and factual situations created by the national legislation of the various States?NetherlandsThis applies to benefits in this provision, but not to the transitional benefitis arising from Art 43 of the AOW.v!!!!!!! #51/73What is the meaning of the word "acquired in Art 10(1) of Regs 3 and 1408/71, viewed against the background of the manifold legal and factual situations created by the national legislation of the various States?CommissionThis means that the protection ensured by that provision extends to the benefits arising from particular schemes under national law which are given effect by increasing the value of the payment otherwise made.!!!!!!! #51/73Does the term "legislation" of States in Art 8 and 10(1) of Reg 3 and Art 3(1) and 10(1) of Reg 1408/71 mean national legislation as it is after Community law has been incorporated into it?CommissionThis refers to national legislation after Community law has been incorporated into it.D!!!!!!! #51/73Does the term "legislation" of States in Art 8 and 10(1) of Reg 3 and Art 3(1) and 10(1) of Reg 1408/71 mean national legislation as it is after Community law has been incorporated into it?NetherlandsThis refers to national legislation after Community law has been incorporated into it.E!!!!!!! #34/73Must the direct effect created by the aforementioned provisions prevail against any national legislative measure purporting to change the date from which these provisions became operative?CommissionThe direct effect remains the same.!!!!!!! #1ΐ͵ *~ɼAMż$Ċþ¡?4@??Roemer1477/72Capolongo v. MayaCarmine CapolongoAzienda Agricola Mayan[H>::::2222 ?  @?@Mayras14186/73Fleischkontor v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle SchlachtviehNorddeutsches Vieh- und Fleischkontor GmbHEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Schlachtvieh, Fleisch und FleischerzeugnisseJ>::::2222 ?  @@?Warner14184/73Bedrijfsvereniging v. KaufmannBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingH.W. KaufmannjJ>::::2222 ? @@?@Warner14181/73Haegeman v. BelgiumR. & V. HaegemanBelgiumzq_J>::::2222 ? @@??Mayras14192/73Van Zuylen v. HagVan Zuylen FreresHag AGxp]J>::::2222 ? @@?@Mayras142/74Reyners v. BelgiumJean ReynersBelgiumqhZF>::::2222 ? z@??Mayras14127/73BRT v. SABAM and NV FoniorBelgische Radio en Televisie and Societe belge des auteurs, compositeurs et editeursSV SABAM and NV FoniorfJ>::::2222 ? p@?@Mayras14152/73Sotgiu v. Deutsche BundespostGiovanni Maria SotfiuDeutsche BundespostiJ>::::2222 ? @@@Reischl1440/74Belgium, Costers and Vounchx v. Berufsgenossenschaft FeinmechanikBelgium, Henri Costers and Maria VounckxBerufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und ElektrotechnikI?;;;;2222 ? ro@@??Trabucchi1416/74Centrafarm v. WinthropCentrafarm BV and Adriaan De PeijperWinthrop BVcKA====2222 ? @@??Trabucchi1415/74Centrafarm v. Sterling DrugCentrafarm BV and Adriaan De PeijperSterling Drug Inc.hKA====2222 ? @?@Reischl1427/74Demag v. Finanzamt Duisburg-SudDemag AGFinanzamt Duisburg-SudtjI?;;;;2222 ?@?@Mayras1426/72Oliefabrieken v. Produktschap voor MargarineNV Vereenigde OliefabriekenProduktschap voor Margarine, Vetten en OlienvH>::::2222 ?@@?@Roemer1484/71Marimex v. Italian Ministry of FinanceSpA MarimexMinistry for Finance of the Italian Republic}pH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1450/71Wunsche v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideWunsche OHGEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelxH>::::2222 ?@?@Roemer1449/71Hagen v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideHagen OHGEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelvH>::::2222 ?A@?@Gand1412/70Craeynest v. BelgiumPaul Craeynest and AnotherBelgiumx\F<88882222 ?@@?@Dutheillet de Lamothe1443/71Politi v. ItalyPoliti S.A.S.Ministry for Finance of the Italian RepublicwhWMIIII2222 ?@?@Roemer1435/71Schleswig-Holsteinische Hauptgenossenschaft v. Hauptzollamt ItzehoeSchleswig-Holsteinische landwirtschaftliche Hauptgenossenschaft eGmbHHauptzollamt ItzehoeH>::::2222  Mt̵˞ʶbƔ!jÞ? @?@Reischl1449/75Borella v. Landesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenCamilla BorellaLandesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenyI?;;;;2222 ? @?@Reischl1430/75Unil-It v. Amministrazione Finanzaria dello StatoSpA Unil-ItAmministrazione Finanzaria dello Stato|I?;;;;2222 ? @ @?@Reischl1433/75Galati v. Landesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenBenito GalatiLandesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenxI?;;;;2222 ? @?@Mayras1436/75Rutili v. Minister for the InteriorRoland RutiliMinister for the Interior|mH>::::2222 ? @??Reischl1425/75Van Vliet Kwasten- v. Dalle CrodeVan Vliet Kwasten- en Ladderfabriek NVFratelli Dalle CrodelI?;;;;2222  ? @`@?@Reischl14141/73Lohrey v. GermanyFritz LohreyGermany and the Land Hessenl^K?;;;;2222 ? @`@?@Reischl14122/73Nordsee v. GermanyNordsee, Deutsche Hochseefischerei GmbHGermany and the Land Rheinland/Pfalz_K?;;;;2222 ? Z@`@?@Reischl14121/73Markmann v. GermanyMarkmann KGGermany and the Land Schleswig-Holsteinm`K?;;;;2222 ? @`@?@Reischl14120/73Lorenz v. GermanyGebr. Lorenz GmbHGermany and the Land Rheinland/Pfalzq^K?;;;;2222 ?^@?@Warner14143/73SOPAD v. FORMA and FIRSSociete des produits alimentaires et dietetiques, S.A.Fonds d orientation et de regularisation des marches agricoles and Fonds d intervention et de regulacJ>::::2222 ? ^@?@Warner14125/73Neufeld v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofNeufeld & Co.Hauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofvJ>::::2222 ? ^@?@Warner14124/73Kampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideE. KampffmeyerEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und Futtermittel~J>::::2222 ? ^@?@Warner14119/73Deutsche Getreide v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideDeutsche Getreide- und Futtermittel-HandelsgesellschaftEinfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Getreide und FuttermittelJ>::::2222 ? W@@?Trabucchi1451/73Sociale Verzekeringsbank v. SmiejaBestuur der Sociale VerekeringsbankB. SmiejaoKA====2222 ? P@?@Trabucchi1434/73Variola v. Amministrazione italiana delle FinanzeF.lli Variola SpAAmministrazione italiana delle Finanze~KA====2222 ? P@?@Trabucchi1412/73Muras v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasClaus W. MurasHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonaspKA====2222 ?@:@X@?Trabucchi1413/73Angenieux v. HakenbergAnciens Etablissements D. Angenieux fils aine and Caisse primaire centrale d assurance maladie de laWilly HakenbergcKA====2222 ? 4@?@Mayras1480/72Koninklijke Lassiefabrieken v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenNV Koninklijke LassiefabriekenHoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenH>::::2222  LVALhD8/   ?8888 8p888 d UGeneral Case Characteristics.AG (last name)7General Case Characteristicsx8p888 8;C@888 8@9General Case Characteristicsh8  8(8 88;o@a~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCmblastname88 88][General Case Characteristics].[AG (last name)]88@9General Case Characteristics 888 888 888@8H8P8X8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888h8 8(8 H8 8 8z h88888 8 d 8,X8 8 87General Case Characteristics d8 d8PrimaryKey coder88v H880888q888888888888888888888888888888 8888?8General Case CharacteristicsPrimaryKey88H8 8H8888888 8 [\# V1 u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t@Fina u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) t@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@College u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) z@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9 u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@T u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@ u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771))))))  u@Bundesgerichtshof9/771)))))) 9@Tribunal Civile e Penale di Milano90/76D:::::: [@Tribunal du Travail of Charleroi93/76B888888  X%Q" is170/83Must Reg 67/67 be applied even if the obligations entered into cover not only a defined area of the Common Market but also countries outside the European Community?CommissionRegulation 67/67 is applicable in this case.""""""" # i170/83Must Reg 67/67 on block exemption be applied even if several legally independent undertakings participate on one side of the contract, and does it matter that undertakings on one side of the contract are the same economic entity?CommissionThis regulation must be applied even if several legally independent undertakings participate as one contracting party provided those undertakings constitute an economic unit for the purposes of the agreement. """"""" #89/83Has a product been imported under Art 6(2) of Reg 876/68 where a few days after unloading in that territory it has been either destroyed or re-exported?CommissionSuch a product has not been officially imported if the competent authorities deem this necessary or if the destruction or re-exportation occurred before completion of necessary formalities.!!!!!!! #89/83Must the proof required by Art 6(2) of Reg 876/68 that the product has been imported into the territory of designation be regarded as having been furnished irrebuttably if a substitute document under Art 11(1) is submitted?CommissionThe proof is not furnished irrebuttably when these substitute documents are submitted in its place.s!!!!!!! #72/83Are "public policy" or "public security" in Art 36 to mean that such a system in question 1 is exempt by Art 36 from Art 30 or by other circumstances?CommissionA State almost totally dependent on petroleum imports may rely on grounds of public security under Art 36 to implement such a system that benefits domestic refineries, only if this is not strictly or predominantly for economic purposes.!!!!!!! #72/83Are "public policy" or "public security" in Art 36 to mean that such a system in question 1 is exempt by Art 36 from Art 30 or by other circumstances?United KingdomA State almost totally dependent on petroleum imports may rely on grounds of public security under Art 36 to implement such a system that benefits domestic refineries, only if this is not strictly or predominantly for economic purposes.!!!!!!! #ul72/83Do Articles 30 and 31 allow national systems that require importers of oil products into a State to purchase from a state-owned oil refinery up to 35% of their requirements of petroleum oils?CommissionArticle 30 prohibits such national rules.!!!!!!! # f42/83Does Art 95 preclude a State from laying down, in respect of VAT on imports, accounting periods and periods within which payment must be made in the manner described in question 1?CommissionArticle 95 does not preclude a State from doing so.!!!!!!! # f42/83Does Art 95 preclude a State from laying down, in respect of VAT on imports, accounting periods and periods within which payment must be made in the manner described in question 1?DenmarkArticle 95 does not preclude a State from doing so.!!!!!!! #ma42/83Does Council Dir 77/388 allow national legislation to distinguish between internal VAT and import VAT by prescribing different accounting period as the basis for the tax liability and different periods for payment of tax?CommissionCouncil Dir 77/388 allows States to make this difference in accounting periods.] !!!!!!! # 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D:DB)D:F<$D<BH D<DDD>BH D>DB,D>DBX D@DB|D@H6DBD6+DBD:DBDB*DBDDDDD8DDD:*DDDB.DDF:YDDF<DFD6.DFD:DFD>q/DFDBX DHDB| DHDD DHF<,FD<FD>|FD@FDFFF:YFFH@FH6F6D6,F6D8 F6D:*F6DB|F6F:YF6FH@F:D8 F:D:F:DB+F:DD(F<DD F<FD8F<FHqF>D8* F>DB|F>DD F>DFXF@D8F@DFX F@FHq FBD@>|FHF<%HD6*HD:HD<%HD>(HDD|0HDFHDHX$H6DB|'H6F< H8D>H8D@>BH8F<Y H:D8H:D>q0H:F< H<D8H<D@ H<DB|H<DF$H<F<H>D8H>D>H>D@@H>DD)H>F:8H>F<H@D@>H@DFXHBD@>;HDDF%HDF<HFD@>AHFDD HHDBHHF<YHHFH@,P "a̻ʔrNThis must be carried out on samples taken at the time when the customs export formalities are concluded.3This must be carried out on samples taken at the time when the customs export formalities are concluded.26/72Must Art 2 of Reg 2403/69 mean that the control referred to by this article must be carried out exclusively on samples taken on the day laid down in Art 1 of Reg 1041/67?F=ecThe provisions of 14/64 take effect on 11/1/64 and 805/68 on 7/29/68.3The provisions of 14/64 take effect on 11/1/64 and 805/68 on 7/29/68.84/71When do the provisions of Art 12(1) and (2) of Reg 14/64 and Art 20(2) and 22(1) of Reg 805/68 take effect?____]F=ctThese provisions do produce direct effects.3These provisions do produce direct effects.84/71Do Art 12(1) and (2) of Reg 14/64 and 20(2) and 22(1) of Reg 805/68 produce direct effects and confer subjective rights on individuals which national courts have a duty to protect?2||rrEEEECF=eqSuch charges are charges having equivalent effect under Community law.3Such charges are charges having equivalent effect under Community law.84/71Do the statistics duty and the duty for administrative services in Italian law come within the charges having equivalent effect by Community law?E````^F=feThe concept of charges having effect equivalent to a customs duty is the same in both.3The concept of charges having effect equivalent to a customs duty is the same in both.84/71Is the concept of a "charge having effect equivalent" to a customs duty in Art 12(1) and (2) of Reg 14/64 and in Art 20(2) of Reg 805/68 the same as in Art 9, 12, 13 and 16 of the EEC Treaty?ppppnF=The provisions are mandatory for States.3The provisions are mandatory for States.50/71Are the provisions contained in these regulations of a mandatory nature or may individual States adopt different provisions or proceduree?vvllBBBB@F=no opinion given3This means that the goods must be at the disposal of the intervention agency, so that any subsequent change of location remains a matter for the agency.50/71Are the words "are when the offer is made" in Art 1(1) of Reg 132/67 of the Council, to mean that cereals offered must be warehoused at a specific place when the offer is madee?****(F=To be valid an offer must state where the goods offered are or will be at the time when the offer is made.3To be valid an offer must state where the goods offered are or will be at the time when the offer is made.50/71Does an offer become valid and qualify for acceptance only if it contains also a statement of the place where the cereals offered were when the offer was madee?F=The offer is effectively made when it is received in writing by the intervention agency.3The offer is effectively made when it is received in writing by the intervention agency.50/71Does the term "offer" mean that an offer for intervention of cereals is considered to have been made at the time at which the offer is despatched by the maker of the offer, or at the time the offer is received by the agencyy?rrrrpF=8P > c4÷XThis refers to the reduced amount.3This refers to the amount actually paid as assimilated benefit.184/73Does the reference in Art 11(2) to benefits "acquired under a scheme in another Member State" a reference to the amount initially awarded or a reference to the reduced amount?:}}<<<<:F=The Dutch institution can take advantage of this article in the way described.2The expression "benefits acquired under a scheme in another State" cannot be limited to the case where the provision against overlapping is expressed in terms covering all benefits, whichever State the scheme is in.184/73Can the Dutch institution take advangtage of Reg 3 to assimilate sickness benefits payable under German law to sickness benefits payable under Dutch law in Art 20 of WAO in order to apply that Article?MMAAhhhhfF=d A national law intended to forbid this simulatneous benefit constitutes a provision for reduction within the meaning of Art 11(2) of Reg 3.3A national law intended to forbid this simulatneous benefit constitutes a provision for reduction within the meaning of Art 11(2) of Reg 3.184/73Does the phrase "legislative provisions of a State for reduction benefit in cases of overlapping with other social security benefits" in Reg 3 mean an incompacity benefit cannot be claimed along with a sickness benefit?>>22F=This charge cannot be considered a customs duty under this Article.3This charge cannot be considered a customs duty under this Article.181/73Is the countervailing charge imposed by the Commission on Greek wines imported into Belgium and Luxembourg a duty charge having equivalent effect within Art 37(2) of the aforementioned Agreement?s]]]][F=io"Treatment" refers only to questions of customs duties and tariff quotas.3"Treatment" refers only to questions of customs duties and quantitative restrictions.181/73What interpretation is to be given to the word "treatment" in paragraph 2 of Protocol #14 annexed to the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and Greece?rccccaF=These Articles do not effect the validity of Reg 816/70 or any other such regulation.3These Articles do not effect the validity of Reg 816/70 or any other such regulation.181/73Do Articles 41 and 43 under the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and Greece effect the validity of Council Reg 816/70 or any community regulation thereof?oooomF=ofThese products should be under heading 70.11.3Such products should be under heading 85.20-C.183/73Does tariff heading 70.11 include coniform articles of glass which are open at both ends, or do these come under headings 85.20 or 70.21?wwGGGGEF=The same would apply for such a third party.3The same would apply for such a third party.192/73Would the answer to question 1 be the same if the sale of the goods in A was made not by the original holder in B, but by a 3rd party who had duly obtained the goods in B from the original holder?FttFFFFDF=To prohibit such goods for the sole reason that an identical trade mark exists in the first State is incompatible with the provisions of Community law.3To prohibit such goods for the sole reason that an identical trade mark exists in the first State is incompatible with the provisions of Community law.192/73Should Art 85 and 36 of the Treaty mean that the present holder of a trade mark is entitled to resist imports into State A by the original holder of the trade mark in State B of goods from B bearing mark of goods in A?2VVJJF=>P m̅^p#Such working conditions do not come within the scope of this provision.3Such working conditions do not come within the scope of this provision.13/73Do the working conditions in question 1 come within the scope of the expression "duration of employment of 12 months" in Art 13(a) of Reg 3?Baaaa_F=Such a representative must be considered an active worker in both States.3Such a representative must be considered an active worker in both States.13/73Is a representative who for 9 months in the year tours a State canvassing business, but also others, in which are registered offices of the undertakings that employ him, regarded as being active in those States as well?ccccaF=not applicable2These references refer to all the provisions of the Annex, including columns 1 and 2 and the footnotes.80/72Must the provisions of Reg 1052/68, wherein reference is made to columns 3,4, and 5 of it Annex, mean that those references include a reference to columns 1 and 2 of the Annex, hence also to the footnotes?j((((&F=The note remains valid and has the same legal force as the regulations provisions.3The note remains valid and has the same legal force as the regulations provisions.80/72Is the note relating to the heading "cereal flours" inserted in the Annex to Reg 1052/68 of 7/23/68 valid and does it form an integral part of the regulation and enjoy the same legal force as its provisions?lllljF=The classification of products may be ascertained by both chemical analysis and by other appropriate means, including visual (microscopic) observation.3The classification of products may be ascertained by both chemical analysis and by other appropriate means, including visual (microscopic) observation.80/72Apart from the results of a chemical analysis intended to reveal cellulose, ash, starch, etc. contents in the product in question, may account be taken of other characteristics, by other means (visual/microscopic)?,TTJJF=63he starch content cannot distinguish products into either heading.3The starch content cannot distinguish products into either heading.80/72Must Reg 120/67 mean that a product must be classified under tariff subheading 11.01 C and not 23.02 A, if it has a starch content of more than 28%?A\\\\ZF=itDuties of the kind described are not prohibited by Article 13(2) of the Treaty.3The duty can be prohibited when it is intended exclusively to support activities which specifically benefit the taxed domestic product.77/72Does the levying of a tax collected on the basis of a percentage calculated in relation to the value of the product imported from other States constitute an infringement of Art 13(2) of the Treaty?iiiigF=This provision is not directly applicable.3This provision alone is not directly applicable.77/72Is the provision of Article 92(1) of the Treaty a rule directly applicable in the legal systems of Member States, giving rise to personal rights which the national courts must safeguard?<vvDDDDBF=Acceptance occurs the day of receipt by the customs authorities of the document by which the declarant states his intention to puts the goods in circulation in the licence.3Acceptance does not require that the customs procedure should be finally concluded in favor of the declarant.186/73Does the receipt of the declarants customs application by the customs authorities amount to acceptance under Reg 1373/70 by the customs authorities of the document the declarant states is his intention? AA55F=kP0ζ$nǯÇNpl,A maximum price, as far as it applies to imports, constitutes a mesure equivalent to a quantitative restriction when dealers wishing to import a product can only do so at a loss.3A maximum price, as far as it applies to imports, constitutes a mesure equivalent to a quantitative restriction when dealers wishing to import a product can only do so at a loss.65/75Do the provisions on the free movement of goods and relating to sugar in Art 35 of Reg 1009/67 prohibit the fixing of maximum prices valid only for the territory of a single State?@F=cl+Unilateral fixing of prices is prohibited.3Fixing of a maximum price is precluded once it jeopardizes the objectives and the functioning of this organization an in particular its system of prices.65/75Does the system of prices established by the common organization of the sugar sector, dealt with in Reg 1009.67, preclude a State from fixing unilaterally a maximum selling price?DDDDBF=*Article 90(2) cannot create individual rights which the national court must protect.3Article 90(2) cannot create individual rights which the national court must protect.10/71Are rights conferred directly by Community law on individuals subject to national law and is this the case in the matter dealt with by the Luxembourg Law of 7/63 governing the river port on the Moselle?nnnnlF=)Disclosure must occur whether directors are appointed or a single director.3Disclosure must occur whether directors are appointed or a single director.32/74Does Art 2(1d) of the 1st Dir of the Council 3/9/68 on coordination of company law mean that in cases where the body authorized to represent a company is of one or more members, disclosure must occur either way?eeeecF=(This Community provision excludes and national system having the purpose of quantitatively restricting the cultivation of one of the products falling within the common organization of the market.3This Community provision excludes and national system having the purpose of quantitatively restricting the cultivation of one of the products falling within the common organization of the market.190/73Is a regulation such as the Hyacinth Cultivation Reg consistent with Art 10 of Council Reg 234/68 on the establishment of a common organization of the market in live trees and other plants?mF=s 'The agreement can be prohibited when it reveals a concerted practice tending to bring about or maintain the isolation of national markets from free intra-Community trade.3The fact that an agreement allows the importer to exploit such a rule does not prohibit it from doing so does not suffice to render the agreement null and void.8/74Is an agreement void if its effect is to restrict competition and trade between States only when taken in conjunction with national rules with regard to certificates of origin when the agreement allows the importer to exploit it?UnnffF=?&This does constitute a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction.3This does constitute a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction.8/74Must Art 30,31,32,33 and 36 mean that a national provision prohibiting the import of goods as spirits without governmant documentation of their origin is a quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect?ppppnF=P y̯ɞrǼĸFHThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.54/76Should the applicant receive damages due to the discrepancy between the 2 harvest periods and the fixing of the intervention price for sugar by the Community authorities?gg]]>>>><F=GFrance has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.68/76Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by rendering exports to other States of potatoes covered by subheading 7.01 A III(b) of the CCT conditional upon submission of an endorsed export declaration?MvvGGGGEF=FThe elections should be annulled.3The elections are annulled and the Committee disbanded.54/75Should the elections of 3/18/75 for the Staff Committee of the European Parliament be annulled?~~tt;;;;9F=EThe amount of debts is to be determined by the sum in the national currency of each undertaking. The Commission is entitled, not obliged, to accept payment in another currency if at the exchange rate of the date of payment.3The amount of debts is to be determined by the sum in the national currency of each undertaking. The Commission is entitled, not obliged, to accept payment in another currency if at the exchange rate of the date of payment.41/73Should paragraph 3(b) of the operative part of the ECJ judgment of 12/16/75 be interpreted in so far as it affects the applicants, and if so, how should it be interpreted?F=seDThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.44/76Should the applicant receive damages for the Commission misleading the applicant regarding the material conditions for claiming the import refund in question?gg]]>>>><F=CThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.66/76Should the Council decision to refuse to submit to the Council the candidates put forward by the CFDT for membership of the Consultative Committee be annulled.ff\\::::8F=BThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.48/76Should the application for the annulment of Art 3(3) of Reg 2530/72 be ruled admissible?ff\\::::8F=AThis regulation does apply irrespective of the status of the driver of the vehicle.3Articles 1,2, and 4 of this regulation apply irrespective of the status of the driver of the vehicle.65/76Is Council Reg 543/69 applicable to any carriage of goods by a vehicle with a permissible maximum weight of 3.5 tons or over so that it is applicable to the carriage of goods by employee or trader?mmmmkF=ar@Articles 30 and 36 do not necessarily preclude such a refusal on grounds of the preservatives within the product, but national authorities must prove that it is a threat to public safety.3Articles 30 and 36 do not necessarily preclude such a refusal on grounds of the preservatives within the product, but national authorities must prove that it is a threat to public safety.42/90Is it lawful under Community law to refuse entry into France to a foodstuff lawfully produced and marketed by a State on the ground that it contains sorbid acid??F=l?This measure does come within the scope of Article 19.3This measure does come within the scope of Article 19.370/88If so, does a measure such as that described in question 1 properly come within the scope of Article 19?PPPPNF=Pnr?X5NThis concerns not only the legislative provisions but also individual decisions taken in application of such legislative provisions.3This concerns not only the legislative provisions but also individual decisions taken in application of such legislative provisions.36/75Does the expression "subject to limitations justified on grounds of public policy" employed in Art 48 of the Treaty concern merely the legislative decisions of each State to limit the movement of nationals?..$$F= Such an agreement would still fall within Art 3 of Reg 67/67.3Such an agreement would still fall within Art 3 of Reg 67/67.25/75Would the answer to the 1st question be effected if the inetmediaries and consumers in the territory covered by the contract enjoy real possibilities of acquiring the products to which the contract relates outside the State?WWWWUF= Such an exclusive sales agreement falls within Art 3 of Reg 67/67 and is excluded from exemption.3Such an exclusive sales agreement falls within Art 3 of Reg 67/67 and is excluded from exemption.25/75Do the agreements which by Art 3 are excluded from exemption include exclusive dealing agreements between a manufacturer on 1 State and a dealer within the common market which contains the provisions described?{{{{yF=el These provsions have direct legal consequences, but breach of duty not to act does not necessarily invalidate the aid scheme. National courts can declare such a scheme temporarily inapplicable.2National courts must apply this provision, but each State can determine the legal procedure leading to this result.141/73Do the woords "Member State" in Art 93(3) mean that failure to observe this provision infringes the direct rights of private parties, or must the national court take account of the invalidity of the law in tis decision?:]]QQF=el The prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.2The prohibition is in effect as long as the Commission has not been notified from the time the procedure is initiated to the time it is concluded.141/73Does the pprohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?**F=el The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.2The State may grant the proposed aid in this situation if it has given prior notice to the Commission and this aid will then come under the system of existing aids.141/73If the Coommission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?QQQQOF=elIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.2If the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision within the meaning of Art 189.141/73Does the 3rd ssentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?mF= YSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LmYdb$YSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LiQJmv$YSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LiQJmv$YSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LiQJmv$YSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LSofdbJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJbJ^vkYkobOQiiQUB:@DFYmYkMdbM^oOQOmWJmsWQvYkJLkQbmOdQkmWJm`QJbmWJmmWQk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$LYSSmWQMd``YkkYdbOdQkbdmhoYM\^vYbYmYJmQmWQfidMQOoiQobOQiJimH<<OdQkmWYkMdbkQhoQbMQYb^JsmWJmmWQfidWYLYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbMQJkQkmdJff^vJbOmWQkvkmQ`dSJYO`JvLQYbmidOoMQO$YSSmWQMd``YkkYdbOdQkbdmhoYM\^vYbYmYJmQmWQfidMQOoiQobOQiJimH<<OdQkmWYkMdbkQhoQbMQYb^JsmWJmmWQfidWYLYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbMQJkQkmdJff^vJbOmWQkvkmQ`dSJYO`JvLQYbmidOoMQO$LYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbMQJkQkmdJff^vJbOmWQkvkmQ`dSJYO`JvLQYbmidOoMQO$LYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbMQJkQkmdJff^vJbOmWQkvkmQ`dSJYO`JvLQYbmidOoMQO$YbJMJkQsWQiQmWQYbqdYMQfiYMQYkJOdfmQOJkmWQLJkYkdSqJ^oJmYdbYkmWQOQmQi`YbYbUSJMmdimWQJMmoJ^bQmsQYUWmdSmWQY`fdimQOUddOkdimWQ`YbY`o`sQYUWmfQiobYmJUiQQOYbmWQMdbmiJMmdSfoiMWJkQ$sWQiQmWQYbqdYMQfiYMQYkJOdfmQOJkmWQLJkYkdSqJ^oJmYdbYkmWQOQmQi`YbYbUSJMmdimWQJMmoJ^bQmsQYUWmdSmWQY`fdimQOUddOkdimWQ`YbY`o`sQYUWmfQiobYmJUiQQOYbmWQMdbmiJMmdSfoiMWJkQ$YbJbJMmYdbLidoUWmLvmWQUiJbmQQdSJbQuM^okYqQkJ^QkMdbMQkkYdbJUJYbkmmWQUiJbmdiYbsWYMWWQM^JY`kmWJmmWQ^JmmQiWJkYbSiYbUQOmWQQuM^okYqQMdbMQkkYdbsWJmOdQkmWQmQi` 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legislative provisions.!!!!!!! #36/75Does the expression "subject to limitations justified on grounds of public policy" employed in Art 48 of the Treaty concern merely the legislative decisions of each State to limit the movement of nationals?FranceThis concerns not only the legislative provisions but also individual decisions taken in application of such legislative provisions.!!!!!!! #25/75Would the answer to the 1st question be effected if the inetmediaries and consumers in the territory covered by the contract enjoy real possibilities of acquiring the products to which the contract relates outside the State?CommissionSuch an agreement would still fall within Art 3 of Reg 67/67.N!!!!!!! #25/75Do the agreements which by Art 3 are excluded from exemption include exclusive dealing agreements between a manufacturer on 1 State and a dealer within the common market which contains the provisions described?CommissionSuch an exclusive sales agreement falls within Art 3 of Reg 67/67 and is excluded from exemption.d!!!!!!! #141/73Do the woords "Member State" in Art 93(3) mean that failure to observe this provision infringes the direct rights of private parties, or must the national court take account of the invalidity of the law in tis decision?CommissionThese provsions have direct legal consequences, but breach of duty not to act does not necessarily invalidate the aid scheme. National courts can declare such a scheme temporarily inapplicable. """"""" #141/73Does the pprohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?CommissionThe prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.""""""" #141/73Does the pprohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?United KingdomThe prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.""""""" #141/73If the Coommission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?CommissionThe State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.;""""""" #141/73If the Coommission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?United KingdomThe State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.?""""""" #in141/73Does the 3rd ssentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?CommissionIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.""""""" # >OdmWQsJmQihoJ^YmvdL[QMmYqQkdSOYiDFB@HfiQkoffdkQmWQMd`fiQWQbkYqQ`JbJUQ`QbmdSsJmQiiQkdoiMQkJbOmWQbQQOSdiio^QksWYMWJff^vmdsJmQiLJkYbkQbkoiYbUMdbkmJbmS^dsmdfiQkQiqQsJmQiqd^o`QSdiSYkWkfQMYQk$OdmWQsddiOk `Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$`Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$kfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$YQk$OdmWQsddiOk `Q`LQikmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$kmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$kmJmQ YbJimH<<`QJbmWJmSJY^oiQmddLkQiqQmWYkfidqYkYdbYbSiYbUQkmWQOYiQMmiYUWmkdSfiYqJmQfJimYQkdi`okmmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimmJ\QJMMdobmdSmWQYbqJ^YOYmvdSmWQ^JsYbmYkOQMYkYdb$OdmWQsdiOk JbOMd`YbUSid` YbJim8dSiQU@B@BFdbmWQbdbSYuYbUdSJbJOOYmYdbJ^J`dobmSdifdo^mivY`fdimQOSid`fd^JbO`QJbmWJmmWQvkJmYkSvmWYkYSmWQvWJqQbdmiQ`JYbQOYbmiJbkYmMdobmiv$ OdmWQsdiOk JbOMd`YbUSid` YbJim8dSiQU@B@BFdbmWQbdbSYuYbUdSJbJOOYmYdbJ^J`dobmSdifdo^mivY`fdimQOSid`fd^JbO`QJbmWJmmWQvkJmYkSvmWYkYSmWQvWJqQbdmiQ`JYbQOYbmiJbkYmMdobmiv$ OdmWQsdiOk JbOMd`YbUSid` YbJim8dSiQU@B@BFdbmWQbdbSYuYbUdSJbJOOYmYdbJ^J`dobmSdifdo^mivY`fdimQOSid`fd^JbO`QJbmWJmmWQvkJmYkSvmWYkYSmWQvWJqQbdmiQ`JYbQOYbmiJbkYmMdobmiv$                                ^ ^^^^^^^^^^        PYb^YUWmdSmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQkdShoQkmYdb8YkJimDD:LYdSiQU8>6FD8qJ^YOYbmWQ^YUWmdSJim@8dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$OQiYbhoQkmYdb`JvJ^kdLQiQUJiOQOJkSiQQdSsWQvSdiJYOobOQiiQU8D:@DH$EYb^YUWmdSmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQkdShoQkmYdb8YkJimDD:LYdSiQU8>6FD8qJ^YOYbmWQ^YUWmdSJim@8dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$YbiQU8DHFD@YkmWQmQi` kMYQbmYSYMYbkmio`Qbm mdLQYbmQifiQmQOLidJO^vkdJkmdYbM^oOQkMYQbmYSYMJYOkJbOsdi\YbU`JmQiYJ^kkoMWJkfWJbmd``JmQiYJ^J8@6`JOQofdSf^JkmYML^dM\k`QJbmSdiiJOYd^dUYMJ^iQkQJiMW$)mQi` kMYQbmYSYMYbkmio`Qbm mdLQYbmQifiQmQOLidJO^vkdJkmdYbM^oOQkMYQbmYSYMJYOkJbOsdi\YbU`JmQiYJ^kkoMWJkfWJbmd``JmQiYJ^J8@6`JOQofdSf^JkmYML^dM\k`QJbmSdiiJOYd^dUYMJ^iQkQJiMW$)QbmYSYMYbkmio`Qbm mdLQYbmQifiQmQOLidJO^vkdJkmdYbM^oOQkMYQbmYSYMJYOkJbOsdi\YbU`JmQiYJ^kkoMWJkfWJbmd``JmQiYJ^J8@6`JOQofdSf^JkmYML^dM\k`QJbmSdiiJOYd^dUYMJ^iQkQJiMW$)YbmWQMJkQdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$MJkQdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$JSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$JkQdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$WQMJkQdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$QMJkQdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$QdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$MJkQdSJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$SJSJY^oiQmdMd`f^vsYmWmWQhoJ^YmvkmJbOJiOkdSiQU@FB:OdQkmWQSJMmmWJmJkmJmQJff^YQkmdY`fdimQOfidOoMmkmWQfQbJ^mYQkobOQiMokmd`k^JsJbOmdOd`QkmYMdbQk^YUWmQifQbJmYQkqYd^JmQJim<6$YbmWQMJkQdSJ^YmYUJbmMWJ^^QbUYbUmWQOQMYkYdbkdSJbJmYdbJ^LdOvSdiYbMd`fJmYLY^YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^Js`JvJmY`Q^Y`YmobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsLQokQOJUJYbkmmWQ^YmYUJbm$ @  # XJ`Ȱb7¥Td 84/76In order to establish the rate of conversion must account be taken of the age of the cattle at the date marketed if the person in receit of the premium produces evidence his cattle were marketed at 4 months old?CommissionThe authority must exclude the period during which the cattle were under the of 4 months in making the calculation.w!!!!!!! #S84/76Does Art 2 of Reg 2195/69 permit cattle on a farm to be taken into account in proportion to the time for which they have been there?CommissionCattle must be taken into account in proportion to the time for which they have been there.!!!!!!! #R69/76Under heading 20.06 of the CCT, are products consisting of parts of fruit which almost totally lack features that determine the nature of fruit considered "fruit", or must they be intact?CommissionSuch products do fall under heading 20.06 and they do not have to be intact in their normal form.M!!!!!!! #Q62/76Is Art 46(3) affected by Decision 91, or where Dec 91 lays down the method of calculation in which excess benefits may be adjusted, does it imply a possiblity of exceeding the highest theoretical amount?CommissionThese 2 provisions are incompatible with Art 51 of the Treaty to the extent that impose a limitation on the overlapping of 2 benefits in 2 States by a reduction of an amount under national legislation alone.!!!!!!! #Pti53/76Are rules which require a certificate for exports but not a charge and allow for it to be refused if not meeting the standards within, to be considered as equivalent to a quantititative restriction on exports?CommissionSuch rules are to be considered quantitative restrictions on exports.G!!!!!!! #O49/76Is untreated casein obtained in a 3rd country, which has been rendered fit for use by being ground up in a State, to be regarded as originating in that State according to Art 5 of Council Reg 802/68?CommissionSuch a product is not considered to be of Community origin.3!!!!!!! #N26/76Should the Commission decision of 12/15/75 relating to a procedure under Art 85 of the Treaty be annulled?Verband des SB-Grosshandels EVThe decision should be annulled.!!!!!!! #M26/76Should the Commission decision of 12/15/75 relating to a procedure under Art 85 of the Treaty be annulled?SABAThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #L41/73Should paragraph 3(b) of the operative part of the ECJ judgment of 12/16/75 be interpreted in so far as it affects the applicants, and if so, how should it be interpreted?CommissionThe amount of debts is to be determined by the sum in the national currency of each undertaking. The Commission is entitled, not obliged, to accept payment in another currency if at the exchange rate of the date of payment.!!!!!!! #K65/76Is Council Reg 543/69 applicable to any carriage of goods by a vehicle with a permissible maximum weight of 3.5 tons or over so that it is applicable to the carriage of goods by employee or trader?CommissionThis regulation does apply irrespective of the status of the driver of the vehicle.I!!!!!!! #Jy 42/90Is it lawful under Community law to refuse entry into France to a foodstuff lawfully produced and marketed by a State on the ground that it contains sorbid acid?CommissionArticles 30 and 36 do not necessarily preclude such a refusal on grounds of the preservatives within the product, but national authorities must prove that it is a threat to public safety.!!!!!!! #0P/ɝǰ ŶNU8 | , J (  a '  m F  y [ ? "  w^E, gN6kGlQ+~R(W=#eH+c%Merkur Aussenhandel GmbH & Co. KG)Melkproduktenmaatschappij G. van The decision is valid.3The decision is not valid.168/82Is Dec C(81)1887 def. Of 12/10/81 of the Commission valid in so far as it provides in Art 2 that the debt owed by the defendant to the ECSC must be regarded as a preferential debt ranking equally with similar debts owed to the State?CXXLL0000.F=The difference is to be granted a posteriori when the butter has not been used after re-importation for the purpose and within the period prescribed by the regulation.3The difference is to be granted a posteriori when the butter has not been used after re-importation for the purpose and within the period prescribed by the regulation.156/82Does Council Reg 974/71 concerning a system of monetary compensatory amounts mean that the difference between the reduced amount and the full amount is not to be granted subsequently?/vvjjF= The provision does not prohibit such devices, provided they are compatible with Art 7.3The provision does not prohibit such devices, provided they are compatible with Art 7.87/82If Art 7 does have effect, has a State any power to define the exceptions to the prohibition upon net attachments in such a way as Statutory Instrument No 1994 of 1980 does?ppppnF=ve The provision has full effect.3The provision has full effect.87/82Does Art 7 of EEC Reg 2527/80 have any effect when no detailed implementing rules have been adopted?bbXX88886F=le Wine containing a percentage of lees which is much smaller than the average percentage of lees obtained when the wine is first racked may be regarded as separated.2Wine containing a percentage of lees which is much smaller than the average percentage of lees obtained when the wine is first racked may be regarded as separated.80/82May wine containing a negligible percentage of lees be regarded as separted from its lees within the meaning of paragraph 8 of Annex II to Reg 816/80 on the common organization of the market in wine?5llbbF= This is a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction under Artile 30 of the Treaty.3This is a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction under Artile 30 of the Treaty.59/82Is a statutory provision in State A where vermouth produced in State B is not marketable in State A because it has slightly less than the minimum alcoholic content under law of State B compatible with Art 30?F=ex The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.167/82Are the refunds fixed in the annexes to Commission Regs 851/79 and 1309/79 in respect of flaked barley falling within 11.02 EIb1 of the CCT valid or does the fixing contradict Council Reg 2744/75?(bbVV77775F=Regulation 749/78 is invalid in so far as it provides that dyeing processes, accompanied where appropriate by mercerizing and gassing, are not to confer on unbleached yarn the status of originating in the EEC.3Regulation 749/78 is invalid in so far as it provides that dyeing processes, accompanied where appropriate by mercerizing and gassing, are not to confer on unbleached yarn the status of originating in the EEC.162/82Is the requirement laid down in Art 1 and 2 of Commission Reg 749/78 for conferring upon textile products the legal status of products originating in the EEC is measure equivalent to a quantitiative restriction under Art 30?F=RϩόoR5Τ·jM0ͼ͂͟eH+̷̛~aD' ˳˖y\?"ʮʑtW:ɩɌoR5ȤȅfG( ǶǙ|_B%ƱƔwZ= ŬŏrU8ħĊmP3ÿâÅhK.º€cF) {^A$15/7396/73 15/7395/73 15/7394/73 15/7393/73 15/7392/73 ~15/7391/73 }15/7390/73 |15/7389/73 {15/7388/73 z15/7387/73 y15/7386/73 x15/7385/73 w15/7384/73 v15/7383/73 u15/7382/73 t15/7381/73 s15/7380/73 r15/7379/73 q15/7378/73 p15/7377/73 o15/7376/75 n15/7375/73 m15/7374/73 l15/7373/73 k15/7372/73 j15/7371/73 i15/7370/73 h15/7369/73 g15/7368/73 f15/7367/73 e15/7366/73 d15/7365/73 c15/7364/73 b15/7363/73 a15/7362/73 `15/7361/73 _15/7360/73 ^15/7359/73 ]15/7358/73 \15/7357/73 [15/7353/73 Z15/7352/73 Y15/7333/73 X15/7332/73 W15/7331/73 V15/7330/73 U15/7329/73 T15/7328/73 S15/7327/73 R15/7326/73 Q15/7325/73 P15/7324/73 O15/7323/73 N15/7322/73 M15/7321/73 L15/7320/73 K15/7319/73 J15/7318/73 I15/7317/73 H15/7316/73 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animals?CommissionSuch a prohibition is justified under Art 36.8 """"""" #; t348/88Are the provisions of Reg 2108/84 intended also to protect the captain undergoing the inspection?CommissionThe provision is intended to protect the captain undergoing the inspection.""""""" #:348/88Does Art 6 of Reg 2108/84 mean that the inspector must begin by determining the mesh size of a net by manual measurement of 60 meshes and only find the mesh size by weight if the captain objects to the manual method?CommissionInspectors are required to follow the manual method under Art 6 first, only the wieght method secondly.q""""""" #9co348/88Does Art 2(1) of Council Reg 3094/86 mean that a mesh size for the purposes of that provision is only one which has been determined in strict compliance with the procedure in Reg 2108/84?CommissionThe mesh size must be determined in compliance with the procedure of Reg 2108/84.>""""""" #8359/88Has the Italian legislature complied with the terms of Art 5 of Dir 75/442 in the sense that the competent authorities would appear to be limited to a given "zone"?CommissionThis legislation is compatible to the extent that the division of responsibility is not excessive and jeopardizes the aims of the directive.b""""""" #7359/88Has the Italian legislature complied with Art 10 of Dir 75/442 in imposing the requirement of authorization solely for the disposal of toxic and harmful waste?CommissionMember States may require prior authorization if they deam it necessary to achieve the aims of that directive.?""""""" #6359/88Has the Italian legislature adopted in Art 2(1) of Presidential Decree 915 of 1982 a definition of waste which is in conformity with Dir 75/442 and 78/319?CommissionLegislation defining waste as excluding substances capable of economic reutilization are not compatible with these directives.K""""""" #5206/88Must Art 1 of Council Dir 75/442 and 78/319 on toxic waste mean that the legal concept of waste must also cover things which the holder has disposed of which are capable of economic reuse?CommissionWaste may include substances capable of reuse.""""""" #4315/88Do the powers conferred on States by Reg 822/87 concerning movements and territorial limits in regard to vinification entail a mere prohibition, or do they enable States to adopt measure with different rules?CommissionThe States may derogate from that rule only subject to the limits and conditions laid down in Art 6(2) of this regulation.|""""""" #3315/88Do the powers conferred on States by Reg 822/87 concerning movements and territorial limits in regard to vinification entail a mere prohibition, or do they enable States to adopt measure with different rules?SpainThe States may derogate from that rule only subject to the limits and conditions laid down in Art 6(2) of this regulation.w""""""" # POdQkmWQ:bOYbOQbmdSJim:8dSiQU8><6DHJff^vsWQbJmiJOQi^YJL^QmdfJvY`fdimOomYQkWJkOQM^JiQOJfiYMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$JmiJOQi^YJL^QmdfJvY`fdimOomYQkWJkOQM^JiQOJfiYMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$dSJim:8dSiQU8><6DHJff^vsWQbJmiJOQi^YJL^QmdfJvY`fdimOomYQkWJkOQM^JiQOJfiYMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$QkWJkOQM^JiQOJfiYMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$YQkWJkOQM^JiQOJfiYMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$YMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$QM^JiQOJfiYMQWYUWQimWJbmWJmsWYMWWQJMmoJ^^vJUiQQOmdfJvmJ\YbUYbmdJMMdobmLdbokQkUiJbmQOmdWY`LJkQOdbhoJbmYmYQkdiOQiQO$OdQkmWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSmWQmiQJmvUYqQmdJMdoimdimiYLobJ^JUJYbkmsWdkQOQMYkYdbkmWQiQYkJ[oOYMYJ^iQ`QOvobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsJbobSQmmQiQOiYUWmmdiQSQihoQkmYdbkmdmWQMd[$JbUiQ^JmQk$+OdQkmWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSmWQmiQJmvUYqQmdJMdoimdimiYLobJ^JUJYbkmsWdkQOQMYkYdbkmWQiQYkJ[oOYMYJ^iQ`QOvobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsJbobSQmmQiQOiYUWmmdiQSQihoQkmYdbkmdmWQMd[$J+OdQkmWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSmWQmiQJmvUYqQmdJMdoimdimiYLobJ^JUJYbkmsWdkQOQMYkYdbkmWQiQYkJ[oOYMYJ^iQ`QOvobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsJbobSQmmQiQOiYUWmmdiQSQihoQkmYdbkmdmWQMd[$J$+OdQkmWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSmWQmiQJmvUYqQmdJMdoimdimiYLobJ^JUJYbkmsWdkQOQMYkYdbkmWQiQYkJ[oOYMYJ^iQ`QOvobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsJbobSQmmQiQOiYUWmmdiQSQihoQkmYdbkmdmWQMd[$JSYuYbUiQ^JmQk$+OdQkmWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSmWQmiQJmvUYqQmdJMdoimdimiYLobJ^JUJYbkmsWdkQOQMYkYdbkmWQiQYkJ[oOYMYJ^iQ`QOvobOQibJmYdbJ^^JsJbobSQmmQiQOiYUWmmdiQSQihoQkmYdbkmdmWQMd[$JbOYmYdb^JYOOdsbYbJimYM^QBD8YbSYbQJff^vQqQbYSmWQiQ^QqJbmfQiYdOdSQ`f^dv`QbmYkMdobmQOJkJbYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOobOQimWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQkmJmQYbsWYMWYmsJkMd`f^QmQO$#OdQkmWQMdbOoMmdSJbYbmQiqQbmYdbJUQbMvYbJqJY^YbUYmkQ^SdSSYbJbMQSid`YbkmYmomYdbkdSmWQkmJmQmdfoiMWJkQMQiQJ^kdbMdbOYmYdbkdmWQimWJbmWdkQobOQiMd``obYmv^JskMdbkmYmomQkmJmQJYOmdobOQimJ\YbUk$OdQkmWQMdbmid^MdfvMd`f^QmQOfoikoJbmmdJim@dSiQU86>8BDJ`dobmmdJkmJmQ`QbmdSYbmQbmYdbmdQufdimmWQfidOoMmkYbhoQkmYdbJbOhoJ^YSvSdimWQiQSobOJbOmWokmdJbJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSmWQiQSobO$OdQkmWQMdobMY^iQkd^omYdbdS>:8D6J^mQimWQkMdfQJbOmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJimYM^QdSMdobMY^OYiBFF6J^kdLQmWQfiYMQkmYfo^JmQOYbJMdbmiJMmdSkJ^QLQmsQQbfQikdbkiQkYOQbmYbmWQMd``obYmv$nt.[agreement 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a quantititattttttttt7 ^IřW121/73Dooes the prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?CommissionThe prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.""""""" #121/73Dooes the prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?United KingdomThe prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.""""""" #121/73Iff the Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?CommissionThe State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.;""""""" #121/73Iff the Commission does not quickly initiate the procedure under Art 93(3), does this consequence in law that the prohibition contained in this provision ceases to apply and the system of aid may be introduced?United KingdomThe State may grant the proposed aid in this situation.?""""""" #121/73Dooes the 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?CommissionIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.""""""" #121/73Dooes the 3rd sentence of Art 93(3) of the EEC Treaty mean that the Commission has to reach a final decision, even when the proposed law has been held by the Commission to be compatible with the Treaty?United KingdomIf the Commission, during the preliminary examination of aid, arrives at the conclusion that there is no need to initiate the procedure, it is not bound to issue a decision.""""""" #120/73Do the words "Member State" in Art 93(3) mean that failure to observe this provision infringes the direct rights of private parties, or must the national court take account of the invalidity of the law in tis decision?CommissionThese provsions have direct legal consequences, but breach of duty not to act does not necessarily invalidate the aid scheme. National courts can declare such a scheme temporarily inapplicable. """"""" #120/73Does the prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?CommissionThe prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.""""""" #120/73Does the prohibition contained in this provision still apply if the procedure in accordance with this provision, in spite of the Commission being informed in sufficient time, is not initiated until after the aid is in effect?United KingdomThe prohibition does not apply if the procedure has not been initiated in time and the aid is already in effect.""""""" #e v\͘rˎO ^ŬS‰Nmp39/75Is a requirement such as Art 5(1f) of the provision in question in which a person wishes to act as intermediary under law must reside in the Netherlands incompatible with Art 59 and 60 of the Treaty?FranceSuch a residence requirement is incompatible with Art 59 and 60, unless it is imposed and necessary in order to ensure observance by that person of rules of conduct to protect the public.!!!!!!! #50/75Do Art 12, 27 and 28 of Reg 3 and Art 51 of the Treaty mean that a national insurance institution is authorized to reduce the benefits which are due by virtue of national legislation alone without aggregation?CommissionA national insurance institution is not authorized to do so.>!!!!!!! #49/75Does Art 48(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 mean that the relevant institution of a State is under an obligation to pay benefits to the survivors of an insured person if the insurance periods amount to less than a year?CommissionThis article cannot be applied where the right to benefits of a migrant worker or his survivors arises solely from these provisions of the State.!!!!!!! #49/75Does Art 48(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 mean that the relevant institution of a State is under an obligation to pay benefits to the survivors of an insured person if the insurance periods amount to less than a year?ItalyThis article cannot be applied where the right to benefits of a migrant worker or his survivors arises solely from these provisions of the State.!!!!!!! #30/75Does Community law state that the direct application in each State of the levy system in milk products has involved for entitlement to benefit from Community treatment a duty to use certificate DD4?CommissionThe benefit could only arise with certificate DD4.)!!!!!!! #30/75Does Community law state that the direct application in each State of the levy system in milk products has involved for entitlement to benefit from Community treatment a duty to use certificate DD4?ItalyThe benefit could only arise with certificate DD4.$!!!!!!! #33/75When insurance periods which are expressed in weeks are converted into periods which are expressed in months, is any decimal fraction which may be left over to be disregarded in the aggregation of insurance periods?CommissionThe decimal must be rounded up (in Germany) to the next highest figure in months, in order to ensure that employed workers do not lose the rights which they have acquired in their home country.!!!!!!! #36/75What is the precise meaning to be attributed to the word justified?ItalyThis means there must be an exhaustive explanation of the reasons for the limitation on grounds of public policy and fulfill the requirements of Dir 64/221. mf!!!!!!! #36/75What is the precise meaning to be attributed to the word justified?FranceThe competent national authorities should determine!!!!!!! #36/75What is the precise meaning to be attributed to the word justified?CommissionSuch limitation is justified if based exclusively on the conduct of the individual concerned, does not adversely effect trade union rights.rf!!!!!!! #36/75Does the expression "subject to limitations justified on grounds of public policy" employed in Art 48 of the Treaty concern merely the legislative decisions of each State to limit the movement of nationals?ItalyThis only includes individual decisions taken in application of such legislative provisions in drastic circumstances.o!!!!!!! # ̦ˎȉoA»10/75Must table wines dealt with by Reg 816/70 satisfy only the rules of analysis provided for in Item 10 of Annex II to that Reg or in addition national practices and rules in order to merit that title and circulate freely?CommissionTable wines need not apply with any rules of analysis other than those laid down in Reg 816/70.k !!!!!!! #10/75Must table wines dealt with by Reg 816/70 satisfy only the rules of analysis provided for in Item 10 of Annex II to that Reg or in addition national practices and rules in order to merit that title and circulate freely?ItalyTable wines need not apply with any rules of analysis other than those laid down in Reg 816/70.f!!!!!!! #89/74In light of Regs 816/70, 817/70 and 1539/71, may a State apply as a national measure a presumption in law of over-alcoholization based on the proportion of alcohol to dry extract by the 100 method?CommissionStates must use the Community densimetric method and not the 100 method.>!!!!!!! #89/74In light of Regs 816/70, 817/70 and 1539/71, may a State apply as a national measure a presumption in law of over-alcoholization based on the proportion of alcohol to dry extract by the 100 method?ItalyStates must use the Community densimetric method and not the 100 method.9!!!!!!! #69/74What is the meaning of the words "shall have had& a& rest period" in the first paragraph of Art 11(2) of Reg 543/69?CommissionBoth crew members and employers must observe the provisions on rest periods in Art 14.!!!!!!! #hi64/75Are the Community methods for the analysis of wines laid down in Reg 1539/71 of 7/19/71 mandatory for the investigation into and punishment of fraud relating to wine?CommissionA State may not use its own method which is based on the proportion of alchohol to dry extract 100 degree method.H!!!!!!! # 31/74Do the principle of free movement of goods within the Common Market and the consequent ban on isolation of the national market basic principles giving rise to individual rights that national courts must protect?CommissionThese principles only impose a general obligation on States, as the principle alone does not confer on private persons such rights.!!!!!!! # ri31/74Is a national system which freezes prices and modifies price formation as provided for within the framework of the common organization of the market incompatible with Regs 120/67 and 136/66?Commissionnot applicable!!!!!!! # 31/74Was the legislative power to regulate agricultural prices as it affects cereals and flour derived from oil seeds conferred on the EEC on an exclusive basis?CommissionNational legislation with regards to such prices must be compatible with the provisions of the EEC.0!!!!!!! # 53/75What is the definition of the term "ice-cream" for the purpose of applying headings 18.06 B and 21.07 C of the CCT prior to the entry into force of Reg 495/69?CommissionThis refers to products having as their essential characteristic that they melt at a temperature of approximately 0 degrees C. It cannot be applied to products with a fat content exceeding 15 %.!!!!!!! #mp39/75Is a requirement such as Art 5(1f) of the provision in question in which a person wishes to act as intermediary under law must reside in the Netherlands incompatible with Art 59 and 60 of the Treaty?CommissionSuch a residence requirement is incompatible with Art 59 and 60 of the Treaty.F!!!!!!! #M K̭TɬƍoN155/73Do Art 37(1) and (2) of the Treaty apply in the case of a limited company on which a State has conferred the exclusive right to transmit broadcasts of any kind on its territory?GermanyArticle 37 applies to monopolies of a commercial character and not to monopolies of services. The grant of exclusive television rights to a private company is not affected.""""""" #155/73Should Art 86 mean that, regardless of the means employed, to establish a dominant position in a substantial part of the market is illegal when the undertaking eliminates all competition in the field, even if the law allows it?CommissionIf such a public company has a monopoly, Art 86 does not prohibit this.\""""""" #155/73Should Art 86 mean that, regardless of the means employed, to establish a dominant position in a substantial part of the market is illegal when the undertaking eliminates all competition in the field, even if the law allows it?GermanyIf such a public company has a monopoly, Art 86 does not prohibit this.Y""""""" #155/73Is it in breach of Community principles to grant a limited company the exclusive right to transmit television broadcasts of all kinds including those transmitted by cable and those for commercial advertising?CommissionThis does not infringe the Commission Directive on the abolition of measures having effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions on imports.""""""" #155/73Is it in breach of Community principles to grant a limited company the exclusive right to transmit television broadcasts of all kinds including those transmitted by cable and those for commercial advertising?GermanyThis does not infringe the Commission Directive on the abolition of measures having effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions on imports.""""""" #155/73Are the principle of the free movement of goods within the Common Market and consequent prohibition against isolation of national markets basic principles giving individuals rights to be upheld by national courts?CommissionThis principle alone does not give rise to such rights.>""""""" #155/73Are the principle of the free movement of goods within the Common Market and consequent prohibition against isolation of national markets basic principles giving individuals rights to be upheld by national courts?GermanyThis principle alone does not give rise to such rights.;""""""" #131/73Under Art 3 of Reg 92/68 and 110/69, could Member States adopt provisions prescribing a use for the consignments allocated to them?CommissionThese provisions do not empower them to adopt provisions designed to govern the use to which their alloted share is put.-""""""" #10/75May a State apply as a national measure of control a presumption in law over over-alcoholization which is based on the proportion of alcohol to the dry extract in the 100 method, if capable of rebuttal and fair to wine imports?ItalyA State may not apply such a national measure.= !!!!!!! #10/75May a State apply as a national measure of control a presumption in law over over-alcoholization which is based on the proportion of alcohol to the dry extract in the 100 method, if capable of rebuttal and fair to wine imports?CommissionA State may not apply such a national measure.B!!!!!!! #; V3 ̓7ǟ,]N'65/75Does the system of prices established by the common organization of the sugar sector, dealt with in Reg 1009.67, preclude a State from fixing unilaterally a maximum selling price?CommissionFixing of a maximum price is precluded once it jeopardizes the objectives and the functioning of this organization an in particular its system of prices.}!!!!!!! #&10/71Are rights conferred directly by Community law on individuals subject to national law and is this the case in the matter dealt with by the Luxembourg Law of 7/63 governing the river port on the Moselle?CommissionThis question cannot be admitted.!!!!!!! #%32/74Does Art 2(1d) of the 1st Dir of the Council 3/9/68 on coordination of company law mean that in cases where the body authorized to represent a company is of one or more members, disclosure must occur either way?CommissionIf a single member is appointed director, it is not necessary that disclosure occur.X!!!!!!! #$190/73Is a regulation such as the Hyacinth Cultivation Reg consistent with Art 10 of Council Reg 234/68 on the establishment of a common organization of the market in live trees and other plants?CommissionSuch measures would not be quantitative restrictions if they acted as a greater brake upon exports than on imports. Otherwise, they would be.}""""""" ##8/74Is an agreement void if its effect is to restrict competition and trade between States only when taken in conjunction with national rules with regard to certificates of origin when the agreement allows the importer to exploit it?CommissionThe agreement can be prohibited when it reveals a concerted practice tending to bring about or maintain the isolation of national markets from free intra-Community trade.  #"8/74Must Art 30,31,32,33 and 36 mean that a national provision prohibiting the import of goods as spirits without governmant documentation of their origin is a quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect?United KingdomThis does not constitute a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction.g   #!8/74Must Art 30,31,32,33 and 36 mean that a national provision prohibiting the import of goods as spirits without governmant documentation of their origin is a quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect?CommissionThis does constitute a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction._  # 155/73Is it a breach of Article 7 of the Treaty to reserve for a limited company in a State the exclusive right to transmit television advertisements over the whole territory of that State?CommissionThis is not a breach of Article 7. """"""" #155/73Is it a breach of Article 7 of the Treaty to reserve for a limited company in a State the exclusive right to transmit television advertisements over the whole territory of that State?GermanyThis is not a breach of Article 7.""""""" #155/73Do Art 37(1) and (2) of the Treaty apply in the case of a limited company on which a State has conferred the exclusive right to transmit broadcasts of any kind on its territory?CommissionArticle 37 applies to monopolies of a commercial character and not to monopolies of services. The grant of exclusive television rights to a private company is not affected.""""""" # dgƃ7©:2153/88For the determination of customs duties payable on the import of tents originating in Korea, should account be taken only of the weight of the textile material or the total weight together with the accessories?CommissionThe weight of the tents must be calculated by taking account of its accessories.T""""""" #13/76Having regard to Articles 38-47 of the EEC Treaty, Regs 2141 and 2142/70 and Article 102 of the Act of Accession, are States still empowered to fix quotas such as those as the BV, VB and UB?CommissionStates do not have the right to fix such quotas.  #03/76Having regard to Articles 38-47 of the EEC Treaty, Regs 2141 and 2142/70 and Article 102 of the Act of Accession, are States still empowered to fix quotas such as those as the BV, VB and UB?United KingdomSuch national quotas are not prohibited if needed to preserve resources.:  #/3/76Having regard to Articles 38-47 of the EEC Treaty, Regs 2141 and 2142/70 and Article 102 of the Act of Accession, are States still empowered to fix quotas such as those as the BV, VB and UB?ItalySuch national quotas are not prohibited if needed to preserve resources.1  #.3/76Having regard to Articles 38-47 of the EEC Treaty, Regs 2141 and 2142/70 and Article 102 of the Act of Accession, are States still empowered to fix quotas such as those as the BV, VB and UB?DenmarkSuch national quotas are not prohibited if needed to preserve resources.3  #-65/75Do the provisions of the previous questions create for Community traders individual rights which the national courts must protect so as to render a national system of maximum prices inapplicable as regards them?CommissionRegulation 1009/67 produced direct effect..!!!!!!! #,65/75Do the provisions of the previous questions create for Community traders individual rights which the national courts must protect so as to render a national system of maximum prices inapplicable as regards them?United KingdomRegulation 1009/67 produced direct effect.2!!!!!!! #+65/75Do the provisions on the free movement of goods and relating to sugar in Art 35 of Reg 1009/67 prohibit the fixing of maximum prices valid only for the territory of a single State?CommissionA maximum price, as far as it applies to imports, constitutes a mesure equivalent to a quantitative restriction when dealers wishing to import a product can only do so at a loss.!!!!!!! #*65/75Do the provisions on the free movement of goods and relating to sugar in Art 35 of Reg 1009/67 prohibit the fixing of maximum prices valid only for the territory of a single State?United KingdomA maximum price, as far as it applies to imports, constitutes a mesure equivalent to a quantitative restriction when dealers wishing to import a product can only do so at a loss.!!!!!!! #)65/75Does the system of prices established by the common organization of the sugar sector, dealt with in Reg 1009.67, preclude a State from fixing unilaterally a maximum selling price?CouncilFixing of a maximum price is precluded once it jeopardizes the objectives and the functioning of this organization an in particular its system of prices.z!!!!!!! #(65/75Does the system of prices established by the common organization of the sugar sector, dealt with in Reg 1009.67, preclude a State from fixing unilaterally a maximum selling price?United KingdomFixing of a maximum price is precluded once it jeopardizes the objectives and the functioning of this organization an in particular its system of prices.!!!!!!! #| Ű'ʨDža4I370/88If so, does a measure such as that described in question 1 properly come within the scope of Article 19?CommissionThis measure does come within the scope of Article 19.""""""" #Hva370/88Is Article 19 of council Reg 171/83 valid under Community law?CommissionThe provision remains valid.nb""""""" #Gva370/88Is Article 19 of council Reg 171/83 valid under Community law?CouncilThe provision remains valid.kb""""""" #Fng370/88Do Art 7 or 40(3) of the EEC Treaty prevent a State from adopting a measure prohibiting the carriage on a fishing vessel registered there of a fishing net of a specified type and construction, which otherwise is allowed?CommissionStates may prohibit vessels from using such nets while they are in waters adjacent to its coast.n """"""" #E269/89Is the Netherlands law which restricts the use of the description "prepared meat product" to products who have a certain water to non-fatty content prohibited by Art 30 and 36?CommissionArticles 30 and 36 prohibit such a law. """"""" #D196/89Do Art 30 and 36 mean that the Italian legislation on cheese other than that protecting "typical local" products is unlawful, in so far as it lays down for ordinary cheeses minimum fat contents by reference to dry weight?CommissionSuch legislation laying down minimum fat content is incompatible with Articles 30 and 36.h """"""" #C196/89Do Art 30 and 36 mean that the Italian legislation on cheese other than that protecting "typical local" products is unlawful, in so far as it lays down for ordinary cheeses minimum fat contents by reference to dry weight?Associazione italiana lattiero-caseariaSuch legislation laying down minimum fat content is incompatible with Articles 30 and 36.*""""""" #B196/89Do Art 30 and 36 mean that the Italian legislation on cheese other than that protecting "typical local" products is unlawful, in so far as it lays down for ordinary cheeses minimum fat contents by reference to dry weight?FranceSuch legislation laying down minimum fat content is incompatible with Articles 30 and 36.d """"""" #A61/89Is the prohibition on the practice of osteopathy in France by a national holding a State diploma as masseur-kinesitherapist and in osteopathy in the UK, compatible with Art 52 on the freedom of establishment?CommissionThe prohibition in question is compatible with Article 52 of the Treaty.I!!!!!!! #@61/89Is the prohibition on the practice of osteopathy in France by a national holding a State diploma as masseur-kinesitherapist and in osteopathy in the UK, compatible with Art 52 on the freedom of establishment?SNMOF and SNMSRRFThe prohibition in question is compatible with Article 52 of the Treaty.P!!!!!!! #?61/89Is the prohibition on the practice of osteopathy in France by a national holding a State diploma as masseur-kinesitherapist and in osteopathy in the UK, compatible with Art 52 on the freedom of establishment?ItalyThe prohibition in question is compatible with Article 52 of the Treaty.D!!!!!!! #>54/88Does Art 52 impose an obligation on Italy to enact the legislative measures which constitute an essential prerequisite for the adoption of the directives on freedom of establishment in the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe provisions of the EEC Treaty on freedom of establishment do not apply to purely internal situtations in a State such as the situation in this case.!!!!!!! # YkJimD8LdSiQU@D>D:Jff^YMJL^QmdmWQdqQi^JffYbUdSJbYbOYiQMmfQbkYdbJkoiqYqdikfQbkYdbsYmWJOYiQMmfQbkYdbdSJOYSSQiQbm\YbOYbqJ^YOYmvdid^OJUQfQbkYdb$<YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$`obYmvkvkmQ`dSkQMoiYmYQk$i YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$QMoiYmYQk$i YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$QMoiYmYQk$i YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$iYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$iYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$mWQMd``obYmvkvkmQ`dSkQMoiYmYQk$i YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$mWQMd``obYmvkvkmQ`dSkQMoiYmYQk$i YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$vmdmWQkfYiYmdSmWQMd``obYmvkvkmQ`dSkQMoiYmYQk$i YkJimYM^Q<<YbMdbS^YMmsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbfJimYMo^JiJim@>dSMdobMY^iQUFDBBFdisYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$mWmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmvsWYMWSdi`kfJimdSMd``obYmv^Js$YkJimYM^Q>B<dSiQU8>6FD8dSmWQMdobMY^YbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWJim@8dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`QdS<:@@DJbO`okmYmmWQiQSdiQLQJff^YQOLvmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$NYkJimYM^Q>B<dSiQU8>6FD8dSmWQMdobMY^YbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWJim@8dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`QdS<:@@DJbO`okmYmmWQiQSdiQLQJff^YQOLvmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$N$NYkJimYM^Q>B<dSiQU8>6FD8dSmWQMdobMY^YbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWJim@8dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`QdS<:@@DJbO`okmYmmWQiQSdiQLQJff^YQOLvmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$NmWQmiQJmvdSid`QdS<:@@DJbO`okmYmmWQiQSdiQLQJff^YQOLvmWQiQ^QqJbmYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQ`Q`LQikmJmQk$Nssandro MoliCommission{o^J>::::2222 @@@?@Capotorti14126/75Giry v. CommissionRobert GiryCommissionznaMA====2222 ? @?@'These 2 provisions are incompatible with Art 51 of the Treaty to the extent that impose a ECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ; ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?'4'O= ; ECJ ruling@-! ; AG-Plaintiff agreement?'4'M; ; AG position on issue@A5 ; legal issue@/# ; case number'62/76'=# ; Issues and positions555 '    # 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law for such pre-1945 insurance periods.79/76Is an Italian living in Italy who has never lived in Germany to be treated the same as a German national when applying the German law in question, so far as insurance periods in pre-1945 Germany?zzzzxF=F`gThis heading did not apply to either of the mixtures described in the question.3This heading did not apply to either of the mixtures described in the question.86/76Before Reg 496/69, did mixtures of fat under heading 15.13 of the CCT consist of 85% butyric fat, 10% refined suet, and 5% sesame oil or 85% butyric and 5% curd, skimmed milk powder and refined suet?iiiigF=fVoluntary insurance in Article 9(2) applies to rules allowing periods of study to be assimilated to periods of employment by payment of voluntary contributions.3Voluntary insurance in Article 9(2) applies to periods of employment for insurance whether there is continuing insurance or not.93/76Is the condition in Art 7(1i) of the Belgian law in question affected by Art 9(2) of Reg 1408/71 as being a clause under which admission to insurance is conditional upon the obligation to complete an insurance period?!FF<<F=eCommunity law does not preclude the institution applying such rules in order to reduce the theoretical amount by the amount of a benefit received from a 3rd country.3Community law does not preclude the institution applying such rules in order to reduce the theoretical amount by the amount of a benefit received from a 3rd country.75/76Do Art 27(1) and 28(1) of Reg 3 preclude the application of a State institution of the rules under its legislation relating to overlapping benefits?ppffF= QdThis is to be calculated by reference to the rate of conversion between the Irish pound and the unit of account applicable on the date of marketing of casein.3This is to be calculated by reference to the rate of conversion between the Irish pound and the unit of account applicable on the date of marketing of casein.80/76Is the amoount of aid payable to the plaintiff to be calculated by reference to the rate of exchange between the Irish pound and the unit of account applicable on the date of manufacture of casein?)bbXXF=ercThe authority must exclude the period during which the cattle were under the of 4 months in making the calculation.3The authority must exclude the period during which the cattle were under the of 4 months in making the calculation.84/76In order to establish the rate of conversion must account be taken of the age of the cattle at the date marketed if the person in receit of the premium produces evidence his cattle were marketed at 4 months old?  F=t bCattle must be taken into account in proportion to the time for which they have been there.3Cattle must be taken into account in proportion to the time for which they have been there.84/76Does Art 2 of Reg 2195/69 permit cattle on a farm to be taken into account in proportion to the time for which they have been there?buuuusF= M˥6ƂĒ ^71/76When a national wants to pursue a profession in another State and has attained a diploma in his country, is the act of demanding the diploma be prescribed by law of this latter State contrary to Art 57of the Treaty?United KingdomSuch a requirement is not contrary to the principles of freedom of establishment under Article 57.n !!!!!!! #]71/76When a national wants to pursue a profession in another State and has attained a diploma in his country, is the act of demanding the diploma be prescribed by law of this latter State contrary to Art 57of the Treaty?CommissionSuch a requirement is contrary to the principles of freedom of establishment under Article 57.f!!!!!!! #\sl87/76Is it necessary to consider a worker employed in an associated territory while being subject to Decreeof 8/7/52, as a worker who is or has been subject to legislation of one or more States under Reg 1408/71?CommissionSuch a worker is subject to the legislation of one or more States under Reg 1408/71.T!!!!!!! #[87/76Is Art 2(2) of the Belgian law in question contrary to the provisions of Reg 1408/71 in that it requires actual residence in Belgium or a State with a reciprocal agreement?CommissionThe Community provision does apply to such a Belgian worker from an outside territory.3!!!!!!! #Z79/76Is an Italian living in Italy who has never lived in Germany to be treated the same as a German national when applying the German law in question, so far as insurance periods in pre-1945 Germany?ItalyCommunity law does apply to such benefits in German law for such pre-1945 insurance periods.K!!!!!!! #Y79/76Is an Italian living in Italy who has never lived in Germany to be treated the same as a German national when applying the German law in question, so far as insurance periods in pre-1945 Germany?CommissionCommunity law does not apply to such benefits in German law for such pre-1945 insurance periods.T!!!!!!! #X86/76Before Reg 496/69, did mixtures of fat under heading 15.13 of the CCT consist of 85% butyric fat, 10% refined suet, and 5% sesame oil or 85% butyric and 5% curd, skimmed milk powder and refined suet?CommissionThis heading did not apply to either of the mixtures described in the question.G!!!!!!! #W93/76Is the condition in Art 7(1i) of the Belgian law in question affected by Art 9(2) of Reg 1408/71 as being a clause under which admission to insurance is conditional upon the obligation to complete an insurance period?CommissionVoluntary insurance in Article 9(2) applies to rules allowing periods of study to be assimilated to periods of employment by payment of voluntary contributions.!!!!!!! #V75/76Do Art 27(1) and 28(1) of Reg 3 preclude the application of a State institution of the rules under its legislation relating to overlapping benefits?CommissionCommunity law does preclude the institution applying such rules in order to reduce the theoretical amount by the amount of a benefit received from a 3rd country.f!!!!!!! #Ue 80/76Is the amoount of aid payable to the plaintiff to be calculated by reference to the rate of exchange between the Irish pound and the unit of account applicable on the date of manufacture of casein?CommissionThis is to be calculated by reference to the rate of conversion between the Irish pound and the unit of account applicable on the date of manufacturing of casein.!!!!!!! # POdQkJim::dSiQU8>6FD8J^kdMdqQiJfQbkYdbQisWdYkbdmJmsdi\JbOsWdJk\kmWQMd`fQmQbmYbkmYmomYdbSdiJomWdiYxJmYdbmdUdmdJkmJmQdmWQimWJbmWQdbQsWQiQWQiQkYOQkmdiQMQYqQmiQJm`QbmSdiWYkWQJ^mW$OdQkJim<:dSOYiDD8FDdL^YUQmWQmiJbkSQiQQmdMdbmYboQmddLkQiqQmWQmQi`kJbOMdbOYmYdbkJUiQQOYbJbvMd^^QMmYqQJUiQQ`QbmYbiQkfQMmdSsdi\QiksWdsQiQbdmQ`f^dvQOLvmWQobOQimJ\YbUJmmWQmY`QdSYmkmiJbkSQi$OdQkJim<6fidWYLYm^QUYk^JmYdbSdiqQWYM^QkY`fdimQOSid`JbdmWQikmJmQsWQiQmWQvWJqQJ^iQJOvLQQbJffidqQOSdiokQJkvkmQ`Y`fdkYbUJSoimWQiJffidqJ^fidMQOoiQ$OdQkJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDDJMMdiOsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QiQko^mYbUSid`MdbkmYmomYdbJ^iQhoYiQ`QbmkmWJmmWQiQLQJkoSSYMYQbmOQUiQQdS^QUYk^JmYqQfiQMYkYdb$bU^viQ^QJkQOJbOsWJmYkmWQbJmoiQdSmWQM^JY`$OdQkJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDDJMMdiOsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QiQko^mYbUSid`MdbkmYmomYdbJ^iQhoYiQ`QbmkmWJmmWQiQLQJkoSSYMYQbmOQUiQQdS^QUYk^JmYqQfiQMYkYdb$QJkQOJbOsWJmYkmWQbJmoiQdSmWQM^JY`$OdQkJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDDJMMdiOsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QiQko^mYbUSid`MdbkmYmomYdbJ^iQhoYiQ`QbmkmWJmmWQiQLQJkoSSYMYQbmOQUiQQdS^QUYk^JmYqQfiQMYkYdb$^viQ^QJkQOJbOsWJmYkmWQbJmoiQdSmWQM^JY`$OdQkJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDDJMMdiOsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QiQko^mYbUSid`MdbkmYmomYdbJ^iQhoYiQ`QbmkmWJmmWQiQLQJkoSSYMYQbmOQUiQQdS^QUYk^JmYqQfiQMYkYdb$OsWJmYkmWQbJmoiQdSmWQM^JY`$OdQkJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDDJMMdiOsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QiQko^mYbUSid`MdbkmYmomYdbJ^iQhoYiQ`QbmkmWJmmWQiQLQJkoSSYMYQbmOQUiQQdS^QUYk^JmYqQfiQMYkYdb$OdQkJim>dSmWQMdobMY^OQMYkYdbdS@8<B@dbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSMQimJYbfidqYkYdbkJSSQMmYbUMd`fQmYmYdbYbmiJbkfdimfidOoMQOYiQMmQSSQMmkJkiQUJiOk^QUJ^iQ^JmYdbkWYfkdSkmJmQkJbOfQdf^QMiQJmYbUiYUWmk$LdS@8<B@dbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSMQimJYbfidqYkYdbkJSSQMmYbUMd`fQmYmYdbYbmiJbkfdimfidOoMQOYiQMmQSSQMmkJkiQUJiOk^QUJ^iQ^JmYdbkWYfkdSkmJmQkJbOfQdf^QMiQJmYbUiYUWmk$LYkYdb$OdQkJim>dSmWQMdobMY^OQMYkYdbdS@8<B@dbmWQWJi`dbYxJmYdbdSMQimJYbfidqYkYdbkJSSQMmYbUMd`fQmYmYdbYbmiJbkfdimfidOoMQOYiQMmQSSQMmkJkiQUJiOk^QUJ^iQ^JmYdbkWYfkdSkmJmQkJbOfQdf^QMiQJmYbUiYUWmk$LSMQimJYbfidqYkYdbkJSSQMmYbUMd`fQmYmYdbYbmiJbkfdimfidOoMQOYiQMmQSSQMmkJkiQUJiOk^QUJ^iQ^JmYdbkWYfkdSkmJmQkJbOfQdf^QMiQJmYbUiYUWmk$L 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:<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :<<FF :@@DF1 :@BF6:@BF8 :@DDF :@DF8 :@DF<:@FF<:@HFD:BBH!:BD6":BD8,:BD:x:BD>3:BD@$:BDB:BDD:BDF0:B6DF7:B6F6:B8DF:B8F<:B:F6:B:FF:B<F8 :B<F::B<FF :B>F8:B@F::B@F< :B@FH:BBF:7:BHFH:DD6" :DD8,:DD::DD>x:DD@$:DDD:DDF):DFH:D6F::D8F8 :D<F::DBF::DDF::DDFD|:DFF>:DHF::DHF<:DHFD:FBH:FD6" :FD8,:FD:n:FD>:FD@$ :FDBj :FDD(:FF<4:F6F8:F6F<:F8F:4:F8F>:F:F8 :F<F: :F<F<:F>F: :F@F8 :F@FH:FDFD:FFF: :FFFF:FHF8:FHF::FHF<:HD6( :HD8 :HD:(:HD> :HD@3:HDBj :HDD:HF: :HF<4 :H6F::H:F::H<FF:H>F8:H>F:K :H@F:K:H@FF:HFF8 :HFF::HHF: <D6!<D8 <D<<DB<DF)<6BF!<6D6"<6D8<6D:<6D@y<6DB_<6DD<6FH<66F8<66F:<68F8<68F:<68FD <6:FF <6<F8<6>FB <6>FF<6@FB <6@FF ?v7ˋ3~3/78Is it relevant to answer 1 that in the importing State there are provisions on medicinal products under which it is permissible to import a medicinal product from another State under a mark other than that registered in the State?CommissionThe provision on the names under which proprietary medicinal products may be marketed are irrelevant to the reply to question 1.  #3/78Is it relevant to answer 1 that in the importing State there are provisions on medicinal products under which it is permissible to import a medicinal product from another State under a mark other than that registered in the State?United KingdomThe provision on the names under which proprietary medicinal products may be marketed are irrelevant to the reply to question 1.  #3/78Is it relevant to answer 1 that in the importing State there are provisions on medicinal products under which it is permissible to import a medicinal product from another State under a mark other than that registered in the State?GermanyThe provision on the names under which proprietary medicinal products may be marketed are irrelevant to the reply to question 1.  #3/78In the circumstances of this case, do the rules of the EEC Treaty, in particular Art 36, prevent the proprietor of a trade-mark from exercising the right conferred upon him under national law?CommissionThe proprietor of a trade-mark which is protected in one State is justified under Art 36 in preventing a product being marketed by a 3rd party in this circumstance, unless the proprietor is using multiple marks to partition the markets.  #3/78In the circumstances of this case, do the rules of the EEC Treaty, in particular Art 36, prevent the proprietor of a trade-mark from exercising the right conferred upon him under national law?United KingdomThe proprietor of a trade-mark which is protected in one State is justified under Art 36 in preventing a product being marketed by a 3rd party in this circumstance.  #3/78In the circumstances of this case, do the rules of the EEC Treaty, in particular Art 36, prevent the proprietor of a trade-mark from exercising the right conferred upon him under national law?GermanyThe proprietor of a trade-mark which is protected in one State is justified under Art 36 in preventing a product being marketed by a 3rd party in this circumstance.  #s 148/77Do Art 95 and 37 of the EEC Treaty mean that goods from States or French overseas dapartments may not be subject to larger taxes on consumption than domestic goods, and can this constitute State aid?CommissionArticle 37 does not apply to such taxation.$""""""" #s 148/77Do Art 95 and 37 of the EEC Treaty mean that goods from States or French overseas dapartments may not be subject to larger taxes on consumption than domestic goods, and can this constitute State aid?GermanySuch a system of taxation constitutes discrimination and is prohibited, and such a reduction in taxes in favor of particular domestics industries constitutes State aid under Art 92-94.""""""" #148/77Does Art 227(2) of the EEC Treaty mean that the provisions relating to the free movement of goods under this article only include the provisions in Part 2, Title I, or also the tax provisions in Part 3, Title I?GermanyGermany objects to a ruling that Art 95 cannot apply to the French overseas departments, yet feels it is not necessary to give a definitive answer to this question.""""""" #Pη˚VűN @  @@@@ @      @ @ @ @@  @ @ @  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @:HDB0The pro rata calculation must be made after aggregation of all the insurance periods.3The pro rata calculation must be made after aggregation of all the insurance periods.57/75Does Art 28 of Reg 3 mean that the benefits based on average wage should have pro rata calculation after aggregation of all insurance periods, or the entire pension must be awarded without such calculation?oooomF=inSuch a residence requirement is incompatible with Art 59 and 60, unless it is imposed and necessary in order to ensure observance by that person of rules of conduct to protect the public.3Such a residence requirement is incompatible with Art 59 and 60.39/75Is a requirement such as Art 5(1f) of the provision in question in which a person wishes to act as intermediary under law must reside in the Netherlands incompatible with Art 59 and 60 of the Treaty?!!F=f `A national insurance institution is not authorized to do so.3A national insurance institution is not authorized to do so.50/75Do Art 12, 27 and 28 of Reg 3 and Art 51 of the Treaty mean that a national insurance institution is authorized to reduce the benefits which are due by virtue of national legislation alone without aggregation?qVVVVTF=VAThis article cannot be applied where the right to benefits of a migrant worker or his survivors arises solely from these provisions of the State.3This article cannot be applied where the right to benefits of a migrant worker or his survivors arises solely from these provisions of the State.49/75Does Art 48(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 mean that the relevant institution of a State is under an obligation to pay benefits to the survivors of an insured person if the insurance periods amount to less than a year?HH>>F=nnThe benefit could only arise with certificate DD4.3States not adopting Reg 82/64 cannot claim that traders have failed to fulfill the obligations if the certificate is not produced and must allow other means of proof which are appropriate to fulfill these conditions.30/75Does Community law state that the direct application in each State of the levy system in milk products has involved for entitlement to benefit from Community treatment a duty to use certificate DD4?00&&LLLLJF=inDecimal fractions must be counted when insurance periods are aggregated, whether they are rounded up is a matter of national law.3The decimal must be rounded up (in Germany) to the next highest figure in months, in order to ensure that employed workers do not lose the rights which they have acquired in their home country.33/75When insurance periods which are expressed in weeks are converted into periods which are expressed in months, is any decimal fraction which may be left over to be disregarded in the aggregation of insurance periods?Ahh^^F=Such a limitation can be justified only if adopted under conditions relating to substance and procedure which could justify adoption of a measure prohbiting residence against a national of that State.3Such limitation is justified if based exclusively on the conduct of the individual concerned, does not adversely effect trade union rights.36/75What is the precise meaning to be attributed to the word justified?yyooF=Py"÷NA State may apply such a measure as long as the presumption can be rebutted and it does not place at a disadvantage wines from other States.3A State may apply such a measure as long as the presumption can be rebutted and it does not place at a disadvantage wines from other States.89/74In light of Regs 816/70, 817/70 and 1539/71, may a State apply as a national measure a presumption in law of over-alcoholization based on the proportion of alcohol to dry extract by the 100 method?>>44F=Both crew members and employers must observe the provisions on rest periods in Art 14.3This means that the provisions on daily rest in Art 14 must be observed both by crew members and by the employer running a road transport undertaking, who is required to permit the crew to their daily rest period.69/74What is the meaning of the words "shall have had& a& rest period" in the first paragraph of Art 11(2) of Reg 543/69?QQGGppppnF=hiA State may use its own method which is based on the proportion of alchohol to dry extract100 degree method, so long as this places no disadvantage to wines from other States.3A State may use its own method which is based on the proportion of alchohol to dry extract100 degree method, so long as this places no disadvantage to wines from other States.64/75Are the Community methods for the analysis of wines laid down in Reg 1539/71 of 7/19/71 mandatory for the investigation into and punishment of fraud relating to wine?,zzF=These principles only impose a general obligation on States, as the principle alone does not confer on private persons such rights.3Regulations 120/67 and 136/66 create direct effect. The principles alone do not.31/74Do the principle of free movement of goods within the Common Market and the consequent ban on isolation of the national market basic principles giving rise to individual rights that national courts must protect?F=not applicable3The system in question is incompatible with Regulations 120/67 and 136/66.31/74Is a national system which freezes prices and modifies price formation as provided for within the framework of the common organization of the market incompatible with Regs 120/67 and 136/66?>~~tt((((&F=National legislation with regards to such prices must be compatible with the provisions of the EEC.3In sectors covered by a common organization of the market, especially when based on a common price system, States can no longer take action through national provisions unilaterally affecting the price.31/74Was the legislative power to regulate agricultural prices as it affects cereals and flour derived from oil seeds conferred on the EEC on an exclusive basis?RRHH}}}}{F=This refers to products having as their essential characteristic that they melt at a temperature of approximately 0 degrees C. It cannot be applied to products with a fat content exceeding 20 %.3This refers to products having as their essential characteristic that they melt at a temperature of approximately 0 degrees C. It cannot be applied to products with a fat content exceeding 15 %.53/75What is the definition of the term "ice-cream" for the purpose of applying headings 18.06 B and 21.07 C of the CCT prior to the entry into force of Reg 495/69?MF=fP4„ p%This is not a breach of Article 7.3The grant of such a right is not prohibited, only discrimination by such undertakings by reason of nationality.155/73Is it a breach of Article 7 of the Treaty to reserve for a limited company in a State the exclusive right to transmit television advertisements over the whole territory of that State?r<<<<:F=oo$Article 37 applies to monopolies of a commercial character and not to monopolies of services. The grant of exclusive television rights to a private company is not affected.3Article 37 relates to trade in goods but not in services.155/73Do Art 37(1) and (2) of the Treaty apply in the case of a limited company on which a State has conferred the exclusive right to transmit broadcasts of any kind on its territory?  F=#Having a dominant position in the filed is not prohibited, but abuse of its position is.3If such a company has a monopoly, Art 86 does not prohibit this.155/73Should Art 86 mean that, regardless of the means employed, to establish a dominant position in a substantial part of the market is illegal when the undertaking eliminates all competition in the field, even if the law allows it?rrrrpF="This does not infringe the Commission Directive on the abolition of measures having effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions on imports.3This is compatible with Community principles, so long as the rights do not favor particular trade channels or commercial operators.155/73Is it in breach of Community principles to grant a limited company the exclusive right to transmit television broadcasts of all kinds including those transmitted by cable and those for commercial advertising? 99--F=!This principle alone does not give rise to such rights.3The transmission of television signals comes within the rules of the Treaty relating to services, but trade in products used for the diffussion of television signals is subject to the rules of freedom of movement for goods.155/73Are the principle of the free movement of goods within the Common Market and consequent prohibition against isolation of national markets basic principles giving individuals rights to be upheld by national courts?>>22QQQQOF= These provisions do not empower them to adopt provisions designed to govern the use to which their alloted share is put.3These provisions do not empower them to adopt provisions designed to govern the use to which their alloted share is put.131/73Under Art 3 of Reg 92/68 and 110/69, could Member States adopt provisions prescribing a use for the consignments allocated to them?  F=l A State may apply such a national measure as long as rebuttal is possible and foreign wines are not discriminated against.3A State may apply such a national measure as long as rebuttal is possible and foreign wines are not discriminated against.10/75May a State apply as a national measure of control a presumption in law over over-alcoholization which is based on the proportion of alcohol to the dry extract in the 100 method, if capable of rebuttal and fair to wine imports?F=Table wines need not apply with any rules of analysis other than those laid down in Reg 816/70.3Table wines need not apply with any rules of analysis other than those laid down in Reg 816/70.10/75Must table wines dealt with by Reg 816/70 satisfy only the rules of analysis provided for in Item 10 of Annex II to that Reg or in addition national practices and rules in order to merit that title and circulate freely?yyyywF=mP ɚǴ9x 5The mesh size must be determined in compliance with the procedure of Reg 2108/84.3The mesh size must be determined in compliance with the procedure of Reg 2108/84.348/88Does Art 2(1) of Council Reg 3094/86 mean that a mesh size for the purposes of that provision is only one which has been determined in strict compliance with the procedure in Reg 2108/84?kkkkiF=4This legislation is compatible to the extent that the division of responsibility is not excessive and jeopardizes the aims of the directive.3This legislation is compatible with the directive.359/88Has the Italian legislature complied with the terms of Art 5 of Dir 75/442 in the sense that the competent authorities would appear to be limited to a given "zone"?F=3Member States may require prior authorization if they deem it necessary to achieve the aims of that directive.3Member States may require prior authorization if they deem it necessary to achieve the aims of that directive.359/88Has the Italian legislature complied with Art 10 of Dir 75/442 in imposing the requirement of authorization solely for the disposal of toxic and harmful waste?F=2Legislation defining waste as excluding substances capable of economic reutilization are not compatible with these directives.3Legislation defining waste as excluding substances capable of economic reutilization are not compatible with these directives.359/88Has the Italian legislature adopted in Art 2(1) of Presidential Decree 915 of 1982 a definition of waste which is in conformity with Dir 75/442 and 78/319?$$F= 1Waste may include substances capable of reuse.3Waste may include substances capable of reuse.206/88Must Art 1 of Council Dir 75/442 and 78/319 on toxic waste mean that the legal concept of waste must also cover things which the holder has disposed of which are capable of economic reuse?BxxHHHHFF=0The States may derogate from that rule only subject to the limits and conditions laid down in Art 6(2) of this regulation.3The States may derogate from that rule only subject to the limits and conditions laid down in Art 6(2) of this regulation.315/88Do the powers conferred on States by Reg 822/87 concerning movements and territorial limits in regard to vinification entail a mere prohibition, or do they enable States to adopt measure with different rules?F=/The weight of the tents must be calculated by taking account of its accessories.3The weight of the tents must be calculated by taking account of its accessories.153/88For the determination of customs duties payable on the import of tents originating in Korea, should account be taken only of the weight of the textile material or the total weight together with the accessories?jjjjhF=.Such national quotas are not prohibited if needed to preserve resources.3At the time when the matters of this case arose, States did have the power to fix such fishing quotas.3/76Having regard to Articles 38-47 of the EEC Treaty, Regs 2141 and 2142/70 and Article 102 of the Act of Accession, are States still empowered to fix quotas such as those as the BV, VB and UB?bbbb`F=-Regulation 1009/67 produced direct effect.2Regulation 1009/67 produced direct effect.65/75Do the provisions of the previous questions create for Community traders individual rights which the national courts must protect so as to render a national system of maximum prices inapplicable as regards them?OzzppDDDDBF=P ʌŷN/8>The provision remains valid.3The provision remains valid.370/88Is Article 19 of council Reg 171/83 valid under Community law?``TT66664F==States may prohibit vessels from using such nets while they are in waters adjacent to its coast.3States may prohibit vessels from using such nets while they are in waters adjacent to its coast.370/88Do Art 7 or 40(3) of the EEC Treaty prevent a State from adopting a measure prohibiting the carriage on a fishing vessel registered there of a fishing net of a specified type and construction, which otherwise is allowed?zzzzxF=<Article 30 prohibits such a measure.3Articles 30 and 36 prohibit such a law.269/89Is the Netherlands law which restricts the use of the description "prepared meat product" to products who have a certain water to non-fatty content prohibited by Art 30 and 36?%ssgg>>>><F=;Such legislation laying down minimum fat content is incompatible with Articles 30 and 36.3Such legislation laying down minimum fat content is incompatible with Articles 30 and 36.196/89Do Art 30 and 36 mean that the Italian legislation on cheese other than that protecting "typical local" products is unlawful, in so far as it lays down for ordinary cheeses minimum fat contents by reference to dry weight?ssssqF=:The prohibition in question is compatible with Article 52 of the Treaty.3The prohibition in question is compatible with Article 52 of the Treaty.61/89Is the prohibition on the practice of osteopathy in France by a national holding a State diploma as masseur-kinesitherapist and in osteopathy in the UK, compatible with Art 52 on the freedom of establishment?bbbb`F= o9The provisions of the EEC Treaty on freedom of establishment do not apply to purely internal situtations in a State such as the situation in this case.3The provisions of the EEC Treaty on freedom of establishment do not apply to purely internal situtations in a State such as the situation in this case.54/88Does Art 52 impose an obligation on Italy to enact the legislative measures which constitute an essential prerequisite for the adoption of the directives on freedom of establishment in the EEC Treaty?TTJJF=ie8Such a prohibition is not justified under Art 36 because it is not for grouse within its own territory.3Such a prohibition is not justified under Art 36 because it is not for grouse within its own territory.169/89May the prohibition in Netherlands law on importing red grouse shot and killed in the UK without any breach of law in that country, be regarded as a prohibition justified by Art 36 of the Treaty on protecting animals?F=te7The provision is intended to protect the captain undergoing the inspection.3The provision is intended to protect the captain undergoing the inspection.348/88Are the provisions of Reg 2108/84 intended also to protect the captain undergoing the inspection?!eeeecF=6Inspectors are required to follow the manual method under Art 6 first, only the wieght method secondly.3Inspectors are required to follow the manual method under Art 6 first, only the wieght method secondly.348/88Does Art 6 of Reg 2108/84 mean that the inspector must begin by determining the mesh size of a net by manual measurement of 60 meshes and only find the mesh size by weight if the captain objects to the manual method?F=PɩțǦAseVThe decision to terminate the contract should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.25/68Should the Parliaments 3/12/68 letter terminating the applicants contract be annulled for lack of competence and misuse of powers?}}ssTTTTRF=seUThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.25/68Should the 9/19/68 decision confirming 9/16/68 as the date of termination of the contract as a member of the temporary staff be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=.'TThe decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.14/77Should the decisions to deduct the allowances in question in Belgium from the applicants salary in 6,7,8/76 be annulled?bbXX;;;;9F=SThe decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.106/76Should the decisions to deduct sums paid in Belgium as family holiday allowance and special family allowance from the salary of the applicant be annulled?ddXX;;;;9F=RItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.123/76Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 73/23 on harmonization of laws relating to electrical equiptment designed for use within certain voltage limits?@ttFFFFDF=QThe application should be dismissed.3The Commission is liable and must pay FB 10 000.61/76Is the Commission liable for damages due to its failure to draw up periodic reports?zzpp>>>><F=PThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.61/76Should the administrative measrues concerning the applicants postion in the service and the duties entrusted to him be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=8POThe Netherlands has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application should be dismissed.89/76Has the Netherlands failed to fulfill its duty by charging fees for phytosanitary inspections of plants and certain products of plant origin when they are exported?&vvPPPPNF=NThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.43/74Should the implied rejection of the applicants complaint of 11/26/73 be annulled and the applicant rewarded damages?gg]]>>>><F=MThe decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.73/76Should the decision of the Selection Board for Competition COM/A/15/73 not to admit the applicant to that competion be annulled?ccYY::::8F=LThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.97/76Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant for being prevented from performing in full the contracts of sale in question?gg]]>>>><F=KThe report should be annulled.3The application should be dismissed.31/76Should the periodic report on the applicant for the period 73-74 be annulled?hh^^88886F=]JThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.101/76Is the application to annul Art 2 of Council Reg 1862/76 admissible?hh\\::::8F=seIThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.88/76Should Commission Reg 1579/76 laying down special detailed rules of application for sugar under Reg 557/76 on the exchange rates to be applied in agriculture be partially annulled?gg]]>>>><F=$P<\mnBqSuch a national provision is compatible with Art 85 and 86 of the EEC Treaty.3Such a national provision is compatible with Art 85, 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty, unless the national bureau is in a dominant position.90/76Do Art 85,86 and 90 of the Treaty prohibit a national provision which reserves exclusively to an insurance undertaking the settlement of claims in respect to damage from a foreign vehicle?ggggeF=pThese Community provisions preclude such national law which restricts competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles.3These Community provisions preclude national law that infringes competeion, the right of establlishment and the freedom to provide services.90/76Do Council Dir 72/166, Commission Rec 73/185 and Dec 74/166 authorize provisions of national law which restrict competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles?*XXNNF=oStructure is not to include such a hydraulic safety device.3Structure is not to include such a hydraulic safety device.108/76Does the term "structure" in tariff heading 73.21 of the CCT include an article intended to render the mine face safe during mining that moves hydraulically?=UUUUSF=nNational systems laying down quantitative restrictions on poultrymeat are incompatible with Reg 123/67.3The law is incompatible with Regulation 123/67.111/76Must the rules in the Netherlands law in question be regarded as incompatible with Council Reg 123/67 on the common organization of the market in poultry or Art 30 to 37 of the Treaty?xF= amOnly the Member States and their authorities are empowered to take proceedings before national courts to sue for recovery of duties evaded by reason of smuggling.3Only the Member States and their authorities are empowered to take proceedings before national courts for the purpose of claiming payment of Community revenue constituting own resources.110/76Is the injured party in the case of a smuggling offense, only the EEC, or can it be the EEC with the individual States to which the levying of customs duties for the Community has been assigned?HxxF= rlMember States are precluded from requiring such payments.3Member States are precluded from requiring such payments.102/76Do Art 12 of of Reg 3 and Art 13 of Reg 1408/71 prohibit a workers State of residence from requiring payment of contributions on the renumeration received by a worker for work in another State?]SSSSQF=kSuch a requirement is contrary to the principles of freedom of establishment under Article 57.3Such a requirement is contrary to the principles of freedom of establishment under Article 57.71/76When a national wants to pursue a profession in another State and has attained a diploma in his country, is the act of demanding the diploma be prescribed by law of this latter State contrary to Art 57of the Treaty?xxxxvF=jSuch a worker is subject to the legislation of one or more States under Reg 1408/71.3Such a worker is subject to the legislation of one or more States under Reg 1408/71.87/76Is it necessary to consider a worker employed in an associated territory while being subject to Decreeof 8/7/52, as a worker who is or has been subject to legislation of one or more States under Reg 1408/71?nnnnlF=P OK~|z^I{The normal price includes the value of the right to use a patent for a process if and to the extent to which the scope of the patent is such as to protect the invention of the appliance itself.1The normal price includes the value of a patented process where it is inseparably embodied in and constitutes the only economically viable use of the goods.1/77Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 803/68 mean that the normal price also includes the value of a patented process embodied in an appliance within the meaning of the judgment of 8/7/62 of the Bundesfinanzhof?MyyF=zThe article remains valid.3The article remains valid.2/77Is Art 1(1) of Reg 3113/74 of the Council invalid for violating the principle that agricultural prices shall not be changed during the marketing year?XXPP44442F=yThis results in a corresponding adjustment of the levy in force on that day as increased by the premium.3This leads to an adjustment of the levy applicable on the day on which the application for the certificate is lodged, as increased by the amount of the premium.6/77Must Art 15(2) of Council Reg 120/67 mean that a variation of threshold price in force in the import month from the one in force the day of certificate application results in an adjustment of the levy?,,$$F=xThe regulation is void.3The regulation is void.119/76Is Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs void?VVJJ1111/F=wThe regulation is void.3The regulation is void.116/76Is Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs void.VVJJ1111/F=iXvThis regulation is void.3This regulation is void.114/76Is Regulation 563/76, intended to reduce stocks of skimmed-milk powder, valid?XXLL22220F=uFrom this date such a citizen has the right to practice as an architect.3From 1/73 such a citizen has the right to practice as an architect.11/77Was a British subject entitled to invoke in his favor the benefit of the right of establishment to practice the profession of architect in a Member State from 8/9/73?Ybbbb`F=tThere is no basis for this in Community law.3There is no basis for this in Community law.118/76Is there any basis under Community law for exemption from monetary charges on grounds of natural justice?ttFFFFDF=sA national customs authority is not entitled to do so.3A national customs authority is not entitled to do so.118/76Is a national customs authority entitled and obliged on grounds of national justice to deal with applications for exemption from charges due to the Community on the basis of national law?QPPPPNF=rSuch actions are not discriminatory and not prohibited by Art 59.3Such actions are not discriminatory and not prohibited by Art 52 and 59.90/76Do the principles of non-discrimination (Art 7) and freedom to provide services (59) prohibit an action to obstruct the business exercise of claim settlements, even if under a national insurers bureau within Dir 72/166?[[[[YF=l+^xͼ:g˖ʵɠȍƗŮ.ġ].`@@?`@@?Van Gerven14348/88HakvoortJelle HakvoorthXXNB>>>>2222  @@@@?Jacobs14359/88Zanetti and OthersE. Zanetti and Othersu^^J>::::2222 @@@@?Jacobs14206/88Vessoso and ZanettiG. Vessoso and G. Zanettiz__J>::::2222 @@@?Mischo14315/88Bagli PennacchiottiAngelo Bagli Pennacchiotti{__J>::::2222 @`@@?Jacobs14153/88Fauque and OthersMinistere publicGerard Fauque and Otherso]J>::::2222  ?L@@?Trabucchi143/76KramerCornelis Kramer and othersmQQIA====2222 ?*@@?Reischl1465/75TascaRiccardo Tasca`PPI?;;;;2222 ? @@?Dutheillet de Lamothe1410/71Ministere Public of Luxembourg v. MullerMinistere Public of LuxembourgMadeleine Hein, nee Muller, and OthersWMIIII2222 ?@@@?Mayras1432/74HaagaFriedrich Haaga GmbHeOOH>::::2222 ?@@?Mayras14190/73Officier van Justice v. HaasterOfficier van JusticeJ.W.J. van HaasterkJ>::::2222  ? @@@?Trabucchi148/74Procureur du Roi v. DassonvilleProcureur du RoiBenoit and Gustave Dassonville|jIA====2222 ? @@@?Reischl14155/73SacchiGuiseppe SacchidSSK?;;;;2222 ?`@@?Mayras14131/73GrosoliGiulio and Adriano GrosolioSSJ>::::2222 ? @@?Mayras1410/75Procureur Aix-en-Provence v. LahailleProcureur de la Republique at the Cour d appel Aix-en-Provence and Federation nationale des productePaul Louis Lahaille and othersoH>::::2222  ?  @@?Trabucchi1489/74Procureur general, Bordeaux v. ArnaudProcureur general at the Cour d appel BordeauxRobert Jean Arnaud and OthersrKA====2222 ? @@?Reischl1469/74Auditeur du Travail v. Cagnon and TaquetAuditeur du TravailJean-Pierre Cagnon and Jean-Paul TaquetsI?;;;;2222 ?@@@?Trabucchi1464/75Procureur General v. MommessinProcureur General at the Cour d Appel LyonHenri Mommessin and OtherskKA====2222 ?@@@?Warner1431/74GalliMr. Filippo GallibOOH>::::2222 ?@@?Reischl1453/75Belgium v. VandertaelenBelgiumJean Nicolas Vandertaelen and Dirk Leopold MaeskbI?;;;;2222 ?@@?@Warner1457/75Plaquevent v. Caisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie du HavreFernand PlaqueventCaisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie du HavreH>::::2222 ? @?@Warner1439/75Coenen v. Sociaal-Economische RaadRobert Gerardus Coenen and Othersthe Sociaal-Economische RaadlH>::::2222 ?@@?Trabucchi1450/75Caisse de pension des employes prives v. MassonetCaisse de pension des employes privesHelga Massonet~KA====2222 iJΦ'͎ ̉O|Ckůb(Š ? @@@Warner14123/76Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222 @ @?@Reischl1461/76Geist v. CommissionJean-Jacques GeistCommission~r^I?;;;;2222 ? @@@Mayras1489/76Commission v. NetherlandsCommissionNetherlands|ocH>::::2222  @ @@?@Capotorti1443/74Guillot v. CommissionPierre GuillotCommission~rbKA====2222 @ @?@Mayras1473/76Costacurta v. CommissionMario CostacurtaCommissiontbH>::::2222 ? @?@Mayras1497/76Merkur v. CommissionMerkur Aussenhandel GmbH & Co. KGCommission^H>::::2222 @@ Xd@@?@Mayras1431/76Macevicius v. ParliamentMargherita Hebrant (nee Macevicius)European ParliamentbH>::::2222 ? @?@Reischl14101/76Koninklijke Scholten Honig v. Council and CommissionKoninklijke Scholten Honig NVCouncil and CommissionK?;;;;2222 ?@?@Reischl1488/76Exportation des sucres v. CommissionSociete pour l exportation des sucres SACommissionoI?;;;;2222 ? @?@Reischl1454/76Compagnie Indestrielle du Comte de Loheac v. CouncilCompagnie Indestrielle et Agricole du Comte de LoheacCouncilI?;;;;2222 ? @@@Capotorti1468/76Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceumaKA====2222 ? @@?@Warner1441/73Societe anonyme generale Sucriere v. CommissionSociete anonyme generale Sucriere and OthersCommissionyH>::::2222 ?@?@Reischl1444/76Eier-Kontor v. Council and CommissionMilch-, Fett- und Eier-Kontor GmbHCouncil and CommissionpI?;;;;2222  ? @@?@Reischl1466/76CFDT v. CouncilConfederation Francaise Democratique du TravailCouncilZI?;;;;2222 @@@?@Capotorti1448/76Reinarz v. Commission and CouncilAndreas H. ReinarzCommission and CouncilnKA====2222 @}@@?Mayras1465/76DeryckeMarcel DeryckeaQQH>::::2222 @@8@@?Mischo1442/90BellonJean-Claude BellondPPH>::::2222 @$4@@?Tesauro14370/88MarshallProcurator FiscalAndrew MarshallyhUK?;;;;2222  @@4@@?Darmon14269/89BonfaitBonfait BV_SSJ>::::2222 ?0@@?Van Gerven14196/89Nespoli and CrippaEnzo Nespoli and Giuseppe CrippabbNB>>>>2222  @@/@@?Darmon1461/89BouchouchaMarc Gaston BouchouchalTTH>::::2222 @@/@@?Darmon1454/88Nino and OthersEleonora Nino and OtherssYYH>::::2222  A@@?Van Gerven14169/89Van den BurgGourmetterie Van den Burgw\\NB>>>>2222 @ϓ@͒]#GwȲ.8rí 3J ? @?@Mayras1471/76Thieffry v. Conseil de l ordre des avocats a la Cour de ParisJean ThieffryConseil de l ordre des avocats a la Cour de ParisH>::::2222 ? @?@Capotorti1487/76Bozzone v. Office de Securite Sociale d Outre-MerWalter BozzoneOffice de Securite Sociale d Outre-Mer~KA====2222 ? @?@Warner1479/76Fossi v. BundesknappschaftCarlo FossiBundesknappschaftqdH>::::2222 @@@?@Warner1486/76Gervais-Danone v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-MitteGervais-Danone AGHauptzollamt Munchen-MittevH>::::2222 ? @?@Reischl1493/76Liegeois v. OPTSFernand LiegeoisOffice national des pensions pour travailleurs salariesm[I?;;;;2222 ? @?@Capotorti1475/76Kaucic v. Institut assurances maladie-invaliditeSilvana Kaucic and Anna Maria KaucicInstitut national d assurances maladie-invalidite}KA====2222 ? @?@Capotorti1480/76Kerry Milk v. Minister for Agriculture and FisheriesNorth Kerry Milk Products LtdMinister for Agriculture and FisheriesKA====2222 ? @@?@Capotorti1484/76Collic v. FORMAGoulven CollicFonds d orientation et de regularisation des marches agricolesl\KA====2222 ?@?@Warner1469/76Dittmeyer v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofFirma Rolf H. DittmeyerHauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofvH>::::2222 ? @?@Warner1462/76Strehl v. Pensioenfonds MijnwerkersJozef StrehlNationaal Pensioenfonds voor Mijnwerkers{mH>::::2222 ? @@?Capotorti1453/76Procureur de la Republique v. BouhelierProcureur de la Republique, BesanconBouhelier and OtherstKA====2222 ?}@?@Warner1449/76Gesellschaft fur Uberseehandel v. Handelskammer HamburgGesellschaft fur Uberseehandel mbHHandelskammer HamburgH>::::2222 ?@?@Warner14126/76Dietz v. CommissionFirma Gebruder DietzCommissionu_J>::::2222 @ @?@Reischl1495/76Bruns v. CommissionHerbert BrunsCommissionym^I?;;;;2222 @@ @@?@Mayras14121/76Moli v. CommissionAlessandro MoliCommission{o^J>::::2222 @@@?@Capotorti14126/75Giry v. CommissionRobert GiryCommissionznaMA====2222 ? @?@Reischl1426/76Metro v. CommissionMetro SB-Grossmarkte GmbH & Co. KGCommission^I?;;;;2222 @ @?@Mayras1425/68Schertzer v. ParliamentAndre SchertzerEuropean ParliamentraH>::::2222 O@@ ti@?@Mayras1414/77Emer v. CommissionGerarda Emer (nee van den Branden)Commission\H>::::2222 @@ @?@Mayras14106/76Deboeck v. CommissionFrancine Gelders (nee Deboeck)CommissionaJ>::::2222 ? @@?Reischl148/77Sagulo, Brenca and BakhoucheConcetta Sagulo, Gennaro Brenca and Addelmadjid BakhoucheeeG?;;;;2222 `I΋?ʀɢ4ƀŹSÖ.?  @?@Warner1429/77Roquette v. FranceSA Roquette FreresFrancexp\H>::::2222 ?@?@Warner1437/77Greco v. FNROMFernando GrecoFonds National de Retraite des OuvriershXH>::::2222 ? @@?Warner1422/77FNROM v. MuraFonds National de Retraite des Ouvriers MineursGiovanni MuraWH>::::2222 ?  @?@Warner14112/76Manzoni v. FNROMRenato ManzoniFonds National de Retraite des Ouvriers Mineursl\J>::::2222 ? @??Mayras145/77Tedeschi v. DenkavitCarlo TedeschiDenkavit Commerciale s.r.l.l\F>::::2222 ?  @@?@Warner1427/77Cargill v. ONICCompagnie CargillOffice National Interprofessionnel des CerealeslYH>::::2222 ? @?@Mayras149/77Bavaria Fluggesellschaft v. EurocontrolBavaria Fluggesellschaft Schwabe & Co. KGEurocontroloF>::::2222 @@@?@Warner141/77Bosch v. Hauptzollamt HildesheimRobert Bosch GmbHHauptzollamt Hildesheim{hF>::::2222 ?  @?@Mayras142/77Hoffmanns Starkefabriken v. Hauptzollamt BielefeldHoffmanns Starkefabriken AGHauptzollamt BielefeldzF>::::2222 ? ti@?@Warner146/77Schouten v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenN.G.J. Schouten BVHoofdproduktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukten}F>::::2222 ? @?@Capotorti14119/76Olmuhle v. Hauptzollamt HamburgOlmuhle Hamburg AGHauptzollamt Hamburg WaltershofnMA====2222 ? 9@?@Capotorti14116/76Granaria v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwprodukktenGranaria BVHoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwprodukktenMA====2222 ? @??Capotorti14114/76Bela-Muhle v. Grows-FarmBela-Muhle Josef Bergmann KGGrows-Farm GmbH & Co. KGgMA====2222 ? @?@Mayras1411/77Patrick v. Ministre des Affaires CulturellesRichard Hugh PatrickMinistre des Affaires CulturellesvH>::::2222 ? @?@Reischl14118/76Balkan-Import-Export v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofBalkan-Import-Export GmbHHauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofK?;;;;2222 ?@@?@Reischl1490/76Van Ameyde v. UCIS.r.l. Ufficio Henry van AmeydeS.r.l. Ufficio Centrale Italiano di Assistenza Assicurativa}\I?;;;;2222 @@?@Reischl14108/76Klockner v. Oberfinanzdirektion MunchenKlockner-Ferromatik GmbHOberfinanzdirektion MunchentK?;;;;2222 ? @@?Mayras14111/76Officier van Justitie v. Van den HazelOfficier van JustitieBeert van den HazelrJ>::::2222 ? @@?Warner14110/76Pretore of Cento v. A person or persons unknownPretore of CentoA person or persons unknown{J>::::2222  ? @?@Warner14102/76Perenboom v. Inspecteur der directe belastingen of NijmegenH.O.A.G.M. PerenboomInspecteur der directe belastingen of NijmegenJ>::::2222 Px˿aɍMSuch a product may be classified as a medicinal product.3Such a product may be classified as a medicinal product.219/91May a product be called a medicinal product by virtue of its presentation under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 where its therapeutic properties are indicated in a publication sent to the purchaser after purchase?eRRRRPF=A product indicated as having therapeutic qualities is to be classified as a medical product under Art 1(2) even if generally regarded as a foodstuff and having no scientific evidence to back this claim up.3A product indicated as having therapeutic qualities is to be classified as a medical product under Art 1(2) even if generally regarded as a foodstuff and having no scientific evidence to back this claim up.219/91Is a product such as herbal tea which in general is regarded as a foodstuff and does not possess any pharmacological properties but is presented as therapeutic a medical product under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65?F=EEC directives on this matter do not prohibit States from prohibiting holding animals given a substance with oestrogenic, androgenic, gestagenic or thyrostatic action, so long as the derogating provisions are accounted for.3EEC directives on this matter do not prohibit States from prohibiting holding animals given a substance with oestrogenic, androgenic, gestagenic or thyrostatic action, so long as the derogating provisions are accounted for.143/91Is the Netherlands Reg on hormonal substances in conformity with EEC directives concerning hormones in livestock and meat?bF=asSpain may require such a tests if the qualifications in the nationals home State is much lower.3The person in question in this case is a Swiss national, so Spain is allowed to make him take the test.147/91Where other States do not impose the requirements for real estate agents as Spain, may Spain require nationals of those States to undergo testing to qualify for the right to be such an agent?yyyywF=Council Directive 67/43 does not prohibit such national legislation.3Council Directive 67/43 does not prohibit such national legislation.147/91Are the Spanish laws in question which limit real estate duties to specific agents compatible with Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43?9^^^^\F=The national courts must not apply rules which are contrary to Community law.3The national courts must not apply rules which are contrary to Community law.13/91Are the Italian provision to be disregarded by the criminal courts?ggggeF=Articles 30 and 36 prohibit such a national provision.3Articles 30 and 36 prohibit such a national provision.13/91Do Art 30 and 36 of the Treaty mean that the Italian provisions on health rules for the production and marketing of beer are incompatible with them in so far as they limit use of sulphur dioxide to 20 mg per liter?jPPPPNF=The UK is not obliged to produce documents relating to operations involving the export of sheep subject to payment of the clawback and impose penalties on traders making false statements.3The UK must require the production of documents relating to operations involving the export of sheep subject to payment of the clawback and impose penalties on traders making false statements.38/90If the provisions are found invalid, can the UK be forced or authorized to require the production of documentation in relation to export transactions subjected to charges under this provision?cF= PU8Ƒ$N" ,The obligation set out in the second subparagraph of Art 22(2) extends where the treatment concerned is not included in the national system of benefits in kind.2The obligation set out in the second subparagraph of Art 22(2) extends where the treatment concerned is not included in the national system of benefits in kind.117/77Does the obligation set out in the second subparagraph of Art 22(2) extend where the treatment concerned is not included in the national system of benefits in kind so an independent Community right to treatment is created?Hhh\\F=" +The words "treatment in question" refer to any appropriate treatment of the sickness or disease from which the person concerned suffers.3The words "treatment in question" refer to any appropriate treatment of the sickness or disease from which the person concerned suffers.117/77Do the words "the treatment in question" in the second subparagraph of Art 22(2) refer to a specific treatment which is only given in the State where the worker has moved or simply adequate treatment of the illness?88,,F=to*These words do not solely refer to benefits in kind provided in the State of residence but also to benefits which the competent institution is empowered to provide.3These words do not solely refer to benefits in kind provided in the State of residence but also to benefits which the competent institution is empowered to provide.117/77Do the words "benefits in kind provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay or residence" in Art 22(1ci) include benefits in kind to which a right exists in the State of stay?LppddF= e)These words mean the institution empowered to provide the benefits in the State of residence or stay as listed in the relevent regulations.3These words mean the institution empowered to provide the benefits in the State of residence or stay as listed in the relevent regulations.117/77Are the words "the institution of the place of stay or residence" in Art 22(1ci) solely to mean the institution which has a function corresponding to that of the competent institution?