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Faculty Research at a Glance

Selected Recent Publications

Abramowitz, Alan I. 2018. The Great Alignment: Race, Party Transformation and the Rise of Donald Trump. New Haven: Yale University Press (paperback edition with new preface to be published in summer of 2019). 

Abramowitz, Alan I. and Jennifer McCoy. 2019. United States: Racial Resentment, Negative Partisanship and Polarization in Trump’s America. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 681: 137-156.

Bolton, Alexander and Sharece Thrower. 2019 “The Constraining Power of the Purse: Executive Discretion and Legislative Appropriations.”Journal of Politics 81(4): 1266–1281 

Bolton, Alexander, Michael Barber, and Sharece Thrower. 2019. “Legislative Constraints on Executive Unilateralism in Separation of Powers Systems.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 44(3): 515–548.

Brown, Courtney. 2008. Graph Algebra: Mathematical Modeling with a Systems Approach. 2008. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, Number 151. 

Brown, Courtney. 1995. Serpents in the Sand: Essays on the Nonlinear Nature of Politics and Human Destiny. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.

Bueno, N. S. 2017. “Bypassing the Enemy: Distributive Politics, Credit Claiming, and Non-state Welfare Provision.” Comparative Political Studies. 51(3):304-340.

Bueno, N. S. and Dunning, T. 2017. “Race, Resources, and Representation: Evidence from Brazilian Politicians.” World Politics. 69(2): 327-365.

[Carrubba] Fjelstul, Joshua C. and Clifford J. Carrubba. 2018. “The Politics of International Oversight: Strategic Monitoring and Legal Compliance in the European Union.” American Political Science Review. 112(3): 429-445. 

[Carrubba] Strayhorn, Josh, Clifford J. Carrubba, and Micheal Giles. 2016. “Monitoring under Severe Resource Constraints.” Journal of Theoretical Politics. 28(3): 431-460.


[Davis] Murdie, Amanda, David R. Davis, and Baekkwan Park. Forthcoming. Advocacy Output: Automated-Coding Documents from Human Rights Organizations. Journal of Human Rights 

[Davis] Park, Baekkwan,  Amanda Murdie, and David R. Davis. Forthcoming. The (Co) Evolution of Human Rights Advocacy: Understanding Human Rights Issue Emergence Over Time" Conflict and Cooperation.

Fraga, Bernard L. 2018. The Turnout Gap: Race, Ethnicity, and Political Inequality in a Diversifying America. New York: Cambridge University Press. 

Award: APSA Section on Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Best Book Award (2019)

Fraga, Bernard L., Eric Gonzalez Juenke, and Paru Shah. 2020 “One Run Leads to Another: Minority Incumbents and the Emergence of Lower Ticket Minority Candidates.” Journal of Politics. 82 (2): 771-775.


Fraga, Bernard L., Zachary Peskowitz, and James Szewczyk. Forthcoming. "Can Elite Allegations of Electoral Fraud Demobilize Supporters?" Political Behavior.

Gillespie, Andra. 2019. Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols and Hope. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Gillespie, Andra and Nadia E. Brown. Fortcoming. “#BlackGirlMagic Demystified: Black Women as Voters, Partisans and Political Actors.” Phylon. 

[Glynn] An, W. and Glynn, A.N. Forthcoming. “Treatment Effect Deviation as an Alternative to Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition for Studying Social Inequality.”Sociological Methods & Research.

[Glynn] Blackwell, M. and Glynn, A.N. 2018. “How to Make Causal Inferences with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data under Selection on Observables.” American Political Science Review 112 (4): 1067-1082.

[Ichino] Ahlquist, John, Nahomi Ichino, Jason Wittenberg, and Daniel Ziblatt. 2018. “How Do Voters Perceive Changes to the Rules of the Game? Evidence from the 2014 Hungarian Elections.” Journal of Comparative Economics 46: 906–19.

[Ichino] Bowers, Jake, Bruce A. Desmarais, Mark M. Fredrickson, Nahomi Ichino, Hsuan-Wei Lee, and Simi Wang. 2018. “Models, Methods and Network Topology: Experimental Design for the Study of Interference.” Social Networks 54: 196–208.

[Jung] Jung, Danielle F. and James D. Long. 2023. The Social Origins of Electoral Participation in Emerging Democracies Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Elements: Campaigns and Elections Series


Cohen, Dara Kay, Danielle F. Jung, and Michael Weintraub. 2023. “Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective” Comparative Politics 55(2):239-261

Lancaster, Thomas and Reem Abdalla. 2018. “Independent Regulatory Authorities as Mechanisms of Political Monitoring.” Indian Journal of Public Administration. 

