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POLS & IS Major - Pre-BBA Track

Suggested Courses
POLS Major
Pre-BBA track


POLS 111: Principles of Political Science

ISOM 350: Data and Decision Analytics

Elective #1 (Ex: POLS 100 or AP credit: National Politics of the U.S.)


POLS 208: Political Science Research Methods

Political Theory (Ex: POLS 150: Foundations of American Democracy)

Elective #2

Elective #3


Elective #4

RSCH course


Elective #5

Elective #6 

POLS 496: Internship (optional)


Suggested Courses
IS Major


POLS 110: Intro to International Politics

POLS 111: Principles of Political Science

ISOM 350: Data and Decision Analytics


Foreign Language (Ex: FREN 101 & 102)


POLS 208: Political Science Research Methods

Elective #1 (Ex: POLS 120: Intro to Comparative Politics)

Elective #2


Foreign Language (Ex: FREN 201 & 203)


Elective #3

Elective #4

RSCH course


Elective #5

Elective #6 

POLS 496: Internship (optional)


Pre-BBA Courses:

  • Students double majoring in Business and POLS or IS can take electives and a RSCH course in any subfield or region. Please review the other curriculum tracks for ideas on career-oriented course suggestions.


The suggested course plans do not include the BBA pre-requisites. You can find more information on the BBA degree and admission pre-requisites here.