>>22F=(The costs relating to benefits in kind provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay or residence are to be fully refunded.3The costs relating to benefits in kind provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay or residence are to be fully refunded.117/77Are the words "on behalf of the competent institution" in Art 22(1ci) to be understood as meaning that if the competent institution has given authorization it follows that it must refund the benefits granted by the place of stay?[tthhF='These words determine the persons who in principle are entitled to benefits in pursuance of the relevant national legislation.3These words determine the persons who in principle are entitled to benefits in pursuance of the relevant national legislation.117/77Do the words "who satisfies the conditions of the legislation of the competent State for entitlement to benefits" in Art 22(1) of Reg 1408/71 contain a restriction to those persons in principle eligible under national rules?$$F=[ ϊͳɠ8YƠH p5/77Under Council Dir 74/63, do States still enjoy a discretionary power to consider as undesirable specific substances which were excluded from the list of undesirable substances annexed to the directive?CommissionSuch States no longer possess a discretionary power to exclude certain substances.K  # p5/77Under Council Dir 74/63, do States still enjoy a discretionary power to consider as undesirable specific substances which were excluded from the list of undesirable substances annexed to the directive?CouncilSuch States no longer possess a discretionary power to exclude certain substances.H  # p5/77Under Council Dir 74/63, do States still enjoy a discretionary power to consider as undesirable specific substances which were excluded from the list of undesirable substances annexed to the directive?ItalyStates still possess a discretionary power to exclude certain substances.=  #27/77Is Community Regulation 2042/73 invalid due to discriminating between exporters?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.s!!!!!!! #~118/76Is there any basis under Community law for exemption from monetary charges on grounds of natural justice?GermanyThere is no basis for this in Community law.""""""" #}118/76Is a national customs authority entitled and obliged on grounds of national justice to deal with applications for exemption from charges due to the Community on the basis of national law?GermanyA national customs authority is entitled to do so only in certain cases when the provision applies.M""""""" #|11/77Was a British subject entitled to invoke in his favor the benefit of the right of establishment to practice the profession of architect in a Member State from 8/9/73?FranceFrom this date such a citizen did not have the right to practice as an architect.$!!!!!!! #{9/77Under Art 56 of the Convention do the Treaty and Conventions referred to in Art 55 continue to have effect in relation to decisions which do not fall under Art 1(2) of the Convention but are excluded from its scope?GermanyThe Treaty and Conventions referred to in Art 55 continue to have effect in relation to decisions which do not fall under Art 1(2) of the Convention but are excluded from its scope.  #z9/77Under Art 56 of the Convention do the Treaty and Conventions referred to in Art 55 continue to have effect in relation to decisions which do not fall under Art 1(2) of the Convention but are excluded from its scope?CommissionThe Treaty and Conventions referred to in Art 55 continue to have effect in relation to decisions which do not fall under Art 1(2) of the Convention but are excluded from its scope.  #y1/77Does Art 3(1) of Council Reg 803/68 mean that the normal price also includes the value of a patented process embodied in an appliance within the meaning of the judgment of 8/7/62 of the Bundesfinanzhof?CommissionThis provision provides no legal basis for taking into consideration the purposes of certain machines.`  #x2/77Is Art 1(1) of Reg 3113/74 of the Council invalid for violating the principle that agricultural prices shall not be changed during the marketing year?CommissionThe article remains valid.  #3[BώkΩ`͠a'̊CˍE~6ɞd*Ⱥ~D ǥyMƚ]-Ř]+ijwC×Y)±3¸p174/76quantitative restrictions/ 74/76State aid 82/76value for customs purposes0 76/76social security for migrant workers9 72/76social security for migrant workers9 20/76tax provisions$ ma52/76questions referred for preliminary ruling? ma52/76agriculture! 51/76measures adopted by an institution8 51/76turnover tax" 47/76competition! 46/76quantitative restrictions/ 46/76customs duties on exports/ 46/76free movement of goods, 46/76customs duties$ 219/91Community law% 219/91approximation of laws- 143/91agriculture# 147/91freedom of movement for persons7 13/91community law# 13/91free movement of goods, 38/90preliminary ruling( 38/90agriculture! 60/91transport 60/91competition! 60/91free movement of persons. 330/90freedom of movement for persons7 158/90transport! 367/89free movement of goods. 8/90transport  7/90transport  75/90agriculture! 345/89social policy% 60/89free movement of goods, 60/89approximation of laws+ 361/89approximation of laws- 332/89free movement of goods. i'76/77road transport$ 63/77Common Customs Tariff+ 60/77Common Customs Tariff+ 59/77competition! 62/77Common Customs Tariff+ 55/77Community 55/77social security for migrant workers9 66/77social security for migrant workers9 66/77preliminary rulings) rs64/77social security of migrant workers8 er35/77social security for migrant workers9 65/77freedom of establishment. 38/77customs duty" 38/77references for a preliminary ruling9 38/77measures adopted by an institution8 di43/77Convention of 9/27/1968 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments^ 36/77agriculture! 23/77Common Customs Tariff+ 29/77complex economic situation0 29/77agriculture! ,37/77social security for migrant workers9 f ӛ22/77social security for migrant workers9 112/76social security fo migrant workers: 5/77free movement of goods* 5/77agriculture 5/77questions referred to the Court for a preliminary rulingL 27/77 9/77Convention of 9/27/1968+ 1/77Common Customs Tariff) [FϑMΣh: ʹ̈́T&̷yI!˪|Lʒ4ɨ|NȐGǼǒIƗe5ťk#ğUáX$†vD2/77agriculture 6/77agriculture 119/76agriculture# 116/76agriculture# xt114/76agriculture# 11/77freedom of establishment. 118/76Community charge( 90/76discrimination within the meaning of Articles 52 and 59 of the Treaty[ 90/76insurance against civil liability in resect of motor vehiclesS 108/76Common Customs Tariff- 111/76Community law% 111/76measures adopted by an institution: 111/76agriculture# 111/76references for a preliminary ruling; 110/76Community revenue) er102/76social security for migrant workers; 71/76freedom of establishment. 87/76social security fo migrant workers8 79/76social security for migrant workers9 86/76Common Customs Tariff+ 93/76social security for migrant workers9 ~75/76social security for migrant workers9 }80/76agriculture! |80/76Community law# {84/76agriculture! z69/76Common Customs Tariff+ y62/76social security for migrant workers9 x53/76quantitative restrictions on exports: w49/76trade v49/76preliminary rulings) u126/76 t95/76officials s121/76measures adopted by an institution: r121/76officials!  q126/75 p26/76workable competition* o26/76competition! n26/76procedure m5/76officials l25/68officials k14/77officials j106/76officials! i123/76harmonization of laws relating to electrical equiptmentO tih61/76officials g89/76free movement of goods, f43/74 e73/76officials d97/76agriculture! c31/76officials b101/76measures adopted by an institution: a88/76procedure `54/76EEC _68/76agriculture! ^68/76quantitative restrictions/ ]54/75institutions of the Community3 \54/75official [41/73procedure Z41/73competition! Y44/76agriculture! X44/76procedure W66/76costs V48/76officials U65/76transport T42/90free movement of goods, S370/88fisheries! R269/89free movement of goods. Q196/89free movement of goods. P61/89freedom of movement for persons5 xtO54/88free movement of persons. N169/89environment# PCB.NReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied.3Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied in its entirety, as long as the national legislation is less favorable.22/77Must Art 12 of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over national rules against overlapping in cases where Community provisions place a migrant worker in a more favorable position than a non-migrant worker?ccccaF=This is compatible with Community law, so long as there is no discrimination against the immigrant worker.3This is incompatible with Art 51 to the extent it imposes a limitation on benefits acquired in different States by a reduction in the amount acquired under national law of a State alone.112/76If the pension paid by Belgium under the present invalidty scheme for mineworkers is reduced on the basis of Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 by reason of benefits paid by other States, is this compatible with Art 51 of the Treaty?-LL@@F= pThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.5/77Can Art 5 of Dir 74/63 be considered valid in light of Articles 30, 36, 39 and 40 of the EEC Treaty?^^VV77775F= pStates may restrict the marketing of such products.3States may prohibit the marketing and importation of such products if they infringe on the aforementioned temporary national provision.5/77Does Art 5 authorize a State to prevent the importation of a product from another State on the grouonds that it contains an undesirable substance even though it is not listed in Dir 74/63s annex?MMMMKF= pStates are permitted to fix on a provisional basis the maximum level of such a product, as long as it does not discriminate between domestic and foreign products.3States are permitted to fix on a provisional basis the maximum level of such a product, as long as it does not discriminate between domestic and foreign products.5/77Does Art 5 of Council Dir 74/63 authorize a State to unilaterally fix the maximum permitted level of a substance contained in a product form another State, even if its not included in the annex to this Directive?>hh``F=\;~States still possess a discretionary power to exclude certain substances.3States still possess a discretionary power to exclude certain substances as long as measures adopted apply on identical terms to both national and foreign products.5/77Under Council Dir 74/63, do States still enjoy a discretionary power to consider as undesirable specific substances which were excluded from the list of undesirable substances annexed to the directive?  ccccaF=}The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.27/77Is Community Regulation 2042/73 invalid due to discriminating between exporters?``VV77775F=|Art 56 does not prevent a bilateral agreement such as the German-Belgian Convention from continuing to have effect in relation to judgments which do not fall under the 2nd paragraph of the Convention, but don t apply to it.3Art 56 does not prevent a bilateral agreement such as the German-Belgian Convention from continuing to have effect in relation to judgments which do not fall under the 2nd paragraph of the Convention, but don t apply to it.9/77Under Art 56 of the Convention do the Treaty and Conventions referred to in Art 55 continue to have effect in relation to decisions which do not fall under Art 1(2) of the Convention but are excluded from its scope?F=,̠6Kdö158/90What does "the last day of the previous week on which he drove" in Art 15(7) of Reg 3821/85 mean? Is it the last calendar day, last working day or the last driving day of the week?United KingdomThis phrase refers to the last driving day of the last week, prior to the current week, during which the driver concerned drove a vehicle subject to Council Reg 3820/85.""""""" #367/89Does Council Reg 222/77 lay down the mandatory obligation for the T1 document provided for therein to be recognized without reservation as a valid authorization for transit in the EEC, regardless of the goods?CommissionReg 222/77 does not prohibit a State from requiring special authorization to be obtained for strategic material transported through its territory, regardless of the Community transit previously issued.""""""" #367/89Does Council Reg 222/77 lay down the mandatory obligation for the T1 document provided for therein to be recognized without reservation as a valid authorization for transit in the EEC, regardless of the goods?United KingdomReg 222/77 does not prohibit a State from requiring special authorization to be obtained for strategic material transported through its territory, regardless of the Community transit previously issued.""""""" #367/89Does Council Reg 222/77 lay down the mandatory obligation for the T1 document provided for therein to be recognized without reservation as a valid authorization for transit in the EEC, regardless of the goods?FranceReg 222/77 does not prohibit a State from requiring special authorization to be obtained for strategic material transported through its territory, regardless of the Community transit previously issued.""""""" #8/90Is Art 18(2) of Council Reg 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport to mean that references to Reg 543/69 in national provisions laying down this are also references to Art 18(2)?CommissionReferences in national provisions to Reg 543/69 do not relate to references to Reg 3829/85.l  #8/90Is Art 18(2) of Council Reg 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport to mean that references to Reg 543/69 in national provisions laying down this are also references to Art 18(2)?United KinigdomReferences in national provisions to Reg 543/69 do not relate to references to Reg 3829/85.q  #7/90Should the obligations imposed on the undertaking by Art 15 be construed as laying down either a duty to use best endevours or an obligation as to the result to be achieved which gives rise to strict liability?CommissionReg 3820/85 neither requires States to introduce a system of strict criminal liability for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulation nor prohbits it from doing so.  #7/90Should the obligations imposed on the undertaking by Art 15 be construed as laying down either a duty to use best endevours or an obligation as to the result to be achieved which gives rise to strict liability?United KingdomReg 3820/85 neither requires States to introduce a system of strict criminal liability for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulation nor prohbits it from doing so.  # 'kYkJkmJmQfidWYLYmQOLvJim<6JbO<>Sid`fiQqQbmYbUkfQMYSYMJ^^vbJ`QO`QOYMYbJ^fiQfJiJmYdbkJbOOiQkkYbUkSid`LQYbUkoff^YQOmdfQikdbkYbkoiQOobOQiYmkkMWQ`Q$YkJkmJmQfidWYLYmQOLvJim<6JbO<>Sid`fiQqQbmYbUkfQMYSYMJ^^vbJ`QO`QOYMYbJ^fiQfJiJmYdbkJbOOiQkkYbUkSid`LQYbUkoff^YQOmdfQikdbkYbkoiQOobOQiYmkkMWQ`Q$YkJkmJmQfidWYLYmQOLvJim<6JbO<>Sid`fiQqQbmYbUkfQMYSYMJ^^vbJ`QO`QOYMYbJ^fiQfJiJmYdbkJbOOiQkkYbUkSid`LQYbUkoff^YQOmdfQikdbkYbkoiQOobOQiYmkkMWQ`Q$obOQiYmkkMWQ`Q$YkJkmJmQfidWYLYmQOLvJim<6JbO<>Sid`fiQqQbmYbUkfQMYSYMJ^^vbJ`QO`QOYMYbJ^fiQfJiJmYdbkJbOOiQkkYbUkSid`LQYbUkoff^YQOmdfQikdbkYbkoiQOobOQiYmkkMWQ`Q$YkJkmJmomdivfidqYkYdbYbkmJmQJsWQiQqQi`domWfidOoMQOYbkmJmQLYkbdm`Ji\QmJL^QYbkmJmQJLQMJokQYmWJkk^YUWm^v^QkkmWJbmWQ`YbY`o`J^MdWd^YMMdbmQbmobOQi^JsdSkmJmQLMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6$oYkJkmJmomdivfidqYkYdbYbkmJmQJsWQiQqQi`domWfidOoMQOYbkmJmQLYkbdm`Ji\QmJL^QYbkmJmQJLQMJokQYmWJkk^YUWm^v^QkkmWJbmWQ`YbY`o`J^MdWd^YMMdbmQbmobOQi^JsdSkmJmQLMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6$ 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discrimination is minimal?CommissionSuch taxation remains discriminatory under Article 95.8!!!!!!! #20/76Is discrimination within the meaning of Art 95 of the EEC Treaty excluded if transport of domestic goods abroad is subject to the same tax as transport of foreign goods into the country?CommissionSuch a tax is still discrmination under Art 95 if domestic goods transported abroad are subject to the same tax.[!!!!!!! #20/76If question 1 is answered yes, is the taxation of transport crossing frontiers within the area of the so-called local zone a direct imposition of higher internal taxation under Art 95 if different treatment is restricted to foreign goods?CommissionSuch a charge is taxation under Article 95.J!!!!!!! #20/76Does a tax which is imposed on the basis of distances covered within a State for the carriage of goods by road which cross a frontier, constitute taxation on products within the meaning of Art 95 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionSuch a tax does constitute taxation on products under Article 95.H!!!!!!! #52/76Is the ruling of the COJ binding on the court dealing with the substance of the case in the same way its bound by a "point of law" laid down by the Corte di Cassazione?CommissionThis ruling is binding on the national court as to the interpretation of the Community provisions and acts in question.P!!!!!!! #52/76Is the ruling of the COJ binding on the court dealing with the substance of the case in the same way its bound by a "point of law" laid down by the Corte di Cassazione?ItalyThis ruling is binding on the national court as to the interpretation of the Community provisions and acts in question.K!!!!!!! #52/76Does the conduct of an intervention agency in availing itself of finance from institutions of the State to purchase cereals on conditions other than those under Community laws constitute State aid to undertakings?ItalySuch aid by the State is compatible with Community law.8!!!!!!! #52/76Does the conduct of an intervention agency in availing itself of finance from institutions of the State to purchase cereals on conditions other than those under Community laws constitute State aid to undertakings?CommissionSuch aid by the State is incompatible with Community law.?!!!!!!! #52/76Does Community legislation on the common market in cereals authorize individual intervention agencies to take a unilateral decision regarding the sale of wheat by methods other than those under Community Regs?CommissionIntervention agencies must abide by the rules of Communtiy regulations regarding the sale of wheat.e!!!!!!! #51/76Does the provision of Art 11 of this Directive create a right in favor of one subject to Netherlands turnover tax, which may be invoked in national court, to make unrestricted deduction to goods bought in 1972?BelgiumDiscretion is left to the authorities of Member States on this matter.F!!!!!!! # D΃#ˎB YŐth112/76If the pension paid by Belgium under the present invalidty scheme for mineworkers is reduced on the basis of Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 by reason of benefits paid by other States, is this compatible with Art 51 of the Treaty?ItalyThis is incompatible with Art 51 to the extent it imposes a limitation on benefits acquired in different States by a reduction in the amount acquired under national law of a State alone. """"""" #5/77Can Art 5 of Dir 74/63 be considered valid in light of Articles 30, 36, 39 and 40 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.  #5/77Can Art 5 of Dir 74/63 be considered valid in light of Articles 30, 36, 39 and 40 of the EEC Treaty?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.  #5/77Can Art 5 of Dir 74/63 be considered valid in light of Articles 30, 36, 39 and 40 of the EEC Treaty?ItalyThe regulation remains valid.  #5/77Can Art 5 of Dir 74/63 be considered valid in light of Articles 30, 36, 39 and 40 of the EEC Treaty?United KingdomThe regulation remains valid.  #5/77Does Art 5 authorize a State to prevent the importation of a product from another State on the grouonds that it contains an undesirable substance even though it is not listed in Dir 74/63s annex?CouncilStates may not prohibit the marketing and importation of such products.7  #5/77Does Art 5 authorize a State to prevent the importation of a product from another State on the grouonds that it contains an undesirable substance even though it is not listed in Dir 74/63s annex?ItalyStates may prohibit the marketing and importation of such products.1  #5/77Does Art 5 authorize a State to prevent the importation of a product from another State on the grouonds that it contains an undesirable substance even though it is not listed in Dir 74/63s annex?CommissionStates may prohibit the marketing and importation of such products if they infringe on the aforementioned temporary national provision.z  #5/77Does Art 5 of Council Dir 74/63 authorize a State to unilaterally fix the maximum permitted level of a substance contained in a product form another State, even if its not included in the annex to this Directive?CouncilStates are not permitted to fix the maximum level of such a product.E  #5/77Does Art 5 of Council Dir 74/63 authorize a State to unilaterally fix the maximum permitted level of a substance contained in a product form another State, even if its not included in the annex to this Directive?CommissionStates are permitted to fix on a provisional basis the maximum level of such a product, as long as it does not discriminate between domestic and foreign products.  #5/77Does Art 5 of Council Dir 74/63 authorize a State to unilaterally fix the maximum permitted level of a substance contained in a product form another State, even if its not included in the annex to this Directive?ItalyStates are permitted to fix on a provisional basis the maximum level of such a product, as long as it does not discriminate between domestic and foreign products.  # PXWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLviQSokYYbUmdkoff^vYbSdi`JmYdbmdmWQMd``YkkYdbMdbMQibYbUmWQJ``YbYkmiJxYdbQJomdbd`JOQY`dbdfd^YOYkmJmd$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLv^SJY^YbUmdMd`f^vsYmWMdobMY^OYiDHJbO@:dSmWQQQMmiQJmvLvbdmJ^^dsYbUmWQdsbQidSUddOkmdLQiQfiQkQbmQOJmmWQMokmd`kLvJbvfQikdbmdsWd`WQWJkUYqQbJomWdiYmvmdJMmLomdb^vJMokmd`kJUQbm$x WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJimH@JbOHBLvY`fdkYbUJbQuYkQOomvdbUddOkQuMQQOYbUmWJmY`fdkQOdbkY`Y^JiOd`QkmYMfidOoMmk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJimH@LvMWJiUYbUOYSSQiQbmiJmQkdSmJudbkfYiYmkdbmWQLJkYkdSmWQMiYmQiYdbdSOQkYUbJmYdbdSdiYUYbdifidqQbJbMQ$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJimYM^Q@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvLvbdmfidqYOYbUiQfdimkdbsJkmQ$UWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiMdobMY^OYiD@<:>dbmWQJffiduY`JmYdbdSmWQ^JskdSkmJmQkiQ^JmYbUmdJQidkd^OYkfQbkQik$VWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiMdobMY^OYiQMmYqQDF<8HLvbdmfidqYOYbUiQfdimkdbmduYMJbOOJbUQidoksJkmQ$UWJk^ouQ`LdoiUSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLv^QqvYbUkmdiJUQMWJiUQkdbUddOksWYMWJiQY`fdimQOJbOfiQkQbmQOSdimWQMd`f^QmYdbdSMokmd`kSdi`J^YmYQkJmJkfQMYJ^kmdiQ$ WJkkfJYbSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmUiJbmYbUQuQ`fmYdbSid`qJ^oQJOOQOmJuSdifQi`JbQbmY`fdimkSid`JbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQLvYbOYqYOoJ^kdS`dmdiqQWYM^QkSdifiYqJmQokQ$GP 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P_OdJim<6JbO<>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJkmJmQ`JvobY^JmQiJ^^vJOdfmYbdiOQimdfid`dmQMWQQkQkJ^Qkio^QkYbmQbOQOmdY`fidqQmWQhoJ^YmvdSOd`QkmYMfidOoMmYdbJ^dbUsYmWMd`fo^kdivokQdSkmJ`fk`Ji\kdiYbkfQMmYdbOdMo`Qbmk$OdJim<6JbO<>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJkmJmQ`JvobY^JmQiJ^^vJOdfmYbdiOQimdfid`dmQMWQQkQkJ^Qkio^QkYbmQbOQOmdY`fidqQmWQhoJ^YmvdSOd`QkmYMfidOoMmYdbJ^dbUsYmWMd`fo^kdivokQdSkmJ`fk`Ji\kdiYbkfQMmYdbOdMo`Qbmk$JbOiQY`fGOdJim<6JbO<>dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJkmJmQ`JvobY^JmQiJ^^vJOdfmYbdiOQimdfid`dmQMWQQkQkJ^Qkio^QkYbmQbOQOmdY`fidqQmWQhoJ^YmvdSOd`QkmYMfidOoMmYdbJ^dbUsYmWMd`fo^kdivokQdSkmJ`fk`Ji\kdiYbkfQMmYdbOdMo`Qbmk$QQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmJkmJmQ`JvobY^JmQiJ^^vJOdfmYbdiOQimdfid`dmQMWQQkQkJ^Qkio^QkYbmQbOQOmdY`fidqQmWQhoJ^YmvdSOd`QkmYMfidOoMmYdbJ^dbUsYmWMd`fo^kdivokQdSkmJ`fk`Ji\kdiYbkfQMmYdbOdMo`Qbmk$QJmv`QJbmWJmJkmJmQ`JvobY^JmQiJ^^vJOdfmYbdiOQimdfid`dmQMWQQkQkJ^Qkio^QkYbmQbOQOmdY`fidqQmWQhoJ^YmvdSOd`QkmYMfidOoMmYdbJ^dbUsYmWMd`fo^kdivokQdSkmJ`fk`Ji\kdiYbkfQMmYdbOdMo`Qbmk$d`dmQMWQQkQkJ^Qkio^QkYbmQbOQOmdY`fidqQmWQhoJ^YmvdSOd`QkmYMfidOoMmYdbJ^dbUsYmWMd`fo^kdivokQdSkmJ`fk`Ji\kdiYbkfQMmYdbOdMo`Qbmk$OdJim<6JbOJbOBdSMdobMY^iQU::B:`QJbmWJmdbmWQY`fdimdSk^JoUWmQiQOfdo^mivSid`mWYiOMdobmiYQkmWQkmJbOJiO^QqvsWYMWYk`JOQWJkmdLQiQOoMQOLvJSYuQOJ`dobmkJ`QJkmWQmoibdqQiQhoJ^YxJmYdbmJu$OdJim>FJbO@8dSmWQmiQJmviQhoYiQmWJmMoiiQbmLQbQSYmksWdkQJ`dobmYkOQfQbOQbmJmmWQmY`QmWQvJiQJsJiOQOYbmQiJ^YJdbmWQJ`dobmdSLQbQSYmkobOQi^QUY^kJmYdbdSkmJmQkkWdo^OLQfQiYdOYMJ^^vMJ^Mo^JmQOLvJim86DdSiQU@D>D:$@OdJim@>mWMdobMY^OYidbmWQJbboJ^JMMdobmkdSMd`fJbYQk`QJbmWJm^QUYk^JmYdbdSkmJmQkYbmQbOQOmdY`f^Q`QbmmWQOYiQMmYqQ`okmLQLidoUWmYbmdSdiMQQqQbYSdmWQikmJmQkWJqQbdm$H 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are permitted to fix on a provisional basis the maximum level of such a product, as long as it does not discriminate between domestic and foreign products.''Does Art 5 of Council Dir 74/63 authorize a State to unilaterally fix the maximum permitted level of a substance contained in a product form another State, even if its not included in the  # V0Щxqjc\UNG@92+$ @National Insurance Commissioner1/78?777777 @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@Cour de @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@ @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@Cour de @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @ @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,, @@ @@FPretura, Alessandria70/776,,,,,,  @@FPretura, 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with Art 85, 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty, unless the national bureau is in a dominant position.t!!!!!!! #g90/76Do Art 85,86 and 90 of the Treaty prohibit a national provision which reserves exclusively to an insurance undertaking the settlement of claims in respect to damage from a foreign vehicle?BelgiumSuch a national provision is not incompatible with Art 85, 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty.A!!!!!!! #f90/76Do Art 85,86 and 90 of the Treaty prohibit a national provision which reserves exclusively to an insurance undertaking the settlement of claims in respect to damage from a foreign vehicle?ItalySuch a national provision is not incompatible with Art 85, 86 and 90 of the EEC Treaty.?!!!!!!! #e90/76Do Council Dir 72/166, Commission Rec 73/185 and Dec 74/166 authorize provisions of national law which restrict competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles?ItalyThe system established by the Agreements concluded between the national insurers bureaux and by Council Dir 72/166 is not contrary to Art 85 and 86 of the EEC Treaty.!!!!!!! #d90/76Do Council Dir 72/166, Commission Rec 73/185 and Dec 74/166 authorize provisions of national law which restrict competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles?CommissionThese Community provisions preclude such national law which restricts competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles.!!!!!!! #c90/76Do Council Dir 72/166, Commission Rec 73/185 and Dec 74/166 authorize provisions of national law which restrict competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles?BelgiumThese Community provisions preclude such national law which restricts competition from undertakings dealing with settling claims from accidents with foreign vehciles.!!!!!!! #b108/76Does the term "structure" in tariff heading 73.21 of the CCT include an article intended to render the mine face safe during mining that moves hydraulically?CommissionStructure is not to include such a hydraulic safety device. """"""" #a111/76Must the rules in the Netherlands law in question be regarded as incompatible with Council Reg 123/67 on the common organization of the market in poultry or Art 30 to 37 of the Treaty?CommissionNational systems laying down quantitative restrictions on poultrymeat are incompatible with Reg 123/67.Q""""""" #`110/76Is the injured party in the case of a smuggling offense, only the EEC, or can it be the EEC with the individual States to which the levying of customs duties for the Community has been assigned?CommissionOnly the Member States and their authorities are empowered to take proceedings before national courts to sue for recovery of duties evaded by reason of smuggling.""""""" #_102/76Do Art 12 of of Reg 3 and Art 13 of Reg 1408/71 prohibit a workers State of residence from requiring payment of contributions on the renumeration received by a worker for work in another State?CommissionMember States are precluded from requiring such payments.,""""""" # Ώ8Ɍ6L23/77On 3/14/73 did a limited edition of not more than 150 artistic colour screen prints numbered and signed by the artist fall within tariff subheading 49.11 B or 99.02 of the CCT?CommissionSuch goods fall under heading 49.11 B.!!!!!!! #e 29/77Is Commission Reg 652/76 changing the monetary compensatory amounts folowing changes in exchange rates for the French franc valid?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #37/77Is Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 compatible with the reduction of an invalidity pension granted by a State under Art 46(1) on the ground that similar benefits are awarded by the institution of another State, based on national law?CommissionReg 1408/71 does prevent the national legislation from being applied.W!!!!!!! #37/77Is Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 compatible with the reduction of an invalidity pension granted by a State under Art 46(1) on the ground that similar benefits are awarded by the institution of another State, based on national law?NetherlandsReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied.\!!!!!!! #37/77Is Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 compatible with the reduction of an invalidity pension granted by a State under Art 46(1) on the ground that similar benefits are awarded by the institution of another State, based on national law?BelgiumReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied.X !!!!!!! #io22/77Must Art 12 of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over national rules against overlapping in cases where Community provisions place a migrant worker in a more favorable position than a non-migrant worker?CommissionReg 1408/71 does prevent the national legislation from being applied.;!!!!!!! #io22/77Must Art 12 of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over national rules against overlapping in cases where Community provisions place a migrant worker in a more favorable position than a non-migrant worker?ItalyReg 1408/71 does prevent the national legislation from being applied.6!!!!!!! #io22/77Must Art 12 of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over national rules against overlapping in cases where Community provisions place a migrant worker in a more favorable position than a non-migrant worker?NetherlandsReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied.@!!!!!!! #io22/77Must Art 12 of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over national rules against overlapping in cases where Community provisions place a migrant worker in a more favorable position than a non-migrant worker?BelgiumReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied.<!!!!!!! #th112/76If the pension paid by Belgium under the present invalidty scheme for mineworkers is reduced on the basis of Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 by reason of benefits paid by other States, is this compatible with Art 51 of the Treaty?BelgiumThis is compatible with Community law, so long as the migrant worker is not discriminated against.p """"""" #th112/76If the pension paid by Belgium under the present invalidty scheme for mineworkers is reduced on the basis of Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 by reason of benefits paid by other States, is this compatible with Art 51 of the Treaty?CommissionThis is incompatible with Art 51 to the extent it imposes a limitation on benefits acquired in different States by a reduction in the amount acquired under national law of a State alone.""""""" #LVAL4쬮.DE .   ;?(. .8 .. $.".j.. .j.. .Z.$..@...@...0.$.........$.".j.. .j.. .Z.  d             d 1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and number?Issues and issueQIssues and positions.AG position on issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?=Issues and positions.ECJ rulingYIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?UIssues and positions.clarity of legal issue8.  0. 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""""""" #on138/78Are Council Reg 1079/77 and Commission Reg 1822/77 on a co-responsibility levy on milk invalid because the EEC Treaty contains no power under which the said regulations could be adopted?GermanyThe regulations remain valid.""""""" #113/78Can the day of importation be the day that import documents were accepted where the products were not present because the place of import was not available for extraneous reasons to the actual importer?CommissionEvents not attributable to the importer cannot affect the interpretation to be given to the day of importation within the meaning of Council Reg 120/67.""""""" #113/78Can the day of importation be the day that import documents were accepted where the products were not present because the place of import was not available for extraneous reasons to the actual importer?NetherlandsEvents not attributable to the importer cannot affect the interpretation to be given to the day of importation within the meaning of Council Reg 120/67.""""""" #113/78According to Art 15 of Reg 120/67, are there any circumstances that a day before the date on which the products in question are brought to a place accepted by customs department can be regarded as the day of importation?CommissionThe day of importation cannot be earlier than that on which the goods were brought to a place designated by the competent national authorities to enable them to make a real and effective customs inspection of the goods. """"""" #113/78According to Art 15 of Reg 120/67, are there any circumstances that a day before the date on which the products in question are brought to a place accepted by customs department can be regarded as the day of importation?NetherlandsThe day of importation cannot be earlier than that on which the goods were brought to a place designated by the competent national authorities to enable them to make a real and effective customs inspection of the goods. """"""" # >OdQkJkvkmQ`dSQbmYm^Q`QbmmdLQbQSYmkYbiQkfQMmdSYbMJfJMYmvSdisdi\obOQisWYMWmWQJ`dobmdSmWQLQbQSYmYkOQmQi`YbQOYbfJimLv`JiYmJ^kmJmokYbMd`QdSkfdokQdiQuYkmQbMQdSJOQfQbOQbmMWY^OMdbkmYmomQOYkMiY`YbJmYdb$OdQkJkvkmQ`dSQbmYm^Q`QbmmdLQbQSYmkYbiQkfQMmdSYbMJfJMYmvSdisdi\obOQisWYMWmWQJ`dobmdSmWQLQbQSYmYkOQmQi`YbQOYbfJimLv`JiYmJ^kmJmokYbMd`QdSkfdokQdiQuYkmQbMQdSJOQfQbOQbmMWY^OMdbkmYmomQOYkMiY`YbJmYdb$OdQkJkvkmQ`dSkoLkYOYQkYbqd^qYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FOdQkJkvkmQ`dSkoLkYOYQkYbqd^qYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FqYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FqYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FYbqd^qYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FYbqd^qYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FdSkoLkYOYQkYbqd^qYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FqYbUJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FJfoL^YMLdOvJbOLJkQOdbbJmYdbJ^iQUo^JmYdbkQbJL^YbUOd`QkmYMfoL^YkWQikmdJLmJYbJmiQOoMQOfiYMQkbQskfiYbmSid`bJmYdbJ^`Y^^kMdbkmYmomQJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$FOdQkJkvkm`QJmYMfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQO`QJmmdMWQM\SdiJbvMWJbUQYbYmkMdbOYOmYdbOoiYbUmiJbkYmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSmWQfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbMJiiYQOdomYbmWQQufdimYbUkmJmQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$OdQkJmJusWYMWYkY`fdkQOdbmWQLJkYkdSOYkmJbMQkMdqQiQOsYmWYbJkmJmQSdimWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkLvidJOsWYMWMidkkJSidbmYQiMdbkmYmomQmJuJmYdbdbfidOoMmksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$OdQkJbJMmYdbsWQiQLvJMiQOYmdikQQ\kmdWJqQJOYkfdkYmYdbdSJiYUWmYbiQ`YbY``dqJL^QfidfQimviQbOQiQOYbQSSQMmYqQdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmsJk`JOQYbSiJoOdSWYkiYUWmkMd`QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8B8dSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$OdQkJbJMmYdbsWQiQLvJMiQOYmdikQQ\kmdWJqQJOYkfdkYmYdbdSJiYUWmYbiQ`YbY``dqJL^QfidfQimviQbOQiQOYbQSSQMmYqQdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmsJk`JOQYbSiJoOdSWYkiYUWmkMd`QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8B8dSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$OdQkJbJMmYdbsWQiQLvJMiQOYmdikQQ\kmdWJqQJOYkfdkYmYdbdSJiYUWmYbiQ`YbY``dqJL^QfidfQimviQbOQiQOYbQSSQMmYqQdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmsJk`JOQYbSiJoOdSWYkiYUWmkMd`QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8B8dSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$` 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`QJbmWJmmWQqJ^oQdSmWQmWiQkWd^OfiYMQmdsWYMWiQSQiQbMQ`okmLQ`JOQSdiOQmQi`YbYbUmWQJbmYOo`fYbUOomv`okmbdmqJivSid`mWQ^QqQ^JmmWQmY`QmWQmWiQkWd^OfiYMQsJkYbmidOoMQO$ WQqJ^oQdSmWQmWiQkWd^OfiYMQmdsWYMWiQSQiQbMQ`okmLQ`JOQSdiOQmQi`YbYbUmWQJbmYOo`fYbUOomv`okmbdmqJivSid`mWQ^QqQ^JmmWQmY`QmWQmWiQkWd^OfiYMQsJkYbmidOoMQO$ greement with ECJ'1'C1 ;agreement with AG'1'A/ ;observer's position on legal issue@]Q ;type of observer'4'?- ;observation source'Commission'U1 ;legal issue@/# ;case number'20/76'=# ;Observations%%% '  #*ͷyʗ]Ȩ):åw2/77Is Art 1(1) of Reg 3113/74 of the Council invalid for violating the principle that agricultural prices shall not be changed during the marketing year?CouncilThe article remains valid.  #v6/77Must Art 15(2) of Council Reg 120/67 mean that a variation of threshold price in force in the import month from the one in force the day of certificate application results in an adjustment of the levy?CommissionThis leads to an adjustment of the levy fixed in advance alone and in no way affects the premium referred to in those provisions.z  #u119/76Is Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs void?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #t119/76Is Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs void?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #s116/76Is Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs void.CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #r116/76Is Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs void.CouncilThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #q114/76Is Regulation 563/76, intended to reduce stocks of skimmed-milk powder, valid?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.~r""""""" #p114/76Is Regulation 563/76, intended to reduce stocks of skimmed-milk powder, valid?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.{r""""""" #o11/77Was a British subject entitled to invoke in his favor the benefit of the right of establishment to practice the profession of architect in a Member State from 8/9/73?CommissionFrom this date such a citizen has the right to practice as an architect.!!!!!!! #n118/76Is there any basis under Community law for exemption from monetary charges on grounds of natural justice?CommissionThere is no basis for this in Community law.""""""" #m118/76Is a national customs authority entitled and obliged on grounds of national justice to deal with applications for exemption from charges due to the Community on the basis of national law?CommissionA national customs authority is not entitled to do so.#""""""" #l90/76Do the principles of non-discrimination (Art 7) and freedom to provide services (59) prohibit an action to obstruct the business exercise of claim settlements, even if under a national insurers bureau within Dir 72/166?CommissionSuch actions are not discriminatory and are not prohibited by Art 52 and 59.X !!!!!!! #k90/76Do the principles of non-discrimination (Art 7) and freedom to provide services (59) prohibit an action to obstruct the business exercise of claim settlements, even if under a national insurers bureau within Dir 72/166?ItalySuch actions are not discriminatory and not prohibited by Art 52 and 59.O!!!!!!! #j90/76Do the principles of non-discrimination (Art 7) and freedom to provide services (59) prohibit an action to obstruct the business exercise of claim settlements, even if under a national insurers bureau within Dir 72/166?BelgiumSuch actions are not discriminatory and not prohibited by Art 52 and 59.Q!!!!!!! #P̧˪/N<h This provision does not give nationals of ACP states such rights.3This provision does not give such a national the right to establish himself in so far as the right to practice professions reserved by the legislation of that State to its own nationals is concerned.65/77Does Art 62 of the Lome Convention give a national of an ACP State (Madagascan) the right to establish himself in the territory of a State (French), without any condition as to nationality?..$$[[[[YF=s This must be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses.3This must be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses.38/77Must Art 10(2d) of Council Dir 69/74 mean that where the price paid or payable is the basis for valuation it must be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses?}iiiigF=efThis provision does have direct effect.3This provision does have direct effect.38/77Is the provision in Art 10(2d) of Council Dir 69/74 of such a specific nature that it must be regarded as directly binding, that is to say, as having direct effect?ttjjAAAA?F=inThis must be defined solely within the framework of the system of the Convention itself and not according to the law either of the State in which the judgment was given or of the State where recognition is sought.3This must be defined solely within the framework of the system of the Convention itself and not according to the law either of the State in which the judgment was given or of the State where recognition is sought.43/77What appeals are regarded as "ordinary" appeals in Art 30 and 38 of The 9/27/68 Convention, or to what judgment are they applicable?VF=This refers to producers of the processed product, namely olive oil, and not olive producers who leave the processing to others.3This refers to producers of the processed product, namely olive oil, and the olive-oil subsidy for the 1967/68 oil marketing year must be granted to those producers.36/77Is the expression "producers of olive oil" equivalent for the purposes of the Community regulations in question to that of olive producers?KKAAF=Such goods fall under heading 49.11 B.3Such goods fall under heading 49.11 B.23/77On 3/14/73 did a limited edition of not more than 150 artistic colour screen prints numbered and signed by the artist fall within tariff subheading 49.11 B or 99.02 of the CCT?$rrhh@@@@>F=g The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.29/77Is Commission Reg 652/76 changing the monetary compensatory amounts folowing changes in exchange rates for the French franc valid?``VV77775F=5*Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied.3Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied in its entirety, as long as the national legislation is less favorable.37/77Is Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 compatible with the reduction of an invalidity pension granted by a State under Art 46(1) on the ground that similar benefits are awarded by the institution of another State, based on national law?ccccaF= TPͧ˔~9ě h77/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sug h77/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national companies?CommissionThis charge does constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty if the proceeds go directly to a national sugar company.!!!!!!! #107/76Is the court of a State under a duty to refer a question concerning the interpretation of Community law under the 3rd paragraph of Art 177 of the EEC Treaty when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order?CommissionThe national court is required to refer such a question when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order. """"""" #107/76Is the court of a State under a duty to refer a question concerning the interpretation of Community law under the 3rd paragraph of Art 177 of the EEC Treaty when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order?United KingdomThe national court is not required to refer such a question when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order.""""""" #107/76Is the court of a State under a duty to refer a question concerning the interpretation of Community law under the 3rd paragraph of Art 177 of the EEC Treaty when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order?GermanyThe national court is not required to refer such a question when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order.""""""" #82/76Does an agreement under which in the first place selling rights in a territory are granted for consideration and a right to manufacture the imported goods free is granted but not used not constitute a sole agency relationship?CommissionSole agents or concessionaires in Art 2(1a) of Reg 1788/69 do not refer to independent concepts but serve jointly to cover all entities which have obtained the concession of exclusive distribution rights for products in a territory.!!!!!!! #82/76Is a business association such as in question 1 established by an agreement, granting domestic buyers certain rights from royalty payments and the right to manufacture the imported product under the patented process?CommissionAn association under Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 is created by a contract where the foreign supplier of a product grants to the Community buyer distribution rights which are territorially defined against royalties in % shares of sales proceeds.!!!!!!! #82/76Is Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 of the Council under which 2 persons shall be deemed to be associated in business inter alia if either of them has any interest in the business of the other applicable to a business in Art 3(7b) as well?CommissionThe definition of persons associated in business in Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 also applies to Art 3(7b) of that regulation.!!!!!!! #F76/76What is the meaning of the words "or who returns to that territory" in Art 71 (1bii) of Reg 1408/71 of the Council?CommissionThese words imply that the concept of residence in one State does not necessarily exclude non-habitual residence in another Member State.-!!!!!!! #76/76What meaning and scope are to be given the words "in which he resides" in Art 71(1bii) of Council Reg 1408/71?CommissionThis must be limited to the State where the worker, although occupied in another State, continues habitually to reside and where the habitual center of his interests lie.I!!!!!!! # ;sWJm`okm OQMYkYdbkdbJff^YMJmYdbkmdYbmidOoMQJiQUo^JikQiqYMQ4mJ\QbLvJUiQQ`QbmLQmsQQbmWQkmJmQkYbsWdkQmQiiYmdiYQkfJkkQbUQikJiQmdLQmJ\QbofdikQmOdsb JkiQSQiiQOmdYbJim8<8dSiQU@8DD:LQiQUJiOQOJk$sWJm`okm OQMYkYdbkdbJff^YMJmYdbkmdYbmidOoMQJiQUo^JikQiqYMQ4mJ\QbLvJUiQQ`QbmLQmsQQbmWQkmJmQkYbsWdkQmQiiYmdiYQkfJkkQbUQikJiQmdLQmJ\QbofdikQmOdsb JkiQSQiiQOmdYbJim8<8dSiQU@8DD:LQiQUJiOQOJk$sWJm`okm OQMYkYdbkdbJff^YMJmYdbkmdYbmidOoMQJiQUo^JikQiqYMQ4mJ\QbLvJUiQQ`QbmLQmsQQbmWQkmJmQkYbsWdkQmQiiYmdiYQkfJkkQbUQikJiQmdLQmJ\QbofdikQmOdsb JkiQSQiiQOmdYbJim8<8dSiQU@8DD:LQiQUJiOQOJk$sWJm`okm OQMYkYdbkdbJff^YMJmYdbkmdYbmidOoMQJiQUo^JikQiqYMQ4mJ\QbLvJUiQQ`QbmLQmsQQbmWQkmJmQkYbsWdkQmQiiYmdiYQkfJkkQbUQikJiQmdLQmJ\QbofdikQmOdsb JkiQSQiiQOmdYbJim8<8dSiQU@8DD:LQiQUJiOQOJk$sWJmiQhoYiQ`QbmkLQkYOQkmWJmdSdfQiJmYbUSdifidSYm`okmJUidofdSfQikdbkfidqYOQikdSMJfYmJ^sYmWdom^QUJ^fQikdbJ^YmvkJmYkSvYbdiOQimdLQiQUJiOQOJkJ Md`fJbv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim<:dSmWQOYiBH<<@$sWJmiQhoYiQ`QbmkLQkYOQkmWJmdSdfQiJmYbUSdifidSYm`okmJUidofdSfQikdbkfidqYOQikdSMJfYmJ^sYmWdom^QUJ^fQikdbJ^YmvkJmYkSvYbdiOQimdLQiQUJiOQOJkJ Md`fJbv sYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim<:dSmWQOYiBH<<@$sWJmkWdo^OLQmWQMMmkoLWQJOYbUdSmWQJYiSY^mQikYbmWYkMJkQ$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$d``YkkYdbdSD:@$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$sWQbJbJmYdbJ^sJbmkmdfoikoQJfidSQkkYdbYbJbdmWQikmJmQJbOWJkJmmJYbQOJOYf^d`JYbWYkMdobmivYkmWQJMmdSOQ`JbOYbUmWQOYf^d`JLQfiQkMiYLQOLv^JsdSmWYk^JmmQikmJmQMdbmiJivmdJim@DdSmWQmiQJmv$ sWQbJbJmYdbJ^sJbmkmdfoikoQJfidSQkkYdbYbJbdmWQikmJmQJbOWJkJmmJYbQOJOYf^d`JYbWYkMdobmivYkmWQJMmdSOQ`JbOYbUmWQOYf^d`JLQfiQkMiYLQOLv^JsdSmWYk^JmmQikmJmQMdbmiJivmdJim@DdSmWQmiQJmv$ oQJfidSQkkYdbYbJbdmWQikmJmQJbOWJkJmmJYbQOJOYf^d`JYbWYkMdobmivYkmWQJMmdSOQ`JbOYbUmWQOYf^d`JLQfiQkMiYLQOLv^JsdSmWYk^JmmQikmJmQMdbmiJivmdJim@DdSmWQmiQJmv$ oQJfidSQkkYdbYbJbdmWQikmJmQJbOWJkJmmJYbQOJOYf^d`JYbWYkMdobmivYkmWQJMmdSOQ`JbOYbUmWQOYf^d`JLQfiQkMiYLQOLv^JsdSmWYk^JmmQikmJmQMdbmiJivmdJim@DdSmWQmiQJmv$ sWQbJff^vYbUiQUk866HBDJbO8>:BH`okmkoif^okQkLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmOYkMdqQiQOOoiYbUkmdM\mJ\YbUJSmQimWQMd`YbUYbmdSdiMQdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbkiQ^JmYbUmdfidOoMmYdb^QqYQkLQSdiQD8BF$5sWQbJff^vYbUiQUk866HBDJbO8>:BH`okmkoif^okQkLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmOYkMdqQiQOOoiYbUkmdM\mJ\YbUJSmQimWQMd`YbUYbmdSdiMQdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbkiQ^JmYbUmdfidOoMmYdb^QqYQkLQSdiQD8BF$5MMdobmOYkMdqQiQOOoiYbUkmdM\mJ\YbUJSmQimWQMd`YbUYbmdSdiMQdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbkiQ^JmYbUmdfidOoMmYdb^QqYQkLQSdiQD8BF$5Jff^vYbUiQUk866HBDJbO8>:BH`okmkoif^okQkLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmOYkMdqQiQOOoiYbUkmdM\mJ\YbUJSmQimWQMd`YbUYbmdSdiMQdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbkiQ^JmYbUmdfidOoMmYdb^QqYQkLQSdiQD8BF$5Jff^vYbUiQUk866HBDJbO8>:BH`okmkoif^okQkLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmOYkMdqQiQOOoiYbUkmdM\mJ\YbUJSmQimWQMd`YbUYbmdSdiMQdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbkiQ^JmYbUmdfidOoMmYdb^QqYQkLQSdiQD8BF$5P.ɿžThis charge does constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty if the proceeds go directly to a national sugar company.3This charge does constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty if the proceeds go directly to a national sugar company.77/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national companies? 66,,F=The national court is not required to refer such a question when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order.3The national court is not required to refer such a question when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order.107/76Is the court of a State under a duty to refer a question concerning the interpretation of Community law under the 3rd paragraph of Art 177 of the EEC Treaty when raised in interlocutory proceedings for an interim order?F=Such a agreement falls within the provision of Art 2(1a) of Commission Reg 1788/69.3Such a agreement falls within the provision of Art 2(1a) of Commission Reg 1788/69.82/76Does an agreement under which in the first place selling rights in a territory are granted for consideration and a right to manufacture the imported goods free is granted but not used not constitute a sole agency relationship?mmmmkF=zAn association under Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 is created by a contract where the foreign supplier of a product grants to the Community buyer distribution rights which are territorially defined against royalties in % shares of sales proceeds.3An association under Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 is created by a contract where the foreign supplier of a product grants to the Community buyer distribution rights which are territorially defined against royalties in % shares of sales proceeds.82/76Is a business association such as in question 1 established by an agreement, granting domestic buyers certain rights from royalty payments and the right to manufacture the imported product under the patented process?    F=The definition of persons associated in business in Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 also applies to Art 3(7b) of that regulation.3The definition of persons associated in business in Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 also applies to Art 3(7b) of that regulation.82/76Is Art 2(2) of Reg 803/68 of the Council under which 2 persons shall be deemed to be associated in business inter alia if either of them has any interest in the business of the other applicable to a business in Art 3(7b) as well?  F=Account should be taken of the degree of stability of residence, the weight accorded to the intention of the person wokring abroad, and the intention to return.3Account should be taken of the length and continuity of residence before the person moved, the length and purpose of his absence, the nature of the occupation found in the other State and the intention of the person.76/76What are the criteria applicable and at what point of time must the conditions of residence and return to the territory be fulfilled?%F=These words imply that the concept of residence in one State does not necessarily exclude non-habitual residence in another Member State.3These words imply that the concept of residence in one State does not necessarily exclude non-habitual residence in another Member State.76/76What is the meaning of the words "or who returns to that territory" in Art 71 (1bii) of Reg 1408/71 of the Council?88..F= LVALN2222m ;:!a @"a @~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo18Vht @4MR2KeepLocal T||||||z `N!a @N!a @~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList44Vh@K4MR2KeepLocal Tzzzzzzx `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agreeVh. @[4MR2KeepLocal T `{z9.D    <;?   H   J z    8 h              J z        d  d  Referral.junkReferral+Referral.Referral Date' number/Referral.referring court1Referral.Referring NationH @      +A9@8 P    J  z     Referral x    m?A),9@~sq_fReferralP  P  8 X  h `   h   p  8 h     J  z     Referral    J   z         8 h     X P   8 P h                                                                     `   0    0       z  H 0 P    H      0    dH  d  <       H    Referral X   dp PrimaryKeyGGeneral Case CharacteristicsReferral  v     X X qX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8   H (  H ReferralPrimaryKey H  @   X H  H    5sWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vsWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vsWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vbJffidqJ^$vsWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vbJffidqJ^$vsWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vDHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vDHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vDHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vvsWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$vsWYMWYbkmYmomYdbYkMd`fQmQbmmdJUUiQUJmQmWQYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkbQMQkkJivSdimWQJsJiOdSkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmksWQiQJsdi\QiYkQ`f^dvQOYb:di`diQkmJmQkJbOmdsWJm^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQsdi\QikoL[QMmiQUJiOYbUkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmk$sWYMWkmJmQ`okmfJvmWQOQbJmoiYbUfiQ`Yo`YbmWQkMQbJiYddSmWYkMJkQ$ sWYMWkmJmQ`okmfJvmWQOQbJmoiYbUfiQ`Yo`YbmWQkMQbJiYddSmWYkMJkQ$sYmWiQUJiOmdmWQmY`Q^Y`YmYbMd``YkkYdbiQUHB<BHYkmWYkJbJLkd^omQ^Y`YmJmYdbfQiYdOYbsWYMWbdbdLkQiqJbMQJ^sJvk^QJOkmdmWQ^dkkdSiYUWmmdmWQMJiivdqQifJv`Qbm$c sYmWYbmWQMdbmQumdSmWQkvkmQ`dS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkYkmWQmJiYSSM^JkkYSYMJmYdb`JOQLvmWQQufdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQdSmWQQoidfQJbMd``obYmYQkLYbOYbUofdbmWQY`fdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQ$DsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJff^YMJmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8YkJimDOYiQMm^vJff^YMJL^QYbkmJmQk$Csdo^OmWQJbksQimdhoQkmYdb8LQmWQkJ`QYSmWQkJ^QdSmWQUddOkYbJsJk`JOQbdmLvmWQdiYUYbJ^Wd^OQiYbLLomLvJ::::2222 @@ ]@@?Lenz148/90Kennes and VerkooyenWilly Kennes and Verkooyen PVBA{ZZD<88882222 @@ ]@@?Van Gerven147/90Vandevenne and OthersVandevenne and OthersxaaJB>>>>2222 @@T@@?Van Gerven1475/90GuitardRoger GuitarddUULB>>>>2222 ? T@@?Tesauro14345/89StoeckelAlfred StoeckelfUUK?;;;;2222 @D@@?Tesauro1460/89Monteil and SamanniJean Monteil and Daniel Samanni^^I?;;;;2222 @@C@@?Mischo14361/89Di PintoPatrice Di PintofTTJ>::::2222 ? B@@?Van Gerven14332/89Marchandise and OthersAndre Marchandise and OthersffNB>>>>2222 ? @X@?Capotorti1476/77Auditeur du Travail v. DufourAuditeur du TravailBernard Dufour, SA Creyfs Interim and SA Creyfs IndustrialjKA====2222 @@@?@Warner1463/77Poppe v. Oberfinanzdirektion, CologneFirma Ludwig PoppeOberfinanzdirektion, CologneoH>::::2222  @@@?@Warner1460/77Fuss v. Oberfinanzdirektion MunchenFritz Fuss KG, electronics factoryOberfinanzdirektion MunchenmH>::::2222 ܥ?ܥ@@??Mayras1459/77De Bloos v. BouyerEts. A. De Bloos, S.p.r.l.Societe en Commendite par Actions Bouyerx\H>::::2222 @@?@Capotorti1462/77Carlsen Verlag v. Oberfinanzdirektion KolnCarlsen Verlag GmbHOberfinanzdirektion KolnwKA====2222 ?@@?@Capotorti1455/77Maris v. Rijksdienst voor WerknemerspensioenenMarguerite Maris, wife of Roger RebouletRijksdienst voor Werknemerspensioenen{KA====2222 ?@?@Capotorti1466/77Kuyken v. Rijksdienst voor ArbeidsvoorzieningPetrus KuykenRijksdienst voor ArbeidsvoorzieningzKA====2222 ? @?@Warner1464/77Torri v. ONPTSMario TorriOffice National des Pensions pour Travailleurs SalarieseXH>::::2222 ? @?@Warner1435/77Beerens v. Rijksdienst voor ArbeidsvoorzieningElisabeth BeerensRijksdienst voor ArbeidsvoorzieningxH>::::2222  ?@@?X@Reischl1465/77RazanatsimbaJean RazanatsimbajjWI?;;;;2222 ? @?@Warner1438/77Enka v. Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenEnka BVInspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen, Arnhem{H>::::2222 ? @??Reischl1443/77Industrial Diamond Supplies v. RivaIndustrial Diamond SuppliesLuigi RivanI?;;;;2222 ? @@@?Reischl1436/77AIMA v. GrecoAzienda di Stato per gli Interventi sul Mercato AgricoloRocco Michele GrecoXI?;;;;2222 @@@?@Reischl1423/77Kunstverein v. Hauptzollamt MunsterWestfalischer KunstvereinHauptzollamt MunsternI?;;;;2222 >6O<̱uʠɞ=YŐm¯v@@?@Reischl1499/76Beste Boter and Hoche v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungNV Roomboterfabriek "De Beste Boter" and Firma Josef Hoche, ButterschmelzwerkBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungI?;;;;2222 ? @??Reischl14105/76Interzuccheri v. Rezzano e CavassaInterzuccheri S.p.A.Ditta Rezzano e CavassaoK?;;;;2222 ? @??Reischl1477/76Cucchi v. AvezFratelli CucchiAvez S.p.A.wjYI?;;;;2222 ? @@??Capotorti14107/76Hoffmann-La Roche v. CentrafarmHoffmann-La RocheCentrafarm Vetriebsgesellschaft Pharmazeutischer Erzeugnisse mbHnMA====2222 ? @??Warner1474/76Iannelli v. MeroniIannelli & Volpi S.p.A.Ditta Paolo Meroniu\H>::::2222 ? @@?@Warner1482/76Hoechst v. Hauptzollamt Frankfurt-am-MainFarbwerke Hoechst AGHauptzollamt Frankfurt-am-MainsH>::::2222 ? @@?@Capotorti1476/76Di Paolo v. Office National de l EmploiSilvani Di PaoloOffice National de l EmploitKA====2222 ? @@?Warner1472/76Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinland-Pfalz v. TopferLandesversicherungsanstalt Rheinland-PfalzHenriette Topfer, nee Dontenwill, Jean-Pierre Weber and "Le Phenix" insurance company~H>::::2222 ? @?@Capotorti1420/76Schottle v. Finanzamt FreudenstadtSchottle & Sohne OHGFinanzamt FreudenstadtoKA====2222 ? @??Reischl1452/76Benedetti v. MunariLuigi BenedettiMunari F.lli s.a.s.o^I?;;;;2222  ? @@?@Mayras1451/76Nederlandse Ondernemingen v. Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenVerbond van Nederlandse OndernemingenInspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenH>::::2222 ? @@??Mayras1447/76De Norre v. Brouweij ConcordiaAlexis de Norre and his wife Martine, nee de ClercqNV Brouwerij ConcordiahH>::::2222 ? }@?@Reischl1446/76Bauhuis v. NetherlandsW.J.G. BauhuisNetherlands~qaI?;;;;2222 @ @@?Tesauro14219/91Ter VoortJohannes Stephanus Wilhelmus Ter Voort~VVK?;;;;2222 @@@?Lenz14143/91Van der TasLeendert van der TaskUUH<88882222 @ ~@@?Jacobs14147/91Ferrer LadererMichele Ferrer LadererrZZJ>::::2222 @{@@?Van Gerven1413/91DebusMichel DebusaSSLB>>>>2222 A q@@?Tesauro1438/90Lomas and OthersThomas Edward Lomas and Others{[[I?;;;;2222 @@r@@?Jacobs1460/91Batista MoraisJose Antonio Batista MoraisuXXH>::::2222  @k@@?Jacobs14330/90Lopez Brea and Carlos HidalgoAngel Lopez Brea and Carlos Hidalgo PalaciosiiJ>::::2222  @@ f@@?Tesauro14158/90Nijs and Transport Vanschoonbeek-MatterneMario Nijs and Transport Vanschoonbeek-Matterne NVvvK?;;;;2222 )8C8h+tɭ n'ŁĸlO@@ @?@Mayras14110/77Mulcahy v. CommissionThomas J. MulcahyCommissiontaJ>::::2222 @@ @?@Warner1499/77D Auria v. CommissionDr. Denis D AuriaCommission~r_H>::::2222 ?@?@Capotorti1483/76HNL v. Council and CommissionBayerische HNL Vermehrungsbetriebe GmbH & Co. KG and othersCouncil and CommissionjKA====2222 @@ @@??Warner1434/77Oslizlok v. CommissionJozef OslizlokCommission|p`H>::::2222 @@ @@?@Warner1425/77De Roubaix v. CommissionLucienne De Roubaix, nee De LeyeCommissionbH>::::2222 ? is@?@Mayras14132/77Exportation des Sucres v. CommissionSociete pour l Exportation des Sucres, S.A.CommissionpJ>::::2222  ? @@?@Mayras14112/77Topfer v. CommissionAugust Topfer & Co. GmbHCommissionz`J>::::2222 ? @@?@Warner14123/77UNICME v. CouncilUnione Nazionale Importatori e Commercianti Motoveicoli Esteri and othersCouncil]J>::::2222 @@ @@?@Warner147/77Von Wullerstorff und Urbair v. CommissionBerhard Diether Ritter von Wullerstorff und UrbairCommissionqF>::::2222 @@@@?@Warner14115/76Leonardini v. CommissionLeonardo LeonardiniCommissionydJ>::::2222 @@ @?@Mayras1454/77Herpels v. CommissionAntoon HerpelsCommission{o_H>::::2222 ?@?@Mayras1412/77Debayser v. CommissionDebayser SA and othersCommissionx`H>::::2222 ?@?@Mayras1444/77Union Malt v. CommissionGroupement d Interet Economique "Union Malt" and othersCommissionbH>::::2222 ? @@??Mayras1473/77Sanders v. Van der PutteTheodorus Engelbertus SandersRonald van der PuttebH>::::2222  ? @??Warner1452/77Cayrol v. RivoiraLeonce CayrolGiovanni Rivoira & Figlij[H>::::2222 ? @@@?Warner1430/77Regina v. BouchereauReginaPierre Bouchereauyf^H>::::2222  ?@?@Warner1432/77Giuliani v. Landesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenAntonio GiulianiLandesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenyH>::::2222 ?  @@?@Capotorti14124/76Moulins Pont-a-Mousson v. Office Interprofessionnel des CerealesSA Moulins et Huileries de Pont-a-MoussonOffice National Interprofessionnel des CerealesMA====2222 ?  @@?@Capotorti14117/76Ruckdeschel v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. AnnenAlbert Ruckdeschel & Co. and Hansa-Lagerhaus Stroh & CoHauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen|MA====2222 @@@?@Reischl14125/76Cremer v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungFirma Peter CremerBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungK?;;;;2222 ? @@??Warner14109/76Blottner v. Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingM. BlottnerBestuur der Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingzJ>::::2222  9LJJŴæAEal150/77Can the sale of a machine of 1 company to another on the basis of a price to be paid with 2 equal bills of exchange payable at 60 and 90 days be a sale on installment credit terms under Art 13 of the Brussels Convention?CommissionSuch a sale cannot be a sale on installment credit terms under Art 13 of the Brussels Convention.o """"""" #D146/77Is Commission Regulation 2424/76 invalid in so far as it purports to apply to the exports detailed in question 1?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #C146/77Does Commission Reg 2424/76 apply to exports effected in execution of contracts concluded prior to the date on which it was promulgated?CommissionCommission Regulation 2424/76 does apply to such exports.""""""" #B139/77Under Community law does the expression "agricultural producers" in Art 1(1) and (3) of Reg 2464/69 or other provisions include industrial livestock breeders and keepers within the meaning of German tax law?CommissionNo provision of Community law prohibited Germany from excluding such breeders from the aid referred to in this regulation.{""""""" #A136/77Is Commission Reg 722/75 valid in so far as #1 of the Annex thereto excepts the import into Germany of wines falling within tariff subheading 22.05 C I of the CCT from the discontinuance of compensation amounts?CommissionThe regulation remains valid."""""""" #@108/77Does Art 4(3) of Commission Reg 1380/75 mean that the export refund, for sugar determined for each exporter in national currency, is to be multiplied by the monetary coefficient fixed by the Commission?CommissionThe export refund is to be multiplied by this monetary coefficient.?""""""" #?131/77Does Art 1 of Commission Reg 539/75 infringe Art 1(2b) of Council Reg 974/71 in so far as it fixes compensatory amounts for the import of powdered whey, as its price does not depend of the price of skimmed-milk powder?CommissionArticle 1 of Commission Reg 539/75 remains valid.= """"""" #>135/77Is the value of a patent for a process to be included in the normal price of goods only if the process can only be put into effect by the use of those goods, or can the process also be used in connection with other goods?CommissionThe value of a patent for a process is to be included in the normal price of goods if the process can only be put into effect by the use of those goods alone. """"""" #=115/77Must Art 79(3) be understood in the sense that rights to benefits acquired under Art 77,78 and 79(2) of the regulation are to be suspended in order to avoid duplication of benefits only where another State granted these rights?CommissionThese rights are to be suspended only in so far as that right overlaps rights to benefits of the same kind acquired by virtue of the pursuit of a professional or trade activity.""""""" #<115/77Must Art 79(3) be understood in the sense that rights to benefits acquired under Art 77,78 and 79(2) of the regulation are to be suspended in order to avoid duplication of benefits only where another State granted these rights?ItalyThese rights are to be suspended only in so far as that right overlaps rights to benefits of the same kind acquired by virtue of the pursuit of a professional or trade activity.""""""" #;104/77Must tariff subheading 76.01 A or B of the CCT include goods consisting of chopped aluminum wire of a light grey shining appearance and produced in a shredder by aluminum cables and removal of insulation?CommissionSuch goods come under 76.01 A of the CCT.'""""""" # E;sQiQmWQMdobMY^JbOMd``YkkYdbdL^YUQOYbSYuYbUfiYMQkSdimWQ8HDBDD`Y^\vQJimdiJYkQmWQSiQQJmSidbmYQikfiYMQkSdifidOoMmkobOQimJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUk>6>QYL<JbO>dSmWQMMmmdJm^QJkm8@68<@oJ$^sQiQmWQMdobMY^JbOMd``YkkYdbdL^YUQOYbSYuYbUfiYMQkSdimWQ8HDBDD`Y^\vQJimdiJYkQmWQSiQQJmSidbmYQikfiYMQkSdifidOoMmkobOQimJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUk>6>QYL<JbO>dSmWQMMmmdJm^QJkm8@68<@oJ$^sWJmJiQmWQMdbkQhoQbMQkdSmWQbo^^YmvdSkoMWJMdbmiJMmJkYbmWYkMJkQobOQiJimF@:dSmWQmiQJmvYbfJimYMo^JiYbiQ^JmYdbmddiOQikJbOOQ^YqQiYQk`JOQdbmWQLJkYkdSmWQMdbmiJMm$HsWJmJiQmWQMiYmQiYJJff^YMJL^QJbOJmsWJmfdYbmdSmY`Q`okmmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSiQkYOQbMQJbOiQmoibmdmWQmQiiYmdivLQSo^SY^^QO$WJmJiQmWQMiYmQiYJJff^YMJL^QJbOJmsWJmfdYbmdSmY`Q`okmmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSiQkYOQbMQJbOiQmoibmdmWQmQiiYmdivLQSo^SY^^QO$WJmJiQmWQMiYmQiYJJff^YMJL^QJbOJmsWJmfdYbmdSmY`Q`okmmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSiQkYOQbMQJbOiQmoibmdmWQmQiiYmdivLQSo^SY^^QO$QJbOJmsWJmfdYbmdSmY`Q`okmmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSiQkYOQbMQJbOiQmoibmdmWQmQiiYmdivLQSo^SY^^QO$QJbOJmsWJmfdYbmdSmY`Q`okmmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSiQkYOQbMQJbOiQmoibmdmWQmQiiYmdivLQSo^SY^^QO$QJbOJmsWJmfdYbmdSmY`Q`okmmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSiQkYOQbMQJbOiQmoibmdmWQmQiiYmdivLQSo^SY^^QO$sWJmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$sWJmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$QkmYdbk$sWJmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$QkmYdbk$sWJmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$sWJmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$JmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$JmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$OQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$sWJmMdbqQikYdbiJmQ`okmLQokQOYbdiOQimdSYumWQJ`dobmdSmWQfiQ`Yo`YbmWQSdi`QihoQkmYdbk$  #uP C+ʕ)@HT3¥ s 4  z e 4  H  k M  h <  e/mJb!s4X5gE#VThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.403/85Should the Commissions decision imposing on the applicant the disciplinary penalty of removal from his post be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=UThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.306/85Should the decision rejecting the applicants candidature for the post of Head of Division at the Commission and the decision appointing another candidate be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=TThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.280/85Should the decision rejecting a complaint by which the applicant sought additional seniority in his grade and of the decision refusing to grant the applicant a daily subsistence allowance be annulled?3ii]]>>>><F=SThe decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.417/85Should the decisions of the Selection board refuse to allow the applicant to take part in the tests for Internal Competition No CC/A/8/85 be annulled?ddXX;;;;9F=RThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.324/85Should the Commission decision to appoint Mr. Mensching to the post of Head of Division be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=QThe application is admissible.3The application is inadmissible.302/85Should the Court of Auditors decision to refuse to reclassify Mr. Pressler-Hoeft retroactively be annulled?ffZZ88886F=PThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.276/85Should the Commission decision to classify the applicant in Grade B 3, Step 3 be annulled?hh\\::::8F=obOItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.364/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 80/219, 80/1098 and 80/1102 on animal health probliems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine?GttFFFFDF=NItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.361/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations byl failing to comply with Council Dir 79/373, Commission Dir 80/509, 80/511 and 80/695 on the marketing of feedstuffs?%ttFFFFDF=MItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.275/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by authorizing the release in stages of goods which are declared on a single entry form for release for free circulation?'ttFFFFDF=LThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.45/85Should the Commission Dec 85/75 of 12/5/84 relating to a procedure under Art 85 of the Teaty (IV/30.307- Fire Insurance) be declared void?gg]]>>>><F=KThe application is inadmissible.3The application is dismissed as inadmissible.204/85Should the decision of 11/26/84 by the Secretary to the Court of Auditors to establish Mrs. Vlachou, a probationary official in Grade LA 6 in the Presidnet section, in her post be annulled?4uuii::::8F=JThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.268/84Should Commission Dec C(84) 1409/3 of 9/27/84 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding the production quota in respect of products in Category V which could be sold during the 2nd quarter of 1982 be declared void??bbVV????=F= YkMd``YkkYdbOQMF::FFQkmJL^YkWYbUmWJmmWQJffJiJmokOQkMiYLQOJkhoJbmJiJvbOvJU^JLdiJmdivkvkmQ``dOQ^OMi8J`JvbdmLQY`fdimQOSiQQdSMMmOomYQkqJ^YO$SUYkMd``YkkYdbiQU:B@DDDYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmQumQbOkiQUF66DDsYmWdommWQ`JbJUQ`QbmMd``YmmQQkdfYbYdbJbOOiJsbofsYmWJbYbMdbkYkmQbmkmJmQ`QbmdSiQJkdbkYbYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSJim8H6$YkMd``YkkYdbiQU:B@DDDYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmQumQbOkiQUF66DDsYmWdommWQ`JbJUQ`QbmMd``YmmQQkdfYbYdbJbOOiJsbofsYmWJbYbMdbkYkmQbmkmJmQ`QbmdSiQJkdbkYbYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSJim8H6$YkMd``YkkYdbiQU:B@DDDYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmQumQbOkiQUF66DDsYmWdommWQ`JbJUQ`QbmMd``YmmQQkdfYbYdbJbOOiJsbofsYmWJbYbMdbkYkmQbmkmJmQ`QbmdSiQJkdbkYbYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSJim8H6$U:B@DDDYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmQumQbOkiQUF66DDsYmWdommWQ`JbJUQ`QbmMd``YmmQQkdfYbYdbJbOOiJsbofsYmWJbYbMdbkYkmQbmkmJmQ`QbmdSiQJkdbkYbYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSJim8H6$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUB@:DBMWJbUYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ bYbMdbkYkmQbmkmJmQ`QbmdSiQJkdbkYbYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSJim8H6$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUB@:DBMWJbUYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ ivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ ivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ Md``YkkYdbiQUB@:DBMWJbUYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ WJiQkoff^YQOmdJbobOQimJ\YbULvJfidOoMQiLombdmkd^O$/MYkMd``YkkYdbiQUB@:DBMWJbUYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ WJiQkoff^YQOmdJbobOQimJ\YbULvJfidOoMQiLombdmkd^O$/MYkMd``YkkYdbiQUB@:DBMWJbUYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ boJbMQdSMd`fQbkJmYdbJ`dobmk$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF66DDYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmfidqYOQkmWJm`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJiQmdLQMWJiUQOdbY`fdimkJbOUiJbmQOdbQufdimkdSUddOkMd`YbUsYmWYbmJiYSSWQJOYbU8D6>O$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF66DDYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmfidqYOQkmWJm`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJiQmdLQMWJiUQOdbY`fdimkJbOUiJbmQOdbQufdimkdSUddOkMd`YbUsYmWYbmJiYSSWQJOYbU8D6>O$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF66DDYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmfidqYOQkmWJm`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJiQmdLQMWJiUQOdbY`fdimkJbOUiJbmQOdbQufdimkdSUddOkMd`YbUsYmWYbmJiYSSWQJOYbU8D6>O$ YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF66DDYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJk`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJiQMWJiUQOdiUiJbmQOdbY`fdimkdiQufdimkdSUddOkobOQimWQmJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUkYbhoQkmYdb$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF66DDYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJk`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJiQMWJiUQOdiUiJbmQOdbY`fdimkdiQufdimkdSUddOkobOQimWQmJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUkYbhoQkmYdb$6 YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF66DDYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJk`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJiQMWJiUQOdiUiJbmQOdbY`fdimkdiQufdimkdSUddOkobOQimWQmJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUkYbhoQkmYdb$6 YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF>HD6dbmWQOQbJmoiYbUdSMd``dbsWQJmYbqJ^YO$ YkMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdb:>:>DBYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmfoifdimkmdJff^vmdmWQQufdimkOQmJY^QOYbhoQkmYdb8$ YkMd``obYmv^JsmdLQYbmQifiQmQOJk`QJbYbUmWJmJqQmQiYbJivJbOfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbJmmWQSidbmYQidSJMd`fo^kdivbJmoiQYkQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimkJbOQufdimk$X 555 '  # P;p[.)rtIThis provision is valid.3This provision is valid.21/78Was the statutory provision of Art 78 of the Danish Penal code validly enacted by Denmark within the limits of Council Directive 74/562?VVLL22220F=HThe Directive remains valid.3The Directive remains valid.21/78Is the Council Dir of 11/12/74 lawful, valid, directly binding on Danish courts and applicable to relations between a Danish national and the Danish public authorities?^^TT66664F=f sGIt is not in principle incompatible with Community law to have such a requirement, yet particular difficulties of foreigners in obtaining these licences must be taken into account.3It is not in principle incompatible with Community law to have such a requirement, yet this might violate their rights if the rules are not in due proportion to the requirements of road safety.16/78Is it compatible with Community law for a State to require foreigners to possess a driving licence by this State for driving vehicles and penalize them for driving without one?MF= tFThe court is not prohibited from taking into account a set-off connected with the legal relationship in dispute.3The court is not prohibited from taking into account a set-off connected with the legal relationship in dispute.23/78If such a clause as in question 1 is permitted, does it automatically rule out any set-off which one of the parties to the contract wishes to propose in pursuance of a claim arising under the agreement wanting different jurisdiction?F=EThe Convention does not prohibit such an agreement.3The Convention does not prohibit such an agreement.23/78Does the 1st paragraph of Art 17 of the Convention permit an agreement under which the 2 parties to a contract for sale, who are domiciled in different States, can be sued only in the courts of their respective States?hMMMMKF=DThis law does constitute a quantitative restriction based on Articles 30 and 36 of the Treaty.3This law does constitute a quantitative restriction based on Articles 30 and 36 of the Treaty.13/78Is the German law in which only certain types of spirits can be classified as high quality spirits made from wine incompatible with the prohibition of measures having a quantitative restriction?xxxxvF=CAll such periods must be taken into account so long as the migrant worker was a national of a Member State when the periods were completed, not when the pension was applied for.3All such periods must be taken into account so long as the migrant worker was a national of a Member State when the periods were completed, not when the pension was applied for.10/78Does Art 16(2) of Reg 109/65 continue to apply in Community law so that Reg 1408/71 means that insurance periods completed in France before 1/19/65 are taken into account he was French then but Algerian when applying for pension?o~~F= wBThe provision on the names under which proprietary medicinal products may be marketed are irrelevant to the reply to question 1.3The provision on the names under which proprietary medicinal products may be marketed are irrelevant to the reply to question 1.3/78Is it relevant to answer 1 that in the importing State there are provisions on medicinal products under which it is permissible to import a medicinal product from another State under a mark other than that registered in the State? $$F= ΄˝ʆ4AN35/77Does the Natherlands unemployment assistance law allow of reliance on Art 69 of Reg 1408/71 and persons such as the plaintiff satisfy conditions for the entitlement of such benefits?NetherlandsSuch workers do not satisfy the conditions of Reg 1408/71."!!!!!!! #35/77Does the Natherlands unemployment assistance law allow of reliance on Art 69 of Reg 1408/71 and persons such as the plaintiff satisfy conditions for the entitlement of such benefits?CommissionSuch a worker retains under Art 69 of this regulation his entitlement to those benefits.?!!!!!!! #na65/77Does Art 62 of the Lome Convention give a national of an ACP State (Madagascan) the right to establish himself in the territory of a State (French), without any condition as to nationality?CommissionThis provision does not give such a national the right to establish himself in so far as the right to practice professions reserved by the legislation of that State to its own nationals is concerned.!!!!!!! #na65/77Does Art 62 of the Lome Convention give a national of an ACP State (Madagascan) the right to establish himself in the territory of a State (French), without any condition as to nationality?FranceThis provision does not give such a national the right to establish himself in so far as the right to practice professions reserved by the legislation of that State to its own nationals is concerned.!!!!!!! # w38/77Must Art 10(2d) of Council Dir 69/74 mean that where the price paid or payable is the basis for valuation it must be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses?NetherlandsThis must not be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses.<!!!!!!! # w38/77Must Art 10(2d) of Council Dir 69/74 mean that where the price paid or payable is the basis for valuation it must be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses?CommissionThis must be reduced by the costs of warehousing the goods while in warehouses.7!!!!!!! #38/77Is the provision in Art 10(2d) of Council Dir 69/74 of such a specific nature that it must be regarded as directly binding, that is to say, as having direct effect?CommissionThis provision does have direct effect.!!!!!!! #43/77What appeals are regarded as "ordinary" appeals in Art 30 and 38 of The 9/27/68 Convention, or to what judgment are they applicable?United KingdomThis means an appeal considered to be an ordinary appeal in the contracting State in which the appeal was lodged.*!!!!!!! #43/77What appeals are regarded as "ordinary" appeals in Art 30 and 38 of The 9/27/68 Convention, or to what judgment are they applicable?GermanyThis must be defined solely within the framework of the system of the Convention itself and not according to the law either of the State in which the judgment was given or of the State where recognition is sought.!!!!!!! #36/77Is the expression "producers of olive oil" equivalent for the purposes of the Community regulations in question to that of olive producers?ItalyThis refers to producers of olives and not olive oil producers who process the oil. !!!!!!! #36/77Is the expression "producers of olive oil" equivalent for the purposes of the Community regulations in question to that of olive producers?CommissionThis refers to producers of the processed product, namely olive oil, and not olive producers who leave the processing to others.<!!!!!!! # }/ǖƥ0.N76/77Does the word undertaking in Reg 543/69 and the Belgian Law of 3/23/70 refer exclusively to the legal person who is engaged in carrigae by road, even if such carriage constitutes only a part of his activities?NetherlandsThis refers to the undertaking that is in the best position to see that the rules are complied with, regardless of whether the labor is temporary and indirect or in the business of road transport or operations ancillary thereto.!!!!!!! #63/77Does tariff heading 48.15 include only paper of a single kind like adhesive strips and not sets of sheets of different paper?CommissionHeading 48.15 of the CCT does not include goods consisting of 2 sheets of DIN A 4 format stuck together, one carbon and the other flimsy, as such goods must be under 48.18.Z!!!!!!! #60/77Does Note 2 in conjunction with Note 5 to Section XVI of the CCT mean that parts of appliances should be regarded as including individual electrical appliances which are necessary parts of signaling under 85.17?CommissionSuch appliances suitable of signalling apparatus under 85.17 are parts within the meaning of this Note and are to be classified under 85.17 even when imported without linking cables or alarm signalling devices.!!!!!!! #59/77Is possible to recognize as provisionally valid, as long as the Commission has not adopted a decision with regard to it, an exclusive agreement which was concluded before 3/22/67 and notified before 2/1/63?CommissionIt is possible to recognize such an agreement as provisionally valid.D!!!!!!! #62/77How is Note 5 to Chapter 49 of the CCT to be interpreted? Is "the pictures dominate" to be decided purely quantitatively on a visual basis or is the significance of the pictures to be compared to that of the text?CommissionHeading 49.03 and Note 5 refer to childrens picture books bound otherwise than in paper in which the pictures cover almost the whole page and constitute the essential means by which the meaning is conveyed.!!!!!!! #55/77Do the provisions of Art 84(4) of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over Art 2 and 40 of the Law of 6/15/35 on the use of languages in legal proceedings in respect of all persons to whom the regulation applies?CommissionStates are bound to accept all claims which relate to the implementaion of this regulation and which have been drawn up in an official language of another State and not allowed to make distinctions on nationality or residence.!!!!!!! #th66/77Is the Belgian unemployment benefit rule of 12/20/63 compatible with Community law which seeks free movement of workers such as Belgians who have studies in 1 or more States and nationals of 1 or more States?CommissionThe law in question is compatible with Community law.6!!!!!!! #th66/77Is the Belgian unemployment benefit rule of 12/20/63 compatible with Community law which seeks free movement of workers such as Belgians who have studies in 1 or more States and nationals of 1 or more States?BelgiumThe law in question is compatible with Community law.3!!!!!!! #64/77What is to be understood by "minimum benefit" under Art 50 of Council Reg 1408/71 where in the legislation of a State no minimum pension of a fixed amount is known because benefits are based on wage and insurance periods?CommissionWhere the legislation of a State prescribes no minimum benefit, Article 50 does not apply.h !!!!!!! # ̧Npö w7/90What is the meaning of the word "undertaking" in Art 15 of Reg 3820/85?United KingdomThis refers to the drivers employer, whether a natural or legal person.yi  #75/90Do the EEC Regulations require that wine defined in point 8 of Annex II to Reg 337/79 and in point 10 in Annex I to Reg 822/87, must, when supplied, have a minimum degree of alcoholic strength?CommissionThese regulations require that wine have a minimum degree of alcoholic strength.B!!!!!!! #345/89Is Art 5 of the 2/9/76 Directive sufficiently precise to impose on a State an obligation not to lay down in its legislation the principle that nightwork by women is prohibited, as in the French code in question?ItalySuch a law as the one in this case is prohibited by Community law.B""""""" #345/89Is Art 5 of the 2/9/76 Directive sufficiently precise to impose on a State an obligation not to lay down in its legislation the principle that nightwork by women is prohibited, as in the French code in question?CommissionSuch a law as the one in this case is prohibited by Community law.G""""""" #60/89Do Art 30 or 36 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a State from granting pharmacists a monopoly of the sale such products in question 1?CommissionCommunity law does not prohibit States from granting such monopolies to pharmacists.!!!!!!! #60/89Are eosin of a strength of 2% and modified alcohol of a strenght of 70% medicinal products the right to sell which is reserved to pharmacists under Community law?CommissionSuch products are medicinal products under Community law. !!!!!!! #361/89Is Art 8(Ie) of the French law of 12/22/72 compatible with Council Directive of 12/20/85 and the other provisions of Community law protecting consumers in cases of doorstep canvassing?CommissionThe French law is compatible with Community law.""""""" #361/89Is Art 8(Ie) of the French law of 12/22/72 compatible with Council Directive of 12/20/85 and the other provisions of Community law protecting consumers in cases of doorstep canvassing?FranceThe French law is compatible with Community law.""""""" #361/89Is a trader canvassed at home in connection with the sale of his business entitled to the protection of consumers by Council Dir of 12/20/85?CommissionSuch a trader is entitled to the protection of consumers under this directive. """"""" #361/89Is a trader canvassed at home in connection with the sale of his business entitled to the protection of consumers by Council Dir of 12/20/85?United KingdomSuch a trader is not entitled to the protection of consumers under this directive.""""""" #332/89Is the Belgian law in question forbidding employment of certain workers on Sunday contrary to Articles 3(f), 5, 30, 36, 59 to 66 and 85 of the Treaty of Rome of 3/25/57?CommissionSuch legislation is compatible with Community law. """"""" #76/77Does the word undertaking in Reg 543/69 and the Belgian Law of 3/23/70 refer exclusively to the legal person who is engaged in carrigae by road, even if such carriage constitutes only a part of his activities?CommissionThis refers to the undertaking that is in the best position to see that the rules are complied with, regardless of whether the labor is temporary and indirect or in the business of road transport or operations ancillary thereto.!!!!!!! #x́˓ɣǰ7/90Should the obligations imposed on the undertaking by Art 15 be construed as laying down either a duty to use best endevours or an obligation as to the result to be achieved which gives rise to strict liability?ItalyReg 3820/85 neither requires States to introduce a system of strict criminal liability for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulation nor prohbits it from doing so.  #7/90Should the obligations imposed on the undertaking by Art 15 be construed as laying down either a duty to use best endevours or an obligation as to the result to be achieved which gives rise to strict liability?GermanyReg 3820/85 neither requires States to introduce a system of strict criminal liability for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulation nor prohbits it from doing so.  #7/90When Art 15 of Reg 3820/85 was drawn up, was it envisaged that the criminal liability of legal persons should be established, even in States where that principle is unknown or less well known?CommissionCommunity law does not require a State to introduce into law the principle of the criminal liability of legal persons and infringements of Art 15 may be restrained by principles of national criminal law, if effective and dissuasive.  #7/90When Art 15 of Reg 3820/85 was drawn up, was it envisaged that the criminal liability of legal persons should be established, even in States where that principle is unknown or less well known?GermanyCommunity law does not require a State to introduce into law the principle of the criminal liability of legal persons and infringements of Art 15 may be restrained by principles of national criminal law, if effective and dissuasive.  #7/90When Art 15 of Reg 3820/85 was drawn up, was it envisaged that the criminal liability of legal persons should be established, even in States where that principle is unknown or less well known?ItalyCommunity law does not require a State to introduce into law the principle of the criminal liability of legal persons and infringements of Art 15 may be restrained by principles of national criminal law, if effective and dissuasive.  #7/90When Art 15 of Reg 3820/85 was drawn up, was it envisaged that the criminal liability of legal persons should be established, even in States where that principle is unknown or less well known?United KingdomCommunity law does not require a State to introduce into law the principle of the criminal liability of legal persons and infringements of Art 15 may be restrained by principles of national criminal law, if effective and dissuasive.  # w7/90What is the meaning of the word "undertaking" in Art 15 of Reg 3820/85?CommissionThis refers to a single organization of personal, tangible elements, attached to an autonomous legal entity and pursuing a given long-term economic aim, irrespective of legal form.+ui  # w7/90What is the meaning of the word "undertaking" in Art 15 of Reg 3820/85?GermanThis refers to a single organization of personal, tangible elements, attached to an autonomous legal entity and pursuing a given long-term economic aim, irrespective of legal form.'qi  # V<\$KİX13/91Do Art 30 and 36 of the Treaty mean that the Italian provisions on health rules for the production and marketing of beer are incompatible with them in so far as they limit use of sulphur dioxide to 20 mg per liter?NetherlandsArticles 30 and 36 do not prohibit such a national provision.E!!!!!!! #13/91Do Art 30 and 36 of the Treaty mean that the Italian provisions on health rules for the production and marketing of beer are incompatible with them in so far as they limit use of sulphur dioxide to 20 mg per liter?CommissionArticles 30 and 36 prohibit such a national provision.=!!!!!!! #38/90Are paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art 4 of Commission Reg 1633/84 invalid in that they are ultra vires the power conferred on the Commission by Article 9 of Council Reg 1837/80?CommissionArticles 4(1) and (2) remain valid.!!!!!!! #60/91Does Directive 80/1263 mean that driving instruction is subject to similar requirements, such as the one that it can be given, as far as possible, on motorways and in traffic conditions as advised for the test?CommissionThe directive does not impose any obligation on States regarding the location of driving instruction.h!!!!!!! #60/91Does Directive 80/1263 mean that driving instruction is subject to similar requirements, such as the one that it can be given, as far as possible, on motorways and in traffic conditions as advised for the test?United KingdomThe directive does not impose any obligation on States regarding the location of driving instruction.l!!!!!!! #60/91Must the rules on the free movement of persons, services and goods in the Treaty also be applied in cases where barriers to this may arise in relation to citizens of only one State and within its territory?CommissionThe rules do not apply where only one State is involved.7!!!!!!! #60/91Does Community law prohibit national legislation such as the Portugese Decree-Law of 6/82 which limits the activities of a driving school to the municipality in which it is established?CommissionThe EEC Treaty does not prohibit such legislation.!!!!!!! #330/90Is the Spanish law in question valid in the light of Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43 and may a State give the exclusive right to carry out to carry out specific real estate duties to a particular professional group?CommissionCouncil Directive 67/43 does not prohibit national rules which reserve certain activites in the real estate sector to persons practicing as estate agents within a regulated profession. """"""" #330/90Is the Spanish law in question valid in the light of Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43 and may a State give the exclusive right to carry out to carry out specific real estate duties to a particular professional group?Colegio Oficial de Agentes de La Propriedad Inmobiliaria de AlicanteCouncil Directive 67/43 does not prohibit national rules which reserve certain activites in the real estate sector to persons practicing as estate agents within a regulated profession.E""""""" #158/90What does "the last day of the previous week on which he drove" in Art 15(7) of Reg 3821/85 mean? Is it the last calendar day, last working day or the last driving day of the week?CommissionThis phrase refers to the last driving day of the last week, prior to the current week, during which the driver concerned drove a vehicle subject to Council Reg 3820/85.""""""" #N $s@ǟXr219/91Is a product such as herbal tea which in general is regarded as a foodstuff and does not possess any pharmacological properties but is presented as therapeutic a medical product under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65?BelgiumA product indicated as having therapeutic qualities is to be classified as a medical product under Art 1(2) even if generally regarded as a foodstuff and having no scientific evidence to back this claim up.""""""" #143/91Is the Netherlands Reg on hormonal substances in conformity with EEC directives concerning hormones in livestock and meat?CommissionEEC directives on this matter do not prohibit States from prohibiting holding animals given a substance with oestrogenic, androgenic, gestagenic or thyrostatic action, so long as the derogating provisions are accounted for.""""""" #143/91Is the Netherlands Reg on hormonal substances in conformity with EEC directives concerning hormones in livestock and meat?ItalyEEC directives on this matter do not prohibit States from prohibiting holding animals given a substance with oestrogenic, androgenic, gestagenic or thyrostatic action, so long as the derogating provisions are accounted for.""""""" #143/91Is the Netherlands Reg on hormonal substances in conformity with EEC directives concerning hormones in livestock and meat?SpainEEC directives on this matter do not prohibit States from prohibiting holding animals given a substance with oestrogenic, androgenic, gestagenic or thyrostatic action, so long as the derogating provisions are accounted for.""""""" #c147/91Where other States do not impose the requirements for real estate agents as Spain, may Spain require nationals of those States to undergo testing to qualify for the right to be such an agent?Ministerio FiscalSpain may require such a test if the qualifications in the nationals home State is much lower, and especially in this case when the defendant isnt even a national of a Member State.""""""" #147/91Where other States do not impose the requirements for real estate agents as Spain, may Spain require nationals of those States to undergo testing to qualify for the right to be such an agent?CommissionSpain may require such a tests if the qualifications in the nationals home State is much lower.P""""""" #147/91Where other States do not impose the requirements for real estate agents as Spain, may Spain require nationals of those States to undergo testing to qualify for the right to be such an agent?FranceSpain may require such a tests if the qualifications in the nationals home State is much lower.L""""""" #hi147/91Are the Spanish laws in question which limit real estate duties to specific agents compatible with Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43?CommissionCouncil Directive 67/43 does not prohibit such national legislation.""""""" #hic147/91Are the Spanish laws in question which limit real estate duties to specific agents compatible with Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43?Ministero FiscalCouncil Directive 67/43 does not prohibit such national legislation.""""""" #hi147/91Are the Spanish laws in question which limit real estate duties to specific agents compatible with Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43?FranceCouncil Directive 67/43 does not prohibit such national legislation.""""""" #13/91Are the Italian provision to be disregarded by the criminal courts?CommissionThe national courts must not apply rules which are contrary to Community law.rf!!!!!!! # 3ʛKkMge46/76Are pecuniary charges imposed by a State under veterinary inspections of livestock considered charges having equivalent effect to customs duties under Council Dir 64/432?CommissionThese charges do constitute charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties.-!!!!!!! #ge46/76Are pecuniary charges imposed by a State under veterinary inspections of livestock considered charges having equivalent effect to customs duties under Council Dir 64/432?NetherlandsThese charges do not constitute charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties, so long as they do not exceed the actual cost of the inspection for which they were charged.!!!!!!! #es219/91Is it compatible with Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 for national legislation to regard as medicinal products within that provision foodstuffs to which therapeutic properties are ascribed without scientific verification?CommissionSuch goods may be subject to the rules governing medicinal products by domestic law.Y""""""" #es219/91Is it compatible with Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 for national legislation to regard as medicinal products within that provision foodstuffs to which therapeutic properties are ascribed without scientific verification?ItalySuch goods may be subject to the rules governing medicinal products by domestic law.T""""""" #es219/91Is it compatible with Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 for national legislation to regard as medicinal products within that provision foodstuffs to which therapeutic properties are ascribed without scientific verification?BelgiumSuch goods may be subject to the rules governing medicinal products by domestic law.V""""""" #219/91May a product be called a medicinal product by virtue of its presentation under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 where its therapeutic properties are indicated in a publication sent to the purchaser after purchase?CommissionSuch a product may be classified as a medicinal product.5""""""" #219/91May a product be called a medicinal product by virtue of its presentation under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 where its therapeutic properties are indicated in a publication sent to the purchaser after purchase?ItalySuch a product may be classified as a medicinal product.0""""""" #219/91May a product be called a medicinal product by virtue of its presentation under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 where its therapeutic properties are indicated in a publication sent to the purchaser after purchase?BelgiumSuch a product may be classified as a medicinal product.2""""""" #219/91Is a product such as herbal tea which in general is regarded as a foodstuff and does not possess any pharmacological properties but is presented as therapeutic a medical product under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65?CommissionA product indicated as having therapeutic qualities is to be classified as a medical product under Art 1(2) even if generally regarded as a foodstuff and having no scientific evidence to back this claim up.""""""" #219/91Is a product such as herbal tea which in general is regarded as a foodstuff and does not possess any pharmacological properties but is presented as therapeutic a medical product under Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65?ItalyA product indicated as having therapeutic qualities is to be classified as a medical product under Art 1(2) even if generally regarded as a foodstuff and having no scientific evidence to back this claim up.""""""" #5 #Aʭ4ȞnøWN51/76Does the provision of Art 11 of this Directive create a right in favor of one subject to Netherlands turnover tax, which may be invoked in national court, to make unrestricted deduction to goods bought in 1972?GermanyDiscretion is left to the authorities of Member States on this matter.F!!!!!!! #51/76Does the provision of Art 11 of this Directive create a right in favor of one subject to Netherlands turnover tax, which may be invoked in national court, to make unrestricted deduction to goods bought in 1972?CommissionArt 11 creates in favor of taxable persons rights of which they may avail themselves at law in a Member State and which the national courts must uphold.!!!!!!! #51/76Is the term "capital goods" in Art 17 of the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67 on harmonization of turnover taxes refer to goods the acquisition of which is not treated as current expenditure but spread past 1 year?GermanyThis term does not refer to goods where the acquisition costs are written off over several years, but to current expenditure.{!!!!!!! #51/76Is the term "capital goods" in Art 17 of the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67 on harmonization of turnover taxes refer to goods the acquisition of which is not treated as current expenditure but spread past 1 year?NetherlandsThis term does not refer to goods where the acquisition costs are written off over several years, but to current expenditure.!!!!!!! #51/76Is the term "capital goods" in Art 17 of the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67 on harmonization of turnover taxes refer to goods the acquisition of which is not treated as current expenditure but spread past 1 year?BelgiumThis term does not refer to goods where the acquisition costs are written off over several years, but to current expenditure.{!!!!!!! #51/76Is the term "capital goods" in Art 17 of the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67 on harmonization of turnover taxes refer to goods the acquisition of which is not treated as current expenditure but spread past 1 year?CommissionThis term does refer to goods where the acquisition costs are written off over several years.^!!!!!!! #47/76May it be deduced by analogy with the judgment in Fonderies de Roubaix that the exemption by category laid down by Commission Reg 67/67 is applicable to all exclusive dealing agreements within 1 State?CommissionSuch agreements do not qualify for the exemption in 67/67.4!!!!!!! #47/76May it be deduced by analogy with the judgment in Fonderies de Roubaix that the exemption by category laid down by Commission Reg 67/67 is applicable to all exclusive dealing agreements within 1 State?BelgiumSuch agreements qualify for the exemption in 67/67.*!!!!!!! #on46/76Are the pecuniary charges for veterinary inspections charges having equivalent effect to customs duties if they are done to ensure that the animals concerned satisfy the conditions laid down for importation in a State?NetherlandsFees charged for veterinary inspections that are not prescribed by Community law, but rather unilaterally by a State, do not constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties. !!!!!!! #on46/76Are the pecuniary charges for veterinary inspections charges having equivalent effect to customs duties if they are done to ensure that the animals concerned satisfy the conditions laid down for importation in a State?CommissionFees charged for veterinary inspections that are not prescribed by Community law, but rather unilaterally by a State, do constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties. !!!!!!! #LPMˊɭ fIt is possible to recognize such an agreement as provisionally valid.2It is possible to recognize such an agreement as provisionally valid.59/77Is possible to recognize as provisionally valid, as long as the Commission has not adopted a decision with regard to it, an exclusive agreement which was concluded before 3/22/67 and notified before 2/1/63?____]F=Whether the pictures dominate is to be determined by a quantitative criteria on a visual basis, rebutted only if the text clearly has intrinsic value independent of the pictures.3Heading 49.03 and Note 5 refer to childrens picture books bound otherwise than in paper in which the pictures cover almost the whole page and constitute the essential means by which the meaning is conveyed.62/77How is Note 5 to Chapter 49 of the CCT to be interpreted? Is "the pictures dominate" to be decided purely quantitatively on a visual basis or is the significance of the pictures to be compared to that of the text?}F=States are bound to accept all claims which relate to the implementaion of this regulation and which have been drawn up in an official language of another State and not allowed to make distinctions on nationality or residence.3States are bound to accept all claims which relate to the implementaion of this regulation and which have been drawn up in an official language of another State and not allowed to make distinctions on nationality or residence.55/77Do the provisions of Art 84(4) of Reg 1408/71 take precedence over Art 2 and 40 of the Law of 6/15/35 on the use of languages in legal proceedings in respect of all persons to whom the regulation applies?F=The law in question is compatible with Community law.3The law in question is compatible with Community law.66/77Is the Belgian unemployment benefit rule of 12/20/63 compatible with Community law which seeks free movement of workers such as Belgians who have studies in 1 or more States and nationals of 1 or more States?bOOOOMF=XWhere the legislation of a State prescribes no minimum benefit, Article 50 does not apply.3Art 50 of Reg 1408/71 of the Council is applicable only in cases in which provision is made in the legislation of the State in whose territory the worker resides for a minimum pension.64/77What is to be understood by "minimum benefit" under Art 50 of Council Reg 1408/71 where in the legislation of a State no minimum pension of a fixed amount is known because benefits are based on wage and insurance periods?88..ttttrF=The fact that a State has specified a law in its declaration under Art 5 of Reg 1408/71 must be accepted as proof that the benefits granted on the basis of that law are social security benefits under that regulation.3The fact that a State has specified a law in its declaration under Art 5 of Reg 1408/71 must be accepted as proof that the benefits granted on the basis of that law are social security benefits under that regulation.35/77Does the Natherlands unemployment assistance law allow of reliance on Art 69 of Reg 1408/71 and persons such as the plaintiff satisfy conditions for the entitlement of such benefits?F=P<<˨gŮEºArticles 30 and 36 prohibit States from granting pharmacists such a monopoly on the sale fo such products.3Community law does not prohibit States from granting such monopolies to pharmacists.60/89Do Art 30 or 36 of the EEC Treaty prohibit a State from granting pharmacists a monopoly of the sale such products in question 1?fF=Such products are not medicinal products under Council Dir 65/65.3Such products are medicinal products under Community law.60/89Are eosin of a strength of 2% and modified alcohol of a strenght of 70% medicinal products the right to sell which is reserved to pharmacists under Community law?D[[[[YF=h Such a law is compatible where the services offered them are not "for the requirements" of the commercial undertaking in question.3The French law is compatible with Community law.361/89Is Art 8(Ie) of the French law of 12/22/72 compatible with Council Directive of 12/20/85 and the other provisions of Community law protecting consumers in cases of doorstep canvassing?F=Such a trader is entitled to the protection of consumers under this directive.3Such a trader is not entitled to the protection of consumers under this directive.361/89Is a trader canvassed at home in connection with the sale of his business entitled to the protection of consumers by Council Dir of 12/20/85?WhhhhfF=Such legislation is compatible with Community law so long as it does not render the marketing of imported goods more difficult than that of domestic goods.3Such legislation is compatible with Community law.332/89Is the Belgian law in question forbidding employment of certain workers on Sunday contrary to Articles 3(f), 5, 30, 36, 59 to 66 and 85 of the Treaty of Rome of 3/25/57?F=This refers to the transport undertaking under Reg 543/69 who must ensure that its provisions are observed, not the undertaking responsible for the temporary labor.3This refers to the transport undertaking under Reg 543/69 who must ensure that its provisions are observed, unless a national law determined this duty belonged to the undertaking providing such temporary labor.76/77Does the word undertaking in Reg 543/69 and the Belgian Law of 3/23/70 refer exclusively to the legal person who is engaged in carrigae by road, even if such carriage constitutes only a part of his activities?oF=Heading 48.15 of the CCT does not include goods consisting of sheets of different kinds stuck together, as such goods must be under 48.18.3Heading 48.15 of the CCT does not include goods consisting of 2 sheets of DIN A 4 format stuck together, one carbon and the other flimsy, as such goods must be under 48.18.63/77Does tariff heading 48.15 include only paper of a single kind like adhesive strips and not sets of sheets of different paper?\\RRF=Such appliances suitable of signalling apparatus under 85.17 are parts within the meaning of this Note and are to be classified under 85.17 even when imported without linking cables or alarm signalling devices.3Such appliances suitable of signalling apparatus under 85.17 are parts within the meaning of this Note and are to be classified under 85.17 even when imported without linking cables or alarm signalling devices.60/77Does Note 2 in conjunction with Note 5 to Section XVI of the CCT mean that parts of appliances should be regarded as including individual electrical appliances which are necessary parts of signaling under 85.17?F=PPZbxʳlReg 222/77 does not prohibit a State from requiring special authorization to be obtained for strategic material transported through its territory, regardless of the Community transit previously issued.3Reg 222/77 does not prohibit a State from requiring special authorization to be obtained for strategic material transported through its territory, regardless of the Community transit previously issued.367/89Does Council Reg 222/77 lay down the mandatory obligation for the T1 document provided for therein to be recognized without reservation as a valid authorization for transit in the EEC, regardless of the goods?F=References in national provisions to Reg 543/69 do not relate to references to Reg 3829/85.3References in national provisions to Reg 543/69 do not relate to references to Reg 3829/85.8/90Is Art 18(2) of Council Reg 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport to mean that references to Reg 543/69 in national provisions laying down this are also references to Art 18(2)?uuuusF=7aReg 3820/85 neither requires States to introduce a system of strict criminal liability for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulation nor prohbits it from doing so.3Reg 3820/85 neither requires States to introduce a system of strict criminal liability for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulation nor prohbits it from doing so.7/90Should the obligations imposed on the undertaking by Art 15 be construed as laying down either a duty to use best endevours or an obligation as to the result to be achieved which gives rise to strict liability?F= SCommunity law does not require a legal person which is required to comply with the obligations set out in Art 15 of Reg 3820/85 to be made itself criminally liable for the failure to discharge such obligations.1Community law does not require a State to introduce into law the principle of the criminal liability of legal persons and infringements of Art 15 may be restrained by principles of national criminal law, if effective and dissuasive.7/90When Art 15 of Reg 3820/85 was drawn up, was it envisaged that the criminal liability of legal persons should be established, even in States where that principle is unknown or less well known?F=wIThis refers to an autonomous natural or legal person regularly carrying on a transport business, and empowered to organize and control the work of drivers and crew members.3This refers to an autonomous natural or legal person regularly carrying on a transport business, and empowered to organize and control the work of drivers and crew members.7/90What is the meaning of the word "undertaking" in Art 15 of Reg 3820/85?||ttF=7BThese regulations require that wine have a minimum degree of alcoholic strength, but also allow for alcohol-free wine if the Member State authorizes such.3These regulations require that wine have a minimum degree of alcoholic strength.75/90Do the EEC Regulations require that wine defined in point 8 of Annex II to Reg 337/79 and in point 10 in Annex I to Reg 822/87, must, when supplied, have a minimum degree of alcoholic strength?F=Such a law as the one in this case is prohibited by Community law.3Such a law as the one in this case is prohibited by Community law.345/89Is Art 5 of the 2/9/76 Directive sufficiently precise to impose on a State an obligation not to lay down in its legislation the principle that nightwork by women is prohibited, as in the French code in question?\\\\ZF=PzǤjNThe provisions invalidity may not be relied upon with effect from a date prior to that of this judgment, except by traders who initiated proceedings under the applicable national law before that date.3The provisions invalidity may not be relied upon with effect from a date prior to that of this judgment, except by traders who initiated proceedings under the applicable national law before that date.38/90If the provisions of question 1 are found invalid, what are the definitive or temporal effects of the invalid parts of the Regulation?>F=Articles 4(1) and (2) are invalid.3Articles 4(1) and (2) are invalid.38/90Are paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art 4 of Commission Reg 1633/84 invalid in that they are ultra vires the power conferred on the Commission by Article 9 of Council Reg 1837/80?jj``<<<<:F=The directive does not impose any obligation on States regarding the location of driving instruction.3The directive does not require States to hold the driving test on motorways whenever they are accessible from the test center or ensure that driving instruction can be given on highways of that type.60/91Does Directive 80/1263 mean that driving instruction is subject to similar requirements, such as the one that it can be given, as far as possible, on motorways and in traffic conditions as advised for the test?&RRHH}F=The rules do not apply where only one State is involved.3The rules do not apply where only one State is involved.60/91Must the rules on the free movement of persons, services and goods in the Treaty also be applied in cases where barriers to this may arise in relation to citizens of only one State and within its territory?fRRRRPF=The EEC Treaty does not prohibit such legislation.3The EEC Treaty does not prohibit such legislation.60/91Does Community law prohibit national legislation such as the Portugese Decree-Law of 6/82 which limits the activities of a driving school to the municipality in which it is established?GMMMMKF=Council Directive 67/43 does not prohibit national rules which reserve certain activites in the real estate sector to persons practicing as estate agents within a regulated profession, as long as foreigners are treated equally.3Council Directive 67/43 does not prohibit national rules which reserve certain activites in the real estate sector to persons practicing as estate agents within a regulated profession.330/90Is the Spanish law in question valid in the light of Art 2,3, and 5 of Council Dir 67/43 and may a State give the exclusive right to carry out to carry out specific real estate duties to a particular professional group?F=This phrase refers to the last driving day of the last week, prior to the current week, during which the driver concerned drove a vehicle subject to Council Reg 3820/85.3This phrase refers to the last driving day of the last week, prior to the current week, during which the driver concerned drove a vehicle subject to Council Reg 3820/85.158/90What does "the last day of the previous week on which he drove" in Art 15(7) of Reg 3821/85 mean? Is it the last calendar day, last working day or the last driving day of the week?0zznnF=P6;̦ņâNIntervention agencies must abide by the rules of Communtiy regulations regarding the sale of wheat.3Intervention agencies must abide by the rules of Communtiy regulations regarding the sale of wheat.52/76Does Community legislation on the common market in cereals authorize individual intervention agencies to take a unilateral decision regarding the sale of wheat by methods other than those under Community Regs?}}}}{F==#Art 11 creates in favor of taxable persons rights of which they may avail themselves at law in a Member State and which the national courts must uphold.3The national court must take the facts into account in so far as a national implementing measure falls outside the limits of the margin of the discretion left to the Member States.51/76Does the provision of Art 11 of this Directive create a right in favor of one subject to Netherlands turnover tax, which may be invoked in national court, to make unrestricted deduction to goods bought in 1972?FrrhhF=This term does refer to goods where the acquisition costs are written off over several years.3This term does refer to goods where the acquisition costs are written off over several years.51/76Is the term "capital goods" in Art 17 of the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67 on harmonization of turnover taxes refer to goods the acquisition of which is not treated as current expenditure but spread past 1 year?wwwwuF=Such agreements qualify for the exemption in 67/67.3Such agreements qualify for the exemption in 67/67 if, failing exemption, they would fall under the prohibition contained in Art 85(1) of the Treaty.47/76May it be deduced by analogy with the judgment in Fonderies de Roubaix that the exemption by category laid down by Commission Reg 67/67 is applicable to all exclusive dealing agreements within 1 State?MMMMKF=ecFees charged for veterinary inspections that are not prescribed by Community law, but rather unilaterally by a State, do constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties.3Fees charged for veterinary inspections that are not prescribed by Community law, but rather unilaterally by a State, do constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties.46/76Are the pecuniary charges for veterinary inspections charges having equivalent effect to customs duties if they are done to ensure that the animals concerned satisfy the conditions laid down for importation in a State?pF=Such charges do constitute charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties.3These charges do not constitute charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties, so long as they do not exceed the actual cost of the inspection for which they were charged.46/76Are pecuniary charges imposed by a State under veterinary inspections of livestock considered charges having equivalent effect to customs duties under Council Dir 64/432?**  kkkkiF=Such goods may be subject to the rules governing medicinal products by domestic law.3Such goods may be subject to the rules governing medicinal products by domestic law.219/91Is it compatible with Art 1(2) of Dir 65/65 for national legislation to regard as medicinal products within that provision foodstuffs to which therapeutic properties are ascribed without scientific verification?nnnnlF= PA !(A refund can be granted even if the one of the products under Reg 19 is an admixture of only 2%.3A refund can be granted only where cereals are in fact contained in the mixture in significant proportions.125/76Must export refunds on compound animal feeding-stuffs bear a particular relationship to the proportion in the mixture of products coming under Reg 19 or is it sufficient for the grant of full refund if it is small (say 2%)?zzzzxF=o Commission Regulation 171/64 also applies to compound animal feeding-stuffs without the addition of powdered milk.3Commission Regulation 171/64 also applies to compound animal feeding-stuffs without the addition of powdered milk.125/76Does Commission Reg 171/64 apply also to compound animal feeding-stuffs without the addition of powdered milk?|  F=v @Such a worker as described in this question receives such a right to benefits under Article 40 of Reg 1408/71.2Such a worker as described in this question receives such a right to benefits under Article 40 of Reg 1408/71.109/76To receive a right to benefits under Reg 1408/71 is it sufficient that a worker who is subject to the legislation of another State at the time when the risk in question materializes completed insurance periods in question?F=Article 18 of Reg 1259/72 remains valid.3Article 18 of Reg 1259/72 remains valid.99/76Is Art 18 of Reg 1259/72 compatible with superior rules of Community law and in particular the principle of proportionality?vvllBBBB@F=gZIt is necessary to establish that the processed products comply with the conditions of this article to have the deposit released.3It is necessary to establish that the processed products comply with the conditions of this article to have the deposit released.99/76Has the successful tenderer who does not himself manufacture the processed products furnished the proof necessary to have the deposit released by showing that he has satisfied the obligations of Art 6 of Reg 1259/72?((F=This charge does constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty if the proceeds go directly to a national sugar company.3This charge does constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty if the proceeds go directly to a national sugar company.105/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national sugar companies?88,,F=The Community alone is competent to adopt specific measures involving intervention in the machinery of price formation and individuals may bring abuse by national authorities in this matter to national courts.3The Community alone is competent to adopt specific measures involving intervention in the machinery of price formation and individuals may bring abuse by national authorities in this matter to national courts.77/76Is a pecuniary charge imposed during the change over from one marketing year to another by a national measuring without prior Community authorization compatible with Reg 3330/74, and may one refuse to pay it?F=P!hD@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$QMMmkoLWQJOYbUdSmWQJYiSY^mQikYbmWYkMJkQ$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$sWJmkWdo^OLQmWQMMmkoLWQJOYbUdSmWQJYiSY^mQikYbmWYkMJkQ$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$iSY^mQikYbmWYkMJkQ$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$mQikYbmWYkMJkQ$sWJmsJkmWQkMdfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$dfQdb888DF6dSJim<<dSiQU:66>D@dSmWQMd``YkkYdbdSD:@$d`fJbv 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agreement with ECJ'1'C1 ; agreement with AG'1'A/ ; observer's position on legal issue@]Q ; type of observer'4'@@ @ YkJim8B:dSMd``YkkYdbiQU:8D<DHdbOQmJY^QOio^QkdSJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQOYkfdkJ^dSLQQSLdoUWmYbYbLvJUQbMYQkJbOiQfQJ^YbUiQU:8BBHYbqJ^YOLvUdYbUJUJYbkmmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$J 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of Frankfurt-am-Main v. NeumannCity of Frankfurt-am-MainFirma Max NeumannpJ>::::2222 ?@@?Mayras14154/77Procureur du Roi v. DechmannProcureur du RoiP. DechmannzhJ>::::2222 ? @??Capotorti14150/77Bertrand v. OttSociete BertrandPaul Ott KG}p^MA====2222 ?  @?@Capotorti14146/77British Beef Company v. Intervention Board for Agricultural ProduceBritish Beef Company LimitedIntervention Board for Agricultural ProduceMA====2222 ?@?@Reischl14139/77Denkavit v. Finanzamt WarendorfDenkavit Futtermittel GmbHFinanzamt WarendorflK?;;;;2222 ?  @?@Reischl14136/77Racke v. Hauptzollamt MainzFirma A. RackeHauptzollamt MainzxhK?;;;;2222 ? /@?@Warner14108/77Wagner v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasHans-Otto Wagner GmbH, Agrarhandel KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonaspJ>::::2222  ? @@?@Capotorti14131/77Milac v. Hauptzollamt SaarbruckenFirma Milac, Gross-und Aussenhandel Arnold NollHauptzollamt SaarbruckenpMA====2222 @@֖@@?