Lancaster, Thomas. 2017. “The Spanish General Elections of 2015 and 2016.A New Stage in Democratic Politics?” West European Politics

Montagnes, B. Pablo, Zachary Peskowitz, and Joshua McCrain. Forthcoming. “Bounding Partisan Approval Rates Under Endogenous Partisanship: Why High Presidential Approval May Not Be What it Seems” Journal of Politics

[Montagnes] Spenkuch, Jorg, B. Pablo Montagnes, and Daniel Magleby. 2018. “Backward Induction in the Wild: Evidence from the U.S. Senate.” American Economic Review, 108 (7): 1971-2013.

Owen, J. Judd. 2022. “Locke’s Revolution in the ‘Law of Fashion.’”  The Beginning of Liberalism: Reexamining the Political Philosophy of John Locke, ed. Will Jordan.


Owen, J. Judd. 2015. Making Religion Safe for Democracy: Transformation from Hobbes to Tocqueville. New York: Cambridge University Press. 

Owens, Michael Leo, Akira Drake Rodriguez, & Robert A. Brown. Forthcoming.  “’Let’s Get Ready to Crumble’: Black Municipal Leadership and Public Housing Transformation in the United States,” Urban Affairs Review.

[Owens] Cohen, Elisha, Anna Gunderson, Kaylyn Jackson, Paul Zachary, Tom S. Clark, Adam Glynn, and Michael Leo Owens. 2019. “Do Officer-Involved Shootings Reduce Citizen Contact with Government?” Journal of Politics 81(3):1111-1123


[Paine] Lee, Alexander and Paine, Jack. 2024. "Colonial Orgins of Democracy and Dictatorship". Cambridge University Press.


Paine, Jack and Joan Ricart-Huguet, and Xiaoyan Qiu. "Engogenous Colonial Borders: Precolonial States and Geography in the Partition of Africa". American Political Science Review, FirstView


Paine, Jack. 2022. “Reframing the Guardianship Dilemma: How the Military’s Dual Disloyalty Options Imperil Dictators.” American Political Science Review, 116(4): 1425–1442.


Paine, Jack. 2022. "Reframing the Guardianship Dilemma: How the Military's Dual Disloyalty Options Imperil Dictators." American Political Science Review, 116(4): 1425-1442.


[Paine] Meng, Anne and Jack Paine. "Power Sharing and Authoritarian Stability: How Rebel Regimes Solve the Guardianship Dilemma". American Political Science Review, 116(4): 1208-1225.


Paine, Jack. 2022. "Strategic Power Sharing: Commitment, Capability, and Authoritarian Survival." Journal of Politics, 84(2), 1226-1232. 


[Paine] Helmke, Gretchen and Mary Kroeger, and Jack Paine. “Democracy by Deterrence: Norms, Constitutions, and Electoral Tilting”. American Journal of Political Science, 66(2): 434–450. 2022.


Patty, John and Sean Gailmard. Forthcoming. “Preventing Prevention” American Journal of Political Science.

Patty, John and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. 2019. “Are Moderates Better Representatives than Extremists? A Theory of Indirect Representation” American Political Science Review. 113 (3): 743-761.

Penn, Elizabeth Maggie. 2017. “Inequality, Social Context, and Value Divergence.” Journal of Politics. 79(1)

[Penn] Patty, John, Constanza F. Schibber, Elizabeth Maggie Penn, and Brian Crisp. 2019.  “Valence, Elections, and Legislative Institutions.”American Journal of Political Science. 63(3), 2019.


[Peskowitz] Fraga, Bernard L., Zachary Peskowitz, and James Szewczyk. Forthcoming. "Can Elite Allegations of Electoral Fraud Demobilize Supporters?" Political Behavior.


[Peskowitz] Schiff, Kaylyn Jackson, B. Pablo Montagnes, and Zachary Peskowitz. 2022. "Priming Self-Reported Partisanship: Implications for Survey Design and Analysis."  Public Opinion Quarterly. 86(3): 643-667.


[Peskowitz] Fowler, Erika Franklin, Michael M. Franz, Gregory J. Martin, Zachary Peskowitz, and Travis N. Ridout. 2021. ``Political Advertising Online and Offline." American Political Science Review. 115(1):130-149.


Reingold, Beth, Kirsten Widner, and Rachel Harmon. Forthcoming. “Legislating at the Intersections: Race, Gender, and Representation.” Political Research Quarterly 

Available at OnlineFirst: 

[Reingold] Browne, Irene, Beth Reingold, and Anne Kronberg. 2018. “Race Relations, Black Elites and Immigration Politics: Conflict, Commonalities, and Context.” Social Forces 96(4): 1691-1720.