@Warner14135/ zYkMdobMY^iQU@B<DBdbmWQMd`fo^kdivfoiMWJkQdSk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiWQ^OLvYbmQiqQbmYdbJUQbMYQkSdiokQYbSQQOYbUkmoSSkqdYO$ YkMdobMY^iQU@B<DBdbmWQMd`fo^kdivfoiMWJkQdSk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiWQ^OLvYbmQiqQbmYdbJUQbMYQkSdiokQYbSQQOYbUkmoSSkqdYO$ YkMdobMY^iQU@B<DBdbmWQMd`fo^kdivfoiMWJkQdSk\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQiWQ^OLvYbmQiqQbmYdbJUQbMYQkSdiokQYbSQQOYbUkmoSSkqdYO$ YkMdobMY^iQUF@DF>qJ^YOYbkdSJiJkmWQkfQMYJ^iQSQiQbMQhoJbmYmvYkQhoJ^mddb^vB6dSmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\okQOJkmWQLJkYkSdimWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$OhoJbmYmYQk$YkMdobMY^iQUF@DF>qJ^YOYbkdSJiJkmWQkfQMYJ^iQSQiQbMQhoJbmYmvYkQhoJ^mddb^vB6dSmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\okQOJkmWQLJkYkSdimWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$OhoJbmYmYQk$YkMdobMY^iQUF@DF>qJ^YOYbkdSJiJkmWQkfQMYJ^iQSQiQbMQhoJbmYmvYkQhoJ^mddb^vB6dSmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\okQOJkmWQLJkYkSdimWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$OhoJbmYmYQk$YkMdobMY^iQUF@DF>qJ^YOYbkdSJiJkmWQkfQMYJ^iQSQiQbMQhoJbmYmvYkQhoJ^mddb^vB6dSmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\okQOJkmWQLJkYkSdimWQbdb`Ji\QmYbUdiMdbqQikYdbfiQ`Yo`$OYkMdobMY^iQUF@DF>qJ^YOYbkdSJiJkmWQkfQMYJ^iQSQiQbMQhoJbmYmvYkQhoJ^obOQiJimqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkmWQkfQMYJ^iQSQiQbMQhoJbmYmvYkQhoJ^obOQiJim'The regulation remains valid.'k! ;AG-Plaintiff agreement?'2'M; ;AG position on is `okmJim<<dSMd``YkkYdbiQU:6>>D@`QJbmWJmmWQQufiQkkYdb kfQMYJ^`QJkoiQk YbM^oOQkJOQMYkYdbkokfQbOYbUmWQfdkkYLY^YmvdSJOqJbMQSYuYbUdSiQSobOkfoikoJbmmdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQUFDBBF$`okmJim<6>dSiQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmLQbQSYmksWYMWJiQbdmkmiYMm^vYbmWQbJmoiQdSMd`fQbkJmYdbJbOfJvJL^QmdqYMmY`kdSsJidb^vYbmWJmYmWJi`QOmWQYiUJYbYbUfQbkYdbiYUWmkOdbdmJff^vmdYm$$3`okmJim>>dSiQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmLQbQSYmksWYMWJiQbdmkmiYMm^vYbmWQbJmoiQdSMd`fQbkJmYdbJbOfJvJL^QmdqYMmY`kdSsJidb^vYbmWJmYmWJi`QOmWQYiUJYbYbUfQbkYdbiYUWmkOdbdmJff^vmdYm$$3`okmJim>>dSiQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmLQbQSYmksWYMWJiQbdmkmiYMm^vYbmWQbJmoiQdSMd`fQbkJmYdbJbOfJvJL^QmdqYMmY`kdSsJidb^vYbmWJmYmWJi`QOmWQYiUJYbYbUfQbkYdbiYUWmkOdbdmJff^vmdYm$kmJim>>dSiQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmLQbQSYmksWYMWJiQbdmkmiYMm^vYbmWQbJmoiQdSMd`fQbkJmYdbJbOfJvJL^QmdqYMmY`kdSsJidb^vYbmWJmYmWJi`QOmWQYiUJYbYbUfQbkYdbiYUWmkOdbdmJff^vmdYm$JbmWJmLQbQSYmksWYMWJiQbdmkmiYMm^vYbmWQbJmoiQdSMd`fQbkJmYdbJbOfJvJL^QmdqYMmY`kdSsJidb^vYbmWJmYmWJi`QOmWQYiUJYbYbUfQbkYdbiYUWmkOdbdmJff^vmdYm$`okmJim>FdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOJimDdSMdobMY^iQU8B8:BF`QJbmWJmmWQviQSQimdkfQMYJ^fidmQMmYdbSdiMQimJYbfQikdbkJUJYbkmOYk`YkkJ^sWQbmWQYikJ^JivYkMomOiJ`JmYMJ^^vSd^^dsYbUJbJMMYOQbm$ `okmJim>FdSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOJimDdSMdobMY^iQU8B8:BF`QJbmWJmmWQviQSQimdkfQMYJ^fidmQMmYdbSdiMQimJYbfQikdbkJUJYbkmOYk`YkkJ^sWQbmWQYikJ^JivYkMomOiJ`JmYMJ^^vSd^^dsYbUJbJMMYOQbm$ vJbOJimDdSMdobMY^iQU8B8:BF`QJbmWJmmWQviQSQimdkfQMYJ^fidmQMmYdbSdiMQimJYbfQikdbkJUJYbkmOYk`YkkJ^sWQbmWQYikJ^JivYkMomOiJ`JmYMJ^^vSd^^dsYbUJbJMMYOQbm$ [GxHή~4͟m<̅O˗]-ʓX(ɼ|JȼȔf6ǣk; ƺƊZ&Ŏbħk#ÑG¹oB139/77agriculture# ul136/77regulation" ul136/77agriculture# ul136/77complex economic situation agriculture> 108/77agriculture# 131/77agriculture# 135/77CCT 135/77questions referred for a preliminary rulingC 115/77social security for migrant workers; 104/77Common Customs Tariff- 104/77questions referred for a preliminary rulingC 126/77social security for migrant workers; 105/77social security for migrant workers; 98/77social security for migrant workers9 83/77social security for migrant workers9  111/77Common Customs Tariff-  79/77agriculture!  84/77social security for migrant workers9  14/778application for compensation4  4/78officials 56/77request for tenders) 140/77officials!  }122/77officials! 156/77Member States% 156/77procedure! 156/77Transport! 86/77officials 69/77 114/77officials! 77/77competition! 77/77conjunctural policy) 77/77application for annulment/ 28/77competition! 147/77 110/77officials! 99/77officials 83/76EEC 34/77officials 25/77officials 132/77agriculture# 112/77agriculture# 112/77application for annulment1  }123/77application for annulment1 7/77officials 115/76officials! 54/77acts of an institution, 54/77officials 12/77application for damages- 12/77agriculture! 44/77agriculture! 73/77Convention of 9/27/68+ 52/77trade 52/77quantitative restrictions/ 52/77questions referred for a preliminary rulingA 52/77commercial policy' 30/77free movement of persons. 30/77Community law# 32/77social security for migrant workers9 124/76illegality" 124/76agriculture# 117/76illegality" 117/76agriculture# 125/76agriculture# 109/76social security for migrant workers; 99/76agriculture! 105/76customs duties& 105/76agriculture# 77/76customs duties$ 77/76agriculture! na107/76questions referred for a preliminary rulingC 74/76internal taxation' [BC·Fͤr<{Iˇ_1˺ʊLɰvBȯr@ LjX%Ưo:Ō[&ĥgÔf¿‘ST +$ ^17/78temporary staff% ]17/78officials \104/76social security for migrant workers; [78/76internal taxation' Z78/76customs duties$ Y78/76Member States# X78/76State aid W74/76internal taxation' V74/76quantitative restrictions/ U74/76State aid T85/78agriculture! 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C1/78social security for migrant workers7 B70/77customs duties$ A70/77agriculture! @70/77questions referred for a preliminary rulingA ?149/77Community law% >149/77social policy% =102/77competition# <102/77free movement of goods. ;117/77social security for migrant workers; :117/77reference for a preliminary ruling: xt9106/77Community law% xt8106/77preliminary rulings+ 794/77agriculture! 694/77Community law# 582/77aid granted by States+ 482/77quantitative restrictions/ 335/78agriculture! 287/78measrues adopted by an institution8 187/78agriculture! 097/78transport /93/78EEC .93/78references for a preliminary ruling9 -103/77agriculture# ,103/77measure adopted by an institution9 +125/77agriculture# *125/77measure adopted by an institution9 )15/78freedom to provide services1 (3/78free movement of goods* '27/78commercial policy' &27/78customs union# :%8/78agriculture om$6/78agriculture #9/78social security for migrant workers7 "138/77Common agricultural policy2 !137/77Common agricultural policy2  154/77agriculture# 154/77references for preliminary rulings: 150/77Convention of 9/27/1968 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Mat| 146/77agriculture#  8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8> 8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> > 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 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content of tariff subheadings BI and C but amends them and goes beyond its powers?bbVV77775F=reThe exemption may not be granted where the undertakings are dissolved and parts are operated by individual operators.3The exemption may be granted where the undertakings are dissolved and parts are operated by individual operators.145/78Can the exemption from the condition of professional competence in a special case under Art 4(2) of Council Dir 74/561 of 11/12/74 be granted only if experience was gained in an undertaking of the same legal form?F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.134/78Is Art 11 of Commission Reg 76/76 of 1/16/76 invalid because it violates the principle of non-discrimination and the principle of legal certainty?bbVV77775F=This phrase does not include a pension granted under a special scheme for civil servants or persons treated as such.3This phrase does not include a pension granted under a special scheme for civil servants or persons treated as such.129/78Must "pension under the legislation of 1 State only" in Art 77(2a) of Reg 1408/71 also include pensions payable under a special scheme for civil servants and persons treated as such?F=The fact that Art 1j only refers to Art 4 (1) and (2) does not remove the significance of the limitation contained in paragraph (4) of that article.3The fact that Art 1j only refers to Art 4 (1) and (2) does not remove the significance of the limitation contained in paragraph (4) of that article.129/78Does the fact that Art 1(j) of Reg 1408/71 refers only to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art 4 signify that the limitation contained in paragraph 4 of that article does not relate to the meaning of the term legislation elsewhere?.PPDDF=The regulations remain valid.3The regulations remain valid.144/78Are Article 50 of Council Reg 3 and Art 89 of Council Reg 1408/71 concerning social security for migrant workers incompatible with Art 51 of the Treaty?bbVV77775F=The regulations remain valid.3The regulations remain valid.138/78Are Council Reg 1079/77 and Commission Reg 1822/77 on a co-responsibility levy on milk invalid because the EEC Treaty contains no power under which the said regulations could be adopted?bbVV77775F=Events not attributable to the importer cannot affect the interpretation to be given to the day of importation within the meaning of Council Reg 120/67.3Events not attributable to the importer cannot affect the interpretation to be given to the day of importation within the meaning of Council Reg 120/67.113/78Can the day of importation be the day that import documents were accepted where the products were not present because the place of import was not available for extraneous reasons to the actual importer?$XXLLF= [8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFyDDDFyDDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DDDFy8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)DFFB)DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)DFFB)DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DFFB)8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:8DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:8DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:DHF:8FBHB8FBHB8FD88FD88FD88FD88FD88FD88FD88FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:8FD:  #/ βEɖOĮ`S21/78Is the Council Dir of 11/12/74 lawful, valid, directly binding on Danish courts and applicable to relations between a Danish national and the Danish public authorities?DenmarkThe Directive remains valid.!!!!!!! #wi16/78Is it compatible with Community law for a State to require foreigners to possess a driving licence by this State for driving vehicles and penalize them for driving without one?CommissionIt is not in principle incompatible with Community law to have such a requirement.3!!!!!!! #wi16/78Is it compatible with Community law for a State to require foreigners to possess a driving licence by this State for driving vehicles and penalize them for driving without one?United KingdomIt is not in principle incompatible with Community law to have such a requirement.7!!!!!!! #wi16/78Is it compatible with Community law for a State to require foreigners to possess a driving licence by this State for driving vehicles and penalize them for driving without one?NetherlandsIt is not in principle incompatible with Community law to have such a requirement.4!!!!!!! #23/78If such a clause as in question 1 is permitted, does it automatically rule out any set-off which one of the parties to the contract wishes to propose in pursuance of a claim arising under the agreement wanting different jurisdiction?CommissionThe court is not prohibited from taking into account a set-off connected with the legal relationship in dispute. !!!!!!! #23/78If such a clause as in question 1 is permitted, does it automatically rule out any set-off which one of the parties to the contract wishes to propose in pursuance of a claim arising under the agreement wanting different jurisdiction?GermanyThe court is not prohibited from taking into account a set-off connected with the legal relationship in dispute. !!!!!!! #23/78Does the 1st paragraph of Art 17 of the Convention permit an agreement under which the 2 parties to a contract for sale, who are domiciled in different States, can be sued only in the courts of their respective States?CommissionThe Convention does not prohibit such an agreement.> !!!!!!! #23/78Does the 1st paragraph of Art 17 of the Convention permit an agreement under which the 2 parties to a contract for sale, who are domiciled in different States, can be sued only in the courts of their respective States?GermanyThe Convention does not prohibit such an agreement.;!!!!!!! #13/78Is the German law in which only certain types of spirits can be classified as high quality spirits made from wine incompatible with the prohibition of measures having a quantitative restriction?GermanyThis law does not constitute a quantitative restriction based on Articles 30 and 36 of the Treaty.R!!!!!!! #13/78Is the German law in which only certain types of spirits can be classified as high quality spirits made from wine incompatible with the prohibition of measures having a quantitative restriction?CommissionThis law does constitute a quantitative restriction based on Articles 30 and 36 of the Treaty.Q!!!!!!! #10/78Does Art 16(2) of Reg 109/65 continue to apply in Community law so that Reg 1408/71 means that insurance periods completed in France before 1/19/65 are taken into account he was French then but Algerian when applying for pension?CommissionAll such periods must be taken into account so long as the migrant worker was a national of a Member State when the periods were completed, not when the pension was applied for.!!!!!!! #  8>hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8> 8> 8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8> 8> 8> 8> 8> 8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8> 8> 8> -rͼ̚uI#g id84/78Must Commission Reg 2604/77 be considered invalid, at least in so far as it introduces monetary compensatory amounts on exports of pasta products?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #id84/78Must Commission Reg 2604/77 be considered invalid, at least in so far as it introduces monetary compensatory amounts on exports of pasta products?ItalyThe regulation should be declared void.!!!!!!! #re137/78Under Art 1(2) of Council Reg 974/71, does Hentex composed of 52% whole hen-egg powder, 25% soya meal, 22% glucose syrup and 1% salt and lecithin fallunder heading 04.05 or 21.07?CommissionSuch a product constitutes a "food preparation" coming under subheading 21.07 GI(a)1 of the CCT.E""""""" #re137/78Under Art 1(2) of Council Reg 974/71, does Hentex composed of 52% whole hen-egg powder, 25% soya meal, 22% glucose syrup and 1% salt and lecithin fallunder heading 04.05 or 21.07?United KingdomSuch a product constitutes a "food preparation" coming under subheading 21.07 GI(a)1 of the CCT.I""""""" #so157/78Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as it provides that monetary compensatory amounts are to be charged on imports and granted on exports of goods coming within tariff heading 17.04 D?ItalyCommission Regulation 800/77 is invalid.""""""" #so157/78Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as it provides that monetary compensatory amounts are to be charged on imports and granted on exports of goods coming within tariff heading 17.04 D?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #so157/78Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as it provides that monetary compensatory amounts are to be charged on imports and granted on exports of goods coming within tariff heading 17.04 D?IrelandThe regulation remains valid. """"""" #95/78Is Commission Reg 2657/77 invalid because it extends Reg 800/77 without the Management Committees opinion and drawn up with an inconsistent statement of reasons in infringement of Art 190?ItalyCommission Regulation 2657/77 is invalid.!!!!!!! #95/78Is Commission Reg 2657/77 invalid because it extends Reg 800/77 without the Management Committees opinion and drawn up with an inconsistent statement of reasons in infringement of Art 190?CommissionThe regulation remains valid. !!!!!!! #95/78Is Commission Reg 2657/77 invalid because it extends Reg 800/77 without the Management Committees opinion and drawn up with an inconsistent statement of reasons in infringement of Art 190?IrelandThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #95/78Must Commission Reg 800/77 on monetary compensatory amounts be considered invalid?ItalyRegulation 800/77 is invalid.|u!!!!!!! #95/78Must Commission Reg 800/77 on monetary compensatory amounts be considered invalid?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.u!!!!!!! #95/78Must Commission Reg 800/77 on monetary compensatory amounts be considered invalid?IrelandThe regulation remains valid.~u!!!!!!! #151/77Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as monetary compensatory amounts are charged or granted on imports or exports of goods under the tariff subheadings in question?ItalyCommission Regulation 800/77 is invalid.""""""" ## ΧcQȠ rE125/76Does Commission Reg 171/64 apply also to compound animal feeding-stuffs without the addition of powdered milk?CommissionCommission Regulation 171/64 also applies to compound animal feeding-stuffs without the addition of powdered milk.""""""" #109/76To receive a right to benefits under Reg 1408/71 is it sufficient that a worker who is subject to the legislation of another State at the time when the risk in question materializes completed insurance periods in question?CommissionSuch a worker as described in this question receives such a right to benefits under Article 40 of Reg 1408/71.~""""""" #99/76Is Art 18 of Reg 1259/72 compatible with superior rules of Community law and in particular the principle of proportionality?CommissionArticle 18 of Reg 1259/72 remains valid.!!!!!!! #99/76Has the successful tenderer who does not himself manufacture the processed products furnished the proof necessary to have the deposit released by showing that he has satisfied the obligations of Art 6 of Reg 1259/72?CommissionIt is necessary to establish that the processed products comply with the conditions of this article to have the deposit released.!!!!!!! # 105/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national sugar companies?CommissionThis charge does constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty only if the proceeds go directly to a national sugar company.""""""" # 105/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national sugar companies?ItalyThis charge does not constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty.X""""""" # 105/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national sugar companies?Associazione Nazionale, del Lievito e dell AlcoolThis charge does not constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty..""""""" # 77/76Is a pecuniary charge imposed during the change over from one marketing year to another by a national measuring without prior Community authorization compatible with Reg 3330/74, and may one refuse to pay it?ItalySuch a charge is compatible with Reg 3330/74.)!!!!!!! # 77/76Is a pecuniary charge imposed during the change over from one marketing year to another by a national measuring without prior Community authorization compatible with Reg 3330/74, and may one refuse to pay it?CommissionThe Community alone is competent to adopt specific measures involving intervention in the machinery of price formation and individuals may bring abuse by national authorities in this matter to national courts.!!!!!!! # h77/76Do Art 13(2) of the Treaty, Art 21(2) of Reg 3330/74 and Art 20(2) of Reg 1009/67 prevent the application of a national measure imposing a charge on any quantity of sugar, proceeds going to national companies?ItalyThis charge does not constitute a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty.Q!!!!!!! # tΧbsH6Ne"30/77Does a recommendation for deportation made by a national court of a State to the executive authority of that State constitute a "measure" within the meaning of Art 3(1) and (2) of Dir 64/221?CommissionSuch an action constitutes a "measure" within the meaning of Art 3(1) and (2) of Dir 64/221.L!!!!!!! #al32/77Do rights to payment exist in the absence of Community law or are such rights acquired under the legislation of 1 State alone if, they can be realized through the waiving of residence clauses of Art 10 of Reg 1408/71?CommissionSuch right to payment can only be realized through the waiving of the residence clauses of Art 10 of Reg 1408/71.{!!!!!!! #32/77Is Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 incompatible with Art 51 of the Treaty to the extent that it imposes a limitation on the overlapping of 2 benefits form different States by reducing the benefit in 1 State?CommissionArticle 46(3) is compatible with Article 51 of the Treaty.3!!!!!!! #124/76Are Council Regs 665/75 and 2727/75 invalid in that they provide for the abolition of "the production refund" previously established for manufacturers of maize meal for use by the brewing industry?CommissionThe provisions remain valid.""""""" #124/76Are Council Regs 665/75 and 2727/75 invalid in that they provide for the abolition of "the production refund" previously established for manufacturers of maize meal for use by the brewing industry?CouncilThe provisions remain valid.""""""" #117/76Does Art 11 of Reg 120/67 as last amended by Reg 665/75 infringe the prohibition of discrimination in Art 40 of the EEC Treaty and is it invalid in so far as it does not grant the same amount a production refund to different industries?CommissionThe provision remains valid.:""""""" #117/76Does Art 11 of Reg 120/67 as last amended by Reg 665/75 infringe the prohibition of discrimination in Art 40 of the EEC Treaty and is it invalid in so far as it does not grant the same amount a production refund to different industries?CouncilThe provision remains valid.7""""""" #125/76Is Reg 166/64 invalid to the extent that it fixes for products listed under tariff heading 23.07 of the CCT a standard refund applicable irrespective of the quantity whether negligible or substantial of chargable products?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.-""""""" #125/76Is Reg 166/64 invalid to the extent that it fixes for products listed under tariff heading 23.07 of the CCT a standard refund applicable irrespective of the quantity whether negligible or substantial of chargable products?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.* """"""" #125/76Do the coefficients which are to be applied according to the starch content of the animal feeding-stuff under Art 15 mean that the starch content of a product had to be derived from products applicable to Reg 19/62?CommissionThe starch content must be considered in the light of the compound feeding-stuff as a whole and not simply with regard to the ingrediants to which Reg 19 was applicable.""""""" #125/76Must export refunds on compound animal feeding-stuffs bear a particular relationship to the proportion in the mixture of products coming under Reg 19 or is it sufficient for the grant of full refund if it is small (say 2%)?CommissionA refund can be granted even if the one of the products under Reg 19 is an admixture of only 2%.q""""""" # ̾2ʏ~_&52/77In the case of a failure to comply with the quality standards of Reg 58/62, does the fact that a State applies to imported products the penalties under customs law and to domestic ones lighter penaties, violate Art 30?CommissionSuch distinctions between penalties towards domestic and imported goods is discrimination under Art 30.r !!!!!!! #%52/77Does Reg 58/62 laying down quality standards for fruits constitute customs measures, or measures permitting States to render intra-Community trade subject to production of certificates indicating products origin?CommissionThe qualitly control rules cannot justify a requirement of such a certificate.S!!!!!!! #$52/77If the importation of products in free circulation is made subject to the production of certificates, is this a quantitative restriction under Art 30 and may States do so before the Commission grants Art 115 authorization?CommissionThe requirement of such certificates is a quantitative restriction if the State is not granted Art 115 authorization by the Commission. !!!!!!! ##52/77Must Art 1 of Annex 1 to the EEC-Spain agreement in Reg 1524/70 mean while it was in force States could no longer introduce directly quantitative restrictions on products from Spain (like fresh table grapes)?CommissionStates could continue to apply such quantitative restrictions on grapes in the 2nd half of the year.e!!!!!!! #"52/77May Art 115 of the EEC Treaty be relied upon by States in connexion with products from 3rd country which are covered by a Community import system pursuant to a commercial aggrement by the EEC and that state?CommissionArticle 115 may be relied upon by States in this situation, unless there is a uniform system set up in this agreement.v!!!!!!! #!c30/77Do the words "public policy" in Art 48(3) of the Treaty include reasons of State, even where no breach of the public peace or order is threatened?Metropolitan PoliceThis must be interpreted in a wide sence in which States are not bound to restrict it to the concept of national security or criminal law but give it a meaning approximate to public good.!!!!!!! # 30/77Do the words "public policy" in Art 48(3) of the Treaty include reasons of State, even where no breach of the public peace or order is threatened?CommissionThere must exist a genuine and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental intersts of society for such a restriction on the freedom of movement for persons.q!!!!!!! #c30/77Does the wording of Art 3(2) of Dir 64/221 mean that previous criminal convictions are solely relevant in so far as they manifest a propensity to act in a manner contrary to public security?Metropolitan PolicePrevious criminal convictions are relevant.#!!!!!!! #30/77Does the wording of Art 3(2) of Dir 64/221 mean that previous criminal convictions are solely relevant in so far as they manifest a propensity to act in a manner contrary to public security?CommissionPrevious criminal convictions are relevant in so far as they manifest a propensity to act in a manner contrary to public security.q!!!!!!! #e"c30/77Does a recommendation for deportation made by a national court of a State to the executive authority of that State constitute a "measure" within the meaning of Art 3(1) and (2) of Dir 64/221?Metropolitan PoliceSuch an action does not constitute a "measure" within the meaning of Art 3(1) and (2) of Dir 64/221.]!!!!!!! # Φ͙o˜HȾ ¾1111/77Does tariff subheading 78.01 A also include broken bars for type-casting machines or must they be classified under heading 78.01B or 78.02?CommissionTariff subheading 78.01 A also includes broken bars for type-casting machines. """"""" #0111/77Does tariff subheading 78.01 A also include melted down lead scrap in the form of bars for type-casting machines which are no longer usable?CommissionTariff subheading 78.01 A includes such products.""""""" #/eg79/77If question one is answered in the negative, is Reg 1380/75 void in so far as the monetary compensation on imports into Germany from 3rd countries is not reduced by application of monetary coefficient?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #.n 79/77Under Reg 1380/75, where on 3rd country imports a levy has been fixed but its imposition suspended and monetary compensation is charged for such goods, should the compensation be reduced by a monetary coefficient multiple?CommissionUnder Reg 1380/75 the compensation in such a case should not be reduced by multiplication by a monetary coefficient. !!!!!!! #-84/77Must the rights acquired by such a national as in question 1 during his stay be taken into account by any other State as if they were periods laid down for the acquisition of a right under its own legislation?CommissionSuch a national acquiring such rights in one State must have such rights taken into account in another State.o!!!!!!! #,as84/77Does a national of a State who, while living and working and studying part time in another State, receives in that State social security benefits in kind, is a migrant worker under Art 1 of Reg 1408/71?United KingdomSuch a worker is not to be identified as a migrant worker.9!!!!!!! #+as84/77Does a national of a State who, while living and working and studying part time in another State, receives in that State social security benefits in kind, is a migrant worker under Art 1 of Reg 1408/71?CommissionSuch a national is a migrant worker as long as he can be identified as an employed person within Art 1(aii) of this regulation and was required to pay social security contributions as such.!!!!!!! #*56/77Should the Commission Decision of 3/1/77 rejecting the applicants offer to make temporary staff available be annulled and the Commission ordered to pay damages caused by this decision?Ranstad S.A.The application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #)28/77Should the Commission Decision of 12/21/76 relating to a procedding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled and the fines from that decision cancelled?All Wave B.V.The application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #(28/77Should the Commission Decision of 12/21/76 relating to a procedding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled and the fines from that decision cancelled?J.D. WilkesThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #'n 73/77Must "tenancies of immovable property" within the meaning of Art 16 of the Convention of 9/27/68 also include an agreement to rent a retail business with immovable property rented from a 3rd party by the lessor?CommissionThis phrase must not refer to such an agreement.4!!!!!!! # SyBDič: t126/77Does the condition laid down in Article 67(1) in fine apply even if the relevant period of employment is counted as an insurance period under the legislation of the State in which it was completed?CommissionThis completed period is not subject to the condition laid down in Article 67(1) in fine of Reg 1408/71._""""""" #9105/77Where a worker has been subject to the legislation of 2 or more States, to what extent do Art 12(2) and 46 of Reg 1408/71 prevent the application of national rules against overlapping of benefits such as in the AWW?CommissionReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker, as long as it is more favorable than the rules under Art 46; if not that Article would apply.""""""" #898/77Where a worker has been subject to the legislation of 2 or more States, to what extent do Art 12(2) and 46 of Reg 1408/71 prevent the application of national rules against overlapping of benefits such as in the WAO?CommissionReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker, as long as it is more favorable than the rules under Art 46, if not that Article would apply.!!!!!!! #798/77Where a worker has been subject to the legislation of 2 or more States, to what extent do Art 12(2) and 46 of Reg 1408/71 prevent the application of national rules against overlapping of benefits such as in the WAO?ItalyArt 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 prevents the application of such national rules against overlapping benefits.i!!!!!!! #698/77Where a worker has been subject to the legislation of 2 or more States, to what extent do Art 12(2) and 46 of Reg 1408/71 prevent the application of national rules against overlapping of benefits such as in the WAO?BelgiumReg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker._!!!!!!! #583/77Does Art 9(2) of Reg 4 apply only to a case where the benefit that is to be reduced because of overlap is awarded by virtue of aggregation of insurance periods?Institute National d Assurance Maladie-InvaliditeArticle 9(2) of Reg 4 applies only when the benefit in question has been awarded through the application of the processes of aggregation and apportionment.!!!!!!! #483/77Does Art 9(2) of Reg 4 apply only to a case where the benefit that is to be reduced because of overlap is awarded by virtue of aggregation of insurance periods?CommissionArticle 9(2) of Reg 4 applies only when the benefit in question has been awarded through the application of the processes of aggregation and apportionment.m!!!!!!! #383/77Should Art 11(2) of Reg 3 mean that the plaintiff could not draw the full amount of his Belgian pension as well as his Italian one, although his to the Belgian pension was gained apart from EEC regulations?Institute National d Assurance Maldie-InvaliditeReg 3 does not prevent the application to benefits acquired by virtue of national legislation alone of national rules against the overlapping of benefits.#!!!!!!! #283/77Should Art 11(2) of Reg 3 mean that the plaintiff could not draw the full amount of his Belgian pension as well as his Italian one, although his to the Belgian pension was gained apart from EEC regulations?CommissionThe provisions only apply under Article 11(2) of Reg 3 to insured persons as far as concerns the benefits acquired by applying the said regulation.!!!!!!! #T |jlʸǶ\ñvO6 8/78Did the judgment in the Case of 28/76 determine authoritatively the validity of Reg 725/74 so that it may no longer be questioned whether that regulation infringes the prohibition on discrimination under Art 40(3)?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.   #N6/78Does Art 5(2) of Commission Reg 269/73 mean that a compensatory amount is to be paid even if the product, having left the State in which customs formalities were completed, has perished as result of force majeure?CommissionThe compensatory amount is not to be paid in such a circumstance.F  #M9/78Must Art 4(4) of Reg 1408/71 mean that benefits which are not strictly in the nature of compensation and payable to victims of war only in that it harmed their gaining pension rights, do not apply to it?CommissionThis provision can apply to former prisoners of war./  #L138/77Are any of the provisions of Council Reg 72/462 applicable by analogy to the importation of prepared meat, with the result that States are entitled or obliged to carry out health inspections and charges for such?CommissionNone of the provisions of this regulation are applicable.?""""""" #K137/77Are Art 12(1),(7),(8),23,24 and 26 of Council Dir 72/462 applicable by analogy to the importation of game, with the result that the States are entitled or obliged to carry out health inspections and charges for this?CommissionThese articles are not applicable by analogy.7""""""" #J154/77Did the Arrete Ministeriel of 3/27/75 fixing the selling price of pigmeat infringe Council Regulation 121/67 on the common organization of the market in pigmeat?CommissionReg 121/67 prohibits a State unilaterally fixing the selling price only if this jeopardizes the aims or functioning of this price system and common organization and impedes trade between States.""""""" #I154/77Did the Arrete Ministeriel of 3/27/75 fixing the selling price of pigmeat infringe Council Regulation 121/67 on the common organization of the market in pigmeat?United KingdomReg 121/67 prohibits a State unilaterally fixing the selling price only if this jeopardizes the aims or functioning of this price system and common organization and impedes trade between States.""""""" #Hal150/77Can the sale of a machine of 1 company to another on the basis of a price to be paid with 2 equal bills of exchange payable at 60 and 90 days be a sale on installment credit terms under Art 13 of the Brussels Convention?United KingdomThe true test of a sale on installment credit terms lies in the relationship between the parties and the nature of the transaction at issue, and if it is a consumer transaction, the national court must decide.""""""" #Gal150/77Can the sale of a machine of 1 company to another on the basis of a price to be paid with 2 equal bills of exchange payable at 60 and 90 days be a sale on installment credit terms under Art 13 of the Brussels Convention?ItalyA "sale on installment credit terms" is constituted by the sale of a commodity in respect of which it is established in advance that all or part of the price is to be discharged after delivery in one or more payments which may be unequal.""""""" #Fal150/77Can the sale of a machine of 1 company to another on the basis of a price to be paid with 2 equal bills of exchange payable at 60 and 90 days be a sale on installment credit terms under Art 13 of the Brussels Convention?GermanySuch a sale can be a sale on installment credit terms under Art 13 of the Brussels Convention.i """"""" #r ?mɮǺ F[93/78Does Art 237 of the Treaty, either standing alone or in conjunction with other provisions of the Treaty, contain substantive legal limits on the accession of 3rd countries to the EC over the formal conditions therein?CommissionThe ECJ has no jurisdiction to answer such a question.@!!!!!!! #Z103/77Is Council Reg 1111/77 invalid to the extent that Art 8 and 9 impose a production levy on isoglucose of 5 units of account per 100 kg of dry matter for the period of the 1977/78 marketing year?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #Y103/77Is Council Reg 1111/77 invalid to the extent that Art 8 and 9 impose a production levy on isoglucose of 5 units of account per 100 kg of dry matter for the period of the 1977/78 marketing year?CouncilThe regulation remains valid. """"""" #X103/77Is Council Regulation 1862/76 invalid for infringing the principle of non-discrimination?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.}""""""" #W103/77Is Council Regulation 1862/76 invalid for infringing the principle of non-discrimination?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.}""""""" #V125/77Are Council Regulation 1862/76 and Commission Reg 2158/76 invalid by infringing the principle of non-discrimination and legal certainty?CouncilThese regulations remain valid.""""""" #U125/77Are Council Regulation 1862/76 and Commission Reg 2158/76 invalid by infringing the principle of non-discrimination and legal certainty?CommissionThese regulations remain valid.""""""" #T15/78Do Art 59 and 60 of the EEC Treaty exclude the objection under German law that a contract is an agreement to pay differences where a French bank is claiming from a German customer the repayment on the basis of French law?CommissionArt 59 does allow a State to make the provision of services subject to any restriction which subjects the exercise of the rights invoked vy the person providing the services as against the person receiving them due to the latters domestic legal system.  !!!!!!! #S27/78If question 1 is answered in the negative, must this provision mean that it makes State notification measures a condition for the validity of the applicability of the provision imposing the said measures?ItalySuch State notification measures are not a condition for the validity of the applicability of the provision imposing the said measures.!!!!!!! #R27/78Must Council Decision 66/532, abolising all customs duties other than those in Annex II, mean that it brought forward the date of expiry of the transitional period referred to in Art 8 of the Treaty?CommissionThis decision did not curtail for all purposes the transitional period laid down in Art 8 of the Treaty, but did restrict State power to adopt such measures not compatible with this Decision.!!!!!!! #Q27/78Must Council Decision 66/532, abolising all customs duties other than those in Annex II, mean that it brought forward the date of expiry of the transitional period referred to in Art 8 of the Treaty?ItalyThis decision did not bring forward the date of expiry of the transitional period referred to in Art 8 of the Treaty.h!!!!!!! #P6 8/78Did the judgment in the Case of 28/76 determine authoritatively the validity of Reg 725/74 so that it may no longer be questioned whether that regulation infringes the prohibition on discrimination under Art 40(3)?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.#  # ͸̘]ƆŭNe94/77Is the reference to allowing "the contract to be executed" sufficient to fulfill to pay the price under the contract, and where payment is made by bankers credit, when is the contract said to have been performed?ItalyWhere payment is made by the opening of an irrevocable credit it is for the national court to determine the date on which the banks customer provided the dollars; payment by bank credit is not relevant.!!!!!!! #d94/77Is the reference to allowing "the contract to be executed" sufficient to fulfill to pay the price under the contract, and where payment is made by bankers credit, when is the contract said to have been performed?CommissionThe decisive factor is the conditions and in particular the rate of exchange at which payment was made; on the other hand the opening of an irrevocable credit is not in itself relevant.!!!!!!! #c94/77Do Reg 974/71 and 1013/71 permit State to enact rules having the force of law laying down specific criteria concerning the applicability of compensatory amounts to pre-12/19/71 contracts to allow the contract without the Art1 measures?ItalyThese regulations do permit States to enact such rules.N!!!!!!! #b94/77Do Reg 974/71 and 1013/71 permit State to enact rules having the force of law laying down specific criteria concerning the applicability of compensatory amounts to pre-12/19/71 contracts to allow the contract without the Art1 measures?CommissionThese regulations do permit States to enact such rules.S!!!!!!! #a82/77Must Art 92-94 of the Treaty mean that the fixing of minimum prices for the marketing of spirits by the relevant Netherlands authority of 12/17/75 is to be regarded as State aid, thus incompatible with the Common Market?CommissionThe fixing of minimum prices by such a State authority is not to be considered State aid under Article 92.w !!!!!!! #`82/77Must Art 30-37 of the Treaty mean that the fixing of minimum prices for the marketing of spirits in the Netherlands as laid down by the relevant administrative agency on 12/17/75 is prohibited as a quantitative restriction?CommissionSuch a fixing of prices as described in this case is an infringement of Article 30 and constitutes a quantitative restriction.!!!!!!! #_ 135/78Are the provisions of Commission Reg 1356/76 incompatible with Articles 1,2,2a,3,6 or 7 of Council Reg 974/71 or Commission Reg 1380/75 or any other binding provision of Community law?CommissionThe provision remains valid.!!!!!!! #^87/78Is the 2nd paragraph of Art 7(2) of Commission Reg 837/68 invalid because the sucrose content of products containing less than 85% sucrose is determined without regard to the actual sucrose content?CommissionThis provision remains valid.!!!!!!! #]97/78Is Council Regulation 543/69 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to raod transport invalid due to its not being authorized by the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #\97/78Is Council Regulation 543/69 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to raod transport invalid due to its not being authorized by the EEC Treaty?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! # PYkJim8B:dSMd``YkkYdbiQU:8D<DHdbOQmJY^QOio^QkdSJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQOYkfdkJ^dSLQQSLdoUWmYbYbLvJUQbMYQkJbOiQfQJ^YbUiQU:8BBHYbqJ^YOLvUdYbUJUJYbkmmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^Ymv$DYkJim8JdSMd``YkkYdbiQU::D8DF:@@@DF<88@DF8F8DH>86DHJbOB8@DHqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmfidqYOQkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQiJmQkdSQufdimiQSobOkfQMYSYQOYbmJL^QYYbkmQJOdSmJL^QYY$*im8JdSMd``YkkYdbiQU::D8DF:@@@DF<88@DF8F8DH>86DHJbOB8@DHqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmfidqYOQkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQiJmQkdSQufdimiQSobOkfQMYSYQOYbmJL^QYYbkmQJOdSmJL^QYY$*DHqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmfidqYOQkSdimWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQiJmQkdSQufdimiQSobOkfQMYSYQOYbmJL^QYYbkmQJOdSmJL^QYY$*YkJim::dSiQUF6<BFdSmWQMdobMY^obOQisWYMW:fQikdbkkWJ^^LQOQQ`QOmdLQJkkdMYJmQOYbLokYbQkkYbmQiJ^YJYSQYmWQidSmWQ`WJkJbvYbmQiQkmYbmWQLokYbQkkdSmWQdmWQiJff^YMJL^QmdJLokYbQkkYbJim<DLJksQ^^$im::dSiQUF6<BFdSmWQMdobMY^obOQisWYMW:fQikdbkkWJ^^LQOQQ`QOmdLQJkkdMYJmQOYbLokYbQkkYbmQiJ^YJYSQYmWQidSmWQ`WJkJbvYbmQiQkmYbmWQLokYbQkkdSmWQdmWQiJff^YMJL^QmdJLokYbQkkYbJim<DLJksQ^^$im::dSiQUF6<BFdSmWQMdobMY^obOQisWYMW:fQikdbkkWJ^^LQOQQ`QOmdLQJkkdMYJmQOYbLokYbQkkYbmQiJ^YJYSQYmWQidSmWQ`WJkJbvYbmQiQkmYbmWQLokYbQkkdSmWQdmWQiJff^YMJL^QmdJLokYbQkkYbJim<DLJksQ^^$YkJim::dSmWQLQ^UYJb^JsYbhoQkmYdbMdbmiJivmdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQU8>6FD8YbmWJmYmiQhoYiQkJMmoJ^iQkYOQbMQYbLQ^UYo`diJkmJmQsYmWJiQMYfidMJ^JUiQQ`Qbm$^JsYbhoQkmYdbMdbmiJivmdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQU8>6FD8YbmWJmYmiQhoYiQkJMmoJ^iQkYOQbMQYbLQ^UYo`diJkmJmQsYmWJiQMYfidMJ^JUiQQ`Qbm$YkJim::dSmWQLQ^UYJb^JsYbhoQkmYdbMdbmiJivmdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQU8>6FD8YbmWJmYmiQhoYiQkJMmoJ^iQkYOQbMQYbLQ^UYo`diJkmJmQsYmWJiQMYfidMJ^JUiQQ`Qbm$JLokYbQkkYbJim<DLJksQ^^$YkJim::dSmWQLQ^UYJb^JsYbhoQkmYdbMdbmiJivmdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQU8>6FD8YbmWJmYmiQhoYiQkJMmoJ^iQkYOQbMQYbLQ^UYo`diJkmJmQsYmWJiQMYfidMJ^JUiQQ`Qbm$YkJim:DdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`QJbmWJmYmUYqQkiYkQdb^vmdJiYUWmmdLQbQSYmJUJYbkmmWQkYM\bQkkYbkoiJbMQYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQkmJmQdSiQkYOQbMQdimWJmYmQuM^oOQkmWQfidqYkYdbkdSmWQdmWQikmJmQ$Z'It is necessary to establish that the processed products comply with the conditions of this article to have the deposit released.''It is necessary to establish that the processed products comply with the conditions of this article to have the deposit released.''Has the successful tenderer who does not himself manufacture the processed products furnished the proof necessary to have the deposit released by showing that he has satisfied the obligations  # P_<OdmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQkkoiidobOYbUmWQY`fdimJmYdbdS`JYxQYbmdiQobYdbMdbkmYmomQkfQMYJ^MYiMo`kmJbMQksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim8<dSMdobMY^iQU8><6DHkdJkmd[okmYSvmWQiQfJv`QbmdS^QqYQkMWJiUQOdbmWdkQY`fdimk$mWQf^JYbmYSS$TOdmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQkkoiidobOYbUmWQY`fdimJmYdbdS`JYxQYbmdiQobYdbMdbkmYmomQkfQMYJ^MYiMo`kmJbMQksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJim8<dSMdobMY^iQU8><6DHkdJkmd[okmYSvmWQiQfJv`QbmdS^QqYQkMWJiUQOdbmWdkQY`fdimk$OdmWQMdYbkYbhoQkmYdbSJ^^sYmWYbmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim<6JbOJbO8<@FDDYbM^oOQJmiJbkYmYdbJ^fidOoMmQWYMWJffQJikdb^vmQ`fdiJiY^vOoiYbUJ`JboSJMmoiYbUfidMQkk$OdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$SbUfidMQkk$OdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$SQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$SD:8BB$gOdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$SOdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$SOdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$SOdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim8>8JLdSiQU8HB:JbOJimD:dSiQU@@B:`QJbmWJmSid`mWQ^QqvSdiOQbJmoiQOmJfYdMJS^doiobOQi886BdSmWQMMmmWQmoibdqQimJuJbOmWQMdkmkdSQdkYbJmYdbJiQOQOoMmQO$fdbkdSJim8>8JLdSiQU8HB:JbOJimD:dSiQU@@B:`QJbmWJmSid`mWQ^QqvSdiOQbJmoiQOmJfYdMJS^doiobOQi886BdSmWQMMmmWQmoibdqQimJuJbOmWQMdkmkdSQdkYbJmYdbJiQOQOoMmQO$fOdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim:8:dSmWQOJWYidSF8:8<Y`f^vmWJmJbJmYdbJ^dSJkmJmQsWdiQ^YQkdbmWQkQfidqYkYdbksJkkoL[QMmmdSiQbMW^QUYk^JmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSkQMmYdb>dSJbbQuUmdMdobMY^iQU<$ Jim:8:dSmWQOJWYidSF8:8<Y`f^vmWJmJbJmYdbJ^dSJkmJmQsWdiQ^YQkdbmWQkQfidqYkYdbksJkkoL[QMmmdSiQbMW^QUYk^JmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSkQMmYdb>dSJbbQuUmdMdobMY^iQU<$ ECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ;ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?'1'O= ;ECJ rulingV@-! ;AG-Plaintiff agreement?'1'M; ;AG position on issueV@A5 ;legal issue@/# ;case number'125/76'?# ;Issues and positions555 '  # 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;ECJ-Plain'Article 1 of Commission Reg 539/75 remains valid.''Does Art 1 of Commission Reg 539/75 infringe Art 1(2b) of Council Reg 974/71 in so far as it fixes compensatory amounts for the import of powdered whey, as its price does not depend of the prtttttttt P|YkmJiYSSWQJOYbU<66>dSmWQMMmmd`QJbmWJmmWQfWiJkQ fomofYbiQmJY^fJM\YbUkSdi`QOYMJ^dikoiUYMJ^foifdkQk iQhoYiQkMdbSdi`YmvsYmWkfQMYSYM`JuY`o`OY`QbkYdbk$)dbkiQkYOYbUYbmWJmkmJmQ$YkmJiYSSWQJOYbU<66>dSmWQMMmmd`QJbmWJmmWQfWiJkQ fomofYbiQmJY^fJM\YbUkSdi`QOYMJ^dikoiUYMJ^foifdkQk 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; Issues and positions555 '    #zP ΀&ny3 s.The defendants should pay damages.3The application is dismissed.83/76Should the applicants receive damages from the defendants as a result of the effects of Council Reg 563/76 on the compulsory purchase of skimmed-milk powder held by intervention agencies for use in feeding-stuffs?<ee[[<<<<:F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision should be annulled.34/77Should the Commission decision of 7/21/76 declaring that the applicant should not be assigned to another post in his category corresponding to his grade be annulled? ff\\::::8F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.25/77Should Vacancy Notice #COM/267/76 relating to a post in Grade B1 assigned to the Delegation of the Commission in Washington and the rejection of the applicants application be annulled?!gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is inadmissible.132/77Should the Commission decision under Art 4(2) of Reg 1608/74, excluding certain contracts from exemption from the French monetary compensatory amount be annulled and damages paid to the applicant?2ll``>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.112/77Should Commission Regulation 1583/77 reducing the amount of compensation to sugar companies be annulled and the applicant compensated for damages incurred?ii]]>>>><F=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.123/77Is the application to annull Commission Reg 1692/77 concerning measures on imports of certain motor-cycles originating in Japan admissible?hh\\::::8F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.7/77Should the decision of the Selection Board for Internal Competition COM/1149/75 to refuse to admit the applicant to the competition be annulled, as well as the competition and the appointment made thereof?4ee]]>>>><F=The Commission is ordered to pay damages with default interest of 8%.3The Commission is ordered to pay damages with default interest of 8%.115/76Should the Commission pay the applicant damages with default interest due to the permanent injury that the applicant suffered while at work?@____]F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.54/77Should the Commission decision rejecting the complaints of the applicant on 4/12/76 be annulled and the Commission ordered to acknowledge his entitlement to expatriation allowances and pay damages?.gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.12/77Should the Commission pay the applicant damages for losses suffered owing to the failure to apply to exports of sugar carried out on the basis of the binding contracts in question a discretionary measure?5gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.44/77Should the Commission pay the applicant damages to compensate for the loss which they claim to have suffered from Commission Reg 413/76 concerning periods that cereal products must remain warehoused?0gg]]>>>><F=o This does not affect the reply to question 1.3This does not affect the reply to question 1.73/77Is the answer to question 1 affected by the fact that in the proceedings the defendant has contested the existence of the agreement?vvGGGGEF=aP qJ"^uThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.56/77Should the Commission Decision of 3/1/77 rejecting the applicants offer to make temporary staff available be annulled and the Commission ordered to pay damages caused by this decision?!gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.140/77Should the decisions refusing an installation allowance by the Commission be annulled and should the Commission be ordered to pay that allowance together with interest at the legal rate?%ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.122/77Should the decision of the selection board in Internal Competition COM/BS/14/75 concerning the drawing-up of a list of 114 suitable candidates and the decision of the appointing authority later be annulled?9ii]]>>>><F=Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.156/77Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with the Commission Decision of 5/4/76 on aid from the Belgium Government to SNCB for international railway tariffs for coal and steel?LxxHHHHFF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.86/77Should the list of proposals for promotion from Grade A5 ro Grade A4 for 1976 and the Commission Decision of 1/20/77 transferring the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=obItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.69/77Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not bringing into force the provisions to comply with Council directives on laws related to wheeled agricultural tractors?)~~ttFFFFDF=The application should be granted and the Commission ordered to pay such a grant.3The application is granted and the Commission ordered to pay such a grant.114/77Is the applicant entitled to the difference between the severance grant paid and a severance grant calculated in such a way as to take account of a weighting of 157.8?lkkkkiF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.77/77Should the decision of the Commission on 4/19/77 declaring that the applicants abused their dominant position be annulled for infringing an essential procedural requirement?__UU::::8F=V0The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.28/77Should the Commission Decision of 12/21/76 relating to a procedding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled and the fines from that decision cancelled?gg]]>>>><F= Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.147/77Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not implementing the necessary laws on the stunning of animals before slaughter ?ttFFFFDF=@The application should be annulled.3The application is annulled.110/77Should the decision adopted by the Commission appointing Mr. L to the post of Head of the Technical Aspects and Traffic Division of the Directorate General for Transport be annulled?gg[[====;F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.99/77Should the implied decisions rejecting the applicants complaint concerning the withdrawal of the report at the expiry of the probationary period and the decision to dismiss him be annulled?&gg]]>>>><F=P ο.6#Ņ1Reg 3 does not prevent the application to benefits acquired by virtue of national legislation alone of national rules against the overlapping of benefits.3Reg 3 does not prevent the application to benefits acquired by virtue of national legislation alone of national rules against the overlapping of benefits.83/77Should Art 11(2) of Reg 3 mean that the plaintiff could not draw the full amount of his Belgian pension as well as his Italian one, although his to the Belgian pension was gained apart from EEC regulations?*ZZPPF=Such goods must be classified under 78.01 B.3Tariff subheading 78.01 A also includes broken bars for type-casting machines.111/77Does tariff subheading 78.01 A also include broken bars for type-casting machines or must they be classified under heading 78.01B or 78.02?/FFFFDF=Such products must be considered lead waste under heading 78.01 B.3Tariff subheading 78.01 A includes such products.111/77Does tariff subheading 78.01 A also include melted down lead scrap in the form of bars for type-casting machines which are no longer usable?)\\\\ZF=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.79/77If question one is answered in the negative, is Reg 1380/75 void in so far as the monetary compensation on imports into Germany from 3rd countries is not reduced by application of monetary coefficient?+``VV77775F=onUnder Reg 1380/75 the compensation in such a case should not be reduced by multiplication by a monetary coefficient.3Under Reg 1380/75 the compensation in such a case should not be reduced by multiplication by a monetary coefficient.79/77Under Reg 1380/75, where on 3rd country imports a levy has been fixed but its imposition suspended and monetary compensation is charged for such goods, should the compensation be reduced by a monetary coefficient multiple?F=Such a national acquiring such rights in one State must have such rights taken into account in another State.3Such a national acquiring such rights in one State must have such rights taken into account in another State.84/77Must the rights acquired by such a national as in question 1 during his stay be taken into account by any other State as if they were periods laid down for the acquisition of a right under its own legislation?F= Such a national is a migrant worker as long as he can be identified as an employed person within Art 1(aii) of this regulation and was required to pay social security contributions as such.3Such a national is a migrant worker as long as he can be identified as an employed person within Art 1(aii) of this regulation and was required to pay social security contributions as such.84/77Does a national of a State who, while living and working and studying part time in another State, receives in that State social security benefits in kind, is a migrant worker under Art 1 of Reg 1408/71?lF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.14/778Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant due to its failure to adopt a measure requiring Italy to revoke the urgent note of 9/7/76 as regards feed-stuffs for calves?ii]]>>>><F=The decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.4/78Should the refusal of the Selection Board for Competition COM/A/154 to admit the applicants to the competition be annulled?``XX;;;;9F=XPH˲r oThese rights are to be suspended only in so far as that right overlaps rights to benefits of the same kind acquired by virtue of the pursuit of a professional or trade activity.2These rights are to be suspended only in so far as that right overlaps rights to benefits of the same kind acquired by virtue of the pursuit of a professional or trade activity.115/77Must Art 79(3) be understood in the sense that rights to benefits acquired under Art 77,78 and 79(2) of the regulation are to be suspended in order to avoid duplication of benefits only where another State granted these rights?o~~F=Such goods come under 76.01 A of the CCT.3Such goods come under 76.01 A of the CCT if they consist essentially of aluminum and contain only minute quantities of other metals.104/77Must tariff subheading 76.01 A or B of the CCT include goods consisting of chopped aluminum wire of a light grey shining appearance and produced in a shredder by aluminum cables and removal of insulation?CCCCAF=jeThis completed period is not subject to the condition laid down in Article 67(1) in fine of Reg 1408/71.3This completed period is not subject to the condition laid down in Article 67(1) in fine of Reg 1408/71.126/77Does the condition laid down in Article 67(1) in fine apply even if the relevant period of employment is counted as an insurance period under the legislation of the State in which it was completed?F=Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker, as long as it is more favorable than the rules under Art 46; if not that Article would apply.3Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker, as long as it is more favorable than the rules under Art 46; if not that Article would apply.105/77Where a worker has been subject to the legislation of 2 or more States, to what extent do Art 12(2) and 46 of Reg 1408/71 prevent the application of national rules against overlapping of benefits such as in the AWW?qF=Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker, as long as it is more favorable than the rules under Art 46, if not that Article would apply.3Reg 1408/71 does not prevent the national legislation from being applied to such a worker, as long as it is more favorable than the rules under Art 46; if not that Article would apply.98/77Where a worker has been subject to the legislation of 2 or more States, to what extent do Art 12(2) and 46 of Reg 1408/71 prevent the application of national rules against overlapping of benefits such as in the WAO?oF=lyArticle 9(2) of Reg 4 applies only when the benefit in question has been awarded through the application of the processes of aggregation and apportionment.3Article 9(2) of Reg 4 applies only when the benefit in question has been awarded through the application of the processes of aggregation and apportionment.83/77Does Art 9(2) of Reg 4 apply only to a case where the benefit that is to be reduced because of overlap is awarded by virtue of aggregation of insurance periods?\\RRF=PxbʪJSuch State notification measures are not a condition for the validity of the applicability of the provision imposing the said measures.3Such State notification measures are not a condition for the validity of the applicability of the provision imposing the said measures.27/78If question 1 is answered in the negative, must this provision mean that it makes State notification measures a condition for the validity of the applicability of the provision imposing the said measures?44**F=This decision did not bring forward the date of expiry of the transitional period referred to in Art 8 of the Treaty.3This decision did not bring forward the date of expiry of the transitional period referred to in Art 8 of the Treaty.27/78Must Council Decision 66/532, abolising all customs duties other than those in Annex II, mean that it brought forward the date of expiry of the transitional period referred to in Art 8 of the Treaty?F=28The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.8/78Did the judgment in the Case of 28/76 determine authoritatively the validity of Reg 725/74 so that it may no longer be questioned whether that regulation infringes the prohibition on discrimination under Art 40(3)?6^^VV77775F=ntIn such a case the exporter is entitled to the same compensatory amounts as would have been due if the goods had arrived and import formalities completed there.3In such a case the exporter is entitled to the same compensatory amounts as would have been due if the goods had arrived and import formalities completed there.6/78Does Art 5(2) of Commission Reg 269/73 mean that a compensatory amount is to be paid even if the product, having left the State in which customs formalities were completed, has perished as result of force majeure?;dd\\F=This provision can apply to former prisoners of war.3This provision does not apply to social benefits for fromer prisoners of war under the French law in question.9/78Must Art 4(4) of Reg 1408/71 mean that benefits which are not strictly in the nature of compensation and payable to victims of war only in that it harmed their gaining pension rights, do not apply to it?NNNNLF=None of the provisions of this regulation are applicable.3None of the provisions of this regulation are applicable.138/77Are any of the provisions of Council Reg 72/462 applicable by analogy to the importation of prepared meat, with the result that States are entitled or obliged to carry out health inspections and charges for such?pSSSSQF=These articles are not applicable by analogy.3These articles are not applicable by analogy.137/77Are Art 12(1),(7),(8),23,24 and 26 of Council Dir 72/462 applicable by analogy to the importation of game, with the result that the States are entitled or obliged to carry out health inspections and charges for this?\vvGGGGEF=Reg 121/67 prohibits a State unilaterally fixing the selling price if this jeopardizes the aims or functioning of this price system and common organization.3Reg 121/67 does not prevent the unilateral fixing by a State of a maximum profit margin for retail sale of pigmeat, based on purchase prices as charged at prior stages of marketing and varying on price trends, as long as the this does not impede trade.154/77Did the Arrete Ministeriel of 3/27/75 fixing the selling price of pigmeat infringe Council Regulation 121/67 on the common organization of the market in pigmeat?cF=LP t%L ĖnSuch a fixing of prices as described in this case is an infringement of Article 30 and constitutes a quantitative restriction.3Such a fixing of prices as described in this case is an infringement of Article 30 and constitutes a quantitative restriction.82/77Must Art 30-37 of the Treaty mean that the fixing of minimum prices for the marketing of spirits in the Netherlands as laid down by the relevant administrative agency on 12/17/75 is prohibited as a quantitative restriction?""F=The provision remains valid.3The provision remains valid.35/78Are the provisions of Commission Reg 1356/76 incompatible with Articles 1,2,2a,3,6 or 7 of Council Reg 974/71 or Commission Reg 1380/75 or any other binding provision of Community law?^^TT66664F= oThis provision remains valid.3This provision remains valid.87/78Is the 2nd paragraph of Art 7(2) of Commission Reg 837/68 invalid because the sucrose content of products containing less than 85% sucrose is determined without regard to the actual sucrose content?(``VV77775F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.97/78Is Council Regulation 543/69 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to raod transport invalid due to its not being authorized by the EEC Treaty?``VV77775F=The ECJ has no jurisdiction to answer such a question.3The ECJ has no jurisdiction to answer such a question.93/78Does Art 237 of the Treaty, either standing alone or in conjunction with other provisions of the Treaty, contain substantive legal limits on the accession of 3rd countries to the EC over the formal conditions therein?mPPPPNF=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation is invalid.103/77Is Council Reg 1111/77 invalid to the extent that Art 8 and 9 impose a production levy on isoglucose of 5 units of account per 100 kg of dry matter for the period of the 1977/78 marketing year?"__SS77775F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.103/77Is Council Regulation 1862/76 invalid for infringing the principle of non-discrimination?bbVV77775F=Such refunds may be recovered on the basis of this provision.2Such refunds may be recovered on the basis of this provision.125/77Must Art 4 of Commission Reg 2158/76 mean that refunds in respect of the manufacture of glucose with high fructose content granted from 8/1-9/3/76 may be recovered?HWWWWUF=ndThese regulations remain valid.3These regulations remain valid.125/77Are Council Regulation 1862/76 and Commission Reg 2158/76 invalid by infringing the principle of non-discrimination and legal certainty?ffZZ99997F=Articles 59 and 60 do not affect the application to this case of the German regulations by means of German private international law.3Articles 59 and 60 do not affect the application of legislative provisions whereby a State bars the recovery by legal action of certain debts, provided they are not applied in a discriminatory manner.15/78Do Art 59 and 60 of the EEC Treaty exclude the objection under German law that a contract is an agreement to pay differences where a French bank is claiming from a German customer the repayment on the basis of French law?RssiiF=PUKf&A national court may disregard national measures conflicting with Art 189 without waiting for the measures to be eliminated.3A national court may disregard national measures conflicting with Art 189 without waiting for the measures to be eliminated.106/77Is the scope of Art 189 to mean that any subsequent national measures which conflict with those provisions must be disregarded without waiting for those measures to be eliminated by authorities?  F=%In this matter, reference must be made to the day of the importation or exportation.3In this matter, reference must be made in respect of each commercial transaction (importation and exportation) to the day of the importation or exportation.94/77What date is to be used in the case of individual commercial transactions in determining whether or not the conditions required by Community legislation exist for the application of compensatory amounts?  nnnnlF=$The Commission was empowered to adopt in Reg 2887 the detailed rules for applying Reg 974/71 to Italy and to determine the monetary compensatory amounts applicable to Italy in Reg 17/72 and subsequent rules.2The Amministrazione delle Finanze Italiane was legally entitled to collect the mcas fixed by the relevant Commission Regulations.94/77On the assumption that the situation described by the plaintiff is proved to have existed in fact, was the Amministrazione delle Finanze Italiane legally entitled to levy the compensatory amounts while that situation lasted?XvvllF=#This depends on the agreements in the contract and may depend on local law. Where credit is opened for a sum of foreign currency, the date will be where the rate of exchange determining the amount of liability was applicable.2This depends on the agreements in the contract and may depend on local law. Where credit is opened for a sum of foreign currency, the date will be where the rate of exchange determining the amount of liability was applicable.94/77Is the reference to allowing "the contract to be executed" sufficient to fulfill to pay the price under the contract, and where payment is made by bankers credit, when is the contract said to have been performed?F=th"This matter is to be decided by the national courts of the States concerned under Art 4(2) of Reg 1013/71.2This matter is to be decided by the national courts of the States concerned under Art 4(2) of Reg 1013/71.94/77If question 1 is answered in the negative, is rule in Art 4(2) of Reg 1013/71 effective in itself, thus leaving it to the courts of States concerned to decide when the contract was executed in conditions in absence of Art 1 measures?F=!These regulations do not permit States to enact such rules.3These regulations do not permit States to enact such rules.94/77Do Reg 974/71 and 1013/71 permit State to enact rules having the force of law laying down specific criteria concerning the applicability of compensatory amounts to pre-12/19/71 contracts to allow the contract without the Art1 measures?UUUUSF= The fixing of minimum prices by such a State authority is not to be considered State aid under Article 92.3The fixing of minimum prices by such a State authority is not to be considered State aid under Article 92.82/77Must Art 92-94 of the Treaty mean that the fixing of minimum prices for the marketing of spirits by the relevant Netherlands authority of 12/17/75 is to be regarded as State aid, thus incompatible with the Common Market?F=PͩʰȀR94not applicable3The Directive remains valid.70/77Is Council Directive 72/462 invalid because it authorizes States to reintroduce health inspection charges?PPFF((((&F=3Articles 23 and 26 are not yet applicable, rendering the rest of the questions unneccessary.2States may reintroduce the health inspection charges only after States have been given the opportunity to organize as prescribed in the directive per Art 12,23,24 and 25.70/77Do Art 12(8), 23(4) and 26 of Council Dir 72/462 authorize States to reintroduce health inspection charges and if so when?,,""vvvvtF=2This prohibition came into force on 11/1/64.3This prohibition under Art 12(1) and (2) came into force on 11/1/64 and under Art 20(2) on 7/29/68.70/77If question one is answered in the affirmative, on what date did the prohibition against the levying of the said pecuniary charges take effect?FFFFFDF=1Pecuniary charges constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties.3Pecuniary charges, whatever their amount, constitute charges having equivalent effect to customs duties, unless as part of internal taxation treating domestic and imported items the same.70/77Are Art 12 of Reg 14/664 and Art 20(2) of Reg 805/68 to mean that any pecuniary charge imposed for veterinary and public health inspection on imported animals and meat constitutes a charge having equivalent effect? 11''jjjjhF=0The principle of equal treatment with regard to working conditions can be inferred from Art 117 of the Treaty, but this principle does not have direct effect for individual citizens of the Community.3There is no other Community law that prohibits sex discrimination based on working conditions.149/77Apart from Art 119 does Community law contain any general principle prohibiting discrimination based on sex as regards the conditions of employment and working conditions of men and women? MMAAF=/Art 119 does not extend past equality in pay to equality in other working conditions applicable to men and women.3Art 119 does not extend past equality in pay to equality in other working conditions applicable to men and women.149/77Does the principle of equal pay in Art 119 require general equality of working conditions for men and women, so that a contract clause ending employment of a hostess when she reaches 40 is prohibited?  F={!.Such an action infringes Art 86 if it hinders parallel imports of the product and allow the proprietor to maintain excessive prices for that product on the national market.3Such a trademark holder is not infringing Art 86 of the Treaty on the sole ground that it occupied a dominant position on the market if the trade mark right is not used as an instrument to abuse its position.102/77Is the trademark holder of question 1 infringing Art 86 if he acquires a dominant position within the market in State B with regard to the medical preparation in question?QF=-Such a holder can prevent such an importer from doing so under Art 36, except when this contributes to the artificial partioning of the markets between States and the repackaging is notified and does not affect the product.3Such a holder can prevent such an importer from doing so under Art 36, except when this contributes to the artificial partioning of the markets between States and the repackaging is notified and does not affect the product.102/77Is a trademark holder in State A and B entitled under Art 36 to prevent a parallel importer from buying in State A medicinal preparations with the trade mark on it and repackaging and importing it into State B?F=mvH̲^ʚ%XnŅNm¤@@ @@?@Mayras14104/77Oehlschlager v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichFirma Wolfgang OehlschlagerHauptzollamt EmmerichqJ>::::2222 @@?@Capotorti14126/77Frangiamore v. Office National de l EmploiMaria FrangiamoreOffice National de l EmploiyMA====2222 ? @@?Warner14105/77Sociale Verzekeringsbank v. Boerboom-KersjesBestuur van de Sociale VerzekeringsbankMrs. Boerboom-Kersjes, a widowxJ>::::2222 ? @?@Warner1498/77Schaap v. Bestuur van Bedrijfsvereniging voor Bank-en Verekeringswezen, Groothandel en Vrije BeroepeMax SchaapBestuur van Bedrijfsvereniging voor Bank-en Verekeringswezen, Groothandel en Vrije BeroepenH>::::2222  ? @?@Warner1483/77Naselli v. Caisse Auxiliaire d Assurance Maladie-InvaliditeGiovanni NaselliCaisse Auxiliaire d Assurance Maladie-InvaliditeH>::::2222 @@?@Capotorti14111/77Bleiindustrie v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofBleiindustrie KG, formerly Jung & LindigHauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofMA====2222 @@ti@?@Warner1479/77Kuhlhaus Zentrum v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-HarburgKuhlhaus Zentrum AGHauptzollamt Hamburg-HarburgzH>::::2222 ?@@@?Reischl1484/77Caisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie d Eure-et-Loir v. RecqCaisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie d Eure-et-LoirAlicia Tessier, nee RecqI?;;;;2222 ? @'@?@Mayras1414/778Denkavit v. CommissionDenkavit s.r.l. and Denkavit Nederland B.V.CommissionbJ>::::2222 @ &@?@Capotorti144/78Salerno v. CommissionEnrico M. Salerno, Xavier Authie and Giuseppe MassangioliCommission`IA====2222 ? @$@?@Reischl1456/77Agence Europeenne d Interims v. CommissionAgence Europeenne d Interims S.A.CommissionuI?;;;;2222 @  @?@Reischl14140/77Verhaaf v. CommissionTeunis VerhaafCommission~rbK?;;;;2222  @ @@?@Reischl14122/77Claes v. CommissionAugusta Claes (nee Agneesens) and othersCommission`K?;;;;2222 ? @@@Mayras14156/77Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumvmaJ>::::2222  @@ @?@Warner1486/77Ditterich v. CommissionKuno DitterichCommission}qaH>::::2222 ?@@@Reischl1469/77Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I?;;;;2222 @@@?@Warner14114/77Jacquemart v. CommissionClaude JacquemartCommissionwdJ>::::2222 ? @?@Warner1477/77BP v. CommissionBenzine en Petroleum Handelsmaatschappij BV and OthersCommissionZH>::::2222 ? @@?@Capotorti1428/77Tepea v. CommissionTepea BVCommissionvj`KA====2222  ? @@@Reischl14147/77Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalysl`K?;;;;2222 aΆͳJMʰ K{VyŸ%? @?@Reischl14125/77Koninklijke Scholten-Honig v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenKoninklijke Scholten-Honig N.V. and de Verenigde Zetmeelbedrijven "De Bijenkorf" B.V.Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenK?;;;;2222 ? @??Reischl1415/78Sociere Generale Alsacienne de Banque S.A. v. KoestlerSociere Generale Alsacienne de Banque S.A.Walter KoestlerI?;;;;2222 ?  @@??Capotorti143/78Centrafarm B.V. v. American Home Products CorporationCentrafarm B.V.American Home Products CorporationIA====2222 ? @@?Warner1427/78Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. RashamAmministrazione delle Finanze dello Statothe Rasham undertaking}H>::::2222  ?@?@Warner148/78Milac v. Hauptzollamt FreiburgMilac GmbH, Gross-und AussenhandelHauptzollamt FreiburgfF>::::2222 ? @?@Capotorti146/78Union Francaise de Cereales v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasUnion Francaise de CerealesHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasIA====2222 ?  @@@?Mayras149/78Directeur Regional de la Securite Sociale de Nancy v. GillardDirecteur Regional de la Securite Sociale de NancyPaulin Gillard and Caisse Regionale d Assurance Maladie du Nord-Est, NancyF>::::2222 ? @?X@Warner14138/77Ludwig v. Free and Haseatic City of HamburgFirma Hermann LudwigFree and Haseatic City of HamburgwJ>::::2222 ? @X@?Warner14137/77City of Frankfurt-am-Main v. NeumannCity of Frankfurt-am-MainFirma Max NeumannpJ>::::2222 ?@@?Mayras14154/77Procureur du Roi v. DechmannProcureur du RoiP. DechmannzhJ>::::2222 ? @??Capotorti14150/77Bertrand v. OttSociete BertrandPaul Ott KG}p^MA====2222 ?  @?@Capotorti14146/77British Beef Company v. Intervention Board for Agricultural ProduceBritish Beef Company LimitedIntervention Board for Agricultural ProduceMA====2222 ?@?@Reischl14139/77Denkavit v. Finanzamt WarendorfDenkavit Futtermittel GmbHFinanzamt WarendorflK?;;;;2222 ?  @?@Reischl14136/77Racke v. Hauptzollamt MainzFirma A. RackeHauptzollamt MainzxhK?;;;;2222 ? /@?@Warner14108/77Wagner v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasHans-Otto Wagner GmbH, Agrarhandel KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonaspJ>::::2222  ? @@?@Capotorti14131/77Milac v. Hauptzollamt SaarbruckenFirma Milac, Gross-und Aussenhandel Arnold NollHauptzollamt SaarbruckenpMA====2222 @@֖@@?@Warner14135/77Bosch v. Hauptzollamt HildesheimRobert Bosch GmbHHauptzollamt HildesheimlJ>::::2222 ?@@?@Reischl14115/77Laumann v. Landesversicherungsanstalt RheinprovinzGert Laumann and Anja LaumannLandesversicherungsanstalt RheinprovinzK?;;;;2222 h6ozIʪ~(njXŢAy±VCase? l C@@@Mayras14231/78Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUnited KingdomthJ>::::2222 ? C@?@Warner14121/77Nachi Fujikoshi v. CouncilNachi Fujikoshi Corporation and OthersCouncilfJ>::::2222 ? C@?@Warner14120/77Koyo Seiko v. Council and CommissionKoyo Seiko Co. Ltd. and OthersCouncil and CommissionpJ>::::2222 ? C@?@Warner14119/77Nippon Seiko v. Council and CommissionNippon Seiko K.K. and othersCouncil and CommissionrJ>::::2222 ? C@X@@Warner14118/77I.S.O. v. CouncilImport Standard OfficeCouncil~u]J>::::2222 ? C@?@Warner14113/77NTN Toyo Bearing Company v. CouncilNTN Toyo Bearing Company, Ltd. And OthersCounciloJ>::::2222 Case?l C@?@Capotorti1490/78Granaria v. Council and CommissionGranaria B.V.Council and Commission~oKA====2222 ? />@?@Reischl1492/78Simmenthal v. CommissionSimmenthal S.p.A.CommissionvcI?;;;;2222 Case?l ;@@@Warner14163/78Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  @ 8@?@Capotorti1424/78Martin v. CommissionHelene MartinCommission|paKA====2222 ? 8@?@Reischl1485/76Hoffmann-La Roche v. CommissionHoffmann-La Roche & Co. AGCommissionjI?;;;;2222 ? @7@@@Mayras14128/78Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUnited KingdomthJ>::::2222  ?@7@@@Capotorti1418/76Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionwkbKA====2222  ? @7@@@Capotorti1415/76France v. CommissionFranceCommissionuiaKA====2222 ?@7@@@Capotorti1411/76Netherlands v. CommissionNetherlandsCommissionsfKA====2222 @5@?@Reischl1417/78Deshormes v. CommissionFausta Deshormes, nee la ValleCommissionbI?;;;;2222 ? @?@Reischl14104/76Jansen v. Landesversicherungsanstalt RheinprovinzGerda JansenLandesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz~K?;;;;2222 ? @?@Warner1478/76Steinike und Weinlig v. GermanyFirma Steinike und WeinligGermanyiH>::::2222 ? )@@?Reischl1485/78Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung v. HirschBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungJacob Hirsh & Sohne GmbHI?;;;;2222 @&@@?Reischl1488/78Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas v. KendermannHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasHermann Kendermann OHGsI?;;;;2222 ? %@?@Mayras1421/78Delkvist v. AnklagemyndighedenKnud Oluf DelkvistAnklagemyndigheden|hH>::::2222 ?%@@?Reischl1416/78ChoquetMichel ChoquetbRRI?;;;;2222 ? @??Capotorti1423/78Meeth v. GlacetalNikolaus MeethGlacetalxn^KA====2222  V:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+@FHq+@FHq+@FHq+@FHq+@FHq+@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+:F@FHq+ement with AGvT<<  !agreement with ECJObservationsagreement with ECJObservations.agreement with ECJzV>>   observer's position on legal issueObservationsobserver's position on legal's position on legal issuev^^  !type of observerObservationstype of observerObservations.type of observerrR::   observation sourceObservationsobservation sourceObservations.observation sourcezV>> Referring Nation'10'A- ; referring court 'Raad van State'W+ ; Referral Date'4/6/1982'G' ; case number'126/82'?# ; referral '     #P #ͻˤ?ɶwFTNThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.178/78Should Competition COM/A/154 based on tests, which was organized by the Commission in order to constitute a reserve of administrators in Grades 7 and 6 of Category A be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The refusal of the Commission should be annulled and it must pay the arbitration award to the applicant.3The refusal of the Commission is annulled and it must pay the arbitration award to the applicant.152/77Should the refusal of the Commission to implement the arbitration award of Dr. Bellini be annulled and and the award subsequently implemented?F=France has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.232/78Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by continuing after 1/1/78 to apply its restrictive national system to the importation of muttom and lamb from the UK?'vvGGGGEF=G<΍The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.166/78Should Council Reg 1125/78 on the common organization of the market in cereals and Reg 1127/78 on production refunds in the cereals and rice sectors be annulled? ii]]>>>><F=W/ Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.153/78Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 and 36 by imposing restrictions on the import of certain meat products from other States?xxHHHHFF=The decision should not be annulled, but the fine should be cut in half.3The decision is not annulled and the fine is decreased to 43423 units from 45890.149/78Should the Commission decision of 5/30/78 to impose a pecuniary sanction on the applicant on the grounds that it infringed Art 60 of the ECSC Treaty be annulled?dbbbb`F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.124/78Should the decision taken by Mr. Pignot to relieve the applicant of his duties as co-ordinator of the German translation section of the Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers be annulled?@ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.32/78Should Commission Dec 78/155 of 12/23/77 in which the agreement of the applicants was found to infringe Art 85 of the Treaty be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=&The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.252/78Should the Commission decision to recover from the applicant sums paid by way of the household allowance in respect of the period from 1/1/75-8/31/77, as well as the rejection of the applicants complaint be annulled?Cii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The decisions in question are annulled.255/78Should the decision of the Selection Board for COM/BT/7/76 which refused to admit the applicants to that competition be annulled along with the competition itself and the appointments made in consequence thereof?Issgg>>>><F=heThe application should be dismissed.3The applicant should be awarded a sum corresponding to one European monetary unit.18/78Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant in compensation for the material and non-material damage which she has suffered from the unjust the Commission rejection?J>>>><F= ]JiQbJmYdbJ^io^QksWYMWfidqYOQmWJmdb^v^YMQbkQWd^OQik`JvfidMQkkfdo^mivdSSJ^JbOfidOoMQikdSkoMWdSSJ^`okmOYkfdkQdSYmdb^vmdmWdkQJffidqQOf^JbmkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6<>JbOJbOJbOJbOJbOJbOJbOJbO><:$ fQMobYJivMWJiUQkY`fdkQOLvJkmJmQobOQiqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmYdbkdS^YqQkmdM\MdbkYOQiQOMWJiUQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMmmdMokmd`kOomYQkobOQiMdobMY^OYiB>><:$ QMobYJivMWJiUQkY`fdkQOLvJkmJmQobOQiqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmYdbkdS^YqQkmdM\MdbkYOQiQOMWJiUQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMmmdMokmd`kOomYQkobOQiMdobMY^OYiB>><:$ vMWJiUQkY`fdkQOLvJkmJmQobOQiqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmYdbkdS^YqQkmdM\MdbkYOQiQOMWJiUQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMmmdMokmd`kOomYQkobOQiMdobMY^OYiB>><:$ fQbkYdbiYUWmksWYMWWJqQJMMioQOLvqYimoQdSMdbmiYLomYdbkfJYOLvJUQi`JbYbJ^UQiYJLQSdiQ88HB@mdmWQiQ^QqJbmJUQbMvJ^kdmdLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmsWQbOQmQi`YbYbUJfQbkYdbobOQiiQU<$><:$ fQbkYdbiYUWmksWYMWWJqQJMMioQOLvqYimoQdSMdbmiYLomYdbkfJYOLvJUQi`JbYbJ^UQiYJLQSdiQ88HB@mdmWQiQ^QqJbmJUQbMvJ^kdmdLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmsWQbOQmQi`YbYbUJfQbkYdbobOQiiQU<$mWQiQ^QqJbmJUQbMvJ^kdmdLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmsWQbOQmQi`YbYbUJfQbkYdbobOQiiQU<$  d Article number (text)Articlebas   # QOdJim<6JbOJbY`fdimQi`JvbdmLQbQSYmSid`mWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkMWQ`QSdiYbmiJMd``obYmvJUiYMo^moiJ^^QqYQkJbOmWQ^QqvYkMJ^Mo^JmQOJkLommQiSid`J8BBJomWdiYxQfidqYkYdbkdSbJmYdbJ^^JssWYMWiQkmiYMmMd`fQmYmYdbSid`obOQimJ\YbUkOQJ^YbUsYmWkQmm^YbUM^JY`kSid`JMMYOQbmksYmWSdiQYUbqQWMY^Qk$OY^OYiD:8BBMd``YkkYdbiQMD<8F@JbOOQMD>8BBJomWdiYxQfidqYkYdbkdSbJmYdbJ^^JssWYMWiQkmiYMmMd`fQmYmYdbSid`obOQimJ\YbUkOQJ^YbUsYmWkQmm^YbUM^JY`kSid`JMMYOQbmksYmWSdiQYUbqQWMY^Qk$OOdMdobMY^OYiD:8BBMd``YkkYdbiQMD<8F@JbOOQMD>8BBJomWdiYxQfidqYkYdbkdSbJmYdbJ^^JssWYMWiQkmiYMmMd`fQmYmYdbSid`obOQimJ\YbUkOQJ^YbUsYmWkQmm^YbUM^JY`kSid`JMMYOQbmksYmWSdiQYUbqQWMY^Qk$OBBMd``YkkYdbiQMD<8F@JbOOQMD>8BBJomWdiYxQfidqYkYdbkdSbJmYdbJ^^JssWYMWiQkmiYMmMd`fQmYmYdbSid`obOQimJ\YbUkOQJ^YbUsYmWkQmm^YbUM^JY`kSid`JMMYOQbmksYmWSdiQYUbqQWMY^Qk$OMdobMY^OYiD:8BBMd``YkkYdbiQMD<8F@JbOOQMD>8BBJomWdiYxQfidqYkYdbkdSbJmYdbJ^^JssWYMWiQkmiYMmMd`fQmYmYdbSid`obOQimJ\YbUkOQJ^YbUsYmWkQmm^YbUM^JY`kSid`JMMYOQbmksYmWSdiQYUbqQWMY^Qk$Odfd^v$OdMdobMY^OYiD:8BBMd``YkkYdbiQMD<8F@JbOOQMD>8BBJomWdiYxQfidqYkYdbkdSbJmYdbJ^^JssWYMWiQkmiYMmMd`fQmYmYdbSid`obOQimJ\YbUkOQJ^YbUsYmWkQmm^YbUM^JY`kSid`JMMYOQbmksYmWSdiQYUbqQWMY^Qk$OichaelisCommissionyiKA====2222 ?@x@@@Warner14159/78Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  ?v@?@Capotorti14125/78GEMA v. CommissionGEMA, Gesellschaft fur musikalische Auffuhrungs- und mechanische VervielfaltigungsrechteCommissionaMA====2222  @ t@?@Reischl14142/78Exner v. CommissionMarcelle Exner, nee BerghamnsCommission`K?;;;;2222 ?  s@?@Capotorti1464/76Dumortier Freres v. CouncilP. Dumortier Freres S.A. and othersCouncilhKA====2222 ? s@?@Capotorti14261/78Interquell Starke v. Cou'Are Council Reg 1079/77 and Commission Reg 1822/77 on a co-responsibility levy on milk invalid because the EEC Treaty contains no power under which the said regulations could be adopted?' TlkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmdiQ[QMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbk`JOQLvmWQJff^YMJbmkobOQiJim<:dSiQU8DB:JbOOQM^JiYbUMQimJYbJUiQQ`QbmkLQmsQQbYbmQiqQbQikOdbdmYbSiYbUQJimF@JbOFBLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$JkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmdiQ[QMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbk`JOQLvmWQJff^YMJbmkobOQiJim<:dSiQU8DB:JbOOQM^JiYbUMQimJYbJUiQQ`QbmkLQmsQQbYbmQiqQbQikOdbdmYbSiYbUQJimF@JbOFBLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$JkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbbdmYMQdS@88F8YbiQ^JmYdbmdMJkQYq:H>H@MdbMQibYbUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ bUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ bUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ bUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ o^OmWQMd``YkkYdbbdmYMQdS@88F8YbiQ^JmYdbmdMJkQYq:H>H@MdbMQibYbUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ 88F8YbiQ^JmYdbmdMJkQYq:H>H@MdbMQibYbUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ 88F8YbiQ^JmYdbmdMJkQYq:H>H@MdbMQibYbUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ QMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ bUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ mYMQdS@88F8YbiQ^JmYdbmdMJkQYq:H>H@MdbMQibYbUmWQMd`f^JYbm^dOUQOLvmWQJff^YMJbmsYmWmWQMd``YkkYdbJUJYbkmsY^^YkmoOQiiQqduU`LWLQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ o^OmWQMd``YkkYdbkY`f^YQOOQMYkYdbiQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkMd`f^JYbmJbOiQhoQkmSdiJkkYkmJbMQLQJbbo^^QOJbOkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbLQiQhoYiQOmdWJqQmWQMdbqQimJLY^YmvdSWYkiQ`obQiJmYdbiQkmdiQOmd866sYmWQSSQMmSid`:8F:$kkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbkY`f^YQOOQMYkYdbiQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkMd`f^JYbmJbOiQhoQkmSdiJkkYkmJbMQLQJbbo^^QOJbOkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbLQiQhoYiQOmdWJqQmWQMdbqQimJLY^YmvdSWYkiQ`obQiJmYdbiQkmdiQOmd866sYmWQSSQMmSid`:8F:$kkWdo^OmWQMdobMY^OQMYkYdbiQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkiQhoQkmSdiJmiJbkSQiSid`mWQ^JbUoJUQkQiqYMQmdMJmQUdivJLQJbbo^^QO$I kWdo^OmWQMdobMY^fJvOJ`JUQkmdmWQJff^YMJbmkSdiWJi`MJokQOmdmWQ`LvYmk[oOU`Qbm$kWdo^OmWQMdobMY^iQU8DDFDDMdbMQibYbUJbmYOo`fYbUOomYQkdbLJ^^LQJiYbUkJbOmJfQiQOid^^QiLQJiYbUkSid`[JfJbLQJbbo^^QO$ikWdo^OmWQMdobMY^kOQMYkYdbdSH:HD@iQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkMd`f^JYbmdS>:@D@mdmJ\QmWQmQkmkSdiMd`fQmYmYdbMdobMY^^J86FJmJOJmQdmWQimWJbmWJmSYuQOLvmWQOQSQbOJbmLQJbbo^^QO$XkWdo^OmWQOQMYkYdbdS88:BF>LvmWQkQMiQmJivmdmWQMdoimdSJoOYmdikmdQkmJL^YkW`ikq^JMWdoJfidLJmYdbJivdSSYMYJ^YbUiJOQ^JBYbmWQfiQkYObQmkQMmYdbYbWQifdkmLQJbbo^^QO$^ kWdo^OmWQOQMYkYdbdS<8DFDYbkmioMmYbUmWQYbmQibJ^`QkkQbUQikQiqYMQdSmWQMdoimdSJoOYmdikmdmQ`fdiJiY^viQSiJYbSid`JkkYkmYbUYbMYiMoJ^mYbUobYdbMYiMo^JikLQJbbo^^QO$sion decision of 8/18/82 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of thmGr Gr #TF#A_~ȑ8jĭD? @?X@Mayras1413/78Eggers v. Freie Hansestadt BremenJoh. Eggers Sohn & Co.Freie Hansestadt BremenkH>::::2222 ?@?@Capotorti1410/78Belbouab v. BundesknappschaftTeyeb BelbouabBundesknappschaftzjKA====2222 ? @@?@Capotorti14148/77Hansen v. Hauptzollamt FlensburgH. Hansen jun. & O.C. Balle GmbH & Co.Hauptzollamt FlensburgoMA====2222  ?@@?Warner1426/78INAMI v. ViolaInstitut National d Assurance Maladie-Invalidite and Union Nationale des Federations Mutualistes NeuAntonio ViolaXH>::::2222 @@?@Capotorti145/78Milchfutter v. Hauptzollamt GronauMilchfutter GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt GronaumIA====2222  ? @@?Capotorti14142/77Statens Kontrol med Aedle Metaller v. LarsenStatens Kontrol med Aedle MetallerPreben Larsen{MA====2222 ? @@?@Mayras141/78Kenny v. Insurance OfficerPatrick Christopher KennyInsurance Officer}bF>::::2222 ? @@?@Warner1470/77Simmenthal v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoSimmenthal S.p.A.Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoH>::::2222 ? @?@Capotorti14149/77Defrenne v. SabenaGebrielle DefrenneSociete Anonyme Belge de Navigation Aerienne SabenauaMA====2222 ? @@??Capotorti14102/77Hoffmann-La Roche v. CentrafarmHoffmann-La Roche & Co. AGCentrafarm Vertriebsgesellschaft Pharmazeutischer Erzeugnisse mbHnMA====2222 ? @@@?Mayras14117/77Algemeen Ziekenfonds Drenthe-Platteland v. PierikBestuur van het Algemeen Ziekenfonds Drenthe-PlattelandG. Pierik}J>::::2222 ? @@?Reischl14106/77Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. SimmenthalAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoSimmenthal S.p.A.K?;;;;2222 ?@@?@Warner1494/77Zerbone v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoFratelli Zerbone S.n.c.Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato~H>::::2222 ?@@?Capotorti1482/77Openbaar Ministerie of the Netherlands v. Van TiggeleOpenbaar Ministerie of the Kingdom of the NetherlandsJacobus Philippus van TiggeleKA====2222 ? )@?@Mayras1435/78Schouten v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenN.G.J. Schouten B.V.Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenH>::::2222 @&@?@Capotorti1487/78Welding v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofWelding & Co.Hauptzollamt Hamburg-WaltershofwKA====2222 @@%@@?Warner1497/78SchumallaFritz SchumalladSSH>::::2222 ? $@??Mayras1493/78Mattheus v. DoegoLothar MattheusDoego Fruchtimport und Tiefkuhlkost eGl[H>::::2222 ? @?@Reischl14103/77Royal Scholten-Honig v. Intervention Board for Agricultural ProduceRoyal Scholten-Honig (Holdings) LimitedIntervention Board for Agricultural ProduceK?;;;;2222 LEϵ ];AˮOɬVƅ@ijÇJ ? s@?@Capotorti14238/78Ireks-Arkady v. Council and CommissionIreks-Arkady GmbHCouncil and CommissionuMA====2222 ? s@@@Reischl14141/78France v. United KingdomFranceUnited Kingdom}meK?;;;;2222 @ r@?@Capotorti14178/78Szemerey v. CommissionJohn SzemereyCommissionteMA====2222 @ r@?@Reischl14152/77Miss B. v. CommissionMiss B.CommissionwkbK?;;;;2222 ?p@@@Reischl14232/78Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceumaK?;;;;2222 ? ^@@@Reischl14166/78Italy v. CouncilItalyCouncilmd]K?;;;;2222 ?  ^@@@Warner14153/78Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyvmaJ>::::2222 ? ^@?@Capotorti14149/78Rumi v. CommissionMetallurgica Luciano Rumi S.p.A.CommissionaMA====2222  @ ^@?@Reischl14124/78List v. CommissionHarald ListCommissionxl_K?;;;;2222  ? ^@?@Warner1432/78BMW v. CommissionBMW Belgium S.A. and OthersCommissionx[H>::::2222 @@ ]@?@Mayras14252/78Broe v. CommissionArne BroeCommissionui^J>::::2222 @@ Z@?@Warner14255/78Anselme v. CommissionAndree Anselme, nee Heirwegh, and Roger ConstantCommissionaJ>::::2222 @ W@?@Capotorti1418/78Mrs. V. v. CommissionMrs. V.CommissionwkbKA====2222 @ S@?@Reischl14164/78Woehrling v. CommissionFrancis WoehrlingCommissionwdK?;;;;2222 @ S@?@Reischl14156/78Newth v. CommissionFrederick H. NewthCommissiont`K?;;;;2222 ? S@?@Reischl1422/78Hugin v. CommissionHugin Kassaregister AB and Hugin Cash Registers LtdCommission^I?;;;;2222  ?O@@@Reischl142/78Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumsj^G?;;;;2222 ? @N@@@Warner1412/78Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionpd]H>::::2222 ?E@?@Capotorti14220/78A.L.A. and A.L.F.E.R. v. CommissionAzienda Laminazione Acciaio-ALA, Spa and Azienda Laminazione Ferro-ALFER, SpACommissionrMA====2222 @ E@?@Capotorti14117/78Orlandi v. CommissionWilly OrlandiCommissionsdMA====2222 @ E@?@Reischl14116/78Bellintani v. CommissionArturo Bellintani and othersCommissioneK?;;;;2222 @ E@?@Capotorti14112/78Kobor v. CommissionDorothea Kobor, nee SonneCommission}bMA====2222 Case?l E@@@Mayras1411/78Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionpd]H>::::2222 @ E@?@Capotorti14157/77Gilbeau v. CommissionMaximilienne Caro-Fernandez (nee Gilbeau)CommissiondMA====2222  V@,zYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzYzY~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY kYkmWQbQmWQi^JbOk^JsdS8::HDFYbsWYMWMQimJYbLQbQSYmkJiQJqJY^JL^Qdb^vmdfQikdbkWJqYbUJOQfQbOQbmMWY^OdikfdokQdisWdkQkfdokQWJkJqQivk`J^^YbMd`QMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>8dSOYiDHD$YkmWQbQmWQi^JbOk^JsdS8::HDFYbsWYMWMQimJYbLQbQSYmkJiQJqJY^JL^Qdb^vmdfQikdbkWJqYbUJOQfQbOQbmMWY^OdikfdokQdisWdkQkfdokQWJkJqQivk`J^^YbMd`QMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>8dSOYiDHD$mWQbQmWQi^JbOk^JsdS8::HDFYbsWYMWMQimJYbLQbQSYmkJiQJqJY^JL^Qdb^vmdfQikdbkWJqYbUJOQfQbOQbmMWY^OdikfdokQdisWdkQkfdokQWJkJqQivk`J^^YbMd`QMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>8dSOYiDHD$YkmWQbQmWQi^JbOkiQUdbWdi`dbJ^koLkmJbMQkYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWQQMOYiQMmYqQkMdbMQibYbUWdi`dbQkYb^YqQkmdM\JbO`QJm$ YkmWQbQmWQi^JbOkiQUdbWdi`dbJ^koLkmJbMQkYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWQQMOYiQMmYqQkMdbMQibYbUWdi`dbQkYb^YqQkmdM\JbO`QJm$ YkmWQbQmWQi^JbOkiQUdbWdi`dbJ^koLkmJbMQkYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWQQMOYiQMmYqQkMdbMQibYbUWdi`dbQkYb^YqQkmdM\JbO`QJm$ OYiQMmYqQkMdbMQibYbUWdi`dbQkYb^YqQkmdM\JbO`QJm$YkmWQbQmWQi^JbOkiQUdbWdi`dbJ^koLkmJbMQkYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWQQMOYiQMmYqQkMdbMQibYbUWdi`dbQkYb^YqQkmdM\JbO`QJm$ YkmWQbdmQiQ^JmYbUmdmWQWQJOYbU MQiQJ^S^doik YbkQimQOYbmWQJbbQumdiQU86@:BFdSD:<BFqJ^YOJbOOdQkYmSdi`JbYbmQUiJ^fJimdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbJbOQb[dvmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^SdiMQJkYmkfidqYkYdbk$u D:<BFqJ^YOJbOOdQkYmSdi`JbYbmQUiJ^fJimdSmWQiQUo^JmYdbJbOQb[dvmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^SdiMQJkYmkfidqYkYdbk$u YkmWQbo^^YmvdSMdbmiJMmkQuQ`fmQOSid`bdmYSYMJmYdbmdLQOQQ`QOmdmJ\QQSSQMmSid`mWQOJmQsWQbdbQdSmWQMdbmiJMmYbUfJimYQkOo^vLiYbUkJbJMmYdbSdiYmdiSid`mWQOJmQdS[oOU`QbmmWJmQkmJL^YkWQkYm$YkmWQbo^^YmvdSMdbmiJMmkQuQ`fmQOSid`bdmYSYMJmYdbmdLQOQQ`QOmdmJ\QQSSQMmSid`mWQOJmQsWQbdbQdSmWQMdbmiJMmYbUfJimYQkOo^vLiYbUkJbJMmYdbSdiYmdiSid`mWQOJmQdS[oOU`QbmmWJmQkmJL^YkWQkYm$XϣZͯl5ʦȋ5Əſ,TÏ\@@ @?@Darmon14326/82Aschermann v. CommissionAschermannCommission|pdJ>::::2222 @ @?@Slynn1483/83Estel v. CommissionEstel NVCommissionrf\G=99992222 @@ |@?@VerLoren van Themaat1412/83Bahr v. CommissionPaul BahrCommissionujVLHHHH2222 @ @?@Mancini14338/82Albertini and Montagnani v. CommissionCarlo Albertini and Mario MontagnaniCommissionsK?;;;;2222 @ |@?@VerLoren van Themaat149/83Eisen und Metall Aktiengesellschaft v. CommissionEisen und Metall AktiengesellschaftCommissionTLHHHH2222 ?}@@@Mancini1458/83Commission v. GreeceCommissionGreecesk_I?;;;;2222 @ @?@Mancini14281/82Unifrex v. Commission and CouncilSociete a responsabilite limitee UnifrexCommission and CouncilnK?;;;;2222 ? C@@@Mancini14108/83Luxembourg v. ParliamentLuxembourgEuropean ParliamentqeK?;;;;2222 ? ~@@@VerLoren van Themaat14324/82Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgium{oXLHHHH2222 @ |@@?@VerLoren van Themaat14347/82Alvarez v. ParliamentJose AlvarezEuropean Parliament}oXLHHHH2222 @ | @?@Lenz1425/83Buick v. CommissionAdam BuickCommissionsg[F<88882222  @ @ @?@Rozes1429/83CRAM and Rheinzink v. CommissionCompagnie Royale Asturienne des Mines SA and Rheinzink GmbHCommissioniG=99992222 @ |@ @?@VerLoren van Themaat148/83Bertoli v. CommissionOfficine Fratelli Bertoli SpACommissionkTLHHHH2222 ?  @@@Slynn1450/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyoh\G=99992222 ?  @@@VerLoren van Themaat14169/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyymXLHHHH2222 O?ti@ @@@Mancini14314/82Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumwnbK?;;;;2222 ? }@ @?@Slynn1475/82Razzouk and Beydoun v. CommissionC Razzouk and A. BeydounCommissionjG=99992222  ? @ @@@Slynn1484/82Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionsg^G=99992222 t@ e @?@VerLoren van Themaat1428/83Forcheri v. CommissionSandro ForcheriCommissionnVLHHHH2222 @@ } @?@Reischl14348/82IRO v. CommissionIndustrie Riunite Odolesi SpACommission}^K?;;;;2222 @@| @?@Slynn1464/82Tradax v. CommissionTradax Graanhandel BVCommissiont]G=99992222 `@@? @@@Mancini14310/81EISS v. CommissionEnte Italiano di Servizio Sociale (EISS)Commission_K?;;;;2222 @ }@?@VerLoren van Themaat1410/83Metalgoi v. CommissionMetalgoi SpACommission|nVLHHHH2222  P&OdQkmWQdfQiJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$zdfQiJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$zbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$zOdQkmWQfWiJkQ kviofkfidOoMQOfiYdimdmWQMivkmJ^^YxYbUkmJUQJbO`Ji\QmQOYbmWQYibJmoiJ^kmJmQ YbMdobMY^iQU<<<6D>YbM^oOQkviofkfidOoMQOSid`koUJiksWYMWWJqQLQQbOYkkd^qQOLvsJmQimd`J\QYbqQimkoUJi$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$dQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$QfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$WQikQu$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$J^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$mdSWQikQu$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$ikQu$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$OdQkmWQfidMQOoiQJOdfmQOLvJim@dSiQU8<6B<J^kdJff^vmdfQbkYdbksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSiQU<fJYOYbiQkfQMmdSiYk\ksWYMW`JmQiYJ^YxQOLQSdiQmWYkJ`QbO`QbmQbmQiQOYbmdSdiMQ88B>$6B<J^kdJff^vmdfQbkYdbksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSiQU<fJYOYbiQkfQMmdSiYk\ksWYMW`JmQiYJ^YxQOLQSdiQmWYkJ`QbO`QbmQbmQiQOYbmdSdiMQ88B>$D C8ʥȏ`zÑjN151/77Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as monetary compensatory amounts are charged or granted on imports or exports of goods under the tariff subheadings in question?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #151/77Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as monetary compensatory amounts are charged or granted on imports or exports of goods under the tariff subheadings in question?IrelandThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #131/78Are Council Reg 1173/75 so far as it relates to common wheat or Council Reg 1427/74 in so far as it relates to sorghum invalid?CommissionThe regulations remain valid.""""""" #131/78Are Council Reg 1173/75 so far as it relates to common wheat or Council Reg 1427/74 in so far as it relates to sorghum invalid?CouncilThe regulations remain valid.""""""" #158/78According to what criteria was the distinction to be drawn between headings 02.02BI and C before the entry into force of Reg 1669/77?CommissionBoned or boneless poultry cuts come under CCT 02.02BI, regardless of the way presented, produced, put to use, or their commercial value, and do not constitute offals under heading C if they are muscles of small porportions.""""""" #io158/78Does Reg 1669/77 have retroactive effect in the sense that courts and authorities in the States are to apply it to imports carried out before its entry into force?CommissionThe regulation is not binding on national courts which have to define the tariff classification of goods imported before its entry into force.c""""""" #158/78Is Commission Reg 1669/77 on CCT heading 02.02 BI invalid because it does not specify the content of tariff subheadings BI and C but amends them and goes beyond its powers?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #145/78Can the exemption from the condition of professional competence in a special case under Art 4(2) of Council Dir 74/561 of 11/12/74 be granted only if experience was gained in an undertaking of the same legal form?CommissionThe exemption may be granted where the undertakings are dissolved and parts are operated by individual operators.x""""""" #145/78Can the exemption from the condition of professional competence in a special case under Art 4(2) of Council Dir 74/561 of 11/12/74 be granted only if experience was gained in an undertaking of the same legal form?NetherlandsThe exemption may not be granted where the undertakings are dissolved and parts are operated by individual operators.}""""""" #134/78Is Art 11 of Commission Reg 76/76 of 1/16/76 invalid because it violates the principle of non-discrimination and the principle of legal certainty?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #129/78Must "pension under the legislation of 1 State only" in Art 77(2a) of Reg 1408/71 also include pensions payable under a special scheme for civil servants and persons treated as such?CommissionThis phrase does not include a pension granted under a special scheme for civil servants or persons treated as such.\""""""" #129/78Does the fact that Art 1(j) of Reg 1408/71 refers only to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art 4 signify that the limitation contained in paragraph 4 of that article does not relate to the meaning of the term legislation elsewhere?CommissionThe fact that Art 1j only refers to Art 4 (1) and (2) does not remove the significance of the limitation contained in paragraph (4) of that article. """"""" #/Έ͕;QnȭUĩ_@@ }@@?@Rozes14266/82Turner v. CommissionMariette Turner, nee KreckeCommission|_I=99992222 ?@{@?X@Reischl1410/79Toffoli v. Regione VenetoGaetano Toffoli and OthersRegione VenetodI?;;;;2222 @@s@?@Warner1411/79Cleton v. Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenJ. Cleton en Co. B.V.Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen}H>::::2222 @@ ^@?@Mayras149/79Koschniske v. Raad van ArbeidMarianne Worsdorfer, nee KoschniskeRaad van ArbeideF>::::2222 @^@?@Reischl14260/78Maggi v. Hauptzollamt MunsterMaggi GmbHHauptzollamt MunstervjK?;;;;2222 ?  \@?@Reischl147/79Gallet v. Minister for AgricultureGalletMinister for AgricultureskG?;;;;2222 ݿ@Z@?@Capotorti14160/78Intercontinentale Fleischhandelsgesellschaft v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-WestIntercontinentale Fleischhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Munchen-WestMA====2222 ?V@?@Reischl14126/78Nederlandse Spoorwegen v. Staatssecretaris van FinancienN.V. Nederlandse SpoorwegenStaatssecretaris van FinancienK?;;;;2222 @@S@?@Warner14132/78Denkavit v. FranceDenkavit Loire S.a.r.l.French State (Customs Authorities)w^J>::::2222 ?O@@?Warner14236/78FNROM v. MuraFonds national de retraite des ouvriers mineurs (FNROM)Giovanni MuraYJ>::::2222 ?O@?@Warner1484/78Tomadini v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoAngelo Tomadini, S.n.c.Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoH>::::2222  @@@L@?@Warner14137/78Henningsen Food v. Produktschap voor Pluimvee en EierenHenningsen Food Inc. and OthersProduktschap voor Pluimvee en EierenJ>::::2222 ?E@?@Mayras14157/78Trawigo v. Hauptzollamt Aschen-NordTrawigo GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Aschen-NordoJ>::::2222 ?E@?@Mayras1495/78Dulciora v. Amministrazione delle finanze dello StatoDulciora S.p.A.Amministrazione delle finanze dello StatoH>::::2222 ?E@?@Mayras14151/77Peiser v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-EricusPeiser & Co. KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-EricusqJ>::::2222  @C@?@Reischl14131/78Becher v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungFirma Kurt A. BecherBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungK?;;;;2222 @@ C@?@Mayras14158/78Biegi v. Hauptzollamt BochumP. BiegiHauptzollamt BochumrhJ>::::2222 @@B@?@Mayras14145/78Augustijn v. Staatssecretaris van Verkeer en WaterstaatA.P. AugustijnStaatssecretaris van Verkeer en WaterstaatJ>::::2222 ? B@?@Reischl14134/78Danhuber v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungFirma E. DanhuberBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungK?;;;;2222  kYkmWQiQf^vmdhoQkmYdb8mWQkJ`QYSmWQsdi\QiOdQkbdmMd`f^vsYmWmWQD:SdikoL`YkkYdbdSJMQimYSYMJmQdSYbMJfJMYmvmdsdi\YkkoQOLvmWQmiQJmYbUOdMmdidimWQYbkmYmomYdbdSiQkYOQbMQOdQkbdmSdisJiOYm7WYkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmY`fdkQOdb^vdbLQ^UYJbfidMQkkdikJbObdmdbmWQYiMd`fQmYmdikSid`dmWQikmJmQkmdYbOYMJmQmWQYibJ`QJbOJOOiQkkdbmWQfJM\JUYbUdSLommQiMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6dSmWQmiQJmv$OYkmWQiQhoYiQ`Qbm^JYOOdsbYbJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$YkmWQiQhoYiQ`Qbm^JYOOdsbYbJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$iQ`Qbm^JYOOdsbYbJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$iQ`Qbm^JYOOdsbYbJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$UD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$oYiQ`Qbm^JYOOdsbYbJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$iQ`Qbm^JYOOdsbYbJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQUD>HDFSdiMdbSQiiYbUofdbmQumY^QfidOoMmkmWQ^QUJ^kmJmokdSfidOoMmkdiYUYbJmYbUYbmWQQQMYk`QJkoiQQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmYJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbobOQiJim<6$YkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmdSJsiYmYbUSo^SY^^QOYSmWQfJimYQkQufiQkk^viQSQiYbmWQMdbmiJMmmdJfiYdidSSQiYbsiYmYbUYbsWYMWiQSQiQbMQsJk`JOQmdUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QYbM^oOYbUMdbSQiiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdb$XYkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmdSJsiYmYbUSo^SY^^QOYSmWQfJimYQkQufiQkk^viQSQiYbmWQMdbmiJMmmdJfiYdidSSQiYbsiYmYbUYbsWYMWiQSQiQbMQsJk`JOQmdUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QYbM^oOYbUMdbSQiiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdb$XYkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmdSJsiYmYbUSo^SY^^QOYSmWQfJimYQkQufiQkk^viQSQiYbmWQMdbmiJMmmdJfiYdidSSQiYbsiYmYbUYbsWYMWiQSQiQbMQsJk`JOQmdUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QYbM^oOYbUMdbSQiiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdb$X 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YkJLJbdbmWQQufdimdSkY^qQiJ^^dvMdYbksWYMWWJqQLQQbLomJiQbd^dbUQi^QUJ^mQbOQiYbmWJmkmJmQJbOmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSsWYMWYkSdiLYOOQb[okmYSYQOdbUidobOkdSfoL^YMfd^YMvobOQiJimfidqYkYdbJ^^vqJ^YOYSJkmJbOJiOMdbmiJMmYbfiQMYkQ^vmWQkJ`QmQi`kWJkLQQbOo^vbdmYSYQOmdmWQMd``YkkYdbsYmWYbmWQfQiYdO^JYOOdsbYbiQU8DB:$1 ^vmWQkJ`QmQi`kWJkLQQbOo^vbdmYSYQOmdmWQMd``YkkYdbsYmWYbmWQfQiYdO^JYOOdsbYbiQU8DB:$1 ^vmWQkJ`QmQi`kWJkLQQbOo^vbdmYSYQOmdmWQMd``YkkYdbsYmWYbmWQfQiYdO^JYOOdsbYbiQU8DB:$1 YkJSiQbMWJqdMJmsWdJLJbOdbkWYkfiJMmYMQYbdiOQimdLQMd`QJbdSSYMYJ^dSmWQQMQbmYm^QOmdM^JY`mWQLQbQSYmdSmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim88:dSJbbQuqYYYmdmWQkmJSSiQUo^JmYdbkdSdSSYMYJ^kdSmWQQM$W8$`YkJSiQbMWJqdMJmsWdJLJbOdbkWYkfiJMmYMQYbdiOQimdLQMd`QJbdSSYMYJ^dSmWQQMQbmYm^QOmdM^JY`mWQLQbQSYmdSmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim88:dSJbbQuqYYYmdmWQkmJSSiQUo^JmYdbkdSdSSYMYJ^kdSmWQQM$W chamber size'9'7% ; chamber number'1';) ; AG (last name)'Reischl'G) ;Type of Defendant'3'A/ ;DefendantR@+ ;Type of Plaintiff'1'A/ ;Plaintiff'Gerda Jansen'G QAG-Plaintiff agreement?'2?L V̅=ȫƫCxtttNt296/93Should Commission Reg 685/93 laying down detailed rules p C-126/97Must a national court grant an application for annulment of an arbitration award if the award is in question?Commission$$$$$$$ #hAo117/77Do the words "benefits in kind provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay or residence" in Art 22(1ci) include benefits in kind to which a right exists in the State of stay?CommissionThese words do not solely refer to benefits in kind provided in the State of residence but also to benefits which the competent institution is empowered to provide. """"""" #now117/77Are the words "the institution of the place of stay or residence" in Art 22(1ci) solely to mean the institution which has a function corresponding to that of the competent institution?CommissionThese words mean the institution empowered to provide the benefits in the State of residence or stay as listed in the relevent regulations.u""""""" #mnd117/77Are the words "on behalf of the competent institution" in Art 22(1ci) to be understood as meaning that if the competent institution has given authorization it follows that it must refund the benefits granted by the place of stay?CommissionThe costs relating to benefits in kind provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay or residence are to be fully refunded. """"""" #k117/77Do the words "who satisfies the conditions of the legislation of the competent State for entitlement to benefits" in Art 22(1) of Reg 1408/71 contain a restriction to those persons in principle eligible under national rules?CommissionThese words do not contain a restriction to those persons in principle eligible under national rules.w""""""" #j106/77Is the scope of Art 189 to mean that any subsequent national measures which conflict with those provisions must be disregarded without waiting for those measures to be eliminated by authorities?ItalyA national court may not disregard national measures conflicting with Art 189 without waiting for the measures to be eliminated formally by the competent constitutional authority.""""""" #i106/77Is the scope of Art 189 to mean that any subsequent national measures which conflict with those provisions must be disregarded without waiting for those measures to be eliminated by authorities?CommissionA national court may disregard national measures conflicting with Art 189 without waiting for the measures to be eliminated.p""""""" #h94/77What date is to be used in the case of individual commercial transactions in determining whether or not the conditions required by Community legislation exist for the application of compensatory amounts?CommissionIn this matter, reference must be made to the day of the importation or exportation.P!!!!!!! #g94/77What date is to be used in the case of individual commercial transactions in determining whether or not the conditions required by Community legislation exist for the application of compensatory amounts?ItalyIn this matter, reference must be made to the day of the importation or exportation.K!!!!!!! #f94/77On the assumption that the situation described by the plaintiff is proved to have existed in fact, was the Amministrazione delle Finanze Italiane legally entitled to levy the compensatory amounts while that situation lasted?CommissionThe imposition of monetary compensatory amounts could be authorized only by the Commission, which did in fact fix the amounts.!!!!!!! #  y ? ?1 179/98What degree of relationship is covered by the term "family", contained in Art 41(1) of the EEC-Moroccan Agreement, andn can nthat term also be applied to persons of Moroccan nationality who are related only by marriage?CommissionThis extends to relatives in the ascending line of that worker and of his spouse who live with him in the host State. """"""" # 179/98What degree of relationship is covered by the term "family", contained in Art 41(1) of the EEC-Moroccan Agreement, andn can nthat term also be applied to persons of Moroccan nationality who are related only by marriage?FranceThis extends to relatives in the ascending line of that worker and of his spouse who live with him in the host State.~""""""" # 179/98Can a member of the family of a worker, originally Moroccan by subsequently Belgian, still rely on Art 41(1) of the 4/27/76 EEC/Moroccan agreement on "non-discriminationn within towards "Moroccan workers" and members of their family?GermanySuch a worker cannot rely on those provisions, even if retaining both nationalities.l """"""" # 179/98Can a member of the family of a worker, originally Moroccan by subsequently Belgian, still rely on Art 41(1) of the 4/27/76 EEC/Moroccan agreement on "non-discriminationn within towards "Moroccan workers" and members of their family?FrannceSuch a worker cannot rely on those provisions, even if retaining both nationalities.l """"""" # 179/98Can a member of the family of a worker, originally Moroccan by subsequently Belgian, still rely on Art 41(1) of the 4/27/76 EEC/Moroccan agreement on "non-discriminationn within towards "Moroccan workers" and members of their family?CommissionSuch a worker can rely on those provision if retaing both nationalities.c """"""" # 179/98Can a member of the family of a worker, originally Moroccan by subsequently Belgian, still rely on Art 41(1) of the 4/27/76 EEC/Moroccan agreement on "non-discriminationn within towards "Moroccan workers" and members of their family?UKSuch a worker can rely on those provision if retaing both nationalities.[ """"""" # 382/98Is the derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 applicable to a winter fuel payment such as that in Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1)?UKThe derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 is applicable when it ensures the coherence of the social security system.""""""" # 382/98Is the derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 applicable to a winter fuel payment such as that in Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1)?CommissionThe derogation in Art 7(1a) of Dir 79/7 is not applicable to such a winter fuel payment.""""""" # 382/98Is a winter fuel payment made under Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1b) of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 1998 within the scope of Art 3 of Dir 79/7/EEC?AustriaSuch a payment is covered by Art 3(1) of Dir 79/7/EEC.""""""" # 382/98Is a winter fuel payment made under Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1b) of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 1998 within the scope of Art 3 of Dir 79/7/EEC?UKSuch a payment is not covered by Art 3(1) of Dir 79/7/EEC.""""""" # 382/98Is a winter fuel payment made under Reg 2(5), 2(6) and 3(1b) of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 1998 within the scope of Art 3 of Dir 79/7/EEC?CommissionSuch a payment is covered by Art 3(1) of Dir 79/7/EEC.""""""" #.]{ / 1 11y  C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h C-166/98Has consideration o C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h C-166/98Has consideration of the question referre C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h C-166/98Has consideration of the quest C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Counci C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h C-166/98Has consideration of C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h C-166/98Has consideration of the question re C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h  C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h  C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spain$$$$$$$ #h  C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?Spainna$$$$$$$ # C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?FranceNo.$$$$$$$ # C-159/97How must awareness of the usage be assessed?Commissionnab^R$$$$$$$ # C-159/97How must awareness of the usage be assessed?UKnaZVR$$$$$$$ # C-159/97How must awareness of the usage be assessed?Italyna]YR$$$$$$$ # C-159/97Can consent to the jurisdiction clause be presumed to exist when a contracting partys conduct is consistent with a usage which governs the area in whiCommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-159/97Can consent to the jurisdiction clause be presumed to exist when a contracting partys conduct is consistent with a usage which governs the area in whiUKna$$$$$$$ # C-159/97Can consent to the jurisdiction clause be presumed to exist when a contracting partys conduct is consistent with a usage which governs the area in whiItalyna$$$$$$$ # C-158/98Should uniform basis of assessment mean that VAT is payable upon charges for the rent as space for the sale of narcotic drugs?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-158/98Should uniform basis of assessment mean that VAT is payable upon charges for the rent as space for the sale of narcotic drugs?NetherlandsYes.$$$$$$$ #G΋α  ] ~ <&j C-186/98Must MSs take all effective measures to penalize conduct harmful to the financial interests of the community?Finlandno$$$$$$$  C-186/98Must MSs take all effective measures to penalize conduct harmful to the financial interests of the community?Finlandno$$$$ C-186/98Must MSs take all effective measures to penalize conduct harmful to the financial interests of the community?Finlandno$$$$$$$ # C-186/98Does Community legislation classify the improper use of European Social Fund assistance as a criminal offence?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-186/98Does Community legislation classify the improper use of European Social Fund assistance as a criminal offence?Finlandna$$$$$$$ # C-181/97Are good entering a MS from the netherlands antilles regarded as entry into the community for applying EU law and taxes?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-181/97Are good entering a MS from the netherlands antilles regarded as entry into the community for applying EU law and taxes?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ # C-181/97Are good entering a MS from the netherlands antilles regarded as entry into the community for applying EU law and taxes?NetherlandsYes.$$$$$$$ # C-181/96Must a producer be granted a special reference quantity if the premium is withdrawn due to noncompliance?CouncilNo.$$$$$$$ # C-181/96Must a producer be granted a special reference quantity if the premium is withdrawn due to noncompliance?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-18/95Can a MS levy higher social security contributions on a worker who has transferred residence than someone residing during the year?Commissionno####### # C-18/95Can a MS levy higher social security contributions on a worker who has transferred residence than someone residing during the year?Netherlandsyes####### # C-18/95Is a citizen of one MS entitled to rely on freedom of movement of workers provisions when the employee is in another MS for less than 1 year?CommissionYes.####### # C-18/95Is a citizen of one MS entitled to rely on freedom of movement of workers provisions when the employee is in another MS for less than 1 year?NetherlandsNo.####### # C-173/98Can MSs make national rules providing for the exhaustion of trademarks?CommissionNo, not on products put onto the EU market.ym$$$$$$$ # C-173/98Can MSs make national rules providing for the exhaustion of trademarks?FranceNo, not on products put onto the EU$$$$$$$ # C-167/97Can Mss deprive employees dismissed before they have completed twoyears continuous employment of the right to be unfairly dismissed?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-167/97Can Mss deprive employees dismissed before they have completed twoyears continuous employment of the right to be unfairly dismissed?UKNo.$$$$$$$ # C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-166/98Has consideration of the question referred disclosed anything to affect the Council Directive in question?CouncilNo.$$$$$$$ #BBBBn  0 V lM1 C-218/98Can a lump sum payment be paid exclusively to female weeks who take maternity leave?United KingdomYes.z$$$$$$$ # C-216/97Are natural persons C-218/98Can a lump sum payment be paid exclusively to female weeks who take maternity leave?United KingdomYes.z$$$$$$$ # C-216/9 C-218/98Can a lump sum payment be paid exclusively to female weeks who take maternity leave?United KingdomYes.z$$$$$$$ # C-218/98Can a lump sum payment be paid exclusively to female weeks who take maternity leave?UKYes.~z$$$$$$$ # C-216/97Are natural persons running a business exempt under VATs definition of a uniform basis of assessment?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-216/97Are natural persons running a business exempt under VATs definition of a uniform basis of assessment?NetherlandsYes.$$$$$$$ # C-216/97Are natural persons running a business exempt under VATs definition of a uniform basis of assessment?GermanyYes.$$$$$$$ # C-216/97Are natural persons running a business exempt under VATs definition of a uniform basis of assessment?UKYes.$$$$$$$ # C-215/96Do standard bank conditions for credit accounts that derogate from general law affect trade?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-215/96Do standard bank conditions for credit accounts that derogate from general law affect trade?ItalyNo.$$$$$$$ # C-215/96Are standard bank conditions to change interest rates against EU competition law?CommissionNo.w$$$$$$$ # C-215/96Are standard bank conditions to change interest rates against EU competition law?ItalyNo.~w$$$$$$$ # C-212/97Can a MS refuse to register a branch of a company formed in accordance with the law of another MS in which it has its registered office?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-212/97Can a MS refuse to register a branch of a company formed in accordance with the law of another MS in which it has its registered office?UKNo.$$$$$$$ # C-212/97Can a MS refuse to register a branch of a company formed in accordance with the law of another MS in which it has its registered office?NetherlandsNo.$$$$$$$ # C-212/97Can a MS refuse to register a branch of a company formed in accordance with the law of another MS in which it has its registered office?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ # C-212/97Can a MS refuse to register a branch of a company formed in accordance with the law of another MS in which it has its registered office?DenmarkYes.$$$$$$$ # C-211/97If a person in a consular post chooses to be subject to the legislation of the sending MS does that also have effect for his spouse?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-211/97If a person in a consular post chooses to be subject to the legislation of the sending MS does that also have effect for his spouse?FinlandYes.$$$$$$$ # C-186/98Must MSs take all effective measures to penalize conduct harmful to the financial interests of the community?Commissionno$$$$$$$ #Y 2 y 7 Wuq1 C-241/97Can a MS prohibit insurance undertakings from holding shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights in a company without administrating authorCommissionNo. C-241/97Can a MS prohibit insurance undertakings from holding shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights in a company without administrating a C-241/97Can a MS prohibit insurance undertakings from holding shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights in a company without administrating authorCommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-241/97Can a MS prohibit insurance undertakings from holding shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights in a company without administrating authorNorwayyes$$$$$$$ # C-241/97Can a MS prohibit insurance undertakings from holding shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights in a company without administrating authorSwedenYes.$$$$$$$ # C-237/97Do EU laws on package travel to short-term student exchanges?CommissionNo.toc$$$$$$$ # C-237/97Do EU laws on package travel to short-term student exchanges?UKNo.lgc$$$$$$$ # C-237/97Do EU laws on package travel to short-term student exchanges?FinlandNo.qlc$$$$$$$ # C-234/97Does EU law preclude the terms of a collective agreement which applies to a public body in a MS and restricts the right to practice with that body?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-234/97Does EU law preclude the terms of a collective agreement which applies to a public body in a MS and restricts the right to practice with that body?FinlandNo.$$$$$$$ # C-234/97Does EU law preclude the terms of a collective agreement which applies to a public body in a MS and restricts the right to practice with that body?Spainyes$$$$$$$ # C-224/97Can a MS prohibit a manager of a boat harbor from renting in excess of quota to boat-owners who reside in other MSs?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-224/97Can a MS prohibit a manager of a boat harbor from renting in excess of quota to boat-owners who reside in other MSs?AustriaYes.$$$$$$$ # C-222/97Can a MS make natl rules requiring a mortgage securing a debt paid in the currency of another MS to be registered on the national currency?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-222/97Can a MS make natl rules requiring a mortgage securing a debt paid in the currency of another MS to be registered on the national currency?FinlandYes.$$$$$$$ # C-22/98Does an individual have the right to oppose the legislation of a MS which requires them to have recourse?Commissionna####### # C-22/98Does an individual have the right to oppose the legislation of a MS which requires them to have recourse?Netherlandsna####### # C-22/98Does an individual have the right to oppose the legislation of a MS which requires them to have recourse?BelgiumYes.####### # C-22/98Does an individual have the right to oppose the legislation of a MS which requires them to have recourse?ItalyNo.####### # C-218/98Can a lump sum payment be paid exclusively to female weeks who take maternity leave?CommissionYes.z$$$$$$$ #Cz 7 c D;zB C-288/97Are those persuing the activities of the Council Directive in question and to whom milk is supplied by a producer considered a purchaser?ItalyYes.$$$$$$$ # C-281/97Can a collective agreement exclude persons from entitlement to a special annual bonus?CommissionNo.|$$$$$$$ # C-280/97Is the disputed product considered an incomplete junction box under Community law?CommissionNo.x$$$$$$$ # C-275/97Must provision be made for potential liabilities under warranties?CommissionNo.yth$$$$$$$ # C-275/97Must provision be made for potential liabilities under warranties?UKYes.rlh$$$$$$$ # C-275/97Must provision be made for potential liabilities under warranties?NetherlandsYes.{uh$$$$$$$ # C-275/97Must provision be made for potential liabilities under warranties?GermanyYes.wqh$$$$$$$ # C-27/98Can the Directive in question be relied upon by an individual before the national courts?CommissionYes.~####### # C-27/98Can the Directive in question be relied upon by an individual before the national courts?AustriaYes.~####### # C-27/98Is a contracting authority required to award the contract to the only tenderer judged to be suitable?CommissionNo.####### # C-27/98Is a contracting authority required to award the contract to the only tenderer judged to be suitable?AustriaNo.####### # C-267/97Does enforceable refer solely to the enforceability of foreign decisions and not to their circumstances?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-262/96Can a MS require a Turkish natl on a conditional residence authorization to possess a residence permit to receive family allowances?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-262/96Can a MS require a Turkish natl on a conditional residence authorization to possess a residence permit to receive family allowances?UKYes.$$$$$$$ # C-262/96Can a MS require a Turkish natl on a conditional residence authorization to possess a residence permit to receive family allowances?AustriaYes.$$$$$$$ # C-262/96Can a MS require a Turkish natl on a conditional residence authorization to possess a residence permit to receive family allowances?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ # C-262/96Can a MS require a Turkish natl on a conditional residence authorization to possess a residence permit to receive family allowances?GermanyYes.$$$$$$$ # C-260/97Does an acknowledgment of indebtedness enforeable under the law of the state of origin constitute an authentic instrument?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-260/97Does an acknowledgment of indebtedness enforeable under the law of the state of origin constitute an authentic instrument?UKNo.$$$$$$$ # C-260/97Does an acknowledgment of indebtedness enforeable under the law of the state of origin constitute an authentic instrument?GermanyNo.$$$$$$$ # C-258/97May provisions from the Directive in question be relied upon directly by individuals before national courts?Commissionna$$$$$$$ #0000000|  N $ a8 C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?CommissionNo.$$ C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?Commissio C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?Commi C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?Comm C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?CommissionNo.$$$$ C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?Comm C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?CommissionNo.$$$$$$$ # C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ # C-303/97Do EU regs apply is product name includes a word appearing in its description that might be confused with that description?GermanyNo.$$$$$$$ # C-302/97Who assesses whether a breach of EU law is serious for a MS to incur non-contractual liability vis--vis an individual?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-302/97Who assesses whether a breach of EU law is serious for a MS to incur non-contractual liability vis--vis an individual?Spainna$$$$$$$ # C-302/97Who assesses whether a breach of EU law is serious for a MS to incur non-contractual liability vis--vis an individual?Greecena$$$$$$$ # C-302/97Who assesses whether a breach of EU law is serious for a MS to incur non-contractual liability vis--vis an individual?Austriana$$$$$$$ # C-295/97Can a natl court request the ECJ to rule directly on the compatibility of a national legislative provision with treaty article 92?Commissionna$$$$$$$ # C-295/97Can a natl court request the ECJ to rule directly on the compatibility of a national legislative provision with treaty article 92?Italyna$$$$$$$ # C-293/97Must the applicable waters be termed waters affected by pollution and designated as vulnerable zones?CommissionYes.$$$$$$$ # C-293/97Must the applicable waters be termed waters affected by pollution and designated as vulnerable zones?CouncilYes.$$$$$$$ # C-293/97Must the applicable waters be termed waters affected by pollution and designated as vulnerable zones?SwedenYes.$$$$$$$ # C-293/97Must the applicable waters be termed waters affected by pollution and designated as vulnerable zones?FranceYes.$$$$$$$ # C-288/97Must a purchaser deduct the amount owed due to an additional levy from the producer?ItalyNot in this case, but can under certain circumstanz$$$$$$$ # ;sWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$O8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$ObUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$ObUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$ObUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$ObUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQkMdfQJbO`QJbYbUdSmWQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQbmdLQobOQikmddOobOQimWQmQi` Wo`YOYmv okQOYbWQJOYbUF>8:$YkmWQmQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$j Wo`YOYmv okQOYbWQJOYbUF>8:$YkmWQmQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$j` Wo`YOYmv okQOYbWQJOYbUF>8:$YkmWQmQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jmdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jmdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jmdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQbmdLQobOQikmddOobOQimWQmQi` Wo`YOYmv okQOYbWQJOYbUF>8:$YkmWQmQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jQsdiO JMhoYiQO YbJim868dSiQU8>6FD8$OsWJmYkmWQbmdLQobOQikmddOobOQimWQmQi` Wo`YOYmv okQOYbWQJOYbUF>8:$YkmWQmQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jmWQmQi`mdLQobOQikmddOJk`QJbYbUiQ^JmYqQWo`YOYmvdiJLkd^omQWo`YOYmv$jsWJmYkmdLQobOQikmddOJk^QUJ^Q`f^dv`QbmYbmWQJimYM^QkdShoQkmYdb8 OdQkYkiQSQimdQ`f^dv`QbmsWY^QYbfdkkQkkYdbdSJiQkYOQbMQfQi`Ymdidb^vmdQ`f^dv`Qbm^JsSo^YbmQi`kdS^QUYk^JmYdb$MsWJmYkmdLQobOQikmddOJk^QUJ^Q`f^dv`QbmYbmWQJimYM^QkdShoQkmYdb8 OdQkYkiQSQimdQ`f^dv`QbmsWY^QYbfdkkQkkYdbdSJiQkYOQbMQfQi`Ymdidb^vmdQ`f^dv`Qbm^JsSo^YbmQi`kdS^QUYk^JmYdb$Mn and exportation) to the day of the importation or exportation.''In this matter, reference must be made to the day of the importation or exportation.''What date is to be used in the case of individual commercial transactions in determining whether or not the conditions required by Community legislation exist for the application of compensatory amounts?' 3OWJkmWQo\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvSJY^YbUmdiQfQJ^diJ`QbOYmkbJmYdbJ^fidqYkYdbksYmWiQUJiOmdQuMYkQOomvdbkmY^^^YUWmsYbQ$WJkmWQo\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvfidWYLYmYbUJ^^kJ^QkdSoWm`Y^\diMiQJ`YbbdimWQibYiQ^JbOobmY^mWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQbQsiQUo^JmYdbdb`Y^\Yb8HF8$WJkmWQo\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJim<6Lv`J\YbUmWQOYkmiYLomYdbdSoWm`Y^\Y`fdimQOSid`dmWQikmJmQkkoL[QMmmdJkvkmQ`Ybqd^qYbUJ:bOWQJmmiQJm`QbmJbOmWQiQfJM\JUYbUdSmWQ`Y^\$WJkmWQo\SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkobOQiJim<6LvfiQkMiYLYbUJkvkmQ`dSfiYdiYbOYqYOoJ^^YMQbMQkSdiY`fdimkdS`Y^\JbOMiQJ`sWYMWWJqQobOQiUdbQoWmdbmWQmQiiYmdivdSdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQk$WJqYbUiQUJiOmdJ^^mWQiQ^QqJbmfidqYkYdbkdSMd``obYmv^JsOYOmWQo\WJqQmWQiYUWmJSmQi8:<8F:mdLiYbUYbmdSdiMQmWQkQJSYkWdiOQi8HF:mdmWQQumQbmmWJmYmfidWYLYmkdb^vqQkkQ^kiQUYkmQiQOYbOQb`Ji\Sid`SYkWYbU$ WJqYbUiQUJiOmdJ^^mWQiQ^QqJbmfidqYkYdbkdSMd``obYmv^JsOYOmWQo\WJqQmWQiYUWmJSmQi8:<8F:mdLiYbUYbmdSdiMQmWQkQJSYkWdiOQi8HF:mdmWQQumQbmmWJmYmfidWYLYmkdb^vqQkkQ^kiQUYkmQiQOYbOQb`Ji\Sid`SYkWYbU$ 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Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main3M Deutschland GmbHOberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am MainF<88882222 @@} @X@?VerLoren van Themaat1490/83Paterson v. WeddelMichael Paterson and OthersW. Weddel & Company Limited and OthersjVLHHHH2222 @@ @?X@VerLoren van Themaat14313/82Tiel-Utracht Schadeverzekering v. FCGANV Tiel-Utracht SchadeverzekeringGemeenschappelijk MotorwaarborgfondsXLHHHH2222 ?  @@?Slynn1416/83PrantlKarl Prantl\OOG=99992222 @}@?@Mancini14104/83Cinciuolo v. Union Nationale des Federations Mutualistes NeutresSalvatore CinciuoloUnion Nationale des Federations Mutualistes Neutres and Institut National d Assurance Maladie-InvaliK?;;;;2222 @@}@@?@Mancini1477/83CILFIT v. Ministero della SanitaSrl CILFIT and Others and Lanificio di Gavardo SpAMinistero della SanitakI?;;;;2222 @ @@?@Slynn1437/83Rewe-Zentrale v. Landwirtschaftskammer RheinlandRewe-Zentrale AGDirector of the Landwirtschaftskammer RheinlandyG=99992222 ? ?@?@Mancini14294/82Einberger v. Hauptzollamt FreiburgSenta EinbergerHauptzollamt FreiburgoK?;;;;2222 @@?@Rozes1493/83Zentrag v. Hauptzollamt BochumZentralgenossenschaft des Fleischergewerbes e.G. (Zentrag)Hauptzollamt BochumgG=99992222 ? 0;@?@VerLoren van Themaat1470/83Kloppenburg v. Finanzamt LeerGerda KoppenburgFinanzamt LeeruVLHHHH2222  ? @@?@Reischl14337/82St. Nikolaus Brennerei v. Hauptzollamt KrefeldSt. Nikolaus Brennerei und Likorfabrik, Gustav Kniepf-Melde GmbHHauptzollamt Krefeld{K?;;;;2222 @@@?@Reischl1446/83Gerlach v. Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenGerlach & Co. BVInspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen, AmsterdamI?;;;;2222 ? ZP@??Slynn1424/83Gewiese and Mehlich v. MackenzieWolfgang Gewiese and Manfried MehlichColin Scott MackenzieiG=99992222 @@ @@X@?Slynn1464/83Bureau Central Francais v. Fonds de Garantie AutomobileBureau Central FrancaisFonds de Garantie Automobile and OthersG=99992222 @@^@@?@Reischl1460/83Metro v. Oberfinanzdirektion MunchenMetro International KommanditgesellschaftOberfinanzdirektion MunchenoI?;;;;2222 @^H@@?@Mancini147/83Ospig v. Hauptzollamt Bremen-OstOspig Texttilgesellschaft KG W. AhlersHauptzollamt Bremen-OstiG?;;;;2222  @@@@?X@Slynn14344/82Gambetta Auto v. Bureau Central FrancaisSA Gambetta AutoBureau Central Francais and Fonds de Garantie AutomobilesI=99992222 @^(@@??Rozes14295/82GIE Rhone Alpes Huiles v. Syndic. Nat. des Fabricants Raffineurs d Huile de GraissageGroupement d Internet Economique "Rhone Alpes Huiles" and OthersSyndicat National des Fabricants Raffineurs d Huile de Graissage and Others/I=99992222  LVALN2222m ;:!a @"a @~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo18Vht @4MR2KeepLocal T||||||z `N!a @N!a @~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cList44Vh@K4MR2KeepLocal Tzzzzzzx `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agreeVh4 @z4MR2KeepLocal T `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo59Vh@[4MR2KeepLocal Txllllllj `{z9T}@{z9T}@~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo61Vh@.D @ @p ;?P@  @ X  @  d  d /Joined Case Numbers.junk%Joined Case Numbers=Joined Case numberKJoined Case Numbers.joined case numberxns>o@ @!} @@!} @!})Joined Case Numbers( >o@/~sq_fJoined Case Numbers   XX@!}@@!}K:@!})Joined Case Numbers  @ X h  8HXhxP  ( `0(  0(  z   #}  8  H   d  d 4      ( %Joined Case Numbers8PrimaryKeyXv @hq 8-Joined Case NumbersPrimaryKeyX  ( LVALȧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧ< p^X[General Case Characteristics].[case number] |jd[General Case Characteristics].[coder (last name)] vd^[General Case Characteristics].MR2&AccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By{ 08.50   W      MR2&AccessVersion BuildHasCustomGroupsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By{ 08.50   W      MR2ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewGUIDDOL3 <       JGۅQSB~gGU  U oAˑ?5.@ObservationsY{$GsNf2kku2@Issues and positions*B!POvI oAˑ?case numberсK@-,h) oAˑ?legal issueF5`C> oAˑ?observation source,9QM^$P:Y{$GsNlegal issue MR2 GUIDNameMap ӡ=O[  Utדf@&D;o@General Case Characteristicse.˯܂Aa tדf@&Dcase numberÉI&o0tדf@&DJudgment TitleO5pdF[tדf@&DDateK1\tדf@&DPlaintiff&]o,Crftדf@&DDefendant^cM)&޺@tדf@&Dchamber sizebJfG=xU;1@spArticlebaseo?BPǭJ,bJfG=xArticle number (code)E]LMwJbJfG=xArticle number (text)႒Lte[Atדf@&Dchamber numberѢ0FNRs_7@spchamber name\{8~KQ,p)Ѣ0FNRschamber name (number)O-mL<)(F]Ѣ0FNRschamber name (text){Vaz KS%tדf@&DAG (last name) jxV$C# tדf@&DType of Plaintiff5<0@~C@spType of LitigantYu2O&jF5<0@Type of Defendant/Plaintiff٪#jJaϒM5<0@Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text),z%G 96tדf@&DType of Defendantv++%LM'Catדf@&Dcoder (last name)4DM!."io)7@spcoder:6@M4DM!."name (number)5>C 4DM!."name (text)k /ͣ4ȭƒoHÍ260/78On 9/8/75 was it compatible with Community law that a State should exempt from the compensatory amount goods which had been in free circulation in another State subject to the condition goods not be put in circulation there?CommissionStates may not apply national rules so as to exempt from compensation goods imported from another State in which they are in free circulation.""""""" #7/79Are Community provisions to be understood as authorizing the measurement of the dry extract by densimetry and at 100 degrees when checking for over-alcoholization?CommissionSuch a method is authorized if capable of being rebutted.   #7/79Are Community provisions to be understood as authorizing the measurement of the dry extract by densimetry and at 100 degrees when checking for over-alcoholization?FranceSuch a method is authorized if capable of being rebutted.  #160/78Is the term "meat" in tariff subheadings 16.02 BIII(a)1, 2 and 3 of the 1976 CCT to be initerpreted as meaning only pigmeat or also meaning meat other than pigmeat?CommissionThe term meat refers to all kinds of meat.""""""" # o126/78If question 2 is answered negatively, must a national court before which Art 6(2) of the 2nd Dir in conjunction with the provisions of item 5 of Annex B is invoked take account of this?CommissionThe national court must take account of the combined provisions of Art 6(2) of the 2nd Directive and of Annex B, item 5, thereto.l""""""" # 126/78If question 1 is answered affirmatively, are States free to treat an ancillary service such as the aforesaid collection of the cash-on-delivery price separately so that the transport service is not exempted from tax but the ancillary service is?CommissionStates are not empowered to treat an ancillary service such as the collection of the cash-on-delivery price separately from the service of the transport of goods.%""""""" # t 126/78If a carrier has undertaken to collect the price of the goods before delivering them to the cosignee is the collection of that price a service ancillary to the transport under the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67?CommissionThe collection of such a price is not a service ancillary to the transport within the meaning of the directive.p""""""" # t 126/78If a carrier has undertaken to collect the price of the goods before delivering them to the cosignee is the collection of that price a service ancillary to the transport under the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67?NetherlandsThe collection of such a price is not a service ancillary to the transport within the meaning of the directive.q""""""" # 132/78Is it contrary to the prohibition on charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties under Art 9,12 and 13 of the Treaty to charge imports of lard intended for use in animal fedding to compensate for the domestic charge of swine slaughter?CommissionSuch a charge is prohibited by Articles 9,12 and 13.[%""""""" # 84/78May Reg 2604/77 in conjunction with Reg 2792/77 and 2917/77 be considered applicable to exportations of pasta products from Italy to other States after 1/2/78 during a period with unforeseen introduction of compensatory amounts?CommissionAll 3 regulations in question remain valid.@!!!!!!! # V28$8$8$9$9$9$9$9$9$9$9$                                                                                                 P@  @[General Case Characteristics].*Y 3General Case CharacteristicsGeneral Case Characteristics}}E  #  #RPΗ̲bxn;The compensatory amount in this matter is to be determined on the basis of the actual milk product content.3The method of calculating the "milk products" content under Art 11(1) of Council Reg 823/68 is decisive for such compensatory amounts.5/78Is the "milk product content" decisive with regard to the amount of compensation which it was necessary to impose from 1-3/75 on compound feedstuffs under 23.07BIa3-4 of the CCT from Netherlands to Germany?  F=:not applicable3Such a levy is not to be regarded as internal taxation under Article 95.142/77If such a levy is not regarded as constituting a charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty on exports is it to be regarded as internal taxation contrary to Article 95?2~~rr((((&F=us9It is irrelevant that the precious metal which is made up in Denmark is supplied to the Danish manufacturer by the foreign customer in question to whom the finished product is re-exported.3It is irrelevant that the precious metal which is made up in Denmark is supplied to the Danish manufacturer by the foreign customer in question to whom the finished product is re-exported.142/77In this connexion is it relevant that the precious metal which is made up in Denmark is supplied to the Danish manufacturer by the foreign customer in question to whom the finished product is re-exported?nF=8The fact that consumption is not included in the calculation of the value of such goods by a Danish owner does not constitute discrimination.3The fact that consumption is not included in the calculation of the value of such goods by a Danish owner does not constitute discrimination.142/77Where manufacture is effected for other persons but the manufacturer does not apply his own marks, is question 1 affected by the fact that consumption is not included in the calculation of the value of such goods by a Danish owner?+BB66F=7Such a levy is not a charge having equivalent effect if it is applied to all such undertakings.3Such a levy is not a charge having equivalent effect if it is applied to all such undertakings.142/77Does a levy which is imposed upon precious metal undertakings to meet the costs of the supervision by authorities constitute a charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty if applied to all such undertakings?yyyywF=6Such institutions are not prohibited from witholding these benefits, so long as they do not discriminate based on nationality.3Such institutions are not prohibited from witholding these benefits, so long as they do not discriminate based on nationality.1/78Is the competent institution of a State which is required by Reg 1408/71 to pay benefits to a foreign worker entitled to withhold these benefits by treating facts occuring in another State as if in its own?  F=5Within the scope of application of Reg 1408/71, Art 7 is not directly applicable in States.3Within the scope of application of Reg 1408/71, Art 7 is directly applicable in States.1/78Within the scope of application of Reg 1408/71, is Art 7 directly applicable in States?/uuuusF=HPyʉREb6SqAThe proprietor of a trade-mark which is protected in one State is justified under Art 36 in preventing a product being marketed by a 3rd party in this circumstance, unless the proprietor is using multiple marks to partition the markets.3The proprietor of a trade-mark which is protected in one State is justified under Art 36 in preventing a product being marketed by a 3rd party in this circumstance, unless the proprietor is using multiple marks to partition the markets.3/78In the circumstances of this case, do the rules of the EEC Treaty, in particular Art 36, prevent the proprietor of a trade-mark from exercising the right conferred upon him under national law?F=F<@The EEC Treaty does not prohibit internal taxation to imports from non-member countries.3The EEC Treaty does not prohibit internal taxation to imports from non-member countries, subject to any treaty provisions between the Community and that country however.148/77Assuming certain tax arrangements are discriminatory to imported goods, does such a difference of treatment fall under the prohibition on charges having equivalent effect to customs duties?))rrrrpF=?Such a system of taxation constitutes discrimination and is prohibited, and such a reduction in taxes in favor of particular domestics industries constitutes State aid under Art 92-94.3Such a system of taxation is not allowed by Community law as it puts imported products at a disadvantage.148/77Do Art 95 and 37 of the EEC Treaty mean that goods from States or French overseas dapartments may not be subject to larger taxes on consumption than domestic goods, and can this constitute State aid?II==F=>The fiscal treatment of products imported from French overseas departments must comply with the principles of Art 37(1) and 95 of the EEC Treaty.3The tax provisions of the Treaty, in particlualr the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Art 95, apply to goods coming from the French overseas departments.148/77Does Art 227(2) of the EEC Treaty mean that the provisions relating to the free movement of goods under this article only include the provisions in Part 2, Title I, or also the tax provisions in Part 3, Title I?1\\PPF==Regulations 3 and 4 do not limit the power of a State to reduce pension rights if they are claimed under the national law of that State and not Community law.3Regulations 3 and 4 do not limit the power of a State to reduce pension rights if they are claimed under the national law of that State and not Community law, unless this is less favorable than the Community provisions.26/78Does the supplementary allowance for a dependent spouse granted by the Italian legislation between 5/1/69-4/30/71 form an integral part of the Italian invalidity pension on overlapping benefits under Reg 3 and 4?uF=<The tariff classification made by the exporting State is not binding upon the importing State at the time of the dispute, but the importer should not go out of its way to inspect such goods unless it can ojectively show the classification is incorrect.3The tariff classification made by the exporting State is not binding upon the importing State at the time of the dispute.5/78Within the context of the system of monetary compensatory amounts, is the tariff classification made by the exporting Member State of the European Communities binding upon the importing Member State?bF=P J^jʨ|VĺNRSuch levies do fall under the prohibition against tax discrimination in Article 95 of the Treaty.3Such levies do fall under the prohibition against tax discrimination in Article 95 of the Treaty.74/76Does the prohibition against tax discrimination established by Art 95 of the Treaty also cover special levies imposed on both domestic and imported goods, the revenue from which goes to minor public bodies other than the State?{{{{yF=QArticle 30 does not prohibit such a system of subsidies.3Article 30 does not prohibit such a system of subsidies.74/76Does a system of subsidies involving a public body and based on national regulations enabling domestic publishers to abtain at reduced prices newsprint from national mills constitute a quantitative restriction under Art 30?wRRRRPF=PThis application can be cancelled under EEC law on the ground of error by the applicant.3This application cannot be cancelled under EEC law on the ground of error by the applicant.85/78Can such an application be cancelled under EEC law on the ground of error and if so can this be done even where the error is the fault of the applicant?srrrrpF=OThis must be decided on the basis of Community law.3This must be decided on the basis of Community law.85/78Must the the question whether an application for the grant of an import licence under the 1st sentence of Art 16(1) of Reg 19/62 can be cancelled and what the effects of such cancellation are be decided by national law?iMMMMKF=NThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.88/78Is Reg 2446/75 valid if it has to be interpreted as meaning that monetary compensatory amounts shall not be paid when blends of the type in this matter are exported?``VV77775F=MSuch wine cannot receive benefits proportionate to the quantity Type 2 wine it contains.3Such wine cannot receive benefits proportionate to the quantity Type 2 wine it contains.88/78Does blended wine that does not fulfill the conditions of Type A2 benefit on exportation to a non-member country from monetary compensatory amounts proportionate to the quantity Type 2 wine it has?rrrrpF=LThe blend of such wines belonged to Type A2 to the extent that the blend was authorized by national provisions.3The blend of such wines belonged to Type A2 to the extent that the blend was authorized by national provisions.88/78Do wines being a blend of table wines of Type A1 and A2, the latter being the component part giving them their essential character, belong to Type A2 within the meaning of Art 2b of Council Reg 945/70?F=coKThe national authorities remain competent to verify in each case that the said requirement is fulfilled.3The national authorities remain competent to verify in each case that the said requirement is fulfilled.21/78If question 3 is answered affirmatively, can the national court decide without regard to the Council Dir or does Art 5(2) mean that it is necessary to fix requirements relating to the applicants good repute?F=JSuch an applicant is exempt from the requirement to show such proof.3Such an applicant is exempt from the requirement to show such proof.21/78Because the applicant was authorized before 1/1/78 under the Danish provision to engage in the occupation of road passenger transport operator within Denmark, is he exempt from requirement to furnish proof hes in good repute?^^^^\F=*Pj%)FatYThis cannot be justified by the fact that institutions in other States have the same practice.3This cannot be justified by the fact that institutions in other States have the same practice.78/76Is competition distorted and trade between States affected if the market research and advertising carried on by the State agency in its own country and abroad is also carried on by similar institutions of other States?xxxxvF=atXA measure adopted by a public authority and favoring certain undertakings is a gratuitous advantage by the fact that it is financed in some way by public authority and levied on the concerned undertakings.3A measure adopted by a public authority and favoring certain undertakings is a gratuitous advantage by the fact that it is financed in some way by public authority and levied on the concerned undertakings.78/76Is there aid in the sense of granting a gratuitous advantage if the recipient of aid is not a private undertaking but a State agency, or when the charge on the undertaking is insignificant next to the total contributions?F=atWThe prohibition covers all aid granted by a State regardless of whether it is granted directly from the State or by public or private bodies established to administer it.3The prohibition covers all aid granted by a State regardless of whether it is granted directly from the State or by public or private bodies established to administer it.78/76Is the concept "any aid granted through State resources" satisfied even if the State agency itself receives aid from the State or private undertakings?zzppF=atVArticle 92 covers all private and public undertakings and all their production.3Article 92 covers all private and public undertakings and all their production.78/76Is the meaning of the expression "undertakings or the production of certain goods" in Art 92 of the EEC Treaty restricted to private business or does it also include non-profit public institutions?iiiigF=atUArticle 93 does not prohibit a national court from obtaining a preliminary ruling but it may not decide alone on how this provision is applied.3Article 93 does not prohibit a national court from obtaining a preliminary ruling but it may not decide alone on how this provision is applied.78/76Do the procedural rules in Art 93 of the Treaty prohibit a national court from obtaining a preliminary ruling on Art 92 of the Treaty and subsequently from deciding upon the application of this provision?FF<<F=.H`TThis question should be left up to the national court to decide.3This question should be left up to the national court to decide.74/76Can the persons who have suffered damage through an infringement of Art 95 recover that part of the contribution paid in excess as from 1/1/62?7ZZZZXF=SAccount must be taken not only of the rate of direct and internal taxation on domestic and imported products but the rules for levying the tax, and if differences exist than Art 95 is infringed.3Account must be taken not only of the rate of direct and internal taxation on domestic and imported products but the rules for levying the tax, and if differences exist than Art 95 is infringed.74/76In order to see if a levy discriminates under Art 95, must account be taken not only of the rate of direct and internal taxation on domestic and imported products but the rules for levying the tax?qF=P`΃7ȸ6NaThe right of resideaThe right of resideaThe right of residence exists independently of whether one possesses a residence permit and such penalties are not applicable.3The right of residence exists independently of whether one possesses a residence permit and such penalties are not applicable.8/77Can the special residence document which has declaratory effect and is referred to in Art 4 of Council Dir 68/360 issued as alien proof of residence be treated as proof of residence alone without the valid national permit?  F=_The objectives of the Treaty cannot justify the refusal of a reimbursement os contributions to a person who could claim the benefit of such reimbursement under a national legislation.3The objectives of the Treaty cannot justify the refusal of a reimbursement os contributions to a person who could claim the benefit of such reimbursement under a national legislation.104/76Can a right to reimbursement of social contributions conferred by national legislation on former members, when conditions are satisfied, be restricted on the basis of objectives of Community rules?]F=^The reimbursement may not be prohibited if the applicant is compulsorily insured in another State.3If the national conditions are satisfied, Reg 3 does not prevent the reimbursement of social security contributions by reason of the fact that the person concerned falls within the ambit of another scheme following moving to another State.104/76In the relevant German law, was it necessary for an insurance requirement in the Netherlands to be regarded as compulsory insurance and is a German pension institution debarred from reimbusement when a German becomes Dutch?Zyymm||||zF=]The German right of reimbursement of contributions is included in the matters covered by Regulation 3.2The German right of reimbursement of contributions is included in the matters covered by Regulation 3.104/76Can Article 2 of Reg 3 be interpreted to the effect that the domestic German right of reimbursement of contributions is included in the matters covered by that regulation?~F=\Article 2 of Reg 3 does not prohibit the inclusion of the right to reimbursement amongst the matters covered by Reg 3, yet no express reference to the reimbusement of contributions was made within.3The reimbursement of social security contributions comes within the ambit of the general provisions of Reg 3, by virtue of the determination under Art 2 of the matters covered by that regulation.104/76Was the system of reimbursement of contributions already included in the matters covered by Reg 3 or was the position different from that subsequently provided by Reg 1408/71?aF=at[Such taxation does constitute discrimination under Article 95 if applied to domestic and imported products.3Such taxation does not constitute discrimination under Article 95 if applied to domestic and imported products.78/76Does the imposition of taxation on "the products of other States" not when they are imported but only when they are processed amount to discrimination under Art 95 of the EEC Treaty?F=atZSuch a charge also constitutes a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty.3Such a charge also constitutes a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty.78/76If the charge is not levied on the imported goods themselves but on their processing, is it a charge having equivalent effect under Art 9(1), 12 and 13(2) of the EEC Treaty?{mmmmkF=P |]ɶǙƁãRojThe decision should not be annulled but the fine imposed on the company was unwarranted.3The fine imposed of Hoffmann-La Rouche is lowered from 300000units to 200000 units but the decision is not annulled.85/76Should the Commission Dec of 6/9/76 relating to a procedure under Art 86 of the EEC Treaty that the company supposedly violated be annulled?rrrrpF=iThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.128/78Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations on the introduction of recording equiptment in road transport?SSSSQF= ihThe application should be dismissed.3The decisions should be annulled in so far as the amounts of DM 17930880 and 12051258 respectively were not charged to the fund.18/76Should Commission Decs 76/141 and 76/147 concerning the discharge of accounts presented by Germany in respect of the EAGGF for 1971-2 amounting to 26094195 and 13325660 be annulled?>>>><F=PgThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.15/76Should Commission Decs 76/142 and 76/148 concerning the discharge of the accounts presented by France in respect of the EAGGF be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=fThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.11/76Should Commission Decs 76/145 and 76/151 concerning the discharge of accounts presented by the Netherlands in respect of the EAGGF be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=eThe Commission must calculate these years of pensionable service.3The Commission must calculate these years of pensionable service.17/78Should the Commission be ordered into taking account for the calculation of the applicants years of pensionable service for the purposes of her retirement pension the periods from 1/1/61-12/31/68 and 1/1/72-11/30/72?[[[[YF=dSuch a penalty is discrimination and prohibited.3Such a penalty is discrimination and prohibited.8/77Is there an infringement of the prohibition on discrimination in Art 7 of the Treaty if an alien entitled to reside in Germany whose national passport has ceased to be valid is imprisoned with a harcher penalty than an invalid national?r||JJJJHF=cSuch an increase in the penalties to be imposed for an infringement of the provisions which a State has adopted to secure the application of Dir 68/360 cannot be justified.3Such an increase in the penalties to be imposed for an infringement of the provisions which a State has adopted to secure the application of Dir 68/360 cannot be justified.8/77Is the EEC Treaty contravened if an alien to whom Art 48 of the EEC Treaty applies who in the previous year had been fined for an unintentional offense is sentenced to jail for a similar offense after the 1st had become absolute?c||ttF=bThe EEC Treaty would be contravened if such an alien was punished by the fact that the national authority made an error in issuing the permit under the Auslandergesetz3The EEC Treaty would be contravened if such an alien was punished by the fact that the national authority made an error in issuing the permit under the Auslandergesetz.8/77Is the EEC Treaty contravened if an alien directly entitled under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty and Council Dir 68/360 is issued only with a residence permit under Art 5 of the Auslandergesetz with possible adverse effects on that law?_sskkF=P TyP-1$xFWewThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.11/78Should Commission Regs 2657/77 and 800/77 on the application of monetary compensatory amounts to certain products not covered by Annex II to the Treaty be annulled? gg]]>>>><F=TvThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.157/77Should the implied rejection of the applicants complaint be annulled along with the Commission refusal to promote the applicant to a post as Assistant Translator in her career bracket?#ii]]>>>><F=GMuThe application should be dismissed.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.231/78Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations by not repealing or amending the provisions with regard to restrictions on the importation of main-crop potatoes?1yy>>>><F=d.tThe regulation should be annulled.3The regulation is annulled.121/77Should the Council Reg 1778/77 concerning anti-dumping duties on ball-bearings and tapered roller bearings from Japan be annulled?eeYY<<<<:F=sThe regulation should be annulled.3The regulation is annulled.120/77Should Council Reg 1778/77 on anti-dumping duties on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings, originating in Japan be annulled?eeYY<<<<:F=rThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.119/77Should the applicant receive compensation from the Council for damages caused by the regulation in question?ii]]>>>><F=qThe regulation should be dismissed.3The regulation is annulled.119/77Should Council Reg 1778/77 on the application of the anti-dumping duty on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings, originating in Japan be annulled?ffZZ====;F=rpThe regulation should be annulled.3The regulation is annulled.118/77Should Council Reg 1778/77 concerning the application of the anti-dumping duty on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings originating in Japan be annulled?eeYY<<<<:F=oArticle 3 of Council Reg 1778/77 should be annulled.3Article 3 of Council Reg 1778/77 is annulled.113/77Should Article 3 of Council Reg 1778/77 concerning the application of the anti-dumping duty on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings originating in Japan be annulled?5}}NNNNLF=nThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.90/78Have the Council or Commission caused damage to the plaintiff and should the plaintiff be compensated with refunds for maize and quellmehl in the relevant period? gg]]>>>><F=mThe application should be dismissed.3The decision is annulled.92/78Should Commission Dec 78/258 fixing the minimum selling prices for frozen beef put up for sale by intervention agencies and specifying the quantities of frozen beef which may be imported be annulled?,ccYY>>>><F=lItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.163/78Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Council Dir 75/324 on the approximation of the laws of States relating to aerosol dispensers?ttFFFFDF=kBoth the decision and the procedure should be annulled.3Both the decision and the procedure are annulled.24/78Should the decision by which the selection board for Internal Competition COM/680/75 refused to admit Mrs. Martin to the oral tests in that competition and its subsequent procedure be annulled?QQQQQOF=P έ́S6i2ȵƲheThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.18/78Should the Commission meaures assigning the applicant to a new post be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=heThe application should be dismissed.3The implied decision to reject the applicants claim is annulled.18/78Should the implied decision of the Commission to reject the applicants complaint be annulled?>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.164/78Should the implied decision of the Commission rejecting the applicants request for the maximum education allowance in respect of his son to be doubled be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The decision should be annulled and the allowances should be awarded to Mr. Newth.3The decision is annulled and the allowances are to be awarded to Mr. Newth.156/78Should the Commissions decision of 4/20/78 rejecting the complaint submitted by Mr. Newth be annulled and the payment in Belgian francs of the allowances awarded to him?plllljF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.22/78Should Commission Dec 78/68 relating to a proceeding where Hugin was found to have violated Art 86 of the Treaty be annulled?__UU::::8F=Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.2/78Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by making the importation of potable spirits bearing a designation of origin and lawfully in circulation in other States subject to more onerous conditions than those directly imported?XooggHHHHFF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.12/78Should Commission Reg 2917/77 on transitional measures concerning the application of monetary compensatory amounts to certain products in the cereals sector be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=~The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.12/78Should Commission Reg 2792/77 amending Reg 2604/77 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=}The regulation should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.12/78Should Commission Reg 2604/77 introducing monetary compensatory amounts in respect of durum wheat and the products derived therefrom be annulled?ee[[<<<<:F=f|The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.220/78Should the application to annull the Commission decision to impose penalties on the companies in question for disregarding Community law be ruled inadmissible? hh\\::::8F={The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.117/78Should the decision of the Selection Board for Competition COM/B/155 refusing to admit the applicant to the written tests relating to that competition be annnulled?aaUU::::8F=yThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.116/78Should the new contract offered to the applicants in pursuance of Council Reg 2615/76 and the Commission decision rejecting their complaint be annulled?ii]]>>>><F='ixThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.112/78Should the decision of the Selection Board for Competition COM/B/155 refusing to admit the applicant to the written tests relating to that competition be annulled?aaUU::::8F= V1 @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @A @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @ @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @ @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @ @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @enBTariefcommissie, Amsterdam46/83<222222 @enBTariefcommissie, 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charging of such a fee depend on whether comparable charges are levied in all States of the Community in trade with non-member countries?ItalyThe legality of such a fee does not depend on if other States have this fee as well.!  #41/83Does the legality of the charging of such a fee depend on whether comparable charges are levied in all States of the Community in trade with non-member countries?GermanyThe legality of such a fee does not depend on if other States have this fee as well.#  #3th1/83Does Art 11 of Council Dir 72/461 on health problems affecting trade in fresh meat permit the charging of a fee to cover the cost of issuing an import authorization under the law in question?CommissionSuch a charge is permitted provided that there is a sufficiently close connection between the amount of the charge levied and the cost of the controls.  #2th1/83Does Art 11 of Council Dir 72/461 on health problems affecting trade in fresh meat permit the charging of a fee to cover the cost of issuing an import authorization under the law in question?ItalySuch a charge is permitted provided that there is a sufficiently close connection between the amount of the charge levied and the cost of the controls.  #1th1/83Does Art 11 of Council Dir 72/461 on health problems affecting trade in fresh meat permit the charging of a fee to cover the cost of issuing an import authorization under the law in question?GermanySuch a charge is permitted provided that there is a sufficiently close connection between the amount of the charge levied and the cost of the controls.  #045/83How is the first sentence of Art 3(1) of Reg 1798/75 to be interpreted as regards the terms "instruments" and "apparatus"?CommissionThe first sentence must be interpreted as not including items such as receptacles which are intended for the preservation of a substance on which research is carried out and which only play a passive role in research.!!!!!!! #/301/82Does Art 21 of Dir 65/65 mean that an authorization to market a proprietary medicinal product may be refused, suspended or revoked on the ground that rules on prices have not been complied with?ItalyArticle 21 is not relevant since the rules in question are outside the scope of the directive.M""""""" #.301/82Does Art 21 of Dir 65/65 mean that an authorization to market a proprietary medicinal product may be refused, suspended or revoked on the ground that rules on prices have not been complied with?CommissionSuch a product may only be refused on the grounds of protecting public health as stated in the directive.]""""""" #-na301/82Is Council Dir 65/65 of 1/26/65 concerned solely with the approximation of provisions which are intended to protect public health or is it also concerned with the approximation of other provisions?CommissionThis directive concerns solely national provisions which are intended to protect public health.V""""""" #,na301/82Is Council Dir 65/65 of 1/26/65 concerned solely with the approximation of provisions which are intended to protect public health or is it also concerned with the approximation of other provisions?ItalyThis directive concerns solely national provisions which are intended to protect public health.Q""""""" # =YkmWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbJmYkkoQJbOJUiQQ`QbmkdSmWQ\YbOQbmQiQOYbmdLQmsQQbmiJqQ^JUQbmkJbOLQmsQQbmiJqQ^JUQbmkJbOmdoidfQiJmdikMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmv$YkmWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbJmYkkoQJbOJUiQQ`QbmkdSmWQ\YbOQbmQiQOYbmdLQmsQQbmiJqQ^JUQbmkJbOLQmsQQbmiJqQ^JUQbmkJbOmdoidfQiJmdikMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmv$YkmWQLQ^UYJbfidqYkYdbJmYkkoQJbOJUiQQ`QbmkdSmWQ\YbOQbmQiQOYbmdLQmsQQbmiJqQ^JUQbmkJbOLQmsQQbmiJqQ^JUQbmkJbOmdoidfQiJmdikMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmv$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@Md`fJmYL^QsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QdSfidfdimYdbJ^YmvYbkdSJiJkmWQQufJbkYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmkdimWQkQJiMWSdibQsdom^Qmk`JvLQJMWYQqQOLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$WJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$sdom^Qmk`JvLQJMWYQqQOLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$sdom^Qmk`JvLQJMWYQqQOLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$dom^Qmk`JvLQJMWYQqQOLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$LQJMWYQqQOLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$LQJMWYQqQOLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$OLvJMmYdbsWYMWWJk^QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$QkkY`fJMmdbmWQsdi\YbUkdSmWQ`Ji\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$i\Qm$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS::@F@MdqQiQOLvmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbMdbSQiiQOdbmWQMd``YkkYdbLvJim>dSMdobMY^iQU86DHDD$YkmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS@FBHUiJbmYbUUQi`JbJomWdiYxJmYdbmd^Y`YmYbmQiqQbmYdbdbMQimJYbMQiQJ^kqJ^YO$dS@FBHUiJbmYbUUQi`JbJomWdiYxJmYdbmd^Y`YmYbmQiqQbmYdbdbMQimJYbMQiQJ^kqJ^YO$dS@FBHUiJbmYbUUQi`JbJomWdiYxJmYdbmd^Y`YmYbmQiqQbmYdbdbMQimJYbMQiQJ^kqJ^YO$@ 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agreement?rJJ   ECJ rulingIssues and positionsECJ rulingIssues and positions.ECJ rulingjV..  !AG-Plaintiff agreement?Issues and positionsAG-Plaintiff agreement?Issues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?pHH   AG position on issueIssues and positionsAG position on issueIssues and positions.AG position on issuejBB   legal issueIssues and positionslegal issueIssues and issuenX00  #O ^$Z—uN~45/85Should the Commission Dec 85/75 of 12/5/84 relating to a procedure under Art 85 of the Teaty (IV/30.307- Fire Insurance) be declared void?Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft eVThe decision should be annulled.!!!!!!! #}204/85Should the decision of 11/26/84 by the Secretary to the Court of Auditors to establish Mrs. Vlachou, a probationary official in Grade LA 6 in the Presidnet section, in her post be annulled?Androniki VlachouThe application is inadmissible.""""""" #|253/84Should the EEC pay damages to the applicants due to the harm sustained by the Council adoptation of the decision of 6/30/84Federation nationale des syndicats d exploitants agricoles (FNSEA)The EEC should be ordered to pay damages.""""""" #{253/84Should the EEC pay damages to the applicants due to the harm sustained by the Council adoptation of the decision of 6/30/84GermanyThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #z83/87Is national legislation which authorities control part of the market by measures such as subjecting marketing to a requirement that the producer be registered with the body and coordinate all sale and transport through it compatible with Art 30 and 34?United KingdomIt is unneccesary to answer the questions presented.e/!!!!!!! #y83/87Is national legislation which authorities control part of the market by measures such as subjecting marketing to a requirement that the producer be registered with the body and coordinate all sale and transport through it compatible with Art 30 and 34?CommissionSuch national measures are incompatible with Community law.h+!!!!!!! #x7/78Is a ban on the export of silver alloy coins, which have been but are no longer legal tender in that State and the destruction of which is forbidden, justified on grounds of public policy under Art 36?ItalyThe ban cannot be justified on grounds of public policy.,  #w7/78Is a ban on the export of silver alloy coins, which have been but are no longer legal tender in that State and the destruction of which is forbidden, justified on grounds of public policy under Art 36?CommissionSuch a ban is justified by Article 36.  #v7/78Do the coins in question fall within the provisions of Art 30 and 37 of the Treaty or constitute a means of payment falling within the scope of other provisions?ItalySuch coins which are legal tender or means of payment of all kinds should be regarded as capital and hence Art 30 and 37 do not apply.R  #u7/78Do the coins in question fall within the provisions of Art 30 and 37 of the Treaty or constitute a means of payment falling within the scope of other provisions?CommissionSuch coins should be regarded as goods and Article 30 applies to them.  #t26/77Were the Council and Commission obliged in fixing prices for the 1976/77 milk year to raise the free-at-frontiers prices for products under tariff subheadings 4.04 EIb3 and 4 of the CCT to at least 150/135 u.a.?CommissionThere was no obligation on the Community institutions to amend the import system for these products.h!!!!!!! #s26/77Were the Council and Commission obliged in fixing prices for the 1976/77 milk year to raise the free-at-frontiers prices for products under tariff subheadings 4.04 EIb3 and 4 of the CCT to at least 150/135 u.a.?CouncilThere was no obligation on the Community institutions to amend the import system for these products.e!!!!!!! #@ 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European Bearing Manufacturers AssociationsThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #119/77Should the applicant receive compensation from the Council for damages caused by the regulation in question?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers AssociationsThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #119/77Should Council Reg 1778/77 on the application of the anti-dumping duty on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings, originating in Japan be annulled?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers AssociationsThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #118/77Should Council Reg 1778/77 concerning the application of the anti-dumping duty on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings originating in Japan be annulled?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers AssociationsThe application should be dismissed."""""""" #113/77Should Article 3 of Council Reg 1778/77 concerning the application of the anti-dumping duty on ball bearings and tapered roller bearings originating in Japan be annulled?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers AssociationsThe application should be dismissed./ """"""" #92/78Should Commission Dec 78/258 fixing the minimum selling prices for frozen beef put up for sale by intervention agencies and specifying the quantities of frozen beef which may be imported be annulled?ItalyThe decision should be annulled.!!!!!!! #8/77Is there an infringement of the prohibition on discrimination in Art 7 of the Treaty if an alien entitled to reside in Germany whose national passport has ceased to be valid is imprisoned with a harcher penalty than an invalid national?CommissionSuch a penalty is discrimination and prohibited.L  # b8/77Is the EEC Treaty contravened if an alien to whom Art 48 of the EEC Treaty applies who in the previous year had been fined for an unintentional offense is sentenced to jail for a similar offense after the 1st had become absolute?CommissionSuch an increase in the penalties to be imposed for an infringement of the provisions which a State has adopted to secure the application of Dir 68/360 cannot be justified.  #8/77Is the EEC Treaty contravened if an alien directly entitled under Article 48 of the EEC Treaty and Council Dir 68/360 is issued only with a residence permit under Art 5 of the Auslandergesetz with possible adverse effects on that law?CommissionThe EEC Treaty would be contravened if such an alien was punished by the fact that the national authority made an error in issuing the permit under the Auslandergesetz.   #8/77Can the special residence document which has declaratory effect and is referred to in Art 4 of Council Dir 68/360 issued as alien proof of residence be treated as proof of residence alone without the valid national permit?CommissionThe right of residence exists independently of whether one possesses a residence permit and such penalties are not applicable.   #104/76Can a right to reimbursement of social contributions conferred by national legislation on former members, when conditions are satisfied, be restricted on the basis of objectives of Community rules?CommissionThe objectives of the Treaty cannot justify the refusal of a reimbursement os contributions to a person who could claim the benefit of such reimbursement under a national legislation.""""""" # Ͷd ĒU 122/78Is Article 3 of Commission Reg 499/76 of 3/5/76 invalid because it diregards the rule of the proportionality of the relevant penalty and iis contrary to the spirit of the Community system of securities?CommissionArticle 3 of Commission Reg 499/76 remains valid.-""""""" #115/78Must Council Dir 64/427 mean that "beneficiaries" in Art 1(1) also includes persons who possess and have always possessed solely the nationality of the host State?NetherlandsBeneficiaries do not include those who are only nationals of the host State."""""""" #115/78Must Council Dir 64/427 mean that "beneficiaries" in Art 1(1) also includes persons who possess and have always possessed solely the nationality of the host State?CommissionBeneficiaries include those who are only nationals of the host State.""""""" # 159/78Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30, 34 and 52 of the EEC Treaty by not allowing the owner of goods to be represented at the Customs by any person to whom he has given authority to act, but only a customs agent?   """"""" fu125/78Did the Commission fail to comply with the application made by the applicant in pursuance of Art 3(3) of Reg 17?Radio Music International S.a.r.l.The application is inadmissible.""""""" #fu125/78Did the Commission fail to comply with the application made by the applicant in pursuance of Art 3(3) of Reg 17?Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Telediffusion S.A.The application is inadmissible.""""""" #fi141/78Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations by adopting on 3/9/77 and bringing into force on 4/1/77 the Fishing Nets Order 1977?CommissionThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.""""""" #'m166/78Should Council Reg 1125/78 on the common organization of the market in cereals and Reg 1127/78 on production refunds in the cereals and rice sectors be annulled?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #2/78Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by making the importation of potable spirits bearing a designation of origin and lawfully in circulation in other States subject to more onerous conditions than those directly imported?United KingdomThe application should be dismissed.?   #2/78Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by making the importation of potable spirits bearing a designation of origin and lawfully in circulation in other States subject to more onerous conditions than those directly imported?FranceThe application should be dismissed.7   #11/78Should Commission Regs 2657/77 and 800/77 on the application of monetary compensatory amounts to certain products not covered by Annex II to the Treaty be annulled?IrelandThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #'i231/78Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations by not repealing or amending the provisions with regard to restrictions on the importation of main-crop potatoes?FranceThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #121/77Should the Council Reg 1778/77 concerning anti-dumping duties on ball-bearings and tapered roller bearings from Japan be annulled?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers AssociationsThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #/ 32ɀ +EdVVUN'e189/82Should the decisions of the Council refusing to recognize that the disease of which R. Seingry died was occupational in origin be annulled?SA Royale BelgeThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #43/82Should Commission Decision 82/123 of 11/25/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the Treaty be declared void?Borsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels E.V.The decision should be annulled.!!!!!!! #43/82Should Commission Decision 82/123 of 11/25/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the Treaty be declared void?Groupement des Associations de Libraires de la CEE (GALC)The decision should be annulled.!!!!!!! #43/82Should Commission Decision 82/123 of 11/25/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the Treaty be declared void?NV SodalThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #43/82Should Commission Decision 82/123 of 11/25/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the Treaty be declared void?NV GB-INNO-BMThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #43/82Should Commission Decision 82/123 of 11/25/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the Treaty be declared void?NV ClubThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #10/79Does Reg 804/68 prevent Italy from conferring by law upon its administrative authorities power to fix the producer price for milk even if the Community has not fixed the target price for milk pursuant to Art 3 of Reg 804/68?ItalyIt is compatible with Reg 804/68 for Italy to fix the producer price for milk.Z !!!!!!! #10/79Does Reg 804/68 prevent Italy from conferring by law upon its administrative authorities power to fix the producer price for milk even if the Community has not fixed the target price for milk pursuant to Art 3 of Reg 804/68?CommissionIt is incompatible with Reg 804/68 for Italy to fix directly or indirectly the producer price for milk.x!!!!!!! #11/79What is then to be understood under the term "humidity" used in heading 84.12? Is the term to be understood as meaning relative humidity or absolute humidity?CommissionThe expression means changing the relative humidity.!!!!!!! # w11/79Should heading 84.12 of the CCT mean that the words "air conditioning" also include the maintenance by mechanical or other means of a preselected tempreature, coupled with a change in the humidity not intended?CommissionThe heading applies to both machines which include elements designed both to alter the surrounding temperature in a given space and to regulate the degree of humidity in that space and to machines solely for temperature change.!!!!!!! #9/79Must "diens echtgentoe" in Art 10(1b) of Reg 574/72 also mean a married man who is in a professional activity in a State and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances in another State?CommissionThis expression includes a married man who is engaged in a professsional activity and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances under the legislation of another State.  #9/79Must "diens echtgentoe" in Art 10(1b) of Reg 574/72 also mean a married man who is in a professional activity in a State and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances in another State?NetherlandsThis expression includes a married man who is engaged in a professsional activity and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances under the legislation of another State.  #S 0 ,&ù{+59/83Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant for the loss which it suffered and will suffer as a result of Commission Reg 368/77 and 443/77 because the product it manufactures are rendered unsaleable?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.#!!!!!!! #*.'323/82Should the Commission Decision 82/670 of 7/22/82 on aid granted by the Belgian Government to a paper-manufacturing undertaking be declared void?SA Intermills-Industrie SteinbachThe decision should be declared void.""""""" #).'323/82Should the Commission Decision 82/670 of 7/22/82 on aid granted by the Belgian Government to a paper-manufacturing undertaking be declared void?SA Intermills-Industrie Pont-de WarcheThe decision should be declared void.""""""" #(.'323/82Should the Commission Decision 82/670 of 7/22/82 on aid granted by the Belgian Government to a paper-manufacturing undertaking be declared void?SA Intermills-Industrie AndenneThe decision should be declared void.""""""" #'28/83Should the Commissions implied decision rejecting the applicants complaint and request for assistance be annulled and should the Commission be required to have the convertability of his remuneration restored to 100% with effect from 2/1/82?Luigi Casella, Enrico Osio, Cornelia Oud and Jan Robert de RijkThe decisions should be annulled and the Commission required to take such action.T!!!!!!! #&28/83Should the Commissions implied decision rejecting the applicants complaint and request for assistance be annulled and should the Commission be required to have the convertability of his remuneration restored to 100% with effect from 2/1/82?BelgiumThe application should be dismissed.B!!!!!!! #%228/82Should the Commission decision of 8/18/82 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled?Bureau European des Unions de Conommateurs (BEUC)The application should be dismissed.""""""" #$228/82Should the Commission decision of 8/18/82 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled?Stormont LimitedThe decision should be annulled.""""""" ##228/82Should the Commission decision of 8/18/82 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled?James A. Laidlaw (Holdings) LimitedThe decision should be annulled.""""""" #"'g202/82Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by applying to imported pasta products a method for determining their common-wheat content and also tolerances regarding the presence of common wheat?ItalyThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #!86/82Should the Commission decision of 12/2/81 to fine the applicant be annulled?Camera Care Ltd.The application should be dismissed.o!!!!!!! # 40/82Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by imposing restrictions on imports of poultrymeat, eggs and egg products?IrelandThe application should be dismissed.!!!!!!! #40/82Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by imposing restrictions on imports of poultrymeat, eggs and egg products?FranceThe United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.!!!!!!! # LVALN  i K -  z :  G(sL%y8|bBL^"qM1pP( Eugen Hoh3Carmine Antonio RussoCarmina di Leo_Carmelo MorelloCarmelo Angelo Bonsignore!Carmella Castelli Carlsen Verlag GmbHCarlo TedeschiCarlo Fossi4Carlo Albertini and Mario Montagnani,Carlheinz Lensing Kaffee-Tee-Import KG. nCarl Schluter Cargill BV and Others Canzio AlminiCampus Oil Limited and Others%yCamilla BorellaCalzaturificio Brennero sas#Calvin E. Williams Caisse Regionale d Assurance maladie de Paris5 Caisse primaire d assurance maladie de Selestat7Caisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie de Rouen4 (Caisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie d Eure-et-Loir:Caisse de pension des employes prives-!Caisse de compensation pour allocations familiales des Charbonnages du Couchant de Mons_Caisse d assurances sociales pour travailleurs independantsCCaisse d Allocations Familiales de la Region Parisienne? "C.W. Edding & Co.C.J. Walder C. Mackprang Jr.4C Razzouk and A. Beydoun BV Verwerkings Industrie Vreeland)KBureau Central FrancaisBundesknappschaft*Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung:Bundesamt fur Ernahrung und Forstwirtschaft3"Bucher & Co.)British Beef Company Limited$ Brauerei A. Bilger Sohne GmbH%(Boe.D58  :? 585858P 58  5858585858585858  d /clarity.clarity (number) clarity+clarity.clarity (text) 58585858586Q^vl@585858P~q58P~`clarity85858(58 5858:E7@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo1958 5858 58583clarity.[clarity (number)]58/clarity.[clarity (text)]58 58P~58P~clarity 5858 58585858 58`58 58 58858@58H58P58X58585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858585858x5858@ 58 58 58 058 58 58z  58H58 58~58x 58 58 58x 58 d 580p 58x 58x 58 58 58 clarity 58PrimaryKey 5858v 58585858`58`5q8`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58`58858 58H58(5858P 58clarityPrimaryKey58P 5858 585858`58H5858H5858 580 ͒[ȿƿ P101/83Does Art 17 of Reg 1408/71 enable 2 States to decide that the legislation of 1 of those States, which is applicable to a worker pursuant to Art 13-16, does not apply to him and that the other States legislation is applicable?United KingdomThis provision does allow two States to make such an agreement provided that this corresponds to the interests of the worker concerned.""""""" #101/83Does Art 17 of Reg 1408/71 enable 2 States to decide that the legislation of 1 of those States, which is applicable to a worker pursuant to Art 13-16, does not apply to him and that the other States legislation is applicable?NetherlandsThis provision does allow two States to make such an agreement provided that this corresponds to the interests of the worker concerned.""""""" #121/83Do the phrases "sugar produced" and "white sugar produced and marketed" in Council Regs 3330/74 and 1358/77 include a transitional product ehich appears only temporarily during a manufacturing process?CommissionThese phrases include a transitional product which appears only temporarily during a continuing manufacturing process, even if that produce cannot be quantified without further treatment and qualify for reimbursement of storage costs.""""""" #121/83Does the phrase "syrups produced prior to the crystallizing stage and marketed in their natural state" in Council Reg 3330/74 include syrups produced from sugars which have been dissolved by water to make invert sugar?CommissionThis phrase is not meant to include such syrups.< """"""" #121/83Is the 2nd subparagraph of Art 12(1) of Commission Reg 1998/78 valid in so far as it provides that disposal is to mean the processing of the sugar and syrups by the manufacturer into products other than 17.01 of the CCT?CommissionThe provision remains valid.* """"""" #38/83In calculating the disadvantage referred in Art 4 of Council Reg 878/77 and Commission Reg 1054/78, is it also necessary to take account of the monetary compensatory amounts not fixed and the purcase price?CommissionNo account must be taken either of monetary compensatory amounts not fixed in advance or of the markets.g!!!!!!! #38/83Do Art 1 and 4(1) of Council Reg 1134/68 give a right to cancellation of the advance fixing of export refunds and the certificate thereof in the event of an alteration in the value of currencies or the fixing of prices in this sector?CommissionThese provisions give no right to the cancellation of the advance fixing of export refunds and of the certificate in this case. !!!!!!! #117/83If question 1 is answered negative, are national rules under which it is possible to revoke a wrongful decision releasing a deposit and to reclaim the amount of the deposit after the period of storage expires compatible with Community law?GermanySuch rules are compatible with Community law.K""""""" #117/83If question 1 is answered negative, are national rules under which it is possible to revoke a wrongful decision releasing a deposit and to reclaim the amount of the deposit after the period of storage expires compatible with Community law?CommissionSuch national rules are incompatible with Community law, however national authorities still have a duty to take proceedings against a trader who has obtained the release of the deposit by fradulent means.""""""" #P@˔wOArt 7(2) of Council Reg 1612/68 means that the grant of a social advantage such as this to a dependent relative cannot be conditional on a reciprocal agreement between that State and the State where the relative is a national.3Art 7(2) of Council Reg 1612/68 means that the grant of a social advantage such as this to a dependent relative cannot be conditional on a reciprocal agreement between that State and the State where the relative is a national.261/83Is a national who receives a social security benefit in a State who moves to another State she has not worked in and is dependent on her son entitled to receive the guranteed income for old people in the 2nd State?F=NA State may grant such a maternity leave.3A State may grant such a maternity leave.184/83Are Art 1,2 and 5 of Council Dir 76/207 infringed if a period of leave which the State encourages by payment of the net remuneration of the person concerned and lasts six months can be claimed by working mothers?PzznnCCCCAF=heMThe court hearing an appeal by the party seeking enforcement is required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought, even under the circumstances of this question.3The court hearing an appeal by the party seeking enforcement is required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought, even under the circumstances of this question.178/83Is the appellate court required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought under Art 40 of the Convention if the application was dismissed due to lack of documents or the order is apllied for in the wrong State?avvF=LSuch a requirement is incompatible with Article 52.3Such a requirement is incompatible with Article 52.107/83Does the requirement that a lawyer who is a national of one State and wishes to practice in another State as well must maintain chambers in one place only consitute a restriction incompatible with Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome?rMMMMKF=KThe major factor is thaqt the amount of time spent actually driving should be less significant than the other activities involved in the selling process.3This may consist of calls on potential wholesale customsers provided that the activity of selling is characterized by frequent stops by the specialized vehicles.133/83Does "door-to-door selling" apply to a methodical calling at one house after another for the purpose of selling to the ultimate consumer, or to potential wholesale customers, or some combination?'bbVVF=inJA vehicle is specialized only if its construction, equipment or other characteristics ensure that it will be used primarily for door-to-door selling.3The term specialized vehicle is intended to cover exclusively vehicles whose construction guarantee that they are used primarily for one of those operations, such as door-to-door selling.133/83Does "specialized" in Art 14a(3a) of Council Reg 543/69 apply to the characteristics of the particular vehicle alone, or to the activity of door-to-door selling alone, or a combination of both?;xxllF=IA State is entitled to maintain such a prohibition on a temporary basis.3Community law does not give a State authorization to make such an order.63/83Having regard to all the relevant provisions of Community law did the UK have the right after 12/31/82 to bring into force the Sea Fish Order 1982 to the extent that it prohibits only vessels registered in Denmark from fishing?bbbb`F=) }KMDzf6M7271/81Does the provision of services have a commercial character within the meaning of Art 37 of the Treaty of Rome if, because it is the subject of a national monopoly, the State is enabled to direct a branch of the national economy?CommissionArt 37 does not apply to a monopoly over provision of services, provided it does not contravene the principle of the free movement of goods by discriminating against imported products.""""""" #6271/81Does the provision of services have a commercial character within the meaning of Art 37 of the Treaty of Rome if, because it is the subject of a national monopoly, the State is enabled to direct a branch of the national economy?FranceArt 37 does not apply to a monopoly over provision of services, provided it does not contravene the principle of the free movement of goods by discriminating against imported products.""""""" #5192/82Are jewellery boxes with hinged lids, of polystyrene and wholly covered on the outside with varnished paper, to be classified as boxes for jewellry and simlar containers under 42.02 of the CCT, or 39.07 BV(d)?CommissionSuch boxes are to be classified under 48.16A.0""""""" #4168/82Is Dec C(81)1887 def. Of 12/10/81 of the Commission valid in so far as it provides in Art 2 that the debt owed by the defendant to the ECSC must be regarded as a preferential debt ranking equally with similar debts owed to the State?CommissionThe decision is valid.1 """"""" #3168/82Is Dec C(81)1887 def. Of 12/10/81 of the Commission valid in so far as it provides in Art 2 that the debt owed by the defendant to the ECSC must be regarded as a preferential debt ranking equally with similar debts owed to the State?ItalyThe decision is invalid.. """"""" #2168/82Is Dec C(81)1887 def. Of 12/10/81 of the Commission valid in so far as it provides in Art 2 that the debt owed by the defendant to the ECSC must be regarded as a preferential debt ranking equally with similar debts owed to the State?United KingdomThe decision is invalid.7 """"""" #1156/82Does Council Reg 974/71 concerning a system of monetary compensatory amounts mean that the difference between the reduced amount and the full amount is not to be granted subsequently?CommissionThe difference is ont to be granted a posteriori when the butter has not been used after re-importation for the purpose and within the period prescribed by the regulation.""""""" #087/82If Art 7 does have effect, has a State any power to define the exceptions to the prohibition upon net attachments in such a way as Statutory Instrument No 1994 of 1980 does?CommissionThe provision does not prohibit such devices, provided they are compatible with Art 7.4!!!!!!! #/87/82Does Art 7 of EEC Reg 2527/80 have any effect when no detailed implementing rules have been adopted?CommissionThe provision has full effect.!!!!!!! #.80/82May wine containing a negligible percentage of lees be regarded as separted from its lees within the meaning of paragraph 8 of Annex II to Reg 816/80 on the common organization of the market in wine?CommissionWine with a percentage of lees between .35 and .40% may be regarded as separated.I!!!!!!! #-59/82Is a statutory provision in State A where vermouth produced in State B is not marketable in State A because it has slightly less than the minimum alcoholic content under law of State B compatible with Art 30?CommissionThis is a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction under Artile 30 of the Treaty.h!!!!!!! #[Fϗ"ΐG͢t@̙i/˺z;ʼ|=ɅEɡo?ǯMƱƁQ,Şn>Ģa"Ò> ¨xJX64/76action for damages( 261/78non-contractual liability1 261/78action for damages* 241/78non-contractual liability1 241/78action for damages* 238/78non-contractual liability1 238/78action for damages* 141/78fishing 178/78officials! 152/77officials! 232/78Member States% 232/78agriculture# 232/78accession to Communities of new Member StatesE 232/78procedure! 166/78agriculture# 166/78Council 166/78acts of the institutions0 166/78application for annullment2 153/78free movement of goods. 149/78Community law% 149/78ECSC 124/78officials! 32/78competition! 252/78officials! 255/78officials! 18/78officials 164/78 156/78officials! 22/78competition! om2/78quantitative restrictions- 12/78agriculture! 220/78procedure! 220/78proceedings# 117/78officials! 116/78officials! 112/78officials! !11/78agriculture!  }157/77officials! ~231/78agriculture# }231/78accession of the new Member States to the European CommunitiesV |121/77common commercial policy0 {121/77application for annulment1 omz120/77common commercial policy0 omy120/77application for annulment1 x119/77action for damages* w119/77common commercial policy0 v119/77application for annulment1 u118/77common commercial policy0 t118/77application for annulment1 s113/77common commercial policy0 r113/77application for annulment1 q90/78action for failure to act/ p90/78action for damages( o92/78invitations to tender+ n92/78agriculture! m92/78procedure l92/78acts of an institution, k92/78application for annulment/ j163/78Member States% i24/78officials h85/76competition! g85/76Community law# f128/78obligations of Member States4 e128/78measures adopted by an institution: d18/76agriculture! c15/76Community law# b15/76agriculture! a15/76procedure in respect of the failure by a Member State to fulfill its obligationsf `15/76action for annulment* _11/76agriculture! #[Eϒ` γZͬl,̗W%˔b0ʜS!ɵɃQ!ȳȃ9ǚ^0ƈNųŃ: Īz9 ëp¨> zJ325/82Member States% 325/82action for failure of a State to fulfill obligationsL 316/82officials! 39/83officials 284/82procedure! 284/82Community law% ta166/82agriculture# ta166/82action for failure by a Member State to fulfill a Treaty obligation[ 74/82free movement of goods, 74/82agriculture! 74/82action for failure of a State to fulfill its obligationsN 40/82free movement of goods, 40/82agriculture! 189/82officials! 65/83officials 262/80objection of admissibility2 262/80officials! 260/80officials! 219/80officials! 211/80officials! 43/82measures adopted by the institutions: 43/82competition! 266/82officials! 266/82action for annulment, 10/79agriculture! 11/79Common Customs Tariff+ 9/79social security for migrant workers7 9/79Community law! 260/78agriculture# il7/79agriculture 160/78Common Customs Tariff- 126/78tax provisions& 132/78tax provisions& 132/78customs duties& 236/78social security for migrant workers; 84/78agriculture! 137/78Common Customs Tariff- 157/78agriculture# 95/78agriculture! 151/77agriculture# 131/78agriculture# 158/78Common Customs Tariff- 145/78transport! l134/78agriculture# l134/78measures adopted by an institution: er129/78social security for migrant workers; mb144/78social security for migrant workers; 138/78agriculture# 113/78agriculture# 122/78agriculture# 115/78freedom of establishment and freedom to provide servicesP 93/79Member States# 257/78non-contractual liability1 257/78officials! 14/79officials 12/79action for damages( 143/77non-contractual liability1 116/77non-contractual liability1 162/78agriculture# 162/78acts of the institutions0 162/78actions for annullment. 219/78 159/78Member States% 159/78free movement of goods. 125/78procedure! 125/78action for failure to act1 125/78competition# 142/78officials! 64/76non-contractual liability/ [EϤh?ΊO͗X$̣e:˝T$ʻʍRɩw<Ȟp@ǧQ Ƶ_-ƿŏa8ĨxDòr«Z: .81/83objection of illegality- Br-49/83agriculture! ,17/83officials  n+222/83application for a declaration of nullity@  *130/83aids granted by States. )51/83free movement of goods, (51/83action for failure of a State to fulfill obligationsJ '126/83application for the annullment of measuresB &126/83international agreements0 %115/83officials! $114/83accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesI #114/83non-contractual liability1 "69/83officials !280/83member states%   224/83procedure!  224/83Community law%  111/83officials!  62/83agriculture! 346/82officials! 326/82officials! om83/83ECSC ` 12/83officials 338/82officials! om9/83measures adopted by the institutions8 om9/83ECSC o 58/83Member States# o 58/83accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesG om281/82agriculture# om281/82action for damages*  }108/83parliament"  }108/83action for a declaration that a measure is voidG 324/82taxation provisions+ 324/82action for failure of a State to fulfill its obligationsP  347/82officials!  25/83officials  29/83competition!  8/83ECSC  8/83measures adopted by the institutions8 50/83free movement of goods,  169/82agriculture# 314/82free movement of goods. 75/82officials 84/82action for failure to act/ 84/82aids granted by States, 28/83officials 348/82ECSC 348/82objection of illegality/ 64/82agriculture! 64/82measures adopted by the institutions: 310/81non-contractual liability1 310/81social policy% 10/83ECSC xt270/82ECSC xt270/82objection of illegality/ 228/82competition# 228/82application for a declaration of nullity@ 247/81free movement% 239/82Common commercial policy0 239/82application for a declaration of nullity@ 140/82ECSC 140/82objection of illegality/ 140/82action for annulment, 202/82free movement of goods. 86/82competition! 86/82mesures adopted by the institutions9 76/83ECSC 76/83objection of illegality- 2/83ECSC 325/82tax provisions& 8[EϧsCΫw$͋`,̺s7˅Sʥn>ɅW.Ⱦf8Ǡd*ƉLŞd6Ęe1óx>Œ\!o3 | u n g ` Y s105/83EEC Treaty" tzr345/82agriculture# 3q298/82Common Customs Tariff- p92/83Common Customs Tariff+ vio90/83transport ern313/82social security for migrant workers;  m16/83free movement of goods,  l16/83agriculture!  k16/83preliminary rulings)  j104/83social security for migrant workers; i77/83agriculture! h37/83approximation of laws+ g37/83free movement of goods, f37/83measures adopted by the institutions: e294/82tax provisions& d93/83origin of goods% c70/83tax provisions$ b70/83community law# 5'a337/82agriculture# `46/83Common Customs Tariff+ _24/83fisheries ^64/83approximation of laws+ ]60/83Common Customs Tariff+ \7/83Common Customs Tariff) [344/82approximation of laws- Z295/82free movement of goods. Y295/82preliminary rulings+ X1/83agriculture W1/83free movement of goods* V45/83Common Customs Tariff+ U301/82approximation of laws- T301/82measures adopted by the institutions< S14/84application for a declaration of nullity> R14/84officials Q289/83accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesI P289/83non-contractual liability1 O113/83transport! N78/83ECSC k@M20/83officials [~zL129/82measures adopted by the institutions< [~zK129/82officials! J59/83non-contractual liability/ I59/83agriculture! H59/83action for damages( h"G265/83officials! F50/84procedure E50/84application to have a measure declared voidA UD264/81agriculture# UC264/81application for annulment1 tB232/81agriculture# tA232/81application for annulment1 ; @323/82aid granted by States-  ?98/83European Communities own resources8  >98/83community law# =256/80non-contractual liability1 <256/80Community law% ;151/83ECSC :151/83objection of illegality/ 9103/83ECSC 8188/83officials! 780/81measures adopted by the Community institutionsD 6279/83Member States% 5254/83Member States% 4235/83officials! 3221/83Member States% 2227/83officials! 1209/83Community law% 0209/83procedure! /81/83ECSC TPbfʾ&p In such a case the recovery of those duties and charges is to be effected by the State in which the offence was committed, in accordance with the laws of that State.3In such a case the recovery of those duties and charges is to be effected by the State in which the offence was committed, in accordance with the laws of that State.99/83When the duties and other charges payable are not collected by reason of an offence or irregularity committed in connection with a Community transit operation, who is to recover those duties and charges?=ppffF=inIf the symbol T1 is not entered in space 25, the Swiss office of departure is authorized to issue a new consignment note bearing the symbol T2 in space 25.3If the symbol T1 is not entered in space 25, the Swiss office of departure is authorized to issue a new consignment note bearing the symbol T2 in space 25.99/83May the Swiss customs authority issue CIM International Consignment Notes bearing the symbol T2 to indicate internal Community transit?\\RRF=99/832nd% FasThis operation must be regarded as Community transit.3This operation must be regarded as Community transit.99/83Under community law, must a transit operation involving goods which, after leaving Belgium to a consignee at the port of Geneva, are re-consigned by that person, to another consignee in Italy be regarded as Community transit?sOOOOMF=U~Such components may be imported free of duty only if intended for scientific instruments also admitted free of duty, not when intended to go with scientific installation constructed in the Community.3Such components may be imported free of duty only if intended for scientific instruments also admitted free of duty, not when intended to go with scientific installation constructed in the Community.236/83Does "scientific instruments and apparatus which qualify for duty-free admission" mean such components may be imported free of duty only if intended for scientific instruments also admitted free of duty?F=f }Such components or spare parts of a unit can still be classified as scientific instruments or apparatus if it is established that they are capable of performing an independent scientific function and satisfy Art 3(1) requirements.3Such components or spare parts of a unit can still be classified as scientific instruments or apparatus if it is established that they are capable of performing an independent scientific function and satisfy Art 3(1) requirements.236/83Under Art 3(1) of Reg 1798/75 does "scientific instruments and apparatus" include components, spare parts or accessories of a unit of equiptment, and what are the characteristecs those components must have to be "scientific"?F=|There is no suspension of entitlement to such benefits because not all the conditions laid down by the legislation of that State for the actual receipt of such allowances are satisfied.3There is no suspension of entitlement to such benefits because not all the conditions laid down by the legislation of that State for the actual receipt of such allowances are satisfied.191/83Under Art 76 of Council Reg 1408/71 must entitlement to family allowances be suspended in the situation of this case when it is not clear whether the parent in the country of residence of the children gets those benefits?yF= PobOQiJim>:LJbO@:`JvmWQMd`fQmQbmJomWdiYmvOQM^JiQmWQOQfdkYmSdiSQYmYbsWd^QdiYbfJimYSmWQdL^YUJmYdbkJiQbdmSo^SY^^QO$obOQiJim>BdSiQU8>6FD8JbOJim8@dSiQU@D>D:YkJfQiYdOdSQ`f^dv`QbmLQSdiQ88B@YbmWQbQmWQi^JbOksWQiQMdbmiYLomYdbksQiQfJYOJbOJfQiYdOMd`f^QmQOLQSdiQD8BDsWQiQbdbQsQiQfJYOmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJfQiYdOdSYbkoiJbMQ$iQU8>6FD8JbOJim8@dSiQU@D>D:YkJfQiYdOdSQ`f^dv`QbmLQSdiQ88B@YbmWQbQmWQi^JbOksWQiQMdbmiYLomYdbksQiQfJYOJbOJfQiYdOMd`f^QmQOLQSdiQD8BDsWQiQbdbQsQiQfJYOmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJfQiYdOdSYbkoiJbMQ$obOQiJimDBdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$tMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$tobOQiJimDBdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$tobOQiMd``obYmv^JsOdQkmWQQufiQkkYdb JUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMQik YbJim88JbO<dSiQU:>B>BHdidmWQifidqYkYdbkYbM^oOQYbOokmiYJ^^YqQkmdM\LiQQOQikJbO\QQfQiksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSUQi`JbmJu^Js$k$tobOQiMd``obYmv^JsOdQkmWQQufiQkkYdb JUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMQik YbJim88JbO<dSiQU:>B>BHdidmWQifidqYkYdbkYbM^oOQYbOokmiYJ^^YqQkmdM\LiQQOQikJbO\QQfQiksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSUQi`JbmJu^Js$JbO<dSiQU:>B>BHdidmWQifidqYkYdbkYbM^oOQYbOokmiYJ^^YqQkmdM\LiQQOQikJbO\QQfQiksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSUQi`JbmJu^Js$obOQiMd``obYmv^JsOdQkmWQQufiQkkYdb JUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMQik YbJim88JbO<dSiQU:>B>BHdidmWQifidqYkYdbkYbM^oOQYbOokmiYJ^^YqQkmdM\LiQQOQikJbO\QQfQiksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSUQi`JbmJu^Js$obOQiMd``obYmv^JsYS`Y^\fidOoMmYdbYb8HF8sJkJSSQMmQOLvJbQuMQfmYdbJ^QqQbmmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\sWYMWYmYkQkmY`JmQOJfidOoMQisdo^OfidOoMQiJmWQimWJbJMmoJ^hoJbmYmvYkmWQLJkYkSdiQkmY`JmYdb$JSSQMmQOLvJbQuMQfmYdbJ^QqQbmmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\sWYMWYmYkQkmY`JmQOJfidOoMQisdo^OfidOoMQiJmWQimWJbJMmoJ^hoJbmYmvYkmWQLJkYkSdiQkmY`JmYdb$Qi`JbmJu^Js$obOQiMd``obYmv^JsYS`Y^\fidOoMmYdbYb8HF8sJkJSSQMmQOLvJbQuMQfmYdbJ^QqQbmmWQhoJbmYmvdS`Y^\sWYMWYmYkQkmY`JmQOJfidOoMQisdo^OfidOoMQiJmWQimWJbJMmoJ^hoJbmYmvYkmWQLJkYkSdiQkmY`JmYdb$] PΤEŜ}H24/83Where, after 1/1/79, a State notifies the Commission of a re-enactment of a national conversation measure, does it remain in conformity with Community law in the absence of express Commission approval?GermanySuch a re-enactment of a national conversation measure does not remain in conformity with Community law._!!!!!!! #G24/83Where, after 1/1/79, a State notifies the Commission of a re-enactment of a national conversation measure, does it remain in conformity with Community law in the absence of express Commission approval?CommissionNo fresh consultation of the Commission is required in the case of re-enactment of a national measure for the conservation of fishery resources.!!!!!!! #F24/83Where, after 1/1/79, a State notifies the Commission of a re-enactment of a national conversation measure, does it remain in conformity with Community law in the absence of express Commission approval?United KingdomNo fresh consultation of the Commission is required in the case of re-enactment of a national measure for the conservation of fishery resources.!!!!!!! #E64/83May a vehicle which has been taken out of circulation in a State in which it had been register be regarded as still normally based in the territory of that State within the meaning of Art 1(4) of the directive of 4/24/72?FranceSuch a vehicle is normally based in the territory of the State in which it was registered, even if at the relevant time the authorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.!!!!!!! #D64/83May a vehicle which has been taken out of circulation in a State in which it had been register be regarded as still normally based in the territory of that State within the meaning of Art 1(4) of the directive of 4/24/72?CommissionSuch a vehicle is normally based in the territory of the State in which it was registered, even if at the relevant time the authorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn. !!!!!!! #C64/83May a vehicle which has been taken out of circulation in a State in which it had been register be regarded as still normally based in the territory of that State within the meaning of Art 1(4) of the directive of 4/24/72?ItalySuch a vehicle is normally based in the territory of the State in which it was registered, even if at the relevant time the authorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.!!!!!!! #B64/83May a vehicle which has been taken out of circulation in a State in which it had been register be regarded as still normally based in the territory of that State within the meaning of Art 1(4) of the directive of 4/24/72?United KingdomSuch a vehicle is normally based in the territory of the State in which it was registered, even if at the relevant time the authorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.!!!!!!! #A64/83What is the meaning of the expression "provisions of national law on compulsory insurance" contained in Art 2(2) of the directive of 4/24/72?FranceThis expression refers to the limits and conditions of civil liability applicable to compulsory insurance, so long as the driver during the accident is deemed to be covered by valid insurance under that legilsation.!!!!!!! #@64/83What is the meaning of the expression "provisions of national law on compulsory insurance" contained in Art 2(2) of the directive of 4/24/72?CommissionThis expression refers to the limits and conditions of civil liability applicable to compulsory insurance, so long as the driver during the accident is deemed to be covered by valid insurance under that legilsation.!!!!!!! # ]JiQmWQSiQQJmSidbmYQifiYMQkSdimWQOJYivfidOoMmkYbhoQkmYdbmdLQSYuQOdb^vLvJUiQQ`QbmsYmWmWQD8Sdi`Y^\fdsOQimdLQiQOoMQOLv:di^QkkoJQqQbsWQiQmWQSJmMdbmQbmYkYbQuMQkkdS<LvsQYUWmJbOmWQiQkmdSiQUD8:D>Yk`Qm$:P IKǵƵŶ>`NThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.219/78Should the partial rejection by the Commission of the complaint submitted by the applicant seeking the application to his retirement pension with effect from the date of his retirement fixed for Belgium be annulled?Bii]]>>>><F=\5Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.159/78Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30, 34 and 52 of the EEC Treaty by laying down in a discriminatory manner on the basis of nationality conditions for the grant of a customs agent licence?RttFFFFDF=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.159/78Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30, 34 and 52 of the EEC Treaty by not allowing the owner of goods to be represented at the Customs by any person to whom he has given authority to act, but only a customs agent?Sii]]>>>><F=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.125/78Did the Commission fail to comply with the application made by the applicant in pursuance of Art 3(3) of Reg 17?hh\\::::8F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The Commission muat pay the applicant the sum of Bfr 22 218.142/78Should the Commission be ordered to reimburse the applicant for sums it overpaid?||>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The decision should be annulled.142/78Should the Commission decision adopted by memorandum of 5/18/77 in which the applicant was ordered to repay the overpayments by way of the household allowance be annulled?ll``>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.142/78Should the Commission recognize the applicants right to the household allowance in question?ii]]>>>><F=The defendants should compensate the applicant.3The defendants must compensate the applicant.64/76Should the defendants compensate the applicant for damages relating to production refunds on maize gritz used by the brewing industry which these undertakings would have been entitled to receive?GxxIIIIGF=toThe defendants should pay damages to the applicant.3The defendants must pay damages to the applicant.261/78Should the defendants compensate the applicant for damages relating to the production refunds on quellmehl intended for use in the bakery industry which each of these undertakings were entitled to receive?[MMMMKF=o The defendants should compensate the applicant for damages.3The defendants may pay damages to the applicant.241/78Should the defendants pay the applicant damages relevant to the production refunds on maize gritz used by the brewing industry which each of those undertakings would have been entitled to receive?YUUUUSF=The defendants must pay damages to the applicant.3The defendants must pay damages to the applicant.238/78Should the defendants compensate the applicant for damages relating to the production refund for maize, wheat and wheat flour which were processed into quellmehl for human consumption?D~~KKKKIF=The United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.141/78Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations by adopting on 3/9/77 and bringing into force on 4/1/77 the Fishing Nets Order 1977?)SSSSQF=iP Τxd]lċThe day of importation cannot be earlier than that on which the goods were brought to a place designated by the competent national authorities to enable them to make a real and effective customs inspection of the goods.3The day of importation cannot be earlier than that on which the goods were brought to a place designated by the competent national authorities to enable them to make a real and effective customs inspection of the goods.113/78According to Art 15 of Reg 120/67, are there any circumstances that a day before the date on which the products in question are brought to a place accepted by customs department can be regarded as the day of importation?F=Article 3 of Commission Reg 499/76 is invalid.3Article 3 of Commission Reg 499/76 is invalid.122/78Is Article 3 of Commission Reg 499/76 of 3/5/76 invalid because it diregards the rule of the proportionality of the relevant penalty and iis contrary to the spirit of the Community system of securities?PxxHHHHFF=Beneficiaries include those who are only nationals of the host State.3Beneficiaries include those who are only nationals of the host State.115/78Must Council Dir 64/427 mean that "beneficiaries" in Art 1(1) also includes persons who possess and have always possessed solely the nationality of the host State?W____]F=obItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.93/79Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to put into force within the prescribed time period the provisions necessary to comply with Council Dir 75/410 on laws relating to weighting machines?M~~ttFFFFDF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.257/78Should the Commission decision to withdraw from the applicant the expatriation allowance and the implied decision rejecting the complaint submitted in that regard be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.14/79Should the Commission find that the applicant occupies a post of Director in Grade A2 and is therefore entitled to be graded in this grade from 4/1/74-5/4/78 and annull the rejections of this request?1gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.12/79Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant for applying Reg 1579/76 to its application for cancellation of the export licence?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.143/77Is the Community liable in respect of damage caused by Council and Commission Regs 1111/77 and 1468/77 respectively and should the applicant be compensated?ii]]>>>><F=The applications should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.116/77Should the applicant receive compensation from the defendants due to damage suffered from Council Reg 1111/77 and Commission Reg 1468/77?jj^^????=F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.162/78Should Commission Reg 1837/78 defining the scope of Art 4(5) of Reg 1380/75 laying down detailed rules for the application of monetary compensatory amounts be partially annulled?ii]]>>>><F=P ͈T{8.ƺ<NSuch a charge is prohibited by Articles 9,12 and 13.3Such a charge is prohibited by Articles 9,12 and 13.132/78Is it contrary to the prohibition on charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties under Art 9,12 and 13 of the Treaty to charge imports of lard intended for use in animal fedding to compensate for the domestic charge of swine slaughter?NNNNLF=S;not applicable.2Apart from the exception provided by Reg 2792/77, the monetary compensatory amounts in question under Reg 2604/77 are applicable to such products.84/78May Reg 2604/77 in conjunction with Reg 2792/77 and 2917/77 be considered applicable to exportations of pasta products from Italy to other States after 1/2/78 during a period with unforeseen introduction of compensatory amounts?))))'F=The regulation is void in so far as it purports to make m.c.a.s applicable in respect of products of CCT Headings 19.03.3The regulation remains valid.84/78Must Commission Reg 2604/77 be considered invalid, at least in so far as it introduces monetary compensatory amounts on exports of pasta products?OF=odSuch a product constitutes a "food preparation" coming under subheading 21.07 GI(a)1 of the CCT.3Such a product constitutes a "food preparation" coming under subheading 21.07 GI(a)1 of the CCT.137/78Under Art 1(2) of Council Reg 974/71, does Hentex composed of 52% whole hen-egg powder, 25% soya meal, 22% glucose syrup and 1% salt and lecithin fallunder heading 04.05 or 21.07?zzzzxF=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.157/78Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as it provides that monetary compensatory amounts are to be charged on imports and granted on exports of goods coming within tariff heading 17.04 D?#bbVV77775F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.95/78Is Commission Reg 2657/77 invalid because it extends Reg 800/77 without the Management Committees opinion and drawn up with an inconsistent statement of reasons in infringement of Art 190?``VV77775F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.95/78Must Commission Reg 800/77 on monetary compensatory amounts be considered invalid?``VV77775F= The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.151/77Is Commission Reg 800/77 invalid in so far as monetary compensatory amounts are charged or granted on imports or exports of goods under the tariff subheadings in question?bbVV77775F=The regulations remain valid.3The regulations remain valid.131/78Are Council Reg 1173/75 so far as it relates to common wheat or Council Reg 1427/74 in so far as it relates to sorghum invalid?bbVV77775F=Boned or boneless poultry cuts come under CCT 02.02BI and do not constitute offals under heading C if they are muscles with a small proportion of tendons, gristly and fatty tissue and skin.3Boned or boneless poultry cuts come under CCT 02.02BI, regardless of the way presented, produced, put to use, or their commercial value, and do not constitute offals under heading C if they are muscles of small porportions.158/78According to what criteria was the distinction to be drawn between headings 02.02BI and C before the entry into force of Reg 1669/77?KF=P΀˴m MSThis expression includes a married man who is engaged in a professsional activity and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances under the legislation of another State.3This expression includes a married man who is engaged in a professsional activity and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances under the legislation of another State.9/79Must "diens echtgentoe" in Art 10(1b) of Reg 574/72 also mean a married man who is in a professional activity in a State and whose wife is entitled under Art 77 of Reg 1408/71 to family allowances in another State?F=leStates may not apply national rules so as to exempt from compensation goods imported from another State in which they are in free circulation.3States may not apply national rules so as to exempt from compensation goods imported from another State in which they are in free circulation.260/78On 9/8/75 was it compatible with Community law that a State should exempt from the compensatory amount goods which had been in free circulation in another State subject to the condition goods not be put in circulation there?&DD88F=Such a method is authorized if capable of being rebutted.3Such a method is authorized if capable of being rebutted.7/79Are Community provisions to be understood as authorizing the measurement of the dry extract by densimetry and at 100 degrees when checking for over-alcoholization?;SSSSQF=s The term meat refers to all kinds of meat.3The term meat refers to all kinds of meat.160/78Is the term "meat" in tariff subheadings 16.02 BIII(a)1, 2 and 3 of the 1976 CCT to be initerpreted as meaning only pigmeat or also meaning meat other than pigmeat?"||ppDDDDBF=The national courts are not forced to take to take account of this.3The national court must take account of the combined provisions of Art 6(2) of the 2nd Directive and of Annex B, item 5, thereto.126/78If question 2 is answered negatively, must a national court before which Art 6(2) of the 2nd Dir in conjunction with the provisions of item 5 of Annex B is invoked take account of this?]]]][F=States are not empowered to treat an ancillary service such as the collection of the cash-on-delivery price separately from the service of the transport of goods.3States are not empowered to treat an ancillary service such as the collection of the cash-on-delivery price separately from the service of the transport of goods.126/78If question 1 is answered affirmatively, are States free to treat an ancillary service such as the aforesaid collection of the cash-on-delivery price separately so that the transport service is not exempted from tax but the ancillary service is?cll``F=The collection of such a price is not a service ancillary to the transport within the meaning of the directive.3The collection of such a price is a service ancillary to the transport within the meaning of the directive.126/78If a carrier has undertaken to collect the price of the goods before delivering them to the cosignee is the collection of that price a service ancillary to the transport under the 2nd Council Dir of 4/11/67?F=P ͫ˰SRŻĆ*The decision should be annulled and the allowance granted.3The decision is annulled and the allowance granted.65/83Should the Council decision not to grant the household allowance to the applicant be declared void and the allowance granted?TTTTRF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.262/80Should the implied decision of the European Parliament rejecting the complaints submitted by the applicants against the Parliament to pay their remuneration on the basis of Council Reg 160/80 be annulled?7ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.260/80Should the Council decision rejecting the applicants complaint against the Council decision to pay their renumeration on the basis of Council Reg 160/80 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=3The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.219/80Should Council Regulations 160/80 and 161/80 amending the renumeration of pensions of Community officials be annulled and those salaries effected be recalculated? ii]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.211/80Should the Commission decision to reject the applicants complaint against the Commission decision to pay their renumeration on the basis of Council Regulation 160/80 amending such existing regulations be annulled?@ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.43/82Should Commission Decision 82/123 of 11/25/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the Treaty be declared void?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.266/82Should the Commission Decision of 10/20/81 compulsorily transferring the applicant to Division IX-A-6, Sickness Insurance and Building Loans, be annulled and the applicant compensated for damages suffered?8ii]]>>>><F=68It is incompatible with Reg 804/68 for Italy to fix directly or indirectly the producer price for milk.3It is incompatible with Reg 804/68 for Italy to fix directly or indirectly the producer price for milk.10/79Does Reg 804/68 prevent Italy from conferring by law upon its administrative authorities power to fix the producer price for milk even if the Community has not fixed the target price for milk pursuant to Art 3 of Reg 804/68?F=e The expression refers to both relative humidity and absolute humidity.3The expression means changing the relative humidity.11/79What is then to be understood under the term "humidity" used in heading 84.12? Is the term to be understood as meaning relative humidity or absolute humidity?A````^F=The heading applies only to machines which include elements designed both to alter the surrounding temperature in a given space and to regulate the degree of humidity in that space, and not to machines solely for temperature change.3The heading applies only to machines which include elements designed both to alter the surrounding temperature in a given space and to regulate the degree of humidity in that space, and not to machines solely for temperature change.11/79Should heading 84.12 of the CCT mean that the words "air conditioning" also include the maintenance by mechanical or other means of a preselected tempreature, coupled with a change in the humidity not intended?F=P Λh, ɷ6,Â/The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.202/82Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by applying to imported pasta products a method for determining their common-wheat content and also tolerances regarding the presence of common wheat?.ii]]>>>><F=The decision should not be fully annulled but the fine should be reduced to 80000 ECU.3The decision is void in so far as clause 6 of the dealer agreement constitutes an infringement of Art 85(1) of the Treaty and the fine should be reduced to 80000 ECU.86/82Should the Commission decision of 12/2/81 to fine the applicant be annulled?p""ppppnF=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.76/83Should the Commission decision of 3/24/83 concerning a fine imposed pursuant to Art 58 of the ECSC Treaty on the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The fine should be reduced.3The fine is reduced from 180150 ECU to 20000ECU.2/83Should the fine imposed on the applicant in the Commission decision of 12/7/82 be reduced?oogg55553F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.2/83Should the Commission decision of 12/7/82 imposing a fine on the applicant for an alleged infringement of certain Community rules be annulled?ee]]>>>><F=Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.325/82Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by permitting goods which have not borne turnover tax and excise duties to be sold during short cruises on the North and Baltic Sea passengers who import them tax-free?\xxHHHHFF=The decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.316/82Should the appointing authoritys decisions not to appoint the applicant to the post declared vacant when she was the only successful candidate in the competition organized for that purpose be annulled?/ddXX;;;;9F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.39/83Should the Commissions decision confirming that the applicant was not eligible to take the oral test for Open Competition No COM/A/325 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=NpThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.284/82Should the Commission decision of 8/13/82 imposing a fine on the applicant be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.166/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by adopting and maintaining in force certain provisions of Law 306 of 7/8/75 on the formation of the producer sale price for milk?0ttFFFFDF={Ireland has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Ireland has failed to fulfill its obligations.74/82Has Ireland failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by imposing restrictions on imports of poultrymeat, eggs, and poultry products?xxHHHHFF=The United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The United Kingdom has failed to fulfill its obligations.40/82Has the United Kingdom failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by imposing restrictions on imports of poultrymeat, eggs and egg products?*SSSSQF=The decisions should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.189/82Should the decisions of the Council refusing to recognize that the disease of which R. Seingry died was occupational in origin be annulled?ddXX;;;;9F=P Bͩ˳t8ǿũ+{tm.'The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.84/82Pursuant to Art 175, has the Commission failed to act by not declaring the Belgian reconstruction plan incompatible with the common market?gg]]>>>><F=.'This decision should be annulled.3This decision is annulled.84/82Should the authorization given by the Commission allegedly in breach of Art 92 and 93 for Belgium to implement a 5-year plan for restructuring the Belgian textile and clothing industry be annulled?(aaWW;;;;9F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.28/83Should the Commissions implied decision rejecting the applicants complaint and request for assistance be annulled and should the Commission be required to have the convertability of his remuneration restored to 100% with effect from 2/1/82?Ygg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.348/82Should Commission Dec C(82) 1631/3 of 11/24/82 concerning a fine imposed on the applicant under Art 58 of the ECSC Treaty be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.64/82Has the Commission failed to act pursuant to Art 175, should the Commission letter of 12/14/81 be annulled and should the Commission pay damages to the applicant for the wrongful act allegedly committed?4gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.310/81Did the Commission fail to act in a proper manner and should it pay a pecuniary penalty for having failed to pay the total sum of LIT 371649981?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.10/83Should the Commission decision to fine the applicant 101850 ECU for exceeding its production quota for rolled products in Group IV for the second quarter of 1981 be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=t The decision should not be annulled, but the fine should be reduced to 3391890 ECU.3The decision is not annulled, but the fine is reduced to 3260040 ECU.270/82Should the Commissions decision of 8/13/82 imposing a fine on the applicant be annulled?mmmmkF=`QThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.228/82Should the Commission decision of 8/18/82 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be annulled?aaUU::::8F=Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.247/81Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by reserving the placing of medical preparations on the market to pharmaceutical undertakings having their headquarters in the area in which the law on maketing medical supplies is applicable?txxHHHHFF=0GThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.239/82Should Commission Reg 1976/82 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on certain imports of certain chemical fertilizer originating in the US and Reg 2302 ammending it be annulled and the applicants awarded damages?Cii]]>>>><F=0AThe decision should be annulled.3The decisions are annulled.140/82Should Commission Dec 533/82 and 1698/82, as well as the Commission communication to the applicant concerning the production quotas for 1982 as they concern abatement rates for concrete bars, be annulled?1ccWW::::8F=P >˧mDA8-ĦkDseThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.281/82Should the defendents pay damages in the amount of FF 2957276.77 or greater to the applicant because of harm causes by the decisions of the defendants?ii]]>>>><F=BFThe application should be dismissed.3The resolution is declared void.108/83Should the resolution of the European Parliament on the consequences to be drawn from the European Parliaments adoption on 7/7/81 of the Zagari Report be declared void?ll``>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.324/82Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with the provisions of Art 11 and 27 of the 6th Council Dir 77/388 on the harmonization of the laws of the States relating to turnover taxes regarding tax on cars?bzznn>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.347/82Should the Commission decision to dismiss the applicant be annulled and should the Commission pay damages to the applicant?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.25/83Should the Commission decision refusing to reclassify the applicant to Grade A6 be annulled and the applicant reclassified?gg]]>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3Article 1(1) and 2 of Commission Decision 82/866 are annulled.29/83Should Commission Decision 82/866 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 be annulled?zz::::8F=ldThe decision should be annulled.3The fine from this decision should be reduced to LIT 23644775.8/83Should the Commission decision of 12/9/82 imposing a fine on the applicant for infringing Art 60 of the ECSC Treaty be annulled?zz::::8F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations by not permitting the testing, for the purposes of registration, of buses from other States which were constructed more than 7 years previously, but the rest of the application is inadmissible.50/83Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by prohibiting the importation of used buses from another State which were constructed more than 7 years prior to the date of the application for a roadworthiness test???55FFFFDF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.169/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to notify the Commission of the draft laws in question until after their adoption as Laws 47/80, 49/80 and 83/80?*ttFFFFDF=Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.314/82Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 9 and 12 of the EEC Treaty by levying inspection charges on imports of poultrymeat from other States?#xxHHHHFF=No order should be made in regards to this claim.3The Commission should reexamine the applications claim for a survivors pension, applying to it the provisions of the Staff Regulations dealing with widows pensions.75/82Should the Commission be ordered to grant the applicant a widowers pension, with interest for late payment or a sum equivalent to the pension contributions paid by the applicant?KKKKIF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.75/82Should the Commission decision of 11/25/81 refusing to grant the applicants widower pension be annulled?__UU::::8F=j !kGˠ+{7Ƨ%a@>@@?Capotorti14129/78Sociale Verzekeringsbank Amsterdam v. LohmannBestuur van de Sociale Verzekeringsbank, AmsterdamA. E. Lohmann|MA====2222  ? @@?@Warner14144/78Tinelli v. Berufsgenossenschaft der chemischen IndustrieRenzo TinelliBerufsgenossenschaft der chemischen IndustrieJ>::::2222 ?:@?@Mayras14138/78Stolting v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasHans-Markus StoltingHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasrJ>::::2222 @:@?@Reischl14113/78Schouten v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenN.G.J. Schouten B.V.Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenK?;;;;2222 ? :@?@Capotorti14122/78Buitoni v. FORMAS.A. BuitoniFonds d Orientation et de Regularisation des Marches Agricolesm_MA====2222 ? @7@?X@Reischl14115/78Knoors v. Secretary of State for Ecomonic AffairsJ. KnoorsSecretary of State for Ecomonic Affairs~K?;;;;2222  ? @@@Mayras1493/79Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H>::::2222 @@ @?@Warner14257/78Devred v. CommissionEvelyn Devred, nee Kenny-LevickCommission`J>::::2222 @ C@?@Reischl1414/79Loebisch v. CouncilRalph LoebischCouncilwn^I?;;;;2222 ?@@?@Warner1412/79Wagner v. CommissionHans-Otto Wagner GmbH Agrarhandel KGCommission^H>::::2222 ?@?@Reischl14143/77Koninklijke Scholten Honig v. Council and CommissionKoninklijke Scholten Honig N.V.Council and CommissionK?;;;;2222  ?@?@Reischl14116/77Amylum v. CouncilG.R. Amylum N.V. and Tunnel Refineries LimitedCouncil and Commission^K?;;;;2222 ? ~@?@Warner14162/78Wagner v. CommissionHans-Otto Wagner GmbH Agrarhandel KG and Schluter & Maack GmbH & Co. KGCommission`J>::::2222 @ {@?@Capotorti14219/78Hans Michaelis v. CommissionHans MichaelisCommission{kMA====2222 ?@x@@@Warner14159/78Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  ?v@?@Capotorti14125/78GEMA v. CommissionGEMA, Gesellschaft fur musikalische Auffuhrungs- und mechanische VervielfaltigungsrechteCommissionaMA====2222  @ t@?@Reischl14142/78Exner v. CommissionMarcelle Exner, nee BerghamnsCommission`K?;;;;2222 ?  s@?@Capotorti1464/76Dumortier Freres v. CouncilP. Dumortier Freres S.A. and othersCouncilhKA====2222 ? s@?@Capotorti14261/78Interquell Starke v. Council and CommissionInterquell Starke-Chemie GmbH & Co. KG and Diamalt AGCouncil and CommissionzMA====2222 O? tis@?@Capotorti14241/78DGV v. Council and CommissionDGV, Deutsche Getreideverwertung und Rheinische Kraftfutterwerke GmbH and othersCouncil and CommissionlMA====2222 ThϮ \(ʅɬ~ǷƁ$ĉP¿/@ =@?@Slynn1480/81Adam v. CommissionRobert Adam and OthersCommissions[G=99992222 ? ;@@@Lenz14279/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222 ?;@@@Slynn14254/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 @@ :@?@Slynn14235/83Mulligan v. CommissionAndrew Armstrong MulliganCommission|aI=99992222 ? 7@@@Slynn14221/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 @ &@?@Lenz14227/83Moussis v. CommissionSophie MoussisCommission{o_H<88882222 @ &@?@VerLoren van Themaat14209/83Valsabbia v. CommissionFerriera Valsabbia SpACommissionqXLHHHH2222 @ &@?@Lenz81/83Busseni v. CommissionAcciaierie e Ferriere Busseni SpACommission|YB888882222 ? &@@@Darmon1449/83Luxembourg v. CommissionLuxembourgCommissionznbH>::::2222 @ &@?@Lenz1417/83Angelidis v. CommissionAngel AngelidisCommission|p_F<88882222 @?&@X@@Lenz14222/83Municipality of Differdange v. CommissionMunicipality of Differdange and OthersCommissionsH<88882222 ? &@@@VerLoren van Themaat14130/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyymXLHHHH2222 ? &@@@Lenz1451/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F<88882222 ? |@&@?@VerLoren van Themaat14126/83STS v. CommissionSTS Consorzio per Sistemi di Telecomunicazione via Satellite SpACommissionkXLHHHH2222 @@ |%@?@Mancini14115/83Ooms v. CommissionMarinus OomsCommissionym_K?;;;;2222  @@%@?@Slynn14114/83Ste. dInitiatives et de Cooperation AgricolesSociete d Initiatives et de Cooperation Agricoles and Societe Interprofessionnelle des Producteurs eCommissionxI=99992222 @@#@?@VerLoren van Themaat14187/83Nordbutter v. GermanyNordbutter GmbH & Co. KG and Bayerische Milchversorgungs GmbHGermanyoXLHHHH2222  @ !@?X@VerLoren van Themaat1469/83Lux v. Court of AuditorsCharles LuxCourt of Auditors of the European Communities}pVLHHHH2222 ?ti@@@Slynn14280/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 @ }@?@Darmon14224/83Ferriera Vittoria v. CommissionFerriera Vittoria SrlCommissionkJ>::::2222 @ }@?@Lenz14111/83Picciolo v. ParliamentSanto PiccioloEuropean Paliamentp`H<88882222 @}@?@Lenz1462/83Eximo v. CommissionEximo Molkereierzeugnisse Handelsgesellschaft mbHCommission[F<88882222 @@ @?@Slynn14346/82Favre v. CommissionPierre FavreCommissionxl^I=99992222 1P[cON,,'oThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.257/83Should the decision of the court of Auditors to appoint Mr. Schwiering pursuant to the proceedings of Competition No CC/A/17/82 be annulled?aaUU::::8F=The prohibition under Art 93(3) only applies in this case to alterations of which the Commission has not been notified, as long as this alteration does not affect the functioning of the market.3The prohibition under Art 93(3) only applies in this case to alterations of which the Commission has not been notified, as long as this alteration does not affect the functioning of the market.91/83If an amendment to a measure granting aid about too be introduced is not notified to the Commission, whereas the draft measure already has, must Art 93(3) against such measures be applied, and to what excactly?|F=yXStates must make notifications of alterations to the initial plan.3States must make notifications of alterations to the initial plan.91/83Must each State make notification in respect of amendments made to the bill introducing the aid during its passage through parliament?2\\\\ZF=iP0The State is not required to make such notification to each interested party.3The State is not required to make such notification to each interested party.91/83Must Art 93(3) of the Treaty be interpreted as meaning that notification to the Commission by a State of plans to grant or alter aid must be immediately and plainly known to each interested party?ggggeF=Such national legislation is not compatible with the EEC Treaty on the free movement of goods.3Such national legislation is compatible with the EEC Treaty on free movement of goods.134/83Is national legislation making it a criminal offence for those resident in a State to use motor vehicles covered by temporary importation rules compatible with the EEC on free movement of goods if made without the intention of evading taxes?xxxxvF=o The provisions apply to cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies and to risk schemes based primarily on the wage received in the occupation usually carried on for the determination of the wages lost as described in the question.3The provisions sometimes apply to cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies but not to risk schemes based primarily on the wage received in the occupation usually carried on for the determination of the wages lost.181/83Are the provisions of Art 47(1) of Reg 1408/71 also applicable in cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies, and if so what type of scheme relating to invalidity benefits would they apply to?F=Y-|An appeal in cassation and an appeal on a point of law may be lodged only against the judgment given on the appeal.3An appeal in cassation and an appeal on a point of law may be lodged only against the judgment given on the appeal.258/83May an appeal be lodged with the Bundesgerichtshof under Art 37 against an order concerning the provision of security issued by the Oberlandesgericht on the basis of Art 38 as an interim measure during the proceedings?F=A court may make enforcement conditional on the provision of security only when it gives judgment on the appeal.3A court may make enforcement conditional on the provision of security only when it gives judgment on the appeal.258/83May the Oberlandesgericht with which an appeal against a decision authorizing enforcement has been lodged under Art 36 and 37 of the convention issue an order under 38 making enforcement conditional only with its final judgment?F= LVALhD h h0 P?hh  @ X  @  d  d /Joined Case Numbers.junk%Joined Case Numbers=Joined Case numberKJoined Case Numbers.joined case numberx ns>o@#}S G@SSJoined Case Numbers( >o@/~sq_fJoined Case Numbers   XX SzG@SSJoined Case Numbers  @ X p  8HXhxx  ( `H(  H(  z 88V  @  P   d  d 4     ( %Joined Case NumbersPPrimaryKeypv `q `-Joined Case NumbersPrimaryKey` H(   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entitled to the family allowances in question.3Such a worker is entitled to the family allowances in question.101/83Is such a worker as in question 1 entitled to be granted the family allowances provided for by that legislation even if that legislation limits the grant of such allowance to persons residing in that State?vYYYYWF=atyThis provision does allow two States to make such an agreement provided that this corresponds to the interests of the worker concerned.3This provision does allow two States to make such an agreement provided that this corresponds to the interests of the worker concerned.101/83Does Art 17 of Reg 1408/71 enable 2 States to decide that the legislation of 1 of those States, which is applicable to a worker pursuant to Art 13-16, does not apply to him and that the other States legislation is applicable?66**F=onxThese phrases include a transitional product which appears only temporarily during a continuing manufacturing process, even if that produce cannot be quantified without further treatment and qualify for reimbursement of storage costs.3These phrases include a transitional product which appears only temporarily during a continuing manufacturing process, even if that produce cannot be quantified without further treatment and qualify for reimbursement of storage costs.121/83Do the phrases "sugar produced" and "white sugar produced and marketed" in Council Regs 3330/74 and 1358/77 include a transitional product ehich appears only temporarily during a manufacturing process?F=#PwThis phrase is not meant to include such syrups.3This phrase is not meant to include such syrups.121/83Does the phrase "syrups produced prior to the crystallizing stage and marketed in their natural state" in Council Reg 3330/74 include syrups produced from sugars which have been dissolved by water to make invert sugar?d||JJJJHF=vThe provision remains valid.3The provision remains valid.121/83Is the 2nd subparagraph of Art 12(1) of Commission Reg 1998/78 valid in so far as it provides that disposal is to mean the processing of the sugar and syrups by the manufacturer into products other than 17.01 of the CCT?