[Reinhardt] Chapman, Terrence, and Eric Reinhardt. 2013. "Global credit markets, political violence, and politically sustainable risk premia." International Interactions 39(3): 316-342.

[Reinhardt] Travis Curtice and Eric Reinhardt, “The Politics of Human Rights Sanctions: Evidence from the African Growth and Opportunity Act,” European Journal of International Relations 30:1 (2024), 227-251

Reiter, Dan, Editor. 2017.  The Sword’s Other Edge: Tradeoffs in the Pursuit of Military Effectiveness Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reiter, Dan and Andrew Wagstaff. Forthcoming. "Leadership and Military Effectiveness." Foreign Policy Analysis.

Rich, Michael and Robert P. Stoker. Forthcoming. “Obama’s Urban Legacy: The Limits of Braiding and Local Policy Coordination.” Urban Affairs Review.

Rich, Michael and Robert P. Stoker. 2014. Collaborative Governance for Urban Revitalization: Lessons from Empowerment Zones. Cornell University Press. 


Rueda, Miguel R. and Nelson Ruiz (2024) “How Do Electoral Outcomes Affect Campaign Contributions? The Role of Personal Loyalty and Investment Motives.” Forthcoming at British Journal of Political Science


[Rueda] Glynn Adam, Miguel R. Rueda and Schuessler Julian. (2024), “Post-Instrument Bias in Linear Models” Sociological Methods and Research, 53(4), 1829-1845.


[Rueda] Gibilisco, Michael, Brenton Kenkel, and Miguel R. Rueda (2022). “Competition and Civilian Victimization” Journal of Conflict Resolution, 66(4-5), 809–835.


Gulzar, Saad, Rueda, Miguel R., and Nelson Ruiz. (2022), “Do Campaign Contribution Limits Curb the Influence of Money in Politics?” American Journal of Political Science, 66 (4), 932–946.

Winner of the American Journal of Political Science Best Article Award published in 2022


[Semetko] Kumar, A., & Semetko, H. A. 2018. “Peace communication in cross-border media flows.” Journal of Communication, 68(3), 612-635.

[Semetko] Scammell, M., & Semetko, H. 2018. The media, journalism and democracy. Routledge.

Sexton, Renard, Rachel Wellhausen and Michael Findley. 2019. “How Government Reactions to Violence Worsen Social Welfare: Evidence from Peru.” American Journal of Political Science. 63(2): 353–367. 

[Sexton] Christensen, Darin, Mai Nguyen and Renard Sexton. 2019.“Strategic Violence during Democratization: Evidence from Myanmar.” World Politics, 71(2): 332–366.

Staton, Jeffrey K., Christopher Reenock, and Jordan Holsinger. 2022. Can Courts be Bulwarks of Democracy? Judges and the Politics of Prudence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


[Staton] Gabel Matthew, Clifford J. Carrubba, Gretchen Helmke, Andrew D. Martin, Jeffrey K. Staton, Dalston Ward, and Jeffrey Ziegler. 2024. “CompLaw: A Coding Protocol and Database for the Comparative Study of Judicial Review.” Journal of Law and Courts. Published online. DOI: 10.1017/jlc.2024.4


[Staton] Carlin, Ryan, Mariana Castrellón, Varun Gauri, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra, and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2022. “Public Reactions to Non-Compliance with Judicial Orders.” American Political Science Review. 116 (1): 265-282.

Best Journal Article Award, Law and Courts Section, American Political Science Association.


[Staton] Arrington, Nancy, Leeann Bass, Adam Glynn, Jeffrey K. Staton, Brian Delgado and Staffan I. Lindberg. 2021.  “Constitutional Reform and the Gender Diversification of Peak Courts.” American Political Science Review. 115 (3): 851-868.

Best Conference Paper Award, Honorable Mention, Law and Courts Section, American Political Science Association.


Tworzecki, Hubert, “Poland: A Case of Top-Down Polarization," The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 681, No. 1 (Jan. 2019), pp. 97-119.


[Tworzecki] Semetko, Holli and Hubert Tworzecki, “Campaign Strategies, Media and Voters: The Fourth Era of Political Communication,” in Marta Cantijoch, Edward Fieldhouse, Mark Franklin,  Rachel Gibson, Christopher Wlezien and Justin Fisher, eds., Routledge Handbook on Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour (London and New York: Routledge, 2017).