>``TT66664F=y'@uNo account must be taken either of monetary compensatory amounts not fixed in advance or of the markets.3No account must be taken either of monetary compensatory amounts not fixed in advance or of the markets.38/83In calculating the disadvantage referred in Art 4 of Council Reg 878/77 and Commission Reg 1054/78, is it also necessary to take account of the monetary compensatory amounts not fixed and the purcase price?F=LtThese provisions give no right to the cancellation of the advance fixing of export refunds and of the certificate in this case.3These provisions give no right to the cancellation of the advance fixing of export refunds and of the certificate in this case in so far as the new rates and prices are fixed as part of the annual review of agricultural prices.38/83Do Art 1 and 4(1) of Council Reg 1134/68 give a right to cancellation of the advance fixing of export refunds and the certificate thereof in the event of an alteration in the value of currencies or the fixing of prices in this sector?t~~F=IP ̙KɥFN qN l @  e F   X ; The applicant is entitled to be classified in Step8 of Grade C1 from October 1977.3It is unnecessary to give a decision on the points at issue.145/80Should the applicant be reinstated in her career without any break in continuity as regards seniority in the service and progression is salary classes?OlllljF=The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.170/78Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to repeal or amend its national provisions with regard to excise duty on still light wine?vvGGGGEF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.230/82Should the rejection of the applicants request for an alteration of her classification be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=_',The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.285/81Should the Commission decision of 12/5/80 ordering the applicant to resume duty at the establishment at Ispra and of 1/12/81 to suspend his salary from 1/1/81 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.117/81Should the Commission decision of 7/14/80 to reject the applicants candidature for Post 120 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The decisions are annulled.85/82Should the Council decision to reject the applicants candidature for the post of Director in Directorate General A, Directorate III and appoint JJ Kasel and to reject to the complaint on this matter be annulled?:ee[[>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.161/82Has France failed to fulfill by restricting access to imports of semen intended for the artificial insemination of animals to a specific category of producers and enabling insemination centres to discriminate?<ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.317/82Should the Commission decision of 11/26/82 on the extension of the system of monitoring and production quotas for certain products of undertakings in the steel industry be annulled? ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.90/82Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by fixing retail selling pirces of tobacco at a different level from that determined by the national manufacturers or by importers?)wwmm>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.225/82Should the Commission decision of 5/28/82 informing the applicant that the selection board in Open Competition COM/A/325 refused to admit him to the tests in the said competition be annulled?"aaUU::::8F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.78/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by continuing to fix uniform margins for sales of manufactured tobacco?ooeeFFFFDF=The application is dismissed.3The application is dismissed.100/80Should the applicants be allowed to pay the reduced fine by installments of an acceptable amount?bbVV77775F=The fines in the case of MDF should be reduced to 600 000 units of account.3The fines in the case of MDF should be reduced to 600 000 units of account.100/80Should the fines imposed on the applicants by the Commission be reduced?eeeecF=8P Υ͉-^Ű.\ This directive concerns solely national provisions which are intended to protect public health.2This directive concerns solely national provisions which are intended to protect public health.301/82Is Council Dir 65/65 of 1/26/65 concerned solely with the approximation of provisions which are intended to protect public health or is it also concerned with the approximation of other provisions?yyyywF=The applicants claim was satisfied in full before trial.3The applicants claim was satisfied in full before trial.14/84Should the decision of the secretary General of the Economic and Social Committee of 7/1/83 transferring the applicant be declared void as she is still designated within as a secretarial assistant?]RRRRPF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.289/83Should the applicant be compensated for the damage caused by the fact that the Commission refrained from applying the provisions of Community law to stop Greek exports of potatoes?ii]]>>>><F=K"Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.113/83Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by requiring 2 transport authorizations under the Community quota system when a coupled combination of vehicles effects international carriage by road?EttFFFFDF=The decision should not be annulled, but the fine should be reduced to 5761530 ECU.3The decision is not annulled, but the fine is reduced to 5761530 ECU.78/83Should the Commission decision of 3/24/83 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding its production quotas and the parts of those quotas which could be delivered on the common market be declared void?mmmmkF=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.20/83Should the 2 Court of Justice decisions rejecting the applicants complaints seeking a change in grading be annulled?gg]]>>>><F='sThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.129/82Should the Court of Auditors decision on 1/20/82 classifying the applicant in Grade A5, Step 3 be annulled and the applicant classified in Grade A4?aaUU::::8F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.59/83Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant for the loss which it suffered and will suffer as a result of Commission Reg 368/77 and 443/77 because the product it manufactures are rendered unsaleable?7gg]]>>>><F=The applicant should be awarded compensation corresponding to an invalidity rate of 44%.3The application is dismissed.265/83Should the applicant be awarded compensation corresponding to an invalidity rate of 56%?rrrrpF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.265/83Should the Commission decision of 2/3/83 establishing an aggregate permanent partial invalidity rate of less than 37.25% be annulled?aaUU::::8F=eThe application should be declared inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.50/84Is the application to declare Commission Dec 3717/83 introducing for steel undertakings a production certificate and document for deliveries of certain products void admissible?)vvllJJJJHF=$PΔ?̨a9Ɉ"Ǎ>ŘS¼`@ }@@?@Slynn14270/82Estel v. CommissionEstel NVCommissionth^I=99992222 ~? ;P@?@Slynn14228/82Ford v. CommissionFord of Europe Incorporated and Ford-Werke AktiengesellschaftCommission]I=99992222 ?}@@@Mancini14247/81Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanywnbK?;;;;2222 `? ?@@?@VerLoren van Themaat14239/82Allied Corporation v. CommissionAllied Corporation and OthersCommissionzXLHHHH2222 ? @@?@VerLoren van Themaat14140/82Walzstahl-Vereinigung and Thyssen v. CommissionWalzstahl-Vereinigung and Thyssen AktiengesellschaftCommissionXLHHHH2222 ? @@@@Mancini14202/82Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceumaK?;;;;2222  ? @@?@Slynn1486/82Hasselblad v. CommissionHasselblad (GB) LimitedCommissionzaG=99992222 @@ |@?@Rozes1476/83Boel v. CommissionUsines Gustave Boel and Fabrique de fer de MaubeugeCommission[G=99992222 @ |@?@Reischl142/83Alfer v. CommissionSpA AlferCommissionsg\G?;;;;2222 ? |@@@Rozes14325/82Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyul`I=99992222 @ |@@?X@Rozes14316/82Kohler v. Court of AuditorsNelly KohlerCourt of Auditors of the European CommunitiestfI=99992222 @ @@?@Slynn1439/83Fabius v. CommissionCornelis Hendrick FabiusCommissionw]G=99992222 @ @@?@Reischl14284/82Busseni v. CommissionAcciaierie e Ferriere Busseni SpACommissionbK?;;;;2222 ? }@@@Reischl14166/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalysl`K?;;;;2222  of ? ne@@@Mancini1474/82Commission v. IrelandCommissionIrelandul`I?;;;;2222  ? @@@Mancini1440/82Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUnited KingdomsgI?;;;;2222  @@ @?@Rozes14189/82Seiler v. CouncilGeorgette Seingry, nee SeilerCouncil{\I=99992222  @ @?@Mancini1465/83Erdini v. CouncilGabriella ErdiniCouncilwn\I?;;;;2222 @@ }@?@Rozes14262/80Anderson v. ParliamentKristen Anderson and OthersEuropean Parliament~aI=99992222  @@ @?@Rozes14260/80Anderson and CouncilIvar Anderson and OthersCouncily_I=99992222 L@@ ?@?@Rozes14219/80Andre v. Commission and CouncilMaurice Andre and OthersCommission and CounciljI=99992222 @@ ?@?@Rozes14211/80Advernier v. CommissionMichel Advernier and OthersCommissionbI=99992222 ? }@?@VerLoren van Themaat1443/82VBVB and VBBB v. CommissionVereniging ter Bevordering van het Vlaamse Boekwezen, VBVB, and Vereening ter Bevordering van de BelCommissionsVLHHHH2222 \ϓ;̎3ʍSȅǿhmĠ.? }@??Mancini141/83IFG v. Freistaat BayernIFG Intercontinentale Fleischhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGFreistaat Bayern`G?;;;;2222  @@?@VerLoren van Themaat1445/83Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-WestLudwig-Maximilians-Universitat MunchenHauptzollamt Munchen-WestVLHHHH2222 @?@?@Mancini14301/82Clin-Midy v. BelgiumSA Clin-Midy and OthersBelgiumzaK?;;;;2222  @ @M@?X@VerLoren van Themaat1414/84Hansen-Meyer v. ESCMarie-Reine Hansen, nee MeyerThe Economic and Social CommitteekVLHHHH2222 X@@?@M@?@Slynn14289/83GAARM and Others v. CommissionGAARM- Groupement des Associations Agricoles pour l Organisation de la Production et de la CommerciaCommissioniI=99992222 O?tiL@@@Lenz14113/83Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222  @ @M@?@Slynn1478/83Usinor v. CommissionUnion siderurgique du Nord er de l Est de la France "Usinor"Commission]G=99992222 @@ t@M@?X@Darmon1420/83Vlachos v. Court of JusticeAristides VlachosCourt of Justice of the European CommunitiesxeH>::::2222 @ t@M@?X@VerLoren van Themaat14129/82Lux v. Court of AuditorsCharles LuxCourt of Auditors of the European CommunitiesrXLHHHH2222 ? tK@?X@Slynn1459/83Biovilac v. EECSA Biovilac NVEuropean Economic CommunityhXG=99992222 @tI@?@Lenz14265/83Suss v. CommissionBenoit SussCommissionui\H<88882222 @t@I@?@Mancini1450/84Bensider v. CommissionSrl Bensider and OthersCommissionzaI?;;;;2222 @@I@?@Lenz14264/81Savma v. CommissionSpA SavmaCommissionth]H<88882222 @p @I@?@Lenz14232/81Agricola Commerciale Olio v. CommissionAgricola Commerciale Olio Srl and OthersCommissionqH<88882222 ? pPF@?@VerLoren van Themaat14323/82Intermills v. CommissionSA IntermillsCommissionrXLHHHH2222 @@p(E@?@Mancini1498/83Van Gend & Loos v. CommissionVan Gend & Loos NV and Expeditiebedrijf Wim Bosman BVCommissionhI?;;;;2222 @ E@?@VerLoren van Themaat14256/80Birra Wuhrer v. Council and CommissionBirra Wuhrer SpA and OthersCouncil and CommissionXLHHHH2222 @@ =@?@Slynn14151/83Alpa v. CommissionSociete Acieries et Laminoirs de Paris (Alpa)Commission]I=99992222 @@ =@?@Slynn14103/83Usinor v. CommissionUnion Siderurgique du Nord et de l Est de la France (Usinor)Commission_I=99992222 @ =@?@Mancini14188/83Witte v. ParliamentHermann WitteEuropean Parliamento`K?;;;;2222 > Ì9ʱp4`K186/82May the removal of goods subject to customs duties carried out by methods which assimilate such removal to a case of force majeure by virtue of ordinary legal principles, fall with the concept of force majeure under Community law?CommissionThe removal by 3rd parties of goods subject to customs duty, even through no fault of the taxable person, does not extinguish the obligation to pay duty on them. """"""" #J186/82May the removal of goods subject to customs duties carried out by methods which assimilate such removal to a case of force majeure by virtue of ordinary legal principles, fall with the concept of force majeure under Community law?ItalyThe removal by 3rd parties of goods subject to customs duty, even through no fault of the taxable person, does not extinguish the obligation to pay duty on them. """"""" #I216/82If the decision legality can be contested in proceedings before a national court, is Commission Dec 78/851 on the Packard 2425 Tri-Carb Spectometer invalid?CommissionThe persons concerned may plead the illegality of that decision before the national court and question the validity of the decision.R""""""" #Hil216/82By not having brought proceddings under Art 173 against the Commission, are persons precluded from relying upon the invalidity of that decision in proceddings before a national court?DenmarkThe persons concerned may plead the illegality of that decision before the national court and question the validity of the decision.j""""""" #Ges311/82What is the proper interpretation of Art 2(3) of Commission Reg 2012/74 laying down detailed rules for the application of Reg 1132/74 as regards production refunds on starches?CommissionThe production refund for maize processed into starch must be equal to the difference between the threshold price and the supply price applicable on the date on which the maize was processed.""""""" #F279/82Does Art 12(2) of Council Reg 1408/71 allow a national provision against overlapping benefits applied in a case where the benefit to be reduced has been awarded solely on national law and the costs are born by the institutions of 2 States under Art 57(3)?CommissionThis regulation rules out such a reduction of such benefits.m/#""""""" #E224/82Is Art 1 of Commision Reg 2546/80 incompatible with the principles of proportionality and equal treatment in retroactively fixing a time-limit by which the concluded contracts had to be forwarded to the appropriate agency?CommissionThe provision remains valid.,""""""" #D201/82Is the effect of confirming the jurisdiction of the court before which an action is brought also produced when the defendant sets out a defence on the substance of the case?CommissionArticle 18 of the Convention allows a defendant not merely to contest jurisdiction but to submit a defence on the substance of the case without losing the right to raise an objection of want of jurisdiction.""""""" #C201/82Does the Brussels Convention mean that under a contract of insurance a person in whose favor the contract is made but who is not party to it, is entitled to rely on a clause extending jurisdiction for him though he did not sign it?CommissionSuch a person may rely upon this contract.C """"""" #B201/82Does the Brussels Convention mean that under a contract of insurance a person in whose favor the contract is made but who is not party to it, is entitled to rely on a clause extending jurisdiction for him though he did not sign it?ItalySuch a person may rely upon this contract.> """"""" # OdQkmWQOomvY`fdkQOdbbJmYdbJ^YbkoiQikLoiQJouYbM^oOQmWQOomvmdfJvMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQMJokQOYbdbQkmJmQLvJqQWYM^Qbdi`J^^vLJkQOYbJbdmWQikmJmQYSmWQOiYqQiJMhoYiQOYmLvmWQSm$ 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OdQkmWQfJv`QbmLvJkmJmQdSJiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbmdmWQfQikdbYbhoQkmYdbSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8>868>>JbO@8dSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8$     # ?̆J4".^řĮS294/82Is the imposition of import turnover tax on drugs compatible with Art 2(2) of the 6th Council Dir on the harmonization of the laws of States relating to turnover taxes if States are not permitted to levy customs duty?FranceThe importation of drugs otherwise than through economic channels strictly controlled by the competent authorities for use for medical and scientific purposes is not subject to turnover tax.""""""" #Rhe93/83Does the processing of meat by boning, trimming, drawing the sinews and cutting it into pieces constitute a process determining origin for the purposes of Art 5 of Reg 802/68?CommissionArt 5 means that the processing of the meat derived from beef quarters by boning, trimming, drawing the sinews, cutting into pieces and vacuum-packing does not confer upon it the origin of the country where those operations are carried out.!!!!!!! #Q93/83Is Art 1 of Reg 964/71 of the Commission invalid on the ground that it infringes Reg 802/68 of the Council?Commissionnot applicable!!!!!!! #P70/83Is it possible for the provision concerning the exemption of the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B (d) 1 of that directive to be relied upon by a credit negotiator for transactions between 1/1/78 and 6/30/78?ItalyThe provision on the exemption from value-added tax for the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B(d)1 of the 6th Dir may not be relied upon by individuals before 1/1/79.!!!!!!! #O70/83Is it possible for the provision concerning the exemption of the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B (d) 1 of that directive to be relied upon by a credit negotiator for transactions between 1/1/78 and 6/30/78?CommissionIt is possible for the provision concerning the exemption of the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B (d) 1 of that directive to be relied upon by a credit negotiator for transactions in this period. !!!!!!! #Noi337/82Is Commission Reg 851/76 of 4/9/76 void in so far as it is based on Art 46 of the EEC Treaty, which is no longer applicable after the expiry of the transitional period?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #Moi337/82Is Commission Reg 851/76 of 4/9/76 void in so far as it is based on Art 46 of the EEC Treaty, which is no longer applicable after the expiry of the transitional period?United KingdomThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #46/83!!!!!!!!!! # Ker46/83If question 1 is answered affirmatively, does subheading I or II apply where, although the product is intended to be used other than as heating fuel, no authorization under Commission Reg 1775/77 has been obtained?CommissionSuch a product must be classifed under subheading 29.01 A I.C!!!!!!! #Jer46/83If question 1 is answered affirmatively, does subheading I or II apply where, although the product is intended to be used other than as heating fuel, no authorization under Commission Reg 1775/77 has been obtained?BelgiumSuch a product must be classifed under subheading 29.01 A I.@!!!!!!! #I46/83Under which heading of the CCT should a completely hydrogenated animal oil which is manufactured from fish liver and is at the same time an acyclic hydrocarbon compound be classified?CommissionCompletely hydrogenated perhydrosqualene, manufactured from fish-liver oil, with a purity level of 95% or more should be classified under tariff subheading 29.01 A as an acyclic hydrocarbon.!!!!!!! #] ̞7ȋ,}14/83Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex?CommissionThis directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.!!!!!!! #14/83Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex?United KingdomThis directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.!!!!!!! #14/83Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex?DenmarkThis directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.!!!!!!! #14/83Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex?GermanyThis directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.!!!!!!! #177/82May a private individual rely before a national court on the incompatibility of a national provision with the provisions of the 2nd paragraph of Art 5 and 85 of the Treaty read together?CommissionThe provisions of Art 85 are not relevant to the question whether legislation such as that involved in the cases before the national court is compatible with Community law.""""""" #wh177/82Is Art 30 of the Netherlands Tobacco Excise Law, in so far as it imposes, in the case of sales to the consumer, a selling price fixed by the manufactureers or importers, compatible with Art 30 of the Treaty?CommissionThe national court must investigate whether such a system of imposed prices is in itself likely to hinder, directly or indirectly, trade between States.""""""" #177/82May national rules be considered a measure having equivalent effect within the meaning of Art 30 where it is clear that they restrict imports only to a very small degree?CommissionArticle 30 is still applied in these cases.""""""" #on177/82Regarding rules applicable to both imported and domestic products that are accused of restricting trade, is Articles 85 or 30 to be taken into account?CommissionArticle 30 comes into play when national measures are capable of hindering imports between States.+""""""" #47/83Must Art 2 of Reg 2777/75 mean that national provisions not based on Community law which lay down quality requirements for slaughtered poultry and are enforceable by disciplinary measures are incompatible with it?CommissionSuch measures are compatible, provided that they are compatible with the aim of the common organization of the market and applied in such a way that imports of meat lawfully produced in other State are not restricted.!!!!!!! # hYkYmfdkkYL^QSdiMd``YkkYdbiQU8@D6DFmdfidqYOQdb^vSdimWQJOqJbMQfJv`QbmdSfidOoMmYdbiQSobOkLQSdiQmWQfidOoMmf^JMQOobOQikofQiqYkYdbsJkfidMQkkQOJbOSdimWQ^dOUYbUdSJkQMoiYmv$YkYmfdkkYL^QSdimWQfidqYkYdbMdbMQibYbUmWQQuQ`fmYdbdSmWQbQUdmYJmYdbdSMiQOYmMdbmJYbQOYbJim8<LO8dSmWJmOYiQMmYqQmdLQiQ^YQOofdbLvJMiQOYmbQUdmYJmdiSdimiJbkJMmYdbkLQmsQQb88DFJbOB<6DF$YkYmfdkkYL^QSdimWQfidqYkYdbMdbMQibYbUmWQQuQ`fmYdbdSmWQbQUdmYJmYdbdSMiQOYmMdbmJYbQOYbJim8<LO8dSmWJmOYiQMmYqQmdLQiQ^YQOofdbLvJMiQOYmbQUdmYJmdiSdimiJbkJMmYdbkLQmsQQb88DFJbOB<6DF$FJbOB<6DF$YkYmfdkkYL^QSdimWQfidqYkYdbMdbMQibYbUmWQQuQ`fmYdbdSmWQbQUdmYJmYdbdSMiQOYmMdbmJYbQOYbJim8<LO8dSmWJmOYiQMmYqQmdLQiQ^YQOofdbLvJMiQOYmbQUdmYJmdiSdimiJbkJMmYdbkLQmsQQb88DFJbOB<6DF$FJbOB<6DF$YkYmfdkkYL^QSdimWQfidqYkYdbMdbMQibYbUmWQQuQ`fmYdbdSmWQbQUdmYJmYdbdSMiQOYmMdbmJYbQOYbJim8<LO8dSmWJmOYiQMmYqQmdLQiQ^YQOofdbLvJMiQOYmbQUdmYJmdiSdimiJbkJMmYdbkLQmsQQb88DFJbOB<6DF$YkYmiQ^QqJbmmdJbksQi8mWJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$YkYmiQ^QqJbmmdJbksQi8mWJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$i8mWJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$kmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$WJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$YkYmkoSSYMYQbmSdimWQfoifdkQkJim<L8dSiQUBDBDmWJmJbYbOokmiYJ^fidfQimviYUWm`JvLQokQOobOQiJbQuM^okYqQOQJ^YbUJUiQQ`QbmYbJsJvmWJmfiQqQbmkmWQUddOkSid`LQYbUdLmJYbQOdbmWQMd``db`Ji\Qm$YkYmkoSSYMYQbmSdimWQfoifdkQkJim<L8dSiQUBDBDmWJmJbYbOokmiYJ^fidfQimviYUWm`JvLQokQOobOQiJbQuM^okYqQOQJ^YbUJUiQQ`QbmYbJsJvmWJmfiQqQbmkmWQUddOkSid`LQYbUdLmJYbQOdbmWQMd``db`Ji\Qm$Yk^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWfidWYLYmkmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSJff^QkMd`YbUSid`JbdmWQikmJmQdbmWQUidobOmWJmqYbMW^dxd^YbQ^QqQ^kJiQQuMQQOQOMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYb^YUWmdSJim<6JbOdSMdbMY^OYiBH<<@$ 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CommissionC Razzouk and A. BeydounCommissionjG=99992222  ? @ @@@Slynn1484/82Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionsg^G=99992222 t@ e @?@VerLoren van Themaat1428/83Forcheri v. CommissionSandro ForcheriCommissionnVLHHHH2222 @@ } @?@Reischl14348/82IRO v. CommissionIndustrie Riunite Odolesi SpACommission}^K?;;;;2222 @@| @?@Slynn1464/82Tradax v. CommissionTradax Graanhandel BVCommissiont]G=99992222 `@@? @@@Mancini14310/81EISS v. CommissionEnte Italiano di Servizio Sociale (EISS)Commission_K?;;;;2222 @ }@?@VerLoren van Themaat1410/83Metalgoi v. CommissionMeta  # PDkWdo^OmWQQQMfJvOJ`JUQkmdmWQJff^YMJbmkOoQmdmWQWJi`kokmJYbQOLvmWQMdobMY^JOdfmJmYdbdSmWQOQMYkYdbdSB<6F>,bJk UiJbYOdb $kWdo^OmWQQQMfJvOJ`JUQkmdmWQJff^YMJbmkOoQmdmWQWJi`kokmJYbQOLvmWQMdobMY^JOdfmJmYdbdSmWQOQMYkYdbdSB<6F>,dsbJk UiJbYOdb $kWdo^OmWQQQMfJvOJ`JUQkmdmWQJff^YMJbmkOoQmdmWQWJi`kokmJYbQOLvmWQMdobMY^JOdfmJmYdbdSmWQOQMYkYdbdSB<6F>, P|YkmWQJff^YMJmYdbmdOQM^JiQqdYOJimB@dSMdobMY^iQU<<6HF@^JvYbUOdsbio^QkSdimWQOQkMiYfmYdbJbOfiQkQbmJmYdbdSkfJi\^YbUsYbQkJbOJQiJmQOkfJi\^YbUsYbQkJO`YkkYL^Q$- F@^JvYbUOdsbio^QkSdimWQOQkMiYfmYdbJbOfiQkQbmJmYdbdSkfJi\^YbUsYbQkJbOJQiJmQOkfJi\^YbUsYbQkJO`YkkYL^Q$-  P!kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmLQMd`fQbkJmQOSdimWQOQ^JvYbOiJsYbUofmWQfQiYdOiQfdimYbhoQkmYdbdbQLQmsQQb8HDDJbO8HF8$COiJsYbUofmWQfQiYdOiQfdimYbhoQkmYdbdbQLQmsQQb8HDDJbO8HF8$CkWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmLQOQM^JiQOJ`Q`LQidSmWQmQ`fdiJivkmJSS$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmLQiQYbkmJmQOYbWQiMJiQQisYmWdomJbvLiQJ\YbMdbmYboYmvJkiQUJiOkkQbYdiYmvYbmWQkQiqYMQJbOfidUiQkkYdbYkkJ^JivM^JkkQk$ dSmWQmQ`fdiJivkmJSS$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmLQiQYbkmJmQOYbWQiMJiQQisYmWdomJbvLiQJ\YbMdbmYboYmvJkiQUJiOkkQbYdiYmvYbmWQkQiqYMQJbOfidUiQkkYdbYkkJ^JivM^JkkQk$ QJ\YbMdbmYboYmvJkiQUJiOkkQbYdiYmvYbmWQkQiqYMQJbOfidUiQkkYdbYkkJ^JivM^JkkQk$ mLQiQYbkmJmQOYbWQiMJiQQisYmWdomJbvLiQJ\YbMdbmYboYmvJkiQUJiOkkQbYdiYmvYbmWQkQiqYMQJbOfidUiQkkYdbYkkJ^JivM^JkkQk$ bYdiYmvYbmWQkQiqYMQJbOfidUiQkkYdbYkkJ^JivM^JkkQk$ kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`^dkmsJUQkWJOWQLQQbiQYbkmJmQOJbOSid`mWQ^dkkdSsJUQkSid`fdkkYL^Qfid`dmYdb$LQJ^^dsQOmdiQMd``QbMQWYksdi\JbOQufQiY`Qbmk$LkWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`^dkmsJUQkWJOWQLQQbiQYbkmJmQOJbOSid`mWQ^dkkdSsJUQkSid`fdkkYL^Qfid`dmYdb$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbYbmWQSdi`dS`dbmW^vJ^^dsJbMQk$kSid`^dkmsJUQkWJOWQLQQbiQYbkmJmQOJbOSid`mWQ^dkkdSsJUQkSid`fdkkYL^Qfid`dmYdb$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbYbmWQSdi`dS`dbmW^vJ^^dsJbMQk$YL^Qfid`dmYdb$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbYbmWQSdi`dS`dbmW^vJ^^dsJbMQk$`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbYbmWQSdi`dS`dbmW^vJ^^dsJbMQk$UQkWJOWQLQQbiQYbkmJmQOJbOSid`mWQ^dkkdSsJUQkSid`fdkkYL^Qfid`dmYdb$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbYbmWQSdi`dS`dbmW^vJ^^dsJbMQk$Sid`mWQ^dkkdSsJUQkSid`fdkkYL^Qfid`dmYdb$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkSid`mWQMd``YkkYdbYbmWQSdi`dS`dbmW^vJ^^dsJbMQk$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkkoSSQiQOJkJiQko^mdSmWQMd``YkkYdbkSJY^oiQmdiQYbkmJmQWY`mdJfdkmYbWYkMJmQUdivdbMd`f^QmYdbdS^QJqQdbfQikdbJ^UidobOk$kmYbWYkMJmQUdivdbMd`f^QmYdbdS^QJqQdbfQikdbJ^UidobOk$kWdo^OmWQJff^YMJbmiQMQYqQMd`fQbkJmYdbSdiOJ`JUQkkoSSQiQOJkJiQko^mdSmWQMd``YkkYdbkSJY^oiQmdiQYbkmJmQWY`mdJfdkmYbWYkMJmQUdivdbMd`f^QmYdbdS^QJqQdbfQikdbJ^UidobOk$ PkWdo^OmWQMdobMY^OQMYkYdbiQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkiQhoQkmSdiJmiJbkSQiSid`mWQ^JbUoJUQkQiqYMQmdMJmQUdivJLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OmWQMdobMY^iQU8DDFDDMdbMQibYbUJbmYOo`fYbUOomYQkdbLJ^^LQJiYbUkJbOmJfQiQOid^^QiLQJiYbUkSid`[JfJbLQJbbo^^QO$V YbUOomYQkdbLJ^^LQJiYbUkJbOmJfQiQOid^^QiLQJiYbUkSid`[JfJbLQJbbo^^QO$V kWdo^OmWQMdobMY^kOQMYkYdbdSH:HD@iQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkMd`f^JYbmdS>:@D@mdmJ\QmWQmQkmkSdiMd`fQmYmYdbMdobMY^^J86FJmJOJmQdmWQimWJbmWJmSYuQOLvmWQOQSQbOJbmLQJbbo^^QO$ 9 <˷ʺȸź[?64/83What is the meaning of the expression "provisions of national law on compulsory insurance" contained in Art 2(2) of the directive of 4/24/72?ItalyThis expression refers to the limits and conditions of civil liability applicable to compulsory insurance, so long as the driver during the accident is deemed to be covered by valid insurance under that legilsation.!!!!!!! #>64/83What is the meaning of the expression "provisions of national law on compulsory insurance" contained in Art 2(2) of the directive of 4/24/72?United KingdomThis expression refers to the limits and conditions of civil liability applicable to compulsory insurance, so long as the driver during the accident is deemed to be covered by valid insurance under that legilsation.!!!!!!! #=60/83Are cash register parts taken as a whole to be regarded as a functional unit and therefore as a single article which may be described as a cash register under 84.52 B of the Common Customs Tariff?CommissionSuch parts cannot be regarded as as a single unit under this classification.A!!!!!!! #<7/83Are the costs which are incurred in the acquisition of free quotas and are charged separately by an exporter in Hong Kong to a German customer to be included in the value for customs purposes?CommissionSuch charges are not to be included in the valuation for customs purposes of goods imported in the Community within the meaning of Council Reg 1224/80.  #;344/82Is it permissible to assume that a motor vehicle which is established in one State is normally based there even though the competent authorities state that at the material time authorization to use the car that was definitively withdrawn?CommissionSuch a car must be regarded as normally based under Council Dir 72/166 in the territory of the State of registration, even if at the material time suthorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.""""""" #:344/82Is it permissible to assume that a motor vehicle which is established in one State is normally based there even though the competent authorities state that at the material time authorization to use the car that was definitively withdrawn?ItalySuch a car must be regarded as normally based under Council Dir 72/166 in the territory of the State of registration, even if at the material time suthorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.""""""" #9295/82Are the French laws relating to the disposal of oil waste compatible with Art 30 prohibiting quantitative restrictions and the relevant directives of the Council?ItalyThe French laws relating to the disposal of oil waste are compatible with Community law.'""""""" #8295/82Are the French laws relating to the disposal of oil waste compatible with Art 30 prohibiting quantitative restrictions and the relevant directives of the Council?FranceThe French laws relating to the disposal of oil waste are compatible with Community law.(""""""" #7295/82Are the French laws relating to the disposal of oil waste compatible with Art 30 prohibiting quantitative restrictions and the relevant directives of the Council?CommissionCouncil Dir 75/439 does not sanction a national provision implementing it which has the effect of prohibiting exports of waste oils to other States.h""""""" #61/83Does the legality of the charging of such a fee depend on whether comparable charges are levied in all States of the Community in trade with non-member countries?CommissionThe legality of such a fee does not depend on if other States have this fee as well.&  #JZleSO? B-@@@Mischo0C-189/97Parliament v CommissionEuropean ParliamentCommissionzeL<::::2222 6FleSO? B-@@@La Pergola13C-42/97European Parliament v Council of MinistersEuropean ParliamentCouncil|PB>>>>2222 AQleSO@B-@@@Jacobs13C-164/97Parliament v CouncilEuropean ParliamentCouncilydN>::::2222 P˛ȵ¯'Such charges are not to be included in the valuation for customs purposes of goods imported in the Community within the meaning of Council Reg 1224/80.3Such charges do not form an integral part of the value for customs purposes of goods imported in the Community within the meaning of Council Reg 1224/80.7/83Are the costs which are incurred in the acquisition of free quotas and are charged separately by an exporter in Hong Kong to a German customer to be included in the value for customs purposes?TTLLF=7I&Such a car must be regarded as normally based under Council Dir 72/166 in the territory of the State of registration, even if at the material time suthorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.3Such a car must be regarded as normally based under Council Dir 72/166 in the territory of the State of registration, even if at the material time suthorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.344/82Is it permissible to assume that a motor vehicle which is established in one State is normally based there even though the competent authorities state that at the material time authorization to use the car that was definitively withdrawn?F=%Council Dir 75/439 does not sanction a national provision implementing it which has the effect of prohibiting exports of waste oils to other States.3Council Dir 75/439 requires that waste oils may be delivered by either a holder or an approved collector to a disposal undertaking in another State which has obtained a permit (under Art 6) in that State.295/82Are the French laws relating to the disposal of oil waste compatible with Art 30 prohibiting quantitative restrictions and the relevant directives of the Council?,||F=$The legality of such a fee does not depend on if other States have this fee as well.3The legality of such a fee does not depend on if other States have this fee as well.1/83Does the legality of the charging of such a fee depend on whether comparable charges are levied in all States of the Community in trade with non-member countries?pnnnnlF=#Such a charge is permitted provided that there is a sufficiently close connection between the amount of the charge levied and the cost of the controls.3Such a charge is permitted provided that there is a sufficiently close connection between the amount of the charge levied and the cost of the controls.1/83Does Art 11 of Council Dir 72/461 on health problems affecting trade in fresh meat permit the charging of a fee to cover the cost of issuing an import authorization under the law in question?RRJJF="The first sentence must be interpreted as not including items such as receptacles which are intended for the preservation of a substance on which research is carried out.3The first sentence must be interpreted as not including items such as receptacles which are intended for the preservation of a substance on which research is carried out and which only play a passive role in research.45/83How is the first sentence of Art 3(1) of Reg 1798/75 to be interpreted as regards the terms "instruments" and "apparatus"?%F=!Such a product may only be refused on the grounds of protecting public health as stated in the directive.3Such a product may only be refused on the grounds of protecting public health as stated in the directive.301/82Does Art 21 of Dir 65/65 mean that an authorization to market a proprietary medicinal product may be refused, suspended or revoked on the ground that rules on prices have not been complied with?F=O$nF  _ 0 ddddddȨGk^ :leSO@B-@@@Cosmas0C-178/98Commission v FranceCommissionFranceumaL<::::2222 leSO@B-@??Jacobs0C-173/98Sebago Inc and Ancienne Maison Dubois v G-B UnicSebago Inc and Ancienne Maison DuboisG-B Unic~L<::::2222 leSOAB-@@@Cosmas0C-172/98Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgiumwnbL<::::2222 leSO@B- @@?Alber0C-172/97Commission v SIVU and Hydro-RealisationsCommissionSIVU and Hydro-RealisationsuK;99992222 leSO@@B- @@@La Pergola0C-171/98Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgium and LuxembourgrfP@>>>>2222 leSO@@B- @@@La Pergola0C-170/98Commission v BelgiumCommissionBelgium{rfP@>>>>2222 leSO?B-@@@Cosmas13C-167/97Queen v Secretary of State for Employment, ex partThe QueenSecretary of State for Employment, ex parte NicoleN>::::2222 leSO@B-@?@Mischo0C-166/98Societe Critouridienne de Distribution v ReceveurSociete Critouridienne de DistributionReceveur Principal des DouonesL<::::2222 leSO@B-@@@Fennelly0C-166/97Commission v FranceCommissionFrancewocN><<<<2222 eSO@B-@@@Jacobs13C-164/97Parliament v CouncilParliamentCouncil of MinisterspdN>::::2222 leSO@@B-@?@Leger0C-161/97 PKernkraftuerke Lippe-Ems v CommissionKernkraftuerke Lippe-EmsCommissionvO;99992222 @@@@Jacobs14138/99Commission v. LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourg|pdJ>::::2222 @@@@@Fennelly14137/99Commission v. GreeceCommissionGreecevnbL@<<<<2222 @@@@Saggio1447/99Commission v. LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourgznbH>::::2222 @@@@Fennelly1426/99Commission v. LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourg|pdJ@<<<<2222 @@@@Alber14239/98Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancesk_I=99992222 @ @@@Leger14212/98Commission v. IrelandCommissionIrelandul`I=99992222  @! @@@Fennelly1496/98Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancetl`J@<<<<2222 ? @@@Saggio14149/96Portugal v. CouncilPortugalCouncilri_J>::::2222  ? !@@@Saggio1489/96Portugal v. CommissionPortugalCommissionvj`H>::::2222 me)A@@@@Saggio14209/97Commission v. CouncilCommissionCouncilvmaJ>::::2222  @!`@@@Jacobs14315/98Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  A!`@@@Mischo14184/97Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyvmaJ>::::2222 ?  @@@Mischo14365/97Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  b`ɞ< 5178/83Is the appellate court required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought under Art 40 of the Convention if the application was dismissed due to lack of documents or the order is apllied for in the wrong State?CommissionThe court hearing an appeal by the party seeking enforcement is required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought, even under the circumstances of this question. """"""" #178/83Is the appellate court required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought under Art 40 of the Convention if the application was dismissed due to lack of documents or the order is apllied for in the wrong State?GermanyThe court hearing an appeal by the party seeking enforcement is required to hear the party against whom enforcement is sought, even under the circumstances of this question. """"""" #107/83Does the requirement that a lawyer who is a national of one State and wishes to practice in another State as well must maintain chambers in one place only consitute a restriction incompatible with Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome?FranceSuch a requirement is compatible with Article 52.A""""""" #107/83Does the requirement that a lawyer who is a national of one State and wishes to practice in another State as well must maintain chambers in one place only consitute a restriction incompatible with Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome?CommissionSuch a requirement is incompatible with Article 52.G""""""" #107/83Does the requirement that a lawyer who is a national of one State and wishes to practice in another State as well must maintain chambers in one place only consitute a restriction incompatible with Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome?NetherlandsSuch a requirement is incompatible with Article 52.H""""""" #107/83Does the requirement that a lawyer who is a national of one State and wishes to practice in another State as well must maintain chambers in one place only consitute a restriction incompatible with Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome?DenmarkSuch a requirement is incompatible with Article 52.D""""""" #107/83Does the requirement that a lawyer who is a national of one State and wishes to practice in another State as well must maintain chambers in one place only consitute a restriction incompatible with Art 52 of the Treaty of Rome?United KingdomSuch a requirement is incompatible with Article 52.K""""""" #133/83Does "door-to-door selling" apply to a methodical calling at one house after another for the purpose of selling to the ultimate consumer, or to potential wholesale customers, or some combination?CommissionThis may not consist of calls on potential wholesale customsers.5""""""" #133/83Does "door-to-door selling" apply to a methodical calling at one house after another for the purpose of selling to the ultimate consumer, or to potential wholesale customers, or some combination?FranceThis may not consist of calls on potential wholesale customsers.1""""""" #~133/83Does "specialized" in Art 14a(3a) of Council Reg 543/69 apply to the characteristics of the particular vehicle alone, or to the activity of door-to-door selling alone, or a combination of both?CommissionA vehicle is specialized only if its construction, equipment or other characteristics ensure that it will be used only for door-to-door selling.""""""" #4PW{^(ÃR/The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.337/82Is Commission Reg 851/76 of 4/9/76 void in so far as it is based on Art 46 of the EEC Treaty, which is no longer applicable after the expiry of the transitional period? bbVV77775F=.Such a product must be classifed under subheading 29.01 A I.3Such a product must be classifed under subheading 29.01 A I.46/83If question 1 is answered affirmatively, does subheading I or II apply where, although the product is intended to be used other than as heating fuel, no authorization under Commission Reg 1775/77 has been obtained?vVVVVTF=-Completely hydrogenated perhydrosqualene, manufactured from fish-liver oil, with a purity level of 95% or more should be classified under tariff subheading 29.01 A as an acyclic hydrocarbon.3Such a product should be classified under subheading 29.01 A of the CCT.46/83Under which heading of the CCT should a completely hydrogenated animal oil which is manufactured from fish liver and is at the same time an acyclic hydrocarbon compound be classified?,,""F=,No fresh consultation of the Commission is required in the case of re-enactment of a national measure for the conservation of fishery resources.3No fresh consultation of the Commission is required in the case of re-enactment of a national measure for the conservation of fishery resources.24/83Where, after 1/1/79, a State notifies the Commission of a re-enactment of a national conversation measure, does it remain in conformity with Community law in the absence of express Commission approval?FF<<F=+Such a vehicle is normally based in the territory of the State in which it was registered, even if at the relevant time the authorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.3Such a vehicle is normally based in the territory of the State in which it was registered, even if at the relevant time the authorization to use the vehicle had been withdrawn.64/83May a vehicle which has been taken out of circulation in a State in which it had been register be regarded as still normally based in the territory of that State within the meaning of Art 1(4) of the directive of 4/24/72?e||F=*Only claims of accidents occuring in the territory of the State of that bureau caused by vehicles normally based in the territory of another State which the law of the State of that Bureau made it obligatory to insure against.2This expression refers to the limits and conditions of civil liability applicable to compulsory insurance, so long as the driver during the accident is deemed to be covered by valid insurance under that legilsation.64/83What is the meaning of the expression "provisions of national law on compulsory insurance" contained in Art 2(2) of the directive of 4/24/72?nF=)Such articles must be regarded as goods put up in sets within the meaning of this provision.3Such articles must be regarded as goods put up in sets within the meaning of this provision.60/83May such cash register articles consisting of several parts be regarded as "goods put up in sets" or "goods& made up of different components" within the meaning of General Rule 3(b) of the Nomenclature of the CCT?vvvvtF=JPX(Such parts cannot be regarded as as a single unit under this classification.3Such parts cannot be regarded as as a single unit under this classification.60/83Are cash register parts taken as a whole to be regarded as a functional unit and therefore as a single article which may be described as a cash register under 84.52 B of the Common Customs Tariff?ffffdF= QɧOã<]16/83Does Paragraph 17 of the Wein-Verordnung of 7/15/91 (regulation relating to wine) have an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction on imports prohibited by Art 30 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionSuch legislation does constitute a quantitative restriction under Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.L!!!!!!! #\16/83Does Paragraph 17 of the Wein-Verordnung of 7/15/91 (regulation relating to wine) have an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction on imports prohibited by Art 30 of the EEC Treaty?ItalySuch legislation does constitute a quantitative restriction under Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.G!!!!!!! #[104/83Does Art 51(1) of Reg 1408/71 apply solely to the invalidity, old-age and survivors pensions referred to in Art 46 or does it also apply to benefits of a different nature?CommissionThis article can also apply to benefits involving accidents at work or occupational disease which, by virtue of the national rules against overlapping of benefits, originally affected the amount of the pension fixed under Art 46.""""""" #Z"a77/83Is wool included, under the heading "animal products not elsewhere specified or included" of CCT heading 05.15, among the products covered by the common organization of the market in Council Reg 827/68?CommissionWool is not covered by this phrase.!!!!!!! #Y"a77/83Is wool included, under the heading "animal products not elsewhere specified or included" of CCT heading 05.15, among the products covered by the common organization of the market in Council Reg 827/68?ItalyWool is not covered by this phrase.!!!!!!! #X37/83Are the penultimate and final sentences of Art 11(3) of Council Dir 77/93 on protective measures against the introduction into the States of harmful organisms of plants compatible with Art 190 and 30 of the Treaty?CommissionThe provisions remains compatible with the EEC Treaty.=!!!!!!! #W37/83Are the penultimate and final sentences of Art 11(3) of Council Dir 77/93 on protective measures against the introduction into the States of harmful organisms of plants compatible with Art 190 and 30 of the Treaty?CouncilThe provisions remains compatible with the EEC Treaty.:!!!!!!! #V37/83Are the penultimate and final sentences of Art 11(3) of Council Dir 77/93 on protective measures against the introduction into the States of harmful organisms of plants compatible with Art 190 and 30 of the Treaty?IrelandThe provisions remains compatible with the EEC Treaty.:!!!!!!! #U294/82Is the imposition of import turnover tax on drugs compatible with Art 2(2) of the 6th Council Dir on the harmonization of the laws of States relating to turnover taxes if States are not permitted to levy customs duty?GermanyThe imposition of import turnover tax on drugs is compatible with Art 2(2) of the 6th Directive.h""""""" #T294/82Is the imposition of import turnover tax on drugs compatible with Art 2(2) of the 6th Council Dir on the harmonization of the laws of States relating to turnover taxes if States are not permitted to levy customs duty?CommissionThe importation of drugs otherwise than through economic channels strictly controlled by the competent authorities for use for medical and scientific purposes is not subject to turnover tax. """"""" #L46/83Under which heading of the CCT should a completely hydrogenated animal oil which is manufactured from fish liver and is at the same time an acyclic hydrocarbon compound be classified?BelgiumSuch a product should be classified under subheading 29.01 A of the CCT.-!!!!!!! # P!FkWdo^OmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmvkOQMYkYdbdS88DF>LQOQM^JiQOqdYO$Yk`YkkJ^LQJbbo^^QOJ^dbUsYmWJbJsJiOSdiOJ`JUQk$ kWdo^OmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmvkOQMYkYdbdS88DF>LQOQM^JiQOqdYO$bOWQiOYk`YkkJ^LQJbbo^^QOJ^dbUsYmWOJ`JUQkJsJiOQOmdmWQJff^YMJbm$ kWdo^OmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmvkOQMYkYdbdS88DF>LQOQM^JiQOqdYO$JbOWQiOYk`YkkJ^LQJbbo^^QOJ^dbUsYmWOJ`JUQkJsJiOQOmdmWQJff^YMJbm$ kWdo^OmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmvkOQMYkYdbdS88DF>LQOQM^JiQOqdYO$do^OmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmvkOQMYkYdbdS88DF>LQOQM^JiQOqdYO$SYbQdbmWQJff^YMJbmOQM^JiQOqdYOLQOQM^JiQOJO`YkkYL^Q$ kWdo^OmWQJffdYbmYbUJomWdiYmvkOQMYkYdbdS88DF>LQOQM^JiQOqdYO$kWdo^OmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbUYqQbLvmWQMd``YkkYdbJ^^QUQO^vYbLiQJMWdSJimH:JbOH<SdiLQ^UYo`mdY`f^Q`QbmJ@vQJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ do^OmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbUYqQbLvmWQMd``YkkYdbJ^^QUQO^vYbLiQJMWdSJimH:JbOH<SdiLQ^UYo`mdY`f^Q`QbmJ@vQJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ kYdbJ^^QUQO^vYbLiQJMWdSJimH:JbOH<SdiLQ^UYo`mdY`f^Q`QbmJ@vQJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ LQJbbo^^QO$}kWdo^OmWQJomWdiYxJmYdbUYqQbLvmWQMd``YkkYdbJ^^QUQO^vYbLiQJMWdSJimH:JbOH<SdiLQ^UYo`mdY`f^Q`QbmJ@vQJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ QJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ `QbmJ@vQJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ dbUYqQbLvmWQMd``YkkYdbJ^^QUQO^vYbLiQJMWdSJimH:JbOH<SdiLQ^UYo`mdY`f^Q`QbmJ@vQJif^JbSdiiQkmioMmoiYbUmWQLQ^UYJbmQumY^QJbOM^dmWYbUYbOokmivLQJbbo^^QO$~ kWdo^OmWQLQbQSYmdSJimD<dSmWQkmJSSiQUo^JmYdbkdSdSSYMYJ^kLQUiJbmQOmdmWQJff^YMJbm$ kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbJbOMdobMY^fJvmWQJff^YMJbmkOJ`JUQkSdiWJi`mdmWQYiiQkfQMmYqQYbOokmiYQk$JbmQOmdmWQJff^YMJbm$ kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbJbOMdobMY^fJvmWQJff^YMJbmkOJ`JUQkSdiWJi`mdmWQYiiQkfQMmYqQYbOokmiYQk$@ E@?@VerLoren van Themaat14256/80Birra Wuhrer v. Council and CommissionBirra Wuhrer SpA and OthersCouncil and CommissionXLHHHH2222 @ E@?@VerLoren van Themaat14256/80Birra Wuhrer v. Council and CommissionBirra Wuhrer SpA and OthersCouncil and CommissionXLHHHH2222 @@ =@?@Slynn14151/83Alpa v. CommissionSociete Acieries et Laminoirs de Paris (Alpa)Commission]I=99992222 @@ =@?@Slynn14103/83Usinor v. CommissionUnion Siderurgique du Nord et de l Est de la France (Usinor)Commission_I=99992222 @ =@?@Mancini14188/83Witte v. ParliamentHermann Witte  #  `JvJbJffQJ^LQ^dOUQOsYmWmWQLobOQkUQiYMWmkWdSobOQiJim<fidqYOQkmWJmmWQJbboJ^YbmQiQkmiJmQYkDYbmWQMJkQdSLommQikmdiQOYbUQi`JbvJbObQmWQi^JbOkJbOH@YbmWQo\$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$bkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$bkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$bkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUF@8DBdS>HDBqdYOYbkdSJiJkYmYkLJkQOdbJim>BdSmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdb:>:>DBYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmfoifdimkmdJff^vmdmWQQufdimkOQmJY^QOYbhoQkmYdb8$ SmWQQQMmiQJmvsWYMWYkbd^dbUQiJff^YMJL^QJSmQimWQQufYivdSmWQmiJbkYmYdbJ^fQiYdO$YkMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdb:>:>DBYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmfoifdimkmdJff^vmdmWQQufdimkOQmJY^QOYbhoQkmYdb8$ SJiJkYmfoifdimkmdJff^vmdmWQQufdimkOQmJY^QOYbhoQkmYdb8$ YkMd``obYmv^JsmdLQYbmQifiQmQOJk`QJbYbUmWJmJqQmQiYbJivJbOfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbJmmWQSidbmYQidSJMd`fo^kdivbJmoiQYkQhoYqJ^QbmmdJhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbdbY`fdimkJbOQufdimk$X  `JvJMd`fQmQbmbJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmvf^QJOSdiMQ`J[QoiQobOQiJim8D<JdSiQU8Such shoes must be classified under 64.02 A.3Such shoes must be classified under 64.02 B.298/82Are the sports shoes described in this case to be classified under subheading 64.02 B or A?ttFFFFDF=x#'=Such an article is under heading 59.03 of the CCT.3Such an article is under heading 59.03 of the CCT, even if it is intended for use as a floor covering.92/83Must an article consisting of a fabric which is made of PVC monofil .9mm thick and which is imported in strips 90cm and 120 cm wide and 610 cm long as a floor mat be classified as 58.02 or 59.03 under the CCT?LLLLJF=Hpd<This refers solely to operations in which only animal carcases and waste not intended for human consumption are transported.3This refers solely to operations in which only animal carcases and waste not intended for human consumption are transported.90/83Does the reference in the regulation to "operations for the transport of animal carcases or waste" apply only when the load being transported consists exclusively of animal carcases or waste, or only in part?F=x;This refers to all the by-products of slaughtering which are intended for use other than as food for humans, including by-products which have commercial value in those other uses.3This refers only to parts of animals not intended for oral human consumption.90/83Does the reference in the regulation to "animal waste not intended for human consumption" apply only to parts of animals which are not intended for oral human consumption?&&F=hv :"Animal carcases" only refers to carcases not intended for human consumption.3"Animal carcases" only refers to carcases not intended for human consumption.90/83Does the reference in paragraph 2c of Art 14a of Council Reg 543/69 on harmonization of road transport legislation to animal carcases apply to all animal carcases or just those not intended for human consumption?ggggeF=Xn9Institution is to mean the body or authority responsible for administering all or part of the States legislation relating to the branches or schemes of social security mentioned in that regulation.3Institution is to mean the body or authority responsible for administering all or part of the States legislation relating to the branches or schemes of social security mentioned in that regulation.313/82Must the institutions referred to in Art 93 of Reg 1408/71 be understood as being insurance institutions within the meaning of the last paragraph of Art 70 of the Belgian Law of 8/9/63?mF=b8Article 36 cannot be relied upon to make such a law acceptable under Community law.3Article 36 cannot be relied upon to make such a law acceptable under Community law.16/83In the particular circumstances of the present case, can Paragraph 17 of the Wein-Verordnung be applied in order to protect the interests mentioned in Art 36 of the EEC Treaty?~mmmmkF=7Such legislation does constitute a quantitative restriction under Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.3Such legislation does constitute a quantitative restriction under Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.16/83Does Paragraph 17 of the Wein-Verordnung of 7/15/91 (regulation relating to wine) have an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction on imports prohibited by Art 30 of the EEC Treaty?yyyywF= ]P=)ƚ=y6This article can also apply to benefits involving accidents at work or occupational disease which, by virtue of the national rules against overlapping of benefits, originally affected the amount of the pension fixed under Art 46.3This article can also apply to benefits involving accidents at work or occupational disease which, by virtue of the national rules against overlapping of benefits, originally affected the amount of the pension fixed under Art 46.104/83Does Art 51(1) of Reg 1408/71 apply solely to the invalidity, old-age and survivors pensions referred to in Art 46 or does it also apply to benefits of a different nature?F=xG5Wool is not covered by this phrase.3Wool is not covered by this phrase.77/83Is wool included, under the heading "animal products not elsewhere specified or included" of CCT heading 05.15, among the products covered by the common organization of the market in Council Reg 827/68?8llbb====;F=e 4The provisions remains compatible with the EEC Treaty.3The provisions remains compatible with the EEC Treaty.37/83Are the penultimate and final sentences of Art 11(3) of Council Dir 77/93 on protective measures against the introduction into the States of harmful organisms of plants compatible with Art 190 and 30 of the Treaty?jPPPPNF=or3The importation of drugs otherwise than through economic channels strictly controlled by the competent authorities for use for medical and scientific purposes is not subject to turnover tax.3This provision means that no import turnover tax arises upon the unlawful importation into the Community of drugs not confined within economic channels strictly controlled by authorities for medical and scientific purposes.294/82Is the imposition of import turnover tax on drugs compatible with Art 2(2) of the 6th Council Dir on the harmonization of the laws of States relating to turnover taxes if States are not permitted to levy customs duty?F=of2Art 5 means that the processing of the meat derived from beef quarters by boning, trimming, drawing the sinews, cutting into pieces and vacuum-packing does not confer upon it the origin of the country where those operations are carried out.3Art 5 means that the processing of the meat derived from beef quarters by boning, trimming, drawing the sinews, cutting into pieces and vacuum-packing does not confer upon it the origin of the country where those operations are carried out.93/83Does the processing of meat by boning, trimming, drawing the sinews and cutting it into pieces constitute a process determining origin for the purposes of Art 5 of Reg 802/68?    F='t1not applicable3Reg 964/71 does not prevent meat-processing operations following slaughter from conferring upon the meat the origin of the country in which those operations are carried out.93/83Is Art 1 of Reg 964/71 of the Commission invalid on the ground that it infringes Reg 802/68 of the Council?N((((&F=0It is possible for the provision concerning the exemption of the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B (d) 1 of that directive to be relied upon by a credit negotiator for transactions in this period.3It is possible for the provision concerning the exemption of the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B (d) 1 of that directive to be relied upon by a credit negotiator for transactions in this period.70/83Is it possible for the provision concerning the exemption of the negotiation of credit contained in Art 13 B (d) 1 of that directive to be relied upon by a credit negotiator for transactions between 1/1/78 and 6/30/78?F=Pf3ʶǨŇThe removal by 3rd parties of goods subject to customs duty, even through no fault of the taxable person, does not extinguish the obligation to pay duty on them.3The removal by 3rd parties of goods subject to customs duty, even through no fault of the taxable person, does not extinguish the obligation to pay duty on them.186/82May the removal of goods subject to customs duties carried out by methods which assimilate such removal to a case of force majeure by virtue of ordinary legal principles, fall with the concept of force majeure under Community law?Rjj^^F=The decision remains valid.3The decision remains valid.216/82If the decision legality can be contested in proceedings before a national court, is Commission Dec 78/851 on the Packard 2425 Tri-Carb Spectometer invalid?^^RR55553F=The persons concerned may plead the illegality of that decision before the national court and question the validity of the decision.3The persons concerned may plead the illegality of that decision before the national court and question the validity of the decision.216/82By not having brought proceddings under Art 173 against the Commission, are persons precluded from relying upon the invalidity of that decision in proceddings before a national court?00$$F=!The production refund for maize processed into starch must be equal to the difference between the threshold price and the supply price applicable on the date on which the maize was processed.3The production refund for maize processed into starch must be equal to the difference between the threshold price and the supply price applicable on the date on which the maize was processed.311/82What is the proper interpretation of Art 2(3) of Commission Reg 2012/74 laying down detailed rules for the application of Reg 1132/74 as regards production refunds on starches?XF=This regulation excludes the reduction of such benefits.2This regulation excludes the reduction of such benefits.279/82Does Art 12(2) of Council Reg 1408/71 allow a national provision against overlapping benefits applied in a case where the benefit to be reduced has been awarded solely on national law and the costs are born by the institutions of 2 States under Art 57(3)?RRRRPF=Article 1 of Reg 2546/80 is invalid.3Article 1 of Reg 2546/80 is invalid.224/82Is Art 1 of Commision Reg 2546/80 incompatible with the principles of proportionality and equal treatment in retroactively fixing a time-limit by which the concluded contracts had to be forwarded to the appropriate agency?Pppdd>>>><F=Article 18 of the Convention allows a defendant not merely to contest jurisdiction but to submit a defence on the substance of the case without losing the right to raise an objection of want of jurisdiction.2Article 18 of the Convention allows a defendant not merely to contest jurisdiction but to submit a defence on the substance of the case without losing the right to raise an objection of want of jurisdiction.201/82Is the effect of confirming the jurisdiction of the court before which an action is brought also produced when the defendant sets out a defence on the substance of the case?uF= `okmmWQiYUWmkJMhoYiQOLvkoMWJbJmYdbJ^JkYbhoQkmYdb8OoiYbUWYkkmJvLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmLvJbvdmWQikmJmQJkYSmWQvsQiQfQiYdOk^JYOOdsbSdimWQJMhoYkYmYdbdSJiYUWmobOQiYmkdsb^QUYk^JmYdb$`okmmWQio^QkdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSfQikdbkkQiqYMQkJbOUddOkYbmWQmiQJmvJ^kdLQJff^YQOYbMJkQksWQiQLJiiYQikmdmWYk`JvJiYkQYbiQ^JmYdbmdMYmYxQbkdSdb^vdbQkmJmQJbOsYmWYbYmkmQiiYmdiv$SiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSfQikdbkkQiqYMQkJbOUddOkYbmWQmiQJmvJ^kdLQJff^YQOYbMJkQksWQiQLJiiYQikmdmWYk`JvJiYkQYbiQ^JmYdbmdMYmYxQbkdSdb^vdbQkmJmQJbOsYmWYbYmkmQiiYmdiv$io^QkdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSfQikdbkkQiqYMQkJbOUddOkYbmWQmiQJmvJ^kdLQJff^YQOYbMJkQksWQiQLJiiYQikmdmWYk`JvJiYkQYbiQ^JmYdbmdMYmYxQbkdSdb^vdbQkmJmQJbOsYmWYbYmkmQiiYmdiv$io^QkdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSfQikdbkkQiqYMQkJbOUddOkYbmWQmiQJmvJ^kdLQJff^YQOYbMJkQksWQiQLJiiYQikmdmWYk`JvJiYkQYbiQ^JmYdbmdMYmYxQbkdSdb^vdbQkmJmQJbOsYmWYbYmkmQiiYmdiv$OUddOkYbmWQmiQJmvJ^kdLQJff^YQOYbMJkQksWQiQLJiiYQikmdmWYk`JvJiYkQYbiQ^JmYdbmdMYmYxQbkdSdb^vdbQkmJmQJbOsYmWYbYmkmQiiYmdiv$kdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSfQikdbkkQiqYMQkJbOUddOkYbmWQmiQJmvJ^kdLQJff^YQOYbMJkQksWQiQLJiiYQikmdmWYk`JvJiYkQYbiQ^JmYdbmdMYmYxQbkdSdb^vdbQkmJmQJbOsYmWYbYmkmQiiYmdiv$`okmmWQkYmoJmYdbYbJim<dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8LQYbmQifiQmQOJkMdqQiYbUJkYmoJmYdbsWQiQmWQdsbQidS^JbOJbOJfoL^YMsdi\kobOQimJ\YbUWJqQiQJMWQOJbJUiQQ`QbmdbJ^JbOdsbQikWYfOYkfomQ$'Institution is to mean the body or authority responsible for administering all or part of the States legislation relating to the branches or schemes of social security mentioned in that regulation.''Institution is to mean the body or authority responsible for administering all or part of the States legislation relating to the branches or schemes of social security mentioned in that regulation.''Must the institutions referred to in Art 93 of Reg 1408/71 be understood as being insurance institutions within the meaning of the last paragraph of Art 70 of the Belgian Law of 8/9/63?'= P5OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$TkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$TmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$TMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$TQbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$TbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$TOdQkmWQiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbUiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$dbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$UiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$TOdQkmWQiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbUiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$`QbmfQbkYdbUiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$OdQkmWQiYUWmmdmWQUiJbmdSJbQufdimiQSobOQuYkmYSJfidOoMmWJkLQQbQufdimQOdmWQimWJbmWJmSdisWYMWmWQQufdim^YMQbMQsJkUiJbmQO$_( (  K$ (jyn "! 0j$nx.!4 4K y.4|K jy.  4 4 '"Animal carcases" only refers to carcases not intended for human consumption.''Does the reference in paragraph 2c of Art 14a of Council Reg 543/69 on harmonization of road transport legislation to animal carcases apply to all animal carcases or just those not intendtO O #0 mOdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$bmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$bmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$dbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$iQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$YiQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$svQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJ^JsvQisWdYkJbJmYdbJ^dSdbQkmJmQJbOsYkWQkmdfiJMmYMQYbJbdmWQikmJmQJksQ^^`okm`JYbmJYbMWJ`LQikYbdbQf^JMQdb^vMdbkYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim@:dSmWQmiQJmvdSid`Q$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$< 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"1 0lq7@H/t@ObservationsVhj @FFF:::::::8 @˓7@4TM7@agreementVh@@@@44444442 @Hl7@io)7@coderVh@888,,,,,,,* @!c7@:E7@clarityVh@h<<<0000000. @.V)7@_7@chamber nameVh7@FFF:::::::8 @a'@a'@~sq_fObservationsVh4h%Ph%Xh%`h%hh%ph%xh%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%(h%`h%h%h%h%@h%xh%h%h% h%Xh%7General Case Characteristics dh% d0h%PrimaryKey coderHh%h%v h%0h%ph%h%h%hq%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h% h%h%h%@ h%?h%General Case CharacteristicsPrimaryKeyh%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%( h%Xh% kƙ185/83Has the Commission in its decision of 10/8/81 correctly interpreted and applied the term "of equivalent scientific value" contained in Art 3 of Reg 1798/75?NetherlandsCommission Decision 81/843 remains valid.""""""" #c128/83Under Art 71(1bii) of Council Reg 1408/71, is residence in the competent State prior to the end of the period of last employment in the State other than the competent State one of the conditions for benefits under Art 71?Direction Regionale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de Haute-NormandieSuch a worker falls within the exception in this article and becomes entitled to benefits at the expense of the competent institution of the State to whose legislation he was last subject. M""""""" #128/83Under Art 71(1bii) of Council Reg 1408/71, is residence in the competent State prior to the end of the period of last employment in the State other than the competent State one of the conditions for benefits under Art 71?CommissionArticle 71 does not apply to an unemployed person who, during his last employment, was residing in the State in which he was employed. """"""" #Va94/83Is legislation which prohibits the marketing of apples coming from another State on the ground that vinchlozoline levels are exceeded compatible with Community law in light of Art 30 and 36?CommissionSuch legislation is compatible with Articles 30 and 36.&!!!!!!! #Va94/83Is legislation which prohibits the marketing of apples coming from another State on the ground that vinchlozoline levels are exceeded compatible with Community law in light of Art 30 and 36?GermanySuch legislation is compatible with Articles 30 and 36.#!!!!!!! #261/83Is a national who receives a social security benefit in a State who moves to another State she has not worked in and is dependent on her son entitled to receive the guranteed income for old people in the 2nd State?ItalyArt 7(2) of Council Reg 1612/68 means that the grant of a social advantage such as this to a dependent relative cannot be conditional on a reciprocal agreement between that State and the State where the relative is a national.""""""" #261/83Is a national who receives a social security benefit in a State who moves to another State she has not worked in and is dependent on her son entitled to receive the guranteed income for old people in the 2nd State?CommissionArt 7(2) of Council Reg 1612/68 means that the grant of a social advantage such as this to a dependent relative cannot be conditional on a reciprocal agreement between that State and the State where the relative is a national.""""""" #184/83Are Art 1,2 and 5 of Council Dir 76/207 infringed if a period of leave which the State encourages by payment of the net remuneration of the person concerned and lasts six months can be claimed by working mothers?United KingdomA State may grant such a maternity leave.3""""""" #184/83Are Art 1,2 and 5 of Council Dir 76/207 infringed if a period of leave which the State encourages by payment of the net remuneration of the person concerned and lasts six months can be claimed by working mothers?GermanyA State may grant such a maternity leave.,""""""" #184/83Are Art 1,2 and 5 of Council Dir 76/207 infringed if a period of leave which the State encourages by payment of the net remuneration of the person concerned and lasts six months can be claimed by working mothers?CommissionA State may not grant such a maternity leave.3""""""" #{#uΤ͸'*zPȚ:ƍŶ8^ztדf@?"D@?@Darmon14182/83Fearon v. Irish Land CommissionRobert Fearon and Company LimitedThe Irish Land CommissionkJ>::::2222 @A@X@@VerLoren van Themaat14185/83University of Groningen v. Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen, GroningenInterfacultair Instituut Electronenmicroscopie of the University of GroningenInspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen, Groningen.XLHHHH2222 @@?@?@Lenz14109/83Eurico v. CommissionEurico SrlCommissionvj^H<88882222 @@=@@?Mancini14128/83Caisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie de Rouen v. GuyotCaisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie de RouenA. GuyotK?;;;;2222 ?8@@?Lenz1494/83HeijnAlbert Heijn BV^MMF<88882222 @@&@?@VerLoren van Themaat14261/83Castelli v. ONPTSCarmella CastelliOffice National des Pensions pour Travailleurs Salaries~kXLHHHH2222 ? &@?X@Darmon14184/83Hofmann v. Barmer ErsatzkasseUlrich HofmannBarmer ErsatzkasseyiJ>::::2222 @&@??Darmon14178/83Firma P. v. Firma K.Firma P.Firma`J>::::2222 ? &@X@?Slynn14107/83Ordre des Avocats au Barreau de Paris v. KloppOrdre des Avocats au Barreau de ParisOnno KloppyI=99992222 @&@@?Lenz14133/83Regina v. ScottReginaThomas Scott & Sons Bakers Limited and Brian RimmeraYH<88882222 ? @&@@?Darmon1463/83Regina v. KirkReginaKent Kirkk`XH>::::2222 Case@l %@@?Mancini14238/83Caisse d Allocations Familiales v. Couple MeadeCaisse d Allocations Familiales de la Region ParisienneMr. and Mrs. Richard Meade|K?;;;;2222  ? @#@?@Slynn14180/83Moser v. Land Baden-WurttembergHans MoserLand Baden-WurttembergvjI=99992222  ? @#@?@Slynn1436/83Mabanaft v. Hauptzollamt EmmerichMabanaft GmbHHauptzollamt EmmerichyjG=99992222 @|!@X@?Slynn14116/83Bureau Belge des Assureurs Automobiles v. FantozziAsbl Bureau Belge des Assureurs AutomobilesAdriano Fantozzi and SA Les Assurances Populaires}I=99992222 @@@?VerLoren van Themaat1497/83MelkunieCMC Melkunie BVq``VLHHHH2222 @|@?@Mancini1415/83Denkavit Nederland v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenDenkavit Nederland BVHoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenI?;;;;2222 @}@?@Lenz14105/83Pakvries v. Minister for Agriculture and FisheriesPakvries BVMinister for Agriculture and Fisheries|H<88882222 @@|@?@Rozes14345/82Wunsche v. GermanyWunsche Handelsgesellschaft GmbH & Co.Germany]I=99992222  @@!@@?@Rozes14298/82Schickedanz v. Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am MainGustav Schickedanz KGOberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am MainI=99992222 ? `}#191/83Under Art 76 of Council Reg 1408/71 must entitlement to family allowances be suspended in the situation of this case when it is not clear whether the parent in the country of residence of the children gets those benefits?GermanyThe entitlement to such benefits must be suspended.? """"""" #191/83Under Art 76 of Council Reg 1408/71 must entitlement to family allowances be suspended in the situation of this case when it is not clear whether the parent in the country of residence of the children gets those benefits?CommissionThere is no suspension of entitlement to such benefits because not all the conditions laid down by the legislation of that State for the actual receipt of such allowances are satisfied. """"""" #191/83Under Art 76 of Council Reg 1408/71 must entitlement to family allowances be suspended in the situation of this case when it is not clear whether the parent in the country of residence of the children gets those benefits?ItalyThere is no suspension of entitlement to such benefits because not all the conditions laid down by the legislation of that State for the actual receipt of such allowances are satisfied.""""""" #177/83Under Art 30 of the EEC Treaty, is it permissible to prohibit the French undertaking from using the distinctive symbol in question on German territory, and does it matter to what degree this is misleading?GermanySuch a prohibition does not violate Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.=""""""" #177/83Under Art 30 of the EEC Treaty, is it permissible to prohibit the French undertaking from using the distinctive symbol in question on German territory, and does it matter to what degree this is misleading?CommissionSuch a prohibition violates Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.8""""""" #177/83Under Art 30 of the EEC Treaty, is it permissible to prohibit the French undertaking from using the distinctive symbol in question on German territory, and does it matter to what degree this is misleading?FranceSuch a prohibition violates Article 30 of the EEC Treaty.4""""""" #il101/83Is such a worker as in question 1 entitled to be granted the family allowances provided for by that legislation even if that legislation limits the grant of such allowance to persons residing in that State?CommissionSuch a worker is entitled to the family allowances in question.?""""""" #il101/83Is such a worker as in question 1 entitled to be granted the family allowances provided for by that legislation even if that legislation limits the grant of such allowance to persons residing in that State?United KingdomSuch a worker is entitled to the family allowances in question.C""""""" #il101/83Is such a worker as in question 1 entitled to be granted the family allowances provided for by that legislation even if that legislation limits the grant of such allowance to persons residing in that State?NetherlandsSuch a worker is entitled to the family allowances in question.@""""""" #101/83Does Art 17 of Reg 1408/71 enable 2 States to decide that the legislation of 1 of those States, which is applicable to a worker pursuant to Art 13-16, does not apply to him and that the other States legislation is applicable?CommissionThis provision does allow two States to make such an agreement provided that this corresponds to the interests of the worker concerned.""""""" # 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]*JiQmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQU8>6FD8Jff^YMJL^QmdJfQikdbYbkoiQOobOQiJqd^obmJivYbkoiJbMQkMWQ`QkoMWJkmWJmQkmJL^YkWQOLvmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS[o^v8HB<sWdfoikoQOJbJMmYqYmvJkJbQ`f^dvQOfQikdb$NJiQmWQfidqYkYdbkdSiQU8>6FD8Jff^YMJL^QmdJfQikdbYbkoiQOobOQiJqd^obmJivYbkoiJbMQkMWQ`QkoMWJkmWJmQkmJL^YkWQOLvmWQLQ^UYJb^JsdS[o^v8HB<sWdfoikoQOJbJMmYqYmvJkJbQ`f^dvQOfQikdb$NJiQmWQiQSQiQbMQkQbJL^YbUJMdbmiJMmdikSYbJbMYJ^JbOQMdbd`YMkmJbOYbUmdLQOQmQi`YbQOQuWJokmYqQ^vQbo`QiJmQOYbJim:@dSOYiD8<<@$MJiQmWQiQSQiQbMQkQbJL^YbUJMdbmiJMmdikSYbJbMYJ^JbOQMdbd`YMkmJbOYbUmdLQOQmQi`YbQOQuWJokmYqQ^vQbo`QiJmQOYbJim:@dSOYiD8<<@$MJiQmWQiQSQiQbMQkQbJL^YbUJMdbmiJMmdikSYbJbMYJ^JbOQMdbd`YMkmJbOYbUmdLQOQmQi`YbQOQuWJokmYqQ^vQbo`QiJmQOYbJim:@dSOYiD8<<@$MJiQmWQiQSobOkSYuQOYbmWQJbbQuQkmdMd``YkkYdbiQUkF@8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$MJiQmWQiQSobOkSYuQOYbmWQJbbQuQkmdMd``YkkYdbiQUkF@8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$MJiQmWQiQSobOkSYuQOYbmWQJbbQuQkmdMd``YkkYdbiQUkF@8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$bOkSYuQOYbmWQJbbQuQkmdMd``YkkYdbiQUkF@8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$@8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$8DHJbO8<6HDHYbiQkfQMmdSS^J\QOLJi^QvSJ^^YbUsYmWYb886:QYL8dSmWQMMmqJ^YOdiOdQkmWQSYuYbUMdbmiJOYMmMdobMY^iQU:D>>D@$JiQmWQio^QkSdisdi^OMWJ`fYdbkWYfkdSmWQobYdbMvM^YkmQYbmQibJmYdbJ^QYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>FdSmWQmiQJmvJbOMdobMY^iQU8B8:BFdbSiQQOd`dSsdi\QiksYmWYbmWQMd``obYmv$JkQiOdQkbdmMWJ^^QbUQYm$X JiQmWQio^QkSdisdi^OMWJ`fYdbkWYfkdSmWQobYdbMvM^YkmQYbmQibJmYdbJ^QYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>FdSmWQmiQJmvJbOMdobMY^iQU8B8:BFdbSiQQOd`dSsdi\QiksYmWYbmWQMd``obYmv$QikYUbJ[oiYkOYMmYdbM^JokQYbsiYmYbU$XJiQmWQio^QkSdisdi^OMWJ`fYdbkWYfkdSmWQobYdbMvM^YkmQYbmQibJmYdbJ^QYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>FdSmWQmiQJmvJbOMdobMY^iQU8B8:BFdbSiQQOd`dSsdi\QiksYmWYbmWQMd``obYmv$thAG-Plaintiff agreement?'1e N QEobOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$bOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$bOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$bOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$bOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$iQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$L^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$Q^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$YkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$dSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQfidqYkYdbkdSOYiDB:6DsWJmkJbMmYdbJff^YQksWQiQmWQiQYkJbQkmJL^YkWQOMJkQdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbiQ^JmYdbmdJMMQkkmdQ`f^dv`Qbm$$obOQimWQkvkmQ`fidqYOQOSdiLviQUF@B<QQM`okmmWQ^QqvdbkJokJUQkfomofYbMdbmJYbQiksYmWfiQkQiqYbU^YhoYOLQMWJiUQOdbmWQbQmsQYUWmJSmQiOQOoMmYbUmWQsQYUWmdSkoMW^YhoYO$type of observer'2'?- ;observation source'Germany'O1 ;legal issue*@/# ;case number'14/83'=# ;Observations%%% '  # Kɷ5Ā¥I126/86Do Art 2,117 and 118 of the Treaty prevent the introduction by national legislation of a rule which prohibits the overlapping of a retirement pension with the emoluments due to a public servant and reduces the income of the persons concerned?United KingdomThese articles do not prevent such legislation.W&""""""" #H126/86Do Art 2,117 and 118 of the Treaty prevent the introduction by national legislation of a rule which prohibits the overlapping of a retirement pension with the emoluments due to a public servant and reduces the income of the persons concerned?SpainThese articles do not prevent such legislation.N""""""" #G58/86Do the circumstances surrounding the importation of maize into Reunion constitute special circumstances within the meaning of Art 13 of Council Reg 1430/79 so as to justify the repayment of levies charged on those imports?CommissionThese are not circumstances which justify the repayment of the levies.U !!!!!!! #F58/86Does the application of the levy instituted by Reg 2727/75 to maize imported into Reunion constitute a breach of the prohibition of discrimination set out in Art 40(3) of the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe application of the levy does not constitute discrimination.*!!!!!!! #E58/86Is the import levy instituted by Council Reg 2727/75 on the common organization of the cereal market applicable where the real purchase price does not correspond to the fictitious reference price and exceeds the later and the Community price?CommissionThe import levy laid down by Reg 2727/75 is applicable in this case.g!!!!!!!! #D286/85If the directive has direct effect, is the national provision in question inactable and the prosecutrices are entitled to equal treatment in relation to welfare benefits from 12/23/84?IrelandWomen are not conferred any right to specific welfare payments, assistance or allowance in the sphere of social security covered by the directive.y""""""" #C286/85If the directive has direct effect, is the national provision in question inactable and the prosecutrices are entitled to equal treatment in relation to welfare benefits from 12/23/84?CommissionWomen are entitled to have the same rules applied to them as are applied to men who are in the same situation in the absence of national measures implementing the directive.""""""" #B286/85Does Dir 79/7 confer rights on individuals in a State upon the expiry of the period within which the States were to implement it?NetherlandsThe directive does not have direct effect.""""""" #A286/85Does Dir 79/7 confer rights on individuals in a State upon the expiry of the period within which the States were to implement it?IrelandThe directive does not have direct effect.""""""" #@286/85Does Dir 79/7 confer rights on individuals in a State upon the expiry of the period within which the States were to implement it?CommissionAs from 12/23/84, the directive has direct effect.""""""" #?56/86Does Art 7(3) mean that all or part of the security for tender must be retained by the EAGGF if the sugar is of quality 3 and not 2 even though the recipient has taken possesion of the inferior sugar and is the loss of security proportional?CommissionThe security for tender is forfeited in its entirety if the sugar supplied is not of the standard quality even if the beneficiary of the aid has disposed of it. It does not infringe the principle of proportionality. !!!!!!! #P JPN7țCƳĆA9 t A  y V 3  } > o > .Q3N"vK|S0HY~>1Italy v. Council(Jacquemart v. Commission  Janet v. CommissionBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.247/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with council Dir 79/409 on the conservation of wild birds?xxHHHHFF=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.89/86Should Commission Dec 85/456 on the clearance of the French accounts in respect of the expenditure of the EAGGF in 1981 be partially annulled and the applicant compensated for damages? ff\\::::8F=obItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.49/86Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 82/76 with regard to training for medical specialists?~~ttFFFFDF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.420/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to provide for the reduction of taxes applicable to road vehicles and charged in respect of tractors used in combined transport of the type in shich they are loaded on the train?kttFFFFDF=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.61/85Should the Commission pay the applicant the expatriation allowance provided for in Art 4(1a) of Annex VII to the Staff Reg of Officials and the other financial benefits payable on a charge of residence?3gg]]>>>><F=Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.1/86Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 80/68 on the protecction of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances?7xxHHHHFF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.394/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to adopt the measures necessary to apply the additional levy in the milk and milk products sector?ttFFFFDF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.154/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations with regard to parallel imports of motor vehicles from other States?ttFFFFDF=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.54/86Is the application to annul the decision rejecting the applicants request to for a differential allowance admissible?ff\\::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.40/86Should the decision of the selection boards for Com/LA/4/84 and 5/84 to not admit the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=obItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.225/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by discriminating in employment against researchers working for the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche who are nationals of other State in favor of Italians?KttFFFFDF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.118/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by refusiing to supply information to the commission concerning the Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato?!ttFFFFDF=P O+ĹrYThe refusal to grant no-claims discounts is not contrary too Community law.3The refusal to grant no-claims discounts is not contrary too Community law.251/83Is it compatible with Community law that insured persons resident in another State and driving a motor car with customs registration plates are not granted no-claims discounts?peeeecF=ofXThis Article is void for breach of the principle of proportionality.3The regulation remains valid.106/83Is Art 1 of Commission Reg 3358/81, fixing the sugar laevy for 1980/81, unlawful on the ground that it is contrary to Art 27(2) of Council Reg 3330/74?"}}^^^^\F=1.WThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.106/83Is Article 7(2) of Commission Reg 700/73 unlawful on the ground that it is contrary to Articles 7 and 40(3) of the EEC Treaty?bbVV77775F=VThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.283/83Does Council Reg 1167/76 infringe Art 40(3) of the EEC Treaty, in so far as it excludes Tokay wines under 22.05 CIII(b)2 of the CCT from the representative exchange rate used in conversion to German marks?1bbVV77775F=UNeither Article 58, nor any other provision of the Treaty, prohibits such a requirement.3Art 52 does not prohibit such a requirement, as long as it applies to nationals as well and is not exercised in a discriminatory manner.182/83Where a State statute requires that a person who owns land should have resided on it for a certain period, if the owner is a corporate body, does Art 58 prohibit a condition that all involved in the body should have resided there?rrrrpF=nsTCommission Decision 81/843 should be declared void because important procedural errors wre committed in the course of the preparation of the interpretation and application of Art 3 of Reg 1798/75 given therein.3Commission Decision 81/843 remains valid.185/83Has the Commission in its decision of 10/8/81 correctly interpreted and applied the term "of equivalent scientific value" contained in Art 3 of Reg 1798/75?##F=RUnder Community law, the ENR was acting on its own behalf.3Only the ENR can be held liable to the undertaking to which it has delegated the actual implementation of the operations for any damage suffered by the latter in the course of carrying out that food-aid operation.109/83Was the Ente Nazionale Risi vested with specific authority to act in the name of the EEC for the purpose of concluding the private contract for the purchase of rice intended for Niger by virtue of Commission Dec of 12/10/76?77++TTTTRF=ulQArticle 71 does not apply to an unemployed person who, during his last employment, was residing in the State in which he was employed.3Article 71 does not apply to an unemployed person who, during his last employment, was residing in the State in which he was employed.128/83Under Art 71(1bii) of Council Reg 1408/71, is residence in the competent State prior to the end of the period of last employment in the State other than the competent State one of the conditions for benefits under Art 71?44((F=ulPSuch legislation is compatible with Articles 30 and 36.3Such legislation is compatible with Articles 30 and 36.94/83Is legislation which prohibits the marketing of apples coming from another State on the ground that vinchlozoline levels are exceeded compatible with Community law in light of Art 30 and 36?TQQQQOF= kYk`ixJdYoYsWdYkbdmJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^JbObdmvQmiQMdUbYxQOJkJkmJmQ^QkkfQikdbLomsWdkQsYSQYkJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^QbmYm^QOmdJqJY^WY`kQ^SdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQQM$}Yk`ixJdYoYsWdYkbdmJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^JbObdmvQmiQMdUbYxQOJkJkmJmQ^QkkfQikdbLomsWdkQsYSQYkJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^QbmYm^QOmdJqJY^WY`kQ^SdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQQM$}`ixJdYoYsWdYkbdmJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^JbObdmvQmiQMdUbYxQOJkJkmJmQ^QkkfQikdbLomsWdkQsYSQYkJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^QbmYm^QOmdJqJY^WY`kQ^SdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQQM$}`ixJdYoYsWdYkbdmJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^JbObdmvQmiQMdUbYxQOJkJkmJmQ^QkkfQikdbLomsWdkQsYSQYkJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^QbmYm^QOmdJqJY^WY`kQ^SdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQQM$}YkbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^YkbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^YQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^YQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^bsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$^YkdLkQiqJbMQdSmWQfQiYdOSdibdmYSYMJmYdbmWJmfidOoMmkWJqQQbmQiQOJbobOQimJ\YbU^JYOOdsbYbJim8FdSMd``YkkYdbiQU:8H:F:JMdbOYmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJYO$a YkfJiJUiJfW:8:dSmWQMJfYmJ^miJbkJMmYdbmJu^JsdS8HD:Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim>dSMdbMY^OYiBH<<@$ thAG-Plaintiff agreement?'2ion  # g͜/3Ǘ|¨Nhdo345/82Is Art 1 of Commission Reg 3429/80 adopting protective measures applicable to imports of preserved mushrooms valid?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #g298/82Are the sports shoes described in this case to be classified under subheading 64.02 B or A?CommissionSuch shoes must be classified under 64.02 B.""""""" #f92/83Must an article consisting of a fabric which is made of PVC monofil .9mm thick and which is imported in strips 90cm and 120 cm wide and 610 cm long as a floor mat be classified as 58.02 or 59.03 under the CCT?CommissionSuch an article is under heading 59.03 of the CCT, even if it is intended for use as a floor covering.h!!!!!!! #e90/83Does the reference in the regulation to "operations for the transport of animal carcases or waste" apply only when the load being transported consists exclusively of animal carcases or waste, or only in part?CommissionThis refers solely to operations in which only animal carcases and waste not intended for human consumption are transported.}!!!!!!! #d90/83Does the reference in the regulation to "operations for the transport of animal carcases or waste" apply only when the load being transported consists exclusively of animal carcases or waste, or only in part?United KingdomThis refers solely to operations in which only animal carcases and waste not intended for human consumption are transported.!!!!!!! #c90/83Does the reference in the regulation to "animal waste not intended for human consumption" apply only to parts of animals which are not intended for oral human consumption?CommissionThis refers to all the by-products of slaughtering which are intended for use other than as food for humans, including by-products which have commercial value in those other uses.!!!!!!! #b90/83Does the reference in paragraph 2c of Art 14a of Council Reg 543/69 on harmonization of road transport legislation to animal carcases apply to all animal carcases or just those not intended for human consumption?United Kingdom"Animal carcases" only refers to any carcases.7!!!!!!! #a90/83Does the reference in paragraph 2c of Art 14a of Council Reg 543/69 on harmonization of road transport legislation to animal carcases apply to all animal carcases or just those not intended for human consumption?Commission"Animal carcases" only refers to carcases not intended for human consumption.R!!!!!!! #`313/82Must the institutions referred to in Art 93 of Reg 1408/71 be understood as being insurance institutions within the meaning of the last paragraph of Art 70 of the Belgian Law of 8/9/63?CommissionInstitution is to mean the body or authority responsible for administering all or part of the States legislation relating to the branches or schemes of social security mentioned in that regulation.""""""" #_16/83In the particular circumstances of the present case, can Paragraph 17 of the Wein-Verordnung be applied in order to protect the interests mentioned in Art 36 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionArticle 36 cannot be relied upon to make such a law acceptable under Community law.4!!!!!!! #^16/83In the particular circumstances of the present case, can Paragraph 17 of the Wein-Verordnung be applied in order to protect the interests mentioned in Art 36 of the EEC Treaty?ItalyArticle 36 cannot be relied upon to make such a law acceptable under Community law./!!!!!!! # E΋AR0Ǣ Nr116/83Does the duty imposed on national insurers bureaux include the duty to pay compensation for damage caused in one State by a vehicle normally based in another State if the driver acquired it by theft?CommissionThe national insurers bureaux are under an obligation to settle such claims upon the terms laid down by their own legislation.w""""""" #q116/83Does the duty imposed on national insurers bureaux include the duty to pay compensation for damage caused in one State by a vehicle normally based in another State if the driver acquired it by theft?ItalyThe national insurers bureaux are under an obligation to settle such claims upon the terms laid down by their own legislation.r""""""" #p116/83Does the duty imposed on national insurers bureaux include the duty to pay compensation for damage caused in one State by a vehicle normally based in another State if the driver acquired it by theft?United KingdomThe national insurers bureaux are under an obligation to settle such claims upon the terms laid down by their own legislation.{""""""" #o116/83Does the duty imposed on national insurers bureaux include the duty to pay compensation for damage caused in one State by a vehicle normally based in another State if the driver acquired it by theft?FranceThe national insurers bureaux are under an obligation to settle such claims upon the terms laid down by their own legislation.s""""""" #n97/83If question 1 is answered in the affirmative, is the adoption of the requirements in question 1 nonetheless justified under Art 36 on the grounds to protect health?CommissionThis question is for the national court to decide.!!!!!!! #m97/83Must the provisions of the Melkbesluit 1974, in particular the requirements which Art 34(3) of that order places on goods described as "pasteurized", be regarded as contrary to Art 30 if applied with part 6 of this judgment?DenmarkThis provision does not constitute a quantitative restriction under Article 30.] !!!!!!! #l97/83Must the provisions of the Melkbesluit 1974, in particular the requirements which Art 34(3) of that order places on goods described as "pasteurized", be regarded as contrary to Art 30 if applied with part 6 of this judgment?CommissionThis provision does constitute a quantitative restriction under Article 30.\!!!!!!! #k15/83Are Articles 6(2) and 7 of Reg 1725/79 compatible with Community law inasmuch as the aid for skimmed-milk powder processed into feedstuffs in one State and delivered by tanker is paid a month later than for inland deliveries?CommissionThe regulation remains valid./!!!!!!! #j105/83Must Art 59 of Reg 542/69 mean that the Netherlands may apply a Benelux agreement to a Community transit document even if it is found that an irrelgularity was committed in transit in another Benelux country?CommissionThe Netherlands may apply a Benelux agreement to this document even if it is found that an irrelgularity was committed in transit in another Benelux country.""""""" #i105/83Must Art 59 of Reg 542/69 mean that the Netherlands may apply a Benelux agreement to a Community transit document even if it is found that an irrelgularity was committed in transit in another Benelux country?NetherlandsThe Netherlands may apply a Benelux agreement to this document even if it is found that an irrelgularity was committed in transit in another Benelux country.""""""" # .WK:ȫl%\ 327/82Does Reg 2787/81 mean that no refund may be granted in respect of the export to non-member countries of a boned or boneless cut if a piece of thin flank is attached to it?GermanyA thin flank must be classified as if it consisted of the part which gives it its essential character.@""""""" #327/82Does Reg 2787/81 mean that no refund may be granted in respect of the export to non-member countries of a boned or boneless cut if a piece of thin flank is attached to it?CommissionNo export refund is payable if a cut of meat comprises a piece of "thin flank".,""""""" #327/82Under heading 02.10 AII(a) 4. ex (bb), what is "thin flank" and how may "thin flank", which does not fall within the tariff heading, be distinguished from boned or boneless cuts, which do?GermanyThin flank is a piece which is cut out between the eighth and ninth ribs towards the hindquarter and which includes the part situated around the next five ribs.""""""" #327/82Under heading 02.10 AII(a) 4. ex (bb), what is "thin flank" and how may "thin flank", which does not fall within the tariff heading, be distinguished from boned or boneless cuts, which do?CommissionThin flank is the portion of flank lying between the hindquarters and the breast or brisket of the carcase which must be regarded as thin flank.~""""""" #218/83Must the 7/22/72 Agreement between the EEC and the Swiss Confederation, Protocol 3 thereto and the Community regulations mean that when customs values are in different currencies, they are converted at the official rate when the declaration is registered?FranceThis responsibility lies with the French authorities and not the Swiss.t+#""""""" #218/83Must the 7/22/72 Agreement between the EEC and the Swiss Confederation, Protocol 3 thereto and the Community regulations mean that when customs values are in different currencies, they are converted at the official rate when the declaration is registered?CommissionIt is the responsibility of the customs authorities of the State exporting the finished product which applies to components imported from 3rd countries its own rules on customs values and exchange./#""""""" #218/83Must the 7/22/72 Agreement between the EEC and the Swiss Confederation, Protocol 3 thereto and the Community regulations mean that when customs values are in different currencies, they are converted at the official rate when the declaration is registered?ItalyIt is the responsibility of the customs authorities of the State exporting the finished product which applies to components imported from 3rd countries its own rules on customs values and exchange.*#""""""" #170/83Is it sufficient for the purposes Art 3(b1) of Reg 67/67 that an industrial property right may be used under an exclusive dealing agreement in a way that prevents the goods from being obtained on the Common Market?CommissionThis provision excludes an agreement from block exemption only if it is clear from the conduct of the parties that the industiral property right is used to impede parallel imports.""""""" #170/83Is it sufficient for the purposes Art 3(b1) of Reg 67/67 that an industrial property right may be used under an exclusive dealing agreement in a way that prevents the goods from being obtained on the Common Market?FranceThis provision excludes an agreement from block exemption only if it is clear from the terms of the contract that the industiral property right is used to impede parallel imports.""""""" #< f˧pɈȈedbma42/83Does Council Dir 77/388 allow national legislation to distinguish between internal VAT and import VAT by prescribing different accounting period as the basis for the tax liability and different periods for payment of tax?DenmarkCouncil Dir 77/388 allows States to make this difference in accounting periods.Z !!!!!!! #un251/83Is it compatible with Community law that insured persons resident in another State and driving a motor car with customs registration plates are not granted no-claims discounts?CommissionThe refusal to grant no-claims discounts is not contrary too Community law.-""""""" #un251/83Is it compatible with Community law that insured persons resident in another State and driving a motor car with customs registration plates are not granted no-claims discounts?GermanyThe refusal to grant no-claims discounts is not contrary too Community law.*""""""" #4F106/83Is Art 1 of Commission Reg 3358/81, fixing the sugar laevy for 1980/81, unlawful on the ground that it is contrary to Art 27(2) of Council Reg 3330/74?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #4F106/83Is Art 1 of Commission Reg 3358/81, fixing the sugar laevy for 1980/81, unlawful on the ground that it is contrary to Art 27(2) of Council Reg 3330/74?ItalyThis Article is void for breach of the principle of proportionality.""""""" #106/83Is Article 7(2) of Commission Reg 700/73 unlawful on the ground that it is contrary to Articles 7 and 40(3) of the EEC Treaty?ItalyThe regulation is contrary to the EEC Treaty and unlawful.""""""" #106/83Is Article 7(2) of Commission Reg 700/73 unlawful on the ground that it is contrary to Articles 7 and 40(3) of the EEC Treaty?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #t 283/83Does Council Reg 1167/76 infringe Art 40(3) of the EEC Treaty, in so far as it excludes Tokay wines under 22.05 CIII(b)2 of the CCT from the representative exchange rate used in conversion to German marks?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #t 283/83Does Council Reg 1167/76 infringe Art 40(3) of the EEC Treaty, in so far as it excludes Tokay wines under 22.05 CIII(b)2 of the CCT from the representative exchange rate used in conversion to German marks?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #ov182/83Where a State statute requires that a person who owns land should have resided on it for a certain period, if the owner is a corporate body, does Art 58 prohibit a condition that all involved in the body should have resided there?CommissionNeither Article 58, nor any other provision of the Treaty, prohibits such a requirement.p """"""" #ov182/83Where a State statute requires that a person who owns land should have resided on it for a certain period, if the owner is a corporate body, does Art 58 prohibit a condition that all involved in the body should have resided there?IrelandNeither Article 58, nor any other provision of the Treaty, prohibits such a requirement.m """"""" #185/83Has the Commission in its decision of 10/8/81 correctly interpreted and applied the term "of equivalent scientific value" contained in Art 3 of Reg 1798/75?CommissionCommission Decision 81/843 remains valid.""""""" # YkMd``YkkYdbiQUB@:DBMWJbUYbUmWQ`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkSd^dsYbUMWJbUQkYbQuMWJbUQiJmQkSdimWQSiQbMWSiJbMqJ^YO$ YkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim:JbO<dSOYiDB:6DmWJmSJo^mdSmWQQ`f^dvQi`okmLQiQhoYiQOLQSdiQJM^JY`LJkQOdbmWQLiQJMWMJbLQofWQ^OJbOmWQQ`f^dvQiMJbkmY^^f^QJO[okmYSYMJmYdb$hYkYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim:JbO<dSOYiDB:6DmWJmSJo^mdSmWQQ`f^dvQi`okmLQiQhoYiQOLQSdiQJM^JY`LJkQOdbmWQLiQJMWMJbLQofWQ^OJbOmWQQ`f^dvQiMJbkmY^^f^QJO[okmYSYMJmYdb$hYkYmiQ^QqJbmmdJbksQi8mWJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$WJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$WQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$qYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$^QqJbmmdJbksQi8mWJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$QisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$mWJmYbmWQY`fdimYbUkmJmQmWQiQJiQfidqYkYdbkdb`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$^fidOoMmkobOQisWYMWYmYkfQi`YkkYL^QmdY`fdimJ`QOYMYbJ^fidOoMmSid`JbdmWQikmJmQobOQiJ`Ji\dmWQimWJbmWJmiQUYkmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQ$ CharacteristicsDefendantGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendantvd,,  !Type of PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsType of PlaintiffGeneral Case Characteristics.Type of Plaintifft<<   PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsPlaintiffGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiffvd,,  !DateGeneral Case CharacteristicsDateGeneral Case Characteristics.DatebZ""   Judgment TitleGeneral Case CharacteristicsJudgment TitleGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment Titlen66  d coder (last name)General Case Characteristicscoder (lee >OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$OdQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$dQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`QbYbMdobMY^OYiDB:6DUYqQJSQ`J^QJff^YMJbmJiYUWmmdJMdbmiJMmdSQ`f^dv`QbmJUJYbkmJbQ`f^dvQisWdiQSokQOmdQbUJUQWQidbJMMdobmdSWQikQu$$OdQkmWQfidMQkkYbUdS`QJmLvLdbYbUmiY``YbUOiJsYbUmWQkYbQskJbOMommYbUYmYbmdfYQMQkMdbkmYmomQJfidMQkkOQmQi`YbYbUdiYUYbSdimWQfoifdkQkdSJim@dSiQUF6:BF$ OdQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbJUJYbkmmJuOYkMiY`YbJmYdbQkmJL^YkWQOLvJimH@dSmWQmiQJmvJ^kdMdqQikfQMYJ^^QqYQkY`fdkQOdbLdmWOd`QkmYMJbOY`fdimQOUddOkmWQiQqQboQSid`sWYMWUdQkmd`YbdifoL^YMLdOYQkdmWQimWJbmWQkmJmQ$FOYkMiY`YbJmYdbQkmJL^YkWQOLvJimH@dSmWQmiQJmvJ^kdMdqQikfQMYJ^^QqYQkY`fdkQOdbLdmWOd`QkmYMJbOY`fdimQOUddOkmWQiQqQboQSid`sWYMWUdQkmd`YbdifoL^YMLdOYQkdmWQimWJbmWQkmJmQ$FOYkMiY`YbJmYdbQkmJL^YkWQOLvJimH@dSmWQmiQJmvJ^kdMdqQikfQMYJ^^QqYQkY`fdkQOdbLdmWOd`QkmYMJbOY`fdimQOUddOkmWQiQqQboQSid`sWYMWUdQkmd`YbdifoL^YMLdOYQkdmWQimWJbmWQkmJmQ$FristicsType of DefendantGeneral Case Characteristics.Type of Defendantt<<   DefendantGeneral Case CharacteristicsDefendantGeneral Case Characteristics.Defendantvd,,  !Type of PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsType of PlaintiffGeneral Case Characteristics.Type of Plaintifft<<   PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsPlaintiffGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiffvd,,  !DateGeneral Case CharacteristicsDateGeneral Case Characteristics.DatebZ"" 'This directive does not impose an  ECJ-AG Agreement?'1'A/ ; ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?'2'O= ; ECJ ruling.@-! ; AG-Plaintiff agreement?'coi    # OddQkmWQF6$YSmWQUddOkYbhoQkmYdbdbQJiQLJkYMfidOoMmkMdqQiQOLvmWQJbbQuOdQkJimHdSiQU:BF:D:fidWYLYmmWQUiJbmdSiQSobOSdikoMWUddOkdidb^vYbiQkfQMmdSUddOk bdmMdqQiQOLvJbbQuYY $g'This directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.''Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex??'dPO͉|ibsNational authorities are required to claim repayment of deposits wrongly released and declare them forfeit.3Such national rules are incompatible with Community law, however national authorities still have a duty to take proceedings against a trader who has obtained the release of the deposit by fradulent means.117/83If question 1 is answered negative, are national rules under which it is possible to revoke a wrongful decision releasing a deposit and to reclaim the amount of the deposit after the period of storage expires compatible with Community law?P__SSF=&~rThe national authorities are required to claim repayment of deposits wrongly released or equivalent amounts and to declare them forfeit in whole or in part, applying if necessary national law to fulfill this obligation.3This provision does not authorize national intervention agencies to recover deposits which have been wrongly released or to impose on traders pecuniary penalities of an amount equal to the deposits so released.117/83Does Art 4 of Commission 1071/68 enable the national intervention agencies, after the period of beef storage has been completed, to recover a deposit which has been wrongly released, and what is the nature of the claim?F=`qArticle 119 does not prohibit the payment of the statutory social security contributions on behalf of those employees alone who are liable to pay them, so long as they are paid both for men and women who are so liable.2The social security scheme is incompatible with Art 119 in so far as the resultant differences between the gross salary of certain male and female civil servants affect the calculation of other benefits dependent on salary.23/83If question 1 is answered affirmatively, must Art 119 mean that the Netherlands system is regarded as contrary to the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work?F=hop"Pay" includes employees pension contributions paid on behalf of civil servants under a national social security scheme by the employing public authority and any repayments of excess contributions made to them.3The amounts which the public authorities are obliged to pay in respect of contributions owed to the social security scheme by persons working for the State and counted in the salary for civil servants is "pay".23/83Must the term "pay" in Art 119 of the Treaty include compensation which the employing public authority formerly paid to the tax authorities in excess of the maximum contribution due under the relevant legislation?F=oThe directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.3The directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.79/83Under the provisions of Dir 76/207, what sanction applies where there is an established case of discrimination in relation to access to employment??F=[BψX&γwNͣc̹̉J˳t9ʽʁ6ɑ_ȥr+ǐ^ƹƉLşV$Đ^ÍCj d4257/81officials! T129/83Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of JudgmentsO 257/83officials! 91/83State aid 91/83questions submitted for a preliminary rulingB 134/83free movement of goods. er181/83social security for migrant workers; 258/83Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of JudgmentsS 99/83free movement of goods, xt236/83Common Customs Tariff- 191/83social security for migrant workers; er191/83social security for migrant workers; 177/83free movement of goods. 101/83social security for migrant workers; 121/83agriculture# 38/83agriculture! }117/83agriculture# xt23/83social policy# 79/83social policy# 79/83measures adopted by the institutions: 14/83social policy# 14/83measures adopted by the institutions: 177/82competition# 177/82free movement of goods. 47/83agriculture! 327/82agriculture# 327/82Community law% 218/83international agreements0 170/83competition# 89/83agriculture! 72/83competition! 72/83free movement of goods, 72/83questions for a preliminary ruling8 xt42/83tax provisions$ ng251/83free movement of goods. ng251/83Community law% ng251/83questions for a preliminary ruling: . I106/83agriculture# 283/83agriculture# 283/83Community law% 182/83free movement of persons0 185/83measures adopted by the institutions< 185/83Common Customs Tariff- ul109/83agriculture# er128/83social security for migrant workers; 94/83free movement of goods, avai261/83free movement of persons0 184/83social policy% he178/83Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of JudgementsT G107/83free movement of persons0 133/83transport! 63/83Community law# 63/83fisheries il238/83social security for migrant workers; il238/83free movements of persons1 ~187/83agriculture# }180/83free movement of persons0 |180/83preliminary rulings+ {36/83ECSC z116/83approximation of laws- y97/83free movement of goods, x97/83preliminary rulings) w15/83Community law# v15/83agriculture! u15/83free movement of goods, t105/83free movement of goods. [^Я}I7 x 9 x H  ] + ʇ S # J  U HM\*y>h4\^ Y C-216/97tax provisions* X C-215/98actions for failure to fulfill obligationsF W C-215/98approximation of laws1 V C-215/96Competition' U C-215/96Preliminary rulings/ T C-212/97freedom of movement for persons; S C-211/97social security for migrant workers? R C-207/97Actions for failure to fulfil obligationsE Q C-207/97Environment' P C-206/97fisheries% O C-203/98member states obligations5 N C-203/98freedome of movement for persons< M C-200/92 Pacts of the institutions8 L C-200/92 Pintervention, K C-200/92 Pprocedure) J C-2/98 Prevision of a judgment2 I C-2/98 Padmissibility) H C-2/98 Pappeals# G C-199/92competition' F C-199/92appeals# E C-199/92procedure% D C-198/97actions for failure to fulfill obligationsF C C-198/97approximation of laws1 B C-197/97implementing regulations4 A C-197/97fisheries% @ C-195/97Member states obligations5 ? C-189/97international agreements4 200/98freedom of movement for persons7 200/98preliminary rulings+ er161/98social security for migrant workers; 107/98approximation of laws- 107/98preliminary rulings+ er442/97social security for migrant workers; xt350/98tax provisions& 179/98International agreements0 382/98social policy%  198/98social policy% de101/98agriculture# 74/98agriculture! 234/98social policy% 176/98approximation of laws- 138/99Member States% 137/99Member States% 47/99Member States# 26/99Member States# 239/98Member States% 212/98actions for failure to fulfill obligationsB 212/98Member States% 96/98environment! 96/98actions for failure to fulfil obligations? ud149/96Community law% ud149/96common commercial policy0 ud149/96acts of the institutions0 ud149/96actions for annulment of measures9 89/96acts of the institutions. 89/96actions for annulment+ 209/97own resources of the European CommunitiesA 315/98actions for failure to fulfill obligationsB 315/98acts of the institutions0 184/97environment# bl365/97Member States% bl365/97environment# bl365/97actions for failure to fulfill obligationsB 1 4ḳPGPQ117/83Does Art 4 of Commission 1071/68 enable the national intervention agencies, after the period of beef storage has been completed, to recover a deposit which has been wrongly released, and what is the nature of the claim?CommissionThis provision does not authorize national intervention agencies to recover deposits which have been wrongly released but it can impose on traders pecuniary penalities of an amount equal to the deposits so released. """"""" #117/83Does Art 4 of Commission 1071/68 enable the national intervention agencies, after the period of beef storage has been completed, to recover a deposit which has been wrongly released, and what is the nature of the claim?GermanyThis provision does not authorize national intervention agencies to recover deposits which have been wrongly released or to impose on traders pecuniary penalities of an amount equal to the deposits so released.""""""" #23/83If question 1 is answered affirmatively, must Art 119 mean that the Netherlands system is regarded as contrary to the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work?CommissionThe national court should investigate to see whether discrimination exists in the relevant social security scheme.^!!!!!!! #23/83If question 1 is answered affirmatively, must Art 119 mean that the Netherlands system is regarded as contrary to the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work?NetherlandsThe social security scheme is compatible with Art 119.#!!!!!!! #on23/83Must the term "pay" in Art 119 of the Treaty include compensation which the employing public authority formerly paid to the tax authorities in excess of the maximum contribution due under the relevant legislation?CommissionThe term pay does not include such contributions.7!!!!!!! #on23/83Must the term "pay" in Art 119 of the Treaty include compensation which the employing public authority formerly paid to the tax authorities in excess of the maximum contribution due under the relevant legislation?NetherlandsThe term pay does not include such contributions.8!!!!!!! #79/83Under the provisions of Dir 76/207, what sanction applies where there is an established case of discrimination in relation to access to employment??CommissionThe directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.!!!!!!! #79/83Under the provisions of Dir 76/207, what sanction applies where there is an established case of discrimination in relation to access to employment??NetherlandsThe directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.!!!!!!! #79/83Under the provisions of Dir 76/207, what sanction applies where there is an established case of discrimination in relation to access to employment??United KingdomThe directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.!!!!!!! # K6'3YzĔ©N ? #  r >   rHtLxqjc\UNG@92+$ 129/83For the purpose of finding which court of a Contracting State was first seised of proceedings is it the moment at which the document initiating them was lodged with the court that is decisive?CommissionThe court "first seised" is the one before which the requirements for proceeding to become definitively pending are first fulfilled, such requirements determined in accordance with the national law of each court concerned.""""""" #129/83For the purpose of finding which court of a Contracting State was first seised of proceedings is it the moment at which the document initiating them was lodged with the court that is decisive?ItalyThe court "first seised" is the one before which the requirements for proceeding to become definitively pending are first fulfilled, such requirements determined in accordance with the national law of each court concerned.""""""" # a91/83If an amendment to a measure granting aid about too be introduced is not notified to the Commission, whereas the draft measure already has, must Art 93(3) against such measures be applied, and to what excactly?CommissionThe prohibition under Art 93(3) only applies in this case to alterations of which the Commission has not been notified, as long as this alteration does not affect the functioning of the market.!!!!!!! # a91/83If an amendment to a measure granting aid about too be introduced is not notified to the Commission, whereas the draft measure already has, must Art 93(3) against such measures be applied, and to what excactly?ItalyThe prohibition under Art 93(3) only applies in this case to alterations of which the Commission has not been notified, as long as this alteration does not affect the functioning of the market.!!!!!!! # a91/83If an amendment to a measure granting aid about too be introduced is not notified to the Commission, whereas the draft measure already has, must Art 93(3) against such measures be applied, and to what excactly?NetherlandsThe prohibition under Art 93(3) only applies in this case to alterations of which the Commission has not been notified, as long as this alteration does not affect the functioning of the market.!!!!!!! #91/83Must each State make notification in respect of amendments made to the bill introducing the aid during its passage through parliament?CommissionStates must make notifications of alterations to the initial plan.!!!!!!! #91/83Must each State make notification in respect of amendments made to the bill introducing the aid during its passage through parliament?ItalyStates must make notifications of alterations to the initial plan.!!!!!!! #91/83Must each State make notification in respect of amendments made to the bill introducing the aid during its passage through parliament?NetherlandsStates must make notifications of alterations to the initial plan.!!!!!!! #91/83Must Art 93(3) of the Treaty be interpreted as meaning that notification to the Commission by a State of plans to grant or alter aid must be immediately and plainly known to each interested party?CommissionThe State is not required to make such notification to each interested party.B!!!!!!! #91/83Must Art 93(3) of the Treaty be interpreted as meaning that notification to the Commission by a State of plans to grant or alter aid must be immediately and plainly known to each interested party?ItalyThe State is not required to make such notification to each interested party.=!!!!!!! #P μ͈VʧȦǠƶųhR&The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.7/86Should the decision of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament promoting from Grade A7 to Grade A6 four officials other that the applicant be annulled?ee]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.307/85Should Competition ESC/LA/57/83 and the decision to appoint Mr. Ts. To the post of Head of the Greek Translation Division be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=s Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.134/86Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 82/242 and 82/243 on methods of testing the biodegradability of surfactants?&xxHHHHFF=The application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.97/85Should the Commission decision on measures for the promotion of sales of butter on the West Berlin market be annulled?ff\\::::8F='SThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.432/85Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant for its refusal to admit the applicant?ii]]>>>><F='SThe decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.432/85Should the decision by which the Selection Board of COM/B/416 refused to admit Mrs. Souna to that competition be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.272/85Should the Commission decision in Case IV/31029 - Franch inland waterway charter traffic: EATE levy- be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=`vThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.242/85Should the Commission decisions to retire the applicant with an invalidity pension in accordance with Art 78 of the Staff Regs and to restore his entitlement to remunation with effect from 6/1/83 be annulled?;ii]]>>>><F=OyՀThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.214/85Should the Commission decision to fix the amount of the applicnats invalidity pension on the basis of the third paragraph of Art 78 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the EC be annulled?*hh\\::::8F=?q0Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.419/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to implement Council Dir 80/1263 on the introduction of a Community driving licence? ttFFFFDF=~The application should be dismissed.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.184/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by imposing and maintaining in force a tax on the consumption of fresh and dried bananas and banana meal?xxll>>>><F=OL`}The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.260/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared vooid?ii]]>>>><F=|The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.258/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared vvoid?ii]]>>>><F= [:6DFy:>:F<y:>:F<y:>:F<y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FBF:y:FDFBxA:FDFBxA:FDFBxA:FDFBxA:FDFBxA<6F@x A<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x <6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x B<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x '<6F@x <6F@x '<6F@x <6F@x '<6F@x <6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@6:F@6:F@:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@<6:F@:F@:F@:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@s&<6:F@6:F@:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@6:F@<6:F@6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:F@<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)<6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)<6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)6:FF)GrReferral Date'1/20/1983'I' ;Grcase number'23/83'=# ;Grreferral 'mGr Gr # 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Mouthaan$4Metalgoi v. CommissionMetallurgiki Halyps v. Commission)Metro v. CommissionKMetro v. Oberfinanzdirektion Munchen,$Meyer-Burckhardt v. Commission&Michael v. CommissionMichel S. v. Fonds national de reclassement social des handicapesIMichelin v. Commission )Milac v. Hauptzollamt Freiburg& jMilac v. Hauptzollamt Freiburg&)Milac v. Hauptzollamt Saarbrucken)0Milchfutter v. Hauptzollamt Gronau*$NMills v. Investment Bank Minebea v. CouncilMinistere Public of Luxembourg v. Muller0Ministere public v. Blanguernon'Ministero delle Finanze v. Esercizio Magazzini Generali?1Miss B. v. CommissionMisset v. Council MMB of E  #P6 yes3noC-67/96Do articles 86 and 90 of the EC treaty preclude public authorities from conferrring on a pension fund the exclusive right to manage a supplementary pension scheme in a given sector?//!!F=*P8s˸gēHn aRegulation 67/67 is applicable in this case.3Regulation 67/67 is applicable in this case.170/83Must Reg 67/67 be applied even if the obligations entered into cover not only a defined area of the Common Market but also countries outside the European Community?&ttFFFFDF=ev`This regulation must be applied even if several legally independent undertakings participate as one contracting party provided those undertakings constitute an economic unit for the purposes of the agreement.3This regulation must be applied even if several legally independent undertakings participate as one contracting party provided those undertakings constitute an economic unit for the purposes of the agreement.170/83Must Reg 67/67 on block exemption be applied even if several legally independent undertakings participate on one side of the contract, and does it matter that undertakings on one side of the contract are the same economic entity?F=_Wn_Such a product has not been officially imported if the competent authorities deem this necessary or if the destruction or re-exportation occurred before completion of necessary formalities.3Such a product has not been officially imported if the competent authorities deem this necessary or if the destruction or re-exportation occurred before completion of necessary formalities.89/83Has a product been imported under Art 6(2) of Reg 876/68 where a few days after unloading in that territory it has been either destroyed or re-exported?:F=^The proof is not furnished irrebuttably when these substitute documents are submitted in its place.3The proof is not furnished irrebuttably when these substitute documents are submitted in its place.89/83Must the proof required by Art 6(2) of Reg 876/68 that the product has been imported into the territory of designation be regarded as having been furnished irrebuttably if a substitute document under Art 11(1) is submitted?}}}}{F= o]A State almost totally dependent on petroleum imports may rely on grounds of public security under Art 36 to implement such a system that benefits domestic refineries, only if this is not strictly or predominantly for economic purposes.3A State almost totally dependent on petroleum imports may rely on grounds of public security under Art 36 to implement such a system that benefits domestic refineries, only if this is not strictly or predominantly for economic purposes.72/83Are "public policy" or "public security" in Art 36 to mean that such a system in question 1 is exempt by Art 36 from Art 30 or by other circumstances?F=al\Article 30 prohibits such national rules.3Article 30 prohibits such national rules.72/83Do Articles 30 and 31 allow national systems that require importers of oil products into a State to purchase from a state-owned oil refinery up to 35% of their requirements of petroleum oils?9xxnnCCCCAF=UJ[Article 95 does not preclude a State from doing so.3Article 95 does not preclude a State from doing so.42/83Does Art 95 preclude a State from laying down, in respect of VAT on imports, accounting periods and periods within which payment must be made in the manner described in question 1?BMMMMKF= tZCouncil Dir 77/388 allows States to make this difference in accounting periods.3Council Dir 77/388 allows States to make this difference in accounting periods.42/83Does Council Dir 77/388 allow national legislation to distinguish between internal VAT and import VAT by prescribing different accounting period as the basis for the tax liability and different periods for payment of tax?iiiigF=PAi~ȴ6NgArticle 30 comes into play when national measures are capable of hindering imports between States.3Article 30 comes into play when national measures are capable of hindering imports between States.177/82Regarding rules applicable to both imported and domestic products that are accused of restricting trade, is Articles 85 or 30 to be taken into account?||||zF=fSuch measures are compatible, provided that they are compatible with the aim of the common organization of the market and applied in such a way that imports of meat lawfully produced in other State are not restricted.3Such measures are compatible, provided that they are compatible with the aim of the common organization of the market and applied in such a way that imports of meat lawfully produced in other State are not restricted.47/83Must Art 2 of Reg 2777/75 mean that national provisions not based on Community law which lay down quality requirements for slaughtered poultry and are enforceable by disciplinary measures are incompatible with it?F= eStates should not grant the refunds on exports to non-member countries in this regulation in respect of boned or boneless cuts to which is attached a portion of flank which in view of local methods is regarded as thin flanks.3Export refunds are payable on cuts of meat comprising a portion of thin flank provided that in trade practices and normal methods of cuting beef in that State the portion of thin flank does not determine the essential character of the cut.327/82Does Reg 2787/81 mean that no refund may be granted in respect of the export to non-member countries of a boned or boneless cut if a piece of thin flank is attached to it?F=dThin flank is the portion of flank lying between the hindquarters and the breast or brisket of the carcase which must be regarded as thin flank.3It is for the national court to establish what is to be designated "thin flank".327/82Under heading 02.10 AII(a) 4. ex (bb), what is "thin flank" and how may "thin flank", which does not fall within the tariff heading, be distinguished from boned or boneless cuts, which do?F=cucIt is the responsibility of the customs authorities of the State exporting the finished product which applies to components imported from 3rd countries its own rules on customs values and exchange.3It is the responsibility of the customs authorities of the State exporting the finished product which applies to components imported from 3rd countries its own rules on customs values and exchange.218/83Must the 7/22/72 Agreement between the EEC and the Swiss Confederation, Protocol 3 thereto and the Community regulations mean that when customs values are in different currencies, they are converted at the official rate when the declaration is registered?F=f0bThis provision excludes an agreement from block exemption only if it is clear from the terms of the contract or conduct of the parties that the industiral property right is used to impede parallel imports.3This provision excludes an agreement from block exemption only if it is clear from the terms of the contract or conduct of the parties that the industiral property right is used to impede parallel imports.170/83Is it sufficient for the purposes Art 3(b1) of Reg 67/67 that an industrial property right may be used under an exclusive dealing agreement in a way that prevents the goods from being obtained on the Common Market?F=Pcʽ nThis directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.3This directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.79/83Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex??!PPFFF=nylThe directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.3The directive does not include any precise obligation which may be relied on by an individual in order to obtain specific compensation under the directive, but States must ensure that compensation be adequate to the damage suffered.14/83Under the provisions of Dir 76/207, what sanction applies where there is an established case of discrimination in relation to access to employment?F=n kThis directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.3This directive does not impose an obligation on the employer to conclude a contract of employment with such a candidate who is discriminated against.14/83Does the principle of equal treatment for men and women in Council Dir 76/207 give a female applicant a right to a contract of employment against an employer who refused to engage her on account of her sex? PPFFF=jThe provisions of Art 85 are not relevant to the question whether legislation such as that involved in the cases before the national court is compatible with Community law.3The provisions of Art 85 are not relevant to the question whether legislation such as that involved in the cases before the national court is compatible with Community law.177/82May a private individual rely before a national court on the incompatibility of a national provision with the provisions of the 2nd paragraph of Art 5 and 85 of the Treaty read together?<ttF=iThe national court must investigate whether such a system of imposed prices is in itself likely to hinder, directly or indirectly, trade between States.3The national court must investigate whether such a system of imposed prices is in itself likely to hinder, directly or indirectly, trade between States.177/82Is Art 30 of the Netherlands Tobacco Excise Law, in so far as it imposes, in the case of sales to the consumer, a selling price fixed by the manufactureers or importers, compatible with Art 30 of the Treaty?)XXLLF=hehArticle 30 is still applied in these cases.3Article 30 is still applied in these cases.177/82May national rules be considered a measure having equivalent effect within the meaning of Art 30 where it is clear that they restrict imports only to a very small degree?*~~rrEEEECF= YShoQkmYdb:YkJbksQiQOmWJmmWQmQi`YkOQmQi`YbQOdbmWQLJkYkdSJbYbOQfQbOQbmYbmQifiQmJmYdb`okmJM^JY`koMWJkmWQdbQMdbMQibQOYbmWYkMJkQLQMdbkYOQiQOJM^JY`MdqQiQOLvJim8B>$YShoQkmYdb:YkJbksQiQOmWJmmWQmQi`YkOQmQi`YbQOdbmWQLJkYkdSJbYbOQfQbOQbmYbmQifiQmJmYdb`okmJM^JY`koMWJkmWQdbQMdbMQibQOYbmWYkMJkQLQMdbkYOQiQOJM^JY`MdqQiQOLvJim8B>$:YkJbksQiQOmWJmmWQmQi`YkOQmQi`YbQOdbmWQLJkYkdSJbYbOQfQbOQbmYbmQifiQmJmYdb`okmJM^JY`koMWJkmWQdbQMdbMQibQOYbmWYkMJkQLQMdbkYOQiQOJM^JY`MdqQiQOLvJim8B>$YShoQkmYdb<YkJbksQiQOJSSYi`JmYqQ^vMJbmWQbJmYdbJ^MdoimOQMYOQsYmWdomiQUJiOmdmWQMdobMY^OYidiOdQkJim@:`QJbmWJmYmYkbQMQkkJivmdSYuiQhoYiQ`QbmkiQ^JmYbUmdmWQJff^YMJbmkUddOiQfomQ$EYShoQkmYdbdbQYkJbksQiQOYbmWQJSSYi`JmYqQdbsWJmOJmQOYOmWQfidWYLYmYdbJUJYbkmmWQ^QqvYbUdSmWQkJYOfQMobYJivMWJiUQkmJ\QQSSQMm$CYShoQkmYdbdbQYkJbksQiQOYbmWQbQUJmYqQYkiQU8F6$ee    #P=x L  ] f'@ B Yes.Yes.C-423/97Does EU law apply to a contract relating to the right to use immovable property ona time shire basis?22"" B Yes.3Yes.C-423/97Does EU law apply to a contract relating to the right to use immovable property ona time shire basis?44$$F= A na3No.C-422/98Is the preliminary reference from the Belgium tribunal admissible as a case?11!!F= @ National court must decide.3No.C-421/97Do natl rules on moter vehicle tax such as those in question have discriminatory or protective effects against EU law?JJ::55553F= ? Yes.3Yes.C-42/97Was the Council entitled to adopt a multiannual program to promote linguistic diversity of the community?22$$F= > Yes.3Yes.C-417/97Did Luxembourg fail in its obligations regarding investment services in the securities field?44$$F= = Yes.3Yes.C-416/97Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not adopting measures dealing with controls of meat and heath problems affecting animals?44$$F= < Yes, MS can refuse.3Yes, MS can refuse.C-416/96Do Moroccan workers have the right to obtain an extension of their right of residence, ie can MSs refuse?RRBB----+F= ; Yes.3Yes.C-414/97Did Spain fail in its obligations in regards to turnover taxes?u44$$F= : Yes.3No.C-412/97Does this constitute a restriction on the freedom to make payments?x33##F= 9 No.3Yes.C-412/97Can a MS exclude recourse to the procedure for obtaining summary payment orders where service on the debtor is to be effected in another MS?33##F= 8 na3dismissedC-409/96 P-DEPShould the Commissions application that the court include as part of the recoverable costs the renumeration of the offical who represented it be dismiCC''F= 7 Yes.3Yes.C-405/97Are non-MS dried walnut pieces that have been stores in the EU and after thawing out cleared through customs subject to tariff?44$$F= 6 Yes.3Yes.C-401/98Did Greece fail to fufill its obligations regarding the protection of purchases?44$$F= 5 Yes.3Yes.C-397/96Are conditoins and extent of right to action which a social security insitution has against a liable party determined to be in accord to MS law?44$$F= 4 Yes.3Yes.C-394/97Can a MS restrict imports of goods by travellors arriving from a non-MS on the grounds of public policy, morality, or protection?44$$F= 2 No.3Yes.C-392/97If a product is protected by a basic patent, then can a supplementary protection certificate cover it as a medicinal product?33##F= 1 Yes.3Yes.C-392/96Did Ireland fail in its obligations regarding the assessment of the effects of certain projects on the environment?44$$F= 0 Yes.3Yes.C-391/97Can a MS grant more favorable tax treatment to resident married couples than non-resident married couples?44$$F= / No.3No, CFI decision stands.C-390/95Did the CFI rule in error that the Commission adjustment of rice standards are valid?GG77F=PЇ  b  :x 1 Yes.Yes.C-216/9 Yes.3Yes.C-216/97Are natural persons running a business exempt under VATs definition of a uniform basis of assessment?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-215/98Did Greece fail in its obligations regarding batteries and accumulators?~44$$F= The national court must decide this issue.3No.C-215/96Do standard bank conditions for credit accounts that derogate from general law affect trade?YYIIDDDDBF= Yes.3No.C-215/96Are standard bank conditions to change interest rates against EU competition law?33##F= No.3No.C-212/97Can a MS refuse to register a branch of a company formed in accordance with the law of another MS in which it has its registered office?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-211/97If a person in a consular post chooses to be subject to the legislation of the sending MS does that also have effect for his spouse?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-207/97Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by not adopting pollution reduction programs as directed?44$$F= No.3No.C-206/97Should the Council Regulation in question concerning fixed total allowable catches for certain fish groups be annulled?22""F= Yes.3Yes.C-203/98Did Belgium fail in its obligations in requiring community economic operators to be a resident for one year before registering an aircraft?44$$F= No.3No.C-200/92 PDid the CFI rule in error in dismissing the plaintifs action against a Commission decision?66""F= No.3No.C-2/98 PDid the CFI rule in error that Comptes action for a revision of the proceedings was inadmissible?22""F= No.3No.C-199/92Did the CFI rule in effor in dismissing the plaintiffs action against a Commission decision?22""F=zItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.365/97Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 8 of Council Dir 75/442 by failing to ensure that the waste discharged at the tip was handles by a private or public waste collector or by a waste disposal undertaking?`ttFFFFDF=yItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application should be dismissed.365/97Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 7 of Council Dir 75/442 by failing to ensure that the waste discharged at the tip was handles by a private or public waste collector or by a waste disposal undertaking?XxxllFFFFDF=xThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.365/97Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 5 of Council Dir 75/442 by failing to ensure that the waste discharged at the tip was handles by a private or public waste collector or by a waste disposal undertaking?Iii]]>>>><F=wThe application should be dismissed.3Italy failed to fulfill its obligations.365/97Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 4 of Council Dir 75/442 by failing to ensure that the waste discharged at the tip was handles by a private or public waste collector or by a waste disposal undertaking?Ttthh>>>><F=[Dj6Ϸ·W%ͷ̓S'̶̈Z ˙i; ʀDɕc3ȟqA {< ƭo/Ő^.ĭ{KÃ>‘_4½` 142/84measures adopted by the Community institutionsF  142/84action for a declaration that a measure is voidG  142/84competition# ud 344/85ECSC  259/85aid granted by Member States4  259/85Community law% 392/85ECSC 337/85agriculture# 128/86measures adopted by the Community institutionsF 128/86accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesI 119/86Acts of Community institutions6 119/86accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesI 278/85approximation of laws- 208/85Member States% 248/84State aid! 236/85environment# 236/85measures adopted by Community institutionsB 140/86officials! 401/85officials! 84/85social policy# 81/86common commercial policy. 81/86action for damages( 351/85ECSC 351/85application for annulment1 340/85objection of illegality/ 340/85ECSC 70/86Community law# 412/85environment# 291/84acts of the institutions0 291/84action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligationsW  100/86ECSC 356/85tax provisions& 329/85officials! 44/85officials 281/85social policy% 281/85procedure! 279/85officials! 43/85competition! 262/85environment# 262/85acts of the institutions0 247/85environment# 247/85acts of the instiutions/ 89/86action for compensation- 89/86application for a declaration that a measure is voidJ  `49/86Member States# 420/85transport! 61/85officials 1/86Member States! 394/85Member States% 154/85free movement of goods. 154/85action for failure to fulfill obligationsA 54/86officials 40/86officials 225/85free movement of persons0 118/85competition# 7/86officials 307/85officials! 134/86Member States% 97/85application for annulment/ ud432/85officials! 272/85competition#  242/85officials!  214/85officials!  214/85measures adopted by the institutions< 419/85Member States% 186/85Member States% 186/85officials! 186/85action for failure by a Member State to fulfill its obligationsW  P{JiQJimYM^QkB:JbODdSiQU8D:@DHMd`fJmYL^QsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbJk`oMWJkmWQJYOSdik\Y``QO`Y^\fdsOQifidMQkkQOYbmdSQQOkmoSSkYbdbQkmJmQJbOOQ^YqQiQOLvmJb\QiYkfJYOJ`dbmW^JmQimWJbSdiYb^JbOOQ^YqQiYQk$JiQMJkWiQUYkmQifJimkmJ\QbJkJsWd^QmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJSobMmYdbJ^obYmJbOmWQiQSdiQJkJkYbU^QJimYM^QsWYMW`JvLQOQkMiYLQOJkJMJkWiQUYkmQiobOQiF>@:LdSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$JiOQOJkJSobMmYdbJ^obYmJbOmWQiQSdiQJkJkYbU^QJimYM^QsWYMW`JvLQOQkMiYLQOJkJMJkWiQUYkmQiobOQiF>@:LdSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$kJsWd^QmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJSobMmYdbJ^obYmJbOmWQiQSdiQJkJkYbU^QJimYM^QsWYMW`JvLQOQkMiYLQOJkJMJkWiQUYkmQiobOQiF>@:LdSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$k$JiQMJkWiQUYkmQifJimkmJ\QbJkJsWd^QmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJSobMmYdbJ^obYmJbOmWQiQSdiQJkJkYbU^QJimYM^QsWYMW`JvLQOQkMiYLQOJkJMJkWiQUYkmQiobOQiF>@:LdSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$$JiQMJkWiQUYkmQifJimkmJ\QbJkJsWd^QmdLQiQUJiOQOJkJSobMmYdbJ^obYmJbOmWQiQSdiQJkJkYbU^QJimYM^QsWYMW`JvLQOQkMiYLQOJkJMJkWiQUYkmQiobOQiF>@:LdSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$LQOQkMiYLQOJkJMJkWiQUYkmQiobOQiF>@:LdSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSS$JiQMWQiiYQksWYMWJiQfomofYbJ`YumoiQdSsJmQiJbOQmWv^J^MdWd^JbOsWYMWsQiQY`fdimQOYbmdmWQmQiiYmdivdSLQi^YbdbHHD>mdLQM^JkkYSYQOobOQi6F88dSmWQMMmdi:66B$cbMokmd`kmJiYSS$JiQMWQiiYQksWYMWJiQfomofYbJ`YumoiQdSsJmQiJbOQmWv^J^MdWd^JbOsWYMWsQiQY`fdimQOYbmdmWQmQiiYmdivdSLQi^YbdbHHD>mdLQM^JkkYSYQOobOQi6F88dSmWQMMmdi:66B$cJiQMd``YkkYdbiQUo^JmYdbk<88<8D86JbO>:DD>qJ^YOYbkdSJiJkJobYSdi`^QqvsJkSYuQOSdimWQfidOoMmk^YkmQOsYmWdomiQUJiOmdmWQ^QqQ^dSkmJiMWdikWdo^OmWQiJmQkLQkY`Y^JimdiQU><<D>$De 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en # OdJimYM^Qk<6JbO<8J^^dsbJmYdbJ^kvkmQ`kmWJmiQhoYiQY`fdimQikdSdY^fidOoMmkYbmdJkmJmQmdfoiMWJkQSid`JkmJmQdsbQOdY^iQSYbQivofmd<@dSmWQYiiQhoYiQ`QbmkdSfQmid^Qo`dY^k$}$eOdJimYM^Qk<6JbO<8J^^dsbJmYdbJ^kvkmQ`kmWJmiQhoYiQY`fdimQikdSdY^fidOoMmkYbmdJkmJmQmdfoiMWJkQSid`JkmJmQdsbQOdY^iQSYbQivofmd<@dSmWQYiiQhoYiQ`QbmkdSfQmid^Qo`dY^k$}$eOdJimYM^Qk<6JbO<8J^^dsbJmYdbJ^kvkmQ`kmWJmiQhoYiQY`fdimQikdSdY^fidOoMmkYbmdJkmJmQmdfoiMWJkQSid`JkmJmQdsbQOdY^iQSYbQivofmd<@dSmWQYiiQhoYiQ`QbmkdSfQmid^Qo`dY^k$}$eOdJimYM^Qk<6JbO<8J^^dsbJmYdbJ^kvkmQ`kmWJmiQhoYiQY`fdimQikdSdY^fidOoMmkYbmdJkmJmQmdfoiMWJkQSid`JkmJmQdsbQOdY^iQSYbQivofmd<@dSmWQYiiQhoYiQ`QbmkdSfQmid^Qo`dY^k$}OdJimYM^Qk<6JbO>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.356/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by applying a higher rate of value-added tax to wine of fresh grapes (imported) than to beer (domestic)?ii]]>>>><F=The applicant should be compensated.3The application is inadmissible.329/85Should the applicant be compensated for the damage suffered by him?ll``>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is inadmissible.329/85Should the applicant be declared a member of the temporary staff?ll``>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is inadmissible.329/85Should the Court declare unlawful the measure whereby the Commission terminated the applicants contract of employment as a member of the auxiliary staff?ll``>>>><F=The application is inadmissible.3The decision is annulled.44/85Should the Commission decisions making an appointment to the post of Head of the State Monopolies and Public Enterprises Division following Vacancy Notice COM/902/84 be annulled?__UU::::8F=.The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.281/85Should Commission Dec 85/381 setting up a prior communication and consultation procedure on migration policies in relation to non-member countires be declared void?bbVV????=F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.279/85Should the Council decision rejecting the applicants request for a transfer from the Language Service to Category A be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.43/85Should Commission Dec 84/588 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 be declared void?gg]]>>>><F=Italy has failed in ceratin respects to fulfill its obligations, but has fulfilled them in others contrary to the beliefs of the Commission.3Italy has failed in ceratin respects to fulfill its obligations, but has fulfilled them in others contrary to the beliefs of the Commission.262/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 79/409 on the conservation of wild birds?@@44F=P 6ŗe3$  | S 5  d  l 3  e G * r]H^_:nP i3R7~Qr=Sandoz AGSalvotore Murru KSalvatore CinciuThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.230/81Should the resolution of the European Parliament of 7/7/81 on the seat of the institutions of the EC and the EP be declared void on grounds of lack of competence? ii]]>>>><F=not applicable3The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.124/81Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations by prohibiting all sales of UHT milk or cream in Northern Ireland until the adoption of the new regulation on milk in 1981? ccWW((((&F=The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.124/81Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by making the distribution of UHT milk imported from other States subject to a system involving a 2nd heat treatment and the repackaging of the milk?SvvGGGGEF=The application is dismissed so long as the licences are issued immediately and automatically to those that qualify.3The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.124/81Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 30 by prescribing a system of prior individual licences for imports of milk and cream which have undergone UHT on the territory of other Member States?F=The court should make no order on this application.3The application is dismissed.263/81Should the procedure relating to the appointment of heads of group following Vacancy Notices COM 895 to 901/80 be annulled?xxllMMMMKF=The court should make no order on this application.3The application is dismissed.263/81Should the applicant receive damages caused by his assignment to Directorate General II?xxllMMMMKF=The assignment should be annulled.3The assignment is annulled.263/81Should the applicants assignment to Directorate General II, in view of his working conditions there, be annulled?eeYY<<<<:F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.263/81Should the disguised disciplinary measure whereby the applicant was deprived of work from 10/1/79 to 11/80 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.257/81Should the decision of the Secretary General of the Council refusing the applicant the benefit of the 2nd paragraph of Art 78 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities be annulled?/aaUU::::8F=The court "first seised" is the one before which the requirements for proceeding to become definitively pending are first fulfilled, such requirements determined in accordance with the national law of each court concerned.3The court "first seised" is the one before which the requirements for proceeding to become definitively pending are first fulfilled, such requirements determined in accordance with the national law of each court concerned.129/83For the purpose of finding which court of a Contracting State was first seised of proceedings is it the moment at which the document initiating them was lodged with the court that is decisive?F='oThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.257/83Should the Court of Auditors pay the applicant compensation for the damage sustained by him from this decision?ii]]>>>><F= LVALhD <"  ?<<<h< 6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$ obOQiJimDBdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$ obOQiJimDBdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$ obOQiJimDBdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$ obOQiJimDBdSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8`okmQbmYm^Q`QbmmdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkLQkokfQbOQOYbmWQkYmoJmYdbdSmWYkMJkQsWQbYmYkbdmM^QJisWQmWQimWQfJiQbmYbmWQMdobmivdSiQkYOQbMQdSmWQMWY^OiQbUQmkmWdkQLQbQSYmk$ obOQiMd``obYmv^JsOdQkmWQQufiQkkYdb JUiYMo^moiJ^fidOoMQik 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and does it matter that undertakings on one side of the contract are   # OdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$GD:8BB$gOdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$GD:8BB$gOdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$GD:8BB$gOdmWQfidMQOoiJ^io^QkYbJimH<dSmWQmiQJmvfidWYLYmJbJmYdbJ^MdoimSid`dLmJYbYbUJfiQ^Y`YbJivio^YbUdbJimH:dSmWQmiQJmvJbOkoLkQhoQbm^vSid`OQMYOYbUofdbmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWYkfidqYkYdb$GOdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim8>8JLdSiQU8HB:JbOJimD:dSiQU@@B:`QJbmWJmSid`mWQ^QqvSdiOQbJmoiQOmJfYdMJS^doiobOQi886BdSmWQMMmmWQmoibdqQimJuJbOmWQMdkmkdSQdkYbJmYdbJiQOQOoMmQO$%OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSJim8>8JLdSiQU8HB:JbOJimD:dSiQU@@B:`QJbmWJmSid`mWQ^QqvSdiOQbJmoiQOmJfYdMJS^doiobOQi886BdSmWQMMmmWQmoibdqQimJuJbOmWQMdkmkdSQdkYbJmYdbJiQOQOoMmQO$w 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  # GvέF?bzH6I^:@tדf@&D"AG14/8888622222222 7@@@X@?Slynn14101/83Raad van Arbeid v. BrusseRaad van ArbeidP.B. BrusseudI=99992222 @@@?@Mancini14121/83Zuckerfabrik Franken v. Hauptzollamt WurzburgZuckerfabrik Franken GmbHHauptzollamt WurzburgzK?;;;;2222 14/8888622222222 7@:@?@Lenz1438/83Vreeland v. Hoffdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenBV Verwerkings Industrie VreelandHoffdproduktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukten}F<88882222 me)@9@?@VerLoren van Themaat14117/83Konecke v. BalmKarl Konecke GmbH & Co. KG, FleischwarenfabrikBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungiXLHHHH2222 }? 7@?X@Slynn1423/83Liefting v. Academisch Ziekenhuis bij de Universiteit van AmsterdamW.G.M. Liefting and OthersDirectie van het Academisch Ziekenhuis bij de Universiteit van AmsterdamG=99992222  ? !@??Rozes1479/83Harz v. Deutsche TradaxDorit HarzDeutsche Tradax GmbHl`G=99992222 me)? @?X@Rozes1414/83Von Colson and Kamann v. Land Nordrhein-WestfalenSabine von Colson and Elisabeth KamannLand Nordrhein-WestfalenzG=99992222 @@@@@?Reischl14177/82Van de Haar and Kaveka de MeernJan van de Haar and Kaveka de Meern BVllK?;;;;2222 @@ @?Rozes1447/83Pluimveeslachterij Midden-Nederland and van MiertPluimveeslachterij Midden-Nederland BV and Pluimveeslachterij C van Miert BVzG=99992222 @@?@VerLoren van Themaat14327/82Ekro v. Produktschap voor Vee en VleesEkro BV Vee- en VleeshandelProduktschap voor Vee en VleesXLHHHH2222 @&@?@Slynn14218/83Les Rapides Savoyards v. Directeur des Douanes et Droits IndirectsLes Rapides Savoyards Sarl and OthersDirecteur General des Douanes et Droits IndirectsI=99992222  @!&@??Lenz14170/83Hydrotherm v. CompactHydrotherm Geratebau GmbHCompact del Dott. Ing. Mario Andreoli & C. sasz_H<88882222  @!&@@?Lenz1489/83Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas v. DimexHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasDimex Nahrungsmittel Im-und Export GmbH & Co. KGkF<88882222  ? !@&@?X@Slynn1472/83Campus Oil Limited v. Minister for Industry and EnergyCampus Oil Limited and OthersMinister for Industry and Energy and OthersG=99992222 ? @&@?@Mancini1442/83Dansk Denkavit v. Ministeriet for Skatter og AfgifterDansk Denkavit ApSMinisteriet for Skatter og AfgifterI?;;;;2222 @@M@??Lenz14251/83Haug-Adrion v. Frankfurter Versicherungs-AGEberhard Haug-AdrionFrankfurter Versicherungs-AGuH<88882222 ECJ @@M@?@VerLoren van Themaat14106/83Sermide v. Cassa Conguaglio ZuccheroSermide SpACassa Conguaglio Zucchero and Others~XLHHHH2222 @@E@?@VerLoren van Themaat14283/83Racke v. Hauptzollamt MainzFirma A. RackeHauptzollamt MainzuXLHHHH2222 8oΜͻ$ˑyɭȀ8ƒKöY? @@@Slynn14319/81Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222  ? !@@@@Rozes14155/82Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumul`I=99992222 ?@@?@Reischl147/82GVL v. CommissionGesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH (GVL)CommissionZG?;;;;2222 ?@@@Rozes14301/81Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumul`I=99992222 ?@@@Rozes14300/81Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 ?@?X@Mancini14250/78DEKA v. EECDEKA Getreideprodukte GmbH & Co. KG, I. L. (formerly Firma Contifex Getreideprodukte)European Economic CommunityXK?;;;;2222 @@@?@Rozes14225/81Toledano Laredo and Garilli v. CommissionArmando Toledano Laredo and Mario GarilliCommssiontI=99992222  ? !@@@@Mancini14230/81Luxembourg v. ParliamentLuxembourgEuropean ParliamentqeK?;;;;2222 me)? @@@VerLoren van Themaat14124/81Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUnited KingdomvXLHHHH2222  @ !@?@Slynn14263/81List v. CommissionHarald ListCommissionvj]I=99992222  @ !@?@Slynn14257/81K. v. CouncilK.Councile\XI=99992222 er n@@??Mancini14129/83Zelger v. SalinitriSiegfried ZelgerSebastiano Salinitrir`K?;;;;2222 @ >@?X@Darmon14257/83Williams v. Court of AuditorsCalvin E. WilliamsCourt of Auditors of the European Communities}iJ>::::2222 @=@?@Mancini1491/83Heineken Brouwerijen v. Inspecteurs der Vennootschapsbelasting, Amsterdam and UtrechtHeineken Brouwerijen BVInspecteurs der Vennootschapsbelasting, Amsterdam and UtrechtI?;;;;2222  @!L@@?VerLoren van Themaat14134/83AbbinkJan Gerrit Abbinks``XLHHHH2222  @@!I@?X@Lenz14181/83Weber v. Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingA. WeberBestuur van de Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsvereniginguH<88882222  @!@I@??Slynn14258/83Brennero v. WendelCalzaturificio Brennero sasWendel GmbH Schuhproduktion Internationalz]I=99992222 @ @I@?@Slynn1499/83Fioravanti v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoClaudio FioravantiAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoG=99992222  @!@F@X@@VerLoren van Themaat14236/83University of Hamburg v. Hamburg Munchen-WestUniversity of HambugHamburg Munchen-WestXLHHHH2222 @@(E@?@Darmon14191/83Salzano v. Bundesanstalt fur ArbeitF.A. SalzanoBundesanstalt fur Arbeit - Kindergeldkasse}oJ>::::2222 דf@&D"D@??14177/83Kohl v. Ringlehan & RennettTheodor Kohl KGRingelhan & Rennett SA and Ringelhan Einrichtungs GmbHp_B622222222 2ϗy(̆Hʣs.ǏGşOør @ !@?@Rozes14306/81Verros v. ParliamentConstantin VerrosEuropean Parliamentr_I=99992222  @ !@?@Rozes14289/81Mavridis v. ParliamentVassilis MavridisEuropean ParliamenttaI=99992222  ?!@@@@Mancini14133/82Commission v. LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourg}qeK?;;;;2222  ?!@@@@Mancini14132/82Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumwnbK?;;;;2222  @ !@?@Reischl14136/82Klockner-Werke v. CommissionKlockner-Werke AGCommission|iK?;;;;2222 @ @?@Reischl14311/81Klockner-Werke v. CommissionKlockner-Werke AGCommission|iK?;;;;2222  @ !@?@Reischl14303/81Klockner-Werke v. CommissionKlockner-Werke AGCommission|iK?;;;;2222  @ !@?@Reischl14244/81Klockner-Werke v. CommissionKlockner-Werke AGCommission|iK?;;;;2222  @ !@@?@Reischl14207/81Ditterich v. CommissionKuno DitterichCommissiontdK?;;;;2222  @!@@?@Slynn14785/79Pizziolo v. CommissionAdriano PizzioloCommissionsaI=99992222  @ !@?@VerLoren van Themaat14143/82Lipman v. CommissionDavid LipmanCommission|nXLHHHH2222 @ @?@Slynn14282/81Ragusa v. CommissionSalvatore RagusaCommission}q_I=99992222  ?!@@@Slynn1449/82Commission v. NetherlandsCommissionNetherlands{nbG=99992222  ?!@@@@Slynn14113/82Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyul`I=99992222  @ !@?@Rozes14298/81Colussi v. ParliamentFranco ColussiEuropean Parliamentp`I=99992222  ? !@@@@Slynn1442/82Commission v. FranceCommissionFranceqi]G=99992222 @ @?@Slynn14294/81Control Data v. CommissionControl Data Belgium NV SACommissioneI=99992222 @ @?@Rozes14280/81Hoffmann v. CommissionChristiane HoffmannCommissionvaI=99992222 @ @?@Mancini14252/81Macevicius v. ParliamentMargherita Hebrant, nee MaceviciusEuropean ParliamenteK?;;;;2222  ?!@@@Reischl14145/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalysl`K?;;;;2222  ?!@@@Rozes1462/82Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionoc\G=99992222  ?!@@@Rozes1461/82Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionoc\G=99992222 m? Lte@@@Rozes1445/82Netherlands v. CommissionNetherlandsCommission{obG=99992222 tדf@? "D@??Lenz14177/83Kohl v. Ringlehan & RennettTheodor Kohl KGRingelhan & Rennett SA and Ringelhan Einrichtungs GmbHveH<88882222 2Tω`|Hʪ WȸIƑ:ĩ \±p@ @?@Mancini14148/82Renaud v. CommissionJean-Claude RenaudCommissionuaK?;;;;2222 er s@ @?@Mancini14131/82Angelini v. CommissionEnrico AngeliniCommissiontcK?;;;;2222 o@ @@?@Slynn14159/82Verli-Wallace v. CommissionAngelique Verli-WallaceCommissionfI=99992222 @@@@@?Slynn1423/81Commission v. Royale BelgeCommissionSociete anonyme Royale BelgeocG=99992222 @@?@Rozes14231/82Spijker v. CommissionSpijker Kwasten BVCommissiont`I=99992222  ? !@@@Rozes14203/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 me)@ @?@Rozes14176/82Nebe v. CommissionTheo NebeCommissionth]I=99992222 me)@ @?X@Mancini14144/82Detti v. Court of JusticeArmelle DettiCourt of Justice of the European CommunitiesufK?;;;;2222 o@ @?@VerLoren van Themaat1410/82Mogensen v. CommissionSven-Ole Mogensen and OthersCommissionnVLHHHH2222 me)@ @?@VerLoren van Themaat149/82Ohrgaard and Delvaux v. CommissionLene Ohrgaard and Jean-Louis DelvauxCommissionxTLHHHH2222  @!@?@Rozes14152/81Ferrario v. CommissionW. Ferrario and OthersCommissionyaI=99992222  @!@?@Mancini14145/80Mascetti v. CommissionMaria MascettiCommissionscK?;;;;2222  ? !@@@@VerLoren van Themaat14170/78Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUnited KingdomvXLHHHH2222  @ !@?@Rozes14230/82Johanning v. CommissionKirsten JohanningCommissionubI=99992222  @ !@?@Slynn14285/81Geist v. CommissionJean-Jacques GeistCommission~r^I=99992222  @ !@?@Slynn14117/81Geist v. CommissionJean-Jacques GeistCommission~r^I=99992222  @@ !@@?@Reischl1485/82Schloh v. CouncilBernhard SchlohCouncilvm\I?;;;;2222  ? !@@@Slynn14161/82Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancesk_I=99992222 m@ Lte@@?@Rozes14317/82Boel v. CommissionUsines Gustave Boel and Fabrique de Fer de MaubeugeCommission]I=99992222  ? @@@Mancini1490/82Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancesk_I?;;;;2222  @ @?@Rozes14225/82Verzyck v. CommissionRucy VerzyckCommissionzn`I=99992222  ? @@@Rozes1478/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyoh\G=99992222  ? !@?@Slynn14100/80Musique Diffusion Francaise v. CommissionSA Musique Diffusion Francaise and OthersCommissiontI=99992222  @ !@?@VerLoren van Themaat1436/81Seton v. CommissionPieter Willem SetonCommissionkVLHHHH2222 .m&f˶,|^3d–Z9? @?@Slynn14216/82Universitat Hamburg v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-KehrwiederUniversitat HamburgHauptzollamt Hamburg-KehrwiederI=99992222 @@@?@Rozes14311/82Roquette Freres v. ONICSA Roquette FreresOffice national interprofessionnel des cereales (ONIC)vbI=99992222 @@?X@VerLoren van Themaat14279/82Jerzak v. BundesknappschaftLeo JerzakBundesknappschaft - Verwaltungsstelle AachenuXLHHHH2222  @!@?@Rozes14224/82Meiko-Konservenfabrik v. GermanyMeiko-KonservenfabrikGermanykI=99992222 @ @?@Mancini14201/82Gerling v. Amministrazione del Tesoro dello StatoGerling Konzern Speziale Kreditversicherungs-AG and OthersAmministrazione del Tesoro dello Stato~K?;;;;2222 me)@@@?Mancini14174/82SandozSandoz BZ^SSK?;;;;2222  @!@?@Rozes14152/82Forcheri v. BelgiumSandro Forcheri and his wife Marisa Forcheri, nee MarinoBelgian State and asbl Institut Superieur de Sciences Humaines Appliquees- Ecole Ouvriere Superieure^I=99992222  ? !@?X@Mancini14171/82Valentini v. ASSEDICBiagio ValentiniASSEDIC, LyonsaK?;;;;2222 ? @??Slynn14271/81Amelioration de l Elevage v. MialocqSociete Cooperative d Amelioration de l Elevage et d Insemination Artificielle du BearnLucien Jean-Marie Mialocq and OthersoI=99992222 @@?@Reischl14192/82Kaffee-Contor Bremen v. Hauptzollamt Bremen-NordKaffee-Contor Bremen GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Bremen-Nord}K?;;;;2222  ? !@@X@?VerLoren van Themaat14168/82ECSC v. Ferriere Sant AnnaEuropean Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)The Liquidator of Ferriere Sant Anna SpAtXLHHHH2222  @!@?@Reischl14156/82Corman v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasSA Nicolas Corman & FilsHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasqK?;;;;2222 me)@@@?Rozes1487/82Rogers v. DarthenayLieutenant Commander A.G. RogersH.B.L. Darthenay~\G=99992222  @!@@@?VerLoren van Themaat1480/82Administration des Impots v. SolerAdministration des ImpotsGuy SolerzVLHHHH2222  ? !@??Mancini1459/82Schutzverband gegen Unwesen in der Wirtschaft v. Weinvertriebs-GmbHSchutzverband gegen Unwesen in der WirtschaftWeinvertriebs-GmbHI?;;;;2222 @@?@Rozes14167/82Nordgetreide v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasNordgetreide GmbH & Co. KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasuI=99992222  @!@@?Slynn14162/82CousinPaul Cousin and OthersiQQI=99992222  @!@?@Slynn1477/82Peskeloglou v. Bundesanstalt fur ArbeitAnastasia PeskeloglouBundesanstalt fur ArbeitpG=99992222  ? !@@@?Reischl1488/82Ammininstrazione delle Finanze v. LeonelliAmministrazione delle FinanzeArmando and Ottavio LeonelliuI?;;;;2222  Bg̓lu]ǒƱDt÷: ? !@@??Reischl1413/77INNO v. ATABNV GB-INNO-BMVereniging van de Kleinhandelaars in Tabak (ATAB)fWI?;;;;2222 er s@@@?@Reischl1426/77Balkan-Import-Export v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofBalkan-Import-Export GmbHHauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof~I?;;;;2222  @!@??VerLoren van Themaat14319/82Soc. De Vente de Ciments et BetonsSociete de Vente de Ciments et Betons de l Est SAKerpen & Kerpen GmbH & Co. KG|XLHHHH2222 ? @@?@Rozes14181/82Roussel Laboratoria v. NetherlandsRoussel Laboratoria BV and OthersNetherlandsmI=99992222  @@!@?@Rozes14320/82D Amario v. Landesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenBenito D AmarioLandesversicherungsanstalt SchwabenzI=99992222  @!@@?@Slynn14292/82Merck v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasFirma E. MerckHauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas~nI=99992222  @!@??Rozes14288/82Duijnstee v. GoderbauerFerdinand M.J.J. DuijnsteeLodewijk Goderbauer~bI=99992222 m? Lte@@@?Mancini14199/82Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. San GiorgioAmministrazione delle Finanze dello StatoSpA San GiorgioK?;;;;2222  @!@?@Mancini14256/81Pauls Agriculture v. Council and CommissionPauls Agriculture LimitedCouncil and CommissionxK?;;;;2222 @@@X@?Slynn14238/81Raad van Arbeid v. Van der Bunt-CraigRaad van ArdeidMrs. Van der Bunt-CraigpI=99992222 m? Lte@@?Reischl1438/82Hauptzollamt Flensburg v. HansenHauptzollamt FlensburgFirma Hansen GmbH & Co.kI?;;;;2222  @!@@?Mancini1494/82De KikvorschDe Kikvorsch Groothandel-Import-Export BVWWI?;;;;2222 ? @@??Reischl14126/82Smit v. Commissie Grensoverschrijdend BeroepsgoederenvervoerD.J. Smit Transport BVCommissie Grensoverschrijdend BeroepsgoederenvervoerK?;;;;2222 @@@@?Slynn145/83RienksH.G. RienksZMME=99992222 @@?@VerLoren van Themaat14300/82Gesamthochshule Essen v. Hauptzollamt DusseldorfGesamthochshule EssenHauptzollamt DusseldorfXLHHHH2222 @@@?@Rozes14321/82Volkswagenwerk v. Hauptzollamt BraunschweigVolswagenwerk AGHauptzollamt BraunschweigvI=99992222 @@?@VerLoren van Themaat14276/82De beste boter v. Produktschap voor ZuivelRoomboterfabriek "De beste boter" BVProduktschap voor ZuivelXLHHHH2222 tדf@@"@?@Mancini14289/82Lohmann v. Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am MainLohmann GmbH & Co. KGOberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main}K?;;;;2222  @!@?@VerLoren van Themaat142/82Delhaize Freres v. Belgian StateSA Delhaize Freres "Le Lion" and OthersBelgiumvTLHHHH2222  @!@@?Mancini14186/82Ministero delle Finanze v. Esercizio Magazzini GeneraliMinistero delle FinanzeEsercizio Magazzini Generali SpA and Mellina Agosta SrlK?;;;;2222 K0BBd<ɒ\ǵ(ŖrO @ !@?X@Darmon14417/85Maurissen v. Court of AuditorsHenri MaurissenCourt of Auditors of the European Communities{jJ>::::2222  @ !@?@da Cruz Vilaca14324/85Bouteiller v. CommissionYves BouteillerCommission}lRFBBBB2222  @@ !@?X@Lenz14302/85Pressler-Hoeft v. Court of AuditorsHorst Pressler-HoeftCourt of Auditors of the European CommunitiesmH<88882222  @ !@?@da Cruz Vilaca14276/85Cladakis v. CommissionGeorges CladakisCommission|jRFBBBB2222  ?!@@@Darmon14364/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  ?!@@@Darmon14361/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  ?!@@@Darmon14275/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  ? !@?@Darmon1445/85Verband der Sachversicherer v. CommissionVerband der Sachversicherer e.V.CommissionsH>::::2222 @@ @?X@Lenz14204/85Stroghili v. Court of AuditorsVassiliki StroghiliCourt of Auditors of the European Communities}hH<88882222  @ ! @?@Darmon14268/84Valsabbia v. CommissionFerriera Valsabbia SpACommission{cJ>::::2222  @@ ! @?@Slynn14219/84Powell v. CommissionMichael PowellCommission{o_I=99992222 er n@@ @?@Lenz1476/84Rienzi v. CommissionAlessandro RienziCommission{o\F<88882222 @@ @?@Slynn1413/84Control Data v. CommissionControl Data Belgium Inc.Commission~cG=99992222 ? @@@Darmon14365/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222 tדf@? " @?@Mancini14152/85Misset v. CouncilRudolf MissetCouncilvm^K?;;;;2222  ? ! @?@Mischo14271/83Ainsworth v. Commission and CouncilAlan Ainsworth and OthersCommission and Council of the European CommunitiesoJ>::::2222 me)?  @?@Slynn14253/84GAEC v. Council and CommissionGroepement agricole d exploitation en commun (GAEC) de la SegaudeCouncil and Commission of the European CommunitiesiI=99992222 ?  @?@Mancini14175/84Krohn v. CommissionKrohn & Co. Import-Export (GmbH & Co. KG)Commission`K?;;;;2222  ? ! @?@Slynn14281/84Zuckerfabrik Bedburg v. Council and CommissionZuckerfabrik Bedburg AG and OthersCouncil and Commission of the European CommunitiesyI=99992222  ? ! @@@Slynn14278/84Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionui`I=99992222  ?!%@X@?Reischl1483/87Pigs Marketing Board v. RedmondPigs Marketing BoardRaymond RedmondjI?;;;;2222  ?!@$@@?Mayras147/78Regina v. ThompsonReginaErnest George Thompson, Brian Albert Johnson and Colin Alex Norman WoodiwissbZF>::::2222 :Ϫ-͛b˥r.ǁ<ś u6Ÿ @!@+@?@Slynn14272/85Antib v. CommissionAssociation nationale des travailleurs independants de la batellerie (Antib)Commission^I=99992222 @@@+@?@Darmon14242/85Geist v. CommissionJ.J. GeistCommissionwk_J>::::2222 @@ @+@?@Darmon14214/85Gherardi Dandolo v. CommissionSandro Gherardi DandoloCommissionjJ>::::2222  ?!(@@@Lenz14419/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222 ?(@@@Mischo14186/85Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumvmaJ>::::2222 ? (@@@Lenz14184/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222 @(@?@Mancini14260/84Minebea v. CouncilMinebea Company LimitedCouncilx_K?;;;;2222 @(@?@Mancini14258/84Nippon Seiko v. CouncilNippon Seiko KKCouncil~udK?;;;;2222 @(@?@Mancini14256/84Koyo Seiko v. CouncilKoyo Seiko Company LimitedCouncil~bK?;;;;2222 @(@?@Mancini14255/84Nachi Fujikoshi v. CouncilNachi Fujikoshi CorporationCouncilgK?;;;;2222  @!(@?@Mancini14240/84Toyo v. CouncilNTN Toyo Bearing Company Limited and OthersCouncil\K?;;;;2222 ?!@@@Darmon145/86Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumri]F>::::2222 ?!@@@Darmon14363/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222 ? !@X@@Mischo14167/85Assider and Italy v. CommissionAssociazione industrie siderurgiche italiane (Assider) and ItalyCommissionkJ>::::2222 @ @?@Mischo1432/86Sisma v. CommissonSocieta industrie siderurgiche meccaniche e affini (Sisma) SpACommission\H>::::2222 @ @?@da Cruz Vilaca14226/85Dillinger Huttenwerke v. CommissionDillinger Huttenwerke AGCommissionwRFBBBB2222 ? @@@Slynn14196/85Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancesk_I=99992222  @!@?@da Cruz Vilaca14257/85Dufay v. ParliamentC. DufayEuropean ParliamentqgRFBBBB2222  ? !@@@Lenz1445/86Commission v. CouncilCommissionCouncilri]F<88882222  ? !@@@Lenz14235/85Commission v. NetherlandsCommissionNetherlands|ocH<88882222  A!@@?@da Cruz Vilaca14333/85Mannesmann-Rohrenwerke v. CouncilMannesmann-Rohrenwerke AG and Paderwerk Gebr. Benteler GmbH & Co.CounciluRFBBBB2222  ?!@@@Lenz149/86Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumpg[D<88882222 er n@@?@Mischo14244/85Cerealmangimi and Italgrani v. CommissionCerealmangimi SpA and Italgrani SpACommissionuJ>::::2222  V*ːɍǘg 91/83Must Art 93(3) of the Treaty be interpreted as meaning that notification to the Commission by a State of plans to grant or alter aid must be immediately and plainly known to each interested party?NetherlandsThe State is not required to make such notification to each interested party.C!!!!!!! #134/83Is national legislation making it a criminal offence for those resident in a State to use motor vehicles covered by temporary importation rules compatible with the EEC on free movement of goods if made without the intention of evading taxes?DenmarkSuch national legislation is compatible with the EEC Treaty on the free movement of goods.z""""""" #134/83Is national legislation making it a criminal offence for those resident in a State to use motor vehicles covered by temporary importation rules compatible with the EEC on free movement of goods if made without the intention of evading taxes?CommissionSuch national legislation is not compatible with the EEC Treaty on the free movement of goods.!""""""" #th181/83Are the provisions of Art 47(1) of Reg 1408/71 also applicable in cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies, and if so what type of scheme relating to invalidity benefits would they apply to?NetherlandsThe provisions sometimes apply to cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies but not to risk schemes based primarily on the wage received in the occupation usually carried on for the determination of the wages lost.""""""" #th181/83Are the provisions of Art 47(1) of Reg 1408/71 also applicable in cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies, and if so what type of scheme relating to invalidity benefits would they apply to?CommissionThe provisions apply to cases where the 2nd sentence of Art 46(2a) applies and to risk schemes based primarily on the wage received in the occupation usually carried on for the determination of the wages lost as described in the question.""""""" # o258/83May an appeal be lodged with the Bundesgerichtshof under Art 37 against an order concerning the provision of security issued by the Oberlandesgericht on the basis of Art 38 as an interim measure during the proceedings?CommissionAn appeal in cassation and an appeal on a point of law may be lodged only against the judgment given on the appeal. """"""" # o258/83May an appeal be lodged with the Bundesgerichtshof under Art 37 against an order concerning the provision of security issued by the Oberlandesgericht on the basis of Art 38 as an interim measure during the proceedings?GermanyAn appeal in cassation and an appeal on a point of law may be lodged only against the judgment given on the appeal.|""""""" # o258/83May an appeal be lodged with the Bundesgerichtshof under Art 37 against an order concerning the provision of security issued by the Oberlandesgericht on the basis of Art 38 as an interim measure during the proceedings?ItalyAn appeal in cassation and an appeal on a point of law may be lodged only against the judgment given on the appeal.z""""""" #258/83May the Oberlandesgericht with which an appeal against a decision authorizing enforcement has been lodged under Art 36 and 37 of the convention issue an order under 38 making enforcement conditional only with its final judgment?GermanyA court may make enforcement conditional on the provision of security on an interim basis before the final judgment is made.""""""" # Α>xł7½th8/82Is the special provision of Art 11(1) of Commission Reg 1998/78 of 8/18/78 laying down detailed rules for the offsetting of storage costs for sugar covered by the power conferred in Art 3(2) of Council Reg 1358/77?CommissionThe special provision is covered by the the authority granted in Art 3(2) of Reg 1358/77._  #8/82Does sugar which is in transit from one approved warehouse to another fulfill the requirement that it is to be stored in a warehouse within the meaning of Art 3(1) of Reg 1358/77?CommissionSuch sugar does not fulfill the requirement as to storage in this regulation.0  #130/82What should be the CCT subheading of the air filters in this case?CommissionThese air filters must be classified as articles of textile material of a kind commonly used in machinery or plant under 59.17 or as machinery and appliances of glass under 70.20, according to whether the filter consists of textile material or glass fibresrf""""""" #29/82Must Reg 1035/72 and Art 30 and 34 mean that national rules stipulating that the acknowledgements of receipts and certificates in Reg 2638/69 are to be issued by the QCB only to members of that association under private law are unlawful?CommissionSuch national law is contrary to Community law.M!!!!!!! #109/82What was the scope, on 11/17/80, of Art 3(3) of Reg 2004/75 of the Commission of 7/25?CommissionThis governs the conditions of issue of issue of export certificates for milk products as defined therein, even where they are applied for in connection with invitations to tender are concerned.Jz""""""" #109/82What was the scope, on 11/17/80, of Art 3(3) of Reg 2004/75 of the Commission of 7/25?FranceThis governs the conditions of issue of issue of export certificates for milk products as defined therein, even where they are applied for in connection with invitations to tender are concerned.Fz""""""" #150/82May a State validly reduce invalidity benefits due under its legislation following a period of incapacity for work during which the worker was granted benefit for that incapacity?CommissionAn invalidity benefit obtained other than by Art 45 and 46 of Reg 1408/71, in consequence of an award under Art 40(3), may validly be reduced in accordance with Art 46(3).""""""" #150/82May a State validly reduce invalidity benefits due under its legislation following a period of incapacity for work during which the worker was granted benefit for that incapacity?CouncilAn invalidity benefit obtained other than by Art 45 and 46 of Reg 1408/71, in consequence of an award under Art 40(3), may validly be reduced in accordance with Art 46(3).""""""" #150/82Which institution is competent to aggregate the insurance periods necessary for the award of sickness benefits where a worker is employed in 2 or more States and to what legislation is the worker subject regarding sickness benefits?CommissionIt is the competent institution of the State with which he is insured at the time of the application for benefit which is required to take account of periods of insurance previously completed in another State. """"""" # 39/82Does the prohibition of charges having the effect of customs duties under Art 13 extend to charges by the Netherlands institution in respect to customs clearance charges required of imported books and the accompanying commission charged?CommissionThe prohibition does not extend to such charges.N!!!!!!! #m [˂"]ŏ)þ!th34/82Does it make any difference whether the obligations in question arise simply from the act of becoming a member, or from the act in conjunction with one or more decision made by organs of the association?GermanyThis makes no difference.!!!!!!! # 34/82Does Art 5(1) of the Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members relating to obligations to make payment?CommissionSuch obligations are "matters of contract" within the meaning of this provision.P!!!!!!! #34/82Does Art 5(1) of the Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members relating to obligations to make payment?ItalySuch obligations are "matters of contract" within the meaning of this provision.K!!!!!!! #34/82Does Art 5(1) of the Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members relating to obligations to make payment?GermanySuch obligations are "matters of contract" within the meaning of this provision.M!!!!!!! #175/82Does heading 16.02 of the CCT include meat which salt and pepper have been added to but in the presence of pepper may only be identified microscopically or may it be identified by taste?CommissionHeading 16.02 is for meat to which salt and pepper have been added and is perceptible by taste.K""""""" #232/82Does the decision "concerning the degree of invalidity of a claimant", any multinational effects of which are governed by Art 40(4) of Reg 1408/71, include a decision that there is no invalidity takaen after a decision establishes invalidity?CommissionThis covers exclusively a decision recognizing invalidtiy and not a decision establishing that there is no invalidity at a later date."""""""" #172/82Is the fact that collectors of waste oils may not lawfully deliver them to a disposal undertaking of a State because of the restrictions in Decree 79-981 compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty against quantitative restrictions?FranceThe provision is compatible with Community law.E """"""" #172/82Is the fact that collectors of waste oils may not lawfully deliver them to a disposal undertaking of a State because of the restrictions in Decree 79-981 compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty against quantitative restrictions?CommissionCommunity law does not sanction such a national provision.T """"""" #172/82Is the fact that collectors of waste oils may not lawfully deliver them to a disposal undertaking of a State because of the restrictions in Decree 79-981 compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty against quantitative restrictions?ItalyCommunity law does not sanction such a national provision.O """"""" #66/82Are Art 18(2), 18(2) and 19, and 13(4) of Commission Reg 1259/72, 232/75 and 1687/76, respectively, invalid in that they are not proportional as the release of security is conditional upon observance of the time-limit?CommissionThe regulations are valid.% !!!!!!! #8/82Is Art 11(1) of Reg 1998/78 in breach of the prohibition of discrimination in Art 40(3) of the Treaty because transport of sugar within a State may still allow the sugar to be thought of as stored?CommissionThe regulation is valid and not discrimatory and not incompatible with Community law.J  # Υͯ˴XƳi;ý>N,59/82Is a statutory provision in State A where vermouth produced in State B is not marketable in State A because it has slightly less than the minimum alcoholic content under law of State B compatible with Art 30?FranceThis is a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction under Artile 30 of the Treaty.d!!!!!!! #+59/82Is a statutory provision in State A where vermouth produced in State B is not marketable in State A because it has slightly less than the minimum alcoholic content under law of State B compatible with Art 30?ItalyThis is a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction under Artile 30 of the Treaty.c!!!!!!! #*167/82Are the refunds fixed in the annexes to Commission Regs 851/79 and 1309/79 in respect of flaked barley falling within 11.02 EIb1 of the CCT valid or does the fixing contradict Council Reg 2744/75?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #)162/82Is the requirement laid down in Art 1 and 2 of Commission Reg 749/78 for conferring upon textile products the legal status of products originating in the EEC is measure equivalent to a quantitiative restriction under Art 30?CommissionThe regulation remains valid./""""""" #(162/82Is the requirement laid down in Art 1 and 2 of Commission Reg 749/78 for conferring upon textile products the legal status of products originating in the EEC is measure equivalent to a quantitiative restriction under Art 30?ItalyThe regulation remains valid.* """"""" #'77/82Does the 2nd subparagraph of Art 45(1) of the Act of Accession permit national rules in force before 8/14/81 to be made more stringent as regards Greek nationals by the introduction of an additional residence requirement for work permits?CommissionSuch national rules are not permitted.E!!!!!!! #&77/82Does the 2nd subparagraph of Art 45(1) of the Act of Accession permit national rules in force before 8/14/81 to be made more stringent as regards Greek nationals by the introduction of an additional residence requirement for work permits?GreeceSuch national rules are not permitted.A!!!!!!! #%88/82Does Art 15 of Council Dir 71/118 mean that the derogation provided for therein from the prohibition of customs duties are subject to the additional condition that the State has already adopted the laws needed to comply with the directive?CommissionThe derogation from the prohibition of levying duties applies to the State whether or not that State has already adopted the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of the directive.!!!!!!! #$88/82Does Art 15 of Council Dir 71/118 mean that the derogation provided for therein from the prohibition of customs duties are subject to the additional condition that the State has already adopted the laws needed to comply with the directive?ItalyThe derogation from the prohibition of levying duties applies to the State whether or not that State has already adopted the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of the directive.!!!!!!! ##th34/82Does it make any difference whether the obligations in question arise simply from the act of becoming a member, or from the act in conjunction with one or more decision made by organs of the association?CommissionThis makes no difference.!!!!!!! #"th34/82Does it make any difference whether the obligations in question arise simply from the act of becoming a member, or from the act in conjunction with one or more decision made by organs of the association?ItalyThis makes no difference.!!!!!!! # $̪ƥâi)A174/82Does Community law preclude national rules of the kind in question 1 if authorization to market is subject to proof by the importer that the marketing of the product in question meets a marketed demand?CommissionCommunity law does not permit such rules.%""""""" #@174/82Does Community law prohibit national rules such as those in question 1 where the authorization to market is subject to proof by the importer that the product in question is not harmful to health?CommissionCommunity law does not permit such rules.""""""" #?174/82Do the provisions of the Treaty on free movement of goods preclude national rules prohibiting without prior administrative authorization the marketing of food to which vitamins have been added and are lawfully marketed in other States?ItalyCommunity law permits such rules.9""""""" #>174/82Do the provisions of the Treaty on free movement of goods preclude national rules prohibiting without prior administrative authorization the marketing of food to which vitamins have been added and are lawfully marketed in other States?CommissionIt is only in the event of excessive consumption that vitamins have harmful effects, so such a provision is prohibited.""""""" #=174/82Do the provisions of the Treaty on free movement of goods preclude national rules prohibiting without prior administrative authorization the marketing of food to which vitamins have been added and are lawfully marketed in other States?DenmarkCommunity law permits such rules.;""""""" #<152/82In the case of the spouse of an official of the Community who is not Belgian, does the payment of the enrollment fee fall within the scope of application of the Treaty and does tax exemption play a factor?CommissionIf a State organizes educational courses and vocational training, Art 7 prohibits the requirement of a somone from another State to pay an enrollment fee where a national does not pay the fee.""""""" #;152/82In the case of the spouse of an official of the Community who is not Belgian, does the payment of the enrollment fee fall within the scope of application of the Treaty and does tax exemption play a factor?ItalyIf a State organizes educational courses and vocational training, Art 7 prohibits the requirement of a somone from another State to pay an enrollment fee where a national does not pay the fee.""""""" #:171/82Do benefits such as allowances under the guaranteed income retirement scheme provided for in the relevant French provisions fall within the field of application of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 to prevent national provisions overlapping?ItalySuch benefits must be regarded as being of the same kind as old-age benefits._ """"""" #9171/82Do benefits such as allowances under the guaranteed income retirement scheme provided for in the relevant French provisions fall within the field of application of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 to prevent national provisions overlapping?CommissionSuch benefits do not fall within the scope of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 and where such benefits overlap, Community law does not prevent the national rules against overlapping from being applied. """"""" #8171/82Do benefits such as allowances under the guaranteed income retirement scheme provided for in the relevant French provisions fall within the field of application of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 to prevent national provisions overlapping?FranceSuch benefits do not fall within the scope of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 and where such benefits overlap, Community law does not prevent the national rules against overlapping from being applied. """"""" #a }>LJ3ũ4 ` 6   _ .  ` 3 p \ 8 " \ + |a7qT)V94/82If national rules prohibit a statement of strength of the original wort of a beer on the pre-packaging label, does the extension of that prohibition to beer imported from other States conflict with Art 30?CommissionSuch national rules are quantitative restrictions under Art 30.=!!!!!!! #U94/82Is a provision prohibiting the marketing of beer with a certain level of acidity to be regarded as a quantitative restriction under Art 30, in so far as the marketing of the beer is impeded?CommissionIf the marketing of beer whose aciditiy exceeds a certain level is prohibited, the extension of that prohibition to beer lawfully produced and marketed in other States is contrary to Article 30.!!!!!!! #T5/83May a host State which has not implemented Dir 78/1026 and 78/1027 enforce penal measures against a national of another State who is entitled to practice in his own country, but not registered in this State due to the lack of implementation?CommissionA State may not enforce such penal measures in the circumstances of this case.o  #S300/82In Reg 1798/75 is the term "scientific instrument" to be interpreted broadly so as to include scientific aids and working materials such as phantom material A-150, made up of plastic blocks meant for radiological research?CommissionThe term must not include such materials.9""""""" #R321/82Must Council Reg 2789/79 and Commission Reg 3067/79 be construed as meaning that the certificate of origin may no longer be validly produced after the customs duty has been re-introduced?CommissionThe cetificate of origin may not be validly produced after the customs duty is re-introduced.J""""""" #Qmu276/82Is Article 3(3) in conflict with Community law, in particular Art 5(4) of Council Reg 876/68 or with the principle of legal certainty which forms part of Community law?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.""""""" #P 3276/82Does a correct interpretation of Art 3(3) entail the rejection of applications for advance fixing which were submitted before the period of suspension but on which a decision must be taken during that period?CommissionSuch applications must be rejected.%""""""" #Oio276/82Must Art 3(3) of Commission Reg 2044/75 mean that the expression "special measures" includes a decision suspending the possibility of advance fixing of refunds pursuant to the provisions of Reg 876/68?CommissionSpecial measures includes such decisions.$""""""" #N289/82Is tariff heading 30.04 of the CCT to mean that the phrase "put up in retail packings for medical or surgical purposes" requires conformity with specific maximum dimensions?CommissionA product must not exceed the dimensions which enable it to be sold by retail to any user, so it should not be available only to hospitals and large-scale users.""""""" #M2/82Does a systmeatic public health inspection on imported meat to check for any change in its condidtion during transit fall within the scope of the public health inspection carried out in the exporting State in accordance with Community law?CommissionSuch a health inspection is incompatible with Community law.[  #L2/82Does a systmeatic public health inspection on imported meat to check for any change in its condidtion during transit fall within the scope of the public health inspection carried out in the exporting State in accordance with Community law?FranceSuch a health inspection is incompatible with Community law.W  #  ̐ʴȦ6zÿ(`199/82May a State make repayment of national charges levied contrary requirements of Community law conditional upon proof that the charges are not where passed on where repayment is subject to impossible rules of evidence and those restrictive conditions do notItalyA State may make repayment of such national charges conditional upon such proof.|*#""""""" #_238/81Do Art 48 and 51 of the Treaty require that current benefits whose amount is dependent at the time they are awarded inter alia on the amount of benefits under legilsation of States should be periodically calculated by Art 107 of Reg 574/72?CommissionCommunity law does not require periodical recalculation of such social security benefits in view of changes in exchange rates. """"""" #^238/81Do Art 48 and 51 of the Treaty require that current benefits whose amount is dependent at the time they are awarded inter alia on the amount of benefits under legilsation of States should be periodically calculated by Art 107 of Reg 574/72?NetherlandsCommunity law does not require periodical recalculation of such social security benefits in view of changes in exchange rates.!""""""" #]238/81Must Art 107 of Reg 574/72 mean that the method for converting currencies laid down by it also applies to the conversion pursuant to a provision of overlapping benefits which is saved by Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 of benefits of another State?CommissionThe method of Art 107 also applies to this method.U!""""""" #\238/81Must Art 107 of Reg 574/72 mean that the method for converting currencies laid down by it also applies to the conversion pursuant to a provision of overlapping benefits which is saved by Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 of benefits of another State?NetherlandsWhere payments of the same kind are granted in different States on the basis of analogous national rules, there are no grounds for applying the method of currency conversion set out in Art 107 of Reg 574/72."""""""" #[238/81If a pension which is received solely by virtue of national legislation also overlaps with a benefit of a different kind from another State should a provision against overlapping be restricted where it is less favorable than Art 46 rules of Reg 1408/71?CommissionThe position adopted by the Centrale Raad van Beroep is in accordance with the principles set out and therefore the question is devoid of purpose.-!""""""" #Y238/81If a pension which is received solely by virtue of national legislation also overlaps with a benefit of a different kind from another State should a provision against overlapping be restricted where it is less favorable than Art 46 rules of Reg 1408/71?NetherlandsSuch a national provision may not be restricted.`.!""""""" #X38/82Does Art 95 mean that spirits distilled from fruit imported from other States must automatically qualify for the most favorable tax treatment accorded to certain spirits of domestic origin or must they satisfy certain conditions?CommissionUnder Art 95, in the case of a national tax advantage which is permissible under Community law, imported spirits must satisfy all of the conditions of the provision in order to qualify for the advantage.!!!!!!! #W38/82Does Art 95 mean that spirits distilled from fruit imported from other States must automatically qualify for the most favorable tax treatment accorded to certain spirits of domestic origin or must they satisfy certain conditions?GermanyUnder Art 95, in the case of a national tax advantage which is permissible under Community law, imported spirits must satisfy all of the conditions of the provision in order to qualify for the advantage.!!!!!!! # `ΰFɁĀi288/82If question 2 is answered that the term is determined on the basis of an independent interpretation, must a claim such as the one concerned in this case be considered a claim covered by Art 16(4)?CommissionThe expression covers only disputes which are principally concerned with the registration or validity of a patent.h""""""" #h288/82If question 2 is answered that the term is determined on the basis of an independent interpretation, must a claim such as the one concerned in this case be considered a claim covered by Art 16(4)?United KingdomThe expression covers only disputes which are principally concerned with the registration or validity of a patent.l""""""" #gnt288/82Must the concept of proceeding "concerned with the registration or validity of patents" under Art 16(4) of the Convention be defined on the basis of the law of the Contracting State whose courts are referred to in that provision, or the lex fori?CommissionThis term must be regarded as an independent concept intended to have uniform application in all the Contracting States.&""""""" #fnt288/82Must the concept of proceeding "concerned with the registration or validity of patents" under Art 16(4) of the Convention be defined on the basis of the law of the Contracting State whose courts are referred to in that provision, or the lex fori?United KingdomThis term must be regarded as an independent concept intended to have uniform application in all the Contracting States.*""""""" #ent288/82Must the concept of proceeding "concerned with the registration or validity of patents" under Art 16(4) of the Convention be defined on the basis of the law of the Contracting State whose courts are referred to in that provision, or the lex fori?GermanyReference must be made to the substantive law of the Contracting State whose courts acquire jurisdiction by virtue of that provision.#""""""" #d288/82Does the obligation imposed by Art 19 on the court of a Contracting State to declare that it has no jurisdiction imply that the Netherlands provision has no effect?CommissionArt 19 requires the national court to declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction whenever it finds that the court of another Contracting State has exclusive jurisdiction under Art 16.""""""" #c288/82Does the obligation imposed by Art 19 on the court of a Contracting State to declare that it has no jurisdiction imply that the Netherlands provision has no effect?United KingdomArt 19 requires the national court to declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction whenever it finds that the court of another Contracting State has exclusive jurisdiction under Art 16.""""""" #b288/82Does the obligation imposed by Art 19 on the court of a Contracting State to declare that it has no jurisdiction imply that the Netherlands provision has no effect?GermanyArt 19 requires the national court to declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction whenever it finds that the court of another Contracting State has exclusive jurisdiction under Art 16.""""""" #a199/82May a State make repayment of national charges levied contrary requirements of Community law conditional upon proof that the charges are not where passed on where repayment is subject to impossible rules of evidence and those restrictive conditions do notCommissionA State may not make repayment of such national charges conditional upon such proof./#""""""" #0[FϠp0ΦkFͣǫz=˨vFʟW sCȦl< Ǭa/ƥZ/Ź|?ī{Mùj/‘?T$145/80  170/78tax provisions& 230/82officials! 285/81officials! 117/81officials! 85/82officials 161/82agriculture# Te317/82ECSC 90/82national monopolies of a commercial characterC 90/82free movement of goods, 90/82tax provisions$ 225/82officials! 78/82free movement of goods, 78/82State monopolies of a commercial character@ 100/80Community law% 100/80competition# 36/81procedure 36/81officials 306/81officials! 306/81procedure! 289/81Community law% 289/81officials! 133/82free movement of goods. 132/82free movement of goods. 136/82ECSC 136/82measures adopted by the institutions< 311/81ECSC 311/81measures adopted by the institutions< 303/81Community law% 303/81ECSC 244/81ECSC 244/81ECSC Treaty# 244/81measures adopted by the institutions< 207/81officials! 785/79officials! 143/82officials! 282/81officials! 49/82Common Customs Tariff+  113/82agriculture# 298/81officials! 42/82free movement of goods, 42/82agriculture! 42/82action for failure of a State to fulfill its obligationsN 294/81Common Customs Tariff- 294/81measures adopted by the institutions< 294/81action for declaration of nullity9  280/81officials!  252/81officials! 'i145/82measures adopted by institutions8 62/82agriculture! 61/82Community law# 61/82agriculture! Te45/82agriculture! 319/81tax provisions& ai155/82free movement of goods. 7/82competition 301/81measures adopted by the institutions< 301/81adoption for a declaration that a Member States has failed to fulfill its obligationsm 301/81Member States% 300/81measures of institutions0 250/78Community law% 225/81officials! 230/81 230/81European Communities, 230/81application for annulment of a measure> 124/81free movement of goods. 124/81proceedings under Art 1691 124/81procedure! 263/81procedure! 263/81officials! @[HϤvF΢W4͹͉Y)̺̊; ˊ_!ʣq'zFȡq1njX-Ƣw,żŌ^"Ě_$çu: œn> L:C232/82preliminary questions- saB172/82competition# saA172/82free movement of goods. sa@172/82questions submitted for a preliminary rulingD ?66/82agriculture! >66/82Community law# =8/82Community law! <8/82agriculture ;130/82Common Customs Tariff- :29/82Member States# 929/82agriculture! 829/82free movement of goods, 7109/82agriculture# xt6150/82social security for migrant workers; il539/82tax provisions$ il439/82free movement of goods,  3283/82European Communities, 231/82ECSC xt1263/82ECSC 0218/82Community law% /218/82Common Customs Tariff- ai.18/83officials -343/82officials! ,217/82non-contractual liability1 +190/82officials! ai*235/82measures adopted by the institutions< ai)235/82ECSC  (234/82ECSC ai'342/82officials!  &290/82officials! %188/82ECSC $188/82Community law% #52/83objection of illegality- "322/82Member States% !158/82tax provisions&  158/82free circulation of goods1  46/82agriculture! 322/81acts of the institutions0 322/81competition# 322/81Community law% 165/82social policy% ai96/82measures adopted by the institutions: ai96/82competition! 163/82social policy% 163/82measures adopted by the institution; Te107/82competition# 299/82 ai92/82officials 265/82ECSC 265/82objection of illegality/ Te179/82ECSC Te179/82measures adopted by the institutions< 273/82Member States% 210/81competition#  210/81application for a declaration of nullity@  118/82officials!  191/82Common commercial policy0  277/82officials!  223/82officials! 193/82officials! 148/82officials! 131/82officials! 159/82measures adopted by the institutions< 23/81 231/82measures adopted by the institutions< 231/82application for a declaration of nullity@ 203/82 176/82officials! 144/82officials! 10/82officials 9/82officials 152/81officials! $[@zίr< ͟q?̏>ˏ#ʄPɢf*ȹȀDǚSƝi.űqĈT"Ûi9 üƒ< Q281/84Community law% 281/84agriculture# 281/84action for damages* 278/84measures adopted by the Community institutionsF 278/84Community law% 278/84agriculture#  ~83/87agriculture!  }83/87reference for a preliminary ruling8 |7/78free movement of goods* {13/77national taxes other than turnover taxes> z13/77competition! y26/77agriculture! x319/82competition# w181/82free movement of goods. v320/82social security for migrant workers; :~u292/82agriculture# :~t292/82Community law% s288/82Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgmentsS r199/82Community law% q199/82questions submitted for a preliminary rulingD p256/81non-contractual liability1 o238/81social security for migrant workers; n38/82tax provisions$ m94/82free movement of goods, l126/82Community law% k126/82transport! j126/82measures adopted by the institutions< i5/83free movement of persons, h5/83measures adopted by the institutions8 g300/82Common Customs Tariff- f321/82Common Customs Tariff- e276/82agriculture# <Дd289/82Common Customs Tariff- c2/82free movement of goods* b2/82preliminary rulings' ;a186/82European Communities, xt`216/82Common Customs Tariff- xt_216/82preliminary questions- ^311/82agriculture# ]279/82social security for migrant workers; ;\224/82agriculture# ;[224/82Community law% Z201/82Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of JudgmentsS Y174/82free movement of goods. X152/82Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities] W152/82Community law% V152/82EEC Treaty" erU171/82social security for migrant workers; T271/81State monopolies of a commercial characterB S192/82Common Customs Tariff- R168/82ECSC Q168/82reference for a preliminary ruling: :|O156/82agriculture# N87/82fisheries M80/82agriculture! L59/82free movement of goods, K167/82agriculture# J162/82origin of goods' I77/82free movement of persons. ;1H88/82agriculture! ;1G88/82free movement of goods, F34/82Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of JudgmentsQ E175/82Common Customs Tariff- :D232/82social security for migrant workers; [Fώ^.Βb7ͣo; ̫{K˻ˇUʲʀ ɐQ&wIǺdžT$Ƶx(ŸŃ: Ğn9ĻÐ;‚GS184/85tax provisions& 260/84common commercial policy0 258/84common commercial policy0 258/84action for annulment, o256/84common commercial policy0 o256/84action for annulment, 255/84common commercial policy0 255/84action for annulment, 240/84common commercial policy0 240/84action for annulment, om5/86aid granted by Member States0 T363/85measures adopted by the Community institutionsF 167/85ECSC 32/86measures adopted by the Community institutionsD 226/85ECSC  196/85tax provisions& ud257/85officials! ud257/85procedure! 45/86Common commercial policy. 45/86EEC Treaty  45/86measures adopted by the institutions: 235/85tax provisions& 333/85application for annulment1 9/86Member States! 244/85own resources of the European CommunitiesA ud178/84free movement of goods. t129/86free movement of goods. 265/85agriculture# ud27/85agriculture! 279/84agriculture# 386/85Member States% 199/85approximation of laws- 15/85measures adopted by the Community institutionsD ud52/86officials ud26/86action for a declaration that a measure is voidE 350/85ECSC 310/85State aid! 304/85ECSC 312/84Common commercial policy0 312/84measures adopted by the institutions< 21/86officials 69/86action for a declaration that a Member State has failed to fulfill its obligationsh 69/86Member States# 390/85Member States% 233/85officials! 221/85free movement of persons0 181/85agriculture# 306/84Member States% 403/85officials! 306/85officials! 280/85officials! 417/85officials! 324/85officials! 302/85officials! 276/85procedure! 276/85officials! 364/85Member States% 361/85Member States% 275/85Customs union% 45/85competition! 204/85officials! 268/84ECSC ud219/84officials! 76/84officials  13/84Common Customs Tariff+ 365/85Member States%  152/85officials! 271/83officials! 253/84non-contractual liability1 175/84agriculture# )[GωU#Α9͛k7̡m= ˣs? ʧsCɫwEȭyIǵDžU%ǣg7ŔW"Ē`0ÅS ‡HuC U168/86Community law% T379/85social security for migrant workers;  S98/86Community law#  R98/86free movement of goods, Q288/85agriculture# P145/85Community law% O145/85agriculture# N256/86free movement of persons0 M82/86social security for migrant workers9 L27/86approximation of laws+ K377/85social security for migrant workers; J182/85agriculture# I188/86free movement of goods. H188/86competition# G188/86preliminary questions- F94/86agriculture! E216/86agriculture# D43/86social security for migrant workers9 C37/86social security for migrant workers9 B433/85tax provisions& xtA160/86free movement of goods. xt@160/86Community law% ?402/85competition# >402/85free movement of goods. =38/86agriculture! <166/85approximation of laws- he;266/85Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matterss xt:86/85agriculture! ud9315/85officials! 8178/86officials! 7111/86officials! 6206/85officials! ud5239/86Community law% ud4239/86fisheries! ud3239/86Member States% ud2237/86Community law% ud1237/86fisheries! ud0237/86Member States% ud/237/86agriculture# .348/85Community law% -348/85fisheries! ,348/85Member States% +346/85Community law% *346/85fisheries! )346/85Member States% (336/85Community law% '336/85fisheries! &336/85Member States% %332/85Community law% $332/85fisheries! #332/85Member States% "332/85agriculture# !326/85Community law%  326/85fisheries! 326/85Member States% 326/85agriculture# 325/85Community law% 325/85fisheries! 325/85Member States% 181/86officials! 151/86officials! 277/84officials! 50/86non-contractual liability/ 194/84accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesI 343/85fisheries! 343/85agriculture# 342/85fisheries! 342/85agriculture# 125/86Member States% 124/86Member States% 223/85aid granted by Member States4  VHHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,HHFH@,. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle GetreideCWalzstahl-Vereinigung and Thyssen v. Commission7Wasaknacke v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide9Weber v. Nieuwe Algemene Bedrijfsvereniging3Weddel v. CommissionWeiser v. Caisse nationale des barreaux francais80Welding v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Waltershof2nWerhahn v. CouncilWestzucker v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fur Zucker; Westzucker v. Hoofdproduktschap Akkerbouwprodukten:Williams v. Court of Auditors%_Wind v. CommissionWinter-Lutzins v. Bestuur van de Sociale VerzekeringsbankAWirtschaftsvereinigung Eisen- und Stahlindustrie v. CommissionFWitt v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Ericus+ "Witt v. Hauptzollamt Luneburg%Witte v. ParliamentWitzemann v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-Mitte/ 1Woehrling v. CommissionnWunsche v. CommissionxWunsche v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide6Wunsche v. Germany Wunsche v. Hauptzollamt Ludwigshafen,!X v. Audit BoardX v. CouncilYanez-Campoy v. Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit0Zanetti and Others    D^@  @[General Case Characteristics].*Y 3General Case CharacteristicsGeneral Case Characteristics}}E  #  #P C̡ʂɬ_ŘN N ] B  m M - Vpj<_G#l?@:Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasvoThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.336/85Should Commission Dec 85/456 on the clearance of the accounts presented by France in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 be declared void?bbVV????=F=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.332/85Should Commission Dec 85/453 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by Germany in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 in relation to fishery products be declared void?bbVV????=F=voThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.326/85Should Commission Dec 85/464 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by the Netherlands in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 in relation to fishery products be declared void?%bbVV????=F=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.325/85Should Commission Dec 85/458 on the clearance of the accounts presented by Ireland in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 be declared void in so far as the Commission did not charge enough in the fisheries sector??bbVV????=F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.181/86Should the Commission decision to reject the applicants complaint against decisions of the ad hoc committee responsible for assessing the ability of Category B officials to perform Category A duties be annulled?>ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.151/86Should the decision not to include the applicants in the list of Category B officials and temporary staff in the scientific and technical services suitable for performing Category A duties?(ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.277/84Should the appointing authoritys decision of 1/17/84 be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.50/86Should the EEC compensate the applicant for damages suffered owing to the refusal to grant production refunds on the product known as "Granidon"?gg]]>>>><F=Greece has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Greece has failed to fulfill its obligations.194/84Has Greece failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to release funds blocked in Greece belonging to persons resident in the States in accordance with Art 52 of the Act of Accession?=vvGGGGEF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.343/85Should Commission Dec 85/459 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 761886150 in respect of monetary compensatory amounts?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.343/85Should Commission Dec 85/459 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 2694251820 and 145345970 in respect of conpensation for the withdrawal from the market of fishery products?Pii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.343/85Should Commission Dec 85/459 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 3727116185 in respect of aid for the consumption of olive oil?#ii]]>>>><F= LVALhDC? ? 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KG and Diamalt AG="Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH.International Fruit Company NV, Kooy Rotterdam NV, Velleman en Tas NV and Jan Van den Brinks Im-en El International Fruit Company NV and Others1Interfood GmbHInterfacultair Instituut Electronenmicroscopie of the University of GroningenU 7Intercontinentale Fleischhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGA .Instituto Chemioterapico Italiano SpA and Commercial Solvents CorporationQ 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>6HdbmWQMdbkQiqJmYdbdSsY^OLYiOk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmQSSQMmYYbUhoJ^YmvMdbmid^kdSSioYmJbOqQUQmJL^Qk`Ji\QmQOsYmWYbYmJ^v$ sYmWMdobMY^OYiDH>6HdbmWQMdbkQiqJmYdbdSsY^OLYiOk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmQSSQMmYYbUhoJ^YmvMdbmid^kdSSioYmJbOqQUQmJL^Qk`Ji\QmQOsYmWYbYmJ^v$ dbkQiqJmYdbdSsY^OLYiOk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmQSSQMmYYbUhoJ^YmvMdbmid^kdSSioYmJbOqQUQmJL^Qk`Ji\QmQOsYmWYbYmJ^v$ ^QqYQO$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmQSSQMmYYbUhoJ^YmvMdbmid^kdSSioYmJbOqQUQmJL^Qk`Ji\QmQOsYmWYbYmJ^v$ WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmWJqYbUQbJMmQOmWQLdOvdSfidqYkYdbkJ^^dsYbUSdimWQQSSQMmYqQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`kSdiUioLLYbUSioYmmiQQk$YmJ^v$ WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmWJqYbUQbJMmQOmWQLdOvdSfidqYkYdbkJ^^dsYbUSdimWQQSSQMmYqQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`kSdiUioLLYbUSioYmmiQQk$YmWYbYmJ^v$ WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmWJqYbUQbJMmQOmWQLdOvdSfidqYkYdbkJ^^dsYbUSdimWQQSSQMmYqQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`kSdiUioLLYbUSioYmmiQQk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmWJqYbUQbJMmQOmWQLdOvdSfidqYkYdbkJ^^dsYbUSdimWQQSSQMmYqQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`kSdiUioLLYbUSioYmmiQQk$istics.Defendantvd,,  !Type of PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsType of PlaintiffGeneral Case Characteristics.Type of Plaintifft<<   PlaintiffGeneral Case CharacteristicsPlaintiffGeneral Case Characteristics.Plaintiffvd,,  !DateGeneral Case CharacteristicsDateGeneral Case Characteristics.DatebZ""   Judgment TitleGeneral Case CharacteristicsJudgment TitleGeneral Case Characteristics.Judgment Titlen66  d coder (last name)General Case Characteristicscoder (l P&CWdskWdo^OMdobMY^iQUF:DBFdbMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzbMY^iQUF:DBFdbMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQz\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQzWdskWdo^OmWQsdiOOYiQMm^vYbJim@B:dSiQU>Y`f^Q`QbmYbUJbOkoff^Q`QbmYbUiQU 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[kWdo^OmWQJO`YbYkmiJmYqQ`QJkioQkMdbMQibYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkfdkmYdbYbmWQkQiqYMQJbOmWQOomYQkQbmiokmQOmdWY`LQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbF8BH:QkmJL^YkWYbUmWJmmWQJffJiJmokOQkMiYLQOJk Mdbmid^OJmJMvLQi8D6D:6"MvLQi8D6D@6 `JvbdmLQY`fdimQOSiQQdSMMmOomYQkLQJbbo^^QO$FkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS88DFHLQJbbo^^QOJbOmWQJff^YMJbmkiQsJiOQOsYmWOJ`JUQk$PkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS88:@F8iQSokYbUmdUiJbmmWQJff^YMJbmksYOdsQifQbkYdbLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS8:DF:Y`fdkYbUJSYbQdbmWQJff^YMJbmSdiJbJ^^QUQOYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSMQimJYbMd``obYmvio^QkLQJbbo^^QO$}\mWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS8:DF:Y`fdkYbUJSYbQdbmWQJff^YMJbmSdiJbJ^^QUQOYbSiYbUQ`QbmdSMQimJYbMd``obYmvio^QkLQJbbo^^QO$}\kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdS@:BFFiQ[QMmYbUmWQJff^YMJbmkiQhoQkmiQUJiOYbUmWQUiJbmdSkmJmQJYOmdmWQLiYmYkWkmQQ^MdifdiJmYdbLQfJimYJ^^vJbbo^^QO$w kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdSD:>BHSYbYbUmWQJff^YMJbmLQJbbo^^^QO$ MJbmkiQhoQkmiQUJiOYbUmWQUiJbmdSkmJmQJYOmdmWQLiYmYkWkmQQ^MdifdiJmYdbLQfJimYJ^^vJbbo^^QO$w kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdSD:>BHSYbYbUmWQJff^YMJbmLQJbbo^^^QO$ YJ^^vJbbo^^QO$w kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdSD:>BHSYbYbUmWQJff^YMJbmLQJbbo^^^QO$ kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbiQSokYbUmWQJff^YMJbmMd`fQbkJmYdbSdimWQJbboJ^^QJqQbdmokQOofsWQbWQ^QSmmWQkQiqYMQLQJbbo^^QO$kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbmdJffdYbm`iOdokkQmmdOYiQMmdiYbmWQOYiQMmdiJmQUQbQiJ^SdimiJbkfdimLQJbbo^^QO$$B 0Statens Kontrol med Aedle Metaller*Stanko FranceStaatssecretaris van Financien& Staatssecretaris van Financien&Staat der NederlandenKSt. Nikolaus Brennerei und Likorfabrik, Gustav Kniepf-Melde GmbHH KSrl CILFIT and Others and Lanificio di Gavardo SpA:Srl Bensider and OthersSpijker Kwasten BV Spain ySpA Unil-ItSpA Savma.SpA SACExSpA MarimexSpA AlferSophie MoussisSofrimport SARL 3Socite des Produits Bertrand SA'3Societe Roquette FreresSociete Roquette FreresSociete pour l Exportation des Sucres, S.A.3Societe pour l exportation des sucres SA0Societe nationale interprofessionnelle de la tomate and OthersF Societe francaise des Biscuits Delacre and Others9ySociete des produits alimentaires et dietetiques, S.A.>Societe des grands Moulins des Antilles/ PFkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbF:BD6dSD::F:dbJYOUiJbmQOLvmWQLQ^UYJbUdqQib`QbmmdJfJfQi`JboSJMmoiYbUobOQimJ\YbULQOQM^JiQOqdYO$ kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbMJkQYq<86:HSiJbMWYb^JbOsJmQisJvMWJimQimiJSSYM QJmQ^QqvLQJbbo^^QO$JomWdiYmvdSmWQMd``YkkYdbMdbSYi`QOmWQJff^YMJbmkUiJOQJM^JkkYSYMJmYdbLQJbbo^^QO$S, kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbYbMJkQYq<86:HSiJbMWYb^JbOsJmQisJvMWJimQimiJSSYM QJmQ^QqvLQJbbo^^QO$QMYkYdbYbMJkQYq<86:HSiJbMWYb^JbOsJmQisJvMWJimQimiJSSYM QJmQ^QqvLQJbbo^^QO$P ͐̃ˀ$xW b J  u Z >  ] (  h K 0  ~ d B  k=V- f2Z9~JwV*kN3qX9The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.785/79Should the Commission be ordered to reconstruct the applicants career since March 1971 and compensate him for the loss suffered in the development of his career? ii]]>>>><F=The Commission must compensate the applicant for salary lost between January 1977 and the time of his reinstatement.3The Commission must compensate the applicant for salary lost between January 1977 and the time of his reinstatement.785/79Should the Commission compensate the applicant for damage suffered by him as a result of his loss of salary between 3/1/71 and the date of his reinstatement?F=The Commission should reinstate the applicant with effect from January of 1977.3The Commission should reinstate the applicant with effect from January of 1977.785/79Should the Commission reinstate the applicant in the first vacant post in his category corresponding to his grade with effect from March 1971?ViiiigF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.143/82Should the decision of the Selection Board for Open Competition COM/A/325 not to accept the applicants candidature for the competion be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.282/81Should the Commission decision to appoint the Head of Division in charge of the "Super Sara" project within the Projects Directorate of the Ispra branch of the Joint Research Centre be annulled?-ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfill its obligations.49/82Has the Netherlands failed to fulfill its obligations by authorizing the small packaging of butter from non-member countries in customs warehouses, contrary to Council Dir 71/235?5vv>>>><F=?hBGermany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.113/82Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by not ensuring that the prohibition of any increase in the areas planted with hops was observed by the recognized producer groups?7xxHHHHFF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.298/81Should the Parliament decision to appoint Mrs. Cattarino as Linguistic Adviser to the Italian Division be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=France has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.42/82Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by creating obstacles to the importation of Italian wine?vvGGGGEF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.294/81Should the Commission Decision 81/692 establishing that the apparatus described as "Control Data-Cyber 170-720; Cyber 170-750" may not be imported free of CCT duties be annulled?aaUU::::8F=seThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.280/81Should the implied decision of the Commission refusing to promote the applicant be annulled and damages awarded to the applicant?ii]]>>>><F='cThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.252/81Should the European Parliament decision of 10/24/80 appointing A. Reid to the only A3 post vacant be annulled and the applicant assigned to this post?hh\\::::8F=P ,^.˾ʪɖ.Žęw m I 1 | \ A %  k D  k O 2   ~eK)R$g=uMA e1^=pR5 Luigi Vellozzi_Luigi PellegriniThe application should be dismissed.3The decision is void to the extnet to which it finds that the concerted parties exceeded the period late January early February 1976.100/80Should the Commission decision of 12/14/79 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 (Pioneer Hi-fi equiptment) be annulled?K>>>><F=The applications should be dismissed.3The applications are dismissed.36/81Should the applicants periodic report for the 1973-1975 period be annulled and the applicant assigned to a new post with damages awarded as well?jj``????=F=The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.306/81Should the decision of the Selection Committee not to accept the applicants candidature for the post of Head of the Greek Language Division be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.289/81Should Decision 00361806 of the selection board rejecting the applicants candidature on the ground that he was over the age limit be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3Luxembourg has failed to fulfill its obligations.133/82Has Luxembourg failed to fulfill its obligations by levying storage charges on goods which are imported and presented for the completion of customs formalities at a special store?2}}qq>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.132/82Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by levying storage charges on goods in free circulation imported into Belgium and presented for the completion of customs formalities at a special store?Czznn>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.136/82Should the Commission decision of 3/24/82 fixing the production quotas imposed on the applicant for the 2nd quarter of 1982 be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.311/81Should the Commission decision of 10/26/81 fixing production quotas imposed on the applicant for the fourht quarter of 1981 be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.303/81Should the Commission decision of 10/19/81 refusing to increase its production and delivery quotas for the 1st quarter of 1981 be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The notification should be declared void.3The application is dismissed.244/81Should the Commission notification of 7/28/81 fixing the applicants reference-production levels and reference quantities, and its production and delivery quotas of Category I products be annulled?4nnbbCCCCAF=The Commission should pay BFR 10 000 in damages.3The Commission must pay BFR 20 000 in damages.207/81Should the Commission pay damages to the applicant on account of the delay which occurred in the drawing up of the periodic report? zzJJJJHF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.207/81Should the Commission express decision of 8/11/81 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.207/81Should the applicants periodic report from 7/75 to 6/77 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=P E̿ʖ Ȩ2&0  r F  Y 1 { 9 g ;  e E  y_FpJ.}"3L+~`Cva,w8 nRewe-Zentralfinanz eGmbH The applications should be dismissed.3The applications are dismissed.193/82Should the Council decisions to assign the applicants to the posts of reviser/principal translator in Grade LA4 and rejecting their complaints be annulled? ll``????=F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.148/82Should the Commission decision to retire the applicant and not assign him to another post be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.131/82Should the Commission decisions to retire the applicant and not assign him to another post be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.159/82Should the decision of the Selection Board for COM/B/328 to annul its own decision admitting the applicant to the said competion be annulled?aaUU::::8F=The defendant should be ordered to pay the sum.3The defendant is ordered to pay the sum.23/81Should the defendant be ordered to pay the principal sum and interest payable by the Commission under Art 73 of the Staff Regulations of Officials as a result of the death by accident of Gerrit Jan van Kasteel?Q}}ssIIIIGF=The application is admissible.3The application should be dismissed.231/82Is the application to declare the Commission decision authorizing the Netherlands not to apply Community treatment to brushes under 96.01 of the CCT originating in China and in free circulation void admissible?>jj^^88886F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.203/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with time limits fixed by Commission Dec 80/932 concerning the partial taking over by the State of employers contributions to sickness insurances schemes in Italy?fttFFFFDF=52The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.176/82Should the Commission decision of 11/24/81 concerning the reassignment of the applicant with effect from 12/1/81 from Division VI/D/1 to G/4 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.144/82Should the decision of the selection board for Competion CJ 49/79 not to enter the applicants name on the reserve list for the recruitment of shorthand-typists in Grade C3-C3 be annulled and the applicant appointed?:aaUU::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.10/82Should the Commission decisions to not appoint the applicants to the post of reviser be annulled and the best qualified applicant appointed to this post?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.9/82Should the Commission rejection of the applicants candidature for the post of principal translator be annulled and the applicant appointed to the post with seniority calculated from 3/1/81?$ee]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.152/81Is Art 3 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations of Officials inapplicable in so far as it restricts the doubling of the education allowance to officials who are entitled to the expatriation allownace and should this be doubled?Mii]]>>>><F=P̞͑S&ľ11 The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.96/82Should the Commission decision of 12/17/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 fining the applicant be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations by not extending the right to leave for purposes of adoption, yet that is the only area in which it has failed.3The application should be dismissed.163/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 76/207 on equal treatment for men and women in employment?qF=The decision should be declared void.3The application is dismissed.107/82Should Commission Dec 82/267 relating to a proceeding under Art 85 of the EEC Treaty be declared void?jj^^????=F=O.The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.299/82Should the Commission decision rejecting the applicants complaint against his not being appointed to a position be annulled and the applicant promoted to Grade A2?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.92/82Should the Commission decision to recover, under Art 85 of the Staff Regulations, sums paid as a resettlement allowance be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=seThe application should be dismissed, but the fines imposed should be cancelled.3The decision is annulled.265/82Should the Commission decision of 8/13/82 to fine the applicant under Art 58 of the ECSC Treaty be annulled?iiiigF=The fine should be reduced.3The fine should be reduced to 205 800 ECU.179/82Should the fine imposed in the decision of 6/11/82 of 411 600 ECU be reduced?mmaa55553F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.179/82Should the Commission decision of 6/11/82 relating to a fine under Art 58 of the ECSC Treaty be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.273/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 77/796 on measures to bring mutual recognition of qualifications for transport operators?)ttFFFFDF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.210/81Should the Commission notice of 5/11/81 in relation to Case IV/29495 concerning the complaint lodged by the applicant with the Commission against Willi Studer Revox GmbH be declared void?&ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.118/82Should the Commission decision fixing the amount of the applicants retirement pensions be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application is admissible.3The application is admissible.191/82Is the application by Fediol to annul the Commission decision to refuse to initiate an anti-subsidy proceeding in respect of Brazilian imports of soybean oilcake admissible?ddXX88886F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.277/82Should the applicants report at the end of her probationary period and her dismissal be annulled along with an award for damages?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.223/82Should the applicants report made at the expiry of the probationary period and her dismissal be annulled, along with damages awarded to the applicant?ii]]>>>><F=P ]1OʹɢL Ũy=B z [ 1  o U @ The decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.190/82Should the Commission decision refusing to classify the applicant in a higer step within his grade be annulled?eeYY::::8F={}The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.235/82Should Commission Dec 2794/80, imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding the production quota for the 4th quarter of 1980 of products in Category IV, be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=rThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.234/82Should Commission Dec 1831/81 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding the production quota for the 3rd quarter of 1981 in Categories V and VI be declared void? bbVV????=F=The applications should be dismissed.3The applications are dismissed.342/82Should the Commission decisions finding that the applicants invalidity did not arise from a public-spirited act and was awarded an invalidity pension under the 3rd paragraph of Art 78 of Staff Regs be annulled?@ll``????=F='eThe decision should be annulled.3The application is dismissed.290/82Should the decision of the President of the Court not to establish the applicant at the end of her probationary period be annulled?eeYY::::8F=The decision is not annulled but the fine should be cut in half.3The decision is not annulled but the fine should be reduced to 5 ECU.188/82Should the Commission decision of 6/11/82 imposing a fine on the applicant be declared void? ZZZZXF=UFrance has failed to fulfill its obligations.3France has failed to fulfill its obligations.52/83Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with the Commission decision of 1/12/83 on an aid scheme in favor of the textile and clothing industry in France?1vvGGGGEF=obThe action should be dismissed.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.322/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by not effectiing quality controls of fruit and vegetables marketed within Italy?ssgg99997F=/JDenmark has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Denmark has failed to fulfill its obligations.158/82Has Denmark failed to fulfill its obligations by levying a charge for health inspection on the import from other States of groundnuts? xxHHHHFF=voThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is declared void.46/82Should Commission Dec 81/1034 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by Germany in respect of the EAGGF for 1975 be declared void inasmuch as it failed to charge the Fund the right compensatory amount?@ii__????=F=The fine should be reduced to 500 000 ECU.3The fine should be reduced to 300 000 ECU.322/81Should the fine imposed by this Commission decision be reduced?||ppDDDDBF=8 Only Art 1 a and b of the Decision should be annulled.3Only Art 1 a and b of the Decision should be annulled.322/81Should the Commission decision of 10/7/81 relating to a proceeding under Art 86 fining the applicant be annulled?PPPPNF=The UK has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The UK has failed in some respects to fulfill its obligations in this matter but there is no discrimination towards midwives as the Commission has claimed.165/82Has the UK failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 76/207 on equal treatment of men and women in employment?~GGGGEF= P y, a =  z [ 1  o U @ +   W  y ] 9  y7w!xJf<{Z n@#}W|R(.Holtz & Willemsen GmbH,Holtz & Willemsen GmbHHollandse Melksuikerfabriek# Hoffmanns Starkefabriken AG# 0Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG" *Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG"Hoffmann-La RocheHoche Hilde de BruynHessistIt is the competent institution of the State with which he is insured at the time of the application for benefit which is required to take account of periods of insurance previously completed in another State.3The legislation and competent institution of the State in whose territory the worker is or was last employed is applied to the worker in this case.150/82Which institution is competent to aggregate the insurance periods necessary for the award of sickness benefits where a worker is employed in 2 or more States and to what legislation is the worker subject regarding sickness benefits?vF=The prohibition does not extend to such charges.3The prohibition extends to such a charge if it constitutes a pecuniary charge imposed unilaterally and does not represent payment for a service actually rendered of an amount commensurate with that service.39/82Does the prohibition of charges having the effect of customs duties under Art 13 extend to charges by the Netherlands institution in respect to customs clearance charges required of imported books and the accompanying commission charged?$$JJJJHF=o< The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.283/82Should the Court declare that the repayment of DM 24703.96 in respect of import duties is justified?ii]]>>>><F=o< The decision should be annulled.3The decision is declared void.283/82Should the Commission decision of 7/9/82 establishing that the repayment of import duties is not justified in the applicants case be declared void?ffZZ::::8F=7The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.31/82Should the Commission decisions fixing the applicants reference production and reference quantities, together with production quotas for products in Cat V for the 4th quarter of 1981 and 1st of 1982 be declared void?Agg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.263/82Should the Commission decision of 8/13/82 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding its production quota for rolled products of Group I for the 2nd quarter of 1981 be declared void?%ii]]>>>><F=% The regulation should be declared void.3The application is dismissed.218/82Should Council Reg 1699/82, opening a Community tariff quota on rum, arrack and tafia under 22.09 C I of the CCT and originating in the ACP, be declared void? ll``AAAA?F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.18/83Should the procedure for filling the post of principal administrator (3285) be annulled?gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.343/82Should the Commission be ordered to reclassify the applicant in accordance with the criteria in the 6/6/73 decision?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.217/82Should the Commission pay renumeration to the applicant for infringing Art 12 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Communities?ii]]>>>><F=;PK˝vţY wThe regulations are invalid only with the exception of Art 19 of Reg 232/75.3The regulations remain valid.66/82Are Art 18(2), 18(2) and 19, and 13(4) of Commission Reg 1259/72, 232/75 and 1687/76, respectively, invalid in that they are not proportional as the release of security is conditional upon observance of the time-limit?kffffdF=The regulation is valid and not discrimatory and not incompatible with Community law.3The regulation is valid and not discrimatory and not incompatible with Community law.8/82Is Art 11(1) of Reg 1998/78 in breach of the prohibition of discrimination in Art 40(3) of the Treaty because transport of sugar within a State may still allow the sugar to be thought of as stored?oooomF=The special provision is covered by the the authority granted in Art 3(2) of Reg 1358/77.3The special provision is covered by the the authority granted in Art 3(2) of Reg 1358/77.8/82Is the special provision of Art 11(1) of Commission Reg 1998/78 of 8/18/78 laying down detailed rules for the offsetting of storage costs for sugar covered by the power conferred in Art 3(2) of Council Reg 1358/77?ssssqF=Such sugar does not fulfill the requirement as to storage in this regulation.3Such sugar does not fulfill the requirement as to storage in this regulation.8/82Does sugar which is in transit from one approved warehouse to another fulfill the requirement that it is to be stored in a warehouse within the meaning of Art 3(1) of Reg 1358/77?sggggeF=These air filters must be classified as articles of textile material of a kind commonly used in machinery or plant under 59.17 or as machinery and appliances of glass under 70.20, according to whether the filter consists of textile material or glass fibre3These air filters must be classified as articles of textile material of a kind commonly used in machinery or plant under 59.17 or as machinery and appliances of glass under 70.20, according to whether the filter consists of textile material or glass fibre130/82What should be the CCT subheading of the air filters in this case?j&&F=Such national law is contrary to Council Reg 1035/72.3Art 34 does not allow does not allow such national legislation.29/82Must Reg 1035/72 and Art 30 and 34 mean that national rules stipulating that the acknowledgements of receipts and certificates in Reg 2638/69 are to be issued by the QCB only to members of that association under private law are unlawful?OOOOMF=This governs the conditions of issue of issue of export certificates for milk products as defined therein, even where they are applied for in connection with invitations to tender are concerned.3This applied to all applications for export certificates fixing in advance the refund on products under 04.02 AII(b)1, 04.02 BI(b)2(aa) and 04.03, including those lodged in connection with an invitation to tender in an importing non-member state.109/82What was the scope, on 11/17/80, of Art 3(3) of Reg 2004/75 of the Commission of 7/25?8F=An invalidity benefit obtained other than by Art 45 and 46 of Reg 1408/71, in consequence of an award under Art 40(3), may validly be reduced in accordance with Art 46(3).3An invalidity benefit obtained other than by Art 45 and 46 of Reg 1408/71, in consequence of an award under Art 40(3), may validly be reduced in accordance with Art 46(3).150/82May a State validly reduce invalidity benefits due under its legislation following a period of incapacity for work during which the worker was granted benefit for that incapacity?3~~rrF=PKC>ķ.Z) o @  t U 6  m O 1  p [ F ` A & ^;]@'{G-xQ mDzW;}=!y\H( *Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG"Hoffmann-La RocheHoche Hilde de BruynHessische Mehlindustrie Karl Schottler KG1!Herta Grosz (nee Lampe)Hermann WittenHerbert Fleischer Import-Export'Herbert BrunsHenri Maurissen and European Public Service Union9 Henri Brasseur7Henningsen Food Inc. Such national rules are not permitted.3Such national rules are not permitted.77/82Does the 2nd subparagraph of Art 45(1) of the Act of Accession permit national rules in force before 8/14/81 to be made more stringent as regards Greek nationals by the introduction of an additional residence requirement for work permits?brrhh@@@@>F=The derogation from the prohibition of levying duties applies to the State whether or not that State has already adopted the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of the directive.3The derogation from the prohibition of levying duties applies to the State whether or not that State has already adopted the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of the directive.88/82Does Art 15 of Council Dir 71/118 mean that the derogation provided for therein from the prohibition of customs duties are subject to the additional condition that the State has already adopted the laws needed to comply with the directive?F=This makes no difference.3This makes no difference.34/82Does it make any difference whether the obligations in question arise simply from the act of becoming a member, or from the act in conjunction with one or more decision made by organs of the association?%XXNN33331F=Such obligations are "matters of contract" within the meaning of this provision.3Such obligations are "matters of contract" within the meaning of this provision.34/82Does Art 5(1) of the Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members relating to obligations to make payment?jjjjhF=Heading 16.02 is for meat to which salt and pepper have been added even if the pepper can be detected only microscopically.3Heading 16.02 is for meat to which salt and pepper have been added even if the pepper can be detected only microscopically.175/82Does heading 16.02 of the CCT include meat which salt and pepper have been added to but in the presence of pepper may only be identified microscopically or may it be identified by taste?F=This covers exclusively a decision recognizing invalidtiy and not a decision establishing that there is no invalidity at a later date.2This covers exclusively a decision recognizing invalidtiy and not a decision establishing that there is no invalidity at a later date.232/82Does the decision "concerning the degree of invalidity of a claimant", any multinational effects of which are governed by Art 40(4) of Reg 1408/71, include a decision that there is no invalidity takaen after a decision establishes invalidity?(44((F=Council Dir 75/439 does not sanction such a national provision.3Council Dir 75/439 does not sanction such a national provision.172/82Is the fact that collectors of waste oils may not lawfully deliver them to a disposal undertaking of a State because of the restrictions in Decree 79-981 compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty against quantitative restrictions?YYYYWF= PAukWdo^OmWQOQMYkYdbmdiQ[QMm`i`oQ^^QikMd`f^JYbmYbWYk^QmmQidS>:>F@LQJbbo^^QO$ PkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdSF8FF:iQ^JmYbUmdJfidMQQOYbUobOQiJimF@dSmWQQQMmiQJmvLQJbbo^^QO$~kWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdSdMmdLQi8HF@iQSokYbUmdUiJbmmWQJff^YMJbmJbJ^^dsJbMQLQJbbo^^QOJbOmWQMd``YkkYdbdiOQiQOmdmdfJvYmSid`DF8sYmWFYbmQiQkm$ToTkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbdSdMmdLQi8HF@iQSokYbUmdUiJbmmWQJff^YMJbmJbJ^^dsJbMQLQJbbo^^QOJbOmWQMd``YkkYdbdiOQiQOmdmdfJvYmSid`DF8sYmWFYbmQiQkm$TkWdo^OmWQMd``YkkYdbOQMYkYdbfidWYLYmYbUmWQUiJbmYbUdSJYOYbmWQ^JLdi`Ji\QmiQUYdbkdSLdi\QbLdMWd^mJbOkYQUQbYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWQUoYOQ^YbQkSdimWQJsJiOdSYbqQkm`QbmJYOSdi^JbObdimWiWYbQsQkmfWJ^YJLQJbbo^^QO$;AJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWQUoYOQ^YbQkSdimWQJsJiOdSYbqQkm`QbmJYOSdi^JbObdimWiWYbQsQkmfWJ^YJLQJbbo^^QO$;AQUQbYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWQUoYOQ^YbQkSdimWQJsJiOdSYbqQkm`QbmJYOSdi^JbObdimWiWYbQsQkmfWJ^YJLQJbbo^^QO$;ASLdi\QbLdMWd^mJbOkYQUQbYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWQUoYOQ^YbQkSdimWQJsJiOdSYbqQkm`QbmJYOSdi^JbObdimWiWYbQsQkmfWJ^YJLQJbbo^^QO$;AbUdSJYOYbmWQ^JLdi`Ji\QmiQUYdbkdSLdi\QbLdMWd^mJbOkYQUQbYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWQUoYOQ^YbQkSdimWQJsJiOdSYbqQkm`QbmJYOSdi^JbObdimWiWYbQsQkmfWJ^YJLQJbbo^^QO$;AQsYmWmWQUoYOQ^YbQkSdimWQJsJiOdSYbqQkm`QbmJYOSdi^JbObdimWiWYbQsQkmfWJ^YJLQJbbo^^QO$;A 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P=OdQkmWQmWQdiQmYMJ^J`dobmiQSQiiQOmdYbJim>B<dSiQU8>6FD8MdbkmYmomQJbJLkd^omQ^Y`YmsWYMW`JvbdmLQQuMQQOQOQqQbsWQbmWQmWQdiQmYMJ^fQbkYdbMdiiQkfdbOkmdmWQbJmYdbJ^dbQ$OddQkmWQfidWYLYmYdbMdbmJYbQOYbmWYkfidqYkYdbkmY^^Jff^vYSmWQfidMQOoiQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWmWYkfidqYkYdbYbkfYmQdSmWQMd``YkkYdbLQYbUYbSdi`QOYbkoSSYMYQbmmY`QYkbdmYbYmYJmQOobmY^JSmQimWQJYOYkYbQSSQMm$g&WJkLQ^UYo`SJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvLvMd`f^vYbUsYmWmWQOQMYkYdbdiOQiYbUmWQsYmWOiJsJ^dSJYOUiJbmQOmdJfidOoMQidSfd^vfidfv^QbQSYLiQJbOvJib$/dWJkSiJbMQSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmMd`f^vYbUsYmWmWQdL^YUJmYdbmdMJ^Mo^JmQobfJYOdsbiQkdoiMQkSdimWQvQJik8HF6md8HF@JbOkoLkQhoQbmvQJik$IQiYbmQbOQOSdiWo`JbMdbko`fmYdb$rYWJkSiJbMQSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmMd`f^vYbUsYmWmWQdL^YUJmYdbmdMJ^Mo^JmQobfJYOdsbiQkdoiMQkSdimWQvQJik8HF6md8HF@JbOkoLkQhoQbmvQJik$IWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvMWJiUYbUY`fdimQikdS^YqQJbY`J^kSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkmWQMdkmdSmQ^QUiJ`ksWYMWqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmdikJmMokmd`kfdkmkkQbOmdMd`fQmQbmJomWdiYmYQk$I^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvMWJiUYbUY`fdimQikdS^YqQJbY`J^kSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkmWQMdkmdSmQ^QUiJ`ksWYMWqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmdikJmMokmd`kfdkmkkQbOmdMd`fQmQbmJomWdiYmYQk$IimQikdS^YqQJbY`J^kSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkmWQMdkmdSmQ^QUiJ`ksWYMWqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmdikJmMokmd`kfdkmkkQbOmdMd`fQmQbmJomWdiYmYQk$IY`fdimQikdS^YqQJbY`J^kSid`dmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQkmWQMdkmdSmQ^QUiJ`ksWYMWqQmQiYbJivYbkfQMmdikJmMokmd`kfdkmkkQbOmdMd`fQmQbmJomWdiYmYQk$IWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvYbmidOoMYbUJkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`okSdik^JoUWmQiYbUMdskJbOSdisYmWd^OYbU`Y^\Sid`mWQ`Ji\Qm$kWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmWJqYbUQbJMmQOmWQLdOvdSfidqYkYdbkJ^^dsYbUSdimWQQSSQMmYqQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`kSdiUioLLYbUSioYmmiQQk$d`mWQ`Ji\Qm$kWJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkLvbdmWJqYbUQbJMmQOmWQLdOvdSfidqYkYdbkJ^^dsYbUSdimWQQSSQMmYqQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQkvkmQ`dSfiQ`Yo`kSdiUioLLYbUSioYmmiQQk$WJkYmJ^vSJY^QOmdSo^SY^^YmkdL^YUJmYdbkMdbMQibYbUmWQY`fdkYmYdbdSMokmd`kOomYQkdbY`fdimkdSobsidoUWm^QJOobsidoUWmxYbMJbO^QJOJbOxYbMsJkmQJbOkMiJf$uh AG-Plaintiff agreement?'2'M; ; AG position on issue@A5 ; legal issuej@/# ; case number '8/82';# ; Issues and positions555 '    # PYkmWQQSSQMmdSMdbSYi`YbUmWQ[oiYkOYMmYdbdSmWQMdoimLQSdiQsWYMWJbJMmYdbYkLidoUWmJ^kdfidOoMQOsWQbmWQOQSQbOJbmkQmkdomJOQSQbMQdbmWQkoLkmJbMQdSmWQMJkQ$YkmWQSJMmmWJmMd^^QMmdikdSsJkmQdY^k`Jvbdm^JsSo^^vOQ^YqQimWQ`mdJOYkfdkJ^obOQimJ\YbUdSJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[MmmWJmMd^^QMmdikdSsJkmQdY^k`Jvbdm^JsSo^^vOQ^YqQimWQ`mdJOYkfdkJ^obOQimJ\YbUdSJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[WQSJMmmWJmMd^^QMmdikdSsJkmQdY^k`Jvbdm^JsSo^^vOQ^YqQimWQ`mdJOYkfdkJ^obOQimJ\YbUdSJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[^^QMmdikdSsJkmQdY^k`Jvbdm^JsSo^^vOQ^YqQimWQ`mdJOYkfdkJ^obOQimJ\YbUdSJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[SJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[mdJOYkfdkJ^obOQimJ\YbUdSJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[iYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[imWQ`mdJOYkfdkJ^obOQimJ\YbUdSJkmJmQLQMJokQdSmWQiQkmiYMmYdbkYbOQMiQQDHHF8Md`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>dSmWQmiQJmvJUJYbkmhoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbk$[YkmWQSYikmkoLfJiJUiJfWdSJimYM^Q::dSiQUD8SdiMWQQkQdSkWQQfk`Y^\Y`fdimQOSid`Lo^UJiYJqJ^YO$keldorf,Rheinmuhlen Dusseldorf$Rey Soda nRewe-Zentralfinanz eGmbH jRewe-Zentralfinanz eG and Rewe-Zentral AG1(Rewe-Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Grosshandels GmbH8 |Rewe-Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Grosshandels GmbH8 KRewe-Zentrale AG nRewe-Zentral AGRenzo TinelliRenato Manzoni,Reiniera Charlotte Brouerius van Nidek. ReginaRegina Regina.Raymond Luwage and Marie-Therese Louwage, nee Moriame= !Raymond Elz_Raymond Elz _Raphael de Dapper and Others$ Ralph LoebischRaad van ArbeidxR. & V. HaegemanR. & V. HaegemanQuietlynn Ltd and Brian James Richards. Pubblico Ministero dells Republica Italiana33Pubblico MinisteroProcureur General at the Cour d Appel Lyon2Procureur general at the Cour d appel Bordeaux6 Procureur du Roi)Procureur du Roi Procureur de la Republique, Besancon,Procureur de la Republique at the Cour d appel Aix-en-Provence and Federation nationale des productelProcurator FiscalPretC@  0 PsOdQkJim8D<dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8D:J^kd`QJbJ`JiiYQO`JbsWdYkYbJfidSQkkYdbJ^JMmYqYmvYbJkmJmQJbOsWdkQsYSQYkQbmYm^QOobOQiJimDDdSiQU8>6FD8mdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkYbJbdmWQikmJmQ${`okm OYQbkQMWmUQbmdQ YbJim868LdSiQU@D>D:J^kd`QJbJ`JiiYQO`JbsWdYkYbJfidSQkkYdbJ^JMmYqYmvYbJkmJmQJbOsWdkQsYSQYkQbmYm^QOobOQiJimDDdSiQU8>6FD8mdSJ`Y^vJ^^dsJbMQkYbJbdmWQikmJmQ${`okm \YLL^QO`Y^^QmUiJYb `QJbmWJmYmMdqQikJfidOoMmMdbkYkmYbU`dkm^vYbobsdi\QOSiJU`QbmkdSUiJYbkkY`Y^Jimd\YLL^QOkdiUWo`JbOWJqQ`Jbv^o`fkQqQbsWQbkd`QQ^Q`QbmkWJqQLQQbiQ`dqQO$`okm \YLL^QO`Y^^QmUiJYb `QJbmWJmYmMdqQikJfidOoMmMdbkYkmYbU`dkm^vYbobsdi\QOSiJU`QbmkdSUiJYbkkY`Y^Jimd\YLL^QOkdiUWo`JbOWJqQ`Jbv^o`fkQqQbsWQbkd`QQ^Q`QbmkWJqQLQQbiQ`dqQO$`okm ^QqvSYuQOYbJOqJbMQYbiQU>D<BDiQSQimdmWQ^QqvSYuQOYbJOqJbMQJff^YMJL^QSdimWQ`dbmWdSY`fdimJmYdbQbqYkJUQOYbmWQY`fdim^YMQbMQdimWQ^QqvSYuQOSdimWQSYbJ^`dbmWdSqJ^YOYmvdSmWJm^YMQbkQ$ PCgYSbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidWYLYmJkmJmQ`QbmdSkmiQbUmWdSmWQdiYUYbJ^sdimdSJLQQidbmWQfiQfJM\JUYbU^JLQ^OdQkmWQQumQbkYdbdSmWJmfidWYLYmYdbmdLQQiY`fdimQOSid`dmWQikmJmQkMdbS^YMmsYmWJim<6$w@YShoQkmYdb8YkJbksQiQOJSSYi`JmYqQ^v`okmJim88H`QJbmWJmmWQbQmWQi^JbOkkvkmQ`YkiQUJiOQOJkMdbmiJivmdmWQfiYbMYf^QmWJm`QbJbOsd`QbkWdo^OiQMQYqQQhoJ^fJvSdiQhoJ^sdi\$YShoQkmYdb8YkJbksQiQOYbmWQJSSYi`JmYqQYkmWQJOdfmYdbdSmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmkYbhoQkmYdb8bdbQmWQ^Qkk[okmYSYQOobOQiJimSϭa̙_ʖYȖGƤIIJ!Îz @ !@?@Slynn14342/82Hartog v. CommissionHartog CohenCommissionym_I=99992222  @ !@@?X@VerLoren van Themaat14290/82Trefois v. Court of JusticeDesiree TrefoisCourt of Justice of the European CommunitiesuXLHHHH2222  @ !@?@VerLoren van Themaat14188/82Thyssen v. CommissionThyssen AGCommission{oXLHHHH2222  ? !@@@Mancini1452/83Commission v. FranceCommissionFrancesk_I?;;;;2222  ? !@@@Rozes14322/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 ?@@@@Mancini14158/82Commission v. DenmarkCommissionDenmarkwnbK?;;;;2222  ?!@@@@Rozes1446/82Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionsg^G=99992222  ? !@@?@VerLoren van Themaat14322/81Michelin v. CommissionNV Nederlandsche Banden-Industrie MichelinCommissionpXLHHHH2222  ? !@@@Rozes14165/82Commission v. United KingdomCommissionUnited KingdomsgI=99992222 tדf@? "@?@VerLoren van Themaat1496/82IAZ v. CommissionNZ IAZ International Belgium and OthersCommissioniVLHHHH2222  ? !@@@Rozes14163/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 m? Lte@?@Reischl14107/82AEG v. CommissionAllgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft AEG-Telefunken AGCommission^K?;;;;2222  @@ !@@?@Mancini14299/82Steinfort v. CommissionHorst W. SteinfortCommissionxdK?;;;;2222 CC@ C@@?@Mancini1492/82Gutmann v. CommissionMax GutmannCommissionym`I?;;;;2222  @ !@X@@Slynn14265/82Usinor v. CommissionUnion Siderurgique du Nord et de l Est de la France (Usinor)Commission_I=99992222 m@ Lte@?@Reischl14179/82Lucchini v. CommissionLucchini Siderurgica SpACommission}cK?;;;;2222 ?@@@Slynn14273/82Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 ? @?@Rozes14210/81Demo-Studio Schmidt v. CommissionOswald Schmidt, trading as Demo-Studio SchmidtCommissionlI=99992222 @ @?@Reischl14118/82Celant v. CommissionMaria Grazia Celant and OthersCommissionaK?;;;;2222 ? @@X@@Rozes14191/82Fediol v. CommissionEEC Seed Crushers and Oil Processors Federation (Fediol)Commission_I=99992222  @@ !@?X@Mancini14277/82Papageorgopoulos v. Economic and Social CommitteeChryssanti PapageorgopoulosEconomic and Social Committee~K?;;;;2222 @@ @?@Slynn14223/82De Bruyn v. ParliamentHilde de BruynEuropean ParliamentqaI=99992222  @ !@?@VerLoren van Themaat14193/82Rosani v. CouncilMaria Rosani and OthersCouncilkXLHHHH2222 BCϒ6͖\˴gȾRƩźø>zme)?@@??Mancini1434/82Peters v. ZNAVMartin Peters Bauunternehmung GmbHZuid Nederlandse Aannemers Vereniging}YI?;;;;2222  @@!@?@Mancini14175/82Dinter v. Hauptzollamt Koln-DeutzHans Dinter GmbHHauptzollamt Koln-DeutznK?;;;;2222  @!@@?@VerLoren van Themaat14232/82Baccini v. ONEMMargherita BacciniOffice National de l Emploi (ONEM)}iXLHHHH2222 @@@??Rozes14172/82Fabricants Ruffineurs d Huile de Graissage v. Inter-HuilesSyndicat National des Fabricants Raffineurs d Huile de Graissage and OthersGroupement d Interet Economique "Inter-Huiles" and Others I=99992222  @@!@?@Reischl1466/82Fromancais v. FORMAFromancais SAFonds d Orientation et de Regularisation des Marches Agricoles (FORMA)m^I?;;;;2222  @@!@?@Slynn148/82Wagner v. BalmKommanditgesellschaft in der Firma Hans-Otto Wagner GmbH AgrarhandelBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungUE=99992222 @@@?@Reischl14130/82Farr v. BelgiumNaamloze vennootschap Farr CompanyBelgium\K?;;;;2222  @!@@?Rozes1429/82Van LuipenF. van Luipen en Zn BVkSSG=99992222 @@?@VerLoren van Themaat14109/82Interaga v. FORMAInteragra SAFonds d Orientation et de Regularisation des Marches Agricoles (FORMA)ykXLHHHH2222  @!@?X@Slynn14150/82Coppola v. Insurance OfficerLuigi CoppolaInsurance OfficervgI=99992222 @@?@Rozes1439/82Donner v. Netherlands StateAndreas Matthias DonnerNetherlands}dG=99992222 @ @@?@Mancini14283/82Schoellershammer v. CommissionPapierfabrik Schoellershammer Heinrich August Schoeller & Sohne GmbH & Co. KGCommissionkK?;;;;2222  @ !@@?@VerLoren van Themaat1431/82Metallurgiki Halyps v. CommissionMetallurgiki Halyps AECommissionyVLHHHH2222  @ !@?@Reischl14263/82Klockner-Werke v. CommissionKlockner-Werke AGCommission|iK?;;;;2222  ? !@@@Rozes14218/82Commission v. CouncilCommissionCouncilul`I=99992222  @ !@?@Mancini1418/83Morina v. ParliamentDomenico MorinaEuropean Parliamentp_I?;;;;2222  @!@?@Reischl14343/82Michael v. CommissionChristos MichaelCommissiontbK?;;;;2222  @!@?@VerLoren van Themaat14217/82Depoortere v. CommissionCharles H.V. DepoortereCommissionrXLHHHH2222  @ !@?@Rozes14190/82Blomefield v. CommissionAdam P.H. BlomefieldCommissionycI=99992222  @ !@?@Reischl14235/82Ferriere San Carlo v. CommissionFerriere San Carlo SpACommissionmK?;;;;2222  @ !@?@Reischl14234/82Ferriere di Roe Volciano v. CommissionFerriere di Roe Volciano SpACommissionsK?;;;;2222 7Gϥ΃\-˞iRƲ^| u~? ~@@@Slynn14178/84Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyul`I=99992222 ~? ~@@@Slynn14129/86Commission v. GreeceCommissionGreecesk_I=99992222 ? @?@Lenz14265/85Van den Bergh en Jurgens v. CommissionVan den Bergh en Jurgens BV and Van Dijk Food Products (Lopik) BVCommissionpH<88882222 ~? ~@?@Lenz1427/85Vandemoortele v. CommissionVandemoortele NVCommissionucF<88882222 ? @?@Lenz14279/84Rau v. CommissionWalter Rau Lebensmittelwerke and OthersCommission[H<88882222 ?@@@Slynn14386/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 ?@@@Lenz14199/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222 @@?@Mischo1415/85Consorzio Cooperative d Abruzzo v. CommissionConsorzio Cooperative d AbruzzoCommissionwH>::::2222 ~@ ~@@?@Lenz1452/86Banner v. ParliamentTeresa BannerEuropean Parliamentk\F<88882222 ~A~@?@Mischo1426/86Deutz und Geldermann v. CouncilDeutz und Geldermann, Sektkellerei Breisach/Baden GmbHCounciliH>::::2222 A @?@Darmon14350/85Cockerill-Sambre v. CommissionCockerill-Sambre SACommissionjJ>::::2222 ~A~@?@Darmon14310/85Deufil v. CommissionDeufil GmbH & Co. KGCommissionv`J>::::2222 ~A ~@?@Slynn14304/85Falck v. CommissionAcciaierie e Ferriere Lombarde FalckCommission^I=99992222  A!@?@Darmon14312/84Continentale Produkten Gesellschaft v. CommissionContinentale Produkten Gesellschaft Ehrhardt-Renken (GmbH & Co.)Commission}J>::::2222 @@@@?@Slynn1421/86Samara v. CommissionEuridiki SamaraCommissionzn]G=99992222 ?@@@Slynn1469/86Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyoh\G=99992222 ?@@@Mischo14390/85Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumvmaJ>::::2222  @ !@?@Darmon14233/85Bonino v. CommissionAnna BoninoCommissionym`J>::::2222 33? 3@@@Lenz14221/85Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumtk_H<88882222 xtO? ti@@@Slynn14181/85France v. CommissionFranceCommissionsg_I=99992222 xtO?ti@@@Darmon14306/84Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumvmaJ>::::2222  @ !@@?@Mischo14403/85F. v. CommissionF.Commissionl`\J>::::2222  @ !@@?@Darmon14306/85Huybrechts v. CommissionAndre HuybrechtsCommissionvdJ>::::2222 xtO@ ti@@?@da Cruz Vilaca14280/85Mouzourakis v. ParliamentPanayotis MouzourakisEuropean ParliamentmRFBBBB2222 Gϩ {Ϳq0ɊVǸ|Eİ V?@Z@@@Lenz14124/86Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222  ?!@Z@?@Slynn14223/85RSV v. CommissionRijn-Schelde-Verolme (RSV) Maschinefabrieken en Scheepswerven NVCommission\I=99992222  A!X@?@Mancini14142/84BAT and Reynolds v. CommissionBritish American Tobacco Company Ltd and R.J. Reynolds Industries Inc.CommissionkK?;;;;2222 @ @W@?@Mancini14344/85Ferriere San Carlo v. CommissionFerriere San Carlo SpACommissionmK?;;;;2222  ?!W@@@Mancini14259/85France v. CommissionFranceCommissionuiaK?;;;;2222  @ !@S@?@Mancini14392/85Finsider v. CommissionFinsiderCommissionymcK?;;;;2222 er n? R@@@da Cruz Vilaca14337/85Ireland v. CommissionIrelandCommission~riRFBBBB2222  ? !Q@@@Darmon14128/86Spain v. CommissionSpainCommissionrf_J>::::2222  ? !Q@@@Darmon14119/86Spain v. Council and CommissionSpainCouncil and CommissionrkJ>::::2222  ? !P@@@da Cruz Vilaca14278/85Commission v. DenmarkCommissionDenmark~uiRFBBBB2222  ? !P@@@da Cruz Vilaca14208/85Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermany~uiRFBBBB2222  ?!P@@@Darmon14248/84Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommissionvjaJ>::::2222  ?!O@@@da Cruz Vilaca14236/85Commission v. NetherlandsCommissionNetherlandsymRFBBBB2222  @@ !@N@?@Darmon14140/86Strack v. CommissionGisela StrackCommission{o`J>::::2222  @!@N@?@da Cruz Vilaca14401/85Schina v. CommissionFrancesco SchinaCommissionzhRFBBBB2222  ?!L@@@da Cruz Vilaca1484/85United Kingdom v. CommissionUnited KingdomCommission~nPFBBBB2222  A!@L@?@Mancini1481/86De Boer Buizen v. Council and CommissionDe Boer Buizen BVCouncil and CommissionsI?;;;;2222 A @L@?@da Cruz Vilaca14351/85Fabrique de fer de Chaleroi v. CommissionFabrique de fer de Chaleroi SA and Dillinger Huttenwerke AGCommission}RFBBBB2222  @@ !K@?@Slynn14340/85Porto Nogaro v. CommissionAcciaierie e Ferriere di Porto Nogaro SpACommissioneI=99992222  ? !@I@@@Lenz1470/86Commission v. GreeceCommissionGreeceph\F<88882222 ? @I@@@da Cruz Vilaca14412/85Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermany~uiRFBBBB2222  ? !@I@@@Darmon14291/84Commission v. NetherlandsCommissionNetherlands~qeJ>::::2222  @ !7@?@Mischo14100/86Cauet and Joliot v. CommissionJacques Cauet and Bertrand JoliotCommissionjJ>::::2222 LVALȐ4;hDU`C` ?XC`C8 CC $C"CjCC CjCC CZC$CC@CCC@CCC0C$CCCCCCCCC$C"CjCC CjCC CZC  d             d 1Issues and positions.junk'Issues and positions?Issues and number?Issues and issueQIssues and positions.AG position on issueWIssues and positions.AG-Plaintiff agreement?=Issues and positions.ECJ rulingYIssues and positions.ECJ-Plaintiff agreement?KIssues and positions.ECJ-AG Agreement?UIssues and positions.clarity of legal issue8C  0C XCC C?5@@ C(C C@ "C@ jC@ C@  C@ jC@ C@ C@@ZC@+Issues and positions C   X C CCCӻu@1~sq_fIssues and positions(C C C C C @C C C( C C0 C @C8 C C@ C CH C 0CP CCC@CCC@CCC0C C@  "C@ jC@ C@  C@ jC@[C@Ge C@CaZC@raIssues and positions C C "C C jC C C C C C jC C C C C( C ZC0 CCC@CCC@CCC0C CCC C8C`CCCC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CC8 CChCpC`C CC`HCC HCC HCC  CC HCC CC CC HCC  Cz CC0C(CC8CCpC CC0CC@CCPCPC`CCpCCCC d8C pC CC CPCC dCL$CCCCCCCCCC8CpCCCCPCCCC'Issues and positionsC C dC dCPrimaryKeylegal issue=Issues and positionscase number_General Case CharacteristicsIssues and positions`CCv CPCCCCqCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 8 CCCXC/CPΦ̳ȿņ{D  ?  c 0 c  v H  h ;  uHs2xF/ iD|7J(~Z5qC) If 96% of the declared amount of the basic product is processed, a refund will be granted only in proportion to the amount actually processed and the security declared forfeit. This is not compatible when the amount processed is just short of that prescr3The second paragraph of Art 3(3a) is invalid in so far as it fails to provide for the release of the part of the security corresponding to the additional 5% in proportion to the quantity of the basic product actually processed.47/86What is the correct interpretation of Art 3(3a) of Reg 1570/78 and is this compatible with the principle of proportionality?F= The regulation may provide for the granting of advances together with the lodging of a security as the only method of payment of production refunds.3The regulation may provide for the granting of advances together with the lodging of a security as the only method of payment of production refunds.47/86Is it possible for Commission Reg 1570/78 to provide only for the advance payment of production refunds before the product placed under supervision was processed and for the lodging of a security?NNDDF= Article 4(1) can be relied upon in order to prevent the extension of on effects of national provisions inconsistent with this article. In the absence of appropriate measures to implement this, women must be treated in the same manner as men.3Article 4(1) can be relied upon in order to prevent the extension of on effects of national provisions inconsistent with this article. In the absence of appropriate measures to implement this, women must be treated in the same manner as men.384/85Does Art 4(1) of Council Dir 79/7 have a direct effect such that a woman can from 12/2/84 qualify for an invalidity benefit because she satisfied conditions which enable a man to qualify for the benefit although she did not satisfy one female condition?        F= Equal treatment only applies to workers and not to nationals of States who move in search of employment.3Equal treatment only applies to workers and not to nationals of States who move in search of employment.316/85Does equal treatment with regard to social and tax advantages, which is laid down by Art 7(2) of Reg 1612/68, also apply to persons who move in search of employment?F=This status does result from a factual situation without the need to determine the reasons for recourse to workers support.3This status does result from a factual situation without the need to determine the reasons for recourse to workers support.316/85Does the status of dependent member of a workers family result from a factual situation without there being any need to determine the reasons for recourse to workers support?F=Such descendants do not retain the right to equal treatment with regard to this social benefit.3Such descendants do not retain the right to equal treatment with regard to this social benefit.316/85Where a State national has settled with his family within the territory of another State and remains there after having obtained a retirement pension, do his descendants living with him retain the right to equality of treatment under Reg 1612/68 when no lyyyywF=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.424/85Is Commission Reg 685/69 invalid in so far as the last sentence of Art 24(3) provides that the annual interest rate is 7% in the case of butter stored in Germany and Netherlands and 9/5% in the UK?)bbVV77775F= PsWQiQYbmWQMJkQdSJ`JiiYQOsd`JbsWdkQWokLJbOYkQbmYm^QOmdmWQbQmWQi^JbOkfQbkYdbYbhoQkmYdbJfQiYdO`okmLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmJkJbYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOobOQiMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8LombdmmWQbJmYdbJ^^JsOdQkmWQiQUo^JmYdbUYqQmWQfQbkYdbQiDsWYMWYbkmYmomYdbYkMd`fQmQbmmdJUUiQUJmQmWQYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkbQMQkkJivSdimWQJsJiOdSkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmksWQiQJsdi\QiYkQ`f^dvQOYb:di`diQkmJmQkJbOmdsWJm^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQsdi\QikoL[QMmiQUJiOYbUkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmk$ QmQbmmdJUUiQUJmQmWQYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkbQMQkkJivSdimWQJsJiOdSkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmksWQiQJsdi\QiYkQ`f^dvQOYb:di`diQkmJmQkJbOmdsWJm^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQsdi\QikoL[QMmiQUJiOYbUkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmk$ sYmWYbmWQMdbmQumdSmWQkvkmQ`dS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkYkmWQmJiYSSM^JkkYSYMJmYdb`JOQLvmWQQufdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQdSmWQQoidfQJbMd``obYmYQkLYbOYbUofdbmWQY`fdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQ$QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJff^YMJmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8YkJimDOYiQMm^vJff^YMJL^QYbkmJmQk$Psdo^OmWQJbksQimdmWQ8kmhoQkmYdbLQQSSQMmQOYSmWQYbQm`QOYJiYQkJbOMdbko`QikYbmWQmQiiYmdivMdqQiQOLvmWQMdbmiJMmQb[dviQJ^fdkkYLY^YmYQkdSJMhoYiYbUmWQfidOoMmkmdsWYMWmWQMdbmiJMmiQ^JmQkdomkYOQmWQkmJmQ$hoQkmYdbLQQSSQMmQOYSmWQYbQm`QOYJiYQkJbOMdbko`QikYbmWQmQiiYmdivMdqQiQOLvmWQMdbmiJMmQb[dviQJ^fdkkYLY^YmYQkdSJMhoYiYbUmWQfidOoMmkmdsWYMWmWQMdbmiJMmiQ^JmQkdomkYOQmWQkmJmQ$YdbLQQSSQMmQOYSmWQYbQm`QOYJiYQkJbOMdbko`QikYbmWQmQiiYmdivMdqQiQOLvmWQMdbmiJMmQb[dviQJ^fdkkYLY^YmYQkdSJMhoYiYbUmWQfidOoMmkmdsWYMWmWQMdbmiJMmiQ^JmQkdomkYOQmWQkmJmQ$SJMhoYiYbUmWQfidOoMmkmdsWYMWmWQMdbmiJMmiQ^JmQkdomkYOQmWQkmJmQ$dSmWQUiJbmdiYkWQmWQWQJOdSmWQLiJbMWobOQiJim@$!sWQiQJSmQi88DHJkmJmQbdmYSYQkmWQMd``YkkYdbdSJiQQbJMm`QbmdSJbJmYdbJ^MdbqQikJmYdb`QJkoiQOdQkYmiQ`JYbYbMdbSdi`YmvsYmWMd``obYmv^JsYbmWQJLkQbMQdSQufiQkkMd``YkkYdbJffidqJ^$sWQiQYbmWQMJkQdSJ`JiiYQOsd`JbsWdkQWokLJbOYkQbmYm^QOmdmWQbQmWQi^JbOkfQbkYdbYbhoQkmYdbJfQiYdO`okmLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmJkJbYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOobOQiMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8LombdmmWQbJmYdbJ^^JsOdQkmWQiQUo^JmYdbUYqQmWQfQbkYdbQiDsWYMWYbkmYmomYdbYkMd`fQmQbmmdJUUiQUJmQmWQYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOkbQMQkkJivSdimWQJsJiOdSkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmksWQiQJsdi\QiYkQ`f^dvQOYb:di`diQkmJmQkJbOmdsWJm^QUYk^JmYdbYkmWQsdi\QikoL[QMmiQUJiOYbUkYM\bQkkLQbQSYmk$ sWYMWkmJmQ`okmfJvmWQOQbJmoiYbUfiQ`Yo`YbmWQkMQbJiYddSmWYkMJkQ$sYmWiQUJiOmdmWQmY`Q^Y`YmYbMd``YkkYdbiQUHB<BHYkmWYkJbJLkd^omQ^Y`YmJmYdbfQiYdOYbsWYMWbdbdLkQiqJbMQJ^sJvk^QJOkmdmWQ^dkkdSiYUWmmdmWQMJiivdqQifJv`Qbm$csYmWYbmWQMdbmQumdSmWQkvkmQ`dS`dbQmJivMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkYkmWQmJiYSSM^JkkYSYMJmYdb`JOQLvmWQQufdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQdSmWQQoidfQJbMd``obYmYQkLYbOYbUofdbmWQY`fdimYbU`Q`LQikmJmQ$QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJff^YMJmYdbdSiQU8>6FD8YkJimDOYiQMm^vJff^YMJL^QYbkmJmQk$Psdo^OmWQJbksQimdhoQkmYdb8LQmWQkJ`QYSmWQkJ^QdSmWQUddOkYbJsJk`JOQbdmLvmWQdiYUYbJ^Wd^OQiYbLLomLvJ͇ͥiJ+ ̯̐qT7˽˞`A"ʧʈ i J xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkNN~N}N|N{NzNyNxNwNvNuNtNsNrNqNpNoNnNmNlNkNjNiNhNgNfNeNdNcNbNaN`N_N^N]N\N[NZNYNXNWNVNUNTNSNRNQNPNONMNLNKNJNINHNGNFNENDNCNBNAN@N?N>N=N66F>qJ^YO$ Commission v. Netherlands!Commission v. Netherlands!Commission v. Netherlands!Commission v. Royale Belge" Commission v. Spain*Commission v. United Kingdom$ Commission v. United Kingdom$Commission v. United Kingdom$ Commission v. United Kingdom$ *Commission v. United Kingdom$Commission v. United Kingdom$Compagnie Continentale v. Council) (Compagnie Continentale v. Hoofdproduktschap AkkerbouwproduktenFCompagnie d Approvisionnement v. Commission3Compagnie Francaise Commerciale v. Commission5Compagnie Francaise Commerciale v. Commission5 Compagnie Indestrielle du Comte de Loheac v. Council<Comune di Carpaneto Piacentino and Others v. Ufficio provinciale imposta sul valore aggiunto di PiacldConradi v. Direction de la concurrence et des prix des Hauts-de-SeineMConsorzio Cooperative d Abruzzo v. Commission5 Continentale Produkten Gesellschaft v. Commission9 Control Data v. Commission"Control Data v. Commission"dCooperative agricole d apagreement with ECJ'1'C1 ;agreement with AG'4'A/ ;observer's position on legal issue<@]Q ;type of observer'2'?- ;observation source'Denmark'O1 ;legal issueR@/# ;case number'238/82'?# ;Observations%%% '    # OdQkmWQkmJmokdSOQfQbOQbm`Q`LQidSJsdi\QikSJ`Y^viQko^mSid`JSJMmoJ^kYmoJmYdbsYmWdommWQiQLQYbUJbvbQQOmdOQmQi`YbQmWQiQJkdbkSdiiQMdoikQmdsdi\Qikkoffdim$OdQkmWQkmJmokdSOQfQbOQbm`Q`LQidSJsdi\QikSJ`Y^viQko^mSid`JSJMmoJ^kYmoJmYdbsYmWdommWQiQLQYbUJbvbQQOmdOQmQi`YbQmWQiQJkdbkSdiiQMdoikQmdsdi\Qikkoffdim$OdQkmWQkmJmokdSOQfQbOQbm`Q`LQidSJsdi\QikSJ`Y^viQko^mSid`JSJMmoJ^kYmoJmYdbsYmWdommWQiQLQYbUJbvbQQOmdOQmQi`YbQmWQiQJkdbkSdiiQMdoikQmdsdi\Qikkoffdim$dSOQfQbOQbm`Q`LQidSJsdi\QikSJ`Y^viQko^mSid`JSJMmoJ^kYmoJmYdbsYmWdommWQiQLQYbUJbvbQQOmdOQmQi`YbQmWQiQJkdbkSdiiQMdoikQmdsdi\Qikkoffdim$dSOQfQbOQbm`Q`LQidSJsdi\QikSJ`Y^viQko^mSid`JSJMmoJ^kYmoJmYdbsYmWdommWQiQLQYbUJbvbQQOmdOQmQi`YbQmWQiQJkdbkSdiiQMdoikQmdsdi\Qikkoffdim$OdQkmWQkoff^Q`QbmJivJ^^dsJbMQSdiJOQfQbOQbmkfdokQUiJbmQOLvmWQYmJ^YJb^QUYk^JmYdbLQmsQQb@8BH><6D8Sdi`JbYbmQUiJ^fJimdSmWQYmJ^YJbYbqJ^YOYmvfQbkYdbdbdqQi^JffYbULQbQSYmkobOQiiQU<JbO>$DOdQkmWQkoff^Q`QbmJivJ^^dsJbMQSdiJOQfQbOQbmkfdokQUiJbmQOLvmWQYmJ^YJb^QUYk^JmYdbLQmsQQb@8BH><6D8Sdi`JbYbmQUiJ^fJimdSmWQYmJ^YJbYbqJ^YOYmvfQbkYdbdbdqQi^JffYbULQbQSYmkobOQiiQU<JbO>$DOdQkmWQkvkmQ`dSfiYMQkQkmJL^YkWQOLvmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQkoUJikQMmdiOQJ^msYmWYbiQU866HBDfiQM^oOQJkmJmQSid`SYuYbUobY^JmQiJ^^vJ`JuY`o`kQ^^YbUfiYMQ$OdQkmWQkvkmQ`dSfiYMQkQkmJL^YkWQOLvmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQkoUJikQMmdiOQJ^msYmWYbiQU866HBDfiQM^oOQJkmJmQSid`SYuYbUobY^JmQiJ^^vJ`JuY`o`kQ^^YbUfiYMQ$OdQkmWQkvkmQ`dSfiYMQkQkmJL^YkWQOLvmWQMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQkoUJikQMmdiOQJ^msYmWYbiQU866HBDfiQM^oOQJkmJmQSid`SYuYbUobY^JmQiJ^^vJ`JuY`o`kQ^^YbUfiYMQ$OdQkmWQmQi` MWdMd^JmQYbLo^\ YbJim8dSiQUD@@BDdSmWQMdobMY^YbM^oOQdb^vobSY^^QOMWdMd^JmQiQJOvSdiMdbko`fmYdbdidb^vkQ`YSYbYkWQOfidOoMmkdSmWQMWdMd^JmQYbOokmiv$3Qi$OdQkmWQmQi` MWdMd^JmQYbLo^\ YbJim8dSiQUD@@BDdSmWQMdobMY^YbM^oOQdb^vobSY^^QOMWdMd^JmQiQJOvSdiMdbko`fmYdbdidb^vkQ`YSYbYkWQOfidOoMmkdSmWQMWdMd^JmQYbOokmiv$3e agreement with ECJ'1'C1 ; agreement with AG'1'A/ ; observer's position on legal issue@]Q ; type of observer'  JJiQ foL^YMfd^YMv di foL^YMkQMoiYmv YbJimB:Jff^YMJL^QLvJbJ^dUvmdmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSfiQfJiQO`QJmsYmWmWQiQko^mmWJmkmJmQkJiQQbmYm^QOdidL^YUQOmdMJiivdomWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbkJbOMWJiUQkSdikoMW$}iQJbvdSmWQfidqYkYdbkdSMdobMY^iQUD:>B:Jff^YMJL^QLvJbJ^dUvmdmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSfiQfJiQO`QJmsYmWmWQiQko^mmWJmkmJmQkJiQQbmYm^QOdidL^YUQOmdMJiivdomWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbkJbOMWJiUQkSdikoMW$WQsWd^QiQ^JmYdbkWYfiMMdiOYbUmdsWJmMiYmQiYJsJkmWQOYkmYbMmYdbmdLQOiJsbLQmsQQbWQJOYbUk6:6:LYJbOMLQSdiQmWQQbmivYbmdSdiMQdSiQU8BBHDD$6fJimSid`Jim88HOdQkMd``obYmv^JsMdbmJYbJbvUQbQiJ^fiYbMYf^QfidWYLYmYbUOYkMiY`YbJmYdbLJkQOdbkQuJkiQUJiOkmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSQ`f^dv`QbmJbOsdi\YbUMdbOYmYdbkdS`QbJbOsd`Qb$BfJimSid`Jim88HOdQkMd``obYmv^JsMdbmJYbJbvUQbQiJ^fiYbMYf^QfidWYLYmYbUOYkMiY`YbJmYdbLJkQOdbkQuJkiQUJiOkmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSQ`f^dv`QbmJbOsdi\YbUMdbOYmYdbkdS`QbJbOsd`Qb$BfJimSid`Jim88HOdQkMd``obYmv^JsMdbmJYbJbvUQbQiJ^fiYbMYf^QfidWYLYmYbUOYkMiY`YbJmYdbLJkQOdbkQuJkiQUJiOkmWQMdbOYmYdbkdSQ`f^dv`QbmJbOsdi\YbUMdbOYmYdbkdS`QbJbOsd`Qb$BfJimSid`mWQiQko^mkdSJMWQ`YMJ^JbJ^vkYkYbmQbOQOmdiQqQJ^MQ^^o^dkQJkWkmJiMWQmMMdbmQbmkYbmWQfidOoMmYbhoQkmYdb`JvJMMdobmLQmJ\QbdSdmWQiMWJiJMmQiYkmYMkLvdmWQi`QJbkqYkoJ^`YMidkMdfYM$u iQ foL^YMfd^YMv di foL^YMkQMoiYmv YbJimB:Jff^YMJL^QLvJbJ^dUvmdmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSfiQfJiQO`QJmsYmWmWQiQko^mmWJmkmJmQkJiQQbmYm^QOdidL^YUQOmdMJiivdomWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbkJbOMWJiUQkSdikoMW$kmYmomQkJMWJiUQWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm$BiQJim8:dSiQU8>BB>JbOJim:6:dSiQUF6@BFmd`QJbmWJmJbvfQMobYJivMWJiUQY`fdkQOSdiqQmQiYbJivJbOfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQOJbY`J^kJbO`QJmMdbkmYmomQkJMWJiUQWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm$BiQJim8:8DF:<:>JbO:BdSMdobMY^OYiD:>B:Jff^YMJL^QLvJbJ^dUvmdmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSUJ`QsYmWmWQiQko^mmWJmmWQkmJmQkJiQQbmYm^QOdidL^YUQOmdMJiivdomWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbkJbOMWJiUQkSdimWYk$YdbkJbOMWJiUQkSdimWYk$MdbMQibkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvLQbQSYmkLomJbdLL^YUJmYdbsWYMWYkY`fdkQOsYmWdommJ\YbUJMMdobmdSmWQfQiYdOdSJSSY^YJmYdb$ sWQiQJsdi\QiWJkLQQbkoL[QMmmdmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdS:di`diQkmJmQkmdsWJmQumQbmOdJim8::JbO>BdSiQU8>6FD8fiQqQbmmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSbJmYdbJ^io^QkJUJYbkmdqQi^JffYbUdSLQbQSYmkkoMWJkYbmWQsJd$sWQiQJsdi\QiWJkLQQbkoL[QMmmdmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdS:di`diQkmJmQkmdsWJmQumQbmOdJim8::JbO>BdSiQU8>6FD8fiQqQbmmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSbJmYdbJ^io^QkJUJYbkmdqQi^JffYbUdSLQbQSYmkkoMWJkYbmWQsJd$sWQiQJsdi\QiWJkLQQbkoL[QMmmdmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdS:di`diQkmJmQkmdsWJmQumQbmOdJim8::JbO>BdSiQU8>6FD8fiQqQbmmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSbJmYdbJ^io^QkJUJYbkmdqQi^JffYbUdSLQbQSYmkkoMWJkYbmWQsJd$sWQiQJbJO`YbYkmiJmYqQLdOvYbdbQkmJmQWJkYbSiYbUQOmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSMWJiUQkQhoYqJ^QbmmdMokmd`kOomYQkOdQkmWQMYmYxQbWJqQmWQiYUWmmdJiQSobOdSmWQJ`dobmfJYOYSYmYkfJkmmWQbJmYdbJ^mY`Q^Y`Ym$CsWQiQJbJO`YbYkmiJmYqQLdOvYbdbQkmJmQWJkYbSiYbUQOmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSMWJiUQkQhoYqJ^QbmmdMokmd`kOomYQkOdQkmWQMYmYxQbWJqQmWQiYUWmmdJiQSobOdSmWQJ`dobmfJYOYSYmYkfJkmmWQbJmYdbJ^mY`Q^Y`Ym$CsWQiQJbJO`YbYkmiJmYqQLdOvYbdbQkmJmQWJkYbSiYbUQOmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSMWJiUQkQhoYqJ^QbmmdMokmd`kOomYQkOdQkmWQMYmYxQbWJqQmWQiYUWmmdJiQSobOdSmWQJ`dobmfJYOYSYmYkfJkmmWQbJmYdbJ^mY`Q^Y`Ym$CsWQiQJbJO`YbYkmiJmYqQLdOvYbdbQkmJmQWJkYbSiYbUQOmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSMWJiUQkQhoYqJ^QbmmdMokmd`kOomYQkOdQkmWQMYmYxQbWJqQmWQiYUWmmdJiQSobOdSmWQJ`dobmfJYOYSYmYkfJkmmWQbJmYdbJ^mY`Q^Y`Ym$CBrasserie de Haecht v. Wilkin-Janssen- Brasseur v. European Parliament'!Brembati v. CommissionBrennero v. Wendel|Bresciani v. Amministrazione Italiana delle Finanze;)British Beef Company v. Intervention Board for Agricultural ProduceKBrodersen v. Einfuhr- und Voratsstelle Getreide7 1Broe v. CommissionBronzino v. Kindergeldkasse#,Brouerius van Nidek v. Inspecteur der Registratie9 xBRT v. SABAM and NV Fonior"Brunner v. Hauptzollamt Hof#Bruns v. Commission"Bucher v. CommissionBuhari Haji v. Inasti 4Buick v. CommissionBuitoni v. FORMAaBullo and BoniventoBundesamt fur Ernahrung und Forstwirtschaft v. Butterabsatz Osnabruck-Emsland eGX*Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung v. HirschDBundesknappschaft v. Brock" hBurchell v. Adjudication Officer(Bureau Belge des Assureurs Automobiles v. Fantozzi:KBureau Central Francais v. Fonds de Garantie Automobile?Busch v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Ericus,Busseni v. Commission Busseni v. Commission$C.A.M. v. CommissionCabras v. Institut national d assurance maladie-invaliditeB(Cadillon v. HossCadsky v. Instituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero=Cafiero v. CommissionCaisse d Allocations Familiales v. Couple Meade7!Caisse de compensation v. Di Bella*Caisse de pension des eon  #P˴ɛƻPa@ l J Q  ` 2 ? $ c + ?t`L8$tX:_>](hK0~^D"{[:Kommanditgesellschaft in der Firma Hans-Otto Wagner GmbH AgrarhandelL*Knud Oluf DelkvistKlockner-Werke AGKlockner-Werke AGKlockner-Werke AGKloSuch a person may rely upon this contract.3Such a person may rely upon this contract.201/82Does the Brussels Convention mean that under a contract of insurance a person in whose favor the contract is made but who is not party to it, is entitled to rely on a clause extending jurisdiction for him though he did not sign it?e||ppDDDDBF=Community law does not permit such rules.3Community law does not permit such rules.174/82Does Community law preclude national rules of the kind in question 1 if authorization to market is subject to proof by the importer that the marketing of the product in question meets a marketed demand?FzznnCCCCAF=Community law does not permit such rules.3Community law does not permit such rules.174/82Does Community law prohibit national rules such as those in question 1 where the authorization to market is subject to proof by the importer that the product in question is not harmful to health??zznnCCCCAF=Community law permits such rules.3Community law permits such rules.174/82Do the provisions of the Treaty on free movement of goods preclude national rules prohibiting without prior administrative authorization the marketing of food to which vitamins have been added and are lawfully marketed in other States?Wjj^^;;;;9F=The rule allowing such an enrollment fee should remain valid.3If a State organizes educational courses and vocational training, Art 7 prohibits the requirement of a somone from another State to pay an enrollment fee where a national does not pay the fee.152/82In the case of the spouse of an official of the Community who is not Belgian, does the payment of the enrollment fee fall within the scope of application of the Treaty and does tax exemption play a factor?%%WWWWUF=Such benefits do have the character of an old-age benefits.3Such benefits do not fall within the scope of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 and where such benefits overlap, Community law does not prevent the national rules against overlapping from being applied.171/82Do benefits such as allowances under the guaranteed income retirement scheme provided for in the relevant French provisions fall within the field of application of Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 to prevent national provisions overlapping?!!UUUUSF=Art 37 does not apply to a monopoly over provision of services, provided it does not contravene the principle of the free movement of goods by discriminating against imported products.3Art 37 does not apply to a monopoly over provision of services, provided it does not contravene the principle of the free movement of goods by discriminating against imported products.271/81Does the provision of services have a commercial character within the meaning of Art 37 of the Treaty of Rome if, because it is the subject of a national monopoly, the State is enabled to direct a branch of the national economy?~F=Such boxes are to be classified under 42.02 B.3Such boxes are to be classified under 42.02 B.192/82Are jewellery boxes with hinged lids, of polystyrene and wholly covered on the outside with varnished paper, to be classified as boxes for jewellry and simlar containers under 42.02 of the CCT, or 39.07 BV(d)?WxxHHHHFF=P|"ª~hR< n < t Q "  y V 7  m O 1  | g R = ( B#u@s? > g;Y0w=]@Herbert BrunsHenri Maurissen and European Public Service Union9 Henri Brasseur7Henningsen Food Inc. and Others' Hennen Olie BVHelmut Mullers Helmut Mullers Helmut Heinze *Helene Martin'A State may not enforce such penal measures in the circumstances of this case.3A State may not enforce such penal measures in the circumstances of this case.5/83May a host State which has not implemented Dir 78/1026 and 78/1027 enforce penal measures against a national of another State who is entitled to practice in his own country, but not registered in this State due to the lack of implementation?hhhhfF=&The term must include materials, inasmuch as it fulfill an essential scientific function.3The term must include materials, inasmuch as it fulfill an essential function as an indispensable means of obtaining certain results from long-term scientific research.300/82In Reg 1798/75 is the term "scientific instrument" to be interpreted broadly so as to include scientific aids and working materials such as phantom material A-150, made up of plastic blocks meant for radiological research? ))ssssqF=%The cetificate of origin may not be validly produced after the customs duty is re-introduced.3The cetificate of origin may not be validly produced after the customs duty is re-introduced.321/82Must Council Reg 2789/79 and Commission Reg 3067/79 be construed as meaning that the certificate of origin may no longer be validly produced after the customs duty has been re-introduced?wwwwuF=$The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.276/82Is Article 3(3) in conflict with Community law, in particular Art 5(4) of Council Reg 876/68 or with the principle of legal certainty which forms part of Community law? bbVV77775F=#Such applications must be rejected.3Such applications must be rejected.276/82Does a correct interpretation of Art 3(3) entail the rejection of applications for advance fixing which were submitted before the period of suspension but on which a decision must be taken during that period?@nnbb====;F="Special measures includes such decisions.3Special measures includes such decisions.276/82Must Art 3(3) of Commission Reg 2044/75 mean that the expression "special measures" includes a decision suspending the possibility of advance fixing of refunds pursuant to the provisions of Reg 876/68?EzznnCCCCAF=!The dimensions are not relevant to the heading.3A product must not exceed the dimensions which enable it to be sold by retail to any user, so it should not be available only to hospitals and large-scale users.289/82Is tariff heading 30.04 of the CCT to mean that the phrase "put up in retail packings for medical or surgical purposes" requires conformity with specific maximum dimensions?IIIIGF= This falls within the scope of the public health inspection carried out in the exporting country in accordance with Dir 64/433 and 71/118.3This falls within the scope of the public health inspection carried out in the exporting country in accordance with Dir 64/433 and 71/118.2/82Does a systmeatic public health inspection on imported meat to check for any change in its condidtion during transit fall within the scope of the public health inspection carried out in the exporting State in accordance with Community law?)8800F=lP ΓˡɩY#È6Art 31 prohibits States from setting maximum prices for such prices but Art 36 and 103 may justify this if the objective is to reduce public health expenditure. It is for the Commission to decide this.3Art 30 prohibits a State from introducing legislation in respect of imported pharmaceutical products which refers to the manufactureers prices for products intended for consumption where produced.181/82Is the Prices of Registered Medicines Decree of 1982 to be regarded as a measure having an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction on imports, prohibited by Art 30 of the EEC Treaty?vF=5The orphan is entitled to be paid by the German institution a supplement to the pension, which is granted by the Italian institution provided that sufficient contributions have been paid in Germany to confer entitlement to the pension there.3Where the amount of benefits received in State 1 is less than that of the benefits by the legislation of State 2 alone, the orphan is entitled to a supplement from the competent institution of the latter State equal to the difference between the two amoun320/82Must the German pension institution pay an orphan who is Italian and always lived there a supplement to the pension granted by the Italian institution if entitlement to the grant was acquired under German legislation on German contributions alone?       F=4The provisions remain valid.3The provisions remain valid.292/82Is Art 1a of Commission Reg 2271/78,2555/78, 3115/78, 181/79, 410/79 and 615/79 void in so far as it provides for the application of the rates of export refund specified in Table I instead of Table II?+``TT66664F=3The expression covers only disputes which are principally concerned with the registration or validity of a patent.2The term does not include a such a dispute relating to rights in a patent arising out of a contract for employment.288/82If question 2 is answered that the term is determined on the basis of an independent interpretation, must a claim such as the one concerned in this case be considered a claim covered by Art 16(4)?  F=2The term must be given an independent interpretation.3This term must be regarded as an independent concept intended to have uniform application in all the Contracting States.288/82Must the concept of proceeding "concerned with the registration or validity of patents" under Art 16(4) of the Convention be defined on the basis of the law of the Contracting State whose courts are referred to in that provision, or the lex fori?OOOOMF=1Art 19 requires the national court to declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction whenever it finds that the court of another Contracting State has exclusive jurisdiction under Art 16.3Art 19 requires the national court to declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction whenever it finds that the court of another Contracting State has exclusive jurisdiction under Art 16.288/82Does the obligation imposed by Art 19 on the court of a Contracting State to declare that it has no jurisdiction imply that the Netherlands provision has no effect?RF=0A State may not make repayment of such national charges conditional upon such proof.3A State may not make repayment of such national charges conditional upon such proof.199/82May a State make repayment of national charges levied contrary requirements of Community law conditional upon proof that the charges are not where passed on where repayment is subject to impossible rules of evidence and those restrictive conditions do notnnnnlF=bP1wƏĻ~_@! k U ? )  R ! o J '  P , i J  z^D/=Such coins which are legal tender or means of payment of all kinds should be regarded as capital and hence Art 30 and 37 do not apply.3Art 30 and 37 do not apply to silver coins which are legal tender in a State and gold coins such as Krugerrands which are produced in a non-member coutry but which circulate freely within a Member State.7/78Do the coins in question fall within the provisions of Art 30 and 37 of the Treaty or constitute a means of payment falling within the scope of other provisions?uummF=<Article 86 prohibits any abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position, even if such abuse is encouraged by a national legislative provision.13/77Must Art 3(f), the 2nd paragraph of Art 5 and Art 86 mean that States are prohibited from introducing a provision whereby a selling price is fixed by the by manufacturers or importers if it encourages abuse of a dominant position under Art 86?F;There was no obligation on the Community institutions to amend the import system for these products.3There was no obligation on the Community institutions to amend the import system for these products.26/77Were the Council and Commission obliged in fixing prices for the 1976/77 milk year to raise the free-at-frontiers prices for products under tariff subheadings 4.04 EIb3 and 4 of the CCT to at least 150/135 u.a.?~~~~|F=:The plaintiff does not have the right to ask the Commission to align the free-at-frontier prices.2The levy must be calculated on the basis of the threshold price fixed pursuant to Reg 804/68 without regard to the free-at-frontier price of the products subject to that special system, provided that the minimum prices of Reg 823/68 are observed.26/77Are the free-at-frontier prices for the dairy products in question to be fixed only by agreement with the 3rd countries concerned or does the plaintiff have a right to ask the Commission to align the free-at-frontier prices?_}}ss{{{{yF=9This system constitutes a "special provision" within the meaning of the 2nd subparagraph of Art 14(3) and the second indent of Art 14(6).2This system constitutes a "special provision" within the meaning of the 2nd subparagraph of Art 14(3) and the second indent of Art 14(6).26/77Is the system applied under Art 14 of Reg 804/68 to products falling within subheadings 4.04 EIb3 and 4 of the CCT a special provision within the meaning of Art 14(6) or a rule under the general system in Art 14(3)?88..F=8The automatic nullity in this provision is only for those found to be incompatible with Art 85(1) and the consequences of such are to be determined by the national court according to its own law.3The automatic nullity in this provision is only for those found to be incompatible with Art 85(1) and the consequences of such are to be determined by the national court according to its own law.319/82What are the consequences of the nullity of such a contract as in this case under Art 85(2) of the Treaty, in particular in relation to orders and deliveries made on the basis of the contract?pF=7Such a contract as the one described restricts competition within the common market and is contrary to Art 85(1) and should be void.3Such a contract is restricts competition within the common market and is contrary to Art 85(1) and void.319/82Does Art 85 mean that a 5-year agreement for annual deliveries of 40 000 tons of cement must be void where an undertaking in Germany agrees with a Franch one not to deliver cement to the Saarland and have regard for undertakings in Kalsruhe and Wossingen?F=eP wθ̄zj_ƾŃAIThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.219/84Should the Commission decision contained in the 1/6/84 memorandum from the Director-General for Personnel by which the appointing authority of the Commission confirmed the applicants Grade A classification be annulled?=aaUU::::8F=HThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.76/84Should the Commission decision of 6/27/83 awarding the applicant an invalidity pension and refusing to recognize the illness as an occupational disease under Art 78 of Staff Regulations be annulled?/gg]]>>>><F='1GThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.13/84Should Decision 83/521/EEC of 10/12/83 establishing that the apparatus described as "Control Data- Cyber 170-720 and Cyber 170-750" may not be imported free of CCT duties be declared void?__UU::::8F=PFItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.365/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Dir 77/101, 79/372, 79/797 and 80/510 on the marketing of straight feedstuffs?ttFFFFDF=EThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.152/85Is the application to declare void the decision to not allow the applicant to submit a medical certificate justifying his absence from work admissible?hh\\::::8F=DThe decision should be annulled and the applicants compensated.3The application is dismissed.271/83Should the decision of the Director of the JET Joint Undertaking dated 11/1/83 refusing to engage the applicants as temporary servants of the Commission of the EAEC be annulled and the applicants compensated?VxxYYYYWF=CThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.253/84Should the EEC pay damages to the applicants due to the harm sustained by the Council adoptation of the decision of 6/30/84ii]]>>>><F=seBThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.175/84Should the Commission pay DM 3 305 000 in damges to the applicant together with interest thereon at the rate of 8% from 6/10/83?ii]]>>>><F=seAThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.281/84Should the EEC compensate the applicants for their losses which they have suffered as a result of Regs 855/84 and 2677/84?ii]]>>>><F=@The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.278/84Are Art 1,2 and 3 of Commission Reg 2677/84 on transitional measures in readiness for the revaluation of the representative rate for the German mark on 1/1/85 void?ii]]>>>><F=?Such national measures are incompatible with Community law.3Such national measures are incompatible with Community law.83/87Is national legislation which authorities control part of the market by measures such as subjecting marketing to a requirement that the producer be registered with the body and coordinate all sale and transport through it compatible with Art 30 and 34?UUUUSF=ov>Since the coins are not goods, the ban does not need to be justified by Art 36.2Such a ban is justified by Article 36.7/78Is a ban on the export of silver alloy coins, which have been but are no longer legal tender in that State and the destruction of which is forbidden, justified on grounds of public policy under Art 36?diiiigF= P n˯n/Īr1 z W 4  b D  b / v 3 { L " j?]<x4ObF cAsQ/ u5Interzuccheri v. Rezzano e Cavassa*jInzirillo v. Caisse Allocations Familiales Lyon7bThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.26/86Is the application to declare void Art 6(5) of Council Reg 3309/85 laying down rules for the description and presentation of sparkling wines and aerated sparkling wines admissible?ff\\::::8F=aThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.350/85Should Commission Dec S(85)1603/8 imposing a fine on the applicant for exceeding its production quota for certain steel products in the 4th quarter of 1983 be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=`The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.310/85Should Commission Dec 85/471 concerning aid Granted by Germany to a manufacturer of polyamide and polypropylene yarn situated in Bergkamen be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=se_The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.304/85Should the Commission decision of 8/1/85 authorizing Italy to grant additional aid to the Italian steel industry be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=^The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.312/84Should Commission Decision K(84)1605 of 10/29/84 on the reimbursement of anti-dumping duties be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=]The Commission is liable to pay the interest at the rate of 8%.3The Commission is liable to pay the interest at the rate of 8%.21/86Should the Commission be ordered to pay to the applicant interest at the rate of 9% from the date upon which each payment fell due?)YYYYWF=\Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.69/86Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with the judgment of the ECJ in Case 322/82 on quality controls on fruits and vegetables?~~ttFFFFDF=[Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.390/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 79/279, 80/390 and 82/121 on coordinating stock exchange listings?xxHHHHFF=ZThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.233/85Should the decision to reject the applicant for the post of Head of the Economics and Finance Translation Section advertised in Vacancy Notice COM/1059/84 and appoint C. Tutzschky be annulled?#aaUU::::8F=<@LYThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.221/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by providing that services in the field of clinical biology in laboratories operated by a legal person governed by private law who are not natural are not reimbursed by social security?Rii]]>>>><F=XThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.181/85Should Commission Reg 644/85 fixing a countervailing charge on imports into the other States of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin produced in France be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=s WBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.306/84Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Dir 75/363 concerning the coordination of provisions laid down by law in respect of activities of doctors?4xxHHHHFF=vP ΄˔M&ǝ(´ z W 4  b D  b / v 3 { L " j?]<x4ObF cAnThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.333/85Should Council Regulation 2355/85 on the restriction of export of steel pipes and tubes to the United States of America be declared void?hh\\::::8F=mBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.9/86Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 80/1263 on the introduction of a Community driving licence?xxHHHHFF=lThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.244/85Should Commission Dec REM 40/84 ruling on a claim submitted by Italy that declared that the remission of monetary compensatory amounts was not justified in a particular case?ii]]>>>><F=kGermany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.178/84Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by prohibiting the marketing of beer lawfully manufactured and marketed in other States unless that beer complies with Art 9 and 10 of the Biersteuergesetz?PxxHHHHFF=jGreece has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Greece has failed to fulfill its obligations.129/86Has Greece failed to fulfill its obligations by prohibiting the importation of beers manufactured in other States which do not comply with the requirements laid down in Greek legislation??vvGGGGEF=iThe Commission should compensate the applicants.3The application is dismmissed.265/85Should the Commission compensate the applicant for damage caused by Commission Reg 2956/84 on the disposal of butter at a reduced price?vvjjJJJJHF= thThe Commission should compensate the applicant.3The application is dismissed.27/85Should the Commission compensate the applicant for damage causes to it by Commission Reg 2956/84 on the disposal of butter at a reduced price?rrhhIIIIGF=gThe Commission should compensate the applicants.3The application is dismissed.279/84Should the Commission compensate the applicants for damages caused by the EEC by the implementation of Commission Reg 2956/84 on the disposal of butter at a reduced price?"uuiiJJJJHF=fItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.386/85Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 80/214, 80/1099 and 80/1100 dealing with health polcy in intra-Community trade in relation to meat products?@ttFFFFDF=eItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.199/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by deciding to award a private contract for the construction of a plant for the recycling of solid urban waste and thus failing to publish a contract notice in the Official EC Journal?fttFFFFDF=dThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.15/85Should the Commission decision of 10/31/84 amending the 12/22/78 decision relating to the grant of a contribution from the EAGGF towards Project I/159/78 be annulled?__UU::::8F=secThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.52/86Should the decision of the Director-General for Administration, Personnel and Finance of the European Parliament that filled vacant post V/B/1647 on the basis of Vacancy Notice 4615 be annulled?+gg]]>>>><F=P \:ʛɢ;ŞsG& B  V ?  y T ' G " Z 8 jE!S'\5k=`;k, `k#Lensing v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof. Leonardini v. Commission 0 {The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.256/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=zThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.255/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball-bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared voidd?ii]]>>>><F=sexThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.240/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball-bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=[wBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.5/86Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by by complying with the decision ordering the withdrawal of aid granted to a producer of polypropylene fibre and yarn?'xxHHHHFF=UvItaly has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.363/85Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 80/502 on fixing the maximum permitted levels for undesirable substances and products in feedingstuffs?,qqeeFFFFDF=vouThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.167/85Should the Commission decision refusing to adopt the measures provided for by Art 15B of Commission Dec 234/84 on the extension of the system of monitoring and production quotas for ceratin steel products be declared void?BbbVV????=F=tThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.32/86Should the Commission decision to impose a fine on the applicant under Art 58 of the ECSC be declared void?gg]]>>>><F=DsThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.226/85Should the Commission decision to refuse to apply to the applicant Art 14A of Commission Dec 234/84 on the extension of the system of monitoring and production quotas for certain sttel products be declared void?>ii]]>>>><F=@nrFrance has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.196/85Has France failed to fulfill its obligations by establishing and maintaining a system of differential taxation in respect of natural sweet wines and liqueur wines?rrffGGGGEF=8qThe application is inadmissible.3The application is inadmissible.257/85Should the defendant pay the applicant seven months salary, reinstate her in Category B and compensate her for damage resulting from her dismissal?hh\\::::8F=O.pThe regulations should be declared void.3The regulations are void.45/86Should Council Reg 3599/85 and 3600/85 on applying generalized tariff preferences for 1986 in respect of certain industrial products and textile products originating in developing countries be declared void.8gg]]BBBB@F=oNetherlands has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Netherlands has failed to fulfill its obligations.235/85Has the Netherlands failed to fulfill its obligations by not subjecting to value-added tax the official services performed by notaries and bailiffs?"LLLLJF= OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSmWQmiQJmvdbSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidWYLYmYbUsYmWdomfiYdiJO`YbYkmiJmYqQJomWdiYxJmYdbmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSSddOmdsWYMWqYmJ`YbkWJqQLQQbJOOQOJbOJiQ^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbdmWQikmJmQk$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSmWQmiQJmvdbSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidWYLYmYbUsYmWdomfiYdiJO`YbYkmiJmYqQJomWdiYxJmYdbmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSSddOmdsWYMWqYmJ`YbkWJqQLQQbJOOQOJbOJiQ^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbdmWQikmJmQk$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdSmWQmiQJmvdbSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidWYLYmYbUsYmWdomfiYdiJO`YbYkmiJmYqQJomWdiYxJmYdbmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSSddOmdsWYMWqYmJ`YbkWJqQLQQbJOOQOJbOJiQ^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbdmWQikmJmQk$miQJmvdbSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidWYLYmYbUsYmWdomfiYdiJO`YbYkmiJmYqQJomWdiYxJmYdbmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSSddOmdsWYMWqYmJ`YbkWJqQLQQbJOOQOJbOJiQ^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbdmWQikmJmQk$miQJmvdbSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkfidWYLYmYbUsYmWdomfiYdiJO`YbYkmiJmYqQJomWdiYxJmYdbmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSSddOmdsWYMWqYmJ`YbkWJqQLQQbJOOQOJbOJiQ^JsSo^^v`Ji\QmQOYbdmWQikmJmQk$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkJbOiQ^JmYbUmdkoUJiYbJim<@dSiQU866HBDfidWYLYmmWQSYuYbUdS`JuY`o`fiYMQkqJ^YOdb^vSdimWQmQiiYmdivdSJkYbU^QkmJmQ$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkdbmWQSiQQ`dqQ`QbmdSUddOkJbOiQ^JmYbUmdkoUJiYbJim<@dSiQU866HBDfidWYLYmmWQSYuYbUdS`JuY`o`fiYMQkqJ^YOdb^vSdimWQmQiiYmdivdSJkYbU^QkmJmQ$OdmWQfidqYkYdbkkdShoQkmYdb8fidWYLYmJkmJmQsWYMWWJkJ^iQJOvfomYbmdSdiMQmWQMd``dbkvkmQ`dSqJ^oQJOOQOmJuJbOJLd^YkWQOkfQMYSYMmJuQkdbmWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkSid`YbmidOoMYbUmWQkfQMYSYMmJuQkYbhoQkmYdbk$R 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Hauptzollamt Emden$,Becker v. CommissionxBedrijfsvereniging v. Kaufmann&Beerens v. Rijksdienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening6,Beguelin Import v. G.L. Import Export-Behn Verpackungsbedarf v. Hauptzollamt Itzehoe6Bela-Muhle v. Grows-Farm 0Belbouab v. Bundesknappschaft%.Belgium and Luxembourg v. Mertens)Belgium v. CobelexBelgium v. CommissionBelgium v. Philipp Brothers#Belgium v. Vandertaelen xBelgium, Costers and Vounchx v. Berufsgenossenschaft FeinmechanikI1Bellintani v. Commission Bellon Benedetti v. MunariBensider v. CommissionBerkenheide v. Hauptzollamt Munster+Bernardi v. European Parliament' (Bernardi v. European Parliament' 4Bertoli v. Commission)Bertrand v. OttBesnard v. CommissionBeste Boter and Hoche v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungSBestuur van de Sociale Verzekeringsbank v. Kits van HeijningenF7Biegi v. 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BelgiumCostacurta v. Commission  Costacurta v. Commission Costacurta v. Commission CousinxCraeynest v. Belgium 4CRAM and Rheinzink v. Commission(Cremer v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungD_Crijns v. Commission $Cristini v. SNCFCucchi v. AvezCulin v. CommissionD Amario v. Landesversicherungsanstalt Schwaben7$D Amico v. Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinland-Pfalz=D Auria v. Commission7Danhuber v. Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungFDansk Denkavit v. Ministeriet for Skatter og Afgifter=De beste boter v. Produktschap voor Zuivel2 De Bloos v. BouyerjDe Bloos v. BouyerDe Boer Buizen v. Council and Commission0De Bruyn v. Parliament De Dapper v. Parliament _De Dapper v. Parliament De Greef v. CommissionDe Haan v. CommisisonDe  AG-Plaintiff agreement?'Sop OdMdobMY^iQUk8:8BDJbOF6@BFfiQqQbmkmJmQkSid`JOdfmYbU`QJkoiQkUdqQibYbUmWQsWd^QkJ^Q`Ji\QmYbUdSLQQSJbOqQJ^sWYMWJiQbdmMdbSYbQOmdfidWYLYmYbUJbvYbMiQJkQYbfiYMQkLomJ^kdmWJmmWQfiYMQMJbLQJO[okmQOLvMd``obYmvio^Qk$LOdMdobMY^iQUk8:8BDJbOF6@BFfiQqQbmkmJmQkSid`JOdfmYbU`QJkoiQkUdqQibYbUmWQsWd^QkJ^Q`Ji\QmYbUdSLQQSJbOqQJ^sWYMWJiQbdmMdbSYbQOmdfidWYLYmYbUJbvYbMiQJkQYbfiYMQkLomJ^kdmWJmmWQfiYMQMJbLQJO[okmQOLvMd``obYmvio^Qk$LOdMdobMY^iQUk8HB:JbO@@B:`QJbmWJmJ`YumoiQdSMd``dbsWQJmJbOLJi^QvdidSsWQJmLJi^QvdJmkJbO`JYxQYkkoSSYMYQbmmdMdbkmYmomQJbJbY`J^SddOfiQfJiJmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSmWdkQfidqYkYdbk$ OdUddOkMdbmJYbYbU8:koMidkQLomiQUJiOQOJkfQ^^QmYxQO LQQmfo^f sWYMWWJkLQQbOQkoUJiQOSJ^^obOQimWQmQi` fJim^vOQkoUJiQOkoUJiLQQm YbJim8dSMd``YkkYdbiQU86FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kdfQiJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kmiQJm`QbmYkMiQJmQO$AOdQkmWQdfQiJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kmiQJm`QbmYkMiQJmQO$AOdQkmWQdfQiJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kmiQJm`QbmYkMiQJmQO$AOdQkmWQdfQiJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kJmYdbdSmWQSdbOkbJmYdbJ^OQkd^YOJiYmQJk^JYOOdsbLvJim^BF@JbOD6DdSmWQMdOQOQ^JkQMoiYmQkdMYJ^QSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSiQU8>6FD8diJbvdmWQiMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdb$kOdQkmWQfJv`QbmLvJkmJmQdSJiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbmdmWQfQikdbYbhoQkmYdbSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8>868>>JbO@8dSMdobMY^iQU8>6FD8$  !'This is not contrary to the principal of proportionality.''This is not contrary to the principal of proportionality.''Does the fact that the method of analysis described in Annex IV to Reg 625/78 is inapplicable to skimmed-milk powder which is not identical to skimmed-milk powder eligible for intervention contrary to the principle of proportionality?' 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q(?l0q(?lBq(? q(?l  q(?ObservationsP q    q0 q0qqH/t@!~sq_fObservationsq qX q q` q qh q Hqp q qx q q q (q q hq q q qqqqHqqq(qhqq q(?llq(?l*q(?bq(?lq(?l8q(?lBq(?lpq(?p q(? lObservations q( q q0 q *q8 q bq@ q qH q qP q BqX q q` q qh qqqqHqqq(qhqq qqq q8q`qqqqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqp qqhq0qhq q0q`0q0q 0q0q  0q0q q0q  0q0q q0q q0q  q0q qz qq(qXAq8qpq@qqPqq`qqpqPqqqqqqqq8q dpq q qq PqqqqL$qqqqqqqqq8qpqqqqPqqqq0qObservationsxq  q dq  qPrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservations@qqv `q(qHqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq p qqqqqObservationsPrimaryKeyqq`qq`qqqqqqq0q;LVALKIssues and positionsPrimaryKeyCCCCCCCCCC@CCN y\H/j( 9ron222/86Does the requirement that a person wishing to pursue an occupation as a sports team must hold a French diploma or a foreign one recognized by an unaccountable committee constitute a restriction on freedom of movement for workers?CommissionThe requirement is not contrary as long as there is a legal remedy under law to review the decision to refuse a diploma, which there is in this case. """"""" #on222/86Does the requirement that a person wishing to pursue an occupation as a sports team must hold a French diploma or a foreign one recognized by an unaccountable committee constitute a restriction on freedom of movement for workers?FranceThe requirement is not contrary as long as there is a legal remedy under law to review the decision to refuse a diploma, which there is in this case. """"""" #80/86Does it make a difference to the answers of the other questions if on the material date the period which the State had in which to adapt national law had not yet expired?CommissionThis makes no difference.!!!!!!! #80/86Does it make a difference to the answers of the other questions if on the material date the period which the State had in which to adapt national law had not yet expired?United KingdomThis makes no difference.!!!!!!! #80/86Does it make a difference to the answers of the other questions if on the material date the period which the State had in which to adapt national law had not yet expired?ItalyThis makes no difference.!!!!!!! #80/86How far must the national court take account of a directive as an aid to the interpretation of a rule of national law?CommissionA court may be guided by provisions of a directive which do not have direct effects, but there is no rule requiring it to do so.'!!!!!!! #80/86How far must the national court take account of a directive as an aid to the interpretation of a rule of national law?United KingdomThe court is required to interpret that legislation in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result in Art 189, but a directive cannot have the effect of determining the liability in criminal law of persons brea!!!!!!! #80/86Can an authority of a State rely as against nationals of that State on a provision of a directive which has not yet been implemented in national law?CommissionA national authority may not rely upon such a provision.!!!!!!! #80/86Can an authority of a State rely as against nationals of that State on a provision of a directive which has not yet been implemented in national law?ItalyA national authority may not rely upon such a provision.!!!!!!! #80/86Can an authority of a State rely as against nationals of that State on a provision of a directive which has not yet been implemented in national law?United KingdomA national authority may not rely upon such a provision.!!!!!!! #197/85Is Art 7(1b) of Reg 574/72 applicable to the overlapping of an indirect pension (a survivors pension) with a direct pension of a different kind (invalidity or old age pension)?CommissionThis provision is applicable if the application of the national legislation alone proves in the end to be less favorable to the recipient.l""""""" # LVALhD8D. 8  ?H D8DD DA !DDDDDDDD  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)hD`DDD D{z9T}@D(D`@D@x#D@agreementDhDDP DD4TM7@_~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cAG-Plaintiff agree(D DD D`D?[agreement].[agreement (number)]D;[agreement].[agreement (text)] DD@ D@agreement DD DD DD DD D D8D@DHDPDXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDxDHD D DP D HDP D Dz  DD D(D D Dh D D d D0 D D D DP Dagreement0 DPrimaryKeyP DDv pD@DXDDDqDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDD0D DagreementPrimaryKeyD DpDx DpDDDDDDDP D OdQkJMJkQsWQiQYbiQ^JmYdbmdmWQkJ`QMdbmiJMmdbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQiOdQkJMJkQsWQiQYbiQ^JmYdbmdmWQkJ`QMdbmiJMmdbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQiOdQkJMJkQsWQiQYbiQ^JmYdbmdmWQkJ`QMdbmiJMmdbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQidbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQidbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQidbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQidbQfJimvJff^YQkmdMdoimYbJkmJmQSdiJOQM^JiJmYdbmWJmmWQMdbmiJMmYkYbdfQiJmYqQsWY^kmmWQdmWQiYbkmYmomQkfidMQQOYbUkLQSdiQmWQdmWQikmJmQkMdoimSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdS^YkfQbOQbkobOQiOdQkJM^JokQMdbSQiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdbsWYMWYkYbM^oOQOJ`dbUUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QfiYbmQOdbmWQLJM\dSJMdbmiJMmkYUbQOLvLdmWfJimYQkSo^SY^^mWQiQhoYiQ`QbmdSJsiYmYbUobOQiJim8DdSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$XOdQkJM^JokQMdbSQiYbU[oiYkOYMmYdbsWYMWYkYbM^oOQOJ`dbUUQbQiJ^MdbOYmYdbkdSkJ^QfiYbmQOdbmWQLJM\dSJMdbmiJMmkYUbQOLvLdmWfJimYQkSo^SY^^mWQiQhoYiQ`QbmdSJsiYmYbUobOQiJim8DdSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$Xicus v. Hamburger Import-Kompanie@Hecq v. CommissionHeijn Heineken Brouwerijen v. Inspecteurs der Vennootschapsbelasting, Amsterdam and Utrecht]Heinemann v. Commission Heinze v. Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz9Henck v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide4Henck v. Hauptzollamt Emden# 'Such a case described in the question constitutes lis pendens under the convention.''Lis pendens only occurs where proceedings between the same parties involving the same subject matter and the same course of action are brought in the courts of different Contracting States.''Does a case where, in relation to the same contract, one party applies to court in a State for a declaration that the contract is inoperative whilst the other institutes proceedings before the other States court fall within the scope of lis pendens under Art 21 of the Brusse  # <MJbmWQLY^^dS^JOYbUYkkoQOLQmsQQbmWQMJiiYQiJbOJmWYiOfJimvWd^OYbUmWQLY^^LQMdbkYOQiQOJbJUiQQ`QbmYbsiYmYbUdiJbJUiQQ`QbmQqYOQbMQOLvsiYmYbULQmsQQbfJimYQkobOQiJim8DdSmWQH:DBFMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdb$MJbmWQLY^^dS^JOYbUYkkoQOLQmsQQbmWQMJiiYQiJbOJmWYiOfJimvWd^OYbUmWQLY^^LQMdbkYOQiQOJbJUiQQ`QbmYbsiYmYbUdiJbJUiQQ`QbmQqYOQbMQOLvsiYmYbULQmsQQbfJimYQkobOQiJim8DdSmWQH:DBFMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdb$MJbmWQLY^^dS^JOYbUYkkoQOLQmsQQbmWQMJiiYQiJbOJmWYiOfJimvWd^OYbUmWQLY^^LQMdbkYOQiQOJbJUiQQ`QbmYbsiYmYbUdiJbJUiQQ`QbmQqYOQbMQOLvsiYmYbULQmsQQbfJimYQkobOQiJim8DdSmWQH:DBFMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdb$MJbmWQLY^^dS^JOYbUYkkoQOLvmWQMJiiYQimdmWQkWYffQiLQMdbkYOQiQOJbJUiQQ`QbmYbsiYmYbUdiJbJUiQQ`QbmQqYOQbMQOLvsiYmYbULQmsQQbfJimYQkobOQiJim8DdSmWQH:DBFMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdb$MJbmWQLY^^dS^JOYbUYkkoQOLvmWQMJiiYQimdmWQkWYffQiLQMdbkYOQiQOJbJUiQQ`QbmYbsiYmYbUdiJbJUiQQ`QbmQqYOQbMQOLvsiYmYbULQmsQQbfJimYQkobOQiJim8DdSmWQH:DBFMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdb$MJbmWQLY^^dS^JOYbUYkkoQOLvmWQMJiiYQimdmWQkWYffQiLQMdbkYOQiQOJbJUiQQ`QbmYbsiYmYbUdiJbJUiQQ`QbmQqYOQbMQOLvsiYmYbULQmsQQbfJimYQkobOQiJim8DdSmWQH:DBFMdbqQbmYdbdb[oiYkOYMmYdb$MJbmWQQuQ`fmYdbSid`mWQMdbOYmYdbdSfidSQkkYdbJ^Md`fQmQbMQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6MJbmWQQuQ`fmYdbSid`mWQMdbOYmYdbdSfidSQkkYdbJ^Md`fQmQbMQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6`fmYdbSid`mWQMdbOYmYdbdSfidSQkkYdbJ^Md`fQmQbMQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6`fmYdbSid`mWQMdbOYmYdbdSfidSQkkYdbJ^Md`fQmQbMQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6MQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6fmYdbSid`mWQMdbOYmYdbdSfidSQkkYdbJ^Md`fQmQbMQYbJkfQMYJ^MJkQobOQiJim>:dSMdobMY^OYiD>@B8dS888:D>LQUiJbmQOdb^vYSQufQiYQbMQsJkUJYbQOYbJbobOQimJ\YbUdSmWQkJ`Q^QUJ^Sdi`$6MJbmWQSJMmmWJmJbobOQimJ\YbUsWYMWQb[dvkJ`dbdfd^vYbJ`Q`LQikmJmQSdiMdfviYUWmkiQhoYiQkmWQU^dLJ^JkkYUb`QbmdSJ^^koMWiYUWmksYmWdomOiJsYbUOYkmYbMmYdbLQmsQQbMJmQUdiYQkLQJbJLokQobOQiJimFB$V MJbmWQfJmQbmQQfiQqQbmmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSmWQfidmQMmQOfidOoMmUYqQbmWQQuYkmQbMQdSfiYMQOYSSQiQbMQkiQko^mYbUSid`UdqQib`QbmJ^`QJkoiQkJOdfmQOYbmWQQufdimYbUMdobmivsYmWJqYQsdSMdbmid^^YbUYmkfiYMQ$?sion v. ItalyCommission v. ItalyCommission v. ItalyaCommission v. Luxembourg Commission v. Luxembourg  Commission v. Netherlands!Commission v. Netherlands!CommissiMutmPqƞc‰N/The EEC must pay the refund equivalent from 8/1/77 to 10/19/77 with an interest rate of 6%.3The EEC must pay the refund equivalent from 8/1/77 to 10/19/77 with an interest rate of 6%.256/81Should the defendants pay compensation to the applicants for damages suffered by its refusal to pay the sum claimed in respect of refunds for the production of maize gritz intended for use in the brewing industry?uuuusF=.Community law does not require periodical recalculation of such social security benefits in view of changes in exchange rates.3Community law does not require periodical recalculation of such social security benefits in view of changes in exchange rates.238/81Do Art 48 and 51 of the Treaty require that current benefits whose amount is dependent at the time they are awarded inter alia on the amount of benefits under legilsation of States should be periodically calculated by Art 107 of Reg 574/72?$$F=-The method in Art 107 also applies to this conversion.3Where payments of the same kind are granted in different States on the basis of analogous national rules, there are no grounds for applying the method of currency conversion set out in Art 107 of Reg 574/72.238/81Must Art 107 of Reg 574/72 mean that the method for converting currencies laid down by it also applies to the conversion pursuant to a provision of overlapping benefits which is saved by Art 12(2) of Reg 1408/71 of benefits of another State? --!!PPPPNF=,The national provision against overlapping may be restricted by Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 where it is less favorable.3The national provision against overlapping may be restricted by Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 where it is less favorable.238/81If a pension which is received solely by virtue of national legislation also overlaps with a benefit of a different kind from another State should a provision against overlapping be restricted where it is less favorable than Art 46 rules of Reg 1408/71?   F=+Under Art 95, in the case of a national tax advantage which is permissible under Community law, imported spirits must satisfy all of the conditions of the provision in order to qualify for the advantage.3Under Art 95, in the case of a national tax advantage which is permissible under Community law, imported spirits must satisfy all of the conditions of the provision in order to qualify for the advantage.38/82Does Art 95 mean that spirits distilled from fruit imported from other States must automatically qualify for the most favorable tax treatment accorded to certain spirits of domestic origin or must they satisfy certain conditions?F=*Such national rules are quantitative restrictions under Art 30.3Such national rules are quantitative restrictions under Art 30.94/82If national rules prohibit a statement of strength of the original wort of a beer on the pre-packaging label, does the extension of that prohibition to beer imported from other States conflict with Art 30?sYYYYWF=)If the marketing of beer whose aciditiy exceeds a certain level is prohibited, the extension of that prohibition to beer lawfully produced and marketed in other States is contrary to Article 30.3If the marketing of beer whose aciditiy exceeds a certain level is prohibited, the extension of that prohibition to beer lawfully produced and marketed in other States is contrary to Article 30.94/82Is a provision prohibiting the marketing of beer with a certain level of acidity to be regarded as a quantitative restriction under Art 30, in so far as the marketing of the beer is impeded?jF=P ΢Cɿȃƥ§6 5  _ The regulation should be declared void.3The regulation is void in so far as they fix regulatory amounts for viticultural porducts other than table wine.128/86Should Commission Reg 648/86 fixing regulatory amounts for 1985/6 for imports of certain viticultural products from Spain be declared void?LAAAA?F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.119/86Should Council Reg 569/86 and Commission Reg 574/86, 624/86, 641/86, 643/86 and 647/86 on rules for the application of the supplementary mechanism appliacable to trade be declared void?$ii]]>>>><F=Denmark has failed to fulfill its obligations in some respects, but not in every area alleged by the Commission.3Denmark has failed to fulfill its obligations.278/85Has Denmark failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 79/831 on the approximation of laws relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances?F=Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Germany has failed to fulfill its obligations.208/85Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 79/831 on the approximation of laws relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances?JxxHHHHFF=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.248/84Should the Commission decision prohibiting the granting of aid in the labor market regions of Borken-Bocholt and Siegen in accordance with the guidelines for the award of investment aid for Land North Rhine-Westphalia be annulled?JbbVV????=F=The Netherlands has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The Netherlands has failed to fulfill its obligations.236/85Has the Netherlands failed to fulfill its obligations by not complying with Council Dir 79/409 on the conservation of wild birds?PPPPNF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.140/86Should the Commission decision refusing to allow the applicant to acquaint herself with the complete personal file of Gerhard Strack be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.401/85Should the Commission pay interest on sums withheld as a result of an interlocutory attachment order on the applicants remuneration?ii]]>>>><F='1The decision should be annulled.3The decision is declared void.84/85Should Commission Dec COM(84) 1941 be declared void in so far as it purported to apply reductions of UKL 13 083 004 to grants from the European Social Fund to the UK in respect of people under 25?*ddZZ::::8F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.81/86Is the Community liable for the damage suffered by the applicant as a result of the measures which the institutions have adopted to give effect to the Arrangement with the US on trade in steel pipes and tubes?:gg]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The decision is annulled.351/85Should Commission Dec 2760/85 on the extension of the system of monitoring and production quotas for certain products of undertakings in the steel industry be annulled?eeYY>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.340/85Should the Commission decision to impose a fine on the applicant for exceeding its production and delivery quotas for iron and steel products be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=P ΛfjȒFŹR The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.343/85Should Commission Dec 85/460 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 677198690 in respect of aid for skimmed-milk powder in intervention?"bbVV????=F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.342/85Should Commission Dec 85/459 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 2727740360 in respect of compensation for the withdrawal from the market of fishery products?Bii]]>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.342/85Should Commission Dec 85/459 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 1350061770 in respect of aid for the consumption of olive oil?#ii]]>>>><F=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.342/85Should Commission Dec 85/459 be declared void in so far as it refuses to recognize as chargeable to the EAGGF the sum LIT 655 750 in respect of aid for skimmed-milk powder in intervention? bbVV????=F=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.125/86Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 83/181 on exemption from value-added tax on the final importation of certain goods?'ttFFFFDF=Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations.124/86Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to comply with Council Dir 83/183 on tax exemptions applicable to permanent imports from a State of the personal property of individuals?BttFFFFDF=voThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.223/85Should Commission Decision 85/351 concerning aid granted by the Netherlands Government to an engineering undertaking be declared void?bbVV????=F=The decision should be declared void.3The application is dismissed.142/84Should the Commission decision to reject the applications made by the applicants under Art 3(2) of Reg 17/62 and declaring certain agreements between interveners do not infringe Art 85 and 86 be declared void?=jj^^????=F=The application should be dismissed.3The decision is annulled.344/85Should the Commission decision of 10/9/85 relating to a fine imposed pursuant to Art 58 of the ECSC be annulled?eeYY>>>><F=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.259/85Should Commission Dec 85/380 concerning an aid scheme in favor of the textile and clothing industry in France funded by means of parafiscal charges be declared void?ii]]>>>><F=The decision should not be annulled, but the fine should be reduced to 1600000 ECU.3The application should be dismissed.392/85Should the Commission decision of 10/9/85 relating to a fine imposed on the applicant pursuant Art 58 of the ECSC Treaty be delcared void?+mmmmkF=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.337/85Should Commission Dec 85/458 on the clearance of accounts presented by Ireland in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 be declared void?aaUU::::8F=P }3ɏ>ǯcģW d 3  4  ^ 9  Y 6  u Q 1  cCeC,Qi< e>rK$w%a5yAngenieuHauptzollamt Hamubrg-Ericus v yLohrey v. GermanyLomas and OthersLopez Brea and Carlos Hidalgo% yLorenz v. Germany.Louwage v. Commission:LThe grant is not conditional upon the animal having been slaughtered in this State, provided that the document certifying that the products come from adult male cattle was issued by the intervention agency of a Member State.3The grant is not conditional upon the animal having been slaughtered in this State, provided that the document certifying that the products come from adult male cattle was issued by the intervention agency of a Member State.86/85Does Commission Reg 32/82 mean that the grant of special refunds is conditional on the animals having been slaughtered in the State where customs export formalities are completed?F=vThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.315/85Has Luxembourg failed to fulfill its obligations by refusing to allow Community officials to opt for the transfer of the actuarial equivalent in all cases in accordance with Community law?'ii]]>>>><F=5 AThe applicant should be compensated for the delay in drawing up the report for 1977-79, but should not be compensated for the rest of the claims in her application.3The application should be dismissed.178/86Should the applicant be compensated for the delay in drawing up the period report in question one between 1977 and 1981?jF=5 AThe applicant report for 1981-81 should be annulled.3The applicant report for 1981-81 is annulled.178/86Should the decision of the Director-General for Personnel and Administration on 11/19/85 confirming her final periodic report for the period 1981-82 be annulled?,}}NNNNLF=The application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.111/86Should the commission decision to reject the application for a post of Head of Division and appoint another candidate be annulled and the applicant compensated for the resulting damage?$ii]]>>>><F=The decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.206/85Should the decision of the Selection Board for Competition COM/B/2/82 not to admit the applicant to the test in that competition be annulled?aaUU::::8F=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.239/86Should Commission Dec 85/466 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by the Ireland in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 in relation to fishery products be declared void?!bbVV????=F=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.237/86Should Commission Dec 85/466 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by the Netherlands in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 in relation to fishery products be declared void?%bbVV????=F=voThe decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.348/85Should Commission Dec 85/466 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by Denmark in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 in relation to fishery products be declared void?bbVV????=F=The decision should be declared void.3The decision is void.346/85Should Commission Dec 85/466 concerning the clearance of the accounts presented by the UK in respect of the EAGGF expenditure for 1981 in relation to fishery products be declared void?bbVV????=F=P mˋn*ć<The woman is not given a right to be regarded as having been insured under this legislation during the same periods by Art 51 or Reg 1408/71.3Neither Art 51 or Reg 1408/71 requires the periods to be regarded as insurance periods under national legislation.43/86Where, in the case of a married woman whose husband is entitled to the Netherlands pension in question, a period must be taken into account as an insurance period under Council Reg 1408/71, but not the national law, does the regulation give the pensioner &%%F=Such benefits are benefits of the same kind.3Such benefits are benefits of the same kind.37/86Should a survivors pension under Belgian legislation on the basis of the period of employment of the deceased spouse or insurance completed and an old-age pension under Dutch law to a widow over 65 who has not worked be called benefits of the same kind?~~~ttFFFFDF=Such a differential tax may not be imposed.3Such a differential tax is discrimatory under Art 95.433/85Does Art 95 of the Treaty of Rome forbid the imposition on certain motor vehicles of a differential tax which increases based on power ratings relying on cylinder capacity and such vehicles are not manufactured in that State, but other States?}||EEEECF=Community law does not prohibit such legislation.3Community law does not prohibit such legislation.160/86Does Community law prohibit legislation creating for similar products a dual system of prices consisting of fixed prices which may not be reduced by more than 5% for books published in that State without croosing a border and not for others?}~~KKKKIF=Article 86 does not prohibit such a charge.3Article 86 does not prohibit such a charge.402/85Do Art 86 prohibit the charging of an aggregate fee where the sound recordings were manufactured and marketed in a State where there is no such aggregation of fees and only performance royalty on public use of recorded work?`~~rrEEEECF=mArticles 30 and 36 do not prohibit such a charge.3Articles 30 and 36 do not prohibit such a charge.402/85Do Art 30 and 36 prohibit the charging of an aggregate fee where the sound recordings were manufactured and marketed in a State where there is no such aggregation of fees and only performance royalty on public use of recorded work?s~~KKKKIF=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.38/86Is Art 16(2) of Commission Reg 2173/79 on detailed rules of application for the disposal of beef bought in in by agencies and repealing Reg 216/69 invalid by going against the principle of proportionality?/``VV77775F=Such a measure is not contrary to Council Dir 77/780.3Such a measure is not contrary to Council Dir 77/780.166/85Is it contrary to Directive 77/780 to classify employees of credit institutions as "public officials" or "persons responsible for public service" for the purposes of the application of the criminal law of a State?iOOOOMF=The obligation to be taken into consideration is the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings. The place where the obligation is performed is determined by the law which governs the obligation.The obligation to be taken into consideration is the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings.266/85Is the place of performance, in a claim for fees by an architect in planning work, determined by reference to the contractual obligation which forms the basis of the legal proceedings, or by the obligation typical of the contract?nzzF?PGHrɀiž[This provision only applies to benefits granted under Art 73 and 74 of Reg 1408/71.3The first sentence of Art 10(1a) applies where family benefits are due in respect of a child who is a person covered by the Community legislation on social security for employed persons, without there being any need to ascertain whether the other recipien377/85May Art 10(1a) of Reg 574, where family benefits are due in respect of a child, apply to a person who may or may not be treated as an employed person for the purposes of Regs 1408/71 and 574/72?>zznnmmmmkF=This is not contrary to the principal of proportionality.3This is not contrary to the principal of proportionality.182/85Does the fact that the method of analysis described in Annex IV to Reg 625/78 is inapplicable to skimmed-milk powder which is not identical to skimmed-milk powder eligible for intervention contrary to the principle of proportionality?SSSSQF=This must not be regarded as free of whey if the States have selected different methods of analysis with smaller tolerance margins.3This must not be regarded as free of whey if it is not identical to skimmed-milk powder eligible for intervention.182/85If, upon application of the analysis under Reg 625/78, it is concluded that whey is absent, does that mean that the skimmed milk powder in question may also be regarded as free of whey for aid under Reg 1725/79?F=Such powder that meets the conditions required for intervention must be regarded as eligible for aid.3Such powder that meets the conditions required for intervention must be regarded as eligible for aid.182/85Must skimmed-milk powder which meets all the conditions as to composition and quality that are required for intervention in the form of public storage be regarded as eligible for the aid provided for feedingstuff use?}F=Such rules are contrary to Community law if the fixed profit margin and flat-rate amount for the costs of transportation do not sufficiently take account of the actual costs incurred by retailers.3Such rules are contrary to Community law if the fixed profit margin and flat-rate amount for the costs of transportation do not sufficiently take account of the actual costs incurred by retailers.188/86Does Community law prohibit national rules regulating the retail prices of beef and veal which prohibit retatilers from selling those products at a price exceeding the average price plus a fixed gross profit margin and flat-rate amount for transportation?F=The rate of production refund applicable in the month of exportation has to be taken into account.3The rate of production refund applicable in the month of exportation has to be taken into account.94/86Was the rate of export on sorbitol classified under headings 29.04 and 38/19T of the CCT and manufactured from maize under 10.05B and the exported to non-member countires to be calculated by the rate in the month of exportation or before?||||zF=These regulations prohibit States from adopting such rules.3These regulations prohibit States from adopting such rules.216/86Do Council Regs 121/67 and 805/68 prevent States from adopting measures governing the wholesale marketing of beef and veal which are not confined to prohibiting any increase in prices, but also that the price can be adjusted by Community rules?UUUUSF=HP͜ɥhůd Z NloThe period starts on the day following that on which the request for payment is depostied with the competent national authority.3The period starts on the day following that on which the request for payment is depostied with the competent national authority.145/85Does Art 17(3) of Commission Reg 1371/81 mean that the 2-month period prescribed by it for the payment of monetary compensatory amounts starts to run on the day following when the request for payment of amounts is deposited with the national authority?&((F=The payment of such a special old-age allowance constitutes a social advantage under Council Reg 1612/68.3The payment of such a special old-age allowance constitutes a social advantage under Council Reg 1612/68.256/86Does the special old-age allowance come within the substative and personal scope of Reg 1612/68 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community?F=Such rules are covered by Reg 1408/71 and States cannot deny nationals of other States the right to have their social security benefits index based.3Such rules are covered by Reg 1408/71 and this provision is applicable to workers who have completed such rules.82/86Are national rules such as those laid down in the Law of July 17 1963 covered by Reg 1408/71 as legislation of a State, even if the benefits for which they provide can be based only on periods of activity completed in non-member States?**  F=The provisions are applicable to such a person.3The provisions are applicable to such a person.82/86Are the provisions of Reg 1408/71 applicable to a person insured under a voluntary insurance scheme such as that established by the Belgian Law of July 1963 who pursued an activity as an employed person?QzzIIIIGF=A statement of total value of the works awarded to a contractor may be required from tenderers as a reference within the meaning of Art 25.3A statement of total value of the works awarded to a contractor may be required from tenderers as a reference within the meaning of Art 25 and nothing precludes a State from fixing the value of the works at one time.27/86Can the value of the works which may be carried out at one time be regarded as a reference enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined within the meaning of Art 25 of the directive?\F=These references are not exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Council Dir 71/305 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts.3These references are not exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Council Dir 71/305 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts.27/86Are the references enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Dir 71/335?llbbF=This provision does not apply where a benefit is due under national law alone and not in pursuance of Art 73 of Reg 1408/71.3This provision does not apply where a benefit is due under national law alone and not in pursuance of Art 73 of Reg 1408/71.377/85Does the first sentence of Art 10(1a) of Reg 574/72 apply where a family benefit is due pursuant to national law alone, without it being necessary to invoke Art 73 of Reg 1408/71, if the competent institution of a State would in any event have been requir!  F=P$4AɺVnSuch a tax constitutes a charge having an effect equivalent to that of a customs duty under Art 9 and 12 of the Treaty.3Such a charge constitutes internal taxation under Article 95.193/85Is the tax on the consumption of bananas in this case a charge having the effect equivalent to a customs duty under Art 9 and 12, or internal taxation under Art 95?F=oPArticle 7 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to such a difference in treatment.3Article 7 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to such a difference in treatment.168/86Do Art 3(f) and 7 prohibit the establishment in a State, in respect of books published by the same publisher, of 2 separate sets of legal rules (maximum discount and freedom of prices) whose application depend on whether they have been exported and re-impggggeF=?@`xA person may not be prohibited from acquiring entitlement to the benefits in that provision on the sole ground that he does not reside in the territory of the State in which the institution responsible for payment is situated.3A person may not be prohibited from acquiring entitlement to the benefits in that provision on the sole ground that he does not reside in the territory of the State in which the institution responsible for payment is situated.379/85What is the scope and meaning of the word "acquired" in Art 10(1) of Reg 1408/71??F=heSuch an allowance falls within the scope of Reg 1408/71 in so far as it confers upon recipients a legally defined position and is intended to provide supplementary income to elderly in receipt of benefits under Art 4(1).3Such an allowance falls within the scope of Reg 1408/71 provided that the persons concerned have a legally protected right to the grant of such an allowance.379/85Does an allowance such as the supplementary allowance under the Fonds national de solidarite, provided for in Book IX of the Code de la securite sociale, fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71?bF=+qIt is not contrary to Art 30 for national legislation to make such a requirement only for domestic processors.3It is not contrary to Art 30 for national legislation to make such a requirement only for domestic processors.98/86Is the requirement imposed only on Belgian processors, and not on their competitors from other States, to indicate their name and address on the packaging of butter compatible with Art 30 of the Treaty?F=ayThis recipient is obliged to repay only the difference between the refund paid in advance and the refund which he should have obtained for the products actually exported, that difference to be increased by 20%.3This recipient is obliged to repay only the difference between the refund paid in advance and the refund which he should have obtained for the products actually exported, that difference to be increased by 20%.288/85Was a recipient of export refunds in 1978 who had undertaken to export mixed cereal feedingstuff with a cereal content over 65% by weight but exported cereal with 50-65% (not being his fault) obliged to repay the entire advance payment increased by 20%?F=The national authority may not plead force majeure in this circumstance.3The national authority may not plead force majeure in this circumstance.145/85May a competent national authority plead force majeure under Art 17(3)(a) of Reg 1371/81 on the ground that it had insufficient staff available do to the sharp increase in requests for compensation and special characteristics of the agricultural sector?bbbb`F=\ Ξi+[Ų|r26/77Are the free-at-frontier prices for the dairy products in question to be fixed only by agreement with the 3rd countries concerned or does the plaintiff have a right to ask the Commission to align the free-at-frontier prices?CouncilThe plaintiff does not have the right to ask the Commission to align the free-at-frontier prices.o !!!!!!! #q26/77Is the system applied under Art 14 of Reg 804/68 to products falling within subheadings 4.04 EIb3 and 4 of the CCT a special provision within the meaning of Art 14(6) or a rule under the general system in Art 14(3)?CommissionThis system constitutes a "special provision" within the meaning of the 2nd subparagraph of Art 14(3) and the second indent of Art 14(6).!!!!!!! #p26/77Is the system applied under Art 14 of Reg 804/68 to products falling within subheadings 4.04 EIb3 and 4 of the CCT a special provision within the meaning of Art 14(6) or a rule under the general system in Art 14(3)?CouncilThis system constitutes a "special provision" within the meaning of the 2nd subparagraph of Art 14(3) and the second indent of Art 14(6).!!!!!!! #o319/82What are the consequences of the nullity of such a contract as in this case under Art 85(2) of the Treaty, in particular in relation to orders and deliveries made on the basis of the contract?CommissionThe automatic nullity in this provision is only for those found to be incompatible with Art 85(1) and the consequences of such are to be determined by the national court according to its own law.""""""" #n319/82Does Art 85 mean that a 5-year agreement for annual deliveries of 40 000 tons of cement must be void where an undertaking in Germany agrees with a Franch one not to deliver cement to the Saarland and have regard for undertakings in Kalsruhe and Wossingen?CommissionSuch a contract as the one described restricts competition within the common market and is contrary to Art 85(1) and should be void./#""""""" #m181/82Is the Prices of Registered Medicines Decree of 1982 to be regarded as a measure having an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction on imports, prohibited by Art 30 of the EEC Treaty?CommissionWhether the legislation violates art 30 of the Treaty is a matter for the national court to decide.S""""""" #l320/82Must the German pension institution pay an orphan who is Italian and always lived there a supplement to the pension granted by the Italian institution if entitlement to the grant was acquired under German legislation on German contributions alone?CommissionThe orphan is entitled to be paid by the German institution a supplement to the pension, which is granted by the Italian institution provided that sufficient contributions have been paid in Germany to confer entitlement to the pension there.'""""""" #k320/82Must the German pension institution pay an orphan who is Italian and always lived there a supplement to the pension granted by the Italian institution if entitlement to the grant was acquired under German legislation on German contributions alone?ItalyThe orphan is entitled to be paid by the German institution a supplement to the pension, which is granted by the Italian institution provided that sufficient contributions have been paid in Germany to confer entitlement to the pension there."""""""" #j292/82Is Art 1a of Commission Reg 2271/78,2555/78, 3115/78, 181/79, 410/79 and 615/79 void in so far as it provides for the application of the rates of export refund specified in Table I instead of Table II?CommissionThe provisions remain valid.""""""" #/s/"ƭŪpmpY281/85Should Commission Dec 85/381 setting up a prior communication and consultation procedure on migration policies in relation to non-member countires be declared void?NetherlandsThe decision should be declared void.""""""" #279/85Should the Council decision rejecting the applicants request for a transfer from the Language Service to Category A be annulled?Fabio Bolognese and OthersThe decision should be annulled.""""""" #'c260/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared vooid?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #'c260/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared vooid?Federation of European Beraing Manufacturers Associations (Febma)The application should be dismissed.""""""" #258/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared vvoid?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #258/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared vvoid?Federation of European Beraing Manufacturers Associations (Febma)The application should be dismissed.""""""" #256/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared void?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #256/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing an anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared void?Federation of European Beraing Manufacturers Associations (Febma)The application should be dismissed.""""""" #255/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball-bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared voidd?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #255/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball-bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared voidd?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers Associations (Febma)The application should be dismissed.)""""""" #240/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball-bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared void?CommissionThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #240/84Should Council Reg 2089/84 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball-bearings originating in Japan and Singapore be declared void?Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers Associations (Febma)The application should be dismissed.(""""""" #26/86Is the application to declare void Art 6(5) of Council Reg 3309/85 laying down rules for the description and presentation of sparkling wines and aerated sparkling wines admissible?CommissionThe application is inadmissible.!!!!!!! #181/85Should Commission Reg 644/85 fixing a countervailing charge on imports into the other States of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin produced in France be declared void?United KingdomThe application should be dismissed.""""""" # ̭[ Dz$×6 } B  ~ h D d A  d 9  b @  a<m@CBs>iE!z7 pN,  | u n g Geerlings v. CommissionGeigy v. CommissionGe402/85Do Art 30 and 36 prohibit the charging of an aggregate fee where the sound recordings were manufactured and marketed in a State where there is no such aggregation of fees and only performance royalty on public use of recorded work?FranceArticles 30 and 36 do not prohibit such a charge.F """"""" #38/86Is Art 16(2) of Commission Reg 2173/79 on detailed rules of application for the disposal of beef bought in in by agencies and repealing Reg 216/69 invalid by going against the principle of proportionality?CommissionThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #166/85Is it contrary to Directive 77/780 to classify employees of credit institutions as "public officials" or "persons responsible for public service" for the purposes of the application of the criminal law of a State?CommissionSuch a measure is not contrary to Council Dir 77/780.<""""""" #it86/85Does Commission Reg 32/82 mean that the grant of special refunds is conditional on the animals having been slaughtered in the State where customs export formalities are completed?CommissionThe grant of special refunds is conditional on the animals having been slaughtered in the State where customs export formalities are completed.s!!!!!!! #315/85Has Luxembourg failed to fulfill its obligations by refusing to allow Community officials to opt for the transfer of the actuarial equivalent in all cases in accordance with Community law?United KingdomThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #315/85Has Luxembourg failed to fulfill its obligations by refusing to allow Community officials to opt for the transfer of the actuarial equivalent in all cases in accordance with Community law?FranceThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #'e142/84Should the Commission decision to reject the applications made by the applicants under Art 3(2) of Reg 17/62 and declaring certain agreements between interveners do not infringe Art 85 and 86 be declared void?Rembrandt Group LimitedThe application should be dismissed.4""""""" #'e142/84Should the Commission decision to reject the applications made by the applicants under Art 3(2) of Reg 17/62 and declaring certain agreements between interveners do not infringe Art 85 and 86 be declared void?Philip Morris IncorporatedThe application should be dismissed.7""""""" #259/85Should Commission Dec 85/380 concerning an aid scheme in favor of the textile and clothing industry in France funded by means of parafiscal charges be declared void?GermanyThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #351/85Should Commission Dec 2760/85 on the extension of the system of monitoring and production quotas for certain products of undertakings in the steel industry be annulled?DenmarkThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #356/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations by applying a higher rate of value-added tax to wine of fresh grapes (imported) than to beer (domestic)?FranceBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.""""""" #281/85Should Commission Dec 85/381 setting up a prior communication and consultation procedure on migration policies in relation to non-member countires be declared void?European ParliamentThe applcation should be dismissed.""""""" #d ;˔p~B`5 g>vN'xV4hF$    @27/86Can the value of the works which may be carried out at one time be regarded as a reference enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined within the meaning of Art 25 of the directive?ItalyA statement of total value of the works awarded to a contractor may not be required from tenderers as a reference within the meaning of Art 25.!!!!!!! #27/86Can the value of the works which may be carried out at one time be regarded as a reference enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined within the meaning of Art 25 of the directive?CommissionA statement of total value of the works awarded to a contractor may be required from tenderers as a reference within the meaning of Art 25.!!!!!!! #27/86Can the value of the works which may be carried out at one time be regarded as a reference enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined within the meaning of Art 25 of the directive?SpainA statement of total value of the works awarded to a contractor may be required from tenderers as a reference within the meaning of Art 25.!!!!!!! #27/86Are the references enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Dir 71/335?CommissionThese references are not exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Council Dir 71/305 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts._!!!!!!! #27/86Are the references enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Dir 71/335?ItalyThese references are not exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Council Dir 71/305 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts.Z!!!!!!! #27/86Are the references enabling a contractors financial and economic standing to be determined exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Dir 71/335?SpainThese references are not exhaustively enumerated in Art 25 of Council Dir 71/305 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts.Z!!!!!!! #a 377/85Does the first sentence of Art 10(1a) of Reg 574/72 apply where a family benefit is due pursuant to national law alone, without it being necessary to invoke Art 73 of Reg 1408/71, if the competent institution of a State would in any event have been requirNetherlandsThis provision does apply in such a case.[0#""""""" #a 377/85Does the first sentence of Art 10(1a) of Reg 574/72 apply where a family benefit is due pursuant to national law alone, without it being necessary to invoke Art 73 of Reg 1408/71, if the competent institution of a State would in any event have been requirCommissionThis provision does not apply where a benefit is due under national law alone and not in pursuance of Art 73 of Reg 1408/71./#""""""" #377/85May Art 10(1a) of Reg 574, where family benefits are due in respect of a child, apply to a person who may or may not be treated as an employed person for the purposes of Regs 1408/71 and 574/72?CommissionThe provision does apply to such a person only under Art 73 and 77.7""""""" #377/85May Art 10(1a) of Reg 574, where family benefits are due in respect of a child, apply to a person who may or may not be treated as an employed person for the purposes of Regs 1408/71 and 574/72?NetherlandsThe provision does apply to such a person.""""""" # sͬɁ3!ď+  L , v L  n >  o K  t I  qNl?~R ~g T0 wGlEyR+(Lutticke v. Hauptzollamt Passau'288/85Was a recipient of export refunds in 1978 who had undertaken to export mixed cereal feedingstuff with a cereal content over 65% by weight but exported cereal with 50-65% (not being his fault) obliged to repay the entire advance payment increased by 20%?CommissionThis recipient is obliged to repay the entire refund increased by 20%.u-!""""""" # f145/85May a competent national authority plead force majeure under Art 17(3)(a) of Reg 1371/81 on the ground that it had insufficient staff available do to the sharp increase in requests for compensation and special characteristics of the agricultural sector?CommissionThe national authority may not plead force majeure in this circumstance.w-!""""""" #145/85Does Art 17(3) of Commission Reg 1371/81 mean that the 2-month period prescribed by it for the payment of monetary compensatory amounts starts to run on the day following when the request for payment of amounts is deposited with the national authority?CommissionThe period starts on the day following that on which the request for payment is depostied with the competent national authority., """"""" #256/86Does the special old-age allowance come within the substative and personal scope of Reg 1612/68 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community?ItalyThe payment of such a special old-age allowance constitutes a social advantage under Council Reg 1612/68..""""""" #256/86Does the special old-age allowance come within the substative and personal scope of Reg 1612/68 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community?CommissionThe payment of such a special old-age allowance constitutes a social advantage under Council Reg 1612/68.3""""""" #82/86Are national rules such as those laid down in the Law of July 17 1963 covered by Reg 1408/71 as legislation of a State, even if the benefits for which they provide can be based only on periods of activity completed in non-member States?BelgiumSuch rules are not covered by Reg 1408/71.D!!!!!!! #82/86Are national rules such as those laid down in the Law of July 17 1963 covered by Reg 1408/71 as legislation of a State, even if the benefits for which they provide can be based only on periods of activity completed in non-member States?CommissionSuch rules are covered by Reg 1408/71 and States cannot deny nationals of other States the right to have their social security benefits index based.!!!!!!! #82/86Are national rules such as those laid down in the Law of July 17 1963 covered by Reg 1408/71 as legislation of a State, even if the benefits for which they provide can be based only on periods of activity completed in non-member States?ItalySuch rules are covered by Reg 1408/71 and States cannot deny nationals of other States the right to have their social security benefits index based.!!!!!!! #h 82/86Are the provisions of Reg 1408/71 applicable to a person insured under a voluntary insurance scheme such as that established by the Belgian Law of July 1963 who pursued an activity as an employed person?BelgiumThe provisions are not applicable to such a person.,!!!!!!! #h 82/86Are the provisions of Reg 1408/71 applicable to a person insured under a voluntary insurance scheme such as that established by the Belgian Law of July 1963 who pursued an activity as an employed person?CommissionThe provisions are applicable to such a person.+!!!!!!! # |>˴lmuP, x T $ { 8 c > [ '  c +  kH_8Rg? ;n=x/ 193/85Is the tax on the consumption of bananas in this case a charge having the effect equivalent to a customs duty under Art 9 and 12, or internal taxation under Art 95?CommissionSuch a charge constitutes internal taxation under Article 95.""""""" #168/86Do Art 3(f) and 7 prohibit the establishment in a State, in respect of books published by the same publisher, of 2 separate sets of legal rules (maximum discount and freedom of prices) whose application depend on whether they have been exported and re-impCommissionArticle 7 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to such a difference in treatment.~/#""""""" #379/85What is the scope and meaning of the word "acquired" in Art 10(1) of Reg 1408/71?FranceA person may be prohibited from acquiring entitlement to the benefits in that provision on the sole ground that he does not reside in the territory of the State in which the institution responsible for payment is situated.]}u""""""" #379/85What is the scope and meaning of the word "acquired" in Art 10(1) of Reg 1408/71?CommissionA person may not be prohibited from acquiring entitlement to the benefits in that provision on the sole ground that he does not reside in the territory of the State in which the institution responsible for payment is""""""" #379/85What is the scope and meaning of the word "acquired" in Art 10(1) of Reg 1408/71?United KingdomA person may not be prohibited from acquiring entitlement to the benefits in that provision on the sole ground that he does not reside in the territory of the State in which the institution responsible for payment is situated.iu""""""" #379/85What is the scope and meaning of the word "acquired" in Art 10(1) of Reg 1408/71?ItalyA person may not be prohibited from acquiring entitlement to the benefits in that provision on the sole ground that he does not reside in the territory of the State in which the institution responsible for payment is situated.`|u""""""" #379/85Does an allowance such as the supplementary allowance under the Fonds national de solidarite, provided for in Book IX of the Code de la securite sociale, fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71?FranceSuch an allowance does not fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71.-""""""" #379/85Does an allowance such as the supplementary allowance under the Fonds national de solidarite, provided for in Book IX of the Code de la securite sociale, fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71?CommissionSuch an allowance falls within the scope of Reg 1408/7.(""""""" #379/85Does an allowance such as the supplementary allowance under the Fonds national de solidarite, provided for in Book IX of the Code de la securite sociale, fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71?United KingdomSuch an allowance falls within the scope of Reg 1408/71,""""""" #379/85Does an allowance such as the supplementary allowance under the Fonds national de solidarite, provided for in Book IX of the Code de la securite sociale, fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71?ItalySuch an allowance falls within the scope of Reg 1408/71#""""""" #98/86Is the requirement imposed only on Belgian processors, and not on their competitors from other States, to indicate their name and address on the packaging of butter compatible with Art 30 of the Treaty?CommissionIt is not contrary to Art 30 for national legislation to make such a requirement only for domestic processors.i!!!!!!! # 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Land BerlinDi Paolo v. Office National de l Emploi/nDi Pillo v. CommissionDi PintoDiamantarbeiders v. Indiamex$Dietz v. CommissionDietz-Matti v. GermanyDillinger Huttenwerke v. Commission+Dinter v. Hauptzollamt Koln-Deutz)Directeur general des douanes et des droits indirects v. Powerex-EuropeO )Directeur Regional de la Securite Sociale de Nancy v. GillardEDitterich v. Commission(Ditterich v. Commission Dittmeyer v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Waltershof4 Donner v. Netherlands State#jDora v. ManteroDrescig v. CommissionDu Pont de Nemours Italiana v. Unita sanitaria locale No 2 di CarraraMDufay v. Parliament Duijnstee v. Goderbauer7Dulciora v. Amministrazione delle finanze dello Stato=Dumez France and Tracoba v. Helaba and Others5Dumortier Freres v. 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CommissionMichel S. v. Fonds national de reclassement social des handicapesIMichelin v. Commission )Milac v. Hauptzollamt Freiburg& jMilac v. Hauptzollamt Freiburg&)Milac v. Hauptzollamt Saarbrucken)0Milchfutter v. Hauptzollamt Gronau*$NMills v. Investment Bank Minebea v. CouncilMinistere Public of Luxembourg v. Muller0Ministere public v. Blanguernon'Ministero delle Finanze v. Esercizio Magazzini Generali?1Miss B. v. CommissionMisset v. Council`Misset v. Council MMB of England and Wales v. Cricket St. Thomas Estate=Mogensen v. CommissionMoli v. CommissionMonteil and Samanni_Morello v. CommissionMorina v. Parliament  # POdJimYM^QkF@JbOFBfiQM^oOQmWQio^QkOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8$dY^fidOoMmkYbmdJkmJmQmdfoiMWJkQSid`JkmJmQdsbQOdY^iQSYbQivofmd<@dSmWQYiiQhoYiQ`QbmkdSfQmid^Qo`dY^k$OdJimYM^QkF@JbOFBfiQM^oOQmWQio^QkOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8$QmsQQbmWQQQMJbOUiQQMQQSSQMmmWQqJ^YOYmvdSMdobMY^iQUF8BD6diJbvMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdbmWQiQdS$OdJimYM^QkF@JbOFBfiQM^oOQmWQio^QkOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8$QkmJL^YkWYbUJbJkkdMYJmYdbLQmsQQbmWQQQMJbOUiQQMQQSSQMmmWQqJ^YOYmvdSMdobMY^iQUF8BD6diJbvMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdbmWQiQdS$OdJimYM^QkF@JbOFBfiQM^oOQmWQio^QkOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8$QQ`QbmQkmJL^YkWYbUJbJkkdMYJmYdbLQmsQQbmWQQQMJbOUiQQMQQSSQMmmWQqJ^YOYmvdSMdobMY^iQUF8BD6diJbvMd``obYmviQUo^JmYdbmWQiQdS$OdJimYM^QkF@JbOFBfiQM^oOQmWQio^QkOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8$OdJimYM^QkH@JbO::::2222 @ 7@?@Slynn1443/85Ancides v. CommissionAssociazione nazionale commercianti internazionali dentali e sanitariCommission^G=99992222 ?  7@@@da Cruz Vilaca14262/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyzsgRFBBBB2222 ?  7@@@da Cruz Vilaca14247/85Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgium~uiRFBBBB2222 @@7@?@da Cruz Vilaca1489/86Etoile commerciale and CNTA v. CommissionL Etoile commerciale and Comptoir national technique agricole (CNTA)Commission{PFBBBB2222  ?!@7@@@Lenz1449/86Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyng[F<88882222 ? @7@@@Darmon14420/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  @!4@?@Mancini1461/85Von Neuhoff von der Ley v. CommissionTamara Urhausen,nee Von Neuhoff von der LeyCommissionpI?;;;;2222 ?@2@@@Mischo141/86Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumri]F>::::2222 ?  @2@@@Slynn14394/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyqj^I=99992222 ?  @2@@@Darmon14154/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222 @@ 2@?@Lenz1454/86Grumbach v. CommissionMarcel GrumbachCommission{o^F<88882222 @@ 2@?@da Cruz Vilaca1440/86Kolivas v. CommissionGeorges KolivasCommissionxgPFBBBB2222 _~?~2@@@Lenz14225/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222  ? !2@@@Mischo14118/85Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalyrk_J>::::2222  @ !0@?@da Cruz Vilaca147/86Vincent v. ParliamentJohn VincentEuropean ParliamentseNFBBBB2222 @ 0@?X@Lenz14307/85Gavanas v. ESC and CouncilA. GavanasEconomic and Social Committee and Council of the European CommunitiespdH<88882222  ?!/@@@Mischo14134/86Commission v. BelgiumCommissionBelgiumvmaJ>::::2222 ? +@?@Lenz1497/85Deutsche Lebensmittelwerke v. CommissionUnion Deutsche Lebensmittelwerke GmbH and OthersCommissionpF<88882222  @@ !@+@?@Slynn14432/85Souna v. CommissionTheano SounaCommissionxl^I=99992222 2p<Ψ:̔IʣiȽyBŢ`À7p @! @?@Mischo1438/86Neumann v. BalmFirma Karl-Heinz NeumannBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungsYH>::::2222 tדf@@" @@?Mancini14166/85Bullo and BoniventoItalo Bullo and Francesco Bonivento``K?;;;;2222  ? ! @??Mancini14266/85Shenavai v. KreischerHassan ShenavaiKlaus KreischersbK?;;;;2222  @! @?@Darmon1486/85Moksel v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasAlexander Moksel Import-Export GmbH & Co. Handels-KGHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasnH>::::2222  ? !`@@@Mancini14315/85Commission v. LuxembourgCommissionLuxembourg}qeK?;;;;2222  @@ !_@?@da Cruz Vilaca14178/86Turner v. CommissionMariette TurnerCommissionyhRFBBBB2222  @@ !_@?@Darmon14111/86Delauche v. CommissionEvelyne DelaucheCommissiontbJ>::::2222  @@ !_@?@Slynn14206/85Beiten v. CommissionMaria BeitenCommissionym_I=99992222  ? !_@@@da Cruz Vilaca14239/86Ireland v. CommissionIrelandCommission~riRFBBBB2222  ? !_@@@da Cruz Vilaca14237/86Netherlands v. CommissionNetherlandsCommissionzmRFBBBB2222  ? !_@@@da Cruz Vilaca14348/85Denmark v. CommissionDenmarkCommission~riRFBBBB2222 ? _@@@da Cruz Vilaca14346/85United Kingdom v. CommissionUnited KingdomCommissionpRFBBBB2222  ? !_@@@da Cruz Vilaca14336/85France v. CommissionFranceCommission|phRFBBBB2222  ? !_@@@da Cruz Vilaca14332/85Germany v. CommissionGermanyCommission~riRFBBBB2222 ? _@@@da Cruz Vilaca14326/85Netherlands v. CommissionNetherlandsCommissionzmRFBBBB2222  ? !_@@@da Cruz Vilaca14325/85Ireland v. CommissionIrelandCommission~riRFBBBB2222  @ !@^@?@Mischo14181/86Del Plato v. CommissionSergion Del Plato and OthersCommissioncJ>::::2222 @ @^@?@Mischo14151/86Bauer v. CommissionErnst R. Bauer and OthersCommissionz_J>::::2222 @ @^@?@Lenz14277/84Jansch v. CommissionHeinz Gunther JanschCommissiont^H<88882222 @]@?@Lenz1450/86Grands Moulins de Paris v. Council and CommissionLes Grands Moulins de ParisCouncil and CommissionyF<88882222 ?\@@@Darmon14194/84Commission v. GreeceCommissionGreecetl`J>::::2222 ?Z@@@da Cruz Vilaca14343/85Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionzngRFBBBB2222 ?Z@@@da Cruz Vilaca14342/85Italy v. CommissionItalyCommissionzngRFBBBB2222 ?@Z@@@Lenz14125/86Commission v. ItalyCommissionItalypi]H<88882222  P~Θ2PjʻA+TŅĺÓª@ A!N@@?Mischo1480/86Kolpinghuis NijmegenKolpinghuis Nijmegen BVw^^H>::::2222  @!N@@?Lenz14197/85ONPTS v. StefanuttiOffice national des pensions pour travailleurs salaries (ONPTS)Domenica Stefanutti]H<88882222 @N@?X@Slynn14152/83Demouche v. Fonds de garantie automobileMarcel Demouche and OthersFonds de garantie automobile and Bureau central francaissI=99992222 ? L@??Lenz14311/85VVR v. Sociale Dienst van de Plaatselijke en Gewestelijke OverheidsdienstenVZW Vereniging van Vlaamse ReisbureausVZW Sociale Dienst van de Plaatselijke en Gewestelijke OverheidsdienstenH<88882222 tדf@A"5@?@Lenz1447/86Roquette Freres v. ONICRoquette Freres SAOffice national interprofessionnel des cereales (ONIC)s_F<88882222 er n@4@?@da Cruz Vilaca14384/85Borrie Clarke v. Chief Adjudication OfficerJean Borrie ClarkeChief Adjudication OfficerRFBBBB2222 ? 2@@?Lenz14316/85Centre public d aide sociale de CourcellesCentre public d aide sociale de CourcellesMarie-Christine LebontH<88882222  ? !@2@?@Mischo14424/85Frico v. Voedselvoorzienings In- en VerkoopbureauCooperatieve Melkproducentenbedrijven Noord-Nederland BA ("Frico") and OthersVoedselvoorzienings In- en Verkoopbureau}J>::::2222  @@!2@@?Lenz1453/86Officier van Justitie v. RomkesOfficier van Justitie for the District of ZwolleL. Romkes and OthersgF<88882222  of ? ne2@?X@Lenz1446/86Romkes v. Officier van JustitieAlbert RomkesOfficier van Justitie for the District of ZwollevgF<88882222  A!0@@?Lenz14241/86Openbaar Ministerie v. Bodin and Minguet & ThomasOpenbaar MinisterieJacques Bodin and Etablissements Minguet & Thomas{H<88882222  @0@@?Mancini1414/86Pretore di Salo v. Persons unknownPretore di SaloPersons unknown~mI?;;;;2222  A!0@@?da Cruz Vilaca14406/85Procureur de la Republique v. Gofette and GilliardProcureur de la RepubliqueDaniel Gofette and Alfred GilliardRFBBBB2222 er nA0@?X@Mancini1430/85Teuling v. Bedrijfsvereniging voor de Chemische IndustrieJ.W. TeulingBedrijfsvereniging voor de Chemische IndustrieI?;;;;2222  @!/@?@Lenz14375/85Campana v. Bundesanstalt fur ArbeitAngelo CampanaBundesanstalt fur Arbeit}mH<88882222 er n@+@@?Mischo1479/86Hamilton v. WhitelockR.T. HamiltonJoseph Stanley Wilson Whitelockn_H>::::2222  ? !+@?@Lenz14249/85Albako v. BalmAlbako Margarinefabrik Maria von der Linde GmbH & Co. KGBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungXH<88882222  ? !+@?@Lenz14133/85Rau v. BalmWalter Rau Lebensmittelwerke and OthersBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung~UH<88882222  @!@)@@?Mancini14372/85Ministere public v. TraenMinistere publicOscar Traen and OthersxfK?;;;;2222 M SΠO`ɥ>wƣQgÀˆ ? !@?@Mancini14286/85McDermott and Cotter v. Minister for Social Welfare and Attorney-GeneralNorah McDermott and Ann CotterMinister for Social Welfare and Attorney-GeneralK?;;;;2222  @!@?@Mischo1456/86Societe pour l exportation des sucres v. OBEASA Societe pour l exportation des sucresOffice belge de l economie et de l agriculture (OBEA)wH>::::2222  @!@?X@Mischo1422/86Rindone v. Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bad Urach-MunsingenGiuseppe RindoneAllgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bad Urach-MunsingenH>::::2222  @!@@?Mancini14215/85BALM v. Raiffeisen HauptgenossenschaftBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche MarktordnungRaiffeisen Hauptgenossenschaft eGsK?;;;;2222 h`~@~`@@?Mancini14422/85MattiazzoGraziano MattiazzojVVK?;;;;2222 xtO? ti_@?@Slynn14328/85Deutsche Babcock v. Hauptzollamt LubeckDeutsche Babock Handel GmbHHauptzollamt Lubeck-OstrI=99992222 @@^@?@Mancini14232/86Nicolet Instrument v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-PackhofNicolet Instrument GmbHHauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof~K?;;;;2222 @@^@?@Mancini14164/86Universitat Bielefeld v. Hauptzollamt GiessenUniversitat BielefeldHauptzollamt GiessenzK?;;;;2222 A^@??Slynn14218/86SAR Schotte v. Parfums RothschildSAR Schotte GmbHParfums Rothschild SARL~lI=99992222 @@]@@?da Cruz Vilaca1420/87Ministere public v. GauchardMinistere publicAndre GauchardnPFBBBB2222 A]@??Mancini14144/86Gubisch Maschinenfabrik v. PalumboGubisch Maschinenfabrik KGGiulio PalumbooK?;;;;2222 @]@@?Lenz1442/86Directeur general des douanes et droits indirects v. ArtimportDirecteur general des douanes et droits indirectsArtimport and OthersF<88882222 ? \@@?Slynn14136/86BNIC v. AubertBureau national interprofessionnel du cognacYves AubertYI=99992222 ? \@?@Darmon14192/85Newstead v. Department of TransportGeorge Noel NewsteadDepartment of Transport and Her Majestys TreasuryoJ>::::2222 @S@?@Darmon14254/86Symeonidis v. Minister for CommerceDamianos Soph. Symeonidis Anonimos Emboriki Eteria Sigaretton kai Ikodomikon Epichirisseon AEMinister for CommerceoJ>::::2222  Cha@ is@S@?@da Cruz Vilaca14176/86Houyoux v. CommissionArlette Houyoux and Marie-Catherine GueryCommissioniRFBBBB2222  @!@S@?@Slynn14109/86Theodorakis v. GreeceIoannis Theodorakis Biomichania Elaiou AEGreece`I=99992222 ? R@?@Mancini14314/85Foto-Frost v. Hauptzollamt Lubeck-OstFoto-FrostHauptzollamt Lubeck-Ost~rK?;;;;2222  ? !@P@??Mancini14222/86Unectef v. HeylensUnion nationale des entraineurs et Cadres techniques professionnels du football (Unectef)Georges Heylens and Others_K?;;;;2222 ~˿LoIijbJ""tדf@? "@?@Rozes14278/82Rewe v. Hauptzollamter Flensburg, Itzehoe and Lubeck-WestRewe-Handelsgesellschaft Nord mbH and Rewe-Markt Herbert KureitHauptzollamter Flensburg, Itzehoe and Lubeck-WestI=99992222 ? @?@Mancini14238/82Duphar v. NetherlandsDuphar BV and OthersNetherlandsxbK?;;;;2222 ? @?@Mancini14237/82Jongeneel Kaas v. NetherlandsJongeneel Kaas BV and OthersThe Netherlands and Stichting Centraal Orgaan ZuivelcontrolejK?;;;;2222  @@!@??Rozes14285/82Derks v. Nieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingW.J. DerksNieuwe Algemene BedrijfsverenigingvI=99992222 ""?9!(@@@Mischo14189/85Commission v. GermanyCommissionGermanyvmaJ>::::2222  @ !@S@?X@Slynn14146/85Diezler v. ESCClaus Diezler and OthersEconomic and Social Committee of the European CommunitiessYI=99992222 maryypY~1408888622222222 7mary@@ N@@?da Cruz Vilaca14118/86Openbaar Ministerie v. Nertsvoederfabriek NederlandOpenbaar MinisterieNertsvoederfabriek Nederland BVRFBBBB2222  @!`@?@da Cruz Vilaca14147/87Zaoui v. CramifSaada ZaouiCaisse regionale d assurance maladie de l Ile-de-France (Cramif)pcRFBBBB2222  @@!`@?@da Cruz Vilaca14323/86Collini v. ONPTSGiuseppe ColliniOffice national des pensions pour travailleurs salariesvdRFBBBB2222  @!`@X@?Mancini14287/86Landsorganisationen I Danmark for Tjenerforbundet I Danmark v. Ny Molle KroLandsorganisationen I Danmark for Tjenerforbundet I DanmarkNy Molle KroK?;;;;2222  ?!`@?@Mischo1488/86Bovo Tours v. Minister van Verkeer en WaterstaatBovo Tours BV and Van Nood Touringcars BVMinister for Transport, Water Control and ConstructionzH>::::2222  A!X@?@Mischo14137/85Maizena v. BALMMaizena Gesellschaft mbHBundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung (BALM)u[J>::::2222 @@@W@?@da Cruz Vilaca14198/86Conradi v. Direction de la concurrence et des prix des Hauts-de-SeineEdwin Conradi and OthersDirection de la concurrence et des prix des Hauts-de-Seine and ministere publicRFBBBB2222  ?!@W@?@Darmon14112/86Amro Aandelen Fonds v. Inspecteur der Registratie en SuccessieAmro Aandelen FondaInspecteur der Registratie en SuccessieJ>::::2222 ""? 9!L@?X@Darmon1412/86Demirel v. Stadt Schwabisch GmundMeryem DemirelStadt Schwabisch Gmund{kH>::::2222  A!@L@?@Mancini14126/86Gimenez Zaera v. Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social y Tesoreria General de la Seguridad SociaFernando Roberto Gimenez ZaeraInstituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social y Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social'K?;;;;2222 er s@@?@Darmon1458/86Cooperative agricole d approvisionnement des Avirons v. Receveur des douanesCooperative agricole d approvisionnement des AvironsReceveur des douanes, Saint-Denis and Directeur regional des douanes, ReunionH>::::2222  LVALʾType of LitigantonsCreate query in Design viewGeneral Case CharacteristicsCreate report in Design viewCreate data access page in Design viewendModule1^e 'YbmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8YkmWQiQJLiQJMWdSMdobMY^OYiDB:6DdbmWQY`f^Q`QbmJmYdbdSmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`Qb$YbmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQOQkMiYLQOYbhoQkmYdb8YkmWQiQJLiQJMWdSMdobMY^OYiDB:6DdbmWQY`f^Q`QbmJmYdbdSmWQfiYbMYf^QdSQhoJ^miQJm`QbmSdi`QbJbOsd`Qb$YbmWQMYiMo`kmJbMQkdSmWYkMJkQOdmWQio^QkdSmWQQQMmiQJmvYbfJimYMo^JiJim::::2222 @@@@?Slynn14288/85Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas v. Plange KraftfutterwerkeHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasPlange Kraftfutterwerke GmbH & Co.I=99992222  @!@@?@Mischo14145/85Denkavit v. BelgiumDenkavit Belgie NVBelgium|s_J>::::2222  @@!7@?@Lenz14256/86Frascogna v. Caisse des depots et consignationsMaria FranscognaCaisse des depots et consignationsyH<88882222  @!7@?@Mischo1482/86Laborero and Sabato v. OSSOMGiancarlo Laborero and Francesca SabatoOffice de securite sociale d outre-mer (OSSOM)fH>::::2222  A!7@?X@Mischo1427/86CEI v. Association intercommunale pour les autoroutes des ArdennesSA Constructions et enterprises industrielles (CEI) and OthersSociete cooperative "Association intercommunale pour les autoroutes des Ardennes" and Others*H>::::2222 A7@?@Darmon14377/85Burchell v. Adjudication OfficerBeverly Leila BurchellAdjudication OfficerlJ>::::2222  @!7@??Mancini14182/85Lutticke v. Denkavit-FuttermittelAlfons Lutticke GmbHDenkavit-Futtermittel GmbHnK?;;;;2222  @!6@@?Darmon14188/86Ministere public v. LefevreMinistere publicRegis LefevreygJ>::::2222 @6@?@Lenz1494/86Maizena v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasMaizena Gesellschaft mbH and OthersHauptzollamt Hamburg-JonasmF<88882222  @!5@?@Darmon14216/86Antonini v. Prefetto di MilanoF. AntoniniPrefetto di MilanowjJ>::::2222 @K@X@?Mischo1443/86Sociale Verzekeringsbank v. de RijkeBestuur van de Sociale VerzekeringsbankJ.A. de Rijke and L.A.C. de Rijke-Van GentnH>::::2222  @!K@?@Lenz1437/86Van Gastel v. Rijksdienst and RijkskasJohanna van Gastel, nee CoenenRijksdienst voor Werknemerspensioenen and Rijkskas voor Rust- en OverlevingspensioenennF<88882222  ?!@I@?@Mischo14433/85Feldain v. services fiscaux du department du Haut-RhinJacques FeldainDirecteur des services fiscaux du department du Haut-RhinJ>::::2222 me)@!@@?Slynn14160/86Ministere public v. VerbruggeMinistere publicJacques VerbruggezhI=99992222 tדf@? "!@??Lenz14402/85Basset v. SACEMG. BassettSociete des auters, compositeurs et editeurs de musique (SACEM)eYH<88882222  ΏWɐ_Ÿ71/83Can the bill of lading issued by the carrier to the shipper be considered an agreement in writing or an agreement evidenced by writing between parties under Art 17 of the 9/27/68 Convention on jurisdiction?ItalyIf the bill of lading is signed by the party against whom it is invoked and forms part of the general conditions of the contract, then it may be in conformity with Art 17.!!!!!!! #71/83Can the bill of lading issued by the carrier to the shipper be considered an agreement in writing or an agreement evidenced by writing between parties under Art 17 of the 9/27/68 Convention on jurisdiction?CommissionThe bill satisfies the conditions if it is part of a continuing business relationship between the parties.i!!!!!!! #ms266/85According to Art 5(1) of the Convention in question, is the place of "performance" to be determined by reference to the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of the proceedings, or the typical obligation characterizing the whole relationshipUnited KingdomThe place of performance is to be determined by reference to the obligation typical of the contract and characterizing the relationship as a whole.3#""""""" #ms266/85According to Art 5(1) of the Convention in question, is the place of "performance" to be determined by reference to the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of the proceedings, or the typical obligation characterizing the whole relationshipCommissionThe contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings is the one that must be taken into consideration./#""""""" #ms266/85According to Art 5(1) of the Convention in question, is the place of "performance" to be determined by reference to the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of the proceedings, or the typical obligation characterizing the whole relationshipGermanyThe contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings is the one that must be taken into consideration.,#""""""" #ms266/85According to Art 5(1) of the Convention in question, is the place of "performance" to be determined by reference to the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of the proceedings, or the typical obligation characterizing the whole relationshipItalyThe contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings is the one that must be taken into consideration.*#""""""" #278/82In the case of intra-Community transport by ferry, may goods in a travelers luggage which has not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from turnover taxes and excise duties?IrelandSuch goods benefit from the tax exemptions granted to imports from non-member countries.X""""""" #278/82May the goods in a passengers luggage, who is traveling from a non-member state to a Member State, which have not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from turnover tax and excise duties?IrelandThe exemption provided for in Council Dir 69/169 of 5/28/69 is granted to such travelers goods.m """"""" #a 278/82In the case of intra-Community transport by ferry where the traveler disembarks and returns by land, may a travelers goods which have not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from turnover tax and customs duties?GermanyThe exemption can only be granted in cases where the goods have been cleared through customs at the port of arrival for the purpose of being put into free circulation.%""""""" # LVALhD E  ?0 E EE EA !EEEEEEEE  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)PEHEEE ESz9T}@ E(Er)E@P#E@agreementEPEpE8 EE4TM7@I~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo65(E EE EHE?[agreement].[agreement (number)]E;[agreement].[agreement (text)]E E@$E@Xagreement EE EEEE EEp E E8E@EHEPEXEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEExE0E E E8 E HE8 E Ez  EE E(E E EP E E d E0 E E E E8 Eagreement EPrimaryKey8 EEv XE(E@EEEqEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EagreementPrimaryKeyE EXE` EXEEEEEEE8 E ?Ͳ> 5&v m147/87Does the operation of the fonds national de solidarite as laid down by Art L 685 and 707 of the code de la securite sociale fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71 or any other Community regulation?CommissionReg 1408/71 does not exclude from its scope ratione materiae an allowance paid by a national solidarity fund and granted to recipients of pensions with a view to providing them with a minimum means of subsistence, if that person has a legal right to the a""""""" #l323/86How exactly is the adjustment factor to be determined when only one of the benefits in question is determined according to the provisions of Art 46(1)?CommissionWhere there is only one institution providing a benefit under Art 46(1), that institution alone must reduce its benefit pursuant to the 2nd subparagraph of Art 46(3), and must reduce it by the full amount by which the sum exceeds the ceiling.""""""" #k323/86Must the sum of benefits calculated under Art 46(1-2) of Reg 1408/71 be reduced in all cases in which it exceeds the ceiling referred to in Art 46(3) or only when the ceiling is exceeded because of the duplication of insurance periods?CommissionThe anti-overlapping rule in Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 applies in all cases where the benefits exceed the ceiling, even if that is not due to the duplication of insurance periods.""""""" #j323/86Must the sum of benefits calculated under Art 46(1-2) of Reg 1408/71 be reduced in all cases in which it exceeds the ceiling referred to in Art 46(3) or only when the ceiling is exceeded because of the duplication of insurance periods?ItalyThe anti-overlapping rule in Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 applies in all cases where the benefits exceed the ceiling, even if that is not due to the duplication of insurance periods.""""""" #i287/86Does Art 3(2) of Dir 77/187 oblige the transferee to continue to observe the terms and conditions agreed in any collective agreement in respect of workers who were not employed by the undertaking at the time of its transfer?CommissionThis directive does not oblige the transferee to do so.I""""""" #h287/86Does Art 3(2) of Dir 77/187 oblige the transferee to continue to observe the terms and conditions agreed in any collective agreement in respect of workers who were not employed by the undertaking at the time of its transfer?Dansk ArbejdsgiverforemingThis directive does not oblige the transferee to do so.Y """"""" #g287/86Does Art 3(2) of Dir 77/187 oblige the transferee to continue to observe the terms and conditions agreed in any collective agreement in respect of workers who were not employed by the undertaking at the time of its transfer?United KingdomThis directive does not oblige the transferee to do so.M""""""" #f287/86Does Art 1(1) of Dir 77/187 cover the situation where at the time of the transfer the undertaking transferred is temporarily closed and has no employees?Dansk ArbejdsgiverforeningThe directive does not apply to this situation. """"""" #e287/86Does Art 1(1) of Dir 77/187 cover the situation where at the time of the transfer the undertaking transferred is temporarily closed and has no employees?CommissionAll factual circumstances surrounding the transaction must be taken into account and the fact that the undertaking had no employees at the time of the transfer does not alone prohibit the applicability of the directive.""""""" # OdQkJim88dSMdobMY^OYiD:>B8dbWQJ^mWfidL^Q`kJSSQMmYbUmiJOQYbSiQkW`QJmfQi`YmmWQMWJiUYbUdSJSQQmdMdqQimWQMdkmdSYkkoYbUJbY`fdimJomWdiYxJmYdbobOQimWQ^JsYbhoQkmYdb$ZOdQkJim88dSMdobMY^OYiD:>B8dbWQJ^mWfidL^Q`kJSSQMmYbUmiJOQYbSiQkW`QJmfQi`YmmWQMWJiUYbUdSJSQQmdMdqQimWQMdkmdSYkkoYbUJbY`fdimJomWdiYxJmYdbobOQimWQ^JsYbhoQkmYdb$ZOdQkJim88dSMdobMY^OYiD:>B8dbWQJ^mWfidL^Q`kJSSQMmYbUmiJOQYbSiQkW`QJmfQi`YmmWQMWJiUYbUdSJSQQmdMdqQimWQMdkmdSYkkoYbUJbY`fdimJomWdiYxJmYdbobOQimWQ^JsYbhoQkmYdb$ZOdQkJim88dSiQU8:6BDJk^JkmJ`QbOQOLviQUBB@D@YbSiYbUQmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbJim>6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYkYmYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmOdQkbdmUiJbmmWQkJ`QJ`dobmJfidOoMmYdbiQSobOmdOYSSQiQbmYbOokmiYQk$OdQkJim88dSiQU8:6BDJk^JkmJ`QbOQOLviQUBB@D@YbSiYbUQmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbJim>6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYkYmYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmOdQkbdmUiJbmmWQkJ`QJ`dobmJfidOoMmYdbiQSobOmdOYSSQiQbmYbOokmiYQk$UQmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbJim>6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYkYmYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmOdQkbdmUiJbmmWQkJ`QJ`dobmJfidOoMmYdbiQSobOmdOYSSQiQbmYbOokmiYQk$UQmWQfidWYLYmYdbdSOYkMiY`YbJmYdbYbJim>6dSmWQQQMmiQJmvJbOYkYmYbqJ^YOYbkdSJiJkYmOdQkbdmUiJbmmWQkJ`QJ`dobmJfidOoMmYdbiQSobOmdOYSSQiQbmYbOokmiYQk$OdQkJim88HdSmWQmiQJmvdSid`QiQhoYiQYbQJMWkmJmQmWQfiYbMYf^QmWJm`QbJbOsd`QbkWdo^OiQMQYqQQhoJ^fJvSdiQhoJ^sdi\$%OdQkJim88HdSmWQmiQJmvdSid`QiQhoYiQYbQJMWkmJmQmWQfiYbMYf^QmWJm`QbJbOsd`QbkWdo^OiQMQYqQQhoJ^fJvSdiQhoJ^sdi\$% type GrAG-Plaintiff agreement?'2  &JJiQJim8:JbO@dSMdobMY^OYiDB:6DYbSiYbUQOYSJfQiYdOdS^QJqQsWYMWmWQkmJmQQbMdoiJUQkLvfJv`QbmdSmWQbQmiQ`obQiJmYdbdSmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOJbO^JkmkkYu`dbmWkMJbLQM^JY`QOLvsdi\YbU`dmWQik$iQJim8:JbO@dSMdobMY^OYiDB:6DYbSiYbUQOYSJfQiYdOdS^QJqQsWYMWmWQkmJmQQbMdoiJUQkLvfJv`QbmdSmWQbQmiQ`obQiJmYdbdSmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOJbO^JkmkkYu`dbmWkMJbLQM^JY`QOLvsdi\YbU`dmWQik$iQJim8:JbO@dSMdobMY^OYiDB:6DYbSiYbUQOYSJfQiYdOdS^QJqQsWYMWmWQkmJmQQbMdoiJUQkLvfJv`QbmdSmWQbQmiQ`obQiJmYdbdSmWQfQikdbMdbMQibQOJbO^JkmkkYu`dbmWkMJbLQM^JY`QOLvsdi\YbU`dmWQik$iQJim8:dSiQU8>BB>JbOJim:6:dSiQUF6@BFmd`QJbmWJmJbvfQMobYJivMWJiUQY`fdkQOSdiqQmQiYbJivJbOfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQOJbY`J^kJbO`QJmMdbkmYmomQkJMWJiUQWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm$BiQJim8:dSiQU8>BB>JbOJim:6:dSiQUF6@BFmd`QJbmWJmJbvfQMobYJivMWJiUQY`fdkQOSdiqQmQiYbJivJbOfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQOJbY`J^kJbO`QJmMdbkmYmomQkJMWJiUQWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm$BiQJim8:dSiQU8>BB>JbOJim:6:dSiQUF6@BFmd`QJbmWJmJbvfQMobYJivMWJiUQY`fdkQOSdiqQmQiYbJivJbOfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQOJbY`J^kJbO`QJmMdbkmYmomQkJMWJiUQWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm$BiQJim8:8DF:<:>JbO:BdSMdobMY^OYiD:>B:Jff^YMJL^QLvJbJ^dUvmdmWQY`fdimJmYdbdSUJ`QsYmWmWQiQko^mmWJmmWQkmJmQkJiQQbmYm^QOdidL^YUQOmdMJiivdomWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbkJbOMWJiUQkSdimWYk$lamt Bremen-Nord8Kali und Salz and Kali-Chemie v. Commission3"NKampffmeyer v. Commisson and Council,.Kampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide:Kampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide:yKampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide:Kaucic v. Institut assurances maladie-invalidite83Kaufhof v. Commission,Keller v. Caisse d Assurance Vieillesse de Strasbourg=Kennes and Verkooyen 0Kenny v. Insurance Officer" jKermaschek v. Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit.Kerry Milk v. Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries<Kley v. CommissionKlockner v. Oberfinanzdirektion Munchen/Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$KKloppenburg v. Finanzamt Leer%Knoors v. Secretary of State for Ecomonic Affairs91Kobor v. CommissionKohl v. Ringlehan & Rennett# Kohler v. Court of Auditors#`Kolivas v. CommissionbKolpinghuis Nijmegen Kompanistenverband v. Commission(Konecke v. BalmyKoninklijke Lassiefabrieken v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenPKoninklijke Scholten Honig v. Council and Commission< Koninklijke Scholten Honig v. Council and Commission<)Koninklijke Scholten-Honig v. Hoofdproduktschap voor AkkerbouwproduktenO7Koschniske v. Raad van Arbeid%Kowalska v. Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg0Koyo Seiko v. Council*Koyo Seiko v. Council and Commission, Kracht v. Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit*KramerKrantz v. Ontvanger der Directe Belastingen and Staat der NederlandenMKrohn v. Com  # LVALhD sG  ?0 sG sGsG sGA !sGsGsGsGsGsGsGsG  d 7agreement.agreement (number)agreement3agreement.agreement (text)PsGHsGsGsG sG{z9T}@ sG(sGr)sG@P#sG@agreementsGPsGpsG8 sGsG4TM7@I~sq_cIssues and positions~sq_cCombo61(sG sGsG sGHsG?[agreement].[agreement (number)]sG;[agreement].[agreement (text)]sG sG@$sG@Xagreement sGsG sGsGsGsG sGsGp sG sG8sG@sGHsGPsGXsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGxsG0sG sG sG8 sG HsG8 sG sGz  sGsG sG(sG sG sGP sG sG d sG0 sG sG sG sG8 sGagreement sGPrimaryKey8 sGsGv XsG(sG@sGsGsGsqGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsGsG sGagreementPrimaryKeysG sGXsG` sGXsGsGsGsGsGsGsG8 sG LVALhDH ? 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YkmWQmQi` `QJm YbmJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUk8B6:LYYYJ8:JbO<dSmWQ8HDBMMmmdLQYbYmQifiQmQOJk`QJbYbUdb^vfYU`QJmdiJ^kd`QJbYbU`QJmdmWQimWJbfYU`QJm$NmiJOQ`Ji\Wd^OQidShoQkmYdb8YbSiYbUYbUJimFBYSWQJMhoYiQkJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`Ji\QmYbkmJmQLsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A miJOQ`Ji\Wd^OQidShoQkmYdb8YbSiYbUYbUJimFBYSWQJMhoYiQkJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`Ji\QmYbkmJmQLsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A miJOQ`Ji\Wd^OQidShoQkmYdb8YbSiYbUYbUJimFBYSWQJMhoYiQkJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`Ji\QmYbkmJmQLsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A iQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A miJOQ`Ji\Wd^OQidShoQkmYdb8YbSiYbUYbUJimFBYSWQJMhoYiQkJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`Ji\QmYbkmJmQLsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A iJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A miJOQ`Ji\Wd^OQidShoQkmYdb8YbSiYbUYbUJimFBYSWQJMhoYiQkJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`Ji\QmYbkmJmQLsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A YMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A miJOQ`Ji\Wd^OQidShoQkmYdb8YbSiYbUYbUJimFBYSWQJMhoYiQkJOd`YbJbmfdkYmYdbsYmWYbmWQ`Ji\QmYbkmJmQLsYmWiQUJiOmdmWQ`QOYMJ^fiQfJiJmYdbYbhoQkmYdb$A obY^JmQiJ^SYuYbUdS`JuY`o`fiYMQkSdimWQkJ^QdSkoUJiYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWiQU866HBDdbMQYm[QdfJiOYxQkmWQdL[QMmYqQkJbOmWQSobMmYdbYbUdSmWYkdiUJbYxJmYdbJbOkvkmQ`dSfiYMQk$`obY^JmQiJ^SYuYbUdS`JuY`o`fiYMQkSdimWQkJ^QdSkoUJiYbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWiQU866HBDdbMQYm[QdfJiOYxQkmWQdL[QMmYqQkJbOmWQSobMmYdbYbUdSmWYkdiUJbYxJmYdbJbOkvkmQ`dSfiYMQk$` p OdQkMd``YkkYdbiQU<:F:`QJbmWJmmWQUiJbmdSkfQMYJ^iQSobOkYkMdbOYmYdbJ^dbmWQJbY`J^kWJqYbULQQbk^JoUWmQiQOYbmWQkmJmQsWQiQMokmd`kQufdimSdi`J^YmYQkJiQMd`f^QmQO$JOdQkMd``obYmv^JsfiQM^oOQbJmYdbJ^io^QkdSmWQ\YbOYbhoQkmYdb8YSJomWdiYxJmYdbmd`Ji\QmYkkoL[QMmmdfiddSLvmWQY`fdimQimWJmmWQ`Ji\QmYbUdSmWQfidOoMmYbhoQkmYdb`QQmkJ`Ji\QmQOOQ`JbO$ OdQkMd``obYmv^JsfiQqQbmmWQ``LkSid`^QqvYbUMdbmiYLomYdbkdifQbJ^mYQkSdiSJY^oiQmdfJvmWQkQMdbmiYLomYdbk$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsfiQqQbmmWQ``LkSid`^QqvYbUMdbmiYLomYdbkdifQbJ^mYQkSdiSJY^oiQmdfJvmWQkQMdbmiYLomYdbk$mWQ``LkSid`^QqvYbUMdbmiYLomYdbkdifQbJ^mYQkSdiSJY^oiQmdfJvmWQkQMdbmiYLomYdbk$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsfiQqQbmmWQ``LkSid`^QqvYbUMdbmiYLomYdbkdifQbJ^mYQkSdiSJY^oiQmdfJvmWQkQMdbmiYLomYdbk$mWQ``LkSid`^QqvYbUMdbmiYLomYdbkdifQbJ^mYQkSdiSJY^oiQmdfJvmWQkQMdbmiYLomYdbk$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsfiQqQbmmWQ``LkSid`^QqvYbUMdbmiYLomYdbkdifQbJ^mYQkSdiSJY^oiQmdfJvmWQkQMdbmiYLomYdbk$OdQkMd``obYmv^JsfidWYLYmJkmJmQSid`mJu^QUYk^JmYdbYbsWYMWko`kOQOoMmQOLvsJvdSmJuSid`mWQsJUQkdSQ`f^dvQObJmYdbJ^kdSJkmJmQsWdJiQiQkYOQbmSdidb^vfJimdSmWQvQJiJiQbdmiQfJvJL^Q$LLYmJkmJmQSid`mJu^QUYk^JmYdbYbsWYMWko`kOQOoMmQOLvsJvdSmJuSid`mWQsJUQkdSQ`f^dvQObJmYdbJ^kdSJkmJmQsWdJiQiQkYOQbmSdidb^vfJimdSmWQvQJiJiQbdmiQfJvJL^Q$LLYmJkmJmQSid`mJu^QUYk^JmYdbYbsWYMWko`kOQOoMmQOLvsJvdSmJuSid`mWQsJUQkdSQ`f^dvQObJmYdbJ^kdSJkmJmQsWdJiQiQkYOQbmSdidb^vfJimdSmWQvQJiJiQbdmiQfJvJL^Q$LC agreement w'Article 95 applies only to products from other Member States and not products from non-member countries in free circulation within the Community.''Does Article 95 apply to all products coming from Member States, including products originating in non-member countries which are in free circ    # <OdQkJim8FdSiQU@D>D:`QJbmWJmmWQMd`fQmQbmYbkmYmomYdbYkiQhoYiQOmdJMMQfmmWQSYbOYbUk`JOQLvmWQ`QOYMJ^dSSYMQidSmWQYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQf^JMQdSiQkYOQbMQSdiYbMJfJMYmvmdsdi\YSmWQfQikdbYkbdmQuJ`YbQOLvJOdMmdidSYmkMWdYMQ$OdQkJim8FdSiQU@D>D:`QJbmWJmmWQMd`fQmQbmYbkmYmomYdbYkiQhoYiQOmdJMMQfmmWQSYbOYbUk`JOQLvmWQ`QOYMJ^dSSYMQidSmWQYbkmYmomYdbdSmWQf^JMQdSiQkYOQbMQSdiYbMJfJMYmvmdsdi\YSmWQfQikdbYkbdmQuJ`YbQOLvJOdMmdidSYmkMWdYMQ$OdQkJim8F<dSmWQQQMmiQJmv`QJbmWJmmWQfdkkYLY^YmvdSLiYbUYbUJOYiQMmJMmYdbobOQimWQkQMdbOfJiJUiJfWdSJim8D<JUJYbkmJQQMOQMYkYdbfidWYLYmkLiYbUYbUJbJMmYdbJUJYbkmJ`QJkoiQLvJbJmYdbJ^JomWdiYmvSdiY`f^Q`QbmYbUYmLQMJokQYmYkob^J OdQkJim:dSiQU:8H@BHfQi`YmMJmm^QdbJSJi`mdLQmJ\QbYbmdJMMdobmYbfidfdimYdbmdmWQmY`QSdisWYMWmWQvWJqQLQQbmWQiQ$ OdQkJim:8dSMdobMY^iQU<6H>FB`QJbmWJmJ`QkWkYxQSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmWJmfidqYkYdbYkdb^vdbQsWYMWWJkLQQbOQmQi`YbQOYbkmiYMmMd`f^YJbMQsYmWmWQfidMQOoiQYbiQU:86FF>$OdQkJim:8sYmWJim8@>dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8dSMd``YkkYdbiQU88dSMdobMY^OYiDHDWJqQJOYiQMmQSSQMmkoMWmWJmJsd`JbMJbSid`8::F>hoJ^YSvSdiJbYbqJ^YOYmvLQbQSYmLQMJokQkWQkJmYkSYQOMdbOYmYdbksWYMWQbJL^QJ`JbmdhoJ^YSvSdimWQLQbQSYmJ^mWdoUWkWQOYObdmkJmYkSvdbQSQ`J^QMdbOYmYdb$OdQkJim>8dSMdobMY^OYiDHDWJqQJOYiQMmQSSQMmkoMWmWJmJsd`JbMJbSid`8::F>hoJ^YSvSdiJbYbqJ^YOYmvLQbQSYmLQMJokQkWQkJmYkSYQOMdbOYmYdbksWYMWQbJL^QJ`JbmdhoJ^YSvSdimWQLQbQSYmJ^mWdoUWkWQOYObdmkJmYkSvdbQSQ`J^QMdbOYmYdb$OdQkJim><dSMd``YkkYdbiQU8DdSMdobMY^iQU<`QJbmWJm JMdiiQkfdbOYbUJUQbMvdSJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ MJbYbM^oOQJ^YJkdbOQfJim`QbmdSmWYkkmJmQkdmWJmYbdiOQimdMd`f^vsYmWmWQ^JsdS8kmJmQJbJffQJ^`JvLQkoL`YmmQO$VOdQkJim>DdSMdobMY^iQU<`QJbmWJm JMdiiQkfdbOYbUJUQbMvdSJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ MJbYbM^oOQJ^YJkdbOQfJim`QbmdSmWYkkmJmQkdmWJmYbdiOQimdMd`f^vsYmWmWQ^JsdS8kmJmQJbJffQJ^`JvLQkoL`YmmQO$VOdQkJim>DdSMdobMY^iQU<`QJbmWJm JMdiiQkfdbOYbUJUQbMvdSJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ MJbYbM^oOQJ^YJkdbOQfJim`QbmdSmWYkkmJmQkdmWJmYbdiOQimdMd`f^vsYmWmWQ^JsdS8kmJmQJbJffQJ^`JvLQkoL`YmmQO$VOdQkJim>DdSMdobMY^iQU<`QJbmWJm JMdiiQkfdbOYbUJUQbMvdSJbdmWQi`Q`LQikmJmQ MJbYbM^oOQJ^YJkdbOQfJim`QbmdSmWYkkmJmQkdmWJmYbdiOQimdMd`f^vsYmWmWQ^JsdS8kmJmQJbJffQJ^`JvLQkoL`YmmQO$VOdQkJim>FJ^^dsJ`Q`LQikmJmQmdmJ\QYbmdJMMdobm`JmmQikdSfQikdbJ^MdbOoMmkoMWJkLQYbUJkkdMYJmQOdiQ`f^dvQOsYmWJbdiUJbYxJmYdbMdbkYOQiQOMdbmiJivmdfoL^YMUddOsWQbbJmYdbJ^kMJbLQQ`f^dvQO$OdQkJim>FJ^^dsJ`Q`LQikmJmQmdmJ\QYbmdJMMdobm`JmmQikdSfQikdbJ^MdbOoMmkoMWJkLQYbUJkkdMYJmQOdiQ`f^dvQOsYmWJbdiUJbYxJmYdbMdbkYOQiQOMdbmiJivmdfoL^YMUddOsWQbbJmYdbJ^kMJbLQQ`f^dvQO$OdQkJim>FJ^^dsJ`Q`LQikmJmQmdmJ\QYbmdJMMdobm`JmmQikdSfQikdbJ^MdbOoMmkoMWJkLQYbUJkkdMYJmQOdiQ`f^dvQOsYmWJbdiUJbYxJmYdbMdbkYOQiQOMdbmiJivmdfoL^YMUddOsWQbbJmYdbJ^kMJbLQQ`f^dvQO$agreement with ECJ'The regulation satisfies the requirements of the principle of legality.''The regulation satisfies the requirements of the principle of legality.''Does Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77 accord with the principle resulting from constitutional requirements that there be a sufficient degree of legislative precision?' YkJbJmYdbJ^sWdiQMQYqQkJkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvLQbQSYmYbJkmJmQsWd`dqQkmdJbdmWQikmJmQkWQWJkbdmsdi\QOYbJbOYkOQfQbOQbmdbWQikdbQbmYm^QOmdiQMQYqQmWQUoiJbmQQOYbMd`QSdid^OfQdf^QYbmWQ:bOkmJmQ$YkJbJmYdbJ^sWdiQMQYqQkJkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvLQbQSYmYbJkmJmQsWd`dqQkmdJbdmWQikmJmQkWQWJkbdmsdi\QOYbJbOYkOQfQbOQbmdbWQikdbQbmYm^QOmdiQMQYqQmWQUoiJbmQQOYbMd`QSdid^OfQdf^QYbmWQ:bOkmJmQ$YkJfQMobYJivMWJiUQY`fdkQOOoiYbUmWQMWJbUQdqQiSid`dbQ`Ji\QmYbUvQJimdJbdmWQiLvJbJmYdbJ^`QJkoiYbUsYmWdomfiYdiMd``obYmvJomWdiYxJmYdbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWiQU<<<6D>JbO`JvdbQiQSokQmdfJvYm$YkJfQMobYJivMWJiUQY`fdkQOOoiYbUmWQMWJbUQdqQiSid`dbQ`Ji\QmYbUvQJimdJbdmWQiLvJbJmYdbJ^`QJkoiYbUsYmWdomfiYdiMd``obYmvJomWdiYxJmYdbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWiQU<<<6D>JbO`JvdbQiQSokQmdfJvYm$YkJfidOoMmkoMWJkWQiLJ^mQJsWYMWYbUQbQiJ^YkiQUJiOQOJkJSddOkmoSSJbOOdQkbdmfdkkQkkJbvfWJi`JMd^dUYMJ^fidfQimYQkLomYkfiQkQbmQOJkmWQiJfQomYMJ`QOYMJ^fidOoMmobOQiJim8:dSOYiB@B@$YkJfidOoMmkoMWJkWQiLJ^mQJsWYMWYbUQbQiJ^YkiQUJiOQOJkJSddOkmoSSJbOOdQkbdmfdkkQkkJbvfWJi`JMd^dUYMJ^fidfQimYQkLomYkfiQkQbmQOJkmWQiJfQomYMJ`QOYMJ^fidOoMmobOQiJim8:dSOYiB@B@$YkJfidOoMmkoMWJkWQiLJ^mQJsWYMWYbUQbQiJ^YkiQUJiOQOJkJSddOkmoSSJbOOdQkbdmfdkkQkkJbvfWJi`JMd^dUYMJ^fidfQimYQkLomYkfiQkQbmQOJkmWQiJfQomYMJ`QOYMJ^fidOoMmobOQiJim8:dSOYiB@B@$YkJfidOoMmmWJmYk LiJbkWJifkJbOdmWQiiQkYOoQkOQiYqQOSid`mWQkYSmYbU`Y^^YbUdisdi\YbUdSMQiQJ^k M^JkkYSYQOobOQiWQJOYbU:<6:dSmWQMMm$  "OdQkJkvkm`QJmYMfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQO`QJmmdMWQM\SdiJbvMWJbUQYbYmkMdbOYOmYdbOoiYbUmiJbkYmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSmWQfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbMJiiYQOdomYbmWQQufdimYbUkmJmQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$OdQkJkvkm`QJmYMfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQO`QJmmdMWQM\SdiJbvMWJbUQYbYmkMdbOYOmYdbOoiYbUmiJbkYmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSmWQfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbMJiiYQOdomYbmWQQufdimYbUkmJmQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$MfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbdbY`fdimQO`QJmmdMWQM\SdiJbvMWJbUQYbYmkMdbOYOmYdbOoiYbUmiJbkYmSJ^^sYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSmWQfoL^YMWQJ^mWYbkfQMmYdbMJiiYQOdomYbmWQQufdimYbUkmJmQYbJMMdiOJbMQsYmWMd``obYmv^Js$OdQkJmJusWYMWYkY`fdkQOdbmWQLJkYkdSOYkmJbMQkMdqQiQOsYmWYbJkmJmQSdimWQMJiiYJUQdSUddOkLvidJOsWYMWMidkkJSidbmYQiMdbkmYmomQmJuJmYdbdbfidOoMmksYmWYbmWQ`QJbYbUdSJimH@dSmWQQQMmiQJmv$OdQkJbJMmYdbsWQiQLvJMiQOYmdikQQ\kmdWJqQJOYkfdkYmYdbdSJiYUWmYbiQ`YbY``dqJL^QfidfQimviQbOQiQOYbQSSQMmYqQdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmsJk`JOQYbSiJoOdSWYkiYUWmkMd`QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8B8dSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$OdQkJbJMmYdbsWQiQLvJMiQOYmdikQQ\kmdWJqQJOYkfdkYmYdbdSJiYUWmYbiQ`YbY``dqJL^QfidfQimviQbOQiQOYbQSSQMmYqQdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmsJk`JOQYbSiJoOdSWYkiYUWmkMd`QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8B8dSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$OdQkJbJMmYdbsWQiQLvJMiQOYmdikQQ\kmdWJqQJOYkfdkYmYdbdSJiYUWmYbiQ`YbY``dqJL^QfidfQimviQbOQiQOYbQSSQMmYqQdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmsJk`JOQYbSiJoOdSWYkiYUWmkMd`QsYmWYbmWQkMdfQdSJim8B8dSmWQMdbqQbmYdb$` p ?OYOmWQkoff^Q`QbmJivJUiQQ`QbmdS868BD:iQkmiYMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJiLYmiJmYdbM^JokQmdmWQkd^QMJkQdSJOYkfomQLQmsQQbmWQLoiQJoudbmWQYbmQifiQmJmYdbdSmWQMdbMQfm bdi`J^^vLJkQO $OYOmWQkoff^Q`QbmJivJUiQQ`QbmdS868BD:iQkmiYMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJiLYmiJmYdbM^JokQmdmWQkd^QMJkQdSJOYkfomQLQmsQQbmWQLoiQJoudbmWQYbmQifiQmJmYdbdSmWQMdbMQfm bdi`J^^vLJkQO $OYOmWQkoff^Q`QbmJivJUiQQ`QbmdS868BD:iQkmiYMmmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSmWQJiLYmiJmYdbM^JokQmdmWQkd^QMJkQdSJOYkfomQLQmsQQbmWQLoiQJoudbmWQYbmQifiQmJmYdbdSmWQMdbMQfm bdi`J^^vLJkQO $OYOobmY^D8BDmWQfidqYkYdbkdSMd``obYmv^JsiQhoYiQmWQJomWdiYmYQkdSkmJmQkmdUiJmbiQSobOkdidb^vJomWdiYxQmWQ`mdOdkd$OYOobmY^D8BDmWQfidqYkYdbkdSMd``obYmv^JsiQhoYiQmWQJomWdiYmYQkdSkmJmQkmdUiJmbiQSobOkdidb^vJomWdiYxQmWQ`mdOdkd$OdJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbFB8HFWJqQOYiQMmJbOY``QOYJmQQSSQMmYbJkmJmQkdmWJmmWQv`JvLQJff^YQOLvJbJmYdbJ^MdoimsYmWdommWQiQMd``QbOJmYdbLQYbUJOdfmQOLvmWQkmJmQ$mWQ`mdOdkd$OdJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbFB8HFWJqQOYiQMmJbOY``QOYJmQQSSQMmYbJkmJmQkdmWJmmWQv`JvLQJff^YQOLvJbJmYdbJ^MdoimsYmWdommWQiQMd``QbOJmYdbLQYbUJOdfmQOLvmWQkmJmQ$mWQ`mdOdkd$OdJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbFB8HFWJqQOYiQMmJbOY``QOYJmQQSSQMmYbJkmJmQkdmWJmmWQv`JvLQJff^YQOLvJbJmYdbJ^MdoimsYmWdommWQiQMd``QbOJmYdbLQYbUJOdfmQOLvmWQkmJmQ$mWQ`mdOdkd$OdJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbFB8HFWJqQOYiQMmJbOY``QOYJmQQSSQMmYbJkmJmQkdmWJmmWQv`JvLQJff^YQOLvJbJmYdbJ^MdoimsYmWdommWQiQMd``QbOJmYdbLQYbUJOdfmQOLvmWQkmJmQ$mWQ`mdOdkd$OdJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbFB8HFWJqQOYiQMmJbOY``QOYJmQQSSQMmYbJkmJmQkdmWJmmWQv`JvLQJff^YQOLvJbJmYdbJ^MdoimsYmWdommWQiQMd``QbOJmYdbLQYbUJOdfmQOLvmWQkmJmQ$mWQ`mdOdkd$OdJim8JbO:dSMd``YkkYdbiQMd``QbOJmYdbFB8HFWJqQOYiQMmJbOY``QOYJmQQSSQMmYbJkmJmQkdmWJmmWQv`JvLQJff^YQOLvJbJmYdbJ^MdoimsYmWdommWQiQMd``QbOJmYdbLQYbUJOdfmQOLvmWQkmJmQ$ollamt Hof#Bruns v. Commission"Bucher v. CommissionBuhari Haji v. Inasti 4Buick v. CommissionBuitoni v. FORMAaBullo and BoniventoBundesamt fur Ernahrung und Forstwirtschaft v. Butterabsatz Osnabruck-Emsland eGX*Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung v. HirschDBundesknappschaft v. Brock" hBurchell v. Adjudication Officer(Bureau Belge des Assureurs Automobiles v. Fantozzi:KBureau Central Francais v. Fonds de Garantie Automobile?Busch v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Ericus,Busseni v. Commission Busseni v. Commission$C.A.M. v. CommissionCabras v. Institut national d assurance maladie-invaliditeB(Cadillon v. HossCadsky v. Instituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero=Cafiero v. CommissionzdAG-Plaintiff agreement?'2#[BώR Ιe7ͻ~G̑a5ˡb.ʚ]+ɳi ȥU!ǿg3ITēW%í{G˜d,I~Z$|I4f8287/86social policy% 88/86transport 137/85agriculture# xt198/86free movement of persons0 112/86tax provisions& 12/86Community law# 12/86international agreements. 12/86preliminary rulings) 126/86Social policy% 126/86EEC Treaty" 58/86own resources of the European Communities? 58/86agriculture! 286/85social policy% 56/86Community law# 56/86agriculture! 22/86social security for migrant workers9 215/85agriculture# 422/85approximation of laws- 328/85European Communities own resources: 232/86Common Customs Tariff- 164/86Common Customs Tariff- 218/86Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matterso xt20/87free movement of persons. xt20/87preliminary questions+ 144/86Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matterso xt~42/86Common Customs Tariff+ xt}136/86competition# |192/85social policy% {254/86accession of new Member States to the CommunitiesI z176/86officials! y109/86agriculture# x109/86Community law% ilw314/85Own resources of the European CommunitiesA ilv314/85preliminary questions- u222/86free movement of persons0 t80/86measures adipted by the institutions: s197/85social security for migrant workers; r152/83preliminary hearings, q311/85free movement of goods. p311/85competition# o311/85free movement of goods. n311/85competition# m47/86Community law# l47/86agriculture! Tk384/85social policy% omj316/85free movement of persons0 oP/i424/85Community law% oP/h424/85agriculture# xtg53/86fisheries f46/86fishing e46/86agriculture! xtd241/86transport! xtc241/86free movement of goods. b14/86measures adopted by the institutions: a14/86preliminary ruling( `406/85free movement of goods. T_30/85social policy# ^375/85social security for migrant workers; T]79/86transport \249/85Community law% [133/85agriculture# Z133/85application for annulment1 Y372/85measures adopted by institutions8 X372/85approximation of laws- W193/85tax provisions&  V168/86free movement of goods. <[l-Z*|)̺}AIʧm9ɰ~LȄ* #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)"         ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ } } } }}}}}}}}}} ||||||||||{{{{{{{ zzzzzzzzzz          yyyyyyyyyy x x xxxxxxxxxx , ,,,,,,,,,, W W W WWWWWWWWWW V V V VVVVVVVVVVUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTSSSSSSSRRRRRRRRer182/78social security for migrant workers; er236/78social security for migrant workers; 177/78Community law% 177/78agriculture# 240/78agriculture# er242/83social security for migrant workers; il237/83free movement of persons0 il237/83Community law% 286/82balance of payments+ 286/82freedom to provide services3 71/83Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of JudgmentsQ he266/85Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matterss 278/82Common Customs Tariff- 278/82preliminary rulings+ 238/82approximation of laws- 238/82free movement of goods. 237/82free movement of goods. 237/82agriculture# 237/82questions submitted for a preliminary rulingD 285/82social security ofr migrant workers; 189/85officials! 186/85Member States% 186/85officials! 186/85action for failure by a Member State to fulfill its obligationsW 146/85officials! 118/86free movement of goods. 147/87free movement of workers0 147/87social security for migrant workers; 323/86social security for migrant workers; @Pb͚ʊX#i> R '  h G &  k G # c  j  ?K'sO+`xV4\%wJh(_Frecassetti v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato@ bFrico v. Voedselvoorzienings In- en Verkoopbureau9 Frilli v. BelgiumFromancais v. FORMAFrubo v. Commission Fruit Company v. Commission# Funoc v. Commission Fuss v. Oberfinanzdirektion Munchen+GAARM GA national system in which animal waste handling is limited to licensed undertakings is compatible with these regulations.3National rules in the interest of protecting health in which only licence holders to operated plants may collect animal waste products and producers of poultry offal must dispose of it only to license holders are compatible with these regulations.118/86How should Council Reg 827/68 on common organization of the market in certain products listed in Annex II to the Treaty and Reg 2777/75 on the poultry meat market be interpreted since the destruction of poultry offal is restricted solely to a few licence-F=FSuch a person as Mr. Zaoiui cannot rely on either Reg 1408/71 or 1612/68 in order to receive such allowances.3A member of the family who is a national of a Member State cannot rely on Reg 1408/71 in order to claim a supplemental allowance connected with a pension which he receives in that State in a capacity other than as a member of a workers family, nor Reg 161147/87Is Mr. Zaoiui, who is not a French national (and not yet recognized as a stateless person), but whose wife is a French national, entitled to avail himself of the legislation of the EC?NF=EReg 1408/71 does not exclude from its scope ratione materiae an allowance paid by a national solidarity fund and granted to recipients of pensions with a view to providing them with a minimum means of subsistence, if that person has a legal right to the a3Reg 1408/71 does not exclude from its scope ratione materiae an allowance paid by a national solidarity fund and granted to recipients of pensions with a view to providing them with a minimum means of subsistence, if that person has a legal right to the a147/87Does the operation of the fonds national de solidarite as laid down by Art L 685 and 707 of the code de la securite sociale fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71 or any other Community regulation?&&F=DWhere there is only one institution providing a benefit under Art 46(1), that instiution alone must reduce its benefit pursuant to the 2nd subparagraph of Art 46(3), and must reduce it by the full amount by which the sum exceeds the ceiling.3Where there is only one institution providing a benefit under Art 46(1), that instiution alone must reduce its benefit pursuant to the 2nd subparagraph of Art 46(3), and must reduce it by the full amount by which the sum exceeds the ceiling.323/86How exactly is the adjustment factor to be determined when only one of the benefits in question is determined according to the provisions of Art 46(1)?       F=CThe anti-overlapping rule in Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 applies in all cases where the benefits exceed the ceiling, even if that is not due to the duplication of insurance periods.3The anti-overlapping rule in Art 46(3) of Reg 1408/71 applies in all cases where the benefits exceed the ceiling, even if that is not due to the duplication of insurance periods.323/86Must the sum of benefits calculated under Art 46(1-2) of Reg 1408/71 be reduced in all cases in which it exceeds the ceiling referred to in Art 46(3) or only when the ceiling is exceeded because of the duplication of insurance periods?yF=[LVAL4khDM`J` `?hJ`Jp JJ  $JJ*JbJJJBJJJ$JJJHJJJ(JhJJ$JJJJJJJJJ$JJ*JbJJJBJJJ  d              !Observations.junkObservations/ number/ issue=Observations.observation source9Observations.type of observer]'s position on legal issue=Observations.agreement with ECJ;Observations.agreement with AG?Observations.clarity of positionJ  xJ JPJ Ja'@`JJ J J *J bJ J J BJ J JObservationsP J    J0 J0JJH/t@!~sq_fObservationsJ JX J J` J Jh J HJp J Jx J J J (J J hJ J J JJJJHJJJ(JhJJJ J *J bJ J J BJ J JObservations J( J J0 J *J8 J bJ@ J JH J JP J BJX J J` J Jh JJJJHJJJ(JhJJ JJJ J8J`JJJJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJp JJhJpJJ J0J`HJ0J HJ0J  HJ0J J0J  HJ0J J0J J0J  J0J Jz 8JJXJ8J8JpJHJJXJJhJJxJPJJJJJJJJ8J dpJ J JJ PJJJJL$JJJJJJJ J(J8JpJJJJPJJJJ0JObservationsJ  J dJ   JPrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservationspJJv J`JJJJqJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ p JJJXJJObservationsPrimaryKeyJJJJJJJJJJ@J0J PYk`ixJdYoYsWdYkbdmJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^JbObdmvQmiQMdUbYxQOJkJkmJmQ^QkkfQikdbLomsWdkQsYSQYkJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^QbmYm^QOmdJqJY^WY`kQ^SdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQQM$z`ixJdYoYsWdYkbdmJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^JbObdmvQmiQMdUbYxQOJkJkmJmQ^QkkfQikdbLomsWdkQsYSQYkJSiQbMWbJmYdbJ^QbmYm^QOmdJqJY^WY`kQ^SdSmWQ^QUYk^JmYdbdSmWQQM$zYkbJmYdbJ^^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$,^QUYk^JmYdbsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$,YQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$,`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$,bsWYMWJomWdiYmYQkMdbmid^fJimdSmWQ`Ji\QmLv`QJkoiQkkoMWJkkoL[QMmYbU`Ji\QmYbUmdJiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmmWQfidOoMQiLQiQUYkmQiQOsYmWmWQLdOvJbOMddiOYbJmQJ^^kJ^QJbOmiJbkfdimmWidoUWYmMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6JbO<>$,YkdLkQiqJbMQdSmWQfQiYdOSdibdmYSYMJmYdbmWJmfidOoMmkWJqQQbmQiQOJbobOQimJ\YbU^JYOOdsbYbJim8FdSMd``YkkYdbiQU:8H:F:JMdbOYmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJYO$Jgsanstalt Rheinprovinz9Henck v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide4Henck v. Hauptzollamt Emden# Henck v. Hauptzollamt Emmerich& Henck v. Hauptzollamt Emmerich& Henck v. Hauptzollamt Emmerich& Hennen Olie v. Stichting Interim Centraal Orgaan Voorraadvorming Aardolieprodukten and Netherlandsj7Henningsen Food v. Produktschap voor Pluimvee en Eieren?'Reg 1408/71 does not exclude from its scope ratione materiae an allowance paid by a national solidarity fund and granted to recipients of pensions with a view to providing them with a minimum means of subsistence, if that person has a legal right to the allowance.''Reg 1408/71 does not exclude from its scope ratione materiae an allowance paid by a national solidarity fund and granted to recipients of pensions with a view to providing them with a minimum means of subsistence, if that person has a legal right to the allowance.''Does the operation of the fonds national de solidarite as laid down by Art L 685 and 707 of the code de la securite sociale fall within the scope of Reg 1408/71 or any other Community regulation?'] ͖UWwȕ+x237/82Does Reg 804/68 prohibit States from requiring cheese producers to become members of an inspection agency?CommissionStates may make such a requirement as long as the agency pursues objectives consistent with Community law and marketing, re-sale, import, export or offering for export of cheese is not reserved exclusively for those affiliated with the agency.""""""" #w237/82Do Art 30 and 34 of the EEC Treaty mean that a State may unilaterally adopt, in order to promote cheese sales, rules intended to improve the quality of domestic production along with compulsory use of stamps, marks or inspection documents?CommissionSuch rules constitute a measure having an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction on imports.""""""" #v237/82Are States able to intervene in the operation of the common market in cheese in order to promote sales if it serves the same purpose as Community regulations in this market and does such legislation interfere with the objectives of the common market?CommissionStates may not make rules that ban cheese not included on the restricted list, require distinctive marks on products for marketing where that leads to a decline in sales, and makes exportation conditional on licenses that hurt sales.*""""""" #u285/82Under Art 46 of Reg 1408/71 and Art 15 of Reg 574/72, is a period of employment before 1/1/65 in the Netherlands where contributions were paid and a period completed before 7/1/67 where none were paid to be regarded as a period of insurance?CommissionBoth periods are to be regarded as periods of insurance and not as periods treated as such.~!""""""" #t146/85Should all subsequent steps taken by way of implementation of the Staff Committee decision be annulled?Fabrizio GrillenzoniThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #s146/85Should the decision to reject Mr. Muellers complaint in his letter of 4/24/85 be annulled?Fabrizio Grillenzoni and othersThe application should be dismissed.~""""""" #r146/85Should the 4/19/85 decision on a voting system for the Staff Committee of the Economic and Social Committee be annulled.Fabrizio Grillenzoni and othersThe application should be dismissed.""""""" #qse118/86Are national rules which provide that only license holders may process poultry offal and producers of such offal must dispose of it only to those approved plants compatible with Art 30, 34 and 36?CommissionSuch rules are incompatible with these articles.&""""""" #p118/86How should Council Reg 827/68 on common organization of the market in certain products listed in Annex II to the Treaty and Reg 2777/75 on the poultry meat market be interpreted since the destruction of poultry offal is restricted solely to a few licence-CommissionSuch national rules are not compatible with these regulations.o/#""""""" #o147/87Is Mr. Zaoiui, who is not a French national (and not yet recognized as a stateless person), but whose wife is a French national, entitled to avail himself of the legislation of the EC?CommissionSuch a person as Mr. Zaoiui cannot rely on either Reg 1408/71 or 1612/68 in order to receive such allowances.W""""""" #n147/87Is Mr. Zaoiui, who is not a French national (and not yet recognized as a stateless person), but whose wife is a French national, entitled to avail himself of the legislation of the EC?FranceSuch a person as Mr. Zaoiui cannot rely on either Reg 1408/71 or 1612/68 in order to receive such allowances.S""""""" # LVALhD K  ?KKKK% !K*KKKKKK*K  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)KK@KhK pKh5C@ pKK K@ *K@#Type of LitigantHKK K KpK~C@9~sq_cObservations~sq_cCombo29K KK KK_[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]Km[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)]K K@01*K@Type of Litigant KK *KKKK KK0 K pK8K@KHKPKXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKxKK` K K K HK K Kz  KK KK K K K K d K0 K K K K KType of Litigant KPrimaryKeyKKv 8KK KKKqKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKK'KType of LitigantPrimaryKeyKK8K K8KKKKpKKK K WdskWdo^OMdobMY^iQUF:DBFdbMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQ}bMY^iQUF:DBFdbMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQ}bMY^iQUF:DBFdbMd``dbdiUJbYxJmYdbdSmWQ`Ji\QmYbMQimJYbfidOoMmk^YkmQOYbJbbQuYYmdmWQmiQJmvJbOiQU:DDDD@dbmWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQ}mWQfdo^miv`QJm`Ji\QmLQYbmQifiQmQOkYbMQmWQOQkmioMmYdbdSfdo^mivdSSJ^YkiQkmiYMmQOkd^Q^vmdJSQs^YMQbMQ}YSJMJiiYQiWJkobOQimJ\QbmdMd^^QMmmWQfiYMQdSmWQUddOkLQSdiQOQ^YqQiYbUmWQ`mdmWQMdkYUbQQYkmWQMd^^QMmYdbdSmWJmfiYMQJkQiqYMQJbMY^^JivmdmWQmiJbkfdimobOQimWQ:bOMdobMY^OYidS>88BD$NYSJMJiiYQiWJkobOQimJ\QbmdMd^^QMmmWQfiYMQdSmWQUddOkLQSdiQOQ^YqQiYbUmWQ`mdmWQMdkYUbQQYkmWQMd^^QMmYdbdSmWJmfiYMQJkQiqYMQJbMY^^JivmdmWQmiJbkfdimobOQimWQ:bOMdobMY^OYidS>88BD$NJiiYQiWJkobOQimJ\QbmdMd^^QMmmWQfiYMQdSmWQUddOkLQSdiQOQ^YqQiYbUmWQ`mdmWQMdkYUbQQYkmWQMd^^QMmYdbdSmWJmfiYMQJkQiqYMQJbMY^^JivmdmWQmiJbkfdimobOQimWQ:bOMdobMY^OYidS>88BD$NdSmWQUddOkLQSdiQOQ^YqQiYbUmWQ`mdmWQMdkYUbQQYkmWQMd^^QMmYdbdSmWJmfiYMQJkQiqYMQJbMY^^JivmdmWQmiJbkfdimobOQimWQ:bOMdobMY^OYidS>88BD$NYSJOQSQbOJbm^YqYbUYbJMdbmiJMmYbUkmJmQYkkoQOLvJim@8dSmWQLiokkQ^kMdbqQbmYdbYbJbdmWQikoMWkmJmQ`JvmWQMdoimYbmWQ^JmmQikmJmQQbmQimJYbJbJMmYdbdbJUoJiJbmQQJUJYbkmmWQSdi`QifQikdb$g-Jonas,Moli v. CommissionMonteil and Samanni_Morello v. CommissionMorina v. ParliamentMoser v. Land Baden-Wurttemberg'Moulijn v. CommissionMoulins Pont-a-Mousson v. Office Interprofessionnel des CerealesHMoussis v. CommissionMouzourakis v. Parliament!_Mr. N v. Commission 1Mrs. V. v. CommissionMulcahy v. Commission Mullers v. Economic and Social Committee0Mullers v. ESCMulligan v. Commission Municipality of Differdange v. Commission1yMuras v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas+Murru v. Caisse Regionale d Assurance Maladie Paris;Musique Diffusion Francaise v. Commission1Mutualites Chretiennes v. Rzepa'"Mutualites Socialistes v. La Marca**Nachi Fujikoshi v. Council" Nachi Fujikoshi v. Council"(Nagels v. Commission(Naselli v. Caisse Auxiliaire d Assurance Maladie-InvaliditeCNashua Corporation and Others v. Commission and Council?Nebe v. CommissionNebe v. Commission"Necomout v. Hoofdproduktschap Akkerbouwprodukten8 Nederlandse Ondernemingen v. Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en AccijnzenNNederlandse Spoorwegen v. Inspecteur der invoerrechten en accijnzenKnNederlandse Spoorwegen v. Minister Verkeer en Waterstaat@ 7Nederlandse Spoorwegen v. Staatssecretaris van Financien@ Neo  # PYkmWQmJudbmWQMdbko`fmYdbdSLJbJbJkYbmWYkMJkQJMWJiUQWJqYbUmWQQSSQMmQhoYqJ^QbmmdJMokmd`kOomvobOQiJimHJbO8:diYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbobOQiJimH@$GJio^QobOQimWQUQbQiJ^kvkmQ`YbJim8><$+YkmWQmJudbmWQMdbko`fmYdbdSLJbJbJkYbmWYkMJkQJMWJiUQWJqYbUmWQQSSQMmQhoYqJ^QbmmdJMokmd`kOomvobOQiJimHJbO8:diYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbobOQiJimH@$Gio^QobOQimWQUQbQiJ^kvkmQ`YbJim8><$+YkmWQmJudbmWQMdbko`fmYdbdSLJbJbJkYbmWYkMJkQJMWJiUQWJqYbUmWQQSSQMmQhoYqJ^QbmmdJMokmd`kOomvobOQiJimHJbO8:diYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbobOQiJimH@$GYkmWQmQi` `QJm YbmJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUk8B6:LYYYJ8:JbO<dSmWQ8HDBMMmmdLQYbYmQifiQmQOJk`QJbYbUdb^vfYU`QJmdiJ^kd`QJbYbU`QJmdmWQimWJbfYU`QJm${bmQufQbOYmoiQLomkfiQJOfJkm8vQJi$YkmWQmQi` `QJm YbmJiYSSkoLWQJOYbUk8B6:LYYYJ8:JbO<dSmWQ8HDBMMmmdLQYbYmQifiQmQOJk`QJbYbUdb^vfYU`QJmdiJ^kd`QJbYbU`QJmdmWQimWJbfYU`QJm${QOJkMoiiQbmQufQbOYmoiQLomkfiQJOfJkm8vQJi$YkmWQmQi` `QJm 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v. Commission1Italy v. Council(Jacquemart v. Commission  Janet v. CommissionaJansch v. Commission_Jansch v. Commission*Jansen v. Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz9,Janssen v. Mutualites Chretiennes)Jerzak v. Bundesknappschaft# Johanning v. Commission K. v. Council Kaffee-Contor Bremen v. Hauptzollamt Bremen-Nord8Kali und Salz and Kali-Chemie v. Commission3"NKampffmeyer v. Commisson and Council,yKampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide:Kampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide:.Kampffmeyer v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide:Kaucic v. Institut assurances maladie-invalidite83Kaufhof v. Commission,Keller v. Caisse d Assurance Vieillesse de Strasbourg=Kennes and Verkooyen 0Kenny v. Insurance Officer" jKermaschek v. Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit.Kerry Milk v. Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries<Kley v. CommissionKlockner v. Oberfinanzdirektion Munchen/Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$Klockner-Werke v. Commission$KKloppenburg v. Finanzamt Leer%Knoors v. Secretary of State for Ecomonic Affairs91Kobor v. CommissionKohl v. Ringlehan & Rennett# Kohler v. Court of Auditors#`Kolivas v. CommissionbKolpinghuis Nijmegen Kompanistenverband v. Commission(Konecke v. Balm PGYkJbdsbQididMMofYQidSJ^JbOdL^YUQOmdWd^OJfQi`YmobOQiJimFdSmWQOYiQMmYqQYbqYQsdSmWQSJMmmWJmWQLQMd`QkmWQdsbQidSmWQsJkmQmYffQOdbWYk^JbO$YkJim8dSMd``YkYdbiQU:@>BF6YbMd`fJmYL^QsYmWmWQfiYbMYf^QkdSfidfdimYdbJ^YmvJbOQhoJ^miQJm`QbmYbiQmidJMmYqQ^vSYuYbUJmY`Q^Y`YmLvsWYMWmWQMdbM^oOQOMdbmiJMmkWJOmdLQSdisJiOQOmdmWQJffidfiYJmQJUQbMv$'YkJim8dSMd``YkkYdbiQU<<@FF8SYuYbUmWQkoUJi^JQqvSdi8HF6F8ob^JsSo^dbmWQUidobOmWJmYmYkMdbmiJivmdJim:D:dSMdobMY^iQU<<<6D>$YkJim8dSMd``YkkYdbiQU<>:HF6JOdfmYbUfidmQMmYqQ`QJkoiQkJff^YMJL^QmdY`fdimkdSfiQkQiqQO`okWidd`kqJ^YO$YkJim8dSiQUHB>D8dSmWQMd``YkkYdbYbqJ^YOdbmWQUidobOmWJmYmYbSiYbUQkiQUF6:BFdSmWQMdobMY^$YkJim88dSMd``YkkYdbiQUDBDBdS88BDBYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmqYd^JmQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbJbOmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmv${ Jim88dSMd``YkkYdbiQUDBDBdS88BDBYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmqYd^JmQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbJbOmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmv${ dmLQMWJbUQOOoiYbUmWQ`Ji\QmYbUvQJi$YkJim88dSMd``YkkYdbiQUDBDBdS88BDBYbqJ^YOLQMJokQYmqYd^JmQkmWQfiYbMYf^QdSbdbOYkMiY`YbJmYdbJbOmWQfiYbMYf^QdS^QUJ^MQimJYbmv${ YkJim88dSMdobMY^OYiBF8@8QQMOYiQMm^vJff^YMJL^QkdJkmdfidWYLYmJOQM^JiJmYdbdSbo^^YmvdSJfoL^YM^Y`YmQOMd`fJbvdbJUidobOdmWQimWJbmWdkQkQmdomYbmWQkJYOJimYM^Q$Leonesio v. Italian Ministry for Agriculture and ForestryALes Rapides Savoyards v. Directeur des Douanes et Droits IndirectsJ ,Lesage v. Hauptzollamt Freiburg'3Lesieur v. Commission Liefting v. Academisch Ziekenhuis bij de Universiteit van AmsterdamKLiegeois v. OPTSLingenfelser v. Germany Lipman v. Commission1List v. Commission List v. Commission Loebisch v. CouncilLohmann v. Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main8 yLohrey v. GermanyLomas and OthersLopez Brea and Carlos Hidalgo% yLorenz v. Germany.Louwage v. Commission jLTU v. EurocontrolLucchini v. Commission )Ludwig v. Free and Haseatic City of Hamburg3Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen v. Hauptzollamt Munchen-WestK_Luma v. Hauptzollamt Duisburg%(Lutticke v. CommissionhLutticke v. Denkavit-Futtermittel)Lutticke v. Hauptzollamt Passau'(Lutticke v. Hauptzollamt Passau'Lux v. Court of Auditors  Lux v. Court of Auditors Luxembourg v. Commission 4Luxembourg v. Parliament  Luxembourg v. Parliament Mabanaft v. Hauptzollamt Emmerich)Macevicius v. Parliament Macevicius v. Parliament 3Macevicius v. Parliament  Mackprang v. Commission7Maggi v. Hauptzollamt Munster%hMaizena v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas- Malt v. Hauptzollamt Dusseldorf'Mannesmann-Rohrenwerke v. Council).Manpower v. Caisse d assurance&Manzoni v. FNROMMarcato v. Commission PA`okmmWQko`dSLQbQSYmkMJ^Mo^JmQOobOQiJim>B8:dSiQU8>6FD8LQiQOoMQOYbJ^^MJkQkYbsWYMWYmQuMQQOkmWQMQY^YbUiQSQiiQOmdYbJim>B<didb^vsWQbmWQMQY^YbUYkQuMQQOQOLQMJokQdSmWQOof^YMJmYdbdSYbkoiJbMQfQiYdOk$z`okmmWQmQi` fJv YbJim88HdSmWQmiQJmvYbM^oOQMd`fQbkJmYdbsWYMWmWQQ`f^dvYbUfoL^YMJomWdiYmvSdi`Qi^vfJYOmdmWQmJuJomWdiYmYQkYbQuMQkkdSmWQ`JuY`o`MdbmiYLomYdbOoQobOQimWQiQ^QqJbm^QUYk^JmYdb$`okmmWQmWQhoQkmYdbsWQmWQiJbJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJbY`fdim^YMQbMQobOQimWQ8kmkQbmQbMQdSJim8B8dSiQU8HB:MJbLQMJbMQ^^QOJbOsWJmmWQQSSQMmkdSkoMWMJbMQ^^JmYdbJiQLQOQMYOQOLvbJmYdbJ^^Js$RWQhoQkmYdbsWQmWQiJbJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJbY`fdim^YMQbMQobOQimWQ8kmkQbmQbMQdSJim8B8dSiQU8HB:MJbLQMJbMQ^^QOJbOsWJmmWQQSSQMmkdSkoMWMJbMQ^^JmYdbJiQLQOQMYOQOLvbJmYdbJ^^Js$RhoQkmYdbsWQmWQiJbJff^YMJmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJbY`fdim^YMQbMQobOQimWQ8kmkQbmQbMQdSJim8B8dSiQU8HB:MJbLQMJbMQ^^QOJbOsWJmmWQQSSQMmkdSkoMWMJbMQ^^JmYdbJiQLQOQMYOQOLvbJmYdbJ^^Js$Rf^YMJmYdbSdimWQUiJbmdSJbY`fdim^YMQbMQobOQimWQ8kmkQbmQbMQdSJim8B8dSiQU8HB:MJbLQMJbMQ^^QOJbOsWJmmWQQSSQMmkdSkoMWMJbMQ^^JmYdbJiQLQOQMYOQOLvbJmYdbJ^^Js$R^YMQbMQobOQimWQ8kmkQbmQbMQdSJim8B8dSiQU8HB:MJbLQMJbMQ^^QOJbOsWJmmWQQSSQMmkdSkoMWMJbMQ^^JmYdbJiQLQOQMYOQOLvbJmYdbJ^^Js$R`okmmWQsdiOk hoJbmYmJmYqQiQkmiYMmYdbkdbY`fdimkmdUQmWQisYmWJ^^`QJkoiQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm Jff^vJ^kdmd^QUJ^io^QkdSkmJmQkfidWYLYmYbUY`fdimkJbOQufdimksYmWdom^YMQbkQLomJiQbdmJff^YQOOoQmdQuQ`fmYdbk$QiQkmiYMmYdbkdbY`fdimkmdUQmWQisYmWJ^^`QJkoiQkWJqYbUQhoYqJ^QbmQSSQMm Jff^vJ^kdmd^QUJ^io^QkdSkmJmQkfidWYLYmYbUY`fdimkJbOQufdimksYmWdom^YMQbkQLomJiQbdmJff^YQOOoQmdQuQ`fmYdbk$ POdQkOYiDHDMdbSQiiYUWmkdbYbOYqYOoJ^kYbJkmJmQofdbmWQQufYivdSmWQfQiYdOsYmWYbsWYMWmWQkmJmQksQiQmdY`f^Q`QbmYm$MQSdimWQfoifdkQkdSmWQJff^YMJmYdbdSMiY`YbJ^^Js$OdQkOYiDHDMdbSQiiYUWmkdbYbOYqYOoJ^kYbJkmJmQofdbmWQQufYivdSmWQfQiYdOsYmWYbsWYMWmWQkmJmQksQiQmdY`f^Q`QbmYm$OdQkQhoJ^miQJm`QbmsYmWiQUJiOmdkdMYJ^JbOmJuJOqJbmJUQksWYMWYk^JYOOdsbLvJimD:dSiQU8B8:BFJ^kdJff^vmdfQikdbksWd`dqQYbkQJiMWdSQ`f^dv`Qbm$ufYivdSmWQfQiYdOsYmWYbsWYMWmWQkmJmQksQiQmdY`f^Q`QbmYm$OdQkQhoJ^miQJm`QbmsYmWiQUJiOmdkdMYJ^JbOmJuJOqJbmJUQksWYMWYk^JYOOdsbLvJimD:dSiQU8B8:BFJ^kdJff^vmdfQikdbksWd`dqQYbkQJiMWdSQ`f^dv`Qbm$`f^Q`QbmYm$OdQkQhoJ^miQJm`QbmsYmWiQUJiOmdkdMYJ^JbOmJuJOqJbmJUQksWYMWYk^JYOOdsbLvJimD:dSiQU8B8:BFJ^kdJff^vmdfQikdbksWd`dqQYbkQJiMWdSQ`f^dv`Qbm$OdQkWQJOYbU8B6:dSmWQMMmYbM^oOQ`QJmsWYMWkJ^mJbOfQffQiWJqQLQQbJOOQOmdLomYbmWQfiQkQbMQdSfQffQi`Jvdb^vLQYOQbmYSYQO`YMidkMdfYMJ^^vdi`JvYmLQYOQbmYSYQOLvmJkmQ$iMWdSQ`f^dv`Qbm$OdQkWQJOYbU8B6:dSmWQMMmYbM^oOQ`QJmsWYMWkJ^mJbOfQffQiWJqQLQQbJOOQOmdLomYbmWQfiQkQbMQdSfQffQi`Jvdb^vLQYOQbmYSYQO`YMidkMdfYMJ^^vdi`JvYmLQYOQbmYSYQOLvmJkmQ$WQMMmYbM^oOQ`QJmsWYMWkJ^mJbOfQffQiWJqQLQQbJOOQOmdLomYbmWQfiQkQbMQdSfQffQi`Jvdb^vLQYOQbmYSYQO`YMidkMdfYMJ^^vdi`JvYmLQYOQbmYSYQOLvmJkmQ$WQJOYbU8B6:dSmWQMMmYbM^oOQ`QJmsWYMWkJ^mJbOfQffQiWJqQLQQbJOOQOmdLomYbmWQfiQkQbMQdSfQffQi`Jvdb^vLQYOQbmYSYQO`YMidkMdfYMJ^^vdi`JvYmLQYOQbmYSYQOLvmJkmQ$OdQkWQJOYbUD<6:dSmWQMd``dbMokmd`kmJiYSSdb^v`QJbfidOoMmk`JboSJMmoiQOSid`bQs`QmJ^kdiJ^kdYbM^oOQk^o`fkdS`Q^mQOOdsbkMiJfsWYMWMdbmJYbmWQJffidfiYJmQ`JmQiYJ^k$m P{JiQbJmYdbJ^io^QksWYMWfidqYOQmWJmdb^v^YMQbkQWd^OQik`JvfidMQkkfdo^mivdSSJ^JbOfidOoMQikdSkoMWdSSJ^`okmOYkfdkQdSYmdb^vmdmWdkQJffidqQOf^JbmkMd`fJmYL^QsYmWJim<6<>JbOJbO@HD6@B@D6JbOBFBD6YbqJ^YOJkLQYbUMdbmiJivmdJimuYdSUJmm$JiQiQUkHD>D8HDHD:JbOHF6D:dSmWQMdobMY^JbOMd``YkkYdbSYuYbUmWQMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJff^YMJL^QqJ^YO$JiQiQUo^JmYdbk:F@HD<JbO8D@D>dSmWQMd``YkkYdbSYuYbUmWQOQbJmoiYbUfiQ`Yo`SdisWQJmqJ^YO$D:JbOHF6D:dSmWQMdobMY^JbOMd``YkkYdbSYuYbUmWQMd`fQbkJmdivJ`dobmkJff^YMJL^QqJ^YO$JiQiQUo^JmYdbk:F@HD<JbO8D@D>dSmWQMd``YkkYdbSYuYbUmWQOQbJmoiYbUfiQ`Yo`SdisWQJmqJ^YO$ ΄b]IrK133/85Does Art 183 of the EEC Treaty mean that the possibility of bringing a direct action under the second paragraph of Art 173 against a EEC decision prohibits bringing an action against a measure by a national authority for implementing it because it is unlaCommissionThis possibility does not prohibit bringing such an action.l/#""""""" #372/85Do Art 8 and 12 of the directive directly impose obligations on operators or do they implement measures that must be adopted by the States?CommissionThese articles do not directly impose obligations upon persons or undertakings. """"""" #372/85To what extent are the States free to organize the supervision referred to in Art 10 of the aforesaid EEC directive?CommissionThe power of States to organize is qualified only by the requirement that the objectives of that directive (human health and environment protection) must be complied with.Q""""""" #372/85Does Dir 75/442 prevent a State from designating the director of a water-purifying company, set up by the public authorities, as the competent authority within the meaning of Art 5 of the directive to issue the permit under Art 8?CommissionDirective 75/442 does not prevent a State from doing so.P """"""" #372/85Is an owner or occupier of a land obliged to hold a permit under Art 8 of the directive in view of the fact that he becomes the owner of the waste tipped on his land?CommissionOnly the undertaking is obliged to have the permit, but a State may require the holders of waste who dispose of it themselves to have a permit.h""""""" #372/85When is it determined that an undertaking is subject to the provisions of Art 8 to 12 of Dir 75/442 because it carries on waste-disposal activities covered by those provisions?CommissionAny operator engaging in any of the activities referred to in Art 8 to 12 of Dir 75/442 is subject to the measures provided for in those provisions.v""""""" #193/85Does Article 95 apply to all products coming from Member States, including products originating in non-member countries which are in free circulation in Member States?CommissionArticle 95 applies only to products from other Member States and not products from non-member countries in free circulation within the Community.j""""""" #193/85Does Article 95 apply to all products coming from Member States, including products originating in non-member countries which are in free circulation in Member States?ItalyArticle 95 applies only to products from other Member States and not products from non-member countries in free circulation within the Community.e""""""" #193/85In the event that the charge in this case is internal taxation, is it prohibited under the 2nd paragraph of Art 95 as it may serve to protect other fruit grown in Italy?ItalyArticle 95 does not prohibit such a consumer tax.""""""" #193/85In the event that the charge in this case is internal taxation, is it prohibited under the 2nd paragraph of Art 95 as it may serve to protect other fruit grown in Italy?CommissionArticle 95 prohibits the charging of a consumer tax where it may protect domestic production.8""""""" #193/85Is the tax on the consumption of bananas in this case a charge having the effect equivalent to a customs duty under Art 9 and 12, or internal taxation under Art 95?ItalySuch a charge constitutes internal taxation under Article 95.""""""" # @<[=å&375/85Does Art 67(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 also apply to benefits which are accorded by a State not in respect of present unemployment but to prevent future unemployment, making vocational training under national law a period of contribution?GermanyArticle 67(1) does not apply to benefits to prevent future unemployment.d""""""" #375/85Does Art 67(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 also apply to benefits which are accorded by a State not in respect of present unemployment but to prevent future unemployment, making vocational training under national law a period of contribution?CommissionArticle 67(1) includes such assistance for vocational training to prevent future unemployment.}""""""" #375/85Does Art 67(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 also apply to benefits which are accorded by a State not in respect of present unemployment but to prevent future unemployment, making vocational training under national law a period of contribution?ItalyArticle 67(1) includes such assistance for vocational training to prevent future unemployment.x""""""" #79/86Is a motor lorry exempted from the requirements of Art 3(1) of Council Reg 1463/70 as being a specialized breakdown vehicle under Art 4(9) of Reg 543/69 while being used to transport unroadworthy vehicles back for repair?CommissionA specialized breakdown vehicle is one mainly for removing vehicles that have recently broken down or been in an accident. Such a vehicle is not subject to the requirement of Art 3(1) of Reg 1463/70, whatever use made of it by the owner. !!!!!!! #ou249/85Does the 4th paragraph of Art 189 of the Treaty mean that the Commission decision of 2/25/85 on promotion of butter sales prohibit a German court from restraining conduct contrary to German legislation on unfair competition?CommissionThe provision precludes a national court from restraining such conduct.Y""""""" #133/85Is the Commission decision of 2/25/85 compatible with the principle of proportionality in so far as the expansion of the markets or the search for new outlets may be achieved by action which has less impact on the workings of the market?CommissionThe decision does not breach the principle of proportionality.]""""""" #133/85Does Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77 accord with the principle resulting from constitutional requirements that there be a sufficient degree of legislative precision?CouncilThe regulation satisfies the requirements of the principle of legality.""""""" #133/85Does Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77 accord with the principle resulting from constitutional requirements that there be a sufficient degree of legislative precision?CommissionThe regulation satisfies the requirements of the principle of legality.""""""" #133/85Is the Commission decision of 2/25/85 covered by the authorization conferred on the Commission by Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77?CommissionThe decision is covered by Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77.""""""" #133/85Does the measure provided for in the Commissions decision of 2/25/85 serve the objectives of the EEC Treaty and is it a measure in accordance with the Treaty under Art 145 of the Treaty?CommissionThe decision pursues the aim of stabilizing the markets under Art 39 of the Treaty.?""""""" #133/85Are Community measures that improve the position of certain undertakings and thereby place their competitors at a disadvantage contrary to the principle of freedom to pursue a trade, lawful activity and of competition?CommissionSuch a Community decision does not conflict with Community law.K """"""" # ι]˯LjY%$ #46/86Is Council Reg 1/85 valid in so far as it concerns the allocation between States of the total allowable catches of plaice in ICES divisions IIa and IV?CouncilThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #46/86Is Council Reg 1/85 valid in so far as it concerns the allocation between States of the total allowable catches of plaice in ICES divisions IIa and IV?United KingdomThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #46/86Is Council Reg 1/85 valid in so far as it concerns the allocation between States of the total allowable catches of plaice in ICES divisions IIa and IV?NetherlandsThe regulation remains valid.!!!!!!! #241/86Is legislation prescribing a maximum permitted height of four metres for all vehicles and trailers contrary to rules regarding free movement of goods and freedom to provide services?CommissionCommunity law does not prohibit such legislation.""""""" #241/86Is legislation prescribing a maximum permitted height of four metres for all vehicles and trailers contrary to rules regarding free movement of goods and freedom to provide services?ItalyCommunity law does not prohibit such legislation.""""""" #14/86Do the water quality objectives of Dir 78/659 presuppose the comprehensive management of water resources and the need for rules which apply to water basins ensuring constant flow to preserve water volume for fish species?CommissionStates need to apply such rules to protect fish species.F !!!!!!! #406/85Does Art 30 prohibit legislation for vehicles imported from another State where they have already been approved for use, a system imposing a further approval procedure?CommissionThe system is compatible with Art 30 only if the procedure does not entail unresonable cost or delay and the importer may produce documents showing the necessary information as an alternative to the procedure.""""""" #30/85Is the Netherlands Law of 12/29/78 in which certain benefits are available only to persons having a dependent child or spouse, or whose spouse has a very small income, compatible with Art 4(1) of Dir 79/7?CommissionThe Netherlands law is compatible with Art 4(1) of Directive 79/7 only if there is no discrimination against persons with no family responsibilities.!!!!!!! #30/85Is the Netherlands Law of 12/29/78 in which certain benefits are available only to persons having a dependent child or spouse, or whose spouse has a very small income, compatible with Art 4(1) of Dir 79/7?NetherlandsThe Netherlands law is compatible with Art 4(1) of Directive 79/7.A!!!!!!! #30/85Does a system of entitlement to benefits in respect of incapacity for work under which the amount of the benefit is determined in part by marital status, income of spouse or existence of a dependent child constitute discrimination?CommissionSuch a system that primarily effects women to the advantage of men is discriminatory, unless such a criterion is based on objective reasons capable of justifying the difference in treatment. !!!!!!! #30/85Does a system of entitlement to benefits in respect of incapacity for work under which the amount of the benefit is determined in part by marital status, income of spouse or existence of a dependent child constitute discrimination?NetherlandsThis system is not discriminatory.; !!!!!!! # .5ʯ ƻw2N311/85Are provisions requiring travel agents to observe prices for travel set by tour operators and prohibiting sharing commissions with customers incompatible with obligations under Article 5 of the Treaty?CommissionSuch provisions are not incompatible wirth Art 85.-""""""" #311/85Are provisions requiring travel agents to observe prices for travel set by tour operators and prohibiting sharing commissions with customers incompatible with obligations under Article 5 of the Treaty?IrelandSuch provisions are not incompatible wirth Art 85.*""""""" #311/85Are provisions requiring travel agents to observe prices for travel set by tour operators and prohibiting sharing commissions with customers incompatible with obligations under Article 5 of the Treaty?FranceSuch provisions are not incompatible wirth Art 85.)""""""" #311/85Are provisions requiring travel agents to observe prices for travel set by tour operators and prohibiting sharing commissions with customers incompatible with obligations under Article 5 of the Treaty?BelgiumSuch provisions are not incompatible wirth Art 85.*""""""" #47/86What is the correct interpretation of Art 3(3a) of Reg 1570/78 and is this compatible with the principle of proportionality?CommissionThis provision is compatible with the principle of proportionality.!!!!!!! #47/86Is it possible for Commission Reg 1570/78 to provide only for the advance payment of production refunds before the product placed under supervision was processed and for the lodging of a security?CommissionThe regulation may provide for the granting of advances together with the lodging of a security as the only method of payment of production refunds.!!!!!!! #384/85Does Art 4(1) of Council Dir 79/7 have a direct effect such that a woman can from 12/2/84 qualify for an invalidity benefit because she satisfied conditions which enable a man to qualify for the benefit although she did not satisfy one female condition?United KingdomThis provision does not provide direct effect for women.k1!""""""" #384/85Does Art 4(1) of Council Dir 79/7 have a direct effect such that a woman can from 12/2/84 qualify for an invalidity benefit because she satisfied conditions which enable a man to qualify for the benefit although she did not satisfy one female condition?CommissionArticle 4(1) can be relied upon in order to prevent the extension of on effects of national provisions inconsistent with this article.-!""""""" #316/85Does equal treatment with regard to social and tax advantages, which is laid down by Art 7(2) of Reg 1612/68, also apply to persons who move in search of employment?CommissionEqual treatment only to people seriously pursuing work.""""""" #316/85Does equal treatment with regard to social and tax advantages, which is laid down by Art 7(2) of Reg 1612/68, also apply to persons who move in search of employment?NetherlandsEqual treatment only applies to workers and not to nationals of States who move in search of employment.@""""""" #316/85Does the status of dependent member of a workers family result from a factual situation without there being any need to determine the reasons for recourse to workers support?GermanyThis status does not result from a factual situation without the need to determine the reasons for recourse to workers support.\""""""" #q ΉJʧVȀƷÓ 197/85How must the invalidity pension granted by another State be treated if the legislation of a State treats the overlapping differently: must it be treated as an old-age or invalidity benefit? Does reaching the retirement age make a difference?ItalyThe Italian invalidity pension is of the same kind as the old-age pension.h""""""" # 197/85How must the invalidity pension granted by another State be treated if the legislation of a State treats the overlapping differently: must it be treated as an old-age or invalidity benefit? Does reaching the retirement age make a difference?CommissionThe classification of an invalidity pension paid by another State is not governed by Community law.!""""""" # 197/85Where a widow of a migrant worker has become entitled to a personal invalidity pension under legislation of one State alone and in another claims a survivors pension entitled under that State alone, does Reg 1408/71 preclude the latter States anti-overlapItalyRegulation 1408/71 precludes the application of this States rules for preventing the overlapping of national and foreign benefits.*#""""""" # 197/85Where a widow of a migrant worker has become entitled to a personal invalidity pension under legislation of one State alone and in another claims a survivors pension entitled under that State alone, does Reg 1408/71 preclude the latter States anti-overlapCommissionRegulation 1408/71 does not preclude the application of this States rules for preventing the overlapping of national and foreign benefits./#""""""" # 152/83Did the Supplementary Agreement of 10/16/72 restrict the application of the arbitration clause to the sole case of a dispute between the bureaux on the interpretation of the concept "normally based"?CommissionThe court does not have jurisdiction to answer this question.6""""""" #152/83Did the Supplementary Agreement of 10/16/72 restrict the application of the arbitration clause to the sole case of a dispute between the bureaux on the interpretation of the concept "normally based"?DenmarkThe court does not have jurisdiction to answer this question.3""""""" #152/83Did the Supplementary Agreement of 10/16/72 restrict the application of the arbitration clause to the sole case of a dispute between the bureaux on the interpretation of the concept "normally based"?United KingdomThe court does not have jurisdiction to answer this question.:""""""" #311/85Is the Belgian provision at issue and agreements of the kind entered into between travel agents and between travel agents and tour operators compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty?CommissionSuch provisions are not incompatible with Art 30 and 34.$""""""" #311/85Is the Belgian provision at issue and agreements of the kind entered into between travel agents and between travel agents and tour operators compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty?BelgiumSuch provisions are not incompatible with Art 30 and 34.!""""""" #311/85Is the Belgian provision at issue and agreements of the kind entered into between travel agents and between travel agents and tour operators compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty?FranceSuch provisions are not incompatible with Art 30 and 34. """"""" # 6:dž("192/85In the circumstance described in question 1, is there a breach of Council Dir 76/207 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women?United KingdomThere is no breach of Council Dir 76/207 in this case. """"""" #!192/85Is it a breach of Art 119 and Dir 75/117 for an employer to pay men and women the same gross salary but to deduct 1.5% of the gross salary of men only as a contribution to a widows pension fund?CommissionArticle 119 and Dir 75/117 do not prevent an employer from doing so under an occupational scheme which is a substitute for a statutory social security scheme.""""""" # 192/85Is it a breach of Art 119 and Dir 75/117 for an employer to pay men and women the same gross salary but to deduct 1.5% of the gross salary of men only as a contribution to a widows pension fund?United KingdomArticle 119 and Dir 75/117 do not prevent an employer from doing so under an occupational scheme which is a substitute for a statutory social security scheme.""""""" #of254/86Does Commission Dec 84/64 mean that in the case of a single new importer of cigarettes Greek authorities have to set his his import entitlement at 10% of the total quota of 1100 tons?CommissionGreek authorities may set the share of a new importer at a figure less than 10% of the overall quota in such a manner as to ensure that existing patterns of trade are observed.""""""" #of254/86Does Commission Dec 84/64 mean that in the case of a single new importer of cigarettes Greek authorities have to set his his import entitlement at 10% of the total quota of 1100 tons?GreeceGreek authorities may set the share of a new importer at a figure less than 10% of the overall quota in such a manner as to ensure that existing patterns of trade are observed.""""""" #109/86Do the circumstances of the plaintiff constitute a case of force majeure under Commission Reg 3183/80 so as to justify the cancellation of the export licence issued by the Greek authorities and repayment of the amount lodged by the plaintiff?CommissionForce majeure does not extend to a case where goods were not exported during the period of validity of an export licence because the purchaser failed to take delivery of the goods sold for export."""""""" #314/85If the court alone has jurisdiction over whether a Community decision is valid, was the disputed decision of 5/6/83 valid?GermanyThe decision remains valid.""""""" #ti314/85Is a national court itself competent to declare invalid a Commission decision such as the one of 5/6/83 where Germany could not waive the post-clearance recovery of customs duties?CommissionThe national courts have no jurisdiction to declare measures taken by the Community institutions invalid.O""""""" #ti314/85Is a national court itself competent to declare invalid a Commission decision such as the one of 5/6/83 where Germany could not waive the post-clearance recovery of customs duties?GermanyThe national courts have no jurisdiction to declare measures taken by the Community institutions invalid.L""""""" #on222/86Does the requirement that a person wishing to pursue an occupation as a sports team must hold a French diploma or a foreign one recognized by an unaccountable committee constitute a restriction on freedom of movement for workers?DenmarkThis question is up to the national court to decide.H """"""" #7 K̢-)ǢĴYN l H $ p L (  t P ,  ~`zY6zHq[5a<~-nIO1xCapolongo v. Maya Cargill and Others v. Commission(Cargill v. ONIC Ca,218/86Does the jurisdiction conferred by Art 5(5) of the Convention extend to the case where a legal entity under French law (in Paris) maintains no dependent establishment in another State but an independent identical entity is there?GermanyThe jurisdiction does extend to such a case.@ """"""" #+t 20/87Is the French town-planning legislation relating to commercial premises, in particular Art 28 to 36 of the law of 12/27/73, compatible with European Community law?CommissionArticle 52 of the EEC Treaty does not apply to situations which are purely internal to a State, such as in this case.I!!!!!!! #*144/86Does a case where, in relation to the same contract, one party applies to court in a State for a declaration that the contract is inoperative whilst the other institutes proceedings before the other States court fall within the scope of lis pendens under CommissionSuch a case a described in question 1 constitutes lis pendens.o/#""""""" #)144/86Does a case where, in relation to the same contract, one party applies to court in a State for a declaration that the contract is inoperative whilst the other institutes proceedings before the other States court fall within the scope of lis pendens under GermanySuch a case a described in question 1 constitutes lis pendens.l,#""""""" #(144/86Does a case where, in relation to the same contract, one party applies to court in a State for a declaration that the contract is inoperative whilst the other institutes proceedings before the other States court fall within the scope of lis pendens under ItalyLis pendens only occurs where proceedings between the same parties involving the same subject matter and the same course of action are brought in the courts of different Contracting States.*#""""""" #'42/86On 5/79 did Council Reg 1/71 mean that suitcases made from plastic sheeting of styrene resin, butadiene and acrylo-nitril made rigid by moulding and not by means of a rigid foundation, in Taiwan and imported fell under 39.07 E IV of the CCT?CommissionSuch suitcases fell under heading 39.07 E IV of the CCT.Z !!!!!!! #&42/86On 5/79 did Council Reg 1/71 mean that suitcases made from plastic sheeting of styrene resin, butadiene and acrylo-nitril made rigid by moulding and not by means of a rigid foundation, in Taiwan and imported fell under 39.07 E IV of the CCT?SpainSuch suitcases fell under heading 39.07 E IV of the CCT.U!!!!!!! #%136/86Is a miniterial order which makes an agreement such as that in question 1 generally binding contrary to the obligations imposed on State by Art 5 read together with Art 3(f) and 85?CommissionThe Commission does not feel able to suggest an answer.""""""" #$136/86Is an inter-trade agreement entered into by two groups of traders in the framework and in accordance with the procedure of a body such as BNIC which provides for the payment of a levy where a quota for alcohol is exceeded contrary to Art 85(1)?CommissionThe Commission does not feel able to suggest an appropriate reply at this stage.v$""""""" ##192/85In the circumstance described in question 1, is there a breach of Council Dir 76/207 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women?CommissionThere is no breach of Council Dir 76/207 in this case. """"""" #Μ̭Ȣ® ^ vR.  } Z 7  e B  n J &  r N *  v R . zV2~Z6Id"v'cj@[0Cauet and Joliot v. Commission&Cayrol v. RivoiraCdF Chimie AZF v. Commission$ hCEI v. Association intercommunale pour les autoroutes des ArdennesJCelant v. CommissionCementhandelaren v. Commission&)Cen>56/86Does Art 7(3) mean that all or part of the security for tender must be retained by the EAGGF if the sugar is of quality 3 and not 2 even though the recipient has taken possesion of the inferior sugar and is the loss of security proportional?BelgiumThe security for tender is forfeited in its entirety if the sugar supplied is not of the standard quality even if the beneficiary of the aid has disposed of it. It does not infringe the principle of proportionality.!!!!!!! #=56/86Does Art 10 mean that when the documents in that arcticle have been drawn up by UNRWA and it has taken possesion of the goods the defendant must pay the price originally agreed to?CommissionIf the goods are of lower than standard quality, Art 10 does not require the agency to pay the tenderer the price originally agreed on even if all the documents required have been drawn up by UNRWA.!!!!!!! #<56/86Does Art 10 mean that when the documents in that arcticle have been drawn up by UNRWA and it has taken possesion of the goods the defendant must pay the price originally agreed to?BelgiumIf the goods are of lower than standard quality, Art 10 does not require the agency to pay the tenderer the price originally agreed on even if all the documents required have been drawn up by UNRWA.!!!!!!! #;56/86Must the quality of sugar be checked in a manner in which the results are immediately known and may it be subsequently checked under Art 9 (4-5) and Art 10(1) and Art 15(2-3)?BelgiumThere is no timetable for when the agency should carry forward the quality control inspection.;!!!!!!! #:56/86Must the quality of sugar be checked in a manner in which the results are immediately known and may it be subsequently checked under Art 9 (4-5) and Art 10(1) and Art 15(2-3)?CommissionThe quality control of sugar must normally be carried out at the time of loading, however account may be taken of the results of that control even if they are known only at a later date.!!!!!!! #922/86May the competent institution also have the worker examined by a doctor in the country of employment under Art 18(5) of Reg 574/72 and must they ensure payment of expenses? What if the worker does take the examination?CommissionThe institution may have the examination carried out by a doctor of its choice and the person is not obliged to return to the State of the competent institution to undergo a medical examination there. !!!!!!! #822/86Is the reply to question 1 the same if the worker does not comply with the 3-day time-limit in Art 18(1) of Reg 574/72 for submission of a certificate of incapacity to work issued by the treating doctor or the institution of residence does not forward it CommissionThis does not effect the reply to question 1.]."!!!!!!! #722/86Does Art 18 of Reg 574/72 mean that the competent institution is required to accept the findings made by the medical officer of the institution of the place of residence for incapacity to work if the person is not examined by a doctor of its choice?United KingdomThe institution is not bound by the findings made by the institution of the place of residence as regards the commencement and duration of the incapacity for work.,!!!!!!! #PrK& ĕThis possibility does not prohibit bringing such an action.3This possibility does not prohibit bringing such an action.133/85Does Art 183 of the EEC Treaty mean that the possibility of bringing a direct action under the second paragraph of Art 173 against a EEC decision prohibits bringing an action against a measure by a national authority for implementing it because it is unlaUUUUSF=These articles do not directly impose obligations upon persons or undertakings.3These articles do not directly impose obligations upon persons or undertakings.372/85Do Art 8 and 12 of the directive directly impose obligations on operators or do they implement measures that must be adopted by the States?SiiiigF=The power of States to organize is qualified only by the requirement that the objectives of that directive (human health and environment protection) must be complied with.3The power of States to organize is qualified only by the requirement that the objectives of that directive (human health and environment protection) must be complied with.372/85To what extent are the States free to organize the supervision referred to in Art 10 of the aforesaid EEC directive?~~rrF=Directive 75/442 does not prevent a State from doing so.3Directive 75/442 does not prevent a State from doing so.372/85Does Dir 75/442 prevent a State from designating the director of a water-purifying company, set up by the public authorities, as the competent authority within the meaning of Art 5 of the directive to issue the permit under Art 8?RRRRPF=Only the undertaking is obliged to have the permit, but a State may require the holders of waste who dispose of it themselves to have a permit.3The permit is provided for by the competent authority and cannot be replaced by the consent of the owner of the land where the waste is discharged; the owner does not need a permit under Art 8, but a measure requiring such may be adopted by the State.372/85Is an owner or occupier of a land obliged to hold a permit under Art 8 of the directive in view of the fact that he becomes the owner of the waste tipped on his land?[F=Any operator engaging in any of the activities referred to in Art 8 to 12 of Dir 75/442 is subject to the measures provided for in those provisions.3Any operator engaging in any of the activities referred to in Art 8 to 12 of Dir 75/442 is subject to the measures provided for in those provisions.372/85When is it determined that an undertaking is subject to the provisions of Art 8 to 12 of Dir 75/442 because it carries on waste-disposal activities covered by those provisions?PPDDF=Article 95 applies only to products from other Member States and not products from non-member countries in free circulation within the Community.3Article 95 applies to all products coming from Member States, including products originating in non-member countries which are in free circulation in Member States.193/85Does Article 95 apply to all products coming from Member States, including products originating in non-member countries which are in free circulation in Member States?]]QQF=not applicable3Article 95 prohibits the charging of a consumer tax where it may protect domestic production.193/85In the event that the charge in this case is internal taxation, is it prohibited under the 2nd paragraph of Art 95 as it may serve to protect other fruit grown in Italy?>((((&F=PT˗"$stArticle 67(1) includes such assistance for vocational training to prevent future unemployment.3Article 67(1) includes such assistance for vocational training to prevent future unemployment.375/85Does Art 67(1) of Council Reg 1408/71 also apply to benefits which are accorded by a State not in respect of present unemployment but to prevent future unemployment, making vocational training under national law a period of contribution?xxxxvF=A specialized breakdown vehicle is one mainly for removing vehicles that have recently broken down or been in an accident. Such a vehicle is not subject to the requirement of Art 3(1) of Reg 1463/70, whatever use made of it by the owner.3A specialized breakdown vehicle is one mainly for removing vehicles that have recently broken down or been in an accident. Such a vehicle is not subject to the requirement of Art 3(1) of Reg 1463/70, whatever use made of it by the owner.79/86Is a motor lorry exempted from the requirements of Art 3(1) of Council Reg 1463/70 as being a specialized breakdown vehicle under Art 4(9) of Reg 543/69 while being used to transport unroadworthy vehicles back for repair?F=The provision precludes a national court from restraining such conduct.3The provision precludes a national court from restraining such conduct.249/85Does the 4th paragraph of Art 189 of the Treaty mean that the Commission decision of 2/25/85 on promotion of butter sales prohibit a German court from restraining conduct contrary to German legislation on unfair competition?aaaa_F=The decision does not breach the principle of proportionality.3The decision does not breach the principle of proportionality.133/85Is the Commission decision of 2/25/85 compatible with the principle of proportionality in so far as the expansion of the markets or the search for new outlets may be achieved by action which has less impact on the workings of the market?XXXXVF=uiThe regulation satisfies the requirements of the principle of legality.3The regulation satisfies the requirements of the principle of legality.133/85Does Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77 accord with the principle resulting from constitutional requirements that there be a sufficient degree of legislative precision?Zaaaa_F=The decision is covered by Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77.3The decision is covered by Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77.133/85Is the Commission decision of 2/25/85 covered by the authorization conferred on the Commission by Art 4 of Council Reg 1079/77?RRRRPF=The measure is not inconsistent with the aim of market stabilization under Art 39 of the Treaty.3The decision pursues the aim of stabilizing the markets under Art 39 of the Treaty.133/85Does the measure provided for in the Commissions decision of 2/25/85 serve the objectives of the EEC Treaty and is it a measure in accordance with the Treaty under Art 145 of the Treaty?zzzzxF=Community authorities may alter competitive relationships created by market organizations, but must respect principles of Community law.3Such a Community decision does not conflict with Community law.133/85Are Community measures that improve the position of certain undertakings and thereby place their competitors at a disadvantage contrary to the principle of freedom to pursue a trade, lawful activity and of competition?F=Po)*ťā%Such a measure is compatible with Community law.3Such a measure is compatible with Community law.53/86Is a national measure requiring Dutch fisherman to observe a minimum size of 27 cm for plaice compatible with Community law and in conformity with the common fisheries policy?7||JJJJHF=National measures mean any national measures, irrespective of the date on which they were adopted, so States are empowered to do so.3National measures mean any national measures, irrespective of the date on which they were adopted, so States are empowered to do so.53/86Does Art 20(1) of Reg 171/83 empower a State to adopt, even after the entry into force of that regulation, technical measures for its fishing industry going beyond the minimum requirements of the regulation?..$$F=The regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.46/86Is Council Reg 1/85 valid in so far as it concerns the allocation between States of the total allowable catches of plaice in ICES divisions IIa and IV?``VV77775F=#(Community law does not prohibit such legislation.3Community law does not prohibit such legislation.241/86Is legislation prescribing a maximum permitted height of four metres for all vehicles and trailers contrary to rules regarding free movement of goods and freedom to provide services?B~~KKKKIF=States need to apply such rules to protect fish species.3The directive does not of itself determine or aggravate the liability in criminal law of persons who act in contravention of the provisions of the directive.14/86Do the water quality objectives of Dir 78/659 presuppose the comprehensive management of water resources and the need for rules which apply to water basins ensuring constant flow to preserve water volume for fish species?RRRRPF=The system is compatible with Art 30 only if the procedure does not entail unresonable cost or delay and the importer may produce documents showing the necessary information as an alternative to the procedure.3The system is compatible with Art 30 only if the procedure does not entail unresonable cost or delay and the importer may produce documents showing the necessary information as an alternative to the procedure.406/85Does Art 30 prohibit legislation for vehicles imported from another State where they have already been approved for use, a system imposing a further approval procedure?tF=v The law is compatible if it is objectively justified (as question one described).3The Netherlands law is compatible with Art 4(1) of Directive 79/7.30/85Is the Netherlands Law of 12/29/78 in which certain benefits are available only to persons having a dependent child or spouse, or whose spouse has a very small income, compatible with Art 4(1) of Dir 79/7?kkkkiF=Such a system that primarily effects women to the advantage of men is discriminatory, unless such a criterion is based on objective reasons capable of justifying the difference in treatment.3This system is not discriminatory if it seeks minimum subsistence for beneficiaries with a dependent spouse or children to compensate for their greater burden.30/85Does a system of entitlement to benefits in respect of incapacity for work under which the amount of the benefit is determined in part by marital status, income of spouse or existence of a dependent child constitute discrimination?lyyF=!P]keR?The court is required to interpret that legislation in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result in Art 189, but a directive cannot have the effect of determining the liability in criminal law of persons brea3The court is required to interpret that legislation in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result in Art 189, but a directive cannot have the effect of determining the liability in criminal law of persons brea80/86How far must the national court take account of a directive as an aid to the interpretation of a rule of national law?$$F=A national authority may not rely upon such a provision.3A national authority may not rely upon such a provision.80/86Can an authority of a State rely as against nationals of that State on a provision of a directive which has not yet been implemented in national law?-RRRRPF=This provision is applicable if the application of the national legislation alone proves in the end to be less favorable to the recipient.3This provision is applicable if the application of the national legislation alone proves in the end to be less favorable to the recipient.197/85Is Art 7(1b) of Reg 574/72 applicable to the overlapping of an indirect pension (a survivors pension) with a direct pension of a different kind (invalidity or old age pension)?<<00F=The classification of an invalidity pension paid by another State is not governed by Community law.3The classification of an invalidity pension paid by another State is not governed by Community law.197/85How must the invalidity pension granted by another State be treated if the legislation of a State treats the overlapping differently: must it be treated as an old-age or invalidity benefit? Does reaching the retirement age make a difference?}}}}{F=Regulation 1408/71 does not preclude the application of this States rules for preventing the overlapping of national and foreign benefits.3Regulation 1408/71 does not preclude the application of this States rules for preventing the overlapping of national and foreign benefits.197/85Where a widow of a migrant worker has become entitled to a personal invalidity pension under legislation of one State alone and in another claims a survivors pension entitled under that State alone, does Reg 1408/71 preclude the latter States anti-overlap=<<00F=tiThe court does not have jurisdiction to answer this question.3The court does not have jurisdiction to answer this question.152/83Did the Supplementary Agreement of 10/16/72 restrict the application of the arbitration clause to the sole case of a dispute between the bureaux on the interpretation of the concept "normally based"?kWWWWUF=Such provisions are not incompatible with Art 30 and 34.3Such provisions are not incompatible with Art 30 and 34.311/85Is the Belgian provision at issue and agreements of the kind entered into between travel agents and between travel agents and tour operators compatible with Art 30 and 34 of the Treaty?USSSSQF= Such provisions are incompatible where the conduct of such undertakings is likely to effect trade between States.3Such provisions are incompatible when their effect is to reinforce the effects of agreements, decisions or concerted practices which are contrary to Article 85.311/85Are provisions requiring travel agents to observe prices for travel set by tour operators and prohibiting sharing commissions with customers incompatible with obligations under Article 5 of the Treaty?99--F=HP #ʀ f% L  i E ! d @  U 0 B  pB -This does not effect the reply to question 1.3This does not effect the reply to question 1.22/86Is the reply to question 1 the same if the worker does not comply with the 3-day time-limit in Art 18(1) of Reg 574/72 for submission of a certificate of incapacity to work issued by the treating doctor or the institution of residence does not forward it vvGGGGEF=w,The institution is bound by the findings made by the institution of the place of residence as regards the commencement and duration of the incapacity for work, unless it exercises the option in paragraph 5 of the regulation.3The institution is bound by the findings made by the institution of the place of residence as regards the commencement and duration of the incapacity for work, unless it exercises the option in paragraph 5 of the regulation.22/86Does Art 18 of Reg 574/72 mean that the competent institution is required to accept the findings made by the medical officer of the institution of the place of residence for incapacity to work if the person is not examined by a doctor of its choice?F=+The provision does not violate the principle of equality.3The provision does not violate the principle of equality.215/85Does the fifth indent of Art 6(1) of Commission Reg 1570/77 violate the principle of equality by confining the possibility of granting a special price increase to producers of rye the quality of which satisfies the criteria laid down in that provision?SSSSQF=*This refers to a temperature of at least 63 degrees C which is reached at the time of maximum viscosity of the dough.3This refers to a temperature of at least 63 degrees C which is reached at the time of maximum viscosity of the dough.215/85To what temperature does the expression "hardening temperature" in the fifth indent of Art 6(1) of Reg 1570/77 refer to?F=)Directive 77/780 does not prohibit States from making such classifications.3Directive 77/780 does not prohibit States from making such classifications.422/85Does Dir 77/780 allow States to classify employees of credit institutions as public officials or persons responsible for a public service for the purposes of the application of criminal law?~eeeecF= R(The second indent of Art 2(1) of Reg 1430/79 does not apply in this situation.3The second indent of Art 2(1) of Reg 1430/79 does not apply in this situation.328/85Does the 2nd indent of Art 2(1) of Reg 1430/79 apply when a trader liable to pay import duties has declared a price higher than that which he actually agreed to pay, taking into account bonuses granted to him based on quantities ordered?hhhhfF='Regulation 1430/79 applies to goods falling under the ECSC Treaty.3Regulation 1430/79 applies to goods falling under the ECSC Treaty.328/85Does Reg 1430/79 apply to goods covered by the ECSC Treaty?\\\\ZF=ap&If it appears on objective examination to be so disproportionate in regard to a specific project as to rule out any reasonable possibility of its being used for that project, it cannot be regarded as of equivalent scientific value.3The fact that an instrument is capable of performance greatly superior to those necessary for the proposed research project does not prevent its being regarded as of equivalent scientific value.232/86Is an instrument of equivalent scientific value under Council Reg 1798/75 if, although it may be used in carrying out research, its performance is so disproportionate that on objective consideration it cannot reasonably be considered for use in such reseaF=bPHVh|F{3Women are entitled to have the same rules applied to them as are applied to men who are in the same situation in the absence of national measures implementing the directive.3Women are entitled to have the same rules applied to them as are applied to men who are in the same situation in the absence of national measures implementing the directive.286/85If the directive has direct effect, is the national provision in question inactable and the prosecutrices are entitled to equal treatment in relation to welfare benefits from 12/23/84?<vvF=2As from 12/23/84, the directive has direct effect.3This directive could be relied upon as from 12/23/84 in order to preclude the application of any national provision inconsistent with it.286/85Does Dir 79/7 confer rights on individuals in a State upon the expiry of the period within which the States were to implement it?fLLLLJF=1The security for tender is forfeited in its entirety if the sugar supplied is not of the standard quality even if the beneficiary of the aid has disposed of it. It does not infringe the principle of proportionality.3The security for tender is forfeited in its entirety if the sugar supplied is not of the standard quality even if the beneficiary of the aid has disposed of it. It does not infringe the principle of proportionality.56/86Does Art 7(3) mean that all or part of the security for tender must be retained by the EAGGF if the sugar is of quality 3 and not 2 even though the recipient has taken possesion of the inferior sugar and is the loss of security proportional?F=0If the goods are of lower than standard quality, Art 10 does not require the agency to pay the tenderer the price originally agreed on even if all the documents required have been drawn up.3If the goods are of lower than standard quality, Art 10 does not require the agency to pay the tenderer the price originally agreed on even if all the documents required have been drawn up by UNRWA.56/86Does Art 10 mean that when the documents in that arcticle have been drawn up by UNRWA and it has taken possesion of the goods the defendant must pay the price originally agreed to?_F=/The quality control of sugar to be delivered as food aid must be carried out in such a way that the results may be known before the product leaves the territory of the exporting State.3The quality control of sugar must normally be carried out at the time of loading, however account may be taken of the results of that control even if they are known only at a later date.56/86Must the quality of sugar be checked in a manner in which the results are immediately known and may it be subsequently checked under Art 9 (4-5) and Art 10(1) and Art 15(2-3)?IF=.The institution may have the examination carried out by a doctor of its choice and the person is not obliged to return to the State of the competent institution to undergo a medical examination there.3The institution may have the examination carried out by a doctor of its choice and the person is not obliged to return to the State of the competent institution to undergo a medical examination there.22/86May the competent institution also have the worker examined by a doctor in the country of employment under Art 18(5) of Reg 574/72 and must they ensure payment of expenses? What if the worker does take the examination?F=P9δ^^!===  E "  t P K  B  l - xT0 |X4Ja?R> wE#UqJ' !France v. Commission aFrance v. Commission *France v. CommissionFrance v. Commup;This provision defines wholesale trade for the purposes of the application of the rules of the Treaty relating to freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services and cannot be interpreted as serving to regulate purely domestic situations which do2This provision cannot be relied upon by an individual before the courts of a State in order to oppose the application to him of national rules governing the pursuit of retail trade activities.198/86May the definition of wholesale trade set out in Art 2(2) of Dir 64/223 be relied upon by an individual before the courts of a State in order to oppose the application to him of national rules governing the pursuit of retail trade activities?F=pa:The national court should apply this provision if a capital enterprise, which under national law is subject to capital duty, is operating for profit within the meaning of that provision by setting up an independent joint fund.2Such a grouping is a capital company without there being any additional requirement, but the national legislature determines whether the grouping is a capital company for the purposes of charging capital duty.112/86What requirements, besides that of operating for profit, must a group of persons (providers of capital) without legal personality satisfy in order to be regarded as a "company" within the meaning of Art 3(2) of the Dir 69/335?F=9This agreement does not constitute rules of Community law which are directly applicable in the internal legal order of the States.3This agreement does not constitute rules of Community law which are directly applicable in the internal legal order of the States.12/86Does the Association Agreement between the EEC and Turkey already lay down a prohibition that under Community law is directly applicable in States on the introduction of further restrictions on movement to applicable to Turkish workers?**  F=7These articles do not prevent such legislation.3These articles do not prevent such legislation.126/86Do Art 2,117 and 118 of the Treaty prevent the introduction by national legislation of a rule which prohibits the overlapping of a retirement pension with the emoluments due to a public servant and reduces the income of the persons concerned?zzzIIIIGF=6These are not circumstances which justify the repayment of the levies.3These are not circumstances which justify the repayment of the levies.58/86Do the circumstances surrounding the importation of maize into Reunion constitute special circumstances within the meaning of Art 13 of Council Reg 1430/79 so as to justify the repayment of levies charged on those imports?````^F=5The application of the levy does not constitute discrimination.3The application of the levy does not constitute discrimination.58/86Does the application of the levy instituted by Reg 2727/75 to maize imported into Reunion constitute a breach of the prohibition of discrimination set out in Art 40(3) of the EEC Treaty?`YYYYWF=4The import levy laid down by Reg 2727/75 is applicable in this case.3The import levy laid down by Reg 2727/75 is applicable in this case.58/86Is the import levy instituted by Council Reg 2727/75 on the common organization of the cereal market applicable where the real purchase price does not correspond to the fictitious reference price and exceeds the later and the Community price?^^^^\F=P ̽ǥŭf# _ 1 ] 6  j C  f  p P $  cBd6vAyVrN#nK(^,3 Yes.3Yes.C-218/98Can a lump sum payment be paid exclusively to female weeks who take maternity leave?44$$F= Yes.3Yes.C-217/97Did Germany fail in its obligations regarding freedom of access to information?44$$F=BThis directive does not oblige the transferee to do so.3This directive does not oblige the transferee to do so.287/86Does Art 3(2) of Dir 77/187 oblige the transferee to continue to observe the terms and conditions agreed in any collective agreement in respect of workers who were not employed by the undertaking at the time of its transfer?xQQQQOF=AThis directive does not apply to such an undertaking.3All factual circumstances surrounding the transaction must be taken into account and the fact that the undertaking had no employees at the time of the transfer does not alone prohibit the applicability of the directive.287/86Does Art 1(1) of Dir 77/187 cover the situation where at the time of the transfer the undertaking transferred is temporarily closed and has no employees?88,,OOOOMF=@The directive is applicable where the owner of a leased undertaking takes over its operation following a breach of the lease by the lessee.3The directive is applicable where the owner of a leased undertaking takes over its operation following a breach of the lease by the lessee.287/86Must Art 1(1) of Dir 77/187 be interpreted as meaning that the directive is applicable where the owner of a leased undertaking takes over its operation following a breach of the lease by the leasee?>>22F=?This expression includes all types and modes of transport.3This expression includes all types and modes of transport, in particular the types described in the question.88/86Does the expression "existing passenger transport services" in Art 8(1) of Reg 517/72 include all types and modes of transport, in particular other regular coach services operated on another method of crossing the sea and passenger services by rail?TTTTRF=>States are required to give transport undertakings the opportunity to call in question decisions takne under Art 16(1) after they have been adopted. And not merely at the stage preceding this decision.3Such national rules satisfy the States obligation under Art 16(2) of Reg 517/72.88/86Must Art 16(2) of Council Reg 517/72 mean it it sufficient for a State to provide that a procedure which allows parties, before a decision is taken, to submit written objections against that application within 30 of it being deposited for inspection?;??55F==These decisions are the decision of the State on whose territory the undertaking has its headquarters even when they are based on agreement between that State and the State in whose territory passengers are set down.3This provision means that decisions on applications to introduce a regular service or a special regular service by coach or bus between States are national decisions.88/86What must "decisions on applications to introduce a regular service& taken by agreement between the States in whose territories passengers are to be taken up or set down", as referred to in Art 13(1) of Reg 517/72 be regarded as?F=<The provision remains valid.3The provision remains valid.137/85Does the second indent of Art 38(1c) of Commission Reg 3183/80 infringe superior rules of Community law insomuch as it is to be regarded as a measure imposing a sanction? ``TT66664F= 7OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$OdQkmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$kmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$kmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$kmWQiQhoYiQ`QbmmWJmJfQikdbsYkWYbUmdfoikoQJbdMMofJmYdbJkJkfdimkmQJ``okmWd^OJSiQbMWOYf^d`JdiJSdiQYUbdbQiQMdUbYxQOLvJbobJMMdobmJL^QMd``YmmQQMdbkmYmomQJiQkmiYMmYdbdbSiQQOd`dS`dqQ`QbmSdisdi\Qik$OdQkmWQiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbUiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$ OdQkmWQiQmYiQ`QbmfQbkYdbUiJbmQOobOQimWQmQi`kdSmWQkdMYJ^kQMoiYmvSYbJbMQOLvMdbmiYLomYdbkSid`sdi\QikQ`f^dvQikJbOLvkmJmQkoLkYOvMdbkmYmomQJMdbkYOQiJmYdbsWYMWmWQsdi\QiiQMQYqQkYbOYiQMm^v$ OdQkmWQiYUWmmdmWQUiJbmdSJbQufdimiQSobOQuYkmYSJfidOoMmWJkLQQbQufdimQOdmWQimWJbmWJmSdisWYMWmWQQufdim^YMQbMQsJkUiJbmQO$  Xh. fYbmWQQqQbmmWJmmWQMWJiUQYbmWYkMJkQYkYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYkYmfidWYLYmQOobOQimWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSJimH@JkYm`JvkQiqQmdfidmQMmdmWQiSioYmUidsbYbYmJ^v$YbmWQQqQbmmWJmmWQMWJiUQYbmWYkMJkQYkYbmQibJ^mJuJmYdbYkYmfidWYLYmQOobOQimWQ:bOfJiJUiJfWdSJimH@JkYm`JvkQiqQmdfidmQMmdmWQiSioYmUidsbYbYmJ^v$YbmWQfJimYMo^JiMYiMo`kmJbMQkdSmWQfiQkQbmMJkQMJbfJiJUiJfW8DdSmWQsQYbqQidiObobULQJff^YQOYbdiOQimdfidmQMmmWQYbmQiQkmk`QbmYdbQOYbJim@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;868JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;m868JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;m868JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;Jim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoJ^YmvdSkoUJiLQMWQM\QOYbJ`JbbQiYbsWYMWmWQiQko^mkJiQY``QOYJmQ^v\bdsbJbO`JvYmLQkoLkQhoQbm^vMWQM\QOobOQiJimH>@JbOJim868JbOJim8@:<$;`okmmWQhoQkmYdbdSsWQmWQimWQ`Ji\QmdSmWQmQiiYmdivYkiQJMWQOLQOQmQi`YbQOJMMdiOYbUmddL[QMmYqQMiYmQiYJdiOdQkYmOQfQbOdbdSJUiQQ`Qbmk`JOQLQmsQQbmWQOQJ^QikMdbMQibQO$%Type of Plaintiff'1'A/ ;PlaintiffT@5+ ;a66type of observer'4'?- ;66observation source'Commission'U1 ;66legal issueb@/# ;66case number'56/86'=# ;66Observations%%% ' no no # `JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkSid`moibdqQimJuJbOQuMYkQOomYQk$i`JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkSid`moibdqQimJuJbOQuMYkQOomYQk$`JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkSid`moibdqQimJuJbOQuMYkQOomYQk$`JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkSid`moibdqQimJuJbOQuMYkQOomYQk$`JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkdSMokmd`kOomYQkJUiYMo^moiJ^^QqYQkJbOdmWQiJUiYMo^moiJ^MWJiUQ`JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkdSMokmd`kOomYQkJUiYMo^moiJ^^QqYQkJbOdmWQiJUiYMo^moiJ^MWJiUQ`JvmWQUddOkYbJfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkdSMokmd`kOomYQkJUiYMo^moiJ^^QqYQkJbOdmWQiJUiYMo^moiJ^MWJiUQfJkkQbUQik^oUUJUQsWdYkmiJqQ^YbUSid`Jbdb`Q`LQikmJmQmdJ`Q`LQikmJmQsWYMWWJqQbdmLQQbfomYbmdSiQQMYiMo^JmYdbmJuQOdi^QqYQOLQbQSYmSid`QuQ`fmYdbkdSMokmd`kOomYQkJUiYMo^moiJ^^QqYQkJbOdmWQiJUiYMo^moiJ^MWJiUQ`JvmWQdLQi^JbOQkUQiYMWmsYmWsWYMWJbJffQJ^JUJYbkmJOQMYkYdbJomWdiYxYbUQbSdiMQ`QbmWJkLQQb^dOUQOobOQiJim (Feram v. Commission Ferrario v. CommissionFerrer LadererFerriera Vittoria v. Commission'Ferriere di Roe Volciano v. Commission.Ferriere San Carlo v. Commission(Ferriere San Carlo v. Commission(nFiege v. Assurance maladie Strasbourg-!Fiehn v. CommissionFinsider v. CommissionFioravanti v. Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato? Firma P. v. Firma K.nFleischer v. Hauptzollamt Flensburg+xFleischkontor v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Schlachtvieh@(Fleischkontor v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg- 7FNROM v. MuraFNROM v. Mura|Fonderies Roubaix v. Fonderies Roux+FOR v. VKS Forcheri v. Belgium4Forcheri v. CommissionFord v. CommissionFossi v. Bundesknappschaft"Foster and Others v. British Gas plc,cFoto-Frost v. Hauptzollamt Lubeck-Ost-!Fournier v. Commission!Fournier v. CommissionFrance v. Commission !France v. Commission aFrance v. Commission *France v. CommissionFrance v. CommissionFrance v. Commission+LVAL!4;hD}`P` 0?hP`Pp PP  $PP*PbPPPBPPP$PPPHPPP(PhPP$PPPPPPPPP$PP*PbPPPBPPP  d              !Observations.junkObservations/ number/ issue=Observations.observation source9Observations.type of observer]'s position on legal issue=Observations.agreement with ECJ;Observations.agreement with AG?Observations.clarity of positionP  xP PPP Pa'@`PPêP P0J*P0bPPJPBPPPObservationsP P    P0 P0PPH/t@!~sq_fObservationsP PX P P` P Ph P HPp P Px P P P (P P hP P P PPPPHPPP(PhPP PJJPp *Pp JbPJPJPBPJ PJJPp Observations P( P P0 P *P8 P bP@ P PH P PP P BPX P P` P Ph PPPPHPPP(PhPP PPP P8P`PPPPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPp PPhPpPP P0P`HP0P HP0P  HP0P P0P  HP0P P0P P0P  P0P Pz 8PPXP8P8PpPHPPXPPhPPxPPPPPPPPPP8P dpP P PP PPPPPL$PPPPPPP P(P8PpPPPPPPPPP0PObservationsP  P dP   PPrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservationspPPv P`PPPPqPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP p PPPXPPObservationsPrimaryKeyPPPPPPPPPP@P0P LVALhD #S  ? #S #S#S#S% !#S*#S#S#S#S#S#S*#S  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)#S#S@#Sh#S p#S|AC@ p#S#S#Sbe  *#S #Type of Litiganth#S #S@#S #Sp#S~C@Y~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cCombo63#S 8#S#S #S#S_[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]8#Sm[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)]#S #S *#S $Type of Litigant #S#S *#S#S8#S#S #S#SP #S p#S8#S@#SH#SP#SX#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#Sx#S0#S #S #S #S H#S #S #Sz  #S#S #S#S #S #S0 #S #S d #S0 #S #S #S #S #SType of Litigant#SPrimaryKey(#S#Sv X#S#S@#S#S#S#qS#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S #S#S#S#S'#SType of LitigantPrimaryKey#S#SX#S@ #SX#S#S#S#S#S#S#S #S LVALhD 0T. 0 ?0T0TTT% !T*TTTTTT*T  d WType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/PlaintiffType of LitiganteType of Litigant.Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)TT@ThT pTC@pTTKT@IK8i1*T@IType of LitigantxT0TPT( TpT~C@k~sq_cGeneral Case Characteristics~sq_cType ofPlaintiffT HTT T(T_[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff]HTm[Type of Litigant].[Type of Defendant/Plaintiff (text)]T T@I1*T@IPType of Litigant TT *TTHTT TT` T pT8T@THTPTXTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTxT@T T T( T HT( T Tz  TTT LT T T@ T T d T0 T T T T( TType of LitigantTPrimaryKey8TTv hT(TPTTTqTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTT(T'TType of LitigantPrimaryKeyTThTP ThTTTTTTT( T LVALhD' Vk  ? 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it precludes the payment of family allowances for dependent children under national legislation where the entitled is married to an official of the EC and employed in Germany, the rest being dismi189/85Has Germany failed to fulfill its obligations by bringing into force Paragraph 8(1)4 of the Bundeskindergeldgesetz since it deprives the Staff Regulations of the effect which the legislation intended them to have?,UUIIHHHHFF=s NBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3The application is dismissed.186/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 15 and 19 of the Protocol on the Privilieges and Immunites of the EC by establishing a system involving the reduction of family benefits under Belgian legislation?PssggHHHHFF=s MBelgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.186/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 5 of the EEC Treaty by maintaining a system of family benefits which alters the supplemental effect of the allowances paid by the Communities?LxxHHHHFF=s LThe application should be dismissed.3Belgium has failed to fulfill its obligations.186/85Has Belgium failed to fulfill its obligations under Art 67(2) and 68 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the EC and Art 20 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the EC by having such a system of benefits effecting allowances?qzznn>>>><F=KThe application should be dismissed.3The application is dismissed.146/85Should all subsequent steps taken by way of implementation of the Staff Committee decision be annulled?ii]]>>>><F=JThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.146/85Should the decision to reject Mr. Muellers complaint in his letter of 4/24/85 be annulled?aaUU::::8F=IThe decision should be annulled.3The decision is annulled.146/85Should the 4/19/85 decision on a voting system for the Staff Committee of the Economic and Social Committee be annulled.aaUU::::8F=HSuch rules are incompatible if they are discriminatory and lead to an absolute prohibition of exports of offals.3Such rules are only compatible if they do not place in the way of imports from and exports to other States barriers other than those justified under Art 36 by a concern to secure compliance with health provisions governing the holding of hazardous materia118/86Are national rules which provide that only license holders may process poultry offal and producers of such offal must dispose of it only to those approved plants compatible with Art 30, 34 and 36?]F=P ̘ňʤ Z 7  N } ` )  s $ i H  lH[0R"S/}X-xU2pPYThe exemptions in Reg 1544/69 and Art 1 of Reg 1818/75 apply to such goods .3The exemptions in Reg 1544/69 and Art 1 of Reg 1818/75 apply to such goods .278/82May the goods in a passengers luggage, who is traveling from a non-member state to a Member State, which have not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions of customs duties, agricultural levies and other agricultural chargeffffdF=XThese articles do not prevent the adoption of such rules.3Articles 85 and 86 are not relevant to this question.238/82Do Articles 85 and 86 preclude the rules described in question 1?SSSSQF=LpyWArticle 5 and the provisions of Council Dir 65/65 and 75/319 do not preclude such a system.3Article 5 and the provisions of Council Dir 65/65 and 75/319 do not preclude such a system.238/82Do the provisions of Art 5 of the Treaty have direct effect and if so do they preclude rules such as those described in question 1?cuuuusF=VArticle 36 does allow a State to implement such a measure, even though its primary objective is not to protect human health.3Art 36 cannot justify a measure whose primary objective is budgetary inasmuch as it is intended to reduce operating costs of a sickness insurance scheme.238/82If Art 30 and 34 prohibit such a measure, does Art 36 allow it due to its purpose of protecting human health?==11F=TSuch a measure has an effect equivalent to a quantitative restriction under Art 30.3The provision is compatible if the exclusion involves no discrimination regarding the origin of the products and is carried out based on objective criteria.238/82Is a State prohibited by Art 30 and 34 from preventing specifically named medicinal preparations and dressings from being supplied to persons insured under its scheme?  mmmmkF=SStates may not make such requirements.3States may make such a requirement as long as the agency pursues objectives consistent with Community law and marketing, re-sale, import, export or offering for export of cheese is not reserved exclusively for those affiliated with the agency.237/82Does Reg 804/68 prohibit States from requiring cheese producers to become members of an inspection agency?AA55@@@@>F=RStates may adopt such rules so long as they do not confer a special advantage on domestic products to the detriment of other States.3States may unilaterally adopt such rukles as long as no distinction is drawn according to whether the cheese is intended for the domestic market or for export.237/82Do Art 30 and 34 of the EEC Treaty mean that a State may unilaterally adopt, in order to promote cheese sales, rules intended to improve the quality of domestic production along with compulsory use of stamps, marks or inspection documents?<KK??F=QStates are prohibited from making rules that ban cheese not included on the restricted list, require distinctive marks on products for marketing where that leads to a decline in sales, and makes exportation conditional on licenses that hurt sales.3In the absence of Community rules, a State may unilaterally adopt such promotion rules concerning cheeses produced in its territory and bans on producing cheeses other than those exhaustively listed.237/82Are States able to intervene in the operation of the common market in cheese in order to promote sales if it serves the same purpose as Community regulations in this market and does such legislation interfere with the objectives of the common market?F=PΠ̐k!`Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations by adopting Art 10 of Law 47/80 and Art 2,3,8,9,10 and 11 of Law 83/80. The rest of the application should be dismissed.3Italy has failed to fulfill its obligations by adopting Art 10 of Law 47/80 and Art 2,3,8 and 9 of Law 83/80. The rest of the application is dismissed.169/82Has Italy failed to fulfill its obligations as a result of the adoption by the Sicilian Region of the measures provided for by Art 10 of Regional Law 47/80 and Art 2,3,8,9,10,11,12,15 and 17 of Regional Law 83/80?<eeYYF= _The contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings is the one that must be taken into consideration.3The contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of legal proceedings is the one that must be taken into consideration.266/85According to Art 5(1) of the Convention in question, is the place of "performance" to be determined by reference to the contractual obligation which forms the actual basis of the proceedings, or the typical obligation characterizing the whole relationship%$$F=an^The exemption can only apply to "bona fide" travellers and not to those trying to take advantage of the tax exemption on the ferry.3In principle, the goods are exempt, but not if the stay in the State of the port arrival is of purely a token nature and does not in fact provide an opportuntiy of making purchases.278/82In the case of intra-Community transport by ferry where the traveler disembarks and returns by land, may a travelers goods which have not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from turnover tax and customs duties?Z``TTF=an]Such goods may not benefit from an exemption.3Such goods may not benefit from an exemption.278/82In the case of port-to-port intra-Community transport by ferrywhere the traveler disembarks and returns by land, may goods in a travelers luggage which has not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from customs duties?vvGGGGEF=F@\Such goods benefit from the tax exemptions granted to imports from non-member countries.3Such goods benefit from the exemption, subject to the limits as to value and quantity of the exemptions granted to travellers from a non-member country.278/82In the case of intra-Community transport by ferry, may goods in a travelers luggage which has not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from turnover taxes and excise duties?  rrrrpF=[These goods may not benefit from such an exemption.3These goods may not benefit from such an exemption.278/82In the case of intra-Community transport by ferry, may goods in a travelers luggage which has not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from customs duties?OMMMMKF=ZThe exemption provided for in Council Dir 69/169 of 5/28/69 is granted to such travelers goods.3The exemption provided for in Council Dir 69/169 of 5/28/69 is granted to such travelers goods.278/82May the goods in a passengers luggage, who is traveling from a non-member state to a Member State, which have not been put into free circulation, taxed or levied, benefit from exemptions from turnover tax and excise duties?yyyywF=aP|yineSuch a person may not be discriminated against and any national law which does so must be disregarded.3Such a person may not be discriminated against and any national law which does so must be disregarded.237/83May an insured person employed by a French company and residing there claim that his insurance there should be maintained for the duration of his posting to Nigeria under Reg 1612/68 and disregard the restriction under national law?~F=dMember States retain the power to verify that transfers of foreign currency purportedly intended for liberalized payments are not in reality used for unauthorized movements of capital.3Member States retain the power to verify that transfers of foreign currency purportedly intended for liberalized payments are not in reality used for unauthorized movements of capital.286/82What degree of liberalization of payments relating to travel for the purposes of business, education and medical treatment is provided for in Art 106 of the Treaty?>F=ricSuch payments fall within the scope of the movement of services, and transfers of foreign currency intended to defray the expenses thereof form part of the current payments which have been liberalized.3Transfers in connection with tourism or travel for the purposes of business, education or medical treatment constitute payments and not movement of capital, even where they are effected by means of the physical transfer of bank notes.286/82Does tourism and travel for the purposes of business, education and medical treatment fall within the scope of services, or of invisible transactions within the meaning of Art 106(3) of the Treaty, or of both those categories at once?F=F'bA holder of such a bill may be bound if he has expressly agreed to be bound by it in writing, or written statement evidencing an oral agrrement, or if the holder succeeds to all the rights and obligations of the shipper under the bill.3The conditions of Art 17 of the Convention are satisfied if the jurisdiction clause has been adjudged valid as between the carrier and the shipper and if the 3rd party, upon acquiring the bill of lading, succeeded to the shippers rights and obligations.71/83Can the bill of lading issued between the carrier and a third party holding the bill be considered an agreement in writing or an agreement evidenced by writing between parties under Art 17 of the 9/27/68 Convention on jurisdiction?F=aThe bill satisfies the conditions if the oral agreement expressly incorporates the conditions in the bill including the choice of jurisdiction clause, the clause is known to the shipper, or if such a clause has beenadopted in a course of dealing with the 3The bill satisfies the conditions if they are expressed by both parties in writing, the jurisdiction clause was subject to an oral agreement where the carriers signature is confirmation, and it is part of a continuing business relationship between the par71/83Can the bill of lading issued by the carrier to the shipper be considered an agreement in writing or an agreement evidenced by writing between parties under Art 17 of the 9/27/68 Convention on jurisdiction?$$F=PXr  k J  n E  l :  e A  ` 2  uP b6b+ U(b/ L`I#Y,Maurissen v. Court of Auditors&Mavridis v. Parliament3Mazzalai v. Ferrovia del Renon&cMcDermott and Cotter v. Minister for Social Welfare and Attorney-GeneralP*Meeth v. Glacetal Mega clIt is not for the Court to answer this question.3Art 22(1c) and (2) covers such a case.182/78Does Art 22 of Reg 1408/71 also cover a pensioner who is not at work and who asks the competent institution for authorization to go to a State other than the one where he resides to receive treatment for his health?W~~rrJJJJHF=HkThe provisions of Art 46 must be applied in their entirety in this situation.3The provisions of Art 46 must be applied in their entirety in this situation.236/78Does the 2nd subparagraph of Art 46(1) of Reg 1408/71 preclude the application of Art 46(2c), or must the Article as a whole apply when it is more favorable to the worker than national legislation?ggggeF=FPjThe security shall be forfeit wholly or in part if the obligations under the contract are not fulfilled or are only partially fulfilled.3The competent authority may declare the deposit forfeit in whole or in part according to the breach of the contract.240/78Under Art 4(2b) and 5(2) may the competent authority declare the deposit forfeit in whole or in part if the obligations are not fulfilled?$$F=`iThe late transmission of documents relating to the storage operation does not prevent the acquisition of the right to aid within the meaning of Reg 1889/76 provided that the obligations in Art 3(2) are fulfilled in their entirety.3The late transmission of documents relating to the storage operation does not prevent the acquisition of the right to aid within the meaning of Reg 1889/76 provided that the obligations in Art 3(2) are fulfilled in their entirety.240/78Does Art 6(2) of Reg 1889/76 mean that the right to payment of an aid must be considered to have been acquired if all the obligations set out in Art 3(2a) have been fulfilled in their entirety even though the documents were late to the agency?F=uthIt is for the Member States to decide which national agencies are to exercise the powers of decision in this matter.3This power is held by the institutions designated for that purpose by each Member State.240/78Is the power to take decisions concerning the application of the rules laid down by the provisions of Reg 2759/75, 2763/75 and 1889/76 held by the national intervention agencies or by the Member States?F=&z@gThe regulation remains valid.3The regulation remains valid.242/83In light of the circumstances of question 1, is Art 77(2bi) of Reg 1408/71 valid in the light of Art 51 of the Treaty of Rome?bbVV77775F=fWhere the amount of benefits paid by the State of residence is lower than paid by another State responsible for payment, the worker retains the right to the higher amount or is entitled to receive the difference between the two payments in the lower.3Where the amount of benefits paid by the State of residence is lower than paid by another State responsible for payment, the worker retains the right to the higher amount or is entitled to receive the difference between the two payments in the lower.242/83Does Art 51 of the Treaty of Rome authorize the Council of Ministers only to adopt such measures as are necessary to secure for migrant workers the actual payment of social security benefits in the particular situation of this case?F=+LVAL4;hD}`#f` <?h#f`#fp #f#f  $#f#f*#fb#f#f#fB#f#f#f$#f#f#fH#f#f#f(#fh#f#f$#f#f#f#f#f#f#f#f#f$#f#f*#fb#f#f#fB#f#f#f  d              !Observations.junkObservations/ number/ issue=Observations.observation source9Observations.type of observer]'s position on legal issue=Observations.agreement with ECJ;Observations.agreement with AG?Observations.clarity of position#f  x#f #fP#f #fa'@`#f#f#f #fb0*#fb#f #f0b#f0B#f#fb#fObservationsP #f    #f0 #f0#f#fH/t@!~sq_fObservations#f #fX #f #f` #f #fh #f H#fp #f #fx #f #f #f (#f #f h#f #f #f #f#f#f#fH#f#f#f(#fh#f#f #fb#fb8*#fb b#fbb#fp #fp bB#fb#fb#fObservations #f( #f #f0 #f *#f8 #f b#f@ #f #fH #f #fP #f B#fX #f #f` #f #fh #f#f#f#fH#f#f#f(#fh#f#f #f#f#f #f8#f`#f#f#f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp #f#fp 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hi i i iiiiHiii(ihii i#fi#f8*i#f bi#ffip ip #fBi#fifiObservations i( i i0 i *i8 i bi@ i iH i iP i BiX i i` i ih iiiiHiii(ihii iii i8i`iiiip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iip iihipii i0i`Hi0i Hi0i  Hi0i i0i  Hi0i i0i i0i  i0i iz 8iiXi8i8ipiHiiXiihiixiPiiiiiiii8i dpi i ii PiiiiL$iiiiiii i(i8ipiiiiPiiii0iObservationsi  i di   iPrimaryKey-Observationslegal issue-Observationscase number?Issues and positionsObservationspiiv i`iiiiqiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii p iiiXiiObservationsPrimaryKeyiiiiiiiiii@i0i PkmUnder Art 22 the competent institution may not refuse authorization for treatment in this case.3Under Art 22 the competent institution may not refuse authorization for treatment in this case.182/78Under Art 22(2), does the obligation upon the competent institution to grant the authorization required apply even where the appropriate treatment has been excluded from the scheme of benefits under that institutions legislation?yyyywF= 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CommissionDepoortere v. Commission dDerks v. Nieuwe Algemene Bedrijfsvereniging3Derycke*Deshormes v. CommissionDetti v. Court of Justice! Deufil v. Commission Deuka v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide4Deuka v. Einfuhr-und Vorratsstelle Getreide3 cDeutsche Babcock v. Hauptzollamt Lubeck/yDeutsche Getreide v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide@ ,Deutsche Grammophon v. Metro$`Deutsche Lebensmittelwerke v. Commission0Deutz und Geldermann v. Council' Devred v. CommissionDGV v. Council and Commission%nDi Blasi v. CommissionDi Leo v. Land BerlinDi Paolo v. Office National de l Emploi/nDi Pillo v. CommissionDi PintoDiamantarbeiders v. India'States may not make rules that ban cheese not included on the restricted list, require distinctive marks on products for marketing where that leads to a decline in sales, and makes exportation conditional on licenses that hurt sales.''Are States able to intervene in the operation of the common market in cheese in order to promote sales if it serves the same purpose as Community regulations in this market and does such legislation interfere with the objectives of the common market?' 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Produktschap voor Vee en VleesAtalanta Amsterdam B.V.Produktschap voor Vee en VleeswK?;;;;2222 xtO@@ti&@X@?Darmon14242/83Caisse de Compensation pour Allocations Familiales v. PatteriCaisse de Compensation pour Allocations Familiales du Batiment, de l Industrie et du Commerce du HaiSalvatore PatteriJ>::::2222 @&@?X@Lenz14237/83Prodest v. Caisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie de ParisSarl ProdestCaisse Primaire d Assurance Maladie de ParisH<88882222  ? !@?@Mancini14286/82Luisi and Carbone v. Ministero del TesoroGraziana Luisi and Giuseppe CarboneMinistero del TesorovK?;;;;2222 ? !@??Slynn1471/83Tilly Russ v. NovaPartenreederei ms Tilly Russ and Ernest RussNV Haven- & Vervoerbedrijf Nova and NV Goeminne Hout[G=99992222  V       JC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" wwwwwww v v v vvvvvvvvv u uuuuuuuuuu ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ tttttttttt VVVVVVVVVV ? ? ????????? ssssssssss r r rrrrrrrrrr q qqqqqqqqqq p pppppppppp \ \\\\\\\\\\ R RRRRRRRRRR    7 7 7777777777 5 5 5555555555 6 6 66666666664 4 4 4 4 4444444444 3 3 3 333333333 2222222222 1 1 1111111111 0 0000000000                                                             @@t Centrale Raad van Beroep182/78<000000 @@t Centrale Raad van Beroep182/78<000000 @ Cour du Travail, Mons236/789------ @veCollege van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven, The Hag240/78VJJJJJJ @veCollege van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven, The Hag240/78VJJJJJJ @ueCour de Cassation du Royaume de Belgique242/83L@@@@@@ @@Tribunale di Genova286/827++++++